
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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Manual of the Planes

Started by Corwin, September 16, 2011, 07:10:43 PM

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Every post will be dedicated to a plane we've been to. Let's give this a try~

Material Planes

Elrisa's Prime/Glitterrock
Dana's Prime
Sylvie and Tannin's Prime
Medi's Prime
The Prime where Annalise and Hanna met/The Vale

Transitive Planes

Deep Ethereal
Infinite Staircase

Inner Planes

Elemental Planes:

Energy Planes:
Positive Energy
Negative Energy

Para-Elemental Planes:

Outer Planes

Upper Planes:
Blessed Fields of Elysium

Lower Planes:
Nine Hells of Baator/Avernus

Lawful Planes:

Chaotic Planes:


Divine Realms:
House of the Triad
Court of the Stars
The Cauldron

<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The Silver Sea stretches into infinity, its timeless depths like a vast lake of tranquility. Amid this expanse are occasional hunks of material and ground, where many a creature comes and goes.

Astral's relevant traits are as follows:
No gravity. Creatures travel by thought, 10ft fly speed per point of intelligence with perfect maneuverability.
Timeless: Creatures do not age, get hungry, thirst or need to sleep in the Astral Plane. Once they leave for another plane, all this catches up with them.
Neutral-aligned: It's not favorable to any particular ethos or power.
Enhanced magic: All spells and spell-like abilities are automatically quickened within the Astral Plane.

Places visited:
Silverwick Tavern. Served as a meeting place for the party. Log 001.
The School of the Graceful Blow. It floats in the silvery voice, a chunk of land. It's not all that big - perhaps 500 ft square. A five story building sits there, like an oversized tower that resembles round layer cakes. It is the color of unworked brown fieldstone, shifting between shades. Within the air is warmer - like a balmy summer day. In dozens of pots plants of all sorts bloom. A cavalcade of color flares around you. From the cieling hand yet more, all of them at the height of flowering. The scent of nature replaces the dull nothing-scent of the Astral and the smell of your comrades. In the center is a twin stairway of wrought iron, winding upwards like the flight of a fairy. Log 002.
The Githyanki city of Dul'than. A great island sitting in the Silver void, large and circular. Atop it sits a high walled city, a dome of glistening blue-white glass rising above it. In the back you can see great Astral ships and dreadnoughts rising and docking! As the group approaches closer, you can see everything looks to be heavy stone buildings. There's not a hint of wood or brick. All the stone is a washed out grey color, buildings tightly packed together. At the outer rim of part of the dome is a connected, small floating island, a bridge connecting it into the dome. Here there is a gate, several armored figures standing guard. Sallow yellow-things, with parchment drawn skin and spears at the ready. Log 002.
Oasis. Swaying palm trees around an oasis lake, a chunk of land merely floating in the Astral. The scent of water tickles your nose, flowing out from the lake to the edge, plunging down into the Silver Sea and making several waterfalls. The lake is quite large, full of crystal-blue waters. Save for a golden retreiver dog that's napping besides the pool, no one is about. Fruits of various types hang from the trees, swaying gently in the astral breeze. There's a portal to Elysium at the bottom of the lake. Log 003.
Torm's cathedral. A tall cathedral floats in the Silver Sea, made of charcoal black stone. Stained glass windows decorate all about, pretty images of women shown. Within you find yourselves in a hall, an archway ahead leading further in. Here statues of beautiful, unclad women decorate the hall. They are decorated about, in various alluring positions.  Besides the archway ahead, there's a door on the left wall, nondescript and easy to miss. Log 006.

Adrian. A brooding man with cloak and pendant who stares into his drink. Log 001.
Miss Elrisa, Knight of the Graceful Blow. She dances about, going through the air. Her hair is long, brown tinted silver by the light. Her features are sublimely beautiful, her figure stunning. She dances with her eyes closed, long blade in her hands. You find your eyes glued to her performance, as she moves about! A graceful leap that is as much a step as a true leap, her blade slicing through the air! Log 002.
Misalea. She is beautiful, soft white hair cascading down to the floor, as if it's never been cut. She wears a gown of the same color. As lillipads float on the pond they move in time to her voice. She sings in Sylvan, singing a song of nature's endurance. Log 002.
Vul'lath the Twice-Spoken. Vul'lath lives in the rightmost quadrant of the city. You come to a building three stories tall, packed between two others. The gith wears red robes, hanging loose on it's emancipated frame. Log 002.
Vivicain, owner of the Sea Dragon and the Sea Dragon Group. Docked next to the oasis is a grand astral ship! Near the edge of the lake are about a dozen tall, blue skinned humanoids, resting and talking with each other. Log 006.
Annalise. Resting on the altar is the most gorgeous woman Ithea has ever seen. She is perfect - pure white skin, long blonde hair, beautiful curvy figure, ample bosom and more. She wears naught, save for one thing. A glowing sword is plunged through her heart. Yet she does not bleed, simply lying there. The sword is withdrawn! The woman's body glows blood-red, rising up! The bloodless wound in her stomach closes instantly as she flies up into the air, standing over the altar. Clothing garbs her - two red bits of leather above and one below to keep her modesty. Her blonde hair flies freely about, as if buffeted in a wind. She smiles, long, pointed fangs prominent. She licks her lips, eyes tinging red. Again she shifts. This time her eyes turn gold, blonde hair spilling over one of them. She leans forward, a shoulderless black dress forming over her body. Log 006.
Naliel. Before you floats a lantern archon. Log 006.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


-Swimming through the portal is like letting go. Worries and cares leave you, white light embracing you. A sense of love, caring and peace saturates you to the core.
-The shift is one that feels good. It feels right, the realm becoming brighter, more alive, more real. Everything is more vivid as you stand in an open field. Colors are more intense than every before, the air is more breathable, and even your own body feels more alive.

Elysium's relevant traits are as follows:
Minor positive dominate: Everyone has fast healing 2 while there.
Entrapping: Spend a week here and you might get in trouble. Every week here makes you roll a will save or you become a petitioner here, in harmony with Elysium.

Places visited:
Eronia. You are in a large, cold lake. Mountains rise around you, a river from the mountains above flowing into the lake and one flowing down of it. The sky is a breath-taking shade of blue, dotted with white clouds. Log 003.
Pixie clearing. On a little further the party finds a clearing - it's a rough square, the grass trimmed and forest held at bay. In the center the hilt of a sword juts out from the ground, a great two handed sword impaled into the soil. Log 004.
Essence of Elysium lake. As dusk falls you come out of the forest path. Ahead of you is a small lake, fed by a few forest streams. A ridge above drops a river into it, a gorgeous waterfall crashing into the lake. Fish leap around it, rainbows dancing amid the waterfall's plunge. The water has a faintly golden cast to it, seeming to well up from the bottom. Log 004.
Fire of desire cave. You come onto a little cave set into the mountain, the path continuing past it. Inside the cave you can see a red-orange glow, a camp fire illuminating the inside. Log 005.
Galariel's platform. Above you can see the peak of the mountain, perfectly chopped off to make the top a platform. The path leads to it, the sky above covered in thick clouds. Golden stairs rise 60 feet straight up to a single platform, just big enough for a man to stand on. Log 005.
The River Oceanus. The great River Oceanus flows before you. A river almost as wide as a lack, cutting a deep ribbon across the surface of Elysium. Its waters flow constantly, a beautiful blue. Log 026.2

Kristia. Standing there is a young woman, pretty but not much past plain. She smiles warmly. From her back spread wings of white, her head slowly rising up. When her eyes meet yours again, they are radiant pools of white. She speaks in a voice that whispers throughout, coming from everywhere around you. Log 003.
Burlst. Here a dwarf sits before the fire, patiently watching it burn. He gestures at it with one scarred, callused hand.
Galariel. He is tall and broad bodied, skin a pure, alabaster white. Six wings hold him aloft, a shimmering surrounding his entire body! The sunshine from above gives him a palpable glow. He has no weapon in hand and wears but a simple white toga. His words boom about like thunderclaps from the clear blue sky.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Beyond the portal, the party finds themselves in a misty white glade. Distant and hazy you can see what looks to be a pleasant glade, but it's far away and removed. You float lightly, as if gravity did not exist at all.

Deep Ethereal's relevant traits are as follows:
- No Gravity.
- No energy or alignment traits.
- Normal magic.
- Poor visibility due to the mists.

Places visited:
Medicant. You stand before a dark night. It towers before you, the entire horizon. A great circular wall, reaching thirty feet high. The outer wall of a huge fortress, rising up above you. It is massive, the great towers and rises of the fortress decorated with lit stained glass windows. Closer before you the walls part slightly, as if to invite you within! Ahead of you is an open field, vastly huge, an open courtyard before the fortress proper. It's strangely empty....but as you stand there, one can notice it's getting hot. It's getting hot rapidly! Far ahead you can see doors into the fortress, a good 1,000 feet away. The heat rapidly reaches a boil, frying everyone...but everyone is safe and protected! The party advances on despite the blazing heat, enough to fry you in your boots otherwise! You advance on in good time to to the entrance to the fortress. It is an arch built into it, decorated with images of angels in battle. The door looks to be hard black metal, glowing with a dull red heat. The wall is white stone, unperterbed by the heat. It looks pretty sturdy offhand. Quickly the party scurries in, at least reaching into Medicant! Before you is a grand hallway, a long red carpet leading ahead. The carpetway is lined by dozens of tall, metallic statues. They look vaguely like humans, but far bigger. At the end of the carpet there is stairway leading up, onto a raised platform. You can't see what's atop it from here, but you can see motes of blue and green light rising from it. On the party marches! The key leads ahead to the stairway, as the party climbs up! Atop you see dozens of green-blue pools, motes of light rising from them. As you step up, every single portal turns a hostile red, shimmering force surrounding them! The Celestial Key gently throbs again! Nothing happens for a moment, then the red portals return to blue and green. The Key throbs again, as one portal turns a pearly white! Log 008.

Mist Dragon. Ahead of you the mists all swirl and gather, forming together! What forms is the size of the cathedral that held Annalise, a great dragon of solid mist! It towers over you with a roar that would deafen the Gods themselves. Log 007.
Arcanaloth. It is a humanoid clad in a scholar's robes, yet cut to allow excellent freedom of movement. All but it's hands and head are human, the former having long claws and the latter being that of a canine. It wears a beaded necklace, a pair of unremarkable black bracers and a belt with many pouches. Log 008.
Elena. A girl of perhaps fifteen years old, human with elven ears. Her entire body and clothing is blue - ornate robes like some sort of priestess. Her face is a mask of pique. The girl looks crushed and heartbroken. Log 008.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Detailed account paused on Log 008. We kinda stopped getting reliable Planar info, but it's easy enough to fix retroactively. Placeholder~
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


With a dive the three appear within Water! Water, water, water everywhere! Adrian grabs a hold of Jaela, around the waist, as she comes through! His voice is a burble as he speaks, all muffled, "Now cast teleport!" Around you is a pale light - it seems to come from everywhere and nowhere, but otherwise there is nothing but water.

Water's relevant traits are as follows:
- Subjective Directional Gravity. It's like Air, 'cept it's all water. Air bubbles that have land have normal gravity.
- Infinite size, as normal for a plane.
- Water dominant.
- Water magic is enlarged and extended. Fire magic is impeded, DC 15 + spell level to cast fire spells.
- No breathable air short of air pockets.

Places visited:
A natural air bubble serving as refuge for Lifasan survivors lead by Tepen and Adrian. It's a natural air bubble in water, wet stone full of moss and algae growing on it. Almost like grass. Water drips off you. Around you is open air - far far above you can see water, as if held back by the roof of a great, invisible dome. The ground is rocky and green colored, a layer of various growths all over them ground. Ahead are a few dozen crude structures, made of what looks to be driftwood, bits of stone and odds and ends.  Past them you see what looks to be fields of some sort, several people at work plowing. Log 011.1
City of Glass. Woosh! You appear in air. In clear air. You stand on a simple stone platform, heavy and massive. Around you are buildings of all types, rising up. Above you can see what looks to be a glass dome, water flowing around it outside. The air is warm and rather humid, smelling of city streets, humidity and something else. Something not quite foul, but certainly not pleasant. Very city-like. Log 028.1
Vulanas. Vulanas is a lost city in Water. It is said to have once been a bustling place of trade with other realms, but vanished long ago from the history of Creation. Log 028.1
Lost Citadel. "Deep in Water, surrounded by an ocean of pitch black water, there's a citadel within an air bubble. A long lost citadel, ancient indeed. Within that citadel the purest water flows from one particular fountain. This water can wash away even age, it's said." Log 028.1

Elder Magi Tepen. The group leads you to one of the huts. It's dimly lit in here, a bed of rags supporting one man. He is old and weathered, a long white beard and soft white robe. He lies reclined back, eyes half open. With a bleary gaze he looks towards the party, "Adrian?" he asks, voice strained and tired. "Do you bring back hope?" Log 011.1
Canderella Stormfury. In this floor's small taproom there is a beautiful woman - stunningly gorgeous, hair a vibrant brown, brown like rich chocolate and with a body too perfect to be mortal. No sag, no weakness, only a breath stealing beauty. She wears a dress of lxurious, soft material that clings to her hips and surely swishes around her legs. In a honeyed voice that momentarily dulls your senses to anything but the sound of it, "Oh my, you're looking for the lost city?" Log 028.1
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


There is a sensation of rushing, rushing ahead into the light! Rest. You feel rested and free of pain, lying against the sides of a steep mountain. You feel better than you have in a long time. Above you in the brillantly clear sky the mountain rises even higher and higher. The air is clear and pure, sweeping into your lungs like a welcome balm.

The House of the Triad's relevant traits are as follows:
- Strongly good and law aligned.
- Magic with the good or lawful descriptor is enlarged and extended. Magic with both descriptors is maximized and empowered as well.
- Magic with the chaotic and evil descriptors are inhibited. A DC 20 + level spellcraft check is needed to cast them.

Places visited:
Just a prison.

Naliel reformed. Log 011.1
Helm. Log 011.1
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


-Light. Light and the sound of music. Music that stirs faraway memories, the music of the forest. Memories of Lifasa bubble within Jaela as she flies ahead, a feeling of liberation filling her as she flies onward.
-Arborea. It feels like coming home after a hard day's work. A sense of relief and joy fills Jaela as she appears, standing within the eternal sylvan glades. Her worries and concerns fade away, leaving behind only a resonating joy within her.

Arvandor and Arborea's relevant traits are as follows:
- Mildly good and chaos aligned.
- Normal magic.

Places visited:
Angharradh's sanctuary? Forests. You fly through forests, racing ahead...trees? You stand before three great trees. A vast ring of light connects On further inspection it is three rings as one. The trees are enormous, rising up to form a forest all their own. Between these trees, a flickering set of eyes appear. In an instant you know you are home. Angharradh has taken you home, and you stand before a form of the Triune Goddess. Log 012.2
Lifasan refuge for the group that retreated along with Jaela, appears to be abandoned by now. The celebration of life. The smell of nature fills Jaela's nostrils as she appears within Avrandor. You stand about log cabins woven into the trees about. You can faintly hear music, the chirping of songbirds mixing into it. No one is immediately about, but yet you feel better. You feel at home, a sense of a forgotten desire fulfilled. Log 014.1
Elrisa's final (?) resting place. Into the light Jaela goes! She finds it leads into a clearing. Here a rainbow of colors awaits - flowers of every bloom blossom ahead of you, a small footpath leading further in. From vibrant reds to misty-pale blues, to throbbing purples and delicate yellows, even drops of black flowers like inkblots, flowers of all type bloom. The air is decadently rich with the scent of pollen and nectar, a sweet smell brings to mind happy days as a child, eating candy and running in fields of flowers. Ahead you can see the path leads up a hill - a hill that rises as you watch, flowers making it akin to a rainbow's arch. Jaela heads up the hill! It rises high - farh igher than it should. Up and up you climb, the trees becoming treetops, then to the brilliant, open sky above. A pure blue sky, the color of sapphires mixed with clear blue seawater, shines above. Atop the hillt he flowers grow thicker, save for the very center. Here in this center is a space, about equal to a the body you carry. On placing Elrisa down, your vision is drawn about. Atop a flowered hill does Elrisa rest, the beauty suddenly and sharply vibrant to you. The sky above contrasts with it, the view of the endless forests visible from horizon to horizon.

Angharradh. Log 012.2
Hanali Celanil. Log 012.2
Strange elf (?). Following the music, you come to a log behind one of the cabins. Here a male elf sits. His eyes are closed, blonde bangs hiding much of his face. He plays on his lute, but oh! Music of all types come from it as he plays, an entire orchestra of nature in one lute. As you settle in the music slows, the player opening his blue eyes. He has the classical elven features, with a warmth to his face that puts Jaela at ease. "I didn't know anyone lingered," he remarks, "But you hardly look like the type to live here. Hail and well met," he raises a hand, speaking in Elven. "The first rays of dawn on you." Log 014.1
Elrisa's criminally hot nymph mom. The person that approaches is a elf. She is of beauty - breath-taking beauty, glad in gossamer silk more akin to morning mist than anything solid. It forms a dress around her of purest misty white. Her hair is a deep, midnight black and her face captivates you. She silently passes Jaela, going to kneel next to Elrisa. She places two fingers on her lips and then kisses her forehead. Log 014.1
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Before you, Brightwater is the city of gold. Waukeen's realm often glistens with gold of all types, luminent as a heaven. Myriad shops cater to everything, joined at times by street vendors and little nooks. You see creatures of all types - humans and elves, dwarves and smaller things, humanoids and beyond. Outsiders of many stripes and types are about, as well as stranger things yet. But one drives them is all one thing - money.

Brightwater's relevant traits are as follows:
- Mildly good and chaos aligned.
Note: Exact traits vary from realm to realm of Brightwater. Waukeen's realm has slightly different traits than Sune's, for example.

Places visited:
Tavern. Tucked away is a small little tavern or some such. It has stairs leading down into it, a cellar of some sort. It simply has a sign of grapes and a tankard to advertise it, almost impossible to spot amid the splendor of everything else. Within you find a long bar, stretching out farther than you can see. The bar stools are about half full, at least the ones you can see are. They're inhabited by various creatures, drinking up. The wall behind the bar is full of wine bottle niches, barrels and kegs and shelves full of bottles. Oddly, there doesn't seem to be a barkeep at all. Log 013.1
Giovannie's Five Clothes. Around you Brightwater glows. The realm throbs with radiance and wealth, as you wander and look about. Around you walk the creatures of the planes - angels and celestials, elementals, humanoids, elementals and far stranger things. As you look about, one shop catches your eye. It's a grand pillared affair, decorated in the finest marble and inlaid with gold. A sign atop it says 'Giovanni's Fine Clothes, Jewelry and More.' In smaller letters beneath it, 'The best and fastest things you'll ever buy!' Log 019.
The Seven Coin Inn. Afina and Jaela hear that the Seven Coin Inn is informally known as where agents of Celestia and the Triad are often found, including those of Tyr. The Seven Coin Inn is a sturdy looking inn, a bit plain by the standards of Brightwater. It is seven stories tall, in the shape of a square. Regular windows dot it, the outside painted golden as the sunlight. The inn entrance is an archway, gilded with fine artistry. Within you find a cathedral. A large cathedral, stairs of gold leading up to open hallways, the center empty. Soaring up are multi-story works of art, showing various deeds of valor. Log 024.1
Rapture. Thus you head further towards Rapture! Past all this you come to a bridge. An arching bridge of fairy-tale magic, of wrought metal and stone that weave together to form an airy walkway. Lying in the middle of the bridge is a great, snow white feline, easily the size of Willim. Beyond it lies a shadowed place, smaller, narrow streets and alleys glimpsed. Log 024.2
Spire. As you land follow along, you come to the Spire. It is in a small square, a 25ft tall slab of smooth, well polished stone poking into the sky. Around it are about two dozen beautiful women of various stock, from human to dwarven to elven to stranger stock - even a feminine mercane. They dance nude around the Spire, a crowd watching and cheering. Logs 024.2
Heartsfire. "It's a special fountain. It makes you fall in love overwhelmingly." Another right takes you along a narrow alley, opening up into a dead end. Here sunshine comes down, grass and a fountain. Dozens of couples sit about, staring into each other's eyes and in utter rapture. As you come closer, you feel a momentary shiver over your body, as if a feather was tickling every inch of your flesh. There's plenty of people - but they all seem lost in each other's eyes, pairs utterly and obviously smitten with one another. As you step forward, a fountain shimmers into sight. It is made of smooth white stone, lined with gold and pink. Water gently burbles out of it, a single pink cat sitting on its lip. It's tail flicks just above the waters, but not quite going in. Log 024.2
Cat's Howl. The trio are able to find a big mass of people to work with. Indeed, there's a really rather large bar/mixer, the Cat's Howl. Hundreds of people are about this bar, often scantily clad or hanging off the arm of another. Log 024.2

