
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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Adventure 12: Rime of the Ancient Adventurer

Started by Ebiris, October 21, 2007, 02:00:49 PM

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2,848gp worth of gold and gemstones

1 wrecked and possibly haunted caravel, filled with blood
1 cargo hold filled with Turmish Cloth


2 Masterwork Scimitars - 600gp

Magic Items

1 Cloak (faint abjuration)
1 Spherical Rainbow Crystal (overwhelming conjuration)


2 potions of cure light wounds - 100gp


4 Shoggoths - 880XP
4 Tentacle Monsters - 620XP
1 Dimensional Shambler - 900XP


[15:31] <Ebiris> Finally having stocked up their boat for the journey to Mulhorand, and crewed it with the saltiest band of sea dogs ever to set sail, the brave band of heroes set forth for adventure! Despite some tension between the orcs and... well, everyone else, the journey starts smoothly enough, with the Waking Dream making good progress through the Sea of Fallen Stars.
[15:31] <Ebiris> Despite some ill weather a few days out of Yhaunn, the skilled crew is easily able to keep the ship sailing at a good clip as they skirt the edges of the storm front blowing South towards the famed Pirate Isles...
[15:34] <Alveria> "We seem to be making good headway, and the weather has worked out alright for us," muses Alveria, standing on the front deck of the ship and speaking to whoever is nearby. "I spent some time studying navigational techniques before we got here, although I'm no expert."
[15:37] * Gourash is up towards the front of the ship, actually enjoying the salty air and cool breeze.  Someone apparently sold him a cloak recently as it blows well behind him, an axe on the back, wavering around with the folds.  "We hire expert.  We not worry,' Gourash replied.
[15:37] <Ebiris> "Aye. 'Tis a fine ship ye've got here, and a fine crew," a frazzle-haired old man in a striped jumper observes from nearby as he loosens a rope tied to the deck from the mainsail, helping the men up on the rigging to adjust the sails with the wind. "This should be a smooth voyage, with Umberlee's blessings."
[15:40] * Gourash nods.  "With Umbrlee's blessing."  He mostly got the name right.
[15:40] <Alveria> "I'll settle for avoiding her curses," replies Alveria, sounding rather humourless. "I've a few tricks for dealing with anything we might encounter out here, though, so I am sure things will proceed easily enough, as long as your new friends don't get too restless."
[15:42] <Keylin> "Don't want to attract more attention to yourself than you did at that orc camp, lady wizard?" Keylin teases with a smile as she looks over the ship, fairly impressed. Who'd have thought some of the things she'd get to see since leaving her home country and joining this group of people...
[15:44] <Alveria> "Not from anyone I'll meet out here, that's for sure," mutters Alveria, leaning over the railing and aimlessly peering into the waves.
[15:48] <Ebiris> "Ship spotted on the horizon!" a call echoes down from the crow's nest as Alveria stares at the choppy waves surrounding the boat.
[15:49] * Alveria glances up, and stares out to the edge of the ocean for a glimpse.
[15:49] * Amonet approaches the mage, treading the deck carefully in her full plate armor. "New friends?" she asks Alveria.
[15:49] -> *Alveria* You can't see anything in particular. Visibility isn't great, and you lack the height and spyglass that the lookout is surely taking advantage of.
[15:50] * Gourash does as well.  Though his grin fades a bit. "May be right...other ships sail too."
[15:50] <Ebiris> A few sailors snicker at the sight of Amonet wearing full plate on deck.
[15:50] <Alveria> "Who knows? Lookout! What is their course?"
[15:51] -> *Gourash* You can just barely make out a ship-like sillouette in the distance... looks like a caravel.
[15:52] <Ebiris> "Looks like it's adrift, sir!" the lookout yells back down to Alveria.
[15:52] <Amonet> "We must see if they require assistance!" Amonet speaks up at once.
[15:53] * Gourash shrugs and looks down into the waves, not so much caring about rescuing said ship, and besides, the crew had it well in hands.
[15:54] -> *Gourash* The ship is dead ahead on your current course, so you probably will come alongside it unless a course change is made.
[15:54] <Alveria> "Must we? Oh, well, I suppose," replies Alveria, distantly. "Take us in, Mister Tylor."
[15:54] <Ebiris> "It's dead ahead! Should reach it within the hour on present course!" the lookout calls down.
[15:55] <Amonet> "We must," Amonet affirms, nodding solemnly.
[15:55] <Alveria> "Where's that cleric Hahn lent to us? Ignatius!"
[15:56] <Ebiris> "I saw him down by the hearstone earlier. I'll go get him, ma'am!" one of the nearby sailors replies, before dashing off down below deck.
[15:57] <Alveria> "
[15:58] * Keylin moves closer to the edge of the ship and looks up ahead, trying to see if she can spot anything with her eyes before any of the others regarding the other boat.
[15:59] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check, Keylin
[16:00] <Keylin> roll 1d20+15
[16:00] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+15 and gets 32." [1d20=17]
[16:01] -> *Keylin* You can see what looks like a caravel in the distance, listing heavily as the waves batter it. Its sails are tattered shreds, flapping uselessly in the wind.
[16:04] <Ebiris> After a moment, Kiln Ignatius comes jogging up onto deck. Wearing his cleric's vestments of vibrant red with gold trim he stands out even before his reddish skin and ember-like hair are taken into account. "Lathander's blessings, my friends!" he greets the men on deck boistrously before making his way over to the party. "You called?" he asks with a relaxed smile.
[16:04] <Keylin> "What the devil could have happened to that ship..." Keylin mutters loudly as she goes rejoin the rest of her group. "That ship has seen some truly rough days. Looks like it could have been a beauty once, but those sails of it are as useless as they can be, nothign more than shreds of cloth."
[16:05] <Alveria> "There's a derelict ship ahead, so you may be needed within an hour," returns Alveria, turning to face the genasi. "Hah! Sounds like a ghost ship! Either way, please make yourself ready."
[16:06] <Ebiris> "Should any ghosts be on board, they will be cleansed by Lathandar's radiance!" Kiln promises loudly, banging a fist against his chest.
[16:08] <Keylin> "Well, hopefully it's not ghosts we'll find, but living and breathing people," Keylin comments with a shake of her head.
[16:08] * Gourash stands ready to go, waiting as they get steadily closer to the ship.
[16:09] <Alveria> "If we don't find anyone, we may be able to recover the ship," muses Alveria.
[16:10] <Keylin> "The start of a new naval fleet?"
[16:10] <Ebiris> A little under an hour later, the Waking Dream approaches the stricken tradeship. It lists heavily with the rolling waves that only prove of minor impediment to the Waking Dream, no crew seen on its deck. A door under the ship's forecastle bangs occassionally with the wind that blows it.
[16:10] <Ebiris> The crew of the Waking Dream are reluctant to pull alongside the other vessel, preferring that a launch is prepared to row across anyone who plans to investigate. But the crew is not in charge...
[16:13] * Gourash nods in agreement, getting on one of their rowboats.
[16:13] * Alveria is unlikely to go against the wishes of her probably-more-experiences crew, to be fair. "Alright, we'll head over," she says, indicating herself and her companions. "You as well, Kiln. Gourash, get a couple of your thugs to do the rowing for us. Anyone else?"
[16:13] * Gourash brings some thugs along, two in fact.
[16:15] <Ebiris> "Why don't we go?" Katrina nudges her sister, prompting Henrietta to give Gourash's thugs a fairly suspicious glance before nodding her assent as Alveria's two apprentices volunteer.
[16:15] * Gourash laughs, noticing said glance.  Probably doing nothing to clear up suspicions with it.
[16:15] <Ebiris> Gorkam and Lograk at least seem enthusiastic. "We kill anyone on other boat!" Gorkam cheers.
[16:16] <Alveria> "Don't fall in," replies Alveria, dryly. "Do shut up, Gourash," she adds, slowly climbing into the boat (and almost falling in at that exclamation.)
[16:18] * Gourash laughs. "Maybe, maybe not.  Wait and see.  Not strike first."
[16:19] <Ebiris> OOC: Alvie, make a profession (sailor) check. Kiln will aid you.
[16:19] <Alveria> OOC: can I take 10?
[16:19] <Alveria> OOC: for 17?
[16:19] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+6 aid
[16:19] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+6 aid and gets 7." [1d20=1]
[16:19] <Ebiris> OOC: 17 is good enough
[16:19] <Alveria> OOC: Cool
[16:21] <Ebiris> Despite the boistrousness of the orcs and the squirming of the half-elves, Alveria is able to direct the rowing easily enough as the rowboat crosses the distance between the two ships despite the high waves crossing the sea, right now. Lashing the rowboat to the side of the caravel, Gorkam and Lograk proceed to climb up first so they can tie ropes for the others to follow with.
[16:21] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[16:22] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 13." [1d20=1]
[16:22] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[16:22] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[16:22] <Ebiris> Except Gorkam falls into the sea!
[16:22] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[16:22] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[16:22] * Gourash reaches down and grabs Gorkham, trying to pull him up.
[16:22] <Alveria> "We really should've kept that broom."
[16:23] <Amonet> "We needed some things more," Amonet comments, although she eyes the water warily.
[16:23] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 if its a strength check
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 if its a strength check and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[16:23] <Ebiris> He's able to keep himself afloat, at least, and clambers back onto the rowboat with Gourash's help while his fellow orc at least succeeds in tossing down a rope. "Haha! Gorkam stupid!" Lograk jeers.
[16:24] <Gourash> "keep feet in boat," Gourash agrees.  "No get to fight if you fall off during battle."
[16:24] <Ebiris> "It wet and slippy and hard to hold onto!" Gorkam calls back angrily as he shakes himself and showers everyone with water.
[16:24] <Ebiris> "Ha ha! That what she said!" Lograk taunts back. "Hurry and climb up, slowpokes!"
[16:27] * Gourash climbs down.
[16:27] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8
[16:27] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[16:28] <Ebiris> Gorkam follows up where Gourash finds Lograk holding onto the rope which he's tied in a rather ugly and unstable looking knot around the ship's railing.
[16:28] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[16:28] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[16:29] <Alveria> "Would you kindly pull us up, Gourash?" asks Alveria, grabbing the end of the rope and holding on for the time being.
[16:29] <Ebiris> "Yes, we're not good at climbing," Katrina agrees, her face a bit pale.
[16:31] * Gourash aids another on all of them.
[16:31] <Gourash> OOC: +2 to everyone =p cuz I can't fail that roll.
[16:31] <Gourash> OOC: Or if I can hault them up, let me know and I'll roll strength
[16:32] <Ebiris> OOC: You make a check and the other two will aid you
[16:32] <Ebiris> roll 2#1d20+5 aid
[16:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1d20+5 aid and gets 30." [2#1d20+5 = 19, 11]
[16:34] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 pick up
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 pick up and gets 19." [1d20=11]
[16:34] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 pick up
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 pick up and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[16:34] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 pick up
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 pick up and gets 19." [1d20=11]
[16:34] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 pick up
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 pick up and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[16:34] <Ebiris> OOC: what order are you doing these in? Different people have different DCs.
[16:35] <Alveria> OOC: Lighter dudes first
[16:35] <Alveria> OOC: Because then we can aid another ourselves
[16:35] <Alveria> OOC: It's a long rope, right? >_>
[16:35] <Ebiris> OOC: one more check
[16:36] <Ebiris> OOC: two, even
[16:37] <Ebiris> OOC: actually, fuck it, I've stopped caring. everyone wins.
[16:38] <Alveria> OOC: Hurray!
[16:39] <Ebiris> In short order, Gourash and his two goons are able to haul everyone aboard the listing vessel! The main deck is clear, no sign of any life her that you can see... A flapping door beneath the forecastle at the rear leads below the ship, while a closed trapdoor is also visible to the front. Tattered sails and rigging flap uselessly in the breeze, while the wheel up on the upper deck spins wildly of its own volition, no hand to guide it.
[16:39] <Alveria> "Check to see if there are any lifeboats remaining," instructs Alveria. "The crew may have abandoned the ship."
[16:40] <Ebiris> Henrietta proceeds to cast two spells, while Katrina casts one.
[16:40] <Ebiris> roll 1d10+4
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d10+4 and gets 12." [1d10=8]
[16:42] <Ebiris> "Yes, ma'am!" the two half-elves nod brightly, Henrietta adding after a moment of looking around, "Nothing invisible around here, at least," before the two of them go to search for lifeboats. It doesn't take long. "One's missing, I think! Assuming there was four to begin with, because they normally come in even numbers, right?" Katrina reports.
[16:42] <Ebiris> roll 2#1d20+3
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1d20+3 and gets 28." [2#1d20+3 = 20, 8]
[16:43] <Ebiris> "It looks like there was a fight, here," Henrietta adds thoughtfully. "Look, you can see scrapes on the deck and cuts in the woodwork in places like you'd get from swinging weapons around, right?"
[16:43] <Ebiris> "We missed fight?" Lograk asks, sounding utterly heartbroken.
[16:44] <Gourash> "Fight mean...  other ship win.  How long ago?" Gourash wondered to Henrietta.
[16:45] <Ebiris> "Long enough for rain and waves to wash all the blood off the deck, I suppose," the illusionist replies a little queasily.
[16:45] <Alveria> "I believe this hints at fights to come," replies Alveria, frowning, and peering around the ship to see if it has any markings that would indicate ownership.
[16:45] <Ebiris> There was a sign on the bow that read 'Seagull II'.
[16:46] <Alveria> "We'd better have a look around. I'm not convinced this is the work of another ship," replies Alveria. "Let's see if we can find the captain's room. He may have left a log behind."
[16:48] * Gourash shrugs.  "We keep watch, go check log thing."
[16:48] <Ebiris> Kiln obligingly casts Light on his mace for the benefit of those without darkvision and heads towards the flapping door leading below deck.
[16:48] <Ebiris> "We not go, too, Gourash?" Gorkam asks dubiously. "What if there booty in there?"
[16:49] * Alveria follows after Kiln, shrugging and weaving another protective spell upon herself. Just in case.
[16:49] <Alveria> OOC: extended shield gogo
[16:49] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8
[16:49] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 and gets 9." [1d6=1]
[16:51] <Gourash> "They bring it out," Gourash said with experience.
[16:52] * Amonet stays near Alveria, cautious enough around the evoker to ward herself against fire in any situation they might see combat in, no matter how unlikely.
[16:52] <Ebiris> Through the door is a corridor leading to a T-junction ahead, with doors before said junction on either side. A shattered lantern lays on the floor, but more disturbing is the large splash of congealing blood across one of the wooden walls, emanating a sickly metallic scent.
[16:53] <Alveria> "Check the doors, would you?" asks Alveria, far too used to the smell of blood at this point in her career.
[16:54] * Alveria is, of course, directing this to the holy amongst them!
[16:55] * Amonet invokes Horus-Re's name, praying for the sun's blessing as she opens the door to her left.
[16:56] <Ebiris> Kiln obligingly pushes open the rightmost door and pokes his head inside. "More blood..." he states matter of factly. "Think this was a navigation room or something. There's a map and a sextant on the wall..."
[16:56] <Keylin> "Anything useful marked down there?"
[16:57] <Alveria> "No bodies, though," mutters Alveria. "Must've been thrown overboard."
[16:57] <Ebiris> Amonet opens her door to find a small armoury. Most of the weapons and armour appear to be missing, though she does see a few scimitars and crossbows. There's a large smear of blood on the floor near the door.
[16:58] <Amonet> "An armory, and more blood," she reports, saying a prayer for the crew's souls.
[16:58] <Ebiris> "Hard to see from all the blood. Someone must have died on top of this map..." Kiln replies disgustedly. "Hmm... I think they were sailing either from Turmish to Sembia or vice versa from the markings."
[17:00] <Alveria> "No logs or anything, I take it?"
[17:00] <Ebiris> roll 1d20
[17:00] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20 and gets 15." [1d20=15]
[17:01] <Ebiris> "Hold on..." Kiln reports back, "Found something. Let me take a look..." he strolls back into the corridor holding a thin leather bound book which be begins leafing through, quickly skimming to the end.
[17:02] <Ebiris> "It's a rutter," he reports after a moment. "Lists some of the hazards and safe havens of the pirate isles, but nothing about their actual journey. Might be handy to hold onto for ourselves, anyway."
[17:03] <Amonet> "These were pirates, then?" Amonet asks.
[17:03] <Ebiris> "If they were it was a poorly armed pirate ship," Henrietta observes. "They don't have any catapults or ballistae."
[17:04] <Alveria> "It doesn't seem like a warship," agrees Alveria. "But any number of people might have a use for this kind of information. The goods need to get to market somehow, after all."
[17:04] <Amonet> "We should proceed and see if there's anyone who managed to survive," Amonet voices. "Are there any magical auras nearby?"
[17:04] * Alveria snaps her fingers and has a look. "I doubt it..."
[17:06] -> *Alveria* You can detect two auras at around 2 o clock (if straight ahead to the junction is 12 o clock). One faint and one overwhelming.
[17:07] <Alveria> roll 1d20+23 dude, I can't fail!
[17:07] <Alveria> roll 1d20+23 dude, I can't fail!
[17:07] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+23 dude, I can't fail! and gets 28." [1d20=5]
[17:07] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+23 dude, I can't fail! and gets 24." [1d20=1]
[17:07] <Alveria> OOC: Except on outliers, dammit
[17:08] <Gourash> OOC: Hah
[17:08] <Alveria> "No, there is something," she corrects herself. "Something strong, at that. It's through that wall... abjuration, and I'm not sure what else. There should be a door around the corner."
[17:08] <Alveria> "On the right-hand side."
[17:08] <Ebiris> Henrietta casts a spell herself and peers in the same direction as Alveria.
[17:09] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:09] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[17:09] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:09] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 27." [1d20=15]
[17:09] <Amonet> Nodding, Amonet goes to check it, wrapping herself in Horus-Re's soothing power.
[17:11] <Ebiris> "Wow... such strong conjuration, I've never seen anything like it!" Henrietta marvels, following after Amonet. As she rounds the corner, Amonet can see stairs leading below at the end of the corridor, and a door on the left. From the quantity of blood coating the walls, floor, and ceiling near the end of this corridor, it almost looks like someone exploded.
[17:13] <Alveria> "Hold on a moment," muses Alveria. "Did either of you two prepare any summoning magic today?"
[17:14] <Ebiris> "No summon monster spells, no," Katrina shakes her head, the gesture echoed by Henrietta. "I did prepare Unseen Servant, though!" she adds brightly.
[17:15] <Alveria> "'servant's not a real creature. Ah, never mind. I don't believe there's anything Amonet cannot deal with," she replies, shrugging and waiting for the paladin to continue.
[17:15] * Amonet glances back at Alveria with visible apprehension. "If you say so..." she says, nevertheless proceeding down the corridor.
[17:16] <Ebiris> The door awaits! As do the stairs past the massive bloodsplash, if that's your thing.
[17:16] * Amonet checks the door first.
[17:16] <Ebiris> OOC: checking it for traps or opening it?
[17:17] <Amonet> OOC: Since I lack the former....
[17:18] <Ebiris> Amonet... Opens the door! Within she finds a somewhat well appointed bedroom - mercifully free of bloodstains, one might note. The bed itself is large and soft, with thick blankets over it, and a glittering fist sized sphere sunk into the sheets that seems to coruscate with all the colours of the rainbow. A heavy chest of drawers is opposite the bed, and a coatstand is next to it with a blue cloak hanging off, decorated with a snowflake pattern.
[17:19] * Amonet waves Alveria over, staying by the entrance for now.
[17:20] * Alveria heads over to get a better look at the auras. "Bizzare, a prismatic sphere, here? No, the abjuration aura was too weak for it to be the true spell..."
[17:21] <Ebiris> Entering the room, Alveria can see that the sphere radiates the overwhelming aura, while the cloak radiates the faint one.
[17:21] <Ebiris> "What do you think it is?" Katrina asks, poking her head over Amonet's shoulder to get a look.
[17:22] <Amonet> "A magical accident?" Amonet suggests with a shrug.
[17:22] * Alveria walks inside after a moment, and checks out the chest of drawers. "No, the sphere is radiating the conjuration," reflects Alveria. OOC: Is it, like, solid?
[17:22] <Ebiris> OOC: the depression it makes in the bed would indicate so
[17:22] <Alveria> OOC: Ah, right.
[17:23] <Alveria> OOC: Drawers first!
[17:23] <Ebiris> Searching the drawers finds several sets of clothing and a small lead box which has a lock but is left open, and a locked jewellery box.
[17:24] * Alveria starts with the open box.
[17:24] <Ebiris> The lead box is empty. It looks about the right size to hold the sphere over on the bed.
[17:25] * Alveria sets the box down nearby, and pulls out a scroll to deal with the jewlery box! OOC: Ima casting a knock.
[17:26] <Ebiris> The box pops open! Inside are a few dozen thin platinum coins, and assorted small gemstones - emeralds, diamonds, and sapphires.
[17:26] <Alveria> "Lucky find for us," remarks Alveria, dryly. "The orcs will be pleased."
[17:26] <Amonet> "Let's check below," Amonet suggests. "Perhaps the owners are still around."
[17:28] <Ebiris> "You'd think they could at least clean the place up, then..." Katrina mutters. "Does anyone mind if I...?" she trails off and gestures vaguely at the bloodstains outside the room.
[17:28] <Alveria> "You really think so?" asks Alveria, dubiously. "Hmm. Katrina, could you use your unseen servant to put there sphere in the lead box?"
[17:29] <Alveria> "Oh, if you like, but I sorely doubt anyone is left on the ship. All those who could have left probably already have."
[17:29] * Amonet nods, and waits for Alveria to be done here before proceeding onwards.
[17:29] <Ebiris> "Sure thing!" the younger evoker nods happily, gesturing towards the sphere and intoning various arcane words before an invisible force picks up the sphere and floats it over to place into the lead box.
[17:30] <Ebiris> Meanwhile Henrietta casts her own spell and waves at the nearby blood which begins to vanish off the wooden surface bit by bit.
[17:30] * Alveria puts the box and cloak away, and then nods to Amonet. "Alright, let's carry on."
[17:31] * Amonet leads the way slowly.
[17:32] <Ebiris> Down the ladder-like stairs the party goes, finding themselves in a large crew bunk like the one on the Waking Dream. A battle certainly took place, here - the room is in utter disarray, with bunks toppled and furniture shattered, and blood all over the place. It utterly stinks.
[17:34] * Gourash watches out over the sea, guarding the upper decks.
[17:34] * Amonet looks sadly at all the lost lives signified by the splatters of blood.
[17:35] <Ebiris> There's another set of stairs on the opposite side you came down from, and a door to the left.
[17:35] <Alveria> "The fight was carried down here, though it began on deck? There wasn't nearly this much blood in the passages," mutters Alveria, checking a few of the seachests here for diaries or the like.
[17:36] <Ebiris> OOC: search check
[17:36] <Amonet> "Maybe there was more than one engagement," Amonet muses, making her way to the door at her left. "And with magic, they could have happened simultaneously."
[17:37] <Alveria> roll 1d20+8
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+8 and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[17:37] <Ebiris> Through the door Amonet finds the hold. It's pretty clean on a casual glance, filled with stacked bolts of fabric, with an elevated walkway around the edges that leads to another door on the far side.
[17:38] <Ebiris> Searching, Alveria finds a handful of bloodied daggers, two potions of cure light wounds inside a chest, around sixty gold pieces spread around various lockers, and three journals.
[17:39] * Alveria gives the journals a cursory read, heading to the later entries to find stuff about this particular voyage.
[17:39] <Amonet> "There is another door through the hold," Amonet calls over to the others. "Let's check it next?"
[17:40] <Ebiris> One of the journals has a recent entry complaining about seeing the ghost of an octopus and then having his rum ration halved because no one believed him. The others don't seem to have anything juicy - lots of complaining about the lack of women and the irritation of some other crew members presence.
[17:42] * Alveria puts the journals away and trails after Amonet. "Nothing hinting at the possibility of attack," she says.
[17:42] <Ebiris> Notably, the octopus entry is the last entry in that particular journal, and corresponds with the final entries in the others, date-wise. The Claw of Storms, 22. Today is the 27th.
[17:42] <Amonet> "Would someone write about it in their diary as they are ambushed?" she muses, opening the door she's facing.
[17:43] <Ebiris> Amonet finds a galley, again in a state of disarray. From the position of some of the toppled over tables, it's almost like the people here were under siege as they defended themselves from... whatever. The ever present blood spatters remain, though without a single body to mark their cause...
[17:44] <Ebiris> A set of stairs/ladder leads up to a trapdoor above.
[17:44] <Alveria> "There might be a reason why," replies Alveria, frowning. "Though. I believe the owners of this ship were ultimately victorious, and gave their comrades a burial at sea before departing."
[17:45] <Amonet> "I'll check the trapdoor," Amonet calls out, climbing the ladder before trying to push it open.
[17:45] <Ebiris> The door opens without much effort, and Amonet is then reunited with the lovable Gourash and his motley crew.
[17:45] <Amonet> "Any changes over here?" she asks Gourash.
[17:46] <Alveria> "Ah, and it seemed to have happened only five days ago, after one crewmember spotted a... ghostly octopus?" continues Alveria, hauling herself out.
[17:47] <Gourash> "It quiet up here.  No problems," He shrugged.  "Find any sign of what happen?"
[17:47] <Amonet> "Not quite, but there is one more room to check," Amonet responds, heading to do just that.
[17:50] <Ebiris> Inside the last room, Amonet finds it similarly furnished to the room with the two magic items. A pair of fine quality scimitars hang on the wall, while a thick leather book is seen on a writing desk. Notably, the bed is broken in half, and there's a large quantity of blood soaked into the sheets and coating the surrounding floor.
[17:50] <Gourash> "What you find?"
[17:51] * Alveria goes straight to the book and opens it.
[17:51] * Amonet examines the book over Alveria's shoulder.
[17:53] <Ebiris> It looks to be the ship's log, alright. Most of it is dull and irrelevant, discussing manifests and disciplinary matters. A few entries do appear at least somewhat relevant, as far as the ghostly octopus and the mysterious magic item go.
[17:53] <Ebiris> The Claw of the Storms, 9
[17:53] <Ebiris> Departed from Algahon with a good wind at our back. These Turmish fabrics should fetch a good price in Sembia, and the crew is in fine spirits after some well earned time ashore. Mintlin is in especially high spirits, claiming to have won some magical trinket or other that he's all excited about researching.
[17:53] <Ebiris> The Claw of the Storms, 21
[17:53] <Ebiris> Johan claimed to see a ghost while out on watch. Of an octopus, no less. He's been assigned to latrine duty and had his rum rations halved.
[17:53] <Ebiris> The Claw of the Storms, 22
[17:53] <Ebiris> Mintlin has vanished. None of the crew know anything about his whereabouts, and he was last seen in the mess hall last night, sober as a judge. Doubtful he's fallen overboard, but then where the hell is he?
[17:55] * Alveria nods to herself, and heads back to the deck. "We're leaving now," she informs everyone. "There's nothing else here. At least we found some interesting items for our trouble."
[17:55] <Ebiris> "Loot?" Gorkam asks hopefully.
[17:56] <Alveria> "We found a little," replies Alveria. "It'll be dispersed."
[17:56] * Gourash nods.  "Time not too wasted.  Let get back?" Gourash headed for the rowboat.
[17:59] <Alveria> "Mmmhmm. At least we didn't run into any trouble."


[15:15] <Ebiris> Leaving the derelict caravel behind, the Waking Dream resumes its journey to Mulhorand. As night begins, both Gourash and Keylin happen to be keeping watch on deck along with the night-crew, while everyone else tries to get some well-earned rest.
[15:15] <Ebiris> OOC: Going to be patrolling around the boat or just sitting around on deck, you two?
[15:17] <Gourash> OOC: Sitting on the deck *nods*
[15:19] <Ebiris> The hours pass by without incident, it getting close to the time when the next pair are to be woken for their watch, when suddenly a deckhand comes bursting out of the door leading below the upper deck. Spotting the pair of mighty adventurers, he rushes straight over, almost tripping in the process. "Gourash! Keylin!" he blurts out, "Someone's been murdered!"
[15:20] <Gourash> "Where?  Lead~" Gourash heads after the man to the scene.
[15:21] <Ebiris> "I-it's like on that other boat! Blood everywhere, but no body!" the shaking man's words tumble forth, attracting attention from the other crew on deck. "Down below, I saw it when I was passing the hold," he gestures back the way he came, staggering back in that direction to lead as instructed.
[15:22] <Keylin> "Lovely..." Keylin mutters as she follows the shaking man as well.
[15:25] <Ebiris> A few other brave seamen follow behind the trio as they head below decks, passing the luxurious quarters used by the important people and down past the more cramped crew bunks. Flickering lanterns provide sparse illumination in the oddly curved and alien-like interior of the Githyanki battleship before you see a cluster of men up ahead in the corridor. "That's it, right there," your guide points, getting the attention of the men ahead.
[15:28] <Ebiris> Indna, the orcish bard is also on the scene, grinning as he sees Gourash approach. "Something big must've splattered man here!" he cheers, gesturing at where bload coats the walls in a still bright crimson stain. "Glorious fight when we find it!"
[15:29] <Gourash> "Indna, not so loud.  Not scare not fighting people,"  Gourash looked over it for anything they could track.
[15:29] <Ebiris> OOC: search check
[15:29] * Keylin likewise searches for any clues.
[15:29] <Keylin> roll 1d20+13
[15:30] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+13 and gets 26." [1d20=13]
[15:31] -> *Keylin* From the bloodstains on the floor and walls, it looks like someone was violently cut open with some sort of blade, then knocked over into the pooling blood where some sort of struggle must have taken place. But there's no signs to indicate how the body was moved from here... like it just vanished.
[15:32] <Gourash> roll 1d20 no.  Man I wish it was a tracking check :)
[15:32] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20 no. Man I wish it was a tracking check :) and gets 5." [1d20=5]
[15:32] -> *Gourash* There's a lot of blood in the immediate area, but nothing past that like bloody footsteps or even drops like might fall from a wound or a still bleeding corpse as it was moved.
[15:35] <Ebiris> "We never heard a thing... poor bastard didn't even get a chance to scream," one of the crew notes mournfully, shaking his head at the sight.
[15:36] <Keylin> "Okay, it looks like whomever was killed was cut with a blade of sorts, and even if they didn't get a chance to scream, they still struggled fiercely, even if he obviously lost. I don't see how the body was pulled away, that's the big problem. Do we know who's missing?" Keylin asks, with a frown on her face.
[15:38] <Ebiris> "Crewman Staines, I think. He's not on duty right now and he wasn't in his bunk when we were all woken by the fuss," one of the men volunteers.
[15:39] <Keylin> "Is anything of what we brought over from the other ship where we placed it, or any of it look displaced?"
[15:39] <Ebiris> The crewmen all look clueless. "That stuff not all with redheaded elf?" Indna asks, scowling at the mention of said elf.
[15:40] <Gourash> "Everyone should stay in groups of two from now on.  No chance of being caught alone, more chance of screaming and being able to catch murdering beast."
[15:41] <Ebiris> "I'll get word out!" Indna volunteers, before grabbing a random crewman. "You come with!" he demands before rushing off.
[15:46] <Gourash> "Get someone to clean this up," Gourash frowned. "I no have idea what happened."
[15:47] <Keylin> "Let's wait until the mages get a look, they might be able to tell how the body was moved."
[15:47] <Ebiris> The crew proceed to start delagating the unlucky task of murder cleanup.
[15:47] <Ebiris> "Do you want us to go wake one of the wizards?" someone asks.
[15:51] <Gourash> "Yeah, go get Alvie up."
[15:51] <Ebiris> Someone rushes off to get Alveria! Within a few minutes, assuming she didn't turn him into a toad for his impudence in waking her, pretty magical elf Alveria is on the scene!
