
"In closing, we have the best hobby ever. The End."

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"Yes, well, I merely relate the legends."

Started by Corwin, December 12, 2010, 06:04:39 PM

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[21:19] <El-Cideon> The temple beds turn out to be surprisingly warm and comfortable, and the interior of the building is lit with a soft golden light throughout. It's not a bad place to spend a night (assuming you don't mind the occasional chanting echoing around corners), but there's not much to do if you're not as interested in reading arcane texts as Erin is. (more)
[21:21] <El-Cideon> Of course, your room has an open window with a view of a broad circular plaza that swarms with citizens, shops, and other displays. And Munn *did* give you a handful of coins before leaving you alone...
[21:22] <Yomi> And they do still have a translation spell! "So arcane texts sound fun but I was thinking of going to the market," Yomi manages to say with a straight face. "Who's with me?"
[21:24] <Brunilda> "We should see what sort of goods they commonly trade," Brunilda stands up, "It'll give an idea of their overall development."
[21:24] <Yomi> "And some of it might be magical lore they don't need, or even bits of their history?"
[21:25] <El-Cideon> Suzume stands up as well. "I could look around for a while..."
[21:27] <El-Cideon> Sayuri's sleeping, and Diane prefers to stay where she is. "I, ah, am still trying to convince myself all of this is real. I don't know if mingling with a crowd of strange creatures is what I need right now."
[21:28] <Yomi> "That's alright, I'm sure we'll meet many more of them. There are, what, twenty thousand per city?"
[21:31] <El-Cideon> "Oh, don't remind me! Maybe I'll finally get used to them right about the time we go back to the normal world." She shakes her head.
[21:32] <Yomi> "Ah, yes. The normal world. Ask Sayuri about it if she wakes up?" And with a wave, Yomi heads for the door.
[21:34] <El-Cideon> There's a pair of Eridani in light armor outside the door, as if waiting for this development. "Are you going outside?" one asks. "I'm to accompany you outsdie while you remain in the city."
[21:35] <Yomi> "Priestess Munn mentioned a market for unique purchases? We would like to take a look, if that's alright," Yomi responds.
[21:50] <El-Cideon> "It's not far. Follow me, please." He marches out and down the steps of the temple, and onto the massive stone span across the chasm. The plaza, you can see, has been tiled in the likeness of the broken gold circle symbol worn by the priestesses and their guards. Eight golden rays extend toward the edges of the plaza, terminating at equidistant points. (more)
[21:52] <El-Cideon> Some manner of sculpture rests at each of these, though you can only clearly see the two closest: one a kneeling, eyeless figure, the other an indistinct humanoid cowering away as if from some great, unseen force. Both have plaques at the base. (more)
[21:55] <El-Cideon> Various stalls litter the edge of the plaza in seemingly random fashion, and hawkers cry out in the strange local tongue to passers-by. Some locals give you a wide berth as your guard gives them warning glances; all stare regardless. Somewhere off in the crowd is the shrill whistle of a flute and a rhythmic beat. "Many things are traded here," the guard says. "Food, common items such as clothing and tableware. If yo
[21:55] <El-Cideon> If you seek unusual items, Murgh's Curios has the widest array of oddities from across the realm."
[21:57] * Yomi glances over at Brunilda and Suzume. "How about we start there, then?"
[21:57] <Brunilda> "Probably for the best. We see their clothing everywhere and we've already eaten their food," Brunilda nods.
[21:58] <El-Cideon> "I wasn't looking for any one special thing, so we may as well just leave what we find up to fate," Suzume says with a nod.
[22:02] <El-Cideon> The guard leads you across the plaza towards the right. At the edge of the span, overlooking the abyss, is a larger emporium--not an open stall, but an enclosed store, though the actual enclosure is made mostly of hide curtains. To either side of the structure are two more sculptures: one a giant mushroom with an insect preening atop it, the other a seemingly half-finished Eridani form that looks to be cutting itsel
[22:02] <El-Cideon>  that looks to be cutting itself from a block of stone. (more)
[22:06] <El-Cideon> The contents of the shop defy easy organization, but some attempt has been made to sort things by type. There are works of art, weapons, animal bones, some not easily identifiable artifacts...Behind a desk across from you sit an Eridani with his muzzle resting on one hand, as though bored. Surprise barely even registers on seeing strangers in his store.
[22:09] * Yomi decides to take a cursory look first, wondering whether anything on sale happened to come from the old home of the Eridani.
[22:10] * Yomi finds herself drifting to the weapons first out of simple curiousity.
[22:12] <Brunilda> Weapons normally receive the most technological investment, and Grish was certainly interested in them more than anything else, so Brunilda follows to get an idea of their mettalurgical prowess.
[22:15] <El-Cideon> The weapons are mostly on the other side of the counter, and rather dwarfed in number by the mishmash of objects that fill the bulk of the store. Swords and spears, as seem to be favored by the Eridani soldiery. Competently made, from what you can tell, though most are obviously old and much used. Polished to a shine, but this can't hide the occasional nick. Hanging from a hook on the wall for display--though, you n
[22:15] <El-Cideon> -though, you notice, right at hand should the proprietor need it--is a black-handled knife that gleams with particularly high-quality metal.
[22:16] <Yomi> "May we see the knife, please?" Yomi requests, figuring it to be the best weapon in the store, barring hidden magical treasures.
[22:18] <El-Cideon> The proprietor stands, straightens himself on seeing apparent interest in his wares. "Ah, greetings," he says, in a warm and friendly tone (or as close as you would expect to one with a voice that's mostly breathy whistles). "You have a soldier's eye, I can tell." He sets the knife down on the counter.
[22:18] <El-Cideon> On the hilt is inset a symbol: linked circles, in silver.
[22:19] <Yomi> Figuring she might as well ask, Yomi points at the symbol. "What does this stand for?"
[22:19] * Brunilda is no soldier, but she is a scientist, and so attempts to determine the metal used, and the forging techniques, in order to compare it with historical human weaponsmithing.
[22:19] <Brunilda> OOC: (I have +19 technology and +18 history if I hagve to roll)
[22:24] <Brunilda> "Steel," Brunilda nods in grudging approval. "Not quite Damascus, but a match for knight's blade of the Hundred Year War, I'd think."
[22:24] <El-Cideon> "This," he says, "is a Kuthani officer's knife. I could boast that I took it in battle myself, but, alas, my time of service at Naruk postdated active hostilities there. You'll find the symbol in all regalia carried by those in the Dark One's service. My understanding is that it's meant to convey their vow of eternal service to their Queen."
[22:25] <Yomi> "A moon?" Yomi asks Suzume. "Or an eclipse, maybe? What do you think?"
[22:28] <Brunilda> "Circles are common symboles of timelessness or eternity... even across species, it seems," Brunilda shrugs.
[22:28] <El-Cideon> "It looks...a little like that one symbol, doesn't it? The eight that's on it's side?"
[22:29] <Yomi> "It is for sale, I presume?" Yomi asks, trying to get a grasp of local economy. "How much?"
[22:30] <Brunilda> "Infinity? Yes, there is that as well. Unfortunately it was first used in the 17th century, so I doubt it's a direct link."
[22:30] <Yomi> "It couldn't be that across species symbolism, here?"
[22:31] <Brunilda> "Possible, but it's a more esoteric symbol than a circle, which is simple geometry. I'd consider it less likely, at any rate," Brunilda shrugs.
[22:32] <Yomi> "How did it ever come to be? I mean, two circle, infinity... what was the link?"
[22:34] <El-Cideon> "My understanding," the proprietor says, "is that it's meant to represent the officer's undying commitment to his dark taskmaster. Two lifetimes, one goal, or some such thing? The truly fanatical among the enemy are known to willingly be subjected to enchantments that cause their bodies to rise again and continue fighting after death."
