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Started by Anastasia, June 04, 2007, 04:10:20 PM

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Okay, this is just a lame topic title, but it came up in chat that a centralised collection of information and the like that you gather and read could be useful. So here we go:

Berlioz's gnomish research

Found: In old libraries and doing weeks of research on the gnomes from sources around Balmuria. It came in the form of several tidbits, listed here:

Gnomes vanished a long time ago. While the memories of them in tales paint them as mere mischief makers, occasional things mention them as far darker.

The name 'God-King Daa-vid' comes up one time in an old text, left over from the Malmuthian times of rule over the city and area. It mentions a power beyond 'the fairest star'.

A cryptic bit from an old poem mentions 'The Resort of the First, power inflicting the worst'.

An old tome talking about magic in reference mentions that golemwork 'originated with gnomes.'.

'The bow, the sword, the dagger, the ring, the shield and the last. Do you ever dream about them again? Dream about the day when you'll go there; where the Eternes awaits? It's so bad that...your dream became your nightmare, gnome. - Talinn, seeker.'


Febras' Scroll

Found: From Febras. All the various colors and italics didn't copy, feel free to reference the topic this came from for all of that.

OOC: Feel free to ask any questions about it you may like in this topic.

The scroll has cracked edges, the ink a solid, timeless blue. Around occasional drawings of runes and notes in eccentric, arcane terms, one can read the following:

Ill defined? No. There's a good chance this may be closer to what magic 'is' instead of most spells. The form given is minimal, influenced only by a concept and not ironclad rules. Unlike a spell, which is set and cannot adapt, this can. To quote: "Spells are energy given perfect and stonelike form. This is the energy without the definition."

Next, after a table of the lunar laws and a small starchart, this lies in soft purple ink.

For a wizard, crude changes are not difficult. Exposing this to organized magic can leave an imprint, giving this focus. But it's like cleaning a spot on the floor with a torrent of water - even if it succeeds, it may not take it in the direction you wish. I am sure of that now. He compared it to a soul without a body or conciousness. That means...?

There are charts next, basic diagrams of simple magic. The foundations of the most basic cantrips, perhaps, written with painstaking care to be flawless. Past these is more writing, this time in a dull, lifeless blue.

I think I understand more now. The forms of magic regulate how much energy can be summoned. The circles of magic are a safeguard, like a series of locks. Even a Sorcerer, one who relies on fiat and whim to his magic, is bound to these. This exists beyond that reconing. Is this the magic of greater beings? Of the Gods? But we -I- lack a tool.

Now comes writing in Elven, Celestian, Dwarven, Abyssial and more. Single words, fragments of meaning. Past this, in rapid, looping words of black ink?

The magic is aligned with darkness. So be it, the font this comes from must be so done. It's an influence, should the means to alter it strike badly it will turn the magic to it's own nature. The necromancy he said was plain. The others act as they do, affecting the magic naturally.

Abjuration - Protective. Protecting the equipment depending on how it influences?



Enchantment Beguiling. The story of the man who was ensorcelled by a beautiful diamond to chase it even into an endless chasm comes to mind. The magic overall feels contrary in it's evil, if this failed would it become as such?



Necromancy The base. Magic of life and unlife. Hmm. (AFter those words, there is a small addendium in bright blue ink.) Life force. Altering these things?

Transmutation.Changing one thing into another. It's very essence is changing what the caster finds wanting. Hm.

A break, then words in a deep, rusty red. Amid these is another's handwriting. It's definiely arcane, Seira or Shamal can tell it's part of a basic outline for magic.

The principal is control. Wild dweomer. The opposite of a Wild Mage, a wizard who studies control. Hmph. I believe that this is on the right track, but my studies are limited.

Near the bottom of the scroll there is a little more, written carefully.

It can hide itself. It can manipulate raw magic. I suspected that brash, bold warrior Donald. Fool he may be, but he is not a monster. Investigation is difficult, the tools are limited.


Gnomish report on human weapons

Found: In gnomish city.

Report 39 on relevant human counter defenses and artifacts:

Grand Rugnician Deathcap:

A deeply lethal poison that is resistant to magical treatment. Can be cured with the proper reagents or high circle magic. Fast acting.

Location: Unknown; growable so the location is moot.

Countermeasures: Detections.

Warhammer of The Shard:

A warhammer with a small shard of chaos in it's head. Extremely effective against evil outsiders, rendering them defenseless on a strike.

Location: Captured, Grand Junction Fortress.

Countermeasures: Limited/no summoning of lawful outsiders when in play. Not particulary dangerous if not in it's element.


The life draining sword of the elves and humans, lead in creation by Jannu Desjardin. Trades the user's life energy for considerable effects. A suicide weapon but a powerful one - it can shatter magic, rend apart diamond with ease and other feats.

Location: Suspected to be in the hands of Talinn the Seeker.

Countermeasures: Attempt to destroy the user with prejudice. Attempt to exhaust the holder by having them have to invoke greater powers several times.

Ring of Eternal Celerity:

The ring that can be worn by no living being. The completion of the greatest research. Undetectable; exists only to augument the wearer's strengths and eliminate it's weaknesses. Evidence suggests that it is difficult to control.

Location: ????

Countermeasures: Capture/destroy the ring if identified. Attempt to make user invoke powers and lose control.


Morningstar of oblivion. Little is known about it, as the spies sent never return. Auguries fail.

Location: ????

Countermeasures: ????

More coming once I dig them up, free free to add your own.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Notes about the strange ruins near town:

Found: From the city guard, notes kept from failed expiditions into the mysterious ruins.

The reports come as quickly scribed copies of the original ones.

Report 1:

The ruins begin with a cave like edifice. It's just a little tear in the ground leading to a half crumbled stairway. This goes down a bit and you find yourself in a small room. The ruins of...something, but it's too far gone to tell. In the back is a door - Mercur cracked it open.

On opening, we found ourselves assaulted. A large rush of undeath came out - skeletons prancing around and swinging greatswords, bloated corpses and a phantasm leading the attack. We won thanks to Logres, Blessed of Tymora. Past the doors is a narrow, winding path into the dirt. Mercur took the lead - but about 50 feet down, past several turns, the very walls contracted. Mercur saw it but a moment too late. He was...smashed. With such resistance we retreated.

Jaques of Hanton.

Report 2:

None. The second group that went in did not come back.

Report 3:

The entrance is a cave - it looks like it's an intersection of an ancient room or hallway? It starts with stairs and leads to a nearly destroyed old room. There was a door there, but it wasn't locked. Inside was a straight hall with candles burning. There was a large creature down it, charging us. We were able to smash it - it's tusks were taken for the money.

Past that we came to a stairway starting to go down - about six steps, and then a indentation where a door was. A knight in armor was there. We smashed him but got hurt moderately. This door wasn't locked, either. Inside was a larger ruined room, in better shape. There were marble pillars and carvings. In here were men in light armor but they cast magic. We had to retreat, nearly burned alive by giant explosions of fire.

Report 4:

You want me to describe everything? Fine. It starts with a stairway - there's a little crook where the earth breaks and you can just walk right in. Down an old, mostly merged into the dirt stairway, there's an ancient room. The door down there was locked and trapped - I picked the lock and disabled a spring loaded needle full of likely poison.

Past this door was a dark cave - stalagmites and all of that. It was easy to hide in the shadows, which worked wonderfully when I went down a ways. There were strange little men wandering, glowing blue and transparent. I don't know what they were, but the old chain armor they were wearing or being transparent didn't stop a stab in the back from making them vanish. Eventually, I came to a short stairway leading to another door. Yep, traps. The stairs were trapped to collapse but I was able to just jump down them. The door had some sort of mystic trap, but I was able to circumvent it. Past this was another ruined chamber. Full of pillars with some sort of runes or carvings in them, but I didn't take time to inspect them. There were wolves here - about two dozen. They started sniffing even as I hid, and no matter how well they found me. However, I was able to defeat them and drunk a healing draught after.

Down here I searched and found a trapped pillar, but I wasn't able to detrap it, so I left it be. Past here were two doors, both holding stairs going down. I heard stomping sounds coming from the left and rumbling from the right. While interesting, I decided this would be a good time to go and lick my wounds in peace. This is not natural.

Siliard of the 3rd Battlion, Scouts.

Report 5:

The fifth trip did not have anyone return.

Report 6:

The sixth trip did not have anyone return.

Report 7:

Let it be said that even from the first step inside the dilapidated stairway that magic could be seen. Small, subtle dweomers, like a leak in a giant tub. The door radiated magic, but a simple spell of entrance and knocking opened the way. Past this ruined room were large men wearing full plate armor. My hired vassals could barely chip past it with their swords and axes, but pointed spells won the day. Down this way was a catwalk over a long pit, we crossed it without incident until a gap. I had to expend my greatest scroll to fly over alone. Past this I scanned for magic - there was strong magic in the entire area, the strongest I have ever seen. When I saw it and breathed in, I could almost feel my pores strain and open to absorb all the strong magickry here.

Past the gap and the catwalk was a tiny fragment of a stairway, perhaps six steps. There was a door in a recess down here and a grand room inside. Everything glowed with magic I have never seen before, and inside was nothing but a long chamber of pillars, with two doors at the far end. The pillars were engraved with runes, but I could not read them. I speak Common, the tongue of the elves, dwarven, the enlightened words of the angels and the fiery raspings of fire aligned creatures, but I have never seen such words nor did I have the means on me to decode these words. On searching the room I found a recess in a pillar, hidden and untrapped. Inside was a pair of warmaces* that I took.

I chose the lefthand stair at random. It winded down a way until I came to a small room. A magical circle was engraved here, but I could not understand what was written. I chose to cease here and return.

*Later, testing determined that the mace was indeed magical. It grands the holder the ability to smite evil and one that protected the holders a ring of protection, respectively. Why have such treasures there? I do not understand this place.

Past the reports is a fresh scroll. Written in Commander Oberuth's large, looping letters:

"This is not information for public consumption. While we do inform anyone who wishes to pursue entering, that we are sitting on such a unique, strange ruin is not well advertised.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[21:12] * Seira intends to cross-reference the records for any and all mentions of Valandia and a dragon! She will also give special attention to passages about Valandia that mention the man Demedais had described.
[21:14] <Soda_Vampire> Knowledge: Arcana or Knowledge: Local, whichever is better. Local since you're researching a locally focused matter.
[21:14] <Seira> roll 1d20+10 they both are!
[21:14] * Hatbot --> "Seira rolls 1d20+10 they both are! and gets 25."12 [1d20=15]
[21:15] <Soda_Vampire> Seira hits the books! Amid bouts of reading, reading, chewing on a quill's end and more reading, she does find a few things of note:
[21:16] <Soda_Vampire> 1. There are mentions of a blue dragon in the mountains, very faint and hazy. References to references, that sort of thing. More modern ones don't describe a dragon there, but instead a growing Shocker Lizard population.
[21:18] <Soda_Vampire> 2. Kondrux is mentioned in a particular history text as the 'Terror of the Bay and Mountains, Lord until the Elven Reaches.' It doesn't mention what Kondrux is, however.
[21:21] <Soda_Vampire> 3. Dragons are rare, very rare. While old tales spoke of them in many ways; like the ballad of Kangap and Goldan, a gold and red dragon together, or the tales of the Black Four that took over an entire continent, or even lost fables of a dragon shining like crystal. However, real information is scarce.  In this area, the only past dragons noted are Kondrux, a strange, isolated blue dragon and Lesarp, a dragon of indeterminate type who l
[21:22] <Soda_Vampire> ndeterminate type who lives 'somewhere past the fairest star'.
[21:23] * Seira pauses, wondering whether she had heard or seen a mention of a 'fairest star' before.
[21:25] <Soda_Vampire> OOC - Int check, I guess.
[21:25] <Seira> roll 1d20+5
[21:25] * Hatbot --> "Seira rolls 1d20+5 and gets 20."12 [1d20=15]
[21:27] <Seira> Recalling a text Berlioz had mentioned once, Seira peruses it for the details on the fairest star and the power it holds!
[21:32] <Soda_Vampire> Seira's able to dig up the notes Berli had which lead her to that book. It's an old book that mentions the power of the fairest star, a bit about the gnomes in passing. The power past the 'fairest star' is mentioned once more when you comb the book over, as:
[21:33] <Soda_Vampire> 'The fairest star in heaven once fell into the green mists.'
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


I'm putting this here since it's relevant:

Information on Northern Malmuth:

For reference, also see the map thread.

Valandia: The northernwesternmost large city in Malmuth. A large trading town that became a fortress city in the war, housing thousands of soldiers. Now a days, it is known that it has continued such measures, even as some trade occurs from the Baronies.

Purinn: A large city in the northern areas of Malmuth. A trading center that took materials from the northern parts of teh empire and iron from the Gulnan basin. With the Baronies lost and the iron reserves depleted, this city is in recession. Gold from the Gulnan basin does mildly relieve the issue, one would presume.

Tauret: The main mining town, founded on a gold rush. Nestled in deep hills, it manages to pump out gold at a slow, steady rate, even if it's iron mining is known to have slackened off.

Malmuth: The grand capital of the Empire. King Ferdi reigns from here, sending his word throughout the empire. Little is  known of it since Ferdi took power.


Galkass Mountains: They run for several hundred mroe miles, eventually ending in nasty wastes. Inhospitial throughout, full of unpleasantries.

Gulnan basin: A deep indent where streams and the Gulnan River flow out from the highlands. Iron, gold nad silver are all noted to be in this basin, but long lifetimes of mining have worn out all the iron. Once a beautiful valley, all the mining has ruined the area.

Gulnan river: A river that comes from the reaches of the Elven Kingdom, Pallanth. It trickles through the mountains, picking up little streams and becoming a great river again. It's said to have carried rich mineral deposits from far away lands.

Enaldis Mountains: Soft, worn mountains near the barbarian lands. Little more than glorified hills and well settled.

Faran Preserve: While most of Malmuth is taken by temperate grasslands with enough rainfall for farming, this forest has remained through the years. It is now a royal preserve, used for hunting by some kings and lords.

Wastes: Dry deserts. Little of note.


What is not on the map? Southern Malmuth, where eventually another ocean is seen. Map coming in due time.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Pollyanna's information on the path to Kondrux's horde:

"Travel for nine days through the steep mountains - head slightly north when you find a river that forks around a shattered old tree. Follow the left fork, over three shallow chasms. There should still be rope there to climb up and down, we left it so we'd have an easy time on return.

Past that you should come to a little ten foot wide circle in the ground in the bottom of a dried up lake. Go down it - more rope should be there - and you'll be in the caves.

From here be on guard for the lizards. They're as plentiful as cockroaches and often bigger than the ones we've seen before.

Go straight, left, left, down and to the right, rappel down the chasm, straight/left, climb up five feet and go down the lizard hole(DANGEROUS but unavoidable, the other path has a collapsed floor), take the second hole on the left out. It should be notably torn up and widened, we did that so it's easy to find.

Here a small underground river intersects, the lizards weren't around here. We camped here even with the howl of the wind heard far away.  Wade in the cold river to the north, go out when you find the worn away beachhead down. Follow this path. Turn left, turn left and climb up twenty feet up the cliff, go down the long path. Lots of lizards past here again.   Watch out for loose stalagmites.

At the end of this path is a giant pit. However, there are some stones on the side of the wall - one of them slides, a very well hidden fake wall. Through there lies the way to the lair.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Irenes's hideout:

Get to the Firewind Mine in the Desert Fiefdoms. Travel two weeks straight south on horseback from it. On the 15th night, follow the brightest star in the west sky for four nights, then head southeast one night. A small spring full of poison awaits. Head another week south and then two days east. There will be the entrance to the hideout.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The two scrolls you found on the remnants of the Erinyes Warlock:

The first scroll is the color of rotten flesh, yet smooth as silk. Written in the exact, ungiving lines and angles of Infernal is the following: 'The bearer of this scroll, the Devil Warlock in service to the Great Duke Agares of Stygia, is authorized to command a pack of Nessian War Hounds.' The bottom half is made of a complicated design, two loops of tight leather over a neck. It's quite fancy and very well do ne, seeming to make the entire scroll a dull, unpleasant red.

The other scroll is plainer. It's like a black weave of paper, with ink in a too bright, eye searing white. It's written very to the point. 'It's true, m'lady. The battle against Zquujaj claimed many, but Lord Bel's tactics are beyond peer. It is true he was forced to retreat once, but since then his tactics have only grown more cunning. Still, the battles rage on. To your question, m'lady, yes, many have been torn apart by Zquujaj. He even no longer looks like a devil; I saw him from afar, and he had the wild, unreasoning look of a balor prince!' A stop here, a small gap before the writing goes on.'M'lady, there will be many openings once this affair is settled. I will be glad to introduce you to my superior, who can take you to see Lord Bel himself. I believe that Lord Bell will use this to replenish and shape his court to his own desires. This is a once in an eternity chance, surely.' 'When your business on the Prime is done, send me a missive. If you capture the mortals mentioned last, surely Lord Bel will be even more impressed.'
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Information on Duke Agares:

> "Agreed." Reaching out, "Here. There's all the hard information, I'll give you the summary. Duke Agares is one of the 9 Dukes of Stygia. He rules over entropy and enslavement to loss, the inevitable decay and despair that nothing can be preserved, that all will be lost." (More)
> "He commands 9 legions of bearded devils and 9 brigades of bone devils. He commands 9 Pit Fiends, 99 Cornugons and 9,999 Gelugons. As Stygia is a major throughway of the River Styx, he commands powers from it. His body is as black as the oily waters from it." (More)
> "His body is said to be invincible to force - nothing can destroy the waters of the Styx. Do you remember Dest? His domain of lost and slaughtered children is a subset of the hopeless entropy Agares commands. However..." A stop here.
<Alicia> "He took my best attacks like they were nothing," Alicia nods distantly, before picking up on Latha's hesitation, "However?"
> "An Eladrin that did battle with him once recorded an interesting claim. As he lay defeated and Agares loomed over him for a final blow, he reached into his pack for anything, something to throw at him. He threw a vial of water from his home - water that was pure and free as the chaos and goodness that spawned it - and it made him pause long enough to let him escape."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Demedais all-purpose reference post. For all-purpose referencing.

Uatu's Scientology Temple of Helm in the United Baronies Charter 423: Send letters to Monta at Enzo Inn. Temple leader is now xyza.

Rivya: Spirit in the river that Demedais and Eudard traveled down. To be told to Seira and Alicia, also to be generally noted so that the river at least gets visitors, maybe a few of which will be able to talk to her.


Today we remember how to use this topic!

> Captain Green gives Antenora an odd look, but doesn't pursue it besides bristling a bit. "Give me a moment." She checks between the scrolls a few times. "Alright, each scroll is a weeks' report, so he got here about a month ago. The first scroll is mostly about setting up and scouting out the town discreetly, as well as assessments. The town guard is organized but not strong enough to be any sort of threat, according to him. Oh, and his name is Kortische."
> The town guard is organized but not strong enough to be any sort of threat, according to him. Oh, and his name is Kortische."
> "Let's see. He said with all the miners and men who focused on simple manual labor, there was excellent odds of easy soul procurements, as well as an acceptable range of ways to arrainge fatalities with making them appear as accidents."
<Alicia> "A month?" Alicia blinks in surprise. Just how long were they in Celestia for? "Wait, wait a second - I thought the devil we were tracking was called Esthan?"
> "It means that the devil Demedais dealt with wasn't who we killed," Antenora says after a moment. "Maybe he went to see Kortische or had business here as well? I'll see if I find anything on Esthan as I read."
<Alicia> "Thanks," Alicia nods, somewhat discomfited that yet another devil could have slipped through the cracks. It seems they're turning up everywhere, lately.
> "Alright. The first week ends with the observation that he's using temporarily empty houses as safe houses, as a decent part of the population earns work travelling with caravans to Balmuria. He finishes the report by wishing that 'Sir Helinus' finds his diabolical works acceptable in weakening the forces of good around Balmuria." She puts that scroll down, going for the second
> .
<Alicia> "That must be the name of his superior back in Baator," Alicia muses, resolving to ask Antenora if she recognises the name once they have some privacy.
> "Alright..." Antenora purses her lips as she reads onward. "The second report deals with a soul harvesting. A miner named Arlen was approached and agreed to sign an infernal contract for 2,000 gold." Antenora's voice hardens here, "He reports that the mortal was so taken by the gold that he barely even looked at the contract and signed away."
> At this point, Captain Green's face drains of color. "Wait, Arlen?"
<Alicia> "Know him?" Alicia asks the Captain.
> roll 1d20+16
* Hatbot --> "Blondezilla rolls 1d20+16 and gets 34."12 [1d20=18]
> "...he died a few weeks ago in a mining accident." Captain Green shakes his head. He was passing through an old shaft, but a beam gave way and the cave in did him in."
* Alicia grimaces. "I suppose Kortische didn't want to wait before dragging his soul down to Hell..."
> Antenora sighs deeply, but keeps reading on. "That took most of his week. He then reports exactly what you said. He arrainged it so a beam would collapse at a point where he could safely hide in the rocks nearby and then teleport away undetected. He gloats that the mortal was so stupid that he didn't even think to ask for a protection clause."
> "For what it's worth, Kortische is probably going to be very unhappy when his superior demotes himf or failure," Antenora says, her voice very soft. "It's a small comfort that the devils are ruthless enough to punish their own with gusto and abandon."
> Captain Green is pale, "I knew Arlen. We'd usually wave when we saw each other in the morning, when he was going to mine and I was going home."
<Alicia> "It's impossible to kill a devil permanently unless you go to Hell yourself," Alicia puts in for the benefit of the others. "But by defeating him here we've ensured he'll likely be demoted into a far less potent form, and suffer greatly for the experience."
<Alicia> "Keep reading," Alicia asks Antenora. "There could be more, perhaps even some that haven't been killed, yet."
> "The next week he started to hone in another target, but he received word that Esthan from Nessus was coming at the behest of Sir Martinet." Antenora's voice cracks a little at that. Her voice becomes strained, "To confer on the current mortal situtation and the problem of the mortals in Balmuria."
* Alicia guesses Antenora is familiar with Sir Martinet, but such questions can wait until they're alone. For now she listens to the rest of the report.
> In a slightly shaky voice, "He arrived without incident. They discussed matters. The loss of a harvester devil underwater had compromised plans to harvest near Balmuria in the ocean. Further, the loss of 2 Erinyes from a mysterious, black winged woman further weakened plans around Arad. However, Kortische goes into detail about his plan: That he was being quite successful in Parsifal, and that the souls he gathered would be extremely useful. He believes that Parsifal can be subverted into a base of operations if the mortals in Balmuria don't find it. If they do, he says he was assured by Esthan that there is a secondary place and that Sir Martinet assures that Sir Helinus should have no objections to his plans being temporarily stalled."
>  He believes that Parsifal can be subverted into a base of operations if the mortals in Balmuria don't find it. If they do, he says he was assured by Esthan that there is a secondary place and that Sir Martinet assures that Sir Helinus should have no objections to his plans being temporarily stalled."
<Alicia> "Mysterious black winged woman?" Alicia repeats dryly. "Oh, I can just taste the irony..."
> "The first possibly good news from his," Antenora's voice lacks any humor, instead, it cracks again. 'Alicia, get rid of Captain Green.'
<Alicia> "Captain, if you'll forgive me," Alicia turns to her fellow captain, "Antenora and I need to discuss this in private. Could you excuse us for a few minutes?"
> "...yeah," he says after a moment, looking rather shell shocked. "That's fine." He turns, going out. His voice can be heard, "I don't care if yo uhvae to rip every floorboard up with your bare hands, I want no part of this house unsearched! Now!"
<Alicia> Once the two women are left alone, Alicia turns expectantly towards Antenora in order to hear whatever was too shocking to reveal in front of anyone else.
> "Any devil that isn't a lemure or a nupperibo knows the name Martinet." Antenora says without any hesitation, though her voice is still a little unsteady. "He's the Constable of Nessus and the Enforcer of Asmodeus' will. He holds the rank of Duke of Hell, as well as extralegal powers as Asmodeus sees fit to decree. This includes holding equal rank with a Lord of the Nine while no official business."
<Alicia> "Oh," Alicia deflates a little. "As if Agares wasn't enough... Though on the bright side, it means our mysterious 'M' is likely to be him instead of Mephistopheles. That's... slightly better, isn't it?"
> "Marginally," Antenora grunts, though she almost smiles here. "The reason he's so well known, as well as being very prominent in internal Hellish affairs, is that he's said to be the most infuriating devil in the Nine Hells. In Cania, we all heard of the time he visited Mephistopheles and made him fall into a such a rage that he levelled an entire mountain afterwards."
> OOC - Strike, slight miswording.
> "Marginally," Antenora grunts, though she almost smiles here. "The other reason he's so well known, as well as being very prominent in internal Hellish affairs, is that he's said to be the most infuriating devil in the Nine Hells. In Cania, we all heard of the time he visited Mephistopheles and made him fall into a such a rage that he levelled an entire mountain afterwards."
<Alicia> "What about Sir Helinus? Is that name familiar at all?" Alicia asks, wondering if Martinet's seeming unpopularity with his peers could possibly be played to any advantage. Probably not, since all devils seem to hate those of similar rank, anyway, so it likely won't make any meaningful difference.
> "The name's familiar. I want to say it's a cornugon or maybe a pit fiend, but if it, it's not an overwhelmingly well known one. Thankfully." Antenora replies.
* Alicia nods. "Is there anything else in those notes? Where Esthan went next, any private suspicions regarding this secondary place?"
> "I haven't finished. Let me." Antenora goes back to the scrolls. "Esthan stayed barely a night. He mentions that he had to visit an agent to the north - something about a temple with a God he has a contract with and something there he wants to investigate."
<Alicia> "North could be... oh hells!" Alicia curses as recognition blooms. "He has a contract with Helm - he's trying to investigate Uatu!"
> "These hellish plans keep getting better and better." Antenora's voice is growing less and less enthused by the moment. "At least the supply of them in is relatively finite now. THat's it. He was investigating another mark, but his reports end there. I think we just managed to save another soul, since he said he was close, and he dated it for tonight."
<Alicia> "We've done all we can here, I think it's time now to head up to Armasea," Alicia decides. If Esthan can make Demedais dance to his whims then she can hardly count on Helm's guardians to protect Uatu from him. Admittedly the crystal being itself may be perfectly capable of warding off any fiendish assault, but what if the fiend tries a more insidious tack? "Lets get going, it's a long journey ahead of us."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'm going to give this one more shot. Lately, I've had an upswing of requests for previously stated information, locations, names and so on. I don't mind doing some logdiving and notechecking for you guys, but this topic is here for a reason. I once again remind you it exists and that it's good for everyone if you sling notes and useful information here. This is a game that runs a long time and covers a whole lot of ground. I'm not expecting you guys to have photographic memory for everything. That's why this topic is here.

