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Started by Anastasia, April 28, 2014, 12:08:23 AM

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Antenora Reynes, Opal Angel of Redemption

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Antenora was born as an erinyes in Cania, Della the Bloodflier. Her life was unremarkable by Hell's standards until Zquujaj's invasion of Avernus. The pressure this put on Hell caused a great deal of upheaval. In Della's case, the thought of Hell's perfect order being disrupted was unacceptable. She called on favors and escaped Hell for one of the many worlds of the Prime Material Plane, intent on forging her own kingdom of iron law there.

It is there she met Alicia Reynes and the Crimson Guard. Her schemes were defeated and Antenora was brought low in battle. She plead for her life and promised to reform herself, desperate to avoid a return to Hell. To the surprise of all, Alicia stepped forward and accepted her offer. She took Della into her own house, where she took the name Antenora. Make no mistake, for she had no intentions of reforming. It would be a simple matter to corrupt Alicia and her household and start anew.

That did not happen. Antenora found a match in Alicia, who routinely engaged Antenora in debate. Here she agreed with Antenora's devotion to law and used it as common ground to attack evil. Remarkably, Antenora found her arguments matched and often defeated. This was joined by a regime of seeing the acts of good firsthand, as well as growing fond of Alicia and her allies. Alicia's sheer charisma joined by cold logic and personal entreaties began to melt Antenora's will. Without the support of Hell and subjected to Alicia's own will, Antenora's resolve began to crack.

This crack allowed sorrow to follow. Soon, Alicia's sister, who had fallen under the thrall of Hell, sought to escape Hell's grasp on her. This required the aid of an extraplanar entity, who tasked Alicia and her sister Beth to travel to Stygia and free souls held in the Halls of the Vanquished. While they did succeed, the quest came to a tragic end. The disturbance in the Halls of the Vanquished caught the attention of Duke Agares, who barred the exit and confronted the intruders. In a short battle Alicia was brought to the brink of death, as she was no match for Agares.

The frozen floor of the Halls began to crack and black Styx-water began to flow in. Beth saw her chance, willingly exposing herself to the Styx to save Alicia and slip by Agares. The two escaped thanks to the sacrifice of Beth, who lost all her memories to the hungers of the Styx. Antenora saw the aftermath and Alicia's heartbroken tears, yet she did not triumph in them. She only felt miserable at Alicia's sadness, and at that moment began to truly understand her own misery in evil.

This sacrifice and miracle began the process of Antenora rising from Hell's grasp. In time she survived the painful loss of evil itself, and then a transformation into a mortal form to atone. She was forever at Alicia's side as a warrior-in-arms, taking on the vows of a paladin and the unbridled wrath of a hellreaver. She was with Alicia and the Crimson Guard for all the great battles and the exploration of the gnomish ruins. She stood with Alicia against countless assassination attempts by Baator, as even the mighty Spark Hunters were vanquished.

When Alicia became a quasi-deity after defeating Triel's Furnace, Antenora rose with her. She became a full angel and oversees mortal souls that pass into Sylica, Alicia and Syala's divine realm. She also oversees redemption for Sylica and promotes it to any and all. Antenora knows she is a rarity, but it does not stop her. She sincerely believes that evil can be defeated and that even fiends can be saved. No matter if only one in a million efforts will bear fruit, she relentlessly applies herself to her newfound duties.

Antenora's name is used in various rituals by the faithful of Alicia and Syala, especially spells relating to bravery, redemption and hope. As both faiths are still small and newborn, this practice has not spread far yet.


Antenora appears as a tall angel with black hair. Her body is flawlessly formed and symmetrical. Her wings are tingled opal blue, which match eyes solidly colored the same. Oftentimes a glow of the same color surrounds her in a gentle halo of light. This beauty is matched with the steely spirit of a crusader, as she has firm posture and an unrelenting gaze. While beautiful, most see her as inspiring more than alluring.

Antenora wears her armor and white dress in most instances. Otherwise she prefers dresses in white and a few bits of gold jewelry. She dresses simply, favoring function over form. When she's not involved in her duties, she cares little for what she wears and sticks to white out of personal preference.

Mortals who see Antenora find her easy to understand. Something about her speaks to them, be it hope for those free of evil to fear and hate to those lost in evil's misery. Immortals share this, with good immortals finding her reassuring. She is the pinnacle of Good's ability to redeem and defeat evil itself. Those of evil conversely see her with nothing but hatred. Devils deserve special mention, as they all wish to defeat and capture her. Traitors are not suffered by Baator, and should she be captured and brought to Hell, the captor would be richly rewarded.


The Opal Angel of Redemption can be best described as a crusader. She is forthright, firm and filled with conviction for her cause. She is not a soft nor a weak woman, but instead projects confident power. She strives to set an example and inspire others, to show that even the darkest soul has hope of a better life.

Servants and minions are treated well. Antenora believes that a leader should teach by example, much as Alicia taught her. She does not forget the virtue of kindness and believes it is well applied to those that follow you. To equals, friends and family, Antenora softens. In these times Antenora allows herself to relax. Antenora prefers to be a follower in these situations rather than a leader. She spend centuries struggling for meaningless authority in Baator, she has no desire to repeat that mistake with those dear to her.

Enemies are met by an offer of reformation, especially fiends. Should one accept, Antenora will go to any length to see that they have a fair chance to atone. Those that reject this offer find that Antenora will rarely ask twice. While she values redemption of all types, she has great insight to the folly of evil. Those steeped in it are often beyond reasoning and must be defeated instead.

In truth, all of these interactions greatly bolster Antenora. She finds all aspects of her new life satisfying. Her rise showed her the flaws of evil and how empty her own life in Baator was. The merest authentic interaction in the Heavens is worth more to her than her centuries of life in Hell. She refuses to allow herself to forget this. She holds onto what she learned, for this knowledge allows her to confront evil on a level few celestials can.


Antenora's family in Cania is a long forgotten memory to her and she has no further contact with them. However, Antenora's natural charisma and her circle of friends has allowed her to fill this gap. She is on good terms with those that serve her, often blurring the lines from superior to friend. She keeps some reservation from them as is only proper for her station, but this provides her a large pool of friends to draw on.

Meanwhile, Antenora relation with Alicia is that of a savior, a sister, a mother, a friend, her deity and many more feelings. Her thoughts about her are tremendously complex, but she is loyal to Alicia beyond all other things. She serves her loyally and without any reservations at all. She took Alicia's last name as a sign of respect, love and loyalty.

Antenora's relationship with Alicia is only exceeded by one - her wife, Marie. She has fallen madly in love with the eladrin shapeshifter and the two are happily together. The relationship was born over long arguments over law and chaos that morphed into deeper feelings. While the two still routinely argue, it is mostly a pretext for their affections than any real fire now.

Her relations with the rest of Sylica are all warm. She is friends with Jessica Reynes, Latha, Ebony and other figures there. As one of the highest ranking celestials in Sylica, she knows many people there and has a great deal of authority.

Beyond Sylica, Antenora maintains a string of friendships across the planes. She keeps in contact with risen fiends when she finds them. One example is Mial, a succubus purified by Empress Sulia. These friends understand each other in ways no other can. Otherwise, Antenora is known in most courts and planes as a servant of the newly risen deity Alicia. Antenora's past is no secret, and thus most are aware of it.

As for enemies, all of Hell considers Antenora a traitor to be exterminated. To turn away from Hell is the greatest insult to its order and an example must be made of her. Antenora's current position keeps her safe from most reprisals, but several more powerful entities have tried. The Spark Hunters attempted to capture her and Alicia but ultimately failed, while the efforts of the now deceased Duke Agares were fended off repeatedly. Infiltration attempts by the Order of the Lie have likewise been foiled, including the redemption of a corrupted pixie asset sent to spy in Sylica.

The sole exception to Hell's wrath is Beezlebub. As Alicia was the one to finally defeat Triel's Furnace, he has taken a personal interest in Alicia and by extension Antenora. His interest is more on the effect Alicia has had on Antenora rather than Antenora herself, but nonetheless results in him withholding his agents from working against her.


Antenora is never afraid to enter combat. While she attempts to defuse battles by turning her foes towards redemption, she knows that oftentimes that combat is inevitable. Against opponents that are no great threat, she relies on her spell-like abilities. Righteous smite, flame strike, superb dispelling and holy word are her favorite choices. She relies on divine succor in case an opponent gets in a lucky blow, chaining together two in a single round should it be needed.

More worthy opponents are faced by direct charges. Antenora charges in, using her smite, furious strike and power attack abilities to eliminate an opponent in a single blow. If Antenora has swift actions left after this, she invokes a paladin spell relevant to the battle. The next round focuses on repositioning, healing and preparing for another charge. If needed, Antenora will use the boots of the battle charger's ability or a greater teleport. Opponents that can press her cause her to fight on the defensive, using her various healing abilities as she whittles down her foes. Her goal is to weaken them enough that a charge can break them completely.

Generally, Antenora will not retreat unless commanded by Alicia or if she is engaged in a meaningless battle. The latter mostly occurs against dedicated diabolical attacks against her, as Antenora knows enough of Hell's methodology to greatly fear unfolding ambushes. As a side effect of this, Antenora rarely battles alone. This is not out of cowardice, but out of the simple fact that if Hell catches her with sufficient forces off guard, such as Nessian Pit Fiends or powerful unique devils, that she may be overwhelmed and dragged back to Hell. She has no illusions on what will happen to her should this occur, and fears that she will be taken to Asmodeus himself to account for her diabolical heresy. If nothing else, the insult of sullying the reputation of the Spark Hunters demands the King of Hell's attention.

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- This sheet comes from the prep of Balmuria 1's restart, which didn't happen at that time. As a result, some parts of this are more developed than normal for a character block. This is most obvious in gear. For most stat blocks, I prefer to leave some things open so that there is room to change things around, customize and so forth. In this case, that space has largely been filled in. So you can chalk up any differences to that. Compared to most NPCs I post, Antenora is overgeared. That's why.

- Antenora's a charging smite machine. Hellreaver only makes this more explosive, as well as providing Antenora a great deal of added endurance through divine succor. It's a shame Hellreaver came so late in 3.5's life, as it's an extremely solid prestige class.

- Antenora would love some more feats, especially a divine feat or two. Unfortunately, her build just doesn't have any space for them. She could sub out toughness, but I feel that+epic toughness is more worthwhile than a divine feat and a free bonus epic feat from paladin. She might retrain armor skin at 24 one day, so that could become one.

- Initiate of Alicia is a bonus feat for obvious reasons. Namely, she's grown with Alicia and been privy to her greatest secrets. It's hard not to pick up some things from a rising demigoddess.

Erinyes 9/Ranger 1/Hellreaver 19//Paladin 29

Changelog: Formatted in the standard style and removed some B1R stuff from it.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Angel, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 29d10+261+29+58 (528 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30ft, fly 130ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 57 (+9 dex, +17 natural, +15 armor, +5 deflection, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +29/+38/63
Attack: Black Horn Spear+45 (1d8+20 plus 4/+4d6 vs fiends 19-20 x3)
Full Attack: Black Horn Spear+45/+40/+35/+30 (1d8+20 plus 4/+4d6 vs fiends 19-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft (10ft with spear)
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, hope of heaven, entangle, favored enemy(evil outsiders+2), furious strike+14/+7d6, divine retribution, smite evil 6/day, channel energy 16/day (13d6; DC 36), spells.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/epic, evil and silver, spell resistance 42, immunity to cold, disease, fear, fire and petrification, resistance to acid and electricity 20, see in darkness, telepathy 200ft, protective aura, tongues, mercy, convictions, opal angel of redemption, spiritual connection, holy fury(32 points), divine succor(80 hp), improved divine resolve, improved divine shield, mettle, heroic sacrifice, call to judgment, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(377 hp), aura of courage, divine health, charging smite, remove disease 8/week.
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +36, Will +38 (+4 racial vs poison, +4 resistance vs evil, +10 vs magic to induce evil)
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 29, Con 28, Int 20, Wis 28, Cha 36
Skills: Concentration+31, Craft(Metalworking)+10, Diplomacy+23, Escape Artist+24, Hide+24, Intimidate+45, Knowledge(Arcana)+25, Knowledge(Planes)+37, Knowledge(Religion)+37, Listen+41, Move Silently+24, Perform(Song)+60, Sense Motive+25, Spot+41, Survival+41, Use Rope+14
Feats: Dodge(B), Mobility(B), Initiate of Alicia(B), Mindsight(1), Improved Flight(3), Flyby Attack(6), Power Attack(9), Track(R1), Favored Power Attack(Outsider(Evil))(12), Battle Blessing(15), Toughness(18)
Epic Feats: Dire Charge(21), Epic Spell Capacity(P23), Armor Skin(24), Blinding Speed(H15), Epic Toughness(P26), Multiaction(27), Armor Skin(P29)
Alignment: Lawful Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-align weapon, arcane sight, discern lies, dispel evil, flame strike, greater teleport, holy aura, holy word, refreshment, righteous smite, superb dispelling, sword of conscience, vision of heaven. 1/day-atonement, blade barrier, heal, miracle. Caster level 29th. The save DCs are Charisma based.

Entangle (Ex)

Antenora carries a stout rope some 50 feet long that entangles opponents of any size as an animate rope spell (caster level 29th). Antenora can hurl her rope 140ft with no range penalty.

See in Darkness (Su)

Antenora can see in any darkness, even magical darkness such as a deeper darkness spell.

Telepathy (Su)

Antenora can telepathically communicate with any creature within 200ft that has a language.

Protective Aura (Su)

Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of Antenora. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level 29th). This aura can be dispelled, but Antenora can create it again as a free action on her next turn.

Tongues (Su)

Antenora can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 29th). This ability is always active.

Hope of Heaven (Su)

As a standard action, Antenora may spread the light of the Realms Above around her in a 70 foot radius.  Any evil creature within this radius is afflicted as by vision of heaven (DC 37 Will save negates, caster level 29th). Any creature who fails the save will be unable to forget what they have seen for seven days, hearing the call of forgiveness. The stress this causes on their psyche inflicts a -3 penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, ability checks and skill checks. A creature that takes sincere steps to atone is freed of this penalty. This relief lasts for as long as they continue to sincere attempt to atone. Should they cease to, the penalty immediately reappears and the duration of the penalty is reset to seven days. The save DC is Charisma based.

Mercy (Su)

Antenora may choose to deal non-lethal damage with her attacks, spells and spell like abilities without penalty. Choosing the type of damage she inflicts is a free action, but if her attack damages more than one creature, each creature must take the same type of damage; that is, she cannot inflict non-lethal and lethal damage at the same time.

Convictions (Ex)

Having risen from Hell, Antenora is dedicated to never return to evil. She gains a +10 bonus to saving throws against any magic that would compel her to commit evil. Examples include charm monster from an evil caster, morality undone, dominate monster and so forth. If a saving throw is not allowed, she is allowed a special Will save to negate the effect. This Will save is made at a -7 penalty and does not gain the +10 bonus from Convictions. Calculate the save DC as 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier if the source is a creature or 10 + caster level if the effect comes from an item.

Opal Angel of Redemption (Ex)

Antenora has reached the pinnacle of her destiny and embodies the hope for any creature to find redemption. When casting atonement as a spell like ability on a creature, she may choose to also invoke sanctify the wicked. If she chooses to do so, she requires no material focus or sacrifice component. She instead takes the soul into her spirit, where it undergoes the effect of sanctify the wicked over the course of one week. During this time, Antenora suffers 1 negative level for every 2 hit dice the creature possesses, as she bears the weight of the creature's sins on her spirit. These negative levels cannot be removed by any means short of removing the soul from her through a wish or miracle spell, in which case the soul's body reforms as it was before.

At the end of the week, the reformed spirit emerges with the sanctified creature template, or another suitable template depending on the type of creature reformed. This ability may apply the sanctified creature template to a creature with the evil subtype, though they usually undergo a far more complete transformation instead.

Ranger powers:
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Favored Enemy (Ex)

At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Ranger Favored Enemies. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Spiritual Connection (Sp)

You can use speak with animals and speak with plants, as the spells (caster level equals your ranger level). You can use any combination of these effects up to three times per day. These are spell-like abilities with caster level equal to your character level.

Hellreaver powers:
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Holy Fury (Ex)

When you face your enemies, a raging anger fills your mind. Avenging, divine power surges through you, allowing you to generate magical effects. Entering this state is a free action. While in a holy fury, your melee attacks are good-aligned. You also gain immunity to fear effects. In addition, you gain a number of holy fury points equal to your hellreaver level plus your Charisma modifier. You spend these points to activate many of your hellreaver class abilities.

You can use holy fury once per encounter. It lasts until the end of the encounter.

Furious Strike (Su)

As a swift action, you can spend 1 holy fury point to pour divine energy into your weapon. Your blade crackles with a divine aura that is baneful to your foes. You gain a +2 bonus and deal an extra 1d6 points of damage on your next attack. These bonuses apply only to an attack that targets an evil creature. If you accidentally use furious strike against a creature that is not evil, or your attack misses, the furious strike has no effect, but the holy fury point is still spent.

At 4th level, these bonuses increase to +4 on your attack roll and an extra 2d6 points of damage.

At 7th level, these bonuses increase to +6 on your attack roll and an extra 3d6 points of damage.

At 10th level, these bonuses increase to +8 on your attack roll and an extra 4d6 points of damage.

Divine Succor (Su)

Just as your divine power can slay evil creatures, it can also mend wounds suffered by the just. Beginning at 2nd level, as a swift action, you can spend 1 holy fury point to heal 10 points of damage. You can apply this healing to yourself or any good-aligned creature within 20 feet.

At 5th level, you can heal 20 points of damage.

At 8th level, you can heal 30 points of damage.

Divine Resolve (Su)

From 3rd level on, you can draw upon your fury to push aside the effect of a spell cast by your foes, a monster's poison, and so forth. As an immediate action, you can spend 1 holy fury point to gain a +2 bonus on your next saving throw. You can use this ability after attempting a save but before you learn whether it succeeded or failed.

Divine Shield (Su)

When you attain 3rd level, you can focus your divine power into a shield that knocks aside a foe's attack with a mighty shout. As an immediate action, you can spend 1 holy fury point to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against the next attack you face. You can use this ability after a foe attacks you but before you learn whether this attack hit or missed.

Mettle (Ex)

Beginning at 4th level, if you make a successful Fortitude or Will save that would normally reduce (rather than negate) a spell's effect, you suffer no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of "Will partial," "Fortitude half," or similar entries can be negated through this ability.

Heroic Sacrifice (Su)

From 5th level on, as a swift action, you can voluntarily take 2 points of Constitution damage to fully replenish your holy fury points.

Call to Judgment (Su)

With your foe near defeat, you cry out to the gods for justice. Gleaming white chains appear around your enemy, preventing it from using dimensional travel.

At 6th level and beyond, as a swift action, you can spend 3 holy fury points to charge your weapon with divine power. If your next melee attack hits an evil outsider, the target suffers the effect of a dimensional anchor spell, with a caster level equal to your hellreaver level.

Improved Divine Resolve (Su)

At 9th level, your divine resolve ability improves. This ability functions like the divine resolve class feature, except that you can now spend 2 holy fury points as an immediate action to gain a +4 bonus on a saving throw.

Improved Divine Shield (Su)

When you reach 9th level, your divine shield grows stronger. This ability functions like divine shield, except that you can now spend 2 holy fury points as an immediate action to gain a +4 bonus to AC.

Divine Retribution (Su)

Once per day as a swift action, a hellreaver can overwhelm her enemy with pure holy power. She can spend 4 holy fury points to imbue her next attack with powerr. If this attack hits an outsider with the evil subtype, the target takes an extra 20d6 damage on this attack in a great cascade of golden light. All evil creatures within 70 ft must make a fortitude save (DC 10+cha modifier+1/2 character level) or be blinded for 1 round.

Paladin powers:
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Antenora casts as a 29th level paladin. The save DCs are 23 + spell level. All of her paladin spells are automatically quickened.

[7/day]1: Bless, Blessed AimSC, Lesser Restorationx4, Warning ShoutSC
[6/day]2: Divine PresenceCC, Divine ProtectionSCx2, Remove Paralysis, Undetectable Alignment, Whirling BladeSC
[6/day]3: Know VulnerabilitiesSC, Prayer, Remove Blindness/Deafnessx2, Remove Curse, Righteous FurySC
[6/day]4: Blessing of the RighteousPHB2x2, Break Enchantment, Death Wardx2, Voice of the ArchonSC
[6/day]5: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine AgilitySC, Life's GraceSC, Inner BeautyFC1, Plane Shiftx2
[5/day]6: Healx5
[2/day]7: Might of the PlanetarHome, Regenerate

Aura of Good (Ex)

The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level. Note that being a good aligned outsider gives her an overwhelming aura already, this is essentially overlapping with it.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Charging Smite (Ex)

Beginning at 5th level, if you smite evil on a charge attack, you deal an extra 2 points of damage per paladin level to any evil creature you hit (in addition to the normal bonus damage dealt by a smite). If the charge attack misses, the smite ability is not considered used. This is a supernatural ability.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

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Black Horn Spear

This spear was given to Antenora by Alicia as she began her rise from Hell. It has been at her side since them, striking down the evils that would take revenge on Alicia and her friends. It has been augmented by the magic of an archmage, the touch of a Goddess and decades of the opal light of redemption.

The black horn spear is a longspear+7, fiend dread, keen and valorous. It shines with brilliant opal blue light when within 100ft of an outsider with the evil subtype. This light counters invisibility of all types, including superior invisibility. Creatures within the aura gain a +7 sacred bonus to spot checks to detect fiends that are hiding within the aura.

Golden Armor

This armor was recovered from the Outreaches of the Broken Mind, dedicated to sealing a Far Realm horror known as the Q'pa. It heralds from the forges of Jovar, covered in runes beseeching aid from Sealtiel. It has gained a faint opal glow over the decades, matching Antenora's own light.

Golden armor is a breastplate+10 with no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure or maximum dexterity when worn by a lawful good celestial. It increases the power of her divine succor ability, increasing the hit points restored by twenty.

White Dress

The white dress was created by Antenora during her trials in Ysgard. It was made by her power alone, a symbol of the tasks she overcame there. It mixes in the swift power of a Ysgardian gale with the might and experience of a hundred Ysgardian battles.

White dress grants a +70ft bonus to Antenora's fly speed. When wearing the white dress, Antenora gains a +6 enhancement bonus to all ability scores. While the White Dress takes up the body slot, it can function in tandem with Antenora's golden armor. Both items function normally despite the body slot conflict.

Ghost Rope

Ghost rope was created by the archmage Elle Stronger. It draws on Antenora's erinyes heritage and sacred power to restrain incorporeal creatures with a soft opal light. It clings tightly to them, rendering them vulnerable to material attacks.

At will, ghost rope may be thrown with Antenora's entangle ability. It may be used normally against incorporeal creatures. If Antenora successfully entangles an incorporeal creature with it, they are treated as being corporeal as long as they are entangled. As incorporeal creatures lack a strength score and cannot pass freely through the rope, they may escape only with a DC 50 Escape Artist check. Attempting to escape the ghost rope is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Ring of Beauty

This ring was tribute from a band of nymphs and an artist in Brightwater, whom Alicia taught compassion and humility to. It was thereafter given to Antenora. In the proceeding decades, it has aligned to her angelsong and inner majesty. It is a token of one who watches over souls, ensuring they find their eternal reward.

The Ring of Beauty augments Antenora's magnetism, granting her a +10 enhancement bonus to charisma. It naturally brings out the artist in any who wear it, granting a +15 competence bonus to her Perform (Song) checks. Once per day, Antenora may tap into the power of the ring to sing a song of salvation. This functions as both an Inspire Courage and Song of Freedom sung by a 21st level bard. Doing so is a full round action and cannot be maintained after the first round. The Inspire Courage effect lasts for 7 rounds and the Song of Freedom effect occurs instantaneously when sung.

In addition, Antenora wears a ring of protection+5, boots of the battle charger and a ribbon that allows her to use alter self at will. She also carries a silver dagger+5, holy and axiomatic.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



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Sir, my opinion is that Starala is an excellent choice to head the Arinnaphim. Not for now, but in what he will become in time. He has proven himself as an inquisitor and I know he will prove himself as a leader.

- Vel Custos to Barachiel, when asked about his choice to fulfill the vacant position of Lord of the Arinnaphim.

A wretched little worm that doesn't know when to stop asking questions. Then he starts swinging that damned sword of his and it all goes to shit. It's like an annoying spinagon that won't leave you alone, then throws spines right in your damned eyes. He has Mammon's own luck, too. But it'll run out, and then-

- Mekkul the Blind, cornugon and former pit fiend. This statement was taken moments before a demonic horde assaulted his unit in the Blood War.

Starala? He's a grizzled old sargent. If he has another side, I've never seen it. It's like cooperating with an earth elemental with wings and more gruffness than usual. He's capable of handling people, he is still one of the throne. But it's not his nature. It's not what the holy mountain has called him to.

- Sayuel, throne archon.

If you ask me, dear Sayu, this is why Celestia should stop fast-tracking mortals who preform well. Don't you agree? After all, a smooth and loving approach would serve this situation so much better. Save his kind to summoned elementals or all those dwarves Moradin has in your mountain's caves. You'd do so much better if you'd take that position with your superiors.

- Sapha, Guardian of Love.

It's not because he's an inquisitor nor because he is an ascended mortal. It's because within him is the potential I've spoken of. It's time for him to grow further. Growth is sometimes painful, but it has to happen.

- Vel Custos to Barachiel, when asked about his choice to fulfill the vacant position of Lord of the Arinnaphim.

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- Starala was mentioned in the Arinnaphim's fluff block. He has lead the organization in the past 1400 years. He has spent eons as an inquisitor for Celestia, cleaning up messes and ferreting out heresies in various churches. His promotion is the work of Vel Custos, who believes that he will grow more as a leader. He's gruff, mildly ill tempered and relentless in finding out the truth. It's a great skill set for a rough and tumble inquisitor, yet not so much for a leader of archons. How he'll grow into the role is an open question, but Vel Custos seems confident in it.

- At heart, Starala is middle management. He's powerful and has learned many lessons from Celestia, but his journey up the holy mountain is far from over. While he has risen to the rank of throne archon, it is safe to say that he is still a work in progress. To be fair, this illustrates that everyone in Celestia is a work in progress until they reach Chronias.

- Mechanically, Starala is a paladin with a splash of inquisitor powers. It works well enough for him, especially since he's backed up with one hell of a sword. What exactly Lumonosia is and what Cantasa Alexandria is and has to do with him is anyone's guess. With how intertwined the angels are with the houses of law and chaos within good, there's no real way to narrow things down. Incidentally, this isn't the first time Cantasa Alexandria and a gifted thing has come up. Back in Balmuria 3, Hanna's speak with the dead interrogation of a metallic dragon mentioned the gifted heart of Cantasa Alexandria.

- On a related note, Lumonosia is a bit overpowered relative to Starala's power level on purpose. It's mostly the save DC on the blindness effect, but it's a powerful sword all in all.

Throne Archon 24//Paladin 10/Church Inquisitor 14

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Archon, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 10d10+14d8+216 (339 hp)
Initiative: +14
Speed: 40ft, fly 80ft (good)
Armor Class: 40 (-1 size, +15 natural, +3 dex, +13 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +24/+36/58
Attack: Greatsword+38 (3d6+20 plus 2d6 holy plus 2d6 axiomatic 17-20 x2)
Full Attack: Greatsword+38/+33/+28/+23 (3d6+20 plus 2d6 holy plus 2d6 axiomatic 17-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Penitentiary gaze, spell-like abilities, smite evil 5/day, channel energy 13/day(4d6; DC 23), spells.
Special Qualities: Aura of menace, damage reduction 15/epic, evil and silver, darkvision 120ft, immunity to charm, compulsion, electricity, petrification and possession, low-light vision, magic circle against evil, spell resistance 36, teleport, tongues, aura of good, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(100 hp), divine courage, divine health, charging smite, remove disease 2/week, pierce illusion, pierce disguise, force shapechange, learn the truth.
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +33, Will +30 (+4 vs poison)
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 30, Con 28, Int 24, Wis 25, Cha 30
Skills: Concentration+36, Diplomacy+37, Gather Information+37, Heal+34, Intimidate+45, Knowledge(Arcana)+34, Knowledge(Geography)+34, Knowledge(History)+34, Knowledge(Local:Mount Celestia)+34, Knowledge(Nature)+34, Knowledge(N&R)+34, Knowledge(Planes)+34, Knowledge(Religion)+34, Listen+34, Profession(Judge)+34, Ride+37, Sense Motive+42, Spellcraft+34, Spot+34
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Improved Initiative(1), Power Attack(3), Ability Focus(Penitentiary Gaze)(6), Extra Smiting(9), Law Devotion(12), Battle Blessing(15), Empower Spell-Like Ability(Righteous Smite)(18)
Epic Feats: Spectral Strike(21), Epic Ability Focus(Penitentiary Gaze)(24), Epic Spell Capacity(CI14)
Alignment: Axiomatic Good (Axiomatic Exalted tendencies)

Racial powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-discern lies, see invisibility. At will-atonement, break enchantment, bless weapon, blessed sight, cure critical wounds, detect chaos, detect evil, greater dispel magic, hallow, mark of justice, neutralize poison, restoration, sending, vision of heaven. 3/day-banishment, death ward, dictum, divine favor, find the path, greater restoration, heal, heroes feast, holy aura, holy sword, resurrection, righteous smite, shield of the archons, true seeing. 1/day-miracle. Caster level 24th. The save DCs 20 + spell level.

Aura of Menace (Su)

A righteous aura surrounds Starala when he fights or gets angry. Any hostile creature within a 20ft radius of Starala must succeed on a Will save (DC 34) to resist its effects. Those who fail take a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit Starala. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by Starala's aura for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Penitentiary Gaze (Su)

Any nonlawful good creature within 30ft of Starala that meets his glowing blue eyes must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 38) or temporarily fall under his influence. Such a being becomes filled with remorse over the distance his life's actions have taken him from the ideals of law or goodness (even if such distance would ordinarily make him proud). The intensity of the remorse (and the relevant game effect) varies depending upon the creature's alignment. Compare the victim's alignment to the chart below, adding any game effects that apply. This ability's save DC is Charisma based.

The victim is free to act (even to attack Starala) while under the effects of the penitentiary gaze. The effects persist each round until the victim makes a successful Will saving throw. Starala can disable or enable this ability as a free action. The gaze cannot be disabled during the same round in which it was enabled (and vice versa).

Law/Chaos Axis

Neutral: The victim is beset by religious visions in which angelic legions berate him for straying from the true path of law and goodness. As a result, he becomes fatigued.

Chaotic: Blistering mental hellscapes scald the victim's consciousness, causing so much psychological damage that the victim becomes exhausted.

Good/Evil Axis

Neutral: Pangs of self regret over past evil deeds result in blood-red psychosomatic blisters and boils. The victim takes 15 points of damage.

Evil: The victim's guilt and misery creates a psychosomatic meltdown that results in painful rashes and explosive skin abrasions. The victim takes 30 points of damage.


Throne archons have a +8 racial bonus to intimidate and sense motive checks.

Paladin powers:
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Starala casts as a 24th level paladin with access to the inquisition domain. The save DCs are 20 + spell level. All of Starala's paladin spells are automatically quickened.

[6/day]1: Detect Poison, Detect Undead, Divine Favorx2, Lesser Restorationx2
[6/day]2: Delay Poisonx2, Resist Energyx2, Shield Otherx2
[5/day]3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Prayerx2, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse
[5/day]4: Break Enchantment, Cure Serious Wounds, Death Ward, Restorationx2
[5/day]5: Atonement, Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Plane Shift, True Seeing

Aura of Good (Ex)

The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level. Note that being a good aligned outsider gives her an overwhelming aura already, this is essentially overlapping with it.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Charging Smite (Ex)

Beginning at 5th level, if you smite evil on a charge attack, you deal an extra 2 points of damage per paladin level to any evil creature you hit (in addition to the normal bonus damage dealt by a smite). If the charge attack misses, the smite ability is not considered used. This is a supernatural ability.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Church Inquisitor powers:
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Detect Evil (Sp)

A church inquisitor can use detect evil at will as a spell-like ability.

Immune to Charms (Ex)

A church inquisitor of 2nd level or higher is immune to all enchantment (charm) spells and effects.

Pierce Illusion (Su)

At 3rd level, the church inquisitor gains the supernatural ability to penetrate illusions and disguises at will. Whenever an inquisitor sees an illusion or disguise spell of any sort, he immediately makes a Will save to see through it. The inquisitor need not interact with or touch the illusion, visual contact is enough to give the Will save.

Pierce Disguise (Ex)

The inquisitor has a +4 competence bonus on Spot checks against the Disguise skill.

Immune to Compulsions (Ex)

A church inquisitor of 5th level or higher is immune to all compulsion spells and effects.

Force Shapechange (Su)

A church inquisitor of 6th level or higher can force a creature into its natural form. The church inquisitor must make a successful melee touch attack against the creature. If the attack is successful, the church inquisitor makes a caster level check as if casting dispel magic against the shapechanging effect. The church inquisitor's +4 bonus on dispel checks (the Inquisition domain granted power) applies to this check. This ability undoes the effect of alter self, polymorph, shapechange, and alternate form abilities, whether exceptional, spell-like, or supernatural in nature. The affected creature cannot change its shape again for 1d6 rounds. The church inquisitor can use this ability at will.

Immunity to Possession (Ex)

A church inquisitor of 8th level or higher has immunity to magic jar, soul bind, trap the soul, a ghost's malevolence ability, and all other spells or effects that displace or replace a character's life force. The character can still travel to the planes via astral projection, if so desired.

Discern Lies (Sp)

A church inquisitor of 9th level or higher can use discern lies as a spelllike ability three times per day.

Learn the Truth (Su)

By touching a creature that has lied to him, a church inquisitor of 10th level or higher can force the creature to tell the truth. The creature can make a Will save (DC 10 + the church inquisitor's level + the church inquisitor's Cha modifier) to resist this mind-affecting compulsion effect. If the saving throw fails, the creature must speak the true version of the lie it uttered. The church inquisitor can use this ability 3 times/day.

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Starala carries this greatsword with him at all times. It is said to be a fragment of something or someone known as Cantasa Alexandria. What exactly Cantasa Alexandria is and means is unknown and perhaps unknowable, as knowledge of it fades from both minds and tomes. It is said that Starala has spoken of it before, but the knowledge is forever lost save that it was a gift. Lumonosia appears as a greatsword with a blue-gold sheen that never tarnishes. The blade is perfectly forged and appears perfectly symmetrical.

Lumonosia is a large greatsword+5, holy, axiomatic, keen and valorous. When the wielder successfully deals damage with a charging smite (as the paladin ACF), they are surrounded by overwhelming light in a 30ft radius for one round. This light grants Starala and any good aligned allies within 30ft a +7 sacred bonus to armor class. Evil creatures must instead make a DC 49 Fortitude save or be permanently blinded. The light fades at the beginning of Starala's next turn.