[22:34] <Brunilda> "Well, the circle already represented that concept - among many others - in numerous primitive cultures and particularly religions - see Ouroburous for an example, and has carried forward in symbolism to this day. But a circle works poorly for a mathematical symbol, I'd imagine, and so the Englishman who came up with it in the sixteen hundreds invented a slightly more obscure symbol
[22:34] <Brunilda> that would still convey the basic point that he could use in his equations."
[22:35] <Brunilda> "Goodness!" she gasps at the shopkeeper's explanation, it being far more gruesome than hers.
[22:36] <Yomi> "I am enlightened!" Yomi exclaims. "And I trust it's not illegal to keep the blades of your fallen foes here?"
[22:36] <El-Cideon> "I was never witness to this phenomenon myself, of course--by the time I was stationed at Naruk, the fighting consisted solely of mutual glaring across the bridge."
[22:37] <Yomi> "We've seen enough that I can believe people crazy enough to tie their fates to undeath exist," Yomi voices with a grimace. "Be that as it may, I do want to purchase it, if we can come to an agreement."
[22:39] <El-Cideon> "Ah, well...They're coveted trophies and retired soldiers are known to keep them as such. Once they're properly cleansed, that is. Kuthani commanders are uniformly powerful sorcerers and it is typical for them to enchant such blades to afflict unwelcome wielders with all manner of disease.
[22:40] <El-Cideon> "Naturally, I ensured this one was purified by a priestess," he adds after a moment.
[22:40] <Yomi> "How delightful." Yomi grimaces anew at that fun factoid. "So enchanting weapons is commonplace, here, with the Eridani?"
[22:40] <Brunilda> "Naturally," Brunilda nods, edging her hands away.
[22:44] <El-Cideon> "Oh yes," he says. "No priestess would leave the cities without a weapon capable of smiting shades and other such unnatural creatures, and weaponsmaster Marig in Eridu keeps his forges forever lit to provide Ishtar's legions with supernatural armaments."
[22:45] * Yomi feels a tiny bit of jealousy, but maybe Erin's plan will bring exactly this sort of thing to their world as well in time. "Is it all limited to melee weapons, or do you branch out into ranged ones as well?"
[22:49] <El-Cideon> "Swords and spears are the armaments of the rank and file, though I'm told some stranger specialty weapons have been produced."
[22:51] <Yomi> Strange, but maybe they just don't have gunpowder, Yomi muses. She nods in acknowledgement of the answer, abssent-mindedly tracing the flat of the blade. As her questions about purchasing it had been masterfully deflected thus far, however, she decides to let it go. "Suzume, want to look for a captain's hat for Rena?" she suggests.
[22:53] <El-Cideon> "A...hat? Okay." Suzume turns and starts poking around the shelves.
[22:54] <Yomi> "It must be quite the hat to suit her role," Yomi affirms, likewise looking through the wares for anything that would catch her eye.
[22:56] <El-Cideon> "It *is* for sale," the proprietor says, "though it will be expensive. Truth be told, I put it up more as a display piece--" There's something rueful to the admission. "One of those singularly rare items to testify to the comprehensive breadth of the store's inventory. Like this one--"
[22:56] <Brunilda> "You should have gotten one back in London. A nice bicorne or something from the Napoleonic wars?" Brunilda suggests to Yomi.
[22:58] <Yomi> "You know how that goes," Yomi says with regret. "You always think about this once you leave home."
[22:59] <El-Cideon> He nods to another object on the shelf behind him. It looks, for all intents and purposes, like a stone arm. Other particularly unusual objects Yomi sees about the store include a strangely melted vase, the skull of some horned monster, a curious stone rod, a model of an animal composed largely of gears, a silver mask, a handful of familiar-looking badges...there's no rhyme or reason to some of the stock.
[23:00] <Yomi> "Suzume, does anything catch your eye?" Yomi inquires, deciding to focus on the stone arm the proprietor singled out.
[23:01] * Brunilda is particularly intrigued by the gearwork! "What's this?" she asks, examining it closely.
[23:01] <El-Cideon> Suzume's found a painting lurking in a corner and seems distracted by that at present. "Hm?"
[23:02] <Yomi> "Anything here just jumps out at you? Normally, or to your third eye?"