No really, use it. It makes for a happier DM. This is a good thing.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Dune fanservice.

20:35] <Demedais> [15:43] <@Kotono> That night, as Eudard rests and the campfire blazes, Demedais reads the scroll. It's a map - a gnomish map in particular. It's of a cross section of above and below ground. The above part is a sketched out jungle and river, the below ground part identifies various instillations of the gnome. It notes many have been lost, though 'Control Base #4' remains intact as of the writing. One might be able to find it with this map and some time,
[20:35] <Demedais> [15:43] <@Kotono>  One might be able to find it with this map and some time, assuming the lay of the land hasn't changed too much and the base survives.


On the first page is written this: In each let an aspect of the truth be known.


Let the words of the Eternal Helm
Reach from highest peak to lowest pit
Knowledge splitting the veil of black ignorance


Three and seven are truth imbued numbers
For in three resides the secrets all
And in seven rests phases of revelation


Impurity of wasteful chaos rests in eight
Malice howling forever is the abode six
Nine is the honeyed serpent in chains


The one who is not one's flesh
Meeting one who is not one's soul
A tear forms in the distant sky


The lake of tears rests in hallowed
Spaces of today and tomorrow and forever
Where continuation is always and never again


The bounty of the tear rises high
The question must be answered lest lowest
Fate does take it away forever again


In reaches past the rising shine Lathander
Rages Earth's fury unknown to mortal man
Legend of ruination past the sky talons


People of dust forever knelt defy death
Earth's fury shall slay all who see
It's endless crusade of empty wrath reign


Only a miracle can change the reality
Fury unbound lest it eternal defy death
From it's shattered pride comes shield magnificent


When at farthest outreaches of the falling
Dominion of the old a stormy Umberlee
Abates her hate and shows the way


Malice of the dark six waits timeless
Those who forsook all but revelation dark
Tossed essence for a mantle of lies


Old ways pounce yet in hidden six
The gateway to the Mother's gifts again
Shall open to mortalkind with splendid mercy


Lost child will pour lifeblood in darklight
Yet the gleaming will never sink below
The endless march of death's ascension high


Sterling mercy will not rise that night
Shattered gleaming will lie in mourning repose
Dirge eternal in the darklight that looms


Every end begets sparks fertile and new
Blessed be the lost child in darklight
One day all will begin once more


Fourfold fury roosts home to bring judgment
The Liar stricken down by true lies
The Truth dies in the last lie


Noxious fang feasts on the Liar's heart
In tears and sorrow do they smite
Say unto him: 'Woe eternal is yours!'


A crown of twisting emblems the reward
Fallen and yet rutting in filth bleak
A new throne of tears and lies


In the home of revelation the last
Vestige of the irrelevant yesteryear leaves light
Stateful memories stir the beginning of today


From three come the answer to seven
Understand well for in three all answers
Are known with the secret third truth


For the day comes where infinite cries
At last find the sword of justice
To strike back at defilement of soul


Tides of blood shall come as fated
Waves of woe shall come as fated
Shall a stone stay above or below


What is justice and what is mercy
What is right and what is wrong
What is the truth and what is lies


There are answers and no resolution
In this nature the worst of mundane
Battles with hope of a single stone


The enemy to all that lives waits
Patient eternal for the blackness of night
Her name sowing fearful bravery in heart


Eight and six and nine and seven
Paired in twain once and then thrice
Suzurainty waits in the abode of song


One who carries the noble and profane
Shall cast the first stone of purity
So that once again the enmity endures


Sacrifice of ribbon of red seen once
Master of Destiny grasped twice in vain
Crying out in triumph or deep regret


None will know and all will see
Or all will know and none see
What lies of the unspoken trinity here


Yet Time is in the divine forge
Shaped and crafted yet for coming form
Waiting the hope and dreams of one


Jewel above rests in sea of amethyst
Radiant with opal and diamond alabaster light
Set besides it in relief and glory


In hand and breath glows eldritch promise
In eye sees paradise won in blood
In both rests fire tested adamantine hardness


A magic blade that shall never break
The goal is met in full glory
Praise be to the labors finished true


Noble hearts seek the infinite answer six
Darklight brightened with the fairy music summoned
Freeing the echos of tempered divine time


The kingdom comes in vivid greatness unbound
It shall mark beginning and end equal
A warm breeze and wonderful child's laughter


A crown of salt and roses woven
Worn by the smiling child of life
Shall be more powerful than any blade


Heart frozen in baleful truth poisoned deep
Blade pointing down to the sixfold star
A warrior holds hope to his heart


The first is the test of immaterial
The second is the trial of material
The last is the ascension of duty


A pledge is the eternal steel bond
Works reach far in new relevation given
In His memory is all given sanctity


One folds into two and into one
The acting defiance of nature strives long
Mirror bright and mirror unyielding bright hue


What is one cannot two stand opposed
Challenge of the will versus eternal truth
The heritage and duel of all souls


On the soul of maiden moon shall
The time for one and two to
The endless battle within and answer all


In crust salted by malice and fury
Where globes of crag chant fouled express
Burning blossoms shield Wroth and Negation shaped


Joy! For light comes to forbidden depths
Excising foul wroth and purging black despair
Yet unto nine there is nine more


Flesh consumed and ground dust to dust
The dirge is sung by the silken
Snakes forged of darkest paragons heart red


Sleeper's lost dream days lost beneath motion
Seen once and never again dreamed of
Paired with what was seen and pardoned


Taken and left behind in the quiet
Ages past and ages forward again now
Slept once more and dreamed of tomorrow


Dream endless and dream momentary violently collide
Slipping into tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Verdict elusive and coming at once now


Guide set in eye of tranquil serenity
The wish of one and two clarion
The reckoning a grand gateway of desire


Standing alone and bound in chains faithful
A whisper roars into the fundaments sacred
Triumphant at the core of the aubade


All shall be fated to pass through
Triumph standing for all time in judgment
Guide watching over all as her legacy


What sits as the crown to risings
Shall bestride fertility with lucre beyond check
The castle built true stone by stone


Crown of risings meets river of coals
Swirling mistral races over emerald dotted expanse
Blessed by all four and by three


Dominion of the old gives dying birth
Hybrid vigor roars from green to white
A planted life for tomorrow's coming sunrise


The secret of nine returns to three
Names known and faces obscured deep dark
Misery spreads from every ruler's bleeding smile


To know three is to know nine
To know nine is to know fate
To know fate is to know hope


The blade is crafted of today's hope
The armor is made of heart's resolve
The girded sever apart three to nine


Every night is the surface of eternity
Hidden in ignorance yet blessed by Her
Seeded into direst catastrophy and chosen ruin


When that day comes crown meets guide
Beyond the most blessed body waits truth
Blade to blood and blood to blade


All gives way for most important day
A ritual and a battle both rages
Settling the final question with an answer





I'll get the interpretations we came up with later, they're saved somewhere else and I can't be bothered to dig for them right now.


Results of the Legend Lore on the Amulet of the Planes used by the Dark Six:

Broken and cast ASIDE

The judgment was eternal damnation from which there is no mercy. This cannot be for it his not HIS will for it to be born, not now and not later and not ever. THEREISNOAPPEALONLYTHEENDANDTHEBEGINNINGANDITISALLANDNOTHING

Three to two and one into three





(There wasn't a choice.)

Mommy, make it stop make it stop please i'll serve you forever i'll show you all the secrets i have mommy

help me

so cold






The Arbiter lays it all out:

[17:46] * @Alicia considers where to start with... there's a lot to cover. Perhaps chronologically is best. "I understand that the Fairest Star was the seed of a potential prime material. How then did it arrive on our world to be found by Daa-vid?"
[17:53] <@Kotono> "In Creation, new worlds bloom as the stars in the night sky. A world fair beyond all imaginaing grew for eons, preparing to be born. From them the idea of allowing it to mortal hands was first proposed by Lathander, and many Gods came to agree, seeing it as a chance for a powerful servant to gain god-like powers and augument them in the Competition. Thus the Fairest Star was allowed to fall instead, plummeting to your world."
[17:53] <@Kotono> Thus the Fairest Star was allowed to fall instead, plummeting to your world."
[17:55] * @Alicia is silent for a long moment. No one mentioned that... the very idea is monstrous! All that potential, squashed in an instant, fed to the furnace of greed... "No wonder they think Shar's going to win," she mutters in disgust, a more pure expression of entropy she can scarcely imagine.
[17:57] <@Kotono> "It fell anda ll the greatest champions came to seek it. with no allegance spirited the Fairest Star away. Daa-vid claimed it, retreating for years and years to study it. The Gods were surprised, but even then, allowed events to continue. Thus did they reap a bitter whirlwind."
[17:57] <@Alicia> "Why was this permitted? Did all the Gods agree unanimously? Is there one God who holds dominion over the creation of new Primes who allowed it?" Alicia wants to know more about how such an obscenity was allowed to come to pass.
[18:00] <@Kotono> "No god is entirely responsible for new worlds; the duty lies in all. So consumed in the Competition did they allow it to happen, a grave lapse in judgment. When the God-King rose, the Arbiter could stand no more. He made his wrath known and censured all divinity, passing a heavy judgment onto them."
[18:02] <@Alicia> "At what specific point was this judgement passed and in what form did it take?" Alicia asks. "Were the Gods weakened as soon as Daa-vid declared his intentions, allowing him to face them on even or even superior terms? Or did he face the Gods at their full power for the duration of the war?"
[18:05] <@Kotono> "When the war began and the God-King defeated Kelemvor and Mystra, the Arbiter did call them all to account. He faced them at full power, having unlocked the secrets of Creation itself from the Fairest Star." Going on without a pause, "Even the divine is not perfect; the purpose of this is to censure them and ensure they do not forget their truest duties. An abomination was allowed to pass, it must not go unpunished and uncorrected."
[18:05] <@Kotono> An abomination was allowed to pass, it must not go unpunished and uncorrected."
[18:07] <@Alicia> "Tell me about how Mystra and Kelemvor were defeated," Alicia presses, going ever deeper into the rabbit hole. Every thing that's been hinted and implied before, all the answers lie right before her. "Did he travel to Dweomerheart and the Fugue Plane to assault them? Did he lure them to the Prime and battle them there?"
[18:09] <@Kotono> "They came to the Prime, the great crisis allowing them to pass there. They were defeated, as was Torm and the celestial host in another battle. The results of that last battle lie even today, that part of the world ruined."
[18:10] <@Alicia> She also recalls reference to Shar fighting alongside Mystra at one point... "You say defeated, do you mean forced off the battlefield or did any deities actually perish at Daa-vid's hand?"
[18:11] <@Kotono> "One was, it's essence and memory utterly eradicated from Creation forever." Eladi says. "The others were able to avoid that fate."
[18:12] <@Alicia> "How then was Daa-vid finally sealed away?" Alicia asks. It could've been the combined power of the Gods, or it could've been the Arbiter simply saying 'enough'.
[18:15] <@Kotono> "Talinn the Seeker carried Arondaaq, a sword that is the concept of death itself. He was able to wound and weaken even the God-King with it, allowing him to be sealed. By the Arbiter's will all the Gods cooperated to seal him away, and set for the trials to happen 2,000 years after the war. Your world was sealed away, memories fading and history forgotten."
[18:17] <@Alicia> "So, the Gods had no will or ability to actually defeat Daa-vid?" Alicia clarifies. "It required both Talinn's blade and the Arbiter forcing their hands for the God-king to be sealed?"
[18:18] <@Kotono> "They were not successful in stopping him. The God-King possessed unimaginable power against them, but it did not extend as far as to a mortal. Talinn was able to take advantage of this."
[18:21] <@Alicia> "Yes, his power, that leads us to my next questions," Alicia nods. "I have heard stories of him battling the Gods - plural - and winning in direct combat. Of laying waste to entire armies with a single spell. Of twisting the hearts of the mightiest and noblest solars and turning them to evil. Exactly what limits are on his powers? Conversely, how strong was Talinn when he faced Daa-vid? A comparison with my own powers at the time I challenged the Furnace would be helpful."
[18:21] <@Alicia>  challenged the Furnace would be helpful."
[18:29] <@Kotono> "He has few limits on his powers, yet they are oriented to defeating the divine." Eladi answers, "Talinn was somewhat stronger than you, but you were not entirely removed from him."
[18:31] <@Alicia> Gives her some idea of what to aim for in sending people into that meatgrinder, then. "Have Daa-vid's powers weakened at all during his incarcaration? Will whomever removes the final seal face him at his full power?"
[18:33] <@Kotono> "He is wounded, fighting off death itself. He will not be at his full power," Eladi confirms.
[18:35] <@Alicia> "That wound..." Alicia hadn't thought of it in that sense before. "Is it terminal? Assuming no further intervention either helpful or harmful, would Daa-vid succumb to it in any short timescale?"
[18:37] <@Kotono> "No." Eladi answers, "Such would defeat the purpose of the judgment."
[18:38] <@Alicia> "That's a telling answer," Alicia remarks calculatingly. "Is the Arbiter's power holding off Death in order to ensure the judgement comes to pass?"
[18:42] <@Kotono> "You know the answer to that already." Eladi says simply. "For the God-King may yet rise as a true god, should the judgment be thus."
[18:46] <@Alicia> "I'm trying to avoid following assumptions when I can have clear answers now," Alicia explains. "For the longest time I've been working off little bits handed out piecemeal and my own interpretations. If I'm to be a player instead of a piece, I want to know everything for sure. Now... you do raise another interesting point. As a true god, would not the God-King find his powers to harm the divine weakened as he becomes one himself? Would he be subject to all the same rules as other deities?"
[18:46] <@Alicia> Would he be subject to all the same rules as other deities?"
[18:48] <@Kotono> "Yes, he would rise as a true power. A greater power, but still a power."
[18:52] <@Alicia> "And should he be slain by the ones who break the last seal?" Alicia asks. "There have been references to a judgement being passed by the victor of that battle. What form would that judgement take? How far reaching would it be, and how would it be enforced?"
[19:07] <@Kotono> "They will be able to render their judgment on the divine, to censure, banish and augment as they see fit."
[19:11] <@Alicia> "I need a bit more clarification," Alicia asks. "As an example, lets say had I taken part and won, and I chose to censure Torm, banish Shar, and augment Mystra. What specifically would happen to each?"
[19:13] <@Alicia> "Assume for the purposes of example that all are participants in the contest," she adds hastily in case any would be unaffected by their uninvolvement.
[19:14] <@Kotono> "Torm's power would be reduced, held in the balance and found wanting. Shar would be banished from your world, unable to effect it or empower worshipers in any way. Further, her worship in other worlds would slacken and be deeply wounded. Mystra's own power would wane, becoming greater."
[19:17] * @Alicia nods as she digests that. "So, the ramifications extend far beyond my own world... A shame for all those living on other worlds who depend on their deities and have no say in how the contest resolves on mine." It's not something she'd really plan to do herself, but she might as well ask for the sake of complete information, "What if the one who broke the last seal bested Daa-vid but spared his life?"
[19:18] <@Kotono> "Then Daa-vid would be free to leave and escape the ruins, the judgment being passed on him given. He would rise to his place as a divinity."
[19:19] <@Alicia> "Even if the victor did not wish it?" Alicia clarifies. "The power he has gained could not be taken away, for example by a victor who wished to claim it for themself?"
[19:20] <@Kotono> "Daa-vid has seen too much power and knows the secrets of Creation. To ascend should he live will be simple for him, mortality holds no bounds for one who knows what he knows."
[19:21] <@Alicia> Makes sense, and at least removes the risk of a second God-King no matter what occurs. "Coming back to the judgement, then. Are there limits on it? Can the victor choose a single deity to banish, one to augment, and one to censure? Or can such judgements be passed on as many or as few as they wish? What if they want to both banish and censure the same deity?"
[19:22] <@Kotono> "There can be three of each, for there shall always be three. Judgments cannot be opposed to one another, they will negate."
[19:24] <@Alicia> "And if a deity is already weak - for example myself? Should I be censured, would I be returned to mortality?" Alicia asks, considering that if you get pushed enough down the ladder you have to fall off eventually.
[19:25] <@Kotono> "Yes," Eladi answers.
[19:28] <@Alicia> "Beats becoming a Hunefar, then," Alicia allows a very small smile. "Which Gods are participating in the contest and which are staying out?"
[19:31] <@Alicia> *Hunefer
[19:33] <@Kotono> "It is simpler to note which are not," Eladi states, "For most are. Three are involved more than the others, tasked with holding Balmuria in the beginning: Helm, Waukeen and Tempus."
[19:35] <@Alicia> "Whichever is more convenient," Alicia allows. "Which ones are staying out of it, then?"
[19:41] <@Kotono> "The dragon gods of all stripes, Talona, the elemental powers besides Kossuth. Tempus has been removed from this, as his role was concluded, by decree of the Arbiter. Mask, Silvanus, Empress Sulia, Eldath, The Hidden Lord."
[19:43] * @Alicia is surprised that Shar is taking the risk... "Why was Tempus's role concluded?" she asks curiously, doubting she'll be allowed any hidden insights into the motivations of any deities but hopefully the reason for removal will be on record.
[19:44] <@Kotono> "The three who first held presence in Balmuria were there to ensure that the ethos of good and evil did not unduly influence events before they could develop on their own. In time, the role of Tempus fell away, for Balmuria rejected war in favor of peace and stability. With no need for a God of War there, Arbiter decreed that Tempus is removed, and his mortal representative left Balmuria."
[19:46] * @Alicia frowns. "So Balmuria specifically decides who can compete? Why couldn't Tempus sponsor a champion from elsewhere to seek out the Resorts or otherwise engage with the contest?" she asks, trying to wrap her head around this focus on that one little city.
[19:48] <@Kotono> "Balmuria was the closest city to it, and a focus of travel, strife, dischord and change. The perfect brewing ground for experience and for those who took on this task to gain the experience to judge. Others have sought the Resorts, others have come in friendship and not strove or them, but instead attempted to gain favor in Balmuria. Others have tried to slay you and oppose you, to stop the judgment and claim it for their own with their own s
[19:48] <@Kotono> Others have tried to slay you and oppose you, to stop the judgment and claim it for their own with their own servants. Such was Shar's plan with Kesse, once they had eliminated the Crimson Guard."
[19:50] <@Alicia> "So, if I wished to compete, I would still be allowed to select a champion from anywhere on the prime rather than being restricted to Balmuria?" Alicia asks. Considering she has no sort of following there, it would rather tie her hands. "What sort of restrictions are there on whom I could sponsor?"
[20:02] <@Kotono> "Yes," Eladi answers, "You may sponser any mortal creature you desire, who is willing and able to do so."
[20:03] <@Alicia> "Even one who originates from a different plane?" Alicia goes on. Not that she has anyone in mind, but again its best to have all the facts.
[20:04] <@Kotono> "Yes."
[20:06] * @Alicia nods, accepting that. Now comes the hard questions. "This is tangentally related, but bear with me. Can you tell me the relationship between the Arbiter and Ao?"
[20:07] <@Kotono> "I cannot." His words pause there, "Such is not of your concern. Ao and the Arbiter rule, and that is all that shall be known."
[20:08] <@Alicia> "But they are seperate beings?" Alicia presses. "And Ao is uninvolved in the contest?"
[20:09] <@Kotono> Alicia is given no answer at all by Eladi. For a moment his features soften, "Of this, ask no more, for I cannot friend."
[20:13] * @Alicia sighs and shakes her head. "My reasoning should become clear soon I hope, but it's hard to go forward without all the facts. Nonetheless I shall try. Now we come to the mechanics of the contest - it was the Arbiter who established the seals upon my prime, yes? The ones restricting the availability of magic, the frequency of powerful creatures, and the traffic with other planes?"
[20:13] <@Kotono> "Yes," Tot hat you at least get confirmation, "It was by the Arbiter's hand."
[20:14] <@Alicia> "What was the Arbiter's reasoning behind placing those seals?" Alicia asks back.
[20:16] <@Kotono> "It is his judgment. His judgment is not subject to review." Eladi answers, "His judgment is as it stands, to ensure that the affair of the God-King continues undisturbed."
[20:32] <@Alicia> "That's fine," Alicia smiles as her trap starts coming together. "It is sufficient to understand that the purpose of the seals was to prevent interference in the contest so that it could reach its conclusion naturally - as you said earlier, so that the champions could render their judgement after great growth and rejuvenation."
[20:32] <@Alicia> She pauses a moment to let that properly sink in. "This brings us to something of a problem - those seals *were* tampered with, and the process *was* interfered with. Did not the Dark Six overpower the seals using the strength of the Neverborn that Ao created? Perhaps we can allow that the Arbiter did not forsee such a means of bypassing his seals, but then he did nothing to counter this interference."
[20:32] <@Alicia> "This, Eladi, is where my problem arises, one that I really hope the Arbiter can appreciate," Alicia meets his fathomless eyes squarely, hoping that the Arbiter hears and understands her every word. "It was as a direct result of this breach of the seals that myself and Seira - the two champions most heavily involved with the trials to reach Daa-vid and the ones in control of all five Resorts - travelled to Androlynne."
[20:32] <@Alicia> "In the course of events, we freed the trapped Androlynne children and slew the Neverborn, causing a massive upheaval in the planes. Is it any wonder we ascended to divinity after the massive upsurge in our standing across creation after such deeds? All that occured afterwards, our greater fame, belief in our causes, the forces who sought to crush us before we could grow stronger and in turn were defeated..."
[20:32] <@Alicia> "I submit that it can be traced wholly back to the events sparked by the Dark Six's breach of the seals. We would never have become Gods, never been forced out of the contest, had this interference been prevented. The Arbiter has allowed the contest to be tainted! Perhaps Sylian was even spurred on by the will of another who sought to win the contest themselves and had to first remove Seira and I, but could not defeat us."
[20:32] <@Alicia> "If it was the Arbiter's responsibility to see things play out so that mortals would judge Daa-vid, then he has failed! The entire contest has become a sham, perverted from its proper course. You say the Arbiter's will is absolute - I accept that I do not have the power to defy him," though it's an unhappy admission it doesn't stop her from going on, appealing to reason.
[20:32] <@Alicia> "But if he has any respect for rules and law, he must accept that the contest is no longer fit for its original purpose, torn astray by the interference of those who should never have had a say!"
[20:45] <@Kotono> Silence. To all those words nothing is said, nothing changes. Nothing at all. For every word Alicia utters, Eladi is utterly silent and then he smiles. In a very quiet voice, "You have percieved the motions on the chessboard. The eons show hope of success." The Opal Mountain is frozen. The sky is nothing. Around you is utter oblivion on all sides. "3,000,000,000,000 years have borne fruit." (More)
[20:45] <@Kotono> "3,000,000,000,000 years have borne fruit." (More)
[20:50] <@Kotono> "Ao is the Endless Chaos, he cannot help but pervert order. Look beyond all you see...the answers...lie beyond this false judgment, which means nothing in the end. My prophet is the unborn, listen to his every word. Three is the answer, three into two and one into three. I cannot speak any more clearly, for such would alert Ao, and all would come to end. The truth lies in the third: FIND THE THIRD."
[20:50] <@Kotono> The truth lies in the third: FIND THE THIRD."
[20:58] <@Alicia> That rather knocks the wind out of Alicia's sails. Now she's going to have to go back over all the things gleaned from the Neverborn and Sylian... as if it didn't hurt her head enough the first time. And it's completely off the subject! Even if he says the judgement doesn't matter in the end, it can still have huge ramifications in the short and mid term.
[20:58] <@Alicia> "I confess you've caught me off guard," she admits, head spinning. "If you say you cannot speak more clearly, I suppose further questions are pointless?"
[21:04] <@Kotono> "I cannot. I am as captive as all souls in this Creation. Look to the opposite of Ao...find the third. Find them...and you will find the answers. Ao's rule must be stopped. You have seen past all the concerns of Creation and seen the inconsistency I created within it. Ao grows tired of Creation...Entropy is his executioner's axe."
[21:06] * @Alicia gasps. So that's it! "But... how can I seek it out without drawing his attention? What will stop him snuffing me out before I can do anything even if I find the third?"
[21:09] <@Kotono> "You have seen past the distractions, lies and Competition for one moment," Eladri's not-voice speaks, "Many events...are nothing more than distractions, spurred by Ao. Focus on this, find it, live it. You, Seira and four others can be shieled from Ao's wrath by what little power I can effect. Use this, find the stop him. It was never our place to rule, or our desire."
[21:12] <@Alicia> "Have any others realised this?" Alicia asks, wondering how to decide which four should be shielded. "What of the truth that purports to exist in Chronias? Is it a distraction?"
[21:15] <@Kotono> "I have spoken thrice...I can speak no more." REality ha sreturned without you noticing it, only a few last words, "Tell Seira..then tell four more...who are not divine. Do not tell any more, or an endless catastrophy will come, and Ao will know all. Correct me...find the that Creation can survive." Eladi is gone now, no magic, no fanfare, simply ceasing to be.