Session 5: Premonitions of Darkness...

Started by Dracos, February 03, 2008, 02:02:19 PM

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1/13/2008 1:21:17 PM <Drac-GM>   ================================
1/13/2008 1:24:05 PM <Drac-GM>   Arriving back by boat, they found the city largely unchanged, for not much could change the splendor of Huachaun.  Heading, somewhat tiredly, towards the temple, they found Suleste waiting for them at their home, feeding a group of colorful birds.
1/13/2008 1:24:59 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie waves, though somewhat halfheartedly. Hey, it's been a long walk back!
1/13/2008 1:26:29 PM <Drac-GM>   "Ah, you've returned...come inside, I would like to hear of your trip."  She smiled.  "I don't have any brownies today... but I had this premonition that you'd returned, so I waited for you."
1/13/2008 1:27:19 PM *   Kuran could've gone for some brownies. "Trip was... long," he concludes, following behind Jai.
1/13/2008 1:27:51 PM *   Sunako just shuffles behind Jai.
1/13/2008 1:29:02 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "It was," Jai agrees. "There's...a lot of empire out there. I grew up in a small town, guess I never really got how big the empire really is before."
1/13/2008 1:31:26 PM <Drac-GM>   "And that was just a small part of it...  the empire is grand beyond the imagination," She lead inside, sitting at their table, but not for long as she whipped up some snacks for them.  Modest fair at least.  "So tell me of how your trip went and your missions."
1/13/2008 1:32:32 PM <Kuran>   "Boy named Timmy fell down well and was eaten by bad well spirit. Very tragic story," Kuran nods sadly. "Well spirit almost eat me, too, but Sunako killed it."
1/13/2008 1:33:40 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Ah, well...rural towns having trouble holding on to their kids more often than I'd like, yes." She shakes her head in disapproval of well-demons and pixies both.
1/13/2008 1:34:34 PM <Drac-GM>   She nodded. "Very tragic.  Though I am glad for your safety, Kuran."
1/13/2008 1:36:08 PM *   Sunako nods in agreement.
1/13/2008 1:37:38 PM <Drac-GM>   She served tea.  "Well, if that's all, I believe you have some mail," She passed along a few scrolls. "I kept them safe while you were away."  Three for Sunako, one for Kuran, and even one for Jai.
1/13/2008 1:39:07 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie blinks, but isn't about to complain about getting mail! Her family isn't big on writing, but she isn't sure who else would be writing to her.
1/13/2008 1:39:26 PM *   Sunako wonders who would possibly care, but opens them in order just the same.
1/13/2008 1:40:02 PM <Kuran>   "Thanking you," Kuran smiles as he accepts the scroll, wondering if it's from Sunako's nice cousin. It'd be nice if she remembered him...
1/13/2008 1:43:20 PM *   Kuran opens his to read it.
1/13/2008 1:49:19 PM <Kuran>   "When was this letter delivered, Sue?" Kuran asks, folding his up after reading it.
1/13/2008 1:53:17 PM <Drac-GM>   "Well, let's see.  I believe a week ago.  Yes, that sounds right."
1/13/2008 1:53:19 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie finishes reading. Always good to get word from the family! Nothing she feels inclined to bore everyone else with, but she won't begrudge them asking.
1/13/2008 1:55:24 PM <Kuran>   "Good timing," Kuran muses. "Everyone else get good news?" he asks Jai and Sunako.
1/13/2008 1:55:28 PM <Sunako>   "People are making me go meet them," Sunako says darkly. "And they're vetoing my best robes."
1/13/2008 1:56:44 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Of course, she's not above asking if others got anything of import! Assuming they're willing to share. "What's up, Sunako? You're the popular one here. Three letters!" To Kuran: "Oh, just news from the family. Kids are still growing up, that sort of thing."
1/13/2008 1:57:30 PM *   Sunako looks sour. "Maybe I can get sick in time for the equinox...."
1/13/2008 1:57:53 PM <Kuran>   "I can help you with that," Kuran offers brightly to Sunako.
1/13/2008 1:57:55 PM <Drac-GM>   "Oh, don't be so dour, Sunako, I'm sure it's not all that bad," Sue smiled a t her.
1/13/2008 1:58:21 PM <Sunako>   "They call me a freak, yes it is."
1/13/2008 1:58:42 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Family?"
1/13/2008 1:59:04 PM *   Sunako considers. "Can you make it very, very contagious?" she asks Kuran eagerly.
1/13/2008 1:59:20 PM <Sunako>   "Even if they make me come, my sacrifice will not be in vain!"
1/13/2008 2:00:49 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie shakes her head. "Sunako, I'm not sure whether to tell you to grow up or them."
1/13/2008 2:01:20 PM <Kuran>   "The spirits of disease and decay, they can give you ones that spread through the air if you cough," Kuran assures her confidently. "Others that spread from touching. Very contagious."
1/13/2008 2:01:56 PM <Sunako>   "Can it be both?" Sunako asks, eyes shining.
1/13/2008 2:03:01 PM <Kuran>   "Have to cast spell twice, but suppose so..." Kuran ponders. "Could be dangerous, though - I don't want to be hurting you, after all. And these real serious diseases, not like little tummy bug."
1/13/2008 2:04:05 PM <Sunako>   "We still have two weeks," Sunako agrees. "Maybe I'll find another way out."
1/13/2008 2:05:04 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Kuran, don't encourage her. I'm not normally one to tell another person what they can or can't do with their own life, but this is silly. Why can't you talk to these people? And besides, what happens if we get called out on another mission and she's still sick?"
1/13/2008 2:05:41 PM <Drac-GM>   Suleste coughed. "Well, you three are obviously tired...  I will be by later," She smiled and stood up, heading out.
1/13/2008 2:06:26 PM <Kuran>   "What spirits inflict, spirits can also take away," Kuran grins. "It just as easy to cure as to cause disease."
1/13/2008 2:06:29 PM <Sunako>   "There is someone who doesn't hate me," Sunako announces simply. "Want to meet her?"
1/13/2008 2:06:50 PM <Kuran>   "Is that your nice cousin?" the shaman asks eagerly, turning to fully face the monk.
1/13/2008 2:07:08 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie shrugs. "Sure, why not? I haven't got any friends or relatives in the capital, so I'll be bored out of my mind if I don't find something to do."
1/13/2008 2:07:25 PM <Sunako>   "Can you give HER a disease?" Sunako asks back.
1/13/2008 2:09:09 PM <Kuran>   "I wouldn't want to do that!" Kuran reels back in shock. "That no way to treat a lady!"
1/13/2008 2:09:28 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie laughs. "What does that make Sunako?"
1/13/2008 2:09:53 PM *   Sunako looks at the laughing Jai in betrayal.
1/13/2008 2:11:02 PM <Kuran>   "Uh..." Kuran realises he may have said too much. "Er... well, it different if the lady asks... I think?"
1/13/2008 2:11:21 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie calms down eventually. "Sorry, Sunako. I couldn't resist. You take yourself so seriously! It makes you an easy target."
1/13/2008 2:12:17 PM *   Sunako mutters to herself.
1/13/2008 2:13:07 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Look, um...would it help if you had someone else with you at this meeting or whatever?"
1/13/2008 2:14:11 PM <Sunako>   "Only if you hit the bad people until they went away."
1/13/2008 2:14:45 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie sighs. "I can't do that. You think they're all bad people! I'd get worn out before evening."
1/13/2008 2:16:55 PM *   Sunako offers her hand to Jai. "Five?"
1/13/2008 2:19:27 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Alright. But I can't actually *hit* them, you know. I'll...hit them with aptly biting criticisms. If I have to I'll even glare."
1/13/2008 2:20:09 PM *   Sunako considers. "If it makes them run away in tears, that's a deal."
1/13/2008 2:20:51 PM <Drac-GM>   A knock interrupted this touching moment.
1/13/2008 2:20:51 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie considers. "Only if I think they deserve it, okay? Okay."
1/13/2008 2:21:07 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Hm?" Jai goes to open the door.
1/13/2008 2:21:22 PM <Sunako>   It's probably more people she doesn't like, so Sunako leaves Jai to it.
1/13/2008 2:23:38 PM <Drac-GM>   "Ah, good, I thought you were still here.  Now, this is very important.  High Priest Ulrich wishes to meet with you tomorrow.  This will be a formal occassion, so please wear your bests," she encouraged motheringly.
1/13/2008 2:24:08 PM <Kuran>   "What time?" Kuran asks, wandering over towards the door.
1/13/2008 2:28:03 PM <Drac-GM>   "At the second bell of morning," She replied, a fairly early hour, just after the rise of the sun.
1/13/2008 2:29:13 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods. "Not sending us out again already, are they?"
1/13/2008 2:30:17 PM <Drac-GM>   "No," She smiled.  "Something a bit more pleasant.  But you must always be ready.  Divination is at best spotty in truly determining danger with regards to that."
1/13/2008 2:32:20 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods again. Well, if they'd done something to warrant a reprimand, Sue probably wouldn't be smiling while delivering the news. So, something to look forward to? Maybe. Honors from above don't mean as much to Jai as someone simply thanking her.
1/13/2008 2:34:34 PM <Drac-GM>   'Sue' nodded. "Anyhow, I'll see you three tomorrow," She turned, leaving them to their afternoon.
1/13/2008 2:36:57 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Hum," she says once Sue's left. "What do you guys think? Maybe we did something right somewhere?"
1/13/2008 2:38:21 PM <Kuran>   "He probably just wants to meet with us because we work with him," Kuran reasons. "Doubt it's anything special."
1/13/2008 2:38:53 PM <Sunako>   "Yes. Or it's an evaluation."
1/13/2008 2:39:21 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods. "We did just come back from our first trip out. Makes sense."
1/13/2008 2:45:36 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie stretches. "Well...I'll wrote back to my folks tonight sometime. Unless you guys have something fun I can help with, I'm napping through the afternoon.
1/13/2008 2:46:08 PM <Kuran>   "Think I'll be taking it easy, today, too," Kuran agrees.
1/13/2008 2:47:23 PM <Drac-GM>   =======================
1/13/2008 2:53:10 PM <Drac-GM>   The second bell rang as they made their way to the grand find, much to their surprise, the Nine waiting for them.  Well, not all of them.  But the blazing appearance of high master Fu-yu-saz of the Yang-Tse-Kiang was breathtaking to behold.  Beside him, the sunbringer Amazera!  And across from them, on Ulrich's left, with long green hair and a youthful gaze was the holder of the oar, Soyana, and the hand of fortune, the halflin
1/13/2008 2:53:10 PM <Drac-GM>   g priest Emir.
1/13/2008 2:54:17 PM <Drac-GM>   Suleste was off at the side by a bell, normally not a place for a high priestess like herself, but with those there, it was little surprise to see not a single acolyte level person around.
1/13/2008 2:54:54 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   Well, that's certainly more than Jai was expecting. She bows appropriately and then waits for the bigshots to speak their minds. That's what these kind of meetings are about, right?
1/13/2008 2:55:37 PM *   Olorin has quit (Ping timeout)
1/13/2008 2:55:41 PM *   Kuran suddenly feels rather nervous, but like Jai recognises that this is a place where he should let the high ups say their bit, first. Wordlessly, he bows alongside his fellow divines.
1/13/2008 2:58:44 PM <Drac-GM>   The bell rang once more.  "These are the Divines of the 1231st year of Ifurita's reign, returned to us from their journey along the realm of the mystic.  I present them in confidence before you, On High," He turned, bowing to the four above.
1/13/2008 3:02:01 PM <Drac-GM>   There was a moment of tremulous silence as the four watched them, examining them in consideration.  Amazera stepped forward finally among them.  "Word of your travels has reached us, and it was deemed necessary to discuss something with you.  Have you heard, Divines of the Prophecy of Broken Shards?"
1/13/2008 3:03:34 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   roll 1d20+2
1/13/2008 3:03:34 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jai_Wo_Xie rolls 1d20+2 and gets 14." [1d20=12]
1/13/2008 3:04:59 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie shakes her head. "No, I have not."
1/13/2008 3:05:03 PM *   Kuran shakes his head. "That a new one to me," he admits.
1/13/2008 3:07:19 PM <Sunako>   roll 1d20+8
1/13/2008 3:07:19 PM <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Sunako rolls 1d20+8 and gets 26." [1d20=18]
1/13/2008 3:09:50 PM <Sunako>   "The forbidden prophecy of destruction?" Sunako chances, speaking for the first time.
1/13/2008 3:12:52 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie blinks. Well, that's a new one to her. And things involving the words "forbiddin" and "destruction" were rarely good news.
1/13/2008 3:12:55 PM <Drac-GM>   Fu-yu-saz's eyes burned.  "Yes, that one, child," He stepped forward, carrying a box.  "Know this, young is our belief that you may come to play a part in this prophecy.  A part of importance to the preservation of the empire.  And for this, we feel it appropriate to reward you tools with which to face the future.  We are not certain of the part you shall play...  but you will speak of this to no one and keep foremost in your
1/13/2008 3:12:55 PM <Drac-GM>    thoughts the risks that this bears."  He presented a box to Sunako.  "This contains Qui-Wen's dark siriyfr," A varient of dress or clothing, popular a few hundred years ago.  "It shall suit you in your travels, Divine."
1/13/2008 3:13:34 PM *   Sunako perks up at the mention of dark clothing!
1/13/2008 3:14:56 PM *   Kuran is a bit worried about this talk of being involved in forbidden prophecies of destruction, but decides not to interrupt until explanations are completed.
1/13/2008 3:17:48 PM <Drac-GM>   The silent Soyana walked forward, seizing Kuran's hand suddenly and lifting it, slipping upon it a ring of bone, carefully carved to resemble a skull upon it.   "Divination is always the art of guessing at the predetermined.  But none really stands such under Stamveshdo.  Take this spirit walker, and may it serve you," Emir glibly commented, handing a smaller box to Kuran.
1/13/2008 3:19:47 PM <Drac-GM>   Amazera glared slightly at the mighty Fu-yu-saz.  "We shall not read of this prophecy to you, in the worries that in doing so, we may indeed concrete its very occurance.  But at the same time, we cannot simply ignore it," Her voice was strangely kind despite the harsh words, a warmth around her, as much as she was one of those 'damned sun people' as Sunako would say.
1/13/2008 3:20:00 PM *   Kuran jolts slightly as he has a ring and a box foisted on him, reflexively taking the box in his other hand. "Ah..." he takes a moment to recover his poise, "Thanks be given. What... er, what is it?" he asks, looking between the gloomy jewellery and the box.
1/13/2008 3:22:38 PM <Drac-GM>   Slipping free a small box from her sleeve, she handed it to Jai Wo Xie.  "Through the darkness, I lend you a friend to watch over you.  Take care of him, the lion-bird Siyawin will protect you."
1/13/2008 3:23:29 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   A friend? In a box? Well. This should be interesting. She takes it, (reverentially, since these are all clearly objects of importance, even though she's not really sure why they're being given).
1/13/2008 3:24:09 PM <Drac-GM>   "A gift from botan," the quite beautiful voice of Soyana replied quietly, barely above the whisper.  "To prolong your distance from her realm."  "You could say, a few things to help you when you least expect it," The halfling followed.
1/13/2008 3:24:38 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods and opens the box!
1/13/2008 3:26:03 PM <Kuran>   Following Jai's example. Kuran opens his own box.
1/13/2008 3:26:34 PM <Drac-GM>   Inside, surrounded by golden coins, is an immaculant statuette, made of brilliant bronze with two ruby eyes, it is carved very carefully to resemble a strange creature Jai has never seen before, seemingly half lion and half bird.
1/13/2008 3:28:09 PM <Drac-GM>   Inside Kuran's was a small bag, of a rusty color, the tie carefully around it, a small sum of golden coins, and a small black pearl.
1/13/2008 3:28:26 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Well, ah, thank you," she manages to say to her benefactors. She wonders if the object is enchanted. Well, that's a silly question--it has to have some magical power. They wouldn't just be giving her random pieces of art.
1/13/2008 3:29:41 PM *   Sunako begins to feel uncomfortable in the presence of too many radiant people so close to her and no visible routes of escape.
1/13/2008 3:30:27 PM <Drac-GM>   Amazera looked down at her. "Be careful, young Divines... the path you walk will shake the empire in time.  Even the slighest things could have dire implications.  Follow the gods and act as Divine."  The bell rang again, Ulrich rising, and gesturing their dismissal, leading the three Divines out.
1/13/2008 3:31:16 PM <Kuran>   "Thank you," Kuran bows before leaving. "This be a great honour, even if it cause some worry, too."
1/13/2008 3:31:34 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   As ominous as the circumstances are, Jai can't help but feel a twinge of childish excitement. She wants to ask what everyone got afterwards!
1/13/2008 3:32:52 PM *   Sunako manages a bow herself, but doesn't add to Kuran's words.
1/13/2008 3:35:24 PM <Drac-GM>   Suleste did not follow them, and Ulrich left shortly after leading them out, silently in fact.  Strange for what they'd known of the man from their own trials.  But then what could he say to follow such a grim suggestion, they were part of a Closed Book prophecy.
1/13/2008 3:36:49 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Well, that was...uh." She looks to the other two. "Not really what I was expecting..."
1/13/2008 3:37:29 PM *   Kuran nods. "The spirits and I be much surprised," he agrees.
1/13/2008 3:37:49 PM <Sunako>   "So they think the prophecies are true," Sunako muses. "Hmm. Maybe it's a good time to find a new home."
1/13/2008 3:39:15 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie scowls at Sunako. "Hey! Prophecies are hard to run away from, you know? You ever hear any of those stories where someone causes the prophecy by *trying* to run away from it?"
1/13/2008 3:40:14 PM <Sunako>   "I don't think how I can cause the total annihilation of the capital by leaving it," Sunako counters, though she sighs instantly afterwards.
1/13/2008 3:41:16 PM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Maybe you not being here causes it? I don't know." She sounds skeptical of Sunako's presence being the empire's salvation, somehow.
1/13/2008 3:42:41 PM *   Sunako would take offense, if she weren't even more sceptical herself.
1/13/2008 3:42:50 PM <Kuran>   "Maybe it best if we just carry on as normal? That better than always having to guess whether something is good or bad because of the prophecy, I be thinking," Kuran suggests sagely.
1/13/2008 3:43:51 PM *   Sunako shrugs. "I don't really have anywhere to go to, when I think about it. Might as well."
1/13/2008 3:44:05 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods. "Yeah. I mean, prophecies are supposed to just happen, right? I don't see what we can do about something we don't know more about anyway. I say we just go on as normal."
Well, Goodbye.


2/3/2008 10:07:31 AM <Drac-GM>   ==================
2/3/2008 10:07:54 AM <Drac-GM>   Discussions of what they had heard went in long into the night, the three awakening the next day in their house....
2/3/2008 10:12:18 AM *   Sunako goes through a list of infectious diseases to stave off the inevitable visit.
2/3/2008 10:13:15 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie frowns. "So, is that gonna be the plan every time your family wants to see you, Sunako?"
2/3/2008 10:15:00 AM *   Sunako nods. "Until they give up?"
2/3/2008 10:16:08 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie coughs. " could just plan something so catastrophically awkward that they disown you. That would be faster, at least?"
2/3/2008 10:16:57 AM <Kuran>   "So, you be wanting Cackle Fever, the Shakes, Mindfire, or the always exciting Slimy Doom?" Kuran cheerily asks the insular monk.
2/3/2008 10:19:14 AM <Kuran>   "I could even give you all four, I be supposing..." he then adds thoughtfully. "Bet that be showing everyone, at least!"
2/3/2008 10:19:31 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "That she's allergic to her family?"
2/3/2008 10:19:32 AM *   Sunako considers. "Disowned. Diseased." At Kuran's later words, her eyes widen. "You can? Really?!"
2/3/2008 10:20:31 AM *   Kuran nods. "You just say the word!"
2/3/2008 10:20:58 AM *   Sunako smiles happily, in a rare occasion. "I'll get auntie to pick the right ones!"
2/3/2008 10:29:50 AM <Drac-GM>   =====================
2/3/2008 10:32:18 AM <Drac-GM>   Sunako lead the party through the city, telling them a bit of her auntie Esiya Hikkimori.  Technically, the fact that her house was painted a dark purple probably shouldn't have been a surprise when they arrived, but when rich enough, eccentric behavior is somewhat ignored.  A large steel gate with a bell blocked the way into her yard.
2/3/2008 10:34:10 AM *   Sunako rings the bell three times, before waiting.
2/3/2008 10:34:57 AM <Kuran>   "So, is she like that nice cousin of yours, Sunako?" Kuran asks hopefully as they wait at the door.
2/3/2008 10:35:13 AM <Sunako>   "I have no nice cousins."
2/3/2008 10:35:27 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Well, if Sunako likes her, I'm sure she's...unique."
2/3/2008 10:36:51 AM <Drac-GM>   Her towering doorman, Chim, made his way out, today dressed in some kind of foreign black suit with a white puffy shirt.  It must've been something she picked up from abroad as it really was an odd fashion statement.  He looked down on them with deep black eyes as he opened the gate.  "Here to see Mistress Hikkomori?" He wondered of Sunako upon noticing her.  He was always slow witted, but his size alone made him a very imposing
2/3/2008 10:36:51 AM <Drac-GM>    gatesman, something Hikkomori had commented on appreciating for dissuading thieves.
2/3/2008 10:39:14 AM *   Sunako nods silently.
2/3/2008 10:42:43 AM <Drac-GM>   The man turned around swiftly and lumbered back, leading them in and leaving them at the front porch, decorated with a variety of mystic items and arts and crafts of all kinds.  The organization was tasteful, even if the sheer exoticness of some of them (Who puts a net woven with colored strands over bone in front of their house?) made it a fair bit odding.  Chim left to close the gate as an older woman stepped forward, dressed
2/3/2008 10:42:43 AM <Drac-GM>   in a dark and gold kimono with streaks of grey through her hair and a somewhat chill smile.  Her hair was weaved around what seemed to be a bronzed dagger.
2/3/2008 10:42:56 AM *   Kozzz is now known as Ko-AlexvsKappamechDEATHMATCH
2/3/2008 10:43:34 AM *   Kuran does his best to hide his disappointment at the lack of similarity to Sunako's nice cousin.
2/3/2008 10:44:06 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods respectfully but lets Sunako handle the introductions.
2/3/2008 10:44:25 AM <Drac-GM>   "Hello, dear niece," A slight hint of warmth in her voice. "You made it," She smirked and gave a fiercesome glare of doom towards Kuran.  It's clear where  Sunako picked up the habit as a chill went right down his spine.  Creepy old auntie!
2/3/2008 10:44:50 AM *   Sunako waves pleasantly. "Hi! I brought friends!"
2/3/2008 10:45:38 AM <Drac-GM>   "Are you sure they're friends?" She peeered into their eyes, right up in front of them.  "You never can be too careful.  They could be zombies in disguise."
2/3/2008 10:46:38 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "I feel pretty alive right now, myself. I can't speak for Kuran, though."
2/3/2008 10:47:07 AM *   Kuran takes a second to sniff his armpit. "Don't smell like no zombie, neither," he adds.
2/3/2008 10:47:21 AM <Drac-GM>   "Well, of course a zombie would say that," She waved a finger and made an amazingly accurate zombie face, "Just so they can walk among us~"
2/3/2008 10:47:22 AM <Sunako>   "I can't have zombie friends?" Sunako asks in disappointment.
2/3/2008 10:47:54 AM <Drac-GM>   "Well, they'd be likely to eat you, my dear, when you least expect it.  I tried it once, they don't make very good friends."
2/3/2008 10:48:34 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie blinks. She was about to ask Well, do you know many? But now she doesn't have to!
2/3/2008 10:48:50 AM <Sunako>   "You've met a real zombie?" Sunako asks, clasping the old woman's hands.
2/3/2008 10:49:40 AM <Drac-GM>   "Hum, did I not tell you that story?  Where's my manners, come in, come in," She waved the three in, forgetting her earlier complaints.
2/3/2008 10:50:58 AM *   Sunako eagerly steps inside.
2/3/2008 10:51:20 AM *   Kuran genially follows along, taking in the decor with idle interest.
2/3/2008 10:52:02 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie follows as well, letting Sunako do the talking for now as she hasn't quite worked out how to hold a conversation with an older, richer version of Sunako herself.
2/3/2008 10:54:27 AM <Drac-GM>   Were any of them familiar with the artwork and indeed sculpture of other lands, they were in for a treat, her house was quite large and each room was like walking through a museum, filled with artifacts, trinkets, artwork, and all sorts of strange things from various cities all over the world.  Her tea room had above it a sphere with little triangles floating around it that glowed with light on their entrance, illuminating the r
2/3/2008 10:54:27 AM <Drac-GM>   oom like a miniture sun, the ceiling above it painted as the sky and clouds seeming to slowly float across it as they sat at her fine table, a maid coming by and serving them all tea.
2/3/2008 10:56:06 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie is definitely out of her element in a place like this--at least, it's certainly grander and better decorated than any place she would've seen back home. She lacks the knowledge to recognize much of anything, but enjoys looking at the foreign artwork nonetheless.
2/3/2008 10:56:50 AM *   Sunako is unimpressed by the art, but tries to make an effort for her aunt's sake.
2/3/2008 10:58:49 AM <Drac-GM>   Spotting the look on her niece's face, she gave a slight clap.  "Dark Night..."  The room suddenly darkened greatly, a grim skull-like moon looking down on them as stars spun in the heavens, the room somehow going from bright as  day to grim and forboding.  She sipped at her green tea.
2/3/2008 11:00:09 AM <Kuran>   "Oh," Kuran is briefly startled at the sudden change, before forcing a smile as he nods in approval for Sunako's benefit. "Very, ah, cosy like this, yes."
2/3/2008 11:00:17 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie looks around the new surroundings. "Hey, how did you do that?" she asks, honestly imppressed by the trick itself.
2/3/2008 11:01:12 AM *   Sunako waves at the floating skull, smiling happily.
2/3/2008 11:02:24 AM <Drac-GM>   "Ah, the trick is that," She gestured upwards at the sphere.  "I had that grafted by a master illusionist named Keesem who was, pardon the cliche, living in a tower on the edge of a cliff.  Was such an odd sight I had to go knock and see who lived there."
2/3/2008 11:02:54 AM *   Sunako nods at that, as if it were obvious.
2/3/2008 11:04:02 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Oh? Where does he live?" Jai asks, always curious about the practices of other spellcasters.
2/3/2008 11:08:37 AM <Drac-GM>   "Hmm," She tapped her chin.  "I believe his tower was outside of Moschieu.  It's a city far east of here, quite rough on the feet."
2/3/2008 11:09:10 AM <Drac-GM>   This is not a place in the empire, that everyone knows for sure.
2/3/2008 11:09:57 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie just nods. She's tempted to ask what kind of business brought the woman out that far, but it seems she should let Sunako do the talking for now. She's the one who was summoned here, after all.
2/3/2008 11:10:54 AM <Sunako>   "Did you have fun on your trip, auntie?" Sunako asks, in a not-so-subtle prod for exciting tale of adventures!
2/3/2008 11:16:33 AM <Drac-GM>   The older lady smiled slightly.  "Oh yes.  Why don't we retire to my new Orc room?"  She stood starting to lead off.  "As you know, I'd heard that there were tribes of roaming orcish barbarians south of Calimara during my trip there a few years ago, and well it seemed like such an odd thing to hear about in this day and age.  People living on the land?  In small groups away from the cities?  Living with nature and such?  I just
2/3/2008 11:16:33 AM <Drac-GM>   had to take a look."
2/3/2008 11:17:43 AM *   Sunako shivers at that mention. "Nature is evil, you know," she says knowledgeably. "All kinds of bad creatures live there that want to eat you."
2/3/2008 11:18:37 AM *   Kuran nods. "They be very sneaky and hungry," he agrees firmly.
2/3/2008 11:19:32 AM <Sunako>   "They go for the children first!"
2/3/2008 11:20:03 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "I hate to agree with this in the general sense, but we've had some bad experiences lately."
2/3/2008 11:20:22 AM <Drac-GM>   "Oh nonsense.  They were quite civil and didn't once try to eat me," She waved it off in a manner all too reminiscent of one not standing in reality.
2/3/2008 11:21:00 AM <Sunako>   "You just might be too old," Sunako says bluntly, nodding to herself.
2/3/2008 11:23:11 AM <Drac-GM>   She bapped Sunako on the head. "What did I say about that?  You're not allowed to call me old until you can beat me in a foot race."
2/3/2008 11:23:40 AM *   Sunako looks sufficiently contrite.
2/3/2008 11:26:58 AM <Drac-GM>   "Now," She lead into a room full of all kinds of barbaric decorations.  Axes, skulls, bone weavings and other horrendous things.  "Chief Borzego was very gracious in trading when I got there and showed me all kinds of neat things these folks do out there."
2/3/2008 11:27:55 AM <Kuran>   "Like... make furniture from bone?" Kuran asks, taking in the obvious theme of the decor. "There be many sad spirits in this room..."
2/3/2008 11:28:11 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   The word "neat" perhaps does not quite describe most of what Jai has heard about orcs.
2/3/2008 11:29:06 AM <Sunako>   Even Sunako is doubtful at the notion of friendly orcs.
2/3/2008 11:31:31 AM <Drac-GM>   "Ah, yes, that was made from a gorpheous elephant.  Well, I think it was.  The carver was chewing when he sold it to me and he wasn't that clear.  It's very exotic isn't it?" She took a seat among in the bone furniture. "Lighter than one might guess too."
2/3/2008 11:32:29 AM *   Jai_Wo_Xie prefers to stand for now. She's not quite so fond of this room and its furnishings.
2/3/2008 11:32:39 AM *   Sunako takes a seat by her aunt. Though it may not be an elephant, bone furniture is still bone furniture!
2/3/2008 11:34:16 AM *   Kuran is about to sit down before he flinches at something unseen and then stands up with a somewhat strained smile as he attempts to make subtle shooing motions behind him.
2/3/2008 11:35:20 AM <Drac-GM>   "Now the orc tribe, the Raging Bison tribe as they called themselves, makes its living off of hunting on the plains and battling with the other tribes there.  They're all such posturers, obsessed with being the toughest one there is.  You should see their rain ceremonies.  So loud and boisterous."
2/3/2008 11:35:50 AM <Sunako>   "Do they dance with the skulls?" Sunako asks eagerly.
2/3/2008 11:36:31 AM <Drac-GM>   "Some of them do," She nodded.  "Apparently its reserved for those who've proven themselves in pitched battle against other tribes."
2/3/2008 11:38:13 AM <Sunako>   "Do you think you'll be going on another trip?" Sunako asks, casually this time. "Say, in two weeks' time?"
2/3/2008 11:39:34 AM <Drac-GM>   "Well, actually, a bit before that.  I have some business in Cormythyr, why do you ask?"
2/3/2008 11:40:56 AM <Sunako>   "Oh, nothing, no reason in particular. Entirely unrelated to that, auntie, but would you need some help? Mine? Far away from here?"
2/3/2008 11:41:26 AM <Drac-GM>   "Help...I don't, are you trying to get out of something, Sunako?"
2/3/2008 11:42:07 AM *   Sunako shakes her head with determination. "What could I possibly be trying to get out of, Auntie?"
2/3/2008 11:42:37 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "Associating with the rest of her family," Jai deadpans.
2/3/2008 11:43:09 AM <Sunako>   "Aside from that!"
2/3/2008 11:46:15 AM <Drac-GM>   "Oh, the family gathering.  I'd almost forgotten about that," She smiled.  "Well, you really should go Sunako.  It isn't very good to be on such poor terms with the family.  I would be going if it wasn't so urgent."
2/3/2008 11:47:51 AM <Sunako>   "You should have someone to guard you!" Sunako exclaims. "It's clearly important! Very!"
2/3/2008 11:48:35 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "I dunno, Sunako. If she can hang around with orcs and not get killed..."
2/3/2008 11:49:00 AM <Drac-GM>   She shook her head. "Well, if you want, you can join me.  I can't promise it'll be very exciting, Sunako."  She gave in to her begging niece.
2/3/2008 11:49:51 AM *   Sunako looks away, grinning sinisterly.
2/3/2008 11:53:09 AM <Drac-GM>   "Meanwhile, could you run my glasses out to the wizard Azuki?" She stood up, leading into another room and picking up a strange multicolored set of glasses.  "They seem to be fading out."
2/3/2008 11:53:40 AM <Sunako>   "Glasses?" Sunako asks, blinking in surprise.
2/3/2008 11:56:42 AM <Drac-GM>   "Oh yes, they're quite nice when they work," she lifted them up. "But they've not been working of late."  They were probably most of her things.
2/3/2008 11:57:58 AM <Sunako>   "So if I do this trivial thing for you I don't have to suffer two weeks from now?" Sunako asks, to clarify.
2/3/2008 11:58:11 AM <Jai_Wo_Xie>   "What do--er, did they do?" Jai asks.
2/3/2008 12:01:20 PM <Drac-GM>   "Potentially," She stared sunako down.  "They are useful for identifying the magical properties of well as showing all the pretty hues and colors of the magic around them."
2/3/2008 12:02:08 PM <Sunako>   "I'll make sure you can still see all the pretty hues, Auntie! You can count on me!" Sunako vows.
2/3/2008 12:02:49 PM *   Jai_Wo_Xie nods. Such glasses would be useful, but it's easy enough for her to see such things already.
2/3/2008 12:04:06 PM <Drac-GM>   She nodded and jotted down a set of directions for sunako.  It'd be quite the trip, probably take close to a week there and back.
2/3/2008 12:04:55 PM *   Sunako tries the glasses on, in the meanwhile.
2/3/2008 12:07:18 PM <Drac-GM>   Well, they let her see everything through rose-colored glasses.  Strangely things seemed nicer that way, cheerier, morre pleasant...  or it could just be rose colored.
2/3/2008 12:08:49 PM *   Sunako frowns, taking them off, and asks, "Do they come in other colors, too? The nice purple you have for your decor works!"
2/3/2008 12:11:08 PM <Drac-GM>   "They're not a fashion statement, dear."
2/3/2008 12:12:14 PM *   Sunako pouts. "There's nothing wrong with something useful being pretty, too."
2/3/2008 12:13:35 PM <Drac-GM>   "Would you take care of this, Sunako?"
2/3/2008 12:14:17 PM <Sunako>   "Of course! You don't mind if we're a week late, right? Nature is evil and might try to stop us!"
2/3/2008 12:17:16 PM <Drac-GM>   "Well, if you're a week late, leave it with my doorman.  But I'll be disappointed in you."
2/3/2008 12:18:11 PM <Sunako>   "We'll fight the evils of nature!"
2/3/2008 12:22:31 PM <Kuran>   "I be happy to come along," Kuran offers. "We gots to be sticking together, anyhow."
2/3/2008 12:25:33 PM <Drac-GM>   Her  Aunt nodded, and left them outside to their own devices...ready to go... to follow the directions?
2/3/2008 12:27:58 PM <Drac-GM>   ==============
Well, Goodbye.