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Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Gwinnan's Travel Logs, Volume 4: Magma.

Gwinnan is a traveling elf, taking in the sights of the planes by his magic and his wits. This book touches on the basics of the Para-Elemental Plane of Magma. It provides the following information and traits about Magma.

- Fire dominant. Creatures in Magma take 2d6 points of fire damage per round in open air, and 20d6 points of fire damage if immersed in the endless flows of melted rock there.

- Earth dominant. The thick magma is impossible to breathe in short of magic. In addition, the constant melting of earth releases great clouds of toxic gas. Open areas of Magma are poisonous, preventing breathing and forcing a fortitude save (DC 15 + 1 per round exposed). Failure inflicts 1d4 points of constitution damage. Most creatures succumb to the poison well before they suffocate. Creatures with the earth or fire subtype are not affected by these gasses and can breath as normal in the open spaces.

- Heavy gravity. Balance, Climb, Jump, Ride, Swim, and Tumble checks suffer a –2 circumstance penalty, as do all attack rolls. All item weights are effectively doubled, which might affect a character's speed. Weapon ranges are halved.

- Enhanced magic. Spells of the earth or fire descriptor are both enpowered and enlarged. Spells that have both descriptors are double empowered (200%) and double enlarged (range increased by 200%.).

- Impeded magic.  Spells of the air and water descriptor are impeded.

In addition, there is one tidbit in particular that is of unusual interest.

"My sojourn into Magma can be best described by my meeting with the Lavafriends. These earth and fire elementals smash into each other willingly, until they can smash no more and collapse. They repeat this day after day for weeks, until I at last decry the foolishness of this affair. I am told to be silent and watch one more day. This day they again smash into each other, but this time the earth melts and the fire cools. What were two are now one, a new magma para-elemental born. I found the entire display nauseating, moreso when the newly born para-elemental thanked its now deceased parents. Madness!"
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'll buy Eternal Life and Chaos.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Post it in loot so I can keep track in there.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Eternal Life

This book is a listing of the ways for a mortal creature to become immortal. It lists the following methods.

- Steady use of youthening agents, such as potions of youth. This method is noted to have several drawbacks. First of all, these are invariably expensive and often difficult to obtain. Secondly, it is not true eternal life, but only a stop-gap that can be nullified or taken away. Third of all, this eventually draws the attention of maruts. This is the least reliable option of them all.

- Magic to greatly enhance longevity. This is noted as being highly effective but ultimately limited, and extraordinarily difficult and expensive. The most basic of these spells is beyond the ninth circle and requires a kingdom's wealth to pay for the magical components. It also has the problem of maruts, though not quite to the degree of the previous.

- Stealing youth. It is noted there is a corrupt spell that can do this, destroying decades of life to grant the caster a few years of youth. The drawbacks (or lack of them, depending) are obvious.

- Body theft. While effective, high magics can banish you out of a stolen body and it is ultimately only a stop-gap measure. Further, the inevitables tend to particularly emphasize stopping this particular of manner of eternal life.

- Undeath. The author does not go deeply into this, simply stating that other works are better able to analyze the complex subject that the various forms of undeath available, along with the perks and draw backs. It lists lichdom, vampirism and ghosthood as three potentials, each with differing positives and negatives.

- Transcendence. This is noted as the most difficult path but likely the best. Transcending the flesh and becoming an outsider, elemental or certain other creatures such as a souled construct cease the tugging of mortality. This requires a great spiritual journey or experience, and often requires the consent of a powerful outsider or deity. However, this does not attract ire from maruts, and once you have it you usually have it forever.

In the back of the book are handwritten notes, a different style and ink used from the previous chapters. The writing is disjointed, but inevitably surges towards a conclusion. The conclusion provides the following feat.

Body of the Undying [Epic]
Prerequisite: Extended Lifespan, Perfect Health, con 25
Benefit: You become immune to effects that would advance your age. In addition, this feat counts as Extended Lifespan, again increasing your age categories.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



Jaela finds this book to be a rousing collection of miniaturized stories, often changing genres, styles and pacing sentence from sentence! Yet it agrees with her, some of the best damn light reading in years! Even better, when checking an old page, she finds that the old pages are different and new again! With this great breath and width of stories, all sorts of things can happen if Jaela spends an hour reading this book! In fact, there's so many that a d8 is used to decide which effect happens!

1 - Rousing stories of adventure and derring do! You gain the benefits of a heroism spell for 10 minutes.
2 - Burning diatribes and politically charged rants! You gain the benefits of a rage spell for 10 minutes.
3 - Melancholy and heartbreaking stories! You gain the benefits of a crushing despair spell for 10 minutes.
4 - Love stories and grand romances! You gain the benefits of a charm monster spell on yourself for 10 minutes. (You are treated as charmed to the first person you see after finishing your reading.)
5 - A jumble of so many things that nothing stands out, but boy did you have fun reading it!
6 - Uplifting faith stories and people finding happiness! You gain the benefits of a good hope spell for 10 minutes.
7 - Oh, those slaad are so awesome and they just did awesome things! You gain the benefits of an Eagle's Splendor spell, but your features take on a slaad cast for the duration.
8 - All of the above! So much concentrated fun is difficult to manage and you must make a DC 25 will save (the benefits of the various effects above are not factored into this roll) or be stunned for 10 minutes due to the pure fun!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on April 30, 2012, 06:15:34 PM
And back to this, after our victory~

Second Repairs Round (to take place right now):

Set up electricity styled trap in the courtyard, 3d6 damage: 15,000 gold; 5 DC 25 spellcraft checks; 7 days.
Tepen. Spellcraft +28 normally.

Improve growing farms(Things grow in 1/20th of the normal time): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 23 K:N checks, 1 DC 24 spellcraft check; 5 days.
Sylvie. K:N +37, Spellcraft +32 normally; K:N +52 with the K:N booster, Spellcraft +35 with the floating feat.

Improve library's selection(+10 to knowledge checks): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 27 K:P check; 1 DC 30 Appraise check; 7 days.
Vul'lath. Appraise +28, K:P +32 normally; Appraise +43, K:P +47 with the Appraise, K:P boosters.

Improve library sorting system(Takes 10 minutes to consult): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 26 spellcraft check; 1 DC 26 K:A check; 3 days. -> Improve library sorting system(Takes 1 minute to consult): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 29 K:A check; 1 DC 31 spellcraft check; 2 days.
Kascha. Spellcraft +40, K:A +43 normally; Spellcraft +55 with the Spellcraft booster.

Third Repairs Round (to take place a week from now, pending events and available cash):

Improve growing farms (Things grow overnight): 25,000 gold; 2 DC 28 K:N checks, 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 5 days.
Sylvie. K:N +37, Spellcraft +32 normally; K:N +52 with the K:N booster, Spellcraft +50 with the floating feat and booster.

Improve courtyard electricity damage to 6d6: 10,000 gold; 3 DC 20 spellcraft checks; 5 days.
Kascha. Spellcraft +40 normally.

Improve library's selection(+15 to knowledge checks, aka Sylvie special): 100,000 gold; 1 DC 33 K:P check; 1 DC 36 Appraise check; 7 days.
Vul'lath. Appraise +28, K:P +32 normally; Appraise +43, K:P +47 with the Appraise, K:P boosters.


Okay, you guys are about there for the second round, so roll it up and post results.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[00:02] <Jaela> Set up electricity styled trap in the courtyard, 3d6 damage: 15,000 gold; 5 DC 25 spellcraft checks; 7 days.
[00:02] <Jaela> Tepen. Spellcraft +28 normally.
[00:02] <Jaela> roll 5#1d20 aiding #1
[00:02] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 5#1d20 aiding #1 and gets 37." [5#1d20 = 3, 4, 16, 12, 2]
[00:02] <Jaela> roll 5#1d20 aiding #2
[00:02] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 5#1d20 aiding #2 and gets 59." [5#1d20 = 11, 19, 3, 16, 10]
[00:02] <Jaela> Okay
[00:02] <Jaela> roll 5#1d20+32 Tepen
[00:02] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 5#1d20+32 Tepen and gets 212." [5#1d20+32 = 42, 38, 52, 41, 39]

25%+5%+4%+9%+5%+4%=52% discount

[00:03] <Jaela> Improve growing farms(Things grow in 1/20th of the normal time): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 23 K:N checks, 1 DC 24 spellcraft check; 5 days.
[00:03] <Jaela> Sylvie. K:N +37, Spellcraft +32 normally; K:N +52 with the K:N booster, Spellcraft +35 with the floating feat.
[00:04] <Jaela> roll 3#1d20 aiding #1
[00:04] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 3#1d20 aiding #1 and gets 36." [3#1d20 = 9, 15, 12]
[00:04] <Jaela> roll 3#1d20 aiding #2
[00:04] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 3#1d20 aiding #2 and gets 27." [3#1d20 = 4, 7, 16]
[00:04] <Jaela> roll 2#1d20+56 Sylvie
[00:04] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 2#1d20+56 Sylvie and gets 126." [2#1d20+56 = 64, 62]
[00:04] <Jaela> roll 1d20+39 Sylvie
[00:04] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+39 Sylvie and gets 55." [1d20=16]

25%+13%+13%+10%=61% discount

[00:04] <Jaela> Improve library's selection(+10 to knowledge checks): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 27 K:P check; 1 DC 30 Appraise check; 7 days.
[00:04] <Jaela> Vul'lath. Appraise +28, K:P +32 normally; Appraise +43, K:P +47 with the Appraise, K:P boosters.
[00:05] <Jaela> roll 2#1d20 aiding #1
[00:05] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 2#1d20 aiding #1 and gets 20." [2#1d20 = 5, 15]
[00:05] <Jaela> roll 2#1d20 aiding #2
[00:05] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 2#1d20 aiding #2 and gets 12." [2#1d20 = 1, 11]
[00:06] <Jaela> roll 1d20+49 Vul'lath, K:P
[00:06] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+49 Vul'lath, K:P and gets 69." [1d20=20]
[00:06] <Jaela> roll 1d20+47 Vul'lath, Appraise
[00:06] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+47 Vul'lath, Appraise and gets 48." [1d20=1]

25%+14%+6%=45% discount

[00:06] <Jaela> Improve library sorting system(Takes 10 minutes to consult): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 26 spellcraft check; 1 DC 26 K:A check; 3 days. -> Improve library sorting system(Takes 1 minute to consult): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 29 K:A check; 1 DC 31 spellcraft check; 2 days.
[00:06] <Jaela> Kascha. Spellcraft +40, K:A +43 normally; Spellcraft +55 with the Spellcraft booster.
[00:06] <Jaela> roll 4#1d20 aiding #1
[00:06] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 4#1d20 aiding #1 and gets 32." [4#1d20 = 4, 13, 14, 1]
[00:06] <Jaela> roll 4#1d20 aiding #2
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 4#1d20 aiding #2 and gets 49." [4#1d20 = 15, 7, 15, 12]
[00:07] <Jaela> roll 1d20+47 Kascha, K:A dc26
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+47 Kascha, K:A dc26 and gets 59." [1d20=12]
[00:07] <Jaela> roll 1d20+59 Kascha, spellcraft dc26
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+59 Kascha, spellcraft dc26 and gets 73." [1d20=14]
[00:08] <Jaela> roll 1d20+47 Kascha, K:A dc29
[00:08] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+47 Kascha, K:A dc29 and gets 62." [1d20=15]
[00:08] <Jaela> roll 1d20+57 Kascha, spellcraft dc31
[00:08] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+57 Kascha, spellcraft dc31 and gets 77." [1d20=20]

25%+11%+15%=51% discount

25%+11%+15%=51% discount
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Third repairs round (any suggestions?):

Improve growing farms (Things grow overnight): 25,000 gold; 2 DC 28 K:N checks, 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 5 days.
Sylvie. K:N +37, Spellcraft +32 normally; K:N +52 with the K:N booster, Spellcraft +50 with the floating feat and booster.

Improve courtyard electricity damage to 6d6: 10,000 gold; 3 DC 20 spellcraft checks; 5 days.
Kascha. Spellcraft +40 normally.

Improve library's selection(+15 to knowledge checks, aka Sylvie special): 100,000 gold; 1 DC 33 K:P check; 1 DC 36 Appraise check; 7 days.
Vul'lath. Appraise +28, K:P +32 normally; Appraise +43, K:P +47 with the Appraise, K:P boosters.

Lava pools (For the pyrofey and other fiery races): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 30 K:A&E checks; 1 DC 32 K:A check; 4 days.
Tepen. K:A&E +33, K:A +33 normally; K:A&E +48, K:A +48 with the K:A&E, K:A boosters.

Improve library sorting system(Takes 10 minutes to consult): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 26 spellcraft check; 1 DC 26 K:A check; 3 days.
Tepen, after lava pools. Spellcraft +28, K:A +33 normally; K:A +48 with K:A booster.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


I'd like to get that Worldmeet Glade in if possible. I know it's expensive, but still. Should be a morale booster for anything extraplanar, elemental, or outsider.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


We absolutely must upgrade our mess hall. This is insanely useful.

Devils love fear and poison.

Heroes feast provides immunity to both. This will provide a massive boost for our guys vs devils at very low cost. Do it.


Yuth: The relevant boosters are occupied right now and it's too expensive to afford without them at this point.
Eb: I was somewhat worried over the whole 'addictive' thing. Think it's just fluff?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


It'll only be addictive for a couple of days before it becomes a heroes feast.

Also addictive food means fewer desertions, and will more quickly suborn any devil infiltrators.

edit: My lawyers asked me to say that there's no proof it's addictive, it's merely habit forming.


Cor: Alright, next round then.

Eb: The addictive bit did worry me a tad, though the granted ability would be insanely useful. >_>
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Okay! Revision! We can push the farms back since the cafeteria is the exact same thing and requires the exact same skills. Lava baths and library boosting are key so they remain, and the elec trap is cheap and inoffensive. I know Merc wanted the faster library system so maybe this will get him to post. Let's go with this configuration for the week ahead?

Third round:

Improve courtyard electricity damage to 6d6: 10,000 gold; 3 DC 20 spellcraft checks; 5 days.
Kascha. Spellcraft +40 normally.

Improve library's selection(+15 to knowledge checks, aka Sylvie special): 100,000 gold; 1 DC 33 K:P check; 1 DC 36 Appraise check; 7 days.
Vul'lath. Appraise +28, K:P +32 normally; Appraise +43, K:P +47 with the Appraise, K:P boosters.

Lava pools (For the pyrofey and other fiery races): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 30 K:A&E checks; 1 DC 32 K:A check; 4 days.
Tepen. K:A&E +33, K:A +33 normally; K:A&E +48, K:A +48 with the K:A&E, K:A boosters.

Improve library sorting system(Takes 10 minutes to consult): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 26 spellcraft check; 1 DC 26 K:A check; 3 days.
Tepen, after lava pools. Spellcraft +28, K:A +33 normally; K:A +48 with K:A booster.

Improve cafeteria(Better than the real thing. Possibly addictive!): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 30 spellcraft check; 2 DC 30 K:N checks; 4 days.
Sylvie. K:N +37, Spellcraft +32 normally; K:N +52 with the K:N booster, Spellcraft +50 with the floating feat and booster.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?