Giovanni. As you step in, the scent of vanilla fills your nose. Ahead of you is thick red carpeting, deep enough to be able to swim in. There are couchs and chairs about, sparsely sprinkled all over. On the wall is strangely surreal art, often entirely done in circles, squares or cubes. The moment you step in they appear - dozens of measuring tapes, beginning to immediately measure the party in every direction and angle at once! As they do you hear a clap, "Ah welcome!" A high pitched voice greets. He is a slender man, wearing a tight black tunic and pants. He has snow white hair, loose to his mid-back. His entire movement is graceful, hands clapping together once as he approaches, "...goodness." He takes one look at the party before shaking his head, "Friends, I completely understand. You clearly need a whole new wardrobe from the ground up! The adventurer look is so last millenium!" Log 019.
Grenalous. The man there has golden skin and an inviting smile, long brown hair tied back in a severe ponytail. He tips a cap to Afina, "Oh!" He smiles winsomely ato Afina, "Ah, a fair pixie! Ma'am, have you heard of my marvelous fey-nip before?" Log 024.1
Ansan Breckberg. "Enter," A man's voice calls over. It's a deep, rich voice. A voice of a commander, a voice of a leader. Within is a smaller cathedral. Seven rows of pews before an altar, with it the symbol of a blue shield with scales painted onto it and embossed. Before that altar a man in full plate armor kneels, gray haired. He looks to be bowed in silent supplication or prayer. The man stays in humble prayer. He does not rise immediately, but instead finishing his reflections before rising. He turns to you. He is a man, gray haired and carrying his heavy metal armor without any sign of strain. His shoulders are upright, face aged and wrinkled. Across his front dozens of scraps of parchment are wrapped, each one with Celestial writing on it.  Words such as 'mercy' 'judgment' 'justice' 'hope' and 'glory'. "Hail and well met," he calls, "I am but a humble servant of the Maimed God. Do you seek to pay worship here?" Log 024.1
Selsmaree. "Now this is interesting," Coming forward, the woman pushes back her hood. It is a woman, with fine, pale skin the color of fresh milky cream. Her hair is a vibrant red, luxurious and full. "I am Selsmaree, devoted of Sharess. Log 024.2
Sharess's tsundere nymphs. The door opens! You are momentarily blinded by steam and warmth! As you blink your eyes clear...ahead is a large inlaid tub. It's big enough for a few dozen, steamy warm. Marble and silver statues of rather well muscled men are about, fountains to feed more steaming water into the path. Within the path you seen them. One is blonde, one has brown hair, one has red hair, one has black hair. The four of them lounge in the bath. Each one is heart-stoppingly gorgeous, each woman beyond perfect.  They have elven features and pointed ears, cloaked only by bits of water and steam offering no real modesty. Past them you can see another door, but you barely get a moment to look. Each one turns at the open door, "Tam-" The blonde one begins, before all four of them stare at the party with a moment of stunned shock. Log 024.2
"I am a weaver of the senses, a maiden of the sensate." The woman inside is about seven feet tall! Her entire form is statue-esque, all smoothness and rounded in just the right places. A mane of silvery hair cascades down to just above the floor, smooth and flowing as silk. She is wrapped in white gossamer strands, forming an elegant gown around her. The room ahead is pitch dark, making the woman glow all the brighter. "Oh!" Her voice slowly drawls that out, as if savoring every letter. "Oh my! To say the obvious, you aren't the nymphs I was expecting." Log 024.2
Within this room is row after row of glass cases. Within each is candies. Candies familiar and foreign, each one a colorful bit of sugary bliss. At the far end is another door. Appproaching you is a slender man with angel's wings, blonde haired and wearing a plain white, flour stained apron. "Here I thought the nymphs were early," he observes, "Ah, did you by chance come by for candy, or for something else?" Log 024.2
The roof is circular and flat, standing above Rapture. Around you are great expanses of shadowed buildings, yet sunlight comes down. A sunlight that provides its own soft focus and caressing warmth. The sunshine warms you to your bones, a sense of deep lethargy coming into the three of you. Atop the roof an angel rests. She is curled up, wearing a white bikini. Her wings curl around her as well. In place of normal ears she has a cat's ears, the fur the same color as her vibrant black hair. A tail of the same can be spotted, too. Log 024.2
Lady Bast/Sharess. "Mmmmm!" The cat starts to purr, "You don't sound very respectful. If you want a favor, you'd think you could remember your manners." For a moment, a raw aura batters the three. A sensation of absolute power, awe and majesty, all coming from the pink feline. It leaves a sense of overwheling awe in you, as well as feelings of enraptured love, sensual pleasure and all consuming passion. Log 024.2
Behind the bar is a bartender. She's a radiantly beautiful woman, blonde hair and an easy smile as she polishes a glass tankard. She is on the tall side, hair long and loose past her hips. She has a body that keeps on going and going, all gorgeous curves clad in the softest, clingiest pink silk toga. "Oh, just saw you playing matchmaker," she demures, "Your style isn't the type I'd see around here from the regulars." Log 024.2
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Through the portal one and all passes, into gray-ness. Into soft nothingness, the softness of a sagging heart. Stepping through you feel the losses. The death of Lifasa and the failures thereafter, digging into your heart. In each of your minds you feel a thought, your own and at the same time foreign, whispering about how it is all futile and hopeless. Then you stand in the darkness. It is dark here - there is a distinctly dim light all over. About are withered trees and rocky ground, sloped. A great volcano rises up on the far horizon, dominating the bleak sky. A good ways ahead, hundreds and hundreds of feet, you can see what looks to be some sort of oozy, misty gray waterfall. Yet the water looks strange, chunky, almost solid.

Hades's relevant traits are as follows:
- Strongly evil aligned.
- Entrapping. Any mortal that spends an uninterrupted week within Hades is in risk of becoming a petitioner of Hades. The base will save to resist is 10 + number of consecutive weeks in Hades, however, the check can change in both DC and timing in certain parts of Hades.

Places visited:
Devil/Yugoloth fortress where Lief's group of pixie Lifasan hostages was being held. Ahead you can see a 10ft tall wall, nothing but gray, writhing flesh. Past that you can see some sort of squat, square fortress rising ahead, made of the same. Faces are a large part of the wall, slack and apathetic. There is no immediate gateway within it - just smooth wall. A large courtyard is ahead, empty. The ground has deep rusty stains all over, several smaller doors leading deeper within. Log 014.

Lief. In his arms rests a pixie - one with pallid gray skin and a slack, unexpressive face and eyes that stare out and seem to see nothing. It's wings are atrophied and broken, more like gossamer scraps forgotten. Log 014.
Skye and Crystal. With two hands the vessel is opened! A puff of sulphuric air escapes out as within - you see them. Easily three or four dozen pixies, lying still in the vessel. They are nude and stacked together, bodies painted with sooty black symbols. For long moments you don't see any movement...then you can notice breathing. They're breathing. Looking through them, Afina can see a pair of familiar faces. Skye, a beautiful lady in waiting of the Queen, lies with them. Crystal is a knight of the Queen, taken out as well. None of the pixies are stirring at the moment. Log 014.
Annalise's friend (?). Turning, the party can see a creature stands 50ft away. It is shadow. A man cast of shadow, of utter darkness. It has no facial features save for a too large smile full of perfect white fangs. "Few are so foolish to enter this realm. What is it you search for in the gloom?" Log 014.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Heat. Burning heat engulfs each of you as your vision becomse a bonfire. Your eyes explode out, scorched away in boiling flame! You soar ahead on a blazing updraft, dizzed and lightheaded. The faint scent of smoke fills your nostrils as your vision recovers, eyes intact despite the boiling sensation. You stand amid flames. Flames are everywhere, dancing amid you. You stand on what look sto be black-charred volcanic rock, enough for the five of you. Beyond that is flames, dancing and crackling high. As you have but a moment to look around, a figure emerges from the flames before you. It is titanic - larger than Arrel, a humanoid body made of naught by fire. A human-shaped thing larger than a cloud giant, stomping forward to you. It speaks in the voice of an exploding volcano, "You do not burn. In the name of the Father of All Flames, you are strong and wise enough to hear. What business do you have in the Undying Pyre?"

Relevant traits:
-3d10 fire damage per round.

Places visited:
Undying Pyre/Kossuth's divine realm. Log 015.
Flammar Ideel. Ahead of you the rectangle of fire looms large into the sky. Coming close, you see that an archway of chiseled, shiny black stone leads directly into the flames, as if a gateway into burning. Into the archway you go! To your surprise the air cools. It becomes only roastingly hot, something that perhaps the worst summer day in a decade could bring. Log 015.
Azer miners village. After cresting innumeral hills, you come to what looks to be a shallow, short valley. Within it are several short, squat houses. They are made of red brick, unburning inthe flames. There are several deep holes in the ground, no one about otherwise.

Brazier Crellen. Within this room ahead you find that the floors are fine marble, inlaid at the corners with what looks to be a light toned wood. Paintings and tapestries hang on the walls, each showing scenes of various things - nothing fiery, but instead the pastoral, the natural, the beautiful skies. Several soft, stuffed chairs are arrainged in a semi-circle before a high backed throne. Here a man sits. He has ruddy red hair and a reddened face, as if blushing. But on closer look you can see the redness is even, as if soaked into his very flesh. He wears ornate red and orange robes, ruby encrusted jewelry worn. His face unremarkable otherwise, expression cautiously neutral. He doesn't smile though he does not, "Be seated if you care to. If not, speak your peace." Log 015.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


In an instant you appear within a sphere. This sphere is large and full of misty air as you float up down/left right at once! Above you see roiling flames and burning eath, to one side is serene ocean, to the other is vast ball lightning, below is endless churning gray.

Limbo's relevant traits are as follows:
- Strongly chaos aligned.
Beyond there, Limbo changes too much for any traits to universally apply.

Places visited:
Slaad throne. Ahead Afina can see a hunk of earth. On that hunk is a battered and pitted throne, as if a king's seat was ripped up and placed here. Sitting on it is a large green frog-creature, so large as to spill out over the throne. It wears a red tunic and purple pants, along with a blue scarf and orange headband. In one hand a golden scepter rests, coated in rusty-red. Lying at its feet is what may have once been a beautiful woman, perhaps of nature with barklike skin as a dryad. Yet...this one's flesh is rotted, its chest torn open. Out of its chest a white fungus grows. It looks up at the green creature with undisguised adoration.  Behind the throne are two almost as large red frog-creatures, every 8 seconds snapping their fingers and ribbiting. Log 016.
Baleruk's lair. Ahead of you it looms, the chaos of Limbo held at bay. A vast mountain of what looks to be greenish jelly. It is riddled with rusted, pitted metal all over - beams, poles, hunks and all sorts of iron. It is an absolute mountain! There is a foul, dizzying stench in the air, acidic and unpleasant on the nostrils. Log 016.
You stand on the deck of a ship? A ship that looks to be in fine condition, untouched and undamaged. ABove you cans ee the raging firestorm, still going on. The ship's mast and sails are long gone, but the deck looks entirely intact. There's a door leading into an aft cabin, as well as stairs leading belowdecks. Log 022.4

27. It looks sort of like a badger, save for a foot long fang coming out of it's mouth, like a held sword. It's chest caves open, a green beating heart visible within. It ascends the slope, coming in the direction of the party. Log 016.
Baleruk the Chromatic. Rainbow light ahead dazzles you...through squinted eyes you can see. A vast divan, the size of a small castle, holds this dragon. It glows with all the colors of the rainbow and a radiant light.  Through your daazled eyes you can see the color is gemstones - dozens if not hundreds of huge gems embedded into its flesh, every color of the rainbow represented. What little you can see of its scales are a deep, lustrious green. All around the sides of its divan are large glass cases. In each one are sevel slaad, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. A set of seven in each one, unmoving and frozen. "Baleruk the Chromatic," The dragon rumbles deeply, the light of the rainbow glistening in its opened maw. "Be honored by my presence, for you have met the first of a new generation of dragons. The ones before are imperfect; now shall comea time when inperfection is banished from dragonkind!" Log 016.
The Operator. With that the trio fly downward! The earth is only 15ft or so deep, before opening up to a slab of solid metal!Atop the slab lies your two dragons! They are half skeleton, huge chunks of them gone! Lying besides it is a man that is reed thin. He is elven, spetacles on his face. His eyes are narrow and slanted, a serious expression on his face. He wears a torn black tunic and leggings, well worn leather boots and a slender knife hangs from his belt. Log 022.4
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The four stand in ambient darkness. Above and around them in the deep gloom they can see shapes flying through the air. Great cubes and other geometric shapes, whirling about in slow dances and fast charges, from within tens of feet to thousands of feet away. Some are tiny little things, others huge enough to be islands. Gray soot is in the air and on the ground, a thick powder that chokes your breath.

Acheron's relevant traits are as follows
-No energy or elemental traits, normal magic, mildly law aligned (-2 on charisma based checks for chaotic creatures, basically)

Places visited:
Balvinius. A particular cube well known for being quiet and left be - none of the natives will get close to it. Non-natives have no problem using it and often do for various things. Exists on the third layer of Acheron, and conditions there prevent scrying. "You stand on a large cube, the ground covered with thick piles of ash. There's plenty of space here - the cube must be at least a few miles across in every direction." Log 017.9

The cornugon is Filmarous. He's said to be a hardcase even amid the cornugon warrior caste. He gave himself to four pain devils for 9,999 years of torment, never breaking once. At the end he emerged stronger, tearing the pain devils apart and using their bones to make the magical necklace he wears now. He's used by the Dark Ministry, loaned out as a problem solving agent. After his torment he is said to be invincible, unable to be harmed. "Independence breeds chaos. Chaos breeds weakness. Submit and be strong." Log 017.9
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Passing through it like feeling a spring breeze blow across your faces, then...openness. All around Aurora is open space. Endless blue sky as far as you can see.

Air's relevant traits are as follows:

-Subjective Directional Gravity: Inhabitants of the plane determine their own "down" direction. Objects not under the motive force of others do not move.
-Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create air (including those of the Air domain) are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). A cloudkill spell would thus have its range doubled and its damage (to those it did not kill outright) increased by half. Spells and spell-like abilities that are already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit.
-Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create earth (including the summoning of earth elementals or outsiders with the earth subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Earth domain. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + level of the spell) must be made to do so.
-30ft (perfect) fly speed, or you can use one you possess if better.

Places Visited:
Lady Chan's palace. You circle slowly around a vast palace, crafted of air and wind. A castle from a fairy tale, towers reaching up endlessly into the endless skies of Air. As you circle around you come closer, the main gates large enough for a dozen wyrms to pass through. Indeed, hundreds of air elementals pass. As one they pause to raise a hand in salute as Shinear passes by and lands on the airy ground. As you walk ahead, the floor beneath you becomes interlocking patterns of airy diamond and oval shapes. The walls are slightly translucent, yet just solid enough to prevent you seeing through them. The floor feels entirely solid to your step as Gust leads you along. Ahead of you, the floor becomes one smooth surface, a gale racing beneath your feet and the solid floor. Ahead of you is a great throne room, hundreds within. Many are barely seen, forces of wind and light molded into a shape. Others are humanoid - some with blue or white skin, others yet with skin the vibrant red and orange of the sunrise and set, tinting into purples as well. Finely dressed lords and ladies all, the wind constantly blowing through their hair. At the back is a throne. At each side of the throne a dragon rests, mammoth in size, yet somehow not overshadowing even the smallest lady. To the throne's left is a dragon that looks to be made of molten silver, chill mists surrounding its form. To the right is a dragon that looks to be sunlight held in form by skin made of wind, as if millions of tiny walls of wind were forged to capture Lathander's glow. Log 019.
Earthfall. "In any case, Earthfall is a scar. Before Ogremoch was the Prince of Evil Earth, Ulimoch filled roughly the same position on Earth. He raised a grand army and attacked Air. His army was routed and he was slain in combat by Lady Chan and...another." A flicker of distaste shows on Gust's face, "To slay the archomental for all time a fragment of Earth was needed to fill the Air. Ulimoch was slain, but his death left the Earthfall as a mark of his destruction and the resulting of channeling Earth into Air like that." Log 019.

General Galleros. Ahead is a mass of pillows big and deep enough for a cloud giant to rest on. Deep within this pile reclines a vast, red creature. It is as big as three men, red scaled and horned. It's features are that of a fiend, sharp teeth and red glowing eyes. Despite that it has a look of pleasure and peace on its face, giving way to a large smile as you enter. Log 018.
Gust. Once permission is given, a man enters. He is solid, with skin the color of the morning sky with moving patches of white, like clouds. He wears a fine doublet and hose, perhaps six feet tall. He has a smile on his face as he looks about, before bowing to Afina. "I am Gust, son of Chan." Log 019.
Shinear. Outside of Aurora, you find it awaiting. It is a creature in the shape of a vast dragon, made of gleaning like and whirling winds. Several seats are attached to its back, Gust flying right to them. "My friend and mount, Shinear. He's a dragon of few words, but he's the best ride this side of Air." Log 019.
Lady Chan. Sitting on the throne is a cloud. A cloud that has the faintly formed face of a woman, with a serene smile. A sense of warm peace fills you as you view this, bringing to mind vivid, passing memories and sensations, of being held by a loving mother. Her voice is warm, like the breezes of high spring. It smells of roses and raindrops, blowing over each of you. "I congratulate you on finding Medi's lost legacy." Log 019.
Drena. "My Queen!" Coming forward is a creature of air. It is the size of a small giant, 12 feet tall and slender. Wings of half wind and half white feathers rise out from his back, "I would be honored to join with the heritors of Medi's legacy." He walks with a confident step, windy body indistinct. You can see his face more - a proud, strong face, eyes that glow like pinpoints of light. To this the archomental speaks, "As you desire. My great-grandson Drena would wish join your crusade. What say you?" Log 019.
Chef. A few polite questions lead Willim to the kitchens. Here blue skinned humanoids in white chef's clothing work, forging gusts of air into solid food. One in particular has a big ol' cutting knife, slicing air. The air falls away, becoming solid slices of what looks to be roast beef. He whistles a merry tune as the others work around and with him. Log 019.
Knight-Captain Zephyr. Within the next room, dozens of things float in the air. Shattered swords, sundered scalemail, battered breastplates. Past all the sundered weapons sits a low backed throne, the size of a house. A huge whirling mass of air sits in it, swirling towards it's middle. In that middle is open air, a perfect calm eye. There is a greater gust of wind! The vast storm curls into itself, exploding inward! Now there is a humanoid about 10 feet tall, reclining back. A breastplate and armor of air surrounds it. Log 019.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake