
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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Session 4 - WizVale Island and the Three Tribes - Part 2

Started by Dracos, November 01, 2008, 09:46:31 PM

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10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:10:33 PM <AdmiralDracos>   "I knew it was no strange thing.  Rocks from the moons and then ships.  And sure enough, from the heavens to snatch away the prize of the housekeeper tribe."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:11:29 PM <Kythaine>   "Um... yes."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:12:01 PM <Elladan>   "Mmm.. Indeed, it was strange.. I think it's rather strange that you would have your tribe retrieve us."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:12:50 PM <AdmiralDracos>   "Think we should kill you?" She grinned with ugly teeth.  "maybe we should..." she clapped and from the bushes, several kobold rose in ambush, spears at the ready.
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:13:16 PM <Kythaine>   "If you wanted to do that, you would have already tried."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:14:07 PM <Elladan>   "That is, of course, a viable option for you.. However, you know fully well that while they will get us, we will get *you* first. There's something you want, and something we want, obviously."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:14:36 PM <AdmiralDracos>   "You annoyed them...  they've gotten more posturing of late.  They forget, they have the tower, but we have the gardens and the trees and the grass.  It is ours!" she jabbed down with a finger.  "It is always ours."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:15:23 PM <Elladan>   "Ahhh.. So that's it.. They've gotten uppity, have they? Tried to change the balance of your island?"
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:16:28 PM <Kythaine>   "Who does the dock belong to?"
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:18:24 PM <AdmiralDracos>   "The docks?" She seemed briefly taken aback. "ah, they belong to the Scuttle tribe."
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:20:11 PM <Elladan>   "So, what we want is obvious, and what you want seems to be a bit of punishment.. A reminder of just how far their power really extends to.. Shall we come to an accord?"
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:20:14 PM <Kythaine>   "That's the ones in brown?"
10/18/2008 6:11:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   10/4/2008 10:23:33 PM <AdmiralDracos>   "Yes...and yes.  I want you to embarass them," Her eyes glimmered darkly.
10/18/2008 6:12:03 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10/18/2008 6:14:52 PM <Kythaine>   "Embarass them," Kythaine replies cautiously.  "Embarass them how?"
10/18/2008 6:15:57 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   "They've claimed that strange stone...if it was removed that would shame them...but that is only one possibility.  I'm told humans are very smart."
10/18/2008 6:18:28 PM *   Kythaine nods. "Ah, that kind of embarassment."
10/18/2008 6:18:52 PM <Kythaine>   "Would you have heard where they have the stone?"
10/18/2008 6:20:12 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   "I believe it is toward the top of the wizard's tower.  Deep in their domain." She sipped her tea.  "Normally, we wouldn't bother, especially given it slammed in part of that tower...but they've been all posturing since they got it."
10/18/2008 6:23:20 PM *   Kythaine takes another sip of tea. "Delicious. I'm sure we can arrange something once I and my companions have a chance to plan things."
10/18/2008 6:23:22 PM *   Hannah mutters softly to herself. "We can't fight our way to it, we just proved that as impossible.
10/18/2008 6:23:43 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   "You all seem rather battle can stay here for a while and plan.  We'll hide you in the garden."
10/18/2008 6:23:57 PM *   Glubtz sits sullenly not drinking any tea.
10/18/2008 6:23:59 PM <Kythaine>   "Thank you."
10/18/2008 6:24:42 PM *   Hannah bows lightly to the marton Kobold.
10/18/2008 6:25:16 PM <Kythaine>   "The tea was quite good."
10/18/2008 6:25:50 PM <Kythaine>   "If you will excuse us, we'd like to rest and plan."
10/18/2008 6:26:16 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   She grinned and snapped her fingers.  A couple of kobolds coming.  "Show these pleasant humans to a soft hut."  And so they were lead toward....well, that somewhat caught their attention.
10/18/2008 6:29:39 PM *   Skybot (~Skybot@ has joined #skies_of_arcadia
10/18/2008 6:30:30 PM <Hannah>   20d+19  Perception skill check
10/18/2008 6:30:45 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   There was a thrumming in the air as they watched upward, a rather gigantic valuan warship passing nearby to the island and continuing on.
10/18/2008 6:31:17 PM *   Kythaine watches to see where it is heading.
10/18/2008 6:31:37 PM <Kythaine>   "I think they may be looking for the stone, too."
10/18/2008 6:31:43 PM *   Glubtz snaps out of his sullen state for a second. "Preeeeeetty..."
10/18/2008 6:31:56 PM *   Hannah looks at the ship in curiousity as it passes them.
10/18/2008 6:32:24 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   It doesn't seem like it is heading for the kobold island, but continuing on.  It is a very strange sight to see such a massive warship out here.
10/18/2008 6:33:20 PM <Glubtz>   "One day, I shall build you.  I will call Isabella, and you shall be mine..."
10/18/2008 6:33:54 PM *   Hannah looks at the gnome and bites her tongue, holding back her comment.
10/18/2008 6:34:43 PM *   Kythaine grins. "We all have our dreams."
10/18/2008 6:35:24 PM <Glubtz>   "It shall become a reality," he states firmly.
10/18/2008 6:36:20 PM <Hannah>   "Do you honestly think you'll get the needed funding to build something like that, and command it privately?"
10/18/2008 6:36:45 PM <Kythaine>   "I think he'll steal it.  It's the proper pirate way."
10/18/2008 6:37:07 PM <Glubtz>   "I'm a pirate!  A very smart, clean, and skilled pirate, but one none the less!"
10/18/2008 6:37:08 PM <Marcus>   "He'll build it...I just bet he'd blow it up within a day," Marcus mutters the last part, not quite low enough to be called 'under his breath'. More like 'just loud enough for his companions to hear' low.
10/18/2008 6:37:49 PM <Hannah>   "Then pray that he gathers enough of his own crew then for the capture."  Laughs lightly at Marcus comment.
10/18/2008 6:38:35 PM <Kythaine>   "I disagree.  Elladan's the one who would blow the ship up in a day."
10/18/2008 6:38:49 PM <Glubtz>   "Ha!  When I build my own ship, you are not invited.  You scoffing lot are not fit to be in my crew."
10/18/2008 6:39:05 PM <Glubtz>   "Well, maybe as deck swabbers."
10/18/2008 6:39:47 PM <Glubtz>   "And Kythaine can steer from time to time I suppose.:
10/18/2008 6:40:06 PM *   Kythaine chuckles.
10/18/2008 6:40:12 PM <Hannah>   "I hear the cry of medic going unheeded on your ship then."  Smiles rudefully.
10/18/2008 6:40:55 PM <Kythaine>   "Speaking of medics, I'm fine thanks to Hannah's healing.  How is everyone else?"
10/18/2008 6:41:16 PM <Marcus>   "Do you want to patch up everyone he blows up?" Marcus asks with an incredulous tone. "I'd just as soon start my own merry band of troublemakers, than serve under that one there."
10/18/2008 6:43:14 PM *   Glubtz continues to be dreamy eyed for a second, before reverting back to his sullen state.
10/18/2008 6:44:53 PM *   Hannah looks at herself, still weary from the failed battle and casts Healing Word on herself.
10/18/2008 6:45:19 PM <Hannah>   d6+5 Healing Word
10/18/2008 6:45:19 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls d6+5 Healing Word and gets 11." [d6=6]
10/18/2008 6:47:19 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   **************************
10/18/2008 6:48:30 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   A night of planning and strategizmizing was had.  Some discussion about the best way to kill way too many smelly kobolds that damned got in their way.  Someone remembered, depressingly, that had they not gone off with Glubtz on this, they'd be enjoying a fine feast, many a dance with pretty women, and other luxuries.  But the gruel that the kobolds called food made it all worthwhile...right?
10/18/2008 6:49:29 PM <Hannah>   (Not a chance in the ever loving pits of the Elemental Plane of Water.)
10/18/2008 6:53:52 PM <Kythaine>   "I don't think we can count on help from home. Too much chance of the Valuans noticing any ship leaving.  And we sure can't trust the garden kobolds, they'll just take the stone from us and embarass the tower kobolds even more."
10/18/2008 6:54:16 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC: night = afternoon above.
10/18/2008 6:54:39 PM <Kythaine>   "If we can come up with a plan we should stike just before nightfall.  Even if that plan is grab our boat and flee."
10/18/2008 6:55:10 PM <Kythaine>   "Who else here is good at climbing and sneaking around?"
10/18/2008 6:55:55 PM <Hannah>   "I'm decent at sneaking..."
10/18/2008 6:56:13 PM <Kythaine>   "Good.  Anyone else?"
10/18/2008 6:56:56 PM <Kythaine>   "The silence is deafening."
10/18/2008 6:57:23 PM <Kythaine>   "Glubtz, how long will it take you to fix the boat?"
10/18/2008 6:57:58 PM <Glubtz>   "I can summon forth the shadows to envelop me like a lover, unfortunately, I need more time spent studying and more experience to do so."
10/18/2008 6:58:43 PM <Glubtz>   "I couldn't say without looking at the damage you caused it.  Boatwrecker."
10/18/2008 6:59:41 PM *   Kythaine waves his hand dismissively. "Nonsense, the boat will still fly. Probably. And it was worth it for the look on the kobold's faces."
10/18/2008 7:00:16 PM *   Hannah closes her eyes. "So... our loud entry to this island put us in a bad situation. ... We could ask these Kobolds for some defense while you repair the ship enough for us to use to grab this stone."
10/18/2008 7:00:44 PM <Glubtz>   "I ought to break your bones to see the look on YOUR face.  How can you live with yourself?"
10/18/2008 7:01:20 PM *   Hannah with her eyes still closed. "Hmm? To which of us, is that pointed to?"
10/18/2008 7:02:24 PM <Kythaine>   "Actually, I was thinking the repairs would be a distraction.  While the tower kobolds are distracted, Hannah and I can sneak in the top of the tower and grab the stone."
10/18/2008 7:03:43 PM <Kythaine>   "Then the boat can cast off and we can meet it somewhere else on the island."
10/18/2008 7:03:45 PM <Glubtz>   "Look, at the moment I care very little for you.  I DO want our medic to stay alive though."
10/18/2008 7:04:06 PM <Hannah>   "Doable plan."
10/18/2008 7:04:57 PM <Glubtz>   "Hmmm, our medic is crazy.  That's fine, go with him.  Crazy medics are better off dead.
10/18/2008 7:04:59 PM *   Hannah sighs. "We're going have a bit of a chat after this, Glubtz."
10/18/2008 7:05:35 PM <Glubtz>   "Don't sigh at ME missy, I'm not the one with a deathwish here."
10/18/2008 7:06:07 PM <Marcus>   "Is it a deathwish if they're making you the bait to attract the attention of the ones with the pointy spears, Glutz?" Marcus asks.
10/18/2008 7:06:40 PM *   Hannah smiles. "I perfer disillusions of grandour over deathwish. But, I do have plan myself, if you want to hear it."
10/18/2008 7:06:58 PM <Kythaine>   "I'm listening."
10/18/2008 7:07:27 PM <Glubtz>   "Look, we fared badly against them.  Granted the whole tribe was there but we barely hurt them.  Our little damage was caused by luck.  I DO want that stone. but dead Glubtz can do no research."
10/18/2008 7:07:52 PM <Hannah>   "First, I have to ask:  If the ship was repaired, just how close can we get our ship to the tower's top?"
10/18/2008 7:08:34 PM <Kythaine>   "I was tying to jump the docks," Kythiane replies ruefully.  "It will never reach the top of the tower."
10/18/2008 7:08:39 PM <Hannah>   "And more importantly, how fast can we get to the top without drawing a lot of kobold archers?"
10/18/2008 7:09:15 PM <Glubtz>   "Ha!  You're asking a skilled navigator here!  The answer to your question is... I don't know."
10/18/2008 7:10:27 PM <Glubtz>   "I can not say I've had the experience in doing so."
10/18/2008 7:10:50 PM <Hannah>   "The kobolds most likely won't go to war with their tower cousins.  So we can't invade the main gates again.  That leaves attacking from tunnels or from the air."
10/18/2008 7:12:01 PM <Kythaine>   "The tunnels are too small for -us- to fight in and we'd have to fight every kobold in the palce to get to the top where the stone is."
10/18/2008 7:12:02 PM <Glubtz>   "If we had a proper warship, I'd say go for it.  But the hull on this one isn't thick enough."
10/18/2008 7:12:33 PM <Glubtz>   "I COULD modify it to withstand anything the green ones throw at us, but I would require time."
10/18/2008 7:12:59 PM <Hannah>   "So!  That leaves stealth and guile."
10/18/2008 7:13:52 PM <Hannah>   "And climbing, can't forget the climbing."
10/18/2008 7:16:23 PM <Hannah>   "So then, unless we come up with another plan, I say we start scouting the tower out now to find a good spot to start climbing later."
10/18/2008 7:16:41 PM *   Kythaine nods. "I'll climb, then lower a rope to Hannah."
10/18/2008 7:17:24 PM <Kythaine>   "Glubtz needs to fix the boat while the rest of you and the garden kobolds guard it."
10/18/2008 7:18:17 PM <Kythaine>   "When we have the stone, we'll run to the meeting point while Glubtz pilots the boat there."
10/18/2008 7:22:39 PM *   Kythaine leads Hannah to the part of the woods closest the back of the tower. "As soon as the tower kobolds notice them going for the boat, we move."

Tower Group:

10/18/2008 7:23:04 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   **************************************************************** (Split here)
10/18/2008 7:23:07 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   * Kythaine leads Hannah to the part of the woods closest the back of the tower. "As soon as the tower kobolds notice them going for the boat, we move."
10/18/2008 7:23:08 PM *   Hannah nods
10/18/2008 7:23:50 PM <Hannah>   "Just confirming this, you're the one that's climbing up first?  Or do we climb up together?"
10/18/2008 7:24:15 PM <Kythaine>   "You said you were't all that good at climbing, right?"
10/18/2008 7:25:02 PM <Hannah>   "I'm good at Acrobatics            
10/18/2008 7:25:22 PM <Hannah>   and stealth... "
10/18/2008 7:26:12 PM <Kythaine>   "As am I.  It's not what I'd expected in a healer, though."
10/18/2008 7:27:22 PM <Hannah>   "It takes all kinds to do anything, I'm told.  Strangeness is a spice in life, after all."
10/18/2008 7:29:05 PM <Kythaine>   "In that case, Glubtz is overqualified."
10/18/2008 7:29:46 PM <Kythaine>   "Still it's good to have him along.  He's the only one who can fix the boat after I screwed up and damaged it."
10/18/2008 7:30:32 PM *   Hannah laughs lightly while grabbing some rope out of her pack.
10/18/2008 7:31:24 PM <Hannah>   "By any chance, do you have any climbing equipment on you?"
10/18/2008 7:32:15 PM <Kythaine>   "Rope comes in any standard adventurer's kit."
10/18/2008 7:33:08 PM <Hannah>   "I was talking about pitons, grabbling hooks, hammers, and the like."
10/18/2008 7:34:26 PM <Kythaine>   "I'm a pirate, not a mountain climber."
10/18/2008 7:35:11 PM <Kythaine>   "And pitons are a bit noisy."
10/18/2008 7:35:47 PM <Hannah>   "My cheap nature is biting my paraniod arse now..."
10/18/2008 7:37:06 PM *   Kythaine chuckles. "I wonder what's taking them so long."
10/18/2008 7:38:26 PM *   Hannah hands you my rope. "I think you'll this more then me."
10/18/2008 7:43:12 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Spying in from their hiding spot, they saw the signal from Glubtz and Marcus that they were near the docks.
10/18/2008 7:44:12 PM *   Kythaine starts to move towards the back of the tower.
10/18/2008 7:44:20 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+9 stealth
10/18/2008 7:44:20 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+9 stealth and gets 14." [1d20=5]
10/18/2008 7:45:35 PM <Hannah>   1d20+6
10/18/2008 7:45:35 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls 1d20+6 and gets 9." [1d20=3]
10/18/2008 7:48:27 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20
10/18/2008 7:48:27 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20 and gets 19." [1d20=19]
10/18/2008 7:49:08 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Beginning to sneak toward the tower, Hannah and Kythaine moved as best they could, finding themselves somewhat unfortunate as bramble over the ground ruined much of their efforts.
10/18/2008 7:49:26 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Luckily, no one seemed to be on guard around the tower, allowing them to get all the way to it without interruption.
10/18/2008 7:50:24 PM <Kythaine>   "That could have gone better." Kythaine whispers.  Taking both coils of rope, he starts to climb the tower.
10/18/2008 7:50:51 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+5 climb
10/18/2008 7:50:52 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+5 climb and gets 18." [1d20=13]
10/18/2008 7:55:22 PM <Hannah>   1d20+9  Perception check...
10/18/2008 7:55:22 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls 1d20+9 Perception check...  and gets 24." [1d20=15]
10/18/2008 7:56:04 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+5 Perception.
10/18/2008 7:56:04 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+5 Perception. and gets 23." [1d20=18]
10/18/2008 7:58:31 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Kythaine notices as they begin their climb, leveraging a floating object to hold the rope, about a floor or two up there seems to be the sign of a hidden passageway.
10/18/2008 7:59:38 PM *   Kythaine examines the passageway to see if it's human or kobold sized.
10/18/2008 8:00:43 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   It's kobold sized...but very short and leads out into the tower proper which is human sized.
10/18/2008 8:01:33 PM *   Kythaine lowers the rope to Hannah.
10/18/2008 8:03:06 PM *   Hannah grabs the rope once it got within reach, and tucks it down a bit. "I wonder if he's got it secured onto something..."
10/18/2008 8:03:48 PM <Kythaine>   ...after tying it around something secure.
10/18/2008 8:05:38 PM *   Hannah pulls on the rope a few more times, testing it, before she starts her own climb.
10/18/2008 8:06:15 PM <Hannah>   1d20+1  Athletics check
10/18/2008 8:06:15 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls 1d20+1 Athletics check and gets 8." [1d20=7]
10/18/2008 8:11:30 PM <Kythaine>   "Do we want to take the passage up or keep climbing?  Either way I figure it's safer to wait here than at the base of the tower."
10/18/2008 8:11:42 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   It makes a nice sitting alcove at least.
10/18/2008 8:12:34 PM *   Hannah joins Kythaine on the ledge. "Hmm... if we keep climbing, we'll risk falling to deaths. If we go into the tower, we risk fighting some kobolds..."
10/18/2008 8:14:54 PM <Hannah>   "Hmm..."  Takes a quick look into the tower.
10/18/2008 8:19:44 PM <Kythaine>   "Let's keep climbing.  We can't afford to fight our way through that many floors of kobolds."
10/18/2008 8:20:32 PM <Hannah>   After coming back out.  "Agreed...  Good luck on your climb."
10/18/2008 8:20:54 PM *   Kythaine collects the rope and starts climbing again.
10/18/2008 8:22:01 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+5 athletics
10/18/2008 8:22:01 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+5 athletics and gets 13." [1d20=8]
10/18/2008 8:23:09 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Continuing his climb up, he finds soon that it is far more treacherous the higher he goes, the walls slicker from rainfall and erosion.  He does not fall, but he realizes he'll need to do better to go further than he is.
10/18/2008 8:32:38 PM *   Kythaine works his way sideways, trying to find a safer route to one of the windows on the upper floors.
10/18/2008 8:32:56 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+5 athletics
10/18/2008 8:32:56 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+5 athletics and gets 20." [1d20=15]
10/18/2008 8:36:25 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Rotating around the tower, he eventually found a route he could climb up, getting all the way up to a window on the tenth floor gazing in.  It was glass and closed...but nothing a swift smash wouldn't fix, and there was only one kobold he could see from it.
10/18/2008 8:40:00 PM [Obsidian²] Started caching files...
10/18/2008 8:40:00 PM [Obsidian²] No triggers are defined, cannot build cache.
10/18/2008 8:40:01 PM *   Kythaine attempts to open the window quietly and without being noticed.
10/18/2008 8:40:10 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+9 thievery
10/18/2008 8:40:10 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+9 thievery and gets 22." [1d20=13]
10/18/2008 8:42:41 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Kythaine skillfully manages to quietly shift the window just right to open its hinge, letting it swing open.  It'd be a tight fit, but he could slide through it and into the room.
10/18/2008 8:44:18 PM *   Hannah silently stays at the legde, while considering sucking on some hard candy if she had any in her pack.
10/18/2008 8:47:42 PM *   Kythaine slides into the room, draws his sword, and attempts to skewer the kobold.
10/18/2008 8:48:22 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+7 deft strike
10/18/2008 8:48:22 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+7 deft strike and gets 24." [1d20=17]
10/18/2008 8:49:31 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Sneaking behind the Kobold, Kythaine quickly and silently eliminates the threat, catching the kobolds body and preventing even the sound of it falling.  He's now in what looks like an old storage room with one dead kobold.
10/18/2008 8:50:45 PM *   Kythaine goes to the window, ties off the rope to the sturdiest thing he can find and lowers the rope to Hannah.
10/18/2008 8:55:38 PM *   Hannah (oh screw the technically issues I love so much for right now) grabs the rope and tests it bit before starting teh climb.
10/18/2008 8:56:04 PM <Hannah>   1d20+1 Climbing check
10/18/2008 8:56:05 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls 1d20+1 Climbing check and gets 6." [1d20=5]
10/18/2008 8:57:56 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Well, it is a struggle and she nearly falls several times, but some thirty minutes later, Hannah manages to get up to the patiently waiting Kythaine.
10/18/2008 8:59:17 PM <Kythaine>   "As soon as you cath your breath, let's try to find the stone."
10/18/2008 9:00:18 PM *   Hannah sit down on the hard floor once she makes it in. "Remind me to never climb a tower, ever again. ... Did you look around this room for anything useful?"
10/18/2008 9:00:52 PM <Kythaine>   "Um, no.  I was too worried to do that."
10/18/2008 9:01:05 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Indeed, Kythaine had to help steady the rope more than a few times.
10/18/2008 9:02:57 PM *   Hannah smiles at Kythaine. "Danke, heer. But now would be a good time to check."
10/18/2008 9:03:19 PM *   Kythaine searches the room.
10/18/2008 9:03:26 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+9 thievery
10/18/2008 9:03:26 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+9 thievery and gets 26." [1d20=17]
10/18/2008 9:05:47 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   2 cure light wounds potions.  250 gold, hidden in the spine of a book.  20 minutes spent.
10/18/2008 9:06:46 PM <Hannah>   "Heh, congrats on your finds."
10/18/2008 9:07:57 PM <Kythaine>   "Thanks."  Kythaine hands one potion and half the gold to Hannah.  "Now let's find the stone."
10/18/2008 9:08:29 PM *   Hannah gets up and dusts herself off. After which, she gets her quarterstaff out, getting herself ready for what may come up ahead.
10/18/2008 9:09:09 PM *   Kythaine listens at the door.
10/18/2008 9:09:20 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+5 perception
10/18/2008 9:09:20 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+5 perception and gets 25." [1d20=20]
10/18/2008 9:14:44 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Kythaine was fortunate, overhearing a rather boisterous series of grunts from what sounded like five Kobolds on the other side, slowly fading as they went further away.
10/18/2008 9:15:40 PM <Kythaine>   Once they have passed, Kythaine slips into the hallway.
10/18/2008 9:15:59 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+9 stealth
10/18/2008 9:15:59 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+9 stealth and gets 21." [1d20=12]
10/18/2008 9:17:24 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Kythaine blends into the wall as he steps out on the crystaline staircase that leads around the tower, midsection, allowing traversal from top to bottom...lucky.
10/18/2008 9:19:04 PM *   Kythaine starts heading upwards, trying to guess where they have hidden the stone.
10/18/2008 9:24:05 PM <Kythaine>   He searches any likely spots.
10/18/2008 9:27:32 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Alright, mateys, Kythaine was searching up, and soon enough he found, stealthy like a ghost, a large room with the roof smashed out and a few kobolds as guards.  Some six of them.  You might wonder why the roof was smashed out, but it seemed pretty evident when he saw the huge moonstone sitting in the middle of the room.  They probably hadn't moved it from the moment it landed here.
10/18/2008 9:33:21 PM <Hannah>   1d20+6 Stealth check
10/18/2008 9:33:21 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls 1d20+6 Stealth check and gets 7." [1d20=1]
10/18/2008 9:45:38 PM *   Kythaine quietly motions Hannah to move down the stairs a bit and then speaks quietly. "The moonstone is enormous, 12 feet across and 8 feet tall. There's no way we can move it so I think we need to sneal back out. we can come back later with reinforcements."
10/18/2008 9:46:45 PM *   Hannah nods. "Continue to look for that other stone then for that matron kobold?"
10/18/2008 9:50:46 PM <Kythaine>   "I say get to the boat and come back when we have a way to move the rock."
10/18/2008 9:51:29 PM <Hannah>   "With about 3 to 20 combat mages too." 
10/18/2008 9:55:04 PM <Kythaine>   "Let's grab the kobold and the rope, so maybe we can reuse this route next time.  We'll stash the kobold in a random room, sneak down the staircase to the third floor secret passage, and escape that way.  Does that work?"
10/18/2008 9:55:55 PM <Hannah>   "If not, we'll all dead."
10/18/2008 9:56:23 PM <Kythaine>   "Lets do it then."
10/18/2008 9:56:44 PM <Kythaine>   1d20+9 stealth
10/18/2008 9:56:44 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Kythaine rolls 1d20+9 stealth and gets 13." [1d20=4]
10/18/2008 9:57:08 PM <Hannah>   1d20+6 Stealth check...  oh boy...
10/18/2008 9:57:08 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Hannah rolls 1d20+6 Stealth check... oh boy... and gets 9." [1d20=3]


Ground Group:

10/18/2008 7:25:58 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Kythaine and Hannah headed out to begin their part of the plan, leaving Marcus and Glubtz to begin heading towards the docks.
10/18/2008 7:29:24 PM *   Glubtz stares at Marcus. "So, uh, how are you?"
10/18/2008 7:30:09 PM <Marcus>   "Good," he says with a shrug. Not really having much more to say, he adds, "So...what do you think are the chances the kobolds have started breaking up our ship and stripping it for parts useful to them?"
10/18/2008 7:32:13 PM <Glubtz>   "Well, if they thought like me, right away.  But I'm an unique snowflake, so they may be just lighting fires around it while dancing naked or something."
10/18/2008 7:35:25 PM *   Marcus laughs. "You -are- unique, I suppose. Still, I doubt they'd be dancing around something that flattened a few of their comrades. I'm more worried about what to do if they decide it's valuable to us and have heavy guards set up though."
10/18/2008 7:38:09 PM <Glubtz>   "Well, the sooner we get there the sooner I can see the extent of repairs and start fixing it."
10/18/2008 7:40:36 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Heading near, Marcus and Glubtz saw around four kobolds messing around on their ship, another four working on repairing the deck.  It seemed pretty quiet.  No sign of the strange butler kobolds.
10/18/2008 7:41:57 PM <Glubtz>   "They are touching her!  Those perverts!"
10/18/2008 7:42:26 PM <Marcus>   "Shush! Don't make it obvious we're nearby!" Marcus hisses at Glubtz's exclamation.
10/18/2008 7:43:36 PM <Glubtz>   "Look you big hunk of walking tallness, we have to dispatch them anyway.  Enriquetta can not be repaired otherwise."
10/18/2008 7:44:40 PM <Glubtz>   "Although after being touched by those hands, perhaps it would be more merciful if we burned her."
10/18/2008 7:45:08 PM <Marcus>   "...first, that's a horrible name. Francine is a totally better name if you have to name it something. Second, I'm not disagreeing with that, just that I'd -like- to have a bit of element of surprise and to make a proper dramatic presentation that will strike fear into their beady little hearts!" Marcus explains.
10/18/2008 7:47:48 PM <Glubtz>   "Fine then, make your big presentation while mourn the loss of Enriquetta's, a perfectly good name for a ship that size by the way, innocense.
10/18/2008 7:52:27 PM *   Glubtz shoos Marcus. "I shall stay here and blast them from a distance."
10/18/2008 7:53:15 PM <Marcus>   "I dunno, I'd rather you blast them from up close, then I could use you as a back-up shield," Marcus comments with some dissapointment.
10/18/2008 7:55:05 PM *   Marcus sighs and looks at the numbers, trying to judge how to most horrifically kill one of the kobolds so as to leave a lasting impression of fear on the remaining kobolds.
10/18/2008 7:55:07 PM <Glubtz>   "And ruin these rugged artists hands and awe inspiring mind?  No sir, you go down there and whack them around.  I can start my volley before you charge in though, maybe weaken them a bit.
10/18/2008 7:57:08 PM *   Kythaine ( has joined #Grounded
10/18/2008 8:00:33 PM <Marcus>   "Sure, sure. Well then, get ready to fire some doom at 'em," Marcus comments, as he grips his weapon tightly, and gets ready to charge.
10/18/2008 8:00:51 PM *   Skybot (~Skybot@ has joined #Grounded
10/18/2008 8:01:16 PM <Marcus>   roll 1d20+1
10/18/2008 8:01:16 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Marcus rolls 1d20+1 and gets 13." [1d20=12]
10/18/2008 8:02:04 PM *   Glubtz targets the nearest green thing and glares at it glumly.
10/18/2008 8:03:51 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:03:51 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 18." [1d20=15]
10/18/2008 8:03:54 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:03:54 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
10/18/2008 8:03:56 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:03:56 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
10/18/2008 8:03:57 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:03:58 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 13." [1d20=10]
10/18/2008 8:05:36 PM <Glubtz>   roll 120+1
10/18/2008 8:05:36 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 120+1 and gets 121."
10/18/2008 8:06:56 PM <Glubtz>   roll 1d20+1
10/18/2008 8:06:56 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d20+1 and gets 13." [1d20=12]
10/18/2008 8:09:32 PM *   Admiral_Dracos has changed the topic to: Koboldx2 > Marcus > Glubtz > Koboldx6
10/18/2008 8:10:11 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   As the two approach, a pair of kobolds near them on the deck screech, seeing them and poiinting it out to their friends, shock runs through the small group as the pirates charge.
10/18/2008 8:12:08 PM *   Marcus curses. "Well, there goes the idea of surprise. Goddamn lack of cover," the fighter laments.
10/18/2008 8:16:01 PM *   Marcus charges towards the closest kobold, one of the screamers, and gives a good hard whack at it's brain, attempting to slam hard enough to hit both it and its companion with one strike. (Cleave attack on charge.)
10/18/2008 8:16:22 PM <Marcus>   roll 1d20+8 cleave attack
10/18/2008 8:16:22 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Marcus rolls 1d20+8 cleave attack and gets 15." [1d20=7]
10/18/2008 8:18:55 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC: Hits, roll damage.
10/18/2008 8:19:26 PM <Marcus>   ooc: oh, yay, I thought that would miss. XD
10/18/2008 8:20:06 PM <Marcus>   roll 1d10+4 (damage for first kobold. second kobold takes 4 damage)
10/18/2008 8:20:06 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Marcus rolls 1d10+4 (damage for first kobold. second kobold takes 4 damage) and gets 7." [1d10=3]
10/18/2008 8:22:00 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d10
10/18/2008 8:22:00 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d10 and gets 9." [1d10=9]
10/18/2008 8:22:01 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   The kobolds looked in terror before the coming of the vengeful Marcus, his mace smashing one into the other and sending them both off the docks and into the grand sky below.
10/18/2008 8:32:59 PM *   Glubtz wiggles his fingers at the nearest green thing. "You are cursed, yada yada yada. And now, you shall pay for touching Enriquetta! Maybe. Quite possibly. It all depends on Lady Luck, and let me tell you, she's been on the rag for a long time now. Anyway, eat demonic death! Or something."
10/18/2008 8:33:54 PM <Glubtz>   1d20+4 for Eldritch blast goodness
10/18/2008 8:33:54 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d20+4 for Eldritch blast goodness and gets 22." [1d20=18]
10/18/2008 8:34:45 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   (Hit)
10/18/2008 8:35:59 PM <Glubtz>   1d10+4+1d6
10/18/2008 8:35:59 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d10+4+1d6 and gets 10." [1d10=5][1d6=1]
10/18/2008 8:37:23 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   A burst of nastiness left Glubtz fingers and smashed into the kobold, burning it down to the ground.
10/18/2008 8:38:23 PM <Glubtz>   "Huh.  Lady Luck took a My-dole or something."  He moves closer to Marcus.
10/18/2008 8:45:13 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Of the remaining Kobolds, the two that are still on the deck try to flee, moving as fast as they are able.  The other four on the ship though gather up along the side, grumbling, covered with junk...and yank parts from the ship (OUCH) to toss at them.
10/18/2008 8:45:26 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:45:26 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 10." [1d20=7]
10/18/2008 8:45:27 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:45:28 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 20." [1d20=17]
10/18/2008 8:45:30 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:45:30 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 4." [1d20=1]
10/18/2008 8:45:31 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+3
10/18/2008 8:45:32 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+3 and gets 21." [1d20=18]
10/18/2008 8:45:53 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC: 4 damage to Marcus, 4 damage to Glubtz.
10/18/2008 8:46:49 PM <Glubtz>   "ENRIQUETTA!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
10/18/2008 8:49:46 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC: Edit, only one runner.
10/18/2008 8:50:00 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC: Glubtz suffers 3 points of SOUL PAIN.
10/18/2008 8:51:15 PM <Glubtz>   "You dung sucking skum, even if Lady Luck is ragging while miraculasly being pregnet with morning sick, soreness and cravings, you shall pay!"
10/18/2008 8:54:06 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC:Marcus turn
10/18/2008 8:55:15 PM <Marcus>   "Ow! You little freaks are going to pay for that!" Marcus yells in annoyment as he flies towards his attackers, hammer swinging. (ooc: Cleave)
10/18/2008 8:55:23 PM <Marcus>   roll 1d20+7
10/18/2008 8:55:23 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Marcus rolls 1d20+7 and gets 12." [1d20=5]
10/18/2008 8:57:18 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Well, that didn't work out too well as the kobold ducked behind the Mast, letting Marcus smash into it with his mace.  Dangerous!  Those little bastards.
10/18/2008 8:59:19 PM *   Glubtz targets the fleeing green thing. "Be cursed and DIE!"
10/18/2008 9:00:03 PM <Glubtz>   1d20+4 for Eldritch blast goodness
10/18/2008 9:00:04 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d20+4 for Eldritch blast goodness and gets 6." [1d20=2]
10/18/2008 9:00:31 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Glubtz manages to light a lantern on fire.  By exploding.
10/18/2008 9:00:43 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   The kobold continues to flee, escaping into an underground passage.
10/18/2008 9:01:36 PM <Glubtz>   "Lady Luck, one day we shall meet.  And on that day I shall beat you like the dirty whore you are!"
10/18/2008 9:09:30 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   One of the kobolds, being none too brave, leapt from the ship to the far deck on the other side of it, running away.
10/18/2008 9:09:40 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   The other three picked up their tools and tried to swarm Marcus.
10/18/2008 9:09:45 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+4
10/18/2008 9:09:46 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+4 and gets 21." [1d20=17]
10/18/2008 9:09:47 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+44
10/18/2008 9:09:47 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+44 and gets 45." [1d20=1]
10/18/2008 9:09:51 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   roll 1d20+4
10/18/2008 9:09:52 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Admiral_Dracos rolls 1d20+4 and gets 11." [1d20=7]
10/18/2008 9:10:12 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   One of them managing to clip him with a hammer!  CLANG...well that stung but the armor was there for that.
10/18/2008 9:10:16 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   OOC: 4 damage.
10/18/2008 9:14:21 PM <Marcus>   "You know, you're all very annoying little beasties...." Marcus states with a scowl, as he swings his hammer again. (Cleeeave)
10/18/2008 9:14:25 PM <Marcus>   roll 1d20+7
10/18/2008 9:14:25 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Marcus rolls 1d20+7 and gets 18." [1d20=11]
10/18/2008 9:14:44 PM <Marcus>   roll 1d10+4 (damage for first if hits and 4 damage to second!)
10/18/2008 9:14:44 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Marcus rolls 1d10+4 (damage for first if hits and 4 damage to second!) and gets 8." [1d10=4]
10/18/2008 9:15:26 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   The two that didn't hit, didn't live to regret it as his mace was fast and dangerous to the dock workers, striking them down.
10/18/2008 9:18:06 PM *   Glubtz glares at the last green thing. "I shall turn you inside out!" OOC: Curse applied as minor action.
10/18/2008 9:18:18 PM <Glubtz>   1d20+4 for Eldritch blast goodness
10/18/2008 9:18:18 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d20+4 for Eldritch blast goodness and gets 5." [1d20=1]
10/18/2008 9:19:49 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Marcus may have words for Glubtz at a later point.  He may have strong words, fierce words, fighting words...  Right now, he has something else in mind.  Happiness that the blast did not connect with his head, instead smashing into the mast scant inches above it.
10/18/2008 9:20:29 PM <Marcus>   "Glubtz, your aim needs work!" Marcus yells. "I'll kill you if you kill me....not sure how, but I will! Aim for the other runner if anything!"
10/18/2008 9:22:02 PM <Admiral_Dracos>   Seeing his life flashing before his eyes, the last kobold engineer did what any brave warrior would...wait a second, this just in, he is not a brave warrior.  He ain't even a fighter.  Marcus watches as he flees like the dickens, leaping onto the deck and running.
10/18/2008 9:23:12 PM <Marcus>   "Ugh, I hope you can repair this fast before reinforcements get here. Don't think I can catch up to all the little buggers," Marcus complains as he waves the warlock over hurriedly.
10/18/2008 9:28:03 PM <Glubtz>   "Bah!  If I had the time...  You!  Go and gather all of Enriquetta's innards that they threw at as!"  Glubtz hurries over and starts to survey the damage.
10/18/2008 9:30:02 PM <Glubtz>   roll 1d0+10 for ship repair goodness.
10/18/2008 9:30:02 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d0+10 for ship repair goodness. and gets Error: Number of sides must be integer greater than 0."
10/18/2008 9:30:12 PM <Glubtz>   roll 1d20+10 for ship repair goodness.
10/18/2008 9:30:13 PM <Skybot>   ACTION --> "Glubtz rolls 1d20+10 for ship repair goodness. and gets 18." [1d20=8]
10/18/2008 9:30:19 PM *   Marcus makes a sharp salute. "Yes, yes, I'll get right on it," Marcus states as he gets to picking up ship pieces.
10/18/2008 9:33:23 PM <Glubtz>   "More bah, I'm finally working on a ship unsupervised, and I don't even have the time to make any of my modifications."
10/18/2008 9:34:22 PM <Glubtz>   "Enriquetta is a very small ship, to be sure, but every ship has potential."
10/18/2008 9:34:27 PM *   Marcus gives a quiet sigh of relief at that. "Good. I'd hate to think what would happen if you built a giant deathray into the ship."
10/18/2008 9:35:50 PM <Glubtz>   "First of all, that would be so totally awesome.  Second of all, it would make pirating more fun.  Third of all, I don't have NEAR the materials required to even undertake such a task."
10/18/2008 9:38:42 PM <Marcus>   "Again, good. Knowing you, you'd build a self destruct button in it, and I'd live in mortal fear of Elladan pushing it just for the laughs. Or hell, you'd do it just to rebuild the ship into something even more destructive."
10/18/2008 9:39:38 PM <Glubtz>   "Fourth, Enriquetta is too small of a ship to supply the power needed for that device.  I've been working on high yield power supplies that are way more compact then what is currently availabe to us, but no breakthrough yet.  Very slow going."
10/18/2008 9:41:37 PM <Glubtz>   "Of COURSE I would put self destruct button on it.  Can you imagine it falling into enemy hands?  Untill I could be sure its security, self destruct button it is."
10/18/2008 9:43:05 PM <Marcus>   "I dunno, I figure I'd just blow up a ship of pirates if I knew it had a self destruct button," Marcus muses.
10/18/2008 9:43:43 PM <Glubtz>   "I'm hoping that research on that giant stone will provide answers for many of my theories," Glubtz sighs wistfully.
10/18/2008 9:47:02 PM <Glubtz>   "Incidently, make yourself usefull and be on the lookout for incoming green ones, or signals from the mad medic and the other one.
10/18/2008 9:49:00 PM <Marcus>   "Obviously," Marcus replies in a dull voice, having been doing just that while gathering pieces of equipment.
10/18/2008 9:50:19 PM <Glubtz>   "Don't take that tone of voice with me!  I'd throw a wrench at you if I could spare one!"
Well, Goodbye.