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Act I: Mercurian Underground

Started by Halbarad, June 22, 2004, 08:41:01 PM

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There's a rather nasty bump on his head, but other than that he appears to be uninjured. He seems to be breathing normally, just completely unconscious.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


"Chris, I've found Michael - he's unconscious, possibly a concussion, I'd guess. Not quite sure what happened, though..." the summoner radios back to the Silver Star, while glancing around the bookstore for any sort of clue as to what happened to the guy.


"Crap," Chris sends back. "You need any help?"

The bookstore reveals little in the way of clues, but from the way the shelves are collapsed, you'd guess that Michael collapsed against the shelf he's laying on, and something of a domino effect knocked over about half of the remaining shelves in the store.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


"Should be fine," Rowan affirms, "Looks like whatever excitement happened here is over. We'll be back to the ship soon."

Putting action to words, Rowan crouches down and hefts the comatose Michael, rising and taking a single step before falling over with a groan. "Ugh..." she disentangles herself from him, briefly checking that she didn't add any further bruises. "He's a lot heavier than my little brother," she notes, balefully eyeing that stupid rock arm.

Heaving a put upon sigh, Rowan grabs Michael by his armpits and lifts him up as far as his thighs before she begins slowly dragging him out of the shop. "Might be a little longer, actually..." she complains.


With Rowan rushing off to check on Michael, Arkian hurries back to the Silver Star...


"Chris!" shouts Arkian, as he boards the vessel. "I'm back!"

He hurries to the nearest unused cabin, and quickly sets about making the girl comfortable..
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Chris rushes down as soon as he hears the call. "Do you have... whoa, there really IS a survivor," he says. "I almost didn't believe you guys."

Juliana, for her part, has stopped shivering quite so much, although she still looks extremely pale, and her skin is cool to the touch. She huddles in the bed for warmth, drawing Arkian's cloak and the blankets around her feebly.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


"Don't worry about that now," replies Arkian, glancing at the girl. "Go and get some food and water; I'll tell you the whole story later."

Switching back to his stunted Lunarian, he starts talking to the girl again; "I'm sorry. Are you feeling any better?"
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"I'm... cold," the girl says, her eyes closed as she tries to marshal the little warmth she has.

Chris quickly scurries off towards the galley... you can hear him clanking around inside a few moments later.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


"Just a moment!" replies Arkian, bustling to get more blankets and to turn the ships heaters up a few notches. He lays his staff to one side, too; there's hardly a need for it right now (or ever, in this particulary excursion).
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


As Arkian hurries about trying to make the lone survivor of the ancient colony of Mercury as comfortable as he can, Rowan finally manages to get Michael to the ship, having dragged him most of the way back. With Chris' help, she manhandles him into his own cabin, still unconscious.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


Setting Michael down, Rowan finally gets to take off her spacesuit and scratch her nose.

"You have no idea how long that's been bugging me," she remarks to Chris. "Arkian bring back Julianna okay?"


"Yeah, he got the girl back okay - he's back in one of the empty rooms getting her warmed up," Chris replies. "So, are we leaving now or what? He made it sound like we needed to get out right this second, but he's the only one who can fly this crate and he's still in there fussing over her." Chris seems a bit nervous, you note, the tension evident in his voice.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


"I don't know if we're leaving this city altogether, but we definitely need to get to the surface and report this back. We can probably find out what caused the tremor when he," she hooks a thumb at Michael, "wakes up."

With that, Rowan goes to find Arkian and their guest.


Rowan happens on Arkian standing over the bed in which Julianna is lying, looking concerned, but also confident.

He turns as Rowan enters the room. "Hey," he greets her.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"Hey," Rowan nods in reply. "I got Michael - looks like he fell over and hit his head or something. How's our guest?" she asks, peering at the blue-haired girl.