[23:06] <El-Cideon> "Ah, one question at a time, please!" he says. "This--" he points out the arm, "--was brought by an explorer of the black warrens, far to the north of here. Very hazardous business, probing the glass tunnels. No one can go far past the borders, but littering the edges of that region are stone figures. Legend says they were the Dark One's followers just before the catacylsm, petrified by Ishtar's wrath during the fin
[23:06] <El-Cideon> Ishtar's wrath during the final confrontation."
[23:07] <El-Cideon> That said, the arm is thicker and heavier than any Eridani's--or human's. The fingers are long, thick, and carefully articulated as though fitted together rather than grown or sculpted.
[23:07] * Yomi glances at Brunilda. "Would that be something you could study and confirm or dispute, with time?"
[23:09] <Brunilda> "Worked stone isn't like a fossil, I can't date it geologically," Brunilda shakes her head. "Radiological dating would only tell me the age of the stone, not when it was crafted into an arm... assuming that's the case and it's not really a living being that was petrified by divine wrath. That's well outside of my experience."
[23:10] <El-Cideon> Murgh can only just look blankly at Brunilda during most of this exchange. "Yes, well, I merely relate the legends."
[23:11] * Yomi goes to gather the badges as she waits for Murgh to answer Brunilda's question for now.
[23:14] <El-Cideon> He steps around the counter to the strange animal model. "Now, this is a collaboration between an Eridani artist and an assistant of Grumk's in Nishpur. A very unusual fusion of disciplines!" A body has been fashioned from some kind of animal hide into the shape of a leonine, horned beast. Metal gears gleam beneath the edges of the covering and the figure rests on a base made of something resembling wood. (more)
[23:15] <El-Cideon> There is a stubby crank set in the base, with Murgh leans over and turns for a moment. On release, the bestial figure's body flexes; it rears in the air and a tinny metal twanging that could, with some imagination, be interpreted as a roar, emanates from it before it settles again.
[23:17] * Yomi can't help but smile. The animal replica is adorable!
[23:18] * Brunilda revises her estimates of the Eridani's potential another century. Admittedly the Romans had steam engines, but even so such gearwork is impressive and a hallmark of Earth post-Industrial Revolution. "Was it made as a one of a kind or are such gearworks mass produced for other purposes as well?"
[23:22] <El-Cideon> "This device, to my knowledge, is unique in the empire. Grumk's typical work is of more utilitarian purpose--lifting devices, aqueducts, civil engineering projects. He's not always able to requisition the amount of metal he desires for other enterprises, with so much of it hoarded for Marig's productions."
[23:23] <Yomi> "Could you tell me more about these?" Yomi asks then, approaching with the gathered badges. "We've come across them before, but it's hard to place them in a proper context. Who did they belong to, when were they made -- anything at all, really."
[23:23] * Brunilda nods. "We're on our way to Nishpur, so I'll be interested in seeing the workshop for myself."
[23:25] <El-Cideon> "It is a sight for one with a methodical mind," he says. Then, to Yomi: "The concensus is that they belonged to soldiers prior to the cataclysm. Neither Ishtar's nor Ereshkigal's officers have ever used such insignia, to my knowledge."
[23:26] <Yomi> "So it's a three party split, then?" Yomi says in Japanese, studying the badges. "And is anything known about those soldiers?" she asks Murgh.
[23:30] <El-Cideon> This gathering, you see, is a smattering of diamond badges with simple hash marks, and squarish ones with more ornate insignia. Murgh starts slightly at this strange, alien language yomi speaks for a moment, then continues: "Very little. It's not even agreed upon which side they fought for in the cataclysm. But it's clear that they are very, very old indeed, often found in the vicinity of powerful shades."
[23:31] <Yomi> "So first, there were these soldiers," Yomi says, "and then they just disappeared? And some time after, your people were split into two, the Eridani and those who follow-- what's her name, the crazy goddess of death? And you've been fighting ever since?"
[23:36] <El-Cideon> He laughs--a discordant sound to human ears, but there's obvious mirth as he speaks. "That is perhaps the most succinct review of history that I have heard, but yes, it is fundamentally accurate. And the name you search for is Ereshkigal. The priestesses have some dreadful superstitions about not speaking her name to avoid invoking her wrath, but I feel quite secure in my own shop, thank you."
[23:37] <Yomi> "And here I cleverly avoided speaking it, just in case." Yomi shrugs. "Ah well. How long ago was this, exactly?"
[23:41] <El-Cideon> "Written records only resumed after the light of Eridu was reborn, which was some five hundred years ago. The time of darkness between then and the cataclysm, now, I couldn't say with any authority. Two thousand years to the day is the figure given by the priestess, but I've no notion of how they arrived at that number. No doubt such knowledge was divinely granted."
[23:42] <Yomi> "Yeah, about that. Where we're from, we have faith, but we don't actually have... well, any irrefutable proof of that? Haven't had it in thousands of years. Is it the same here, or does Ishtar sometimes visit?"
[23:42] <Brunilda> "How long is a year, anyway?" Brunilda asks. "How do you tell when one day ends and the next begins?"
[23:46] <El-Cideon> "Ah, well, we're assured that High Priestess Lemmet and Primarch Gurik receive personal direction from Ishtar on a regular basis. Of course, *I* have not had the privilege of meeting any goddesses myself and could only direct you to the temple for further assurances. They're much better at that than I am. (more)
[23:48] <El-Cideon> He looks at Brunilda. "How does one *not* notice when a day ends? I'm afraid I don't understand the question."
[23:49] <Yomi> "It's dark for us."
[23:50] <Brunilda> "Where we come from we track time by the passage of celestial objects. Those objects can't be seen in these caverns," Brunilda elaborates.
[23:53] <El-Cideon> "It's not a matter of light. It's a matter of...knowing that one day's cycle has ended and another begun. This is so elementary that I don't know where to begin describing it. All of which begs a very interesting question: where *do* you come from?"
[23:54] <Yomi> "Earth," Yomi responds, keeping with Erin's technically truthful answers.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[23:04] <El-Cideon> "'Earth?'" he repeats, contorting the word somewhat.
[23:05] <Yomi> "Our home," Yomi responds. "We can tell you a bit about it if you tell us how people see the clergy here?"
[23:09] <El-Cideon> "Hmhm. And is there a reason you cannot ask them directly?"
[23:10] <Brunilda> "People often don't see themselves the way others see them," Brunilda offers.
[23:10] * Yomi blinks. "Hi there, Priestess Munn! Do your people love and adore you, or follow you out of fear?" She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure that would work out great. So how about it? I'm just looking for a bit of honest opinion from a third party."
[23:12] <El-Cideon> "Oh, ask away, then," he says, sounding amused.
[23:14] <Yomi> "I'll even start, to show we're not going to be cheap," Yomi says, grinning at his response. "Earth is split into many nations, not just two like the Eridani and the crazy death cultists. Some work together, some not so much. We're actually from several of them who came together for a common goal. How does your society work?"
[23:21] <El-Cideon> There's a long pause. Eventually: "With the strenuous effort of a man pushing an equally-sized stone up a steep slope. He can hardly relax, can he? His burden would crush him if he neglected his duties for a moment, after all. So we must always have our mind on...destinations."
[23:26] <Brunilda> "Sounds like the fable of Sisyphus, condemned by the Gods to roll an enormous boulder up a hill for eternity, only to watch it roll down every time he nears the summit," Brunilda offers sagely.
[23:32] <El-Cideon> "Oh? Well, fortunate for us that here one is at least assured of there being an end to one's labors. But it is in truth a very high hill. You have traveled, perhaps? Seen the empty spaces between the cities? Ultimately, it's all meant to be lit and populated in the manner of Eridu. But there is--and I say this having seen much of it--a great deal of world out there to fill."
[23:34] * Yomi might need to approach this differently, and luckily, he offers her an out. "We've come across your distant cousins before, as matter of fact. Not Eridani, but certainly not capable of anything beyond hoarding a few animals in a village. What would the Eridani do when you two eventually meet? Would they be forced to convert? Integrated perfectly, or treated as second class?"
[23:40] <El-Cideon> "That depends in part upon their conduct. I expect the followers of Ereshkigal remaining in Kutha to be shown no leniency if their city is finally taken. No matter how much we might speak of propagating loyalty to Ishtar being the ultimate good, it's simply far too late for me to expect even peacable surrender to be taken at face value. (more)
[23:42] <El-Cideon> "The savage tribes that litter the dark reaches, however? We've met many during the course of our expansion from Eridu. And any priestess will tell you: all of them are now Eridani."
[23:43] * Yomi tilts her head curiously. "Did they all want to? And did they have a choice, actually?"
[23:46] <Brunilda> "Does it matter?" Brunilda asks archly. "I don't think anyone in India was asked if they wanted to become subjects of the British Empire, but there you have it. Why should it be different here?"
[23:47] <El-Cideon> "Ah, well, now we approach the point where total honesty becomes hazardous," he says, sitting on his desk and rapping his fingers on it. "I would merely suggest that you consider whether your nation would be willing to be assimilated as well and, if the answer is no, to be make necessary preparations for when we approach your borders."
[23:49] <Yomi> "Not from a moral standpoint, no. But it helps to know what sort of society we're dealing with, isn't it?" Yomi responds to Brunilda. She nods at Murgh's words. "Case in point." Switching to English, she says, "That certainly makes Erin's point for her. It would be dangerous to go into the way our portals work with our hosts, it seems."
[23:50] <Yomi> "For now we seem distant enough, so it is probably not a concern," she tells Murgh. "In that case, I've been wondering about what your priestesses would find more important, converting us or trading with us. Any thoughts there?"
[23:51] <Brunilda> "Dangerous for them," Brunilda concludes in her native tongue.
[23:52] * Yomi grins crookedly. "Depends on where they manage to find an exit, don't you think? Quite a lot could die before anyone who could deal with an invasion would hear of it and act."
[23:55] * Brunilda just shakes her head, silently speaking volumes of the Eridani's chances against humanity. But it's not the place to be having that conversation so she keeps quiet.
[23:56] <El-Cideon> He sighs, ignoring the exchanges in strange outsider languages. "Traditionally, the priestesses would have it be the former. Practically speaking, if you have ample supply of food, whatever proves necessary for its acquisition might happen. You are, however, a different breed than any savage tribe we've absorbed. (more)
[23:58] <El-Cideon> "You walk around bearing our Goddess's form. I cannot predict what this will mean to the leadership in Eridu. But you are no doubt shepherded by some manner of watchful chaperone who has fortunately deigned to remain outside? If I were to hazard an opinion: what you think matters to them."
[00:02] <Yomi> "You know, that's been making me wonder. It really has. If only the high priestesses ever see the goddess, how would you know we actually look that similar to her?" Yomi inquires. "Are you a long-living race, so that you've lived for hundreds of years and your grandparents saw her and told you? Or is it like how you know what time it is without looking at the sun?"
[00:04] <Brunilda> "Statue?" Brunilda suggests.
[00:04] <Yomi> "Wasn't it really huge and featureless?"
[00:06] * Brunilda shrugs, having found it adequate enough but not caring to debate its artistic merit.
[00:06] <El-Cideon> He nods. "Artistic depictions are frequent, yes. You certainly bear more physical similarities to her than to any of us. And the Primarch confers with the Goddess just as much as does the High Priestess. The priestesses may be the first of us that any outsider will meet, but rest assured that if they require armed support, it will follow."
[00:07] <Yomi> "Primarch... you mentioned him. Who would that be?"
[00:11] <El-Cideon> "Commander of Ishtar's armies. The priestesses specialize in conversion and the purging of the unholy beings that litter the far caverns. The Hierarchs enforce civil law, subjugate recalcitrant tribes, and maintain Fort Naruk to suppress the Kuthani. The Hierarchs all answer to the Primarch. Gurik has held the position for the last twenty years or so."
[00:13] <Yomi> "Is that long? We live for--" Yomi glances at Brunilda for confirmation, "--three times that, give or take?"
[00:15] <Brunilda> "Averages about that, at least in Britain. Less in other places," Brunilda nods.
[00:17] <El-Cideon> "Similar, then. As for the Primarch, it's not unusual for one to hold the position for so long. Of course, as all-out war in the east hasn't been a possibility for twenty years, he is hardly likely to fall in the line of duty in the near future."
[00:19] <Yomi> "Does this make the Primarch the head of the military and of the civilian government, too?" Yomi wonders. "Is there any other authority, beyond his and the clergy's? And who is in charge of keeping records and over research into magic?" Erin would surely appreciate knowing this part!
[00:23] <El-Cideon> "Oh, there are various clerks and functionaries in both civil and religious capacities," he says dismissively. "Not that anyone aspires to be such, of course--priestess or soldier comes with much more prestige--but such services must be fulfilled. Magic is strictly the priestess' lot. Talent with such is not encouraged in any other capacity."
[00:26] <Yomi> It's probably a saner form of government than that of her land of birth, Yomi muses with a mental frown. That just does not sit well with her, but she can't do much about it here. "So we see," she responds. "And you've indulged us long enough! We simply have to buy a memento. That clockwork animal, perhaps? How expensive is it?"
[00:31] <El-Cideon> "Quite exquisite, isn't it? It is a one-of-a-kind item, and as such proportionately expensive...though given that a conversation with the mysterious outsiders is surely not a privilege most citizens will have the good fortune to indulge in, I'll be generous." He quotes a figure that, after a moment's simple math, proves to be halkf your coins. "If you're willing to answer a few questions of mine, that is?"
[00:31] <El-Cideon> "If you're willing to answer a few questions of mine, that is?"
[00:32] <Yomi> "Of course, if we can."
[00:34] <El-Cideon> "Oh, don't worry. I'll keep them simple. Such basics as exactly how far away you journey from and how numerous your people are tempt, but I think more importantly are: what brought you to us, and what impression do you have of us thus far?"
[00:36] <Yomi> "We probably have different answers for the second question." Yomi snorts. "Maybe even the first? Mine is that we are explorers, so once we knew what was out there, we had to go and see it. Once we knew the Eridani were out here, we had to go and meet with them." She shrugs, then. "My impression so far? Dangerous, interesting, confusing, strangely similar to home."
[00:38] <Brunilda> "In terms of mindset and intelligence, you're more like us than unlike us," Brunilda adds. "But in terms of culture and technology, we have something of a head start." Better to understate it than cause alarm and possibly get them locked up to 'share' said advantages.
[00:41] <Yomi> "As for our population, I will only add that it would be extremely unwise to attempt to colonize us," Yomi adds.
[00:42] <El-Cideon> "I don't doubt it," he concedes, subsequently correcting, "Or perhaps I should say I find it prudent to acknowledge there is still much about the world beyond our experience or understanding. Surely familiarity will come in time. Now...will there be anything else?"
[00:43] <Yomi> "Did you find anything you wanted to get as a souvenier, Suzume?" Yomi asks, raising her voice slightly.
[00:46] <El-Cideon> "Er, no, I'm okay," Suzume says, rousing from her search of the shelves. "You don't need to spend money on me or anything! We don't have that much of it, do we? I mean, local money."
[00:48] <Yomi> They could certainly trade, but it doesn't seem like any of them wants to get something on top of their purchase, and so Yomi smiles at Murgh. "I think we're good, thanks."
[00:50] <El-Cideon> "My pleasure. Oh, and one more question before you go: where do you plan to travel from here?"
[00:51] <Yomi> "From Urgesh? Eridu, of course. Why?"
[00:57] <El-Cideon> "Just a word of advice: think carefully about who you choose to speak to while there. It's not unknown for those in leadership circles to have...disagreements with one another. As outsiders, being drawn into such could prove awkward. Take care."
[01:00] <El-Cideon> ~
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake