
"Why do you call it soulriders?"
"Because we grind your souls, hopes, and dreams down ... and ride the wave."

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Started by Corwin, June 12, 2012, 02:48:29 PM

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[19:55] <Kotono> Late in that day, Elena appears before Jaela, Afina and Ithea. She holds a list in her hand, "Okay," she announces, "We're done."
[19:56] <Afina> "Thanks. How was Crystal?" Afina asks before accepting the list.
[19:58] <Kotono> "Upset," Elena looks down, "There's some other things, but it's private. No offense, Jaela or Ithea."
[19:58] <Afina> "Right... well, lets deal with our spy first," Afina says, taking a look at the list to see how big it is.
[19:59] * Jaela shrugs noncommittally, not really knowing what it's all about and hardly about to ask.
[20:00] <Ithea> "I wasn't going to take offense," Ithea says with a shrug of her own, focusing on the list alongside Afina.
[20:00] <Kotono> As the list is passed over, "I included everyone eligible amid the command staff first," she says, "No matter what." Elena goes to sit, putting the list down, "The first one's Dana." Pointing at it, "She spent a lot of time alone in the library napping, then went out for a walk in Ysgard."
[20:01] <Jaela> "Didn't you say it was a guy?" Jaela asks, glancing at Afina.
[20:02] <Afina> "That's what Gathgarion implied, but since when were devils trustworthy?" Afina responds as she looks it over to determine how much work will be involved. "Elena, if someone on Aurora right now were talking about working with devils, would you be aware of it?" she asks, since if that's true she can cut out everyone except those who went out of the fortress.
[20:04] <Kotono> "I'm being through. Um, I mentioned to Galariel that Gathgorian said it was a guy, and he said to check everyone anyway, in case he was lying." With a hint of embarrassment, "Since he said - yes, Afina," Nodding to her words. "Well..." Pausing here, "Can you three keep a secret?" Going on before an answer, "I can hear a lot around Aurora, but not everything. My concentration isn't that good. I
[20:04] <Kotono> mean..." Pausing, "I know about those breast glasses you got Stille," A nod to Ithea, "I was listening that way when you gave them to him. But I missed something that happened in the cafeteria at the same time, as well as Elrisa's tower."
[20:04] <Jaela> "What about Galariel?" Jaela asks. "Does he listen in at all?"
[20:05] <Afina> Looking askance at Ithea and wondering what breast glasses are, Afina nonetheless nods to Elena. "Alright, that means everyone on the list is a suspect."
[20:06] <Kotono> "Not as much as I do." Elena replies, "He mostly focuses for my name and helping me along. He manages other things more." With a smile, "He says I'm better with people, and he's better working in the background." Going on, next on the list is Tannin. "Tannin stopped by for supplies, for about a half hour."
[20:06] <Ithea> "Wrong thing to focus on, Elena," Ithea says with a mixed expression of amusement and embarrassment.
[20:07] <Kotono> "Well," Going straight and puffing her chest out, "At least Galariel doesn't need glasses to find mine." She devolves into a giggle, "Sorry, sorry. This is serious, I know." Taking a breath, "Next is Arrel. He went flying for several hours."
[20:07] <Jaela> "He is," Jaela agrees with Elena, snorting at Ithea's words. "For what it's worth, I don't believe Dana fits the image of a traitor to us, or a devil spy. I know her best out of us all, I figure. Tannin, though... it's really a stretch. All the information I found on him right after recruiting him suggested he works against fiendish interests without advertising that too much. It feels too roundabout to be right."
[20:08] * Afina nods to Jaela. "We'll check everyone out somehow, but there's more names to go. Lets establish exactly what we're working up to first."
[20:08] <Kotono> "Unless he's a long term devil double agent, before even Aurora came around?" Elena replies, but shakes her head, "It seems pretty thin to me, too. If it wasn't for 27 I wouldn't even think twice of him."
[20:08] * Jaela remains silent on Arrel, since she never really got to know him at all.
[20:08] <Ithea> "Didn't Galariel kick you on your ass when you first met? And you let him see your breasts?" Ithea can't help but ask. At the mention of Tannin though, she does add, "Keep in mind that prophecy. I don't want to cast suspicion on him, but we should still keep him on the list."
[20:09] <Kotono> "Next is Elder Magi Tepen," Going on, "He's been holed up in a corner of the library alone, working on some studies. He says he's getting close to a breakthrough in his magic."
[20:09] <Jaela> "I'm not a devil myself, but I understand them well enough. It's not the plan I would take if I were to make an agent for that side," Jaela muses, before giving Ithea and Elena a chiding look. "This is not the time of the place, considering the topic."
[20:10] * Ithea shrugs. "Sorry," she says, not apologetic at taking a shot at Elena given the ghost's earlier statements.
[20:10] <Kotono> Bowing her head a moment at Jaela's words, "Right! Next is Lief. He goes out and trains in Ysgard when he gets tired of darting around the golems."
[20:10] * Jaela frowns. "It may actually be Tepen. Strong enough fiends can use your senses if they have a strong bond with you, can't they? And what's stronger than a piece of his soul?"
[20:11] <Afina> "But how long was he in the library alone?" Afina asks, "He might not have had a chance to even hear about me coming back with the Quilium armour."
[20:11] <Jaela> "That alone may clear him for good," Jaela agrees. "Elena?"
[20:11] <Kotono> " know, that makes sense," Elena replies, "He comes out every few hours for food, drink or to stretch his legs," Elena replies, "I actually talked to him about it before this. Now that he's young again, he hates being cooped up for too long. He loves just taking walks and exercising."
[20:12] <Afina> "Ah, he could have easily heard it as gossip, then," Afina nods, keeping him under suspicion for now. "Next?"
[20:12] <Ithea> "Kascha spends a lot of time in the library, and Kascha went with us when we went to fetch the everblaze," Ithea points out with a frown. "He could have heard from her."
[20:12] <Kotono> After that, "Next is 27." A moment's pause, "I said I was being complete. I don't think we have to worry about a slaad herald, but..."
[20:12] <Afina> "Good point."
[20:13] <Afina> "No, it's fine, we can't leave anyone alone over this," Afina reassures Elena.
[20:13] <Jaela> "I believe we can clear Lief," Jaela says next. "Ithea, you only rescued him from the Duke's machinations due to 27's timely advice, didn't you? He would not have been able to expect it, and so sending an assassin after him would be pointless."
[20:14] <Kotono> "Right," Elena says, "Next is Drena. He often leads the air elementals out flying."
[20:15] <Afina> "Chan's grandson should be impeccable. But then there's all those air elementals going out with him - we should check that they can all account for each other and none went off alone."
[20:15] <Jaela> "Lady Chan's direct lineage? Please." She nods at Afina after.
[20:15] <Kotono> "Next is Kascha - she technically qualifies, and I feel like I should mention her," Elena says, "Though I mean...Kascha? I couldn't imagine it."
[20:16] * Jaela recalls something, then. "Also, keep in mind Dana's armor. A devil agent would be incapable of wearing it, so if my recommendation was not enough, there is that."
[20:16] * Ithea snorts at the idea of Kascha being a traitor.
[20:16] <Afina> "Not likely..." Afina admits uncomfortably, considering how badly she got hurt for her to get the armour at all.
[20:17] * Jaela pauses, here. "In case you did not hear, I just returned from Arvandor, where the Triune personally cured Kascha of Bahamut's curse. Through such direct contact, any trechery would have been revealed. She is not with them."
[20:17] <Kotono> "Right," Elena nods, "Next...I actually thought the Master would make the list, but he's been busy with the refugees of the Burning Aeropolis and helping Gisfal with them. Normally he spends time alone improving himself, but he's been unusually busy."
[20:17] <Afina> "Oh, really? That's good news!" Afina turns to Jaela, smiling.
[20:17] <Kotono> "Oh!" Elena smiles, "I can remove her and she's cured?"
[20:17] * Jaela nods curtly. "I left her with Gisfal to rest after that ordeal. I believe both of them are happier for it."
[20:18] <Ithea> "I can imagine. Good on you for finding a way, Jaela."
[20:18] * Jaela coughs. "Moving on to the next name?"
[20:18] <Afina> "To be honest those refugees seem the most likely to me," Afina comments, "They had plenty of time to be indoctrinated, and one or two could have been left in the cells even after turning to undermine the others."
[20:18] <Kotono> "Next is Baleruk. He qualifies since he's up in his lair working on...the things he works on," Elena finishes lamely, "Those weird paintings or this and that, or about whatever it is that keeps a prismatic dragon happy."
[20:19] <Kotono> "That makes the most sense," Elena says, "I have them as a block question mark at the end, but more on that when we get to it."
[20:19] <Afina> "Yes, keep going," Afina bids.
[20:20] <Jaela> "Only a true idiot would join the side that he knows is allied with his arch-nemesis, Tiamat."
[20:21] <Kotono> "Next is Hanna." Pausing a few moments to scan down the list, "I don't think she's likely for a variety of reasons, so let's move on. Sylvie's spent some time alone as well, but with 21 I can't put any real credit to her being a traitor."
[20:21] <Afina> "Just asking her would confirm it," Afina agrees.
[20:21] * Ithea nods, agreeing with those assessments. "Anybody else?"
[20:22] <Kotono> "The next one up is Morniel - he's been out doing diplomatic missions and being busy with Celestia." Shrugging, "I'd put it at the same category as Hanna. Sage Vul'lath as well - he often works on projects by himself while having his acolytes work out lesser problems elsewhere."
[20:23] <Afina> Somewhat dismayed at just how many of the senior staff alone qualify, Afina braces herself for how many among the general ranks are at risk...
[20:24] <Jaela> "It seems easier to just say which officer was with someone at the time," Jaela mutters.
[20:24] * Ithea snorts. "It does seem to be most everyone, isn't it?"
[20:25] <Kotono> "Next is Ebony," Going on, "She barely qualifies - she doesn't spend much time alone. Between seeing to the Sylicans, the spiders and spending time with Canderella..." Shaking her head there, "I thought they were together for a little while, but I think they're just really close friends. Anyway. Finally we have Mei. Not that she could talk to a devil to betray us and she's brand new, too."
[20:27] <Jaela> "Ebony and Dame Mei? Please, again." Jaela rolls her visible eye. "Next?"
[20:29] <Kotono> "Next it's an analysis of the rank and file. They don't have as much privacy or freedom as the officers," Elena goes on, "It's the nature of how an army works. I organized them by groups rather than individuals, since individually..." A deep shrug, "Completely impossible. Anyway, the main ones who have time outside are the elementals, especially air ones who go flying. Occasionally a few rank
[20:29] <Kotono> and file will go out, but it's not as common. Finally, I have a note about the refugees for the reasons you all mentioned."
[20:32] <Afina> "Hmm, without names it'll be impossible for us to do interviews, won't it? Even if we just had Sylvie do a yes no question to them all," Afina admits in defeat upon hearing that.
[20:32] <Kotono> " know, that could simplify it," Elena says, "Have Sylvie ask everyone directly. It'll keep her busy for a few days, but if somoene is willingly betraying us?"
[20:33] <Jaela> "That would do wonders for morale."
[20:33] <Kotono> "It would work, too." Elena says, "But you're right."
[20:33] <Ithea> "Not just the morale, it also gives the spy time to know we're onto them and try to escape or do something nasty before we catch him," Ithea adds.
[20:33] <Jaela> "Good point. Sabotage would be nasty."
[20:34] * Jaela considers this for a moment. "Afina, Ithea, we suspect a spy because the devils knew about your visit to Makan?"
[20:35] <Afina> "We could lock down Aurora to prevent escape, but yes I don't like the thought of telling everyone that they're under suspicion when we rely on them so much for our own future," Afina nods. "If it was a managable number we could keep them under surveillance..." trailing off she nods to Jaela, "Yes, the timing was far too convenient for it to be anything but a tip off that we were about to depart,
[20:35] <Afina> and Gathgarion confirmed it."
[20:36] <Kotono> "Galariel was colorful about his opinion of that. Well, for him, he actually looked irritated," Elena says, "I know Hanna was muttering about it before she took Balyss and returned to Makan's lair."
[20:36] <Jaela> "Since we are looking at both genders due to the possibility he lied, he could have been lying about the entire thing to make us fight each other," Jaela points out. "But all the same, what if we look at past incidents? Were there any other times where the devils knew too much?"
[20:37] <Ithea> "Not before we made the capture of Yian," Ithea says with a shake of her head. "A lot of our operations would have gone horribly wrong if we'd had a spy then."
[20:37] <Afina> "That points again to the Burning Aeropolis survivors," Afina observes.
[20:38] <Jaela> "So we should focus on someone who either joined after that time," Jaela agrees. "How about this? Instead of wide sweeps, we institute a pledge of allegience. Just have Sylvie sit in, perhaps even not visible, and have them recite it as they join our ranks."
[20:38] <Jaela> To clarify things, she adds, "By them, I mean the rescued prisoners."
[20:39] <Afina> "That works, especially since we're about to start integrating them into our forces, and most fight unarmed like her," Afina nods. "Good idea."
[20:39] <Kotono> "Want me to take care of it?" Elena asks, "I can have it done tomorrow, even."
[20:40] <Ithea> "You know, if we wanted to clear everyone, we never actually handed out medals for that battle, and we'd started implementing them for that sort of purpose. Make a ceremony of the event, give out medals along with a request for an oath, and so forth," Ithea suggests.
[20:40] <Jaela> "Have a few test runs with her, first," Jaela tells Elena. "See if she can tell between many people speaking at once. Depending on the results, we might need to break that ceremony up into more manageable pieces."
[20:40] <Ithea> "The ceremony might actually help improve morale at that, for something that might normally lower it," Ithea adds.
[20:41] <Kotono> "On it," Elena says, "Anything else?"
[20:41] <Jaela> "Not right now," Jaela responds. "We start with the prisoners, and then see what next."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:48] <Kotono> The next morning dawns bright for three. Ithea, Muirfinn and Jaela are awoken by Elena and summoned to the meeting room. Here you find Hanna and Balyss, both looking drawn, haggard and exhausted. Balyss is nodding off in her chair, while Hanna sits heavily. As soon as the three enter, "It's done," she announces, "By the scimitars of the Whirling Fury, it's done. The dead there were put to rest,
[20:48] <Kotono> far easier now that Makan is gone."
[20:49] <Kotono> Balyss murmurs something, wings drawing in around her, like a cloak turned into a feathery blanket to keep her warm. "Hours..." she mutters, "Hours and hours..."
[20:50] <Jaela> "You deserve the rest," Jaela says to that. "In fact, why are you even here? Go and sleep."
[20:50] * Muirfinn nods. "Indeed, go rest. A great task, it must have been."
[20:51] * Ithea nods in agreement. "You can tell us if you found anything of interest afterwards as well. You two look like death warmed over."
[20:51] <Kotono> "I don't need sleep," Hanna says, "I can sit here and talk as easily as I sit quietly in my room and meditate. This is more important."
[20:52] <Kotono> Balyss murmurs something, seguing into a soft snore.
[20:52] * Jaela shrugs, leaning back in her seat.
[20:54] <Ithea> "Balyss seemed okay with our recommendations, at least," Ithea says with amusement. "Didn't even wait to get to her room."
[20:54] <Kotono> "The spirits were undead - souls bound to the court instead of passing on into the afterlife," Hanna smothers a tired yawn of her own, "Likely they would have been stolen larvae, lemures, dretches or something like that. Makan managed to make them develop on his own, I'm guessing, or he had a silent patron or did it for him. Take your pick." Shrugging just like Jaela did, "Anyway, the upshot is
[20:54] <Kotono> that we freed the souls. There were some righteous ones who did not deserve it mixed in, and they moved up and on."
[20:55] * Ithea just nods to that, and continues listening.
[20:55] <Muirfinn> "A good thing, yes." Muirfinn nods.
[20:58] <Kotono> Balyss continues to softly snore, slumping in her seat. "The actual resting was incredibly draining," Hanna goes on, "Not resting. I mean...putting them to rest." Struggling with it, wiping her eyes after, "Putting them to rest. It wasn't only channeling positive energy, we have ot face down the will of all the dead struggling against us, for hours and hours. Imagine fighting a pit fiend for 10
[20:58] <Kotono> hours without even a chance ot catch your breath once. It was absolutely exhausting."
[20:59] <Jaela> "You could've called for more help," Jaela mentions. "Though it's admirable you stuck through it, too."
[21:01] <Kotono> "By the point that we realized we could use more help, we were locked in," Hanna replies, "I wasn't sure we'd succeed in managing a Plane Shift, and if we failed we'd likely be overwhelmed." Pausing to yawn, a mouthsplitting yawn that goes on and on and on, "Mmm. Sorry. After we did that we did some searching...came back with some nice things."
[21:03] <Jaela> "Sounds like it was productive, to boot," Jaela says in approval.
[21:04] <Kotono> "Mmm-hmm," Hanna drawls, "Oh, before I forget," Hanna sits up, "Jaela, the child from the devil's box."
[21:04] * Ithea blinks. "Child?" she asks, sitting up straighter.
[21:05] <Muirfinn> "I'll fill you in later." Muirfinn says softly to Ithea.
[21:07] <Jaela> "Yes?"
[21:09] <Kotono> "I think you're about to get a sister," Crackling a warm smile, "They were asking around, and I put my name in to adopt that child."
[21:10] <Jaela> "I beat you to it."
[21:10] * Ithea raises an eyebrow at that exchange and looks at Muirfinn flatly. "You sure you can't fill me in now?"
[21:11] <Kotono> "Oh that's ni-wait what?" Hanna blinks and rubs her eyes clear, "You beat me, you're too young to be a mother!"
[21:12] <Jaela> "Says who?"
[21:12] <Kotono> Crossing her arms, "Me?" she retorts, "Jaela, you're leading an interplanar crusade against Hell. You don't have time to learn how to be a mother."
[21:13] <Jaela> "It's fine."
[21:13] * Muirfinn turns to Ithea, "Okay, so you remember that silver casket we found in the devil fortress we destroyed? Turns out there was a baby inside that the devils tried to corrupt, but couldn't. It's the distilled essence of joy, made flesh. Supposed to be very powerful when it grows up."
[21:14] <Ithea> "...Ah. Well, Jaela doesn't curse as much as she used to, I'm sure she could be a good mother?" Ithea offers.
[21:15] * Muirfinn shrugs. "Don't ask me. My people pretty much ignore our young until they can walk."
[21:16] <Ithea> "...that explains a whole bunch," Ithea mutters.
[21:16] <Kotono> "Jaela," Hanna takes a long breath, "You're not just looking out for yourself if you adopt that child. You have another life to nuture and develop, one who who will hang on your every word. What happens if you don't come back from a mission one day?"
[21:17] <Jaela> "The same thing that will happen if the devils stuff your soul into a gem on a mission one day, if you adopted her," Jaela points out. "I just have to do my best."
[21:22] <Kotono> Hanna sighs and rubs her temple with her hand. "Why do you want to adopt this child? You don't seem like the type."
[21:24] <Jaela> "There's such a thing as prying too much," Jaela says, standing up. "I'll do a good job, and that's that. Is there anything else?"
[21:24] * Ithea clears her throat. "Hanna, you mentioned finding some nice things?"
[21:25] <Kotono> "I'm your mother. There's no such thing as -" Giving Jaela a long, openly irritated look and taking a breath, "Yes, they're being sorted and appraised right now."
[21:27] * Jaela stretches. "I'm feeling tired myself. Really, anything else?"
[21:31] <Kotono> "Yes, but as obviously you're not interested in talking?" Hanna rises, going to pick up Balyss, who barely stirs.
[21:31] <Jaela> "Not about my personal life."
[21:34] <Kotono> Hanna doesn't respond with that, taking Balyss out and into the portal without another word.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:45] <Kotono> After going back to her room to clean up for the evening, Elena comes to visit?" Afina?" she asks, simply appearing in her room.
[20:46] <Afina> "Hello, Elena," Afina greets her, having expected she'd show up shortly. "Was there more, about Crystal?"
[20:50] <Kotono> "Yes. She was wretchedly upset," Elena goes to sit on Afina's unused bed, "She sobbed her eyes out...when I got her talking she looked at me and said that the fey of Lifasa continue to fade away."
[20:53] <Afina> "Ahh..." Afina nods sadly, going to sit next to Elena. "I suppose she's mourning, the me she knew is still dead, even if I was reborn in flame. What I did betrayed my fey existence very deeply... all my past existences, they formed an unbroken chain that should have stretched into eternity. I broke that chain, though. It ends with me... there's nothing more selfish, really."
[20:56] <Kotono> "Mm." Elena makes a little noise, "She asked me, rather bitterly, if she should go and seek the means to become a celestial and abandon her heritage, too. If I didn't know better, I think she felt betrayed."
[20:59] <Afina> "Oh, she did. Make no mistake," Afina shakes her head at that. "Fey live a very long time, Elena. Very long indeed. But we're never meant to be immortal, nor are we meant to pass onto the land of dreams that the planes originate from. When we die, another takes our place. What I did, it killed every fey life that would have come after me. It diminished us - them, now... forever. The fall of
[20:59] <Afina> Lifasa has made me into a twisted thing, willing to do anything no matter how terrible to see it freed and the devils crushed."
[21:02] <Kotono> "Mmm." Elena makes the same little noise again, "But now you are immortal."
[21:04] <Afina> "And if one of my past incarnations had made the same decision then there never would have been an Afina Petalwisp in all Creation," Afina summarises her point. "Even with all of that, though... I can't regret it. For Lifasa, nothing is a step too far."
[21:05] <Kotono> "You do what you have to do," Elena says, "You've accepted it that much?"
[21:08] <Afina> "If I hadn't I wouldn't be able to continue. You should ask Galariel, sometime, about how he tested us to get the key to Medicant," the pyropixie suggests, looking out the window and recalling her fierce devotion, visualising her passion to restore Lifasa as an all consuming flame that would burn through any obstacle before her.
[21:09] <Kotono> "I will." Rising up now, "Good night, Afina."
[21:10] <Afina> "Goodnight, Elena," Afina says, deciding to sleep and make the morning come quicker, even though she doesn't need to anymore. Turning invisible and hiding atop her cupboard as is her habit to deter other assassins.
[21:15] <Kotono> Sleep. In it dreams come. Dreams of pure lucidity, utter awareness once again plunging into the shattered light, into the empty white. Floating and drifting along in it, in the emptiness. Dreams of awareness, that become things unknown - things that send revulsive terror deep in Afina, even as her mind recoils, refusing to see, denying herself to look ahead. A maelstrom of these dreams,
[21:15] <Kotono> until Afina is simply awake.
[21:16] <Afina> Well. That puts Makan's last words into better perspective. Once more resolving herself to a sad eternity, Afina cleans herself and goes out to see what's happening on Aurora.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:57] <Kotono> Thus, Elena sets aside a large part of the Courtyard, clearing away of others. Here a stage has been erected, chairs for the four, as well as Sylvie and the Master. As the thousand refugees file in, you notice they look better. Well fed, clean, far less pained than before. A low murmur of discussion trickles amid them, as Elena turns back, "I think that's everyone," she announces, "I'm going to
[21:57] <Kotono> begin now, okay?"
[21:59] <Afina> "Dazzle everyone, Elena," Afina smiles briefly at the blue girl, standing attentively to receive everyone's oaths.
[21:59] * Jaela is content with a stoic presence of support. She doesn't allow herself to forget that this is a real ceremony of allegience, whatever else it might also be used for.
[22:00] * Ithea gives a warm welcoming smile to all the refugees, and waves at them. Even if there is a traitor amongst them, by and far, most of them are surely good people after all.
[22:02] * Muirfinn looks as stoic as usual, off to the side. He gazes out calmly at the refugees.
[22:02] <Kotono> Sylvie nods, "Wow them," she murmurs, as the Master merely nods and watches. Elena turns back and waves, "Alright, everyone?" Her voice raises, carrying across the Courtyard. The buzz of discussion dims down, "Today," Elena begins, blinking and reppearing. She is dressed as a military general, a shiny fruit salad of medals hanging from her tunic. "Today we begin the weighty task of taking up
[22:02] <Kotono> arms against Baator..." As she begins Sylvie glances to the others, "Do you want me to tip my hand if I catch a liar?" she whispers, "Or just make note of them?"
[22:03] <Jaela> "Wait until it's over," Jaela quietly responds.
[22:03] <Afina> "Just note them, don't disturb the ceremony," Afina whispers to Sylvie.
[22:04] * Ithea just nods in agreement for her part.
[22:06] <Kotono> Elena goes on for some time. The Master sits at serene attention, watching. Sylvie's gaze tends to move around more. Elena ,for her part, lays it on thick. Her speech extolls the virtues of victory, vengeance and justice. Occasionally she'll blink and vanish, appearing moments later in another outfit. A bandaged soldier, a brave commander in shining armor, a middle aged other, weeping but proud
[22:06] <Kotono> and then of a common rank and file soldier.
[22:07] * Jaela uses her considerable willpower to avoid any winces or grimaces that want to appear.
[22:08] <Afina> Afina is less restrained, putting her head in her hands at some of Elena's guises.
[22:08] <Kotono> In a low voice, "I'll contribute to getting Elena acting lessons," Sylvie whispers over to the others, corner of her mouth moving as she sits and watches. "Anyone want in?"
[22:09] <Jaela> "No, I think it's cute," Jaela responds quietly. "Just... I'll do the next ceremony."
[22:11] <Ithea> "I'm a little disappointed, personally. She hasn't popped up as a martial artist yet, with the ripped combat outfit and wrapped bandages around her wrists, and all that," Ithea jokes quietly, trying to keep her face straight.
[22:14] <Kotono> Soon enough, Elena wraps up, " at a time, each of you will come and repeat after me. This is a sacred oath, a vow that we will not rest until Baator is laid low and Lifasa is free!" Elena calls.
[22:15] <Afina> Perking up as they reach the meat of the matter, Afina stands tall and proud to bear witness such sacred oaths! And watch for anyone that sneaks out of giving theirs, even though Galariel should be able to handle that.
[22:16] * Jaela places her gauntleted hand over her heart.
[22:16] * Ithea likewise stands, tapping the bottom of her polearm against the ground as she look overall the refugees, smiling at them once more.
[22:17] <Kotono> Thus it begins. A steady stream, people forming up and coming by Elena. Each time the oath is completed, a cheer goes up through the crowd, another person joining the Crusade! Several look up at the generals as they give their oath, meeting those gazes back.
[22:18] * Jaela nods back at each recruit that looks up at her.
[22:21] * Muirfinn gazes out over the recruits, looking for signs of deception!
[22:23] <Kotono> About a third or so of the way through, another oath. This one is a tall, gangly man shaved bald. He bows before Elena, "I am Simah. I pledge to serve Aurora beyond all others, and faithfully and eternally aid in the reconquest of Lifasa, to the last breath in my body." In a low voice Sylvie murmurs, "One."
[22:24] * Jaela nods this time as well, just as before.
[22:24] * Ithea makes no reaction to Sylvie's statement, smiling and clapping for Simah just as she has for all the others.
[22:24] * Muirfinn holds his position, eerily still through the whole ordeal!
[22:26] <Kotono> Most of the rest go without incident. Near the end, with perhaps half a hundred to go, a muscled, short young elf with wild red hair bows before Elena. "I am the Ash Greenwood," he announces, " pledge to serve Aurora beyond all others, and faithfully and eternally aid in the reconquest of Lifasa, to the last breath in my body." A moment later Sylvie softly murmurs, "Two."
[22:27] * Afina meets this one stoicly as she has all the rest. "Welcome to the Crusade."
[22:30] <Kotono> From there, the last ones finish. A great cheer goes up, a celebration beginning!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:35] <Kotono> Thus, the five plus Adrian and Gisfal gather in the war room. After hearing the basic news, "Two of them?" Shaking his head, "Damn it."
[22:35] <Jaela> "At least two," Jaela corrects him.
[22:35] <Ithea> "Still better than a whole bunch of them. Let's hope it's just those two," Ithea says optimistically. "Plan went pretty well."
[22:36] <Kotono> "What do we do with them?" Sylvie asks, "Quietly arrest them?"
[22:36] <Afina> "But any others have been embedded far longer without tipping their hands," Afina says. "It shouldn't have been unexpected. Isn't putting false prisoners into cells to draw out confessions and discover escape plans fairly common?"
[22:37] <Jaela> "I want to say that we should use it to set a trap of our own," Jaela voices. "But I want to hear what those who have been doing this for centuries longer think of that."
[22:38] <Kotono> "It depends," Gisfal says, "If you've identified a spy, there's ways to make it worth your while to leave them free." Nodding to Afina, "It's a common enough tactic if you have someone who can fool the captives in the first place."
[22:38] <Kotono> "The problem here," Gisfal pauses for a moment, "Is that at least one devil knows about the spies and just about screamed at us to find them. This compromises how useful feeding them false information can be."
[22:38] * Jaela nods herself. "And leaving them in place gives us more time to screen everyone. It is not impossible that a sleeper agent is in place, and simply hasn't tipped his or her hand yet."
[22:39] <Muirfinn> "Giving the spy false information could result in a tactical victory for us, and if the devil controlling them is frustrated enough, they will take care of the problem for us." Muirfinn says.
[22:40] <Ithea> "The concern I have is if these spies could turn others in Aurora if we let them be," Ithea chips in. "I don't want to think it'd be easy, but it is a devil specialty to do such a thing. We already noted that they might have been let in with the other refugees for just that purpose."
[22:40] <Afina> "I think we should confront them, find out what they know, how they contact Hell, who their contacts are, and then kill them," Afina says. "Then we can deal with their contacts."
[22:40] <Jaela> "It goes without saying that we will watch them," Jaela interjects.
[22:41] <Kotono> "My opinion is to simply deal with them now. The value of false information is compromised, and who knows the diabolical politics in play?" Gisfal speaks up, "If we do choose to feed them false information, we need to think this out carefully."
[22:42] <Afina> "Any false information we feed them is countered by the valuable information they acquire just from being here and seeing what's happening."
[22:43] <Muirfinn> "I will bend to your greater wisdom in these matters, Gisfal." Muirfinn says, inclining his head. "I don't have much experience with treason."
[22:43] <Jaela> "Alright," Jaela agrees. "That's good enough to get my vote. But I think that we should announce that the information came from Gathgorian and was later independantly confirmed by us in an interrogation."
[22:43] <Kotono> "I don't know," Adrian counters, "I like the idea of giving Hell a taste of their own trickery."
[22:44] <Jaela> "Devil infighting can only raise morale, and if there are other spies left, it should be nice to pass that bit on."
[22:44] <Kotono> "That's a thought," Gisfal says, "If this is political maneuvering, it might tip off infighting within Hell's command, too. It's unlike them to willingly sacrifice an advantage for no obvious gain otherwise."
[22:45] <Afina> "It also says that we're willing to trust devil words enough to act against our own," Afina argues. "Gathgarion's presence was enough to verify we had a spy, regardless of what he said. We shouldn't imply that we relied upon his words for anything."
[22:46] <Kotono> "Isn't that what we're doing anyway? Near as I can figure," Adrian points out, swirling a finger in the air, "Gathgorian's presence was entirely meant to tell us this. "
[22:46] <Jaela> "It's the truth, and there's nothing wrong with that as long as 'relying' means 'look into things on our own'."
[22:48] <Ithea> "I'm with Afina on this, I'd rather not mention Gathgorian," Ithea states. "We don't lose anything by keeping his involvement out."
[22:48] <Afina> Frowning, Afina mutters, "As far as I knew he was there to kill us and keep us from getting the Blade of Endings... of course in the end he wasn't so I suppose it doesn't matter what I thought."
[22:48] <Kotono> "Hm." Holding his amulet in hand and thinking a few moments, head bowed and lost in thought, "I've been working on sorting out all these politics, too. I have an entire diagram drawn up back at the tower. The upshot of it involving Gathgorian is that Martinet's supporting his bid to take over for Abigor. All the sources I have identify Martinent as the voice of Asmodeus - in other words his
[22:48] <Kotono> lapdog. So if Gathgorian is doing something, there's a chance it has support from Nessus. Taelfagn is also from Nessus, isn't he? I'm trying to wrap my head around the politics of it and figure out the why."
[22:49] * Jaela glances at Sylvie. "So what do you think? It concerns you."
[22:50] <Kotono> Sylvie hums, "I think we should magically interrogate them and wipe their memory of it. If that's possible, from there we decide if we want to capture them or lead them along. Is it possible?"
[22:51] <Jaela> "It's possible."
[22:52] <Ithea> "That might have interesting results," Ithea muses.
[22:52] <Kotono> "If the devils have something in place that tips them off anyway, we probably weren't going to be able to manipulate them well anyway," Sylvie goes on, "So that's no loss. If we find information that helps us decide, great. If not...we haven't lost anything but a bit of effort and magic."
[22:53] <Jaela> "Elena!"
[22:54] <Kotono> Elena so appears! "Yes?"
[22:54] <Jaela> "You've been listening in and looking over our traitors, I assume? How hard would it be for you to redirect each of them when they go through a portal on their own?"
[22:55] <Kotono> "Done," Elena says after a split-second.
[22:56] * Jaela glances at the others. "We can even get them over here, and have the portal back blocked. How about it?"
[22:56] <Afina> "Another way to explain our knowledge would be to ask Yian," Afina adds as an afterthought. "That sounds fine, though. We'll just have to wait for them to next traverse a portal."
[22:56] <Kotono> "I'm for it. This isn't a battle we can win by force, so information seems paramount." Adrian adds.
[22:57] <Kotono> "Incidentally," Sylvie goes on, "I've never studied mind-alteration magic. Who here can manage it?"
[22:57] * Muirfinn immediately shakes his head. "Not I."
[22:58] <Jaela> "Wish or Miracle would do it. And it might not even be needed if we decide to take them in."
[22:58] <Afina> "I could use a small wish for it on one of them," Afina offers.
[22:58] <Ithea> "Don't look at me, all my magic is combat magic."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:14] <Kotono> It takes about an hour or so, but soon enough one of the two stumbles through. Ash Greenwood has a jaunty smile on his face, a tankard of ale in hand. He looks about, "Whoops!" he says, blinking owlishly, "I think I took the wrong portal!"
[20:15] <Afina> "No, this one's fine," Afina tells him. "Have a seat."
[20:17] <Kotono> "Ah, really?" Blinking again, and going to sit, "General Afina, what can I do for you?" Looking about at the others, "Or any of you."
[20:19] * Jaela moves to stand behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "We would like to talk."
[20:20] <Afina> "You lied to us earlier," Afina tells him flatly. "How long have you been taking orders from devils, Ash?"
[20:20] <Kotono> Looking up, with an innocent and amused smile, "M'lady, if you wanted to get close to me, but you need but only ask...or any of you...though I'm not sure what the tu-" That stops his entirely cold, "What?" His voice drops down into the basement, becoming a hoarse croak.
[20:21] <Afina> "You heard. Do you think us fools? That there isn't magic to detect falsehoods and lies?" Afina asks, leaning forward. "How long?"
[20:23] <Kotono> Looking at the fiery, cute pixie before him, as Jaela's hands keep him in place, "I-I haven't!" he protests, "They took e-everything from me!"
[20:23] <Kotono> "He's lying," Sylvie speaks up, "In every word." She sits, hands in her lap and demurely watching the scene before her.
[20:24] <Jaela> "Lying is bad," Jaela insists, pressing Ash further into his seat with her not inconsiderable strength.
[20:24] <Afina> "Thank you, Sylvie," Afina smiles briefly at the blonde before regarding the elf again. "We can drag it out of your head if you'd prefer to be stubborn. You think we don't have ways of dealing with devils and their servants? Even Yian has spilled everything he knows while rotting in our dungeon."
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: Make intimidation checks, you two?
[20:26] <Jaela> roll 1d20+24+15 I'm pretty scary!
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+24+15 I'm pretty scary! and gets 48." [1d20=9]
[20:26] <Afina> roll 1d20+7 I'm not
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Afina rolls 1d20+7 I'm not and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[20:29] <Kotono> Terror and disbelief war on Ash Greenwood's face! He looks at Afina, laughing - a strangled laugh, even as the soft whizzing of his terror spreading from his groin is heard. "Y-you're a fairy," he stammers, "C-cute, but..." Staring up at Jaela, pressed down, "Oh, don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!" he whimpers, curling into himself into a ball! "I'll be good! I'll do what you want!"
[20:30] * Ithea just silently watches for now, looking over at the coward then towards Sylvie.
[20:30] <Afina> If he weren't obviously terrified of Jaela Afina thinks she might have had to set him on fire. "How long?" she repeats, vexation showing on her childishly adorable face.
[20:30] <Kotono> Sylvie makes a face at the scene, turning to Ithea, "Sad," sh emurmurs to Ithea.
[20:32] <Kotono> "Don't hurt me!" he cries, trying his hardest to curl into a ball in the chair, even as Jaela pushes his shoulders down. His words switch to accented, halting Infernal, tumbling over one another, "My sovereign Bel, who owns this worthless soul, shall forever use me as his weapon of war!" he babbles, "Don't hurt me! I'll do it!"
[20:33] * Jaela bites down on her sigh.
[20:34] <Kotono> Sylvie does the same, forcing down a sigh. "He's not lying now, if it wasn't abundantly obvious that he's terrified.
[20:34] <Kotono> OOC: Gah.
[20:34] <Kotono> Sylvie does the same, forcing down a sigh. "He's not lying now, if it wasn't abundantly obvious that he's terrified." Pausing to twirl a bit of her blonde hair as she watches it, "He broke under torment?"
[20:35] <Afina> "Sad indeed," Afina sighs, thinking they should just magic the answers from him and let it be rather than endure this whimpering. "Are you going to answer our questions or just cry about it?"
[20:37] <Kotono> Looking up with shaking terror, "Y-you won't hurt me if I obey?"
[20:37] <Ithea> "No. We won't," Ithea says gently, trying to calm down the poor fool. "Not if you tell us the truth."
[20:39] <Afina> "Don't make promises you can't keep, Ithea," Afina cautions. "We may as well just use magic if he can't keep himself together. Vul'lath, if you would?"
[20:41] <Kotono> Sage Vul'lath steps forward, chanting a few words! Ash Greenwood goes still at this, "It is done. What is the first question?"
[20:42] <Afina> "How long has he served Hell," Afina repeats the troublesome question.
[20:45] <Kotono> After a moment Sage Vul'lath replies, "About four months. He broke under torture, and gave away his soul to stop the pain."
[20:47] <Ithea> "The fool. All he did was trade for an eternity of more pain to stop it then," Ithea says quietly with a shake of her head.
[20:47] * Afina nods to that. A pity, if he'd held out just a bit longer... "What information has he passed to devils since turning?"
[20:48] <Kotono> "Pitiable," Sylvie agrees, "Absolutely pitiable."
[20:48] <Kotono> After a few moments Sage Vul'lath frowns, "Everything he has seen, for it is stored within his empty soul." Frowning even more now, "Allow me a followup, this begs questions."
[20:52] * Afina patiently waits for Vul'lath to do his own investigative followup.
[20:52] <Ithea> "Is this questioning being passed on?" Ithea asks. She doesn't want to mention Teppen in front of Ash if it is.
[20:52] <Kotono> After several more moments, "I asked what he meant by an empty soul. His reply is that his soul was ripped out and tossed into eternal damnation. According to the devil that did this, only a few fragments and an imprint of his personality remain." Frowning even deeper, "Ash Greenwood died months ago. All that's left is a broken tool."
[20:54] * Ithea can't help it, and winces.
[20:55] <Afina> That such things are possible makes Afina widen her eyes. "I'm not even sure if further questions have any point, now..."
[20:56] <Kotono> "Bastards." Sylvie bows her head down, "Another lemure joins Hell and they don't even let his body rest."
[20:57] <Ithea> "Can...can any of the other refugees have an empty soul? Been broken and then the body been told to forget the torture or whatever?" Ithea asks, wondering if there might even be some spies that don't even know they're souless puppets to the devils.
[20:57] <Kotono> "What was done to him and who did it are still in need of elaboration," Sage Vul'lath replies, "Would you care to let the devil that did this do this to others of your realm?"
[20:58] <Afina> "You're right," Afina nods heavily to Vul'lath, recognising the wisdom. She uses her ability to sense evil to see if he even registers or if the devils have a counter for that even while formulating her next question. "Ask that next, what precisely was done to him."
[20:59] <Kotono> The creature before you radiates no evil.
[21:03] <Kotono> Sage Vul'lath nods heavily, closing his eyes. He is silent a time, "He was taken from the Burning Aeropolis to an isolated manor house. The devil there - a pit fiend by description - uses his claws to rip not into his body, but his soul. He chanted words of arcane power and removed his soul, as one could remove the shell from a nut." Here he pauses again, "Then 'liquid darkness' was poured into
[21:03] <Kotono> the emptiness of his soul. Unfortunately, what this darkness is not known to him, but I suspect it is why his body is still animate and functioning."
[21:04] <Afina> "That sounds like the devil that took part of Tepen's soul," Afina notes, "This could be a good opportunity. Ask him about the layout of the manor?"
[21:07] <Ithea> "I'm still curious if the devils can see us questioning him now since you mentioned they can see anything he sees. Do the devils know their spies are compromised? Or do they need to report in some fashion to send that information?" Ithea asks again. "And I'm also still concerned about whether we could have spies that don't even remember becoming spies...though I don't know that he would even know that much."
[21:09] <Kotono> Sage Vul'lath nods once more, as Elena blinks away briefly. Meanwhile, "The front entryway is decorated with statues of the Fallen," He responds, "That seem to watch him. Perhaps golems or other animate statues. He was taken downstairs - there is a secret passage behind the main stairway. Yes, the ninth brick must be pushed in," Sage Vul'lath murmurs, "Down steps, down deeper, to a place of
[21:09] <Kotono> darkness, fear and pain." After a beat again, "He reports by leaving Aurora and vomiting up 'liquid darkness', which evaporates instantly. He has been commanded to ensure he does this, even at risk to his own life."
[21:12] <Afina> "That makes things easier to watch for," Afina nods in relief, "Has he been tasked with any other roles beyond surveillance?"
[21:13] <Kotono> "None," Sage Vul'lath replies, "He is to watch and live here."
[21:13] <Kotono> "I'm worried too," Sylvie finally says, "Can we get some of this liquid darkness? If we can figure out how it works, perhaps we can begin to counter what the devils have done?"
[21:15] <Afina> "Hard to do if it evaporates instantly. Any ideas for that?" Afina asks the group at large.
[21:15] <Ithea> "It's harder for someone to be an unwitting spy if it requires this vomitting, so that's good to know," Ithea comments. "And what if he vomits within Aurora's domain? He did say he needed to leave before vomitting."
[21:16] <Ithea> "Aurora's protections might keep it from evaporating somehow."
[21:16] <Kotono> Elena reappears, "Sorry, had to help with something," she says, "Did I miss anything?"
[21:16] <Ithea> "Nothing major. What of Simah? Has he done anything unusual while we've been questioning Ash, Elena?"
[21:18] <Kotono> "No," Elena replies, "He's drinking with several others."
[21:18] <Kotono> "We could dig it out of him?" Sylvie says, "This isn't a person, it's a leftover shell. There's no reason to keep it alive."
[21:20] <Ithea> "Maybe. I'd like to see if we can keep him alive for now, in case we have any more questions or the like. Still, we'd only need one for that probably. Either Simah or him," Ithea says slowly as she debates the matter. "I'd at least like to wait until we have Simah in a cell here as well."
[21:21] <Afina> "Later," Afina says, "And if we do we should keep it well away from Tepen. There's no telling if it might infect him somehow," Afina cautions. "Any more questions for him?"
[21:22] <Ithea> "Does he know any devil names?" Ithea asks.
[21:22] <Kotono> Sage Vul'lath replies after a few moments, "Several. Mostly the names of lesser pain devils and the like. Nothing particularly noteworthy."
[21:23] <Jaela> "Speaking of the Old Man, has he heard the devils mention Tepen?" Jaela speaks up. "Him or his soul?"
[21:25] <Kotono> A question is presumably asked, and the answer is, "No. The name Tepen or Elder Magi means nothing in particular to him,  unfortunately."
[21:26] <Afina> "Does he know of any others who underwent the same process and ended up on Aurora?" Afina asks more on the off chance since she highly doubts it.
[21:27] <Jaela> "Or in resistance forces," Jaela adds. "If they have any spies...."
[21:27] <Kotono> Again the answer is, "No," At this point Sage Vul'lath speaks up, "Are there any  more questions?"
[21:28] <Afina> "I think we're done?" Afina says, looking to the others as well.
[21:29] * Jaela nods curtly. "I think we don't need to make a spectacle of this. Are we putting what's left of him to rest now?"
[21:31] <Afina> "Unless anyone wants to try and get a sample of that black stuff?" Afina looks at Ithea and Sylvie's way.
[21:34] <Kotono> "I do," Sylvie says, "I'll need to prepare summoning spells and use them to do surgery. I don't know what that liquid darkness is, but I don't want to touch it."
[21:35] <Afina> "We'll put him in the dungeon until you're ready, then," Afina nods to Sylvie, getting up to handle escorting him there.
[21:39] <Kotono> Simah takes another hour or so - but he comces. He walks in, whistling. He stops, "Huh. I thought this was going back to the cafeteria," he says, voice really rather surprised. "Sorry for the interruption!"
[21:41] <Afina> Not inclined to beat about the bush this time, Afina gets right to it. "Did you surrender your soul to Hell, Simah? Were you taken to a manor where a pit fiend clawed out your soul and replaced it with liquid darkness? Are you a spy?"
[21:43] <Kotono> "Oh. Fuck." Simah looks on, "I'm not a spy...I'm..." he pauses a moment, "I'm just trying to make it by. I mean..." Abruptly a second later, he turns back and dashes through the portal - only to reappear coming out of it a split second later. He stops and stares, "...Well fuck."
[21:44] <Afina> "At least you didn't wet yourself," Afina sighs. "Where were you going to run to?"
[21:44] * Jaela sighs. "Please. Did you think about it at all?"
[21:46] <Kotono> "It seemed like a good idea at the time?" Simah finally just shrugs, "Okay look, I'm busted. I'm not even from Lifasa. I'll cooperate if you promise me that I can leave after this."
[21:47] <Jaela> "You will cooperate with us here," Jaela says, smiling at him the way Hanna does, sometimes, "or in a cell. With or without magic. Your choice."
[21:48] <Afina> "So what were you doing in the Burning Aeropolis's dungeon if you're not from Lifasa?" Afina asks, hashing out how he got here to start with.
[21:48] <Kotono> Sighing, "Guess I don't have a choice, do I? I do mercenary work for the Blood War. Got a lot of contacts amid the fiends, and one of them wanted me to do some work with this bunch of prisoners in the Burning Aeropolis."
[21:49] <Jaela> "What sort of 'work'?"
[21:49] <Kotono> "Keep an eye on 'em, make sure they don't fold up and give Governor Yian what he wants," he admits freely, "Subtle work, too."
[21:50] * Afina looks briefly at Sylvie for confirmation on that.
[21:50] <Jaela> "And why did you stay with the Aurora for the past month?" Jaela continues, figuring that Sylvie would comment on any spoken lies.
[21:50] <Kotono> Sylvie nods ,"He's telling the truth."
[21:52] <Kotono> "It's a hell of a place," He admits, "You treat us better than the fiends treat paid mercs." Pausing, "I was gonna forget my past for awhile and get on board. I'm no stranger to fighting fiends, from demons to devils and all the 'loths in between. I've got no compunctions about spilling fiend blood."
[21:52] <Jaela> "Who were you working for at the Burning Aeropolis? Demon or devil?"
[21:55] <Kotono> "Devil. Governor Silvber." He replies easily, "Got the impression that he didn't much like Governor Yian." Pausing a few ticks, "You want the truth, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Name's Simah," Offering a hand out, "Want some help? Free of charge under the circumstances."
[21:56] <Jaela> "Execution, I think?" Jaela muses, glancing over at Afina and Ithea. "Unless he can provide something that leads to Silvber's capture."
[21:57] * Ithea raises an eyebrow, but doesn't dismiss the idea. She's not about to readily trust someone like Simah so easily. And he's already shown with his vow that he's not in it for Lifasa. For now, she watches his reaction to Jaela's declaration.
[21:58] <Afina> "Silvber's as much our enemy of Yian. It doesn't recommend you to us, much," Afina tells Simah, unamused but witholding judgement on whether he needs to be executed. "You willingly subjected yourself to the tortures and indoctrination that Yian gave his prisoners?"
[21:58] <Afina> *as Yian
[22:01] <Kotono> "Ah hell, we don't need to do that," he says warmly, "Governor Silvber's all tied up in the Outer Ring Fortresses. Had to go through more protections than I could count to see him," he replies, "Best bet is to draw him out somehow or another, he's acting like his own little Dispater in there." After a moment, voice growing hard, "General Afina," he draws that out, "I've served in the Blood War
[22:01] <Kotono> for years. I've had worse for months at a time. No weaklings survive; by comparison, Yian's indoctrination was a vacation." Crackling his knuckles, "I can fight, much better than I've been letting on. I can gather information and sneak around with the best of them. I'd probably do great helping Tannin out, seen him around a few times. Geas me if it helps."
[22:02] <Jaela> "If you liked us so much, why didn't you come forward and offer your services?" Jaela asks, now curious. "Why did you lie about your allegience if you claim to want to give it so much, now?"
[22:03] <Ithea> "You clearly don't care about Lifasa, if nothing else," Ithea adds. "Your vow told us as much."
[22:03] <Kotono> "I was getting to know Aurora, and besides?" Shrugging, "I figured you'd hang me as high as a goristro's head. You're right, Lifasa's not my world and I don't care about it. But I'm a business man, not a fiend. I'm offering a fair service, both free and as an apology for this whole thing."
[22:04] <Afina> "I have one question," Afina speaks up, "It'll decide your fate so think carefully and be honest. Have you ever harmed any Lifasan that wasn't already working for Hell?"
[22:05] <Jaela> "I value free choice, so this was your miscalculation," Jaela voices, moving to sit down. "There is my vote, but I won't press this matter beyond it."
[22:05] <Kotono> Snorting, "Yeah, a few times," he admits, "Had to smack around a few that started to break, snap them out of hysterics." He replies, "Part of the job."
[22:06] * Afina looks at Sylvie to see if he's holding back.
[22:06] <Kotono> Sylvie nods, "He's telling the truth. For my side, he's truthful and trying to save his own skin."
[22:07] <Jaela> "And how long would it take you to run away? What if you got a better offer lined up some time in the future?" Jaela voices.
[22:07] <Ithea> "You suggested we geas you. Do you have any way to get out of it?" Ithea asks, following up on Jaela's thought.
[22:08] <Afina> "I'm satisfied there's no need to kill him," Afina says, leaning back and letting Jaela determine if he's worth conscripting anyway.
[22:08] <Jaela> "His future employer could do it for him," Jaela says dismissively.
[22:08] <Ithea> "Or are you going to be giving an honest attempt at working with us?"
[22:08] <Kotono> "As long as it takes my feet ot get away from you," He admits, "Never was any good at magic," he says, "I'd stick with you guys - I've heard of how fast you can travel the Planes and move around. What's the point? You'll catch up to me and make your displeasure known."
[22:09] <Jaela> "The rest of the decision will have to take place without you," Jaela tells Simah. "Who wants to take him to a cell?"
[22:10] <Kotono> "I'll do it," Sylvie stands.
[22:11] <Jaela> "Thanks."
[22:11] <Kotono> Once Simah and Sylvie are gone...
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:12] <Jaela> "I'll be frank. He offers to be our spy. That means he will be handling our secrets, the way Tannin does. That gives him leverage and insight into our plans, both things he could always use to find a fiendish sponsor out there that could protect him. Why would we even be contemplating retaining his services?"
[22:14] <Kotono> Elena returns with Gisfal and Adrian in the meanwhile, as they all settle in with the others. Once in place, "I agree," Gisfal says immediately, "Is he pentient at all?"
[22:14] <Afina> "He could be worth retaining merely as a warrior," Afina suggests, "I agree that we shouldn't grant him any great authority or trust, of course."
[22:15] <Jaela> "Not in the least," Jaela tells Gisfal, before shaking her head. "Afina, don't you remember how we worried over rumors? Even as a soldier he will learn much, especially if you consider that he will be doing so while pretending to be drinking with his friends."
[22:15] <Kotono> Adrian hums briefly, "Didn't we have this argument before with Annalise?" he speaks up, "He could be useful, but look at how that ended up."
[22:15] <Jaela> "She had no reason to work with our enemies," Jaela says curlty, expression neutral.
[22:16] <Ithea> "I'm actually curious about the fact that we're okay with bringing in vampires, prophetic slaad, abominable dragons and so forth into the crusade, when we know they too don't have Lifasa's interests at heart...but a human rankles you so, Jaela," Ithea comments. "I don't actually care to bring him in, but I just found that odd."
[22:16] <Afina> "You're right," Afina concedes to Jaela. "Alright, lets give him some supplies and set him loose on Ysgard, that'll be the end of it."
[22:16] <Kotono> "I'd support if he expresses a desire to atone. He's a living mortal, they always have a chance to atone as long as they live. If not," Gisfal frowns, "He's a constant risk, and one that's shown he'll sell his services and do what it takes to survive."
[22:17] <Jaela> "None of them showed any desire to betray us at the drop of a golden coin," Jaela tells Ithea icily. "You can be sure I will act the same way towards them if they had."
[22:20] <Kotono> "I'll deal with it?" Elena speaks up after that, raising a hand meekly.
[22:21] <Ithea> "If you say so," Ithea says with a shrug, but doesn't take it further than that. She does cross her arms, and notes, "He did say we treated him better than anything he's ever gotten before. I found that interesting. Not necessarily something that will change my vote from dumping him out in Ysgard, but still. Interesting."
[22:21] <Jaela> "Not just yet, please," Jaela says, frowning. "Since I'm outvoted about this, we should wait until we had a chance to pass on word to Makaril. The last thing I want is for him to use what he learned of us here to try and infiltrate their camp for his old masters."
[22:23] <Kotono> "Right," Elena stops where she is.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:23] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, we don't have time to do much else, though Ithea wa sgoing to draw from the deck apparently. IS that still true, Ithea?
[22:25] <Ithea> ooc: If we're done, sure.
[22:25] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, let's do this here since we have some time.
[22:25] <Kotono> How many draws, Ithea? Declare that first.
[22:25] <Ithea> ooc: I was going to draw three, because I am a fool that cannot leave sleeping dragons lie!
[22:26] <Kotono> Okay. 1d24, roll them one at a time.
[22:26] <Ithea> roll d24
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d24 and gets 15." [d24=15]
[22:26] <Kotono> We'll resolve them each in turn.
[22:27] <Kotono> Ruin! You lose all nonmagical possessions and wealth. What does this all take from you?
[22:28] <Ithea> The stuff from Makan's loot pile, my pretty dress, and some knick-knacks.
[22:28] <Kotono> Okay. Roll again once your sheet is edited. List what you list in loot.
[22:28] <Ithea> roll d24
[22:28] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d24 and gets 16." [d24=16]
[22:28] <Kotono> ----
[22:30] <Kotono> Ithea draws the second card! It becomes the image of a skull card, growing into immensity! It looms over Ithea, sliding down to become the vast floor around her! Before her, 30ft away, is a writhing, howling spectre! Before Ithea can react, it pounces at her! OOC: Init.
[22:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+15 spectre
[22:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 spectre and gets 32." [1d20=17]
[22:30] <Ithea> roll d20+17
[22:30] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+17 and gets 26." [d20=9]
[22:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'Wraith(32)>Ithea(26)'
[22:30] <Kotono> In an instant it is on you, clawing for Ithea's throat!
[22:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+20 touch AC?
[22:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 touch AC? and gets 40." [1d20=20]
[22:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+20 touch AC? ow
[22:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 touch AC? ow and gets 29." [1d20=9]
[22:31] <Ithea> ooc: 28
[22:31] <Kotono> roll 2d10 and fort
[22:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d10 and fort and gets 18." [2d10=8, 10]
[22:31] * Yuthirin ( has joined #dunes
[22:31] <Ithea> roll d20+27+7 inspiration
[22:31] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+27+7 inspiration and gets 52." [d20=18]
[22:31] <Kotono> The dread wraith rips into Ithea's throat, but she dodges out of the way of the worst somehow! OOC: Go.
[22:33] <Kotono> OOC: Excuse me, double that damage since it was a crit.
[22:33] <Kotono> roll 2d10 more
[22:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d10 more and gets 14." [2d10=5, 9]
[22:35] * Ithea opens up with her worst, grimacing at her luck with the damn cards as she clicks her boots before attacking! First is a quickened polar ray, then attacks in full with her glaive channeling arcane might through it. (OOC: Haste, AS5)
[22:35] <Ithea> roll d20+25 ranged touch
[22:35] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+25 ranged touch and gets 39." [d20=14]
[22:35] <Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100 since it's incorporeal.
[22:36] <Ithea> ooc: ghost touch!
[22:36] <Kotono> OOC: The spell's ghost touch?
[22:36] <Ithea> ooc: Oh, that's not. Thought it applied.
[22:36] <Ithea> roll d100
[22:36] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d100 and gets 43." [d100=43]
[22:36] <Kotono> OOC: No love on the ray. Attack routine now.
[22:37] <Ithea> roll d20+33 PA-7
[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+33 PA-7 and gets 47." [d20=14]
[22:37] <Ithea> roll d20+33 PA-7
[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+33 PA-7 and gets 51." [d20=18]
[22:37] <Ithea> roll d20+28 PA-7
[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+28 PA-7 and gets 40." [d20=12]
[22:37] <Ithea> roll d20+23+7 PA-7 inspiration
[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+23+7 PA-7 inspiration and gets 39." [d20=9]
[22:37] <Ithea> roll d20+18+7 PA-7 inspiration
[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+18+7 PA-7 inspiration and gets 28." [d20=3]
[22:37] <Kotono> OOC: All hit
[22:37] <Kotono> .
[22:38] <Ithea> roll 5d10+100+70+10d6+10d4
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls 5d10+100+70+10d6+10d4 and gets 273." [5d10=8, 10, 8, 10, 2][10d6=2, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 2][10d4=2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 2, 4]
[22:39] <Kotono> With that, her ghostly glaive burning, Ithea rips the spectre into bits! It dissolves, reality returning with a jarring thunk! OOC: Okay, you killed it. Roll the third draw.
[22:39] <Ithea> roll d24
[22:39] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d24 and gets 2." [d24=2]
[22:40] <Kotono> OOC: Reroll that one, don't want to deal with Comet the way I do levels.
[22:40] <Ithea> ooc: You suck!
[22:40] <Ithea> roll d24
[22:40] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d24 and gets 22." [d24=22]
[22:41] <Ithea> ooc: If your laziness got my soul voided, I will hate you forever.
[22:41] <Kotono> OOC: I laughed, but that is a dick DM thing to do. I'll call those cancelling out washes since you got a good result last time. Roll again adn this one'll count.
[22:41] <Ithea> roll d24
[22:41] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d24 and gets 24." [d24=24]
[22:42] <Kotono> Roll a will save immediately.
[22:42] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 61." [1d100=61]
[22:42] <Ithea> roll d20+25+7 oh come on! (inspiration, because fuck will saves and cannibal demons!)
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Ithea rolls d20+25+7 oh come on! (inspiration, because fuck will saves and cannibal demons!) and gets 48." [d20=16]
[22:52] <Kotono> Ithea draws a card! On it is the images of hundreds - each a different race! She rises into the air, bursting aflame as...OOC: PM and more. Go ahead and describe yourself after the PM.
[23:07] <Ithea> Ithea blinks as she stares at herself again and thinks that someone in the fire planes has some horrible sense of humor regarding Aurora and it's members, as her fur has disappeared, replaced with an orange tinted skin and her hair now resembles heavily Afina's and Simmer's firey locks.
[23:07] <Ithea> Unlike the two fey, however, her own transformation has left no hint of her past self, and overall she feels almost diminished for it, as she tries to come to terms with her transformation into a fire genasi.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[19:43] <Kotono> The next day Afina passes in work at the forges. She loses herself in it, seeing to Aurora's prosperity and continued might. At some point - she isn't sure when, so lost in her work - Crystal joins her. She hangs back and watches, silent for a time, head semi-bowed.
[19:46] <Afina> Aware of Crystal's presence, Afina sets aside the axe she'd just made and turns to her fellow fairy if not fellow fey. "Is it always going to be like this, now?" she asks, fluttering over on wings of flame.
[19:52] <Kotono> Crystal sighs. She draws it out, "I don't know." She admits this much, "I go back and forth between sorrow at what happened, anger at Hell for causing it to go to this and despair that things are so ill-fated that your choice may have been an understandable one."
[19:54] <Afina> "If you want you can damn me for being an overconfident fool that got complacent and suffered her just desserts," Afina offers, "But anything's better than moping around and looking at me like I have some terminal wasting sickness."
[19:59] <Kotono> "You're lucky this isn't the old Court. Her Majesty may have been less inclined to forgive a failure in disposing of a problem," Crystal's voice is followed by a deep sigh, "But Her Majesty has her own problems, too. In the immediate term, your services won't be needed in the fey realms. Introducing a fey who left the Cycle will cause a variety of ultimately unrelated arguments into the
[19:59] <Kotono> current negotiations and politicking. Past that, Her Majesty is inclined to accept your condition."
[20:02] <Afina> "It would be hard to assassinate her own assassin," Afina remarks dryly at the thought of this happening back in the Gloaming Forest. "Alright then, I have plenty to stay busy with here. We uncovered a devil spy amongst the Aeropolis prisoners yesterday, and I acquired the Blade of Endings. How have things been going for you?"
[20:10] <Kotono> "Two fold. The public first," Crystal decides, "Queen Ilsenine is doing political visits, talks, calling in favors and trying to rally as much support as possible. We'll bring back allies, I believe, but the question is how many. Some oppose Ilsenine for this or that, personal or public distastes. Some believe it is best to fortify non-fallen worlds instead, in case Baator attempts this
[20:10] <Kotono> again, rather than throwing troops against an accomplished coup."
[20:13] <Afina> "Hell isn't going to be put off by any number of fortifications. The only way we can be truly safe is by fighting back as hard as we can," Afina asserts. "You remember how fearsome the defences of the Gloaming Forest were when we all combined forces?"
[20:16] <Kotono> "I agree," Crystal nods slightly, pausing to flutter in the air and rub her temple, "Of course, convincing fey of something they wish not to believe is a difficult task, even on the best of days. We fight on." A pause, "In personal...Her Majesty is suffering from nightmares again. When we are put up for the night in noble guest quarters, it has become habit for me to share Her Majesty's bed
[20:16] <Kotono> - for she needs one to cling to as the nightmares take her, someone to hold her during her darkest moments." In a quiet voice now, "It may be that someone is influncing her nightmares in some way, making them flare up, but as of yet we've not found evidence of it. If a powerful noble has decided to take personal offense to Ilsenine, it may be we never find proof."
[20:19] <Afina> "You can cast dispel evil, can't you?" Afina asks her paladinly friend. "Do that when her nightmares next flare up. If someone's causing them they'll suffer an unpleasant surprise. And if you do find out one is responsible, remember I can kill them without having to be seen and advertise my failing to other fey."
[20:28] <Kotono> That does draw a slight nod, "Yes," Crystal agrees, "If we find out who, we'll be in touch," Crystal says, and then finally she reaches out. She lays a hand on Afina's shoulder, grimancing, "You're hot as an oven," she says, yanking her hand back. Shaking it with a grimace, "Afina..." Stopping that and looking at her, "You're my friend, but I need time. But when I return, we'll resume and
[20:28] <Kotono> lead on...for Lifasa."
[20:32] <Afina> "I may be able to do something about that, but one thing at a time," Afina shakes her head rather than get into her prismatic potential. "Good luck out there, and bring everyone back safe."
[20:34] <Kotono> "Promise," Crystal finally smiles, turning away, "Until we meet again, Afina!"
[20:36] <Afina> Waving Crystal off, Afina goes back to work.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[19:41] <Kotono> Jaela goes to Hanna's quarters. After some knocking, "Yes?" Hanna's voice calls from inside, "Enter."
[19:43] * Jaela opens the door at the prompting. As she steps aside, Jaela calls out ahead of her, "Did I give you enough time to rest? Feeling better now?"
[19:50] <Kotono> Hanna lies on her bed. She is topless, wings wrapped around her front to provide modesty, and her blanket over her lap. A tall pitcher of water and a glass is nearby, the pitcher about three fourths drained. "I'll need a few more hours, but the worst of it's past," she goes on, "We don't tire like mortals, so when something drains us enough to cause it, it always seems to hit hard. At
[19:50] <Kotono> least for me."
[19:52] <Jaela> "I knew it," Jaela agrees, kicking the door closed. "But you're too stubborn to take perfectly good advice and go rest on your own." She grins at her mother, and pushes the pitcher of water off to the side to take a seat on the table. For a change, she doesn't feel the need for her armor, and her own weight would hardly dent it. "Still, I figured I might as well come and read you a bedtime story."
[19:54] <Kotono> Hanna rests back, letting her wings fall away as she lies down, then onto her side. Propping her head up with one hand, "I suppose you acquired that trait honestly," she murmurs, smothering a yawn with her hand, "What sort of story?"
[19:54] <Jaela> "The best kind! It's got axes in it."
[20:00] <Kotono> "Sounds bloody," Hanna opines, "That is a good kind."
[20:03] <Jaela> "It better be," Jaela quietly mutters. "Before that, though. About earlier today. It's not easy leading a Crusade and having family around, you know? There's things you can ask me, but the people I fight with and my subordinates sure as hell can't. You get me? I'm trying to take a step back from the troops as it is."
[20:07] <Kotono> "Yeah." Hanna admits, "I apologize, I was tired and wasn't thinking straight." Admitting that much with open candor, "Still, Jaela...I was serious. Raising a child is a huge responsibility. It'll change you in ways you never expect, and give you a whole new suite of responsibilities."
[20:09] <Jaela> "I know that. And that, too." She nods. "It just felt right. It's not like I had some secret reason. I'm the one who first picked her up, right? Maybe it's got something to do with that. I gave it a couple days to think about it, just so I don't jump into something I can't handle blindly. But here we are."
[20:12] <Kotono> "What if you die and don't come back? What if your soul is dragged screaming into the Pit, Light help us?" With a sad yet serious face, "These are risks we face in fighting Hell. Who takes over for you? Who mends the broken heart of your child?"
[20:14] <Jaela> "Isn't it obvious? That'd be you. Same thing if it were reversed." Jaela shrugs. "Let's be honest here. You face the same risks as me. I might be more prominent here at the Crusade, but I'm also harder to take down, and you surely have your own enemies from your past to make up for any difference and then some."
[20:23] <Kotono> With a soft little nose Hanna draws the blanket up to cover her up to her chin. "You'd best raise that child well, then," she finally says.
[20:24] <Jaela> "Yeah." Jaela crosses her legs and cracks the book open. "And with the heavy stuff out of the way, here goes!"
[20:28] <Kotono> Thus you read, stories of greataxes and mastery, hours passing...
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[19:39] <Kotono> Muirfinn is at rest, communing with nature and Water. His meditations in the farms are disrupted slightly, as Tannin comes to sit next to him. "Rotten business with those moles," he says without preamble, "Heard all of you were busy while I was digging up the dirt on that book."
[19:43] * Muirfinn nods without opening his eyes. Perpipherally, he is aware of Tannin, much as he is aware of Chok off in the distance, stalking a cow. "Yes, shameful business. There is belief that there are more of them, though they will be rooted out in time. Such a thig cannot be tolerated in this. It saddens me to see it happen." A pause, "What have you found on the book, then?"
[19:47] <Kotono> Tannin glances over at the stalked cow, "Nice pet," he commends idly, "Well, the Sherrod estate was a dead end. Old noble family with roots in the local equivalent of derring-do and adventuring. It came on bad finances, so the last generation decided to recapture those old glories. Turns out some ghouls and shadows thought otherwise. Real sad affair." Tannin explains, "None of it connects with
[19:47] <Kotono> that book near as I can tell, and nothing's awry with the records, or showing anything on Vel or his agent." Pausing to scratch his chin, eyes turing pearly white, "Did go through some old records, it mentions the book a couple of hundred years ago. Says it's nothing but a recipe book. Nears I can tell, they're all clean and this was sleeping under their noses."
[19:53] * Muirfinn nods. "It seems that way. The research I have done seems to indicate that further looks into the nature of this beast are...insidious. The creature has a way of influencing the minds of those that research it. I came across a book that began as a critical analysis of Father and it's horrid ways, and it eventually degenerated into madness and cravings for flesh. If you choose to continue
[19:53] * Muirfinn your searches into this, I strongly urge you to be careful, and get yourself checked by one who can heal the mind and purge evil. For the first time in quite a while, I have no immediate fears for my people. Instead, I fear for my own sanity, and yet I cannot seem to pull away from locating this creature. I feel that it must be destroyed, for the good of all."
[19:55] <Kotono> Quietly looking down, "Yeah, could've told you that," he mutters, "I think it's an Abysspawn of some kind or another, if that wasn't obvious. Did some more questioning around on it, on the side since I was curious. Got a few bits of information about it if you're game."
[21:08] <Muirfinn> "I am. Tell me what you have."
[21:09] <Kotono> "Dug at some real old legends. Ancient," Tannin grunts, "You familiar with Demogorgon, Prince of Demons?"
[21:10] <Muirfinn> "Indeed." Muirfinn's eyes are open now, his meditation completely shattered by the unwanted mental image of the demon, as depicted in texts. A grimace crosses his face.
[21:11] <Kotono> "Familiar with Pale Night, too?" Tannin asks, "Another demon lord, if you aren't."
[21:12] <Muirfinn> "Wasn't she destroyed some years back?" Muirfinn asks. "I recall reading a recent text on it."
[21:16] <Kotono> "I know she lost control of the Children of Androlynne, but last I heard she was still kicking," Tannin says, "Nevermind, it's tangential." He starts ruffling in his cloak, "I found parts of the Valgadda(Which is No More) Codex." Frowning at it, "Every reference has which is no more added in to it. Anyway, it's all pertains to the Father."
[21:19] <Muirfinn> "Perhaps she was merely defeated, then. Or her forces. Texts can elaborate and embellish, sometimes. Cross-referencing is often required for researching a specific topic." Muirfinn nods, more to himself than to Tannin. "I've never heard of Valgadda, I'm afraid."
[21:20] <Kotono> "Neither have I," he admits, handing a bit of parchment over, "This is all I could find. It's a damaged copy of a copy of a copy," he says, "Even with that, this is old."
[21:21] * Muirfinn frowns. "Copies like that will doubtless contain errors, but it still could be a valuable resource." Muirfinn says, taking the bit of parchment and reading it.
[21:22] <Kotono> Thus Muirfinn reads the fragments!
[21:27] <Muirfinn> Frowning deeper and deeper, Muirfinn finally rolls the scroll back up and carefully places it in his pack. "This corresponds with what I have read, really. I came across a book in the library that inferred that Father might be the spawn of Demogorgon. That Pale Night was involved is disturbing, yet unsurprising. It will take me some time, but I might yet be able to glean some effective information
[21:27] <Muirfinn> from this. I have some sources to check, as well as needing to speak with Afina on crafting this weapon mentioned within. I think we might be uniquely suited to destroying the beast."
[21:27] * Muirfinn stands. "You have my thanks, Tannin. This is valuable information indeed."
[21:29] <Kotono> "Yeah, all in a day's work," Tannin rises, "I'll have my official report done up all nice in a day or two, but it won't be anything to bring about great change." Stretching, "Ah, that's the stuff. You ever heard of this Glasae Queen? I'm not too sharp on my fey lore. Figured she's a logical next step."
[21:30] <Muirfinn> "No, I have not. It's one of the things I must speak to Afina about, and perhaps Queen Ilsenine as well."
[21:36] <Kotono> "Good luck and good hunting. While you're at it, got another task for me to look into?" Tannin inquires, "I don't really feel like sitting around Aurora for long."
[21:39] <Muirfinn> "I don't suppose you've come across any tales of black dragons that deserve to die?" Muirfinn looks amused.
[21:41] <Kotono> "Got tied up in that Father business," Tannin shakes his head, "But I can go do that, sure. Got tired of greens?"
[21:47] <Muirfinn> "I have my own issues with blacks, and to a lesser extend all of Tiamat's brood." Muirfinn says, then looks thoughtful. "Speaking of, actually, perhaps a better request would be to ask you to find a way for us to foil Tiamat's plans on Avernus. Killing evil dragons is noble, but throwing a wrench into her plans would be much more productive, I'd bet. If you're willing, that would be your next
[21:47] <Muirfinn> job."
[21:48] <Muirfinn> "Any way we could turn it to our favor would be a bonus as well."
[21:50] <Kotono> Here Tannin hums, "Avernus? That's going right into the snakepit. I can nose 'round there, but I'm going to want to be damn sure protected from being nicked with scrying.  Heard what's happened with the others and being spied on. If they catch me there...I wouldn't make a good lemure," Tannin shudders, "Get me something that'll do that, and I'll do it."
[21:51] <Muirfinn> "I'll speak with the others about requisitioning you that item."
[21:51] <Muirfinn> "You might have to hang about for a few days, though. At least unti they return from Celestia."
[21:55] <Kotono> "That's fine," Tannin says, "I can do that. I'm not going off there without one. Oh!" Snapping his fingers, "Almost forgot! I can't speak for anything below the waist, but above the waist she's just right. Good work!" Grinning and slapping Muirfinn's shoulder, "Didn't think you had it in you!"
[21:56] * Muirfinn blinks for a moment, then snorts, letting forth a sharp hissing laugh. "We'll see what happens, Tannin. We'll see."
[21:57] <Kotono> "Hell, there I was, going down the Infinite Staircase," Tannin grins and waves and arm, "And she flies up, introducing herself and telling me all about the brave soul who nearly gave his life defending the lillend."
[22:00] <Muirfinn> "A very nice young lady, yes." Muirfinn says. "Or maybe not so young. Who knows? Speaking of, she mentioned something to me that I found interesting. According to her, there is a group of dragonkin that are attempting to conquer the Infinite Stair. Know anything about that?"
[22:05] <Kotono> "She mentioned it in passing," Tannin says, "Wanna split the difference? I go nose around about that, then come back and we see about Avernus?"
[22:05] <Muirfinn> "Sounds like a good plan. See what you can scrounge up and come back."
[22:06] <Muirfinn> "She made it sound like them conquering the Infinite Stair would be a bad thing. Since you use it so much, I figured you'd be invested in it as well."
[22:14] <Kotono> Standing up, "I'll get to it first thing in the morning," Stretching, "Good luck with that Father thing. It sounds heavy."
[22:15] * Muirfinn nods. "To you as well." Muirfinn says, heading off to collect his errant dino before it actually harms a cow.

[22:19] <Kotono> OOC: Anything you wanna do/follow up on with that, Muirfinn?
[22:20] <Muirfinn> OOC: Was gonna hit the library and write up a proposal on things, but I doubt that needs actual IC involvement. If you wanna skip ahead or focus on #evil, NBD.
[22:32] <Kotono> OOC: What's the proposal going to be?
[22:34] <Muirfinn> OOC: An unfinished work on how to deal with Father, as far as I am aware. It requires more research before it sees action.
[22:35] <Kotono> OOC: Anything in particular you're going to be researching here? Any related leads or anything like that?
[22:36] <Muirfinn> OOC: The Glasae Queen is a good start!
[22:37] <Muirfinn> OOC: And whoever this Aameul is.
[22:37] <Kotono> OOC: You can make an K:N check on her with the library bonus. K:P on Aameul.
[22:39] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+32+10 K:N
[22:39] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+32+10 K:N and gets 47." [1d20=5]
[22:39] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+19+10 k:p
[22:39] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+19+10 k:p and gets 40." [1d20=11]
[22:45] <Kotono> The Glasae Queen is a mysterious fey monarch. She rules over the Fey Marches and is said to represent the irrepressable light of life. Legends say she was born of her own desire to exist, willing herself into being. She resides in the Swan's Keep, a castle built of water and reeds amid a vast lake in the fey realms. (More)
[22:46] <Kotono> Aameul is one of Demogorgon's heads, with the other being Hethradiah. Both are insane and yet control Demogorgon as one, constantly in competition and yet somehow working together. IT is a madness beyond description, two as one, and yet not united.
[22:49] <Muirfinn> OOC: Is Crystal still in town?
[22:50] <Kotono> OOC: No, she didn't stay long. You'd have to get her Sended or the like.
[22:51] <Muirfinn> OOC: I shan't interrupt her then. Any other fairies about that would be somewhat knowledgeable or scholarly?
[22:51] <Kotono> OOC: Lady Skye comes to mind.
[22:54] <Muirfinn> OOC: Off we go then!

[22:57] <Kotono> You find Lady Skye in Queen Ilsenine's quarters, where she holds court. Two other pixies are with her, dismissed with a wave as Muirfinn approaches. "Muirfinn, I believe?" she says, sparing him a glance.
[22:59] <Muirfinn> "Indeed. It is good to meet you, LAdy Skye. Do you have a few moments?"
[23:08] <Kotono> "I suppose I can grant you a few moments," Lady Skye replies, "What is it you seek?"
[23:10] <Muirfinn> "I have been doing some research into the recent security breach via an abomination by the name of Father. Appeared in Ithea's quarters some time ago. Recent research has turned up the name of a fairy queen that goes by the name of the Glasae Queen. I was wondering if you had any knowledge on the subject."
[23:11] <Kotono> "The Glasae Queen?" Lady Skye repeats, voice a little hollow, "I didn't think anyone but a fey would know of her!"
[23:14] <Muirfinn> "My research material has been quite obscure, I assure you."
[23:16] <Kotono> "Hmph." Giving Muirfin a new look, moment of surprise gone with the wind, "The Glasae Queen is monarch of the Fey Marches. She represents the will of life to be lived, the part of the Cycle that is high summer, the greatest apex of life."
[23:20] <Muirfinn> "I see, I see. That corresponds with what I've been reading today. Is she friendly to non-fey?"
[23:23] <Kotono> "It is said she'll meet anyone who finds their way through her castle." Tapping her lips, "But it is a maze of peril and mysteries, said to have been dreamed into being by Queen Titania, who ordered the Glasae Queen sequestered away within it."
[23:23] <Muirfinn> "Ordered it so? Why?"
[23:24] <Kotono> "It is not a matter discussed," Lady Skye says, a hint of ice coming to her voice.
[23:25] <Muirfinn> "Interesting. How does one come to get to this place, then?"
[23:30] <Kotono> Here Lady Skye alights down, sitting in Queen Ilsenine's throne. She steeples her hands together, "If you could gain access to the fey realms, you would need to travel to the Fey Marches and seek Swan's Keep."
[23:32] <Muirfinn> "Would a Gate spell suffice, or is a fae ring the better method of transportation?"
[23:34] <Kotono> "I believe your magic would work, but I doubt one such as you would come through where you desire. Far too many fey would see it as a chance for mischief." Lady Skye replies, "'twould not be an easy journey."
[23:37] * Muirfinn nods. "She might hold information vital to the destruction of the demonspawn, though. She was mentioned in the last text I was given regarding it. If there is no other way to communicate with her, then I likely do not have a choice."
[23:38] <Kotono> "If you must, confer at least with Afina, if not Queen Ilsenine," Lady Skye replies, "I would not go without at least one fey guide, if not official support fron the Queen."
[23:39] * Muirfinn nods. "I will. Thank you for your time, Lady Skye."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[02:51] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> The golden splendor of Brightwater stretches out before you after Balyss finishes chanting the words of travel. "Ah," Stille takes in a breath, not immediately letting go of Ithea's hand, "Coming back for pleasure is always a fine thing."
[02:52] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Simmer looks around, taking it all in, "Fire's prettier," she says after a few looks, "How're you holding up, Ithea? Feeling like burning anything?"
[02:53] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Sylvie takes her own cursory look about, "Did you want to shop first or go to Rapture first?" she asks, seeming to ignore the others.
[02:54] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "The Gates of the Moon are prettier than both," Balyss adds, rather quietly. "Still, no good saying that too loudly. If nothing else, it courts trouble by being disrepectful."
[02:54] <Ithea> "Not particularly. My nature doesn't seem to have quite changed like yours and Afina's did," Ithea says with a shake of her head. Turning to Sylvie, Ithea answers, "At least some shopping first, I think. I wouldn't mind getting into something a little more comfortable."
[02:56] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "I know a few boutiques here," Stille speaks up, "Shall I lead on?"
[02:57] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "You aren't going to come in and shop for clothes with us, are you?" Balyss asks, "Or is it a unisex shop?"
[02:57] <Ithea> "Lead on, kind sir," Ithea says with a gesture for him to move forward, smiling. She's thankful none of them are reacting weird to her change.
[02:58] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Oh, I don't plan to," Stille admits lightly, "But at the least I can do is introduce you to a shop of choice."
[02:58] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> roll 1d100
[02:58] * Hatbot --> "Ko-AtelierLaggy rolls 1d100 and gets 80." [1d100=80]
[02:58] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> roll 1d100
[02:58] * Hatbot --> "Ko-AtelierLaggy rolls 1d100 and gets 27." [1d100=27]
[03:03] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> You walk amid the golden city of Brightwater. As you pass by gleaming buildings of wealth and prosperity, "Step right up!" Smoothly, from out of the crowd around you, you can see a wagon and horse. The back of the wagon is pointing towards the street, covered with a purple curtain. A stocky, black haired human, rather on the short side, stands before it. He is clad in black head to toe, all fine
[03:03] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> and fancy, like a grim noble. "Step right up! Ma'am, ma'am, sir, ma'am and ma'am, why don't you five step right up here, for I have a lifechanging, world shifting, fortune making superprize right here!"
[03:03] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Sylvie glances at him and doesn't even slow down, continuing on.
[03:03] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Hm?" Stille slows a moment, "An interesting claim, my good man. Can you substantiate in any solid way, beyond the a stream of words?"
[03:04] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Balyss slows, and under her breath, "Sounds like a fast talking huckster. We get them in Balmuria occasionally - they'll try and talk you into something and get your gold, before your common sense catches up."
[03:04] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Simmer glances at him, quietly curious.
[03:06] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Oh yes sir, yes I can substantiate such a claim swiftly, for right behind these curtains I have a rare prize won from the gladitorial arenas of Warrior's Rest, fresh from the unimaginable and glorious carnage of Tempus Foehammer!" He speaks fast, one word deftly flowing into the next, not even seeming to stop to breathe. "This prize is not only a prize, but a super prize! An award for might,
[03:06] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> valor and bravery so great that any discerning warrior could use it to immediately gain greater martial pussiance no matter what field they study, be it tripping, slashing, rushing, bashing, whacking, hacking and even mashing!"
[03:08] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "I-" Balyss begins, but she is cut off, "Now listen here, ma'am, and let me elaborate a little further since I'm not done yet! Now have you ever been in battle, pressed against hard odds and wondering if you're going to survive! This super prize is the perfect compliment to long, dangerous odds of any and every type, no matter how impossible they seem! Do you want to be remembered in bardsong
[03:08] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> forever, as the warrior who singlehandedly routed an entire army and brought sweet victory! Well sir, if you want to be that person this super prize is waiting just for you!"
[03:23] <Ithea> "I have limited funds, and unless one of my companions feels interested enough, I at least shall pass," Ithea replies with a shake of her head. "Even if I am curious as to what wondrous prize could help such a thing to come to pass."
[03:26] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Thank you, but no," STille turns away, "Shall we continue?"
[03:27] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "But ma'am, allow me to explain why you should put your hard earned gold down towards this super prize!" The merchant explains, "If you're just stay a few moments I'll elaborate further!"
[03:29] * Ithea waits to see if any of the Balmurians says anything, otherwise he'll get one final 'Sorry, but no' before Ithea moves on.
[03:31] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> None of them bite as the party proceeds on. Soon enough you end before a grand, pillared golden building. "Ah, here we are. Go in and ask for Eliae," Stille says, "Ah dear Balyss, perhaps the two of us can drop in on father while the rest deal with Ithea's wardrobe?"
[03:31] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Balyss half turns, "That's an idea. Do you mind, Ithea?"
[03:36] * Ithea shakes her head. "Go ahead, you two. We'll stay around this area," Ithea answers. "Maybe Sylvie and Simmer can find something of interest for themselves too."
[03:39] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "I'll find something fiery," Simmer shrugs, wandering off. Sylvie lingers, however, "I think I'm stuck with you." she says, smiling a little bit.
[03:43] <Ithea> "Great. A second opinion will be useful. Although given how unfamiliar this body is right now, maybe I count as second opinion all by myself," Ithea says with just a bit of a sigh, as she starts stepping into the store, turning to give a short wave to the siblings before going in.
[03:45] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Coming in and patting Ithea's back as she goes, "It could be worse." Ahead is an open, marble floored expanse. Far ahead is an open bath full of steam, a curtain of it obscuring what lies within.  Paths of inlaid gold lead ot stairs up and down, as well as to passages leading deeper within.
[03:48] <Ithea> "Yeah, I could have drawn four cards instead," Ithea replies. "Hrm...which way, do you think?"
[03:55] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "I'm glad I even look twice at that damn thing," Sylvie mutters, calling out, "Hello? Anyone here?"
[03:56] <Ithea> "We were told to ask for Eliae?" Ithea also calls out.
[03:58] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Hello there," She appears out of thin air, a barefoot woman wearing sky blue silks and with her long, black hair tied back in a waist-long ponytail. Her skin is tanned dark, "I'm Eliae?"
[04:00] <Ithea> "Oh, hello. It's a pleasure to meet you," Ithea says as she extends a hand for shaking. "I'm Ithea of Aurora. I had an accident with my wardrobe and need to do a fair bit of replacing for it. You were highly recommended," Ithea adds.
[04:03] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> She takes Ithea's hand, a dainty and delicate grip. The scent of exotic spices comes to Ithea's nose at the contact, "Oh really? Who recommended us?"
[04:04] <Ithea> "His name is Stille," Ithea answers easily enough.
[04:07] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Eliae's expression turns into a rueful, unamsed glare. "Stille. I should have known." Sighing and rubbing her head, "So Ithea, how far along are you with him? At least a little bit if he's helping you out like this."
[04:08] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Sylvie makes an 'oooooh' face and steps back a bit, "You and Stille...?" she asks.
[04:14] * Ithea sighs as well. "I wouldn't say he's being -that- helpful, if you feel the need to ask such a personal question," Ithea can't help but comment. "We've gone on a few dates if you must know."
[04:17] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Ah, Stille. The Ladykiller." STarting to walk along towards the steam, "He'll give you the world and save you for nothing but a smile. Problem is that he can't help but do that for other women, too." Standing before the wall of steam now, "Go in and disrobe once you're past the steam. No one can see you within, don't worry. Step into the water and imagine the outfit you want. It'll appear on
[04:17] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> you. If you like it, say keep and it'll be made for you. If you don't, imagine something else and repeat."
[04:19] * Ithea blinks. "That's rather interesting," Ithea says, as she goes inside the room. She doesn't comment on Stille's nature, having already had more than enough warnings about him and his ways, not to mention her own instincts from when she first met him.
[04:22] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> Sylvie follows as you enter the wall of steam. You pass through it easily, finding a 10ft by 10ft bath. Steam rises plentifully from it, obscuring everything within. "Wonder how it works," she observes, and pausing, "Does it work with two people in it at the same time," she calls back, "Or would we need to take turns?"
[04:25] <Ko-AtelierLaggy> "Go ahead, it can handle two," The voice calls back. As Sylvie begins to disrobe, in a low voice heard clearly by Ithea with her superior hearing, "For what it's worth, Stille doesn't lie to you."
[04:43] * Ithea doesn't say anything, but at least smiles since it doesn't seem there's going to be hard feelings of any sort with the ex. Disrobing as well, Ithea's first thought upon entering the waters is of familiar comforts, comfortable and practical clothing to wear with her armor and from day to day in Aurora.
[04:47] <Kotono> Such clothing appears on her in an instant, mist swirling up to garb you in cloth! Sylvie steps in as well, clad in a simple blouse and skirt, white and brown, respectively. She twirls in the water, which doesn't wet your clothes at all - just your bodies. "I used to wear simple clothes like this, back when I first became a problem solver. Now if it's not enchanted with magic wory of an archmage,
[04:47] <Kotono> I don't even look twice at it." OOC: Feel free to describe if you like.
[04:48] <Ithea> ooc: Eh, pass. I'll save descriptions for fancy dresses for balls and special events. Replenishing wardrobe doesn't warrant it!
[04:50] <Ithea> "Keep," Ithea says as her first outfit appears, before imagining a few more simple and practical outfits and likewise saying the word once she's satisfied.
[04:51] <Kotono> Sylvie does the same - the next are simple clothes, followed by a gown of pale white. As you stack up outfits, "So what are you going to do if you're stuck as a genasi?"
[04:53] <Ithea> "Not much besides getting used to it. If the goddess of cats can't or won't do anything for me, then I'm stuck with this body and I'll get used to it. It's not all that bad, even if it's weird not to have any fur. I feel even more naked. On the plus side, nobody whose opinion I care about seems to be taking it hard, so that makes it easier too."
[04:55] <Kotono> "Balmuria was unusually cosmopolitian for a mortal city," Sylvie goes on as she examines her current gown, "Not quite right," she murmurs, before going on, "Plus with Aurora, you get used to the odd swiftly. Moreover, I think Afina stole your shock and thunder here. The deck really had no taste - this is like a tired rehash of what happened to her. Hm, maybe it's an echo of it?"
[05:00] * Ithea laughs. "I guess I am like a bad copy at this point. Simmer's gone through it too, so even Afina's a rehash of that for you and Balyss," Ithea says, as she imagines a slightly different outfit. While most outfits have been ones that would look good and practical on herself as either genasi or catfolk, she tries
[05:00] <Ithea> imagining something that accentuates her new features, imaging a dress that flows like tendrils of flame with flickers of black, and an emphasis of orange.
[05:00] <Ithea> "What do you think?" Ithea asks as she twirls against the water, showing the dress off to Sylvie.
[05:01] <Kotono> "You look like Afina and Simmer," Sylvie says deadpan, but waves a hand, "It suits your new look. Wear that when we go to Rapture."
[05:02] <Ithea> "Really? I went for more orange than red," Ithea says, as she imagines some ways to improve it and make it look a little less like Afina's and Simmer's current styles.
[05:03] <Kotono> "A little more black. Neither of them do much with black," Sylvie hums, "Just like that. I figure, if we do meet Lady Sharess there, there's no harm looking our best. It might impress her."
[05:06] <Ithea> "Hrm..." Ithea says in thought as she takes Sylvie's advicement. With the mention of Lady Sharess, a cute little belt buckle resembling a pair of sleeping kittens also gets added to the dress, as if picturing cats enjoying the warmth of a cozy fireplace.
[05:06] <Ithea> "Too much?" Ithea asks, a bit surprised at where her thoughts led, though she personally finds it kind of cute.
[05:07] <Kotono> "Now you have it," Sylvie encourages, "I don't think you can overdo cats with her. Unless it leads to her taking a fancy to you. According to bardsong...well, I don't need to fill that in, do I?"
[05:10] <Ithea> "How do you know she won't take a fancy to you?" Ithea asks in retort.
[05:12] <Kotono> "I'm not a feline," Sylvie shrugs, " it a hunch with 21." Here she goes to sit at the edge of the water, "I'm slowly learning more about 21. If pushed to it, I don't think any deity would like me as long as I carry it. Whatever 21 is and whatever the Gods are, they don't mix."
[05:13] <Ithea> "Even the good ones?" Ithea asks curiously.
[05:15] <Kotono> "Think so." Sylvie says, "21, the Guardian and probably the Three Incarnations don't really mix well with divine power. You know what I think?"
[05:16] * Ithea gestures for Sylvie to continue even as she finishes tiny little touches on her dress and says "Keep."
[05:19] <Kotono> "That those Three Incarnations are the same thing as the unknowable things outside of Creation," Sylvie says, "That for some reason they created all this. Have you ever seen a particularly bright star in the night sky, surrounded by dark? That's what I imagine Creation's like. Why I don't know, but I want to find out."
[05:26] <Ithea> "Hrm, sounds kind of like you're okay with 21 now. Does it feel like less of a burden now?" Ithea asks as white and silver dress starts to shape around her.
[05:28] <Kotono> "No." Sylvie says, not really following that up as she instead studies Ithea's gown. "Interesting contrast with your hair," she ventures. Then, "It's that...I really hate it, but it's what I have now and I made my choice. Especially after letting Jaela have it for Annalise. I wish I'd told her I wasn't going to be a part of that. If the death Annalise had is the power of 21, it's even worse than
[05:28] <Kotono> I imagined."
[05:32] <Ithea> "It works better with my old hair," Ithea admits, but still says. "Keep."
[05:35] <Kotono> "If you get it back, wear it out sometime," Sylvie encourages, "You know how I said my world has a heavy destiny? I think I got sucked into a story I had no business being in," Sylvie continues, "Sort of riding the wave of others and blundering into this. Maybe it's divine punishment for the choices I made leading to it, maybe it's just chaotic whimsy. I feel sometimes I shouldn't have 21; I
[05:35] <Kotono> dream about Jaela having it, or Afina, or you or even Adrian, Hanna, Morniel or Muirfinn."
[05:39] <Ithea> "Muirfinn is very steadfast, I imagine he'd gladly take on the burden and barely even blink. Though if what you say about the gods and 21 is true, perhaps he would find it just as heavy a burden," Ithea muses. "As for you, I think you've more than paid for whatever choices you've made, surely. You've been reunited with two good friends and made new ones, haven't you?"
[05:43] <Kotono> "I don't know," Sylvie admits, "I was never much of one for moral theology. Depends on which particular deity you ask." Kicking her legs as she sits there, "Going to get any more?"
[05:46] <Ithea> "No, not for now. I have enough to live on and a few dresses now. It'll suffice until the next time we kill a dragon or something. Won't be more than a week, I'm sure," Ithea almost jokes.
[05:48] <Kotono> Smiling at that, Sylvie gets dressed. Once the two of you emerge back out, Eliae is there. Approaching her from the side doors are several young ladies, each carrying brown paper wrapped packages. "Here they are," she announces. "Do you want them delivered? We'll drop them off anywhere in Brightwater."
[05:50] <Ithea> "I'll carry them. I'd also like to wear one on my way out, actually," Ithea replies.
[05:52] <Kotono> "Just step back into the mists," She says, "Anything else?"
[05:53] * Ithea shakes her head, as she goes back inside, putting on the orange and black dress back on before re-emerging. "How much will it be, Eliae?"
[05:56] <Kotono> At this Eliae sighs and maks a shooing motion, "My mother would never forgive me if I charged one of Stille's friends," she says, sounding entirely peevish. "He saved my sister, my father and my mother twice - once after I broke it off with him since another girl got his fancy. He's a terminal do gooder."
[06:01] * Ithea raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure? We did get quite a few outfits between the both of us, Eliae."
[06:03] <Kotono> "I'm sure." She says, grumpily crossing her arms beneath her bust. "He knew I'd do this, too. Something happened to your wardrobe and Stille swoops in to help. It's the eladrin in him, he tries to be everyone's prince."
[06:07] <Ithea> "Well, for what it's worth, his sister is much the same," Ithea shares with a smile. "She was the one lending me the money to replace my wardrobe before Stille recommended this place. But I thank you for the gesture then, and accept. I'll come back again in the future, as well as recommend you to others in Aurora as well. If nothing else, future business will hopefully be a bit more profitable for you then."
[06:09] <Kotono> "He has a sister? Waukeen's Treasury!" Eliae sighs, rubbing her forehead, "Thanks for that, at least."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[22:45] <Kotono> Thus Muirfinn exits Aurora and steps through a Gate. He appears in sunlight. Oh! The sun is so bright here, overwhelming! Muirfinn stands atop a mountain, on a peak. The sun above is close, so close! It hangs larger than life in the sky, sunlight basking his entire body. From within this light a voice calls, "Son of Water who called on the hand of Chaos to reach me." It is a man's voice, strong
[22:45] <Kotono> and sure, vital. "You who have opened a gate to this sacred realm, you seek sunfire?"
[22:48] <Muirfinn> "I do! I am Muirfinn, of the Aurora! It was by happenstance that I came across the means to learn of you. Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?"
[22:53] <Kotono> From within the endless sunlight above, a single glass sphere the size of an apple descends. It is a perfect sphere and within it golden fires dance. "Within this sphere is the fire of the sun. It holds the secrets you seek.""
[22:56] <Muirfinn> "I see. My thanks. What is you want in return?" Muirfinn asks.
[23:00] <Kotono> "I require nothing," The voice from above replies, "The trials your Aurora will face are more than enough." On that reply there is a welling of sunlight, dazzling Muirfinn's eyes. When he can see again, Muirfinn finds himself in a bright, open field. It's similar to the field he appeared in on his first visit to the House of Nature.
[23:02] <Muirfinn> Well, so much for heading back through the portal he was concentrating on! Muirfinn takes the sphere and puts it in his haversack, setting off!
[23:04] <Kotono> OOC: What's your plan now? Wandering for awhile?
[23:07] <Muirfinn> OOC: Gotta wait till the next day. Alas. I will wander Elysium!
[23:07] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[23:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 54." [1d100=54]
[23:07] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[23:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 65." [1d100=65]
[23:07] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[23:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 51." [1d100=51]
[23:07] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[23:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 54." [1d100=54]
[23:07] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[23:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 75." [1d100=75]
[23:12] <Kotono> Muirfinn wanders. Hours pass in sunshine as he travels the green fields, feeling energy throughout his body. Warmth blankets him, never unpleasant and always drawing him further along. Eventually, Muirfinn comes to see something on the horizon - what looks to be a village, tilled fields and houses far away.
[23:17] <Muirfinn> Aha! Civilization! Muirfinn soldiers on toward the village!
[23:20] <Kotono> As muirfinn advances, he sees that the village is made of sod and brick and wood, simple, one story buildings of no great size. Coming closer, you can see the houses form a loose square around the center, where therein is a pond. Around that pond are stone benches.
[23:21] * Muirfinn investigates, heading up to one house and knocking on the door!
[23:24] <Kotono> You find there is no answer to your knocking.
[23:25] * Muirfinn tries the door!
[23:25] <Muirfinn> "Hello?"
[23:27] <Kotono> The door does not open, nor is there an immediate reply.
[23:29] * Muirfinn frowns and tries another home.
[23:32] <Kotono> As Muirfinn turns, he finds a figure looking at him. Sitting on one of the benches around the pond is a child. He is perhaps ten years old as humans reckon it, human with tanned skin and wearing gray tunic and hose. His knees are grass-stained, a smile coming to his face, "Hello there, traveler!" he waves.
[23:34] * Muirfinn starts, that child is sneaky! He bows at the waist in greeting. "Hello, child. How are you today?"
[23:38] <Kotono> "I'm fine, mister," the child replies with cheer, "You aren't tired, are you?"
[23:39] <Muirfinn> "Not at all. I'm a tortle. We tend to be resistant to weariness. Tell me, are your parents about?"
[23:42] <Kotono> "Everyone else is away right now." The child looks on, "May I ask you a question, mister?"
[23:43] <Muirfinn> "Of course."
[23:44] <Kotono> "You look like a mortal," The child asks, "But you're really a spirit, aren't you?"
[23:45] <Muirfinn> "I would have been born a mortal, yes. I was blessed by the Mother Ocean with a bit of her essence. I am filled with the spirit of water." Muirfinnn nods at the boy.
[23:49] <Kotono> "...ah!" The child smiles and claps his hands together, "That would be why you came here, the water. This is Wellspring. Those mortals who find their way here are tired in spirit, but who cannot die. A path to this place resides in each world, for the weary, righteous soul to come. Those mortals that drink of Wellspring's waters become an inhabitant of Wellspring, leaving behind sorrow. Tell
[23:49] <Kotono> me, did you come here from Elysium or from a material world?"
[23:53] <Muirfinn> "Well, that's a bit of a story, if you have the time."
[23:55] <Kotono> The child pats the bench he sits on, "I love stories!"
[00:18] <Muirfinn> "It's a long one, for certain." Muirfinn takes a seat, though not for long. With words, motions, and sound effects he paints an audible painting of struggle and strife! Over the course of who knows how many hours, Muirfinn reconstructs the glory and serenity that was Lifasa. He describes the serene beaches, forests, and low hills that were his homeland. Of how everyone there lived mostly in
[00:18] <Muirfinn> harmony. Then the devils came, destroying and perverting everything they touched. So great and unexpected was their assault that the tortle race was driven to the brink of extinction! More than a thousand killed, and hundreds enslaved, and nearly every single child slain, all in the first day. Fearing for their lives, the tortles fled! Even fleeing the plane brought its share of strife, though.
[00:18] <Muirfinn> While their time spent on Earth was relatively quiet, the separation from one of the primary elements of their home drove them next to Water. It was there, Muirfinn pats his animated shield for emphasis, that they were assaulted almost immediately by a black dragon. Using the aid of the elements and of nature, as well as the arcane and martial skills of his people, they were able to subdue and
[00:18] <Muirfinn> destroy the creature, though they lost even more of their fighting men and women. Very shortly after, they fled to Arvandor and holed up in a large inn in Brightwater for a few days to gather their wits. It was there that they learned of the Aurora. A force for good, with real heroes fighting tooth and nail to beat back the infernal menace! Once they had learned of that, it was decided that one
[00:18] <Muirfinn> of their number would be sent to find members of the Aurora, to both offer their services and seek refuge. Muirfinn was chosen for this, and was sent forth while the others left Brightwater for a Prime that they could seek temporary solace in. It was only some short time after that Muirfinn located Ithea, a general of the Aurora and fellow refugee from Lifasa, on Earth. From there, a whirlwind
[00:18] <Muirfinn> of activity led to an ambush and the death of a celestial, and finally the exposure of an ice devil's treachery in Earth, and the manipulation was undone. With the devil incarcerated and more allies secured for the Aurora, Muirfinn secured his place with the Aurora and brought his people back to it. Now they fight to foil the machinations of Hell and to end evil tyrrany!
[00:21] <Kotono> OOC: That's a helluva speech, so make a perform (oratory) check real quick? +5.
[00:23] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+15+5
[00:23] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+15+5 and gets 38." [1d20=18]
[00:27] <Kotono> The child is lost completely in the story, listening to each tale and chapter of the long saga Muirfinn spins. He claps his hands fiercely at the ending, "Oh, well said! Well told!" he claps, "A sad but hopeful story. I can understand why you found Wellspring, even if you do not desire to rest."
[00:31] <Muirfinn> "Indeed. I could not let myself cast off my burdens here. They are too great, and I fear no one else is willing to bear them. I am gifted with the burden of time, and the Mother Ocean has given me a task. I shall not fail." Muirfinn says.
[00:33] <Kotono> "The souls here are at rest," The child goes on, "But I can offer aid in another way. Your Aurora, it is a demiplane?"
[00:34] <Muirfinn> "Yes, it is a mobile demiplane."
[00:38] <Kotono> "Wellspring is a demiplane, one I created," The child goes on, "A place for the soul-sick and weary to find peace. Mister, I could help spruce up the Aurora."
[00:41] <Muirfinn> "Well, I'm sure we'd all appreciate that. If you could do that, you'd have my thanks."
[00:43] <Kotono> "Gee, thanks!" The child smiles more now, "How about we go there?"
[00:44] <Muirfinn> "We could, but I actually would need to rest for it." Muirfinn says, looking a bit chagrined. "My original trip was through a Gate spell, which I will not be able to cast again until tomorrow. Unless you know a way to get to Ysgard easily from here?"
[00:50] <Kotono> "Well mister," The child laughs, "I may not look it, but if I can make a demiplane, I'm a really good wizard!" Hopping off the bench and to his feet, "Do you want to go?"
[00:51] <Muirfinn> "Of course."
[02:51] <Kotono> With the windings of magic around's barely a moment. The child utters a few words that sound like crawling, twisting things - and you stand outside of Aurora. The child looks up at it, "...ah. Mister, is that all of Aurora?"
[02:53] <Muirfinn> "Including the giant green...thing. Yes." Muirfinn says. "Would you like to come inside?"
[02:56] <Kotono> "Yes." The child advances on, as the duo enter. The child just looks around, taking it all in with a childish glee.
[02:58] * Muirfinn gives the boy the grand tour then!
[03:07] <Kotono> As you wander the library, "Gee, this is interesting," The child speaks up, "But what about how Aurora works? I can't do much in a library."
[03:15] <Muirfinn> "I'm afraid I don't know. It was designed ages ago by a mage named Medi. Hi magic is incredibly elegant, and mind-bogglingly difficult to understand. He was truly gifted, and a force for good. Unfortunately, as the story goes, he was betrayed. Recently, we had a rash of similar events the other day. More than one traitor was found among our forces. It's all very sad, but it's set us on edge.
[03:15] <Muirfinn> Even if I did know how it all worked, I'm afraid I couldn't tell you. I don't have the clearance yet to make that call."
[03:16] * Muirfinn bows. "I doubt you are here to harm us, for one who spends his days on Elysium, but still."
[03:18] <Kotono> "Wait." The child stops, a different light to his eyes. Suddenly he stares at Muirfinn, as if seeing into him. The sense of presence is startling and thick, permeating the air like choking perfume. "This is MEDICANT?"
[03:20] * Muirfinn looks warily at the child, sensing the change in the air and determining it not to be a good thing. "Yes, it was called Medicant before the refugees from Lifasa found it."
[03:25] <Kotono> The child raises a single, shaking finger at Muirfinn, "Why didn't you say so?!"
[03:26] <Muirfinn> "Most people give me a blank look or ignore it when I mention it." Muirfinn says. "Are you well?"
[03:28] <Kotono> "I grew up on stories about Medicant! My teacher's teacher's teacher trained under one of the survivors!" With a shaking finger that's slowly lowered, "It's what inspired me to study demiplanes!"
[03:30] <Muirfinn> "Ahhhhh." Muirfinn says, a look of clarity and understanding coming over his face as his features relax. "We've been here for some time now, restoring and renovating the place."
[03:31] <Muirfinn> "We've made various changes and upgrades to the more mundane systems. This," Muirfinn gestures to the bookshelves, "is Medi's library."
[03:32] <Kotono> "I see, I see," Nodding quickly, going to touch a bookshelf with shaking hands, "Were there any survivors in statis, by chance? What about the control spirit?"
[03:35] <Muirfinn> "The control spirit was off-plane, I believe. The original discovering group had to retrieve him from what I understand. As for survivors...Elena!"
[03:36] <Kotono> Elena so appears, "Ye-" she asks, as the child kneels before her, "Lady Elena!" he gasps, "The control spirit did survive!"
[03:37] <Kotono> "Control spirit...?" Elena cocks her head to the side, "That's...not quite the term, but hello there," she finally says, perking up, "Lady Elena? I like the sound of that."
[03:37] <Muirfinn> "I'd introduce you, young man, but I don't believe you ever gave me your name." Muirfinn looks amused.
[03:56] <Kotono> "Sasashil," The child finally answers, eyes wide open. "This is really...!" His voice trails off into wonder, "I beg your pardon, and the pardon of all of Aurora! I had thought to help you like typical wandering mortals, but you are anything but!"
[03:57] * Muirfinn gives a half smile. "A fair number of us aren't even mortals."
[03:59] <Kotono> Elena giggles, "The mortals here are some of the scariest, anyway," Elena adds, "They can keep up with the spirits, elementals and heroes." Brightly going on, sitting back on a ghostly blue throne that appears behind her, "I suppose we can accept this apology, right, Muirfinn?"
[04:01] <Muirfinn> "Of course, Lady Elena." Muirfinn says, playing along and taking a knee in front of her.
[04:04] <Kotono> Suddenly giggling even more, "Well, welcome to Aurora then." She stands, grinning, "Aaaaah. So you found someone who knows about Aurora, Muirfinn?"
[04:06] <Muirfinn> "Yes, he says he was taught many teachers was it?" Muirfinn looks at the boy.
[04:07] <Muirfinn> "A student of a student of a student of a survivor of Medican't original fall?"
[04:09] <Kotono> "That's right," Sasashil answers immediately, "I was told the stories of it, and it inspired me to study demiplanes!"
[04:12] <Kotono> "Ooooh." Elena nods, "Well then, welcome to the Crusade!" Elena says, "I can tell you some stories about Sir Medi if you want."
[04:12] <Muirfinn> "Elena still remembers him." Muirfinn agrees.
[04:13] <Kotono> "Really!" The child looks up, "But wait, wait, wait. I can't join a Crusade, I have Wellspring to look after and all the souls there. I came to help out...but I didn't realize this demiplane was Medicant."
[04:15] <Muirfinn> "If there's no one you can pass the responsibility on to for a while, you're welcome to visit."
[04:18] <Kotono> The child begins to pace back and forth, "It's a relatively well integrated demiplane into Elysium," he begins, "With blurred borders that can smoothly blend into it, but the abjurations around it and Elysium's own rules prevent it from being found without a hook. I can't just pick it up and go," he says, "The souls there are the souls of the brave who needed to find a path to happiness. Neither
[04:18] <Kotono> quite alive or quite dead - uniquely suited for a peace similar to Elysium's own, but requiring a different touch." Pausing, "Are in your numbers any who can provide great hope?"
[04:20] <Muirfinn> "Supernaturally, or ideologically? If the latter, we are the figuratve spirit of hope. We comparative few fight to free our entire plane from the control of a duke of hell, and we believe we can do it. We are based on hope in the extreme."
[04:23] <Kotono> "More in the works of oratory, speeches or knowing how to reach out and inspire hope," The child continues, "A great leader, a motivator of men."
[04:26] <Muirfinn> "We do occasionally give speeches. I know that my people have an oral history tradition, and that I am a practiced storyteller. Jaela and Afina are not unknown for them either." Muirfinn offers.
[04:27] <Muirfinn> "You've heard a bit of what I can say already." Muirfinn points out.
[04:28] <Kotono> "Mister, you're good, but not that good," Admitting as much after a few moments, "If you have someone really good at it, you might fire up some of the souls into looking past their pain and picking up for a good cause."
[04:31] * Muirfinn shrugs. "Perhaps not. I know Morniel is an accomplished speaker. He must be, to be a celestial diplomat. I'v enot heard him make a presentation, though." Muirfinn is REACHING!
[04:31] <Kotono> "That or get some good magic to back up your words," Elena points out, "People around here use magic to augment various skills all the time."
[04:32] <Muirfinn> "I know that I have the ability to inspire hops magically, but it's not permanent."
[04:32] <Muirfinn> OOC: Hope, not hops
[04:36] <Kotono> "Well, if you can get someone, you might be able to stir up some warriors," he says.
[04:41] * Muirfinn nods. "We'll see what we can work up. It would be good to let fallen warriors fight again. I'll put up a call about the place and see if we get any bites. Perhaps we have a hidden master speaker hidden in our ranks."
[04:42] <Kotono> "If you do..." The child lets it go at that. "Now, would you show me around more?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:11] <Kotono> Thus does Muirfinn pass through the Gate. Stepping out, Muirfinn finds himself on the shores of a rocky island. It is quite large to his eye, rising up before him. In the sky above, the heavy, full moon shines light down, casting everything in ethereal radiance.
[20:14] * Muirfinn eyes the rockiness, and then looks at Chok, who he brought along this time. Right now, the dinosaur is hopping up and down over the rocks, playing. Shaking his head, Muirfinn presses on, seeking the second angel!
[20:15] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 65." [1d100=65]
[20:18] <Kotono> Muirfinn takes to wandering. He finds a path up and ahead. He climbs for a goodly time, rising higher and higher! The moon looms larger, and far above he can begin to see little shrines dotting about. But as he does, something else catches his eye. As he crests a ridge, he sees a valley below. It is full of white flowers, motes of moonlight rising up from them. These motes dance in the air,
[20:18] <Kotono> weaving higher and higher into the sky. OOC: Make a will save for both you and Chok?
[20:18] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+27+6 Muirfinn
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+27+6 Muirfinn and gets 40." [1d20=7]
[20:19] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+5 Chok
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+5 Chok and gets 17." [1d20=12]
[20:21] <Kotono> The sight is beautiful. So beautiful that Chok is frozen in place, unable to do anything but stare. Muirfinn feels much the same, but only his years of mental training and effort allow him some semblance of action beyond raptorous fascination. OOC: Act, Muirfin. It's hard to do anything but watch the motes of moonlight, you're treated as being slowed.
[20:22] <Muirfinn> The moonlight making him feel sluggish, Muirfinn heads forward a few steps before noticing Chok's immobility. He sighs and hefts the beast into his arms and slowly makes his way further.
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: Heading up towards the shrines or down towards the flowers?
[20:26] <Muirfinn> OOC: Let's avoid the flowers for now. If that's my destination, I'll see it through after checking out the shrines and stuff.
[20:29] <Kotono> Muirfinn rises up. As he does, he finds a deep lethargy settling deeper within himself. His eyes grow heavy, his limbs become sluggish and his vision dims. Fatigue embraces him like an old friend as he climbs up, brain adaze. The vision of the shrine ahead blurs in and out of awareness, even as he comes closer. It's a small shrine - pillared and wall-less, simply able to walk in. White stone
[20:29] <Kotono> floor, and a roof that lets in every droplet of moonlight from above.
[20:32] <Muirfinn> Feeling the weariness in his bones, Muirfinn nevertheless trudges into the shrine, looking around. Though he may be weary, he is a tortle! Stout and swarthy! Resistant to even a hard march or a day's swim!
[20:36] <Kotono> It looks to swimming again, Muirfinn can see something. The hazy outline of a woman, just flickering into being faintly visible. She's just before Muirfinn, offering her hand out.
[20:37] <Muirfinn> "...hello?"
[20:37] * Muirfinn shakes his head violently, trying to clear the cobwebs.
[20:38] <Kotono> The hazy outline of a woman puts a finger to her lips, going to sit. She holds her hand out, as if beckoning Muirfinn.
[20:39] <Muirfinn> Shrugging to himself, Muirfinn heads over to her, leaning Chok's head over his shoulder now for a better carry. Little lizard is remarkably heavy.
[20:40] <Kotono> The woman pats the ground next to her, and faraway, as if through water and distance, "Rest," she calls, a voice making the fatigue within Muirfinn spike anew. "Dream."
[20:42] <Muirfinn> Nothing bad could possibly happen here! Muirfinn still resists valiantly! "...who are you? Why am I so tired?"
[20:44] <Kotono> As a yawn ripples through Muirfinn, her voice is heard again, "Sahiel, dreaming."
[20:46] <Muirfinn> Well alright then. Muirfinn places his reptile friend on the ground, no doubt already sleeping away Night? Planes can be confusing. His head is tired. Why is his head so tire-Snorrrrrrrrr
[20:51] <Kotono> There's barely even a moment before sleep overtakes Muirfinn. Mmm...hmmm? You now lie in the Courtyard of Aurora. The moon is out and ever so dazzling-bright. It's entirely the moon. Sitting before you, legs tucked beneath her, is a woman. Her hair is the white of the full moon, long. She wears armor that appears to be little more than the moonlight wrought into metal, breastplate,
[20:51] <Kotono> greaves the like. Several wings of moonlight rest on her back, as she runs a hand over Muirfinn's cheek. "Welcome. I am Sahiel, angel of night and protector of the dreaming. You wished on the power of Chaos to receive the gift of moonfire."
[20:54] <Muirfinn> Blinking up at the angel, Muirfinn says, "Ah, hello. Yes. I did. My name is Muirfinn. Good to meet you. Do you want anything in return?" Ever courteous!
[20:58] <Kotono> "There is no need, not for this," Sahiel smiles, her face becoming older as you watch it - from youthful to middle aged, yet her eyes never stop shining. In her hands is now a flower. The same white flower you saw before, yet instead of motes of moonlight, droplets of sizzling, beautiful white/silver fire blossom within. "Within this flower are the secrets of moonfire. Your friend Balyss will
[20:58] <Kotono> be able to help whomever seeks to learn within, and Gaelach may benefit as well."
[20:59] * Ebiris is now known as Afina
[21:01] * Muirfinn reaches out and takes the flower! "You have my thanks, and the thanks of those of the Aurora. This will no doubt aid us greatly in our crusade against evil."
[21:02] <Kotono> Sahiel's face ages yet - an old woman speaks to you, wizened and old. "Fight on," she promises, as...mmm? Muirfinn blinks, lying. Lying down? Yep, lying down, waking up. Besides him Chok snores, and in the distance, Aurora looms.
[21:03] <Muirfinn> How kind of her to return him to the Aurora! Muirfinn pushes himself to his feet again, hefting Chok as he heads for the Aurora!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:49] <Kotono> Morniel meets Afina and Crystal before the gates of Aurora. He is clad in armor and light, radiant from head to toe. He floats off the ground lightly, shedding light all around him. In a baritone that commands attention and stirs your heart, "Today we head to Mount Celestia. Have you prepared yourselves properly?"
[20:51] <Afina> The Blade of Endings is decidedly left behind on this trip, and Afina nods. "I'm ready."
[20:51] <Jaela> "We are about to see," Jaela muses, having worn her new cloak for the expedition.
[20:55] <Kotono> With that Morniel offers his hands out, "I shall take us to the Holy Mountain, then."
[20:56] <Afina> Taking a hand, Afina braces herself for a dip!
[20:57] * Jaela takes Morniel's other hand, unable to shake the curiosity she feels towards Celestia. But it is about to be answered, now!
[21:06] <Kotono> The transition is one of peace. There is no screaming hellfire or incomprehensible forces tugging at you. Instead you find yourself standing knee deep in wine-dark waters, on the shores of a beach. Above you towers an impossibly tall and vast mountain, dominating the sky. In that sky you can see celestials flying - white winged angels and archons, soaring about. The distant sound of glorious
[21:06] <Kotono> hymns tickles your ears, as the waters of this sea lap against you.
[21:08] <Afina> Knee deep for Jaela and Morniel is neck deep for Afina! Sighing at the distasteful experience of immersion that she nonetheless strives to get used to, she begins wading to the beach while looking up at the vast mountain.
[21:09] * Jaela gazes up at the flying angels and archons. It would be fun to fight them, she thinks to herself, but hardly a good idea under the circumstances. Maybe another time, if she lucks out and meets a likeminded angel on a return visit?
[21:15] <Kotono> Morniel inhales deeply, the light from above gloriously warm, brighter than any sun and yet gentle on you reyes. He begins to walk forward, "Peace and patience, for this will be a fair walk," he states, "Celestia is a land of journies, of ascending higher and higher on the Holy Mountain."
[21:15] <Afina> Walk or not, once they hit dry land Afina flutters her wings to fly alongside the other two rather than scamper around their feet!
[21:16] * Jaela hasn't actually been sure if it would be like that, or if their audience means a more direct approach. But getting to know Celestia properly feels even better, and so she walks by Morniel's side.
[21:17] <Jaela> "How far have you ever climbed it?" she asks curiously in the meantime.
[21:21] <Kotono> "To the Glittering Heaven, the sixth of seven layers," Morniel replies, "But no higher." Smiling as he looks up, "Had I climbed higher, I would not be here, for none return from the light of Chronias."
[21:23] <Jaela> "Yes, I heard as much. Did you have a favorite heaven?"
[21:23] <Afina> Afina is content to listen to this discussion as she flutters along, curious to learn more about this place.
[21:26] <Kotono> "Venya, the Pearly Heaven," Morniel replies as you meet the beaches - the sand scrunches under your feet, yet is as solid as typical stone, not hindering your walk at all. The air is sweet and warm, blowing down from above. "I spent years reading in the great libraries of Erathaol the Seer."
[21:29] * Jaela raises an eyebrow. "Does it mean you got to meet him? How about Pistis Sophia or Raziel?"
[21:34] <Kotono> "I have met Erathaol thrice - once as a servant, once as a diplomat and once as a seeker of wisdom," Morniel replies, "Each time I gained not what I sought, but what I needed." As you walk the beaches, you can see them above. Dozens of lantern archons begin to cluster above, about 100ft above the trio. "I have not met the Ascetic, but I have met Raziel once. You've seen Hanna in the throes
[21:34] <Kotono> of rage before? Take her at her absolute and most terrifying, combine that with clear headed zeal and a presence that could dwarf kings. Those words begin to describe him."
[21:37] <Afina> Intrigued by what she's hearing, Afina nonetheless looks up at their following. "Is this a normal welcome?" she asks curiously.
[21:37] <Jaela> "That so? Sounds overwhelming." Jaela shrugs. "He's probably too important to consider training any outsiders," she muses.
[21:40] <Kotono> "If you can rise up to Mertion, I'm sure he'd consider you," Morniel says, "Reaching that high proves your worthiness." Morniel peers up, "It's not uncommon. These archons are often newborn, clustering around visitors and full of inquisitive joy." Smiling as he goes on, "They have left behind the burdens of life and now live as a child again, everything full of wonder. To them, you are as
[21:40] <Kotono> special and mysterious as the Gods."
[21:41] <Afina> Giggling at that, Afina decides to be indulgent and waves up at the newborn archons.
[21:41] <Jaela> So they're bored? Cracking a grin, Jaela waves at the lantern archons above.
[21:43] <Kotono> The archons bob in the air, as Morniel calls in Celestial, "Hail and well met, friends. I am Morniel, servant of the Triad."
[21:44] <Afina> "Afina!" the fairy calls up her own name.
[21:46] <Jaela> "Jaela of the Aurora," she introduces herself in turn proudly.
[21:54] <Kotono> The archons bob in the air, staying above and flying around. "Mmm. Often they swarm like...well," With al ook to Afina, "Like friendly pixies, but not today."
[21:57] <Afina> "Never actually been a pixie swarm..." Afina admits thoughtfully, now wondering what it would be like. Then again she'd probably just make the rest uncomfortable... awww.
[21:58] <Jaela> "Seen one once," Jaela muses. "Still remember my first thought, too. 'How terrifying', just with more profanity. They can look pretty huge when you're a kid."
[22:01] <Afina> "Unlike now?" Afina asks, having to fly a bit higher to reach Jaela's eye level.
[22:01] <Jaela> "Few things look terrifying to me now."
[22:06] <Kotono> "Come now," Morniel says, "Let us continue on."
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 39." [1d100=39]
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 19." [1d100=19]
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 100." [1d100=100]
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d100 subtables
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtables and gets 76." [1d100=76]
[22:18] <Kotono> You walk along the beat for hours. It is a peaceful walk, conversation coming and going like the waves of the ocean. Eventually, you come on a small house, built into the side of the mountain where beach meets stone. The smell of roasting vegetables and sweet honey comes from it, intoxicating the air before you.
[22:20] <Afina> Sadly it's the roasting part that most appeals to Afina, but she elects to prevail upon their guide as to what's the most appropriate behaviour here.
[22:20] <Jaela> "We can stop to say hi?" Jaela offers.
[22:27] <Afina> Jaela's idea is fine by Afina, so she goes to knock on the door!
[22:34] <Kotono> Morniel follows, "There's no harm in it. Anyone who lives here is inured to visitors passing by." You find there isn't a door - just a gossamer curtain of white silk, hazy in the light. Beyond it, you can see a silk shrouded living room, full of comfortable looking chairs and a fireplace with roaring fire.
[22:34] <Jaela> "Hello? Is anyone home?" Jaela calls out.
[22:36] <Kotono> "Hello?" A gruff voice calls back out, "Come in! Dinner's nearly done and there's enough for guests!"
[22:37] <Jaela> "An invitation," Jaela says needlessly to Afina and Morniel, before stepping inside.
[22:38] <Afina> Afina follows with a "Hello," of her own!
[22:43] <Kotono> As you step in, from the far hallway leading deep in your host emerges. He is a tortle, wearing a loose, sea green robe. He is reptilian and heavy shelled, yet a smile lightens his face. "I am Prash," he greets his guests, "Welcome to my home."
[22:44] <Jaela> "Jaela," her own introduction comes as she doesn't even blink at his appearance. "So you must get a lot of guests, right?"
[22:45] <Afina> Well, a beach would be the best place for any turtle to live, humanoid or not. "Afina," she gives her own name with a brief nod. "We were just passing through and thought to say hello. It's been a quiet trip so far."
[22:48] <Kotono> "Well," Smiling as he gestures you forward, "Oh yes, all the time. The lost and hungry often find their way here, it seems. I've found it's the nature of the realm. All of you look so skinny! Let me feed you and put a bit of meat on your bones."
[22:49] <Jaela> "Ah, no. It's because my dad was an elf. I'm fine, thanks."
[22:50] <Kotono> Morniel smiles gently, "I thank you for your hospitality, but I shall defer to the wishes of my companions on this," he says. "I need no substinance, save for what the Triad provide me."
[22:50] <Afina> Even by fairy standards Afina is alarmingly skinny, and one meal isn't going to change that. But nonetheless, "We shall accept your hospitality, Prash," she nods, fluttering over. They're here to make friends, after all.
[22:52] <Jaela> "How is it to live on Celestia?" Jaela asks curiously.
[22:56] <Kotono> "Oh," Leading them back as he talks, "I came here by an accident, long ago." he explains, "It's perfect. Every day is wonderful as the last, yet never grows old, stale or tiresome. Every day is as if I were a hatchling, but free of the dangers of youth. When difficulty and sorrow come, they only lead to greater joy." The back room is one huge kitchen - several cooking fires, a huge stone
[22:56] <Kotono> counter, a low sitting table, several wine racks, and even what looks to be built in well. On the low lying table are a dozen dishes - the main one looks to be a vegetable stew. There is a golden, semi-solid pudding of some sort, with dark specks within it. There are dishes of fish, of what looks to be seaweed, a bowl of nuts and a big salad bowl. "Sit, sit, try some of everything," he says,
[22:56] <Kotono> gesturing. "I couldn't possibly eat it all."
[22:58] <Jaela> Taking a seat, Jaela decides to try the salad. "Thanks. So when you say long ago, are we talking centuries?"
[22:59] <Afina> Afina tries the stew! "Have you travelled much up or around Celestia since arriving?"
[23:10] <Kotono> The salad is crispy, fresh greens with a light vinegarette dressing, the stew a hearty-steaming hot vegetable broth. It's a medley, everything there and nothing overwhelmed. It has lots of spicy peppers. "Lifetimes. I have become a fixture here," he replies, "Never growing older. I've not traveled - for here I am content. Someone needs to feed the people who come up from the sea."
[23:11] * Jaela laughs, trying the fish dishes until she finds the one most suitable for the salad. "If we didn't have a cook already, I'd be tempted to try and recruit you with that sort of resume!"
[23:12] <Kotono> Morniel abstains, but listens well. "As long as you feel content doing that, continue on."
[23:12] <Kotono> The fish is all fresh - it tastes distinctly fish-like, yet isn't any Jaela knows. It's closest to fresh tuna, despite being lightly cooked. "Recruit? Ah, do you run some sort of restaurant?"
[23:12] <Afina> "Your cooking shows the heart you put into it," Afina approves, trying some pudding next. "Can lantern archons eat, I wonder?" She hasn't seen mouths on them...
[23:14] <Kotono> "I've never seen them do it," Prash replies with a thoughtful creasing of his turtle face, as Afina tries to the pudding. It tastes like honey - only moreso, without being cloying or overwhelming. The specks bring a delightfully meaty counter-point to it, the two tastes blending together into one whole when Afina gets to one of those specks."
[23:14] <Kotono> "They can't," Morniel notes, "Once promoted, many of them spend some time coming to appreciate food. While they do not need it, there is a simple, earthy joy to eating."
[23:14] * Jaela is fine with tuna, even fresh. "A Crusade. But we have a few great chefs along."
[23:17] <Kotono> "...A Crusade?" Prash stops there, hissing softly. "Oh, that brings back memories of days long gone," he finally replies, "Before I came here."
[23:18] <Jaela> "Good times?"
[23:21] <Kotono> "Before I came here, I campaigned to protect the people of Saernfell from the Ashen Dwarves and the Hounds of Night. Coming out of the Meland Parchens, they sought to overrun us in a tide of barbarism, pushing all of us back into the sea. Long did I aid in the crusades to push them back."
[23:23] <Jaela> roll 1d20+33 rings any bells?
[23:23] * Hatbot --> "Jaela rolls 1d20+33 rings any bells? and gets 50." [1d20=17]
[23:23] <Afina> "Did you succeed?" Afina asks the most pertinent question.
[23:24] <Kotono> OOC: What particular knowledge are you even trying here?
[23:25] <Jaela> OOC: Planes! To see if I recognize the place and know how things turned out?
[23:26] <Kotono> OOC: Planes reveals no information.
[23:28] <Kotono> "We did in the end," Prash reveals, humming as he drums a scaly hand on the table, "We marched into the Meland Parchens in a great push and sacked their capital of Balantor. They fought to the last man." he reports, "In the end, we prayed over the grounds and then salted it, razed all the buildings and sealed away the oasis."
[23:30] <Afina> "Salted the earth?" Afina's eyes widen, offended at such a grave offence to nature. "Why would you do such a thing?"
[23:31] <Jaela> "They really hated the dwarves, would be my guess," Jaela volunteers.
[23:33] <Kotono> Here Prash is silent. Just before anyone else can break this ruminating quiet, "We had to kill everyone. The children, young as toddlers, fought us - to the death if we didn't disable them. The Ashen Dwarves were stuck by a savagery unknown to the civilized races before then, and I hope has never again been known. It was decide that whatever plagued them, that none of us would bear a chance
[23:33] <Kotono> for it to return."
[23:35] * Jaela can't help herself, and glances at Morniel with a frown.
[23:36] <Kotono> Morniel's expression is grave, and he slightly nods to Jaela. "That savagery speaks of unnatural compulsions," he says, "Were your holy men or sorcerers able to counter this savagery?"
[23:40] <Kotono> "Temporarily," he says, "But then they went from bloodthirsty savages to cold, calculating monsters," he replies, "Our holy men believed them cursed by the Gods for sin beyond the pale. I have fought fiends...they remind me more of them than good, rational dwarves. It may be that a moral malaise sleeps beneath or within Balantor. We could not - would not - allow that to come forth from the
[23:40] <Kotono> Parchens."
[23:42] * Jaela does wonder if they tried hard enough. But now, lifetimes after every last dwarf there had been murdered, she can hardly do much herself. "And after that," she voices, "an accident, and you're here on your lonesome?"
[23:43] <Afina> "But if it were some other cause nature would not soon forget such a transgression," Afina declares, unwilling to believe polluting the land beyond the ability to support life was the correct choice.
[23:44] <Kotono> Going on, picking at a bit of salad, "In time, I went to soothe my weary heart of that war. I went out to sea and swam, and was swept down by a heavy pull. There was a cleft in the seabed, and next I remember washing up here."
[23:45] <Kotono> "It may be," Prash admits, "I have questioned our choices - our arguments were long and vicious, but in the end, we did what we thought best."
[23:47] <Afina> "At least you didn't do it unthiningly," Afina grudgingly relents a bit, now done with the food.
[23:51] <Jaela> "I don't think I can approve," Jaela finally says, shaking her head. "Sorry."
[23:53] <Kotono> "War's a miserable business," Prash finally says, playing with a bit of food.
[23:53] <Kotono> "That it is," Morniel murmurs, and quieter again, "Thank you for your hospitality."
[23:54] * Jaela nods at Morniel's words.
[23:54] <Afina> "Yes, we should get going. Farewell, Prash," Afina nods to the tortle, fluttering out now.
[23:58] <Kotono> Once outside Morniel looks back a moment before falling in step with the other two. "There aren't any accidents in Celestia," he notes.
[23:58] <Jaela> "Of course not," Jaela agrees. "It's a heaven."
[00:00] <Kotono> "There may come a time when Aurora finds themselves with the same quandry as Prash," he observes, "Or that his past and our present cross."
[00:01] <Jaela> "It might," Jaela agrees once more, before pausing. "But his past and our present crossing? That I don't see."
[00:02] <Afina> "We may," Afina admits, knowing already that she's walking a dangerous path by acquiring such a thing as the Blade of Endings. "But far better to burn the devil taint off of Lifasa and start anew. If we render every tainted spot barren we'll have nothing left."
[00:03] <Kotono> "You may not, until it it looms over us," Morniel says, "The wisdom is to remember the lesson here, and bear it in mind for the future - for none of us know what the future will bring."
[00:06] <Jaela> "Definitely. That's part of the reason we're here, to learn."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake