
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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Started by Anastasia, December 10, 2009, 03:24:53 AM

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Quote from: Corwin on August 31, 2010, 09:31:11 AMWas Esthan's replacement devil dropped due to lack of interest? We tried to catch him afterwards but it didn't really work out and it seemed like he was out of the picture.

This was mostly the powers behind him choosing to take a different tack regarding the Guard. After some reflection on Esthan's failure, Verrier decided that a more measured reply was in order. Being a hellspawn that measures his age in eons, he has nothing but patience. There wasn't too much tot his beyond a minor plot threat that wasn't directly continued.

QuoteThe elven kid Latha and I came across and abducted for brainwashing. Was it successful? Just what was Esthan trying to achieve there, if anything?

In time it would be. Esthan was mostly stirring shit, spreading evil and the like. He's a Pit Fiend, it's what they do. Latha and Esthan were basically walking through Pallanth and trying to influence towards LE or LG; including fixing up each other's acts. Mostly Latha was doing the fixing since she was pointedly behind Esthan and following his trail.

A side effect of all this was to keep Latha and you guys busy while he tried to wear down your will.

More later, have to run out. If you have more post 'em in another post, don't edit them in.  I have all this copied down now and I'll miss them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on August 31, 2010, 09:31:11 AMElven child, continued.

Latha and Esthan, two figures of absolute law. It's an interesting philosophical statement that they are the outsiders that go about Pallanth, using it as a chess board versus good and evil. This has some implications on the ethical state of Pallanth in regard to typical elven chaos; contrast it with the stereotypical elven mindset that someone like CL embodies. This provides another frame of reference regarding the fey troubles in Pallanth.

QuoteElanabell. Did she escape once freed? Was she as much a zealot as she seemed? I wasn't trying to become her friend, but I was still taken aback by the endless vitriol.

I hadn't decided if she'd try to run yet. As for the rest? She was certainly principled, though I shy away from using the phrase zealot due to it's negative connotations.  The problem with Elanabell and by extension the entire Kesse situation is a deeply fundamental disconnect between Seira and the rest of the realm. Let me try and explain this by analogy. Let's say in March of '45 God sends down some angels to stop WW2. They proclaim that Germany must not be occupied, and that it's time for a peace of coexistence. Germany gets it's '39 borders back and no occupation at all. How do you imagine the Russians or the Allies would have reacted to this?

To the peoples of Sanaxt and Evrai, that was exactly how they saw you. They saw a force unjustly protecting a vile enemy that had committed an atrocity on them. A meddler who was perverting the natural outcome of justice to a scale that cannot be easily comprehended? That was you in their eyes. Only implicit force prevented an all out war. Elanabell's attitude towards you is a distillation of this sentiment. You're an outsider who's fucked up everything and is protecting the villains.  You're a perversion of justice, nature and what should have happened. So yeah, in a lot of eyes over there you're the Bane, the Asmodeus, the Cyric.

Does this make Seira evil? Nah. She was genuinely working for good, but at the same time, this doesn't mean that the other nations and malcontents didn't have a valid reason to oppose her. The morality of the situation was supremely fucked up to the nth degree. It's not a situation of a single good guy or bad guy like it probably would be on your side of the world. There's a lot of shades of gray involved in everything here. There were no good or bad guys here as much as competing goals. No matter your goals, you were a meddler and that tinted every perception about you.

Anyway, where was I? Right, Elanabell. With all that said and considered, does her attitude make more sense to you now?  Seira's not Asmodeus, no matter how much Elanabell may think so, but at the same time I don't think she's a delusional idiot who has no reason to be bitching.

QuoteWill Valar manage to hold Kesse at status quo at least? Would he manage to raise the standard of living? For a land that got conquered and then war averted, it seemed to gain an incredible amount of interest from elemental powers and various outsiders even without mortal meddling, and I wonder what was up with that, too. It didn't seem as if I actually caused much of it by my presence, so what was everyone else doing there and why?

Yeah. In time and short of a major catastrophe Valar will hold down Kesse. 30+ wisdom and years of experience make him an outstanding candidate to pacify the region.  He stepped up to the plate quickly, as he felt he was well suited to this while Seira was struggling. This isn't an OOC statement - though I do agree with him there - but he's done this sort of thing and knows how to deal with it. Raising the standard of living is slightly more secondary to him than it is to you. His main goal is to keep them peaceful. Prosperity is a component of that, but not a direct goal like it is for Seira.

The elementals were just doing their thing. It wasn't related to any of this as much as the world awakening and a power vacuum in place. Using the mortals as chess pieces to a long delayed war was simply using the tools in front of them.  This did tie into some of Seira's sources, though it wasn't really anything caused by it. It was just what it was, and as a result a few of the elemental powers had interest.

As for the outsiders? Baator was simply doing what Baator does. They were trying to manipulate a region, gain footholds and spread diabolism. Unfortunately for them, their agent in the area underestimated Greaon. He wasn't lying nor was he pulling a direct scam by talking about the baatezu envoy, it was what it was. As for the slaad-maid, he had that summoned and bound for him as a favor. He needed powerful protection and had the resources to get it. The slaad-maid had fallen for Greaon, finding him an absolutely fascinating and capable mortal. It wanted to take him to Limbo and fill his body up with eggs, transforming him into a lesser slaad and spawning many chaos-frogs. That's why she was so agreeably subservient, even with the bonds on her.  All of this was subtext when you met Greaon, who long since stopped giving a fuck.  He's lived longer than any spymaster should and was freerolling with his life at this point. So why not have some fun in your reclining years and play the game?

Basically it was various unrelated circumstances playing together. You saw a lot of it as you were moving in the circles of power in the region.

QuoteSpying aside, were the Elemental Princes going to honor their own commitments to me in the immediate range? Keeping an eye on things is one thing, but would doing something perceived as unpopular with Water have caused the water elementals to betray me or rebel, regardless of the gains to Water in the longer range? I'm talking about the difference between Lumenbur telling me that Zaaman Rul would appreciate an enemy to Imix remaining in the game but letting me make my choices and reporting them, and between refusing to follow my orders and defecting if I so much as decided once to forego Zaaman Rul's advice on something.

It varied by the elemental lord. Zaaman Rul really liked Seira; they were fairly kindred spirits.  He was going to give her lots of leeway as long as she was trying her best and opposing Imix. Chan and Entemoch/Sunnis both though well enough of you as well, but not as much as Zaaman Rul. They don't automatically oppose Fire so they were quite willing to go along with you. You're a new rising power, it's worth the gamble to see if you can do it. If not, not, no huge loss for them.  This oversimplifies their views but it's good enough for the moment.

Ben-Hadar did not like you. In fact, he thought you were a delusional idiot drunk on the few scraps of power she snuck out of Creation. Some of this was due to Fire/Water, sure. A lot of it was because you two aren't compatible people.  He's experienced, cynical and cold-blooded when he needs to be. This contrasts with Seira in a sharp and obvious way. He went along with Seira more to keep an eye on her than out of any expectation of it working out, though it's possible you'd surprise him down the road. He may have had his elementals betray you he felt you were doing something he wanted no part of.

Incidentally, hounding him for the 'Greater Good' would have sped that up. He really loathes talk like that and finds it pathetically naive. He wouldn't want to make a pure enemy of Seira, though he would if he had to.

QuoteThe Valar bit is the only one that annoys me. Lathander certainly had Donald around if he really wanted a follower to keep an eye on me. It bothers me, I have to say, that I insisted that it had to be Valar's choice of whether he comes to join forces with me (if allowed to by Lathander/his duties, of course), and then I find out he was commanded by his deity to do that. The point is, I guess, that I wouldn't have minded an 'official' spy and even welcomed them from allies, so it just doesn't seem cool to be that sneaky when I was being upfront.

"Oh, one of my servants just got, that Fallen Eblis, right. Oh, Seira's there now, that rising mortal from...Oh! Chauntea, that's a great idea! Valar can play spy and guide Seira along! With some good doctrine in her ear she'll grow up just right!"

That's really about it. Lathander had it fall in his lap and ran with it since why the fuck not? Impulsiveness is always what will get Lathander in trouble.  (This also brushes against some fascinating theological issues with Lathander/Skyfather and Valar's faith, though that's a whole other discussion.)

QuoteWhy did Queen Tant never ask for our help? It's something I've wondered about. The OOC reason is probably that you felt it would be boring? But I can't see a good IC reason, unless she preferred to keep what she could under her own power than be indebted to me, even after knowing I wouldn't really call any favors in from past meetings. Since I don't see the existence of that empire as particularly important and unlike Kesse, I didn't get any genocidal vibes, I stayed out of the whole thing, but still, kinda curious.

In short? Politics. Using Seira or the Guard to prop up her kingdom weakens her own rule. Who is going to respect a Queen who relies on a foreign power to prop up her rule? Yes, the Baronies did a lot to help Malmuth and it softened many opinions regarding them, but she didn't feel she should take the gamble unless really desperate. Queen Tant was really in a no-win situation and this is one of the many reasons why.

I didn't feel it would be OOC boring, it was just the way things were panning out.

QuoteBack to agents, was Kascha one? The way I see things, she and Oraga were my only true followers in the sense of following me as a deity, not as a military commander or an allied one. Lagann would fit best under partner, and so would Amaryl, while the rest openly followed their own religions. Is that correct?

No, Kascha was a free agent. Queen Morwel felt no need to spy on you, mostly because she was content you restored the lost children of Androlynne.  The rest of the assessment is more or less correct. You did have a few of the outsiders buying into your doctrine and I wanted to explore this a little later.

QuoteSpeaking of Amaryl, just how much did she follow Waukeen out of obligation, and how much out of sharing her ideals? We've talked about this, but it's something that keeps on changing, I figure. Also, Eb and I talked about how likely she is to go to the Cauldron if she died. I figured that even if she went to Brightwater, she'd probably be allowed to visit an allied realm. Curious here as well, on how close this is and all.

For most of her life Amaryl would've gone to Arborea. Not Avrandor, but as a general petitioner of the Olympian Glades.  Later on she may have gone to Brightwater for a brief time, but her faith in Waukeen was never deep. Her real faith was in Seira - by the end she would have probably gone to the Cauldron. This has some interesting spiritual connotations but it's not something I ever explored. (Not to mention possible mechanical headaches but not gonna worry about that.)

QuoteMy plan was pretty much to continue befriending Oraga by fighting by his side, after keeping him around despite the inconvenience and fighting while wearing his bracers. Since any timeskip would likely make it moot, was it going in the right direction? I figured that just talking to him wasn't going to do any more at this stage. Actions seemed to speak much louder than words with Oraga, so I planned the crusade against EVIL FIRE with him first in mind.

Hard to say since you needed to spend some time with him. I was prodding you here and there but you never bit.

QuoteWho were my enemies? Were they doing anything interesting in the short term?

A bunch and some were. I'll go into this a little later.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Requests for clarifications, as you surely expected.

-The kid I brought back with Latha. Since I asked about two things, essentially, I wanted to know how he would turn out. I tried to check up on it IC but it would always fall through, though not for lack of interest. Was this mostly a matter of raising him right at the boarding school? Was the school up to it?

-Kesse. In case you were asking non-rhetorically, if Germany were occupied by divine forces and the borders forced upon it were the pre-conflict ones and not the pre-war ones (no annexations, etc) then I think it could go either way. The US paid an insane amount on policing and rebuilding Germany that it really could've used for better things. Kids in the USSR were taught that all Germans=Nazis. They were also taught the world war was '41-'45. I like to think that the actual leaders of the country could tell their propaganda from reality, however.

-Back to Elanabell, where this started. No, I'm afraid that her specific attitude isn't clearer to me just yet. This is why: she might believe me a meddler and Kesse rightfully guilty. But I got the idea from all she was saying that she just wanted to cleanse the land of people for nature's sake. If she intended to stop at the borders of Kesse's neighbors (after sacrificing many of them to the new war she was trying to start), that wasn't clearly stated that I remember. At least the fire guy attempted to strike directly at Kesse and its leadership; Elanabell just tried to create more strife in the service of an avatar of eternal winter.

-More on Kesse. Was Agathaiel wrong for the job, originally? What was that enemy Greaon warned me about? I asked Donald to look into it, but it wasn't really a priority. And speaking of Greaon, he asked me to offer him something, but was there anything he actually wanted or needed? I can't think of anything even now. On counter-insurgency tactics, I'm not sure that what goes under 'prosperity' is that secondary, but it'd really take things off course. If you want, we could always chat about this over irc. Finally, were there any specific bad moves you think I made in that area over time? Something that lead to a setback for me and the people there?

"Oh, one of my servants just got, that Fallen Eblis, right. Oh, Seira's there now, that rising mortal from...Oh! Chauntea, that's a great idea! Valar can play spy and guide Seira along! With some good doctrine in her ear she'll grow up just right!"


-Malmuth. I'm kinda saddened she didn't believe in my ability to be quiet and sticking to the shadows, but I guess it's her loss? As long as it was her choice, I don't mind.

QuoteYou did have a few of the outsiders buying into your doctrine and I wanted to explore this a little later.

That's kinda a shame. I really did hope to see the effects of... my religion, I guess? Nothing was overtly happening, so I even took care to establish the church, build the infrastructure and doctrine of my order, and it never really got to be used. I regret it a lot more than not getting to use my prc or epic metamagic feats or dragon form in combat more. You know, the mechanics. I don't suppose you could show me some of that IC, and hopefully without a decade of a timeskip?

QuoteHer real faith was in Seira - by the end she would have probably gone to the Cauldron. This has some interesting spiritual connotations but it's not something I ever explored.

Eh, I wouldn't think too much about it. I'd go to the Cauldron, too, if I died and while I really, really like myself, that's not the reason why.  >_>

It just fits, etc.

Hard to say since you needed to spend some time with him. I was prodding you here and there but you never bit.

That... was actually miscomunication between us, I now realize. A series of them, at that. I told Lumenbur I wanted a list of targets, and I told Donald I was preparing for that with Oraga. I just... expected that Lumenbur would approach me when it was time. I probably should've just pressed him with "Are we there yet?" all the time to actually get to this part. Also, I tried to bring Oraga with me for the ghost Destroyer part, but Donald came instead. I... kinda hinted to you that I wanted to bring Oraga but left it to you to choose between the two of them, so when you immediately selected Donald I took it to mean that you didn't want to use Oraga in combat yet. All this is amusing after the fact, right? There was only one actual combat, and it didn't work out. There was a future combat, and it never quite materialized. And there was one more chance, where I offered Oraga a spar right after I reincarnated him, but you said he wasn't interested in it at the time. My chances to do something there, not utilized.

-Tor Salinus. What's up with that, seriously? A simple fetch quest by Chan just about sent me to my death and I can't tell what went wrong.  :/

-I want to ask about how our Prime developed over time, much like you did in write-ups during timeskips. A lot of things I tried to change brought about problems in the immediate range, while the rewards were still distant. It kinda bothers me to leave it at that. Would you like me to specify what I'm looking at? Or if you want, I could just comment specifically after you go into things. If it's not much of a bother.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on August 31, 2010, 01:47:03 PM-The kid I brought back with Latha. Since I asked about two things, essentially, I wanted to know how he would turn out. I tried to check up on it IC but it would always fall through, though not for lack of interest. Was this mostly a matter of raising him right at the boarding school? Was the school up to it?

He'll probably turn out okay. He'll have issues but with good care he had good odds of turning out alright.

Quote-Kesse. In case you were asking non-rhetorically, if Germany were occupied by divine forces and the borders forced upon it were the pre-conflict ones and not the pre-war ones (no annexations, etc) then I think it could go either way. The US paid an insane amount on policing and rebuilding Germany that it really could've used for better things. Kids in the USSR were taught that all Germans=Nazis. They were also taught the world war was '41-'45. I like to think that the actual leaders of the country could tell their propaganda from reality, however.

It's mostly just making a point, Cor.

Quote-Back to Elanabell, where this started. No, I'm afraid that her specific attitude isn't clearer to me just yet. This is why: she might believe me a meddler and Kesse rightfully guilty. But I got the idea from all she was saying that she just wanted to cleanse the land of people for nature's sake. If she intended to stop at the borders of Kesse's neighbors (after sacrificing many of them to the new war she was trying to start), that wasn't clearly stated that I remember. At least the fire guy attempted to strike directly at Kesse and its leadership; Elanabell just tried to create more strife in the service of an avatar of eternal winter.

Snowflake offered a chance to provoke the war that had been forestalled. That was good enough for Elanabell to restore the natural order Seira got in the way of. The strife you dismiss is what should have happened if you hadn't butted in.

Quote-More on Kesse. Was Agathaiel wrong for the job, originally? What was that enemy Greaon warned me about? I asked Donald to look into it, but it wasn't really a priority. And speaking of Greaon, he asked me to offer him something, but was there anything he actually wanted or needed? I can't think of anything even now. On counter-insurgency tactics, I'm not sure that what goes under 'prosperity' is that secondary, but it'd really take things off course. If you want, we could always chat about this over irc. Finally, were there any specific bad moves you think I made in that area over time? Something that lead to a setback for me and the people there?

Agathaiel wasn't bad for the job. She did well enough, her only failing was blundering a bit into a much larger scheme than she could handle.

Greaon was obliquely referring the elemental problems, which he knew about. You did have a few other problems and malcontents who wanted you dead, which he could also claim he was referring to. Being vague is useful since he can slam whatever's convenient in there later.  As for what he wanted, not much? Oh, immortality does tempt a little bit, but he's strangely zen about his mortality. He's been through so much that he's grown to accept what happens when his time comes. This is one of the things that makes him a damn dangerous opponent - he's not afraid of anything that's happening.

I think your mistake with Kesse was simply not 'getting' the region. You know the typical bad RP story of 'I made a happy bard and the game turned out to be grimdark?' disasters? I think that's close to what got you. You wanted to help but you were poorly equipped to deal with the situation. It turned into Seira trying to out stubborn and out-will an entire region, culture and flow of history. It's a testament to Seira's powerful words that she managed to often win victories here, even if small ones. To be honest even now I don't think you get it - the way you attacked the details of the WW2 analogy and didn't really grasp the point it was making.

I wasn't going to stop you from interfering. It was your power and you had the resources to do so. But I wasn't going to sugarcoat what happened, either.


Yeah, that's a good reaction to Lathander's spur of the moment plans. Sometimes they work, but sometimes they're pure facepalm bait.

Quote-Malmuth. I'm kinda saddened she didn't believe in my ability to be quiet and sticking to the shadows, but I guess it's her loss? As long as it was her choice, I don't mind.

Pretty much. It was just an impossible situation for her.

QuoteThat's kinda a shame. I really did hope to see the effects of... my religion, I guess? Nothing was overtly happening, so I even took care to establish the church, build the infrastructure and doctrine of my order, and it never really got to be used. I regret it a lot more than not getting to use my prc or epic metamagic feats or dragon form in combat more. You know, the mechanics. I don't suppose you could show me some of that IC, and hopefully without a decade of a timeskip?


QuoteEh, I wouldn't think too much about it. I'd go to the Cauldron, too, if I died and while I really, really like myself, that's not the reason why.  >_>

As a power you'd respawn there naturally unless slain there, in which case you'd be dead forever. Different case.

QuoteThat... was actually miscomunication between us, I now realize. A series of them, at that. I told Lumenbur I wanted a list of targets, and I told Donald I was preparing for that with Oraga. I just... expected that Lumenbur would approach me when it was time. I probably should've just pressed him with "Are we there yet?" all the time to actually get to this part. Also, I tried to bring Oraga with me for the ghost Destroyer part, but Donald came instead. I... kinda hinted to you that I wanted to bring Oraga but left it to you to choose between the two of them, so when you immediately selected Donald I took it to mean that you didn't want to use Oraga in combat yet. All this is amusing after the fact, right? There was only one actual combat, and it didn't work out. There was a future combat, and it never quite materialized. And there was one more chance, where I offered Oraga a spar right after I reincarnated him, but you said he wasn't interested in it at the time. My chances to do something there, not utilized.

Yeah, miscommunication. I think we just didn't connect there for whatever reason. Just stupid all around on our parts.

Quote-Tor Salinus. What's up with that, seriously? A simple fetch quest by Chan just about sent me to my death and I can't tell what went wrong.  :/

Tor Salinus is a nasty son of a bitch.

In more detail there are things that even powers fear. You found out about that, though Chan didn't plan for you to get massacred. Tor Salinus is one of those things. As if saying GENOCIDING THE ENTIRE PLANE wasn't subtle enough to say he was disgustingly dangerous. >_> Incidentally he's in the mid 30s for CR; about on par with an Archomental. In particular:

Master of Salt (Ex)

Long ago, Tor Salinus slaughtered and devoured the Archomental of Salt. Since then there has been no Archomental to claim Salt, only the endless rampages of Tor Salinus.  His single-minded purpose has shaped and been shaped by Salt in that time. While not a true archomental, he does gain certain benefits from his almost rulership of Salt. Tor Salinus has maximum HP per HD, is treated as having divine rank 0 for the sake of effects, gains access to the Thirst Domain's spells and can shape the salt around him freely.

Salt is best described by Tor Salinus. Tor Salinus is Salt. Salt is a realm that hates life, wants you dead and is hardcore enough to do it.

Quote-I want to ask about how our Prime developed over time, much like you did in write-ups during timeskips. A lot of things I tried to change brought about problems in the immediate range, while the rewards were still distant. It kinda bothers me to leave it at that. Would you like me to specify what I'm looking at? Or if you want, I could just comment specifically after you go into things. If it's not much of a bother.

This is a big thing and I'll be working this out when I do setting stuff for the next game.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Pretty minor question, but all of Cor's inspired me to think of something I was curious about and the 'cheery bard in a grimdark game' disconnect reminded me of my feelings towards it when it first came up, but what became of Alicia's former whorehouse after she handed the reins over to become a goddess?


It did okay enough. It was a solid thing but never got much focus due to too much going on. You laid a solid enough foundation there that it wouldn't fail.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


-Was Elanabell going to return to the Kesse region to act against us even if she left? In a sense, Valar is right and this is what matters the most.

-Did Biggs ever learn magic? I've been curious on and off but I wasn't able to return to the academy to see for myself.

-What was Amaryl's ED going to be? I've wanted to know for ages, you know that much.

-Not a question on the past, but something I want to know if it is possible. I was going to do a few things and didn't press for them since there was no rush. I'm referring to opening the second portal way eastwards in Pallanth that I agreed upon with Corellon, extending the network to the recovered land in the Wastes since there's no other easy way to connect Pallanth-proper with it and opening a private portal connected to the network in Sa'grim's old hideout, converted to a trading hub, to help transport goods and people better due to the unique properties there. I wanted to have a separate portal from the ground level of the Cauldron towards the maw to better transport troops there if there's a need.

Sure, I wanted loads more, like building a Mythal on the new land and in the Cauldron and in Balmuria and one day connecting the new continent to the portal network and really it wouldn't stop. But the above were the immediate things, so to speak, that I didn't work on simply because there was no pressing need I could foresee to do it right now, not because I still lacked the magical know-how of how to create them or because the completion of those projects would have taken decades and not a few months tops. Bottom line, which of this can happen?

I also wanted to get Amaryl something nice to replace her engagement ring; I was thinking of an epic ring to draw on my power and link to the Cauldron and give her the chance to use that bit of power in my stead if she wished. Even if it couldn't copy all of what I can and had other restrictions, I think it's the thought that would count.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Anastasia on August 27, 2010, 03:29:42 PM

1. Scene with Amaryl. Maybe them getting married, maybe something else, but mostly just a happy note to that.

2. Final chat with Elle/maybe Donald. Nothing huge, mostly just putting finishing touches on things.

3. Something with Waukeen/Brightwater. Much like Alicia's capper there, I think.

-Thinking about it, I want to see the effect of my faith materializing. I'm only asking here since you said it was happening, you just didn't get a chance to show me. It's something I worked towards and would like to experience.

-The wedding seemed like a 'when', not an 'if' thing for a while now, and I'm fairly close at where I expected to be at the time as is. If it works for Amaryl as well, then great! I figured I'd ask Hanali eventually if she'd be willing to do the honors, so if she's available and interested maybe she could preside over the ceremony? She seemed nice, and it feels a lot like her thing. I'd want friends from mortal world and the planes there, but I'd be happy enough as long as everyone is invited and has fun, there is no need to have drawn out conversations with the guests under the circumstances. Just the obvious, like family/close friends/some well wishes?

-You seem to have an idea for an Elle/Donald scene, and they did stick by me the longest. It could be on Prime, before I leave. Oberuth, too, if you want.

-Time-skipped capper with Waukeen at Brightwater? You seem to have it pretty much planned out.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on September 01, 2010, 02:29:59 AM-Was Elanabell going to return to the Kesse region to act against us even if she left? In a sense, Valar is right and this is what matters the most.

Maybe. She was shaken from what happened but I really wasn't sure what she'd do. With her basic nature(CN) involved it is a bit of a crapshoot. I was leaning towards yes, but not certain by any means. Valar was essentially correct - it's a gamble and one that may come back to bite you, but it might work out too.

Quote-Did Biggs ever learn magic? I've been curious on and off but I wasn't able to return to the academy to see for myself.

Eventually. At heart he's a bit of a rebel without a clue, but he got the basics down. Lives very nicely in a pleasant hamlet within a day's travel of Balmuria as the town hedge wizard.

Quote-What was Amaryl's ED going to be? I've wanted to know for ages, you know that much.

See, I had the idea for quite some time. I wasn't sure how the hell I was going to do it mechanically, so I kept it to myself until I had it worked out. Anyway, it was going to be something dragoncentric like Seira. Perhaps a full metamorphosis, perhaps not. I honestly had not decided or worked out various mechanical kinks.

Quote-Not a question on the past, but something I want to know if it is possible. I was going to do a few things and didn't press for them since there was no rush. I'm referring to opening the second portal way eastwards in Pallanth that I agreed upon with Corellon, extending the network to the recovered land in the Wastes since there's no other easy way to connect Pallanth-proper with it and opening a private portal connected to the network in Sa'grim's old hideout, converted to a trading hub, to help transport goods and people better due to the unique properties there. I wanted to have a separate portal from the ground level of the Cauldron towards the maw to better transport troops there if there's a need.

All of that's fine and will keep Seira busy for awhile. You can assume that happens.

QuoteSure, I wanted loads more, like building a Mythal on the new land and in the Cauldron and in Balmuria and one day connecting the new continent to the portal network and really it wouldn't stop. But the above were the immediate things, so to speak, that I didn't work on simply because there was no pressing need I could foresee to do it right now, not because I still lacked the magical know-how of how to create them or because the completion of those projects would have taken decades and not a few months tops. Bottom line, which of this can happen?

Honestly you guys aren't that far from epic level magic, so I was going to use the Mythal as the capper scene with you two.

QuoteI also wanted to get Amaryl something nice to replace her engagement ring; I was thinking of an epic ring to draw on my power and link to the Cauldron and give her the chance to use that bit of power in my stead if she wished. Even if it couldn't copy all of what I can and had other restrictions, I think it's the thought that would count.

Sure, that works.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


1. When you guys are finished make sure your sheets are fully updated and finalized. If we come back to Balmuria I want everything in order. Any last minute purchases, sellings or anything else is acceptable. Just post them in loot.

2. I leave a half hour early tomorrow due to needing to get to work early. Stupid hurricane prep.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Also, is there any interest in doing more  what makes them tick entries or character writeups before I put all this to bed?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


There's interest, though no specific preference towards anyone at the moment. You could also revive the impressions thread and add a new post with the updated outlooks. I personally think it'd be neat to do it after a while, actually.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The impressions thread was fun but it's a lot of work, so don't stress yourself too much about it if it's a struggle.


I guess I might have a couple more of these, if/when I think about them. Surely not a whole long list like before, at least.

Was that power in the ancient elven magical academy Sandalphon like I suspected?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?