
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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050.1 "Do you know what Marid are?"

Started by Corwin, July 12, 2011, 04:46:36 PM

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[20:07] <Kotono> Yuria, Veserya and Marianne head out of Whimsical Sweets. It's not a far walk from here to the temple. As you walk, "Finally!" Yuria exhales, "I hope they, like, pay really well. I'm soooo broke still!"
[20:09] <Veserya> "The church of Waukeen is one of the wealthiest institutions in the world," Veserya notes, "I'm sure they have the means. I'm more curious what sort of entertainment they require that needs such specific skills."
[20:11] <Kotono> "Do you know what Marid are?" Marianne asks back, as Yuria's face lights right up.
[20:16] <Veserya> "Succinctly they're water aligned genies," Veserya elucidates. "Balmuria is a port, so I suppose it's not unexpected."
[20:17] <Kotono> "Ooooh!" Suddenly blinking, "Like, they can grant wishes genies?" Yuria looks quite sharply to Veserya, "Like I could wish to be rich and it would happen?"
[20:20] <Veserya> "Well..." Veserya hedges somewhat, "If one wanted to grant your wish, yes. But they have no obligation to do so... perhaps if you do your very best to impress them on this task they might see fit to grant an extra reward beyond what the church is paying us."
[20:24] <Kotono> "Right!" Yuria abruptly smiles, "So like, um...wait. I mean, do they like human women?"
[20:26] * Veserya raises an eyebrow, taking a moment to consider how best to phrase this. "They are... compatible, but as always it comes down to individual taste. If any catch your eye I can try to help, but I hope you're not thinking of doing so purely in hopes of having a wish granted," she concludes at length.
[20:27] <Kotono> "Indeed," Marianne says, "Yuria, why would a man reward a woman who gives her greatest treasures away for nothing? No, no, no. You must make them want you, make them want to give you gifts. Enthrall and bedazzle them! Seduction is the key to a man's wealth, for whores are a mark a dozen."
[20:28] <Kotono> This makes Yuria's face take a red cast, as you linger down the street. People pass you buy with a few glances here and there, as Yuria at length replies as she bites her lip, "Like, I just wanna impress one and well...isn't a wish worth trying for?"
[20:30] <Veserya> "Excellently put, Marianne!" Veserya beams at the green-haired woman. "Have more faith in your charms, Yuria, we'll learn what we can from our employer and when we entertain these Marid we can see what we can do to arouse their attention on your behalf."
[20:32] <Kotono> "Naturally," Marianne continues, "Dress smartly, not like a street tart. Show a little leg, but don't look like a slut. Engage them and tease, but never appear desperate or interested. There are dozens of little lessons like that." A glance over at Veserya, "If we have time before meeting them, we simply must instruct her in this."
[20:33] <Veserya> "Definitely," Veserya nods primly, "Even leaving aside talk of rewards from the Marid, embarrassing ourselves would no doubt upset the church of Waukeen, and we mustn't forget that we were called to aid them, not the Marid."
[20:35] <Kotono> "Absolutely. It may be we are in an adversarial role to them," Marianne says, "Selling out the Waukeenites is a fool's errant. They have the resources for generous reprisals at the first betrayal. To think otherwise is a foolish."
[20:36] <Kotono> Yuria listens to every word, "Like, I was taught that men like women, and totally just want to know, and then they take care of you."
[20:37] <Veserya> "Oh, well..." Veserya smiles lightly, "You'll find a certain proportion of men may 'totally want to you know' but have no desire at all to take care of you. Worry not, though, Yuria, you'll be in safe hands with Marianne and I."
[20:40] <Kotono> "More than a certain proportion," Marianne snorts at that, "Most men are pricks, or only think with their prick. So yes, we'll make sure you don't make a mistake, Yuria."
[20:43] <Kotono> "Right," Yuria brightens at that, "Though I don't get that. It's not like it doesn't feel good, so what's wrong with that?"
[20:44] <Kotono> "We are women. We are beautiful flowers, not drooping daisies to be plucked whenever a man has a passing fancy." Marianne walks stiff backed, radiating disdain, "We do not settle for any thug simply because it feels good."
[20:45] <Veserya> "Just so long as you go into it with no illusions, there's no harm in a torrid affair based on attraction and pleasure alone," Veserya retorts with a relaxed smile. "It's only trouble when expectations clash, when one seeks a brief flash of passion and the other seeks the slow ember of commitment."
[20:47] <Kotono> "I mean...can't I just fuck?" Yuria frowns and scratches at her head, "You all are making it sound totally more complicated than it is with all of this."
[20:47] <Kotono> "No, Yuria, you may not," Marianne exhales, "Nights of passion or committment aside for a moment, let us not keep our employer waiting. This may be nothing so much as idle fancy that amounts to nothing, depending."
[20:49] <Veserya> "Marianne is right, work first and then pleasure," Veserya agrees that it's best to let lie for the moment. Certainly not the place for it, anyway. "We can come back to this topic later."
[20:52] <Kotono> Into the lair of the Waukeenites you go! You are escorted to a pleasant sitting room, served tea and various odd little finger foods, exotic and tasty. A few elven ones are here, joined by human delicacies. Yet others are unknown to the casual eye, stranger and stranger unknowns yet. Marianne sniffs one bit of green fruit and pops it into her mouth immediately, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"
[20:53] <Veserya> "Good?" Veserya asks, deciding to give the same green fruit a try herself based on that reaction.
[20:56] <Kotono> It's a tart-sweet, Marianne sucking it down before managing to reply. "Royal Green Applets." Marianne's pops in another, "They only grow on the eastern shoals of...very far away," she answers at last, "I haven't had any in a very long time. They must be recovering well..."
[20:59] * Veserya smacks her lips after trying one, nodding agreeably. "It's good. I can also recommend the Julieberries," she suggests an elven treat for the benefit of her new friends, picking up one of the red and blue dotted berries and popping it in her mouth.
[21:04] <Kotono> Both women try them, Yuria making a pleased little noise, "Ooooh, these are good! Where do they come from?"
[21:07] <Veserya> "They grow wild in Eastern Pallanth," Veserya explains. "A few fruit farms produce them as well, but most that you'll see are gathered from the wild."
[21:10] <Kotono> As you talk there is a knock on the door. After a beat it opens, Holycoin Mia entering. She flashes the trio a smile, coming to sit. "Afternoon. Has it been a profitable one for you?"
[21:13] <Veserya> Standing up to greet her host and then sitting once she's sat as any well brought up person would, Veserya nods, "I've made several new friends, so I'd say so. I don't believe we've met, as I only just joined Whimsical Sweets - Veserya Desjardin, at your service," she introduces herself afterwards.
[21:17] <Kotono> "Marianne, charmed." "Yuria!" The two women introduce themselves and stand as well, and once done return to sitting.
[21:17] <Kotono> Holycoin Mia replies without missing a beat, "Nice to meet you. I've heard well of your family."
[21:20] <Veserya> "That's kind of you to say," Veserya inclines her head, "The past few decades have quite vindicated the approach pursued by yourselves and Seira Aryn, despite our initial opposition. But I'm sure no one here cares to discuss what must seem like ancient history." Ancient sounds right, she's not quite sure how humans perceive the gap in time that for her is nigh inconsequential.
[21:22] <Kotono> "Yes. Please, sit down," Gesturing and resting back herself, "Are any of you familiar with Marids? Any experience by chance?"
[21:24] <Kotono> "Nope," Yuria shakes her head back and forth, while Marianne chuckles. "An offshoot of the genies, adapted to water?"
[21:24] <Veserya> "I'm aware of what they are, but haven't met any before," Veserya shakes her head as she settles back in her chair.
[21:28] <Kotono> "They are emissaries of the Padisha of the Marid. They're here to establish trading relations, but they're quite interested in our culture and development. They want to see arcane magic and divine magic at work; they stipulated it can't be anyone who follows Waukeen. Further, on the mention of bardic song and magic, they requested one as well."
[21:32] <Veserya> "I follow Empress Sulia," Veserya offers for herself, "And I am classically trained in dance, song, and various instrument, in the elven style as well as various human, dwarven, and heavenly traditions." She decides to leave off on her skill at divine magic, that being Yuria's spot on this mission.
[21:34] <Kotono> "I can channel divine magic," Yuria immediately pipes up, "I'm pretty good at it, too!"
[21:35] <Kotono> "As for myself, I am versed in two schools of arcane magic," Marianne says, "Are we sufficient?"
[21:37] <Kotono> "I think so," Holycoin Mia says, as there's a knock on the door. She looks back, "A moment. Yes, who is it?"
[21:38] <Kotono> "Ma'am," A woman's voice is heard, a bit muffled, "I need to borrow you a moment." At that Holycoin Mia smiles, "Sorry, I'll be just a moment. Please, sample some more treats in the meantime."
[21:39] <Kotono> Holycoin Mia goes, Marianne watching her. "The task at hand seems simple. Show them our best magic and skills, impress them with our development and culture."
[21:41] <Veserya> "Take your time," Veserya smiles patiently, having some human style elf bread in the meantime. "This isn't actually as bad as I thought it would be," she murmurs before joining the conversation. "Yes, we must be polite and well spoken throughout," she says primarily for Yuria's benefit, "But I'm sure it won't be at all onerous."
[21:43] <Kotono> "It's a human dish," Marianne murmurs, "I prefer the elven style, it's less cloying."
[21:44] <Kotono> "I know," Yuria says, "I'm trying to! It's tricky, but like, I sorta try and mimic you guys."
[21:45] <Veserya> "Yes, it's not converting me, but novelty has its allure. From how elven cooks talk about the human version, I expected something far worse," Veserya tells Marianne, then leaning over to gently pat Yuria's knee. "Keep that up, Yuria, and we'll make a proper lady out of you, yet!"
[21:46] <Kotono> "It's just so hard!" Yuria sighs, "I want to talk like how I talk, not like someone else. It feels totally wrong."
[21:50] <Veserya> "It gets easier the more you practice," Veserya encourages, "Don't give up and it'll become habit... or at the very least, think of it like being in disguise. Just for this job, you're pretending to be someone else, a noble and refined Lady!"
[21:53] <Kotono> "Mon said that about a lot of things too, and it totally worked," Yuria brightens up even more, "Okay, so I'm rich, refined and pretty?"
[21:53] <Kotono> "In essence, yes," Marianne replies, "Think before you speak. If you cannot speak well, sometimes a smile or a coy look is even more effective than words."
[21:55] <Veserya> "Wise advice," Veserya agrees with Marianne, "That approach can help cultivate an air of mystique that could serve us well in this particular job."
[21:56] <Kotono> "Yes. Once you have a man interested in you, you can manipulate and allure him," A slight smirk follows, "You can arouse him on a much deeper level than his manhood. Make him want all of you, not just your body. Make him addicted to you and craving you."
[21:57] <Kotono> "Well yeah-yes," Yuria corrects herself, "But if I think he's cute, how do I restrain myself? When I see a guy I like and he likes me, know?" She pushes two fingers together, "We have a nice time, usually!"
[21:58] <Kotono> "With great willpower and knowledge. Entertain yourself as you control him," Marianne says, "Savor the hunt."
[22:00] <Veserya> "Again I say, if you both like each other and only wish for a quick thrill, there's utterly no harm in it," Veserya concedes, "But if you wish to restrain yourself, think of how much better a drink tastes when you're truly thirsty? The reward at the end becomes all the more sweet."
[22:04] <Kotono> "Well yeah, but um guys are usually salty, not sweet," Yuria frowns, "Or are elves sweet?"
[22:05] <Kotono> Marianne sighs, rubbing her temple.
[22:07] * Veserya sighs. It's a very soft sigh, but one that speaks volumes from the irrepressibly chipper elf. "That isn't quite what I meant, Yuria... How about thinking of it this way; all the pleasure you could be feeling by indulging early gets stored up, so that when you finally do, it all comes at once. Delayed gratification is more profound."
[22:07] <Kotono> "Oh yeah, but what if he comes early then?" Yuria scowls, "Like, I've hadt hat happen before and it ruins the mood!"
[22:08] <Kotono> "That's not..." Marianne sighs again, reaching for more berries and focusing on those instead.
[22:09] <Veserya> "Mmmm..." Veserya rubs at her temples for a moment. "Once more, let us put this discussion off until later, Yuria. Marianne and I will do our best to steer you through these many pitfalls."
[22:11] <Kotono> Soon after the doors open again. Holycoin Mia comes back, another with her. This woman looks youthful without being young, her entire posture and face radiating a regal bearing. She wears a flowing red dress that seems to slightly move on it's own and a golden circlet atop her head. Brown hair is worn long and she wears several rings. "Are you Whimsical Sweets?" she asks.
[22:13] <Veserya> roll 1d20+14 if she's noble I'll know about it!
[22:13] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+14 if she's noble I'll know about it! and gets 26." [1d20=12]
[22:16] <Veserya> "Good day, Lady Aryn," Veserya rises to her feet and then drops into an elegant curtsey for the human woman adopted into elven nobility. "We are the same, at your service."
[22:17] <Kotono> Marianne rises, repeating Veserya's actions. Yuria blinks and does the same, fumbling a bit but mostly getting it done.
[22:18] <Kotono> "Veserya Desjardin, I believe?" Abagail Aryn nods to her, "I did not know you had come to the human lands." A longer glance at Marianne, and a shorter one at Yuria.
[22:19] <Veserya> "In truth I only arrived yesterday," the elf admits, "But my service to Empress Sulia led me to a servant of Ilmater in this city; Aaeru of Whimsical Sweets. Thus our causes are joined, for now. Are you involved in the Holycoin's endeavours to court the Marid?"
[22:21] <Kotono> "Ah no, I had wanted to meet Whimsical Sweets." She nods to each of them, "I heard from Cran you routed Shar's forces." She deeply inclines her head, "Thank you."
[22:22] * Veserya silently defers to Marianne and Yuria with a lowered gaze of her own, not having had any part in that.
[22:26] <Kotono> "We did what we had to," Marianne says, keeping her chin high, "Senaril had to die."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:21] <Kotono> "You made the right choices," Abagail replies, "Were you properly compensated for your heroism?"
[20:24] * Veserya maintains an expression of polite interest as the discussion carries on, although she's far more interested in the specifics of their battle with Senaril than whatever reward they garnered.
[20:28] <Kotono> "We have been," Marianne says, "You have no noble obligation to see to our well-being; regardless of that, we took treasure from the routed fools."
[20:30] <Kotono> "If what's what you want," Abagail smiles slightly to Marianne, "An independant bunch, aren't you?"
[20:33] * Veserya continues to be a picture of poise and serenity as Abagail and Marianne chat. If nothing else it can serve as an example for Yuria after Marianne's earlier well-founded suggestion.
[20:34] <Kotono> "We do value our freedoms," Marianne says, resting back, "We are no crusaders against Shar, our misfortunes merely brought us against them. With the losses and suffering that came with slaying Senaril, we want nothing more to do with her rotten business."
[20:34] <Kotono> Yuria stays quiet and listens as well, nodding in the right placecs.
[20:37] <Kotono> "Then I hope that your fortune holds better," Abagail replies, smiling a little more, "Be careful and cautious in the coming future." With that Abagail excuses herself, leaving the room.
[20:41] <Veserya> "Thank you, Lady Aryn, and farewell," Veserya offers to her fellow member of Pallanth's nobility, now giving her full attention back to Holycoin Mia and sitting down once more.
[20:42] <Kotono> Once that's done, "Where were we? I think the three of you should be sufficient for this task. Do you have any questions about the marids at all?"
[20:45] <Veserya> Her role is pretty simple, since it's hard to wrong with a musical performance, but on behalf of Yuria and Marianne she asks, "If we're to demonstrate our culture, would you suggest we use performances or spells that are related in some way to marids or water, or should we instead highlight the differences?"
[20:47] <Kotono> "Mmmm," Mia taps a finger to her lips, "Good question! When in doubt with elemental spirits play to what they favor. They don't get sick of what composes them; water for water is always good."
[20:48] <Veserya> "Marianne, you mentioned a few ice evocations you know, didn't you?" Veserya asks the green-haired woman. "That could make for an impressive display - what about you, Yuria?"
[20:50] <Kotono> "I can create water, um..." Yuria shakes her head, "I can make lawfulw ater and make it rain lawful water!"
[20:53] * Veserya beams approvingly at the blonde woman, turning her attention after back to the Holycoin. "What form will our entertainment take? Simply present us on a stage or open area to do our pieces and go, or will we be expected to mingle and provide more freeform displays during your function?"
[20:58] <Kotono> "It will be it's own exhibition," Holycoin Mia replies, and pauses to clear her throat, "There is another point. Marid are fond of skimpy but decorative clothes. Imagine a Sharressian went over to the Fiefdoms and changed the styles around to taste. Catering to that would help."
[21:00] <Kotono> Marianne glowers, "I doubt that will be required." Clearing her throat, and glaring at Yuria just as the blonde starts to open her mouth, "I for one will not pander to them like a harlot."
[21:01] <Veserya> "Oh, just a little," Veserya flashes smile at Marianne, "It'll be fun to dress up, so long as civility is maintained. And I'm sure your magic demonstration will help to ensure that, won't it?"
[21:22] <Kotono> "Naturally," Marianne replies.
[21:22] <Kotono> "Good then," Holycoin Mia claps her hands together, "It sounds like you three have ideas already! Any other questions?"
[21:27] <Veserya> "How long a performance would you like? A couple of spells and some music, or something more involved?" Veserya asks.
[21:32] <Kotono> "As long as you can impress them," Holycoin Mia says, "Don't go so long as that they're bored."
[21:34] <Veserya> "I see. So the last would be the where and when, I suppose?" she looks at her two companions in case either has questions of their own.
[21:36] <Kotono> "Tomorrow night, 9 PM," Holycoin Mia says. At that Marianne nods, "Do they speak human or another language?"
[21:37] <Kotono> "They speak whatever you like," With a dry chuckle, "They're using translation magic to communicate freely. If you can speak Aquan that would be favorable, though they hardly expect it."
[21:37] <Kotono> "Mmm," Marianne considers that a few more moments, "I don't suppose you speak that, Veserya?"
[21:38] <Veserya> "No, but I have translation magic of my own, although that would have to be factored into the performance if I chose a song. Not much of a concern for instruments, at least. If you two like I can cast it on all of us beforehand."
[21:39] <Kotono> "Please," Marianne nods, as Yuria snaps her fingers, "Oh, I have one! Are they all men or women or...?"
[21:40] <Kotono> "It's a male delegation," Holycoin Mia smiles ever so slightly, "That came up in discussion. The diplomatic services of the Padisha are dominated by men, while women prefer to tend to affairs in Water. It's some manner of tradition tracing back to the Padisha."
[21:41] <Kotono> Yuria's smile brightens, "That's good!"
[21:42] <Veserya> "Hence the fondness for scant clothes, I'm sure," Veserya's own smile is amused. "In that case, shall we go and make ready or preparations?"
[21:44] <Kotono> "Mmmm," Marianne says and nods, "Let us. We shall return tomorrow then." She rises, "Ladies," she says, heading out.
[21:46] <Veserya> "We will see you tomorrow, Holycoin," Veserya nods to the cleric as she rises and follows Marianne outside.
[21:47] <Kotono> Yuria waves and follows! As you walk out of the temple Marianne murmurs, "So we know what to do now. Do you have any particular act or plan in mind? You are the artist of the three of us."
[21:56] <Veserya> "Hmm, I think combining our efforts would have the most dramatic feel - something evocative of a storm," she nods firmly, starting to picture it in her mind. "As we begin, I can play a dynamic clash on a harpsichord or pipe organ, while Yuria conjures water in the air and you freeze them to crash down in percussive impacts timed to my music." Starting to smile now at the developing scene,
[21:56] <Veserya> "Then with such a powerful introduction backing us, I can switch over to a fiddle or violin and begin to dance around the stage while Yuria conjures driving rainstorms framing the area and you can launch deadly bolts of ice at me - naturally they'll miss, timed to my dance, but the appearance of danger will thrill any audience!"
[21:59] <Kotono> "Ah yes, I do like this," Marianne agrees, "I think we're onto something."
[22:01] <Veserya> "We'll have to rehearse to ensure we have the timings right. What say we go clothes shopping first, and then find somewhere we can perform safely and privately?" Veserya suggests brightly.
[22:05] <Kotono> "Sounds good!" Yuria pipes up, "So ARe we going to dress, anyway?"
[22:06] <Veserya> "It depends a lot on what we can find at short notice in Balmuria's boutiques. I fear I haven't brought any clothes fitting the requirements with me," the elf admits. "Do either of you two know of anywhere we should start looking?"
[22:21] <Kotono> "I know a few places," Marianne says, "Come, I can call in a few favors..."
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[22:25] <Kotono> OOC: Make a gi check? I'm pretty sure that's just a charisma check for you since you're untrained.
[22:26] <Veserya> OOC: bardic knack, bitches!
[22:26] <Veserya> roll 1d20+8
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+8 and gets 27." [1d20=19]
[22:28] <Kotono> It takes most of the day and there's little luck to be found at first. Near dinner time Veserya meanders along, catching a small shop in the Old City in her attention. It's a little store, full of costumes of all types! An old woman half drowses near the front, sprawled out in her chair. "Hm, I don't think I've ever been here before," Marianne sniffles, "But I do see a lot of costumes."
[22:30] <Veserya> "Lets hope they have something eyecatching in our sizes, then," Veserya opines, going in to have a look for herself amidst the racks for something suitably tantalising yet not trashy. She can wake up the owner if she finds anything good.
[22:32] <Kotono> Thus you search around! Yuria goes to one old trunk and rummages! She looks up, holding up a pair of sequined panties. "Say, is this a good costume?" With a bright smile, "I mean, like, if they like skimpy, is going topless too desparate?"
[22:32] <Kotono> Marianne looks over from going through another chest, "Extremely," she says, "What flower opens wide so everyone sees what's inside? Really now." OOC: Feel free to make something up that catches your eye in here, Veserya.
[22:34] <Kotono> "But men always like them," Yuria mutters with a blush, looking down, "Mom always said that men should notice them!"
[22:36] <Kotono> "Notice them, not see them," Marianne sighs lightly, "Veserya, would you instruct this wayward child?"
[22:39] * Veserya raises an eyebrow. "It's... quite desperate, I think, yes. The proper wrapping can be just as eye-catching as naked flesh," she agrees with Marianne, going back to looking herself. Brushing aside a rack of checkered jester outfits, she happens across the jackpot, however! "Ahh, now this seems right up our alley!" she exclaims, pulling the line of gauzy silken fiefdoms style outfits
[22:39] * Veserya into view. There's a few in various colours with certain variations in style, the one which Veserya lays hands on a royal purple shimmering dress with a long skirt split up both sides near to the hips to allow free movement and flashes of leg, while it presents a modest front up to the neck but leaves the back and the sides mostly bare. "A pair of long gloves would work perfectly with this,
[22:39] * Veserya I think," she holds it up over her body to confirm the fit.
[22:41] <Kotono> Marianne comes over and givess it a critical eye, "It does work," she agrees, "Long opera gloves, I'm thinking."
[22:41] <Kotono> Yuria reddens, "Is it really that desparate to flash someone! It's worked before!" The blonde mutters, crossing her arms and nearly sputtering.
[22:43] <Veserya> "Oh, Yuria..." Veserya wraps her free arm around the blonde's shoulders in a comforting half-hug, "I'm sure it does. Many men are fascinated by a woman's bosom, but once again mystery is your ally. Tease and seduce, don't lay it all out in the open for all to see."
[22:44] <Kotono> "But it works," Yuria mutters as she's held, "Like, men always do what I want when I'm topless! They're just fascinated!"
[22:44] <Kotono> "That's because..." Marianne bows her head a moment, before burying herself into looking for an outfit.
[22:48] <Veserya> "Hmm..." Veserya has to think a moment on how to best phrase it for Yuria. "You're an adventurer, yes? Think of it like this, what works to fight one monster might not work for another monster. Now, showing off your bust," her she pulls the human woman against herself so their bosoms meet for emphasis, "Might work for some men. But other men have... different," she avoids saying 'higher',
[22:48] <Veserya> "Tastes, and prefer not to see it immediately, or not to have their love show it for all to see. Do you think the marids will be like the other men you've seduced this way?"
[22:51] <Kotono> "Um, well..." Yuria thinks, "Yes? I mean, only one guy's ever told me to cover up, and like he was some sorta celibate and I felt really guilty afterwards! He was cute, but apparently well...vow of ch...oh, what is it? Celery? Vow of Celery!  Do you think the marids have Vows of Celery?"
[22:54] <Veserya> "Really?" Veserya's eyebrows shoot up, before belatedly muttering, "Chastity, dear," as she gathers her thoughts. "I think it has to do with the sorts of establishments you frequent as well... I can't help but think my own peers would look down on me terribly for such exhibitionism, male or female."
[22:54] <Kotono> "Honey," Marianne looks over, "If a man tells you that, it means he's gay. But no matter, with your status, you misunderstand what a culture entails. Just listen to Veserya, alright?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:06] <Kotono> "Really? I mean, just, like," Yuria fumbles, "Men like these," Another look down, "So if men see them, they like me." Reddening again at that, "Like, Whurric didn't even need to see them to like me, though."
[20:11] <Veserya> "They're very nice, I'm sure," Veserya nods ever so patiently, "But you just said you can be liked without showing them, right? Hmm... look at it this way, the more easily impressed a man is by flashing your chest, chances are the less experienced he is, don't you think? An inexperienced young boy brimming with passion will be fit to explode from such a view, but a more seasoned and jaded
[20:11] <Veserya> man would need something more to impress him, something special - after all, every woman has breasts! And I think these marids aren't going to be particularly naive, either."
[20:14] <Kotono> "Well...yeah." Yuria admits, "So what do you think I should wear then?"
[20:28] <Veserya> "Since you want to highlight your breasts, and should always wear what you feel is comfortable and flattering, something that uplifts and presents your cleavage would be good... hmm, perhaps a two piece, a short chest-piece, perhaps off the shoulders that leaves your stomach bare, and... I think baggy flowing pantaloons might go well there, in keeping with the theme we're trying to catch."
[20:29] <Kotono> "Oooh, that sounds good!" Yuria says! Meanwhile Marianne continues to dig, going through various chests. "I have an idea of my own, but I think I'll need to sacrifice one of my dresses to do it," she murmurs.
[20:31] <Veserya> "Not finding anything helpful here?" Veserya lets go of Yuria and hangs her own dress back up where she can collect it later so she can help Marianne's search. "What do you have in mind?"
[20:34] <Kotono> "Something black and silky," Marianne says, "I think I'll just cut the stomach out and style the bottom a little more exotically."
[20:36] <Veserya> "I might be able to help with that if we can't find anything useful here... Yuria, check where I got my dress, there might be something you can use there," she waves over to that rack for the blonde's benefit before doing some searching on Marianne's behalf.
[20:38] <Kotono> As Marianne falls in with Veserya, "I do wonder about that girl," Marianne murmurs softly, "She gets the most peculiar ideas. She worships some forgotten fool of a king from Malmuth and thinks sapphic love is a contageous disease, amid other highlights."
[20:41] <Veserya> "That's the source of her divine power?" Veserya's eyebrows raise, "Although I suppose the latter could be contagious only if the infector happens to be exceedingly skilled... still, I think with time we can help her," she replies in a similarly soft voice.
[20:44] <Kotono> "As far as I can tell." Marianne shakes her head, "She does need so much help. Great heaping mountains of help.
[20:45] <Kotono> "
[20:48] <Veserya> "Fortunate she is to have two such knowledgable ladies on hand, then," the elf grins over at the green-haired woman before resuming her search. "It's an interesting challenge."
[20:50] <Kotono> Soon enough outfits are gotten, the women leaving the store. As they do, "I think that's everything for now?" Yuria says, "So are we going to meet up tomorrow and do it, or are we, like, gonna practice firsT?"
[20:51] <Veserya> "We most definitely need to practice," Veserya states emphatically. "A cooperative effort such as this can't be done on the fly, we need to be certain of our timings and positions. Do either of you two know of a good place to throw around destructive magic in peace and solitude?"
[20:54] <Kotono> "I do," Marianne chuckles, "Come with me."
[20:54] * Veserya agreeably follows along!
[20:58] <Kotono> Marianne's manor home has plenty of open space in the back, including a quiet training ground. Dummies are about, several with practice darts still stuck in them. "This is your baby," Marianne says, "Take the lead, Veserya."
[21:07] * Veserya nods and proceeds to cast a spell that summons a simple wooden and skin accordion into her hands which she hefts before herself. "Tomorrow I hope to have access to a harpsichord or organ for the introduction, but this will suffice to convey the rhythm and notes," she explains, giving it a squeeze and performing a little ditty to warm herself up. "I'll start with a dynamic and bombastic song, like this..." Now starting to bob on her feet and play, she brings forth a swirling and energetic melody, repeating the same basic tune several times with various refinements as she gets a feel for what she's composing. Smiling in satisfaction and nodding, she looks at the other two, "Now, when I play this note..." a squeeze of the accordion and a high note follows, "Yuria needs to conjure water into the air... ten feet high should do, and Marianne, you need to quickly freeze it as it forms, so you'll need to cast at effectively the same time. The crashing of ice on the floor should accent the following tune. Did you get that note?" she demonstrates it again for good measure.
[21:09] <Kotono> "I did," Marianne says, as Yuria nods, "Play that note and we'll, like, get it!"
[21:11] <Veserya> "Alright, I'll start with the song now - listen for your cue, and remember to cast your spells as soon as you hear it," the elf confirms again, stepping back and starting to play. The accordion isn't the best instrument for the piece, but it's fine enough for practice... after some buildup, she nears the first crescendo and plays the marker note, giving both of the other women an expectant
[21:11] <Veserya> look at the same time in case they rely more on their eyes than their ears, but continues the performance nonetheless...
[21:14] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:14] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:14] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 13." [1d20=10]
[21:14] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[21:15] <Kotono> Thus the two listen and begin! With a cry Yuria sends the water upward and  Marianne freezes it! Well, that was the theory. Instead, water flies up and lingers, starting to fall before half freezing! The chilling wave splashes down onto the ground, less accent and more watery waste.
[21:18] * Veserya stops and smiles brightly at them both. "That was good for a first try!" she encourages, unwilling to let anyone think badly for not achieving perfection on the first attempt. "Here, I'll make it a bit easier by giving a target where you can both aim for so Marianne doesn't have to wait until she's seen the water before casting," she suggests, casting a quick spell of her own and
[21:18] * Veserya placing a single glowing ball of crimson light in the air over the practice yard, ten feet high. "Ready to try again?"
[21:18] <Kotono> "Certainly," Marianne says, as the duo attempts again!
[21:18] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:18] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 9." [1d20=6]
[21:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[21:19] <Kotono> This time the two fire...but the water is late, the ball being chilled but the water splashing away harmlessly. Yuria frowns, "LIke, I think our coordination isn't there yet, you know?"
[21:21] <Veserya> "Yes," Veserya nods after she stops playing. "You're quite right, Yuria. We likely need to practice a lot more than our limited spells would allow, so lets change it up a bit. When you hear the note I want you both to clap your hands - just listen and clap once each time, I'll keep on playing over and over while we go until we're confident that you're both on the same level," she suggests,
[21:21] <Veserya> taking a breath and starting up again...
[21:21] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:21] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 6." [1d20=3]
[21:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[21:22] <Kotono> Clapping goes on and on. At first they're simply off timing,t hen just don'ts eem to quite connect. Marianne sighs and glares at Yuria, "Concentrate!" She scowls, Yuria's hair going straight back at that look! She sticks out her tongue after, "Like, I am! Concentrate and match MY timing instead!"
[21:24] * Veserya stops at their bickering. "Ladies, please. If you focus on your ears instead you should both hear at the same time. Really, just keep practicing, we've only been at this a few minutes," she interjects, waiting for their assent before she gets back to playing...
[21:24] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:24] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[21:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 and gets 17." [1d20=14]
[21:24] <Kotono> As time goes by the two slowly begin to sychronize. It's a tough process, but soon enough they're clapping together.
[21:26] * Veserya keeps going for a while longer, summoning another accordion as needed. "Alright, that's much better!" she beams approvingly. "Do you two feel confident to try again with spells, now?"
[21:28] <Kotono> "I think so," Marianne says, "This time we'll get it."
[21:29] <Veserya> "Okay, from the top!" Veserya beams, starting to play her part once more!
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[21:30] <Kotono> This time the water and cold flow well enough, joining together and giving Veserya's music the right kick! Yuria grins at that, "Got it!"
[21:32] <Veserya> "Don't stop there, keep listening!" Veserya calls as she continues to play, another crescendo coming forward...
[21:34] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:34] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 20." [1d20=15]
[21:34] <Kotono> They really seem to have it down, ice and water meeting together to form counterpoints to Veserya's music!
[21:38] <Veserya> "Good, we seem to have a good rhythm down," Veserya smiles widely, setting aside her accordion. Now she takes a thoughtful look around the practice area, "That's the introduction, now for the main event. Yuria, you'll need to conjure your rainstorms in a way that frames my dance so it looks like I'm in the midst of the downpour, though of course I'll be miraculously dry and more importantly
[21:38] <Veserya> unharmed by the no doubt powerful magic coursing in your spell. Hmm... lets say the first one to the rear just behind me as I move forward, then I'll go to the left and one will come down as I leave that area, and the final one on the right near the end. We should mark out where to centre these so it'll be easy for you to target. Is it alright to use those target dummies, Marianne?"
[21:51] <Kotono> "Go ahead," Marianne says, "A little water shouldn't melt them."
[21:55] <Veserya> Veserya proceeds to place them spaced around in much the manner she indicated beforehand. "This one is purely visual on your part Yuria, I'll dance while playing the fiddle, and whenever I get just far away enough to be safe, you call down the rain. Lets try?" she then fishes out her old fiddle from her satchel and brings it up to rest against her chin, drawing the bow across it and starting
[21:55] <Veserya> to play a stormy tempestuous melody, moving her body in rhythmic staccato timed with foot tapping that would be loud and a complement to the music were this not grass. With the dance and the music established, she starts to wind her snaky path between all three markers before ending in the middle, hopefully bracketed by Yuria's rainstorm.
[21:56] <Kotono> This time the rain comes falling, perfectly bracketing Veserya! Marianne watches all this for the moment, nodding in the right places as it goes.
[21:59] <Veserya> "Excellent!" Veserya comes to a halt and lowers her instrument. "See, this part is easy after the first, isn't it? Lets wait for the rain to clear and then I'll do the same thing - Marianne, I want you to hurl an ice spell at me every time I stamp my foot - on the stage you'll hear it tap, but here you'll just have to watch me for it. After every tap I'll always take a step forward right
[21:59] <Veserya> after, so aim right at me with the ice hopefully flashing right behind my back and striking the ground a few feet to my right?"
[21:59] <Kotono> "Right," Marianne says, "That should be simple enough."
[22:00] <Veserya> Thus once the axiomatic rainstorm ends, Veserya commences a repeat performance with Marianne's accompaniement!
[22:01] <Kotono> This time Marianne's ice comes flying, all in the right places! Her timing by herself is quite good, one can notice.
[22:04] * Veserya beams proudly at the pair as she finishes up. "That was very good. I'm sure we'll impress those marids tomorrow - how about we treat ourselves to a nice dinner and a few drinks to celebrate a well done rehearsal?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:54] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> The area you have to work with indeed has a stage, as well as rich blue curtains. A piano is indeed at the temple, able to be procured. As the three of you set up...
[19:59] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Mia listens well to Veserya, "Sounds exotic," she says, "As long as you don't break anything it should be fine."
[20:01] <Veserya> "The stage may be a bit damaged by the end of it," Veserya is forced to admit, "But I'm quite capable of fixing that, and shall do so at the conclusion."
[20:02] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "In that case, go ahead," Holycoin Mia waves a hand, "Give 'em a good show. Break a leg! We'll even charge half price for the healing afterwards."
[20:04] <Veserya> "I'm sure I can see to any bumps or scrapes acquired in the performance, but thank you anyway," Veserya replies dryly, intending now to remind Yuria and Marianne of positionings and timings as they get changed into their outfits and otherwise await the curtain call!
[20:11] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> With that the tree prepare! The curtains are down, Marianne and Yuria ready! Each is dressed up lovely, awaiting the curtain rising! "Any last minute, like, ideas?" Yuria says.
[20:14] <Veserya> "Changing the performance now would court disaster," Veserya shakes her head, sitting at the grand piano to the rear right of the stage, well out of the way of any of the magic soon to be flying around. "Stick to what we practiced and everything will go well."
[20:16] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> With that a little more time passes...and the curtain rises! Before you is a small audience. A good part of it is Waukeen's clergy, dressed in gold. Joining them are various riched dressed men and women, scattered about. Near the stage are 5 - tall, blue skinned things. They are muscled but not bulky, lithe. They were silken clothes that seem to flow around them like the rain, watching the
[20:16] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> stage above.
[20:20] <Veserya> As the curtain rises, Veserya's nimble fingers begin to play across the keys while her feet work the pedals, bringing forth an escalating melody that steadily builds in pitch and tempo, layering upon itself like the electricity in the air before a storm, heralding the explosive crash that's soon to come as she reaches the first crescendo, along with Marianne and Yuria's cue...
[20:21] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> roll 1d20+5
[20:21] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> roll 1d20+5
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Infinite_Ko_Loop rolls 1d20+5 and gets 21." [1d20=16]
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Infinite_Ko_Loop rolls 1d20+5 and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[20:21] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> OOC: Go ahead and line your performance, they're on the ball.
[20:27] <Veserya> Water swirls into being in the air above the stage at Yuria's behest, but before gravity can exert its pull upon the manifesting element it is frozen in place by Marianne's quick spellwork! A great sheet of ice crashes to the stage and shatters in accompaniement to the thunderously reverbating notes Veserya is hitting on the piano, the first strike of the storm's fury! As the spray of ice
[20:27] <Veserya> crystals tinkle and scatter accross the stage, on comes the next cacaphonous crash, building upon the first and promising yet more to come!
[20:28] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> OOC: Make a perform check, +6 bonus.
[20:28] <Veserya> roll 1d20+23
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+23 and gets 42." [1d20=19]
[20:36] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Veserya's performace is a virtouso, music and magic weaving together better than prepared! Ice crystals fly about, a stormy counterpoint to her piano! The humans look quite interested, leaning closer to hear! The marid focus onthem, a few of them smiling and nodding their heads to the music!
[20:36] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> OOC: Carry on.
[20:44] <Veserya> And thus the first act ends with several reverbating chords struck on the piano, filling the air as Veserya sweeps to her feet and takes hold of the fiddle and bow previously placed atop the stationary instrument for this moment. Royal purple gloved fingers cradle the mahogany instrument between her shoulder and chin as she deftly manipulates the strings and draws the bow across, replacing
[20:44] <Veserya> the thunderous piano music with a more frenetic and staccato rhythm. Her slitted skirt baring most of her creamy thigh to view, she gracefully pirouettes and weaves onto the main stage while her feet tap a clattering counterpoint to the melody. Stopping and twisting to stamp to the side as Marianne's cue, she starts forward to the front of the stage, clearing the way for Yuria's marker a
[20:44] <Veserya> few seconds later.
[20:47] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Rain begins to fall as planned, surrounding Veserya as the performacne continues! The marid continue to watch, a few of them really starting to smile and go along with it!
[20:52] <Veserya> Playing the fiddle with consumnate skill despite the quick and fluid movements of her body, Veserya starts towards the stage's left with another stamp-step-forward opening for Marianne to lay waste to the floor with an ice lance, the elven woman continuing onwards unconcerned by the proximity of deadly frozen projectiles and temestuous lethal rain. On she continues to the right until she
[20:52] <Veserya> moves back to allow the last rainstorm, trapping her in the centre between all three gushing axiomatic downpours. Her music rises to a fever pitch before drawing out on a final flurry of high pitched notes as the elf lowers her fiddle and bow to either side of herself, stamps her right foot and steps forward with a bow just in time for Marianne's final icelance to put the exclamation mark
[20:52] <Veserya> upon their performance behind her!
[20:56] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> OOC: Make another perform check, +8 bonus?
[20:57] <Veserya> roll 1d20+25
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+25 and gets 43." [1d20=18]
[21:00] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> With that finale the ice lance crashes down and through, followed by thunderous applause! The humans all clap and cheer, the Marid a little more restrained. But clap they do, one of them leaning over to murmur something to a Waukeenite. Marianne and Yuria come out, bowing with Veserya! The cheers and praise fill the room, and out of the corner of her mouth, "A full success," Marianne murmurs.
[21:02] * Veserya smiles at Marianne, bowing to every corner of the audience as she soaks up the applause and waits for the curtain to drop.
[21:02] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> A few moments later the curtain drops, Marianne exhaling. "Not bad at all. I was most impressed by our product."
[21:03] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Yuria giggles, "Like, I bet it worked great and those Marids loved it!"
[21:04] <Veserya> "They certainly did," Veserya smiles, straightening up and turning to perform the last spell of the performance, albeit not one for the marids but purely to benefit Waukeen, as she returns the stage to its previously pristine state! "Not what I came here for, but surely enjoyable. Whimsical Sweet's reputation for excellence is no doubt maintained."
[21:07] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "Yes. Let's go rest for a few minutes and then go mingle," Marianne says, "Let them anticipate us coming before we present ourselves."
[21:08] <Veserya> "You do have a flair for this, don't you, Marianne?" Veserya laughs softly, heading back to their dressing room to relax for a spell.
[21:11] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "I do so try," Marianne chuckles, "Pay attention, Yuria. Make them yearn for you and want you. Hungry men are easily controlled and manipulated men."
[21:14] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "So like, don't give them dinner," Yuria says, scratching her head, "But aren't you su pposed to cook for your man?"
[21:15] <Veserya> "Or even if not so easily manipulated, they'll still at least find you more interesting that way," Veserya offers, unsure about Yuria's skills at manipulation. "Cooking for your man is fine, Yuria," she then adds at the Blonde's question, "But no one out there is 'your' man, right? That's why it's better to play things cool and lure them in rather than throw yourself brazenly at them. They'll
[21:15] <Veserya> appreciate you all the more that way."
[21:16] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "Oh." Yuria nods along with Veserya.
[21:22] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Soon enough the trio emerges out and joins with the others. Holycoin Mia is waiting for you, falling in step. She guides you to the five marids, and in Common, "Honored guests, let me introduce the wonderful performers Marianne, Veserya and Yuria."
[21:25] <Veserya> Although she made sure to cast Tongues on all three of them earlier, Veserya has no reason to change language when everyone seems quite happy with Common. Giving a perfectly executed curtsey, she straightens and addresses the group, "I do hope you enjoyed the performance, it was made in hopes of highlighting our own culture while embracing yours, honoured guests."
[21:31] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "Your performance was commendable," One of the marids steps forward, this one taller than the others. He has a look of amusement on his face, "You would be fine entertainment in my own court. A thousand gold coins a month, each of you."
[21:33] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Marianne merely chuckles, while Yuria's eyes widen, "A thousand...! That's a lot of money!"
[21:35] <Veserya> While she doubts Marianne would be interested, she can't speak for Yuria, so Veserya merely replies on her own behalf. "A most generous offer, but I'm afraid such performances are merely a hobby for me. Most of my energies are devoted to healing and providing succor to those who fight to make the world a better place."
[21:46] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "Two thousand," The marid banters back, "A healer, no less!"
[21:46] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "I'm sorry, but we are spoken for in this city," Marianne smiles to him, "We have our duties and responsibilities here."
[21:47] <Veserya> "Please stop!" Veserya demurely brings a gloved hand to her cheek, "I fear you're making me blush!"
[21:49] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Starting to smile at that, "It's the truth! Such a performance would be worthy of a court in Water," The marid says.
[21:49] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "Well..." Yuria plays with a bit of her hair, "Like, maybe if you're lonely, the two of us can go talk and I can show you a few of the tricks we did?"
[21:51] <Veserya> "Eeee..." Veserya quickly covers her mouth with her hand, utterly mortified at the direction Yuria has taken things. It was going so well, too! Quickly recovering, she lowers her hand and speaks up, "Yes, the magic of water is a difficult but rewarding element to master, and so very versatile!"
[22:05] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Marianne clears her throat, "We have spent some time mastering it, and our results are here."
[22:06] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> The marid raises an eyebrow, "I know all the water magic there is to know," he boasts, "Indeed, it takes long study to master water. But once you have, you can do almost anything. Even fire is quenched before a master of water."
[22:08] <Veserya> "Of that I have no doubt," Veserya smiles at him, "Our own skills may be minor to your eyes, but for entertainment I am sure that they suffice, yes?"
[22:20] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "It was a masterful performance," The marid says grandly, waving an arm, "I was deeply impressed." With a glance at Yuria and a look of amusement, "Save for her.  Your companion is acting how many mortals act around us - hopeful and desparate for what we can grant."
[22:23] <Veserya> And they tried *so* hard to teach her better! "Please, I beseech you not to take offence at dear Yuria," Veserya tries to salvage the situation, sidling up to the blonde in hopes her presence might smother any more damaging outbursts. "She is merely enthusiastic to make sure you are satisfied with our work."
[22:26] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "She means so well," Marianne picks up, "But she is occasionally lax in protocol in her eagerness." OOC: Make a bluff check, Ves?
[22:26] <Veserya> roll 1d20+8
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+8 and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[22:27] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> OOC: Veserya, you do know you have ranks in Bluff, right?
[22:27] <Veserya> OOC: whoops, misread my own sheet! Add on 7... actually hell, I'll use my reroll a skill spell
[22:28] <Veserya> roll 1d20+15 immediate assistance!
[22:28] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+15 immediate assistance! and gets 34." [1d20=19]
[22:33] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> To this the marid laughs, "Well, I was impressed," With a gleam in his eyes, "I was thinking about some token of my appreciation..." He lets it trail off, "I am Sir Aquaeous. Perhaps all of us should retire to somewhere more comfortable and talk, hm?"
[22:34] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Yuria's eyes widen, "Um..." she begins, but promptly shuts up.
[22:35] * Veserya gauges Mia's reaction to this development, first!
[22:35] <Veserya> roll 1d20+12 lets sense her motives
[22:35] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+12 lets sense her motives and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[22:35] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> Holycoin Mia is watching, looking amused at the entire thing.
[22:36] <Veserya> "So long as it doesn't detract from the lovely Holycoin's business, I'm sure we'd be happy to," the elf thus demurs rather than overstepping any boundaries.
[22:37] <Infinite_Ko_Loop> "I can allow it. I'll entertain the rest of the delegation," Holycoin Mia says.
[22:38] <Veserya> "In that case, we are at your disposal, Sir Aquaeous," Veserya tells the marid brightly.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:54] <Kotono> With that you are taken by Sir Aquaeous, traveling into the back of the temple. Here you find a palatial suit of rooms, rich and lovely. Amber colored light comes from little grooves in the wall, tinting everything that color. Carpet deep enough to swim in and soft enough to sleep on is underfoot, whilst the air is just warm enough to be perfectly pleasant.  In one of these rooms are several
[19:54] <Kotono> divans, couches and seats, dotted about. Sir Aquaeous goes to recline on a couch, "Sit, rest." he says, gesturing in a vague, general sort of way.
[19:56] * Veserya avails herself of a nearbly couch, spreading herself out a little but leaving room for another beside her. "Aside from our performance, how have you found the rest of your visit to Balmuria, Sir Aquaeous?" she enquires politely.
[19:56] <Kotono> Marianne sits at Veserya's side, while Yuria goes to sit in her own chair. The latter makes a little noise of bliss as she sinks into it.
[20:00] <Kotono> "Pleasant. This city's reputation is well deserved. It's civilized," With a languid chuckle as he rests, "Such delights, with yours being another welcome surprise."
[20:03] <Kotono> "Thanks," Yuria chirps, "I thought we did pretty well! Of course, Balmuria has nothing on Malmuth's culture! You should totally go there fo ran even better time."
[20:03] <Veserya> "Please, you do flatter us so," Veserya giggles lightly herself, covering her mouth with a gloved hand. "But of course it's natural for the Church of Waukeen to know where to go for quality, whether in trade goods or entertainment."
[20:04] <Kotono> Marianne gently clears her throat, "Absolutely. They are most discriminating in taste."
[20:28] <Kotono> Sir Aquaeous follows that back with his own smile, "Ah yes, I've seen that. The wild ride of the pegasi, the rustic charm of Chyral, the historic plays have all been quite charming."
[20:30] <Veserya> "Chyral is the sea elf village out in the bay, yes? I've heard of it but never been - have either of you two?" Veserya looks to Mariannae and Yuria for anything they might offer before asking the marid what he thought about it.
[20:31] <Kotono> Both shake their heads, Marianne replying with a coy smile, "I've heard it's charming, but I've never had occasion to go."
[20:33] <Veserya> "How did you find it, then, Sir Aquaeous?" the elf thus asks the only one present who has had occassion to visit!
[20:35] <Kotono> "It's so small and lovely, like a painting of bucolic life." With a little smile, "Living in the caves? How primitive!" After a pause to reflect on it, Sir Aquaeous sits up, "Your entire city has amused and charmed me. Good servants do deserve rewards. Tell me, what do you want?"
[20:38] <Kotono> Yuria perks up at that, "Like really?" Her voice is quite bright, "That's really nice of you, just taking a request like that!"
[20:39] <Kotono> "It is most graceful," Marianne inclines her head, "But my main thought is not for us to speak in any hasty manner. Such an honor is something that should be considered," A quick glance back to Yuria at that, "Since it is also a responsibility."
[20:42] <Veserya> What Veserya wants is something no mere genie's wish could bring about, and it would bring the mood down anyway. But with Yuria lunging on it like that, someone really ought to bring some reality back... Marianne has her back, though! "Marianne speaks truly. The things we deeply desire in life tend to be far more fundamental than can be granted at a single stroke - far better to consider
[20:42] <Veserya> the matter and identify the best step towards your true desire that can be granted. In the meantime, though... folklore is rife with tales of people granted wishes who find that what they wished for was far from what they needed," a look is given to Yuria, though doubtless the blonde won't register it, "Surely you must have an interesting perspective on that, Sir Aquaeous - perchance do you
[20:42] <Veserya> have any stories from personal experience you could share?"
[20:46] <Kotono> To this Sir Aquaeous smiles. It is a genuine smile, a booming laugh following. "Aaaaaah. You are wise." He inclines his head to them, "You have spoken with wisdom beyond your years. A wish does not bring happiness, nor does any single fantasy. Often such greed results in calamity and ruin. Further, any I grant a wish to are bound to the Padisha's will, She who grants all the wishes of the
[20:46] <Kotono> marid. Nothing is free and easy in this world." Sitting back now with amusement, the marid extends his hand out. A glass of a dark blue liquid appears in his hand, sipped. "Of stories I have dozens. Those who wish for wealth find that money does not solve their problems and creates many more. Those who wish for love find that a love created from magic is hollow and empty, ultimately meaningless.
[20:46] <Kotono> Those who wish for eternal life grow bored of it, falling into a vast despair that they are denied the escape of death. Those who wish for power find only the ashes of the vanquished, no great kingdoms of praise and glory awaiting them."
[20:51] <Veserya> "Ahh, the part about being bound to the padisha's will is a penalty I had not heard of," Veserya admits, nodding in respect for the important fact thus provided. "As I value my independence too greatly, I will have to rely on my own abilities to make my wishes come true," she smiles serenely in conclusion.
[20:52] <Kotono> "But..." Yuria's eyes are wide and her color is heavy, "B-but..."
[20:53] <Kotono> Marianne smiles herself, ignoring Yuria pointedly, "Truth."
[20:58] <Veserya> "Yuria, you are too young to be tied down to the will if inscrutable extraplanar beings," Veserya consoles the blonde human gently, "I'm sure you can become rich through hard work and effort. Why, our work tonight has surely alleviated some of your money worries, hasn'tit?"
[21:02] <Kotono> The marid snaps his fingers, and it appears in the air! A spinning gemstone, pure blue with bits of green. It floats in the air before descending before Veserya and Marianne. "Within is a servant elemental. Smash the gem and it will serve you for a short time. Far more valuable than money." With a wave of his hand, "Money is easily gained with effort, Yuria."
[21:05] <Veserya> "A pity, it would be like breaking a work of art," Veserya takes the gem in the palm of her hand, resting it over her thigh. "But when in peril, better to gain an ally and preserve one's life. Thank you very much, Sir Aquaeous - given our more usual line of work, this is a great gift."
[21:38] <Kotono> "Thank you," Marianne echos, as Yuria sighs softly.
[21:38] <Kotono> "You're welcome. If you reconsider my offer..." He lets it hang in the air with a smile, "We'll be here a few more days at least."
[21:40] <Veserya> "Enough time that if we do accept we will be sure to have wise wishes rather than hasty ones," Veserya smiles and gives Yuria a significant look.
[21:44] <Kotono> Marianne matches Veserya down to the smile and look at Yuria. Said blonde withers into the dual eyeing, Sir Aquaeous smiling ever so slightly.
[21:44] <Kotono> Thereafter, "Thank you for this gift," Marianne rises, "But it is time we made our exit. Thank you, sir."
[21:46] <Veserya> Following her lead, Veserya gracefully stands up, "Indeed, we ought not tarry the Holycoin's patience, as Marianne says. Perhaps we will see you again in coming days, Sir Aquaeous, or perhaps not. But regardless, we will think well of you for both the gift and your wise words."
[21:50] <Kotono> Thus the trio of women depart! Once out in the hall Yuria's shoulders slump, "I totally missed my chance!"
[21:51] <Veserya> "Oh, the chance was there," Veserya replies easily, "But would you want to take it given the warnings?"
[21:55] <Kotono> "Still..." Yuria just slumps. Marianne chuckles, "Now now, we'll get paid for this job."
[21:56] <Veserya> "Exactly, and I'm sure if anyone can afford to be generous, it's the church of Waukeen," Veserya smiles and pats Yuria's back as they go back out to mingle for a while longer before the night ends.
[21:59] <Kotono> Finding Holycoin Mia after isn't too hard. She's drinking a glass of champaign and drifting from conversation to conversation, like a maestro directing a symphony. When you meet with her, "Oh, Whimsical Sweets is going to work out fine," she enthuses, "They just loved your performance!"
[22:01] <Kotono> Yuria's face is sullen, hanging back. Marianne meanwhile gracefully nods, deferring for the moment to Veserya.
[22:01] <Veserya> "And you, Holycoin?" Veserya asks pertinently, more interested in her own opinion while they're speaking.
[22:03] <Kotono> "It was marvelous!" With a heady giggle, "I've already sent the order for payment to be delivered first thing tomorrow. We'll be in touch," So Holycoin Mia raises her glass to you and saunters off, off to another conversation.
[22:04] * Whurric is now known as Merc
[22:04] <Veserya> "Come Yuria, show a little smile," Veserya drifts back alongside Yuria after their client departs, "You're the star performer, the belle of the ball. Nobody wants to see a frown on that lovely face of yours!"
[22:05] <Kotono> "Like, I'm not that stupid," Yuria gives Veserya a long look. "I know I just lost a lot of money tonight."
[22:06] <Kotono> "You also have a chance to make so much more working with this temple," Marianne replies breezily, "Come now, don't be sullen. Retire for the night if you must, but an elegant woman does not allow herself such behavior in public."
[22:07] * Veserya sighs ever so softly, only just unable to repress it. "Marianne is right, a graceful exit avoids sullying further opportunities. If you really want to throw your life away wishing for undeserved wealth, Sir Aquaeous will be here tomorrow, as he said."
[22:08] <Kotono> "Yes," Marianne's face hardens, "Magic and power are never free. Not like that. Go home and grow up." With a shooing motion of her hand, "You know better than this and I expect you to act like it tomorrow, once you've had your pout."
[22:11] <Kotono> Yuria gives both women a glare, before turning and stomping off. Marianne sighs a moment after, "...ah. Hopefully the lesson will not be lost on her."
[22:11] <Veserya> roll 1d20+12 sense motive on Yuria, has anything sunk in or is it water off a duck's back?
[22:11] * Hatbot --> "Veserya rolls 1d20+12 sense motive on Yuria, has anything sunk in or is it water off a duck's back? and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[22:15] <Veserya> "I hope so... although since she didn't take the wish after all tonight, that surely means there is hope," Veserya allows, shaking her head, "Ah well, we shouldn't let it taint an otherwise successful evening. Lets enjoy the party a little while longer before retiring ourselves?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake