
No longer content with mere attendance, the middle-class suburban poseurs have begun to put their hands in the air and wave them like they just don't care

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Started by Anastasia, December 10, 2009, 03:24:53 AM

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Was Malmuth going to collapse?

Yeah, it was probably going to the scrap heap. Short of Seira personally propping things up long term the damage done was too severe. A series of weak rulers, then losing the border territories to independence hurt. Having Ferdi rev up the kingdom for a grand invasion, lose and have the Empire lose another hunk of land to the Baronies? Ouch. Critical hit. She be wobbling, captain! The attack of the Dark Six was simply too much to bear in this state. While you guys prevented the worst of the humanitarian disaster, the political damage was widespread. Queen Tant is a capable ruler yet the wounds of Malmuth run deep. The Vitalist movement is a convenient name given to several loosely connected independence and splintering sentiments, grouped together by one spreading, main ideological point.

You'd see three to half a dozen kingdom-lets spring up from the Malmuthian empire, with perhaps a rump Malmuth remaining. How these matters went from there is anyone's guess, as well as the exact boundaries. No matter how it worked out, the United Baronies were going to be the main power in the area. Defeating the Empire and being the economic powerhouse of the region ensues that, it's only a question of how much control is going to be exerted. Commander Oberuth was inclined to try and prevent serious civil war(s) from occuring, and privately he suspected that in 50-100 years the United Baronies would be Malmuth with a different name and capital city.

Fundamentally the Vitalist movement was independent of any outer planar influence. It was entirely organic, the result of the current zeitgeist and nothing more. While a few powers were muddying around in it, the tide of history was one largely of mortal making. There was no grand diabolical plan or a God pulling all the strings. This was simply cause and effect, nothing more and nothing less. If anyone is to be blamed it's probably Tymora, since the Empire had bad break after bad break.  Alternately you can blame yourselves if you want. Killing Ferdi may have saved a huge war, but the aftereffects doomed Malmuth.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


What was with Jessica's baby?

This one's easy. The firstborn of Jessica/Roald, Syala/Alicia and Antenora/Marie was going to be the first of Sylica's Chosen. The Chosen were going to be the unique outsiders of Sylica. Three(It's always three) children to lead those who exemplify the ideals of Sylica, yeah? I'm sure you're asking yourself: What caused this to happen? The answer's simply that as one of the outer planes, Sylica is a land of belief, faith and magic. This happens by the nature of the land Syala and Alicia created together. Three children because three is a number of power, secrets and truth. It's always three.

I hadn't fully statted out the chosen of Sylica, but I did do a beta. I modeled them around Astral Devas, as that's the power level I wanted for them typical chosen. The three children would become much more powerful in time.  Here it is for your perusal:

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Angel, Good)
Hit Dice: 12d8+
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40ft, fly 60ft (good)
Armor Class: (+5 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+18
Full Attack:
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, immunity to cold, acid and petrification, resistance to fire and electricity 10, protective aura, tongues.
Saves: Fort +, Ref +, Will + (+4 vs poison)
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 20 , Cha 20 
Epic Feats:
Alignment: Always Neutral Good.

Racial and innate powers:

At will-Detect evil, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, plane shift, see invisibility. Caster level 12th.


X cast as either a 12th level sorcerer or a 12th level druid. Once chosen this cannot be changed.

<Ebiris> As far as virtues go, she'd promote personal initiative (remember how she approved of Hetesi going above and beyond on his mission?), measured trust (makes us vulnerable to infiltration but winning over such infiltrators as with Marchalu is worth the risk), and creativity (anti-entropy symbolism aside, having hobbies outside of smiting is healthy). Her cult writeup goes over this well enough.
<Ebiris> Mechanically she'd strongly encourage blending magic and martial skill as she does. Her doctrine stresses a good offence being the best defence.

> What do you think Syala would impart into celestials that follow her?
> (I have my mind made up, just curious as to what you'd say.)
<Ebiris> She'd encourage following your passions (underlying assumption that everyone in Sylica has more or less healthy passions), being direct and open in everything you do, being loving and accepting to everyone you meet (unless they're evil, then you punch them in the face)

From Alicia's side we have fighter/mages who have good dex(initiative, har, maybe improved init as a bonus feat), sense motive/discern lies as class skills/SLA, each one has a field of interest. Skill points? Other ability? Hm.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Having our pals keeping close tabs on us isn't really surprising or objectionable. Considering the good grace with which Alicia took Marchalu's spying, she really wouldn't have batted an eye at Sharess having her own agents in there. The likes of Naeys and Latha were entirely open with their real loyalties to Dweomerheart/Celestia but that didn't hurt their standing any.

I don't really care about Athux/Grazzt since they haven't done anything interesting, having Zquujaj show up as a big bad would've been an awesome callback to the early game and how so much sprung off from him. I'm sure Seira would have tried to befriend him as well, since he seems to be the only male NPC that she thinks is cool.

Helm vs Kelemvor would be interesting in that there's no real bad guy in the conflict, but considering how both Alicia and Seira suffered due to Kelemvor's fuckups there's no way that Team PC would do anything but give Helm full support in this one, I think, even before friendship to Deme is considered.

Malmuth collapsing is no surprise. Alicia predicted it the moment their capital got sacked by frost caterpillars, and even though she softened her feelings on the failure when it became obvious just how hardcore those remhoraz were, it doesn't really diminish the perception of weakness and inability to hold things together that would be engendered towards the empire. Tymora is only responsible for good luck, though - blame Beshaba for Malmuth getting the short end of the stick.

Chosen of Sylica could be cool, but to start off with they are a bit too deva/ghaele/trumpet-like to hold that much inherent interest. Of course, being our kids they'd surely be cool in their own right.


Nessian Pit Fiends are from the Gates of Hell. They're the elite servants of Asmodeus and meant to be epic level terrors. I remade them for Balmuria, though the fundamentals aren't overly changed. They rarely are seen outside of Hell; it took a possible escapee from the Order of the Lie to bring one out. They are never used lightly.

For the CR I think they need more HP, though most would spent any wealth on a con booster to fix this. 666 HP just doesn't cut it at CR 30.

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Evil, Lawful, Devil)
Hit Dice: 37d8+370 (666 hp)
Initiative: +17
Speed: 40ft, fly 60ft (average)
Armor Class: 48 (+9 dex, +27 natural, +4 deflection, -2 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +37/+62
Attack: Claw+52 (3d8+17 and 1 vile)
Full Attack:  2 claws+52/47/+42/+37 (3d8+17 and 1 vile), bite+52 (6d6+8 and 1 vile and poison and disease), 2 wings+52 (3d6+8 and 1 vile) and tail+52 (3d8+8 and 1 vile and improved grab and constrict)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Constrict 3d8+34, fear aura, improved grab, spell-like abilities, summon devils.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/good, silver and epic, darkvision 60ft, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid and cold 20, regeneration 12, see in darkness, spell resistance 47, telepathy 200ft, overlord's blood.
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +33, Will +32
Abilities: Str 45, Dex 28, Con 31, Int 27, Wis 27, Cha 27
Feats: Corrupt Spell-Like Ability(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Improved Initiative(3), Rapidstrike(6), Power Attack(9), Multiattack(12), Improved Multiattack(15), Improved Rapidstrike(18), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Meteor Swarm)(27), Empower Spell-Like Ability(Meteor Swarm)(30), Vile Natural Attack(33)
Epic Feats: Superior Initiative(21), Blinding Speed(24), Vile Wounds(36)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Challenge Rating: 30

Spell-like Abilities: Always active - unholy aura. At will - blasphemy, charm monster, create greater undead, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, fireball, greater invisibility, greater teleport, magic circle against good, mass hold monster, persistent image, power word stun, produce flame, pyrotechnics, suggestion, superb dispelling, unholy aura, unhallow, wall of fire; 3/day - hellball, meteor swarm, symbol of pain, 1/month -  wish.  Caster level 37th; save DC 18 + spell level. 

Constrict (Ex)

A Nessian pit fiend deals 3d8+34 points of damage with a successful grapple check. 

Disease (Su)

A creature struck by a Nessian pit fiend's bite attack must succeed on a DC 38 Fortitude save or be infected with a vile disease known as devil chills (incubation period immediate, damage 2d6 Str). The save DC is Constitution based. 

Fear Aura (Su)

A Nessian pit fiend can radiate a 20 foot fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 36 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 37th); the Nessian pit fiend can determine which creatures within the radius are affected.  A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the aura for 24 hours.  Pit fiends, higher ranked devils, and any others so selected by the Nessian pit fiend are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based. 

Improved Grab (Ex)

To use this ability, the Nessian pit fiend must hit with its tail attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.  If the Nessian pit fiend wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and constricts.

Poison (Ex)

Injury, Fortitude DC 38, initial damage 1d8 con drain, secondary 3d8 con drain. The save is Constitution based. 

Regeneration (Ex)

Nessian pit fiends take normal damage from good-aligned silver weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Summon Devils (Sp)

Thrice per day, a Nessian pit fiend can automatically summon 33 hit dice of devils. It may summon anything of 25 hit dice or lower. It may summon a mix of devils, for example it may summon a pit fiend, an erinyes and several lemures in a single summon. This is equivalent to a 10th level spell.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I had no plans to use the Elite of Glasya. They were a mechanics exercise that went well, so I kept them around. At heart I knew it would be a useful fallback if I needed a powerful NPC on the fly. These were based on the max HD Erinyes in the Gates of Hell.

Mechanically they're nasty but very fragile. They are not front line fighters. I'm not sure about CR 35 in retrospect, though any you encountered would have the relevant gear to help balance that out.

The Elite of Glasya, 36 HD Brachina.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 36d8+360 (508 HP)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 30ft, fly 60ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 58 (+11 dex, +24 natural, +1 dodge, +12 armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +36/+43
Attack: Touch+47 melee touch (Poison)
Full Attack: Touch+47/+42/+37/+32 melee touch (Poison)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Bardic music, beguile, poison, spell-like abilities, summon baatezu
Special Qualities: See in darkness, telepathy 200ft, damage reduction 25/good, silver and epic, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid and cold 30, regeneration 14, spell resistance 48,
Saves: Fort +38, Ref +39, Will +38
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 33, Con 30, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 45 
Skills: Bluff+56, Concentration+49, Diplomacy+56,  Disguise+56 (+58 acting), Hide+50,  Intimidate+56, Knowledge(Arcana)+48, Knowledge(History)+48, Knowledge(Nature)+48, Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty)+48, Knowledge(Planes)+48, Knowledge(Religion)+48, Listen+49, Move Silently+50, Perform(Song)+56, Search+49, Sense Motive+49, Spellcraft+48, Spot+49, Survival+49 (+51 on other planes), Tumble+49.
Feats: Dodge(B), Mobility(B), Weapon Finesse(1), Combat Expertise(3), Spring Attack(6), Improved Initiative(9), Improved Flier(12), Improved Combat Expertise(15), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Vampiric Touch)(18), Virulent Poison(24), Deadly Poison(27)
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed(21), Fast Poison(30), Relentless Poison(33), Death Poison(36)
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Challenge Rating: 35

Spell-like abilities:

Always active: tongues, true seeing. At will- charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, create greater undead, desecrate, enthrall, greater command, greater invisibility, greater teleport, magic circle against chaos, major image, mass suggestion, morality undone, produce flame, superb dispelling, suggestion, unholy blight, vampiric touch. 3/day- greater plane shift, trap the soul. 1/day- wish. Caster level 36th, save DCs are 27 + spell level.

Beguile (Su)

The elite of Glasya can temporarily gain control of several living creatures. When she use this ability, she gains immediate control of up to nine creatures, which  immediately takes a full turn's worth of actions under her control. An elite of Glasya can use this ability up to nine times per day on any living creatures within 90 feet, but all targets must be within 30 feet of each other. A DC 45 will save negates the effect. This is a mind-affecting enchantment ability. The save DC is charisma based.

Poison (Ex)

Contact, Fortitude DC 42, 2d6 wis drain/4d6 wis drain. The secondary drain continues each round until a save is passed or the victim is reduced to zero wisdom. Poison immune creatures are affected, but they gain a +5 bonus to the fortitude save and any wisdom damage is halved. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Summon Baatezu (Sp)

The Elite of Glasya may summon up to 18 erinyes or harvester devils, 9 orthons or chain devils or 3 brachina. All creatures summoned have double the normal hit dice for their kind. This is equivalent to a 10th level spell.

Bardic Music

Elite of Glasya may preform bardic music as a 27th level bard.

Glasya's Favor: This pair of hell-forged golden earrings are the sign of Glasya's patronage. They grant a +10 enhancement bonus to charisma as well as functioning as a cloak of resistance+8. Nine times per day, they may heighten any spell-like ability they possess to 12th level.
Angelbone Bracers: +12 armor bonus to armor class. These bracers provide a constant nondetection effect, caster level 30th.
Necklace of Health+6

Each Elite of Glasya has an additional 250,000 to 750,000 GP in equipment and resources to draw on, customized to the situation they are in.

Superb Dispelling
Level: Sorc/Wiz 12, Clr 12

This spell functions as greater dispel magic, with a maximum dispel check cap of +40. It can automatically destroy an antimagic field, as well as affect anything a magic disjunction can. This spell is often preferred over Magic Disjunction due to it's tighter radius of effect.

Fast Poison [Epic]
Prerequisites: Virulent Poison, Blinding Speed
Benefit: Your poison deals secondary damage one round after infection, instead of one minute.

Relentless Poison [Epic]
Prerequisite: Deadly Poison
Benefit: If the victim of your poison fails it's secondary save against your poison, it must save again in another minute or again suffer secondary damage from the poison. This continues until the victim is incapacitated or passes a saving throw.
Special: If you possess the fast poison feat, the time between saves is reduced to one round.

Death Poison [Epic]
Prerequisite: Virulent Poison, Deadly Poison, Fast Poison, Relentless Poison.
Benefit: Your poison can now damage creatures otherwise immune to poison. Such creatures are effected, but they gain a +5 bonus to any saving throws to resist the poison and any damage or negative effects are halved. Magic such as delay poison is still effective.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Blackballs. I don't really need to tell you what these are, do I?

Umbral Blots (Blackballs)

Size/Type: Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 30d10+30+180 (510 HP)
Initiative: +18
Speed: Fly 90ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 50 (+10 dex, +20 natural, +10 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+22
Attack: Disintegrating Touch+32 melee touch(60d6 or 10d6, see below)
Full Attack: 2 Disintegrating Touches+32 melee touch (60d6 or 10d6, see below)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Disintegrating touch, vortex.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 200 ft, construct traits, fast healing 10, planar travel, spell resistance 40, elemental resistance 30, constructed toughness.
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +23, Will +17
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 30, Con -, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 19 
Feats: Toughness(B), Weapon Finesse(1), Improved Initiative(3), Ability Focus(Disintegrating Touch)(6), Ability Focus(Vortex)(9), Combat Reflexes(12), Iron Will(15), Lightning Reflexes(18).
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B), Superior Initiative(21), Epic Toughness(24), Epic Toughness(27), Blinding Speed(30)
Alignment: Neutral

Constructed Toughness (Ex)

An Umbral Blot gains Toughness and Epic Toughness as bonus feats. It gets maximum hit points per hit die.

Warping Reality (Ex)

Due to the twisting of reality the Umbral Blot causes, it gains a deflection bonus to its armor class equal to one third of it's hit dice.

Disintegrating Touch (Ex)

Any material object that comes into contact with a blackball is immediately disintegrated, suffering 60d6 damage unless it succeeds on a DC 35 fortitude save. A character or object that has been destroyed by the disintegration disappears completely, leaving behind not even dust to mark its passing. Those who succeed on the saving throw still take 10d6 points of damage from the disintegrating touch. As the blackball is transdimensional due to it's nature, ethereal creatures are affected by coming in contact with the blackball. The save DC is charisma based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

The touch of the blackball is treated as a disintegrate spell cast at a level equal to the blackball's HP for the purposes of interacting with spells and effects, such as wall of force.

Vortex (Ex)

Normally a blackball insulates itself from the air around it (otherwise it would perpetually be at the center of a howling wind-storm). If it chooses, instead of allowing the air to bend around it, the blackball can suspend this insulation, causing a sudden rush of wind to pour toward the blackball from all directions. This vortex sucks all the air from a 30-foot-by-30-foot-by-30-foot room in a single round, creating a sudden influx of air in its direction. All flying or floating creatures within 30 feet of the umbral blot who fail a Reflex save (DC 35) are swept along with the wind into contact with the blackball. Nonflying creatures within 30 feet who fail a Reflex save (DC 17) are pulled into contact with the umbral blot. Contact with an umbral blot could lead to disintegration, as noted above.

Spell Immunities (Ex)

In addition to the spells that an umbral blot is immune to because of its construct traits, it is immune to disintegration spells and variations thereof.

Planar Travel (Ex)

A blackball can fold space at will, allowing it to use ethereal jaunt, dimension door, greater teleport, or greater plane shift at will as a standard action.

Umbral Blots rarely engage in combat as far as they're concerned. If something is in the way and happens to touch them, oh well. So few things warrant treating them as an actual battle. In the event this does happen, it uses it's vortex ability and attempts to lay low the opponents as fast as possible.  It prefers going after spellcasters first and foremost, before they can have a chance to get a lucky spell through or put up a barrier it can't disintegrate. It ignores melee targets, trusting it's body to destroy their weapons before doing any serious harm.

Umbral Blots have a sense of self preservation, retreating when reduced to 1/3rd of it's total HP.

Blackballs are said to be holes in Creation, but this is not quite accurate. They are vast clustered of destruction and entropic power, focused together by natural laws of Creation. While destructive, they work within the bounds of Creation, unlike the similar Q'pa abomination from the Far Realm. They care nothing for other creatures, content to go about and serve some unfathomable purpose. Speculation to what this is varies; various theories include blackballs being a natural system of disposal by Creation, a means to counterbalance overwhelming life and energy, a way to eliminate things that threaten Creation, or other such.

In recent times Shar has perverted some of the blackballs to her own service, filling them with an unholy zeal. These blackballs become the Eyes of Shar, desiring only to destroy everything and bring about perfect Entropy.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Eyes of Shar

Size/Type: Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 30d10+30+180 (510 HP)
Initiative: +18
Speed: Fly 90ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 50 (+10 dex, +20 natural, +10 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+22
Attack: Disintegrating Touch+32 melee touch(60d6 or 10d6 vile disintegration damage, see below)
Full Attack: 2 Disintegrating Touches+32 melee touch (60d6 or 10d6 vile disintegration damage, see below)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Disintegrating touch, spell-like abilities, vortex.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 200 ft, construct traits, fast healing 10, planar travel, spell resistance 40, elemental resistance 30, constructed toughness, Shar's touch.
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +25, Will +19
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 30, Con -, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 19 
Feats: Toughness(B), Weapon Finesse(1), Improved Initiative(3), Ability Focus(Disintegrating Touch)(6), Ability Focus(Vortex)(9), Combat Reflexes(12), Evil Brand(15), Evil's Blessing(18).
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B), Superior Initiative(21), Epic Toughness(24), Epic Toughness(27), Blinding Speed(30)
Alignment: Neutral Evil.

Other stuff is as per a blackball, except for this:

Shar's Touch (Su)

All damage the Eye of Shar inflicts is treated as vile damage.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Nemiel. I need not say more, do I?

Nemiel, Fallen Solar Emissary of Baazlebub 7.

Size/Type: Large Outsider(Evil, Lawful, Fallen)
Hit Dice: 22d8+286+7d6+91+29 (519 HP)
Initiative: +20
Speed: 50 ft, fly 150 ft (good)
Armor Class: 49 (-1 size, +12 dex, +21 natural, +7 armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+40
Attack: Voice of the Fly+45 (3d6+23) or slam+38 (2d8+16)
Full Attack: Voice of the Fly+45/+40/+35/+30 (3d6+23) or 2 slams+38 (2d8+16)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, summon devil, dark calling, dark conversion.
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 20/epic, good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, spell resistance 36, regeneration 19, +4 bonus vs petrification, darkvision 120ft, low light vision, teleport, telepathy 200 ft, dark sustenance, fallen.
Saves: Fort +30, Ref +29, Will +26  (+4 vs petrification)
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 35, Con 36, Int 33, Wis 28, Cha 35
Skills: 33+ability modifier (+10 diplomacy, +7 to intimidate and bluff.)
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Quicken Spell(1), Twin Spell(3), Improved Initiative(6), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(9), Power Attack(12), Improved Initiative(15), Toughness(18)
Epic Feats: Automatic Quicken Spell(21), Automatic Twin Spell(24), Superior Initiative(27)
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Challenge Rating: 29

Nemiel casts as a 13th level cleric(Caster level 20th) with access to the evil and herald domains. The save DCs for his spells are 19+spell level. All of Nemiel's 0, 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells are quickened and twinned.

Spell slots: 6/8+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/3+1/2+1

0: Detect Magic, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Minor Wounds
1: (Protection from Good), Divine Favorx2, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Sanctuaryx2, Deathwatch, Command.
2: (Enthrall), Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Lesser Restorationx3, Spiritual Weaponx2'
3: (Magic Circle Against Evil), Blindness/Deafness, Prayer, Wind Wall, Invisibility Purge, Cure Serious Woundsx2
4: (Sending), Death Ward, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Restorationx3.
5: (Greater Command), Plane Shiftx2, Righteous Mightx2, Unhallow.
6: (Dream), Antilife Shell, Healx2.
7: (Blasphemy), Ethereal Jaunt, Repulsion.

Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect good, see invisibility, tongues. At will—aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, dimensional anchor, greater dispel magic, unholy blight, imprisonment, invisibility (self only), death knell, power word stun, bestow curse, bestow disease, fear, resist energy, summon monster 7, speak with dead, waves of fatigue; 3/day—blade barrier, earthquake, harm, mass charm monster, permanency, waves of exhaustion; 1/day—power word blind, power word stun, prismatic spray, miracle. Caster level 29nd, DC 22+spell level. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Any of Nemiel's always active abilities may be dispelled, but Nemiel can reactive them as a free action on his turn.

Regeneration (Ex)

Nemiel takes normal damage from epic, silvered good-aligned weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Summon devils (Sp)

Three times per day Nemiel can summon 7 cornugons or 14 erinyes or hamatula. Any devils summoned by Nemiel possess maximum hit points per hit die.

Fallen (Ex)

Nemiel is a fallen angel, having lost everything to overweening pride. His body was hurled from Celestia by Barachiel, plummeting down into Maladomini. This fall ruined Nemiel's angelic beauty, leaving behind a pitiable figure. An angel with broken skin, wings of weeping sores and fire, broken, jutting bones, and most of all, repulsive ugliness.

Any non-evil creature that sees Nemiel's true form is shaken for one round with no saving throw. Thereafter, they are filled with regret and righteous scorn, gaining a +7 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, caster level checks and saving throws against Nemiel. This bonus lasts until the end of the encounter.

Nemiel has perverted the sacred lessons he learned from Barachiel. The powers presented here are a twisted version of the abilities of an Emissary of Barachiel.

Nemiel casts as a 7th level Emissary of Baazlebub. THe save DCs for his spells are 22+spell level. All of Nemiel's spells are quickened and twinned.

Spell charges: 6/6/3/2

1: Magic Mouth, Message, Protection from Chaos, Tongue of Baazlebub.
2: Detect Thoughts, Eagle's Splendor, Suggestion, Whispering Wind.
3: Devil's Ego, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Scrying.
4: Nightmare, Sending.

Dark Calling (Su)

Invoking words of the Dark Speech berating and scorning the imperfections before him, Nemiel can wound the souls of those who do not follow Hell. Nemiel can use this ability seven times a day as a full round action. Any creature within 210 feet of Nemiel may be affected. Nemiel makes a diplomacy check, with the result being the save DC for for affected creatures' will saving throws. Creatures that fail their save suffer the following effects:

Lawful Evil: Inspired
Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral: Scorned
Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, any good: Stunned, demoralized

Inspired: Affected creatures receive a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks, and weapon damage rolls for 10 minutes.
Scorned: Affected creatures are shaken for 10 minutes.
Stunned: Affected creatures are stunned for 1 round.
Demoralized: Affected creatures take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks and weapon damage rolls for 10 minutes.

Using any manifestation of the Dark Calling class ability requires use of the Dark Speech, resulting in 1d4 points of charisma damage. Dark Calling is an enchantment(compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting] effect.

Dark Conversion (Su)

Nemiel can use his Dark Calling ability to drag creatures down into the chains of Hell. Doing so counts as a use of the Dark Calling class ability for the day and the initial effects of the calling are the same, except that Nemiel takes 1d6 points of charisma damage instead of 1d4. When the initial effects are over, however, all creatures that were subject to any effect of the calling(Except lawful evil creatures) must make another saving throw. Creatures who fail begin acting as though their alignment were one step closer to evil. If the creature is already evil, they are pulled towards law instead.

Creatures affected by this temporary alignment shift can make new saving throws each day for a total of seven days. If the emissary is not present at the time a creature makes its save, it receives a +1 circumstance bonus on the saving throw, and this bonus increases by 1 for each additional saving throw for which the emissary is not present.

During these seven days, an affected creature is immune to any other conversion effect, from the same emissary or a different one. During this time, the alignment shift can be reversed with a break enchantment spell, but the caster must succeed on a caster level check against a DC equal to the emissary's original Diplomacy check result. Also during this time, an atonement spell can make the alignment shift permanent, preventing any more saving throws.

If a creature fails seven saving throws after the initial saving throw against the calling, the alignment change is permanent. At this point, the creature can change alignment again, either through another conversion effect, or voluntarily (in a gradual manner, as alignment change normally works - the creature cannot simply decide to be good again).

Dark Sustenance (Su)

Nemiel can ensure that evil creatures stay evil. As a use of his Dark Calling ability, he can produce one of the following effects:

* Duplicate the effects of an atonement spell.
* Reverse any magical alignment change.
* Dispel a charm or compulsion effect cast by a good creature on an evil target, by making a dispel check (1d20+character level against a DC of 11+good caster's level).

These effects require Nemiel to touch the target creature

Voice of the Fly: Nemiel has long had hatred for the messengers of Barachiel. Nemiel's schemes gave him the chance to overcome and slay a favored Trumpet Archon of Barachiel. In triumph he took the archon's trumpet, but it turned to a lump of useless iron. Over the centuries Nemiel forced his will onto it, coming to conquer it and to forge it into his own herald's trumpet.

Nemiel may blow the Voice of the Fly as a standard action. If a DC 35 perform(wind instruments) check is passed, the trumpet emits a note of paralysing awe. Any who fail a DC 35 fortitude save are paralyzed for 1d6+1 rounds. At Nemiel's command as a free action, the trumpet transforms into a +7 greatsword of everdancing.

In the hands of someone who is not lawful evil, the trumpet turns to a lump of useless iron. A DC 28 charisma check can overcome the trumpet and allow the holder to use it's full powers. This check may be attempted once per level.

Casten Superbity: This appears as a plain, faceless white mask. It fits onto the face of any creature from small to huge size, staying in place without any straps. When worn, the wearer appears as they believe they do. A fat man who sincerely believes he is a beautiful star athelete will be seen as such. In the case of Nemiel, it presents him as he once was: a beautiful herald of the Realms Above, unmarred by imperfection. This is a quasi-real illusion, standing up to touch. True Seeing can defeat it with an opposed caster level check.

In addition, Casten Superbity grants Nemiel a +7 profane bonus to diplomacy, intimidate and bluff checks.

CL 21, shades. GP value: - (Artifact)

Nemiel also wears a sash of armor+7.

Nemiel prepares well, having resist energy up for cold, acid, electricity and sonic at all times. Before delivering any message, he casts Eagle's Splendor, Tongue of Baazlebub and Devil's Ego. Should he be going into combat, he tailors his cleric spells to aid him and protect him as much as possible.

If he is facing weak foes, Nemiel will rely on his spell like abilities and paralyzing trumpet blast to carry the day. Should his foes be more respectable, he summons cornugons while using quickened twinned Spiritual Weapons and his everdancing sword to harry his enemies, then unleashes Dark Calling and Dark Conversion. He prefers to fight above his enemies, using his flying as much as possible combined with entropic shield and wind wall to stop projectiles.  If reduced to 2/3rds his HP, Nemiel will summon more cornugons if they are effective; if not, he will begin spamming Dark Calling and Dark Conversion every round, combined with quickened Lesser Restorations to reverse the charisma damage this inflicts. If reduced to 1/3rd of his HP, Nemiel will retreat. If unable or unwilling to do so, Nemiel attempts to finish his foes with his formidable melee capabilities.

Nemiel is a prideful being, convinced of his own superiority much like Baazlebub. He believes that he utters perfect words, dictated and directed by the Lord of the Flies. He has no doubts that Maladomini is the correct path and that in time it will come to dominate all the cosmos. He desires to ensure that mortals get it right. But even his pride cannot hide his shattered body. In time he was able to create a means to shield his body with illusions, and eventually created Casten Superbity. He has come to beileve that the illusion is his true form, forcefully forgetting what lies beneath the magic of the mask. If forced to confront it, Nemiel falls into a psychotic fury, attempting to slaughter those who made him face his imperfection.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Q'pa you guys prevented from escaping the Outreaches:

Q'pa (Space Destroyer)

Size/Type: Large Outsider(Evil, Beyond)
Hit Dice: 25d8+250+125 (479 HP)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 40ft, fly 100ft(perfect)
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +11 dex, +1 dodge), 50% miss chance
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+34
Attack: Spatial Warping - (20d6 and fascination)
Full Attack: Spatial Warping - (20d6 and fascination)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spatial Warping.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, low light vision, blindsight 60ft, immunity to mind effecting, incomprehensible mind, regeneration 10, damage reduction 20/epic, silver, adamantine and cold iron, spell resistance 37, spurn divinity, twisting reality.
Saves: Fort +26, Ref +25, Will +21
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 33, Con 31, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 23 
Skills: 28+ability modifier
Feats: Dodge(1), Mobility(3), Toughness(6), Ability Focus(Spatial Warping)(9), Improved Initiative(12),  Iron Will(15),  Great Fortitude(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(21), Epic Toughness(24)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Challenge Rating: 25

Matter Irrelevance(Ex): Q'pa can pass through solid matter and living beings without penalty. It ignores walls of force, though a prismatic wall or sphere holds it at bay. It's touch and warping extends to the Ethereal Plane.

Twisting Reality(Ex): Due to the destruction of space around the Q'pa, all forms of attack against the Q'pa suffer a 50% miss chance. True Seeing is ineffective, but weapons and abilities that can damage incorporeal creatures reduce the miss chance to 20%.

Spatial Warping(Ex): The passing of a Q'pa shatters the bonds of reality. Any ground or space the Q'pa passes through is twisted into an insanity of maddening shapes and mind shattering nonsense. Any creature within 100 feet of any space the Q'pa has passed through who sees it must immediately make a will save. Success means the creature is merely shaken until they leave the presence of the warped space and the Q'pa. Failure renders them fascinated with the shapes, unable to look away. Unlike normal fascination, this fascination is only broken by direct physical harm to the subject.

Each round they stare they must make a second will save, failure indicates the creature's mind has crumbled into helpless insanity. They are treated as being afflicted by a feeblemind and insanity spell. The victim will make broken, disjointed rants about impossible space while afflicted. A creature unfortunate to be within the space a Q'pa warps suffers 20d6 damage per round(no save) from their biological systems and internal organs being warped. Any creature who is within a Q'pa when it's movement ends suffers an additional 10d6 damage.

Space mutated by the Q'pa stays that way indefinitely. A wish or miracle spell can reverse up to 600 feet of warped space per casting. Divinities generally send agents to reverse such damage as soon as possible. If left alone, this space has a 6% chance per day of becoming a full breach to the Far Realm. Those rendered insane by the Q'pa can be restored by a properly worded Wish or the direct personal intervension of at least a lesser divinity. A miracle spell has no effect on this state. As the ability is Ex, anti magic or dead magic zones do not negate the insanity and feeblemind effects.

Damage Reduction(Ex): Only an epic weapon made of cold iron, adamantine and silver can deal full damage to the Q'pa. It is speculated that the true material to damage a Q'pa does not exist in Creation, but this combination suffices.

Regeneration(Ex): Weapons that bypass the Q'pa's damage reduction or spells with the good descriptor deal lethal damage to the Q'pa.

Spurn Divinity(Ex): Q'pa are immune to all divine magic of 6th level or lower. On any divine spells that can effect them, they gain their charisma as a bonus to any relevant saving throws. This also applies to the spells, spell like abilities and supernatural abilities of outsiders. Q'pa are immune to divine typed damage, such as half the damage from a flame strike.

Q'pa take the form of impossible geometry. They represent the perversion and irrelevance of normal spatial relations and matter in the Far Realm. They have no place in Creation nor a comprehensible intellect.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Once things settle down over the next few days, I'd like to do a few scenes each. These will be cappers, nice things to conclude what's happened so far and lay the way to the future. If we come back they serve as springboards, if we don't they serve as a good conclusion. I was thinking 2-3 each as to not endlessly drag it out. My basic ideas are:


1. Go back to Dweomerheart to be honored. This is meant to be a cap to Alicia's career thus far.

2. Brief chat with Antenora/Marie/Latha/Jessica. Basically setting the table for the future and a chance to address a few points.


1. Scene with Amaryl. Maybe them getting married, maybe something else, but mostly just a happy note to that.

2. Final chat with Elle/maybe Donald. Nothing huge, mostly just putting finishing touches on things.

3. Something with Waukeen/Brightwater. Much like Alicia's capper there, I think.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I know I've been a bit quiet here. I will need some time to properly post and everything, so one day.

Just a quick response to Dune on this one. I think it's a good idea, however things turn, and I'd like that. Some time over the next week, say? I also agree with Dune's picks for scenes and all, though I would like to have a group scene. I guess it can still be like that for some of the suggestions, but I wanted to explicitly mention it. Maybe something in Balmuria with Elle casting a Mythal on it? Watching over a new team that takes on the ruins? Meeting over for tea? I dunno, just something.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Sure, something like that is fine. I completely forgot a group scene with you two. Duh.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Experiment time!

Distilled Antenora

The point of this is to 'remake' Antenora as a typical NPC with no class levels. It integrates everything into her and removes minor abilities, while adding more relevant ones. Racial HD are used as the backbone. Magical items are minimized, baseline scores are raised instead. Transported abilities are often upgraded to work into epic level play effectively. This Antenora would be a few thousand years old, serving Alicia faithfully all this time. In power she's roughly equivalent to a Duke of Hell, very weak demigod or an Archomental. Many of her previous abilities have faded while she has cultivated new ones proper to her station.

Antenora, the Opal Angel of Redemption, Warden of the Opal Mountain of Sylica.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Good, Lawful, Angel)
Hit Dice: 30d8+330 (570 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 30ft, fly 60ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 65 (+12 armor, +21 natural, +7 dex, +14 deflection, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+41
Attack: Black Horn Spear+48 (1d8+23 19-20 x3)
Full Attack: Black Horn Spear+48/+43/+38/+33 (1d8+23 19-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft (10ft with spear)
Special Attacks: Entangle, favored enemy(evil outsiders)+7, furious strike +14/+7d6,  hope of Sylica, smite evil 7/day, spells, spell-like abilities.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/epic, evil and silver, immunity to fire, resistance to acid and cold 30, spell resistance 43, darkvision 120ft, divine grace, mettle, holy fury, mercy, opal angel of redemption, protective aura, resolve, see in darkness, telepathy 300ft.
Saves: Fort +42, Ref +38, Will +40
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 25, Con 32, Int 20, Wis 28, Cha 38
Skills: Concentration+44, Craft(Metalworking)+38, Diplomacy+47, Escape Artist+40, Hide+40, Intimidate+47, Knowledge(Arcana)+38, Knowledge(Planes)+38, Knowledge(Religion)+38, Listen+42, Move Silently+40, Perform(Singing)+63, Sense Motive+42, Spellcraft+38, Spot+42, Survival+42, Use Rope+40
Feats: Dodge(B), Mobility(B), Sword of the Arcane Order(B), Mindsight(1), Flyby Attack(3), Power Attack(6), Favored Power Attack(9), Improved Initiative(12), Track(15), Battle Blessing(18)
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed(21), Multiaction(24), Great Smiting(27), Improved Paladin Spellcasting(30)
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Environment: Sylica
Organization: Solitary or with the Opal Choir(7 to 14 astral devas advanced to 21 HD) or with Marielle or with Alicia, Syala, Marielle, Latha and Jessica.
Challenge Rating: 33

Spell like abilities(Sp):

At will: Discern Lies, Holy Smite, Superb Dispelling, Arcane Sight, Vision of Heaven. 3/day: Atonement. 2/day: Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Fear. 1/day: Blade Barrier, Flame Strike, Heal. 1/week: Miracle. DC 24+spell level. The DCs are charisma based. Caster level 30th.

Entangle (Ex)

Antenora carries a stout rope 70 feet long that entangles opponents of any size as an animate rope spell(caster level 30th). Antenora can hurl her rope 70 feet with no range penalty. Antenora uses this combined with her Ghost Rope to bind ethereal opponents and otherwise immobilize threats. She has retained this knowledge from her genesis as an erinyes within Cania.

Mercy (Su)

Violence against evil often cannot be helped. Yet death does nothing to save the wicked, it should only be a last resort. Antenora may choose to deal non-lethal damage with her attacks, spells and spell like abilities without penalty. Choosing the type of damage she inflicts is a free action, but if her attack damages more than one creature, each creature must take the same type of damage; that is, she cannot inflict non-lethal and lethal damage at the same time.

Resolve (Su)

Antenora is possessed of a resolve to oppose the Depths Below at every turn. Having risen from the Pit of Baator, she knows all too well how sweet the song of evil can be. As a result of her painful lessons, she is immune to any effect that would compel her to commit evil or change her alignment. An effect such as morality undone would automatically fail on her. Dominate Monster would not be broken, but any command to commit an evil act would not be obeyed. This ability prevents abilities only when the basic effect of the ability compels her to evil. A controlling effect or other effect that does not automatically entail evil is not stopped, only limited in it's application.

In addition Antenora has preternatural ability to have her words reach those who are mired in evil. She gains a sacred bonus equal to her charisma modifier to diplomacy, sense motive, bluff and intimidate checks against evil creatures when attempting to make them turn away from evil. From her own experiences in the miracle of redemption, Antenora understands what to say and how to say it to even the purest evil.

Hope of Sylica (Su)

As a standard action, Antenora may spread the light of the Realms Above around her in a 70 foot radius.  Any evil creature within the radius is afflicted as by Vision of Heaven (Will DC 39) with a caster level equal to her hit dice. Any creature who fails this saving throw is thereafter unable to forget what they saw for seven days. They are tantalized by the visions of a better life, unable to quench the smallest seed of regret from growing within them. While this does not force any creature to follow a more righteous path, they cannot look away from it during this time.

Those who choose to take a path of redemption find a path to Sylica on choosing to reform, even if takes miraculous means to do so. The new penitent finds themselves in Penance within Sylica, instructed and aided in finding redemption. Creatures within a divine realm or outer plane of evil may even find such a path, though Alicia must make a rank check against the controlling power of that realm. Success allows the path to appear, failure stops it from appearing.  As Antenora is Alicia's angel of redemption, the power to transport the penitent creature comes from her.

Opal Angel of Redemption (Su)

Antenora is the exemplar of forgiveness and redemption within Sylica. Her ability to remove the taint of evil from others is matched by few others in Creation. When she invokes Atonement on a penitent creature who has proven themselves worthy to be redeemed, she may choose to also invoke Sanctify the Wicked. This involves no material or sacrificial components. Antenora instead takes the soul to within her spirit, where it is changed over the course of one week.  During this time Antenora suffers one negative level for every three hit dice of the penitent creature, as she bears the weight of it's absolved sins on her spirit as she provides succor. During this time these negative levels cannot be removed short of Antenora choosing to eject the creature from within her spirit as a full round action. Choosing to do so ruins the effects of the Atonement and the Sanctify the Wicked spells, both must be started anew.

During the week Antenora stays in meditation atop the Opal Mountain if possible, leading the Opal Choir in singing for the rebirth of the formerly sinful creature. This is not necessary for the redemption, though many sources mistakenly believe it is. Antenora is realistic enough to know that in her weakened state, the best thing she can do is allow others to battle evil while she ministers to the soul being reborn within her. She will take up arms during this time under dire circumstances, though she will not eject the penitent soul short of a grave threat or a direct order from Alicia.

At the end of the week, the reformed creature emerges from Antenora in a cascade of opal light, blessed with the Sanctified Creature, Half Celestial or other appropriate template.


Antenora casts as a 30th level paladin with access to arcane magic.


Smite Evil (Su)

Antenora may smite evil seven times per day, gaining a +x bonus to her attack roll and dealing an extra x damage. On a charge she deals an extra x damage and a missed smite is not consumed.

Divine Grace (Su)

Antenora gains her charisma modifier as a bonus on all saving throws and as a deflection bonus to armor class.

Favored Enemy (Ex)

Antenora has evil outsiders as her chosen favored enemy.

Holy Fury (Ex)

When Antenora faces evil, a raging anger fills her mind. It is held back only by the gift of redemption she was given when she was so wretchedly unworthy, giving her the grace and will to form this anger into power. Channeling this power allows her the powers of a Hellreaver. Antenora may enter this state at the start of any battle save for surprise rounds. When surprised she must wait for the surprise round to end before going into a Holy Fury. Once in this state she is immune to fear.

While in a Holy Fury, Antenora gains a number of holy fury points equal to her hit dice plus her charisma modifier(add later). She may spend these points to active various powers as listed below.

Antenora can use Holy Fury once per encounter. It lasts until the end of the encounter.

Furious Strike (Su)

As a swift action, Antenora can spend 1 holy fury point to pour divine energy into her weapon. Antenora's spear crackles with a divine aura that is baneful to her foes. She gain a +14 bonus to her next attack roll and deals an extra 7d6 points of damage on her next attack. These bonuses apply only to an attack that targets an evil creature. If she accidentally use furious strike against a creature that is not evil, or if her attack misses, the furious strike has no effect, but the holy fury point is still spent.

Divine Succor (Su)

Just as Antenora's divine power can slay evil creatures, it can also mend wounds suffered by the just.  As a swift action, she can spend 1 holy fury point to heal 70 points of damage.  You can apply this healing to yourself or any good aligned creature within 70 feet.

Call to Judgment (Su)

With Antenora's foe near defeat, she calls out to Alicia for justice. Gleaming white chains appear around her enemy, preventing it from using dimensional travel. She may spend 3 holy fury points as a swift action to charge her weapon with divine power. If her next melee attack hits an evil creature, the target suffers the effects of a dimensional anchor spell(Caster level 30th).

Divine Retribution (Su)

Once per day as a swift action, Antenora can call on the righteous wrath of the Heavens to slay what must be slain. She can spend 4 holy fury points to imbue her next attack with pure destructive power. If this attack hits an outsider with the evil subtype, the target takes an extra 20d6 damage on this attack in a great cascade of golden light. All evil creatures within 70 ft must make a fortitude save (DC 10+cha modifier+1/2 character level) or be blinded for 7 rounds.


Black Horn Spear: Longspear+7, valorous, keen, evil outsider bane and fiercebane. This spear was recovered from the treasure of a cauchemar nightmare in Antenora's earliest days at Alicia's side. It was a gift to Antenora from Alicia, symbolizing that she trusted Antenora with a weapon. It has been imbued with great power from the Goddess of Arcane Battle since then.
Golden Breastplate: Breastplate+7. This breastplate, forged from the holy fires of Jovar, suffers from no arcane spell failure or armor check penalty. It's maximum dexterity matches the dexterity modifier of the wearer.
Ring of Beauty: This ring grants a +15 competence bonus to perform checks as well as a +7 enhancement bonus to charisma.
Ghost Rope: This 100ft rope can entangle any creature. If used on an incorporeal creature, it can entangle them as if they were corporeal. In addition, once entangled, they are treated as being corporeal until they escape the rope. Antenora uses this with her entangle ability to confine ghostly and phantasmic enemies.

Improved Paladin Spellcasting [Epic]
Prerequisite: Paladin spellcasting level 20.
Benefit: Your paladin spellcasting continues to improve. See the table below for progression. For your 5th level and higher slots, you may fill them with spells from the cleric list.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Looking back, I have to admit I wasn't perfectly clear about what I wanted as much as I thought at the time.

I like the current game and would prefer it over others. As I mentioned before, my main interest in a game lies in interactions and goals. A new game would offer the same opportunities, in theory, but at the same time discard every relationship and achievement and ongoing plot that exists which is a shame to me. Where the combat and adventure part comes in, I'm reasonably certain I'll be as entertained and challenged in a crusade against our old pal Zq as I would be as a lower-level character exploring a lich's dungeon. There are also specific reasons to like Balmuria as well, beyond the sense of accomplishment and continuation, and I'm sure we all have our own here.

I'm not really sure what else to say here. Burn out is bad, RL troubles affecting the game are bad. If that leads to a break, then it leads to a break. Joking aside, it's not like people are gaming robots. I would be happy if we were able to resume afterwards, that's all.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



Was Esthan's replacement devil dropped due to lack of interest? We tried to catch him afterwards but it didn't really work out and it seemed like he was out of the picture.

The elven kid Latha and I came across and abducted for brainwashing. Was it successful? Just what was Esthan trying to achieve there, if anything?

Elanabell. Did she escape once freed? Was she as much a zealot as she seemed? I wasn't trying to become her friend, but I was still taken aback by the endless vitriol.

Will Valar manage to hold Kesse at status quo at least? Would he manage to raise the standard of living? For a land that got conquered and then war averted, it seemed to gain an incredible amount of interest from elemental powers and various outsiders even without mortal meddling, and I wonder what was up with that, too. It didn't seem as if I actually caused much of it by my presence, so what was everyone else doing there and why?

Spying aside, were the Elemental Princes going to honor their own commitments to me in the immediate range? Keeping an eye on things is one thing, but would doing something perceived as unpopular with Water have caused the water elementals to betray me or rebel, regardless of the gains to Water in the longer range? I'm talking about the difference between Lumenbur telling me that Zaaman Rul would appreciate an enemy to Imix remaining in the game but letting me make my choices and reporting them, and between refusing to follow my orders and defecting if I so much as decided once to forego Zaaman Rul's advice on something.

The Valar bit is the only one that annoys me. Lathander certainly had Donald around if he really wanted a follower to keep an eye on me. It bothers me, I have to say, that I insisted that it had to be Valar's choice of whether he comes to join forces with me (if allowed to by Lathander/his duties, of course), and then I find out he was commanded by his deity to do that. The point is, I guess, that I wouldn't have minded an 'official' spy and even welcomed them from allies, so it just doesn't seem cool to be that sneaky when I was being upfront.

Why did Queen Tant never ask for our help? It's something I've wondered about. The OOC reason is probably that you felt it would be boring? But I can't see a good IC reason, unless she preferred to keep what she could under her own power than be indebted to me, even after knowing I wouldn't really call any favors in from past meetings. Since I don't see the existence of that empire as particularly important and unlike Kesse, I didn't get any genocidal vibes, I stayed out of the whole thing, but still, kinda curious.

Back to agents, was Kascha one? The way I see things, she and Oraga were my only true followers in the sense of following me as a deity, not as a military commander or an allied one. Lagann would fit best under partner, and so would Amaryl, while the rest openly followed their own religions. Is that correct?

Speaking of Amaryl, just how much did she follow Waukeen out of obligation, and how much out of sharing her ideals? We've talked about this, but it's something that keeps on changing, I figure. Also, Eb and I talked about how likely she is to go to the Cauldron if she died. I figured that even if she went to Brightwater, she'd probably be allowed to visit an allied realm. Curious here as well, on how close this is and all.

My plan was pretty much to continue befriending Oraga by fighting by his side, after keeping him around despite the inconvenience and fighting while wearing his bracers. Since any timeskip would likely make it moot, was it going in the right direction? I figured that just talking to him wasn't going to do any more at this stage. Actions seemed to speak much louder than words with Oraga, so I planned the crusade against EVIL FIRE with him first in mind.

Just have to mention this, Zq isn't the only male npc who I thought was cool! Obi, Celebrimbor, Valar, even Donald, Andram, Zaaman Rul, plenty of them. Too many others to list, though those and Shamal's sad would-be suitor are more memorable to me (I think I didn't like the male angels much, though I was slowly coming around). And yes, I would have tried to befriend Zquujaj!

Who were my enemies? Were they doing anything interesting in the short term?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake