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The Cauldron

Started by Anastasia, March 24, 2010, 04:43:29 PM

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The Cauldron

It is where water and fire are born into steam.

It is where heat burns eternal within the Silver Sea.

It is where rivers of gold are whispered to flow.

The Cauldron is a finite demiplane modeled after a vast volcano. It's slopes rise high, into great terranced areas within, the entire Cauldron criss-crossed with caves.

The Cauldron has the following traits:

No gravity: Movement in the Cauldron is as per the Astral Plane.

Normal time: Time flows in the Cauldron, unlike in the Astral.

Finite size:  The Cauldron is about 50 miles in diameter. The edges lead back into the Astral Plane.

Minorly divinely morphic: Specific powerful beings(Seira) have minor control over the Cauldron.

Minorly fire dominate: The Cauldron is always hot, but the presence of water largely negates this.

Minorly water dominate: The Cauldron has great water within it, but the presence of fire largely negates this.

Enhanced magic: Spells with the fire or water descriptor are cast at +1 caster level.

Impeded magic: Spells with the cold descriptor are cast at -1 caster level.

The Cauldron links

The Cauldron is linked with the Astral Plane. Creatures flying from the Cauldron can pass into the Astral. Creatures who reach the Cauldron from the Astral can enter as well.

The Cauldron inhabitants

About four dozen steam elementals live within the Cauldron, lead by Maqul.

Movement and combat

As travel works like the Astral in The Cauldron, flying combat is an integral part of the Cauldron's battles.

Features of The Cauldron:

Steam's Reach

The outer walls of the Cauldron are dotted with hidden caves, fortified into defensive zones. Illusions and favorable terrain give defenders a defensive advantage.

Rising Heat

The highest terraces are various living quarters for common beings, most in various state of ruin.

Ruined Palace

At the bottom of the Cauldron sits the remnants of a palace to Imix, before a great lake of lava. Little of it is left now.

The interiors

Various cave networks all over the Cauldron hold ruined and broken things, often extensive networks of caves able to be repaired.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Cauldron is a massive volcano floating through Astral. Its slopes are steep and unforgiving, entirely by design and augmented by magical illusions. Many caves litter the approaches to its yawning maw, deadly to the last. Should one venture into them, they might eventually emerge into the Cauldron-proper, if they survive the traps, oozes, automations and elementals lurking within. No one has yet to brave such an expedition, even if the prospect is to reach one of the veins of gold running through the volcano like rivers of lava. Whatever the reason, to date none have succeeded to pass through the tunnels into the realm itself, yet it is surely a saner prospect than the direct approach through the front entrance, straight down the volcano.

The volcano's maw is half a mile across, lined with lifelike statues of adult red dragons. They circle the entrance to Seira's realm, the tips of their spread out wings touching one another and giving the visitors pause. One might think that this is the reason behind their existence, yet the truth is that each and every one of these statues has been animated, and is ever-ready to take to the defense of the realm. They constitute its first true circle of defense.

Immediately below them, the first ten terraces are heavily fortified. A garrison constantly mans them, serving as border guards in times of peace. True Seeing is in use to scan those passing through, along with other various divinations, and in special cases such as when a person appears entirely obscured or otherwise triggers a guard's suspicion, they can be asked into one of the allocated fortified areas, out of the way, where they will be subjected to Antimagic and questioned further. No moral inclination is forbidden from visiting the Cauldron, although fiends are categorically turned away at the gates. Should they insist on an interview, they must submit to the aforementioned screening process and supply a viable reason for why their request should be entertained. Any application of spells that take away or reduce control should be thoroughly examined as well, and designated areas of Magic Circle against Evil exist for this purpose. All guards enjoy the more personal variant of this magic via the badge they possess.

A market takes the next few terraces, the different levels crisscrossed with walkways and labyrinthine paths. Travel in the Cauldron is much like in Astral, but not all are truly accustomed to it and a veneer of familiarity can often help put potential buyers at ease. The other matter is that flying through Astral on your own is one thing, but it becomes infinitely more complex when you must contend with herding animals or moving large shipments. An added benefit is that in the case of an ambush, it would be quite difficult for an invading army to advance through the chaotic construction while maintaining its formation, and none know the terrain and how to use it to their utmost advantage better than the defenders. Gold banners adorn the market area, Waukeen's portraits mingling with shields bearing the image of a majestic golden dragon.

Non-essential, everyday merchandise is stored further below. Those merchants who frequent the market may rent space there, while the lion's share of it is reserved for Seira and those she sponsors. More security is abounding here, ostensibly to watch the storage area and to help police the market should it get too rowdy. It has another job, however, and that is to ensure that no spies or saboteurs slip further below unnoticed. In such a case, they are to contact the headquarters rather than reveal this function of theirs, so that such interlopers are coincidentally picked up by patrols further down. These patrols operate across the span of two terraces, their schedules ensuring that a second team is never too far should there be need for it.

Even this high up, the Cauldron can be quite hot, Seira-willing. And she so wills, establishing a resting area for those who would wish to stay and recover from their long trip. The lodgings and food are exquisite, as could only be expected from an Astral trading post in the hands of a Waukeenite, though the main selling point are the hot springs and steam baths born from the Cauldron's endless clash of water and fire. It should be noted, however, that this is as far as any visitor to the Cauldron may descend without both a special invitation and an escort. The guards stationed below this area are very polite and helpful, yet firm in the execution of this duty. Only Seira, Amaryl, Lagann and Lady Sanzha may extend such an invitation at present, and they are the ones to appeal to at any of the guard stations, preferably at the very entrance to the Cauldron. As an experiment, many of the attendants are actually tangible projections from an altered spell Seira and Elle had studied in Gerlethen's hideout, altered from beings made for sex towards perhaps rather vapid but helpful and professional employees.

The next stretch is empty, though the reason for it is that these terraces are part of the habitable area, presently used by mortals who joined Seira's banner and settled in the Cauldron. It was designed with an eye for expansion, and so many have been turned into enormous gardens and forests dozens of miles across, tropical flora and fauna greeting any who would venture within. And should any couple share the desire to hide from the world, the Cauldron would respond to their wish, subtle signs directing along those who wish to find some peace in the lap of nature. The inhabited living quarters share the lush vegetation, although in their case, the disposition of the greenery was clearly planned to account for the construction, rather than have the latter built around the former. Much like with her inn, Seira provides for the dietary needs of her residents with a slew of self-replenishing wondrous stoves, and takes care of the illumination with movable, floating stars one can easily drape a shade over. It is her belief that if the bare necessities are taken care of in this way, people would turn their efforts towards attaining the truly important. The common areas have the usual public buildings mortals are often accustomed to, be they geared towards entertainment, forging better community ties or limited self-governing. As an experiment, Seira has also adopted the idea she had first come across in Balmuria, and a paper is distributed to the residents every weekend. It is a way for people to stay up to date on the events on Prime and across the planes, to learn of new unclassified projects being advanced in the Cauldron's name and contains a wanted list of sorts. This listing describes the various hotspots throughout Prime, allowing those who find their talents suitable towards aiding people in those situation to volunteer for that duty, if they so choose. Unlike the Church's involvement, this would often be done low-key at most, and usually entirely anonymous.

The elemental armies composing the core of the Crimson Legions are next, terrace after terrace reserved for them. Air, Water, Earth and Fire are each represented handsomely, and a notable platoon of Steam elementals are also stationed here. This area is not only reserved for habitation, but exists to run any war games and participate in drills. The more secretive portions of the training has its hidden areas allocated in advance, and outside Seira's close circle of confidants, only the special forces and the five commanders of the army know of one special training area. Dubbed the Room of Requirement, its interior shifts to suit the will of the one running the training exercise, much like the Cauldron reacts to Seira's whims. Those entering the premises find themselves shrunk to a fraction of their size, while in truth they possess scaled down models crafted by Lagann for this purpose. Another experimental variant of Gerelethen's dolls is here, except these ones are geared for combat. There is only so much one can do to ensure no permanent harm comes to one's sparring partner, and Seira yet lacks access to the powerful magics she had witnessed in use with the interplanar circus's arena or in Ysgard itself. Another purpose these training aides serve is to let the greener recruits realize just how terrible the powers they wield are in hope of teaching them responsibility and care with any future use of such powers.

This leaves but two terraces, and the higher of them is dedicated to the Temple of the Golden Flame. An immense phantom flame burns eternal at its center, as Seira wills it, encouraging all those who pass through it as though Seira had shared a fragment of her power directly with them. It harms none, even fiends, though those sad creatures would experience a profound emptiness should they attempt to defile these sacred grounds. The golden flame casts its golden glow over the temple grounds, illuminating every corner of the sprawling open air main grounds. Those who have need of privacy, either for their meditations or for contacts with Prime and other realms, can easily do so in the terrace into which the temple extends. The acolytes tending to the flock from the main temple grounds use a variation on the gnomish communication orbs to respond to pleas from Prime and elsewhere, taking stock of the situation and its urgency, and arranging for the necessary aid to become available to the petitioners. The covered sections tend to have a similar process, except there the gnomish-based tokens are being used to scry on those possessing them and operating undercover or otherwise in a dangerous situation, with their understanding and permission, to passively observe and alert the cavalry should it become necessary.

The final layer contains the thematic lake of lava at the center. Just past it is a see-through pavilion which has a Hallow spell upon it granting all visitors who have put Good or Waukeen above all else with the ability to endure the most taxing of heat. It also serves as the designated teleportation spot; although at present no means are in place to enforce a ban on dimensional travel within the Cauldron, once one makes landfall upon it, all dimensional travel magic but the short-range uses of it is forbidden throughout the realm except to Seira and her inner circle. As a courtesy to her friends and allies, those who wish to visit Seira may reach the Cauldron and then teleport over to the pavillion to eliminate the need for what might otherwise be a fifty mile trip. Seira's gingerbread palace, Innocence, lies just past this, built to overlook the lake of lava. Many key rooms within are warded from divinations by means mundane and magical, such as Seira and Amaryl's suite of rooms, the quarters of special guests that wish to avoid the notice of others, and the vast chamber holding Seira's hoard. There is no throne room at present, and Seira uses a replica of her childhood home's living room as an audience chamber if she needs to entertain visitors to her realm. The blandly-named communications room within is dedicated to keeping touch with the rest of the universe. It contains an enormous version of the gnomish communication orbs of seven feet in diameter; that orb is paired to half a dozen regular orbs, able to switch to between them at will. Aside from maintaining a permanent interplanar link between itself and its smaller counterparts, the larger orb is able to exercise control over any of them. In this way the control orb can make the other one turn invisible, have it travel as if via greater plane shift or recall it back to Astral near the Cauldron's base, where it and its brethren are normally stored inconspicuously when not in use. Another location of interest is the steam baths reserved for Seira and her inner circle, tempered by the finest of fire and kept in a perfect balance with water that Seira can't help but find beautiful.

Below the surface, where stone, magma and lava vie for supremacy, a joint effort by the elementals of fire and earth exists to forge fiery weapons that are second to none. Just as Lagann's workshop aboveground, churning out traps and automata, this represents a large part of the Cauldron's defensive might. Further below one would find prison cells, randomly dispersed. Pockets of air entombed with lead-heavy earth and encircled in lava, such cells are designed to keep troublesome interlopers safely out of the way. A bejeweled ring keeps the prisoners fed, watered and would even sustain them without air, although no solution exists at present which would work on keeping fiends contained indefinitely.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



Valar, Lumenbur, Kresset, Gulpan and Jiland each command one branch of Seira's armed forces, thus composing her general staff. At present, the chief of staff is a rotating position between the five of them, allowing new ideas for training the Legions and keeping their various components meshed better with one another.

Lady Sanzha holds no official post in the Cauldron at present, although a careful observer will note the extent of her authority in all nonmilitary matters, just as they will note that it was offered freely by Seira and as yet not used in any way.

Maqul leads the steam elementals that compose Seira's personal guard.

Lagann is in charge of automated defenses, trap research and deployment and, strangely enough, household chores if neither Seira nor Amaryl are in presence. He tends to be unimaginative in the extreme in his execution of the latter duties.

Donald handles the dispatching of guards and patrols, continuing in his duties for Seira. He also coordinates the design of the Cauldron's defenses with Lagann and is Seira's first choice should there be a need for a quick strike against an enemy target that she would not be heading herself.

Amaryl lacks a defined position in the Cauldron, though as Seira's betrothed she is expected to rule over it eventually. There is little she would need Seira's permission to enact within the Cauldron, the sole exception to this being the Temple of the Golden Flame. As a follower of Waukeen, her relation to those staffing it would be as a close ally and not a leader.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Comments and thoughts as I read.

QuoteThe volcano's maw is half a mile across, lined with lifelike statues of adult red dragons. They circle the entrance to Seira's realm, the tips of their spread out wings touching one another and giving the visitors pause. One might think that this is the reason behind their existence, yet the truth is that each and every one of these statues has been animated, and is ever-ready to take to the defense of the realm. They constitute its first true circle of defense.

Nicely thematic. What would they be mechanically, huge/gargantuan animated objects? Also, they'd need to have some sort of propulsion or intelligence score to move in the Astral-like Cauldron. Remember that mindless creatures can't move in the Astral. Some sort of adjustment or adaptation is perfectly valid though, since it is your realm.

QuoteImmediately below them, the first ten terraces are heavily fortified. A garrison constantly mans them, serving as border guards in times of peace. True Seeing is in use to scan those passing through, along with other various divinations, and in special cases such as when a person appears entirely obscured or otherwise triggers a guard's suspicion, they can be asked into one of the allocated fortified areas, out of the way, where they will be subjected to Antimagic and questioned further.

So does this mean someone with Mindblank up would get stopped? How would this work? Would you force someone into interrogation even if they resisted?


Reading this so far, I can see you have a large priority on defense and an organized marketplace. Considering the open nature of the Cauldron and the Astral, it feels very much like you want to ensure controlled safety.


QuoteAs an experiment, Seira has also adopted the idea she had first come across in Balmuria, and a paper is distributed to the residents every weekend. It is a way for people to stay up to date on the events on Prime and across the planes, to learn of new unclassified projects being advanced in the Cauldron's name and contains a wanted list of sorts. This listing describes the various hotspots throughout Prime, allowing those who find their talents suitable towards aiding people in those situation to volunteer for that duty, if they so choose. Unlike the Church's involvement, this would often be done low-key at most, and usually entirely anonymous.

This presupposes a strong intelligence gathering arm, doesn't it? If one is elaborated later ignore this, if not, how do you plan to gather the information?

QuoteDubbed the Room of Requirement, its interior shifts to suit the will of the one running the training exercise, much like the Cauldron reacts to Seira's whims. Those entering the premises find themselves shrunk to a fraction of their size, while in truth they possess scaled down models crafted by Lagann for this purpose. Another experimental variant of Gerelethen's dolls is here, except these ones are geared for combat. There is only so much one can do to ensure no permanent harm comes to one's sparring partner, and Seira yet lacks access to the powerful magics she had witnessed in use with the interplanar circus's arena or in Ysgard itself. Another purpose these training aides serve is to let the greener recruits realize just how terrible the powers they wield are in hope of teaching them responsibility and care with any future use of such powers.

You mean the Danger Room from X-Men? The idea's fine and it makes sense, but it was the first thing I thought of.

QuoteThis leaves but two terraces, and the higher of them is dedicated to the Temple of the Golden Flame.

This is interesting, since casual visitors can't reach this far down as noted above. Do you intentionally want your temple members/invite only?

QuoteIt harms none, even fiends, though those sad creatures would experience a profound emptiness should they attempt to defile these sacred grounds.

Mechanically this would be a supernatural effect, probably enchantment/charm with a DC to resist.  There's a few emotion manipulating spells out there that would work as a guideline.  Flavor wise it works fine.


There's a very strong sense of a stratified social and organization order, reinforced by the terraces system. The downward movement to greater things reminds me of Baator. No, this isn't a snide comment, just a coincidence of the geography. <_< But there is a distinct lawful/organized mindset to this setup.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


QuoteNicely thematic. What would they be mechanically, huge/gargantuan animated objects? Also, they'd need to have some sort of propulsion or intelligence score to move in the Astral-like Cauldron. Remember that mindless creatures can't move in the Astral. Some sort of adjustment or adaptation is perfectly valid though, since it is your realm.

Something along the lines of Awaken? I could try to write up a sample construct and submit it under Misc.

QuoteSo does this mean someone with Mindblank up would get stopped? How would this work? Would you force someone into interrogation even if they resisted?

Nondetection, Undetectable Alignment, Mind Blank, any Dominate variant, any Charm variant, Veil, less clear form of disguise like what that shop-keep that sold 'lost' items used. I didn't want to outright define them, but the border guards would be encouraged to exercise their judgment past the really obvious cases. This means that the visitors fit the criteria for further/follow-up questioning, not that they're forcibly detained and manhandled.

As for forcing, not at all. Essentially, it's like airport security or, you know, any actual border patrol iRL. Those who are suspicious either alleviate that suspicion via a private interview with the security forces (to avoid embarrassing them in front of other visitors, perhaps) or a quick check via the right (anti)magic. This is my realm, so any visitors are required to play by my rules if they wish to actually visit. If not, they are naturally allowed to leave.

QuoteReading this so far, I can see you have a large priority on defense and an organized marketplace. Considering the open nature of the Cauldron and the Astral, it feels very much like you want to ensure controlled safety.

A Mythal would help quite a bit with both. As I lack it, I'm trying to do what I can and ignore a serious possibility of a massive fiendish army attacking, all capable of teleportation. I literally can't do anything about it, so I'm focusing on what I can prevent and encourage.

And who knows, one day the Cauldron might be famed for its steam baths above all else.  >_>

QuoteThis presupposes a strong intelligence gathering arm, doesn't it? If one is elaborated later ignore this, if not, how do you plan to gather the information?

I do intend to have it, and I've already started working towards that end IC, although in this particular I case I was being rather generic. I.e. Unrest in Malmuth -> Here is how you can help. Waukeen's temples on Prime already share information and coordinate, and I had access to it before, as I do to all the allied governments. I think I'll go into this more in a different post.

QuoteYou mean the Danger Room from X-Men? The idea's fine and it makes sense, but it was the first thing I thought of.

Danger Room, Holodeck, whichever helps one connect to it. The idea is to have elite teams able to train in alien environments and for spies to do test runs through the places they're going to infiltrate, all without having the chance of getting hurt despite going all out and the opposition doing their best to take you out. And, as an extra bonus, the commanders would be able to observe the entire battlefield for a unique perspective on how a battle/situation would go, since it's essentially a scaled down model you could take in all at once from the outside.

This is interesting, since casual visitors can't reach this far down as noted above. Do you intentionally want your temple members/invite only?

Casual visitors cannot, correct. If anyone is truly interested, they can ask for a pass and be guided down. The idea is that people who want to belong to the Church would just start doing, not praying in my name or building statues in my visage. We don't have temples on Prime not because I can't afford to build them, but because I don't believe this is what we should be about. If I turn out to be wrong, well, who knows in advance, right? My religion is about changing the world. If you came to my church to listen to a sermon and were filled with righteous desire to do that which never appealed to you before, I'd start wondering just how genuine that desire was. Once you've gotten it, however, that's where we'll instantly accept you and keep on supporting you against any odds.

Perhaps on true pilgrimages we'll get some sort of mystical forewarning that would prevent such pilgrims from appealing for a pass. We'll see once it happens, if it happens.

QuoteMechanically this would be a supernatural effect, probably enchantment/charm with a DC to resist.  There's a few emotion manipulating spells out there that would work as a guideline.  Flavor wise it works fine.

I figured there wouldn't be a need for a DC since there are no mechanical effects whatsoever, but sure. Works off my HD and... cha, sadly?

QuoteThere's a very strong sense of a stratified social and organization order, reinforced by the terraces system. The downward movement to greater things reminds me of Baator. No, this isn't a snide comment, just a coincidence of the geography. <_< But there is a distinct lawful/organized mindset to this setup.

The order isn't what makes Baator suck, it's all the evil, so I don't really take the comparison badly. I do want to point out that I don't see mortals as either inferior or superior to elementals, merely clearly divided since they're followers (doing everything under the sun including serving in the army) while the elementals are strictly military.

It's true enough the need for a strong planned defense plays a part in this, but I think I'd do it this way even if I had a Mythal for protection.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake