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Started by Anastasia, December 10, 2009, 03:24:53 AM

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This is from Races of Faerun. It's an obscure book and it didn't make the transition to the SC. It's for Lagann if you couldn't guess.

Detect Metal and Minerals
Level: Clr 3, Sorc/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: 60ft
Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 min./ level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You can detect large accumulations of metals and other minerals, whether worked or unworked. The spell will detect everything from a vein of iron ore to a pile of gold coins, even through solid stone or other barriers.When you cast this spell, you must concentrate on at least10 pounds of the metal or mineral you're searching for. If an accumulation of that metal 10 pounds or larger is within the spell area, you will unerringly sense it (most coins are 50 to the pound). The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area:

1st Round:  Presence or absence of the particular metal or mineral.
2nd Round: Approximate weight of the metal or mineral.
3rd Round: Distance and direction (measured in a straight line) to the metal or mineral.

As long as the spell is active, you can change the metal or mineral you're trying to detect by simply concentrating on a different sample (it takes a standard action to refocus on the new sample). Thus you could search for gold, then switch to adamantine, then seek out sources of iron. If you stop concentrating ona sample, the spell ends.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Ebiris on August 14, 2010, 03:00:32 PM
Avenger of Innocence
This scimitar is made of gleaming silver, its razor sharp curve bringing to mind a crescent moon. The hilt is smooth and bears a single emerald recessed into its pommel, while its short crossguard is studded with orange amber stones.
This weapon is an Alchemical Silver scimitar +5, with the Evil Outsider Bane and Lawful Outsider Bane enhancements (giving it a total enhancement bonus of +9 against creatures such as devils). It is intelligent, possessing darkvision, hearing, and blindsense out to 120 feet, and able to communicate both by speech and telepathy. Once per day, it can impose a dimensional anchor, and it has 10 ranks in Knowledge (Planes).
The blade is devoted to slaying devils, and will constantly encourage its wielder to follow such a pursuit in the most efficient manner - it is patient and not reckless, willing to bide its time so long as it leads to better opportunities to rid the world of such tyrannical creatures. It uses its own knowledge to instruct its wielder on the habits and abilities of the baatezu, to make them more capable of defeating such foes, and will caution rather than press attack on a creature clearly out of its wielder's league.
While quite happy to serve anyone who meets it goals, the sword will not countenance an unworthy wielder, and especially not any who sympathise with the devils. In such cases it will exert all will towards being passed onto a more appropriate bearer.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
INT 10 WIS 18 CHA 18
EGO 20

This sword will cost Alicia 125,000gp to make (out of the 127,795 she has handy), broken down as 98k for a +7 weapon, 12k for the intelligent weapon basic aspect, 10k for it to have dimensional anchor, and 5k for knowledge planes.

This is fine, it'll be covered IC on any further changes as requested by the others.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Jessica's ED is up. Hers is a little more experimental; she has no down side as RP and mechanical reasons indicate she doesn't need one. I'll try this with her and see how it goes.

Who's left? Eudard, Abagail, Oberuth, Amaryl and Hugo. Hugo and Abagail are far enough away to where there isn't any priority. Oberuth's is being revised since I ended up being unhappy with it. Amaryl's I know roughly what I want to do but I'll need to some time figuring out the mechanics. Still debating with Eudard's.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Hm. I've been thinking about taking a break from Balmuria for a long time now. A sabbatical, you know? Just get away from it for several months. The current scope of the game makes it hard to focus on any one thing. Dozens and dozens of things are going on, making it a severe drain for me to keep things up. It's fun, but I could really use a break away from things as they stand.

What I'd like is to put this game on pause for a good long while. Maybe a few months, maybe even half a year. What I'd like to do instead is run something with much simpler roots at a lower level. I'd like to do it in the same world if possible, probably a game focusing on urban adventures in the city of Balmuria itself. You guys deal with the city on a mostly removed level, only managing a few important locations. I'd like to get into the nooks, crannies and the heart of the city. 

Any interest, you two? There's a fair few risks: A sabbatical could mean never coming back easily enough, you never know how things are going to go. But I feel that more than anything else, this current part of the game needs a time for renewal and regrowth. What that parses down to is that I need a break from it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


To be perfectly honest, I'm down with putting Balmuria to bed. The epic scope of being a God really isn't as satisfying as the nitty gritty of looting a dungeon or shaking down a dude in a bar or exploring a creepy wild forest. So yeah, getting back to basics appeals to me a great deal.

That said, though, if we're doing that then why not just start a brand new game (it could still be set in the Balmuria setting, I don't much mind either way) and see if we can get some new blood in? Having more players would balance things better and avoid the see-sawing "I'm just the sidekick in Seira/Alicia's great story" feeling that I think both Cor and I have experienced of late.


Yes, more players and a new game is what I mean. On rereading I see I didn't express that. Whoops.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


There's the sidekick feeling sometimes, though most times the game's plenty fun. And I like the challenge of finding a balance, since at the core it's a problem that tends to show up in any non-solo game sometimes. Interesting as the dungeon-delvings are, my main draw remains interactions (meeting people, befriending people, befriending people Nanoha style) and that doesn't really change regardless of scope.

Since you want to take a break and Eb's enthusiastic, let's go for it? I dunno if I want to play in the actual universe in a different game, since it feels like you're in FR and Elminster is there, mocking you. I suppose we could try it?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Ironically the main idea for a new game is a city based game. I had the idea of it in Balmuria OR in Waterdeep in FR. So Elminster mocking you is entirely on target!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on August 26, 2010, 05:22:49 PM
I dunno if I want to play in the actual universe in a different game, since it feels like you're in FR and Elminster is there, mocking you. I suppose we could try it?

That's a very good point, actually. It's like those bad games you sometimes read about where the DM's best buddies have their old PCs as deities who show up the current party, and there's the issue of having something happen and us being like "No way! Alicia/Seira would never have let that happen!" which is just all kinds of bad.


Mmm. I don't really like the idea of glass ceilings and being restricted, you know? Say you're starting a lvl7 game and it's unlikely to proceed past lvl12. I don't really mind, since it's fun. But actually saying it like that would just occupy me needlessly. So I read it as a concept that says, 'Here's a setting where normal mortals ascended to greatness from nobodies. You're nobodies too, but you'll never become like them, ever'. Dunno if that makes sense to others.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Ebiris on August 26, 2010, 05:25:54 PM
That's a very good point, actually. It's like those bad games you sometimes read about where the DM's best buddies have their old PCs as deities who show up the current party, and there's the issue of having something happen and us being like "No way! Alicia/Seira would never have let that happen!" which is just all kinds of bad.

That is a concern. I'd keep the old PCs out of the way entirely besides references. What happens after that is in the realm of the DM, not the previous players.

Quote from: Corwin on August 26, 2010, 05:28:01 PM
Mmm. I don't really like the idea of glass ceilings and being restricted, you know? Say you're starting a lvl7 game and it's unlikely to proceed past lvl12. I don't really mind, since it's fun. But actually saying it like that would just occupy me needlessly. So I read it as a concept that says, 'Here's a setting where normal mortals ascended to greatness from nobodies. You're nobodies too, but you'll never become like them, ever'. Dunno if that makes sense to others.

Well, I never imagined Balmuria would go as far and as long as it did. What I'm saying here is what I want to focus the game around. Will it change? Maybe. Will you never progress past level 5? Who knows? There's not a glass ceiling implied here, but I'm instead implying what I'd like to focus on. Remember, you guys started at level 3 before, too.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Since Dune asked in PM for any questions about the game to be posted here if we're wrapping, I'll toss a few out.

What the hell was the Neverborn's bleating about two into three into one or whatever all about?

Were there any traitors in our midst besides the far-too-adorable-to-ever-suspect Marigold?

Who was actually trying to off Obi?

What did Sylian do with our blood?

Who bought Beth's soul? (I never really cared but Esthan offered it out like it was something meaningful so might as well know)


To elaborate on some points!

If this does come back, there will be a few things. The first will be a timeskip of some considerable time. 10 years is the number that pops into my head, but it could be more. I'd like some time to distance you guys from your old (mortal) entanglements and settle things. Pursuant to this, the game will likely be tightly refocused to be easier to manage.  All of what you guys do is fine, but a bit more structure is good for everyone. I'd like to pare down the character lists and focus on a core cast. EDIT: All of this would come with a level boost as well to settle into your new positions.

There's nothing wrong with making a lot of friends! This is a good thing. But let's be honest, when you're dealing with dozens and dozens of NPCs it tends to dilute things a whole lot. Too many ingredients muddy the broth if you want another analogy.  That was my main problem lately, I was overwhelmed making new people and keeping track of them all. Too much was going on, too many events and so on and so forth.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'm going to answer some of these for now. See above for why, the question I answer will be things I don't think are hugely relevant after any sort of long timeskip. The others I may answer later, going to see how things pan out the next few days first on reflection.

QuoteWere there any traitors in our midst besides the far-too-adorable-to-ever-suspect Marigold?

First of all, various immigrants were loosely spying on you for the powers they came from. The Heavens of all stripes were keeping tabs on Sylica and the various Princes of Elemental Good were doing the same with Seira. This wasn't malicious spying insomuch as assessing new powers.  If Sylica merged with Dweomerheart or became it's own layer of Elysium, that would be a gigantic planar shift. It's best for everyone involved to know what they're getting before that, and be able to act if something's afoul. In the case of the Cauldron, Seira made a lot of grand promises to the Elemental Princes. They were naturally inclined to keep track of Seira, her progress and if she looks capable of fulfilling her goals.

Helm was keeping his eyes on both realms, but wasn't using direct spies. He has too much on his plate with Kelemvor. He wasn't willing to risk the political fallout of two new powers he had reasonably good impressions with until his plate was clear.

Lathander is keeping an eye on Seira through Valar. What Seira was never told is that Lathander directly contacted Valar(He may have alluded to this happening, I forget, but none of the rest) and gave him instructions. Lathander sees a lot of himself in Seira, but at the same time also sees a bit of a authoritarian streak. He likes her but isn't quite sure what to make of her. Valar is an important piece in his plans elsewhere, but he went with the moment and sacrificed him for position with Seira. This isn't really Lathander's style, but the plan fell into his lap premade and he went with it. Lathander has serious impulse control issues as I'm sure you've noticed.

Sharess has an interest in Sylica and a passing fancy to try and shift it more towards chaos and good. Odds are this won't last but a few decades before she gets bored of it. In any event her spies are minimal, she's inclined to make an obvious move of chatting up Syala and Alicia instead. Syala has an idea that Sharess is at this game, but hadn't said anything yet since she wasn't sure. While Syala didn't think Alicia would take it the wrong way, she didn't see a reason to risk a pointless argument over it.

As for actual enemies? I hadn't decided on a new batch after the entire G'renna/Marigold arc. I was going to choose some soon and start dropping subtle hints and build up to it. I'd rather focus on establishment and external threats than spies for the moment.

QuoteWho was actually trying to off Obi?

Short answer: Pale Night but it's fucking complicated.

Long version: Pale Night is pissed at the party and the Crimson Guard. I don't need to say why, do I? Using mind altering magic and resources she set it up to look like a diabolical agent sabotaged a demonic cult. The portal to Avernus was in fact a highly cloaked portal to her throne. Fortunately this was never used and things worked out.  The entire thing was a huge, rambling and completely apeshit insane scheme on her part to get vengeance. Being an impossibly old demon lends itself to all sorts of madness.

The other part of this gambit is Zquujaj.  He was contacted by Pale Night while he fought amid many for control of Androlynne. By contact I mean that she revealed part of her incomprehensible essence to him, driving him yet further mad. He is to become a servant of hers, twisted entirely to insane chaos and free of the last vestiges of his baatezu heritage.  Further she would be able to annul the bonds he crafted to forswear antagonism to the Crimson Guard. He was going to be the big enemy of that storyline if it went forward. In the meantime he'd be recreating Androlynne in his image.

Incidentally there would be a chance than Athux would come into conflict with Zquujaj as two newly re-purposed layers change for new masters. This would lead to an extra-pissy Graz'zt getting involved though mostly as a background force and provocateur. He wants revenge on Athux for taking Greenrot for his own, but Athux's apotheosis into an Abyssal Lord made this dicey. When you toss in Graz'zt own obligations in both the Blood War and against Demogorgon/Orcus, his chances of nipping it in the bud bottomed out. Abyssal politics would become involved and well...those are messy.

QuoteWho bought Beth's soul? (I never really cared but Esthan offered it out like it was something meaningful so might as well know)

I forget the exact name but it was an agent of Mephistopheles. The Lord of Cania is running a whole hell of a lot of gambits involving the party as you've begun to see lately. (How much Baazlebub was telling the truth is a question that is begged by this answer, but I'll hold my tongue on that for a moment.)
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Odds and ends I can talk about now:

Helm vs Kelemvor

As you noticed there was  a low simmering blow up cooking between the two powers. The creation of the Well of Souls was not something Kelemvor could tolerate, no matter how Shar had managed to pervert his own workings. While Kelemvor is entirely aware that there is a greater enemy, ignoring another power taking some of his portfolio is akin to divine suicide. Now Helm was trying to angle it so that the obligations of the greater good would ultimately stay Kelemvor's hand. Would it? It was coming close to a head either way, Kelemvor forced his way in to meet Demedais. While he approves of Demedais personally, this isn't enough to quite quell his dissatisfaction.

I hadn't quite decided if a full blow divine war would erupt. Helm had a solid gambit but this is a damned hard pill for Kelemvor to swallow. Unless Helm backed down and started playing nicer, he was leaning towards war. I wasn't quite sure if Helm would, he wanted to maintain this toehold into Death as he shifted into full on Lawful Good. He was becoming a Greater Power and replacing the fallen Torm, so more power is a good thing for him right now. Incidentally this is why he was around Celestia a lot, he was making friends, courting allies and preparing. The House of the Triad was going to move to Celestia in due time to cement it's complete shift into ordered righteousness. Being on good terms with the Hebdomad is only logical in that case.

Now if the war did break out? It would be nasty but mostly a background thing for you unless you intervened directly. After some time you'd have a chance to get involved, as Demedais would ask a favor as the war spiraled out of control. Up to you guys if you wanted to get involved or let it play out. I had no idea who would win if it wasn't interfered with, though who knows there? Open warfare between the churches of Kelemvor and Helm would -not- be a good thing for anyone, let alone if related powers get involved. The cults of Jergal probably would, as would the other members of the Triad. Worse, Torm might butt his nose in just because, and Helm could call in a favor from the partially risen Talos if things get hairy.

Helm really didn't want that war but was willing to risk it. Kelemvor really didn't want the war but couldn't stand his portfolio being poached.  It's as simple as that.

As a final note, if Tai ever rejoined the game I'd have Kelemvor pull a fait accompli and manage to take over the Well of Souls, giving Deme DAS BOOT.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?