
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Started by Anastasia, December 27, 2009, 04:34:46 PM

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---Alicia Reynes---

Description: The woman before you is tall and toned, carrying herself with an effortless confidence, wearing her short jet hair in a bob that frames her haughty and elegant face. Her clothes are black and concealing, sleeves and leggings snug against her limbs while her torso is covered in a gleaming silvery breastplate that curves around her frame and flares out over her hips, writings inscribed across it in a delicate and tiny hand. Feathery white wings fan out from her back, as if ready to take flight at any moment, and she holds a heavy yet smoothly curved blade out to the side of her body, leaving herself open but seemingly unbothered by it going by the smile teasing at her lips.

Personality: Alicia is earnest and passionate in everything she does. While sometimes driven to melancholy by adversity, she never lets it consume her and after working through her feelings will redouble her efforts against any obstacle in her path.

Beliefs: Alicia is devoted to Mystra, and presents herself as her Goddess's sword of judgement to those who would misuse the gift of magic. She appreciates all the deities who foster goodness in their own way, and holds a special respect for Red Knight the goddess of tactics and strategy.

Goals: Alicia is motivated and dedicated to putting all her magical and martial skill to the task of protecting the innocent and defeating the forces of evil. She especially enjoys besting immortal beings of great power and prestige, seeing it as a validation for the capabilities of a properly motivated human. Ultimately she wishes to pass on her skills and knowledge, and see her successors pursue the same goals with the same success.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'9
Weight: 154 pounds
Eyes: Turquoise
Hair: Black
Age: 30

Favorite Food: Fried fish
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Creature: Planetars
Hated creature: Liches/Necromancers
Preference: Straight
Relationship status: Widow


Description: Raven hair stops short of the young woman's shoulders, carefully styled to appear casual with the aid of a golden circlet settled across her brow, while clearly displaying the pointed ears she is so proud of. A cloak with a wild flame motif flutters below her youthful face, clasped at her neck with a golden coin bearing Waukeen's image, the wind breathing life into the fire dancing on the garment. It comes around a gown of darkness and fire, of a comet streaking across the starry sky, snug on her lithe form. Outside her slitted eyes, defiantly turquoise despite the norm for her kind, one might be hard-pressed to find signs of her draconic heritage at a casual examination. The other traits of it are downplayed, as the cloak settles over her thing, leathery red wings, while her slightly elongated canines and fingertips are virtually unnoticeable without a close examination, as is the true composition of her hardened skin.

Personality: Seira gets antsy if she goes a long period of time without being playful or impulsive. Shameful displays of foolishness or times when all of her careful preparations are made meaningless tend to devaluate her sense of self-worth. Appearances aside, her sense of duty is as strong today as it had been when she had just graduated from basic training and joined the ranks of the Crimson Guard.

Beliefs: Rather than following Waukeen blindly wherever that might take her, Seira believes that she and Waukeen share basic values and have common goals from her father's teachings, and what she had seen of Waukeen's actions on her own afterwards. Seira doesn't like Helm due to his actions and a perceived betrayal. She utterly despises Torm; Shar, she both loathes and secretly fears.

Goals: Due to a perfect alignment with Waukeen the way she perceives her, and Seira's love towards Waukeen for being there for her while asking for nothing in return, she wishes to become Waukeen's divine servant and to shoulder some of her essence and authority to further promote their shared ideals and to strike down those who would seek to pervert them. Alongside that, it is also amongst Seira's goals to unlock the secrets of dragonkind and high arcana alike.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 4'10
Weight: 122 pounds
Eyes: Turquoise
Hair: Black
Age: 20

Favorite Food: Exotic fruit
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Creature: Elves
Hated creature: Evil deities
Preference: Amaryl
Relationship status: In flux


Description: Amidst the wreckage and attempts at rebuilding, one man stands out - a warrior, dressed in battered full plate and an open-face helmet, lifting up the wreckage and ruin with surprising ease. As he turns, the build of the man is obvious through the metal plating and, perhaps, how easily he carries it. A greatsword lies in a scabbard strapped on his back, and a shield - oddly ornate, of gold and black steel - sits on top of it. Taking off his helmet as he wipes his face off, he nods to you easily. "Here to help with repairs, I presume? Just talk to the woman over there, she'll give you an idea of where to start."

Personality: Demedais tends toward quiet or simple commentary, but has eloquence if he chooses to exercise it. Earnest, determined, and perhaps a bit pessimistic, but still generally good-natured if he's not dealing with outsiders. Has a good sense of humor, but his paladin oaths (cannot lie) forbid his favorite type (sarcasm). Can occasionally be dour in times of good humor as a result.

Beliefs: Demedais is a loyal servant of Helm, and focuses his efforts on following his will and guidance. With the healing of his father, he has acquired a healthy respect for the rest of the Triad.

Goals: Demedais views mortality itself as a boon to creation and focuses his efforts on protecting and guiding it, along with his duties from Helm of protecting Balmuria and the Crimson Guard. Of late, as the Crimson Guard has swelled and come into its own, Demedais has begun to turn back to Balmuria, Malmuth and the progress of civilization.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'8
Weight: 190 lb
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown (Tonsured)
Age: 28.

Favorite Food: Meat is good.
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Creature: Bears.
Hated creature: Evil outsiders/slaad. All other outsiders are runners-up.
Preference: Straight
Relationship status: Engaged to Pollyanna.

---Donald Smurth ---

Description: The warrior ahead of you is clad in shining mithral armor, carrying a shield and blade. A helmet with angelic wings engraved frame a scarred elven face, lean and slender. Glistening, ephemeral wings come out of his back, fading in and out of your view like a mirage. A cocky smile shows as he rests his sword on his shoulder, "You're next? Just you?"

Personality: Donald is abrasive, rude, impertinent and cocky. He is possessed of a good humor, even while saying outrageous things. Unfortunately for him, he lacks the wisdom to fully consider his words and the charisma to pull them off. His personality is unorthodox for his race, as he was born a human and reincarnated into an elf.

Beliefs: Donald worships Lathander. He dreamed of being a paladin, but his skills were not suited to it at all.

Goals: Donald's main goal is to be along for the ride with Seira. It's been an awesome trip so far, so why get off now?

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'8
Weight: 173 pounds (See note 1)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Age: 23 (See note 2)

Favorite food: Meat.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite creature: Eladrin
Hated creature: Vampires.
Preference: Straight. (Despite what Seira likes to think.)
Relationship status: Courting Elle Stronger.


Description: As the angel alights to the ground, you see it's white wings shine with their own luminence. She wears a breastplate and greaves, emblazoned with patterns of silver flames. Her eyes look into yours, fully blue orbs that stir bravery within your hearts. This vision of divine grace carries a spear with a bloodied black horn for a tip, at odds with everything else about her.

Personality: Antenora is kind, brave, resolute and completely devoted to Alicia. She follows Alicia's every word as a command. When confronted with evil she does not hesitate to destroy it. As a redeemed baatezu, she hopes to find good where none can be expected.

Beliefs: Antenora serves Mystra. Mystra intervened to help her salvation, so Antenora is entirely loyal to Dweomerheart, despite hearing the luring call of Celestia's truth.

Goals: Antenora wishes to serve Alicia with all her heart for eternity. Beyond that, she hopes to lead other baatezu out of Hell, no matter the impossibly long odds of another rising from the Pit.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 6'0
Weight: 131 pounds
Eyes: Solid blue
Hair: Black, medium-long.
Age: 600+ (See note 3)

Favorite food: Fermented Ambrosia
Favorite color: White
Favorite creature: Archons.
Hated creature: Succubus.
Preference: Straight(See note 4)
Relationship status: Single; perhaps courting Latha and Marie.


Description: The woman who stands over the slain dragon is barely a woman at all. Her height barely reaches five feet, her blonde hair straight and innocent. She carries her bow in hand, fey-crafted armor girding her body with mithral magnificence. Yet despite that, her face is long and wise as she regards the dragon, a prayer for vigilance on her breath.

Personality: Pollyanna is reserved, dutiful and quiet. Unless around her friends she's focused on her duty, only relaxing around those she knows. She can be distant, even to those who she does consider friends. She has a distinct hatred and fear of dragons, which makes her relationship with Seira complicated.

Beliefs: Pollyanna serves Helm as a novice cleric. She draws strength from her faith, instilled into her by Demedais after the loss of her friends and family by the blue dragon Kondrux.

Goals: Pollyanna desires to start a family to Demedais while balancing her duties in the Crimson Guard.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'1
Weight: 121 pounds
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde, long.
Age: 20

Favorite Food: Hot stew as long as it doesn't have anything spicy.
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite creature: Humans.
Hated creature: Dragons.
Preference: Straight.
Relationship status: Engaged to Demedais.

---Jessica Reynes---

Description: It's strange. Most angels are lovely. Certainly her wings are real, but yet...her face is plain. She wears delicate chain mail and and carries a wooden shield. But yet, the plainness dominates, until you look into her eyes. You lose yourself in them to the kindness there, purple fires sparkling within. In them you see a beauty that transcends mere flesh.

Personality: Jessica is bookish, mothering, calm and content. She has taken the role of mother within Alicia's household, taking care of the chores while Alicia combats the dangers of the world. With her recent elevation to angel-hood by Mystra, she has shown more interesting in stopping evil and misuse of magic.

Beliefs: Jessica serves Mystra. While somewhat less devoted than the average outsider, she has only recently come into her promotion.

Goals: Jessica wishes to raise a family with Roald in Dweomerheart while aiding Alicia when she can. She is also considering the new vistas her promotion have granted her.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'5
Weight: 135 pounds
Eyes:  Green
Hair: Brown
Age: 33 (See note 3.)

Favorite Food: Elven bread and wine
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Creature: Angels.
Hated creature: Devils.
Preference: Straight(See note 4.)
Relationship status: Engaged and soon to be married to Roald.


Description: The creature before you is tiny, easily small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, and yet she has all the proportions of an athletic adult woman, smiling winsomely as she brushes back a lock of flowing pale violet hair to expose one of her long and tapering pointed ears to view. Her delicate form is wrapped in a deep red silken sari of an abbreviated cut that shows off her bare-footed and proportionately long legs, exposing part of her back and the almost insubstantial gossamer wings that protrude from it. A quiver of tiny arrows hangs off one hip and she holds a twig-like bow adorned with stylised lightning bolts in her hands, an arrow nocked but not yet drawn.

Personality: Marie is facetious and mischevious in the extreme, but never mean-spirited, her primary motivation simply being to poke a few holes in the uptight self importance of those who take themselves too seriously. She's tolerant and welcoming to all she meets, if sometimes intimidated by those of significant stature, and generally seeks to both enjoy life to the fullest and help others develop the same appreciation.

Beliefs: Marie is explicitly the soul of one of Mystra's worshippers given form and duty in the afterlife, and despite her whimsical nature this devotion remains steadfast and absolute. She appreciates her fellow eladrin in Arborea, and enjoys acting as a go-between from Elysium to Arborea when needed, but her first loyalty should never be underestimated.

Goals: Marie views being Alicia's familiar as a stepping stone. She's had other jobs before and expects to have other jobs after, even if this one might take several decades more - she has an immortal's patience in such matters despite her relative youth. The job mandates putting her personal goals aside to fully serve in any capacity that is required, but as it tends to involve going to exciting places, meeting interesting people, and seeing unique magic, Marie finds that she is rarely unsatisfied.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 0'10
Weight: 1lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Purple
Age: 22 (See note 3)

Favorite Food: Strawberries
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Creature: Ghaele
Hated creature: Imps/Quasits
Preference: Omnisexual (See note 4)
Relationship status: Joined at the hip to Alicia, making moves on Antenora/Latha

---Amaryl Gaial---

Description: Standing in the wake of the balor's death-throes is a small, battered figure. She is an elf, tiny and delicate. Her blonde hair flows in the after-winds of the balor's demise, wearing shining chain mail and carrying a bow. Her body is girded with myriad jewels and trinkets of magic, each one a fortune worthy of a king. She shrinks back, yet holds an arrow at the ready!

Personality: Amaryl is retiring, submissive, delicate and thoughtful.  She is of noble breeding, but lacks self confidence and rarely asserts herself.  Despite this she is charismatic and has the potential to live up to her breeding, should she ever blossom.

Beliefs: Amaryl theoretically worships the Seldarine. She is not a devout follower. After a recent death experience and meeting Waukeen, she has begun to have some interest in her doctrine as well. In either case, she isn't devout.

Goals: Amaryl wants to be free of her duties in Pallanth, living life with Seira and her friends. As long as she has this, her goals are achieved.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'2
Weight: 98 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Age: 124.

Favorite food:  Honey.
Favorite color: Forest green. (Amaryl concedes that she's not helping dispel elven stereotypes here.)
Favorite creature: Eladrin.
Hated creature: Wraiths.
Preference: Homosexual
Relationship status:  In a long term relationship with Seira.

---Elle Stronger---

Description: The woman who comes out from amid the stocked spell components wears rich red robes. They match her scarlet hair, her face unblemished and vibrant. With a wide smile she looks each of you over, "Welcome to Luna Del Stronger.  So you desire the gifts of magic? I can help you..."

Personality: Elle is open, outgoing, vibrant and curious. She used to be an adventurer until she tired of it, opening a mage's store in Balmuria.  She is still inquisitive and curious, but is far too wary and rich to want to risk her life digging into too many dangerous things.

Beliefs: Elle pays some service to Mystra. While she respects Mystra, she is not overly devoted. She's a little too self interested for spiritual pursuits.

Goals: Elle has reached her current goal. She's richer than she can imagine, having a chokehold on a rapidly burgeoning city as the world changes and magic becomes much more common. She's now seeking a mate to share her life with as well as mastering towards the ninth circle of magic, the pinnacle of mortal accomplishment.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'6
Weight: 127 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
Age: 32

Favorite food: Strawberries.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite creature: Elves.
Hated creature:  Devils.
Preference: Straight/Bicurious
Relationship status: Courting Donald Smurth.

Note 1: Donald is heavy for an elf, but his true muscle mass is suppressed by his elven form. Elven bodies can't maintain that sort of mass.
Note 2: Donald was reincarnated into an elf. He is a young adult elf in biological age, despite his real age being young by elven standards.
Note 3: Outsiders are ageless and immortal. Their age has no direct impact on their apparent age or physical condition.
Note 4: It should be noted that the definition of sexuality differs for outsiders. As gender can change from promotion or common shape changing magic, many outsiders are  fluid in gender identity and sexual preference. Do note that most outsiders do form a strong identity for one gender and sexual preference even if they may defy it at times. Further note that lawful outsiders are more rigid in these roles, while chaotic outsiders are more flexible.


Description: Before you stands an angel of light and love. Her radiance dazzles you like looking onto the high noon sun, clad in holy glory. Even her hair is a sunny blonde. In her hand is a simple cudgel, barely even worth looking at. "Defilers of souls...begone! Lament your false choices in the Pit that yawns beneath you!" Before you can do anything else, she pounces at you, mace raised high before it comes down at your head!

Personality: Latha is good, just, kind and righteous. Formed by the hand of Lathander and sanctified in Celestia's light, she lives only to further Good in all the cosmos.  She serves the mortals she has been assigned to aid without qualm or condescension, seeing them as equal to her.

Beliefs: Latha serves Celestia and the Hebdomad.  While she was made by Lathander's hand in an experimental way, she only has fondness of his doctrine, nothing more.

Goals: Latha's ultimate goal is the triumph of light over evil. She'll settle for advancing Good as she can and coming closer to the Truth of Chronias once more. As long as she lives, to join Chronias will be her ultimate goal.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 6'1
Weight: 143 pounds
Eyes:  Blue
Hair: Blonde
Age: Several millenia old (See note 3.)

Favorite Food: Ambrosia.
Favorite Color: Sun yellow.
Favorite Creature: Archons.
Hated creature: Devils.
Preference: Bisexual/fluid(See note 4.)
Relationship status: Courting Antenora and Marie.

---Hellman Oberuth---

Description: The Commander of the Crimson Guard looms over you. His face is flushed hot, light skin giving way to red. He has a shock of curly blonde hair atop a body built like a bulging bear. His armor is well kept and a well used sword hangs at his hip, a few daggers on his belt. Leaning forward onto the table, he looks you in the eye.

Personality: Oberuth is commanding, military, busy and industrious.  A bear of a man, he prefers to do things hands on, but has learned to rely on the reports of others. While he possesses no natural flair for command or tactics, he has taught himself well. He applies this stoneheaded endurance to any task he sets himself to.

Beliefs: Oberuth does not revere any God or force. He has some sympathy and interest in Helm, but he keeps all the faiths at arm's length, not wishing for them to interfere in his work.

Goals: Oberuth's main goal is to strengthen the Crimson Guard and Balmuria. He works tirelessly towards this objective. He has begun to have dreams of a far grander Crimson Guard, one that will become a shield to protect far more than Balmuria and the United Baronies.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 6'5
Weight: 248 pounds
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Blonde
Age: 38

Favorite Food: Deer.
Favorite Color: Orange.
Favorite Creature: Humans.
Hated creature: Outsiders(Devils in particular).
Preference: Straight
Relationship status: His job.


Description: A slender woman looks up from her books. Her young face is squinted in concentration, yet she carries herself with an obvious, confident dignity.  She has short brown hair, her blue eyes sharp as she peers at you. Putting aside a pair of spectacles, she regards each of you  in turn with inquisitive intent.

Personality: Abagail is noble-bred, haughty, intelligent and confident. A woman of fine breeding and talent, she believes herself to be worthy of high accolades. With Seira's support she has risen up meteorically, gaining rank and skill in magic, which only reinforces her.

Beliefs: Abagail has no spiritual affiliations. She does have some contacts with in the Balmurian church of Waukeen, but no religious attachment.

Goals: Abagail's goals are to continue to gain rank and status combined with arcane power. She sees Seira and Countess Stronger as natural role models to emulate. She's also of the age where she desires to find a man, though this hasn't happened yet.

Miscellaneous statistics:

Height: 5'6
Weight: 129 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark brown
Age: 18

Favorite Food: Garlic.
Favorite Color: Brown.
Favorite Creature Dragons.
Hated creature: Ones without nobility.
Preference: Straight.
Relationship status: Single.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


(Note now since I'll forget: Eb, you need Elle entriesl.)

Relationship notes

Because you really want your DM to work his ass off. Each one is from the perspective of the NPC in question. I'm sticking to PCs+currently listed NPCs. I'll expand this as I expand the main list.  I'm writing these sort of in character.


Alicia-Alicia: With so much expectation put on her, everything she does must be flawless. It's a hard life, but it has its own joys to make things worthwhile.
Alicia-Seira: A frighteningly brilliant prodigy who's sometimes a bit too prone to acting without fully considering the consequences. Age will bring her wisdom, and she'll certainly change the world.
Alicia-Demedais: A stalwart example of a paladin who's perhaps a bit too uptight for his own good. Has frankly perverse views on morality when he discusses them, but his actions show his heart to be in the right place.
Alicia-Donald: Maybe when he matures a bit he'll be a decent catch, but generally far too immature and oblivious. At least he hasn't forgotten his roots, despite becoming an elf.
Alicia-Antenora: Often it's hard to believe just what she really is and where she came from. Alicia's best friend and confidant, whatever her past is, she's now above reproach.
Alicia-Pollyanna: So much hate and loss in her heart, so judgemental. It's very familiar, and she's lucky to have Demedais there for her.
Alicia-Jessica: Beth gave up everything to save Alicia, so she will do everything to ensure Jessica's happiness. Not the sister Alicia grew up with, they're so different it's hard to even see anything of Beth there, but she's earned a place in the family on her own merit.
Alicia-Marie: Surprisingly dependable, despite her best efforts to appear otherwise, and despite her lack of decorum sometimes she really does say what we're all thinking.
Alicia-Amaryl: She left her family and responsibilities in the lurch to pursue what could just be a childish infatuation. Her happiness and rapidly burgeoning skills are undeniable, but how many more times will she be slain and clawed back to the land of the living?
Alicia-Elle: Someone from my generation who actually understands what it was like to be a mage in the old world. Between the children on one hand who take it all for granted, and the ageless outsiders who think things are finally getting back to normal, it's nice to have someone like her around.
Alicia-Latha: It's a pity she wasn't a man from the start, but she's a steadfast friend and an excellent example to follow as an angel - many times when in doubt I only have to ask myself what she would do.


Seira-Alicia: Oneesama~! Seira constantly tries to win her approval and keep it, but tends to fall short of her goal and tends to feel inadequate as a result.
Seira-Seira: Am I a bad person for wanting Queen Morwel? I don't feel any less about Amaryl, so what's going on? Is this another aspect of my education that was neglected?
Seira-Demedais: Quiet, decisive but letting others lead. We share quite a bit of our worldview, perhaps surprisingly to others. But Helm is still a dick.
Seira-Donald: I'd expect my best friend to cut me some slack. I might downplay it, but I went out on a limb for him many a time, so when he pisses me off on purpose and not due to sheer cluelessness when I need him to be serious, it just earns him points towards his mysterious transformation into a girl I would have no clue how to fix for at least a week. If only he got over himself, I might actually have a friend I could talk to about anything.
Seira-Antenora: There are Dukes of Hell and Trumpet Archons less lawful, a sure sign you've taken things too far. Please, please learn moderation! And rely on others more, that's what we're here for.
Seira-Pollyanna: I thought we used to be close, back when were both into arhery, but she hates me now. Toss in religious zealotry to a mean deity and all that rage, and I wonder if there's any sign of the girl I enjoyed spending time with.
Seira-Jessica: Wow. Just wow. Out of all of us, I've learned from you the most! Worry not, your hard-earned knowledge would not go to waste! Also, I suppose it's actually okay to act out your fantasy with your husband; he certainly owes you by now, and Roald's nice enough to make you happy. P.S. Alter Self can come in potion form, or as an oil.
Seira-Marie: Fun to be around, but I can't escape the terrible thought of 'Isn't it a crime?' whenever she talks about sex.
Seira-Amaryl: I used to feel just as worried about what she saw in me, or that she just saw it as some phase. But I got over it, so how do I help her do the same? Nothing I try helps for long, and it's so frustrating! There's only so many ways I can say 'I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you'll have me'. Maybe Jessica's got the right idea....
Seira-Elle: I've petitioned higher powers because I couldn't bear to see her sad. She's my best female friend and I never want to lose her.
Seira-Latha: Stop seducing my Amaryl without even trying, you flawlessly beautiful buxom blonde vixen, you! Ahem. What was I saying?


Demedais-Alicia: We got blessed, having her come along in direst need. A bit of an infatuation with smashing down the Hells, but I can't blame her... and she's definitely the ally of the Heavens. Feh. Still, humanity has no stauncher ally amongst the Heavens, I suspect, so no quarrels there.
Demedais-Seira: I'm of two minds here. On the one hand, she's perhaps the most infuriating person I've had to work with. Ever. On the other hand, she's easily made me laugh the most of anyone I've worked with save Pollyanna and Ceiar, and that's... no mean feat. And a more solid ally would be hard to find anywhere outside of the Crimson Guard, and even then...
Demedais-Demedais: Still need improvement. Still need to push myself further. For Helm's sake, I will be an eternal shield and sword.
Demedais-Donald: By Helm, -I- thought I held a grudge. And the idiot acts more on impulse than everyone else in the group. COMBINED. If it weren't for the fact that he -is- damn good for what he's been through, I'd have no qualms arguing for him as a teacher bound to Balmuria. As it is, well... at least I get some amusement out of his antics.
Demedais-Antenora: A stalwart fighter and guardian for Alicia. Very much sees things in black and white, but given her history I can't blame her. Still, she's been the best example for me that humanity, not the Heavens or Hells, should be my focus, even if indirectly. Probably wise not to tell her that, though.
Demedais-Pollyanna: Wants a kid. Wants multiple. Wants to fight alongside me. The two do not work together, dear. This being said... so glad you are here for me, that you have come with us. At the least, you get to speak your mind regarding Donald, which helps there. But... ... honestly, in some regards, you will likely be a better cleric of Helm than I could ever be. Talking to others about the faith, for one.
Demedais-Jessica: A good person. Wish she hadn't been drawn back into things, but... it doesn't surprise me, either. Interesting, too - proves that the surroundings affect how people grow. Gives fuel to improving not only Balmuria, but strengthening families - traditional and not - both here in Balmuria and beyond.
Demedais-Amaryl: Glad someone came into Seira's life that she can rely on, truth be told. Though Amaryl herself must also mature, it's forcing both her and Seira to grow up a bit - and I can't but see that as a benefit for everyone. I think Pollyanna expects me to disapprove of them being lovers, but honestly, the only person it seems to bother is Pollyanna. If they aren't hurting others with it, I've no reason to object at all.
Demedais-Marie: Could be worse. Could be an imp or a lemure or something.
Demedais-Elle: Good-natured, good-humored, good person. No complaints here, by any means.
Demedais-Latha: One of the few outsiders who I don't mind. So long as she doesn't start yammering about the Upper Planes, at least. Still, decent, reasonable outsider, and I hold no grief with her - because she is actively working against the Lower Planes.


Donald-Alicia: Donald likes Alicia and feels she's fun to be around, not to mention charismatic. Cute, too.
Donald-Seira: His boss and ally, not to mention maybe his best friend. She's still a bit too uptight, though!
Donald-Demedais: Donald thinks Demedais is a jerk. Jerk.
Donald-Donald: Donald thinks Donald is awesome! A dashing hero with a sense of humor and wit!
Donald-Antenora: Much too serious and so obviously a lesbian for Alicia that it's hilarious.
Donald-Pollyanna: Deme's girl. Kinda likes her anyway.
Donald-Jessica: Sweet housegirl...wait, when did she get wings?
Donald-Marie: This is why Donald likes eladrin. If there wasn't another and she wasn't the size of a pixie, Donald completely thinks she'd be good for casual fun. You  know, in the bedroom.
Donald-Amaryl: Donald thinks that Amaryl be great if she wasn't so hung up on girls and a little more thick skinned.
Donald-Elle: Donald thinks she's the most alluring woman he's ever met. Ever!
Donald-Latha: Latha makes me want to ascend to Heaven, if you know what I mean.
Donald-Oberuth: Stodgy old commander. Get with the times!
Donald-Abagail: She's my backup wizard girl if Elle breaks my heart, but she needs to loosen up.


Antenora-Alicia: Her light, her savior, her mother and  sister, her love. Everything. No other analysis can do.
Antenora-Seira: Far too chaotic tinged in her behavior and judgment, but a friend and a noble mage. If she would only follow more ordered thoughts and processes, surely she'd be more effective and happy! Must work on that.
Antenora-Demedais: Highly respects him and his sense of duty, as well as harboring a discreet crush on him. She cannot bear to indulge in the succubus like and disrespectful choice of pursuing her crush at all. It would not do.
Antenora-Donald: Everyone must suffer a fool. Except perhaps Queen Morwel...mmm...perhaps she could grand Donald's unordered mind wisdom if nothing else? Perhaps some sort of training could be arraigned if she was petitioned again. Perhaps if Alicia has reason to go to Arborea again, the Court of Stars can be found? Yes, this is a good idea.
Antenora-Antenora: A sinful, filthy woman undeserving of her blessings. Taken in by the mercy of Alicia and Mystra, given what she's never earned. She must do better for them, always. She must be an example of what should have always been. There is no excuse for anything else.
Antenora-Pollyanna: Jealousy isn't permitted on Celestia or Dweomerheart. Of course it isn't. She is also only a human woman...heavier, clumsier and less graceful than herself-but neither is condescension. Pollyanna is a worthy heart who understands duty.
Antenora-Jessica: If only she had been born in a higher place...would her mother have been like this?
Antenora-Marie: Chaos, chaos, chaos! It's intolerable! Someone like her shouldn't be so infuriating! She should be good and ordered! She should gather herself! Her best friend - Alicia's something a bit beyond that, naturally, such a distinction is far lacking for her - shouldn't be so chaotic! But she's so this like G'renna for Alicia?
Antenora-Amaryl: She's almost exactly like Seira: A childish attitude and great skill combined with an unordered lack of control. I know that the iron support of order would give her ample self confidence. In chaos, she is drowning. She needs order like I do.
Antenora-Elle: She is a test. The hate felt from her must be ignored and used to harden her soul, for she cannot deny she deserves her scorn. Her sins are a mountain of misery.
Antenora-Latha: Latha is what she wishes to be. She is without the stain of sin, created pure and never knowing what she has known. Purity, what she can ascend to for eternity and never reach. She has to try harder, for no matter what she thinks, she can never stop climbing the mountain. Latha reminds her of that every time she sees her.
Antenora-Oberuth: He has no blame for his obvious distrust. Who could fault him, redemption was a miracle wrought by mortal hands. Were I born a human, I would distrust my own motives. How could one with such chains cast them off? That is the miracle that proves Alicia deserves Dweomerheart.
Antenora-Abagail: Nobility is a construct of arrogance that some few grow into and earn retroactively. The only true nobility lies beyond this world, will she understand this lesson?


Pollyanna-Alicia: Prettier. Taller. Better than me. Give me strength, Helm. I know Demedais doesn't love her. He's told me that. But I still...
Pollyanna-Seira: Is Seira or Kondrux the exception? Are they both exceptions? There never seems to be an answer.
Pollyanna-Demedais: I love him, but that steel headed idiot..why can't he see what I want and just marry me! I want to carry his child, but...duty. I know...but...
Pollyanna-Donald: Unlike demons, at least we don't have to kill Donald.
Pollyanna-Antenora:  It's like watching a scripture book come to life. If she can only be happy...I think Helm would take her into his service.
Pollyanna-Pollyanna: It's me, Helm. Pollyanna. I ask of you, inspire me to my duty so that I may inspire all those who see me. Let me do your will, Eternal Watcher.
Pollyanna-Jessica: I hate to say it...but she's such a wallflower, but...even warriors need a warm bed and hot meal to come home to. That's her own duty.
Pollyanna-Marie: It's really not fair that Alicia gets her own archer to help her! Does she have to be so damned perfect? Marie can be such a pest, too!
Pollyanna-Amaryl: She's as good at archery as I am and learning far too fast for an elf. I'm trying to ignore the rest.
Pollyanna-Elle: I like that Elle knows what she needs to do, but she has a miser's heart. Who has use for a miser?
Pollyanna-Latha: I hate outsiders. I really hate them. I remember when I was always the prettiest girl in the inn or tavern. But her devotion to her duty is beyond reproach. I can't let jealousy taint my opinion of her too much.
Pollyanna-Oberuth: He'd make a good man of faith for Helm. He sees his duty as Balmuria and lives every moment for it.
Pollyanna-Abagail: She's competent at what she does, but she's stuck up. She doesn't bother me as much as she should, but I guess I'm used to it.

---Jessica Reynes---

Jessica-Alicia: Sister, you don't have to do everything yourself. If I go with you, will you see that? You'll never catch those bandits no matter how much you do. I wish you'd settle down with someone...Mystra knows you could choose any man, or take her if you wanted her. I can't take care of you forever, sister.
Jessica-Seira: Such an energetic young girl! I wish I was her age, all the books say that being young is the best time of your life.
Jessica-Demedais: He needs Pollyanna to take care of him.  He never eats anything and seems so distracted. He's so like Alicia.
Jessica-Donald: You can make a man an elf, but you can't make him act like one. He needs someone very patient to take care of him. Perhaps Ilmater, he can tolerate that much suffering, can't he?
Jessica-Antenora: You're growing so fast. You talk about being with Alicia forever, you know how much you mean it? Does Alicia?
Jessica-Pollyanna: Oh, if you would just make Demedais let you take better care of him! I can see how much you love him when you look at him.
Jessica-Jessica: All these changes! None of them really explained to me how different I am. I can feel Mystra's will within me.
Jessica-Marie: Oh Marie...sometimes I wish Alicia was like you. Help her and help Antenora. They need your smiling light.
Jessica-Amaryl: Seira's there...she needs a lot of support. Give it to her, Seira.
Jessica-Elle: She's such a strong woman. She can help Donald, just like Alicia helped Antenora, though Elle's task is far harder.
Jessica-Latha: I can spend all day talking to her about nothing at all. She's perfect - balanced between Antenora, Marie and Alicia.  I appreciate her more every day I hear them fight over law and chaos! Mercy, isn't there something more important going on in the Heavens?
Jessica-Oberuth: He's cute! Were he not so intimidating and I wasn't with Roald, I'd see if he was interested.
Jessica-Abagail: I don't know her very well, but she seems like quiet, smart girl. She'll mature soon once she has a little more experience.


Marie-Alicia: A lot more fun than she lets on, and nowhere near as stuffy as a paladin should be. This is a good thing!
Marie-Seira: An archmage like her should really do more to honor Mystra. It sure isn't Waukeen that makes her fireballs blow up!
Marie-Demedais: Blinkered and zealot-like, he holds no appreciation for things outside his narrow world-view. He's not even fun to tease.
Marie-Donald: He's so funny, it's great to see him make a fool of himself in front of everyone without caring even if he realises - which he doesn't, most of the time.
Marie-Antenora: A worthy rival, now that she's no longer so scary and threatening. They find a lot to relate to in serving the same person, and if she let her principles slip once in renouncing devilkind, she just might find it in her heart to accept Chaos.
Marie-Pollyanna: Far less stuffy than her betrothed. She has potential.
Marie-Jessica: A joy to talk to, always eager to listen and learn on any topic. Just a pity she lacks appreciation for a spirited ethical debate.
Marie-Marie: Too many people around here have no understanding of chaos, and it's up to her to make them see the light!
Marie-Amaryl: A princess who ran away from her duties to find love and make the world a better place using talents her royal responsibilities would never have let her exercise... it's the best kind of story!
Marie-Elle: A great wizard who's earthy and fun-loving despite the noble airs she tries to put on. She'll make a great courre one day.
Marie-Latha: How could she leave Lathander like that? I like Arborea, but I wouldn't dream of abandoning Mystra... Anyway, she used to be intimidating, but that was my problem and not hers - she's really sweet and gentle.

---Amaryl Gaial---

Dear Diary...

Amaryl-Alicia: Alicia is amazing...she's always calm, confident and charismatic! She's so beautiful too. I remember the time I saw her naked and...but it hurts that she's denying who she. I'd love to be able to talk to her about femme love and how much happier I am once I accepted that I love women. I want her to be happy like that, too.
Amaryl-Seira: I love Seira so much...sometimes I don't see what she sees in me. That always angers her like the fury of the cold east winds. I can believe her when I try, but it's hard.
Amaryl-Demedais: He's so intimidating and smells like gems and metal! He's like an overgrown dwarf and that Helm isn't much better!  
Amaryl-Donald: Urgh! Donald infuriated me today! He does that most days! He's an elf! He should act like one, he was blessed with an elven lifespan by a quirk of magic. He's crude, insensitive, crass, and entirely everything an elf should not be! If he wasn't so useful with a sword, he'd be a jester.
Amaryl-Antenora: She's a lot like Alicia, but even more obviously attracted to Alicia and even Marie sometimes! But she says she's not one of us! Is she really that blind...or am I doing such a poor job of trying to tell her what she is...and Donald surely isn't helping.
Amaryl-Pollyanna: She's such a nice person sometimes, helping me with my archery. Other times, she gets so withdrawn just looking at me. It happens more lately...It makes Seira sad that it happens. I feel terrible, but I want to be like Seira more. If I could just find the words to talk to her...but I haven't yet. I wish I could.
Amaryl-Jessica: She's so nice...sometimes I want to go up to her and hope she'll hug me. But...sometimes I think about her like a woman and not a friend. I might hurt her engagement, so I have to stay away. I'd succeed then, somehow, and ruin her wedding. I know it's stupid to think that. I know it is. I still do.
Amaryl-Marie: I wish Seira had Marie as a familiar and Alicia had Lagann. Marie's so much fun! She understands us and there's something elven about her. After dealing with humans all day, she makes me feel so much better.
Amaryl-Amaryl: I have to be better...I need to be, so everyone won't see how weak I am. I don't want to be left behind by them because I can't...
Amaryl-Elle: She's so friendly and rich, like a noblewoman should be. She's also Seira's teacher and so good at magic...she seems to like me...or is it because she likes Seira?
Amaryl-Latha: She's sooooo pretty! I feel guilty, but Seira seems to understand, but I...I shouldn't think about her like that. It's all her body, she's too...too...too...I don't know! It can be hard talking to her.
Amaryl-Oberuth: It's all yes sir! No sir! Dismissed! At ease! No one else has ever talked to me like that...I don't know how I feel about it. He has no concept of elven dignity, a human through and through.
Amaryl-Abagail: I feel like Abagail can be a sister! She's not so beautiful as to be awing or able to part worlds apart with a single word! She appreciates good poetry and refinement as well. Such a wonderful human!

---Elle Stronger---

Elle-Alicia: Divine Power: I can't do what she can do, but she's terrifying in a stand up fight. What person masters magic and then goes right up to the front lines instead of staying safe in the back? But she's very fun to talk to, so it's acceptable.
Elle-Seira: Fireball: Oh, I LIKE this spell!  Seira's like that. Open, frank and like an explosion of energy.  You do have to be careful so you don't blast yourself or someone else. But there's something alluring about Seira, even with that danger. Just like Fireball!
Elle-Demedais: Wall of Iron: For when you need to put a barrier up. That's Demedais. Stubborn, tough and almost impregnable. A normal wall of iron isn't half as cute as he is when he takes his armor off.
Elle-Donald: Prismatic Sphere: If you get close to Donald, you wish you didn't! But if you can get inside safely...he's so warm-hearted and sweet. I feel safe when I'm near him.
Elle-Antenora: Wish: Of course, she's the unobtainable, ultimate, perfect spell. She's gorgeous, strong as a ten foot tall warrior, quick, charming, ageless...It's not fair!  She doesn't have to do anything to be perfect! It's maddening! What business does everyone have in liking a devil that much?
Elle-Pollyanna: Acid Arrow: She's useful and a skilled archer, but she can be acidic and bitter when some things come up.
Elle-Jessica: Invisibility: You can see her and not even notice she's there. Alicia took all the zip and charisma the family had to spare. I've talked to her twice and she's as bland as oatmeal. You need to get her drunk to get anything interesting out of her.
Elle-Marie: Vigor: She's constant energy energy energy! It spreads to everyone and she's so cute doing it.
Elle-Amaryl: Crushing Despair: Her past life ground her down to nothing. I wonder if Seira can build her back up?
Elle-Elle: Eagle's Splendor: I have everything I wanted and a circle of elite friends. What's more appealing?
Elle-Latha: Miracle: Even the Heavens come to my shop now! You know, if there are hills made of gems and gold up there, they should be buying a lot more. I should talk to her about this.
Elle-Oberuth: Bear's Endurance: Oh, the children forget his nickname, before their time. He's always been such a big bear of a man. Shame he has the personality to match.
Elle-Abagail: Fox's Cunning: A bright young wizardess, though she has it easy. I have to wonder how she'd be if she was still struggling with magic missile like I was at her age?


Romiel, he who sits at the right hand of righteous Glory:

Latha-Alicia: Alicia is everything we hoped she would be. Rarely has a mortal of such righteousness risen so far so fast. Her heart is pure, save for the tugging of Pride. Pride she has in her skill and magic, yet the Holy Mountain has accepted her to the gates of Chronias. To me, she is a dear friend who knows not how far she has left humanity behind. One such as her would never be left to rot away in a mortal shell. Let her be given Glory, by us or by her Goddess.
Latha-Seira: I am torn. Seira is a good person with immeasurable skill in mage-craft. But she must live a time longer; for all the power she has of draconic blood, she has none of their patience or wisdom. Given time she will be a mighty ally of Elysium or perhaps Brightwater, as I fear chaos will win her heart in the marches of time. Nonetheless, I am happy to call her a friend. Her optimism is boundless and hope thrives within her every word.
Latha-Demedais: Sir, I do not believe a decision will be fast in coming. I will continue to monitor the situation, though I agree with the assessment that he has great potential. His heart must be softened to Celestia's song.
Latha-Donald: Bless him, for fools walk a doubly dangerous path. Arborea will have his soul, or perhaps Lathander. I see no immediate chance to alter this situation, nor can I support it.
Latha-Antenora: I see no reason to doubt her sincerity or suspect she is a baatezu spy. If the baatezu have one who can go this far and stay loyal, we are all damned to Hell. No, her righteousness and penitence are true. She is Alicia's and the Crimson Guard's greatest victory, for she will lead others from the Pit one day. Should she turn from Mystra's path, she would stand well with us as an Angel of Redemption.  Further, Sir..I may have the beginnings of romantic love for her.
Latha-Pollyanna: Coldness has made her abandon righteousness for law absolute. In time she could be redeemed, but I feel that Demedais would have to see the light first. He is her strength and guiding light. Yet as long as her soul is brought to the House of the Triad, it would not be a total loss. Even with this, I find her a friend when she opens up.
Latha-Jessica: Recent events have greatly changed this situation, Sir. She is a dear - dearest - friend. Beth Reynes is gone, but what was left behind is not ashes, but a glorious light. I will continue to observe, though I feel her natural fit is to Elysium. That Mystra elevated her may speak to this or only to the desperation of the situation with the Dark Six.
Latha-Marie: She is immature as any other courre, yet she manages to do what is needed of her and endure difficulty. I do not believe she will be a problem; I feel Alicia will not listen to the urges of chaos. harder to say. For her near obsession with her order, she has changed once before. Malleability may linger and she is fond of her. I feel they may become lovers should they accept each other past the bodies they wear.
Latha-Amaryl: She is an elf with no confidence and many anxieties. The report you gave me is essentially accurate and I see no reason to deviate from it. I find her charming and with a startling speed of advance, even for a mortal. Of note is that she is strongly homosexual - the elves of this world are slightly different and more ordered than most, but Amaryl is a typical elf to the soul. I cannot account for any logical reason to this, if there is one.
Latha-Elle: Greed is her sin, though I do not believe it will drag her into the Pit or Mammon's grasp. Her heart is good enough to keep her above it, though I know not who will claim her soul.
Latha-Latha: Sir, I believe that I am acceptably serving our purpose. I believe that I should have presented myself to them as a man, for the chances for coupling are high. Any children born of these unions would be stalwart champions of righteousness. I have taken the initiative to assume male humanoid form now and will request for my angelic body to be turned male the next time I report to you, Sir.
Latha-Oberuth: I cannot recommend us making any action here, Sir. Helm may have a chance, but he seems distrustful of all that is not of his world. Considering the power he holds in Balmuria, a softer step is wisest.
Latha-Abagail: She may be of greater import in time, sir, but for now she is growing. She is intelligent; more refined measures are preferable. Appeal to her overdrawn sense of nobility and show her what humble, true nobility is.

---Hellman Oberuth---

Oberuth-Alicia: A fine officer and a naturally talented commander. I feel bad for the suffering she endures...I regret that women are the ones who carry the burden of the Crimson Guard, but I cannot deny her skill.
Oberuth-Seira: It's difficult to deal with her as an officer under my command. So much has happened that she feels like a daughter I could never have. If any of you are listening, don't make me have to visit her grave.
Oberuth-Demedais: The best tactical mind on the Guard. Were his gifts in combat not so overwhelming and his faith so strong, I would have him as an assisting general staff officer.
Oberuth-Donald: A damned fool, only useful when we can point in the direction of bigger fools that need to meet oblivion.
Oberuth-Antenora: A traitor can never be trusted, but I find myself constantly in this position, for the Guard pulls in many an enemy to serve. As long as she has such love for Alicia, I believe she is probably harmless. Who can understand a creature like this?
Oberuth-Pollyanna: It would have been kinder if she perished with her beloved family.  How many crumbling graves will she visit and sob at before she fills her own grave? I know too well her pain.
Oberuth-Jessica: As sweet as honey.  Of all of our former enemies, she is the only one I trust. But I have the most concrete reason to distrust her! Ironic.
Oberuth-Marie: I cannot say why, but I see steel in her carefree eyes. By all logic I should loathe her and her magic, but I see potential instead. Why?
Oberuth-Amaryl: A child savant. What the appeal of bedding one of your own gender is will elude me forever, and she is a liability to diplomacy should she fall hurt or perish. But I can't in my heart tell her to turn away, she came to us in need. If the Crimson Guard can't accept a person like that, what's the point?
Oberuth-Elle: A lunatic, but one of such power that we must give her the world if that's what she desires.  Like most of the others, she has a charisma that could hold a lesser man spellbound. So many of those who defy all the iron assumptions I learned on are like this. Antenora, Alicia, Seira, Demedais, Amaryl; they are like raw elements that force reality to bend to their whim.  Who can resist them?
Oberuth-Latha: Why does light itself bother with a body of flesh? It ill suits her. I expect her to burst into holy light every time I look into her eyes. If she comes from what lies beyond our lives, why imprison herself in a body?
Oberuth-Oberuth: One day, there will be a day where graves are places of memories and smiles. Too many graves in this world, too many heartbroken survivors. Fate...luck...whatever has given me this chance, it will not be wasted.  If I have the power to change the world in my hand, let the world tremble. If I am fated to fail, then I can only go forward with bravery.  But Gods mark me, I will try until this body cannot draw another breath.
Oberuth-Abagail: I can't help but wonder if this is what Alicia or Elle or Seira were like before they developed. I wonder how long it will last? What road will magic take her down? I want to and need to know.


Abagail-Alicia:  A woman of fine breeding and beauty. She has assumed her rightful place in society, yet the few glimpses of her wild side are disconcerting.
Abagail-Seira: Seira is a Queen and no one appreciates it. She has the graces to be so, but her guile is not quite there. But with her magic, who needs it?
Abagail-Demedais: A knight in shining armor. How noble, though he could use proper training on speech.
Abagail-Donald: A lowborn fool. A servant who is too useful to dismiss. Vexing.
Abagail-Antenora: The sort of noble beauty that stops men in their tracks. She could launch a thousand ships were she a proper princess.
Abagail-Pollyanna: A commoner born and bred. She makes a worthwhile squire for noble Demedais, but her manners are unrefined and her beauty unremarkable. She is not a worthless person, but...common.
Abagail-Jessica: A commoner with a commoner's tastes. Her stories were unfitting of anything but; having that on your face is humiliating and base!
Abagail-Marie: A magical creature of it's own nobility, aloof like a foreign dutchess.
Abagail-Amaryl: Well bred and with an impeccable bloodline, I do not see why she is such a withering rose. She should stand and be admired as is her due.
Abagail-Elle: Ah! The synthesis of breeding and magic! A noblewoman for the new age and a figure due all of her profit and admiration.
Abagail-Latha: Much like Marie, a foreign noble. Yet she acts as common as Jessica or Pollyanna. She claims to embody righteousness, but what is righteousness without nobility?
Abagail-Oberuth: A terrifying brute of a man, but a victorious general has his own hard earned nobility. The history books speak ill of those who did not learn this lesson, lessons of a dozen forgotten kingdoms.
Abagail-Abagail: In every way I am eclipsed: Magic, nobility, intellect. Never has there been such a group as the Crimson Guard, and being a part of it is much like it's own noble title now.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?