
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Random DM nagging.

Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Demonstration NPC. With the changes to Healer I'm not going to use Bastian Tyrsworn, so I'm posting him to give you an idea of how I'm designing here. This concept will recycle in some other way, I suspect. Also, he feels very samey compared to Jaela, so his loss isn't a huge deal.

Note that he wasn't meant to be gotten immediately, he's a bit powerful to show up early.

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Axani 1/Paladin 12//Healer 5/Justicar of Tyr 8

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Native)
Hit Dice: 13d10+52 (127 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20ft (30ft without armor)
Armor Class: 24 (+1 dex, +13 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +12/+16/27
Full Attack:
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, smite evil 3/day, spells, turn undead 10/day(5d6; DC 21), smite anarchy 2/day, blade of justice.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, cold and sonic resistance 5, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(84 hp), aura of courage, divine health, domain paladin, remove disease 3/week, healing hands, cleanse paralysis, cleanse disease, cleanse fear, detect chaos, bureaucratic knowledge, axiomatic spellcasting+1, detect lie, maimed god's boon, order's calm.
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +18, Will +24 (+7 vs chaotic magic and chaotic outsiders)
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 18, Con 19, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 24 
Skills: Concentration+17, Craft(Armorsmithing)+17, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+17, Diplomacy+20, Handle Animal+20, Heal+22, Knowledge(Local: Arcadia)+13, Knowledge(Religion)+17, Ride+17, Sense Motive+19.
Feats: Skill Focus(Heal)(H2),
Epic Feats:
Alignment: Axiomatic Good

[Weapon]Smashing Law: Greathammer+1.
[Armor]Axani Plate: Full Plate+5. Grants spell resistance 30 versus magic with the chaotic descriptor.

[Torso]Belt of Magnificence+4
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


For Eb. I can go into more detail in other parts if you like. I wanted to get something out before game start since I've been so busy.

The Seelie and Unseelie Courts rule fey life. The Seelie Court rules the more life giving, positive aspects of nature, whilst the Unseelie Court embodies the negative and deadly aspects of nature. Much like good and evil, they exist as a yin and a yang. However, while strongly associated with them, good and evil do not fully define the Courts. Further, the Courts do not precisely line up with those definitions of good and evil.  While most fey are aligned with a Court, not all are. The nature of fey encourages independence; many fey strike out on their own and pay little to no homage to the Courts. This is generally accepted, as most fey scholars assert that a fey cannot help but advance the agenda of its Court, no matter if it tries to reject it or not.

The Seelie Court is located within Arborea. It is said that it has the capacity to wander the Heavens Above, but the truth of this matter is unclear. It is known that the Seelie Court is ruled by Queen Titania, a figure often conflated with Queen Morwel. In fact, many scholars hold that Queen Morwel and Queen Titania are the same entity. It is true that the fey and the eladrin are closely related, a morsel of truth that is used to bolster this argument. It is known that the Seelie Court and the Court of Stars are closely united and share extremely warm relations as well.

The Unseelie Court realm drifts between the neutral evil and chaotic evil planes. It is ruled by several enigmatic figures, cloaked in anathemic secrecy. It is ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness. Her true name and identity are unknown, but whispers abound. All the female powers of evil, such as Shar, Aural, Beshaba and Talona have been mentioned as possibilities. A few male powers have been suggested as well, for what would make a better illusion and lie? The Pale Mother is known to have some relevance to the Queen of Air and Darkness, according to ancient texts.

Entry into the Seelie Court can be found in Arborea. Such portals are not found, they find the seekers in their own time. Thus it is with the Unseelie Court, often coming on those that seek it like a nightmare from the depths.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Suddenly tempted by Whirlwind Attack. Any chance its prereqs could be less obnoxious? It's got to be the hardest feat to take.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on August 26, 2011, 07:07:28 AM
Suddenly tempted by Whirlwind Attack. Any chance its prereqs could be less obnoxious? It's got to be the hardest feat to take.

Yeah, I really should. It's obnoxiously over pre-requisited. I'll do that in a little bit.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Some rules questions.

When you use that option from the Complete Champion to give up your domain power and domain spells for the domain devotion feat of said domain, do you need to make that choice the moment you get the domain, or is it something you can do later?

Does Apt Learner replace Able Learner? If not, do you still need to be a human/changeling to qualify for Able Learner?

If you get a domain with a different turning pattern (ie turn/rebuke fire creatures), how do they work? Same as basic turning, except you burn fire creatures for 1d6 per two levels/heal water creatures for 1d6 per two levels? And what about turning uses? Does the other turning use a different pool from the original one, or they are assumed to draw from the original one?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on August 27, 2011, 04:57:16 PM
Some rules questions.

When you use that option from the Complete Champion to give up your domain power and domain spells for the domain devotion feat of said domain, do you need to make that choice the moment you get the domain, or is it something you can do later?

Yes. I'd rule changing it would fall under retraining.

QuoteDoes Apt Learner replace Able Learner? If not, do you still need to be a human/changeling to qualify for Able Learner?

No. Apt Learner and Able Learner serve two different purposes. All other aspects of Able Learner, such as the prerequisites, are unchanged as of now.

QuoteIf you get a domain with a different turning pattern (ie turn/rebuke fire creatures), how do they work? Same as basic turning, except you burn fire creatures for 1d6 per two levels/heal water creatures for 1d6 per two levels? And what about turning uses? Does the other turning use a different pool from the original one, or they are assumed to draw from the original one?

I haven't made a ruling on that. My plan is to house rule domains relevant to it as I need to.

Two sources of identical turning, such as having four levels of paladin and one of cleric, simply stack for effective level. They do not form two unique pools of turning. Two distinct pools of turning powers, such as turn undead and turn/rebuke fire creatures, forms two different pools RAW. I might make a judgment call if this comes up and I feel it's abusive, such as seeking out a second type of turning to get a second free pool of turning to power divine feats. I haven't had to rule on it so it remains undecided.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Air and Water domains aren't bad, so I'm somewhat considering one of them for the future. Since I figure this would come up then, I asked about it in advance.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Okay, I'll fiddle with them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Don't those divine feats draw on Turn Undead and not Turn Fire Subtyped Creature?


QuoteGranted Powers

Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.

RAW it says it functions as an evil cleric rebukes undead and that's generally ruled to mean it functions as rebuke otherwise.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[20:49] <Willim> Dune, I have a mechanics question for you. You around?
[20:50] * Ransleep is now known as Ranmilia
[20:51] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Yo ho ko.
[20:51] <Willim> Hi.
[20:51] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> It's halftime of the LSU/Oregon game so I have 10. What's up?
[20:51] <Willim> I have a question about throwing items.
[20:52] <Willim> More specifically, improvised thrown objects.
[20:52] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Like grabbing a rock and throwing it, or a table or whatever?
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Here's the relevant rules on basic improvised weapons.
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Improvised Weapons
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Sometimes objects not crafted to be weapons nonetheless see use in combat. Because such objects are not designed for this use, any creature that uses one in combat is considered to be nonproficient with it and takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with that object. To determine the size category and appropriate damage for an improvised weapon, compare its relative size and damage potential
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> to the weapon list to find a reasonable match. An improvised weapon scores a threat on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. An improvised thrown weapon has a range increment of 10 feet.
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> S
[20:53] <Willim> Say we had Willim, and this chain devil. The chain devil absolutely needs to be thrown through a window for dramatic effect and to get it the hell away from a downed comrade. Can Willim, with a strength of 30 and a light load of 532 lbs, lift and thrw that devil?
[20:53] <Merc> That'd probably be a variation on a grapple check
[20:53] <Willim> Must he grapple first? Is it a grapple check to grab someone by the shirt/armor?
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> I'd have to check Willim's str score, the size of the creature and it's weight.
[20:53] <Merc> At least that's how Iron Heroes did it
[20:53] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Yeah.
[20:54] <Merc> which is based on D&D
[20:54] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Since bullrush does essentially the same thing, I'd just treat it like that, I guess?
[20:54] <Merc> You had to grapple and after you could toss or pin
[20:54] <Willim> Both are medium size class, I believe.
[20:54] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Pathfinder might have a more refined version, let me check.
[20:54] <Willim> Well, ay I wanted to toss him a good ways. Like 30 feet or so.
[20:54] <Willim> Or off a cliff.
[20:54] <Willim> Or into his compatriots.
[20:55] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> If it happened in session I'd make a common sense ruling and figure out rules for it later. Since it isn't, hmmmm.
[20:55] <Willim> I wanna know if I can, before I can.I don't want combat to grind to a halt on it.
[20:55] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Yeah, I'd rule it would be a sub-function of grapple. Get a grapple on someone and then toss 'em.
[20:56] <Willim> Toss = Strength check?
[20:56] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> It's reasonable enough especially with size. There's a feat that does something sorta like that too, Awesome Blow.
[20:56] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Something like, yeah.
[20:56] <Willim> I can't take that. It requires Large size. I asked you to look at it a while back, but you never got back to me on it.
[20:57] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Anyway, I'd just handle itl ike that. It's reasonable enough to grab someone and throw 'em.
[20:57] * Willim nods.
[21:02] <Merc> <-- IH rules on it. You grapple at -4 to lift, then you can hold, throw or slam as a standard action.
[21:05] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Post this chat log and that link in bitching? I'll make a more expansive ruling oni t al ittle later.
[21:05] <@Ko-NotreDameknowsPassInterfere> Probably after the game.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


The Wizards 'All About Grappling' series gives examples for advanced grappling manoeuvres, of which tossing your foe is one.


Naliel is posted. She's good for a lantern archon, but she's still just an archon. Her baselines are upgraded since she took lots of essentially empty racial HD.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


nagging for custom class for trolls, reminder
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?