Starala also wears mithral full plate armor+5. When going into battle, he has access to items such as rings of protection, scrolls of spells that increase his armor class and saving throws, and finally various ioun stones. These are all mementos of his many adventures guiding mortals on the Prime Material.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Phoebe, Moonkeeper

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Phoebe is the child of Selune, conceived when Selune's blood mixed with the moonlit soil of Arvandor. She grew from the ground in one cycle of the moon, from conception at the new moon to adulthood at the next new moon. Born of a battle with Shar, she nonetheless has none of Shar's darkness. She is a true daughter of her mother and the two are said to be close.

While Phoebe is not divine, she was born with extraordinary powers in the service of the moon. Her tasks are two fold - to be the high priestess of Selune's faith in the Gates of the Moon, overseeing the most holy rituals. This includes raising promising spirits and exceptional mortals to the ranks of the Shards of Selune, as well the purification of the Gates of the Moon when the darkness of the new moon falls. Her other task is to protect the moons of the mortal realms from any who would meddle in those holy places.

Phoebe resembles Selune with lustrous white hair and ethereal features. Her very essence is suffused with moonlight, as if fading out of sight only to grow bright and radiant mere moments later. Unlike most of Selune's forms, Phoebe has a slight, fragile build. Nonetheless she reaches eight feet tall. She wears an ethereal shawl of white silk or at times nothing at all. She is indifferent to her own nudity, though is mindful of other creatures around her and makes a point not to embarrass anyone.

While Phoebe is often considered to lead the Shards of Selune, in truth she is not a part of them. Her powers resemble those of the Shards, but she in fact predates them. She is attended to by six identical sextuplet sisters known as the Sisters of the Hexad. Long ago, they became priests of Selune and eventually Shards of Selune after serving Selune long and faithfully. In other relationships, she is on friendly terms with Tymora, who treats her as something of a niece. Phoebe and Pistis Sophia have met before and gotten along well, despite disagreeing over law and chaos. They stay in contact with letters as their respective duties only seldom allow them to meet face to face. The only ones she personally dislikes are the triplet Guardians of Love, whom tend to stir a rare jealousy within her. In turn she acts snippish with them, to which the sisters return in kind.

Phoebe has no romantic entanglements or interests. While she has not taken a vow of chastity, she essentially acts as if she observes one. She is a creature born without sex and feels no connection to it. She is capable of feeling attraction but she swiftly subsumes any attractions she feels.

As for enemies, Phoebe counts all of Selune's enemies as her own enemies. In addition, she has clashed before with Rosier of Hell and the new Oinoloth, the Adversary. Her enmity with Rosier is due to a scheme by Rosier's witches to control the movements of the moon. While the scheme ultimately failed, the two powerful spirits had a short and indecisive battle during the climax. This conflict left who would win in doubt, as well as stirring deep disgust within Phoebe. Rosier's essence and what she represents is at nines with Phoebe, and should the two meet again, Phoebe has every intention of destroying the Duchess of Witchcraft. Phoebe has recently faced servants of the Adversary, finding them to be loathsome. As an immortal spirit that is free from sickness, Phoebe finds the concept of disease extremely offputting, especially the magical diseases the Oinoloth spreads that can sicken even outsiders.

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- Phoebe's origins are someone similar to Mystryl's from canon FR. This is on purpose and is a nod to it, as Balmuria Mystra's origins (and the origins of most deities and powers) are somewhat less certain. If Balmuria ever had a Mystryl, it's a well kept secret.

- It's worth commenting on Phoebe's relative unease with romance. She's can feel attraction and the like, but her nature is to ignore this part of herself. It's not a problem as much as a thing that rarely pops up. To be honest, it's simply a reaction to Shar's identity as the seductive dark dancer. She got a bit of Selune's disdain for that form and it ended up being that.

- As far as mechanics go, Phoebe is an overgrown silverstar. She has some neat tricks relating to her duty, but otherwise she's a spellcaster and acts as such. Speaking of, the large majority of her spells are done, including a sizable contingent of custom spells. She's not 100% done, but I'll go back and finish her when there's more spell options one day.

- If Ao wasn't a dick about divine rank, she'd be divine rank 0. She's really on the border for it, but the situation as it is holds her back. She'd make a good assistant demigoddess if this ever changed.

Angel 42//Favored Soul 10/Silverstar 32

Changelog: Lots, as the previous was an unpolished beta.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Angel, Chaotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 42d8+420+42+168 (966 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 62 (-1 size, +8 dex, +33 natural, +12 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +42/+48/67
Attack: Moonfire+49 ranged touch (20d8)
Full Attack: 2 moonfires+49 ranged touch (20d8)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Moonfire, spells, channel energy 16/day (5d6; DC 29), moon's hand (+11, lightning blast), moonfire (silverstar).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/cold iron, epic and evil, spell resistance 56, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, resistance to fire, electricity and sonic 30, protective aura, tongues, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, regeneration 20, change shape, moon magic, lady of the moon, moon spells, lunar sight, tears of selune, prophet's sight 10/day, Selunite lycanthropy.
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +34, Will +38 (+2 vs enchantment, necromancy and illusion)
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 27, Con 31, Int 34, Wis 35, Cha 39 
Skills: Appraise+57, Bluff+59, Concentration+55, Craft(Alchemy)+57, Diplomacy+59, Escape Artist+53, Gather Information+59, Heal+57, Hide+53, Intimidate+59, Knowledge(Arcana)+57, Knowledge(History)+57, Knowledge(Local: Gates of the Moon)+57, Knowledge(Nature)+57, Knowledge(Planes)+57, Knowledge(Religion)+57, Listen+57, Move Silently+53, Profession(Astrologer)+57, Search+57, Sense Motive+57, Spellacraft+57, Spot+57, Use Magic Device+59
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Blind-Fight(1), Spell Penetration(3), Weapon Focus(Heavy Mace)(FS3), Greater Spell Penetration(6), Initiate of Selune(9), Toughness(12), Spell Focus(Good)(15), Empower Spell(18), Maximize Spell(21), Twin Spell(30), Transdimensional Spell(33)
Epic Feats: Intensify Spell(24), Epic Spell Capacity(SS14), Enhance Spell(27), Epic Spell Penetration(SS18), Improved Metamagic(SS22), Bonus Domain(Dream)(36), Rapture of the Prophet(SS26), Epic Toughness(39), Improved Metamagic(SS30), Epic Toughness(42)
Alignment: Anarchic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. At will-continual flame, holy smite, invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, speak with dead. 3/day-blade barrier, flame strike, power word stun, superb dispelling, waves of fatigue. 1/day-greater restoration, mass charm monster, moonfire, resurrection, waves of exhaustion. Caster level 42nd. The save DCs are 28 + spell level.

Moonfire (Su)

When Phoebe attacks, she attacks with jets of gorgeous silver moonlight. She is treated as armed at all times and can make attacks of opportunity with moonfire when creatures come within her reach. When attacking, Moonfire has a range of 100ft and requires a ranged touch attack roll. A successful hit deals 20d8 points of damage.

Guardian of the Moon (Ex)

Phoebe is the direct agent of Selune when the moon is attacked. When Phoebe battles on the moon or within 1000ft of it, she gains several benefits from Selune's empowerment. These are as follows.

- A +20 point bonus to spell resistance.
- A +30 point improvement to her existing damage reduction. In addition, her damage reduction now requires axiomatic, cold iron, epic and evil weapons to defeat it.
- A +80 point bonus to her regeneration.
- A +20 bonus to all saving throws and attack rolls. She gains the benefits of improved evasion and improved mettle.
- Immunity to fire, electricity, sonic, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, negative levels, sickened, nauseated, fatigue, exhaustion, stunning, dazed, blindness, deafness, mind-affecting, fear, paralysis and staggered.

In addition, she is aware of everything on the moon and everything within 1000ft of the moon. As a full round action, she may attack any and all creatures within that range with her moonfire attack; further, her moonfire penetrates barriers as a divine blast. She may exclude creatures from this attack as she sees fit.

It is believed that Phoebe is capable of being on more than one moon (or perhaps the moon is always the same, it's a point of contention and speculation) in defiance of all logic. Each instance of Phoebe is separate and the defeat or slaying of one instance has no impact on any other instances on other moons. How this functions is not fully clear and the means to fully destroy Phoebe may require destroying the moon or other such things.

Change Shape (Su)

Phoebe can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid.

Moon Magic (Ex)

Phoebe may cast any spell with the world moon in its name or any spell relating to the moon as a divine spell. These spells are considered to be a part of her class spell list as normal.

Regeneration (Ex)

Phoebe's regeneration can be bypassed by epic, evil and cold iron weapons or by spells with the evil descriptor.

Lady of the Moon (Ex)

Phoebe has a fragment of Selune's pure majesty and blood within her. She is treated as having divine rank zero for the sake of effects, though she no actual divine rank.

Favored Soul powers:
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Phoebe casts as a 42nd level favored soul with access to the dream domain and lunar spells (caster level 46th, caster level 47th for good spells, +6 bonus to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance). The save DCs are 28 + spell level (30 + spell level for spells with the good descriptor). Phoebe's metamagic options are Empower Spell (+1), Maximize Spell (+1), Transdimensional Spell (+1), Enhance Spell (+2), Twin Spell (+2) and Intensify Spell (+5).

[6/day]0: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Virtue
[6/day]1: Bless, Entropic Shield, HandfirePGTF, Moon LustSC, Shield of Faith, SignSC
[6/day]2: Augury, Consecrate, Divine InsightSC, Lesser Restoration, Make Whole, MoonbeamSC
[6/day]3: Create Food and Water, Invisibility Purge, Mass AidSC, Mass Resist EnergySC, Moon BladeSC, Selune's GraceSC(1)
[6/day]4: Assay Spell ResistanceSC, Control Water, Divination, Fear, Moon BoltSC, Wall of MoonlightPGTF
[6/day]5: Atonement, Hallow, Life's GraceSC, Moon PathSC, MoonwebPGTF, Righteous Might
[6/day]6: Animate Objects, Banishment, Heal, Lucent LanceSC, Permanent Image, Wind Walk
[6/day]7: Control Weather, Greater Restoration, Greater Scrying, Holy Word, Insanity, Lunatic's LightHome
[6/day]8: Dimensional Lock, Earthquake, Greater Spell Immunity, Heat DrainSC, Maddening WhispersSC, Mass Death WardSC
[6/day]9: Etherealness, Gate, Mass Heal, Miracle, MoonfireSC, Undeath's Eternal FoeSC
[6/day]10: Celestial ValorHome, Energy ImmunityHome, Miracle of HealthHome, Miracle of UncursingHome, MoonriseHome, Selune's ShieldHome
[6/day]11: Lunar HealingHome, Mass RegenerateHome, Moonlight RevelationHome, Selune's RejectionHome, Selune's SightHome, Shardread WeaponHome
[6/day]12: Burst of GloryHome, Gift of ProphecyHome, Greater Moon LustHome, Legion's GatesHome, Moonfire TearHome, Wrath of the HeavensHome
[6/day]13: Eternal MoonriseHome, Instant RegenerationHome, Mass Energy ImmunityHome, Moon BarrageHome, Morwel's BlessingHome, Summon Shard of SeluneHome
[6/day]14: Antimagic ZoneHome, DreamscapeHome, Lunatic StormHome, Mass Lunar HealingHome, Summon SolarHome 1
[6/day]15: Automatic SummoningHome, Call Primal ElementalHome, Dream TravelHome, Final PenanceHome 2
[5/day]16: Perfect Energy ImmunityHome 5
[3/day]17: 3

1 - As Grace

Home - Homebrew
PGTF - Player's Guide to Faerun
SC - Spell Compendium

Silverstar powers:
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Moon Spells

A silverstar can prepare any Moon domain spell as if it were on her divine spell list. The spell uses a spellslot equal to it's level on the Moon domain list.  For instance, a cleric/silverstar could prepare Moonblade as a 3rd level cleric spell, and a ranger/silverstar could prepare Moonbeam as a 2nd level ranger spell.

Lunar Sight (Ex)

At 2nd level a silverstar gains low-light vision.

Moon's Hand (Su)

Any heavy mace wielded by a 3rd level silverstar is treated as if it were a +1 shocking heavy mace. If it leaves the hand of the silverstar it reverts to it's original abilities. If the weapon has additional properties, such as frost or impact, these still apply, and if the weapon has an enhancement bonus higher than +1, the higher of the two bonuses is used. At 6th level this improves to a +2 shocking heavy mace, and to a +2 shocking burst heavy mace at level 9.

Tears of Selune (Sp)

A 4th level silverstar can project small balls of luminescent lunar energy from her eyes as a dancing lights spell(torches or will o' the wisps only) at will.

Prophet's Sight (Sp)

Once per day at 5th level, a Silverstar is able see as if under the effect of true seeing. In essence, she may give herself true seeing once per day. This ability may not be used on other creatures. At 8th level this increases to two times per day.

Selunite Lycanthropy (Ex)

Upon reaching 6th level, silverstars who contract lycanthropy are treated as natural lycanthropes. Silverstars do not change alignment due to contracting lycanthropy and are aware of their actions while in animal or hybrid form.

Moonshield (Su)

At 7th level, a silverstar learns how to better resist the dark magic of Shar. She gains a +2 bonus on saves against enchantment, illusion, and necromancy spells.

Moonfire (Sp)

Upon reaching 10th level, a silverstar can cast moonfire 1/day as a spell like ability. Her caster level equals her hit dice.

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Phoebe's Shawl

This shawl is heavily enchanted and woven out of the full moon's light. It grants Phoebe a +12 armor bonus to armor class, a +7 resistance bonus to saving throws and a +4 bonus to the caster level and save DCs of her Favored Soul spells and her innate spell-like abilities.

Phoebe has more treasure available to her, but only draws on it in the most dire emergency. The only exception is if she desires a mace to use her Moon's Hand ability. In that case she has a moonlight mithral mace+5, holy and impact kept at the ready.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Call Primal Elemental
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text]
Level: Clr 15, Drd 15, Sor/Wiz 15
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft 2/levels)
Effect: One summoned primal elemental
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell enables you to call a primal elemental to negotiate with for its services. You must know the name of a specific primal elemental to be summoned or otherwise identify it in an unambiguous fashion. Doing so calls the elemental named and allows you to bargain with it for its services.

Bargaining with such a creature is identical to lesser planar ally and related spells, except that primal elementals rarely care for materials or items. Generally, they want services that advance the cause of their element of harm the cause of its opposing element. A primal elemental will never waive payment for its services.

A primal elemental who does not care for the caster's offered services or is attacked by the caster (or allies) will attack.

Due to the size of primal elementals, this spell is usually cast outside or in another wide open space.

The descriptor of the spell matches that of the elemental. For example, summoning a primal fire elemental makes this a spell with the fire descriptor.

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Clr 14, Dream 14, Sor/Wiz 14
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 200ft/level; see text
Effect: A dreamscape demiplane; see text
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

This spell is somewhat similar to genesis, in that it creates a demiplane. Unlike genesis, it may be cast anywhere. When cast, this spell creates a demiplane in the realm of dreams under the caster's control. A portal to the demiplane appears within 30ft of the caster and lasts for the duration of the spell, any creature can pass through it (even if they would be too large to fit). Effects that stop teleportation or planar travel suppress the portal's functionality, though they do not dispel it.

Within this demiplane, the caster has complete control over the environment and landscape. He may design it as he sees fit when the spell is first cast. With a minute of concentration within the demiplane, the caster can change the features of the demiplane to whatever he wishes. The caster can design terrain hostile to creatures, though the caster has no special immunity to these. Should a situation require a saving throw, the DC is the saving throw for this spell. Unlike genesis, this spell can create life and constructions. Creatures created are loyal to the caster unless he chooses otherwise.

Dreamscape does have certain limitations. First of all, any material in the demplane is merely the stuff of dreams. Material from the dreamscape taken outside of the demiplane immediately vanishes, as do creatures created by the spell. Injuries and effects suffered in the demiplane fade away should a creature leave the demiplane, though creatures slain in the demiplane stay dead. This includes positive effects from materials within the demiplane. For example, a poisoned creature who drinks an antidote made from the material within the demiplane and then leaves is poisoned once more when they leave. For the sake of effects with durations, treat the durations as suspended once countered or negated by something in the demiplane and resumed once the creature leaves the demiplane.

Finally, dreamscape draws on the dreams of the caster. As such, it tends to reflect the caster's true thoughts and feelings. This manifests in various subtle ways and is outside of the caster's control. The exact manifestations vary from casting to casting.

This spell may be dispelled only within the demiplane. Doing so requires superb dispelling or greater magic. Should the dreamscape be dispelled, all real creatures within are shunted to a random plane (50% chance) or their home plane (50% chance). Creatures within the demiplane when the duration expires suffer the same fate.

Dream Travel
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Dream 15
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal; see text
Target: You; see text

When you finish this spell, you cast yourself into the realm of dreams and instantly connect to the dreams of another creature that is asleep. This instantly teleports you and objects up to your maximum load to them with no chance of a mishap. This teleportation functions across planar boundaries and even into most demiplanes. An unwilling creature is allowed a Will save, success causes the teleport to fail. Should the teleport succeed, the creature is awakened by your teleportation (unless asleep as a result of outside means, such as magic, sedatives or so forth). This prevents any chance of a surprise round.

The main utility of this spell is that is circumvents most attempts to stop teleportation. Dimensional anchor, dimensional lock and even a wish or miracle spell cannot stop it, due to the unusual means of travel via the realm of dreams. The only thing that can stop it a deity or similar entity severing the astral links to a location or the target creature being in an antimagic field or dead magic area.

Eternal Moonrise
Conjuration (Summoning) [Good]
Level: Moon 13
Duration: Permanent

This spell is identical to moonrise, except as noted here. The caster may elect to upgrade the consecrate effect to hallow (as well as fix a spell to it as described in hallow) if they wish. In any case, eternal moonrise can only be dispelled by a wish or miracle spell by a 31st level spellcaster at the same location that eternal moonrise was cast.

This spell is known as holy night to clerics of Sehanine Moonbow, but it is otherwise identical.

Gift of Prophecy
Level: Clr 12, Drd 12
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched; see text
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

By casting gift of prophecy, you connect the target to your deity and make them a vessel of divine insight. This spell can only be cast on a willing target with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher who can speak. Once this spell is cast, the target creature falls into a trance for the spell's duration. The creature is not helpless, but instead distracted by insights to things far beyond mortal ken. These insights sustain them, as the target creature does not need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe for the duration of the spell.

While in this trance, any question asked to the target creature will be answered, as if by a commune spell. Alternately, at any time the target creature can recite longer and more complex prophecies. These occur at the deity's discretion and are structured to the interests of the deity. Questions asked during this time will not be answered, though they may be asked again once the creature ceases to recite prophecy.

This spell is used by extremely powerful clergy and divine servants when a deity's direct commands are desired. The deity may cause this spell to fail, choose to not answer any question or end the spell at any time. Granting this spell is a show of great trust in a servant and is expected to be used wisely.

If the spellcaster does not have a patron deity or power, this spell fails.

Greater Moon Lust
Illusion (Pattern) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr 12
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Targets: 1 living creature/level, no two of which can be more than 60ft apart
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell works as moon lust, except as described here. If this spell is cast in moonlight or under the moon, the target creatures suffer a -5 sacred penalty to the Will save. Worshipers and servants of Shar suffer a -5 sacred penalty to the Will save from this spell; the penalties stack to -10 if both conditions apply.


An ingot of moonlight mithral worth no less than 1,000 gold.

Instant Regeneration
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 13, Drd 15, Pal 13, Rgr 15
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

When cast, this spell creates a powerful ward over the target creature that can fix horrible injuries instantly. When the target creature suffers an injury that could only be fixed by regeneration, such as limb loss, crushed organs or broken bones, this spell causes instant regeneration of the destroyed body parts. This is fast enough to prevent death in the case of decapitation and other injuries that would be immediately fatal. Each regeneration also restores 4d8 hit points, plus 1 hit point per caster level (maximum +50), but cannot restore more hit points than were caused by the injury in the first place.

This spell is ineffective against wounds and injuries that would not apply to regenerate, such as normal hit point damage. It is entirely possible to die from injury while under the effect of this spell, as it only applies to injuries regenerate would fix. Likewise, a wound that causes this spell to cause regeneration but that deals enough damage to slay the target after its healing still kills them.

If the target of this spell has injuries that require regenerate to restore, they immediately heal when this spell is applied.

Lunar Healing
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 11, Drd 12, Pal 10, Rgr 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text

Lunar healing momentarily conjures a cloud of tiny moonlight motes, said to be miniscule fragments of Selune herself. The energy of these motes rejuvenates the touched creature, granting them the benefits of a heal spell, except that this can recover up to 300 hit points. In addition, all negative levels and ability drain is cured by this spell. Afflicted lycanthropes are automatically cured of lycanthropy by this spell.

If used against an undead creature, evil outsider or evil lycanthrope, this spell functions as harm instead and deals up to 300 points of damage. An evil afflicted lycanthrope is cured of lycanthropy if they survive this damage, this is a side effect of the energies involved.

Lunatic Storm
Evocation [Light]
Level: Clr 14, Sor/Wiz 14
Component: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 full round action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Area: 20ft bursts; see text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

Lunatic storm causes multiple lunatic's light to explode within the range of the spell. The caster gets one lunatic's light per three caster levels. Each one appears where the caster desires within the range of the spell. Multiple lunatic's light may not overlap, though creatures that occupy more than one square can be caught in more than one assault. Each assault requires a separate saving throw and spell resistance check to resist.

In addition, each light deals 1d6 damage per caster level, to a maximum of 40d6. All other effects are as lunatic's light.


The eye of any outsider with 20 or more Hit Dice.

Mass Lunar Healing
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Clr 14, Drd 15, Pal 13, Rgr 14
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft 2/levels)
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 60ft apart

This spell is identical to lunar healing, except as noted here. The maximum number of hit points restored to each creature is 450.

Moon Barrage
Level: Clr 13, Drd 13
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Targets: 1 living or undead creature/level

This spell is identical to moon bolt, except as noted here. The maximum strength damage is 8d4 points and undead creatures are rendered helpless for 2d4 rounds.

Both living and undead creatures can be targeted by the same moon barrage.

Moonfire Tear
Evocation [Light]
Level: Moon 12
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Area: 180ft radius spread

This spell functions as moonfire, except as noted here. This spell evokes a single tear from Selune that explodes in a massive burst of moonfire. The maximum damage this spell can deal is 15d8 damage and 30d8 to shapeshifters and undead. The silver-white glow created by this spell lasts for 1 minute instead of 1 round.

Moonlight Revelation
Divination [Good]
Level: Clr 11, Brd 9
Components: V, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level

You are surrounded by a silvery glow that provides light in a 120ft radius around you. This causes you to automatically fail any Hide checks. Any creature within the radius of the light suffers a -40 penalty to Hide checks. Further, illusions are subject to being dispelled each round they are within the light. Treat this as greater dispel magic with a maximum dispel modifier of +30. Evil creatures are outlined by this magic, revealing their weak points for all to strike. They suffer a -5 penalty to armor class while within the radius of the light of this spell.

Selune's Rejection
Necromancy [Good]
Level: Clr 11, Drd 11
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The victim of this spell is cursed so that Selune's light burns them like sunlight burns a vampire. The target is allowed a Will save when this spell is cast, success negates the curse. If the save is failed, the target suffers 10d6 points of damage per round when exposed to moonlight. Heavy clothing or armor does not prevent this damage, nor do transparent barriers or anything that allows light to pass, such as a wall of force. Solid barriers, such as a wall of stone, are sufficient to protect the target.

This spell can be removed by a wish or miracle spell. This spell must be cast in a temple of Selune that has been desecrated and unhallowed. Alternately, the caster of Selune's rejection can remove it by casting the spell again.

Selune's Sight
Level: Clr 11, Drd 11, Rgr 9
Components: V, S, M, special
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The touched creature's vision improves greatly. They gain low-light vision and darkvision 120ft. Within moonlight, the creature sees as clearly as bright daylight and as if under true seeing.

This spell is a mark of Selune's favor and is not known outside of her faith, in part due to the special requirement to cast it.


This spell can only be cast by those that have the Initiate of Selune feat.

Material Component

Moonstone gems worth at least 10,000 gold.

Shardread Weapon
Evocation [Good]
Level: Sanctified 11
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell allows you to transform a melee weapon that you touch. The weapon gains a +7 enhancement bonus. Against servants of Shar and creatures commonly associated with her (such as shadows or nightwalkers), it functions as a dread weapon.

The bonuses from this spell overwrite a weapon's normal properties, but it cannot affect an artifact.

For the sake of this spell, servants of Shar means creatures that worship Shar, serve her or otherwise work with her forces.

This spell was created by Selune, who has made a point to spread it far and wide.


The melee weapon to be enhanced.

Summon Shard of Selune
Conjuration (Summoning) [Chaotic, Good]
Level: Clr 13
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft 2/levels)
Effect: 1 summoned shard of Welune
Duration: Concentration; up to 1 round/level + 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell summons a shard from the Gates of the Moon. It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It understands your speech, regardless of language, and it follows your commands to the best of its ability. You must concentrate to maintain the spell's effect, but commanding the creature is a free action.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Amaryl Gaial

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Amaryl Gaial was born to the Gaial clan, one of the six leading familes of the elven nation Pallanth. Her early life was one of idle nobility in a privileged position. It was a good and comfortable life until the head of the clan, Lavandear Gaial, abruptly died. This caught the entire family off guard and lead to a round of complicated internal politics. As a result of a deadlock, Amaryl was elevated to head of the clan. Her position was to be that of a puppet between interests, a compromise that could be tolerated by the various houses. As Amaryl was a shy and retiring young elf, there was little doubt she would go along with it. Indeed she did, slipping into a withdrawn despair as she lamented her lot in life. The life of a house leader was not to her tastes, nor was the constant pressure and responsibility.

This state of affairs lasted until Seira came to the Citadel of Noon to establish ties between Pallanth and the human nation of the United Baronies. In that visit Amaryl caught Seira's eye. Over that visit and later ones, Seira forged a friendship with Amaryl. In time Seira convinced Amaryl to leave behind her unhappy life and come with her to the United Baronies. Here she reinvented herself as a warrior with Seira's help, gaining confidence and a happier life. She became a famous adventurer tied to both Seira and the Crimson Guard.

In this time she went under many legendary adventurers. She say the fall of the Empire of Malmuth, the defeat of the cabal of liches known as the Dark Six and Seira's rise to full dragon-hood. She became romantically involved with Seira and found further happiness there. When Seira discovered the lost Cauldron and the divine spark, Amaryl came with her as her wife. She has learned many secrets from Seira and has risen to the rank of quasi-power. While she is not a full deity yet, she hopes to join Seira soon.

Amaryl rules the Cauldron at Seira's side. She has taken on the blood of dragons much has Seira has, followed by becoming an outsider during her divine ascension. She oversees the efforts of the Cauldron to find harmony between the elements and combine them into a greater whole. While her own divine legend is still forming, it will likely involve rangers, scouts, archery, confidence and heroism. She is tied to spells relating to such in the faithful of the Cauldron, though this practice is not widespread yet due to her recent rise.


Amaryl appears as a female elf with long blonde hair. It has taken on a bright, fiery luster in recent times that tints it towards orange. She is on the short side and lean, with hints of solid muscle to add definition. Her hands have a delicate curving towards being claws and her skin has small patches of skin akin to scales. Both features add another dash of inhuman exoticism to her appearance. Her face retains her elven beauty without the sense of fragility that most elven women inspire. Generally, Amaryl wears magical equipment and gear suited to the stereotypical description of an elven ranger. This is joined by her chain mail and bow.

The majority of creatures find Amaryl inspiring. She strives to live up to the example Seira has set for her, this reflects in how other creatures see her. She greets most with a smile, letting her natural charisma and exotic appearance carry things rather than bolder stunts. She builds up and establishes herself with creatures she meets.


Amaryl is quiet and withdrawn by nature, preferring to follow rather than lead. However, she suppresses this aspect of herself and strives to be active instead. Regardless, she comes off as well read, refined and graceful. She is the product of a high elven upbringing and this shows through. She also tends to be insightful as well as opinionated about matters she cares about, the latter of which surprises people that don't know her well. In total she comes off as a well spoken princess with unexpected strength of character if pushed.


Amaryl's mortal family are not close to her, as she left them on bad terms and has not sought to mend this rift. Likewise her friends on the Prime Material have been largely left behind. While she does stay on occasional contact with magic and letters, her new responsibilities keep her away from them.

Her new family is Seira. The two are happily married and working together to make the Cauldron the best it can be. Seira takes the dominant role in the relationship, guiding Amaryl as Amaryl supports Seira. The two are content and a natural pair. Beyond that, she's close to the various members of the Cauldron, including Donald, Lady Sanzha and Valar.

Past the Cauldron, Amaryl maintains a small but firm circle of friends, supplemented by a wide net of acquaintances. Many of these are with more agreeable and ethically tolerable genies from the elemental planes, as well as servants of the Archomentals of Elemental Good. This is in support of the Cauldron's mission to unify the elements, she in particular has strong ties to the court of Zaaman Rul. The Prince of Elemental Good in Fire has been a steadfast ally and natural friend to Seira and Amaryl, as his temperament matches Seira's well. Her ties to the Outer Planes are somewhat less developed, though she's become known in Arborea and Arvandor.

As a fledgling power, Amaryl has relatively few enemies. She has waged war with Hell more than once, though Baator is primarily Sylica's enemy and she is secondary to those struggles. Her main enemy is Shar and all that serve her, as she has seen first hand what horrors those that follow the Lady of Loss bring. She dedicates a good deal of her energies to opposing Shar's machinations whenever she finds them.


Amaryl prefers to defuse battles before they begin. Well worded diplomacy can stop a battle before it begins, a practice she has honed when dealing with the elemental planes and their denizens. There's no glory in bloodshed to her, but instead it is the inevitable result of those who are not willing to listen to reason. Should her opponents prove themselves to be thus unreasonable, she does not hold back at all.

Amaryl's first choice of action is to use her time stop spell-like ability, followed by increasing her combat abilities with her improved blink spell-like ability followed by casting Amaryl's arrow mind, surge of hope, shield and dragonskin, as the amount of time in time stop allows. Once done, or not if she's had sufficient time to prepare for the battle beforehand, she focuses on moving across the battlefield and using manyshot. She attempts to eliminate targets based on the danger they pose to others and then herself, preferring to guarantee the safety of allies or innocents first.

Should a battle turn against Amaryl or should she be reduced to less than 200 hit points, she will use time stop again. She will summon celestial elemental monoliths (via cauldron's blast) if the situation allows, otherwise she will focus on increasing her own abilities or making a get-away.

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- This sheet comes from the prep of Balmuria 1's restart, which didn't happen at that time. As a result, some parts of this are more developed than normal for a character block. This is most obvious in gear. For most stat blocks, I prefer to leave some things open so that there is room to change things around, customize and so forth. In this case, that space has largely been filled in. So you can chalk up any differences to that. Compared to most NPCs I post, Amaryl is overgeared. That's why.

- Random note: Writing fluff for old characters is tough. There's so much to draw on, this makes it difficult to pare things down to a concise whole. If I missed anything with her, blame that.

- Amaryl's all about being mobile artillery. She darts around the battlefield and drops big old heaps of skirmish on the baddies. She has some sorc casting to aid her in this task and provide her some backup options. Unlike the others she doesn't have a bevy of racial powers. As a former mortal and Seira's wife, she's slowly rising to divine power. She gets DvR0 to reflect this. The perks this grant her are considerable, including a bevy of immunities, spell resistance, cha to saves and AC and spell resistance.

- Minoring in sorcerer is an interesting choice. To be honest, it's not a choice I'd make as a designer. I prefer focusing more on existing talents than creating new talents like that. Cor suggested it for Amaryl, and I have to say it works well for her.

- If Amaryl becomes a full deity, I'd see these as her domains: Celerity (Cor's suggestion and I rolled with it), Good and Renewal (mirrors her own personal renewal). Other good fits would be dragon or elf.

Scout 21/Dragonbreath Archer 8//Ranger 10/Dragon Devotee 5/Sorcerer 14

Changelog: Formatted in the standard style and removed some B1R stuff from it. Added the celerity domain's spells as at will SLAs. Adjusted land speed up 10ft to account for celerity domain's granted power. Added bonus from bracers of sublime archery to ranged attack damage. Revised saves, which were a mess.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Dragonblood, Good)
Divine Rank: 0
Hit Dice: 18d8+11d6+261 (471 hp)
Initiative: +24
Speed: 100ft
Armor Class: 60 (+15 dex, +11 armor, +15 natural, +8 deflection, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +23/+29/63
Attack: Cauldron's Blast+52 (1d8+34 plus skirmish/dragonfire strike) or claw+29 (1d3+6)
Full Attack: Cauldron's Blast+52/+47/+42/+37 (1d8+34 plus skirmish/dragonfire strike) or Manyshot+47/+47/+47/+47/+47 (1d8+34 plus skirmish/dragonfire strike) or 2 claws+29 (1d3+6)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Skirmish+8d6/+5 AC(+10d6/+7 AC 20ft move), dragonfire strike+4d6, dragon's heat, searing dragonfire strike, explosive flames(DC 32), favored enemies (+4 elementals, +2 undead, +4 evil outsiders), spells.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold iron and epic, resistance to fire 15, spell resistance 44, divine traits, trapfinding, battle fortitude+3, uncanny dodge, trackless step, improved evasion, flawless stride, camouflage, blindsight 30ft, hide in plain sight, free movement, wild empathy, animal companion, woodland stride, swift tracker, ignore spell failure, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, wilderness companion.
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +35, Will +31 (+2 vs enchantment, +4 vs paralysis)
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 41, Con 28, Int 25, Wis 26, Cha 26
Skills: Balance+47, Concentration+41, Diplomacy+40, Disable Device+39, Escape Artist+47, Handle Animal+40, Hide+62, Knowledge(Arcana)+39, Knowledge(Nature)+39, Knowledge(N&R)+39, Listen+42, Move Silently+62, Ride+47, Search+39, Spellcraft+39, Spot+45, Survival+40, Tumble+47, Use Rope+31
Feats: Point Blank Shot(1), Track(R1), Rapidshot(R2), Precise Shot(3), Endurance(R3), Far Shot(R4), Swift Hunter(S4), Weapon Focus(Longbow)(6), Manyshot(R6), Improved Critical(Longbow)(R8), Improved Initiative(S8), Greater Manyshot(9), Deadeye(12), Quick Reconnoiter(S12), Dragonfire Strike(15), Improved Skirmish(S16), Eschew Materials(SO1), Nemesis(Evil Outsiders)(18), Dodge(S20), Extend Spell(SO5), Silent Spell(SO10)
Epic Feats: Energy Resistance(Fire)(21), Blinding Speed(24), Improved Manyshot(DBA3), Multiaction(27), Bane of Enemies(DBA6)
Salient Divine Abilities: -
Alignment: Neutral Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-blur, cat's grace, expeditious retreat, haste, improved blink, mass cat's grace, time stop, tree stride, wind walk. Caster level 29th. The save DCs are 18 + spell level.

Scout powers:
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Skirmish (Ex)

A scout relies on mobility to deal extra damage and improve her defense. She deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during the scout's turn. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every four levels gained above 1st.

The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernable anatomy(Swift Hunter changes this, see below). Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The scout must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Scouts can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet.

At 3rd level, a scout gains a +1 competence bonus to armor class during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. This bonus applies as soona s the scout has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of her next turn. This bonus improves by 1 for every four levels gained above 3rd.

A scout loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.

Trapfinding (Ex)

A scout can use the search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and she can use disable device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps.

Battle Fortitude (Ex)

At 2nd level, a scout gains a +1 competence bonus on fortitude saves and initiative checks. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 20th level. A scout loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, a scout cannot be caught flat footed and reacts to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so.

Fast Movement (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, a scout gains a +10 ft enhancement bonus to her base land speed. This bonus rises by 10ft every eight levels.

Trackless Step (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, a scout cannot be track in natural surroundings.

Flawless Stride (Ex)

Starting at 6th level, a scout can move through any sort of terrain that slows movement (such as undergrowth, rubble, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

This ability does not let her move more quickly through terrain that requires a Climb or Swim check to navigate, nor can she move more quickly through terrain or undergrowth that has been magically manipulated to impede motion.

A scout loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Camouflage (Ex)

Beginning at 8th level, a scout can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain. See the ranger class feature, page 48 of the Player's Handbook. She loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex)

Beginning at 14th level, a scout can use the Hide skill in natural terrain even while being observed. See the ranger class feature, page 48 of the Player's Handbook. A scout loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Free Movement (Ex)

At 18th level and higher, a scout can slip out of bonds, grapples, and even the effects of confining spells easily. This ability duplicates the effect of a freedom of movement spell, except that it is always active. A scout loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Blindsight (Ex)

A 20th-level scout gains the blind-sight ability out to 30 feet. Her senses become so acute that she can maneuver and fight flawlessly even in total darkness. Invisibility, darkness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the scout must have line of effect to a creature or object to discern it.

Dragonbreath Archer powers:
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Dragonfire Strike (Su)

At 1st level and every three levels thereafter, your dragonfire strike bonus damage rises by 1d6.

Dragon's Heat (Su)

At 2nd level, any creature stricken by a dragonfire strike risks his possessions turning hot as an inferno. When a creature is successfully damaged by the dragonbreath archer's dragonfire strike, any metal possessions are afflicted as if by a intensified heat metal spell. Multiple metal items on the same person do not stack. As little as a metal ring or earring is sufficient to cause damage. There is no saving throw to this effect.

Bonus Feat

At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter, the dragonbreath archer gains an epic bonus feat. This feat is selected from the list below.

Searing Dragonfire Strike (Su)

By 5th level, the flames of the dragonbreath archer's flames are so hot as to rival the sun. They are treated as searing flames, as the metamagic. This means that the fire damage from dragonfire strike ignores fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures normally immune to fire.

Explosive Flames (Su)

The dragonbreath archer may shoot a special exploding arrow at 8th level as a normal standard action. This attack must be able to trigger dragonfire strike. If so and it successfully strikes, it deals normal damage to the target and then explodes out in a 30ft radius. This deals fire damage equal to the damage of the attack to all creatures within the radius, including the victim of the arrow attack. A reflex save (10 + charisma modifier + 1/2 character level) halves this damage.

Ranger powers:
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Favored Enemy (Ex)

At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Ranger Favored Enemies. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

A ranger can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.

Combat Style (Ex)

At 2nd level, a ranger must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way.

If the ranger selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. At 6th level, a ranger's aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat) improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

The benefits of the ranger's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.

Animal Companion (Ex)

At 4th level, a ranger gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may be added to the ranger's list of options: manta ray, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the ranger on his adventures as appropriate for its kind.

This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the ranger's effective druid level is one-half his ranger level. A ranger may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his effective druid level is half his ranger level. Like a druid, a ranger cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.

Champion of the Wild (Ex)

By surrendering your spellcasting ability, you focus your energies on becoming a weapon master. You gain access to bonus feats much as a fighter does, but focused on your mastery of your chosen combat style.

You no longer gain spells as a ranger, but you can now select a bonus feat at 4th, 8th, 11th and 14th level. You can choose any feat from the following list for which you meet the prerequisites: Blind-fight, Combat Expertise, Eyes in the Back of Your Head, Improved Disarm, Improved Favored Enemy, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Far Shot, Improved Precise shot, Improved Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged Disarm, Ranged Pin, Ranged Sunder, Sharp-Shooting and Shot on the Run.

Woodland Stride (Ex)

Starting at 7th level, a ranger may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.

Swift Tracker (Ex)

Beginning at 8th level, a ranger can move at his normal speed while following tracks wiDrathout taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Dragon Devotee powers:
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Combat Technique (Ex)

At 2nd level, you become more deadly in combat. You gain +1d6 skirmish.

Draconic Resistance (Ex)

At 2nd level, you become resistant to paralysis and magic sleep effects, gaining a +4 bonus on saves against such effects.

Ignore Spell Failure (Ex)

Normally, armor of any type interferes with an arcane spellcaster's gestures, which can cause his spells to fail if those spells have somatic components. Beginning at 3rd level, you can ignore the arcane spell failure chance when casting 0-level and 1st-level arcane spells. This benefit doesn't apply to spells higher than 1st level, including 0-level or 1st-level spells that occupy a high level spell slot because of the application of a metamagic feat.

Draconic Template:

At 5th level, you gain all the abilities of the draconic creature template (see page 74) that you have not already gained as dragon devotee class features—except that you do not apply the template's level adjustment. Specifically, you gain the dragonblood subtype in addition to any subtype you might already have. You also gain darkvision out to 60 feet, low-light vision, and a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks and Spot checks.

Sorcerer powers:
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Amaryl casts as a 16th level sorcerer. The save DCs are 18 + spell level. Amaryl's metamagic options are Extend Spell (+1) and Silent Spell (+1).

[6/day]0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Touch of Fatigue.
[8/day]1: Arrow MindSC, Golem StrikeSC, Lesser Orb of AcidSC, Shield, Sniper's ShotSC
[8/day]2: Essence of the DragonRotD, False Life, Heroic AspirationsHome, See Invisibility, Sure StrikePHB2
[8/day]3: DragonskinSC, Haste, Seira's Unicorn ArrowsPHB2, Vision of the Omniscient EyeDM, Amaryl's Slumber ArrowCM
[8/day]4: Dragon BreathSC, Greater Mirror ImagePHB2, Greater Invisibility
[7/day]5: Amaryl's Greater Arrow MindHome, Break Enchantment, Dance of BladesPHB2, Undying Vigor of the DragonlordsDM,
[7/day]6: Disintegrate, Greater Dispel Magic, Surge of HopeHome
[6/day]7: Bite of the WerebearSC, Elemental BodySC
[4/day]8: Moment of Prescience

DM - Dragon Magic
Home - Homebrew
PHB2 - Player's Handbook 2
RoTD - Races of the Dragon
SC - Spell Compendium

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Cauldron's Blast

After the Cauldron was reclaimed by Seira Aryn, great magic suffused the mammoth volcano. This magic formed several rare metals and minerals, and from a vein of pure ethereal platinum was Cauldron's Blast made.

Cauldron's Blast is a longbow+10, force and force generation. It resonates with the power of the Cauldron, allowing Amaryl to call on allies from it. Three times per day as a standard action, Amaryl may summon 1d4+1 celestial elder elementals or 1 celestial elemental monolith.


Legends say that three legendary heroes donated their power and the power of slain dragons into a suit of armor. It was forged in dragonfire, flawless in form. It has been worn by Amaryl Gaial throughout her grown and services to Seira, protecting her from all manner of harm. It augments her with the legends of Seira, Demedais and Alicia.

Lumenvolo is chainmail+6 with no maximum dexterity bonus, arcane spell failure and an armor check penalty of -1. As a swift action, the wearer of Lumenvolo may manifest the following powers.

Smiting: Gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls versus evil and chaotic creatures for one round. This may be used once per day.
Wings: Ghostly dragon wings emerge from the back of the wearer. These allow the wearer to fly as if by a fly spell with a doubled fly speed. These wings allow flight for up to ten minutes per day. The wearer may break up this time as they wish and dismissing the wings is a free action.
Dragonfire: The wearer may choose to breath a torrent of flame or electricity, dealing 14d8 damage of the damage type chosen. A DC 45 Reflex save halves the damage. This may be used once per day. 

Bracers of Sublime Archery

These bracers have been Amaryl's since she began her adventuring career. They have been soaked in her blood, sweat and tears; not to mention the virtual infinity of bow shots she has made over the years. This experience has sunken into them, making them part of Amaryl's legend.

Bracers of Sublime Archery grant a +3 competence bonus to ranged attack and damage rolls. They hold the hard won skill Amaryl has gained, reducing the penalty for Manyshot to -1 per arrow.

Amaryl also wears a crystal helmet that grants a +4 insight bonus to will saves, greater boots and cloak of elvenkind that grant a +15 competence bonus to hide and move silently checks and a ring of entropic deflection. She also carries 10 potions of cat's grace and a sun blade.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Amaryl's animal companion. Yoshi started as a friendly river winder in Balmuria 1 and was adopted by Amaryl. It's slowly changed as a result of its time in the Cauldron. Not a lot to say here, as it's a useful helper. He's probably just scenery most of the time, but it never hurts to have a giant dragon water-snake to call on for help, does it?

Yoshi, 17 HD Celestial Half Green Dragon River Winder.

Changelog: Lots, as he wasn't finished in the first place.

Size/Type: Large Dragon
Hit Dice: 17d10+102+17 (289 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 20ft, climb 20ft, swim 20ft, fly 40ft (average)
Armor Class: 40 (-1 size +11 dex, +20 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +17/+32/53
Attack: Claw+30 (1d4+14) or bite+25 (1d6+7 plus 1d6 acid)
Full Attack: 2 claws+30/+25 (1d4+14) and bite+25 (1d6+7 plus 1d6 acid)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Constrict 1d3+14, improved grab, acid, breath weapon (17d8 acid, DC 31, 1d4 rounds), smite evil 1/day
Special Qualities: Immunity to acid, paralysis and sleep, improved evasion, low-light vision, scent, link, share spells, darkvision 60ft, damage reduction 10/magic, resistance to cold and electricity 10, spell resistance 22
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +21, Will +14 (+4 will vs enchantment)
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 32, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
Skills: Balance+31, Climb+34, Hide+30, Listen+25, Spot+25, Swim+35
Feats: Alertness(B), Improved Initiative(1), Toughness(3), Rapidstrike(Claw)(6), Dragon Breath(9), Clinging Breath(12), Ability Focus(Breath Weapon)(15)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Racial powers:
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Acid (Ex)

River Winders deal 1d6 acid damage on a successful bite attack.

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Circlet of Magnificence+6
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Syala, Angel of Love

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Angel of Love, Mother of the Pride
Symbol: A stylized red heart embraced by a tree's branches.
Home Plane:Sylica
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Love, family, protection
Worshipers: Mothers, defenders
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Family, Wrath, Good
Favored Weapon: Blessing of the Twelve(Greathammer)

Syala oversees those that watch over love and family. She seeks out those who nurture life and prepare warm homes for all that strive in conflict.  She welcomes those who need strength to protect a family with one hand, while the other seeks out those who would foster love to create the bonds of family in the first place.  Those receive her attention, love and support if they are willing to embrace her lessons.

Syala believes that those who are encouraged to grow without being confined or force grow best. She plants the seeds for her followers to develop, giving them just enough to realize their dreams with the proper effort.  Yet unlike her consort Alicia, she is willing and able to make her actions known if she feels it is for the best good possible. 

The acts of love, marriage, childbirth and family rearing are highly valued by Syala. From the family comes growth and from growth comes a better life and new life. The only thing she values more is the holy wrath of those who defend love and family. Those who would violate the sacred tenets of the cycle of life must be stopped and punished to the utmost. To protect a family or love is the highest calling of any follower of Syala. Those who do so are guaranteed a place in Syala's realm after death, to reap the benefits of a life well lived.

Syalan clergy is loosely organized, with less structure and more of encouraging independent agents to work towards their ends, cooperating when it benefits them. They favor simple clothes, albeit often flashy, enticing or otherwise wearing clothes that show off their bodies. Ysgardian armors that protect while showing off are highly valued in the clergy, believed to be favored by Syala. If not available, bracers of armor are combined with titillating but ultimately worthless armor. This leads to no small derision outside of the faith, especially by hard headed warriors who prefer to live behind a wall of steel and adamantine.


Syala was created as an angel in the service of Sharess.  It is said she took after Sharess's often forgotten martial side, having a flair for battle and promoted into the form of an Astral Deva. Thereafter she was assigned to guard the Tree of Idun, a magical tree said to have apples that grant eternal life. At the end of this centuries long service she met Alicia Reynes. Between them love formed, leading in time to the creation of the realm of Sylica. While she rules Sylica equally with Alicia in name, in reality she focuses on different matters and allows Alicia to freely take the forefront.

Beyond her consort, Syala has good relations with Brightwater, especially Sharess, Empress Sulia and Sune. In particular Sharess has an interest in her former servant, supporting her in her new role. They agree on almost everything, both enjoying pleasure, love and celebration. Syala however places a greater focus on protection and celebration of what these things can bring, while Sharess is concerned entirely with the acts. In this degree Syala is closer to Sune, though they share the same split that Sharess and Sune do; Sune believes that Syala pursues pleasures too great and with too much abandon, leading her into further excesses and a dark path. Empress Sulia and Syala share a curious relationship. Empress Sulia represents martyrdom in the name of love, while Syala represents protecting love and family. Syala would prefer for there to be no martyrs, Empress Sulia honors those who do so in the name of love. Despite this they respect each other, understanding that protecting love naturally leads to martyrs, and that martyrs of love are the natural end of many who serve Syala.

Good relations extend to the rest of Brightwater, though none of the other powers there are particularly close to Syala. She maintains friendly relations with Hanali Celanil and cultivates goodwill with Corellon Larethian. There have also been attempts to grow closer to powers of nature such as Lathander, Chauntea and Mielikki, though any results have not been immediately evident.

Syala does not have many foes as of yet, being a young Goddess. She shares many of Alicia's foes, the enmity between her  consort and them enough to include her.  However, her church takes a strong stance against Shar at all times, preaching that the Lady of Loss must be stopped.


Love of all stripes is the most beautiful thing in all Creation. Romantic love is a gift, be it between men and women, men and men, women and women, or any other variety.  Familial love is a gift to yourself, be it by bonds of blood or bonds of closeness. Nurture all these loves in yourself and in others, while being the shield to ensure that none of these loves are profaned. Blessed is he who falls in love, graced is she who gives life from within her. When love makes children impossible, take orphans into your home and make them your children and love them as your own. Expand your love as far as you can go.  Be especially wary of those who would subvert it, especially those of Shar.

Temples and Clergy

Syalan clergy strive to uphold the teachings of Syala and spread them in the world. Temples are often run by a married couple, sharing power whilst raising a family.  The loose nature of their worship makes the temples wide spread and often transitory, few permanent temples known of. Followers of Syala are known as Syalans. Syala sponsors an order of Battle Dancers known as the Band of Idun who adhere to her teachings, as well as a scattering of paladins of freedom and sorcerers.

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- Syala's an overgrown astral deva with druid casting, various monk/barbarian/ranger tricks and a tendency to smash things in the face. She fills in the nature angle and several odds and ends. High speed and AC help her a lot as well as good saves. She also has a grappling game going for her if she wants to get in close as well as a power stun fueled stun-fest on her bludgeoning attacks. Her ACFs are a matter of core druid not really fitting her. I also didn't want to deal with wild shape/shape shift for her as all she really needed was change shape into animals. Then again, when you're already a 30th level druid, most everything beyond the spellcasting is icing on the cake. Most celestials of this rank fall into this, as they get cleric casting by racial hit dice or take levels in a casting class.

- Syala's Greater Alter Reality is an artifact of B1r and a possible alternate deific feature. Not a big deal.

- Syala's information block is from her B2 deity writeup. It nails everything well.

Astral Deva 30//Druid 30

Changelog: Formatted in the standard style and removed some B1R stuff from it. Adjusted CMB by one, as it was off. Ditto with her damage with blessing of the twelve. Fixed the multiplier for damage/negative levels from holy power, which was at x2 instead of x3.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Angel, Chaotic, Good)
Divine Rank: 1
Hit Dice: 30d8+330 (570 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 170ft, fly 300ft (good)
Armor Class: 65 (+9 dex, +16 natural, +10 deflection, +13 wis, +6 druid, +1 divine)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +30/+44/92 (+14 CMB/CMD to grapple)
Attack: Blessing of the Twelve+51 (1d12+26 plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level (plus 9d6 and 3 negative levels on crit) plus stun x3)
Full Attack: Blessing of the Twelve+51/+46/+41/+36 (1d12+26 plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level (plus 9d6 and 3 negative levels on crit) plus stun x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, stun(DC 48), spells, rage 6/day, favored enemy(evil outsiders+14, undead+2, dragons+2, aberrations+2, lawful outsiders+2, chaotic outsiders+2, elementals+2), divine blast 13/day(11d12)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/lunar stone, epic and evil, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, spell resistance 45, protective aura, tongues, resistance to electricity and fire 20, battlesense, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, change shape, divine traits, wild empathy, nature sense, woodland stride, trackless step, venom immunity, timeless body, swift tracker, fast healing 21.
Saves: Fort +37, Ref +35, Will +39 (+4 racial vs poison, +4 vs spells and spell-like abilities of fey)
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 29, Con 33, Int 29, Wis 37, Cha 31
Skills: Balance+15, Concentration+45, Craft(Alchemy)+15, Craft(Dungeons)+43, Diplomacy+44, Escape Artist+43, Gather Information+21, Handle Animal+44, Heal+47, Hide+43, Intimidate+44, Knowledge(Arcana)+12, Knowledge(Local: Sylica)+43, Knowledge(Nature)+45, Knowledge(Planes)+43, Knowledge(Religion)+43, Listen+47, Move Silently+43, Profession(Artist)+47, Sense Motive+47, Spellcraft+53, Spot+47, Survival+49, Tumble+21, Use Rope+43(+45 with bindings, +47 with bindings and Alicia)
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Power Attack(1), Track(D1), Nimbus of Light(3), Improved Unarmed Strike(6), Eschew Materials(9), Ability Focus(Stun)(12), Righteous Wrath(15), Improved Grapple(18)
Epic Feats: Power Stun(21), Great Ability(Strength)(24), Ignore Material Components(D24), Epic Ability Focus(Stun)(27), Epic Spell Capacity(D28), Legendary Wrestler(30)
Salient Divine Abilities: Battlesense, Divine Blast, Divine Fast Healing, Increased Damage Reduction, Mind of the Beast
Alignment: Chaotic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-like abilities

At will-continual flame, charm animal, detect evil, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, invisibility (self only), plane shift, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear. 7/day-cure light wounds, see invisibility. 1/day-heal. Caster level 30th. The save DCs are Charisma based.

Change Shape (Su)

Syala can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid or animal.

Stun (Su)

If Syala strikes an creature with a melee bludgeoning attack, that creature must succeed on a DC 48 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds and then dazzled for 7 minutes after. A creature can be affected by this ability only once per round. Multiple stuns do not stack. The save DC is Strength based.

Divine powers:
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Greater Alter Reality (Su)

Syala exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Syala can use wish when doing so can help her promote families, love and protecting them from evil. Note that in the situation where Syala and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Domain powers:

Family: Once per day as a free action, you can protect a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum one creature) with a +4 dodge bonus to AC. This ability lasts 1 round per level. An affected creature loses this protection if it moves more than 10ft from you. You can affect yourself with this ability.
Good: +1 caster level for good spells.
Wrath: Once per day, you can subtract a number of points from your Wisdom score equal to or less than your Cleric level. For every 2 points you subtract from your Wisdom score, add 1 point and add them to your Strength score. You suffer all the effects of reduced Wisdom, including access to spells and bonus spells, reduction of Will saves, and penalties on Wisdom-based skills. This trade between ability scores lasts for 1 round per Cleric level and cannot be ended prematurely.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Syala's divine aura is 21 and the radius is 10ft.

Immunities (Ex)

Syala is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Syala gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Syala does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1.

Communication: Syala can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within one mile.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Syala can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within one mile from a site dedicated to her, or within one mile from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, her voice can be heard as a disembodied feminine voice. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Syala can create any wondrous item with power related to family, protection and love; the maximum is 4,500 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Syala is aware of any act of love, protection or righteous wrath that involves 1,000 or more people.

Damage Reduction (Su)

Only evil and epic weapons made of rock or stone from the moon can bypass Syala's damage reduction. This protection was a gift from Selune, warding Syala from all but what comes from the silver moon.

Druid powers:
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Syala casts as a 30th level druid (caster level 31st for good spells). The save DCs 23 + spell level. Seven times per day she may twin a 0-9th level spell as a free action.

[6/day]0: Create Waterx2, Cure Minor Woundsx2, Detect Magicx2
[9/day]1: Camouflagex2SC, Cure Light Woundsx3, Eyes of the Avoralx3BoED, Shillelagh
[8/day]2: BramblesSC, Gust of Wind, Lesser Restorationx3, Summon Swarmx3
[8/day]3: CrumbleSCx2, Cure Moderate Wounds, Entangling StaffSC, Plant Growth, SpikesSC, Thornskinx2SC
[8/day]4: Freedom of Movementx2, Greater Blindsightx2SC, Reincarnate, Summon Monster 4x3
[8/day]5: Greater Stone ShapeSCx2, Hallowx2, Owl's Insightx4SC
[6/day]6: Fires of Purityx2SC, Fire Seedsx3, Ironwood
[6/day]7: Healx2, True Seeingx4
[6/day]8: Deadfallx3SC, Mass AwakenSC, Sunburstx2
[6/day]9: Greater WhirlwindSC, Tsunamix3SC
[5/day]10: Energy Immunityx2Home, Mass Freedom of MovementHome, Shield of SylicaHome, Syala's Awaken Defender of the HomeHome
[5/day]11: Power of the Huntressx3Home, Volcanic Genesisx2Home
[5/day]12: Mass RegenerateHome, Wrath of the Elder Treantx4Home
[2/day]13: Mass Energy Immunityx2Home

Nature Sense (Ex)

A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result.

The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a -4 penalty on the check.

Syala suffers a -4 penalty to this ability.

Woodland Stride (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Trackless Step (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Venom Immunity (Ex)

At 9th level, a druid gains immunity to all poisons.

Timeless Body (Ex)

After attaining 15th level, a druid no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place.

Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time is up.

Rage (Ex)

A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian's hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies).

A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else's action.

AC Bonus (Ex)

When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five monk levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level).

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Favored Enemy (Ex)

At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Ranger Favored Enemies. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Swift Tracker (Ex)

Beginning at 8th level, a ranger can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

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Blessing of the Twelve

Blessing of the Twelve is a gift from the Circle of Twelve, a band of stewards over the land of Benfal. It is imbued with the hopes and power of nature against Hell's tyranny. Syala has used it extensively since then, adapting its power to better serve her. It has been grown to strength in her holy energies, becoming a blessed weapon.

Blessing of the Twelve is a greathammer+7, holy power. Seven times per day, Syala may use Blessing of the Twelve to apply the twin metamagic to any non-epic spell she casts. Applying this metamagic is a free action.

Divine Light

The goddess Syala is known to wear naught but light as her raiment. This light comes from the heavenly glory that suffuses her being. As she assumed her role as a divinity, this light become a magical force around her.

Divine Light magnifies Syala's purity and power, granting several benefits. Divine Light covers Syala or not as she wishes, and can be shaped into clothes, a nimbus of light that covers her as she pleases or be transparent or invisible. It can shed bright light in a 70ft radius from Syala and dim light in another 140ft from her. This light dispels magical darkness of 9th level or less as greater dispel magic with a +30 modifier. Effects of 10th level or higher cancel out with each other, resulting in the normal light for the area taking precedence.

Syala's stun ability is strengthened by Divine Light, granting it a +4 bonus to the DC. When a creature is successfully stunned by Syala, a 30ft burst of light centered on the creature results. This causes the creature stunned to be dazzled for 7 minutes after being stunned. Other creatures are not affected by this light. This light is obvious and unsubtle. Syala can suppress this light when she strikes, but her stun attack loses the +4 bonus from Divine Light and does not dazzle the creature stunned.

Finally, Divine Light automatically converts vile damage to normal damage. This includes vile ability damage and other effects that can be made vile.

Syala rarely bothers with other magical items or items whatsoever. In the event of a gravely dangerous situation, Syala can procure any non-epic item from Sylica within a few hours.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Donald Smurth

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Donald? Of course. I look out for everyone that trusts in luck, sometimes.

- Tymora, The Lady Who Smiles.


The decision not to accept him as a paladin was not unfounded. He's better suited to arcane studies and whatever he's done to himself, let alone the way he has of putting his foot into his mouth. Lord Lathander, is your favor not evident in him, for how else could the blood of elves, fey and dragons co-exist?

- Eternal Morninglord Sunnar, moments before getting an answer he really wasn't expecting.

Frankly, he's a bright mind with no wisdom guarding his mouth. I cannot fault his conduct, only his personal choices and penchant for ill-timed comments. He fights the good fight for what's important in Creation. Compared to that, what are personal follies?

- Antenora, Opal Angel of Redemption.

...then again, I do have the patience of the Heavens. The phrase is, ah, results may vary.

- Antenora, Opal Angel of Redemption.

If you must know? Seira needed him, even when he aggravated her, Amaryl or her friends. Let alone when he borrowed her research on dragons. He would lay down his life for her, that loyalty is more important than anything else. It's why I sent him back when he died.

Besides, he keeps things interesting there. Now that was a good idea!

- Lathander, the Dawnbringer.

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- This sheet comes from the prep of Balmuria 1's restart, which didn't happen at that time. As a result, some parts of this are more developed than normal for a character block. This is most obvious in gear. For most stat blocks, I prefer to leave some things open so that there is room to change things around, customize and so forth. In this case, that space has largely been filled in. So you can chalk up any differences to that. Compared to most NPCs I post, Donald is overgeared. That's why.

- Donald covers the gish fighter with arcane strike niche. Okay that's probably not really a niche, but I figure most arcane gishes are going to grab arcane strike anyway. While others charge, fly, teleport or sprint across the battlefield, Donald tends to stay there and wail on things. That's fine - someone needs to do it. Unlike the others, he doesn't have spell resistance, damage reduction or various defensive perks. He does have unkillable, which does help him stay up. He can do an okay AC based game with his other powers.

- Donald's a former human that was reincarnated into an elf, got a pinch of fey blood from a defeated Mirage Mullah and then studied the same dragon ascension arts that Seira did. The fact that he got hybrid vigor instead of rejection or death is a sign of Tymora's favor.

- If not for the fact that dragon trumps almost every other type (besides outsider and undead), he could arguably be an aberration. There's enough variety in him to qualify as an off the wall thingamabob like aberrations tend to be. But dragon blood cheats, just like outsider or undead status.

- It's best explained like this: Donald's a good guy at heart but has a tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. This is a mix of his natural personality, his low Wisdom and bad luck. He rarely means anything by it, even when he drives Amaryl crazy. As a reincarnated elf with a very human attitude, he has little use for elven culture. She disagrees and attempts to educate him. It usually doesn't work out well for her. It's a cycle of her opinionated nature butting heads with his human stubbornness.

- Lathander is Donald's patron deity in spite of relying on luck. Once upon a time, he looked into becoming a paladin (of freedom, maybe) of Lathander. Didn't work out, so he ended up with arcane magic and a gift for swordfighting.

Duskblade 29//Fighter 18/Dragon Disciple (Copper) 11

Changelog: Added his luck bonus to armor class, which was missing. Adjusted CMD to match. Adjusted guardianil's damage, which was two low.

Size/Type: Medium Dragon (Augmented Elf)
Hit Dice: 18d10+11d12+261+29 (466 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30ft, fly 30ft (average)
Armor Class: 64 (+5 dex, +18 armor, +11 shield, +1 ws, +4 perfection, +5 deflection, +7 natural, +3 luck)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +29/+45/84
Attack: Guardianil+59 (1d10+34 19-20 x2) or claw+45 (1d4+14)
Full Attack: Guardianil+59/+54/+49/+44 (1d10+34 19-20 x2) and bite+40 (1d6+7)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, arcane channeling, quick cast 5/day, spell power+7, breath weapon(6d8 acid, 1d4 rounds, DC 33).
Special Qualities: Immunity to acid, paralysis and sleep, darkvision 60ft, low light vision, armored mage(medium armor, heavy shield), arcane attunement, blindsense 60ft, luck of the fool, unkillable.
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +22, Will +32
Abilities: Str 43, Dex 20, Con 28, Int 24, Wis 8, Cha 20
Skills: Climb+48, Concentration+41, Craft(Religious Icons)+38, Knowledge(Arcana)+38, Knowledge(Nature)+38, Knowledge(Planes)+38, Knowledge(Religion)+38, Ride+37, Spellcraft+38, Swim+48   
Feats: Fey Heritage(B), Endurance(1), Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Bastard Sword)(F1), Protection Devotion(H), Combat Casting(D2), Toughness(F2), Power Attack(3), Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword)(F4), Steadfast Determination(6), Weapon Specialization(Bastard Sword)(F6), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F8), Fey Legacy(9), Greater Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword)(F10), Arcane Strike(12), Greater Weapon Specialization(Bastard Sword)(F12), Shield Specialization(F14), Shield Ward(15), Combat Expertise(F16), Improved Combat Expertise(18), Weapon Supremacy(Bastard Sword)(F18)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Epic Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword)(24), Automatic Quick Cast(D24), Epic Weapon Specialization(Bastard Sword)(27), Improved Automatic Quick Cast(D28)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Racial powers:
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Luck of the Fool (Su)

It's said that Tymora watches over fools. Donald is certainly lucky, gaining a +3 luck bonus to armor class and saving throws.

Unkillable (Ex)

If an effect or attack would reduce Donald to 0 HP or below, he is allowed a DC 10 Constitution check. Success prevents him from going below one HP. For each check after the first per day, the DC goes up by 3.

Duskblade powers:
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Donald casts as a 29th level duskblade. His spell DCs are 16 + spell level. All of Donald's 0-4th level spells are automatically quickened. He may quicken any 5th level or higher spell as a free action 5 times per day.

[6/day]0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue*.
[12/day1: Blade of BloodPHB2, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Resist Energy, Shocking Grasp*, True Strike.
[12/day]2: Animalistic Power, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy*.
[12/day]3: Dispelling TouchPHB2*, Greater Magic Weapon, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch*.
[9/day]4: Enervation, Fire Shield, Interposing Hand, Shout.
[9/day]5: Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Polar Ray, Sonic ShieldPHB2
[10/day]6: Black Ice TouchHome*, Greater Dispel Magic, Swift EtherealnessPHB2, Waves of Exhaustion
[9/day]7: Crushing Hand, Greater Shout, Horrid Wilting, Meteor Swarm
[2/day]8: Energy Drain, Magic Disjunction

* Can be used with arcane channeling.

PHB2 - Player's Handbook 2

Arcane Attunement (Sp)

You can use the spell like powers dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound and read magic a combined total of times per day equal to 3 + your int modifier. These spell-like powers do not count against your total of spells known or spells per day.

Armored Mage (Ex)

Normally, armor of any time interferes with an arcane spellcaster's gestures, which can cause spells to fail if these spells have a somatic component. A duskblade's limited focus and specialized training, however, allows you to avoid arcane spell failure as long as you stick to medium armor and heavy shields. This training does not extend to heavy armor. This ability does not apply to spells gained from a different spellcasting class.

Arcane Channeling (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, you can use a standard action to cast any touch spell you know and deliver the spell through your weapon with a melee attack. Casting a spell in this manner does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. If the melee attack is successful, the attack deals damage normally; then the effect of the spell is resolved. If used as a full attack action, the spell affects each target you hit in melee combat that round. Doing so discharges the spell at the end of the round, in the case of a touch spell that would otherwise last longer than 1 round.

Quick Cast (Ex)

Beginning at 5th level, you can cast one spell each day as a swift action, so long as the casting time of the spell is 1 standard action or less. You can use this ability twice per day at 10th level, three times per ady at 15th level and so on.

Spell Power (Ex)

Starting at 6th level, you can more easily overcome the spell resistance of any opponent you successfully injure with a melee attack. If you have injured an opponent with a melee attack, you gain a +2 bonus on your caster level check to overcome spell resistance for the remander of this encounter. This bonus increases by 1 at 11th, 16th and 18th level.

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Guardianil was once a sword of fell darkness, used by dogai assassins. It was purified by Alicia and has become a sacred blade of protection. Since then, Donald has wielded it in many battles - to protect himself and his allies.

Guardianil is a bastard sword+8. The wielder and all allies within 30ft gain a +4 perfection bonus to armor class when Guardianil is unsheathed. In addition to these powers, the wielder may invoke a Shining Defense ability three times per day. Using this ability is a free action when fighting defensively or using total defense. Shining Defense grants damage reduction 20/- and 50 temporary hit points. These benefits last for one round.

Armor of Swiftness

Being faster is better, right? So Donald got fast armor and got Elle to really pour a lot of magic into it. Somehow it worked out. Perhaps that's a miracle unto itself.

Armor of Swiftness is mithral full plate+10. It has a maximum dexterity cap of 7, arcane spell failure chance of 15% and an armor check penalty of 2. It may be invoked to grant a special haste effect on the wearer for 15 rounds per day. In addition to the normal benefits of haste, Donald may cast two swift cast spells per round while hasted in this manner.

Donald's Shield

Donald has fought many a creature in his day - including dragons. They are the most difficult opponents he has, even if he is friends with several of them. So he had the bright idea to have them breathe on him until he figured out how to block them with his shield. It worked! In the process, his shield absorbed great amounts of draconic energy.

Donald's Shield is a heavy steel shield+8. Three times per day as a free action when using his breath weapon, Donald may sacrifice his shield bonus to armor class. If he does so, he loses this bonus for one round. In exchange, the damage dice of his breath weapon rises by the shield bonus sacrificed. For example, if Donald's breath weapon is 6d8 and his shield bonus is +12, his breath weapon would rise to 18d8. The DC of the breath weapon also rises by a number equal to the shield bonus sacrificed.

Angel's Helm

Donald obtained Angel's Helm from an angel in exchange for booty from defeated devils. Since then it has been a constant companion into danger, exposed to countless eldritch energies. It has grown with Donald, allowing him to draw on particularly powerful magics.

Angel's Helm functions as a ring of protection+5 and cloak of protection+5. It allows Donald to use the following spell-like abilities once per day with a caster level equal to his hit dice. These spells are cure critical wounds, dispel evil, holy word, protection from energy, resist energy and restoration. Angel's Helm also allows Donald to treat his attacks as good aligned to bypass damage reduction.

Titan's Belt

Like any warrior, Donald likes a belt that makes him stronger. So he had his girlfriend make him a belt that made him really strong! It worked out pretty well. Mostly.

Titan's Belt grants a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength and a +6 enhancement bonus to all other ability scores except Wisdom. Three times per day as a free action, Donald can draw on the powers of this belt to make weapon stronger. For one round, his weapon deals damage as if it were two size categories larger.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Hecatoncheires

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Alicia, my faithful servant. Be seated, for you have earned the right.

You ask of the Hecatoncheires? Yes, it is a divine creation and more than that, it is a mistake. You know that for all our power that we are not infallible, and there is no better lesson than the history of the Hecatoncheires.

There are times when civilizations go so far wrong that they must be stricken from the Prime Material. Nations that seek the forbidden might of the Realms Below, the Beyond or other things that mortals should never dally in must sometimes be wiped away as a last resort. For when prophecy, omens and wrath all fail, it is in our hands to bring apocalyptic endings. This is a duty that none of us wish to have, save for those below that must not be entrusted alone with it. It was a problem that vexed us in the days before the Angel of Last Resort, Salandariel or Zaphkiel's Blessing. Those measures all came as a result of this failure.

Regardless, we all met together to discuss this problem. We quarreled over this until wise Oghma suggested that we needed a weapon. A combined weapon, Lathander shouted as the idea spread. Helm then proposed it could be a combined avatar of our unity and to spread the pain of what we must do. Talos found the idea amusing and offered to grant the weapon his totem of storms. The idea went amid us as wildfire, a perfect solution that left us free of this miserable duty.

Together we created the Hecatoncheires. A titanic man of one hundred arms, each carrying a blade of absolute destruction. I imbued my magic into him, so that any weapon he held would be equal to the greatest enchantments. Mask hid its one weakness in secrecy, while all of the House of Knowledge made that secrecy into a riddle that none yet have deciphered. Brave Torm and just Tyr offered their convictions to it, so that it would never waver in doing its duty. Corellon Larethian granted the essence of elven archery to it, letting it fire barrages of weapons like arrows. We all contributed, save for a few who were morally opposed and Shar, who none of us wished to involve.

We were satisfied with our creation and soon a chance to call on it came. A kingdom known as Rokasai sought the secrets of the Far Realm and the Hecatoncheires was sent. It did all we hoped it did, but therein lay the seeds of doom. It was too good at its task and took joy in destruction. It struck with the savage ferocity of Talos' storms, fought with the magical blessings I gave it and the secrecy of its one weakness left measures to defeat it doomed. It did not waver in its convictions to destroy and slaughtered with sublime skill reminiscent of elven excellence. All we gave it was subverted by the simple fact that it was too good at what it did.

We then looked into the future. Such was its devotion that it resisted cessation after Rokasai and went onto sunder Prime Material after Prime Material. It would not stop at kingdoms, but shred entire worlds as a blade to parchment. We met as Rokasai fell, to decide the fate of our creation. It is here our differing natures lead us to disagree on how to deal with it. Some of us sought to destroy it, in spite of the visions that we would fail. Others advocated diplomacy and softer approaches. In the end, we decided we must try and destroy it. We created it, we would not fail. The future is merely a suggestion and fate is not ironclad, as Selune said.

We failed. The Hecatoncheires endured our strikes and weathered the assault of our avatars. We sought the secret to wound and destroy it, but the House of Knowledge would not and could not reveal the answer to the riddle, for it was also tied to Mask. His nature would not allow him to reveal such a powerful secret from the darkness. It endured and forced our avatars back, weathered our spells and ultimately escaped. It ended up in the Abyss, one more nightmare amid nightmares. One that remembered our betrayal and nursed a grudge, one that sought and still seeks revenge on us.

If we had mastered our pride, we would not have created it and given it such powers. If we had mastered our wisdom, we would not have sought to force our burdens on another. If we had mastered our temperance, we may have yet found a way to defuse the situation rather than driving it away. If, if, if. For all our power, for all the blessings we are given and the destines we control, we are not perfect. Never forget this, for our mistakes are writ large in Creation. Master your divine majesty with the same wisdom as you mastered the Weave, Alicia.

The results of failing to do are unthinkable.

- Mystra, Mother of All Magic, to Alicia Reynes, Queen of the Battlefield.

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- Unlike the ELH, the Hecatoncheires is a unique abomination with a backstory behind it. There's only one, but that's just as well since one is enough of a nightmare.

- The main point of this redesign is to make the Hecatoncheires easier to use. The ELH version has a full attack of -100- greatsword attacks. Now it's set up to be relatively limited due to its size, but rolling that many attacks grinds the game to a halt. Deluge of swords attempts to recreate the feel of an unstopped barrage of blades while being exponentially easier to resolve. Rain of weapons likewise lets it throw boulders (or any other weapon, really) in a quick to resolve and powerful attack.

- Defiant isn't a good PrC. This is mostly due to the focus, medium BAB and generally not giving enough for what you trade away. It does gain a few points in epic level play, since divine damage immunity stops divine blast. This hardly makes up for it and I may redo defiant one day. It could use the touch up.

- As implied in the fluff above, the Hecatoncheires holds a grudge against its creators. It doesn't care about mortals or outsiders of any particular stripe, but hates any divinity with an unceasing passion. The betrayal of its creators has imbued nigh overwhelming hatred. Defiant is the natural expression of this hate. In a related tidbit, the Hecatoncheires' alignment was neutral until its betrayal. Things went south from there.

- The Hecatoncheires seeks to gather followers in a crusade to overthrow the divine. Unfortunately, its cursed nature ultimately dooms these ventures to ruin. It has lost track of the times when potential allies were cut apart by its blades, all because its nature as a weapon seems to invariably invite fear and battle. To say it is an unhappy camper is an understatement. It subsists purely on hate and bitterness.

Hecatoncheires 58//Fighter 20/Defiant 38

Size/Type: Colossal Outsider (Abomination, Chaotic, Evil)
Hit Dice: 20d10+38d8+1276+58+348 (2186 hp)
Initiative: +18
Speed: 140ft, fly 280ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 114 (-8 size, +10 dex, +54 natural, +9 deflection, +1 ws, +15 shield, +23 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +58/+94/124
Attack: Deluge of swords+94 (40d6+240 plus 5 vile plus 5 con 17-20 x2)
Full Attack: 2 deluges of swords+94 (40d6+240 plus 5 vile plus 5 con 17-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 30ft/60ft
Special Attacks: Deluge of swords, divine weapon, rain of weapons, spell-like abilities, divine cancellation 10/day, aligned strike 7/day, divine retribution.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 75/special, spell resistance 75, immunity to electricity and sonic, resistance to acid, cold and fire 50, regeneration 100, true seeing, telepathy 500ft, cursed, superior multiweapon fighting, reach of one hundred arms, storm of parries, weaponsense, divine traits, divine damage immunity, divine prevention, nondetection, divine interference(DC 81), divine disavowal.
Saves: Fort +59, Ref +49, Will +59 (+29 profane vs divine spells, +9 additional untyped vs divine spells)
Abilities: Str 66, Dex 31, Con 55, Int 29, Wis 29, Cha 29 
Skills: Balance+71, Bluff+70, Climb+89, Concentration+83, Craft(Armorsmithing)+70, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+100, Diplomacy+70, Intimidate+100, Knowledge(Arcana)+70, Knowledge(A&E)+70, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)+70, Knowledge(Local: The Abyss)+70, Knowledge(Nature)+70, Knowledge(Planes)+70, Knowledge(Religion)+70, Listen+70, Search+70, Sense Motive+70, Spot+70, Survival+70, Swim+89
Feats: Mindsight(1), Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(F1), Toughness(F2), Endurance(3), Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F4), Vile Martial Strike(Greatsword)(6), Improved Unarmed Strike(F6), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F8), Lightning Reflexes(9), Deflect Arrows(F10), Greater Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(12), Greater Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F12), Improved Initiative(F14), Apostate(15), Power Attack(F16), Steadfast Determination(18), Weapon Supremacy(Greatsword)(F18), Snatch Arrows(F20)
Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(21), Epic Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(24), Exceptional Deflection(27), Infinite Deflection(30), Reflect Arrows(33), Divine Rejection(D13), Epic Toughness(36), Epic Reflexes(D16), Improved Spell Resistance(39), Improved Divine Cancellation(D19), Armor Skin(42), Divine Rejection(D22), Epic Toughness(45), Divine Rejection(D25), Armor Skin(48), Divine Rejection(D28), Epic Toughness(51), Divine Rejection(D31), Superior Initiative(54), Divine Rejection(D34), Epic Fortitude(57), Epic Will(D37)
Alignment: Chaotic Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-greater plane shift, greater teleport. Caster level 58th. The save DCs are 19 + spell level.

Superior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex)

The Hecatoncheires is able to wield all of its weapons without penalty, including those for using more than one weapon at once. In addition, it may wield colossal greatswords one-handed.

Reach of One Hundred Arms (Ex)

Due to the Hecatoncheires' many arms and superb coordination, it doubles its natural reach of 30ft to 60ft. 

Deluge of Swords (Ex)

The sheer assault of the Hecatoncheires is overwhelming. When it makes an attack action, it instead attacks everything within reach. It uses one attack and damage roll to resolve hits, misses and damage dealt, rather than individual rolls for each creature. When it uses the full attack action, it may make two deluge of swords attacks. The attack bonus of deluge of swords is equal to if the Hecatoncheires made a normal attack with a greatsword, while the damage is equal to five such hits.

Objects within the deluge of swords take damage as if sundered. Unattended objects are automatically hit. Attended objects are hit depending if the creature that has them is hit or not. If the creature is hit, so are all the objects it carries (including armor, an exception to the rule that armor cannot be sundered) while if it is missed, all the objects it carries are also missed.

Effects not normally subject to sundering, such as a wall of force or prismatic sphere, are still vulnerable to the Hecatoncheires' deluge. Treat them as being affected by superb dispelling with a dispel check of 68. If the effect is dispelled, the Hecatoncheires suffers no negative effects from coming in contact with it. This only applies to barriers, defensive measures and other things that produce material, tangible effects.

The Hecatoncheires may use its power attack feat with deluge of swords. It deals an extra 5 points of damage for every -1 penalty it takes to attack rolls.

Rain of Weapons (Su)

As a standard action, the Hecatoncheires may conjure and throw a storm of weapons that pulverizes far away foes. This attack has a range of 1000ft and affects a 100ft by 100ft cube. This attack may be positioned as the Hecatoncheires sees fit and does not need to be centered on solid ground. The exact type of weapon conjured is up to the Hecatoncheires and may be any it sees fit, the choice is purely cosmetic. It prefers boulders, catapult shots or similar sort of attacks.

In any case, rain of weapons deals 58d12 points of damage to all creatures within the cube and allows a Reflex save (DC 77) to halve the damage. If this attack is used on solid ground, is it transformed into difficult terrain from the damage and the weapon remnants. If this attack is used in the air, the remnants of the weapons fall as normal. Any creature that the weapons fall on takes 10d12 points of damage with the same Reflex save as above to halve the damage. In any case, the weapons created by rain of weapons remain afterwards, but are ruined by the attack.

The save DC is Strength based and includes a +10 racial bonus.

Storm of Parries (Ex)

The many blades the Hecatoncheires wields provide a great deal of chances for it to parry attacks. It gains a +15 shield bonus to armor class. For the sake of deflect arrows and similar feats, it may use its greatswords in place of having a free hand.

Divine Weapon (Su)

The Hecatoncheires was created to be a divine weapon of unimaginable potency. Any weapon it wields has a +10 enhancement bonus and the keen, wounding and ghost touch special properties. The weapon counts as adamantine for the sake of damaging objects. These bonuses overwrite the existing bonuses of the weapon, if any, and last until it no longer wields the weapon. This even overwrites the abilities of an artifact. Any curses or negative effects of a weapon the Hecatoncheires wields are likewise overwritten.

Any weapon it wields automatically overcomes any damage reduction, except for impenetrable damage reduction or damage reduction with a unique component (such as the damage reduction of most abominations or deities who have taken the improved damage reduction salient divine ability). The attacks of the Hecatoncheires always deal lethal damage to regenerating creatures, unless the means to deal lethal damage are solely tied to unique damage reduction it does not overcome.

Any weapon the Hecatoncheires wields cannot be sundered, disarmed, dispelled or otherwise destroyed.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

The Hecatoncheires' damage reduction can only be overcome in a specific way. It is said the Hecatoncheires can only be slain by a weapon that has never been a weapon and will never be a weapon. What this means is unknown and a weapon to bypass this damage reduction has not yet been found.

Regeneration (Ex)

The Hecatoncheires takes lethal damage from weapons that overcome its damage reduction, as described above.

Weaponsense (Su)

The Hecatoncheires automatically senses the location of any weapons (including natural weapons and creatures with the improved unarmed strike feat) within 1000ft. It knows the location of the weapon, the composition, any enchantments on it and who wields it. If a creature carries a weapon, it pinpoints the creature's location. This bypasses cover, concealment, invisibility and other methods of hiding and allows the attacks of the Hechatoncheires to do the same. This even overcomes effects that rely on magic, such as blink. This sense defeats magical means to protect against divinations, such as mind blank.

Cursed (Ex)

The Hecatoncheires is a weapon. It was designed as such when all the deities came together to create it and was empowered by the concept of being the ultimate weapon. While this grants the Hecatoncheires with fantastic power, it sabotages it in other ways.

The nature of the Hecatoncheires is that of a weapon. As such, it often intimidates even when trying otherwise. Whenever the Hecatoncheires rolls a Bluff or Diplomacy check, there is a 50% chance that the attempt is treated as an intimidation attempt instead. If so, roll Intimidate in place of the other skill and treat it in all ways as if the Hecatoncheires chose to intimidate. Such incidents tend to cause immediate combat or undermine the efforts of the Hecatoncheires in the long term.

The Hecatoncheires is aware of the generalities of this affliction, but the problem is so rooted to its basic nature that it is unable to do anything about it. No matter how hard it tries, it cannot master this ability. This causes a deep wellspring of hatred and bitterness in it, one that surges out when it sees its efforts once again ruined. Whenever the Hecatoncheires sees a reaction that a subverted Bluff or Diplomacy check would cause, such as combat or fear, there is a 50% chance it falls into a rage. This is identical to a barbarian's rage, except that it gains no bonuses for it and does not suffer the -2 penalty to armor class. This rage lasts until the creatures that provoked it are dead or have fled.

The Hecatoncheires suffers a -7 morale penalty to armor class, saving throws, skill checks and initiative for 24 hours once the rage ends. The sight of its efforts laid to waste invariably plunges the Hecatoncheires into a black depression.


The Hecatoncheires has a +30 racial bonus to Craft (Weaponsmithing) and Intimidate checks.

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100 Swords

The Hecatoncheires carries 100 colossal greatswords. The enchantments on each are not known, as its divine weapon ability overwrites them. Should the Hecatoncheires be destroyed, the weapons will absorb part of its essence. They will become greatswords+10, wounding, keen and ghost touch. Further, any previous properties of each weapon will be retained. For example, if one had the vicious and bane (constructs) abilities, it would be a greatsword+10, wounding, keen, ghost touch, vicious and bane (constructs). It's suspected that at least half the weapons are epic weapons in their own right, while at least a few are artifacts from the deities who created the Hecatoncheires.

Armor of the Hecatoncheires

This armor was designed by Gond for the Hecatoncheires. It is full plate+15 that has no maximum dexterity cap, arcane spell failure, armor check penalty or other negative factors. It previously had other powers related to the divine, but the Hecatoncheires' hatred of the divine has eroded them away. In return, the armor has developed the ability to negate divine power. The Hecatoncheires is immune to effects created by a deity's alter reality. A deity cannot alter a plane (such as a divinely morphic plane) within 100 miles of the Hecatoncheires.

Were this armor restored, it is said that it would change size to match any creature and make them a divine paragon of tremendous power.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Jessica Reynes

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Note: This format is on purpose. It's not an unfinished outline or anything like that. I experiment with different styles to make writing fluff more enjoyable.

- Jessica was once Beth Reynes, Alicia's blood sister and a mean-hearted bitch. She made her life as an assassin, trading lives for money.

- In time, she took an assignment to assassinate Archduke Salman of the United Baronies. She failed, was defeated by the Crimson Guard and captured. Circumstances, including her sister Alicia joining the Crimson Guard, lead to her execution being postponed.

- Unfortunately, Alicia had kicked up a fight with Hell over the fate of Antenora, an erinyes who Alicia sought to redeem. The sisters did not have a good relationship and a hellish envoy offered Beth a chance at revenge in exchange for her soul. Beth accepted. Alicia defeated the efforts and ultimately confronted Beth. Turns out the deal Beth got was invalid, as it was predicated on Beth becoming an erinyes - but no devils are promoted into that form, erinyes are born instead.

- With her soul damned and her confidence shaken, Alicia gets through to Beth and the two finally make a shaky peace. They sought atonement for Beth, which involved traveling to the 5th layer of Hell and raiding the Halls of the Vanquished, a repository of foes defeated by Baator.

- In the end, the sisters freed several unjustly held souls and celestials, before being confronted by Duke Agares as they tried to escape. The might of a Duke of Hell was far beyond Alicia and she was brought to death's door by the Duke's assault. The icy floor of the museum was crumbling and the black waters of the Styx were splashing in. In an act of genuine altruism, Beth braved the waters of the Styx to escape Agares with Alicia and activate their magic to flee Hell.

- While Alicia survived thanks to Beth's sacrifice, Beth's memories were lost to the Styx. The woman left behind was the opposite of Beth: kind, gentle and warm. With Beth's memories lost to the Styx (and thus Asmodeus or perhaps the imprisoned Levistus), she took the name of Jessica and started a new life with her sister. A hard life at first, as few were willing to forgive the woman who wore the face of the popular Archduke's attempted assassin.

- Despite this, Jessica endured. She found love and a husband while slowly discovering the lethal arts Beth left behind. Only this time she used them in defense of her new family: her husband Roald, her sister Alicia and her friends; the astral deva Latha, the courre eladrin Marie and the risen erinyes Antenora. She took on the role of group mother, maintaining the house and making sure all were taken care of.

- Jessica found herself living with exemplars of good, even her sister was made into a half-celestial by Mystra defeating a horror of madness from the Beyond - a nightmare that could unravel Creation itself if allowed to exist in it long.

- This exposure to so much concentrated Good and the essence of the Heavens lead Jessica to become a native outsider. In time, Alicia's struggles to protect the United Baronies became more intense, harder as many enemies sought to tear down what the Crimson Guard and the United Baronies had built. When Mystra herself offered Jessica celestial blood and power to aid her sister, Jessica took the offer.

- In time, Alicia and her lover Syala cleared Triel's Furnace, vanquishing the impossibly ancient remnant of Beezlebub before his fall from grace. The plane itself attached to Alicia and Syala, beginning their rise as demigoddesses. Jessica followed her family to the new realm, Sylica. Since that time, she has become a full celestial as she continues as she has before.

- In essence, the Styx scrubbed all that Beth was away. What was left was what Beth never had - compassion, gentleness and protectiveness. Yet the legacy of Beth's life lingered in the form of her assassin's skills. Jessica is the result of this unusual fusion, a result guided by the light her sister surrounded herself with. In many ways Jessica is a result of Alicia's meteoric rise to power, as few can claim to be surrounded by angels and offered power by a goddess.

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- If it wasn't obvious, Jessica's the sneaky one. She's become a full angel since joining Alicia in Sylica and serves as a silent hand. When a response cloaked in stealth is called for, Jessica's the one for the job. With a supernatural mind blank effect, darkstalker, perfect wight powers and +77 hide/move silently scores Jessica is almost impossible to detect. The thematic elements of a super-powered assassin combined with gentle mothering notes is an odd contrast born of Jessica's unique circumstances.

- Quick point of clarification: Jessica or Beth never used the assassin PrC. Beth was a rogue who killed people, not an assassin the sense of the prestige class. Just saying.

- Anyway, Jessica does the rogue thing well. She has the right feats and abilities to make sneaking and stabbing pay off. A rapier is a notably sub-optimal choice for her, but that's her style. TWF doesn't work without adding something that gives more feats or reworking her build entirely and angels don't get much for natural attacks. A rare few get wings as secondary attacks, but it's uncommon. That's fine - she has the abilities to perform well in spite of that limitation. Doing gobs of damage is nice, but it's not strictly her main focus.

- Perfect Wight is upgraded and tweaked for Balmuria. It's over in homebrew if you're curious. It's mostly to smooth over some issues from it being a 3.0 PrC (let alone from the ELH) and help it make more sense for when you can get it. Also, superior legerdemain's 100ft range is pretty nifty for her.

Rogue 29//Swashbuckler 10/Hellbreaker 10/Perfect Wight 9

Changelog: Fixed BAB, which was one too high. Related scores adjusted down. Adjusted fort and ref saves, which were one too low.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Angel, Good)
Hit Dice: 10d10+19d6+290 (442 hp)
Initiative: +19
Speed: 30ft, fly 60ft (good)
Armor Class: 48 (+15 dex, +12 armor, +4 natural, +2 dodge, +5 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +23/+28/60
Attack: Gentle Serenity+48 (1d6+31 plus 20d6 sneak attack and 2 str plus 1d6 nonlethal plus calm emotions 15-20 x2)
Full Attack: Gentle Serenity+48/+43/+38/+33 (1d6+31 plus 20d6 sneak attack and 2 str plus 1d6 nonlethal plus calm emotions 15-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, sneak attack+20d6, crippling strike, insightful strike, steal spell-like ability, neutralize spell-like ability, steal supernatural ability.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, damage reduction 20/epic and evil, spell resistance 42, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, resistance to electricity and fire 20, tongues, magic circle against evil, mind blank, trapfinding, improved evasion, penetrating strike, improved uncanny dodge, defensive roll, skill mastery, grace+1, acrobatic charge, improved flanking, mantle of darkness, telepathic static, stowaway, foil summoning, plane hop, mastery of stealth, superior invisibility 2/day, ghost form 2/day, improved legerdemain, shadow form 2/day, superior legerdemain.
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +34, Will +24 (+4 racial vs poison)
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 41, Con 31, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 21
Skills: Bluff+37, Diplomacy+37, Disable Device+38, Escape Artist+47, Gather Information+37, Hide+77, Knowledge(Planes)+38, Listen+38, Move Silently+77, Search+38, Sense Motive+38, Sleight of Hand+47, Spot+38, Tumble+47, Use Magic Device+37
Feats: Undo Resistance(1), Combat Expertise(H), Weapon Finesse(S1), Improved Feint(3), Sacred Strike(6), Darkstalker(9), Staggering Strike(12), Telling Blow(15), Improved Initiative(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Skill Focus(Hide)(21), Improved Weapon Finesse(24), Lingering Damage(R24), Improved Sneak Attack(PW5), Mass Stowaway(27), Improved Sneak Attack(R28)
Alignment: Neutral Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect snares and pits, see invisibility, pass without trace. At will-arcane sight, calm emotions, detect evil, greater invisibility, greater plane shift, greater teleport, holy smite, holy word, superb dispelling. Caster level 29th.

Magic Circle Against Evil (Su)

Jessica is surrounded by a magic circle against evil, with a caster level equal to her hit dice. If it is dispelled, she can reactivate it as a free action on her turn.

Mind Blank (Su)

Jessica enjoys a constant mind blank effect, with a caster level equal to her hit dice. It cannot be dispelled, though it can be suppressed by antimagic and similar effects.

Rogue powers:
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Sneak Attack

If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The rogue's attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.


Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.

Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Penetrating Strike (Ex)

Whenever you flank a creature that is immune to extra damage from sneak attacks, you still deal extra damage equal to half your normal sneak attack dice. This benefit does not apply against creatures that cannot be flanked, nor against foes that are otherwise denied their dexterity bonus to AC or flat-footed but not flanked.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

If a rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

A rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked.

This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Crippling Strike (Ex)

A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.

Defensive Roll (Ex)

The rogue can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the rogue must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can't use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability works like evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Skill Mastery

The rogue becomes so certain in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions.

Upon gaining this ability, she selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. A rogue may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.

Jessica has chosen Bluff, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Search and Use Magic Device.

Swashbuckler powers:
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Grace (Ex)

A swashbuckler gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 20th level. A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Insightful Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, a swashbuckler becomes able to place her finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. She applies her Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus she may have) with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, such as a rapier, whip, or spiked chain. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the swashbuckler's insightful strike. A swashbuckler cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Acrobatic Charge (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 7th level or higher can charge in situations where others cannot. She may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies blocking her path. This ability enables her to run down steep stairs, leap down from a balcony, or to tumble over tables to get to her target. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks (Jump or Tumble checks, in particular) to successfully move over the terrain.

Improved Flanking (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 8th level or higher who is flanking an opponent gains a +4 bonus on attacks instead of a +2 bonus on attacks. (Other characters flanking with the swashbuckler don't gain this increased bonus.)

Hellbreaker powers:
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Mantle of Darkness (Ex)

You can make Hide checks in any kind of darkness, even when observed by creatures that can see in darkness.

Telepathic Static (Su)

Beginning at 1st level, you emit a field of psychic chatter out to a range of 20 feet, negating the telepathy ability of all creatures within range. In addition, divination spells and spell-like abilities cast or used in the area are impeded. To use divination magic, a caster must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the spell). If the check fails, the spell or spell-like ability does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell, spell slot, or daily use. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally. You can suppress this ability for 1 round as a free action.

Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su)

Starting at 2nd level, you can use a sneak attack to temporarily steal a creature's spell-like ability. If you hit an opponent with a sneak attack, you can choose to forgo 2d6 dice of sneak attack damage and instead gain one use of one of the target's spell-like abilities. If the target is willing, you can steal a spell-like ability with a touch as a standard action (you do not need to damage a willing target).

This spell-like ability can originate from the target's class, race, template, or any other source, and can be of any spell level up to a maximum of 1/2 your class level. You can select a specific spell-like ability to borrow; otherwise, the DM chooses the ability at random. If the ability has a limited number of uses per day, the target must have at least one such use left, or you can't steal the ability. If the target can't use its ability (such as a summoned devil's summon ability), you can't steal it. If you steal and use an ability with limited uses per day, your use of the ability also counts as one use for the target creature.

You can use a stolen spell-like ability once. For all purposes (caster level, save DC, and so on), treat the spell-like ability as if the creature whose ability you stole were using it. You must use the stolen spell-like ability within 1 minute of acquiring it, or it is lost. Until you use the ability (or until 1 minute elapses), the target cannot use the stolen ability.

If you have a similar ability, such as the spellthief's steal spell-like ability, you can steal two spell-like abilities at once, but each is subject to its respective spell level restriction. Once you have stolen a spell-like ability, you cannot use neutralize spell-like ability (see below) until you have used the stolen ability.

Stowaway (Su)

From 4th level on, you can hitch a ride on a conjuration (teleportation) spell or spell-like ability cast or used within 30 feet of you. If the target is unwilling, you must succeed on a level check with a DC of 10 + the caster level of the effect as an immediate action. If the target is willing, this ability functions automatically. When the spell is cast, you appear wherever the caster appears, in the same position you were at the time of the spell's casting. If this would force you to appear in a solid object, you appear in the nearest open available space. If the conjuration spell has variable results, such as teleport, you suffer the same effect as the caster.

Neutralize Spell-Like Ability (Su)

Beginning at 5th level, you gain the ability to neutralize one of a target's spell-like abilities. This ability functions like the steal spell-like ability class feature, except you do not gain the ability to use the spell-like ability. Instead, you prevent the target from using the ability for a number of rounds equal to your class level. You cannot use this ability while holding a stolen spell-like ability. You can neutralize any number of spell-like abilities.

Foil Summoning (Su)

At 7th level, your telepathic static intensifies so that you also impede conjuration (calling) and conjuration (summoning) spells and spell-like effects within 20 feet. See telepathic static, above, for details.

Steal Supernatural Ability (Su)

From 8th level on, you can steal supernatural abilities. This ability functions like the steal spell-like ability class feature. While in possession of a stolen spell-like or supernatural ability, you cannot use steal spell-like ability, steal supernatural ability, or neutralize spell-like ability again until you lose access to the stolen ability (by discharging it or after 1 minute, whichever comes first).

Plane Hop (Sp)

At 10th level, you can use plane shift as an immediate action once per day. This ability functions like the spell, but it has a range of personal and a target of you.

Perfect Wight powers:
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Mastery of Stealth (Ex)

A Perfect Wight is a grand master of being unseen and unheard. He practices both to a fine point, part of one coherent whole. As a result, the benefit from Epic Skill Focus (Hide) or Epic Skill Focus (Move Silently) applies to both skills. This does not stack if the Perfect Wight already possesses Epic Skill Focus for both skills.

Superior Invisibility (Su)

Starting at 1st level, the Perfect Wight gains the benefit of superior invisibility once per day, plus one additional time per day every five levels thereafter. This functions as the spell of the same name, with a caster level equal to the Perfect Wight's hit dice.

Ghostform (Su)

Starting at 2nd level, the Perfect Wight is as light and swift as a ghost. He may use Ghostform as a spell like ability once per day, plus one additional time per day every five levels thereafter. This functions as the spell of the same name, with a caster level equal to the Perfect Wight's hit dice.

Improved Legerdemain (Su)

A Perfect Wight can perform the following class skills at a range of 30ft: Disable Device, Sleight Of Hand, and Search. If desired, the perfect wight can take 10 on the check. Any object manipulated during the skill check must weigh 100 pounds or less. Alternatively, the Perfect Wight can use improved legerdemain to make one melee sneak attack against any creature within 30 feet. The Perfect Wight executes the sneak attack as if attacking from a flanking position. If the attack is successful, the victim is dealt the appropriate sneak attack damage despite the fact that the Perfect Wight and his or her weapon do not physically cross the intervening distance. A Perfect Wight can use improved legerdemain at will and doing so is a full round action.

Shadow Form (Su)

At 4th level, the Perfect Wight learns to take shadow form. This form is incorporeal and functions like Ghostform with the following modifications. The Perfect Wight's shadow form lasts for 1 minute per hit die of the Perfect Wight. While in shadow form, the perfect wight gains a fly speed of 100ft (good) and is immune to critical hits. In addition, the Perfect Wight may draw on the shadow stuff that composes himself during this to augment any attack roll, check or saving throw. Doing so deals seven points of damage per bonus point and the Perfect Wight cannot grant himself a higher bonus than his Perfect Wight class level. Using this ability is a free action.

Superior Legerdemain (Su)

At 8th level, the Perfect Wight may use Improved Legerdemain at far greater distances. His range with Improved Legerdemain improves to 100ft. Despite this distance, he is able to make sneak attacks while using it past 30ft.

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Gentle Serenity

Gentle Serenity was a gift from Mystra after Alicia's ascension. It is a weapon of peace and serenity, capable of defeating without slaying. More importantly, it is a perfect manifestation of the love and kindness within Jessica's soul.

Gentle Serenity is a rapier+10, keen and merciful. Any creature struck by Gentle Serenity is affected as if by a calm emotions spell (caster level 21st, DC 35). If Jessica deals non-lethal damage or successfully inflicts sneak attack damage, the creature's spell resistance and any protections or immunity against mind-affecting magic are ignored for calm emotions.

Sashes of Shadow

Jessica trained her skills deep in the holy places of Sylica. When she first obtained her shadow form, several small sashes of shadow remained. It was a natural reaction of the realm, creating something of shadow that is wholly good - in direct opposition to Shar and her shadows.

Sashes of Shadow grant Jessica a +12 armor bonus to armor class and a +20 competence bonus to hide and move silently checks. Whenever Jessica uses her shadow form's ability to augment an attack roll, check or saving throw, the amount of damage per point is reduced by one.

Tear of Sylica

One day, Roald and his son Hans went to gather ingredients in the Wychwood. There Hans found a gem in a stream, a beautiful white and green stone. On seeing it, the two were compelled to take the stones of the realm and forge them into a necklace. Stone became mithral silver and the gemstone became part of the necklace. Great was Roald's puzzlement, for he had no skill in metalsmithing - yet he was certain it was meant for Jessica.

The Tear of Sylica grants Jessica a +8 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Constitution, and a +6 enhancement bonus to her other ability scores.

Jessica also has a ring of defense+5 (+5 deflection bonus to armor class and +5 resistance bonus to saving throws), masterwork thieves' tools and three of Roald's biscuits (heal as a 20th level caster on consumption).
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Latha, Diamond Angel of Radiance

Latha's the shining beacon of light from above that smites evil. Okay, that describes most of the B1 allied characters. Latha takes it rather literally, shining down like the sun. This is entirely literal. She provides the heavy clerical support. Antenora touches on this with paladin casting, but that only goes so far. Latha's the one you call when you need to throw around mass heals and miracles like they're party favors.

If you're wondering why she has telepathy, it's because Lathander was experimenting when he created her. This is a subtle callback to some celestials having telepathy in 2nd edition. She's not a risen fiend like Antenora. Astute readers will also note her shield is a 2nd edition callback.

Astral Deva 29//Cleric 29

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Angel, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 29d8+290 (490 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 50ft, fly 100ft (good)
Armor Class: 60 (+8 dex, +15 natural, +9 deflection, +10 shield, +8 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +29/+39/66
Attack: Glorious Duty+46 (1d8+17 plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit))
Full Attack: Glorious Duty+46 (1d8+17 plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit))
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, stun(DC 34), absolute light, spells, channel energy 12/day (15d6; DC 35).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 40/epic, evil and silver, spell resistance 42, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, resistance to electricity and fire 20, protective aura, tongues, telepathy 200ft, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, diamond angel of radiance.
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +40, Will +34
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 26, Con 30, Int 26, Wis 34, Cha 28
Skills: Concentration+42, Craft(Armorsmithing)+60, Craft(Sunlight)+40, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+40, Diplomacy+41, Escape Artist+40, Hide+40, Intimidate+41, Knowledge(Local: Sylica)+40, Knowledge(Planes)+40, Knowledge(Religion)+40, Listen+44, Move Silently+40, Sense Motive+44, Spot+44, Survival+44, Use Rope+40
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor(B), Endurance(B), Diehard(B), Words of Creation(B), Exalted Spell Resistance(1), Empower Turning(C1), Shield Specialization(3), Shield Ward(6), Power Attack(9), Sun Devotion(12), Energize Spell(15), Consecrate Spell(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Bonus Domain(Law)(C23), Flames of the Sun(24), Bonus Domain(Glory)(C26), Shield Barrier(27), Vivacious Spell(C29)
Alignment: Lawful Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-detect evil, see invisibility, true seeing. At will-aid, continual flame, daylight, discern lies, dispel evil, greater teleport, heat metal, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, flame strike, invisibility (self only), greater plane shift, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, searing light, superb dispelling, sunbeam. 7/day-cure moderate wounds. 1/day-blade barrier, heal, heroism, waves of fatigue, sunburst. Caster level 29th. The save DCs are 19 + spell level.

Stun (Su)

If Latha strikes an opponent twice in one round with her mace, that creature must succeed on a DC 34 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Strength based.

Absolute Light (Su)

Glorious sunlight surrounds Latha, burning those who live in wickedness. Any evil creature within 30ft of Latha takes 7d6 points of damage per round.

Diamond Angel of Radiance (Su)

Latha's true form is that of a body of pure sunlight, as bright as the sun. This glory grants her several abilities. She gains her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class, her damage reduction rises by 10 and she sheds true sunlight within a 70ft radius. Within Sylica this radius becomes unlimited, Latha often serves as part of the sun for the realm.

Latha may assume a normal form as a swift action. While in this form she loses the benefits of this ability.

Cleric powers:
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Latha casts as a 29th level cleric (caster level 30th for spells with the good or lawful descriptor) with access to the Good, Glory, Law and Sun domains. The save DCs are 22 + spell level. Her metamagic options are Consecrate Spell (+1), Energize Spell (+1) and Vivacious Spell (+3).

[6/day]0: Detect Magicx3, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Minor Wounds
[8+1/day]1: (Protection from Chaos), Bless, Divine Favorx3, Entropic Shield, Guiding LightSC, Nimbus of LightSC
[8+1/day]2: (Bless Weapon), Close WoundsSC, Divine Insightx4SC, Divine PresenceCC, Spiritual Weaponx2,
[8+1/day]3: (Searing Light), Awaken SinSC, Continual Flame, Magic Circle against Chaos, Shield of Wardingx3SC, Soul of Lightx2DM
[8+1/day]4: (Fire Shield), Assay Spell Resistancex2SC, Dimensional Anchorx2, Light of Purityx2CC, Wall of Goodx2SC
[7+1/day]5: (Holy Sword), Condemnationx2PHB2, Life's Gracex3SC, Righteous Mightx2,
[6+1/day]6: (Bolt of GlorySC), Healx3, Light of Couragex3CC
[6+1/day]7: (Energized Bolt of Glory), Energized Bolt of Glory, Energized Lucent LanceSCx3, Consecrated Lucent Lancex2
[6+1/day]8: (Consecrated Energized Fire Seeds), Energized Consecrated Lucent Lancex6
[5+1/day]9: (Prismatic Sphere), Mass Heal, Miraclex3, Soul Bind.
[5+1/day]10: (Vivacious Sunbeam), Celestial Valorx2Home, Miracle of HealthHome, Naeys' Life FontHome, Vivacious Righteous SmiteBoED
[5+1/day]11: (Vivacious Sunburst), Latha's SunmantleHome, Superb Dispellingx2Home, Vivacious Fire Storm, Vivacious Heat DrainSC.
[4+1/day]12: (Energized SunlanceHome), Legion's GatesHome, Wrath of the Heavensx3Home.

Domain powers

Good: +1 caster level to spells with the good descriptor.
Glory: +2 bonus to the DC of turn undead and +1d6 damage.
Law: +1 caster level to spells with the lawful descriptor.
Sun: Empower Turning as a bonus feat.

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Glorious Duty

Glorious Duty was created from the sands of Lunia and the light of Chronias that still clung to Latha's spirit. It is purity and sunlight in a material form, filled with ideals and concepts from the eternal glory of Chronias and the humble sands of Lunia.

Glorious Duty is a heavy mace+7, holy power. It allows Latha to use Sun Devotion an additional three times per day and increases the extra damage from Sun Devotion by seven.

Aegis of the Tarrasque

After the defeat of the Destroyer and the liberation of the Lost Eastlands, the shell of the Tarrasque was forged into several shields. Latha claimed one and has since made excellent use of it. It shines with sunlight, its mirror-like surface reflecting it brilliantly.

Aegis of the Tarrasque is a heavy steel shield+7. It grants a +2 bonus to Constitution when carried and grants Latha Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats. It grants Latha a 50% miss chance against lines, cones and rays, harmlessly deflecting them aside.

Silver Halo

This halo was created by Latha's own hands in the crucible of trial within Ysgard. Since then it has adorned her head, augmenting her protective aura's potency.

Silver Halo increases the bonuses from Latha's protective aura to a +7 deflection bonus to armor class and a +7 resistance bonus to saving throws. These bonuses apply against all attacks, not only evil ones. In addition, it grants Latha a +6 enhancement bonus to ability scores.

Latha also carries bracers of armor+8, a hammer that grants a +20 competence bonus to craft(armorsmithing) checks and a ring of nondetection(CL 20, grants nondetection whenever worn).

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Vivacious Spell [Epic, Exalted]
Prerequisite: Consecrate Spell, Energize Spell
Benefit: A spell modified this feat is transformed into pure bright, life-filled energy. Any damage the spell inflicts becomes divine typed damage and the spell gains the good descriptor. In addition, the spell deals double damage to undead and evil outsiders. A vivacious spell uses a spell slot three levels higher than the actual spell's level.

Latha's Sunmantle
Level: Sanctified 11

This spell functions as sunmantle with greater and new abilities. Latha's sunmantle grants damage reduction 20/- and the tendril of light counter attack deals 20 points of damage. In addition, the warded creature is immune to ability damage, ability drain, level drain and negative energy.


1d6 points of Strength damage.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Lliira, Our Lady of Joy

Notes and fluff:
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Lliira's flavor isn't meaningfully changed from canon FR. Refer to that for an idea of what she's about. So this is going to focus on mechanical notes rather than rehashing her flavor.

- Lliira picks up the Joy and Liberation domains. Both are no-brainers based on her portfolio. The add-on to the FRCS suggests giving Lliira Joy anyway. On the other side, travel feels extraneous to me. I see where it's coming from, but it feels tangential to the concept. But I don't remove domains unless it's a massive mismatch, so I built with it instead.

- Heartfire Fanner fits Lliira in spite of its problems. The PrC's a trainwreck for many reasons, the foremost being that it grants all bardic music with a one level dip. That aside, inspired fight is a pain in the ass to deal with, bolster courage makes inspire courage even better and prolonged passion is begging for abuses. Oh, and it grants 5/5 casting progression for anything. It's not so bad as a pure bard PrC, but the ability to branch into it from elsewhere and gain massively is not well thought out. I concede it's a mess, yet it fits Lliira so aptly that I'm inclined to use it anyway.

- Lliira's main gimmick is bardsong to the max. She can literally turn an army into an epic slaughter-force if she chooses to. She rarely is drawn to battle, instead using her powers to spread joy and celebration. There's a tab at the bottom that summarizes how her bardsong works and a cheat sheet for the various bardsongs. Tangentially, bards get some really nice epic feats.

- Epic bard casting is somewhat of a placeholder. This will get more work later. Her spells will be updated then.

Our Lady of Joy, Joybringer, Mistress of the Revels
Lesser deity
Symbol: A triangle of three six-pointed stars (orange, yellow, red)
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Anarchic Exalted
Portfolio: Joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty
Worshipers: Bards, dancers, entertainers, poets, revelers, singers
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Family, Good, Joy, Liberation, Music, Travel
Favored Weapon: Sparkle (Shuriken)

Bard 48//Battle Dancer 20/Paladin of Freedom 23/Heartfire Fanner 5

Changelog: Fixed her CMD, forgot to add one of her +17s to it. Added divine grace to saves, whoops. Added bard spells. Traded her paladin casting for bonus feats variant, as paladin spells don't add anything meaningful to her.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Divine Rank: 9
Hit Dice: 20d8+23d10+5d6+720+48 (1188 hp)
Initiative: +30; always goes first
Speed: 90ft, fly 230ft
Armor Class: 100 (+17 dex, +9 divine, +24 natural, +17 deflection, +17 cha, +4 bd, +2 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +46/+69/136
Attack: Sparkle+73/+73/+73 ranged touch (Irresistible Dance) or unarmed strike+71 (4d8+21)
Full Attack: Unarmed strike+71/+71/+66/+61/+56 (4d8+21)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spells, spell-like abilities, dancer's strike(magic, chaotic, adamantine), dance of the crushing python, dance of death's embrace, smite evil 9/day, turn undead 20/day(10d6; DC 37), divine blast 20/day(26d12).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/cold iron and epic, immunity to fire and sonic, spell resistance 63, divine traits, bardic music, bardic knowledge(+61), dance of reckless bravery, dance of the vexing snake, dance of the floating step, dance of the furious unicorn, dance of the soaring eagle, aura of good, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(391 hp), aura of resolve, divine health, stand fast 3/each/day, remove disease 6/week, inspired fight (6 feats), magic flare(4 levels), bolster courage, prolonged passion, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge.
Saves: Fort +79, Ref +81, Will +80 (+2 vs enchantment and fear)
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 45, Con 40, Int 37, Wis 43, Cha 44
Skills: Balance+77, Bluff+77, Concentration+75, Craft(Hope)+73, Diplomacy+83, Gather Information+77, Handle Animal+77, Heal+76, Knowledge(All)+73, Listen+76, Perform(All)+77, Perform(Dance)+109, Sense Motive+78, Spellcraft+73, Spot+76, Tumble+77
Feats: Dodge(B), Mobility(B), Skill Focus(Perform:Dance)(B), Toughness(1), Negotiator(H), Improved Unarmed Strike(BD1), Versatile Performer(3), Words of Creation(6), Song of the Heart(9), Obtain Familiar(12), Quicken Spell(15), Power Attack(18), Extend Spell(21), Sculpt Spell(24), Extra Smiting(P4), Improved Natural Attack(27), Divine Vigor(P8), Improved Initiative(30), Divine Might(P11), Chant of the Long Road(33), Extra Smiting(P14), Epic of the Lost King(36), Inspire Spellpower(39), Song of Cleansing Light(48)
Epic Feats: Group Inspiration(B), Lasting Inspiration(B), Music of the Gods(B), Rapid Inspiration(B), Reactive Countersong(B), Epic Spell Capacity(B23), Deafening Song(B26), Epic Inspiration(B29), Epic Skill Focus(Perform:Dance)(B32), Hindering Song(B35), Inspire Excellence(B38), Ranged Inspiration(B41), Blinding Speed(42), Great Smiting(P23), Epic Inspiration(B44), Multiaction(45), Epic Inspiration(B47)
Salient Divine Abilities: Dancing Goddess, Divine Bard, Divine Blast, Divine Celerity, Divine Familiar, Divine Skill Focus(Perform:Dance), Extra Domain(Charm), Extra Domain(Family), Extra Domain(Music), Extra Domain(Travel), Free Move, Mass Divine Blast, Multiple Celebrations, Supreme Initiative
Alignment: Anarchic Exalted

Racial powers:
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At will-aid, animate objects, astral projection, bastion of good, blade barrier, bless, body harmonic, break enchantment, calm emotions, chaos hammer, charm monster, charm person, cloak of chaos, demand, dimension door, dirge, dispel evil, dispel law, distilled joy, dominate monster, elation, find the path, fly, freedom of movement, geas/quest, ghost sound, good hope, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, greater plane shift, greater shout, greater teleport, helping hand, heroes' feast, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, imbue with spell ability, insanity, irresistible dance, lliira's laugh, locate object, longstrider, magic circle against evil, magic circle against law, mind blank, omen of peril, phase door, prismatic sphere, protection from evil, protection from law, protection from spells, rage, refuge, sculpt sound, shatter, shield other, shout, song of discord, sound burst, starmantle, suggestion, summon monster 9(chaotic good only),  sympathetic vibrations, sympathy, telepathic bond, teleport, unbinding, undetectable alignment, vision of heaven, word of chaos. Caster level 48th. The save DCs are 46 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Lliira exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Lliira can use limited wish when doing so can help her promote joy, celebrations and freedom. Note that in the situation where Lliira and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Cure Wounds (Su)

Lliira may cast any cure wounds spell as a standard action. She may apply any metamagics to this that she pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:
Chaos: +1 bonus to the caster level of chaotic spells.
Charm: 1/day gain a +4 bonus to Charisma for 1 minute. This is a free action.
Family: 1/day grant 17 creatures within 10ft a +4 dodge bonus to AC. Includes self. 
Good: +1 bonus to the caster level of good spells.
Joy: +4 sacred bonus to diplomacy.
Liberation: +2 morale bonus to saves vs fear and enchantment.
Music: Skill Focus (Perform) as a bonus feat.
Travel: 24 rounds/day, act as if under freedom of movement.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Lliira's divine aura is 36 and the radius is 900ft.

Immunities: Lliira is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Lliira is immune to effects that imprison or banish her. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Lliira gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Lliira does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. Lliira may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Lliira can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within ten miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Lliira can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to her, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, her voice can be heard as a joyous cry of celebration. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Lliira can create any wondrous item with power related to travel, joy or liberation; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Lliira is aware of any act of celebration, joybringing or happiness that involves 500 or more people.

Bard powers:
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Lliira casts as a 48th level bard (caster level 49th for chaotic or good spells). Her save DCs are 27 + spell level. Her metamagic options are Extend Spell (+1), Sculpt Spell (+1) and Quicken Spell (+4).

TODO: Add bonus spells for high Charisma.

[4/day]0: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation, Summon Instrument
[4/day]1: Accelerated MovementSC, Hideous Laughter, ImprovisationSC, Joyful NoiseSC, Ventriloquism
[4/day]2: Heroism, Lively StepSC, Suggestion, Sonic WeaponSC, Sonorous HumSC
[4/day]3: AllegroSC, Blink, Good Hope, Hymn of PraiseSC, Ray of DizzinessSC
[4/day]4: CelebrationSC, Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, FugueSC, Zone of Silence
[4/day]5: Cacophonic BurstSC, Greater Heroism, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mass Suggestion, Seeming
[4/day]6: Animate Objects, Greater Shout, Irresistible Dance, Project Image
[4/day]7: Heal, True Seeing, 2
[4/day]8: Lion's RoarSC, Spread of ContentmentBoED, Superior InvisibilitySC 1
[4/day]9: Sublime RevelryBoED, UnbindingSC 2
[4/day]10: Mass Heal, Miracle of UncursingHome, Summon Monster XHome 1
[4/day]11: Faerinaal's Internal RevoltHome, Faerinaal's LullabyHome, Shardread WeaponHome,  Superb DispellingHome
[4/day]12: Mass RegenerateHome, Beauty TriumphantHome, Glorious RallyHome, 1
[4/day]13: 4
[4/day]14: 4
[3/day]15: Automatic SummoningHome, 3
[0/day]16: Lliira's Joyous ReversalHome

Bardic Knowledge

A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.)

A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.

Bardic Music

Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed ranks.

Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action. Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn't require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), spell trigger (such as wands), or command word. Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.

Countersong (Su)

A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform check result for the save. Countersong has no effect against effects that don't allow saves. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.

Fascinate (Sp)

A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability.

To use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected creature's Will save against the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song, taking no other actions, for as long as the bard continues to play and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard level). While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result.

Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Courage (Su)

A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 8th, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 20th). Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Competence (Su)

A bard of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard. The bard must also be able to see the ally.

The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's music. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. A bard can't inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability.

Suggestion (Sp)

A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated. Using this ability does not break the bard's concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect.

Making a suggestion doesn't count against a bard's daily limit on bardic music performances. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ bard's level + bard's Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature (but see mass suggestion, below). Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language dependent ability.

Inspire Greatness (Su)

A bard of 9th level or higher with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting him or her extra fighting capability. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally with a single use of this ability (two at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th). To inspire greatness, a bard must sing and an ally must hear him sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependant. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability.

Song of Freedom (Sp)

A bard of 12th level or higher with 15 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to create an effect equivalent to the break enchantment spell (caster level equals the character's bard level). Using this ability requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentration and music, and it functions on a single target within 30 feet. A bard can't use song of freedom on himself.

Inspire Heroics (Su)

A bard of 15th level or higher with 18 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet. For every three bard levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, a bard must sing and an ally must hear the bard sing for a full round. A creature so inspired gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. Inspire heroics is a mind-affecting ability.

Mass Suggestion (Sp)

This ability functions like suggestion, above, except that a bard of 18th level or higher with 21 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make the suggestion simultaneously to any number of creatures that he has already fascinated. Mass suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.

Battle Dancer powers:
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Dance of Reckless Bravery (Su)

A 2nd-level battle dancer with 5 ranks in Tumble gains the ability to inspire bravery in her allies. All of the battle dancer's allies within 30 feet of her gain a +4 bonus on saves against fear effects for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the battle dancer's Charisma modifier. The battle dancer can use this ability only when she is within an opponent's threatened area. It requires a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Dance of the Vexing Snake (Su)

A 5th-level battle dancer with 8 ranks in Tumble gains the ability to dodge her opponent's blows with her sudden, unpredictable maneuvers. She can use the Tumble skill to move at her normal speed without penalty, and she can Tumble a distance up to her current speed.

Dancer's Strike (Su)

The magic of the battle dancer's arcane maneuvers allows her to manifest auras of energy around her feet and hands. These auras can defeat an opponent's damage reduction. The battle dancer can generate this aura as a standard action at will. It persists for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the battle dancer's Charisma modifier before it fades.

At 6th level, the battle dancer's aura makes her unarmed strikes count as magic damage.

At 12th level, the battle dancer chooses one aspect of her alignment, such as good or chaotic. Her aura allows her strikes to count as that alignment (as well as magic). She must choose one aspect of her alignment, and once she has made a choice she cannot alter it.

At 18th level, the battle dancer can choose any one special material or alignment that overcomes damage reduction (such as adamantine, cold iron, holy, or even lawful). Her aura now includes that material or alignment. Once she has made this choice, she cannot change it.

Dance of the Floating Step (Su)

The battle dancer moves with such grace and speed that she can dance across water. An 8th-level battle dancer with 11 ranks in Tumble can cross the surface of a liquid, such as water or magma, without taking damage or sinking below the surface. If she ends her movement on such a liquid, she takes damage and sinks as normal. The battle dancer must begin her movement on a stable, firm surface.

Dance of the Springing Tiger (Su)

An 11th-level battle dancer with 14 ranks in Tumble can spring upon an opponent with the ferocity of a tiger. When charging, she can attempt a DC 20 Tumble check. If she succeeds, she may make a full attack rather than a standard attack as part of her charge.

Dance of the Crushing Python (Su)

The battle dancer's speed and mighty unarmed strikes combine to make her a fearsome opponent. She can step into an opponent's reach and confuse it with a series of feints and quick blows, distracting it from other threats. A 14th-level battle dancer with 17 ranks in Tumble can rain a series of hammering blows upon a foe. She must use the Tumble skill to enter her opponent's space without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she succeeds, she may then attack her opponent while in its space. If the battle dancer's attack hits, her opponent takes a -2 penalty to AC and it cannot make attacks of opportunity until the start of the battle dancer's next action. After the battle dancer completes her attack, she enters a square of her choice adjacent to the target.

Dance of the Soaring Eagle (Su)

A 17th-level battle dancer with 20 ranks in Tumble gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed with average maneuverability. If a flying battle dancer charges an opponent below her, she gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage in place of the normal benefits of charging. She may use her dance of the springing tiger in conjunction with an aerial charge.

Dance of Death's Embrace (Su)

A 20th-level battle dance with 23 ranks in Tumble can perform a vicious, deadly dance to defeat her opponent. Before using this dance, the battle dancer selects a single target within 30 feet. As a full-round action, the battle dancer performs an elaborate dance that requires a DC 35 Tumble check to complete. If she succeeds, any time she makes a successful attack against her designated target she deals +2d6 points of damage. In addition, any critical threat the battle dancer makes against her designated target is automatically confirmed as a critical hit. This ability lasts until the end of the battle dancer's next turn.

Paladin of Freedom powers:
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Aura of Good (Ex)

The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: The Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level x her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Resolve (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin of freedom is immune to compulsion effects. Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Stand Fast (Ex)

Starting at 5th level, a paladin may use the following two abilities, once per day each, as an immediate action. At 11th level, she may use each ability twice per day, and at 18th level she may use each ability three times per day.

Add the paladin's divine grace (Charisma modifier) on the saving throw of all allies within 20 feet. She must add this bonus on the same save for each of them; thus, she could add to everyone's Reflex save, or everyone's Will save, but she could not grant some a bonus on Reflex and others a bonus on Will. She does not gain any bonus for using this ability, but neither does she lose her own divine grace bonus. This bonus lasts for 1 round.

Add the paladin's divine grace (Charisma modifier) on any roll she makes to resist a bull rush, disarm, grapple, sunder, or trip attack. She cannot use this ability when she is making such an attack; it is defensive only.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Heartfire Fanner powers:
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Inspired Fight (Su)

At 1st level, a heartfire fanner with 11 ranks in Perform can ignite a martial passion even beyond the ken of normal bardic inspiration by stirring the hearts of warriors already heady with battle.

This ability confers bonus feats upon an allied subject within 30 feet of the heartfire fanner. The target is free to choose which feats he receives from the feats the heartfire fanner possesses or the fighter class bonus feat list. The target must meet all prerequisites to receive the feats, although he can use one bonus feat as a prerequisite for another.

The heartfire fanner bestows a number of bonus feats equal to the number indicated in Table: The Heartfire Fanner. For every three character levels the heartfire fanner has, he can bestow bonus feats to one additional creature. Each inspired creature may select her own feats. The heartfire fanner must perform his bardic music for 1 round and the targets must hear him before they gain the bonus feats. The feats remain for as long as the heartfire fanner sings and for 5 rounds thereafter. This is a mind-affecting ability. Unlike other bardic songs, the heartfire fanner cannot use this ability on himself; he can only inspire others with it. Inspired fight is considered bardic music, so using this ability takes up one use of the heartfire fanner's bardic music ability for the day.

Magic Flare (Su)

The heartfire fanner with 12 or more ranks in Perform learns to inspire spellcasters to excel beyond their own limitations by unlocking their passion for their craft.

By performing for 1 round as a standard action, the heartfire fanner can inspire one allied spellcaster within 30 feet, imbuing the spellcaster's next spell cast with a metamagic feat that the spellcaster possesses. The spell must be cast within 1 round per heartfire fanner level to gain the benefit of magic flare. The altered spell does not take up a higher-level spell slot for the spellcaster, nor does a spontaneous caster (like a sorcerer or bard) require a full-round action to cast the spell affected by magic flare.

The hearrfire fanner can only allow a spellcaster to improve a spell with a metamagic feat that alters a spell's level up to the number indicated on Table: The Heartfire Fanner. So a 2nd-level heartfire fanner can only allow a spellcaster to alter a spell with a metamagic feat that would normally add one level to the affected spell (such as Silent Spell). At 4th level, the heartfire fanner can allow a spellcaster to improve a spell with a metamagic feat that alters a spell's level up to two levels (such as Empower Spell).

A spellcaster targeted with magic flare still can't cast an altered spell at a level higher than he could normally cast a metamagic spell. So an 8th-level sorcerer capable of casting 4th level spells, targeted by magic flare can't use his Empower Spell feat to improve a fireball, since the adjusted level of that spell would be 5th, one level higher than the maximum spell level allowed by his spellcasting level.

Magic flare is considered bardic music, so using this ability takes up one use of the heartfire fanner's uses of bardic music for the day. The heartfire fanner can target himself with magic flare.

Bolster Courage (Su)

A 3rd-level heartfire fanner with 13 or more ranks in Perform can strengthen the resolve of an ally benefiting from his inspire courage ability. When a heartfire fanner uses the inspire courage bardic music ability, he can choose one ally curreny under the effects of the ability to receive a +2 bonus to attack rolls and Armor Class in addition to the normal bonuses associated with inspire courage. Use of this ability does not take up a use of the heartfire fanner's uses of bardic music ability for the day. The heartfire fanner cannot target himself with bolster courage.

Prolonged Passion (Su)

At 5th level, a heartfire fanner with 15 ranks in Perform learns not only to inspire passionate emotion in others, but also masters the art of blending his music to amplify his allies' existing passions.

This use of bardic music inspires one target within 30 feet of the heartfire fanner, and one additional target for every three heartfire fanner and bard levels the character possesses.

The duration of any one spell, or any one extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability affecting the targets of prolonged passion is increased by 1 round per point of Charisma bonus of the heartfire fanner. The target of prolonged passion chooses which effect to extend when the heartfire fanner uses the ability. Thus, a raging barbarian targeted with prolonged passion by a fanner with a Charisma of 18 could rage for an additional 4 rounds, and a fighter under the effects of a baste spell would retain the benefits of that spell for an additional 4 rounds. Likewise, the effects of another type of bardic music (such as inspire courage) can be extended.

Only creatures currently under the effects of an effect with a duration can gain any benefit of prolonged passion. If the extended effect ends prematurely (through dispel magic, for example), prolonged passion no longer has any effect.

The heartfire fanner must perform for 1 round and be heard by his targets for the song to take effect. Prolonged passion is a mind-affecting ability. Prolonged passion is considered bardic music, so using this ability takes up one use of the heartfire fanner's bardic music for the day. The heartfire fanner cannot target himself with this ability.

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Lliira is a radiant soul that is surrounded by joy. Long ago she was forever surrounded in a prism of rainbow light, the pure and wild sum of all the joys in Creation. This joy was many wonderful things. It was so beautiful that Sune and Sharess grew jealous of Lliira, while Waukeen desired to purchase the joy and Tymora sought to twist luck into bestowing that joy onto her. Frightened by what her joy brought out from her friends, Lliira ran from Brightwater. She was absent for 77 years, returning wiser and with her powers of joy under control.

What happened during this time is unknown, but popular legend states that she rode on the back of a magnificent dragon during this time. This information suggests the intervention of Bahamut or another dragon deity, perhaps even Io. The time frame of Io's vanishment (or demise) and Lliira's flight is unclear in the modern day. Bahamut and Lliira have no particular friendship, which is used to suggest that it was not the Platinum Dragon that aided Lliira. For her part, Lliira has not answered the question when asked, instead chiding the inquisitive to think about better things.

Sparkle is the compressed manifestation of joy. It is a part of Lliira and can be directly manipulated by her. This provides her with several powers.

Sparkle can be created into small darts of light, similar to shurikens, and Lliira is considered proficient with them. Lliira can use these projectiles as weapons and can throw up to three as a standard action. Sparkle's darts have a range increment of 100ft and require a successful ranged touch attack. A creature struck by Sparkle has to make a DC 60 Will save or be affected as if by Irresistible Dance. Unlike Irresistible Dance, this effect lasts for 7 rounds. Creatures immune or warded against enchantment, compulsions or mind-affecting abilities are still affected, but they gain a +10 bonus to the saving throw.

Lliira's body is suffused with the hope of all Creation. This pure optimism twists Creation around her and makes her almost impossible to injure or affect for long. All attack rolls against Lliira are treated as being a 1, as are opposed checks (excluding initiative). This is not treated as being a natural 1; as such, attack rolls and other rolls that automatically fail on a 1 can still potentially succeed. For instance, a warrior who attacks Lliira automatically gets a result of 1 on his attack roll. However, this attack can still hit her if it meets her armor class. Greater deities, who automatically maximize all rolls, are allowed an opposed rank check to overcome this ability. Check only for the first attack or check against Lliira, with that check determining if the deity is affected for the rest of the encounter.

As a result of housing all of this joy, Lliira is immune to any morale penalties. She can benefit from morale bonuses (such as bardsong) as normal.

Lliira has other possessions but rarely bothers to call on them. She usually wears a light dress that cannot be tarnished, but it has no other magical powers. Should a foe manage to rouse Lliira to battle with time to prepare, she equips herself to increase her armor class, spell resistance and unarmed strikes.

Bardic Music Notes:
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Bardic music rundown

Lliira performs bardic music as a 48th level bard. The range of all of her bardic musics is 18 miles; Lliira's performance can be seen and/or heard by all targets within that range. All of Lliira's bardic music may be performed as a swift or standard action (her choice) and take effect immediately after, regardless of how long it would normally take. When Lliira performs bardic music, she may choose two effects and have them both happen with the same performance, without consuming extra uses of bardic music. Lliira's bardic music may affect creatures immune to mind-affecting or warded against such; any such creatures gain a +10 bonus to any relevant saving throws.

Inspire Courage: +26 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and saves versus fear. In addition, one ally gains a +4 additional bonus to attack rolls and armor class. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Fascinate: 18 targets, save DC is 60. Can also make a suggestion to any creatures fascinated. The save DC is the same.
Inspire Competence: +10 competence bonus, can affect up to two targets at once with different skills.
Inspire Greatness: 28 targets, +12d10 bonus hit dice, +12 competence attack rolls, +10 competence fort saves. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Inspire Heroism: +16 morale bonus on saving throws and +16 dodge bonus to armor class. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Chant of the Long Road: Negates nonlethal damage for hustling for two hours.
Epic of the Lost King: Removes fatigue from all allies within 18 miles. Can spend 3 bardsongs to upgrade it to exhaustion.
Inspire Spellpower: +2 bonus to the caster level of allied spellcasters. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Song of Cleansing Light: +12d6 damage on weapon damage rolls versus undead. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Deafening Song: DC 60 fort or be deafened.
Hindering Song: Enemy spellcasters must make a Concentration check when casting, as if casting defensively, with a -24 penalty. Failure results in the spell being lost.
Inspire Excellence: +14 competence bonus to an ability score of choice to all allies. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Inspired Fight: 32 targets, grants six bonus feats. Lasts for as long as she is heard performing and for 5 minutes thereafter.
Magic Flare: One allied spellcaster gains a free metamagic on their next spell of up to +4 adjustment. They must know the metamagic.
Prolonged Passion: 32 targets, increase the duration of any one effect by 34 rounds.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Lliira's Joyous Reversal
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 16
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 200ft
Area: 200ft burst; centered on you
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

When this spell is cast, you steal the joy of your enemies and use it to bolster your allies. All enemies within the area of the spell must make a Will save or suffer a -10 morale penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and saving throws. At the same time, all allies (including the caster) gain a +10 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and saving throws. Additionally, if three or more targets fail the Will save, the morale penalty and bonus applies to armor class as well. If six or more targets fail the Will save, the morale penalty and bonus also applies to caster level checks, ability checks, skill checks and initiative checks.

Further, all allies (including the caster) gain 10 temporary hit points per caster level (maximum 500 temporary hit points). Allies affected cannot gain more than double their maximum hit points from these temporary hit points.

Prerequisite: Divine Skill Focus(Perform:Dance), dex 39
Benefit: As the primary patron of dancers, Lliira exemplifies a dancer's natural grace. She has improved evasion and improved uncanny dodge as a rogue, as well as dodge and mobility as bonus feats. Lliira may make perform(dance) checks in place of any Strength, Dexterity or Constitution based skill check. She may use perform(dance) to perform any type of bardic music, even those that would not normally allow it.

The deity is the epitome of the bard and has abilities that far surpass those of mortal bards.
Prerequisite: Bard level 20th.
Benefit: The deity gains Group Inspiration, Lasting Inspiration, Music of the Gods, Rapid Inspiration, and Reactive Countersong as bonus feats.
In addition, the range on all of the deity's ranged bardic abilities, such as countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, and inspire greatness, is equal to one mile per divine rank.
Finally, the effects of all the deity's bardic music abilities are doubled. Inspire courage grants a +8 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +8 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls; inspire competence grants a +4 competence bonus on skill checks; inspire greatness grants +4d10 Hit Dice, a +4 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +2 competence bonus on Fortitude saves, and inspire heroics grants a +8 morale bonus on saving throws and a +8 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus does not stack with Words of Creation or similar effects that double bardic music abilities.
Suggested Portfolio Elements: Art, bards, beauty, dance, love, music, poetry.

Prerequisite: Bard level 20th, Joy Domain, Rapid Inspiration
Benefit: Lliira's joy is contagious and easy to spread. Her control over her bardic music is unmatched in Creation, save perhaps by Queen Morwel. She may use bardic music as a swift action (or a standard action if her swift actions are used by something else). Whenever she uses bardic music, she may choose any two effects, including various bardic music abilities granted by feats, and both take effect. For instance, she may inspire courage and inspire spellpower in the same bardic music. When using effects with differing durations, each effect resolves as normal. For example, if she combined inspire excellence and hindering song, hindering song would last for as long as she sung or ten rounds while inspire excellence would last for as long as her performed and five minutes thereafter.

Song of Cleansing Light [Bardic, Exalted]
Prerequisite: Bardic music, turn undead.
Benefit: As a standard action, you may expend one use of your bardic music ability and one use of your turn undead ability to grant your allies within 60ft bonus damage against undead. They deal an extra 2d6 points of damage on weapon damage rolls, including natural weapons. This damage rises by 1d6 to 3d6 when you reach level 10, as well as by 1d6 to 4d6 when you reach level 20. This effect lasts for as long as you play and for 5 rounds thereafter.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Seira Aryn

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Seira Aryn
Golden Patron, The Dragon Princess
Symbol: A triangular shield with a golden dragon emblazoned upon it
Home Plane: The Cauldron
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Good, elemental balance, investment, the future
Worshipers: Mages, knights, good elementals, idealists
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Hope, Glory, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Dragon's Grace (shortsword)

Seira is a young deity in any meaning of the term, as is her faith. First and foremost, she stands for change. Seira strongly believes that evil can not only be beaten back, but wiped out altogether as had happened in the final battle for Androlynne. It was not the only case where Seira had witnessed the world change for the better with the power of unity, friendship and effort, and she tries to share that hope for a better future with the rest of Creation. Among her other interests is the pursuit of knowledge, and Seira especially appreciates kindred souls that seek as complete a mastery of their knowledge as possible. After all, knowledge is power.

Seira supports all those who wish to build a better world with her, treating every person who chooses to follow her as a precious ally. She appeals to all mortals regardless of race or birth to forge a strong, exalted society by coming together in the world they live in. Seira doesn't require sacrifices or offerings, nor is she seeking out ritual prayer. With education and guidance from her ministers, and the strength of will on the part of her knights, Seira wishes to be the light of hope leading towards an ideal, pure world for mortal-kind to live in.

Typical worshipers would not offer prayers to Seira in the hope of her direct assistance; a true follower is none other than a fellow traveler of Seira's, sharing in her ideas and ideals. They are nomadic. The cities are where yet another deity preaching openness, education and coexistence is hardly needed. The places where they can do the most good are smaller communities that don't have the luxury to build temples, the lengthy roads so often dangerous to travel without an armed escort, the hotspots desperately in need of salvation.

Having experienced the difficulty of wrestling with her faith, Seira attempts to ensure that those following her would never need to worry over her approval. She believes such concerns only serve to occlude the real dilemmas. The balance between what is lawful and what is right, between the state and the individual, between free will and the potential to cause harm to others. These and many other dilemmas have no easy answer by definition, and they are the matters Seira wishes those following her path to consider.

Seira wishes to honor the days where change was brought into the world for the better. The laying of the cornerstone for the portal network, the erection of Spellpool, the purging of the Wastes were purged, the establishment of a Mythal-guarded modern city on that land. Such days would be what Seira would suggest that her faithful honor, for they reflect their hope for the world.


Hailing from the elven empire of Pallanth, Seira made her way to the human world at a young age, eventually ending up in the barony of Balmuria. First training and then joining the ranks of the Crimson Guard, Seira protected her adoptive land, strived towards a lasting peace between the United Baronies and their neighbors and worked to spread Waukeen's faith. On her world of birth, her noted accomplishments in the diplomatic field included bringing Pallanth out of its self-imposed isolation, and promoting peace and unity where once mistrust and war ruled. In the field of knowledge and magic, Seira has opened the first magical academy her world had seen in over two thousand years, working throughout the known world to allow those with the talent for magic or the wish to learn it to attend it without discrimination. Devoted to Waukeen's ideals, Seira had established and financed temples to Waukeen throughout the lands, and later connected them through a two-way portal network. Seira has also negotiated a treaty allowing Waukeen and herself to operate in elven lands, and has successfully discharged Waukeen's commandment to publish a new scripture realigning her on the cosmic scale.

After the Golden Lady's paradigm shift, their destiny had been more entwined than ever, to a degree that Seira fashions herself the Knight-Protector of Waukeen.

Seira's greatest friend amongst the Powers is Alicia Reynes. She and Demedais are considered close family to Seira. Their respective patrons, Mystra and Helm, are likewise seen in good regard. Seira also remains a natural ally to Celestia and its powers, such as Bahamut.

An alliance exists between the princes and princesses of elemental good and Seira, embodied by their desire to see their mutual enemies destroyed.

Seira counts Hanali Celanil as a true friend, while keeping good working relations with the Seladrine.

Servants of Ilmater and Lathander, as Empress Sulia and Syala of Sylica in person, had left Seira a good impression of the four. Lliira and the rest of the powers of Brightwater form a natural fount of allies as well. Ajan and Ixen are ancient red dragons who share a good working relationship with Seira. The former padisha of the marids, Lady Sanzha, has remained by Seira's side ever since Seira broke the curse placed upon her by the Fallen Eblis. That same confrontation between the two that Seira narrowly won by outmaneuvering the ancient Eblis also raised Seira's stock in Kossuth's eyes.

Seira has shared her divine powers over her realm of the Cauldron with Amaryl Gaial-Aryn upon their wedding day.


Seira and her followers have but a single goal, that of one day establishing a just utopia for all. Seira believes that the pursuit of happiness is encouraged by a healthy economy. She approves of people earning money, as she believes that they would use some of their wealth to support those less fortunate by opening new opportunities before them and raising the standard of living throughout the land. Trade also leads to getting one's neighbors better, and thus creates stronger ties between people, preventing xenophobia and isolation. Seira is a strong proponent of unity, believing that excess is bad and seeking to find compromise to get along. Another facet of Seira is her desire to eradicate evil wherever it stands, and to this end she remains in conflict with fiends and evil deities alike. She has a lot of faith in mortals, however, and Seira instructs her followers that no mortal should be considered beyond reach.

Clergy and Temples:

Seira has established the Order of the Golden Flame in the year 401 DK on her world of birth. Gradually being restricted from direct interference in mortal affairs due to her Ascension, Seira made a contract with her erstwhile comrade, Hellman Oberuth. In him, she entrusted the completion of her mission, and with him she shared her will, sponsoring him as her Knight in that confrontation she was now barred from affecting directly. Hellman was the first of her Order, a group of like-minded individuals who would rise up against injustice, seeking to purify the world and abolish evil from the universe. The Church of the Golden Flame adds ministers to assist the knights, and to spread their shared ideals across to the people of the world, to guide them and educate those they can, to bring about greater harmony amongst all people and help turn the world into the pure vision the knights fight so valiantly for.

Only one temple explicitly dedicated to Seira, the Glory of Hope, exists at present; it can be found on the lower levels of the divine realm of the Cauldron. Waukeen shares her temples with the Order of the Golden Flame due to the close link between Seira and Waukeen, just as the Order ensures the safety of the roads for Waukeen's caravans and any travelers besieged by banditry or monsters.

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- A quick note about Seira's sheet. It's a sheet of a PC converted for this topic. To be completely honest, this build is something of a prop on account of that. Also, the fluff block was written by Cor, in case you notice any style discrepancies.

- Seira starts with the Hope, Glory and Knowledge domains. These are a good start and I imagine she'd branch into things like Fire, Protection and maybe Healing. Not to mention Dragon. Unfortunately DvR1 makes Extra Domain a luxury. On a related note, Seira is one of the very few deities who doesn't offer a matching alignment domain (good domain). I generally consider appropriate alignment domains all but mandatory, though Cor wanted more variety. This is a bit of a cosmological issue but it's a PC so whatever. Not a big deal.

- Dragon-Pact Wizard needs some fairly serious revisions. It's outdated, not to mention that parts of it are irrelevant and worthless with divine rank in play. It's mostly a placeholder, but this is a placeholder build anyway.

- Feats are mostly straight-forward. Knowledge Devotion was chosen since she has the knowledge domain and needed a to-hit booster. Intensify spell is junk for her and would probably be retraining bait. I didn't realize how worthless it was for her until after doing her spells last. It's not a big enough deal to change out.

- Seira's Unicorn Arrow is Melf's with a name change to be campaign appropriate.

Swashbuckler 11/Rogue 23//Wizard 10/Dragon-Pact Wizard 19/War Wizard 5

Size/Type: Medium Dragon (Fire, Good)
Divine Rank: 1
Hit Dice: 11d10+23d6+306 (554 hp)
Initiative: +17
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 67 (+12 dex, +1 divine, +16 natural, +11 deflection, +2 dodge, +12 armor, +3 luck)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +28/+39/77
Attack: Dragon's Grace+53 (1d6+37 plus 17d6 sneak attack plus 2 str 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: Dragon's Grace+53/+48/+43/+38 (1d6+37 plus 17d6 sneak attack plus 2 str 19-20 x2) and bite+46 (1d8+30 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str) and 2 wings+46 (1d4+25 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, sneak attack+15d6, opportunist, crippling strike, spells, draconic claw, claw of energy, arcane claw, hold ray.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/adamantine and epic, immunity to acid and fire, immunity to paralysis and sleep, spell resistance 49, vulnerability to cold, golden fire, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, divine traits, dragon ascension(ancient), grace+2, insightful strike, dodge bonus+2, acrobatic charge, improved flanking, elven fencer, trapfinding, improved evasion, penetrating strike, improved uncanny dodge, draconic enlightenment, arcane shielding, arcane resistance, draconic ascension, spontaneous widen spell, enhanced spell area, war spell.
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +39, Will +27
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 34, Con 29, Int 40, Wis 21, Cha 32
Skills: Appraise+21, Balance+18, Bluff+17, Concentration+30, Craft(Alchemy)+20, Decipher Script+53, Diplomacy+49, Disable Device+53, Escape Artist+40, Gather Information+22, Hide+50, Intimidate+49, Jump+30, Knowledge(All)+53, Move Silently+50, Perform(Sing)+22, Profession(Storyteller)+16, Search+53, Sense Motive+23, Sleight of Hand+23, Spellcraft+53, Spot+43, Tumble+50, Use Magic Device+29, Use Rope+14
Feats: Improved Initiative(1), Weapon Finesse(S1), Scribe Scroll(W1), Draconic Aura(Energy:Fire)(3), Widen Spell(W5), Quicken Spell(6), Twin Spell(9), Empower Spell(W10), Residual Magic(12), Dragonfire Strike(15), Maximize Spell(18), Knowledge Devotion(R19)
Epic Feats: Improved Sneak Attackx3(B), Lingering Damage(B), Sneak Attack of Opportunity(B), Improved Metamagic(21), Enhance Spell(DPW13), Epic Spell Capacity(24), Spontaneous Spell(Seira's Unicorn Arrow)(DPW16), Blinding Speed(27), Multiaction(DPW19), Automatic Metamagic(Twin)(30), Automatic Metamagic(Quicken)(WW2), Intensify Spell(33), Sudden Enhance(WW4)
Salient Divine Abilities: Automatic Metamagic(Maximize), Burning Spirit, Divine Sneak Attack, Dragon Ascension, Protect the Innocent
Alignment: Neutral Good

Racial powers:
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Golden Fire (Su)

Seira's flames channel direct holy energy into them, turning them a brilliant golden shade. The flames of her breath weapon ignore resistance and immunity to fire. Likewise, her spells with the fire descriptor ignore resistance and immunity to fire.

Divine powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-aid, atonement, bless, bless weapon, bolt of glory, clairaudience/clairvoyance, crown of glory, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, disrupt undead, divination, find the path, foresight, gate, good hope, greater heroism, greater planar ally, greater restoration, heroism, holy smite, holy sword, legend lore, miracle, searing light, sunbeam, true seeing, vision. Caster level 34th. The save DCs are 32 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Seira exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Seira can use limited wish when doing so can help her promote hope, glory and knowledge. Note that in the situation where Seira and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Domain powers:
Glory: +2 bonus to the DC of channel energy.
Hope: Grants a +4 to any one attack roll, skill check or saving throw once per day as the domain power. This must be declared before you make the roll.
Knowledge: +1 caster level to divinations.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against the Seira's divine aura is 22 and the radius is 10ft.

Immunities: Seira is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Seira gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Seira does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1.

Communication: Seira can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within seven miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Seira can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to her, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, her voice can form concepts directly in the listener's mind, made of blazing fire.

Create Items: Seira can create any wondrous item with power related to hope or glory; the maximum is 4,500 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Seira is aware of any act of hope, glory or knowledge that involves 1,000 or more people.

Swashbuckler powers:
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Grace (Ex)

A swashbuckler gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 20th level. A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Insightful Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, a swashbuckler becomes able to place her finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. She applies her Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus she may have) with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, such as a rapier, whip, or spiked chain. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the swashbuckler's insightful strike. A swashbuckler cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Dodge Bonus (Ex)

A swashbuckler is trained at focusing her defenses on a single opponent in melee. During her action, she may designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against melee attacks from that opponent. She can select a new opponent on any action. This bonus increases by +1 at every five levels after 5th (+2 at 10th level, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th). A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

If the swashbuckler also has the Dodge feat, she need not designate the same target for this ability as for the Dodge feat. (If she designates the same target, the bonuses stack.)

Acrobatic Charge (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 7th level or higher can charge in situations where others cannot. She may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies blocking her path. This ability enables her to run down steep stairs, leap down from a balcony, or to tumble over tables to get to her target. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks (Jump or Tumble checks, in particular) to successfully move over the terrain.

Improved Flanking (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 8th level or higher who is flanking an opponent gains a +4 bonus on attacks instead of a +2 bonus on attacks. (Other characters flanking with the swashbuckler don't gain this increased bonus.)

Elven Fencer (Ex)

You may apply your insightful strike bonus to any weapon you wield.

Rogue powers:
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Sneak Attack (Ex)

If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The rogue's attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies - undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Trapfinding (Ex)

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Trap Sense (Ex)

At 3rd level, a rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 6th level, to +3 when she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she reaches 12th level, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level.

Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

If a rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

A rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does.

If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Crippling Strike (Ex)

A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability works like evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Opportunist (Ex)

Once per round, the rogue can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the rogue's attack of opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Wizard powers:
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Seira casts as an 34th level wizard (caster level 35th for spells with the fire descriptor or divinations). Her metamagic options are Empower Spell (+1), Widen Spell (+1), Enhance Spell (+3), Quicken Spell (+3), Twin Spell (+3) and Intensify Spell (+6). All of Seira's spells are automatically maximized. All of Seira's 0-3rd level spells are automatically twinned and quickened. Once per day, Seira may spontaneously enhance a spell. The save DCs are 25 + spell level (29 + spell level for spells with the fire descriptor).

0: (Flare), Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Prestidigitation
1: (Burning Hands), Critical Strikex2SC], Nerveskitterx2SC, Shield, Sniper's Shotx2SC
2: (Scorching Ray), Deflectx4PHB2, False Life, Fearsome GrappleSC, Glitterdust
3: (Fireball), DragonskinSC, Ray of Dizzinessx2SC, Ray of Exhaustion, Seira's Unicorn ArrowPHB2, Steeldancex2SC
4: (Empowered Fireball), Assay Spell Resistancex2SC, Dimensional Anchor, Greater Mirror ImagePHB2, Orb of FireSC, Quickened True CastingCM
5: (Cone of Fire), Dancing BladePHB2, Empowered Enervationx2, Empowered Orb of Fire, Greater Fireburstx2SC
6: (Twinned Empowered Scorching Ray), Empowered Greater Fireburst, Empowered MoonbowSC, Twinned Ray of Exhaustion, Twinned Seira's Unicorn Arrowx3
7: (Delayed Blast Fireball), Bite of the WerebearSC, Grasping Hand, Quickened BloodstarSC, Quickened Greater Invisibility, Twinned Enervation, Waves of Exhaustion
8: (Enhanced Cone of Fire), Chain Dispel, Enhanced Greater Fireburst, Greater Stunning BreathSC, Twinned Moonbowx2
9: (Enhanced Empowered Cone of Fire), Enhanced Empowered Greater Fireburst, Empowered Widened Delayed Blast Fireballx2, Quickened Surge of HopeHome, Wish
10: Empowered Energy Drain, Energy ImmunityHomex3, Seira's Unicorn ApocalypseHome, True Meteor SwarmHome
11: Enhanced Empowered Widened Delayed Blast Fireball, Epic Mage ArmorHome, Quickened Twinned Moonbow, Superb DispellingHome, Volcanic GenesisHome, Widened Seira's Unicorn Apocalypse
12: Empowered SunlanceHome, Empowered Volcanic Genesis, Glorious Rallyx2, Quickened Enhanced Empowered Greater Fireburst
13: Mass Energy Immunityx2Home, Quickened Seira's Unicorn Apocalypsex2, Twinned Seira's Unicorn Apocalypse,
14: Quickened Superb Dispellingx2, Radiant StormHome

Dragon-Pact Wizard powers:
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Draconic Enlightenment (Ex)

A character's dragon-pact wizard levels stack with draconic levels for the purposes of determining draconic HD and any class-bases bonuses. For example, a 3rd-level dragon/1st-level dragon-pact wizard's HD for determining the saving throw for her breath weapon is as if she were a 4th level dragon.

Draconic Claw (Su)

The dragon's natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Claw of Energy (Su)

A Dragon-Pact Wizard may choose to manifest her draconic energy in her natural weapons. This energy matches the energy type of the dragon she has made a pact with and deals an extra 1d6 damage. If the dragon lacks an energy affinity, she defaults to fire. Using this power counts as expending a draconic breath attempt and follows the same rules as breath weapons do. Using this power counts as a free action and lasts for 1 round.

Arcane Claw (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a Dragon-Pact Wizard can expend a breath weapon use to cast and deliver a touch spell with a natural weapon. Using this power counts as expending a draconic breath attempt and follows the same rules as breath weapons do. If the dragon is able of using this power in a given round, she can only use it once, and it counts as a free action.

Arcane Shielding (Sp)

At fourth level, the Dragon-Pact Wizard may cast Fire Shield 1/day as a spell like ability. Fire based dragons use the warm shield, cold based dragons use the cool shield. Other dragon types may choose between the two.

Hold Ray (Ex)

At 6th level or higher, a Dragon-Pact Wizard can cast any spell that procudes a ray effect as a touch spell instead. The spell's range is reduced to touch, and its Effect entry is replaced with "Target: Creature touched." She can deliver the spell with either a touch attack or a normal attack with a natural weapon, and she can hold the charge as with a normal touch spell. A Dragon-Pact wizard can combine this ability with Arcane Claw to deliver a ray-effect spell as par the condition on the use of Arcane Claw.

Arcane Resistance (Ex)

At 8th level, a Dragon-Pact Wizard gains spell resistance equal to 10 + the total of her draconic HD. Note that due to Draconic Enlightenment, class levels from this class stack with draconic HD.

Draconic Ascension (Ex)

At 10th level, the Dragon-Pact Wizard no longer takes penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties already taken stay in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the Dragon-Pact Wizard still dies when her time is up.

War Wizard powers:
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Spontaneous Widen Spell (Su)

The War Wizard may cast a spell as if it were under the effects of the Widen Spell feat. She does not need to prepare this in advance, and it does not increase the casting time or use a higher spell slot. The War Wizard can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + the modifier for her main casting ability (Intelligence or Charisma, as appropriate).

Enhanced Spell Area (Su)

Any time a War Wizard of 3rd level casts a spell modified by the Widen Spell feat, any numeric measurements of the spell's area increase by 200% rather than 100%. Thus, a widened fireball spell would have a 60ft radius spread instead of a 40ft radius spread.

Sudden Enhance

At 4th level the War Wizard gains Sudden Enhance as a bonus feat.

War Spell (Su)

Once per day, a 5th level War Wizard can call on a spell cast with the Widen Spell or Spontaneous Widen Spell benefit, and increase the spell's area exponentially. The radius of this spell increases by 1000%.

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Dragon's Grace

Dragon's Grace was a gift from Seira's friends, imbued with the power of dragons. It is a shortsword+7. This blade seeks out the weak spots of it's victims, increasing it's wielders sneak attack damage by 2d6. In addition it functions as a staff of fiery power with 50 charges and without its retributive strike.


Breastplate+7. This armor has a maximum dexterity cap of 14, no arcane spell failure and only -1 armor check penalty. The gems in the armor are infused with fire magic, granting her a +3 bonus to her caster level with spells of the fire descriptor. By drawing on the magic within the gems, Seira can enhance (as the epic metamagic feat) one spell or spell-like ability with the fire descriptor per day, with no increase in casting time or spell level.

Krystear Emblem

This emblem is from a faraway world, the symbol of an ancient kingdom there. It channels good fortune around the wearer, granting a +3 luck bonus to armor class.

Seira has many other treasures than this. This includes a collection of wilding clasps, which allow the affected gear to function when she takes dragon-form. It's known that she has a shield made from the shell of a tarrasque, a pair of crystalvein daggers, a pendant that empowers magic via successful predictions, a greater luckstone, multiple metamagic rods and several iounstones.

Seira has a variety of weapons she favors for various situations. The various statistics for them are presented below. Note that unless stated otherwise, a full attack with one includes her bite and wings.


An old, enchanted bow from the shop of Elle Stronger. It has been with Seira most of her career. It is a longbow+5 that allows the use of power attack (as the feat) with any arrows it fires. +50 or +50/+45/+40/+35 (1d8+35 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str x3). As Powerbow is a ranged weapon, Seira's full attack with it does not include her natural attacks.

Golden Greatsword

This greatsword was recovered in the armory of a forgotten fortress imprisoning a Q'pa. It is dedicated to Raziel and erupts into golden flames when wielded. It is a greatsword+7, fiery blast. The flames of this blade are treated as searing, ignoring fire resistance and dealing half damage against targets immune to fire. +52 or +52/+47/+42/+37 (2d6+42 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str plus 3d6 fire (6d6 on crit) 19-20 x2).

Crystalvein Greatsword

A greatsword made of pure crystals from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt. It is incredibly sharp and maims foes foolish enough to fight against it. It is a greatsword+6, keen and wounding. Any bonuses to armor class from force effects, such as mage armor and shield, are ignored by this blade. In addition, any force effects active on them or force spells being maintained by them are treated as being targeted by a dispel magic effect with a dispel modifier of +21. +51 or +51/+46/+41/+36 (2d6+41 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str plus 1 con 17-20 x2)

Custom Material:
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Glorious Rally
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 12
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Targets: 1 living creature/level, no two of which may be more than 30 ft apart
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

This spell taps into the pure concept of hope and fills the targets with it. Such allows them to overcome their limits and reach heights otherwise impossible. The targets gain a +6 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws and armor class. The targets also gain temporary hit points equal to your caster level times two. For example, a 30th level caster would grant each target 60 temporary hit points. Finally, the targets are immune to fear effects.

Seira's Unicorn Arrow
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target or Targets: One creature or up to five creatures, no two of which are more than 15ft apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The shimmering, transparent form of a unicorn flies forward, its corporeal horn lowered in a charge at its enemy. A translucent unicorn shape appears in midair and speeds toward the target of this spell. If you succeed on a ranged touch attack, the horn slams into the target and deals 1d8+8 points of damage. In addition, the target is subject to a bull rush. The CMB for this is +11. If the check is failed, the subject is pushed back 5 feet, plus 5 feet for every 5 points by which it failed the check.

You can conjure an additional unicorn arrow for every three caster levels beyond 5th, up to five at 17th level. You can have them strike a single creature or several creatures, but each horn can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you make your attack rolls. A creature struck by more than one horn is only at risk of being bull rushed once, but the CMB rises by +2 for each horn beyond the first that strikes it.


An ivory replica of a unicorn (25 gp).

Seira's Unicorn Apocalypse
Level: Sor/Wiz 10
Components: V, S, F
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Area: 150ft by 150ft cube
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a blanketing barrage of unicorn arrows. The caster makes a ranged touch attack that applies to every creature within the area of the spell. Each creature determines hits and misses as normal, with a hit subjecting them to a unicorn arrow. This effect is identical to an unicorn arrow created by Seira's unicorn arrow spell, except that each arrow deals 1d8+24 damage. Creatures struck by this spell are subject to sneak attack regardless of how far the caster is from them. This only applies if the caster has sneak attack and the creature would be subject to sneak attack in the first place, such as being flat-footed.

At the DM's discretion, other types of damage similar to sneak attack may apply to these arrows. Such could include skirmish and sudden strike damage.


An ivory replica of an eagle riding a unicorn worth 2,500 gold.

Prerequisite: Hope Domain, cha 29
Benefit: Everyone in need deserves protection. Yet it is only those willing to fight back who may grasp true power. Those brave souls are the ones Seira supports with all her might! Allies within 60ft of Seira burst into golden flames, dealing +15 fire with every melee attack they make, and any creature striking them in melee (and not with a reach weapon) or grappling with them takes 15 fire damage. Seira needs a swift action to activate this power, and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma with each use.

Prerequisite: Must have nurtured and awakened a draconic spark within your soul.
Benefit: Seira has nurtured the draconic nature within her, gaining the power of a true dragon. Her type changes to dragon and she gains all the benefits and drawbacks of that type. She also gains the fire subtype and all the traits of it. The main benefit of this ability is that Seira now has a draconic form - that of a red dragon. She may transform as a swift action and may stay in either form indefinitely. This transformation follows the rules of the polymorph subschool except as follows. She transforms into a red dragon of an age category matching her hit dice. For example, at 34 hit dice, her transformation is that of an ancient red dragon. Seira may cast spells freely in this form and gains the benefit of the eschew materials feat while in it. Seira retains all of her class abilities, only limited by abilities that would not work in dragon form. In all respects, this transformation is treated as being Seira's natural form. A true seeing spell shows both her normal and dragon forms.

Prerequisite: Hope Domain
Benefit:  Those who can fight have a responsibility to protect the innocent bystander caught in a crossfire. As a standard action, Seira can will all noncombatants within 1,000ft to be shielded within Resilient Spheres. Seira can choose to exclude creatures as she sees fit; unwilling creatures are allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank; DC 39) to avoid. The spheres remain for two minutes. By once again devoting a standard action to concentrate on maintaining the defenses, Seira can extend the duration by two minutes from that point on with each use.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Alicia Reynes, Queen of the Battlefield

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Alicia Reynes
Queen of the Battlefield, The Righteous Avenger, Saint Alicia
Symbol: Black queen chess piece viewed from above
Home Plane: Sylica
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Magic, battle, justice, perseverance
Worshipers: Warriors, guards, spellswords, gishes, adventurers
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: War, Magic, Good
Favored Weapon: Bonds (Falchion)

Alicia Reynes is the patron of those who selflessly fight for the safety and happiness of others. She encourages those who venerate her name to endlessly strive to improve themselves, both in terms of their skills and the impact they have on the world. A wandering duelist constantly seeking perfection but spurning those perceived as weaker would receive no comfort from Alicia - in her ethos the purpose of might is to shield the weak, and power for its own sake is meaningless.

Like Mystra, Alicia sponsors the growth of magic, viewing it as a vital facet of the world, and also like Mystra she cautions against relying too much upon it. Not just in terms of broadening one's skills to handle all situations, but also to avoid using it as a crutch for mundane things that could be accomplished with the expenditure of a little more effort and ambition.

While Alicia does preach the virtues of honor and chivalry, and considers mercy to a defeated foe to be among the noblest of acts, she also places a particularly high value on tactics, which places her closer to Red Knight than to Tyr in terms of what she expects of her followers in battle. As she encourages her followers to broaden the scope of their knowledge, she likewise teaches them to seek every advantage that can be sought prior to battle. To her there is no shame in using subterfuge and distraction to ensure victory against a superior opponent.

The followers of Alicia favor utilitarian and rugged attire, as if ready to leap into action or go on a journey at any moment. Darker colors are favored for clothing, but for ceremonial functions black robes with a silver or bright blue trim are most common. Said robes never include hoods, as her clerics always ensure their faces are kept uncovered, partly a superstition based on Alicia never wearing a helm in battle, and partly to offset the usual implication given to such dark attire.
At present there is only one holy day dedicated to Alicia. August 7th is the Day of Ascension. It celebrates the day when Alicia rose into the heavens, marked by the Feast of the Risen and the renewal of vows to the Queen of the Battlefield.


Alicia is a young and energetic deity, having only recently ascended after an eventful mortal life of both heroism and tragedy. The prime material she originates from was until very recently sealed away from the rest of reality in the aftermath of a cataclysmic war between the Gods and an ascendant self proclaimed 'God-King', becoming a living saint of Mystra as her world became more open to the planes, a title she is still sometimes known by despite her attempts to style herself in the manner of a queen since coming to rule over Sylica.

Having lived in a world where the Gods were nearly silent has colored Alicia's beliefs about the role of a deity, and while she keeps a close eye on her faithful she tries to avoid giving them overt displays of her strength, believing that her followers will flourish more by relying on their own will and intuition. This does not keep her from providing clandestine aid to encourage their growth, but she views such as most successful when no one is aware she intervened at all.

Not surprisingly, Alicia's foremost ally among the Gods is Mystra, although she has been trying to develop her own independent standing among the Gods without relying on Mystra's power or reputation. Empress Sulia, another young goddess, has taken on a role as something of a mentor to Alicia, and the two have become firm friends. Sharess has shown some interest in Alicia, who's consort and co-ruler of Sylica was once a divine servant of the Lady of Cats, but there is little in terms of formal ties. Rather than Gods, she counts her strongest allies among the Court of Stars and Celestial Hebdomad. Special mention of course goes to Seira Aryn, a mortal friend of Alicia's who ascended at the same time. The two continue working closely together, frequently combining their forces and visiting one another s' realms.

While Alicia opposes all evil, she does have several notable foes. First and foremost is Shar, whom Alicia maintains an almost legendary enmity with, having gone so far as to slay Malice, a servant deity of Shar's possessing similar power as Alicia. The origins of this particular enmity are not common knowledge, although it is known that in her mortal life Alicia did battle with Shar's most powerful servants on the world of her birth. While Hell in general is almost constantly in opposition to Alicia, she frequently becomes involved in Perdition's politics as various archdevils try to maneuver her to hinder their rivals. Among demons, Malcanthet the Queen of Succubi is her most notable enemy, although their hostility tends to play out on a lower key and Alicia has not yet openly responded to her provocations.


Always strive to improve yourself. As powerful as you become, never forget there is always someone better to learn from or overcome. Share your strength with others, teach those who would learn and protect those who cannot. Seek to understand your enemies, for knowledge illuminates the way not only to victory, but may help turn foes into friends. Punish the guilty, but consider the potential for improvement in all beings. As you fight to preserve civilization, engage yourself with it to always be reminded of why you fight.

Clergy and Temples

Clerics of Alicia are charged with teaching and instructing others in the ways of just battle, and honoring the names of heroes by spreading tales of their deeds to bring heart and encouragement to the people. Typically her clergy minister to a wide area, forcing them to become wanderers by circumstance, and maintaining small open shrines throughout their 'parish' rather than being based at a single temple. On their travels they are expected to keep an eye out for those with the potential to become great warriors or mages, using their contacts with Alicia's faithful to arrange training and support so that new heroes are always encouraged to foster their talents.

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- A quick note about Alicia's sheet. It's a sheet of a PC converted for this topic. To be completely honest, this build is something of a prop on account of that. Also, the fluff block was written by Eb, in case you notice any style discrepancies.

- Alicia's a paladin/sorcerer at heart, with various abilities added on to make her better at what she does. It doesn't hurt that the divine rank template gives lots of Charisma dependent bonuses.

- Alicia's bonus epic feats for sorcerer tend to be fillery. That's a case of the default feats there not fitting her. In case of actual play, we'll work something out instead.

- Marielle isn't described here. She ended up being her own character and may get her own stat out in the future. If I do make one, it'll probably be with her as Alicia's proxy.

Sorcerer 34//Paladin 11/Spellsword 10/Sacred Exorcist 13

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Good)
Divine Rank: 1
Hit Dice: 11d10+23d8+340+34 (668 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (good)
Armor Class: 62 (+10 dex, +1 divine, +13 deflection, +16 natural, +12 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +30/+43/76
Attack: Bonds+51 (2d4+25 plus 2d6 holy plus 4d6 banestrike plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level(plus 9d6 and 3 negative levels on a critical hit) plus 2d6 evil outsider bane plus 13 fire 15-20 x3)
Full Attack: Bonds+51/+46/+41/+36 (2d4+25 plus 2d6 holy plus 4d6 banestrike plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level(plus 9d6 and 3 negative levels on a critical hit) plus 2d6 evil outsider bane plus 13 fire 15-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spells, smite evil 3/day, channel energy 16/day(10d6; DC 33), channel spell 5/day, multiple channel spell.
Special Qualities: Divine traits, damage reduction 15/epic, evil and silver, immunity to electricity and cold, spell resistance 49, fast healing 3, familiar, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(143 hp), aura of courage, divine health, charging smite, remove disease 2/week, ignore spell failure 30%, chosen foe+4(evil outsiders), consecrated presence.
Saves: Fort +54, Ref +47, Will +50
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 31, Con 31, Int 27, Wis 30, Cha 37
Skills: Bluff+51, Concentration+48, Craft(Painting)+46, Diplomacy+51, Intimidate+51, Knowledge(Arcana)+46, Knowledge(Nature)+46, Knowledge(Planes)+46, Knowledge(Religion)+46, Listen+48, Perform(Oratory)+48, Sense Motive+48, Spellcraft+46, Spot+48, Tumble+48
Feats: Weapon Focus(Falchion)(B), Apt Learning(Tumble and Diplomacy)(H), Power Attack(1), Eschew Materials(S1), Celestial Bloodline(3), Still Spell(S5), Arcane Strike(6), Divine Might(9), Silent Spell(S10), Improved Critical(Falchion)(12), Toughness(SS2), Flyby Attack(15), Chain Spell(S15), Exalted Familiar(18), Explosive Spell(S20)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Spell Stowaway(Wish)(S23), Overwhelming Critical(Falchion)(24), Ignore Material Components(S26), Devastating Critical(Falchion)(27), Familiar Spell(S29), Fast Healing(30), Familiar Spell(S32), Holy Strike(33)
Salient Divine Abilities: Banestrike(Evil Outsiders), Divine Armor Mastery, Divine Blast, Divine Shield, Mistress of the Duel
Alignment: Lawful Exalted (Neutral Exalted tendencies)

Divine traits:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-aid, antimagic field, blade barrier, dispel evil, dispel magic, divine power, flame strike, foresight, greater teleport, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, identify, imbue with spell ability, magic aura, magic circle against evil, magic disjunction, magic vestment, magic weapon, power word blind, power word stun, protection from evil, protection from spells, spell resistance, spell turning, spiritual weapon, summon monster 9(good creatures only). Caster level 34th. The save DCs are 33 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Alicia exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifested in a number of ways. Alicia can use limited wish when doing so could help her battle evil, promote the blending of might of arms and magic, and conduct holy war. Note that in the situation where Alicia and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Domain powers:

Good: +1 bonus to the caster level of good spells.
Magic: - (Irrelevant due to being a full leveled sorcerer.)
War: Free weapon focus with your chosen weapon(falchion).

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Alicia's divine aura is 24 and the radius is 10ft.

Immunities: Alicia is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Alicia gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Alicia does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1.

Communication: Alicia can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within one mile of herself per divine rank.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Alicia can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within one mile per rank away from a site dedicated to her, or within one mile per rank away from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, she may contact her faithful with telepathy, speaking directly into their mind.

Create Items: Alicia can create any wondrous item with power related to war, good or magic; the maximum is 4,500 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Alicia is aware of any act of righteous battle or justice that involves 1,000 or more people.

Sorcerer powers:
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Alicia casts as a 34th level sorcerer. The save DCs are 23 + spell level.

[6/day]0: AmanuensisSC, CaltropsSC, Detect Poison, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, StickSC.
[10/day]1: Critical StrikeSC, Feather Fall, Light of LuniaSC, Magic Missile, Shield, Shock and AweSC, True Strike.
[9/day]2: Alter Self, Daylight, DeflectPHB2, Knock, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Whirling BladeSC.
[9/day]3: Analyze PortalSC, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle Against Evil, Major Image, Mass Snake's SwiftnessSC, Sleet Storm.
[9/day]4: Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Perfect SummonsBoED, Rainbow Pattern, Ray DeflectionSC, Voice of the ArchonSC, 1.
[9/day]5: Dismissal, MoonbowSC, Sending, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, Wall of Force.
[8/day]6: Antimagic Field, Fires of PuritySC, Greater Dispel Magic, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, Probe ThoughtsSC.
[8/day]7: Greater Teleport, Limited Wish, Might of the PlanetarHome, Planar BubbleSC, Radiant AssaultSC.
[8/day]8: Dimensional Lock, Divert TeleportationHome, Greater Arcane FusionSC, Mind Blank, Sunburst.
[8/day]9: Gate, Meteor Swarm, Summon Monster 9, UnbindingSC, Wish.
[7/day]10: Celestial ValorHome, Energy ImmunityHome, Naeys' Life FontHome, Shield of SylicaHome.
[7/day]11: Epic Mage ArmorHome, Might of the SolarHome, SunlanceHome, Volcanic GenesisHome.
[7/day]12: Glorious RallyHome, Legion's GatesHome, Rain of DesolationHome, Sensual BlessingHome
[7/day]13: Antimagic ZoneHome, Greater Polar RayHome, Mass Energy ImmunityHome, Mirror's MimicryHome
[3/day]14: Radiant StormHome, Thunderous VoiceHome 1

1 - As Voice of the Dragon

BoED - Book of Exalted Deeds
Home - Homebrew
PHB2 - Player's Handbook 2
SC - Spell Compendium


Marielle the courre eladrin.

Paladin powers:
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Alicia casts as an 11th level paladin. She may spontaneously cast any of her domain spells.

1: Divine Favorx2, Lesser Restorationx3.
2: Divine Protection, Shield Otherx2, Stabilizex2
3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: The Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Charging Smite (Su)

When you charge and make a smite attack, you deal an additional 2 points of damage per paladin level.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Spellsword powers:
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Ignore Spell Failure (Ex)

Starting at 1st level, a spellsword's hard work pays off. He can ignore part of the arcane spell failure chance caused by wearing armor. He subtracts the value from this ability from any arcane spell failure his armor causes.

Channel Spell (Sp)

At fourth level a spellsword can channel any spell she can cast into his melee weapon. Using this ability requires a move action, and the spellsword uses up the prepared spell or spell slot just as if he had cast the spell. The channelled spell affects the next target the spellsword successfully attacks with her weapon (spell resistance and saving throws still apply). Even if the spell normally only affects an area, or is a ray, it affects only the target. A spellsword can channel her spells into only one weapon at a time. Spells channelled into a weapon are lost if not used in eight hours.

Multiple Channel Spell (Sp)

A 10th level spellsword can channel two spells into his melee weapon, using a move action to channel each one. Both channelled spells affectt he next target the spellsword successfull attacks with his weapon, in the order they were placed into the weapon. As with the channel spell class feature, saving throws and spell resistance applies normally. Each time a spellsword uses multiple channel spell, two of his five channel spell uses per day are expended.

Sacred Exorcist powers:
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Chosen Foe (Ex)

A sacred exorcist designates either undead or outsiders as her chosen foe. Extensive study and special training in the proper techniques for combating this foe gives the sacred exorcist a +1 competence bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot skill checks and caster level checks to overcome any spell resistance of the chosen foe. At 4th level the bonus increases to +2, and at 8th level it increases to +3.

Turn Undead (Su)

Sacred exorcists can turn undead as clerics do. If a sacred exorcist has this ability from another class, her class levels stack to determine her effective turning level.

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a sacred exorcist of at least 2nd level can use detect evil as a spell-like ability.

Dispel Evil (Sp)

Beginning at 4th level, a sacred exorcist can use dispel evil as a spell-like ability once per week. At 7th level, she can use this ability twice per week. At 10th level, she can use it three times per week.

Consecrated Presence (Su)

At 5th level and higher, a sacred exorcist is surrounded by an aura of positive energy that extends 20 feet from her presence. This aura duplicates the effects of a consecrate spell, but it moves with the sacred exorcist. If the sacred exorcist enters an area affected by a desecrate spell, both effects are negated while the sacred exorcist remains in the area. If the sacred exorcist is the target of a desecrate spell, her aura is suppressed for the duration of the desecrate spell.

Holy Aura (Sp)

A sacred exorcist of 8th level or higher can use holy aura once per day as a spell-like ability.

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This falchion was forged in Sylica, putting in metal some of the deep friendships that aided Alicia in her long quest. Bonds is a falchion+7, holy power and evil outsider bane. For each of Jessica, Marie, Antenora, Latha or Syala within 30ft while wielding bonds, Alicia gains a +2 insight bonus to armor class. These bonuses stack with each other.

Holy War

Holy War was gifted to Alicia by Latha, created using ancient techniques of smithing handed down from Celestia. It was forged with metals and minerals alive with the energies of the purification of Sylica. It functions as a breastplate+7. This armor has a maximum dexterity cap of 12, no arcane spell failure and only -2 armor check penalty. The gems in the armor provide sacred power to conduct just war, granting Alicia a +2 sacred bonus to strength. By drawing on the magic within the gems, Alicia can consecrate  and purify(as the metamagic feats) one spell or spell-like ability per day, with no increase in casting time or spell level.

In addition, Alicia possesses a considerable amount of other treasure useful in battle. She carries a portable hole with her, using it to withdraw items and gird herself as appropriate. For most battles she wears bracers of heartfelt blows and a ring of freedom of movement. Alicia is not above using much more treasure and equipment when circumstances dictate.

Custom material:
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Celestial Valor
Abjuration [Good]
Level: Sor/Wiz 10, Glory 10.
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One creature/level.
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

Your words of magic fill those that hear them with deep wellsprings of righteous bravery. Each target of this spell gains a +8 sacred bonus to saving throws against fear and any emotion based effect that would sap the will to fight, such as calm emotions or crushing despair. In addition, celestial valor grants a +4 sacred bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class and saving throws. Finally, any weapon they use counts as a holy weapon for the duration, granting 2d6 extra damage against evil targets. This does not stack if the weapon already has the holy special property.

Energy Immunity
Level: Clr 10, Drd 10, Sorc/Wiz 10
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Touch.
Target: Creature touched.
Duration: 24 hours.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

This abjuration grants a creature and its equipment complete immunity to one of the five energy types-fire, cold, electricity, acid or sonic. Energy immunity only absorbs hit point damage, so side effects such as deafening from sonic attacks or immobilized in ice by an ice spell still apply.

Energy immunity overlaps with protection from energy and resist energy. As long as it is in place, the other spells absorb no damage.

Shield of Sylica
Level: Clr 10, Sor/Wiz 10
Components: V, S, M, special.
Casting Time: 24 hours.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched.
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance No.

Intoning a prayer to the two goddesses of Sylica, you channel the harmony of balance between law and chaos. With this blessing you are of both law and chaos and yet with neither at the same time, granting you special protections against attacks that rely on it. You are immune to any spell that has the lawful or chaotic descriptor, such as order's wrath, word of chaos and so forth. You are immune to damage relying on law or chaos, such as the extra damage from an anarchic or axiomatic weapon.

Material Components

An opal from the Opal Mountain of Sylica and a gold nugget from the streams of the Wychwood of Sylica, both of no less than 10,000 marks value.


This spell must be cast in a place of harmony between law and chaos.

Might of the Solar
Level: Sor/Wiz 11
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Calling on the majesty of the celestial host, you imbue your body with a spark of the near-divine energy that empowers Solars. You gain a +18 enhancement bonus to strength, dexterity and constitution. You also gain a +14 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Your natural attacks and weapons are filled with sacred power, allowing you to treat any attack you make as a bane attack against the target; adding a +2 bonus to hit and damage, as well as 2d6 points of damage.

In addition you gain the benefits of the improved initiative and power attack feats.

Material Component

The feather of a solar.

Evocation [Light]
Level: Drd 11, Sor/Wiz 11, Sun 11
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial; see text.
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text.

Calling on Lathander's glow, the caster summons a 10ft long lance of pure solar energy. This lance hurtles from the caster and requires a ranged touch attack. On success it deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level(Maximum 30d6) A creature to which sunlight is harmful or unnatural takes double damage. A second later the lance explodes into a burst of radiance. This burst is treated as a sunburst spell with a doubled area(160ft). The area is centered on the target and the target is also affected by the sunburst normally.

There is no saving throw against the sunlance's primary damage and a reflex save is allowed as normal with the secondary sunburst effect. For the sake of evasion, the sunlance's primary damage is not negated on a successful reflex save, only the sunburst damage. Spell resistance is allowed on the lance and the sunburst.

Material Component

A hunk of sunstone.

Volcanic Genesis
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Target: One 20ft patch of solid ground.
Duration: 1 round/level.
Saving Throw: See text.
Spell Resistance: No.

When you cast this spell, you point at a segment of ground 20ft in radius, which promptly crumbles away and reveals a vein of boiling magma a mere 20ft below. If any creatures are standing on the ruptured hole and are small enough to fall through, they must make a reflex save or plummet into the magma below. Creatures who fall in are treated as being immersed in lava, taking 20d6 points of fire damage per round.

Each round this revealed hole causes various effects, as noted below.

1st round: Black, sulfurous gasses escape from the rupture. This miasma spreads in a radius of 10ft per caster level and reaches 30ft high at all points. This is treated as obscuring mist, hampering visibility as per that spell. Due to the thickness of the gas, wind of less than hurricane force cannot disperse it. A hurricane force wind will disperse the gas in one round. Further, the superheated, toxic gasses are damaging. Any creature within these gasses takes 5d6 points of fire damage and is nauseated. A successful fortitude save halves the fire damage and reduces the nausea to sickened.

2nd round: With a rumble, great bursts of flaming volcanic rock erupt out of the newborn volcano. These pummel an radius of 10ft per caster level around the hole, dealing 10d6 points of fire damage and 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures within the radius. A successful reflex save halves this damage.

3rd round: A wave of magma bursts out from the hole, spreading out in a 20ft radius around the volcano. This deals 20d6 points of fire damage to any creature within the radius, with a reflex save to halve this damage. Further, it melts the ground below, expanding the radius of the volcano's hole by a like amount.  Any creature on this ground must make a reflex save for fall into the magma below.

4th round and beyond: At the 4th round the 2nd round effects repeat, and on the 5th round the 3rd round effects repeat. Adjust the affects accordingly as the radius of the volcanic hole expands. This pattern continues until the duration expires.

After the duration expires, the hole vanishes and any magma or flaming rock on the ground cools as normal. The gasses dissipate within 10 minutes, though a strong wind or greater will disperse them in one round.

Mirror's Mimicry
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Sor/Wiz 13
Components: V, S, F.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round/level.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

This spell functions as mirror image; however, you sacrifice a small part of your life force to render the images partially real. For each image created you take 8 points of damage. This damage cannot be prevented in any way, and if it is redirected, the spell fails.

Each round, every image may take a standard action. They may perform any action you are capable of. Each image may take a separate action and your normal actions are not constrained. Due to only being partially real, everything is only half-effective. The attack rolls of your mirror images are half of yours, the save DCs are halved, durations are halved, damage is halved, and so forth and so on. The images may not target themselves with beneficial abilities, nor can they effectively heal themselves. However, they can heal the caster or buff him as normal. Any resources used by the mirror images are expended as normal, despite only being half effective.


A polished mirror engraved with your true name and an image of your true face. This must be of the highest craftsmanship and worth at least 20,000 marks.

Benefit: Alicia is a gifted natural at deciphering the attack patterns of her enemies. Within second she can master a combat, turning it to her advantage and confounding her foes. Every round after the first, Alicia gains a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all rolls concerning an opponent she is in battle with, while her opponent suffers a cumulative -2 penalty to all rolls concerning Alicia. Thus if Alicia has been in battle with two pit fiends for three rounds, the modifiers would be +4/-4 respectively. If a cornugon enters battle on the third round, then Alicia would gain a +2/-2 advantage over it on the fourth round, while the Pit Fiends would be on +6/-6. The benefits of this ability remain in place as long as combat lasts, but end if Alicia and her opponent are separated for more than three rounds, and must start again if battle is rejoined. This ability caps at +6/-6.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Queen Morwel

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During the formative days of Arborea, eladrin of great power were born from the plane itself. These eladrin were mighty titans possessed of great power, wild and varied champions of chaotic good. This long epoch was marked by the eladrin enjoying a cycle of birth and rebirth. The children of Arborea would live a joyous life until they felt called to the deepest layer of Arborea, the Womb. Here they were reborn to start anew, to explore another wonderful life.

This cycle stood unbroken save for one. Amid all of the ancient eladrin stood one who chose another path. Morwel was an eladrin who was rarely seen and surrounded by her dreams when she was. This dreamer stayed removed from the cycle in favor of her dreams. The children of Arborea were at first fascinated before losing interest in her. She was dismissed as an anomaly amid the eladrin and the others returned to their endless lives.

In reality, Morwel's dreams fulfilled the desire for new experiences and change those creatures craved. Where other eladrins subsumed themselves to Arborea for rebirth, Morwel channeled that need into the one thing that can change freely - her dreams. In her dreams, all could change and new experiences could be found at will. Marvelous worlds and lives could be crafted there in absolute freedom. In time she learned the arts of projecting her dream from herself, changing reality into what she desired. Soon she had her own realm of dreams, where her whims were reality.

In the fullness of time, other eladrins again took notice of Morwel and her realm of dreams. At first it was little but idle curiosity, but on experiencing her dreams, they became entranced. The ever-changing variety and what they represented enthralled them, a perfect unison of good and chaos in the form of ever malleable experiences. Morwel combined insight into the nature of chaos and good unknown to the other eladrin into her dreams, for she had learned much from her long ages of studying her dreams.

Over time, more of the ancient eladrin came to Morwel's dream rather than continue to reincarnate through Arborea. This drew the attention of the gods of chaos and good, who came to visit Morwel's dream. They were curious as well as concerned, for Morwel's dream could well rival Arborea and change the nature of the plane. Corellon Latherian, Selune and Sune each came to Morwel and left with a firm friendship and respect for her. They were pleased and impressed by her dreams, content to allow her to continue.

So great was Morwel's dream that she claimed the majority of the eladrin from Arborea. On this day, Arborea itself stirred and formed an avatar to confront Morwel. The avatar went to Morwel's dream and challenged her, to see the meaning of this dream that had ensnared so many of Arborea's children. To this, Morwel closed her eyes and fell asleep. Her answer was a single dream, forever changing as her whims and fantasy saw fit. Every possibility Arborea produced was evenly matched, each soul accounted for and used as part of a greater whole. So deep was the dream that Arborea lost itself in that dream and so perfect was the match that Arborea could not claim it was anything else but Arborea. Morwel's dream had come to match Arborea and Arborea matched it in return.

At that moment, Arborea itself understood. Morwel had not stolen her children, for she had obtained perfect understanding of Arborea. She was as much Arborea was Arborea was. Morwel had reached the ultimate purpose of every outsider, complete and total unison with the plane they were connected to. At the same time she was different and unique, her dreams allowing her to even mimic Arborea's gift of eternal lives to its children, yet in a new way.  Morwel was given the blessing of the plane and made Queen. All the eladrin were given to her to rule, guide and protect. For as she was the same as Arborea, her duties were the same as Arborea.

At this moment, Morwel's dream and Arborea became indistinguishable. They merged together and the eladrin were reunited seamlessly. With Arborea's support, Queen Morwel created the Court of Stars and called the eladrin to it. Soon the court was full of the children of Arborea. While some challenged her new found title of Queen, none were able to oppose her and all came to love her. She quickly became the preeminent eladrin as fitting her title. Soon, at Morwel's subtle behest and guidance, her subjects began great plots and towering plans were enacted to curry her favor and determine standing in the court, grand schemes that routinely collapsed into chaos. The canniest and luckiest of the eladrin emerged victorious from these light hearted dramas.

A great tide of new eladrin were born to participate in this court - ones who knew nothing of the past and only knew of Morwel's reign. They were far more numerous but weaker than the older eladrin, who assumed positions of power in the court or withdrew from public life. This time lasted for countless eons, burying Queen Morwel's past under the endless sands of time.

During this time, Arborea had many more layers known of than in the current day. They lead to the Womb of Arborea, where the ancient eladrin went to endlessly reincarnate. Meanwhile, chaos raged in the mortal realms. Mortals had discovered the secrets of temporal manipulation and the knowledge had spread far and wide. Mortals and soon immortals waged war in the past as well as the present, as failure was seen as being open to revision, counter-revision and an endless back and forth amid forces capable of doing so. While deities are immune to temporal paradox and being affected by time travel, they grew weary of wars that transcended time. Schemes and plots were open to revision, with failure and success being solid only until the opposition changed the past.

Thus all the deities and powers came together to meet, to discuss this problem and agree on a solution. This meeting would be known as the Convocation of Time and all creatures of divinity came to it, with the normal enmities put aside. As Queen Morwel prepared to leave for the meeting, a deep lethargy came over her. She could do naught to resist it, and in a dream-like trance, traveled to the Womb of Arborea. She slept here as the meeting raged on, with all sides unable to come to a palatable agreement. While all were guilty of being at disagreement, Shar in particular made an effort to subtly encourage the meeting to be deadlocked.

In those dreams Queen Morwel saw the need for two races: the eladrin and a great race of nature spirits who would oversee the natural world. They would forever reincarnate while tending to the natural world of mortals. These spirits would be known as the fey. Queen Morwel saw that both races were essential. Should the eladrin not be, the Abyss would rise up and overwhelm Limbo and then spill into Arborea. Chaos would become one with evil and thus upset the balance of Creation itself. The calamity would threaten all and risk the triumph of the Abyss over all. Yet if the fey did not come to be, the natural world of mortals would become errant. Unlimited calamity would come from this and the Prime Material's countless worlds would risk collapse. Worse, she saw that both must be her children, that she must create the fey from the eladrin. Morwel wrestled with this dilemma, caught in a nightmare where either choice was suicide to her dream's future.

As Queen Morwel slept, Selune and Lathander eventually departed the deadlocked Convocation of Time. They both wondered where Morwel was and sought to find her. While her absence was not impossible to justify, as the flighty Fairy Queen was known by many deities as mercurial and her current consorts were there by her command, the two felt it was awry. Further, they had noticed Shar's efforts to ensure no agreement was made. Curious, the two traveled to the Womb of Arborea and found her there. They found her wrapped in black shadows, obscuring her from sight. As one the two deities frowned, for such a shadow is a sign of Shar's handiwork.

The two deities joined hands, as Lathander warmed Morwel with the light of the sun and Selune covered her with the grace of her moonlight. The shadow faded away into nothingness in this light and Morwel at last knew peace. This stirred Morwel from her nightmare and gave her the insight she had long struggled for. In her sorrow at the prospects before her, she had simply missed the obvious solution: To divide her house in two.

Queen Morwel awoke and knelt. She calmly wept away her sorrows, pain and despair. Her tears formed a new ocean and enacted her will. Half of her race was spirited away and stricken from the memories of the other half. The taken half of her children were given bodies of dirt and flesh, made into the fey. From this creation of life and her tears rose the Yggdrasil tree, the symbol and focus of fey reincarnation. She bound her exiled children to it, ensuring the fey cycle would exist and continue forever. But yet her work was not done. She realized that if Yggdrasil was not hidden, spirits and powers would seek to interfere with her children.

At last Queen Morwel went to the Convocation of Time and made an offer. She offered all but the top three layers of Arborea as a base for any agreement, allowing time to be bound to it and the knowledge of it stricken from the minds of all but the deities and those that deal with matters of time. She even offered limited dominion to the other ethos within the various layers, as each would have an equal share. The temptation of this influence and the offer was too much and it broke the deadlock. The Temporal Compact was created and all but the top three layers of Arborea were dedicated to it. Yggdrasil was hidden away by this unbreakable ward and secrecy.

The matters of the fey are only touched on lightly from here, as that is another story for another time. Of the fey, they were lead by the ancient eladrin, who became the greatest of the fey. Known as leShay, these creatures explored every aspect of this new life. They plumbed the heights of summer, the rampant growth of spring and the gentle reverie of autumn. Finally, some explored the cold depths of winter. Here these leShay explored the same bitter coldness that the goddess Auril commands. In time this lead to the greatest of the ancient eladrin to be contaminated with that same evil, vulnerable without the protections and connections to good that eladrin enjoy.

While the rest of the fey formed the Seelie court, those taken by winter stayed apart. This lead to an insurrection in the court, where winter was ultimately banished (or broken away, depending on the storyteller) and formed another court. They were lead by the greatest of the ancient eladrin, who took on the title of the Queen of Air and Darkness. The Queen of Air and Darkness is occasionally conflated with Auril. This is a result of Auril's role on the creation of the Unseelie Court and nothing more. Auril has influence in the court, but generally leaves the dark fey to their own devices.

Since then, events have proceeded as known in the modern day. Queen Morwel rules over the eladrin, while unknown to all she also rules over the Seelie court as Queen Titania. In the current day, Queen Morwel is content to guide her children from afar and use them to advance her dream. The fey and eladrin both serve to advance her goals, as does each creature that has come to call Arborea its eternal home. Her dreams and dual identities soak up most of her time, even with avatars assisting.

Queen Morwel's ultimate goal is for her dream to expand across Creation. By extension all of Arborea will spread with it, for they are one in the same. The taint of evil and the mistakes of law will leave creatures as they come to join her dream. The mortal coil and inner planes will become places of joyous adventure, where life is chapter after chapter of a grand story, leading to the wondrous climax where the first life is left behind and Arborea is embraced. The elemental planes will collapse into one, a chaotic fusion that will still the endless elemental wars by making them all kin to one another.

With this union, there will be no further need for her children to be divided. Queen Morwel will lead the fey as Titania, provoking a cataclysmic battle with the Unseelie Fey. This battle will rend the courts apart. At the climax Titania and the Queen of Air and Darkness will do battle. The Queen of Air and Darkness will be brought low by Titania, first in battle and then by what Titania represents. Titania's light and dream will overcome the evil of the Unseelie, purifying her wayward children and bringing about the reunion of the courts.

After one split is healed, Morwel will then undo the other. She will travel to the Womb of Arborea and undo the division between eladrin and fey, and thus they will become as one race once more. The reunited race will be common to both the mortal coil and Arborea, further changing the material world to be closer to Arborea.

With the mortal realms in her control and the fey and eladrin reunited, Queen Morwel will then turn to the problem of evil. The planes of evil will be consumed into one grand dream, where the heroes and eladrin host will shatter the nightmare of evil with great valor. The chains of Baator will be sundered by the freedom of her dream, while the faceless despair of the  yugoloths will crumble under the hope of her dream's eternal joy and the Abyss will be overwhelmed by a perfect infinity of wondrous lives that are free of evil's taint.

With evil smashed, the nature of the slaad will be softened and the children of Limbo will join Morwel's dream as well. They will savor the malleable nature of it, uniting with the eladrin and becoming as to siblings to them. The forces of Mechanus will see the light of good but not chaos, joining with Mount Celestia.

Once done, Zaphkiel, the High-One and Queen Morwel shall meet. In that meeting, Queen Morwel's dream of many truths will prove superior to the single, absolute truth Zaphkiel embodies and the strength of unity the High-One holds. They will be folded into Queen Morwel, and in that their children will become her children. All the celestial host will come to join Morwel's dream and Morwel's dream will become Creation. All will live an eternal cycle of perfect and wonderful lives, reincarnating to find yet more joyous and varied experiences. Creation will be a celebration that knows nothing of suffering, despair of misery. Queen Morwel will then rule over all Creation, content to ensure the dream continues forever.

Of course, the other planes and deities would not agree with this vision.


Queen Morwel appears as a short elven woman of flawless beauty. Her tanned skin and orange hair complement her starry gown well. The exact details of her appearance vary and tend to be indistinct, as if trying to recall the details of a dream. Most recall the silver bracelets and a matching necklace.

Creatures of all types find Morwel intoxicating to see. Even those who are repelled by everything she is, such as devils, cannot help but fall in love with her. This is simply a testament to the power of her dream to draw in souls to it and thus to Arborea.


To most, Queen Morwel is flighty, vain and pretentious. She often seems preoccupied at times, as if lost in daydreams. Her consorts deal with more matters than she, especially matters of court. She is a distant queen who allows events to proceed with minimal input. At times she seems little more than a figurehead for the rambunctious court's intrigues with her favor being a sign of success. Yet a few words of praise and favor are incredibly motivating, able to inspire fanaticism in those so gifted.

Those that deal more with her or those involved in serious matters see another face. This Morwel is seen as a mysterious queen, who comes to deliver a few words of command before leaving. She is an enigma that appears when she desires, transforming everything to an otherworldly fantasy. Her commands are wise and obeyed without question by her consorts, who immediately ensure that her will is done. In this role she is undoubtedly a queen and the master of her court.

The rare creature that gets to know Morwel past this finds a quiet woman preoccupied with her thoughts. Her tremendous charisma and presence allow a single word to suffice for an hour's conversation. Yet she is not uncommunicative, for her dream constantly makes her thoughts known. Those that meet this Morwel find it to be a waking dream, where all fantasy becomes a reality grander than the dream it sprung from. Exactly what she acts like varies from moment to moment as the fancies of her dream change. Yet they have little impression of Morwel afterwards, struggling to remember her in favor of the dreams around them. In truth, these dreams as as much Morwel as her words, though most creatures do not fully realize it.

Allies and deities find Morwel to vary. She takes on behavior best suited to dealing with them. With other creatures of divine rank she acts to maximize benefits to her dream, which in turn benefits all of Arborea. She often assumes her normal role of a queen shrouded in mysticism, but takes different styles if they are more effective. Mortals never see this side of Morwel; while a dream that encompasses everything must include serious matters, to show it to lesser creatures diminishes her own mystique. 

Queen Morwel's consorts and friends see the true face of the Queen of Stars. This Morwel is loving, kind and compassionate. The affection she has for friends, lovers and those in her dream defines her. She treasures each of her friends and loves each of her consorts with all her heart. She dotes on her consorts in particular, for she knows they will eventually leave her to be reborn. The death of Vaeros has only intensified this behavior, as Queen Morwel knows that there is the chance, however small, that Gwynharwyf or Faerinaal won't return from a trip out.


Queen Morwel has no mother or father in the traditional sense. She considers Arborea to be her parents but it is not a point of concern for her. Morwel was born mature and has no need of parents. This was a common occurrence during Arborea's formative days and still echos within Morwel, such as with the birth of the Glasae Queen.

Conversely, Queen Morwel enjoys a great many consorts and lovers. She is appreciative of both men and women; this manifests in different ways across her identities. As Morwel, she keeps a pair of consorts. These consorts rotate over the ages, with each consort eventually reaching the point that they feel called to the Womb of Arborea to reincarnate (barring rare cases such as the death of Vaeros and Samsel's transformation into Oberon). She has had many consorts over the ages and treasures each and every one of them. But as her dream's nature is to eternally change, so do her consorts. Her current consorts are Gwynharwyf and Faerinaal, whom she loves deeply.

Titania is married to Oberon. It is a marriage marked by change in a different way, as the pair go through fights and separations, only to return to each other with all forgiven. During these separations, she discreetly romances various Seelie ladies. Yet they never last, only momentary reveries that soon fade as Titania and Oberon return to one another. At heart, the two know that they cheat on each other each time they separate, but they ultimately forgive each other wholly with each reunion.

Those who Morwel loves are made to understand her nature before they enter into a relationship. Her nature and her dream prevent monogamy, she strives to ensure her lovers understand that. She will not enter into a relationship or make love to someone who cannot accept that, as she feels that to be an inherently destructive and dishonest thing to do. Faerinaal accepts and understands it, as study of Morwel's nature allows him great insight to her dream. Gwynharwyf takes the position that a being of Morwel's stature is simply unable to focus on only one love, so there is no reason to be upset. The fact that Morwel's lovers are the greatest of the eladrins and have gained great insights to the forgiving nature of Good doubtless helps.

Queen Morwel has never borne a child in spite of her many relationships, at least in the traditional sense. Many beings have come from her divine will and from her dream, she considers these her children. These include the children of liberty, the eladrin heroes and any creature who comes to join her dream and Arborea. She shows her love by ensuring her dream and Arborea grant them a wondrous eternity. She provides them this and gives them the freedom to pursue these dreams as they choose.

Beyond family, Morwel is known to all of Arborea. Few know her as anything beyond the mercurial or fairy-like queen of the eladrin. Many believe they know more, whimsical stories assigned to her as bard tale or gossip told many times, each telling mutating the story. She is distant to most of her court as well. She sits on her throne and sees to the business of the eladrins when she must, but otherwise is seldom seen save for when she chooses to intervene in a matter. She takes on a mythical status even within her own court, a phantom that captivates with her flighty and charming manner.

The exceptions to this are her consorts. Beyond them, she deals most with the eladrin of might. They are guided in what they must do and they in turn offer her succor and council, though to a lesser degree than her consorts. The Faerie Queen also spends time to ensure the Angel of Last Resort's peaceful dream lies undisturbed.

Morwel has a strong working relationship with Corellon Larethian and the rest of the Seldarine. The Elf-Father and Lady of the Lake are friends from the earliest days of Arborea. This closeness is reflected in the closeness of the elves to the eladrin. They treat one another as equals and friends, sharing Arborea while tending to their own divine domains. The two have been allies since before Morwel became Queen and this alliance shows no signs of weakening. They are each others confidants in matters too ancient or too long-reaching for lesser deities.

Notable amid the rest of the Seldarine is Hanali Celanil and Sehanine Moonbow. Hanali Celanil is a fellow goddess of charm and the two meet every year to discuss business. These meetings usually dissolve to parties in private parts of Brightwater, the Court of Starts, Arvandor or Evergold. Neither takes these meetings entirely seriously, as much a chance to tend to divine matters as a chance to catch up with beloved friends. Conversely, Morwel's relationship with Sehanine Moonbow is one of respect and understanding. The two deities understand the changing and mystical nature of dreams, communicating less in words and more in ephemeral whispers of meaning.

Queen Morwel has at least passing relations with almost every other good-aligned deity and power, as well as strong relations with several. Selune and Lathander share a special bond with her. The two came to aid Morwel at her lowest point, as she grappled over the necessity of splitting the fey and eladrin apart. She is forever grateful for this favor and she strives to repay them for this kindness.

Two new powers have also gained her attention. Alicia Reynes and Seira Aryn lead the Crimson Guard in the liberation of the captive eladrin children of Androlynne, laying Pale Night's scheme low. She has quietly encouraged them and steered their path for the better, curious as to how the neophyte powers will develop. She considers them allies in the making, as well as eternal friends of the Court of Stars for victory in Androlynne.

Of special note are the High-One and Zaphkiel. The three are the greatest pure exemplars of good and meet once per twenty one years at the High-One's behest. Here matters of profound importance to the continued unity of law and chaos within good are discussed.These meetings take place deep within Elysium, in holy places seen to none other besides the three. Strategy, information, cooperation and conflicts are resolved by the three; Morwel takes these meetings quite seriously and shows none of her normal flightiness.

As for enemies, Queen Morwel has opposed virtually every evil power or deity on occasion, or those who fight in her name have. She has a personal disdain for Shar, who both represents things she cannot tolerate and interfered with her during the Convocation of Time. She is far from alone in her loathing of Shar and largely aids Selune rather than go after the Lady of Loss herself.

Queen Morwel also makes a point of opposing those who would use dreams for evil ends. The most prominent of these is the archdevil Haagenti, whom she has clashed with before. While Morwel outclasses him greatly, he is a cautious foe who has fended off powerful servants as well as the eladrin of might. It is said he keeps an extremely low profile in Avernus to avoid Morwel's wrath from reaching him.

Beyond specifics, Queen Morwel keeps tabs on the schemes of the devils in whole, as well as the General of Gehenna, Demogorgon and Pale Night. The last has grown more intense in recent years, due to the Androlynne incident and its resolution thanks to the Crimson Guard. She has carefully watched the Pale Mother's rise in activity and her new champion Zquujaj. Queen Morwel has yet to act against them, but with the history between them, is likely only a matter of time until she does so.


It is rare that Queen Morwel resigns herself to combat. All of the Court of Stars will fight for her before that, as will her consorts. Should a hostile creature reach her, they are likely to be incapacitated by her unearthly beauty. Only if these measures fail will Queen Morwel enter battle. She does not do this lightly as she views combat as a last resort.

Queen Morwel's battle strategy varies widely. With her staggering amount of options, she can take virtually any strategy she sees fit. Queen Morwel routinely chooses a strategy that will counter and defeat her opponents. She prefers to end battles sooner than later. As such, Morwel does not hesitate to use powerful abilities to utterly overwhelm her opponents. She is not afraid of overkill; any opponent that reaches her must be of the greatest caliber.

With preparation time, Queen Morwel will assume an alternate form best suited for defeating her opponents. If there is a form that has a particular way to counter or otherwise defeat an opponent, she will not hesitate to take that form. She will use Morwel's dream to create children of liberty, advanced tulani eladrin and leShay. Spells to enhance herself and her children follow, with a notable emphasis on defense.

Regardless of preparation time or not, Morwel holds nothing back. Even if a seemingly weak opponent has managed to reach her, she assumes they are worthy foes. She attacks relentlessly, using Morwel's dream to parry dangerous attacks that might pierce her defenses. She relies on her dream's many ways of altering the course of battle towards her victory. Powerful attacks fade from her dream, damage vanishes and reality shifts as the opponents find themselves in Queen Morwel's seat of power. Fighting Queen Morwel is akin to fighting a dream you cannot awaken from.

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There's going to be extensive notes here, as there's a lot to cover.

- Morwel's flavor block is long but could be much longer. A fair deal of things are glazed over, especially fey matters. This is a story best told from other perspectives, and besides, her flavor block is already massive. This isn't meant to give the fey the short end of the stick. They're just as much Morwel's children as the eladrin, but they're really their own thing.

- If you pay attention, you'll notice that being a maverick paid off for Morwel. Should that really surprise anyone who knows how CG works? She followed her own path to completion, one of the ways she fulfilled the ultimate promises of Arborea. It gets to the point where she can be read as a Mary Sue. A little of this is intentional, as it comes with the character type's territory. You'll note a few of her mistakes are added to help leaven this out. For example, she fell under (what is probably) Shar's influence before the Convocation of Time, she lost a consort when Vaeros died and her own efforts weren't what lead to the children of Androlynne being freed.

- You may notice Morwel's overpowered. This is wholly intentional, as greater deities are meant to be above even intermediate deities. They're the absolute bosses of Creation and it shows. In Morwel's case, she's essentially an avatar of Arborea and has the powers to match that station. Balance is a highly relative term when dealing with such entities.

- Bardic music being a trait of Morwel's (and her consorts) is her personal choice. This is her personal choice, as she can manipulate her dream and powers to provide this. It also helps symbolize the noble bardic soul and tie it closer to Arborea.

- Morwel's spells are left open ended. She's quite capable of making up spells on the spot. To be honest, when dealing with the greatest exemplar of chaotic good, you should assume you'll see things never seen before. She doesn't have spells included for that reason. At her level of power, she's more than capable of making it up as she goes along.

- Several of Queen Morwel's abilities break normal rules in Balmuria. That's on purpose, as deities get leeway in these things, and greater deities get the most of all. It helps establish them at the proper level of power, especially compared to others.

- As mentioned in the flavor block, deities are immune to paradox and temporal manipulation. For example, you could go into the past and kill an ascended mortal before they ascended. They'd be unaffected in the future and still exist, the timeline would snap back into the previous order. This is due to Creation stabilizing deities and preventing them from being easily killed. It's essentially Creation being designed so that it's not so easy to destabilize core parts of it - namely, deities. Anyway, once a creature holds divine rank (or counts as DvR0, in the case of various entities like the Dukes of Hell or Authorities of Celestia), they're impossible to assail in that manner.

- Speaking of, the Temporal Compact mentioned is a divine agreement to forbid time travel. It just wasn't worth the headaches except to the most destructively chaotic, and those were intimidated and diplomacied into  acceptance. There's various mechanisms and guardians in place to enforce it, ones who are allowed the full scope of forbidden temporal powers. This bans any true time magic in the setting, with effects like haste, slow and time stop being speed manipulation rather than true time magic.

Queen Morwel
Queen of Stars, Lady of the Lake, The Faerie Queen
Queen of the Stars/Queen of the Seelie Court
Symbol: A single star set on a background of orange, with tapering and misty edges/A tree on a circular field of silver and red
Home Plane: Court of the Stars/The Seelie Court
Alignment: Anarchic Exalted
Portfolio: Dreams, nobility, eladrin, fey, nature, charm, secrets
Worshipers: Eladrin, fey, sorcerers, dream-diviners, bards, paladins of freedom, rangers
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Domains: Celestial*, Chaos, Charm, Dream, Fey*, Good, Joy, Mysticism, Nobility, Plant*, Renewal, Time*
Favored Weapon: Blade of Endless Dreams (Rapier)

In the case of /, the first entry is for Morwel and the second is for Titania. If a / is not used, assume that entry applies to both.

*Celestial and Time are only available to those that worship Queen Morwel, while Fey and Plant are only available to those that worship Titania. A cleric aware of Morwel's true nature can select from all her domains.

Eladrin 70//Fey 70

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Eladrin, Good)
Divine Rank: 20
Hit Dice: 70d8+1400 (1960 hp)
Initiative: +45; always goes first
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 133 (+21 dex, +20 divine, +35 natural, +27 deflection, +20 armor)(70% miss chance)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +70/+117/175
Attack: Blade of Endless Dreams+138 (1d6+48 plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit) plus 3d6 anarchic and 1 negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit) plus sleep 15-20 x2)
Full Attack: Blade of Endless Dreams+138/+133/+128/+123 (1d6+48 plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit) plus 3d6 anarchic and 1 negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit) plus sleep 15-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Unearthly beauty, spells, spell-like abilities, blade of endless dreams.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 55/axiomatic, cold iron, epic and evil, immunity to electricity and petrification, resistance to acid and cold 50, spell resistance 85, tongues, protective aura, divine traits, bardic music 70/day, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage+12, inspire competence, mass suggestion, inspire greatness, song of freedom, inspire heroics, alternate form, faerie queen, wild empathy, charming the blade.
Saves: Fort +95, Ref +100, Will +104 (+4 vs fey)
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 53, Con 50, Int 59, Wis 60, Cha 65
Skills: Bluff+124, Concentration+113, Craft(Dreams)+117, Craft(Painting)+117, Craft(Stars)+117, Diplomacy+128, Gather Information+124, Handle Animal+120, Hide+114, Intimidate+124, Knowledge(All)+117, Listen+118, Move Silently+114, Peform(All)+124, Sense Motive+122, Spellcraft+117, Spot+118, Survival+118, Use Magic Device+120
Feats: Eschew Materials(B), Improved Initiative(B), Words of Creation(B), Ability Focus(Unearthly Beauty)(1), Consecrate Spell(3), Combat Expertise(6), Improved Disarm(9), Improved Trip(12), Extra Spell(15), Flyby Attack(18), Entangling Spell(21), Quicken Spell(24), Arcane Strike(27), Plant Devotion(30), Craft Wondrous Item(33), Improved Combat Expertise(36), Forge Ring(63)
Epic Feats: Epic Counterspell(B), Epic Crafting(B), Group Inspiration(B), Lasting Inspiration(B), Music of the Gods(B), Rapid Inspiration(B), Reactive Countersong(B), Epic Ability Focus(Unearthly Beauty)(39), Epic Disarm(42), Epic Trip(45), Ignore Material Components(48), Epic Spell Capacity(51), Epic Reputation(54), Blinding Speed(57), Multiaction(60), Epic Reflexes(66), Epic Will(69)
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Automatic Metamagic(Consecrate Spell), Automatic Metamagic(Entangling Spell), Automatic Metamagic(Quicken Spell), Command Plants, Control Creatures(Eladrin/Fey), Craft Artifact, Create Object, Divine Bard, Divine Blast, Divine Creation, Divine Dodge, Divine Shield, Dreamer's Reality, Eldritch Knowledge, Extra Domain(Mysticism), Extra Domain(Nobility), Extra Domain(Joy), Extra Domain(Plant), Extra Domain(Renewal), Extra Domain(Time), Govern the Children(Eladrin/Fey), Instant Counterspell, Mass Divine Blast, Morwel's Dream, Overlord(Eladrin/Fey), Supreme Eldritch Knowledge, Supreme Initiative
Alignment: Anarchic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Queen Morwel casts as a 70th level sorcerer(caster level 71st for spells with the chaotic or good descriptors). The save DCs are 37 + spell level. She has access to druid spells as if they were on her sorcerer spell list. All of her spells are automatically quickened, entangled and consecrated. Queen Morwel knows all available spells to her due to her supreme eldritch knowledge salient divine ability.


Bardic Music (Su)

Queen Morwel can use bardic music as a 70th level bard. She can use and maintain one bardic music per round as a free action, she only needs to use her voice to do so. For the sake of prerequisites and qualifying for feats and other abilities, Queen Morwel counts as an 70th level bard.

Unearthly Beauty (Su)

Queen Morwel's beauty is beyond any measure. Those that see her are fundamentally affected and can suffer one of several effects. Queen Morwel chooses the effect that each creature that sees her suffers, this makes her instantly aware of any creature that sees her as well as that creature's location. This effect extends to scrying and similar means of magical sight. A DC 85 saving throw is allowed to negate, with the exact type of saving throw noted in the description. Eladrin, chaotic good outsiders and non-evil fey are immune to this ability.

Charm: The creature is treated as being charmed by Queen Morwel, as if by a charm monster spell. This charm can affect those that are immune to it, though such creatures gain a +10 bonus to the saving throw. The duration of this charm is permanent and it cannot be dispelled or suppressed once established, save by Queen Morwel attacking the creature. This usually manifests as falling hopelessly in love with the Faerie Queen. A successful Will save negates.
Blinding: The creature's eyes are overwhelmed and the image of Morwel's beauty is forever seared into them, the only thing the creature can see forever more. This effectively blinds the creature. This blindness can be reversed by a wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 85 caster level check or by the intercession of a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against Queen Morwel. A successful Fortitude save negates.
Death: The creature is slain, the vision of beauty too much for it to bear. A creature slain in this way can be resurrected as normal, but is automatically afflicted by the charm and blinding abilities above (no save). A successful Fortitude save negates.
None: The creature suffers no ill effect.

A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against any of these effects is immune to Queen Morwel's unearthly beauty for 24 hours. The saving throw is Charisma based and includes a +7 racial bonus.

Alternate Form (Su)

It is said that Queen Morwel can take on any shape she desires. As a swift action, Queen Morwel can take the form of any eladrin (including alternate forms) or fey. She gains all the extraordinary, spell-like and supernatural abilities of these forms, except for innate spellcasting or psionic ability; further, she does not lose any of her normal abilities when transforming. All save DCs are scaled to her ability scores and hit dice, plus she applies a +7 racial bonus to them.

Queen Morwel is also capable of creating new forms on the spot, including the forms of eladrin or fey not yet brought into Creation. Her guise of Titania is also provided by this ability.

Faerie Queen (Ex)

Queen Morwel is the sovereign of both the fey and eladrin races, from the ages before when they were one people. Any ability she uses that applies to either fey or eladrin may be applied to the other when used by her. Likewise, any ability she has may treat fey or eladrin as either as she sees fit. This extends to her salient divine abilities, such as control creatures and govern the children.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

Queen Morwel can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. Queen Morwel's modifier is 1d20+97.

The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, Queen Morwel and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

Queen Morwel can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2. Unlike mortal druids, Queen Morwel suffers no penalty to this check.

Charming the Blade (Su)

The sheer personality of Queen Morwel is her most effective weapon. This extends to when she resorts to melee combat, as she may use her Charisma modifier in place of her Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls.

Blade of Endless Dreams (Su)

At will as a free action, Queen Morwel can manifest a slender rapier that constantly shifts and shows wonderful dreams within. The rapier is Queen Morwel's dream given form. This functions a rapier+21, keen, holy power and anarchic power. Any creature injured by the rapier must make a DC 79 Will save or immediately fall asleep. On a critical hit, a creature must instead make three saves against this effect, with any save being failed resulting in the creature falling asleep. Creatures immune to sleep are not immune to this effect, even creatures that do not have the ability to sleep can be put to sleep with this ability. The sole exceptions are eladrins, chaotic good outsiders, non-evil fey and elves (the last is due to an agreement between Corellon Larethian and Queen Morwel), who are all immune to this sleep.

Once asleep, a creature sleeps forever. The creature takes part in Queen Morwel's dream and is slowly purified. After a number of weeks equal to the creature's hit dice, the creature dies. It is reincarnated as an eladrin; the exact type varies from creature to creature. The reincarnated creature remembers nothing of its previous life. The creature is now chaotic good and is indistinguishable from any other eladrin.

A creature under this effect cannot be roused by any means except by another deity using alter reality to undo the sleep and succeeding on an opposed rank check against Queen Morwel. It is known that a spell was once developed that could awaken a creature under this effect, though it has been lost to history. It is said the spell was of at least the 21st circle. Killing the creature causes the creature's soul to fly to Queen Morwel, where it continues its purification. Likewise, trap the soul and similar attempts to take the creature's soul fail and the soul immediately travels to Queen Morwel. Once a creature is reincarnated as an eladrin, its previous life is gone and cannot be recovered by any means.

A deity is entitled to an opposed rank check against Queen Morwel to negate this sleep effect, then a Will save as normal. Even then, they are only asleep for one round and are not subject to being purified.

If Queen Morwel dies or loses her grasp on the blade, it vanishes instantly.

When Morwel is in her guise of Titania, the blade appears as a long, narrow branch from Yggdrasil. Dreams and images of fey can be seen in the still-living leaves of the branch. It otherwise functions the same, except that the creature's soul may instead be sent to Yggdrasil. It will then join the fey cycle and be reincarnated as a Seelie fey.

The save DC includes a +7 bonus from Morwel's bracers.

Divine powers:
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Always active-detect evil, detect law, magic circle against evil. At will-aid, animate objects, animate plants, atonement, augury, barkskin, bastion of good, blade barrier, blessed sight, call faithful servants, calm emotions, chaav's laugh, changestaff, chaos hammer, charm monster, charm person, clone, command plants, consecrate, contingency, control plants, deep slumber, demand, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel law, distilled joy, divine favor, dominate monster, dream sight, elation, entangle, enthrall, faerie fire, foresight, freedom, freedom of movement, gate, geas/quest, gentle repose, good hope, greater command, greater heroism, greater plane shift, greater restoration, greater scrying, greater teleport, greater visage of the deity, haste, heavenly lightning, heavenly lightning storm, heroes feast, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, insanity, inspired aim, irresistible dance, legend lore, lesser planar ally, lesser visage of the deity, liveoak, lesser restoration, magic circle against evil, magic circle against law, magic vestment, nightmare, permanency, phantasmal killer, plant growth, power word stun, protection from evil, protection from law, reincarnate, remove disease, repel wood, repulsion, righteous might, shambler, shatter, shield of chaos, sleep, spiritual weapon, storm of vengeance, suggestion, summon monster 9(chaotic good only), summon nature's ally 9, sympathy, time stop, tree stride, true strike, visage of the deity, vision of heaven, wall of thorns, weapon of the deity, weird, word of chaos. Caster level 70th. All of Queen Morwel's spell-like abilities are automatically intensified, if applicable. The save DCs are 67 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Morwel exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Morwel can use wish when doing so can help her promote her dream, cycles of life, chaotic good, eladrin or fey. Note that in the situation where Morwel and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Cure Wounds (Su)

Morwel may cast any cure wounds spell as a standard action. She may apply any metamagics to this that she pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:

Celestial: Smite evil 20/day, +4 to hit and +35 to damage.
Chaos: +1 caster level to chaotic spells.
Charm: Free action +4 bonus to charisma 20/day. Lasts 1 minute.
Dream: Immunity to fear.
Fey: +4 bonus to saves vs fey.
Good: +1 caster level to good spells.
Joy: +4 sacred bonus to diplomacy checks.
Mysticism: 20/day grant self a +27 luck bonus to saves, lasts 35 rounds.
Nobility: 20/day grant allies +2 morale to attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks and saving throws. Takes 1 round of talking. Lasts 27 rounds.
Plant: Rebuke/command plants 30/day.
Renewal: 20/day recover 1d8+27 hit points if reduced to less than 0 hit points (but not -10 or below).
Time: Improved initiative as a bonus feat.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Morwel's divine aura is 57 and the radius is 20 miles.

Immunities: Morwel is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Morwel is immune to effects that imprison or banish her. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Morwel gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Morwel does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. She automatically receives a 20 on any check she makes. She automatically gets the best result possible on any dice roll she makes. In the case of an attack roll or another roll where a natural 20 provides automatic success, she may still roll to see if she manages automatic success. Likewise, she must roll to see if an attack is a possible critical threat.

Communication: Morwel can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within twenty miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Morwel can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to her, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, her voice can be heard as a woman's charming voice. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Morwel can create any wondrous item with power related to eladrin, fey, charm, mysticism, chaos or good; the maximum is 400,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Morwel is aware of any act of good, chaos, renewal or dreams.

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Queen Morwel wields the Blade of Endless Dreams as a weapon, as described above.


Morwel is rarely seen without her shimmering gown. This dress looks to be made of diaphanous materials and glittering stars seamlessly combined into one cloth. The origins of the gown are uncertain to most, as much a part of the Fairy Queen as her own skin. Those that speculate on it suggest it is a gift from one of her earlier consorts. This is not wholly wrong, for the dress is a gift from Arborea to Queen Morwel. It is a symbol of Morwel's status as Queen of the Eladrin and the sole guide of Arborea's children to the future.

Every round at the start of Queen Morwel's turn, Reverie changes the reality around Morwel to better match her dream. This heals Queen Morwel 100 hit points as well as curing the following conditions: ability damage, ability drain, blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, energy drained, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened and stunned. Further, vile damage of all types is cured. In the case of ongoing situations or conditions causing the condition, reality subtly adjusts so that it no longer threatens Morwel. That particular situation or effect can no longer menace Morwel, though a similar situation or effect can.

In addition to this, Queen Morwel wears silver bracers and a silver necklace. The necklace grants Queen Morwel a +20 armor bonus to armor class, while the bracers grant a +7 bonus to the DC of the sleep effect of the Blade of Endless Dreams. Morwel has access to any other type of treasure that can be imagined or created by her own hands. She rarely bothers with such, as most items are far beneath a greater power.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Prerequisite: Dream domain, cha 45
Benefit: Queen Morwel's dreams constantly defines reality about her, causing it to become the perfect vision she sees. She is surrounded by a bubble of her own reality even when she leaves the Court of Stars and Arborea. This transforms a 20 mile radius centered on Queen Morwel into surroundings that resemble the Court of Stars. The area is treated as being affected by a planar bubble spell cast by Queen Morwel (CL 70th). While it normally emulates the Court of Stars, Queen Morwel may have it mimic any area of Arborea, the Court of the Stars, or Seelie Fey realm. Unlike a planar bubble spell, dreamer's reality changes the appearance of the area within the radius to resemble the area chosen.

This ability can be dispelled, but Queen Morwel can reactivate it on her turn as a free action. Queen Morwel may suppress or resume this ability as a free action on her turn. A deity may use alter reality to attempt to end this effect, this requires an opposed rank check against Queen Morwel.  Success results in this ability being suppressed for 24 hours, while failure results in the deity being unable to try again for 24 hours. If Queen Morwel uses this ability in a divine realm, the realm's deity or deities (if present in the realm) are allowed a rank check to suppress this ability, as if they had used alter reality.

Creatures within dreamer's reality find that Morwel's dreams have an even greater potency than before. They suffer a -7 penalty to all saving throws against Queen Morwel's spells and abilities, as well as a -7 penalty to attack rolls and checks (except rank checks) against Queen Morwel or her allies.

There is no save against this ability, the only way to stop is to dispel dreamer's reality or leave the radius. Note that despite emulating Queen Morwel's divine realms, these do not count as her realm for the sake of destroying her.

Prerequisite: Dream domain, Dreamer's Reality, Divine Creation, divine rank 20, cha 53
Benefit: The dreams of Queen Morwel are her defining aspect. She can manipulate her dreams to change reality around her as she sees fit.

Three times per round, Queen Morwel may use her dream to induce one of the following changes. Treat these as immediate actions that may be used while flatfooted and that do not count against her limit of swift actions per round.

Negation: This may be used to negate a single attack or effect against herself. This allows her to ignore any one attack or injury. An ignored attack deals no damage, while an ignored effect ceases to exist for Morwel. For example, if she chose to ignore a wall of force, she could pass through it as if it wasn't there. An ignored effect is forever unable to affect Morwel. Note that an ignored attack or effect only applies to that single instance. If Morwel chose to ignore a fireball, the same mage casting another fireball could affect her normally. Likewise, if Morwel chose to ignore a wall of force, another wall of force would still be able to affect her. Effects, attacks and injuries from a deity require an opposed rank check to ignore. A friendly deity may willingly fail this check.
Create Objects: This allows Queen Morwel to create non-magical objects. Any object she makes must weigh no more than 2,000 pounds and not cost more than 50,000 gold. The object appears where she wishes, within 20 miles of her location.
Create Creatures: Queen Morwel may create eladrin or fey to serve her. She may create up to 50 hit dice of creatures, including versions of creatures with more hit dice than normal. Such creatures must be eladrins or fey. Beyond that, Queen Morwel may create any spread of creatures within those guidelines. She rarely creates both fey and eladrin at the same time, though she is capable of doing so. Creatures created in this way are loyal to Morwel and see her as their mother. Any creature created will be chaotic good in alignment.
Rebirth: Queen Morwel may immediately bring willing creatures into her dream. This may target up any number of willing creatures Queen Morwel can see. Eladrin and non-evil fey may not be affected by this ability, and any creature who wishes to be affected must choose so of their own free will. Any creatures affected are instantly reborn as eladrin of Queen Morwel's choice or gain the eladrin hero template, if appropriate. This is as if the creature died and was reborn as an eladrin and it is thus permanent and unable to be changed. As such, a creature changed becomes chaotic good if they were not already chaotic good. Creatures affected may retain their memories, previous class levels and so forth as Queen Morwel sees fit. When in her guise of Titania, Queen Morwel instead transforms the willing into Seelie fey.

Craft Artifact is revised and not new material. It's updated for the philosophy behind epic crafting.

The deity can make magic items that exceed mortal limits.
Prerequisites: Any two item creation feats.
Benefit: The deity gains epic crafting as a bonus feat.
In addition, all magic items she creates gain the special properties unique to artifacts.
Suggested Portfolio Elements: Crafts, knowledge, magic.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Angel of Last Resort

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The creature before you is a vision of steel, clad in plate armor decorated with radiant writing and images of celestial glory. It is incongruent with his head; a bare skull, empty eyes staring at you. A sword of light is in one hand, pointed towards the sky. The terror of childhood nightmares slams into you mere seconds later, so horrible that you barely notice the world around you shattering in catastrophe.

The Angel of Last Resort is the final weapon for when a mortal world goes terribly astray. He is the weapon of last resort when such horrors come that the only option is extermination. A holy warrior dedicated to slaughter, the Angel of Last Resort brings the end to mortal worlds. He smashes those that reach towards the Far Realm, caring nothing of Creation and courting absolute madness. He exterminates those that seek to bring the Hells to the material realms and damn a world's souls. He is the last, horrible and lamentable hope when no other hope remains.

Long ago, the Angel of Last Resort was a tulani lord. It came to be that Queen Morwel assembled her children and spoke to them. She had seen in her dreams that as the exemplars of free will, the eladrin must take responsibility for when free will is abused beyond all compare. One of her children must take on the mantle of a killer of nations and reaper of civilizations - to bloody themselves in deeds that would make a tanar'ri proud. Only one answered the call. That tulani lord vanished from Arborea, stricken from the memories of her children.

Invested with the power of the apocalypse, the Angel of Last Resort is a terrible creature. In spite of this, he lies deep in the hidden layers of Arborea, eternally asleep in a peaceful dream granted by the Lady of the Lake. He only awakens when Her Majesty calls him forth.

In truth, there is no glory to the Angel of Last Resort's duties. He loathes the power within him yet he has never once considered turning away from his choice. He is a willing martyr, freely accepting the weight of his duties. As long as none other has to taken this measure and oath, he will endure his fate. His choice has saved others from having to commit unspeakable acts, and in this, he has obtained great solace.

The Angel of Last Resort is rarely called on. Several conditions must be satisfied. First, all other hopes and chances to avert what is happening must have failed. The mortal heroes of that world must have failed and lesser measures of divine intervention have been thwarted. Further, there must be a clear and present risk of great magnitude to not just the kingdom or region in question, but the greater world or planes beyond. If those conditions are met, the Angel of Last Resort may be called.

The most common reason for his presence is mortals seeking the power of the Far Realm. Other causes, such as throwing entire prime worlds into the Lower Planes, is known to also be sufficient.

Tulani 35//Paladin of Freedom 10/Grey Guard 25

Changelog: Added the eladrin subtype, which was missing. Upgraded elemental immunities and resistances. Added spells. Lots of little cleanups and terminology fixes.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Eladrin, Good)
Hit Dice: 35d10+385+35+70 (840 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 87 (+11 dex, +22 natural, +14 deflection, +20 armor, +10 shield)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +35/+46/91
Attack: Sword of Ruin+53 (1d8+18 plus 2 to all ability scores plus fate of ruination(DC 41))
Full Attack: Sword of Ruin+53/+48/+43/+38 (1d8+18 plus 2 to all ability scores plus fate of ruination(DC 41))
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Gaze, spells, spell-like abilities, sword of ruin, ruin, smite evil 8/day, channel energy 17/day(3d6; DC 27), debilitating touch, devastating touch.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/cold iron, epic and evil, immunity to acid and cold, resistance to electricity and fire 30, spell resistance 50, protective aura, alternate form, tongues, investiture of dreams, divine traits, aura of good, detect evil, lay on hands(490 hp), divine grace, divine health, aura of resolve, charging smite, remove disease 2/week, sacrament of trust, justice blade(all alignments), unbound justice, sacrament of the true faith, evasion.
Saves: Fort +56, Ref +66, Will +57 (+4 vs poison)
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 32, Con 32, Int 34, Wis 34, Cha 38
Skills: Balance+49, Bluff+64, Climb+49, Concentration+62, Diplomacy+52, Handle Animal+52, Heal+50, Hide+49, Intimidate+64, Knowledge(Arcana)+50, Knowledge(A&E)+50, Knowledge(Nature)+50, Knowledge(N&R)+50, Knowledge(Planes)+50, Knowledge(Religion)+50, Listen+50, Move Silently+49, Perform(Song)+52, Ride+49, Sense Motive+50, Spellcraft+50, Spot+50, Survival+50, Swim+49
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Power Attack(1), Shield Specialization(3), Divine Shield(P4), Shield Ward(6), Divine Defiance(P8), Active Shield Defense(9), Ability Focus(Gaze)(12), Skill Focus(Concentration)(15), Toughness(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Great Smiting(GG13), Epic Skill Focus(Concentration)(24), Spectral Strike(GG16), Epic Ability Focus(Gaze)(27), Epic Toughness(GG19), Shield Barrier(30), Nauseating Touch(GG22), Shield Evasion(33), Armor Skin(GG25)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-blessed sight, detect chaos, detect good, detect law, detect magic, discern lies, true seeing. At will-chain lightning*, greater planeshift, greater shout*, greater teleport, horrid wilting*, meteor swarm*, miracle, polar ray*, righteous smite*, superb dispelling, time stop**. Caster level 35th. The save DCs are 24 + spell level.

*Treat these spell-like abilities as intensified, as if by intensify spell.
**Treat time stop's duration as 7 rounds. Do not roll for it as normal.


The Angel of Last Resort casts as a 35th level cleric with access to the Destruction, Retribution and Wrath domains. The save DCs are 22 + spell level.

Add bonus spells.

[6/day]0: Detect Magicx3, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Minor Wounds
[8+1/day]1: (Rhino's RushSC), Bless Waterx2, Entropic Shieldx2, Remove Fearx4
[8+1/day]2: (Shatter), Align Weapon, Bear's Endurance, Delay Poison, Shatter, Shield Other, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Zone of Truth
[8+1/day]3: (Speak with Dead), Continual Flame, Prayerx2, Protection from Energy, Searing Lightx4
[8+1/day]4: (Fire Shield), Control Water, Death Wardx2, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Freedom of Movementx2, Greater Magic Weapon
[7+1/day]5: (Righteous Might), Flame Strikex5, Hallowx2
[6+1/day]6: (Harm), Harmx3, Healx3
[6+1/day]7: (Disintegrate), Greater Restorationx2, Holy Wordx2, Word of Chaosx2
[6+1/day]8: (Earthquake), Fire Stormx4, Greater Spell Immunityx2
[5+1/day]9: (Storm of Vengeance), Mass Healx3, Miraclex2
[5+1/day]10: (Storm of Vengeance), Celestial ValorHomex2, Energy Immunityx3Home
[5+1/day]11: (Storm of Vengeance), Heresy's Rewardx4Home, Shardread WeaponHome
[5+1/day]12: (Storm of Vengeance) Wrath of the Heavensx5Home
[4+1/day]13: (Storm of Vengeance), Morwel's Blessingx4Home
[3+1/day]14: (Disintegrate), Radiant Stormx3Home

SC - Spell Compendium

Investiture of Dreams (Ex)

The Angel of Last Resort has been granted great power for taking up his tasks. While a tulani, he has standing equal to the greatest of the Eladrin of Might. He has divine rank zero.

Alternate Form (Su)

The Angel of Last Resort has had his alternate form sealed away by Queen Morwel. This is a terrible burden on him, but a needed one. His alternate form is the pure destructive power that ruin manifests. It is unclear what taking on this form would entail, but it is likely it would cause widespread devastation similar to ruin. The means to undo this seal are not known to the Angel of Last Resort and he has no desire to know. The idea of taking this form is intolerable to him, no matter how only having one form maims his fundamental eladrin nature.

Gaze (Su)

Creatures that come within 300ft of the Angel of Last Resort find that his gaze burns into them. Creatures must make a DC 54 Will save or suffer an affect that depends on their total hit dice. A creature of 20 or less hit dice is panicked for 1 day, while creatures of 21 to 40 hit dice are frightened for 1 hour and creatures with 41 or more hit dice are shaken for 1 minute.  This ability works in spite of the angel's face being covered by the mask of lamentations. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +7 racial bonus.

The rare creature that is affected by this gaze and lives to tell of it is eternally haunted by it. They will claim that they forever feel the gaze of the Angel of Last Resort on them.

Sword of Ruin (Su)

The Angel of Last Resort can create a longsword+7 at will as a free action. This weapon is the destruction of nations made manifest; any creature damaged by this blade also takes 2 points of ability damage to all six ability scores. In addition, they must make a DC 41 Will save or suffer from the fate of ruination. This causes all of their ventures to be doomed to ruin, inflicting a -7 penalty to all dice rolls. This doomed fate lasts for 24 hours. It may be removed early by a wish or miracle spell. If the Angel of Last Resort dies or loses physical contact with the sword, the sword disappears instantly.

Ruin (Su)

The terrible power of destruction is held within the spirit of the Angel of Last Resort. He may raise his dread sword to the heavens to herald the end of a region, city, nation or even civilization that has gone terribly wrong. This ability may target any area of the Prime Material plane. This area may be as large or as small as needed, but is rarely used on anything smaller than a nation.

This ability has three distinct phases as the time of ruin comes nigh. From 7 months to 7 days until the coming of the Angel of Last Resort, there are three signs. None of these signs can be stopped by any known mortal means.

Innocents Lost

During this time, innocent creatures will vanish from the area. This takes creatures innocent of the horrors that has drawn the coming of the Angel of Last Resort. These creatures are relocated to a different region or world with altered memories to live a happier life or taken directly to their eternal reward. No matter what, once a creature vanishes, they are beyond the reach of any but the Gods themselves. Any attempts to find them or divine information about them fail. As often the only innocent creatures left are babies and young children, this is seldom seen as anything but a curse of the Gods.

A DC 60 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.


The wicked find that divine wrath seeks them out during this time. Creatures that commit egregiously evil acts in the area risk being directly smited. Any such act (DM's discretion) has a 25% chance of provoking the retribution of the heavens. This manifests as a maximized righteous smite spell with a caster level of 30 and a save DC of 50, centered on the offending creature. Unlike a normal righteous smite spell, the blindness inflicted is permanent. A creature slain by retribution is often destroyed in a startling way - such as bursting aflame, turning into a pillar of salt or shattering like glass. In cases where more than one person commits the act, each creature is subject to a righteous smite.

A DC 55 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.

Tears of the Righteous

As the Angel of Last Resort comes closer to his dread duty, even the hearts of statues weep in terror. During this time, statues will weep tears at random times. These tears are sometimes clear and sometimes bloody. Either type of tear has the same effect, acting as acid on evil creatures. Each tear deals 1d6 points of acid damage to creatures of evil alignment. In addition, the creature must make a DC 50 Fortitude save or be afflicted as by the haunting conscience affliction.

A DC 50 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.

From a week until the coming of the Angel of Last Resort, three more terrible signs come. Note that the previous signs continue unabated during this time. These signs are in addition to those.

No Escape

When there is but a week to the coming of the Angel of Last Resort, the area to be affected is sealed. No creature can enter or exit the area by any means (save for good outsiders and those removed by Innocents Lost), including teleportation and plane shifting. The area is still connected to the Ethereal Plane, but escape through it is not possible. Creatures attempting to leave find themselves right back within with no explanation.

A DC 30 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.


So great is the coming sorrow that Selune and Lathander no longer bestow their blessings on the afflicted region. The sun and moon go dim and fade. A hazy twilight overtakes the area as well as a bitter, sub-zero chill. Plants wither and die while water freezes solid. This haze makes sleep difficult, requiring a DC 10 Concentration check to fall asleep and a DC (10 + 1 per hour of sleep) Concentration check to stay asleep each hour. Failing one of these checks causes the creature to wake up (if asleep) and prevents them from falling asleep for 24 hours. Indeed, as a side effect, the creature is immune to sleep effects of all kinds. In addition to the effects this has on arcane spellcasters, afflicted creatures suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls for every 24 hours they go without sleep. These penalties stack.

A DC 25 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort. A DC 70 Knowledge(Religion) check can also identify this as the result of Queen Morwel banishing the wicked from the land of dreams.

Writing on the Wall

The last sign of the Angel of Last Resort are prophecies that appear all about the area. These appear as huge writing on walls where they will be seen by many - such as public squares, castle walls or mountain sides. These prophecies are of hellfire and accusation, explicitly spelling out the sins that have brought this fate down. It is the last and final warning as well as sign.

A DC 25 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.

Finally, the Angel of Last Resort appears. Where he appears in the area varies. While he prefers public places, he will appear in safer places if the evil infesting the area is strong enough. He raises his sword of ruin to the sky and calls on the Heavens to erase this blight from Creation in a long prayer. This takes one minute of uninterrupted time and concentration. During this time earthquakes rock the area, the sky turns to leaden ash and the last vestiges of the sun and moon vanish. At the conclusion of the minute, the area is torn apart by apocalyptic disasters. The sky rains fire, the earth splits apart, tidal waves come from dry land to sweep away cities and scything windstorms slice apart villages like a knife through hot butter. This has several effects as noted below. In addition, this ability bypasses and destroys all known mortal barriers, including walls of force and prismatic effects.


All buildings in the area are reduced to rubble. Buildings of wood, dried mud or similar fragile building materials are vaporized and leave no remains behind. Studier materials such as stone or iron leave behind some rubble and ruin, but nothing noteworthy survives. Buildings made of extraordinarily sturdy materials, such as adamantine or diamond, are destroyed but have some minor parts somewhat intact.


Every creature within the area of effect (except the Angel of Last Resort) takes 70d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw to reduce this damage. Creatures slain by this ability leave no body or possessions behind, being consumed by the various disasters unleashed. Further, such creatures can only be resurrected by the direct intervention of a deity with the Gift of Life salient divine ability. The damage from this ability bypasses all defenses, including damage reduction and regeneration. However, a divine shield can protect creatures (the shield takes no damage).


The terrain of the area is leveled. Trees are destroyed, caves collapse, hills are flattened and so forth. In the aftermath, the area is a wasteland of craters, empty lakes and dead lands. No plant will grow in the area for 77 years thereafter. Such areas are often dead in other ways, such as being dead magic areas or preventing conception. After 77 years, the area will begin to host life again.

There are two ways to stop this ability. The first is to repent and cast out the evil that lead to this path. This must be done from when the signs begin to before the Angel of Last Resort appears. Those living in the area must fully cast aside what they have done and strive to make reparations for what they have done. In addition, they must be fully sincere. This is judged overall - a nation with a few who seek redemption while the leadership does not will not obtain respite. Those that do atone are spared damnation when ruin comes. In rare cases, a penitent may be removed in the same fashion as Innocents Lost to seek atonement away from the coming calamity. Most of the time these few are tasked with saving those within the area, however.

The second way to stop ruin is to confront the Angel of Last Resort. Should he take damage while invoking ruin, he must make a Concentration check (DC equals damage dealt) and failure results in his prayer being interrupted. Doing so does not stop the signs nor the natural disasters that are beginning. However, it does require him to begin his minute-long prayer once more to bring ruin - usually after killing those who attempted to stop him. This is a temporary measure and the only true respite is to slay the Angel of Last Resort. This will stop ruin and cause all the signs to cease (except one, see below). To date this has never occurred.

If the Angel of Last Resort is slain, the area earns a different fate. The area is removed from the Prime Material Plane and tossed into the Realms Below. This does not cause any immediate harm to those within the area. All the signs cease but one - No Escape continues with no expiration. Further, evil outsiders can now enter and exit the area freely.

Paladin of Freedom powers:
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Aura of Good (Ex)

The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: The Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level x her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Resolve (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin of freedom is immune to compulsion effects. Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Charging Smite (Ex)

Beginning at 5th level, if you smite evil on a charge attack, you deal an extra 2 points of damage per paladin level to any evil creature you hit (in addition to the normal bonus damage dealt by a smite). If the charge attack misses, the smite ability is not considered used. This is a supernatural ability.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Gear: [spoiler]


The armor the Angel of Last Resort wears appears to be fine mithral plate armor of the highest quality and of elven make. It is decorated with writings in the Words of Creation amid tiny murals of celestial figures creating worlds. These words are impossible to read (save with one hour of examination by someone with the Words of Creation feat and who passes a DC 50 Decipher Script check), but describe concepts of the most holy creation. The power in these words is directed inward as a barrier against the Angel of Last Resort's power. As a side effect of this barrier, this armor offers superb defenses.

Orme-Telu grants a +20 armor bonus to armor class. It does not have any armor check penalty, arcane spell failure or maximum dexterity cap. The wearer is immune to force damage. If Orme-Telu can be obtained and studied by a scholar who passes the decipher script check above, it is said that several secrets of Creation can be learned. What these secrets are, how long it would take to learn these secrets from studying and how these could be used is not clear.

Queen's Mercy

When the Angel of Last Resort first felt the weight of his new powers, he wept bitterly before Queen Morwel. He did not ask for this burden to be taken from him, but only for mercy to give him strength. The Lady of the Lake gave him this shield in response to his request. It is a triangular heavy steel shield, painted a glossy black with a single point of white within right-center.

Queen's Mercy is a heavy steel shield+7, heavy fortification. The mercy of Queen Morwel floods the Angel of Last Resort when he holds the shield. This mercy can be projected out from the single point on the shield, as a 60ft cone of radiant starlight. Any non-good creature exposed to this light must make a DC 50 Will save or be overwhelmed by this mercy. The creature simply stares ahead and takes no actions for 1 minute. Treat the creature as dazed.

Mask of Lamentations

This full helmet takes the form of a skull when worn. This completely hides the wearer's face. The purpose of this mask is two-fold. First, it cloaks the Angel of Last Resort's face. True seeing fails to penetrate the mask, as the mask's skull form is its real form when worn. X-ray vision and similar powers also fail to discern the angel's face. In spite of covering the angel's face, his gaze power is unaffected and works normally.

Secondly, the Mask of Lamentations turns the fear of the wicked he has condemned against them. It absorbs the regrets and curses of the unredeemed dead slain in his duties, crying out for freedom to continue the nightmares they spawned. This desire for freedom empowers the Angel of Last Resort. He is treated as being under a constant Freedom of Movement effect (CL 30). He is immune to all attempts to bind, imprison or banish him. This includes efforts to trap or seize his soul.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?