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Started by Carthrat, September 02, 2009, 10:22:33 AM

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The origins of the lady known as the Wandering Knight are not entirely clear to others. She has been spottered wandering the planes, a forlorn woman who finds the everyday fascinating and views life through a strange lens. When asked, she claims to be searching for her family, who are lost across the multiverse. Pressing her further on the matter, however- or even asking her what her family looks like- brings only a sad smile to her face and a quick change of the topic. Occasionally- when into her cups- the knight speaks of some great battle in which her family was lost, and many conclude that to deal with her grief, she simply pretended they had gone 'missing'.

And yet that is the truth, for her family are the cards within the Deck of Many Things. She was the Knight, sworn to service, and yet her master perished when she fell into the formless chaos of Limbo. Sucked into a vortex of magic, her body was scattered across the planes- as was the Deck. But an artifact is not so easily destroyed, and it was merely seperated. To the Knight, it was truly like being torn asunder, as though her mind, body and soul were all thrown into the grinding mill. To her, it is like some vital part is missing; a human missing a limb would be in similar straits. She will not be whole, she cannot be complete- until the deck is built again once more, and she can rejoin it again.

So she wanders and searches, looking for traces wherever she can find them. But unshackled by her usual terms of service, she's starting to take an actual interest in the world around her- where everything is curious and everything is viewed, one way or another, through the imagery of the Deck.

She appears as the archetypical knight, with a proud and noble bearing accompanying her glittering armour. She speaks softly, but is curious about many aspects of life, showing equal interest in both the wonders of the planes and the simple parts of the daily grind. Battle is her forte, her purpose, and she never sees reason to quail before any contest of might.

The Knight

Ftr8/Cav3/Rog1, Neutral Human (Native Outsider/Pokemon/SEIBA)

HP: 58+10d10+1d6 (129)
Init: +5
AC: 32 (+1 nat armour, +1 dex, +10 armour, +6 shield, +1 deflection, +3 Insight) (or AC 23 in MW chain shirt. Shield bonus counts vs. touch.)
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+17 (+22 when resisting)
Speed: 20ft
Attacks: (+3/+4 to hit/damage on mastery. Sword and Lance are +1 whilst mounted. Mounted often grants another +1 height.)
"Iron Tower Silver" Lance +1, +18/+13/+8, 2d6+7, x3 (instagib on a charge, 10ft reach)
Red Crystal Keen Bastard Sword +1, +18/+13/+8, 2d8+7, 17-20/x2 (I bet it's got all these protusions)
Golemarm, +13/+8/+3, 1d8+7, x3 (+14/+9/+4, 1d8+2d6+9, x3 vs constructs. Adamantine. 1 subdual damage taken per shot fired.)
THE CLAW, +17/+12/+7, 1d6+6, 20/x2 (this should so have improved grab)
Woundflame (used without shield), +18/+13/+8, 1d8+1d6+10, x3, 17-20
Twinkle (used under moonlight), +23/+18/+13, 1d10+12, x2, 19-20
Black Bough (vs normal), +18/+13/+8, 1d10+7, x2
Black Bough (vs Yugoloths) +21/+16/+11, 1d10+10+3d6, x2
Mostigram, +22/+17/+12, 2d6+11(1h)/2d6+14(2h), 17-20/x2

Special Qualities: Embodiment of the Deck, Mounted Weapon Bonus (Lance +1, Sword +1), Ride Bonus
Special Attacks: Cards
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +11 (+13 vs. Fear)
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 16
Special Abilities: Cards, Deadly Charge 1/day, Mounted Weapon Proficiency, Burst of Speed
Feats (12): Claw Proficiency, Shield Specialization, Shield Ward, W. Focus, W. Spec, Melee Weapon Mastery, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Power Attack, Night Haunt, Improved Initiative, Improved Critical
Skills: (5): Craft (Mechanics): +11, Diplomacy: +8, Climb +10, Handle Animal +14, Intimidate +7, Jump +9, Profession: Gambler +15, Ride +19, Swim +15 (ACP not factored in, it's -5 for M. full plate.)
Languages: Common, Infernal
Weapons: Iron Tower Lance +1, Large Crystal Keen Bastard Sword +1, Golemarm, Woundflame, Twinkle, Black Bough, Mostigram, Daggers
Worn: Full Plate +2, Heavy Steel Shield +3 "Bloodeye", Ring of Protection +1, Belt of Giant Strength +4, Cloak of Resistance +1, Amulet of Natural Armour +1, Ring of Mind Shielding, Cold Weather Outfit
Other: Skin of Jiggly Water, Torches, Climbing Kit, Rope, Chalk, Rope Barding of Shrinking, Masterwork Chain Shirt, Bag of Holding II,  Necklace of Sneezing, Metal Jar of Poison, Everburning Torch, Invisible Caltrops, Bastion's Gauntlets

3189.98 gp

1x Potion of Remove Disease
1x Potion of Protection from Energy (Cold)
1x Potion of Resist Energy (Fire)
1x Potion of Delay Poison
3x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds

Slaad Claw (Ex): Knight's right hand is a claw ripped off a green slaad. It can be used to make claw attacks at 1d6. She can use large weapons in it.

Inherent Bonuses: Knight has a +1 inherent bonus to constitution.

Night Haunt: 1/day--dancing lights, prestidigitation, unseen servant

Searing Light: 1/day, CL 12

Embodiment of the Deck (Su): The Knight literally is a card of the Deck of Many Things and was never meant to be a free-roaming agent. She does not have a soul in the normal sense (and thus cannot be targeted by effects such as Trap the Soul), and nor can she be ressurrected if slain- she would simply vanish, replaced with the Knight card, stripped of almost all it's power and useless until reunited with the rest of the Deck (as a small comfort, the card is still a minor artifact and is virtually indestructable.) She can, however, intuit the direction of her nearest brother card, as long as it's on the same plane as her, and can come within one mile by instinct alone. She gets a +20 in any Knowledge: Arcana check related to the Deck of Many Things.

Cards (Su): The Knight is able to draw upon the power of the other cards she has recovered. She can invoke one card per day for every four levels she possesses, though she can never invoke the same card twice in a day.

Knight "I can't lose."
Unlimited(Su): It is only appropriate that a being created for war is a master of every tool of war. By laying hands upon a particular weapon, Knight can instantly determine the best ways to use it. She gains proficiency in it if she doesn't have it already, and any Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Mastery or any other feats she possesses that are tied to a particular kind of weapon are applied to the new item (losing their attachment to the old in the process.)

Star "Justice Prevails!"
Starlight Aura(Su)
As a standard action, Knight may invoke Starlight Aura around herself or invoke it on another person by touch. A brilliant starlight radiance surrounds the subject, protecting them from attacks, giving them added ability and dazzling their foes. First, the warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to armor class. Second, the warded creature gains a +2 bonus to a statistic of Knight's choice. Third, the warded creature glows with dazzling starlight. Any creatures within 30ft (including allies) are dazzled with no saving throw. Creatures that do not use normal sight to see or are blind are immune to the dazzle effect, as is any creature who chooses to close their eyes(Though they suffer the normal penalties to being unable to see.) Starlight Aura lasts for one round per hit die Knight possesses.

Gem "Ahhhhhh!"
By invoking the Gem card, Knight gains the ability to cut as hard as adamantine. Twice per day as a free action, you may declare a single melee attack as a gemcutter attack. You ignore the hardness of an object as if your weapon is made of adamantine. Further, you bypass damage reduction magic, silver, cold iron, adamantine or mithral.

Talons "Take away all the treasures of the world..."
Talons (Sp)
As Greater Dispel Magic, CL equal to Knight's HD.

Skull (Su) (DC: 21)
Calling on Skull, you may make a melee touch attack as as standard action. If you hit, the  target must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + charisma modifier + 1/2 hit dice) or take 1d8  constitution drain. Knight has a +2 racial bonus to the DC check.

Deadly Charge: 1/day, when mounted, Knight can do x3 damage on a charge (or x4 with a lance.)
Burst of Speed: Doubles the speed of a mount for a round when charging; if used more than once each day, the mount must make a will save (DC 20) per additional use or take 2d6 damage.

Iron Tower Sliver: This lance is said to be a piece of the Iron Tower. The truth of this isn't known, but it's a nasty and sharp lance. It functions as a lance+1. Twice per day it may rust up to a 10 foot cube of iron or like material, ruining it. Nonmagical weapons or armor hit with the lance are destroyed, magical ones are allowed a DC 17 reflex save to survive.

Golembane: +1 Construct Bane Longbow. Arrows fired count as Adamantine for the purposes of damage reduction. Deals 1 point of subdual per shot due to the high tensile strength of the bow.

Rope Barding of Shrinking: When put on a creature, they decrease by one or two size categories

Woundflame: Woundflame. Flaming longsword +1 keen, burns with an eerie green flame. Its blade is anatheamic to life, granting it a x3 crit multiplier and a 17-20 threat range. However the wielder becomes a carrier of Filth Fever (DC 22, 1d3 dex, 1d3 con). The wielder is immune but anyone in close contact runs the risk of being infected. Incidentally, the appraiser got Filth Fever from handling the blade and is charging you for the remove disease casting. It'll be included in the total appraisal cost. 3,000 GP.

Bloodeye: Heavy Steel Shield+3. Whenever the wielder is targeted by a gaze attack, the originator of the gaze takes 2d10 damage. This power can affect a creature only once per encounter. 11,000 GP.

Twinkle: Bastard Sword+1. When under natural starlight or moonlight, the wielder of Twinkle gains a +5 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws and ability checks. 10,000 GP.

Black Bough: This greatclub+1 is designed to slay yugoloths. Against yugoloths, it's enhancement bonus increases by +3 and each strike deals an additional 3d6 damage.  

Bastian's Gauntlets:  When worn, these bloody gauntlets cause symbols to dance around the wearer at all times. These symbols grant spell resistance equal to 10+hit dice.  However, for each spell resisted, the wearer takes damage equal to 1+the level of the spell resisted.

Mostigram: Greatsword+5. When wielded this weapon grants the wielder an insight bonus to armor class equal to his or her charisma modifier.

Dawnlight Crystal Armor - Full plate+2, can shed true sunlight for 1 minute per day with a command word.

Size/Type: Large Construct
Hit Dice: 12d10+30 (105 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 60ft, fly 90ft (average)
Armor Class: 23 (+12 natural, +1 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19
Attack: Hoof+14 (1d6+6)
Full Attack: 2 Hooves+14 (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Construct traits, low-light vision, darkvision 60ft, resistance to fire 10, damage reduction 10/adamantine.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10    
Skills:   -
Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral
Gear: -
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Born to a (gleefully mongrelized) family of traders, Mari grew accustomed to the strangeness and myriad variety of interdimensional travel at an early age. Throughout early childhood, she traveled from plane to plane with her parents, meeting all manner of diverse people and cultures. All of this ended very abruptly when the company was slaughtered one night while out on an expedition.

She never knew exactly what happened, whether it was the result of delicate negotiations going disastrously awry or whether a group of opportunistic criminals raided the caravan. Being eight years old then, she wasn't given to know everything about the group's dealings all the time. She was asleep when the attack happened, woke to the sounds of violence, exited the tent in time to see the guards and her parents overrun, and proceeded to do the only thing most children could think to do in such circumstances: run like hell. To the best of her knowledge, no one else got out alive (certainly not her parents, and probably not her younger siblings--who she sometimes regrets not seeing to safety, she being the eldest of the lot).

She learned to survive by stealing what she needed when no one was looking, hitching rides on planar ships (often unnoticed) to other realms when she grew bored of a place or the locals started to catch on to her presence, and falling in with youth gangs for safety in numbers any time an urban population was large enough to support them. She'd had enough education as a child for all of this to feel unfulfilling, though, and in time her thefts grew grander, slipping in and out of secured locations becoming something of a hobby over the following twelve years. The actual plunder rarely mattered--mostly, it was a personal challenge and a means of manifesting the fact of her continued existence.

Rootless and still leading an undirected life, she wanders from place to place just for the sake of seeing what's out there. Philosophies, grand causes, and crusades generally fail to reach her. Mari prefers to avoid confrontation, but will fight for people she likes. She'll talk to anyone who has something interesting to say and isn't inclined to judge other people. Only dogmatic thinking and truly heinous crimes earn her disdain.

In another life, she could've been something quite different--risen to take over the family business, perhaps, or married to some wealthy patron and thus acquired a position of local prominence--but circumstances didn't afford her such opportunities. Mari doesn't think about this much, or look back on it with bitterness. Most days, it's enough to be alive and entertained.

Only five feet tall and skinny as a rail, she's built for sneaking through tight spaces. With a long mane of stark white hair, and eyes of such a light blue as to nearly be colorless, she may seem a tad unearthly at first, but she is usually gregarious and personable when interacting with people.


Normal stats

Mari Farrunner
Female Human Rogue 9/Master of Many Forms 1 (two levels spent on intermediate air elemental bloodline)
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Draconic, Auran

Init: +9
HP: 83
AC: 21 (touch AC 16, flatfooted AC 21 unless completely immobilized) +2 while underground
Fort +12  Ref +19  Will +9

(Note: all saves include a +1 morale bonus)

Abilities: STR 12 (+1) DEX 20 (+5) CON 18 (+4) INT 16 (+3) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 14 (+2)

Speed: 40 ft
BAB: +7/+2
Attacks: +13 to hit with Sword of Desperate Measures/+12 to hit with Sword of Subtlety when dual-wielding, 1d6+2 damage each hit with SoS, 1d6+3 damage each hit with SoDM, +5d6 for each hit when sneak attacking, +1 fire damage with each attack, +13/+12/+8/+7 to hit on full attack, +4 to attack and damage rolls made with sword of subtlety when sneak attacking

Class Features (Rogue): Sneak Attack +5d6, Trapfinding, Evasion (no damage on successful reflex save), Penetrating Strike (apply half SA damage when flanking creatures that are normally immune to SA), Uncanny Dodge (retain DEX bonus to AC when flatfooted), Improved Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked except by other rogues with 4+ more class levels)

Class Features (from air elemental bloodline): +2 on Balance checks, Improved Initiative, Dex +1, Gust of Wind 1/day, (houseruled bonuses: 1d8+con HP, 2+int sp, cleric bab, good reflex save), Air elemental Affinity +2 (applies to bluff, diplomacy, gather information, intimidate, and perform rolls)

Class Features (Master of Many Forms): Shifter's Speech (at 1st level, a master of forms may speak normally regardless of it's form. She can communicate with others of the creature type she changed into, if they can communicate with each other normally), Improved Shapechanging (animals)

Inner Fire (Ex): Your natural body temperature is much higher than the norm. This grants you fire resistance 3. Further, due to this, you deal an extra point of fire damage on any unarmed melee attacks you make.

Searing Light (SLA): 1/day, ranged touch attack (+12 to hit) for 5d8 damage (10d6 against undead, 5d6 against constructs/objects)

Shapechange (Su): Twice per day Mari may take the form of any other humanoid and return back to her normal form. This functions as the alternate form special ability, except as noted here. This lasts for one hour per hit die or until she changes back. Changing form (to humanoid or back) is a standard action. The form chosen must be one Mari is familiar with (basic SRD player races or ones you've encountered.)

Feats: Air Devotion, Improved Initiative, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (short sword), Martial Weapon Proficiency: Greataxe (granted via random ghost), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Alertness

Class Skills (Rogue): Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge: Local, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

Class Skills (Master of Many Forms): Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, Swim, Survival

Skills (193 skill points): Balance +15 (6), Bluff +14 (12) Climb +17 (10), Decipher Script +10 (7), Diplomacy +16 (10), Disable Device +16 (11), Disguise +7 (5), Escape Artist +10 (5), Gather Information +10 (8), Hide +21 (11), Jump +13 (10), Knowledge: Planes +13 (10), Listen +15 (10), Move Silently +16 (11), Open Lock +18 (11), Perform: Dance +10 (8), Search +10 (7), Sense Motive +13 (10), Sleight of Hand +17 (10), Spot +15 (10), Tumble +18 (6), Use Rope +10 (5)

Possessions: Amulet of Tears (2,300 gp), Boots of Striding and Tumbling (+5 tumble, +10 speed, 5500gp), Caltrops (1), Candle x10 (10cp), Climbing Kit (80), Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000), Cold Weather Outfit (8gp), Entertainer's Outfit, Flint and Steel (1gp), Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4,000), Grappling Hook (1), Masterwork Shortbow, Masterwork Thieves' Tools (100), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x3, Potion of Fire Resistance 10 (300), Ring of Force Shield (8,500), Ring of Protection +1 (2,000), Sap (1), Sap (1), Shadow Mithral Chain Shirt +1 (5,850), Silk Rope (10), Sword of Subtlety, Torch x10 (10cp), Traveler's Outfit (1)

Short Sword of Desperate Measures: This +2 short sword gets stronger as you get weaker. If you are below your maximum HP, it gains the keen property. If you are below one half of your maximum HP, it gains the speed property.

Cloak of Arachnida:  As per including the price of 14,000 GP.

Gown of the Snow Princess: Grants cold resist 10, +2 charisma, ability to use ray of frost, chill touch, chill metal at will. Can use wall of ice and iceball 1/day. 15,000 GP.

Bottle of snowflake perfume: 180 GP.

Mystery Brandy

5,131 gp, 61 sp, 99 cp



Traveling the planes for as long as she could remember, a song in her heart and at her lips, Eva was a cheerful sight in any inn, quick with a story and a song and often seen among traveling performers.  One of the rare remaining members of the Silvertongue family, Eva last saw her father slipping through a portal with a group of friends for 'one more show' in the City of Brass close to seventy years ago.  A carefree spirit, she figures someday they'll cross paths again.

She was left in the care and raised by the illustrious Taliesin and his trope, learned in the way of playing in raunchy inns and the most noble of courts.  Taliesin was a player in more than just the material plane, and so it was that she became familiar as well with the castles of the djinn and the grottos of the tritons, of the fencing of rogues and the cantrips of the mage towers.  She was a natural to the stage life and always a hungry student, learning deeply of the various cities to whence she journeyed, but never more comfortable than when on the road.  When Taliesin retired close to the end of his human life, she took to the road with many a trope trying to find her place, a lady of many mysteries and faces, but was never long with any company. With silken voice and masterful talent she always found welcome at the next and made her way easily.  Like a hummingbee, she wandered from place to place across the material plane and beyond, scribing the stories in her own book of songs, an ever growing series of odes and ballads to the places she'd been.

Wearing many a facade, Eva is oft known simply by her name, as even dear friends find she often is wearing a new face or form each time they meet.  "It is my act, for how boring it would be to be the same each day?" She would wonder in answer.  Hiding her beauty behind such a shield, she carried her music far and wide.  She longed though to see the places beyond the edge of the horizon, the lands of shadow and worlds of mist, the realms where fire roared across the earth or where the angels sang their melodies.  So too did she come to begin joining adventuring groups, staying but a while here or there, longer as they traveled more, her songs lifting their spirits and her blade sharp in their favor.

Eva is an explorer and a performer, a drifting freespirit who is comfortable among pretty much any crowd or group.  Her motivation of late is to see the planes and spin new songs about them, always carrying notes of her latest journeys.

Name: Eva Silvertongue
Status: Deceased.  Died fighting Star Deva in the Air Plane.
Class: Bard 8
Deity: Corellon Larethian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 140 years
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Blue
Size: medium


HP: 35= 6+7d6( 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 6, 4) + 8
AC: 22= 10(base)+3(dex)+4(armor)+1(shield)+2(enchantment)+1(natural)+1(dodge)

Melee Attack:  +10   (1d6+2, 15-20/x2)
Melee Full Attack: +10/+5
Ranged Attack: +10      (1d8)

base stats: 16, 15, 15, 13, 12, 11
STR: 12 (+1)
DEX: 17 (+3)
CON: 11 (+0)
INT: 15 (+2)
WIS: 11 (+0)
CHA: 18 (+4)

Bab: +6/+1
Melee to hit:  +10/+5
Ranged to hit: +10/+5
Grapple: +7/+2
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40
Language: Common, Elvish, Aquan, Sylvan

Spell Failure: 0%
Armour check penalty: 0

Fort: 4 = +2 + 0 + 2
Ref:  11= +6 + 3 + 2
Will: 8 = +6 + 0 + 2
(+2 versus enchantment spells/effects)


Wealth: 1248 gp, 72 sp, 19 cp

Keen Rapier +1: 1d6+2, 15-20/x2, piercing.
Masterwork Longbow: 1d8, x3, 110 feet, piercing.
80 arrows.
+1 Masterwork Chain Shirt: +4 AC, +4 dex max, -1 armor check.
+1 Masterwork Buckler: +1 AC
Amulet of Natural armor +1
Cloak of Resistance +2
Hat of Disguise
Boots of Striding and Tumbling: +5 tumble, +10 speed

Masterwork Oaken Guitar
A red leather book THAT SPITS 1d4+13 FIRE.
Alchemist firex5  - ranged 10 foot touch attack.  1d6 fire damage (1 damage to everyone adjacent), 1d6 next round.
Smokestickx5 - smoke bomb, 10 foot radius
Tanglefoot x2 - Ranged touch attack entangle -2 attack, -4 dex, no movement (DC 15 for half speed).  DC17 strength to break.
Disguise Kit
Noble Outfit
Explorer Outfit
Peasant outfit
Traveler Outfit
Cleric's Vestments
Entertainer's Outfit
Small Mirror
Pouch belt
Water skin
flint and steel
Sewing needle, thread
inkpen and ink

Cure Light Wounds: 50 charges, 1d8+3

Feats  1, 3, 6
   Weapon Finesse (Rapier): Dex to hit.

   Toughness: +1 hp per level

   Dodge: +1 ac
   * Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.


   * Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

   * +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

Bardic knowledge: (Bardlevel) + int to know something about anywhere or anyone neat or important.

Bard Songs (8/day):  (Standard action.  No using spells or wands while singing ;_; )

Planar Inspiration (Su): Perform (DC 15 for mild, DC 25 for strong), 30 foot range and lasts 24 hours.  Removes penalties for alignment differences.

Portal Dissonance (Su): Influence portals within 60 feet (DC 20) to allow to redirect to any active portal or breach that has been traveled through in the last month.  It's a one way (but either way) change, lasts for 10 rounds.

Countersong (Su): Protects against sonic attack or musical attacks by using the perform check in place of the saving throw for all allies nearby.

Inspire Courage +2 (Su): 1 standard action per round of effect + 5.  +2 morale bonus on Saving throws against charm and fear, +2 to attack, +2 to damage.

Fascinate (Sp) : 90 foot radius, Perform Check DC.  Any fascinated creature sits placidly for (Bardlevel) rounds, -4 to noticing things.  Potential threat triggers reroll.  Actual threat instantly breaks.  Is enchantment.

Skills: 104, max 11.

Bluff(cha)            13 = 9 + 4
Perform (cha)         17 = 11+ 4 + 2
Diplomacy (cha)         16 = 8 + 4 + 4
Knowledge (Planes)(int)   10 = 8 + 2
Use Magic Device (cha)   15 = 11 + 4
Sense motive (wis)      7  = 7 + 0
Disguise (cha)         16 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 2  (+10 when using any of her disguise magic)
Concentrate (con)      8  = 8 + 0
Listen (wis)         7  = 5 + 0 + 2
Gather Information (cha)   15 = 11 + 4
Tumble  (dex)         19 = 11 + 3 + 5
Spot (wis)                         9  = 7 + 0 + 2
Search(int)                       4  = 0 + 2 + 2
Intimidate (cha)               6  = 0 + 4 + 2


Level 0: (6 known, 3 per day)
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. -standard
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. -standard
Summon Instrument: Summons one instrument of the caster's choice. -round
Light: Object shines like a torch. -standard
Message: Whispered conversation at distance. -standard
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds. - standard

Level 1: (4 known, 4 per day)
Inspirational Boost. Basically blow a 1st level Bard spell and you get +1 to your Inspire Courage.  (Swift action)
Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level. -standard
Disguise Self: Changes your appearance. - standard
Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.-standard
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend. -standard

Level 2: (4 known, 4 per day)
Tongues: Speak any language. -standard
Suggestion: Compels subject to follow stated course of action. -standard
Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4+2). -standard
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).-standard

Level 3: (3 known, 2 per day)
Analyze Portal: Find a nearby portal and discover its properties. (Range 60 cone, casting 1 minute)
Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. (concentration + 3 rounds)- standard
Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. -standard

Loot ideas

<Merc> On a random note, hunt for a badge of valor for Eva. 1400gold, adds extra +1 to inspire courage.
<Merc> 3/day

Five acid damage on my sword?  ;_;
Well, Goodbye.


Background: As most who concern themselves with the Upper and Lower planes know, the Guardinals are "ruled" by Talisid the Celestial Lion and his Companions, each one of them representing the best that thier race has to offer. There is, however, one race of Guardinal that is not represented in the Companions; the lowely Mustevals, the weakest of all Guardinals. Some Mustevals are irritated or angered at this fact, feeling as if they have been overlooked and certain that this oversight will be swiftly corrected as soon as it comes to Talisid's attention. Others, such as the Musteval named Adail Levif, understand that this problem must lie with thier own people, that there are simply none of them worthy enough to run with the Companions. Many of them await the day that a hero will arise from thier kind, proving to the Companions, the other Guardinals and the rest of the multiverse just how strong they really are.

But there is one Musteval who is not content to wait for such a hero. Adail Levif believes with all his tiny heart that heroes are made, not born, and thus has set out from the Blessed Feilds to travel, learn, train and better himself. So that one day, perhaps, his people might finally be equals. This day is a long way off he knows, but he is a patient mouse.

In his search for self-perfection he naturally traveled first to the mountains of Celestia, where he sought out the monestaries of the Archons. There, he trained night and day for years, learning the ways of Order and how they applied to Good. It was here that he learned the power of discipline, and how to do battle with naught more then his bare paws, a path that suited his ideals well. For if he succeeded, he would have none claim that it was only with the aid of a magic blade or a book of spells. It was also here that he earned the nickname "Nail Balancer" for one of his more unique training methods. The title amuses him and thusly he takes it with him in his travels.

After learning what he could from Celestia, Adail set off for Arborea to seek the courts of the Eladrins. While they didn't seem overly popular amoung the Archons' halls, he understood that both were forces of Good in their own rights and that he would better understand true Good by learning their ways as well. For their part, the Eladrin seemed to find him equally amusing and endearing and though he stood out like a sore thumb surrounded by these creatures of elfin grace, they accepted him without hesitation. Here he learned to draw upon the power of his home to create magic, as well as an odd affinity for the element of fire. While here, he joined a "club" of sorts known as the Knights of Arbor, a group dedicated to maintaining their skills at razor sharpness so they would always be ready to confront Evil no matter when or where it raised it's head. As one of the weakest warriors ever admitted into the Knights he was given the rank of "White Rook", a title he hopes to one day improve but wears with pride while it's his.

Taking his leave of Arborea, Adail has most recently turned his gaze towards the Heroic Domains of Ysgard. Where better to test himself then in a plane of eternal epic conflict?

Name: Adail Levif, "Nail Balancer" "White Rook"
Class: Musteval HD 2/LA 3/Monk 2/Cleric 1/Sacred Fist 4
Deity: Elysium itself. Whatever good god is appropriate to the situation.
Alignment: NG
Race: Musteval
Gender: Male
Age: Somewhere between the Outsider equivilents of "teenager" and "middle aged"
Height: 1'10"
Weight: 13lbs
Eyes: Black
Fur: White
Size: Tiny


HP: 68 (59 without his Amulet)
AC: 33 (10 +8 Dex +6 Wis +5 NA +2 Size +1 Sacred Fist +1 Monk) Touch 28/FF 25

Melee Attack: Unarmed Strike +19/+14 (1d6+2+1d6 Fire)
Melee Full Attack: Unarmed Flurry +17/+17/+12 (1d6+2+1d6 fire)
Ranged Attack: Magic Missile 5d4+5
Grapple: +3
Initiative: +8
Special Defenses: Immune to Electricity/Petrification. Resistance 10 to Acid/Cold. Evasion. DR 5/Evil
Speed: 40ft, Burrow 10ft

Fort: +18 (14 w/o Items)
Ref: +20 (18 w/o Items)
Will: +17 (15 w/o Items)


STR: 12/+1 (10 w/0 Belt)
DEX: 26/+8
CON: 19/+4 (17 w/o Amulet)
INT: 14/+2
WIS: 23/+6
CHA: 13/+1

Languages: Innate Tongues, Celestial, Common, Ignan, Speak with Animals(mental communication)

Skills: Balance +17, Climb+10, Concentration+10, Escape Artist+19, Hide+24, Heal+12, Jump+8, Know(Planes)+11, Know(Religion)+14, Listen+16, Move Silent+16, Perform(Dance)+5, Sleight of Hand+13, Spellcraft+4, Spot+6(no ranks), Survival+11, Tumble+18

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Combat Casting, Stunning Fist(DC: 20), Fiery Fist(+1d6 fire), Good Devotion(DR 2/Evil to all allies in 30ft, our attacks count as Good), Practiced Spellcaster(Cleric), Skill Focus: Heal(Bonus feat)

Special Abilities: Focused Movement(May partial move->act->partial move), Turn Undead 4/day, Darkvision 60ft, Sacred Flames 1/day


Cleric Spells(Caster level 5)

Domains: Good, Travel

0- 5
1- (Prot from Evil or Longstrider) + 5
2- (Aid or Locate Object) + 4
3- (Magic Circle against Evil or Fly) +2

Spell Like Abilities: At Will - Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, See Invisibility. 1/day - Invisibility. All at 9th level caster.


Equipped Items
Throat - Amulet of Health +2 (4000gp)
Shoulders - Cloak of Resistance+2 (4000gp)
Waist - Monk's Belt of Preistly Might (+2 Str/+1 NA. Monk level counts as 5 higher for damage/AC. +1 Stunning Fist/day)
Hands - +1 Gloves of Flame (8302 gp)
Arms - Solar's Diamond(Grants Adail the 5ft reach of a small character so he can flank and such. Yay!)
Feet - Boots of Jumping (Run 10ft instead of 20 for a jump. 3 charges/day bonus on Jump checks) (2500gp)
Ring 1 - Ring of Mind Shielding

Carried Items
Tiny Sized Handy Haversack (2000gp)
Tiny Sized Bedroll/Blanket
Sleep Sand: ranged touch attack, Will DC-23 or sleep for 1d4+1 hours. 2 uses.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds[28]
Wand of Inflict Serious Wounds[49]
Scroll of Bull's Strength
Scroll of Cure Critical Wounds
Scroll of Dimensional Anchor (x3)

Gold: 3275.98
All About Monks
<Marisa> They're OP as fuck
<Marisa> They definitely don't blow in 3.5
<Marisa> after a certain level they basically just attack repeatedly until it dies
<Marisa> they're immune to a bunch of high level effects
<Marisa> just by being monks


Nikkolai's earliest memory is of that of his parents' house burning. His sorcerous power developed unusually early and he had little to no control over his small bursts of magical ability. He was prone to spurts of magefire during these "fits", as his parents termed them, which resulted in the eventual loss of the family home. Nikkolai's parents had no patience or tolerance for a child that was prone to belching fire and so, they apprenticed him to a fairly well known self-taught sorceror, the Lady of the Green Kirtle. The Lady, in truth an old hag, was a spiteful old woman who took great delight in mocking Nikkolai with her superior knowledge and power. She placed a spelled chain around his neck to ensure his obedience to her, forcing him to become a slave to her whims in all but name. He fetched rare ingredients, made potions, cleaned the house, and maintained the herb garden. Her lessons were harsh and the knowledge she imparted was only the bare minimum the boy needed to control his burgeoning power.

Nikkolai cried often those first few weeks, but as the years passed, he grew into a hardened, stoic young man. He came to hate the old woman with the kind of quiet intensity that only those who have a hate just as strong can recognize. But he was patient. He learned everything he could from her, stealing into her library to read her forbidden tomes, begging for the most obscure hint of knowledge, and practicing every spell he learned until he achieved perfection. In his mid-teens, when the Lady was reasonably sure that the boy was completely in her thrall, she revealed to him her plans to become a lich. He would life out the rest of his life in slavery to her and there was naught he could do.

The day came when the Lady of the Green Kirtle could not, or would not, teach him any longer. She had finally amassed all of the necessary things needed, through his unwilling assistance, to complete the ritual. He could not bear the thought of being under the rotting eye of that cruel old hag until the day she thought he had outlived his usefulness and killed him. So on the night before his 21st birthday and coincidentally, the night of the Lady's transformation, Nikkolai took advantage of the Lady's weakened state after her transformation and stole her phylactery, seeking some small measure of revenge against the woman who had been so cruel to him. He packed a few books and supplies and set fire to her two story house, only this time, he controlled the magefire with an ease much unlike his infancy. He fled the city to escape the authorities and the Lady, eventually finding that the easiest way to avoid detection was by slipping onto different planes where his trail would be harder to follow. He hid the phylactery on one of the planes in order to doom the Lady to an eternity of endless searching, and kept hopping from plane to plane, hoping to remain safe and undiscovered.

For a year, he's been drifting from plane to plane, acquiring more knowledge of the arcane and increasing his power. He lives in almost constant fear of the Lady, but he hides it well. He has no friends, no allies, no permanent home. Power is all that matters to him and his own personal safety. Nothing more, nothing less.

Name: Nikkolai Dastron
Class: Paragon 3/ Sorceror 8
Deity: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (with certain tendencies)
Race: Necropolitan Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Size: Medium


HP: 89
AC: 24 (14+5+1+1+4=25)
Flat Footed AC: 20 (25-5=20)
Touch AC: 14 (10+4=14)
Melee Attack: +4 (1d6-1, 18-20/x2)

BAB = +6
Fort = +8 (+7 w/o item)
Ref = +9 (+8 w/o item)
Will = +14 (+11+2[Singing rock necklace] w/o item)
Init = +8


STR: 8 (-1 mod)
DEX: 18 (+4 mod)
CON: 0
INT: 14 (+2 mod)
WIS: 10 (+0 mod)
CHA: 24/ (21 w/o item) (+6 mod)

Languages: Common, Auran, Abyssal, Ignan, Infernal

Bluff 12 (+22)
Concentration 15 (+22)
Knowledge (arcane) 15 (+17)
Knowledge (planes) 13 (+15)
Knowledge (religion) 2* (+4)
Spellcraft 15 (+19)
Adaptive Learning/Intimidation 9 (+21)
Diplomacy 10 (+22)
Gather Information 6 (+16)
Move Silently 6 (+10)
Escape Artist 5 (+9)
Speak Language 2* (cross-class ranks)

Improved Initiative
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Energy Substitution: Electricity to Fire
Fire Bloodline
Fey Heritage: +3 to Will saves against enchantments
Searing Spell: Your fire spells are so hot that they can damage creatures that normally have resistance or immunity to fire.

Special Abilities: Martial Weapon Proficiency(Greataxe)
Darkvision out to 60ft

Movement Speed: 30 ft
DC: 10+spell level+Cha mod (6)
HP level up is 1d4+3 (1d12 as undead)
SP per level up is 7
CL Check = 1d20+11 (Add +1 per level gained)
- Immunity to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, stunning, paralysis, disease and death effects.
- Immunity to critical hits, nonlethal damage, fatigue, exhaustion, ability drain and energy drain. Immune to ability damage to your three physical scores. Ability damage to intelligence, wisdom and charisma functions as normal.
- Immune to any effect that requires a fortitude save, unless it works on objects, is harmless or specifically works on undead.
- You use your charisma modifier in place of your constitution modifier for concentration checks.
- When you are reduced to zero hit points you are immediately destroyed. You have no buffer zone of 0 to -9 hp.
- Not effected by raise dead or reincarnate abilities.
- Undead do not breathe, eat or sleep.

Special Qualities:
Resist Control (Ex)
You gain a +2 profane bonus on will saves to resist Control Undead and similar spells.
Turn Resistance (Ex)
You have +2 turn resistance.
Unnatural Resilience (Ex)
Nikkolai recovers health by resting at his normal rate, as well as ability damage. However, the heal skill has no effect on him. Further, positive energy spells such as cure light wounds do not heal him. They deal damage instead. Negative energy spells like cause light wounds heal Nikkolai instead.
Refer to notes in certain circumstances


Level 0 Spells - 6 a day
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Message: Whispered conversation at a distance
Launch Item: Hurls Fine item up to Medium range.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds
Light: Make one object shine like a torch.

Level 1 - 8 a day
Charm Person: Make one person your friend
Lesser Orb of Acid: Inflict 5d8 upon successful completion of a ranged touch attack. [Roll 1d20+9]
Nerveskitter: Immediate action at the start of a combat round. +5 to Initiative.
Magic Missile: (Roll 5d4+5 for a single target, if desired)
Grease: Makes one object or 10 ft squ. slippery

Level 2 - 7 a day
Scorching Ray (Roll Touch Attack 2x[1d20+9], then Damage 2x[4d6] if both hit)
Detect Thoughts: Allows "listening" of surface thoughts
Ectoplasmic Feedback: 1d6+11 damage to incorporeal attackers.
Resist Energy: Grants damage resistance up to 20 points of a specified energy type.
Alter Self: Alter appearance to be human or into form of another undead for 10min/level

Level 3 - 7 a day
Dispel Magic
Fly: Subject can fly.
Fireball: Roll 10d6 damage to target.
Summon Undead III: Summons Undead to fight for you.
Tongues: Note - Nik's tongue turns into a flickering flame.

Level 4 - 7 a day
Orb of Electricity: (Roll Touch Attack [1d20+9], then Damage [11d6] if hit) Chance to entangle unless target beats DC roll of 20+1 (+1for Conjuration focus.)
Black Tentacles: Make multiple grapple checks with creatures caught in area of spell (1d20+17). If creatures are caught, 1d6+4 damage is applied to them on a per round basis until the spell ends (9 rounds) or the creature escapes.
Fire Shield
Dragon's Breath: Choose a dragon type and use it's breath weapon.

Level 5 - 4 a day
Planar Tolerance: One creature/level in a 20-ft.-radius burst centered on you. 1 hour/level = 10 hours
Firebrand: One 5-ft. burst/level deals 1d6 fire/level plus burning for 1 round. Target gets reflex save for half. DC = 22


Equipped Items
Ear - Piercing of Charisma: +2 Cha
Head - Circlet of Persuasion: +3 on charisma-based checks (4500 gp), Solar's Diamond: This gemstone grants a +4 armor bonus to armor class when orbiting Nikkolai's head.
Chest - Twilight Mithril Chain Shirt +1 (5100 gp)
Torso - Vest of Resistance +1: adds +1 to all saving throws (1000 gold)
Throat - Singing Rock Necklace: +2 bonus to concentration checks and to will saves. It's music can be very calming when focused on. (4800 gp)
Shoulders - Cloak of the Salamander: Deals 1d6+7 Fire damage to those that strike me in melee with natural or nonreach manufactured weapons. Immediate action, 3times/day (2000gp)
Waist - Belt of Hidden Pouches: Holds items in 30 pockets which function as small bags of holding. 5000 gold
Hands - Arcanist's Gloves +2 to Caster level of a level 1 spell/2x day (500 gp)
Finger - Ring of Protection +1 deflection bonus to AC (2000 gp)
Feet - Anklet of Translocation: twice per day, you can teleport 10 ft (good if you get grabbed). (1,400 gp)

Carried Items

Rod Of Lesser Metamagic: Multiply damage by 1.5
Wand of Shield (+4 to AC, blocks magic missile. 50 charges) (750 gp)
Cold Iron Dagger: bypasses the damage reduction of many fey and chaotic outsiders(Most notably demons, but some slaad and eladrin, too.
Cold Weather Outfit
Lonely Prince Chess Set
1285 gold, 96 sp, 15 cp
Lich's Phylactery
Scroll of Disintegration
Scroll of Troll
Spell Transference Notes: These notes allow a sorcerer to imbue a creature with a single one of it's spells. In exchange for one charge, the creature gains the ability to use this spell 1/day as a spell like ability. Once made the bond cannot be broken. Spells with an expensive material component cannot be transferred


Name: Kamvakua Niomel the Heavenly Trail
core traits:
Spoiler: ShowHide

Class: Goliath 1/Wolf Totem Goliath Barbarian 2/Fighter 4/Champion Of Gwynharwyf 5
Deity: Fharlanghn ( )
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Goliath
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Height: 8'0''
Weight: 330 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
Skin: Golden
Size: Medium
Concept: Traveling 'monk' following the trail across the planes.


HP:135 = 12 + (3,11,11,8,2,9) 4d12 + (6,2,8,8) 4d10 + 55
AC: 27 = 10 (base) + 8 (armor) + 4 (Shield) + 3(Deflection) + 2 (dex)
DR: 4/-, Cold Resistance 20, Electricity Resistance 5, Acid Resistance 5

Bab: +11/+6/+1
Melee To Hit: +18/+13/+8
Melee To Damage: 3d6+10+2d6 (Holy)  20/x3
Grapple: +19 = +9 (BaB) +4 (size) + 6 (str)
Trip Mod: 4(Imp Trip)+4(size)+6(str)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ground, Fly 60 (2 times/day, 5 minute time limit, maneuverability is good)
Language: Common, Gol-Kaa, Dwarven, Terran, Celestial, Elven, Auran, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic

Fort:  18   =  7 + 5 + 3 + 3
Ref:   10   =  2 + 2 + 3 + 3
Will:   10  =  2 + 2 + 3 + 3
+2 versus enchantment spells
+2 versus anything that prevents Kam from moving (Entangle, Imprison, Bind, etc)

<Hatbot> Dracos: 18, 17, 16, 15, 15, 13
STR: 22 +6
DEX: 14 +2
CON: 20 +5
INT: 13 +1
WIS: 15 +2
CHA: 17 +3

Skills 87=(32+7+5+5+5+5+7+7+7+7+7):
Climb:              11 = 6 + 6 - 3 + 2
Intimidate:        26 = 14 + 3 + 5 + 4(Size mod always counts)
Jump:               10 = 7 + 6 - 3
Listen                12 = 10 + 2
Survival:           10  = 8 + 2
Swim:                 9 = 6 + 6 - 3
Sense Motive     12  = 8 + 2 + 2
Knowledge:PA    10 = 9 + 1
Spot                   12 = 10 + 2
Literacy: 2
Speak Terran: 2
Speak Elven: 2
Speak Auran: 2
Speak Infernal: 2
Speak Celestial: 2
Speak Abyssal: 2
Speak Draconic: 2

Feats: 7 (1 exist, 1 level 3, 1 level 6, fight 1, fight 2, fight 4, level 9)

Combat Reflexes: +dex extra AoOs (3 total right now)
Medium Armor Specialization: +2 DR/- when wearing medium armor.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dwarven Warpike
Knight of Stars: +1 luck bonus to any roll once per day, from Gwynharwyf as long as I'm good guy.
Righteous Wrath: DC 18 will save to evil characters or be shaken on hits ( (DC 10 + 1/2 your raging class level + your Cha modifier) or be shaken.).  Perfect clarity of mind while raging.
Shield and Pike Style- When wielding a Piercing Two-Handed Polearm with Reach with which you have proficiency, you receive the full Shield bonus to AC of a Light Shield you are wearing.
Battle Blessing: Cast std spells as swift.

Class Features/Special:

Fearsome Fury: HRed, DC 24-  Anyone who enters a 30 foot radius must make a will save DC(16+1/2 HD+Cha) or be shaken for 1d4+1 rounds or the duration of the rage, whatever is longer.
Divine Grace: +Cha (3) to all saving throws
Furious Casting: Cast spells while raging.
Smite Evil: 2 times per day, +(Cha)3 to hit, +(CoG level) 5 to damage.
Detect Evil: Spell-like ability, at will.
Fast Movement: Movement 40 when in medium or less armor.
Rage 2/day: +4 str, +4 con, +2 will, -2 AC, Lasts 10 rounds.  Results  +20/20 hp,-2 AC, +2 to hit, +3 damage, +2 will, +2 fort
Improved Trip: +4 to trip attempts, Free attack on all successful trips at current attack bonus.
Damage Reduction: 4/-
Enchantment Resistance: +2 versus enchantment
Energy Resistance: 5 Resist against Cold, Acid, Electricity
RP Bonus: 15 Cold Resistance
RP Bonus: +2 versus anything that prevents Kam from moving (Entangle, Imprison, Bind, etc)

2 level 1 spell per day:  Cure Light Wounds, Lesser Restoration
2 level 2 spell per day: eagle's splendor, bull's strength
1 level 3 spell per day: Prayer

Spell selection list:
Spoiler: ShowHide

1st Level: bless, bless weapon, cure light wounds, detect poison,
detect undead, divine favor, divine sacrifice*, endure elements, lesser
restoration, magic weapon, protection from evil, read magic, remove
fear, resistance, virtue.

2nd Level: bull's strength, delay poison, eagle's splendor, owl's
wisdom, remove paralysis, resist energy, shield other, warcry*.

3rd Level: blessed sight*, cure moderate wounds, daylight, discern
lies, dispel magic, magic circle against evil, prayer, remove blindness/
deafness, remove curse.

4th Level: blood of the martyr*, break enchantment, cure serious
wounds, death ward, dispel evil, freedom of movement, glory of the
martyr*, holy sword, neutralize poison, restoration, sword of conscience*.

Goliath Racial traits:
Spoiler: ShowHide

+4 Strength, –2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution
Level Adjustment: +1
Powerful Build: Treat as Large whenever advantageous.  Use large weapons without penalty.
Mountain Movement:  Goliaths can make standing long jumps and high jumps as if they were running long jumps and high
jumps. A goliath can engage in accelerated climbing (climbing half his speed as a move action) without taking the –5 penalty on the Climb check.
+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks

Spoiler: ShowHide

Right Hand:Heaven-Stroke:  Large Dwarven Warpike+1, holy : Reach, Can be set against charge, Can be used for tripping, exotic.
Left Hand: +3 Light Steel Shield
Head: Empty
Face: Empty
Neck: Empty
Vest: Empty
Armor: +3 Blue Ice Breastplate (+8 armor, +4 Max Dex, -1 ACP, Counts as Light)
Belt:  Empty
Cloak: Lifeshiner: Cloak of Resistance+3. As a free action, you may take 1 points of constitution damage to gain a +3 bonus to a single saving throw. This must be declared before you make the saving throw.
Bracers: Empty
Gloves: gloves
Boots: Wanderer's Winged Boots of Striding Terror: +10 speed, +5 intimidate, Always succeed on forced march (Can walk forever), Fly 2/day for five minutes, command word: Take Flight in Goliath.
Left Ring: 18000 Ring of Protection +3
Right Ring: Ring of Dawnbreak: When you reach -1 or lower HP, you gain the benefit of a cure critical wounds spell as cast by a 15th level cleric. This functions once per day.
Clothing: Traveler's clothing

Ring of Mind Shielding -  The wearer is continually immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment.
Spear of Cannar: This mysterious spear is magical but it defies identification. It registers as a spear+2 but the identify mostly fails. Stronger magic may be needed. IT is possible it is an artifact or shielded from identification.

spare clothes
Silk, Rope
Climber's kit
Grappling hook
Flint and steel
Some food and water.

Holding onto:
Greataxe+1, dragon bane and fierce bane. 18,000 GP.

Spoiler: ShowHide

In the early days of his memory, Kamvakua Niomel the StrongHeart was often a member of the hunting teams for the Avakithera tribe that roamed through Oearth's splendid Azure Mountains.  Raised in a life of competition and teamwork, Kamvakua was a natural born talent, tall, strong of arm and skillful in all matters of the mountainside.  He was expected to one day challenge for chieftain of his tribe as he conquered greater and greater prizes, each week guiding his team out to further vistas.  Quiet in contemplation and boisterous in celebration, he was a popular sight among the younger goliaths.  His days were spent on the mountainsides and the forests and his nights in song and dance, for these years were peaceful ones among the Avakithera.  Often traveling bare-chested, his rocky visage was marked with the signs of his victories, scrawled in the natural growth of his red mottled skin.

It was in his twentieth winter, that word came from their scouts that a strange creature had been seen in the mountains.  Chieftain Keoth, a wily and mighty goliath in his two hundredth year, took the notice cautiously, worried that perhaps it may be grey dwarves or drow which had not been seen in the mountains for over a hundred years.  Not wanting any scouts to think their mountains were now undefended, after years of peace, he sent out a team to investigate and capture the creature to see what it was.  As one of the most fit members of the tribe, Kamvakua was chosen as captain to lead their group onward and so did the hunt begin.  Traversing down the mountains and through the woods, they sought signs of the strange creature.  It wasn't but a few days later that they caught a glimpse of it on the horizon, a short stubby humanoid it seemed.  Different prey than they'd ever hunted before.  They marched swiftly, comfortable in their forest lands and moreso as they chased the creature up the mountains.  This was their home and swift of foot and strong of body, they had no thought of defeat in their minds.  But as fast as they were, this strange creature never stopped, never rested, never stumbled.  Where they gained in their swift footspeed and shortcuts, they lost every time they stopped to take a breath.  After a week, the creature was close to leaving their lands, and many of the group was beginning to give up hope, voicing that they were rather far from their tribal home by now.  Kamvakua though had rarely ever known defeat, and was the sturdiest hunter in all the village to his own eyes.  He sent the others home, a strange gesture in the very team oriented Avakithera, but he could see that they were even more tired than him, and any further journeying would be endangering their lives.

He set off alone...  traversing down the mountain, he swore to never rest until he caught the strange person, traveling fiercely for over a week, closing steadily as he too did not sleep.  It was an exhausted and almost broken Kamvakua that eventually caught up to the man, a dwarf standing not even half as tall as he did, a strange pike in his hand as he was dressed in the strangest of garb, some kind of hood over his red and grey hair, a huge beard at his chin.  He was unlike any that Kamvakua had ever seen.  A creature most strange to the nomadic tribesman.  The creature looked out at the exhausted giant, barely standing on his feet by force of will alone who'd been stalking him through the mountains.  "So you've finally caught up to me lad...  now I think you'll find me no easy prey for banditry even from a fellow as big as you... but something tells me you aren't really after my gold."

So did Kamvakua meet the traveling dwarven warrior Cathan Cedric, trailblazer and follower of Fharlanghn.  Their battle was short, and frankly, one-sided, but impressive none the less for one who had been traveling without rest for weeks.  Cathan stayed and helped nurse the strange giant back to health afterwards, teaching him a bit more fluent common than the strange half-spattering the Goliath had known earlier, followed by writing and dwarven as the Cathan couldn't really stand to be talking in common for long periods of time and refused Kamvakua's suggestion of trying to learn Gol-kaa.  When Kamvakua asked Cathan why he traveled so, and how he had lost, the dwarf enigmatically said it was the depth of their contests.  He pointed to the horizon and said he was chasing that, and so hearing, a fire lit in Kamvakua's heart.  He had never conquered a horizon, nor had any Goliath he had ever known.  It was a challenge beyond challenges.  Before, he would never think of such, but here was such a small man doing just that.  Kamvakua never returned to his tribe, choosing the road of Exile, though he never thought of it as so.  He joined Cathan on his journey as soon as he was well, the two traveling together and sparring under the hot sun for some time.

It was from Cathan that Kamvakua polished his fighting skills to a level unheard of by many of his kinsmen, matching blades with the smaller dwarf, and eventually becoming quite skilled in the battle strategies of his pike.  The two traveled over many a country, across the seas, and clear past half the world.  Eventually it was as well, that Kamvakua learned of Cathan's secret, a pair of magic shoes that had let him best even him.  Such cleverness indeed, to enter a hunt prepared for it to last forever, to prepare for a journey to the end of the world and beyond.  It was a much changed Kamvakua, who eventually chose a separate path from the aging dwarf, his skills battle hardened, as his cloaked form had lost for a time much of the brash surety of youth, replacing it with the calm confidence and vigor of a traveling warrior.  But his eyes looked higher still, past the horizon that the great guardian of roads rested upon.  He had learned from a wizard some time ago of things called Planes, alternate worlds sitting right there, just beside theirs.  He hadn't gotten all of it, but it was an adventure that beckoned to his heart...a road not just like any road, but beyond the Oearth itself.

It was by this that he made his way to the plane of Earth, surviving by mere fortune upon the underground realm as he learned more the virtues of study before traveling upon the planes.  Saved by arriving near a dwarven settlement, he learned a fair bit of respect quite quickly for the dangers of the planes.  Staying there a while, he aided them in facing off against the Dao and some of the other nearby residents of their world, taking in the strange sights of the tunneled earth.  But eventually he desired to stand straight once more and sought forth at their advice a portal to the higher plane of Aborea.

Here he spent a year among the beautiful woods, the sylvan glades and otherwise.  While a traveling goliath was quite the unusual sight, it was hardly the strangest thing to cross the planes, and being a talented hunter, he rarely got into direct confrontations with the various residents, roaming across the sights of Arvandor.  He even strangely enough, traversed into the borders of the Selderine, learning a bit of elvish culture and language during his journey there and seeing the sights and grandeur they had accomplished under the guiding hand of Corellon Larethian.  It so happened one day when he was beginning to think it was time to move on, he came across a portal glowing beckoningly in a glade, and taking it as an invitation, Kamvakua entered, leaving Arvandor entirely and coming to a place of wonder, woodlands exotic and different from the fine elven growths that were sported along Arvandor.  It was through this that he came to find himself upon the Court of Stars...

To Be Continued...

<Dracos2> Gateguard, well, at a high/basic level, I was planning that we were somewhat friends, having met around the Court of the Stars while I was training there and that you impressed me with your spunk and desire to be a legendary hero for your race.
<Dracos2> We split when I wandered off somewhere else and you headed to Valhalla to train (Sometime in the last couple years).
* Gateguard nods. Sure, that works. You prolly wandered off while I was still training there, as Adail pretty much litteraly went from Arborea to Ysgard right before game start. A couple weeks at most.
<Dracos2> ah, then entirely possible. *nods*
<Kodinner> Gate, if you bow out this week, post on the game board so I know?
* Gateguard nods
<Kallen> How are you guys going to run into each other?
<Dracos2> Along a training field in the Court of Stars, would likely work best.
<Dracos2> bbs
<Kallen> No, I mean, in-game.
<Gateguard> my thought was Adail going "hey, I know a guy who would seriously want in on a quest that will take him Gods only know where" and shelling out for a Sending to him or something like that.

Development ideas
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Cheat notes:

Note to self: Get Shield and Pike Style next level.  Then Power Attack as feat after that.  Or Combat Intuition (for sizing up challenges) or Armor Spec (+2 DR).  possibly ask about chaos rage (+4 to barbarian class level).   Or Adaptive Flanker - If we have trouble flanking all the time, get this instead since it would let mari always sneak attack.

<Dracos> Chaos Rage
<Dracos> [Anarchic]
<Dracos> (DR326 p80)
<Dracos> Rage class ability
<Dracos> Chaotic alignment
<Dracos> Intimidate: 4 ranks
<Dracos> Your effective Barbarian level for purposes of using your Barbarian Rage class ability increases by +4, up
<Dracos> to your HD. This benefits a multi-classed Barbarian or one with Racial HD.
<Dracos> Gain a Chaotic Aura equal to your Character level. It can discerned by Detect Chaos spell or ability.

Dune has also approved this feat.

Synergy thoughts with teammates:

I'm a ranged flanker type.  Generally with my init I'll go later in the round, so I won't generally be setting Mari up for a one round finish, but equally, anything I approach will generally quickly become more vulnerable to everyone.  For a bit I'll be weak on the ac/saves front a little.  but with stats should be good.  Good playoffs:
Cure Moderate stuff in the wing for safety since I'm a rage based build.
Enlarge moves my range and power highly.  Possibly a good nikkolai trick.  
Adail to my diagnoal side, me beside/behind, Mari on the other side.  Flanking goodness for everyone, combined with a nice trip effect.   Nyum.  Oh well.  I should generally be able to make a good support/midliner alongside Mari while Adail and Knight are the front and Nikkolai brings the artillary to the back.   We'll have less buffs, but hopefully lots of trips will help out :)

Loot/Upgrade ideas:
A cloak of resistance?
+ Cha stuff
+ con stuff
Uh...;_; really cool pendant of vision modes? sad to see that cool fun item go.
Keenness on his cool spear.
Helmet of Glorious Recovery (MIC)
Adding Light Fort on his Armor
Vest of Natural Armor? :)
A clear ioun stone (sustains without food/water)
A magical book of learning languages easily!
armbands of might (MIC 72)
More powerful cloak of resistance.
Gloves of Dexterity +2-4
Cool vests/bracers/hats and things are rather welcome
Well, Goodbye.