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Epic Monsters

Started by Anastasia, June 24, 2009, 03:27:32 PM

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Any epic monsters I design and decide to post will go in here instead of in the epic rules thread. Note the following things:

1. CR's a crapshoot in epic. CR is a guideline, not an iron definition.
2. Monsters here may or may not ever appear in Balmuria, unless they already have.  Any original items, abilities or feats aren't automatically in the game, though feel free to ask about them if any strike your fancy.
3. An epic monster is defined as a monster with CR 21 or higher. When designing an epic monster, I assume epic feats are possible from HD 21 and above.  This does not allow non epic but HD bloated monsters to qualify for epic feats. In other words, don't worry about it. What's epic will have them, what's not won't. Common sense in design can override this rule when needed.
4. Many of the special qualities of creatures, such as darkvision, telepathy, energy resistances, DR and the like rise once into epic. Most epic creatures with passable DR gain the epic qualifier.
4a: Darkvision and low light vision double in range, as does telepathy. DR tends to rise an extra 5 points and gain the epic qualifier. Energy resistance rises by 10(Or more if suiting.). Other abilities may rise, those are just examples. Note that this doesn't automatically apply to PCs, it's just a design guideline for making epic monsters.
5: Epic design is an art, not a science. At the end of the day, I value what works and is suitably epic, not what follows every rule perfectly.
6: Let me know what you think of these monsters! Some are reworks from the SRD and ELH, while others are original. Feedback is nice.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This is an example of an epic monster that I created. This won't appear in Balmuria, it's purely a design exercise. This is some of what I'm aiming for with epic monsters, trying to make them both epic in power and 'epic' in design/what they do.  I've had some changes suggested to me from various people, but I've chosen to leave it up unedited instead. Gets me more feedback that way; even if it's repeats, that's just more proof that the element in question needs to change. Changelog is at the top, design notes are at the bottom.

It's based on the assassin devil from the FC2. Yes, the official name is 'epic assassin devil'. Yes, that's really stupid.

Edit: The epic weapon finesse feat isn't official, it's part of the design exercise. I created it for the epic assassin devil. If any of you end up wanting something like that, feel free to suggest it, though. Just sayin', don't take it without asking me first.

(Changelog: Increased HD to 24 from 14 and adjusted various powers to scale up(Nat armor, SA dice). Adjusted abilities scores up. Made nondetection/tongues always active and added acid fog and irresistible dance as SLAs. Made greater teleport at will. Added summons. Increased range of blindsight and telepathy by 100%, as per normal for 21+ HD of an evil outsider. Increased DR. Increased acid and cold res by 10. Evasion became improved evasion. Increased SR up as normal. Upgraded Assassin's shadow step. Added poison. Removed Weapon Focus(Longsword) and added Bounding Assault, Rapid Blitz and Weapon Finesse. Added Epic Weapon Finesse and Improved Spell Resistance as epic feats.)

Size/Type: Medium Outsider(Baatezu, evil, lawful.)
Hit Dice: 24d8+120 (220 HP)
Initiative: +13
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 38(+13 dex, +14 natural, +1 dodge) 20% miss chance.
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+31
Attack: Longsword+39 (1d8+15 and 1 con and 8d6 sneak attack and poison)
Full Attack: Longsword+39/+39/+34/+29/+24 (1d8+15 and 1 con and 8d6 sneak attack and poison)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: +8d6 sneak attack, spell like abilities, summon baatezu
Special Qualities: Blindsight 120ft, see in darkness, telepathy 200ft, DR 15/good and silver and epic, immune to fire and poison, resist acid and cold 20, improved evasion, spell resistance 33, assassin's shadow step, shadow form, change shape.
Saves:    Fort +19, Ref +27, Will +22
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 36, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 26, Cha 19
Skills:   Who cares? Later. It will need UMD, consider adding that as a class skill for assassin devil racial HD.
Feats: Dodge, Improved Critical(Longsword), Mobility, Spring Attack, Bounding Assault, Rapid Blitz, Weapon Finesse.
Epic Feats: Epic Weapon Finesse*, Improved Spell Resistance. 
Alignment: Always LE.
Gear: Cold Iron Longsword+2, speed and wounding, 3 scrolls of heal, 3 scrolls of polar ray, 3 scrolls of meteor swarm.
Challenge Rating: 22

Spell like abilities(CL 24):

Always active- nondetection, tongues. At will- Dimension door, fog cloud, acid fog(Assassin devils are immune to the effects of their own acid fog spells), Irresistible Dance, Greater teleport(Self and 50 pounds only).

Assassin's Shadow Step(Su)

As a swift action, an assassin devil can turn invisible until the end of its current turn. This functions as superior invisibility spell. The assassin devil can stay invisible as long as it wishes. Due to a quirk of diabolical law added by paranoid devils, the direct superiors of the epic assassin devil are not effected by this ability and can see the assassin devil.

Shadow Form(Su)

As a swift action, an assassin devil can cause itself to turn into a shadowy, indistinct figure seemingly carved from pure shadow. While in this form, an assassin devil has concealment(20% miss chance) in all but sunlight or in the area of a daylight spell. In addition, an assassin devil gains a +4 bonus on hide checks. An assassin devil can end this effect with another swift action and it can remain in shadow for for as long as it wishes.


Any weapon(or natural weapon or unarmed strike)the assassin devil makes delivers a deadly poison unique to epic assassin devils. Fort save DC 29, 1d6 wis/1d8 wis. Further, any target that loses wisdom to this poison becomes paranoid and all consumed with defending itself against the assassin devil, even after the battle or if the devil is slain. They will spend all their time preparing against a diabolical attack, while letting all other matters go to rot. They will take any means they can to protect themselves, no matter the consequences. This effect can be removed by a remove curse, heal, greater dispel magic or wish/miracle spell. The ability damage can be removed by normal means, and the restoration of the lost wisdom has no effect on the paranoia.

Other devils, except for the epic assassin devil's superiors, are not immune to this poison.

Summon Baatezu(Sp)

Unlike other assassin devils, epic assassin devils may summon other assassin devils. Twice per day, an assassin devil can automatically summon 1d4 normal assassin devils. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th level spell. Note that an assassin devil is loathe to use this ability except to take down dangerous targets, due to it putting itself in debt to the devils it summons.

Change Shape(Su)

An assassin devil may take the form of any small, medium or large humanoid.

Improved Weapon Finesse [Epic]


Dex 25, Weapon Finesse.


You may use any one handed weapon with weapon finesse as well as a light weapon. You may use your dexterity modifier instead of your strength modifier for damage.


You may only use weapon finesse with a light weapon, a rapier, whip or spiked chain of your size category. You use your strength modifier to determine damage.


Epic Assassin Devils are the elite of the assassin devil ranks. They have killed at least 99 worthy prey, gaining the favor of powerful devils. These feared killers serve advanced pit fiends and Dukes of Hell. When assigned a target, they will have local support(Be it devils in the outer planes or mortal thralls in the prime) scry and gather information on the target. Should this not be possible, they will procure scrolls of scrying and divinations to do the work themselves. They will then plan out a hit, using solid fog or acid fog to befuddle all that oppose it, while picking it's target apart.

While they often work alone, they are not above enlisting local help for a dangerous quarry, or for a quarry that is immune to the majority of it's abilities. Should an assassin devil fail to slay a target but has successfully poisoned it, it will attempt to use the situation to it's favor. In the case of another devil, the assassin's master will use it's all engulfing paranoia to discredit it's foe. In the case of a mortal foe, it will attempt to socially engineer the target's fall as it neglects it's previous duties in favor of paranoia against the assassin devil.


Assassin devils are primarily found in the service of high ranking devils. Those that are not are often in the Order of the Fly or the Order of the Lie. They meticulously plan out assassinations, not moving until all their contingencies are completed, unless extrodinary circumstances force their hand. If at all possible, they will have the target already weakened and wounded before the assassin devil joins the battle. It prefers to appear for one decisive strike and then melt away. If not, it uses acid fog or solid fog(Depending on the circumstances) and engages it's foes within. It will use Irresistable Dance to incapacitate problematic foes within the fog. Should an assassin devil lose half of it's HP or more, it will teleport several hundred feet away, using a scroll of heal and then polar ray or meteorswarm to attempt to finish it's quarry off. At worst, it will attempt to ensure that it's target has been afflicted by it's poison. Assassin devils favor attritional combat and whittling down enemy numbers should a first engagement be unsuccessful and it's foe remain unpoisoned.


