Touhou Shiyakusho

Started by Carthrat, November 01, 2007, 08:05:40 AM

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Gensokyo! A secluded land, somewhere in Japan, abundant with the cast-off mysteries and legends which the so-called 'real' world no longer requires. Any myth can probably be found once again here. But to the residents, these stories are all too real, and regular people can suffer the very real danger of being consumed by ravenous, seemingly-human Youkai. To the unskilled observer, the threat is not apparent until it is too late. Humans found shelter only in small villages, where the few human heroes who could fight such menaces could congregate and focus their efforts.

So it seems only natural that the majority of humans would come together sometime. In another world, perhaps one where Gensokyo was smaller, this may not have happened. But eventually, humans came together, and a city was constructed. It was named Respite.

Those Youkai who ally with humans sought to aid the construction, and with this came greater harmony between the species. Walls may keep people out, but they always create tighter bonds between those within. Some other Youkai drifted in, intrigued, or perhaps seeing opportunity.

Yukari Yakumo herself supported the institution, as did the Hakurei clan. The motives of the latter were simple; Gensokyo began as a project to protect humans, and as upholders of the Great Border, this seemed only an extension of their duties. The motives of the former were inscrutible. Her powers were used to bring in technologies, skilled workers, and natural resources from the outside. This time was known as the time of Construction, where the borders between this world and Gensokyo were tighter than once before. Those borders are closed now, and only the shrine maiden of Gensokyo or Yukari can open them.

Respite was brought to life. Youkai and human alike took refuge within, bound by new laws that prevented any from easily harming another. The hotheaded amongst them took their differences to the sky, fighting structured battles to resolve disputes. These 'spellcard rules' frequently create dazzling, entrancing displays against the backdrop of the boundary, leading some to rename the sky the 'Kaleidoscope'. Thus are feuds resolved, for good or ill. Strength is still, perhaps, the prime determinant of right in this world; although most humans are weak, those who are strong are perhaps the greatest duelists today.

Yukari Yakumo claimed sovereignity over the realm. Who could contest her? The city was propsering thanks to her. Although the Hakurei clan proposed democracy, they did not expect Yakumo to form a party. Her platform was simple: she was the only one who could continue moving goods from the outside world. Goods that Gensokyo needed to function. Other political groups emerged, but Yakumo always held an absolute, if restrained power over things.

And then, she vanished. Things that seemed certain for decades are now losing their stability. Nobody, not even her shikigami, could say where she had gone. It was then that humans learned a terrible lesson.

Great figures in Gensokyo are capable of great things. More than one institution within the city was dependant on the unique powers of a single being, whether youkai or human. Their death or dissapearance could mean the end of a business. Or of a city. Respite was protected by powerful borders that prevented other strong Youkai attacking; the infrastructure was supported by goods not obtainable within Gensokyo, and Yukari's presence and edicts alone kept some of the stronger Youkai within the city in check. The police force was small- it never needed to be large. Other political groups, once simply desiring to make sure their agendas were public, smelt opportunity- and rivalries, some checked for centuries, began to come to the fore once again.

Humanity survived in Gensokyo once before. They could doubtless do so again- but nobody wants to return to the days where they had to post guards at night, travel only in numbers, and always keep a watchful eye on their back. If Yukari didn't return, someone else would have to take control.

Luckily, democracy is somewhat equipped to deal with this. Parties are now rising again, campaigning for YOUR vote- or prayer, as it were, for the spiritual connections that worship gives can now be tabulated. It's not the number of votes that count- but the feeling behind them. The general feeling being promoted by each group now is something like "So what if the gap youkai is gone? We can do the job, and better besides!"

Six months have passes since Yukari's vanishing trick, and the stockpiles are starting to run thin. There is talk of the elections being pushed forward, and some look to outside Gensokyo's walls and wonder if she might yet return- or, perhaps, be found. Few have ventured outside them, and some forget how large the land is beyond- and what sort of people chose to stay away from company; humans, as well as Youkai, are known to dwell there.


Get your vote on! Parties include..

The Hakurei Party, one of the top dogs for the position. They've been around since the beginning of Gensokyo, and they're not likely to leave it for a while! They'll be damned if it crumbles apart around them- and although they've been a bit slack, lately, they'll certainly be able to do something about the border and make sure everything runs smoothly again, as long as they get a big enough budget for the next term!

But they've got stiff competition in the form of the Moriya Party. Although they're relatively new to Gensokyo, they, unlike Hakurei, have secured significant worship for their god, and have already demonstrated able control of the boundary simply by getting in. They already *have* money, they say, and won't need to unleash heavy taxes upon the populance!

The final party is a distant one who did not even dwell within the city until recently. But the Lunarians promise much- with the power of the city, the moon, and, of course, money, they'll be able to bring their strange technology to the city and make it- already something of a fantasy land- into a place that even dreams can't match. Their dark reputation and penchant for mystery helps as well as hinders them, for nobody in Gensokyo loses that sense of wonder children know instinctively.


Touhou RP, of intrigue and wonder! In this game you will select a Touhou character (except for a few, which I will list) adapt them to life in the city, and go from there! I don't really want to get too into the city details until I know who you're playing, but if you're curious about any aspect I'd be happy to talk about it. The city itself is something of a blend of old-fashioned fantasy architecture and modern convenience- I'm loathe to draw the comparision, but if you've seen Naruto, I'm thinking of that sort of feel to it. For instance, while cars and computers aren't around, streetlights and deep-fries certainly are. The city itself has little to no heavy industry, but it will use electrical appliances and that kind of thing.

Hoping to get two to four players. I do intend to use a system (I'm leaning strongly towards a houseruled nWoD Mage), though as of yet I'm not entirely decided on how I'll do it. (The reason: I need conflict resolution, both for arranged duels (re: spellcard battles) and more realistic combat with magic attached.) IRC based, times yet to be decided. I will play quite loose with it; I really just need something to model supernatural abilities in, so I'm open to suggestions here. Anything is fine except for BESM.

Characters you CAN'T play...

Yukari Yakumo (duh)
Suwako Moriya
Kaguya Houraisan
Eirin Yagokoro
Fujiwara no Mokou
Sanae Kotiya OR Reimu Hakurei- one is allowed, but only one shrine maiden in this game.
Shikiexi Yamaxanadu
Rinnosuke Morichika

I don't really know the PC-98 characters well, but if you want to play as one I will be fine with reading over their stuff. You should reinterpret the character as a city character. The possibilities are endless! Take the prismriver sisters; one could be a busker, another perform in clubs and bars, and the other a concert diva. Maybe Rumia is the preppy captain of a local grade school, or Meiling is one of the few Youkai who hires herself out as a champion in spellcard duels. Sky's the limit! I'll probably want to start in December, and will be aiming for a few months of play (at least until march and hopefully beyond.)


(Yeah, I KNOW it's a silly name. >_>)
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


How is this going Rat?  Out of curiousity.

*wants to watch*
Well, Goodbye.