Devil Interrogation Project

Started by Ebiris, November 30, 2011, 03:01:28 PM

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Although liberating Lifasa is of course our main goal, an additional goal of punishing every devil ever involved in its fall is also a priority, at least for Afina. Even if it happens a thousand years from now and long after Lifasa has been liberated, if knowledge acquired today can lead to the capture of a devil then it will be worthwhile.

Filmarous will be the first of course, but the following set of questions can be applied to every devil we capture - Annalise's mental domination can allow for efficient extraction of answers and Afina can quickly scribe everything down without needing shorthand. It can then all be filed into a wing of the library and thus sortable by the library's magic for quick reference later when we have thousands of records.

Out of character I obviously don't expect Dune to provide all of this in detail for every devil, but if we just assume it happens and the records are there then we can pull on them later if any prove relevant for a particular quest or target. Likewise we can use it to find targets of our own selection should no other business be pressing.


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject:
1b. Name of interrogator:
1c. Details of capture:

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: (if no move to part 3)
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa:
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa:
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa:

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: (if no move to part 4)
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): (if no move to part 5)
4b. Names of any devils involved:
4c. Source of knowledge:
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils:

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: (if no move to part 6)
5b. Source of knowledge:
5c. Details of plan:
5d. Timescale of plan:

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: (if no proceed to execution)
6b. Extent of subject's authority: (refer to 1c. as details of capture may have invalidated all authority)

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul:
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Hold subject pending discussion of any operations that may be conducted using their credentials and then proceed to execution with dispatch.

Interrogator's signature and date:
Scribe's signature and date:
Subject's signature and date:


Of course executions are contingent on us getting a full-proof method of killing devils for real. But the planes are a big place so that shouldn't take long.

Ko edit: Added these to the first post so I don't need to make two posts for each devil.

Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject:
1b. Name of interrogator:
1c. Details of capture:

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel:
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel:

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site:
3b: What triggers each known defence:

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site:
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Filmarous
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Captured on the third layer of Acheron. Sent by Xantara after a gambit to get her to appear.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: No.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa: -
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa: -
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa: -

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No beyond your battle, to his knowledge.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with: -
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals: -
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals: -
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions: -

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): Beyond the basic matters that you all know, no.
4b. Names of any devils involved: Abigor, Bel.
4c. Source of knowledge: General diabolical scuttlebutt.
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils: The glorious capture and subdual of part of the Mortal Coil in the name of Hell's glory and so on. Propaganda excised for the sake of brevity.

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: No.
5b. Source of knowledge: -
5c. Details of plan: -
5d. Timescale of plan: -

6a: Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: He has free passage to the first four layers of Hell, challengeable by the pit fiend caste or higher. In Dis, he is known as a useful servant and receives slightly more freedom.
6b: Extent of subject's authority: Can command lesser caste devils as normal for a cornugon. Has the rank of Sergeant Major within the Dark Ministry. More detail can be provided here on request.

Interrogator's signature and date: Annalise signed there, sure enough.
Scribe's signature and date: Afina signed here.
Subject's signature and date: Filmarous signed here, under as much protest as mental domination allows.

Appendix: Xantara met him via projection within a branch office of the Denomination of Morale, Truth branch. The subject has no knowledge useful about the permanent disposal of devils, beyond slaying them on Baator. The subject has no other knowledge of Xantara's activities in Hades.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Hellus the Twice-Damned.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Defeated in combat at the Battle of Earthfall.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: Yes.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa: Participated in secondary mop up operations as a part of the 4th Reserve Army, Lifasa Conquest Division. Slew approximately three dozen natives. From there was reassigned briefly to the Blood War, then to this attack.
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa: General Galleros.
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa: One of note, Bella Primrose. The maiden was taken and violated, then murdered and raised as one of the walking dead. The half fiend, undead baby is currently growing in her womb through hellish magic.

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No, beyond this battle.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): No.
4b. Names of any devils involved:
4c. Source of knowledge:
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils:

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: Yes.
5b. Source of knowledge: Rumors heard in the 4th Reserve Army, Lifasa Conquest Division.
5c. Details of plan: Operation Nature's Fall: The capture of all high ranking fey nobles for unknown ends. In addition, there is haste, as other factions are using yugoloths to gather Lifasan fey.
5d. Timescale of plan: Ongoing.

6a: Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b: Extent of subject's authority:

Hold subject pending discussion of any operations that may be conducted using their credentials and then proceed to execution with dispatch.

Interrogator's signature and date: Yep, Annalise signed.
Scribe's signature and date: Afina signed here.
Subject's signature and date: Hellus was made to sign here.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Afina is going to create a summoning room on Aurora. It will be fully enclosed but within the Courtyard rather than the fortress so as not to be dimensionally anchored. A magic circle against evil calling diagram with its own dimensional anchor will be placed within, sufficiently sized to contain a large-sized creature. She will use Planar Binding to call various devils named in previous interrogations by current captives and remove them to the dungeons after summoning (a dimensional anchor will be applied before allowing it free of the calling diagram and the devil will be KO'd and moved if it doesn't comply). Then they will be subjected to standard interrogation.

She has enough spells to summon 5 per day but will aim for 3 to keep spells in reserve. Her DC is 26.

Further, all current and new captives will have additional questions as detailed below. These need not be fully detailed except in the case of exciting/interesting information we can act upon. Otherwise it can just be assumed as part of our knowledge and used later when we mount any attacks on places that we've interrogated numerous devils about.

Temporary addition to interrogations


Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject:
1b. Name of interrogator:
1c. Details of capture:

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel:
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel:

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site:
3b: What triggers each known defence:

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site:
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:


Form 2B: Bloodletting Peak Defences

1a. Name of subject:
1b. Name of interrogator:
1c. Details of capture:

2a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian':
2b: Describe relationship with said devil:
2c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil:
2d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment:

3a. Has the subject ever been within the Bloodletting Peak:
3b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
3c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
3d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bloodletting Peak:

4a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site:
4b: What triggers each known defence:

5a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site:
5b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
5c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
5d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

6a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
6b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine':
7b: Describe source of knowledge:
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie:
7d: Where is said pixie being held:

If any devils tell us where Gathgorian lives we can apply all the Bronze Citadel questions to his house as well. We're gonna hit Bel eventually, may as well start gathering info now.

edit: Updated to add questions for Bloodletting Peak


Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject: Filmarous
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Captured on the third layer of Acheron. Sent by Xantara after a gambit to get her to appear.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: Yes.
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: Visiting to collect a bounty for a Blood War deserter and to attend the deserter's crucification on the walls of the Bronze Citadel.
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: General Zindale.
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel: Bel, Abigor.

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Dimensional lock, divination block, fireball assault.
3b: What triggers each known defense: Attempts at teleportation or divination. It is known that Bel and his closest allies are not subject to this, as well as his Green Blade special operations squad. A fireball assault happens when any non-landborn, non-devil creature approaches within 1,000 ft of the Bronze Citadel. Dozens of unholy and axiomatic fireballs a round engulf them, reducing them to cinder.

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: There are 9 legions of devils assigned to the defense of the Bronze Citadel, a handpicked honor guard.
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault: All out defense and Bel's strategies or that of a commanding devil winning the day.
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected: Capture or extermination, if the former is not possible.
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert: Seconds, as the Green Blade handles intruders as proper forces are prepared to support as needed.

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly: The outer walls have thousands of devils and deserters crucified, impaled and mounted on the walls. They do not die, but suffer instead. The walls are 99 ft thick, made of bronze harder that diamond. The outer courtyard is a defensive redoubt, dozens of barriers and defensive lines.
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly: It it said that the first fortress line, the inner courtyard and the actual Citadel are even stronger in protections.

6a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian': Yes.
6b: Describe relationship with said devil: Served on a mission with him briefly.
6c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil: Defeated a balor, four nalfeshnee and one half-fiend wizard by himself on that mission. Is known to be an undefeated champion of the Blood War. Is the highest non-commissioned officer within Hell.
6d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment: He has a keep gifted to him by Zariel, the last Lord of the Avernus. Known as The Bloodletting Peak, it is built into the side of a boiling adamantine mountain. Filmarous has not visited it personally.

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine': No.
7b: Describe source of knowledge:
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie:
7d: Where is said pixie being held:
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject: Hellus the Twice-Damned.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Defeated in combat at the Battle of Earthfall.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: Yes.
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: Guard patrols as a barbazu.
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: Lieutenant Jeze
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel: (A list of several dozen barbazu, current as of 28 centuries ago, can be provided on request. If you want this, say so.)

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Teleportation block.
3b: What triggers each known defence: Teleportation.

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: There are 9,999 barbazu ready to respond instantly to the orders of the Green Blade or any commanding officer of Colonel rank or higher, as well as any of the diabolical nobility. They possess a special trait, able to pass outward through the Citadel's walls to respond to attacks, but not inward to retreat.
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault: Immediate and overwhelming response. His superiors drilled into him that any attack on the Bronze Citadel is a personal insult to each of them, every other devil, Hell itself and Lord of Avernus. No mercy.
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected: Extermination or capture, depending on a superior's orders. Usually capture.
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert: As fast as possible. It is said the Green Blade can arrive at a threat in seconds.

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly: (Omitting redundant information about the wall and outer courtyard) Barbazu barracks - filthy places where the barbazu wait when rarely allowed rest. Fights are common. They reside at the back end of the outer courtyard.
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly: Any information on areas outside of your duty is strictly forbidden. Acquisition of this knowledge is a crime and must be reported to your superior immediately, for the removal of this information from your worthless mind, maggot. Failure to do so results in immediate treatment as a traitor and revocation of all rank.

6a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian': Yes.
6b: Describe relationship with said devil: Has heard stories about his prowess and many deeds in the Blood War. He has defeated balors with a single strike, personally withheld entire armies of dretch and rutterkin, ect. Diabolical propaganda excised for the sake of brevity.
6c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil: See above.
6d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment: Not known.

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine': Yes.
7b: Describe source of knowledge: Has heard the name with regard to rumors of diabolical fey conquest as noted in his previous entry.
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie: None.
7d: Where is said pixie being held: Unknown.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Axbraim.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: Yes.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa: Participated in the invasion as a member of the 5th assault army, tactical strike wing and participated in several battles. Thereafter was assigned to the 1st anti-partisan brigade.
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa: Duke Abigor. He ordered the entire army forward.
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa: <Large list of subordinate troops such as barbazu and spinagons. Smaller list of superiors, such as gelugons, cornugons and pit fiends. Details can be provided on request.>

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): Yes.
4b. Names of any devils involved: <Names here are redundant and all related to his assault and anti partisan assignments. Further details can be requested as above.>
4c. Source of knowledge: Personal experience.
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils: Warfare and assault, followed by partisan suppression and execution.

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: Yes.
5b. Source of knowledge: Personal experience.
5c. Details of plan: Operation Full Liberation, the defeat of any remaining partisan forces. Partisan forces are to be captured and taken to the Wailing Tree, where they are sacrificed and soul-bond to the tree.
5d. Timescale of plan: Indefinite and ongoing.

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b. Extent of subject's authority:

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul: No.
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Interrogator's signature and date: Afina signed here.
Scribe's signature and date: Annalise signed here.
Subject's signature and date: Axbraim was made to sign here.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


As a note, whenever I excise redundant information, it means that you already know what he says and nothing he adds is particularly noteworthy. Baator's nature makes a particular task identical no matter what lowly devil has it.

Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject: Axbraim.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: Yes.
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: Guard duty and patrols. Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity.
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: Lieutenant Vaegea.
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel: <List of unremarkable low and mid ranking devils excised for brevity. They can be provided on request.>

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
3b: What triggers each known defence: See above.

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault: See above.
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected: See above.
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert: See above.

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.


Form 2B: Bloodletting Peak Defences

1a. Name of subject: Axbraim
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian': Yes.
2b: Describe relationship with said devil: As a superior officer who leads the merciless extermination of demonic rabble.
2c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil: The defeat of O-Shalla, Demonic Champion, in single combat. The castigation of 99 vrocks who attempted to assassinate him. Further diabolical propaganda excised for the sake of brevity.
2d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment: Bloodletting Peak.

3a. Has the subject ever been within the Bloodletting Peak: No.
3b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
3c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
3d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bloodletting Peak:

4a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site:
4b: What triggers each known defence:

5a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site:
5b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
5c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
5d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

6a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
6b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine': Yes.
7b: Describe source of knowledge: Has heard that Gathgorian took her as a concubine and trophy of war.
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie: None.
7d: Where is said pixie being held: Unknown, logic dictates the Bloodletting Peak.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Calixin
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: Yes.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa: Came in the second wave as part of the 9th Conversion Company.
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa: General Hebarlzel.
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa: <Various figures of the 9th Conversion Company. These can be provided on request.>

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: Yes.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with: Hundreds, all deceased or converted. Conversion efforts had 81% efficiency.
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals: The proper conversion of mortals to the one way of Hell. Those unworthy were taking to the Wailing Tree.
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals: Captain Grev, through the authority of General Hebarlzel.
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions: <Various figures of the 9th Conversion Company. These can be provided on request.>

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): Yes.
4b. Names of any devils involved: <These are the same as above. Again, these can be provided on request.>
4c. Source of knowledge: Personal experience.
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils: Conversion efforts. Circle 1 through 5 were used on captured mortals.

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: Yes.
5b. Source of knowledge: General Order 9.81-C.
5c. Details of plan: Lifasan mortals with uncorrupted souls of 9 out of 9 points of deviance from the diabolical truth are to be captured alive and taken to Ascended Throne of Heaven.
5d. Timescale of plan: Indefinite, standing orders.

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b. Extent of subject's authority:

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul: No.
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Interrogator's signature and date: Afina's getting pretty good at signing these.
Scribe's signature and date: So is Annalise!
Subject's signature and date: The devils sure aren't, though!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject: Calixin.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: Yes.
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: Guard duty and patrols. Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity.
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: Captain Farsaleos.
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel: <List of unremarkable low and mid ranking devils excised for brevity. They can be provided on request.>

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
3b: What triggers each known defence:

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:


Form 2B: Bloodletting Peak Defences

1a. Name of subject: Calixin
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian': No.
2b: Describe relationship with said devil:
2c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil:
2d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment:

3a. Has the subject ever been within the Bloodletting Peak: No.
3b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
3c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
3d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bloodletting Peak:

4a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site:
4b: What triggers each known defence:

5a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site:
5b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
5c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
5d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

6a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
6b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine': No.
7b: Describe source of knowledge:
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie:
7d: Where is said pixie being held:
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Vazur
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Called using Planar Binding and thereafter captured.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: Yes.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa: Participated in secondary mop up operations as a part of the 2nd Reserve Army, Lifasa Conquest Division. Remained on reserve duty in the Burning Aeropolis.
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa: Seargent Major Crin.
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa: <List of unremarkable low and mid ranking devils excised for brevity. They can be provided on request.>

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): Beyond what was mentioned above, no.
4b. Names of any devils involved:
4c. Source of knowledge:
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils:

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: No.
5b. Source of knowledge:
5c. Details of plan:
5d. Timescale of plan:

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b. Extent of subject's authority:

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul: No.
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Interrogator's signature and date: Signed.
Scribe's signature and date: Signed.
Subject's signature and date: Signed under protest. Well, assuming he could protest.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Tenraluus.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Captured on Avernus while gathering information on the Bloodletting Peak.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: No.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa:
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa:
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa:

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): No.
4b. Names of any devils involved:
4c. Source of knowledge:
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils:

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: No.
5b. Source of knowledge:
5c. Details of plan:
5d. Timescale of plan:

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b. Extent of subject's authority: (refer to 1c. as details of capture may have invalidated all authority)

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul: No.
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Hold subject pending discussion of any operations that may be conducted using their credentials and then proceed to execution with dispatch.

Interrogator's signature and date: Annalise signed here yet again.
Scribe's signature and date: Afina can sign her name blindfolded these days!
Subject's signature and date: Tenraluus signed.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject: Tenraluus
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Captured on Avernus while gathering information on the Bloodletting Peak.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: Yes.
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: Guard duty and patrols. Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity.
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: Lieutenant Vaegea.
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel: <List of unremarkable low and mid ranking devils excised for brevity. They can be provided on request.>

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
3b: What triggers each known defence:

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity, nothing new here.
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:


Form 2B: Bloodletting Peak Defences

1a. Name of subject: Tenraluus
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Captured on Avernus while gathering information on the Bloodletting Peak.

2a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian': Yes.
2b: Describe relationship with said devil: To observe him and see if he is suitable for indoctrination, and if not, for possible elimination.
2c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil: Aiding in the elimination of the Fallen Zariel and securing his position with rallies against Zquujaj's invasion.
2d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment: The Bloodletting Peak.

3a. Has the subject ever been within the Bloodletting Peak: Yes.
3b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: To contact and turn Tylurn to the True King, 99 years ago.
3c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: No answer. Suspicion of suppressive magic, such as perhaps Forbidden Speech, established.
Additional Question: Who is Tylurn: Tylurn is a cornugon stationed within Gathgorian's house staff and guards. He has rejected the lies of the False King and wisely thrown in his lot with the True King of Hell.
Additional Question: Does he have some means of passing instructions or orders to him? A way to be authentic?: The code is that he says he is here to find the truth. The answer I give is that the truth is the True King of Hell.
3d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bloodletting Peak: A list of 98 other cornugons and 99 lesser devils was recited. These can be provided on request.
Additional Question: "Does Gathgorian keep any strong servants? Say on the level of this guy (Tenraluus): No. Gathgorian fears nothing.

4a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Teleportation wards, scrying wards, site-wide alerts connected to the entire staff via telepathic message, gas vents that poison intruders, several torture rooms that attack and attempt to torment and kill any non-devils who blunder into them.
4b: What triggers each known defence: Any staff member can trigger an alarm and message. Gas vents are triggered by the presence of non devils with no devils in certain rooms, and the torture chambers are triggered by entering them.
Additional Question: So if we had a devil guide along, no matter who went there, we would be fine?: Yes.
Additional Question: What means is used to detect non-devils?: The magic Duke Malphas placed.
Additional Question: What's stopping some loser minion from triggering the defenses out of spite to get rid of an enemy with one of those torture chambers?: Nothing.
Additional Question: No review of it, either? So that cornugon we know of could keep on triggering it on and on until it starts getting ignored?: Unknown. It does not relay with the alert system, though our source suspects Gathgorian may be alerted, or another devil.
Additional Question: Hey, now that I think of it, were there any recent cases where the alarm got triggered? As in, do we know what happened for real instead of in theory? Does Gathgorian keep on rushing back every time?: Twice and he did not. Once was a mistake by a cornugon. He was punished for incompetence. Another was due to a renegade devil attempting to break into the keep. It was exterminated.

5a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: Three shifts of 33 cornugons on active patrol and 66 at rest at any given time. They follow a regular, precise pattern. 11 on the outer walls, 11 patrolling inside and 11 on flights above and around the Peak.
Additional Question: Is invisibility in any way viable, here?: No. The cornugons are all trained to see with their minds. Superior forms of invisibility or stealth are required.
5b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault: All the cornugons take defensive positions, while alerts are sent. In the event of a serious attack, Gathgorian is to be notified.
Additional Question: Describe the defensive positions in more detail: "An outer wall 99 feet tall, with cannons that can channel and fire boiling adamantite. The courtyard is meant to hold serious assaults, with more adamantite cannons and defensive fortitifactions. Past that, the keep is constructed to have many choke points and defensible places, as well as one-way secret passages to allow troops to flank invaders that penetrate in that far.
Additional Question: How thick are the walls: Nine foot thick.
Additional Question: So what's a serious attack: Any demonic incursion, sight of outsiders above a stage 3 threat, mortal intruders or other forces that outnumber the defenders or penetrate past the courtyard.
Additional Question: What is a stage 3 threat: A stage 3 threat is an outsider above the station of a trumpet archon, an astral deva, a ghaele, a kolyarut, a green slaad, a nalfeshnee or an arcanaloth.
5c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected: An alert and immediate capture and interrogation. No more than 11 cornugons reply to any alert, unless more than 9 are dispatched.
5d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert: Immediate.
Additional Question: Do the defenses count dead cornugons, or would anyone sent into slumber be counted as well? And are they in constant telepathic communication, or it's more like the Aurora's defenses?: Confirmed kills or incapacitation.
Additional Question: So things such as charm may work: They may.
Additional Question: How far does the teleportation ward extend from the Peak: 999 ft in all directions.

6a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly: More information is provided in other documents. (Go see DM Nagging for maps.)
6b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine':  Yes.
7b: Describe source of knowledge: My spy within the Peak.
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie: She is held within Gathgorian's personal chambers. She is bound within the room by unknown means. Only Gathgorian is allowed in, and 33 of the 66 cornugons at rest are instructed to be at rest around the entrance to his quarters.
7d: Where is said pixie being held: See above.
Additional Question: Does he know anything about those personal chambers: There are nine interconnecting chambers for his personal chambers. It is believed that she is held in the third chamber. More details are unclear - even the cornugons are not often allowed into his chambers, and never past the third.

Additional Question: This guy mentioned attempts at indoctrination, so what was that all about: If Gathgorian can be brought to serve the True King of Hell, he is to be done so immediately. He is to be shown the infernal truth if viewed to be receptive. Analysis is currently ongoing. If he is not, at the proper time, Gathgorian must be eliminated so he is not an obsticle to the True King of Hell.
Additional Question: Is that 'infernal truth' something we can show devils: The Infernal Truth is the truth of who shall and must rule Hell, and tear down the false rule of the False King. Any right-thinking devil can and shall be indoctrinated. All others will be rent asunder.
Additional Question: Let's ask him about his anti-devil defenses for his demiplane, and how to make them for the Aurora! Or, I dunno, if we can make them mobile and use them to sneak into Gathgorian's place: (Note: Additional mental force was required for an answer.): My Master...I have studied it. It is...a ritual. I will write of it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


For the sake of brevity I'm doing the nine erinyes as one form.

Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Nine erinyes.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Charmed into surrender in Avernus.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: No.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa:
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa:
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa:

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): No.
4b. Names of any devils involved:
4c. Source of knowledge:
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils:

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: No.
5b. Source of knowledge:
5c. Details of plan:
5d. Timescale of plan:

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b. Extent of subject's authority: (refer to 1c. as details of capture may have invalidated all authority)

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul: No.
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Interrogator's signature and date: Nine times did Annalise sign.
Scribe's signature and date: Afina managed to sign a bunch, too.
Subject's signature and date: So did each erinyes. It's a matching set.

Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences and Child of Lifasa

1a. Name of subject: Nine erinyes.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Charmed into surrender in Avernus.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: Yes. (3/9)
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred: All three were the part of scouting of subversive units, based out of the Bronze Citadel. One served within the 3rd Hellguard Aerial Forces as a scout. Another served under the Dark Ministry, in the Reconnaissance branch of the Denomination of Espionage. A third as a seaman on the Styx, helping with forward naval patrols against demonic fleet activities based out of the Bronze Citadel. None of them went into the Citadel past where you have information on already.
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty: Lieutenant Relius, Captain Illiar, Master Chief Be'laniiiar. (Note: Be'lanjiiiaj's name is difficult to transcribe into Common, relying on certain sounds native to Infernal that have no easy transliteration. This is the best translation as can be rendered into Common.)
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel: <A list of lesser and least devils is noted here and can be produced on request.>

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Nothing new here, redundant results trimmed for brevity.
3b: What triggers each known defence:

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: Nothing new here, redundant results trimmed for brevity.
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly: Nothing new here, redundant results trimmed for brevity.
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:


Form 2B: Bloodletting Peak Defences

1a. Name of subject: Nine erinyes.
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise.
1c. Details of capture: Charmed into surrender in Avernus.

2a: Does subject have any knowledge of devil 'Gathgorian': Yes.
2b: Describe relationship with said devil: Knowledge based on service with Tenraluus.
2c: Detail any notable feats or exploits of said devil: Nothing new here, redundant information excised for brevity.
2d: Where does said devil dwell when not on assignment: The Obscured Forge.

3a. Has the subject ever been within the Bloodletting Peak: No.
3b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
3c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
3d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bloodletting Peak:

4a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for the sake of brevity.
4b: What triggers each known defence:

5a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site: Redundant information excised for brevity.
5b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
5c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
5d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

6a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly: Redundant information excised for brevity.
6b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:

7a: Does subject have any knowledge of pixie 'Ilsenine': Redundant information excised for brevity.
7b: Describe source of knowledge:
7c: Describe any interactions taken with regards to said pixie:
7d: Where is said pixie being held:

1a. Who do you consider to be your master: The True King of Hell.
1b. What is the cause of your loyalty to that master: The truth of Hell was revealed to me.

2a. Are you a deserter like Tenraalus: Yes.
2b. What is the punishment you are expected to face for said desertion: Execution.
2c. Is there any way for you to escape said punishment: No.
2d. Are there any allies you might turn to for help in escaping it: No.

3a. Have you betrayed the True King of Hell by choosing Jaela over Tenraalus and allowing the latter to be captured: Yes.
3b. What is the punishment you are expected to face for said desertion: Execution.
3c. Is there any way for you to escape said punishment: No.
3d. Are there any allies you might turn to for help in escaping it: No.

4a. Has following any sort of Hellish truth ever brought you happiness: Happiness is weakness. Joy is suffering. Violence is comfort. Submission is strength. Obedience is happiness. Yes.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Noteworth devil interrogations from Afina's summons.

Form 1A: Initial Baatezu Interrogation

1a. Name of subject: Rujan
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Barbazu summoned by Afina and captured.

2a. Has the subject ever set foot on Lifasa: Yes.
2b. Details of all actions undertaken on Lifasa: Assigned to Lord Harkin's 3rd Infantry(Purging) unit and assisted in suppressive battles on the Weeping Sea.
2c. Name of individual that ordered the subject's presence on Lifasa: Lieutenant Urgalos.
2d. List all other devils subject interacted with on Lifasa: <Various figures of the 3rd Infantry (Purging) unit. These can be provided on request.>

3a. Has the subject ever interacted with Lifasan people(s) on other worlds/planes: No.
3b. Names of individuals interacted with:
3c. Provide details of all actions taken in regard to individuals:
3d. Name of individual that ordered subject's actions towards individuals:
3e. List all other devils involved in said interactions:

4a. Does the subject have knowledge of any devils known to have visited Lifasa or interacted with Lifasan people(s): Yes.
4b. Names of any devils involved: Lord Harkin.
4c. Source of knowledge: Personal experience.
4d. Details of actions taken by involved devils: Inspected unit and demanded excellence or grievous penalties would be assessed.

5a. Does the subject have knowledge of any plans in effect with regard to Lifasa or its people: Yes.
5b. Source of knowledge: Personal experience.
5c. Details of plan: Operation Parch is the effort to exterminate persistent and unexpected marine resistance. Mixed sahuagin, sirene and mermaid activities continue despite suppressive measures, total extermination and genocide called for.
5d. Timescale of plan: Current and ongoing.

6a. Does the subject possess command rank/noble rank/free passage within Hell: No.
6b. Extent of subject's authority: (refer to 1c. as details of capture may have invalidated all authority)

7a. Does subject have knowledge of any means to permanently destroy a devil's soul: No.
7b. Source of knowledge:
7c. Details of method:

Hold subject pending discussion of any operations that may be conducted using their credentials and then proceed to execution with dispatch.

Interrogator's signature and date: Annalise is quite bored of signing her name.
Scribe's signature and date: I wonder if Afina is too?
Subject's signature and date: Rujan signed under protest.

Form 2A: Bronze Citadel Defences

1a. Name of subject: Rujan
1b. Name of interrogator: Annalise
1c. Details of capture: Barbazu summoned by Afina and captured.

2a. Has the subject ever been within the Bronze Citadel: No.
2b. Details of duties/responsibilities within site or purpose of visit and date it occurred:
2c: Name of subject's immediate superior at time of visit/duty:
2d: List of all other devils known to have duties within the Bronze Citadel:

3a: What passive defences (traps, keys, divinations, magic-blocking fields or structures) does the subject know of for the site:
3b: What triggers each known defence:

4a: What active defences (guards, patrols, fortifications) does the subject know of for the site:
4b: What activity is taken in the case of a large scale assault:
4c: What activity is taken in the case of an intruder being detected:
4d: What are the response times for defences to engage an intruder after the first alert:

5a: Describe the layout of all site locations known directly:
5b: Describe the layout of all site locations known indirectly:
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?