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Character Sheets

Started by Dracos, November 28, 2009, 08:29:35 PM

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Just gonna go with a link because I realize the table pastes terribly anyway :(  Oh well.
Well, Goodbye.


Healbot dies!


After finishing the wizard, I am definitely now leaning more toward her on account of it being less 'generic' and actually using Eberron-specific materials.

That is, of course, if there are no major complaints on replacing the bard with a wizard with (gasp!) utility spells that are actually useful.

Edit: Sometimes I have issues with words!


I was going to replace my last post, but screw it, everyone's using google docs, and if I have to click links so I can see others' sheets instead of having them all in one place, so does everyone else.

The character sheet of my warforged artificer/warblade, Impulse, is here.

Currently, I am using a grand total of one splatbook: Magic Item Compendium. Are you proud of me, Jon?

Also, need to fill in description and background history. I'll do that tomorrow after I've read up a bit more on eberron/warforged background.

Thoughts: Both Impulse and Sim are kinda sorta favoring ranged attacks. Alis's only flanking buddy will be Rin's character. Impulse can help with flanking at first, but by level 9, he'll definitely become a dedicated thrown-weapon attacker.

<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Posted so that people don't have to click links to see this sheet!

Name: Karuharath   Alignment: NG
Gender:Male      Race: Kalashtar

Strength     (STR):14     [+2]  
Dexterity    (DEX):12   [+1]    
Constitution (CON):13     [+1]  
Wisdom       (WIS):10    [+0]
Intelligence (INT):16    [+3]  
Charisma     (CHA):8    [-1]  
Level: Psion[Kineticist] 6/Warblade 6
Experience Points: 18750/21000
BAB: +6
Fort Save: 5 (+1 CON) = +6
Ref Save : 2 (+0 DEX)+3 Insight = +5
Will Save: 5 (+0 WIS) = +5
Speed/Base Speed: 30 ft (modified)

Hit Points: 63/63
Power Points: 35+9+6 = 50/50
Armor Class: 10 +6 Defense +1 Dexterity +1 Deflection = 18
Attack Bonus (melee): 6 (+2 STR) = +8
Attack Bonus (Falchion, 0 PP): 6+2 STR+1 enhancement +1 Focus= +10
Attack Bonus (Falchion, 1-29 PP):+11
Attack Bonus (Falchion, 30+ PP):+12
Attack Damage (Falchion, 0 PP): 2d4+6
Attack Damage (Falchion, 1-29 PP): 2d4+7
Attack Damage (Falchion, 30+ PP): 2d4+8
Attack Bonus (ranged): 6 (+0 DEX) = +6
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Initiative: +1 +4 feat = +5

1-Weapon Focus[Falchion] - +1 to hit with falchions
1B-Empower Power - Expend focus and spend 2 extra PP for a power's variable damage to be multiplied to 1.5x
2-Power Attack - Can trade up to BAB hit for damage (2x with a 2H)
4-Instant Clarity - Regain focus upon landing a maneuver
5B-Priveleged Energy[Fire] - +1 damage per die to fire-based powers
5B-Improved Initiative - +4 to Initiative
6-Weapon Spec[Falchion] - +2 to damage with falchions

Skill Points = 9/level (37/81 total); [c] denotes class skill
-[c] Autohypnosis   [WIS]: 9 (+0) +2 Synergy = +11
-[c] Concentration   [CON]: 9 (+1) = +10
-[c] Psicraft      [INT]: 9 (+3) = +13
-[c] Balance      [DEX]: 5 (+1) = +6
-[c] Tumble      [DEX]: 5 (+1) +2 Synergy = +8
-[c] Jump      [STR]: 5 (+2) +2 Synergy = +9
-[c] Knowledge[Psionics][INT]: 5 (+3) +2 Synergy = +10
-[c] Knowledge[Arcana]   [INT]: 5 (+3) = +8
-[c] Knowledge[Nature]   [INT]: 5 (+3) = +8
-[c] Knowledge[History]   [INT]: 5 (+3) = +8
-[c] Diplomacy                   [CHA]: 9 (-1) +2 Racial = +10
-    Survival      [WIS]: 4 (+0) +2 Synergy = +6

SIZE:           LANGUAGES: Common, Quor, Draconic, Riedran
Class Specials:
-Bonus Feats: Overchannel, Priveleged Energy[Fire]
-Discipline: Kineticist
-Battle Clarity: +INT Insight bonus to Reflex saves
-Weapon Aptitude: Fighter level = Warblade level-2, can retrain weapon-specific feats
-Uncanny Dodge: Retain dexterity bonus when flat-footed or attacked by invisible attacker
-Battle Ardor: +INT Insight bonus to confirm critical hits
-Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative
-Improved Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be flanked by any enemy but a 10th-level or higher rogue
Racial Specials:
-Naturally Psionic: +1 PP/level
-Mindlink 1/day (Psi-like)
-+2 racial bonus versus mind-affecting spells/abilities, possession
-+2 Racial bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
-+2 racial bonus to Disguise checks to appear human
-Cannot dream; immune to Dream, Nightmare, and other similar spells and abilities.

Powers Known (DC: 13+(PP+1)/2)
Lv1 (1 PP): 5 known
-Force Screen (Shield provides +4 shield AC.  Augment: 4 PP = +1 AC)
-Offensive Precognition (Gain +1 insight bonus to attack rolls for 6 minutes)
-Offensive Prescience (Gain +2 insight bonus to damage rolls for 6 minutes)
-Defensive Precognition (Gain +1 insight bonus to AC for 6 minutes)
-Matter Agitation (Set things on fire.  WITH YOUR MIND.)
Lv2 (3 PP): 4 known
-Energy Missile (Missile sent at up to 5 targets deals 3d6 damage to each, reflex half.  Effects based on energy type.  Augment:1 PP = +1d6, 2 PP = +2d6 and +1 DC)
-Energy Stun (All enemies in 5' radius burst take 1d6 damage (Reflex half).  Effects based on energy type.  All enemies failing reflex save must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round.  Augment: 1PP = +1d6, 2 PP = +2d6 and +1 DC)
-Control Air (Raise or lower windspeed by 10 MPH, plus 10 MPH per additional PP up to 60 MPH.  Can change direction by up to 90 degrees)
-Body Equilibrium (Can walk on liquids and any unstable solids, halve falling damage.)
Lv3 (5 PP): 4 known
-Energy Cone (All enemies in 60' cone take 5d6 damage, reflex half.  Effects based on energy type.  Augment:1 PP = +1d6, 2 PP = +2d6 and +1 DC)
[Complete Psionic]-Energy Lance (Single target takes 5d6 damage[no save], side-effect based on energy type.  Augment: 2 PP = +1d6)
-Dispel Psionics (As Dispel Magic.  Augment: 1 PP = +2 manifester level cap)
-Time Hop (Target creature or object transported forward in time 1 round/level.  Augment: 2 PP = Additional target or greater size allowance)

Maneuvers Readied
-Mountain Hammer
-Insightful Strike
-Moment of Perfect Mind
-Mind over Body

Maneuvers Known
Lv1: # known (if applicable)
[Diamond]-Moment of Perfect Mind: Substitute Concentration check for Will save
[Stone]-Charging Minotaur: Use a charging bullrush that does 2d6+2 damage and does not provoke AoOs.
[Stone]-Mountain Hammer:Melee attack does +2d6 damage, ignores DR and hardness
[Diamond]-Action Before Thought: Substitute Concentration check for Reflex save
[Diamond]-Mind over Body: Substitute Concentration check for Fortitude save
[Diamond]-Insightful Strike: Substitute Concentration check for damage

Stances Known
[Iron]-Punishing Stance: Take -2 to AC for +1d6 to damage
[Raven]-Leading the Charge: Allies within 60' and able to hear user gain +6 to damage on charge attacks

Equipment and Inventory
Equipped: Masterwork Psychic Falchion(Stats vary with PP)      [008lb.] <08375GP> (MIC)
Equipped: Ring of Protection +1                  [---lb.] <02000GP>
Worn: Traveler's outfit                     [005lb.] <00001GP>
Worn: Handy Haversack                     [005lb.] <02000GP>
Haversack: Food, misc. gear                  [???lb.] <00100GP>
Haversack: CLW potion x1
Haversack: Bull's Strength Potion

GP 4519

Total Weight: # lbs (adjusted # lbs)
Loads: 0-58 lbs Light, 59-116 lbs Medium, 117-175 lbs Heavy