Session 3 - Stars in the Sky

Started by Dracos, September 27, 2008, 05:01:26 PM

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9/20/2008 6:05:10 PM <Drac-sick>   ---------------------------------------------
9/20/2008 6:08:54 PM <Drac-sick>   Excitement was the order of the day as the pirates returned with bounty and victory to Pirate Island, sailing smoothly into the underground dock, sharing tales of bravery and good battle.  It'[d been an amazingly fortunate raid and the adults commented on how smoothly it had gone for being a Valuan warship, generally quite dangerous prey.
9/20/2008 6:11:10 PM <Drac-sick>   Knowing their prize was important, they took it to the Captain, and opened it there...revealing a positively huge silver crystal in a pyramid shape.  A moon crystal of amazing purity, like none that they had ever seen before.  "You've done good lads.  Looks like you've got the highest loot of the lot.  But whatever were they doing traveling with something like this?" Dyne wondered.
9/20/2008 6:12:29 PM <Glubtz>   "Well, what is it?"  Glubtz looks itching to start poking it.
9/20/2008 6:14:26 PM *   Kythaine shrugs. "There wasn't exactly time to stop and ask them questions."
9/20/2008 6:15:18 PM <Elladan>   "Mmm. They were rather concerned about it.. Knowing the Valuan military, I'd say it was under transport to some sort of new ship or weapon."
9/20/2008 6:16:20 PM <Glubtz>   Glubtz's eyes positively sparkle at that thought.  "Oh, oh, may I have it?"
9/20/2008 6:16:42 PM <Drac-sick>   "Might's definitely do some investigation.  Salaria, take this and let me know what you find out.  It's amazingly pure for a moon stone.  I've never seen the like."  Strange out of Dyne.  He generally had seen most things.  "No, Glubtz.  that's a bit too important to fiddle with randomly."
9/20/2008 6:16:54 PM <Drac-sick>   Salaria reached down, picking it up...and then it vanished into her robes.
9/20/2008 6:17:25 PM *   Elladan lets his eyes linger on Salaria's.. robes.. then turns back to Dyne.
9/20/2008 6:17:46 PM <Elladan>   "So, place of honor for the day lies with us? Excellent."
9/20/2008 6:18:00 PM <Drac-sick>   Silently a smack hit Elladan in the head, though when he turned, none was there.
9/20/2008 6:18:14 PM *   Kythaine chuckles.
9/20/2008 6:18:16 PM *   Glubtz gives a manly pout. "I NEVER get to play with ship parts."
9/20/2008 6:18:25 PM <Drac-sick>   "Yes, you boys did well...why don't you take the rest of the day off.  We'll handle cleaning up and docking without you."
9/20/2008 6:18:34 PM *   Elladan grins at Salaria and winks, then turns back to Dyne.
9/20/2008 6:18:54 PM <Elladan>   "Well.. If I could impose on some of that good will?"
9/20/2008 6:18:54 PM <Marcus>   "Do we get a feast held in our honor as well?" Marcus implies innocently.
9/20/2008 6:19:06 PM *   Elladan smiles serenely at Dyne.
9/20/2008 6:19:47 PM <Glubtz>   "First we divide our loot, THEN party.  HOnestly, where do your priorities lie?"
9/20/2008 6:21:32 PM <Drac-sick>   He laughed. "Marcus, take a bit of heed.  We'll all celebrate in good time."
9/20/2008 6:22:09 PM <Drac-sick>   "You'll get your shares soon enough, Glubtz.  Now hurry on off before I change my mind," He grinned.
9/20/2008 6:24:00 PM *   Elladan nods..
9/20/2008 6:24:17 PM *   Glubtz stares at Salaria's robes for a bit, although not for Elladan approved reasons. His hand twitches before he straightens, sighs, and then glumly wanders off.
9/20/2008 6:24:29 PM <Elladan>   "Of course, Captain.. Perhaps once we make port, we can talk.."
9/20/2008 6:26:04 PM *   Kythaine addresses Salaria. "You might want to pick a better hiding place. I don't know how long that will discourage Glubtz."
9/20/2008 6:26:04 PM *   Elladan turns and walks out of the cabin, off to the deck to look over the cannons before calling his duties done..
9/20/2008 6:26:40 PM <Marcus>   "So you guys planning to do anything now that we're not helping out with clean-up?"
9/20/2008 6:27:14 PM <Kythaine>   "Do you have any suggestions?"
9/20/2008 6:27:17 PM *   Elladan shrugs.
9/20/2008 6:27:39 PM <Elladan>   "I was going to look over the cannons once.. Beyond that, no real plans. Why?
9/20/2008 6:28:15 PM <Drac-sick>   The ship was in the underground docks, well lit by lamps all around it.
9/20/2008 6:28:18 PM <Glubtz>   "I'd say work on the ship and/or look over blueprints, but you uncouth people will no doubt not like it.  Next best thing is drink!  We survived our first raid!"
9/20/2008 6:28:40 PM <Marcus>   "Drinking was -my- plan as a matter of fact!" the pirate replies with a grin.
9/20/2008 6:29:36 PM <Elladan>   "Might I suggest an addition to our entertainment?"
9/20/2008 6:30:26 PM *   Elladan grins viciously at Kythaine.
9/20/2008 6:30:42 PM <Glubtz>   "I guess, but I don't want to be the one to push the cannon around."
9/20/2008 6:30:50 PM <Elladan>   "I believe we have a bit of one-ups-manship to give to little Memphis?"
9/20/2008 6:30:55 PM <Kythaine>   Me raises an eyebrow. "What sort of addition?"
9/20/2008 6:32:13 PM <Kythaine>   "We found the best loot, so that one-ups Menphis better than anything I can think of."
9/20/2008 6:32:14 PM <Drac-sick>   "Lads, now get yourselves up and at 'em.  You done proud today," Bombadier's booming voice came out of nowhere as his hand clipped Elladan from behind.  "Good man, good charge."
9/20/2008 6:33:02 PM *   Elladan grins at the larger man and inclines his head.
9/20/2008 6:33:48 PM <Elladan>   "All for the glory our Cannon Corps, boss. Can't let all the good things to the fighters, can we?"
9/20/2008 6:34:09 PM <Drac-sick>   "Not everything.  You, hands off that," He waved Glubtz away from his curious bounty.
9/20/2008 6:37:35 PM *   Kythaine hands the coin he took off the downed Valuan to Marcus. "You win the bet. I was sure if the Valuan ship blew up, Elladan would be the one responsble."
9/20/2008 6:38:14 PM <Elladan>   "Indeed.. I'm rather disappointed in myself. But, all I can do is resolve to try harder next time."
9/20/2008 6:38:22 PM *   Elladan smiles at Kythaine and Marcus.
9/20/2008 6:39:06 PM <Glubtz>   "Let me go to my room to polish my armor and weapon right quick, then we can go out and get smashed!  Drinks are on the wizard!"
9/20/2008 6:39:30 PM <Elladan>   "But not this wizard."
9/20/2008 6:41:32 PM <Kythaine>   "Either wizard is fine.  I'll join you later."
9/20/2008 6:41:40 PM <Marcus>   "Why not? Drinks were on me last time, I'd say it's your turn," Marcus replies, before musing. "Well, or Kythaine. I don't think Kythaine's -ever- paid for the drinks."
9/20/2008 6:41:47 PM <Glubtz>   "Oi!  I'm the one that had to carry your sorry butt away from that grate before you burnt alive!  And let me tell you, for being so slender you sure pack a lot of weight."
9/20/2008 6:42:47 PM <Elladan>   "Oh? And how many times have I had to watch over you in your little experiments? I believe that count is *heavily* in my favor, good gnome."
9/20/2008 6:43:18 PM *   Kythaine sneaks quietly away to get his injuries tended to.
9/20/2008 6:44:26 PM *   Marcus shakes his head and smiles amusedly. He'd have to keep in mind to convince his rogue friend to pay for the drinks one of these days. Would be fun to try and trick him into it.
9/20/2008 6:45:01 PM *   Glubtz draws himself up. "I, good sir, am a dwarf! And I experiment in building stuff! Not finding new uses for gunpowder unlike SOMEONE I know."
9/20/2008 6:45:56 PM <Glubtz>   "You nearly burnt off my beard one time."  Glubtz shudders.
9/20/2008 6:47:00 PM <Elladan>   "My gunpowders are used in a cast iron container. You randomly put magic into things to 'improve' them. Though, I do still have fond memories of that time you blew off all of Salaria's clothes.."
9/20/2008 6:47:39 PM *   Elladan grins and opens his spellbook, flipping to a page with the detailed description of that incident..
9/20/2008 6:48:42 PM <Glubtz>   "I wasn't the that got smacked that day though," Glubtz adds smugly.
9/20/2008 6:49:00 PM *   Elladan replies without looking up.
9/20/2008 6:49:04 PM <Elladan>   "Worth it."
9/20/2008 6:50:49 PM *   Glubtz starts heading to his room to take care of his gear, muttering, "Perhaps I should replicate that experiment and see if you get kneed this time instead..."
9/20/2008 6:51:59 PM *   Elladan absently starts making a small sketch to go along with the 'entry' of the events..
9/20/2008 6:56:14 PM <Drac-sick>   THe night past on well, and into morning...  They went to their various houses, some sharing a place with their mentor, some alone.  None the less, day broke soon.
9/20/2008 6:56:28 PM <Drac-sick>   "Get up laddie, You can't sleep the whole day away," Elladan was rolled off his bed.
9/20/2008 6:56:54 PM *   Elladan opens an eye and looks at his attacker..
9/20/2008 6:57:22 PM <Elladan>   "Speak not your blasphemy, good sir.."
9/20/2008 7:03:45 PM <Drac-sick>   Bombadier laughed. "You guys need to hold your liquor better.  How are you going to handle tonight's celebration if not?
9/20/2008 7:04:22 PM <Elladan>   "It's not a matter of liquor. It's a matter of not waking up to a beautiful woman."
9/20/2008 7:06:34 PM <Drac-sick>   "Well, that's cuz you keep forgetting to treat Mayren right," He shook his apprentice.  "Now out, some sun would do you good."
9/20/2008 7:06:54 PM *   Elladan rolls out of the bed..
9/20/2008 7:07:06 PM <Elladan>   "And what would be 'right' in this case?"
9/20/2008 7:08:26 PM <Drac-sick>   Bombadier laughed.  "You've got to sweep the women off their feet, Elladan, or they'll leave you behind."
9/20/2008 7:08:49 PM *   Elladan gets a gleam and a smirk.
9/20/2008 7:08:58 PM <Elladan>   "Perhaps I'll take your advice this time.."
9/20/2008 7:13:32 PM *   Elladan fully gets ready and heads outside with a spring in his step and an idea in mind... But takes a moment to loudly bang his staff against Glubtz's door on his way out..
9/20/2008 7:15:09 PM *   Elladan heads towards the ship, listening to see if Glubtz is scrambling after..
9/20/2008 7:16:10 PM *   Kythaine has been up before dawn, at the highest place in the island. He sighs as the last of the stars disappear and then heads downhill towards the ship.
9/20/2008 7:16:46 PM *   Glubtz groans a bit before holding his flying ship plushie firmly and getting more comfortable in his bunk.
9/20/2008 7:17:03 PM <Drac-sick>   He finds out front, one of the younger crewman.  "Hey Kythaine!  Can I help you?"
9/20/2008 7:20:40 PM *   Kythaine eyes the attractive young woman who just spoke to him. "Well, I do need someone to dance with at the party tonight."
9/20/2008 7:23:26 PM <Drac-sick>   The sixteen year old blushed slightly.  "W-Well, maybe...were you really looking for me?"  Kythaine struggled for her name...what was it.... Alissa?
9/20/2008 7:24:58 PM *   Kythaine chuckles. "Who wouldn't want to dance with you?"
9/20/2008 7:26:51 PM *   Glubtz jumps out of his bunk with a start. "The crystal! Perhaps research has begun on it!" He rushes around getting ready, "No time to comb my beard properly, I'll have to style it on the way." He then rushes out of the room frantically, "Preeecious!"
9/20/2008 7:27:13 PM <Kythaine>   "Well, except for people who don't like brunettes, but they're idiots."
9/20/2008 7:27:26 PM <Drac-sick>   "Well, thanks...Okay, I'll meet you before the party!  I promise!"  She giggled.
9/20/2008 7:29:36 PM <Drac-sick>   Glubtz arrived to find Salaria's lab locked tight.  A sign out front "Not today, students."
9/20/2008 7:31:10 PM *   Glubtz drops to his knees in despair, "Khaaan...ahem...Nooooooooooooo!"
9/20/2008 7:33:59 PM <Drac-sick>   The shriek of despair was well heard, but nothing came of it.
9/20/2008 7:34:15 PM <Drac-sick>   Kythaine: "Well, Duh!" She shook her mace at him. 
9/20/2008 7:35:40 PM <Drac-sick>   Free to wander, Marcus saw Kythaine flirting away with one of the deck hands.
9/20/2008 7:36:21 PM <Kythaine>   "I look forward to it," he replies, grinning.
9/20/2008 7:36:58 PM <Marcus>   "Are you hitting on someone again, Kythaine? What happened to Monica?" Marcus asks as he approaches the duo.
9/20/2008 7:37:16 PM *   Glubtz wanders off in daze, wiping his tears with his beard from time to time.
9/20/2008 7:40:33 PM *   Elladan wanders by the trio, Kythaine, Marcus, and Alissa..
9/20/2008 7:40:46 PM <Drac-sick>   "Monica?" Alisa wondered.
9/20/2008 7:41:12 PM <Elladan>   "Good for you, Marcus! Finally got the nerve to ask Alissa out for the part? Good job, I've seen you watching her!"
9/20/2008 7:41:25 PM *   Elladan tosses them a friendly wave as he passes by..
9/20/2008 7:43:28 PM *   Kythaine sighs. "Marcus, how many times do I have to tell you - if you want to go out with Monica quit making up stories about other people getting in the way and just ask her."
9/20/2008 7:46:21 PM <Marcus>   "Hey, woah, woah, you very damn well know I haven't thought about Monica since I found you two in my bed..." Marcus defends himself, adding in a mutter to himself, "Thank god the sheets don't smell anymore..." before adding, "Besides, you know it's Heelya's sister I'm interested right now."
9/20/2008 7:46:22 PM <Kythaine>   His eyes widen.  "Wait, don't tell me you're trying to chase Alissa, too.  Two-timing isn't good for you, Marcus." 
9/20/2008 7:46:56 PM <Drac-sick>   Alissa glanced back and forth, her face dropping in shock.
9/20/2008 7:50:33 PM <Drac-sick>   Heelya walked out from below.  "What's this, crowding the exit?  don't you folks have something better to do?"
9/20/2008 7:51:08 PM *   Marcus looks horrified at Heelya's appearance. "...oh hell," he mutters, wondering what she's heard.
9/20/2008 7:51:15 PM *   Elladan slips past Heelya, giving a backwards, appreciative glance to her form, and seeks out the cannoners..
9/20/2008 7:54:03 PM *   Glubtz is still wandering about aimlessly, fingercombing his tear laden beard.
9/20/2008 7:54:27 PM <Drac-sick>   "Oh hell...okay, that makes it clear, let's get you two to some weapon exercises," SHe grinned, giving them half a second to flee.
9/20/2008 7:54:43 PM <Drac-sick>   OOC: make a spot check Glubtz
9/20/2008 7:56:26 PM *   Kythaine turns to Alissa. "Sorry. I don't know why Marcus is being a lying asshole. I thought he was my friend. If I wanted to spend time with Monica I'd have asked her, not you."
9/20/2008 7:58:13 PM <Glubtz>   roll 1d20 for spot check goodness v2
9/20/2008 7:58:14 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d20 for spot check goodness v2 and gets 10." [1d20=10]
9/20/2008 7:58:15 PM <Drac-sick>   Glubtz noticed a rather pretty meteor shower going on in the distance.  He might be able to get a better look with the telescopes towards the top of the island.
9/20/2008 8:00:29 PM <Glubtz>   Being the intellectual savvy dwarf that he is, Glubtz finds himself FASCINATED with the lightshow off in the distance.  "Oooooo, puuurdy."  He trots off to use the equipment of far viewing to take a closer look.
9/20/2008 8:02:30 PM <Drac-sick>   Glubtz ran by, seemingly in a hurry, as Marcus and Kythaine seemed to try and figure out how to answer Heelya.
9/20/2008 8:03:11 PM <Glubtz>   "Pretty pretty lights, come to me!"
9/20/2008 8:05:14 PM *   Elladan notices his fellow student running for all his stubby little legs' worth and groans and follows after him, calling to Kythaine and Marcus as he passes them by... After 'brushing' past Heelya..
9/20/2008 8:05:52 PM <Elladan>   "Marcus! Kythaine! Glubtz's got that look again! I might need some help with him this time!"
9/20/2008 8:06:05 PM *   Marcus sighs and finally looking between Kythaine and Alissa decides that messing with Kythaine's flirting wasn't worth getting on Heelya's bad side (or worse side?), and mutters, "Oh, whatever, I think I'm going to go see if I can get some combat practice," before taking a deep breath and looking towards Heelya asks, "Well, I suppose I could use some combat practice. Interested in giving me some in depth tips, Heelya?"
9/20/2008 8:06:18 PM <Drac-sick>   Looking up, Kythaine notice a meteor shower off in the distance, hard to see from here.
9/20/2008 8:06:32 PM <Drac-sick>   "Certainly, you're a hard headed but good student."
9/20/2008 8:06:45 PM *   Marcus winces. Dammit, and Elladan had -just- given him a free ticket to not deal with Heelya either and he missed out on it by just a bit.
9/20/2008 8:07:12 PM [Obsidian²] Started caching files...
9/20/2008 8:07:12 PM [Obsidian²] No triggers are defined, cannot build cache.
9/20/2008 8:07:54 PM <Drac-sick>   roll 1d20+12
9/20/2008 8:07:55 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Drac-sick rolls 1d20+12 and gets 29." [1d20=17]
9/20/2008 8:08:00 PM <Drac-sick>   roll 1d4+2
9/20/2008 8:08:01 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Drac-sick rolls 1d4+2 and gets 3." [1d4=1]
9/20/2008 8:08:02 PM *   Glubtz stumbles a bit, tripping over his powerful and muscular legs. He suddenly has the notion that he should use them to kick Elladan for some reason. He resolves to do it in the future, his gut has never steered him wrong.
9/20/2008 8:08:28 PM <Drac-sick>   Something rather hard smacks into Elladan's back as he runs, sending him swirling around a bit before catching his footing.
9/20/2008 8:08:31 PM <Drac-sick>   OOC: 3 damage.
9/20/2008 8:08:56 PM *   Elladan glancing behind himself to see what it was, he chuckles and calls out..
9/20/2008 8:09:03 PM <Elladan>   "Worth it!"
9/20/2008 8:09:10 PM *   Elladan picks up his pace..
9/20/2008 8:09:11 PM <Kythaine>   While Heelya is distracted with Glubtz antics and Marcus's entendres, Kythaine takes Alissa's hand and sneaks off.  "The dwarf hasn't gone insane, there's a meteor shower.  Want to go watch it?"
9/20/2008 8:09:51 PM <Kythaine>   "Well, at least Glutz hasn't gone any more insane."
9/20/2008 8:10:53 PM <Drac-sick>   "Well, I'm supposed to watch the entrance...make sure no kids mess around with the ship,...but, I can sneak away for a bit," She grinned.
9/20/2008 8:11:16 PM *   Kythaine grins back. "Let's hurry."
9/20/2008 8:15:10 PM <Drac-sick>   And so they all made their way up to one of the upper isles, a few telescopes available to take a look.  It was a beautiful shower, heading over a tower not too far away known to be infested with kobolds.  Many of the moonstones were burning up naturally....but then they saw it.  A huge monster of one in the middle of the storm.
9/20/2008 8:15:55 PM <Elladan>   ".... Ya know.. I think some of that might survive impact.."
9/20/2008 8:18:33 PM <Glubtz>   "Oh wow, imagine sticking that into our ship!  The juice it would provide... Of course, modifications would have to be made, lets see... X = the inverted mass of the..."  Glubtz goes off into a strange would full with formulas and dancing ships in pink tutus.
9/20/2008 8:19:40 PM <Elladan>   "And... You know, we won't be the only ones interested in this.. I think we should inform the captain.. We could ambush anyone else going for it.."
9/20/2008 8:20:31 PM <Drac-sick>   It would be a pretty big boon if you guys took it yourselves though....
9/20/2008 8:20:40 PM <Drac-sick>   "Wow, that's so beautiful."
9/20/2008 8:21:02 PM <Drac-sick>   Alissa focused on the important thing, the gorgeous sparkles of multicolored energy formed by hundreds of thousands of little stones evaporating.
9/20/2008 8:21:26 PM <Glubtz>   "...Y would increase exponentially, but then the hull would have to be reinforced..."
9/20/2008 8:21:35 PM <Elladan>   "Indeed. Their sparkles are only matched by the luster of your eyes, M'lady.. Shall we inform the captain?"
9/20/2008 8:24:35 PM <Glubtz>   "But that would require so much room!  You would have to eliminate a third of the sleeping quarters...Unless..."
9/20/2008 8:25:07 PM <Elladan>   "OOo, I like that thought, Glubtz.
9/20/2008 8:25:14 PM <Elladan>   Bunking partners."
9/20/2008 8:25:31 PM *   Elladan grins and heads towards the ship with a new spring in his step..
9/20/2008 8:25:32 PM *   Kythaine does not tear his eyes away from the view. "It is beautiful, I wish I had better words to describe it," he say to Alissa. "We can inform the Captain after it lands," he says to Elladan. "Assuming he hasn't already seen it."
9/20/2008 8:27:59 PM <Glubtz>   "The steering would suffer, come on Glubtz, think!  Think!  Argh!  Curse this slow brain of mine!"
9/20/2008 8:28:47 PM <Elladan>   "We all do, Glubtz. We all do."
9/20/2008 8:28:53 PM *   Elladan pats Glubtz on the head.
9/20/2008 8:28:59 PM <Drac-sick>   The meteor storm looked like it'd continue for some time, but they were the only ones up here taking a watch of it.
9/20/2008 8:32:52 PM <Glubtz>   "Bah, I'm not trained enough yet to do all these calculations in my head.  I need pen and paper."  Glubtz strikes a pose, his hand outstretched and pointing.  "To my room!"
9/20/2008 8:33:42 PM <Elladan>   "... Glubtz agreed with me?"
9/20/2008 8:34:11 PM *   Elladan has a look of horror wash over his face, and grabs Kythaine by the shoulders.
9/20/2008 8:34:49 PM <Elladan>   "Quick man! We have to make it to the meteor! Before the infection spreads!"
9/20/2008 8:35:08 PM *   Kythaine doesn't turn his eyes away from the meteor shower. "What?"
9/20/2008 8:35:19 PM <Drac-sick>   "What are you guys talking about?" Allissa wondered.
9/20/2008 8:35:32 PM <Elladan>   "Glubtz agreed to the path of reason! We can't allow that to happen!"
9/20/2008 8:36:23 PM <Kythaine>   "Why not?  It will never happen again."
9/20/2008 8:36:51 PM <Elladan>   "Fine! You've doomed us!"
9/20/2008 8:36:58 PM *   Elladan mutters and stalks off back towards the ship..
9/20/2008 8:38:31 PM <Kythaine>   "I'm used to Glubtz saying things I don't understand, but not you.  What in the world are you talking about?"
9/20/2008 8:40:44 PM <Elladan>   "Glubtz has never done anything sensible. Ever. There's a running bet that the first time he does, it'll end the world. Or warp reality, at the least..."
9/20/2008 8:41:06 PM *   Elladan grabs Glubtz by the beard and continues towards the ship.
9/20/2008 8:41:28 PM <Elladan>   "As for *you,* you can go where-ever you want -after- we get to the ship."
9/20/2008 8:41:58 PM <Glubtz>   "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, my room is the other way, ow, ow, ow, ow, you're unpoofing my beard!  Ow, ow..."
9/20/2008 8:42:04 PM <Kythaine>   "Sorry, Alyssa, I have to go try to keep them out of trouble."
9/20/2008 8:42:25 PM <Elladan>   "I know where your room is. Like I said, *after* we go to the ship.*
9/20/2008 8:42:45 PM *   Kythaine hurries after the others.
9/20/2008 8:43:27 PM <Kythaine>   "I'll see you tonight", he calls back to Alissa as he picks up the pace.
9/20/2008 8:44:02 PM <Drac-sick>   Heading down to the shipyard, they spotted marcus training hard under the vigilant eyes of Heelya, easily at a hand wave's notice.
9/20/2008 8:44:31 PM *   Kythaine grabs Glubtz by the back of the collar and helps haul him along.
9/20/2008 8:44:54 PM *   Elladan calls out to Marcus and Heelya as he passes.
9/20/2008 8:46:05 PM <Elladan>   "We need Marcus with us, Heelya! We think we've found something the captain might want to go after, and need him there in case the Captain wants our team to do something about it."
9/20/2008 8:46:06 PM <Glubtz>   "This is dwarf-handling!"  Glubtz protests, "You're impeding my research!"
9/20/2008 8:47:38 PM <Drac-sick>   "Eh, is this another attempt to get out of doing honest work?" She eyed the lot of them.
9/20/2008 8:47:39 PM <Marcus>   "Oh? Something came about from whatever stunt Glubtz you were warning about earlier," the sweaty fighter asks, panting lightly at the breather provided by the interruption.
9/20/2008 8:48:03 PM *   Elladan shrugs.
9/20/2008 8:48:25 PM <Elladan>   "My honest work is playing around in the gunpowder stores. I've no reason to want out of that."
9/20/2008 8:48:43 PM <Kythaine>   "Honest work?  I thought we were pirates?"
9/20/2008 8:49:21 PM <Elladan>   "I could use an outside opinion on some of my ideas and tests, though.. Heelya, you've been around ship to ship combat for far longer than I have.. Mind helping me in the powder store room?"
9/20/2008 8:49:29 PM *   Elladan grins at the woman.
9/20/2008 8:49:48 PM *   Glubtz takes this chatty moment as an oppurnity to sneak off to his room.
9/20/2008 8:50:20 PM *   Kythaine retains a firm grip on Glubtz's collar.
9/20/2008 8:50:47 PM <Drac-sick>   A relative commander glanced down at Elladan, wondering when Bombedier's pupil had taken up insanity and hitting on women twice his age.
9/20/2008 8:51:11 PM <Drac-sick>   "We're honest's what makes us better."
9/20/2008 8:51:48 PM *   Glubtz takes off his shirt as the very vocal moment continues.
9/20/2008 8:52:24 PM *   Kythaine sighs and tosses the shirt back to Glubtz.
9/20/2008 8:52:31 PM <Drac-sick>   "...Marcus, take your friends and go get them clothed."
9/20/2008 8:54:22 PM <Glubtz>   "Sucess!  Love for research triumphs again!"
9/20/2008 8:55:08 PM <Marcus>   "...I don't have to dress them myself, do I?" Marcus asks hesitantly, now wondering if getting out of practice is worth it. "They're friends and all, but...."
9/20/2008 8:55:17 PM <Kythaine>   "I could have lived my life much happier not knowing dwarves had that much body hair."
9/20/2008 8:56:06 PM <Kythaine>   "But we do need to talk to the Captain."
9/20/2008 8:56:18 PM <Marcus>   "Yeah, you're not the only one, Kythaine," Marcus mutters.
9/20/2008 8:56:58 PM *   Elladan appears visibly undisturbed, but stares at the two with a flat, dead eyes.
9/20/2008 8:57:06 PM <Glubtz>   "Stealthy feet, sneaky feet..."
9/20/2008 8:57:11 PM <Elladan>   "Just imagine living in the same house with him.."
9/20/2008 8:58:02 PM *   Kythaine shudders. "no wonder you like blowing things up."
9/20/2008 8:58:23 PM <Glubtz>   "Silent pirate feet.."
9/20/2008 8:59:17 PM *   Kythaine starts towards wherever the Captain is, pointedly not looking at Glubtz.
9/20/2008 8:59:22 PM <Drac-sick>   Making their way down, without a hint of silence, they were met by the captain midway.  "What's all this ruckus about?"
9/20/2008 9:00:07 PM *   Glubtz is too busy fluffing his beard to answer.
9/20/2008 9:00:20 PM <Elladan>   "There's been a meteor storm. Some of them appear to have been big enough to survive impact. This could be *very* lucritive for us."
9/20/2008 9:00:59 PM <Kythaine>   "And Glubtz was acting sensible, but he's back to normal now."
9/20/2008 9:02:41 PM <Kythaine>   "We'd like to go investigate the fallen meteors."
9/20/2008 9:03:07 PM <Marcus>   "Ah, sothat's what you dragged me awayfrom practice for," Marcus comments, more for his own benefit, now that -that-question's finally been answered.
9/20/2008 9:03:30 PM *   Glubtz stares off into the distance distractly, "I want a parrot. Don't all pirates have parrots? Or a small mechinal animal. Or, Ooo! A mechincal parrot!"
9/20/2008 9:03:34 PM <Elladan>   "I'd also suggest taking the ship out. There's bound to be scavangers heading for the site, and they'd most likely be so focused on getting there first, they'd be an easy ambush.."
9/20/2008 9:04:19 PM <Drac-sick>   "Where'd it land?  Actually close to here?" He wondered to them.  Ambitious rascals.
9/20/2008 9:04:48 PM <Elladan>   "Seemed to impact near the tower, actually."
9/20/2008 9:05:47 PM <Glubtz>   "Or maybe a mechcanical cross of a parrot and a weasel!  A pareasel!"
9/20/2008 9:07:04 PM <Glubtz>   "Of course, I would have to modify a moonstone small enough to fit such a contraption, but it could be done."
9/20/2008 9:07:50 PM <Elladan>   "I'm sure we can find you a shard somewhere, Glubtz."
9/20/2008 9:08:34 PM <Glubtz>   "Hmmm?  What?"
9/20/2008 9:08:53 PM <Elladan>   "A Moonstone shard."
9/20/2008 9:08:54 PM <Kythaine>   "This meteor fall was a lot more than a shard.  We need to get out there and investigate."
9/20/2008 9:09:53 PM <Drac-sick>   "Hmm...Glubtz, don't mess with such things...But if an actual sizable amount of moonstone fell there, that would be useful.  Take a craft and go scout it.  If it is there, come back and let me know.  We'll go with a larger ship to recover it.  And don't take too long, don't want to miss the party."
9/20/2008 9:10:29 PM *   Kythaine grins. "No, we don't."
9/20/2008 9:10:35 PM *   Elladan snaps a slopy salute and heads out..
9/20/2008 9:12:29 PM <Drac-sick>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, Goodbye.


Well, Goodbye.