
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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Loot Thread:

Started by Anastasia, February 03, 2007, 01:38:07 PM

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Say 2 Restoration scrolls, then. Amaryl-wise, she should get as many cold iron arrows as she can reasonably carry. I dunno, 60? 100?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


6 undetectable alignment scrolls for 900gp, -450gp each for Seira and Alicia.


So that I'm not overwhelmed when I return and need to find everything....

First, perishables:

Already purchased:
-450gp for my share of Undetectable Alignment scrolls (3 left out of 6, lvl2)
-1,600gp for two Restoration scrolls (lvl4)

Interested in getting to replace my stock:
-600gp for four Lesser Restoration scrolls (lvl2)
-50gp to scribe four Endure Elements scrolls (lvl1)

Next, settling finances:

Payment to the sad, sad scribe elf:
67,260gp remains to be paid upon delivery. If Saul pays for both Gate scrolls and two of the TP Circle scrolls, as I originally understood, that's 2x8,825gp and 2x4,825gp respectively. That would leave 67,260-17,650-9,650=39,960gp to be paid to said elf from my funds.

Repayment to the church of Waukeen:
15,000gp (10,000gp remains owed from the original loan, but since I took so long and was grateful to them for fronting the money in the first place...)

Funds to use Permanency on the two new Teleportation Circles:

I'll place my Bracers of Armor +6 [36,000gp], Diadem of Intellect +6 [36,000gp] and Clear Spindle Ioun Stone [4,000gp] against all that, which comes up to:

Altogether, present funds are:

More of the pemanent TP Circles and Lagann's metal golem-like body will have to wait, as will a Blessed Book for Abby.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


+1 scroll of Plane Shift (clr5)
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Since I need some spending cash, here, I'd like to convert the lvl1-4 pearls into said cash, regrettable as that might be. 16+9+4+1=30k.

I have this cloak, from way back when we killed that planar dragon and I brought back souveniers for Elle; Bright Scale Cloak [20,000gp]: Adds 2d8 holy damage to any breath weapon used by the wearer.
I'm wondering whether it could be boosted, both to match my new dice for the breath weapon, and perhaps for outright output as well. And if so, does it require getting suitable components, or just cash and time to craft this.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on November 27, 2009, 07:22:20 PM
Since I need some spending cash, here, I'd like to convert the lvl1-4 pearls into said cash, regrettable as that might be. 16+9+4+1=30k.

I have this cloak, from way back when we killed that planar dragon and I brought back souveniers for Elle; Bright Scale Cloak [20,000gp]: Adds 2d8 holy damage to any breath weapon used by the wearer.
I'm wondering whether it could be boosted, both to match my new dice for the breath weapon, and perhaps for outright output as well. And if so, does it require getting suitable components, or just cash and time to craft this.

Pearls can be hocked without incident.

Elle would at least need time and maybe effort/other stuff for it. It's not viable right now since you're going close to day to day, put it on the agenda for when you finish this or you spend some of the two months on downtime or set it up or whatever. Run on sentences suck, by the way.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'll hock them after this~

And get 1 potion of neutralize poison, just in case
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Lumenvolo, Hero's Armor:

Legends say that three legendary heroes donated their power and the power of slain dragons into a suit of armor. It was forged in dragonfire, flawless in form. When worn by a normal person, it functions as chain mail+3 with no special powers.

When worn by a good aligned person blessed by the three heroes who bestowed their power into Lumenvolo, it functions as chain mail+5. It has a maximum dexterity of +10, -3 armor check penalty and arcane spell failure of 10% The user may invoke each of the following powers:

Smiting: The wearer gains a +4 bonus to damage to all attacks versus evil or chaotic creatures for one round. This may be used once per day.
Wings: Ghostly dragon wings spread from the back of the wearer. They may fly as per the spell for up to 3 minutes per day. This time may be broken up as the wearer wishes.
Dragonfire: The wearer may emit a blast of draconic energy similar to dragon's breath as a standard action. This may be of fire or electricity, chosen each time the ability is used. This deals 8d8 damage, with a reflex save 26 for half damage. This may be used once per day.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


From the Abyss quest:

1 scroll of magic circle of protection against chaos - 375 GP.
Longsword+2, keen: 18,000 GP.
Shortsword+2, brilliant energy:  72,000 GP.
Dagger+2, vampiric:  32,000 GP.

From Queen Tant:

Soothsayer's Spite

This flawed agate stone is said to have been passed down into the Malmuthian Royal Family by a vengeful seer. The truth of this matter has been lost to the ebb and flow of time, but the stone remains.  When worn, the pendant offers power to those who can manage the future. On your turn as a free action, you may predict a spell you are going to cast the next round as well as the target(s) it will be targeted at. If you are correct on both counts, the spell gains a +4 bonus to DC. If it is a damage dealing spell, it gains a bonus +1 damage per damage die.

Soothsayer's Spite may be used three times per day. Incorrect uses count against it's daily uses. Soothsayer's Spite may only be used in battle. Soothsayer's Spite counts as a minor artifact; it's beyond current mortal means to reproduce.

From Silence:

Robes of the Archmagic, Black: 75,000 GP.
Hoary Circlet: Circlet of Intelligence+8. Once per day it can emit a maximized Cone of Cold when worn. Caster level 21st.  111,000 GP.

Six iron rings, lined with gold and woven together: 300 GP.
Silver deathmask of a dwarf: 590 GP.
2 doses of shadow essence poison in a brown guilded glass jar: 500 GP for poison, 56 GP for jar.
Scroll of Screen: 3000 GP.
Thick Efreeti Rug: 469 GP.
Black Velvet mask dotted with lapiz lazuli gems: 1,933 GP.
Stone bracer, with images of Moradin: 898 GP.
Silver inkpot, studded with moonstones and with Selune's name on the bottom: 322 GP.
Starmetal Chainmail+1: 12,000 GP.
Rune covered wrought mithral armband: 725 GP.
Ceramic doll, elf child: 43 GP.
Crystal Flagon full of toxic wine: 930 GP.
A necklace of twinned naga looped together, crafted of green crystal that hums softly: 2,194 GP.
A blue diamond with a green eye encased inside: 8,391 GP.
White crystal helmet, inlaid with seven diamonds. Written inside of the helmet is a prayer to the Triad: 8,897 GP.
Heavy Repeating Crossbow+1, dragon bane: 8,000 GP.
A book with paper made of thinly beaten gold, with words that have no meaning: 903 GP.
A sack full of gold covered wyvern eggs: 1,389 GP.
Six nuggets of silver, glued together with black tar: 392 GP.
A bronzed elf ear: 491 GP.
A shard of glass coated with diamond: 3,289 GP.
Twelve vials of pickled demonflesh: 640 GP.
Crystal Arrow: 1,490 GP.
Beating Bronzed Heart of a marilith: 4,300 GP.

Tome of the Dark Speech: This book, said to be a copy of an unholy tome penned by Leonar, holds secrets of the Dark Speech.  If touched by a non evil being, they take 9d6 cold damage per round of contact. If perused by an evil being, Leonar's voice offers them the power of the Dark Speech, if only they submit to his will. If they do, they gain the Dark Speech as a bonus feat. This forms a diabolical pact, damning the user's soul to Cania after death.  9,999 GP.

Ten coins tied together, each one covered with tiny, tiny words. If read, it tells the life story of the reader up to this point: 4,301 GP. Interestingly, the coins do not seem magical at all and do not scan as magic.

Armband of the Spark:

This armband, when worn, allows the user to channel life energy. Three times per day, they may activate it's powers as a swift action. For the next minute, they may deal critical hits and precision damage to creatures normally immune to such. 50,000 GP.

Todesurteil: This lantern sheds life draining green light in a thirty foot radius. Each round a being is exposed to it, they suffer one point of vile consitution drain. This can only be healed by a Restoration spell cast in a sanctified area.

From Bleak Rendor:

Nichtsrusten: This gray armor counts as a breastplate+2. In addition, the wearer gains their charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class. This counts as an artifact.

False Salvation: This ring functions as a ring of protection and resistance+6. 129,000 GP. This is an epic magical item, Elle can't upgrade it.

From the Court of Stars:

10 eladrin clothes: Each gown or formal wear(female/male, respectively) is of fine make beyond that of mortal tailors. When worn, they grant a +6 enhancement bonus to charisma. These take up the armor slot.

From Saul:

A donation of 120,000 GP to be split up as everyone wishes.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Limited Wish into Analyze Dweomer on the unidentified loot (the ring and armour from Bleak Rendor I think is all that's left)


Before any claims I'll just total up the loot split based on who was present for what so we have an idea of how much cash we have to play with.

Greenrot loot, split between Alicia, Seira, Demedais, Polly, Anty, Latha, Donald, and Saul

Scroll was used mid-adventure so counted out.

Remainder totals 122,000. Works out at 15,520gp each.

Silence loot, split between Alicia, Seira, Amaryl, Anty, and Latha

Robes of the Black Archmagi goes into the evil loot vault until someone cares to fix it, unless Seira plans to claim it as is and use via UMD
Tome of Dark Speech is burnt and cast to the four winds.
Shadow essence poison is discarded, but the container is hocked.

Remainder totals 226,943. Works out at 45,388gp each.

Bleak Rendor loot split between Alicia, Seira, Amaryl, Anty, Latha, Jessica, Donald, Saul, Eudard, and Honeydip

The ring plus an equal split of Saul's donated cash works out at 24,900gp each.

Eladrin clothes are personal gifts so are not counted amongst party loot.

Three artifacts were recovered that defy easy pricing.

Soothsayer's Spite

I doubt anyone wants Todesurteil and we just need to find a way to destroy it. That leaves the other two up for grabs.


A few NPCs(Donald, Antenora, Eudard) wouldn't mind False Salvation. That's a shiny ring. I'll wait on Seira before committing to anything there as it'll need some sort of debt agreement.

Eudard is interested in the crystal helmet of the Triad.

Antenora would love the bronzed heart of the marilith.

Amaryl would like the rune covered mithral armband.

Polly wouldn't mind grabbing the Crystal Arrow.

Nichtrusten is really tempting for Antenora or maybe Eudard, but it's not a perfect fit.  No one claims it at the moment.

Donald won't mind the Hoary Circlet, but it's a huge overreach for his wealth and he'd need some sort of agreement. He's not terribly committed to it anyway.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Can't really comment in depth yet, but Agatha was totally there! For both Pale Night's place and Bleak Rendor, although the former didn't actually bring us anything.

I'm able to afford the Armband of the Spark and the ten lifestory coins. Maybe I'll figure out how they work, maybe it'll just be a tribute to Waukeen.

Finally, can I pit the Soothsayer's Spite against the Crown of Mysteries and make off with it?

Armor is all sorts of useless to me, ring tempts but it's not a priority, circlet tempts even more but I can't afford it. Evil lamp of evil doom doesn't tempt one bit, to no one's surprise.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


By the way, Cor touches on this. The Crown of Mysteries was used so it was omitted from the final post. Dunno how you guys wanna factor that in.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?