Design notes:

The epic assassin devil presents the essence of a magical hit man scaled up to low epic levels. It's invisibility frusturates all but true seeing, repackaging the invisibility problem on a level that isn't automatically dismissable by an epic level party. It's constant nondetection gives it shielding against some other means of being found and magical scans. Should this layer be defeated, it still has solid tactics and a battle routine, as well as the capacity to retreat and play hit and run. It's AC is low for it's level. If you can manage to defeat all of it's tricks, you're rewarded with a foe that isn't that hard to defeat at that point. It's poison adds another wrinkle, with it's paranoia acting like a curse.

I haven't calculated it's wealth yet for a CR 22 encounter. It may be under treasured, adding more gear or gems/coins is simple enough. Also, it's possible it's poison could be harvested in some manner, which could be a way to introduce them besides having the PCs get on the wrong side of a pissy devil.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Here's another epic monster, this one made of whole cloth. Standard disclaimers apply about any new feats/powers/equipment noted here.

Purity Archon

Size/Type: Medium Outsider(Good, Lawful, Archon)
Hit Dice: 27d8+270 (382 HP)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 70ft, fly 210 ft(Perfect)
Armor Class: 54 (+10 dex, +7 sacred, +12 armor, +14 natural, +1 dodge) touch 28 flatfooted 43
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+42
Attack: Golden Greatsword+49 (2d6+29 17-20 and 3d6 fire(6d6 on a crit) and 3d6 holy(6d6 on a crit) and one negative level)
Full Attack: Golden Greatsword+49/+44/+39/+34
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Dissolve Impurity, spell like abilities, Rain of Purity.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft, Low Light Vision, Immunity to petrification, electricity and poison, Tongues, Damage Reduction 25/good, epic and silver, spell resistance 40, Aura of Absolute Purity, Absolution.
Saves:    Fort +32, Ref +32, Will +33
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 30, Con 30, Int 32, Wis 32, Cha 32 
Skills:   Do later. Skills suck to do.
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Flyby Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Flyby Attack, Consecrate Spell Like Ability, Quicken Spell Like Ability(Righteous Smite), Improved Critical(Greatsword).
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Epic Quicken Spell Like Ability(Righteous Smite), Intensify Spell Like Ability(Fire Storm)(B), Multiaction.
Alignment: Always LG
Gear: Golden Greatsword, Golden Breastplate.
Challenge Rating: 28


Spell like abilities: Always Active-Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect Lies, True Seeing At will- Atonement, Break Enchantment, Hallow, Neutralize Poison, Remove Curse, Greater Restoration, Death Ward, Heal, Righteous Smite, Fire Storm, Dictum, Holy Word, Holy Aura, Shield of Law, Mage's Disjunction. 3/day- Mass Heal, Miracle. Caster level 27th, DC 21+spell level.

Aura of Absolute Purity(Su): The Purity Archon is surrounded by an aura of the utmost purity. The archon and any allies within 77 feet(Treat as 80ft) gain a +7 sacred bonus to AC and saving throws; further, the archon and any allies are immune to poison, curses and mind affecting magic. Any vile damage inflicted within the aura is automatically converted to normal damage, pre-existing vile damage can be healed within the aura as if it was a consecrated area.

This ability replaces the normal Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil effect that archons enjoy.

Absolution(Su): To those polluted or born into evil, the Purity Archon offers the very real promise of redemption. The Purity Archon can offer a special reincarnation to those who wish to cast aside the taint of evil. Any lawful good creature in an impure form may be targeted by this ability. Typical examples are undead, aberrations, non good outsiders, drow or any other usually/always evil race. The DM may allow other types at his discretion.

The creature is laid to rest in a 7 hour ceremony overseen by the Purity Archon. At the end of the ceremony, the creature's current body burns away in holy fire. 7 rounds later, a new body rises up from the ashes. This functions as the reincarnation spell, except that the target suffers no memory loss and the Purity Archon chooses the new form of the target. As a rule, creatures are turned into the closest non-evil fit available; tieflings are turned into aasimar, outsiders are turned to a similar good outsider and so forth. The power of the new form fits closely as possible with the old creature. Mortal creatures may gain the celestial creature template or the half celestial template to compensate for a loss of power if approriate.

Some Purity Archons are willing to cast this on any good creature who qualifies while some are not. It depends on how the archon favors it's own balance of law and good. The ones that are willing to cast this on the non-lawful will gently attempt to convert the purified creature to Lawful Good before and after the ceremony.

Dissolve Impurity(Su): Seven times per day, the Purity Archon may attempt to dissolve impurity. This may be done on any target that could be affected by it's Absolution ability, though they need not be willing. The Purity Archon attempst a melee touch attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the touch attack is made, the target must make a Fortitude save(DC 41). Success results in 7d6 of divine typed damage. Failure inflicts 21d6 points of divine typed damage. Further, the target cannot use any racial or supernatural powres that come from it's impure nature, it cannot cast any spells or spell like abilities with the evil descriptor and any vile feats are voided. The creature also loses the ability to penetrate alignment based DR by subtype, if applicable. This effect lasts for 7 hours. It can be removed by a wish or a miracle before then.

The save DC is charisma based and includes a +7 racial bonus.

Rain of Purity(Su): Once per day, the Purity Archon can call down a Rain of Purity. This functions as per Rain of Fire with the following changes. It deals 1 point of holy damage and 1 point of fire damage each round. There is no saving throw. Good aligned creatures never take damage from the rain. Neutral creatures are damaged as per normal. Evil creatures take the full damage, resistance or immunity to fire is ignored. During the Rain, the area is transformed. The impure and vile is burned away. Old, corrupted life falls to ashes, as new life springs up in it's place. Innocent animals are unaffected, becoming celestial creatures if exposed to the entire rain. In it's place is fertile life and sacred blessings of all types. It confers the following changes when done: Any desecration or unhallow effects are dispelled; the entire area benefits from a hallow spell with a magic circle against evil effect attached. The entire area is transformed into an ordered and beautiful representation, much like a small slice of Mount Celestia inserted.

Rain of Purity can be dispelled by any of the dispel magic abilities, with a DC of 37. The spell must be cast at the center of the storm. Dispelling the Rain of Purity before it finishes negates any changes to the area. After the Rain of Purity finishes, the effects cannot be dispelled, except for the Hallow effect, which can be as normal.

This ability is used to purify places of great evil. A Purity Archon only uses it as a last resort, typically to undo damage that mortal magic cannot. The spiritual wound left by a Duke of Hell is one such example, or the former lair of an Atropal put to rest.

Purity Archons wield golden greatswords(Greatsword+7, fiery blast and holy power.) and golden breastplates+7. The golden greatswords ignore fire resistance and immunity, while the armor has no maximum dexterity bonus, armor check penalty or arcane spell failure. Each one is a precious artifact of Celestia. Woe unto a non archon found with these sacred armaments.


Epic Quicken Spell Like Ability [Epic]


Cha 25, Quicken Spell Like Ability,


Choose an ability to which you have selected quicken spell like ability for. You may use this spell like ability as a swift action an unlimited amount of times per day.


You can gain this feat multiple times. It's effects do not stack, choose a different qualifying spell each time.

Intensify Spell Like Ability [Epic]


Cha 23, spell like ability at caster level 16th or higher.


Choose a spell like ability you can use. Three times per day, you may intensify it. All variable, numeric effects of an intensified spell like ability are maximized, then doubled. An intensified spell deals twice maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. You can't combine the effects of this feat with any other feat that affects the variable, numeric effects of a spell like ability.


1st - 16
2nd - 18
3rd - 20
4th - 22
This table progresses indefinintely.

Multiaction [Epic]


Dex 25, Improved Initiative, Blinding Speed.


You gain another swift action per round.


This feat replaces multispell.

It is said that one in every 7,777 greater archons grows to embody one of the principals of righteousness. These archons, exalted above and beyond common outsiders, become one of a special caste of archons. They travel the planes for 7 centuries, seeking to find enlightenment and return with it to Celestia. Those that succeed become one of the Archons of Embodiment. These legendary creatures serve Lawful Good aligned Gods and advanced Solars. Members of the Hebdomad command groups of them related to their portfolio. Purity Archons favor serving Raziel, though a few are found in Domiel and Pistis Sophia's services.

Archons of Embodiment serve as generals in the Armies of Heaven and are tireless crusaders. They scour the Outer Planes and Elemental Planes for evil, extinguishing it like shadows in the dawn's light. They rarely travel to the Prime Material plane. Much like a Duke of Hell or a Demon Prince, the presence of an Archon of Embodiment has long lasting effects on the material world. They often only come in the light of dire threats or if summoned by epic clerics. On occasion, an Archon of Embodiment will become the patron of a rising mortal at the behest of it's superior. This is rarely done, as mere mortals often regard the Embodiment as a deity come to the Mortal Coil. It is whispered one obscure, hidden demi-god of Righteousness began as an Embodiment, ascending from mortal worship. As Mount Celestia forbids this of it's angels, this is not normally accepted behavior. Most Archons of Embodiments reject worship on these grounds, as well as wishing to avoid the temptation of pride.


Purity Archons favor a strong defense and peppering the opposition with several spell like abilities. A consecrated, intensified Fire Storm is normal for the course, as are a pair of quickened Righteous Smites every round. While a Purity Archon is no slouch in melee combat, it favors avoiding it unless it's spell like abilities prove ineffective. Should melee be required, the Purity Archon will use it's Dissolving Impurity touch liberally and then finish foes off with it's Golden Greatsword.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This creature is mostly just testing how DvR0 template works. I used the Dicefreaks version over the SRD version. This invites certain things like rank checks, but it doesn't really matter for this creature. DvR0 is really good,  it's natural armor in particular is a bit much in certain cases. Edit: I'm aware this monster needs a few minor tweaks, but it's beyond low priority. It's just a test monster. I'll get to it some day.

Moonlight Mote

Size/Type: Tiny Outsider(Good, Chaotic)
Hit Dice: 24d8+192 (384 HP)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 40ft, 120 ft fly(Perfect)
Armor Class: 50 (+2 size, +15 dex, +15 natural, +8 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+21
Attack: Moonlight Ray+41 touch(12d8 and various effects)
Full Attack: Moonlight Ray+41 touch
Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft/-
Special Attacks: Moonlight Ray.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 1000 ft, Telepathy 1000 ft, Divine Rank Zero, damage reduction 10/epic, immunity to polymorph and petrification, resistance to electricity 20, spell resistance 42.
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +29, Will +21
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 40, Con 27, Int 11, Wis 25, Cha 28 
Feats: Mindsight, Chaos Devotion, Good Devotion, Iron Will, Protection Devotion, Travel Devotion, Moon Devotion. 
Epic Feats: Polyglot, Planar Turning.
Alignment: Always Chaotic Good.
Challenge Rating: 23

Moonlight Ray(Su): On a successful strike, this ray deals 12d8 damage. Undead and shapechangers take double damage from this ray. If the stricken target is disguised, shapechanged or otherwise altered, they must make a DC 31 will save or be immediately reverted to their normal form. Even if the save is successful, the target is outlined with a faint white glow. Above them, their true form can be seen as a ghostly image. This has the effect of a Faerie Fire spell.

Valor of the Moon(Su): Moonlight Motes are born in the the night sky as Shar and Selune wage eternal battle. A small bit of Selune's bravery stays within them. Any non-evil ally of the Moonlight Mote within 1000 feet is affected as per a good hope spell and becomes immune to fear. Those who are chaotic good and those who worship Selune gain double the normal benefit form good hope. Those who are both chaotic good and worship Selune gain triple the normal benefit of good hope instead. The duration lasts for as long as the ally is within 1000 feet of the Moonlight Mote and for 24 rounds after.

Divine Rank Zero(Di): The true power and secret of moonlight motes is that they hold a tiny fraction of true divine power. This grants them DvR0. This bestows the following benefits: Max hit points per hit die, natural armor bonus+15, charisma as a deflection bonus to AC, damage reduction 10/epic, is immortal(But see below) and does not need to eat, sleep or breathe, immunity to polymorph, petrification and any other ability that alters it's form, resistance to electricity 20, spell resistance 42.

Turn Undead(Su): 11/day, using HD to determine turning level.

Moon Devotion [Domain]

The power of the moon aids you.


Once per day as a swift action, you can glow with moonlight. The light shed is equivalent to a torch. This light counts as true moonlight and is shed in a 10 foot radius. You gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws while you glow. This lasts for one minute.

Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.

Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.


Clerics of Selune hold that Selune battles Shar in the night sky. In these eternal battles, tear-droplets fall from the night sky to the world. These droplets are prized by the priests of Selune as powerful unguents and reagents as well as tokens of Selune's benevolence. Yet on rare occasions, a droplet that falls is something more. Moonlight Motes are tiny teardrops of Selune's power. These droplets take on a live and intelligence of their own.

Moonlight motes are innocent creatures. They play and frolic in the night sky, righting any injustices they come across. They are like falling stars, brilliant for a few mere days or months, then they vanish forevermore.  Worshipers of Selune claim they are too pure and too righteous for this world to hold. The truth is that as slight projections of Selune's divine power, they are inevitably drawn back to her. The exact time varies, from a few days to several months at her whim. These creatures attract great cavalcades of eladrin and good aligned fey. Such groups are called Frolics of the Moon. Some fey from the Seelie Court hold these to be sacred days of celebration and seek out Moonlight Motes in the night sky.

A 40th level chaotic good arcane caster in good standing with Selune can obtain a moonlight mote as a familiar. In these rare cases, the moonlight mote may live indefinitely as long as the wizard stays in good standing with Selune.

Plot hooks:

A pit fiend has begun to gather moonlight motes and imprison them. He has found a way to prevent them from rejoining Selune. It is possible he may be able to absorb the divine powers within them into himself, or use it for some terrible calamity.

A Frolic of the Moon has been attacked by a Unseelie Court sect. This takes place over the town the PCs are currently residing in. They must take sides.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Will of the Earth

Size/Type: Huge Elemental(Cold, Earth)
Hit Dice: 34d8+416 (556 HP)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50ft, burrow 60ft
Armor Class: 51 (-2 size, +3 dex, +40 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+53
Attack: Slam+43 (2d10+20 and exhaustion)
Full Attack: 2 slams+43
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Crushing Embrace of Winter, Pull of the Earth, Winter's Hammering Winds, Winter's Howling Winds, Wrath of the Frozen Earth, spell like abilities.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 30ft, Darkvision 120ft, immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, critical hits, flanking, cold and mind effecting, Sleep in the Earth Forever, fire resistance 20, DR 10/-.
Saves:    Fort +32, Ref +20, Will +20
Abilities: Str 50, Dex 16, Con 36, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 20 
Feats: Maximize Breath, Clinging Breath, Large and in Charge, Iron Will, Supress Weakness, Overcome Weakness, Combat Reflexes.
Epic Feats: Spellcasting Harrier, Epic Reflexes, Great Dexterity, Energy Resistance(Fire)x2
Alignment: Neutral Good
Challenge Rating: 27

The creature rises from the snow covered ground like a mountain! Great fists covered in cracking ice form first, the body of a mammoth, giant-like creature blotting out the blizzard in front of you. It's eyes glisten with a snowy white light, as a single word escapes it's mouth, blending in with the howl of the wind, "Repent!"

Spell like abilities: At will- Stonehold, Freezing Fog, Earthquake. Caster level 34th.

Crushing Embrace of Winter(Ex): On establishing a successful grapple and hold, the Will of the Earth holds it's foe tight. It deals 15d6 of crushing damage and 15d6 of cold damage each round it holds the target in a grapple. This takes the place of the normal damage it's grapple would do.

Pull of the Earth(Su): As an immediate action, the Will of the Earth may pull down any creature that has dealt damage to him from up to 300 feet above. The target gets a DC 37 will save to resist. The save DC is charisma based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Winter's Hammering Winds(Ex): The fists of the Will of the Earth are so cold that it's unarmed strikes suck the very warmth out of a creature. Any creature striken by the Will of the Earth's fists is exhausted, with a fort save of DC 37 to resist. Creatures immune to cold damage are not affected by this ability. The save DC is charisma based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Winter's Howling Winds(Su): Breath weapon, 17d6 cone of cold. Any target that fails the reflex save from the breath also takes 1d8 points of dexterity damage and is affected by a slow spell(caster level 34th). This breath may be used every 1d4 rounds.

Sleep in the Earth forever(Su): Any slain by the Will of the Earth and then buried by it are treated as being Imprisoned, as per the spell. The slain get no saving throw or spell resistance to this effect. Reviving the creature is impossible unless it's body is freed.

Wrath of the Frozen Earth(Su): As a full round action, the Will of the Earth may beseech the ground in a 20 ft by 20 ft cube to rise up. It will rise up and form an elemental like creature. This is treated like a 34 HD elder earth elemental with the cold subtype. Should the Will of the Earth be slain, the Wrath of the Frozen Earth collapses into lifeless dirt. Otherwise, it lasts until the Will of the Earth dismisses it. The Will of the Earth seldom creates these before battle, though if has any limit to the number it can create, it is not known.

Note that this ability leaves 20ft by 20ft by 20ft deep holes in the earth. These holes tend to be very unstable and collapse if the Will of the Earth uses it's Earthquake spell like ability.


The battles of good and evil wreck much havoc across the cosmos. Such is the way of reality, such is how it is and how it always will be. Yet when the stars and magic are just right, life can come from these titanic clashes. Endless millenia ago, a terrible ice paraelemental did battle with a noble cleric. The black hearted elemental was struck down by the cleric, shattered like a rime of ice in the morning's warm sunshine. As it collapsed, a single wretched tear fell from the eye of the ice paraelemental. As it's body melted away, the frozen tear remained.

Stricken by the display of sorrow, the cleric buried the tear where the ice paraelemental fell. He said a prayer to his God, that even such a vile creature could find respite in the oblivion of death. Deep in the earth, the tear grew. In time, it is said that it pulled the spirit of the ice paraelemental back. One year to the day that the prayer was uttered, the Will of the Earth arose. It appears in the winter, rising up out of the frozen ground. It's purpose is invariably to punish evil and it invariably comes up close to a great evil about to occur. With an unerring ability that rivals on the supernatural, it seeks out the evil and confronts it.

Once the battle begins, the Will of the Earth will speak. It will only ask for the evil to repent. Unless the evil sincerely agrees, it will fight without regard for itself and until the battle is ended. Should it's foe escape, it will relentlessly pursue all winter. Should an evil survive an entire winter of attacks, the Will of the Earth will forevermore leave it be.

In the event that an evil does agree to reform, the Will of the Earth seems to be able to instinctively understand if the the truth is being told. If not, it ignores the lying pleas and continues to fight the evil.  If the agreement is sincere, no matter how faltering or desperate, it will cease. The creature will kneel down and shed a single tear, which freezes. This tear, described below, is given to the former target. Thereafter, the Will of the Earth vanishes back into the ground with a happy smile on it's face. If it slays it's foes instead, it buries them and triggers it's Sleep in the Earth Forever ability before merging back into the ground.

It is of note that the Will of the Earth has been slain on a few occasions, yet still seems to exist. Further, it has been said to appear thousands of miles apart at the same time or nearly the same time. The legend speaks of it being a singular creature; divinations have revealed little about the true nature of this creature(s?). Two of them have never been seen together, however. It is unclear if the legend is entirely accurate or if this is truly the spirit of the ice paraelemental doing penace, another spirit, or perhaps even the prayer of the cleric taking a material form. As divinations fail and the ice paraelemental is immune to mind affecting magic, it shall remain a mystery for the time being.


The Will of the Earth, while not overly intelligent, will use it's abilities to the best of it's capacity. Against one opponent, it will prefer to attempt to grapple them to death with Crushing Embrace of Winter. Against more than one foe, it will emply it's various spell like abilities, breath weapons and summons.


Tear of the Frozen Earth

This tear is made of dirt and stone flecked ice. Unlike normal ice, it does not melt, even in contact with magma. When kept on the repentenant it was given to, the Tear grants a +5 deflection bonus to AC and a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws. Should the repentenant revert from his promise and resume evil, the Tear becomes a cursed item. It is unable to be discarded, no matter how hard the bearer tries. Each day, they lose one point of dexterity. This dexterity loss cannot be cured by mortal magic. At 0 dexterity, the bearer shatters into ice and is forever slain, as if affected by the Rest in the Earth Forever ability, sinking into the ground. An Atonement spell to a non-evil alignment will cause the damage and curse to vanish and the lost dexterity to be restored immediately.

This item should be treated as a minor artifact.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Epic Golems: As golems, but add the following trait:

Constructed Toughness (Ex): An epic golem gains Toughness and Epic Toughness as bonus feats. It gets maximum hit points per hit die.

Size/Type: Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 36d10+40+36+72 (508 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 70 ft, fly 70 ft (perfect), swim 70, burrow 70 ft.
Armor Class: 43 (–2 size, +4 Dex, +30 natural, +1 dodge), touch 13, flat-footed -(34, see Uncanny Dodge.)
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+49
Attack: Slam +40 (4d10+14 and stun) melee
Full Attack: 3 slams +40 (4d10+14 and stun) melee
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Stun
Special Qualities: Construct traits, magic immunity, DR 20/epic and adamantine, alacrity, fast healing 10.
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +12
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 19, Con –, Int –, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: Jump +18
Feats: Toughness(B)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B)
Alignment: Always neutral
Challenge Rating: 24

A mithral golem's natural weapons are treated as epic, mithral and any one metal for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Pierce Damage Reduction (Ex): On any attack, the Mithral Golem automatically penetrates any one metal aligned(Silver, cold iron, adamantine or any others) damage reduction component. This does not allow the Mithral Golem to bypass any other types of damage reduction. Note that it already bypasses epic and mithral damage reduction. This does not allow it to bypass further complicated DRs; a DR of 'cold iron harvested in Dis' would not be bypassed.

Alacrity (Su): The Mithral Golem is under a constant haste effect. This has already been factored into it's statistics.  It is able to make an extra slam attack with it's full attack action.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Mithral Golem retains its Dexterity bonus to AC when flat-footed, and it cannot be flanked except by a rogue of at least 40th level. It can flank characters with the uncanny dodge ability as if it were a 36th-level rogue.

True Freedom (Su): The Mithral Golem is under a constant freedom of movement effect. So great is it's freedom that it gains several additional benefits. A Mithral Golem may travel through any force based effect, such as Forcecage or Wall of Force, as if it does not exist. Other wall spells, prismatic spheres and other such magics are automatically dispelled if a Mithral Golem comes in contact with them. (The golem is not damaged or affected.) The Mithral Golem cannot be grappled.

Magic Immunity (Ex): A mithral golem is immune to all magical effects or supernatural effects that allow a saving throw or spell resistance, with the following exceptions. A haste spell restores 1d6 hit points per level of the caster and restores it's alacrity if previously negated by a slow spell. A slow spell negates it's alacrity for 1d4 rounds. A freedom of movement spell restores 1d6 hit points per level of the caster and restores it's alacrity if previously negated by a hold monster spell. A hold monster spell negates it's true freedom for 1d4 rounds.

Constructed Toughness (Ex): A Mithral Golem gains Toughness and Epic Toughness as bonus feats. It gets maximum hit points per hit die.

Stun (Ex): If a Mithral Golem strikes an opponent with it's slam attack, that creature must succeed on a DC 42 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. The opponent must save on every hit it takes on a round. Multiple stuns do not stack. The save DC is Strength-based.

Scrap Mithral (Ex): When destroyed, the Mithral Golem collapses into chunks of mithral. This mithral no longer contains any magic, though it is worth 6d8*1000 GP if harvested and melted down.


Mithral Golems first appeared eons ago. It is said that they came from Arborea, though the exact source is disputed. Some sages hold that they were a gift from Corellon Larethian to the eladrin. Others claim the eladrin crafted them out of dreams and mithral to serve as guardians in the example of the Quasar. Still others claim that a wizard associated with Arborea first created them, drawing on the eladrin's speed and love of freedom and inspiration. Regardless of which story is true, the means to create Mithral Golems has trickled and spread throughout the cosmos.

As constructs, Mithral Golems lack intellect and follow the orders of it's creator to the letter. There are rare and sporadic reports that there are intelligent Mithral Golems. These creatures would possess a human level intellect and charisma. The appilcation of intelligence and the chance to learn feats would make an intelligent Mithral Golem a frightening foe.

DC 30: A Mithral Golem is a powerful golem said to have been pioneered by eladrin endless ages ago. Reveal all properties of the construct subtype. Unlike other golems, a Mithral Golem is light enough to run.

DC 35: Mithral Golems are imbued with power from the love of freedom that all eladrin share. They are constantly under a freedom of movement and haste effect. They can fly, swim and dig with the utmost ease and competency.

DC 40: A Mithral Golem's slam attacks stun anyone they hit. While it can be resisted, few souls are hearty enough to do so. Further, a Mithral Golem is immune to all magical effects and supernatural powers that allow a save or spell resistance. Even worse, they can ignore force effects and barriers freely.

DC 45: Casting slow or hold monster disables the Mithral Golem's haste and freedom of movement effects.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Feedback on the mithral golem ahoy. First of all, it's Jump mod should be +30 (+16 for speed 70, +14 for 39 str). That's innocuous enough, but now onto the meat and bones of it.

True Freedom is a terrible ability. All golems are immune to prismatic walls/spheres anyway by virtue of their magical immunity, having it dispel them is pretty redundant. Having them dispel walls of force? Automatically as a free action? That's horrible. Now, I can see why you wouldn't want an epic threat to be neutered by a forcecage, so perhaps giving it the ability to break through walls of force in the same manner as a Legendary Dreadnought can would work (having it punch or claw through a wall of force also makes for a more epic visual than the thing just winking away as it makes contact), but having it just walk right through them as if they weren't there without a check is really excessive. Since freedom of movement already makes it immune to stuff like solid fog/web/grease, it pretty much turns any fight against one into a slugging match. Sure, epic characters can probably handle its attacks easily enough, but it makes for a boring fight.

Alacrity is mostly okay, but kind of absolute. Having it work like uncanny dodge so that epic rogues and other similarly fast and sneaky dudes can catch it flat footed seems more appropriate. Also I presume the golem is supposed to have 2 slams but alacrity's haste effect gives it a third? Haste normally doesn't allow extra natural attacks, but it's a minor point for this sort of thing.

Magic Immunity is standard for golems, so feel free to move along.

Constructed Toughness is a great ability for epic golems, so no issues there.

Pierce Damage Reduction I'm a bit iffy on. It's kinda cool for a golem to have and all, but I'm not sure why this one has it. It doesn't feel very thematic. It's fairly minor anyway.

Fast Healing is very very odd for a construct to have. The gnomish one we fought having it is fine, since it was clearly different from the norm, but it's not the sort of thing a regular mindless golem should probably have. Besides which, the amount healed is worthless at this level - I guess the intent was to let a golem run around without maintenance, but that to me goes against the general theme of such constructs.

Stun is fine, it's pretty harsh and all, but feels appropriate enough for the challenge.

All in all it's a cool monster, and a definite improvement over the SRD mithral golem. I just feel that some of its abilities are a bit too automatic and should allow some margin for failure, or at least effort on its part.


Quote from: Ebiris on June 25, 2009, 06:53:08 PM
Feedback on the mithral golem ahoy. First of all, it's Jump mod should be +30 (+16 for speed 70, +14 for 39 str). That's innocuous enough, but now onto the meat and bones of it.

Noted. Yeah, it's skills weren't important.

QuoteTrue Freedom is a terrible ability. All golems are immune to prismatic walls/spheres anyway by virtue of their magical immunity, having it dispel them is pretty redundant. Having them dispel walls of force? Automatically as a free action? That's horrible. Now, I can see why you wouldn't want an epic threat to be neutered by a forcecage, so perhaps giving it the ability to break through walls of force in the same manner as a Legendary Dreadnought can would work (having it punch or claw through a wall of force also makes for a more epic visual than the thing just winking away as it makes contact), but having it just walk right through them as if they weren't there without a check is really excessive. Since freedom of movement already makes it immune to stuff like solid fog/web/grease, it pretty much turns any fight against one into a slugging match. Sure, epic characters can probably handle its attacks easily enough, but it makes for a boring fight.

I agree in general with the point you're driving at here, while disagreeing with this particular case. Golems are often unintelligent creatures by design with this one being an exception. I designed the ability to work without any intelligent input being needed. It works as it does so it can get to the limited sweet spot of it's programming: Hitting things.  I try to design unintelligent monsters to be fail-safe and as simple to use as possible. I agree that automatic abilities in general aren't good design and that this somewhat detracts from it's overall appeal, but I feel this is an acceptable and needed take on the ability.

That all being said, Legendary Dreadnought's ability isn't a bad take on the same ability. Still, I'd rather have it avoid the typical stupid golem trap of being Wall of Forced or Forcecaged away. At this power level, it's a serious concern and an easy battle skip button.

QuoteAlacrity is mostly okay, but kind of absolute. Having it work like uncanny dodge so that epic rogues and other similarly fast and sneaky dudes can catch it flat footed seems more appropriate. Also I presume the golem is supposed to have 2 slams but alacrity's haste effect gives it a third? Haste normally doesn't allow extra natural attacks, but it's a minor point for this sort of thing.

Yeah, I allowed haste to apply to it's slams. I wanted it to have a third attack. I reckon it's an acceptable use of 'ignoring the rules'  to make the monster work better. I like the suggestion of uncanny dodge a lot. Stun's from Astral Devas and adding Uncanny Strike plays up it's celestial origins fluff. I'll change that around. Edit: Using the racial HD for it's equivalent rogue level isn't much better(36 HD), but it's something. I can always nerf that if need be.

QuoteMagic Immunity is standard for golems, so feel free to move along.

Heh, I toned down it's magic immunity from the Epic version. To quote:

QuoteMagic Immunity (Ex)

A mithral golem is immune to all magical and supernatural effects, except as follows. A slow spell negates its alacrity for 1d4 rounds, while a haste spell restores 1d6 hit points per level of the caster (maximum 10d6) or restores its alacrity, if previously negated by a slow spell. Multiple slow spells simply extend the duration of the effect.

That was a bit too crazy-good in it's case. Some of True Freedom's abilities are added to help compensate from this change. This is to cover the couple of bases the golem really, really needs to cover.

QuoteConstructed Toughness is a great ability for epic golems, so no issues there.

It needs a better name, but agreed. The HP boost lets the golem fill it's niche better without HD bloat.  As you could have gathered from extra copy of it above Mithral Golem, it's meant to be universal for epic level golems.

QuotePierce Damage Reduction I'm a bit iffy on. It's kinda cool for a golem to have and all, but I'm not sure why this one has it. It doesn't feel very thematic. It's fairly minor anyway.

Yeah, this one's iffy. It was justified better in previous drafts of it's fluff and crunch. It's very marginal now and I only kept it because I felt the use in battle justified keeping a borderline ability.  

QuoteFast Healing is very very odd for a construct to have. The gnomish one we fought having it is fine, since it was clearly different from the norm, but it's not the sort of thing a regular mindless golem should probably have. Besides which, the amount healed is worthless at this level - I guess the intent was to let a golem run around without maintenance, but that to me goes against the general theme of such constructs.

The intent is that the golem can be healed without needing attention. It's very much a pragmatic ability to give a golem at this power level, so it can deal a little better with hit and run tactics. The amount of healing means little in battle.

I don't share your sentiments about that being against the general theme of constructs, so take that for what you will.

QuoteStun is fine, it's pretty harsh and all, but feels appropriate enough for the challenge.

Yeah, it's the Mithral Golem's bread and butter ability for offense. It's output isn't great for it's CR and it has no PA to pile on extra pain. Stun makes it much, much, much more dangerous. It also makes a single slam dangerous. The DC of Stun is out of whack for it's CR, though that was on purpose.  An epic party should be able to handle the challenge.

Mithral Golems are far less dangerous once the save DC can be made reliably or you can dodge most of it's attacks by AC. It also struggles with MI or invisibility or whatever, but eh. I couldn't fix all the ways to hose a pure melee golem at this level.

QuoteAll in all it's a cool monster, and a definite improvement over the SRD mithral golem. I just feel that some of its abilities are a bit too automatic and should allow some margin for failure, or at least effort on its part.


At heart some of this is disagreement of what golems should be. Regardless, you've raised several good points.


Incidentally, I sketched out rules for an intelligent Mithral Golem. The one you fought didn't use those, it just had brains and no improvements. The additions of feats and skills would roughly boost the Mithral Golem by about 3-4 CR. A few of it's abilities break wide open with the intelligence to apply them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


In the event any of you were interested in Intensify SLA, it'll be getting a serious revision. I've been trying it out in my own prepwork and it can be hilariously broken with the current scale for gaining it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Most of the changes to the solar are boosted ability scores, different feats and removing it's slaying arrow feature. Solars have always been heads and shoulders above pit fiends and balors in the fluff, but the stats don't really reflect this. Further, I'm making this inline with some design choices I've made regarding epic.

Size/Type: Large Outsider(Good)
Hit Dice: 22d8+220 (396 HP)
Initiative: +18
Speed: 50 ft, fly 150 ft (good)
Armor Class: 46 (-1 size, +7 dex, +21 natural, +8 armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+35
Attack: Greatsword+35 (3d6+18) or Longbow+33 (2d6+12 and bane) or slam+30 (2d8+13)
Full Attack: Greatsword+35/+30/+25/+20 or Longbow+31/+31/+26/+21/+16   
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells.
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 15/epic and evil, darkvision 120ft, low light vision, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, protective aura, regeneration 15, resistance to electricity and fire 20, spell resistance 35, tongues.
Saves: Fort +23, Ref +23, Will +25  (+4 vs poison, +4 resistance vs evil)
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 31, Con 32, Int 29, Wis 34, Cha 29
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Purify Spell.
Epic Feats: Superior Initiative.
Alignment: Always good (any).
Gear: +5 dancing greatsword, +3 longbow, +3 breastplate.
Challenge Rating: 25

Regeneration (Ex): A solar takes normal damage from epic evil-aligned weapons, and from spells or effects with the evil descriptor.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always active-detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. At will—aid animate objects, commune, continual flame, dimensional anchor, greater dispel magic, holy smite, imprisonment, invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, power word stun, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, resist energy, summon monster vii, speak with dead, waves of fatigue; 3/day—blade barrier, earthquake, heal, mass charm monster, permanency, resurrection*, waves of exhaustion; 1/day—greater restoration, power word blind, power word stun, prismatic spray, miracle. Caster level 22nd, DC 19+spell level. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Any of the solar's always active abilities may be dispelled, but the solar can reactive them as a free action on it's turn.

Spells: Solars can cast divine spells as 20th level clerics. A solar has access to two of the following domains, as well as any approriate to it's deity or plane of service: Air, Destruction, Good or War. The save DCs are Wisdom-based. A solar that continues to advance it's hit dice gains a casting level except for every tenth hit die. (10, 20, 30, ect.)

Change Shape (Su): A solar can assume the form of any small or medium humanoid.

Gear: A solar carries the following gear:  

+5 dancing greatsword.
+3 longbow. Any non-celestial who draws this bow finds it to be a longbow+3 without any other benefit. Any celestial who draws the bow finds that it perfectly matches their strength score. Any arrow fires from it counts as a bane weapon against it's target.
+3 breastplate. This golden breastplate has a maximum dexterity bonus of 7 and no armor check penalty.


Customizing Solars

Most solars serve a God or a Plane. These add certain extra features to the solar, with some suggested here:

- A lawful solar gains the law subtype. A chaotic solar gains the chaotic subtype.
- A solar will have at least one of it's domains relevant to the power or plane it servers.
- Solars that advance in hit dice gain new abilities. These can range to suitable to the ethos they serve(Aura of Menace for a lawful solar), expanding on clerical abilities(Domain powers or turn undead) or unique abilities. These always fit the power the Solar serves.
- Solars who reach 33 hit dice are said to obtain a grasp of divinity, gaining DvR 0.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Yeah, this isn't an epic monster but I don't want to make a topic for one revised creature.

Ghaele are a bitch to rework. They're extraordinarily feature and ability heavy, even for a celestial. However, they have really damned mediocre stats and laughable HP to compensate. I've tweaked them a bit using Astral Devas as a modeling block. I suspect the Ghaele here is more than the CR 14 listed, I intend to further revise this since I'm not happy with it. Feedback more than welcome.  It's also a beta, so if I made any stupid mistakes, feel free to point them out.

I did enough changes to where I didn't bother with a changelog out of laziness. I did line them up with the eladrin subtype in the BoED and removed the protective aura they formerly possessed. Also, an elven celestial having massive strength seemed off, you know? They got a dex, con, wis and charisma boost to compensate.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 13d8+39 (93 HP)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 50 ft, fly 150 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 29 (+5 Dex, +14 natural) or 20 (+5 Dex, +5 deflection)
Base Attack/Grapple: +13/+16
Attack: Greatsword+18 (2d6+7 plus 2d6 holy 19-20) or Light Ray+18 touch (2d12)
Full Attack: Greatsword+18/+13/+8 or 2 Light Rays+18.
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, gaze
Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage reduction 10/evil and cold iron, darkvision 60 ft, immunity to electricity and petrification, low-light vision, resistance to cold 10 and acid 10, spell resistance 26, tongues
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +13
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 19
Skills: 16+modifier.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Subduing Strike.
Gear: Greatsword+2, holy.
Challenge Rating: 14

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp)

At will—aid, charm monster, color spray, comprehend languages, continual flame, dancing lights, detect evil, detect thoughts, disguise self, dispel magic, hold monster, greater invisibility(self only), major image, see invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 1/day—chain lightning, prismatic spray, wall of force. Caster level 13th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.


Ghaeles in humanoid form can cast divine spells as 13th level clerics. A ghaele has access to two of the following domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Good or Plant(Plus any others from it's deity). The save DCs are wisdom based.

Gaze (Su)

In humanoid form, fear gaze, DC 20 will negates. Failure effects as a fear spell for 2d10 rounds. The save DC is charisma based.

Alternate Form (Su)

A ghaele can shift between its humanoid and globe forms as a standard action. In humanoid form, it cannot fly or use its light rays, but it can use its gaze attack and spell-like abilities, make physical attacks, and cast spells. In globe form, it can fly, use its light rays, and use spell-like abilities, but it cannot cast spells or use its gaze attack. The globe form is incorporeal, and the ghaele has no Strength score while in that form.

A ghaele remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does the ghaele revert to any particular form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability, however, reveals both forms simultaneously.

Light Ray (Ex)

A ghaele in globe form can project light rays with a range of 300 feet that deal 2d12 damage. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Ha-naga. Not the most inspiring monster, but it fills it's niche well and only needed minimal work to be updated.  I used a bastardized version of these for the two naga Oblivion had with him.  There's some flavor on ha-naga in an old FR book, though I'm not going to rehash it here. They make good low epic boss monsters of a caster-y sort or fine support well into epic.  Colossal size hurts them more than anything else, but eh, it's not critical. I changed as little as possible, since ultimately I feel the ha-naga isn't broken. Well, besides the feats, which were terrible for a casting monster. Not a drop of metamagic or spell support anywhere. Sigh.

I intentionally avoided giving them epic magic capacity. A more advanced ha-naga could very well possess it, but that puts them well into the realm of being big bosses.

Size/Type: Colossal Aberration
Hit Dice: 21d8+220 (308 HP)
Initiative: +14
Speed: 60ft, fly 120(perfect)
Armor Class: 40 (-8 size, +14 dex, +24 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+39
Attack: Coil Whip+21(4d6+8)
Full Attack: Coil Whip+21 and Sting+19(2d8+4 and poison) and bite+19(4d8+4)
Space/Reach: 30ft/30ft
Special Attacks: Charming Gaze, spells.
Special Qualities: Constrict 4d6+12, spell resistance 30, damage reduction 15/epic, darkvision 120ft.
Saves:    Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +22
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 38, Con 32, Int 35, Wis 31, Cha 36
Skills:   24+skill mod.
Feats: Eschew Material Components(B), Weapon Finesse, Multiattack, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Chain Spell, Fortify Spell, Twin Spell
Epic Feats: Automatic Empower Spell.
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Evil
Gear: -

Charming Gaze(Su)

The Ha-Naga can charm vast hordes to do it's bidding. As a standard action, any creatures seen by the Ha-Naga are affected as per a mass charm monster spell(Will DC 33 negates). The Ha-Naga can only affect up to two times her own hit dice, she may choose which creatures are affected if she goes over this. A creature cannot be partially effected.


To use this ability, the ha-naga must hit with it's coil whip attack. If it succeeds, it can constrict.


Sting, fort save DC 31; initial and secondary damage 2d8 con. The save DC is constitution based.


Ha-Nagas can cast spells as 21st level sorcerers. They can also cast cleric spells and spells from the domains of chaos and evil as arcane spells. Each Ha-Naga chooses her own spells and a theme to suit her style. The Ha-Naga presented here focuses on direct damage for the majority of her spells, with defenses being her minor focus.

Spells known


Spells per day


Save DC is 23+spell level.

0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Message, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation.
1: Shield of Faith, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement
2: Bear's Endurance, Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Blur, Cat's Grace
3: Lightning Bolt, Invisibility Purge, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch
4: Freedom of Movement, Enervation, Mass Reduce Person, Fire Shield
5: Flame Strike, Feeblemind, Cone of Cold, Mind Fog.
6: Harm, Chain Lightning, Mislead.
7: Repulsion, Delayed Blast Fireball, Mage's Sword
8: Irresistable Dance, Polar Ray, Greater Shout
9: Mass Heal, Magic Disjunction, Time Stop.


A Ha-Naga has a +6 racial bonus to move silently checks and a +8 racial bonus to hide checks.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The brachyurus has the distinction of being both obscure and easily mistaken for a dinosaur! If you bother to read the ELH, it turns out these are the ur-wolves. Whoops! Anyway, I wanted to tweak one and try and make it more interesting. For a change of pace I kept the grossly inflated hit dice and statistics, trying to craft it into something meaningful. While it's 'only' CR 26 on paper, I would think you wouldn't fight a brachyurus alone based on the fluff. I'd imagine any encounter with one would be CR 30, minimum.  Also, while this is a CR over say a solar, it's not nearly as versatile. Instead of versatility, I've tried to make it unbelievably good at it's niche to be worthy of the CR and inflated stats.

I'm including most of the fluff I wrote this time. I usually keep this close to vest, but let's mix it up a bit.


Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 38d10+684 (879 hp)
Initiative: +14
Speed: 80ft
Armor Class: 51 (+14 dex, -1 size, +27 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/Grapple: +38/+52
Attack: Claw+47 (2d6+10)
Full Attack: 2 claws+47/+42/+37/+32 and bite+42 (3d6+10)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Frightful Howl, Savage 15d6+15, Alpha of Alphas.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 120ft, damage reduction 15/epic, darkvision 60ft, fast healing 10, low light vision, scent, resistance to all elements 20.
Saves: Fort +39, Ref +35, Will +26
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 38, Con 47, Int 18, Wis 32, Cha 19   
Skills:   41+ability mod. Suggested skills: Survival, K:N, spot, listen.
Feats: Track(B), Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Multiattack, Rapidstrike, Improved Rapidstrike, Improved Grapple.
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Superior Trip.
Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
Gear: -
Challenge Rating: 26

Frightful Howl(Ex):

As a standard action, the brachyurus may emit a piercing howl. Any creature within 300 feet of the brachyurus is shaken(DC 33 will negates). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same brachyurus' howl for 24 hours. Other brachyurus and canines are immune to the howling. The save DC is charisma based.


A brachyurus that hits with it's bite attack can attempt to trip it's opponent(+22 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an act of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the brachyurus.


If a brachyurus successfully trips an opponent, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 15d6+15 points of damage. If an opponent goes prone for any reason in an area a brachyurus threatens, the brachyurus can also savage the victim as a free action. Each use of savage counts as an AoO for the round.

Alpha of Alphas(Ex):

A brachyurus is the supreme incarnation of canine-kind. A brachyurus can telepathically communicate with any canine within 300 feet of itself and command them. As a god in the eyes of lesser canines, such commands are usually carried out without fail. Any canines that fight within 300 feet of a brachyurus gain a bonus to attack rolls, armor class, saving throws and damage rolls equal to the wisdom modifier of the brachyurus. They are also immune to fear effects.

A brachyurus is not is not affected by this ability, either it's own or of another brachyurus. An enemy of the brachyurus does not gain the benefit of this ability.


Superior Trip[Epic]
Prerequisites: Improved Trip, Str 23.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to trip checks that stacks with the bonus from improved trip. You may treat a target as one category smaller to determine if you can trip them. Finally, you may no longer be tripped after a failed trip attempt.


Background and history:

Brachyurus, a name of many stories. Ancient books speak of a race of wolves one step removed from the Gods, who came to the mortal realm to father the races of wolves at the beginning of Creation. Wizened sages wonder if they are wolves who transcended being a wolf, becoming something far greater as a mortal may ascend to divinity. Those immortals who care to speak of them cast gazes to the Realms Below and Malar, but say little otherwise. What is known about Brachyuruses is a conflicting tapestry of legend fragments and tenth hand stories. In the current age they are figures of myth, seen only in the rarest days and in the deepest wildernesses.

In truth, at the beginning of Creation, wolves were intelligent and wise. Jealous, the God Malar tricked the wolves into accepting bestial fury into their hearts. This spread like a plague fire through them, robbing them of their wisdom. Lacking wisdom, the power they possessed was forgotten. These creatures became known as the wolves and dire wolves we know now, animals of little intellect and often associated with wild savagery, lycantropy and vampires. 

A few wolves resisted the wrath of Malar, known to them as the Taint. Their greatest surviving champions traveled to the House of Nature. It is said they made council with Chauntea and Mielikki. From this came a blessing to the untainted wolves, ensuring that the few survivors would not fall to Malar's wrath. Legends say that from this day, the first wolves became Brachyurus, the unaging, mythical forefathers of all canines. To what purpose they serve now is unknown, though it is said that the brachyurus aided mortals in taming wild wolves, who in time became dogs, man's faithful companions.

The typical brachyurus weighs about 2,000 pounds and speaks Common and Sylvan. Brachyuruses are generally wise, in tune with nature and patient. They will avoid anger at all costs, many becoming logical to the point of coldness  in action and manner. Most brachyurus make great packs of lesser canines. These packs can be identified by being unusually calm, displaying advanced tactics if forced into battle.


Battle tactics:

A typical brachyurus has a large pack of followers. They engage in hit and run tactics lead by the brachyurus, using attrition to waylay enemies and rotating out injured pack members for unhurt ones.

Pre-battle: Use Frightful Howl and ensure that the entire attacking pack is within range of Alpha of Alphas.
Round 1: Attempt to run in, spring attack, trip, savage and retreat. Brachyurus often target dangerous spellcasters themselves while allowing the pack to keep the rest of the opponents busy, and also drawing more attention to it and chances to use it's natural reach to make tripping AoOs.
Round 2: Manuever around the battlefield, attempting to finish off foes and lay out particularly dangerous ones.
Round 3: If the battle is going well, go in for the kill. Otherwise, organize a retreat back before the full force of the defenders can be brought to bear. If unable to retreat and the battle is going poorly, the brachyurus will attempt to slay or force the enemies into a retreat with all of it's resources, no matter what the danger.

When dealing with spellcasters, Brachyurus know full well how dangerous they are. They rely on blindsense and their high initiative to disable them before they can do too much harm. When dealing with fliers, a brachyurus will attempt a jump to grapple them down if possible, otherwise they will avoid facing flying foes. If they must face flying opponents, a brachyurus will lure it to the best possible terrain and attempt to get it down and overwhelm it so that it has no chance to fly again.

Should a battle turn badly, a brachyurus has no compunctions about a full retreat to lick it's wounds and let fast healing restore it's health.


Wealth and treasure:

Brachyurus understand the value of money and magical items, though they seldom use them. A typical brachyurus has several small caches of wealth hidden away, should it need them. They disdain magical items but will on occasion use one if it suits them exceptionally well. A typical cache consists of 500-5000 GP of coins, minor magical items and gems. Hiding spaces vary, but tucked away amid hard to reach cliffsides, within dangerous bogs or buried dozens of feet below the ground are common. Should a horde be plundered, the brachyurus will not make an effort to recover the wealth, as they do not value it as anything beyond an occasionally useful tool.

Exceptions are when the brachyurus needs something from that cache or it had an item of sentimental value. In those cases, the brachyurus will make good use of it's track and scent abilities to relentlessly hunt down the thief. Brachyurus prefer negotiation if they believe it will be fruitful, but do not hesitate to use force to reclaim what was stolen.



As rare alpha predators, brachyurus hold no place in the food chain. When they do appear, they take the lead of massive packs of wolves, dire wolves, non chaotic evil werewolves, wild dogs and other canine-kin. Normal inter-canine rivalries are subsumed by obedience to the brachyurus; violators are expelled from the pack. No chaotic evil canine or canine-kin will be allowed in the pack.

Brachyurus who mate with another brachyurus produce a litter of 1-3 brachyuruses. A brachyurus that mates with a lesser canine do not produce brachyurus, but they do produce superior stock. Treat these as having double the normal hit dice of their kind and with a wisdom and constitution score of 2 to 6 points higher than the norm. Exceptional pups may even gain the legendary creature template.

Brachyurus tend towards lawful neutral but can be any alignment besides chaotic evil. No brachyurus can be chaotic evil. If one becomes so of it's own free will, it immediately and irrevocably becomes a normal wolf, having at last given in to the bestial fury Malar so long ago cursed them with.


Known brachyuruses:

Noble Wolf Father(Celestial creature Brachyurus; male; LG; Mount Celestia.) - Met on Mount Celestia by Seira.
The Relentless Hunter(Brachyurus; ?; ?; Prime Material Plane(Telerath?)) - Alluded to when Demedais was in Telerath. May or may not truly be a brachyurus.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Beyalhut, aka Mechanus Bruiser

Size/Type: Large Construct (Lawful)
Hit Dice: 25d10+20+25+50 (345 HP)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40ft.
Armor Class: 40 (-1 size, +1 dex, +30 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+37
Attack: Slam+32 (3d6+22)
Full Attack: 2 slams+32 (3d6+22) and headbutt+32 (4d6+22)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Left Fist of Binding, Right Fist of Holding, Head of Law, Bring 'em back alive.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/adamantine and epic, Construct traits, constructed toughness, darkvision 60ft, fast healing 40, immunity to magic.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 12, Con 0, Int 0, Wis 14, Cha 1  
Skills: 28+stat modifier.
Feats: Toughness(B)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Gear: -
Challenge Rating: 22

Left Fist of Binding (Su)

Any creature struck by the left fist of a Mechanus Bruiser is affected as by a dimensional anchor spell, caster level 25th.

Right Fist of Holding (Su)

Any creature struck by the right fist of a Mechanus Bruiser is affected as if by a hold monster spell, caster level 25th. A will save DC 37 negates the paralysis. The save DC is strength based.

Head of Law (Su)

Any creature struck by the headbutt of a Mechanus Bruiser is affected as if by a dictum spell, caster level 25th. A will save DC 37 negates the various effects. The save DC is strength based. The Mechanus Bruiser is programmed to refrain from using this on a target that is to be captured, until it is secured with it's Left Fist of Binding ability.

The headbutt of the Mechanus Bruiser is considered a primary attack and suffers no penalty to it's attack roll.

Bring 'em back alive (Ex)

The Mechanus Bruiser can choose to inflict nonlethal damage without penalty. All of it's damage is considered nonlethal, including any added damage it may gain from other sources. It may change between lethal and nonlethal damage as a free action.

Immunity to Magic (Ex)

A Mechanus Bruiser is immune to any spell or supernatural ability with the following exceptions. A rusting grasp spell deals 1d12 points of damage per caster level with no save. A spell that deals electricity damage deals this damage normally, as do supernatural effects that do the same. Spells with the lawful descriptor heal 10 points of damage per level of the spell to the Mechanus Bruiser. (Dictum would heal a Mechanus Bruiser 70 hit points, for example.)

The superiors of the Mechanus Bruiser can choose to allow it's magic to effect or not effect the Mechanus golem at will.


Background and history:

Let's be honest. For all of Mechanus' style, sometimes it just wants giant fucking robots to beat the shit out of things. Hence the Mechanus Bruiser. It attempts to do just that with overwhelming force.


Battle tactics:

A typical Mechanus Bruiser follows the orders of it's superior. They do what is desired to the best of their ability. Should this be lacking, they default to beating the hell out of whatever is in front of them. A Mechanus Bruiser will not retreat unless ordered, even at the risk of it's life.


Wealth and treasure:

A Mechanus Bruiser has no need for treasure. Unless a particularly devious and rich superior puts a Ring of Adamant Law on them for constant healing, they negate most magical items anyway.



As unnatural creatures, Mechanus Bruisers have no place in the natural world. In Mechanus, they serve as bodyguards and servants of powerful Inevitables and other lawful masters.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Redid Quaruts for Balmuria, results are here.

Quarut, Defenders of Time.

Size/Type: Large Construct(Lawful)
Hit Dice: 21d10+21+42 (273 HP)
Initiative: +4, always goes first. See text.
Speed: 30ft, fly 60ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 42 (+4 dex, +22 natural, +7 insight, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+26
Attack: Slam+32 (4d6+16)
Full Attack: 2 Slams+32/+27/+22/+17 (4d6+16)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, aging ray.
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 15/epic and chaotic, fast healing 15, spell resistance 31, darkvision 120ft, blindsight 120ft, temporal mastery, insights of time, fixed temporal status, constructed toughness, time travel.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +20
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 18, Con -, Int 22, Wis 24, Cha 24   
Skills: 24+skill level
Feats: Toughness(B), Improved Natural Attack(1), Rapidstrike(3), Improved Rapidstrike(6), Combat Expertise(9), Improved Disarm(12), Soldier of Mechanus(15), Improved Trip(18)
Epic Feats:  Epic Toughness(B), Elite of Mechanus(21)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Challenge Rating: 22

Racial and innate powers:
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Spell-like abilities: At will: Haste, slow, greater teleport, dimension door, greater dispel magic, true seeing, greater plane shift. 3/day: Time stop, temporal stasis. 1/day: Wish.

Temporal Mastery (Ex)

As guardians of time and space, quaruts are granted incredible power. A quarut is never surprised, it may act in a surprise round as normal, including going first. They always act first in combat, winning initiative unless they choose otherwise. All of a quarut's spell-like abilities are quickened automatically and it may cast up to three quickened spell-like abilities per round.

Insights of Time (Ex)

So fine is a quarut's perception of the coming future that it gains great benefit in combat. It gains an insight bonus equal to it's wisdom modifier to armor class, saving throws and attack rolls.

Fixed Temporal Status (Ex)

A quarut is completely immune to time based magic. Magic such as slow or temporal stasis fizzles on them. Any quarut within 120 feet of a time stop effect also acts during the time stop. The quarut and the caster of the time stop are able to effect each other as normal. Further, Quaruts are immune to time paradoxes, existing how they are now. This renders them immune to the grandfather effect: Killing the Quarut in the past through time travel does not destroy it in the present.

Time Travel (Su)

As a full round action, the Quarut may travel in time to any point they please. However, they may only do so in direct pursuit to their duty as laid down by their programming. This is only used to pursue someone who has directly violated the Temporal Compact by engaging in time travel. They appear as close to the location they shifted from as possible; if this does not exist or is unsafe, they appear in the next closest place that qualifies. In the event they shift to a place that does not exist entirely in the new time, they instead appear in Mechanus.

Note that Quaruts have a special domain in Mechanus they use for this. Only emergency time travel is attempted outside of this domain.

Aging Ray (Su)

As a standard action, a quarut may emit a ray that rapidly ages creatures. This is a ranged touch attack that immediately ages creature. Creatures shift one age category forward; a young character becomes middle aged, a middle aged character becomes old, and an old character becomes venerable. Venerable creatures must make a DC 27 fortitude save or immediately die of old age. Those that pass are instead aged to an extreme means, dying of old age in 1d6 days. Creatures aged appear precisely in the middle between the new current category and the next category.  Ageless creatures that do not die of natural causes are not affected by this ray. The save DC is charisma based.

Constructed Toughness (Ex)

A quarut gains Toughness and Epic Toughness as bonus feats. It gets maximum hit points per hit die.

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Quaruts prefer to take the initiative, burying their opponents under volleys of quickened spell like abilities.  Haste, slow and greater dispel magic are used to ensure the Quarut has the advantage in combat immediately, paired with a Time Stop for the Quarut to further manipulate the battlefield and prepare. It prefers to leave it's foes disabled and defeat them with melee, sprinkling in a temporal stasis as needed. If the battle turns against it, it may retreat or employ it's wish to further tilt the battle in it's favor.

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In order to enforce the Temporal Compact, Mechanus dutifully created a new type of Inevitable.  The Quarut exists to enforce the inviolate nature of time.  They serve the masters of the Temporal Compact, dealing with lower level threats to time such as non epic Chronomancers, inadvertent time travelers, misuse of the Wish spell and so forth. Quaruts are polite, having infinite patience and concentration as they pursue their quarry. Despite this, they can act with rashness at times, often engaging in bizarre acts that make no sense to casual examination. In such cases, the Quarut has determined this is the most efficient way  to ensure the desired future and it's goals come to pass. In fact, it saw itself doing this well in advance, so it must so happen.

Quaruts deal with threats in one of two ways.  If the Temporal Compact was broken unwilling or by an unforeseen accident, the transgressors are to be placed in temporal stasis and returned to Mechanus for judgment. This judgment usually incurs some form of penance and then the erasure of all memories of the time traveling incident before returning the transgressors. If the Temporal Compact was broken willingly, regardless of if the creature doing so was aware of the Temporal Compact, summary execution is the punishment.

Quaruts usually work alone, though at times pairs or triplets are employed. On occasion Quaruts work with Maruts when the violation of the Temporal Compact also unlawfully extends mortal life. Quaruts avoid non Inevitable help, unless ordered by Mechanus or one of the masters of the Temporal Compact.  If a foe proves too strong for a quarut to defeat, it immediately retreats to gather the masters of the Temporal Compact to deal with the problem.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?