[15:53] <Alveria> "I'm here," she announces, brushing herself off. "Were you sure he was cut, Keylin? The previous bloodstains appeared to be more explosive than not, as if someone was ripped apart. The lack of any remaining body parts is rather disturbing."
[15:55] * Keylin shakes her head. "I didn't really look at the previous corpses, but I'm certain this guy was cut with a blade, based on what I can see here."
[15:56] <Alveria> "Do we keep weapons in an armoury, here?" is the next question. "Let us check to see if any are missing."
[15:57] <Ebiris> The blood is splattered across the walls, like the shower that is often seen when Gourash gets a little crazy with his axe. More is pooled on the floor, mussed about as if something was rolling around in it.
[15:57] <Ebiris> There isn't really an armoury. Just whatever weapons people happen to have on them. Most of the crew have little more than daggers or short swords if they care to arm themselves.
[15:58] * Alveria eyes the blood to see if it looks like it's all from the same source.
[15:58] <Gourash> "There no armory on other ship.  What do this probably bring it with them."
[15:58] <Ebiris> It all seems uniformly red.
[16:00] <Alveria> "I want the watch crewmen to conduct a search for the body, weapons, or trails," she says, eventually. "I'm going to go and check the things we brought with us. You two come with me- everyone else, stick together."
[16:00] * Gourash nods, following mage girl.  Probably magic anyway.
[16:01] <Keylin> "Any thoughts on how the body was dragged away without leaving a trail? I doubt it was an invisibility spell, I'd think that'd still cause a trail of blood to follow," Keylin asks Alveria.
[16:01] <Alveria> "Eaten," replies Alveria.
[16:01] * Keylin makes a face.
[16:01] <Keylin> "...EATEN?!?"
[16:02] <Alveria> "It seems to fit the criteria," replies Alveria. "Diaries on the wreck indicated that some crewmen sighted a ghostly squid, of sorts, and it certainly accounts for why the bodies vanish."
[16:03] <Gourash> "But ghostly squid that cut?  Wouldn't it crush?"
[16:05] <Alveria> "That's what concerns me," replies Alveria, darkly. "Perhaps the blood is of the creature... no, I doubt it. It may not attack in the way we would expect."
[16:06] <Keylin> "It might have an ally of some sort, someone it calls master or whatnot," Keylin offers a small theory on the matter.
[16:07] <Alveria> "Possibly," replies Alveria. "A mage went missing on the ship, and there was no blood marking his passing. I wonder..."
[16:07] <Ebiris> As they head up to Alveria's room, the trio hear a loud yell coming from the nearby one belonging to Amonet, followed by a scared feminine shriek of pure terror!
[16:07] <Alveria> "This may be our chance to see," adds Alveria, grimly rushing towards the door.
[16:08] * Gourash rushes as well.
[16:08] <Ebiris> OOC: I'll intro you guys to #evil in a sec
[16:08] * Keylin nods in silent agreement as she pulls out her bow while running besides the others, hopefully the lack of space won't be too inconvinient on her.
[15:56] <Ebiris> Amonet sleeps the blessed sleep of the innocent in her quarters shared with Marjorie. She's not quite sure what roused her... perhaps an odd sounding creak of wood from someone stepping over the floorboards, perhaps the harsh breathing noises that don't issue from either an aasimar or a human.
[15:56] <Ebiris> But what she can tell, thanks to her darkvision, is that some form of misshapen lump of flesh with stubby legs and numerous eerily human-like eyes is standing right over Marjorie's bed, erratically flailing tentacles lifted as if preparing to strike...
[15:58] * Amonet lunges at the creature with a loud cry, intent on getting it away from her friend at least long enough for Marjorie to escape.
[15:59] <Ebiris> OOC: you'll get a surprise round since it was taking a full round action to coup her, anyway. Go ahead and attack/bull rush/grapple, whatever
[16:03] <Amonet> roll 1d20+19 holy punch!
[16:03] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+19 holy punch! and gets 39." [1d20=20]
[16:03] <Amonet> roll 1d20+19 holy punch?
[16:03] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+19 holy punch? and gets 32." [1d20=13]
[16:03] <Ebiris> OOC: crit
[16:05] <Amonet> roll 2d3+18 smite~
[16:05] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d3+18 smite~ and gets 22." [2d3=3, 1]
[16:06] <Ebiris> The creature's spongy flesh resists Amonet's attack to a small degree, but it still finds itself badly battered by her smite! Marjorie's eyes flash open at the noise, and an ear splitting scream issues from her mouth at the sight of the shadowy mass of tentacles looming over her bed!
[16:06] <Ebiris> OOC: init
[16:07] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[16:07] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 16." [1d20=15]
[16:07] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 Marjorie
[16:07] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 Marjorie and gets 23." [1d20=20]
[16:07] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 horror
[16:07] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 horror and gets 19." [1d20=14]
[16:09] <Ebiris> Scooting back on her bed as her expression moves from shocked terror to determination, Marjorie attempts to cast a spell without exposing herself to attack!
[16:09] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[16:09] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 28." [1d20=16]
[16:10] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[16:10] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[16:11] <Ebiris> She succeeds, as several shadowy forms manifest around the monster, lashing out and causing it to flinch, seeming dazed and confused by the assault! Nonetheless, it still manages to retaliate, lashing out with two clawed tentacles at Amonet and one at Marjorie!
[16:11] <Ebiris> roll 2#d120+13 Amonet
[16:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#d120+13 Amonet and gets 144." [2#d120+13 = 70, 74]
[16:11] <Ebiris> roll 2#1d20+13 Amonet
[16:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1d20+13 Amonet and gets 43." [2#1d20+13 = 21, 22]
[16:11] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13 Marjorie
[16:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 Marjorie and gets 25." [1d20=12]
[16:11] <Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[16:12] <Amonet> OOC: Without armor, that hits
[16:12] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+12 Amonet
[16:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+12 Amonet and gets 16." [2d6=3, 1]
[16:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+6 Marjorie
[16:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+6 Marjorie and gets 11." [1d6=5]
[16:13] <Ebiris> All three tentacles land, shredding through both girl's nightclothes and issuing forth a vicious spray of blood as their flesh is rended and ruined! But still, these young ladies are tougher than the average seaman, and remain in the fight!
[16:13] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[16:14] <Amonet> "Die, abomination!" Amonet calls out, stepping back to grasp her lance, and resuming her attack, once more imbued with holy power!
[16:14] <Amonet> roll 1d20+21
[16:14] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+21 and gets 41." [1d20=20]
[16:14] <Amonet> roll 1d20+21 laf
[16:14] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+21 laf and gets 25." [1d20=4]
[16:14] <Ebiris> The creature takes the opening Amonet presents as she turns her attention to retrieving her weapon, an elongated tentacle snaking out to rake her back!
[16:15] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13
[16:15] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[16:15] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+6
[16:15] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+6 and gets 10." [1d6=4]
[16:15] <Ebiris> OOC: you critted it
[16:16] <Amonet> roll 3d8+24+15+2d6 smite 2~
[16:16] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 3d8+24+15+2d6 smite 2~ and gets 52." [3d8=6, 4, 1][2d6=1, 1]
[16:17] <Ebiris> Amonet's lance strikes truly, impaling the creature and causing it to collapse limply, almost seeming to deflate and even begin to evaporate as the door bursts open to admit Alveria, Gourash, and Keylin!
[16:18] <Amonet> "An evil ghostly squid was loose on the ship!" Amonet announces, pointing at it.
[16:18] <Alveria> "I gathered. It already killed one of the crew," replies Alveria. "Are you alright?"
[16:18] <Ebiris> It takes some imagination to see it as a squid, since it has less than half the appendages. But the freaky bulbous eyes and skin tone are at least a partial match, from what little is visible before the creature fades away into nothingness.
[16:18] * Keylin nods grimly. "Someone already fell victim to it, though at least it seems you've avenged the crewman."
[16:19] <Amonet> "There might be more than one," Amonet cautions, before making her way to Marjorie. "Are you alright?" she asks the girl, ready to heal her wounds.
[16:20] <Ebiris> "That was horrible. If Amonet hadn't woken me up..." Marjorie gasps, putting a hand over her bloodied chest for a moment before choking and suddenly lunging around to glomp onto the paladin.
[16:20] <Gourash> "Women sleep in little," Gourash observed.
[16:21] <Ebiris> Meanwhile a few doors are opened down the corridor as Marjorie's parents and Alveria's apprentices come running out, likewise all dressed in their nightclothes for the most part. "What's going on, we heard screaming!" Katrina blurts out, while Amarysa calls her daughter's name.
[16:22] <Alveria> "We were attacked," replies Alveria, musing. "Under siege by some kind of abberation. Amonet dispatched it, but there may be more."
[16:23] <Ebiris> Alveria's words are perhaps prophetic, as from down below in the crew quarters, a loud thump is heard as if something solid just impacted a wall, followed by orcish cursing and more panicked shouts and yells in common. That barely has a chance to register before a sound like a thunderclap echoes from above deck, followed by the sound of splintering wood and more screaming.
[16:25] * Alveria wordlessly turns to run towards the deck, fingers twitching with tiny sparks.
[16:26] <Gourash> "I going for the deck," Gourash matched pace.
[16:26] <Gourash> OOC: Other two go for the lower one?
[16:26] <Alveria> OOC: Ah, misread that
[16:26] <Alveria> OOC: I'll say something!
[16:26] <Ebiris> Marjorie disengages from Amonet and quickly moves to grab her armour. "Quick, Amonet, get this on!" she urges, moving to help her friend get properly dressed for battle.
[16:27] <Alveria> "Amarysa! Marjorie! You head belowdecks! No, there's no time, can't you cast mage armour or something? I'll deal with what's going on above!"
[16:28] <Ebiris> Amarysa looks a bit conflicted, before she moves over and casts Mage Armour on Amonet. "Wait a second," she asks everyone, before casting Haste on the entire group.
[16:29] <Alveria> "Katrina, Henrietta, you're with me, too," she adds rather curtly, before dashing off.
[16:32] <Amonet> "Teleport away if it gets too much," Amonet urges Marjorie, before calling upon Horus-Re's power to head after Alveria.
[16:32] <Ebiris> "Okay!" Katrina nods as she rushes after her master, Henrietta only pausing a moment to cast Mirror Image before she too follows.
[16:33] <Alveria> "Stand and fight! If the ship goes down, we all go down!" yells Alveria.
[16:33] <Ebiris> roll 1d4+1
[16:33] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d4+1 and gets 5." [1d4=4]
[16:34] * Alveria bulks up with Stoneskin along the way, too!
[16:34] <Alveria> roll 1d20+8
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+8 and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[16:34] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8 dammit
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 dammit and gets 14." [1d6=6]
[16:35] <Ebiris> As the party rushes towards the door back onto the deck, a crewman staggers into view through said door, some strange amorphous mass of black tar seeming to surround him. "Help... me..." he gasps before the substance shifts to cover his face, the man collapsing to the deck.
[16:36] <Alveria> roll 1d20+16 I bet amonet beats me
[16:36] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+16 I bet amonet beats me and gets 25." [1d20=9]
[16:37] -> *Alveria* It's a Shoggoth, a semi-liquid creature from the Far Realm. Its immune to most elements and blunt trauma, and regenerates damage unless hit with cold. Its preferred attack is to envelop someone and melt them with acid damage. Besides that it has a weak slam attack.
[16:39] * Alveria bites her lip, and spreads her hands! "Kossuth, forgive me, for now I sin," she mutters, as an icy, frost shield surrounds everybody present! OOC: mass fire shield, chill variant
[16:39] <Alveria> OOC: is also empowered
[16:40] <Ebiris> OOC: caster level?
[16:40] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 and gets 12." [1d6=4]
[16:40] <Alveria> OOC: that
[16:41] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+12
[16:41] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+12 and gets 19.5." [1d6=5]
[16:42] <Ebiris> As the frosty shield of cold fire surrounds the downed crewman, the creature enveloping him emits a shrill shriek of pain, starting to disengage itself, sliding away from the horribly burnt and wounded man. Beyond out the door you can see a few others of them rolling around the deck, along with a pair of the tentacle things Amonet fought, chasing the terrified crew!
[16:42] <Ebiris> OOC: lets do init, here
[16:42] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1 init~
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 init~ and gets 3." [1d20=2]
[16:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20 generic crew init since they won't do much
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20 generic crew init since they won't do much and gets 8." [1d20=8]
[16:43] <Alveria> roll 1d20+9 nerveskitter
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+9 nerveskitter and gets 26." [1d20=17]
[16:43] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+2 Katrina
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+2 Katrina and gets 15." [1d20=13]
[16:43] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+2 Henrietta
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+2 Henrietta and gets 18." [1d20=16]
[16:43] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 7." [1d20=6]
[16:43] <Alveria> "That thing... it reminds me of the alienist cult," says Alveria, voice thick with revulsion. "Vulnerable to cold and little else, though your blades may cut it. It will melt it's victims with an acidic touch..."
[16:43] <Alveria> "..or grasp, as you can see."
[16:43] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+5 Tentacles
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+5 Tentacles and gets 48." [3#1d20+5 = 17, 20, 11]
[16:43] <Keylin> roll 1d20+4
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+4 and gets 15." [1d20=11]
[16:43] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+3 Shoggoths
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+3 Shoggoths and gets 24." [3#1d20+3 = 5, 9, 10]
[16:43] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 ????
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 ???? and gets 11." [1d20=8]
* Retrieving #evildunes modes...
[16:46] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[16:46] <Alveria> OOC: Are the shoggoths intermingled with the crew, basically?
[16:46] <Ebiris> OOC: one has a crewman caught that you can see, the other two are rolling around deck.
[16:47] <Keylin> "Anything any of you magic guys can do so my arrows do damage to them?" Keylin calls out, her bow unfortunately not being of the magical variety. "I'd rather not have to get near the damn things unless I have to!"
[16:48] <Alveria> "Target the tentacled beasts if you cannot harm the shoggoth," replies Alveria. "But engage them anyhow- the shield I bestowed is bane to them, and one of the best ways we have of hurting them." OOC: Can I target the two with a 20ft burst and not hit any crewmen?
[16:49] <Ebiris> OOC: No, there's an unlucky dude between them. You could hit a shoggoth and a tentacle monster, though.
[16:50] <Alveria> OOC: Any of the shoggoth *close* to the edge of the deck?
[16:50] <Ebiris> OOC: the one that has a guy enveloped is pretty much adjacent to the edge
[16:51] <Alveria> "All crewmen, get off the deck!" yells Alveria, before flinging out a hand and telekinetically latching on to the grappling shoggoth, attempting to seperate it from the man and fling it into the ocea!
[16:51] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8 telekinesis CL
[16:51] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 telekinesis CL and gets 14." [1d6=6]
[16:52] <Alveria> roll 1d20+20 grapple check gogo
[16:52] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+20 grapple check gogo and gets 28." [1d20=8]
[16:52] <Ebiris> OOC: You beat its SR on a 1. You can grapple it to remove it from the man, but tossing it will have to be a seperate action.
[16:52] <Alveria> OOC: That's cool.
[16:53] <Alveria> OOC: See above grapple check, I guess.
[16:54] <Ebiris> The black tarbaby like creature is plucked up and pulled away from its unlucky victim, looking like water flowing as it is removed from his stricken form. Meanwhile, one of the tentacled creatures is seen wrapping its elongated limbs around a crewman's torso, squeezing until a sickening crack is heard and resultant shower of blood comes forth.
[16:55] <Ebiris> Henrietta looks rather sickened and can't really get out to have proper line of sight to hit anything on the deck from her position at the rear, with the wounded Shoggoth blocking the doorway.
[16:56] <Ebiris> Another tentacle monster is seen attacking a crewman with flailing tentacles, just barely missing as the nimble seaman scrambles out of the way!
[16:56] <Ebiris> OOC: Keylin
[16:56] <Ebiris> "Um, this is all I've got that's cold," Katrina admits apologetically, before a crackling blue ray bursts from her fingertips at the wounded Shoggoth!
[16:56] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+4
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+4 and gets 24." [1d20=20]
[16:56] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+4 crit laf
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+4 crit laf and gets 5." [1d20=1]
[16:56] <Ebiris> roll 1d3
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d3 and gets 2." [1d3=2]
[16:57] <Ebiris> The creature writhes in pain from the cold cantrip, but isn't put down just yet!
[16:57] * Keylin moves around the deck, looking for best spot to fire from, and then releases an arrow at one of the tentacles, the one that just burst that poor crewman into bloody giblets.
[16:58] <Keylin> roll 1d20+12
[16:58] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+12 and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[16:58] <Ebiris> OOC: you'll have to get past the Shoggoth to shoot onto the deck, which will provoke an AoO (unless you tumble)
[16:58] * Keylin tumbles and dances and moves like a whirlwind!
[16:58] <Keylin> roll 1d20+18 tumble
[16:58] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+18 tumble and gets 33." [1d20=15]
[16:58] <Ebiris> OOC: Okay, carry on. You hit.
[16:59] <Keylin> roll 1d8+3+5d6
[16:59] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d8+3+5d6 and gets 31." [1d8=8][5d6=6, 5, 5, 3, 1]
[17:00] <Ebiris> Keylin's arrow sinks deep into the monster's tainted flesh, eliciting a howl of agony from it! As she gets clear onto the deck, she can see up above on the upper-rear deck stands an enormous creature of chalk-white skin, two bloody claws raised above a tiny head that seems to be nothing more than a gaping tooth filled maw!
[17:00] <Ebiris> Lightning crackles from its hands before a massive lightning bolt tears over the deck, slamming into several unlucky men who are immediately fried!
[17:01] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, as one Shoggoth continues to chase the crew around, one moves to attack Keylin!
[17:01] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[17:01] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 14." [1d20=3]
[17:02] <Ebiris> OOC: touch AC?
[17:08] <Ebiris> But Keylin is able to duck aside!
[17:08] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, most of the crew seem to be panicking and/or dying, but a few hardy souls are seen trying to maneuver the siege ballista on the prow into position to try and shoot the gigantic monster at the rear of the ship!
[17:09] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[17:11] <Amonet> "In Horus-Re's name, we'll dispatch these vile beings!" Amonet vows, illuminated by Alveria's spell. "His holy light will descend on us, and grant us the strength to prevail! As we trust in the Sun, it will tear the darkness into shreds. May it guide our actions with its sacred blessings, for such things are not for our world!"
[17:11] <Amonet> Praying to Horus-Re to protect the crewmen on the deck, she advances to serve as his avatar until such time divine punishment comes for the attacking horrors.
[17:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 24." [1d20=13]
[17:12] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+12
[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+12 and gets 18." [1d6=4]
[17:12] <Ebiris> The Shoggoth reaches out at Amonet as she passes, but recoils from her cold shield and shrivels away, rapidly disintegrating into nothingness!
[17:13] <Ebiris> Meanwhile another of the Shoggoths approaches the ballista crew, not quite reaching them just yet.
[17:13] <Ebiris> OOC: Gourash
[17:14] * Gourash looking over the scene of horrific lovecraftian horror, Gourash failed his sanity check, wading into the battle and charging the closest monstrousity, axe swinging.
[17:15] <Gourash> OOC: Rage
[17:16] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2+2+2+1-7 why  not a  bold crazy opener.
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2+2+2+1-7 why not a bold crazy opener. and gets 39." [1d20=20]
[17:16] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2+2+2+1-7 why  not a  bold crazy opener.
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2+2+2+1-7 why not a bold crazy opener. and gets 35." [1d20=16]
[17:16] <Ebiris> OOC: crit
[17:17] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+2+14
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+2+14 and gets 43." [1d12=11]
[17:17] <Gourash> OOC: 86 damage
[17:17] <Gourash> OOC: wait
[17:17] <Ebiris> OOC: No.
[17:17] <Ebiris> OOC: You're doing it wrong.
[17:18] <Gourash> OOC: 129 damage.
[17:18] <Ebiris> OOC: roll 3d12+96
[17:18] <Gourash> roll 2d12
[17:18] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 2d12 and gets 16." [2d12=6, 10]
[17:18] <Gourash> OOC: 123 damage
[17:19] <Ebiris> The Shoggoth Gourash hits is splattered mercilessly, a spray of black tar-like substance spread across the deck with no mercy! It'll take a long time to regenerate from that, that's for sure!
[17:19] <Ebiris> Meanwhile Alveria proceeds to bodily hurl her Shoggoth into the briny deep!
[17:20] <Ebiris> However, even as Gourash celebrates this, one of the tentacle horrors moves to attack the stalwart barbarian, at least buying his previous prey time to scurry away to supposed safety!
[17:21] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 and gets 27." [1d20=14]
[17:21] <Gourash> OOC: Hit
[17:21] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+6-2
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+6-2 and gets 7." [1d6=3]
[17:21] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 18." [1d20=4]
[17:21] <Ebiris> OOC: you probably win on a 1, but grapple check
[17:22] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18+2+1+2
[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18+2+1+2 and gets 42." [1d20=19]
[17:22] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14 SR check, too
[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 SR check, too and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[17:22] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+12
[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+12 and gets 21." [1d6=6]
[17:26] <Ebiris> Gourash shrugs off the creature's attempt to snare him with its tentacles, and it takes a nasty freezing for its trouble!
[17:26] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, Henrietta steps onto the deck and casts her spell, tossing some nice looking glitter over the tentacle monster and shoggoth closest to the ballista crew!
[17:26] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 16." [1d20=11]
[17:26] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 22." [1d20=15]
[17:27] <Ebiris> They don't seem especially bothered, and the tentacle monster rushes over to grab one of the men crewing the ballista, his scream of terror echoing across the deck!
[17:28] <Ebiris> OOC: Keylin and apprentice #2
[17:28] * Keylin continues to dance and weave around the combatants, searching for optimal firing spots, and then continuing to rain fire on the tentacle she attacked earlier, deciding to focus on what she can hit.
[17:28] <Keylin> roll 1d20+18 tumble if needed
[17:28] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+18 tumble if needed and gets 22." [1d20=4]
[17:28] <Keylin> roll 1d20+12 attack
[17:28] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+12 attack and gets 23." [1d20=11]
[17:28] <Keylin> roll 1d8+3+5d6 if hits
[17:28] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d8+3+5d6 if hits and gets 30." [1d8=4][5d6=6, 5, 6, 3, 3]
[17:29] <Ebiris> Katrina snaps her fingers, and summons a ball of fire upon the tentacle monster menacing the ballista crew!
[17:29] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:29] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[17:29] <Ebiris> It dodges the fireball, while the tentacle attacking Gourash is shot and greviously wounded!
[17:30] <Ebiris> Another tentacle monster moves to attack Amonet, its reach sadly denying her what she craves!
[17:30] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 and gets 21." [1d20=8]
[17:30] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14 CL check
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 CL check and gets 27." [1d20=13]
[17:30] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+6 tentacle damage
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+6 tentacle damage and gets 10." [1d6=4]
[17:30] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+14
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+14 and gets 21.5." [1d6=5]
[17:32] <Ebiris> But she's able to duck out of harm's way! Up above, a scream is heard as the Shambler slams its claws into a crewman, sending him careening in an arcing path off the side of the boat and into the dark waters below! Katrina just has time to cast Wave's Blessing to stop him from sinking if he's unable to swim, luckily!
[17:32] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, the ballista is finally in position, as...
[17:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[17:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 28." [1d20=18]
[17:32] <Ebiris> roll 5d8
[17:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 5d8 and gets 17." [5d8=1, 3, 5, 6, 2]
[17:33] <Ebiris> A harpoon blasts across the deck and under the sails to slam into the giant beast's chalk-white flesh, drawing forth a spurt of foul black blood!
[17:33] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[17:34] * Amonet ignores the horrific monster in favor of one far viler than it, as she puts all her efforts into grimly advancing on the giant.
[17:34] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13 AoO
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 AoO and gets 32." [1d20=19]
[17:34] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+6
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+6 and gets 12." [1d6=6]
[17:34] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+14
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+14 and gets 23." [1d6=6]
[17:35] <Ebiris> The creature hits Amonet, but is then felled by the blast of cold it receives in return!
[17:35] * Amonet pays the blow no mind, calling upon Horus-Re's infinite well of strength once more!
[17:37] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[17:37] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[17:37] <Ebiris> As Amonet prays, Alveria tosses another Shoggoth off the deck and into the sea!
[17:37] <Ebiris> OOC: wait, no she doesn't.
[17:37] <Ebiris> OOCL Go G
[17:39] <Gourash> OOC: Rawr
[17:40] * Gourash turns to the one that got too close and proceeds to show it a terror that the nameless other side lacks.
[17:40] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2+2+1-5
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2+2+1-5 and gets 36." [1d20=17]
[17:40] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2+2+1-5 Attack 2
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2+2+1-5 Attack 2 and gets 36." [1d20=17]
[17:40] <Gourash> roll 1d20+14+2+2+1-5 Attack 3
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+14+2+2+1-5 Attack 3 and gets 29." [1d20=15]
[17:40] <Ebiris> OOC: all hit
[17:41] <Gourash> roll 3d12+84
[17:41] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 3d12+84 and gets 91." [3d12=1, 1, 5]
[17:41] <Ebiris> Gourash slices and dices untilt he tentacled horror is no more! Meanwhile, Alveria sends another Shoggoth careening off the side of the ship!
[17:42] <Ebiris> Henrietta doesn't have much else to do, so she casts Grease under the tentacle monster attacking the ballista crew.
[17:43] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[17:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[17:43] <Ebiris> Which promptly falls on its... well, it lacks a face, so it just falls over.
[17:43] <Ebiris> OOC: Keylin and apprentice #2
[17:43] <Ebiris> Katrina keeps her burning sphere trying to incinerate the monster her sister just downed!
[17:44] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:44] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[17:44] <Ebiris> But sadly fails.
[17:45] * Keylin focuses on the remaining tentacle, moving closer towards the abomination, weaving around all the chaos on deck, and firing an arrow at the tentacle once she's close enough to target it with highest precision.
[17:45] <Keylin> roll 1d20+14 attack
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Keylin rolls 1d20+14 attack and gets 20." [1d20=6]
[17:45] <Ebiris> OOC: counting the -4 penalty for it being prone?
[17:46] <Keylin> ooc: no
[17:46] <Ebiris> Keylin's arrow arcs up and falls down, embedding itself in the greasy deck and just missing its true target!
[17:46] <Ebiris> The fallen creature tries to get up, as...
[17:46] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[17:47] <Ebiris> It succeeds! And the Shambler lumbers forward to smash into Amonet with a giant claw, crackling with electricity!
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+9
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+9 and gets 16." [1d8=7]
[17:47] <Ebiris> OOC: reflex save
[17:48] <Amonet> roll 1d20+17
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+17 and gets 36." [1d20=19]
[17:48] <Ebiris> Amonet is battered by the claw, but retains her footing despite the force she's hit by!
[17:49] <Ebiris> Meanwhile the crewmen by the ballista do their best to fight off the tentacle monster, doing a passable job of inflicting some pain on it!
[17:49] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[17:50] <Amonet> Amonet slowly turns her head back towards the creature, her neck protesting the action. "Are you the one that lead them?" she asks the horrible monster with a gaping maw for a face. She points her glowing lance at it. "As they have fallen before our righteous blade and mighty magics, so shall you. In Horus-Re's name, we'll destroy you!"
[17:50] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 19." [1d20=3]
[17:50] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 12." [1d20=1]
[17:50] <Ebiris> OOC: remember the extra haste attack!
[17:50] <Amonet> roll 1d20+17 my bad!
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+17 my bad! and gets 29." [1d20=12]
[17:50] <Ebiris> OOC: then make a critfail check
[17:51] <Amonet> roll 1d20+12
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+12 and gets 28." [1d20=16]
[17:51] <Ebiris> OOC: 1 hit, no critfail
[17:51] <Amonet> roll 1d8+10+2d6
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+10+2d6 and gets 21." [1d8=1][2d6=5, 5]
[17:52] <Ebiris> The Shambler roars in pain at Amonet's attack, more blood pouring from where holy power ruins its flesh! But it still stands tall and mighty, as fearsome an opponent as any!
[17:52] <Ebiris> OOC: Gourash
[17:53] * Gourash roars leaping at the Shambler with the unstoppable axe of +1!
[17:54] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2+2+2+1-7 Craziness continues
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2+2+2+1-7 Craziness continues and gets 37." [1d20=18]
[17:54] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[17:54] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+2+14
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+2+14 and gets 41." [1d12=9]
[17:54] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+19
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+19 and gets 31." [1d20=12]
[17:54] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+9
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+9 and gets 13." [1d8=4]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d6 electricity
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6 electricity and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 2#1d20+14 SR
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1d20+14 SR and gets 63." [2#1d20+14 = 29, 34]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 2#1.5*1d6+14
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1.5*1d6+14 and gets Error: Numeric values only." [1d6=2]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 2(1.5*1d6+14)
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2(1.5*1d6+14) and gets 215.5." [1d6=1]
[17:56] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+14
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+14 and gets 18.5." [1d6=3]
[17:56] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+14
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+14 and gets 23." [1d6=6]
[17:56] <Ebiris> The Shambler roars in pain as it attacks Gourash and is frosted for its trouble, before taking a vicious wound from the barbarian's axe, rattling it to the bone!
[17:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[17:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 25." [1d20=11]
[17:57] <Ebiris> Meanwhile Alveria fails to grapple the tentacle monster, And Henrietta has little she can actually do.
[17:57] <Ebiris> OOC: Keylin and Katrina
[17:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 22." [1d20=15]
[17:57] <Ebiris> The monster also continues to avoid fiery death by flaming sphere!
[18:02] <Ebiris> Keylin shoots the tentacle monster! It dies!
[18:02] <Ebiris> And the Shambler, seeing Gourash as the worse threat, focuses its attention on trying to remove him from the battle!
[18:02] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 32." [1d20=18]
[18:02] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+9
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+9 and gets 10." [1d8=1]
[18:02] <Ebiris> +1d6
[18:02] <Ebiris> roll 1d6
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6 and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[18:03] <Ebiris> OOC: reflex save
[18:03] <Gourash> roll 1d20+9
[18:03] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[18:03] <Gourash> OOC: 13
[18:04] <Ebiris> Gourash is almost sent flying, but somehow retains his footing against all odds!
[18:04] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:05] <Amonet> "You cannot win!" she tells the monster. "Horus-Re himself is with us!" And then, the fire around Amonet briefly turns golden as she evokes her dormant heritage, devoting herself to Horus-Re, body and soul! Holding within herself a certainty of the righteousness of her cause, Amonet unleashes a barrage of strikes against it, each one backed with the power of justice!
[18:05] <Ebiris> roll 1.5*1d6+12
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1.5*1d6+12 and gets 16.5." [1d6=3]
[18:05] <Amonet> roll 1d20+17
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+17 and gets 37." [1d20=20]
[18:05] <Amonet> roll 1d20+17
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+17 and gets 29." [1d20=12]
[18:05] <Amonet> roll 1d20+17 crit
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+17 crit and gets 23." [1d20=6]
[18:05] <Ebiris> OOC: 2 hits
[18:05] <Amonet> roll 1d20+12
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+12 and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[18:05] <Ebiris> OOC: 3 hits
[18:06] <Amonet> roll 3d8+30+6d6
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 3d8+30+6d6 and gets 70." [3d8=5, 7, 5][6d6=5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 6]
[18:07] <Ebiris> With a flurry of stabs from Amonet, the shambler emits an agonised moan and collapses to its knees, blood pouring from its myriad wounds before it finally topples completely, its huge bulk cracking the deck below before it begins to fade away, called back to the Plane it calls home...
[18:07] <Amonet> "Tremble at the righteous might of the sun!" Amonet proclaims grandly, posing with her lance.