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Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Inheritor of the Cycle

Within every fey resides the accumulated experience and heritage of innumerable previous lives prior to the current existence. For most this is nothing more than distant and dim memories, put aside in favour of savouring the moment. But some fey are able to draw upon that prior experience in a tangible fashion, becoming a step closer to sylvan perfection.

Hit dice d6


Any fey


12 ranks in Concentration
12 ranks in Knowledge (Nature)


Base Will +7

Class Skills

The Inheritor of the Cycle's class skills are: Concentration, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim

Skill Points at Each Level

4 + intelligence modifier

LevelBase Attack BonusFortitude SaveReflex SaveWill SaveSpecial
1+0+0+2+2+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Memories of Spring
2+1+0+3+3+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Sprite's Tricks
3+1+1+3+3+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Memories of Summer
4+2+1+4+4+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Nymph's Wrath
5+2+1+4+4+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Leanan Sidhe's Inspiration
6+3+2+5+5+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Memories of Autumn
7+3+2+5+5+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Dryad's Bond
8+4+2+6+6+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Memories of Winter
9+4+3+6+6+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Frostwind's Caress
10+5+3+7+7+1 druid or sorcerer spellcasting, Spirit of all Seasons

Memories of Spring (Ex)

As you once celebrated the burgeoning vitality and creation of the Spring, your spirit becomes better able to resist the sometimes out of control creation that magic can bring. This results in a +1 increase to your spell resistance.

Sprite's Tricks (Sp)

Often overlooked as mere pranksters, you can recall many a time when a talent for stealth and illusion was all that stood between your past incarnations and disaster. You gain either Pyrotechnics, Invisibility, or Major Image as a spell like ability usable 3 times per day.

Memories of Summer (Ex)

The baking heat of the Summer sun feels like joyful caresses to a fey of that season, as you once were. From this you are able to resist the first 5 points of damage from any source of fire damage. If you already possess fire resistance, it is increased by 5 points.

Nymph's Wrath (Su)

While primarily known for their beauty, your previous experiences show that a wronged nymph can easily provoked into a fury that few can resist. With but a glance, you can channel your wrath into a look that leaves all but the stoutest shaking in their boots. The target must succeed on a fortitude save (the DC is equal to ten plus half your hit dice and your charisma bonus) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. If you already possess the Stunning Glance ability, increase the DC by 2 points.

Leanan Sidhe's Inspiration (Su)

You once existed as a leanan sidhe, a mysterious muse that brought inspiration and despair in equal measure to foolish mortals. So to can you now offer aid to your others in reaching greater heights, yet always at a price. As an immediate action, you can designate any creature that can see and hear you to gain a bonus equal to half your Inheritor level to one ability coupled with a penalty of the same amount to another. Possible pairs are attack and armour class (either way) or one saving throw (the penalty being applied to the remaining two). This ability can be resisted with a will save (the DC is equal to ten plus your Inheritor level and your charisma bonus) and lasts until the start of your next turn.

Memories of Autumn (Ex)

As vitality recedes with Autumn's ascent, all life must shelter itself and prepare the cold ahead. But as you once took quiet joy in this subdued season, your skin grows stronger to endure its travails. This grants a +1 increase to your natural armour score.

Dryad's Bond (Su)

Once your very existence depended utterly upon a single tree, that you cherished as it grew in the Spring and Summer, and guarded as it fell into its torpor of Autumn and Winter. That tree is long since gone, but with your recognition of those memories, you also become aware of the gratitude felt by trees wishing to repay that bond. Once per day you may touch a huge tree, animating it to act as a treant for one hour. This treant does not possess the Animate Trees ability, but gains a morale bonus to attack, damage, armour class, and saving throws equal to your Inheritor level.

Memories of Winter (Ex)

The harsh winter punishes all but the hardiest of life, but the biting winds and endless blizzards were once a source of strength and security for you, so it will be again. From this you are able to resist the first 5 points of damage from any source of cold damage. If you already possess cold resistance, it is increased by 5 points.

Frostwind's Caress (Su)

As a pitiless spirit of the coldest mountain snowstorms, you once embodied nature at its most indiscriminate and cruel. You are no longer that being, having been tempered by so many other incarnations. But when required you can still call upon the frost against those you judge unworthy, disrupting and freezing their bodies. As a touch attack you can inflict 1d6 untyped and 1d6 cold damage, both damage dies being modified by your charisma bonus (for example a nymph with 22 charisma would do 1d6+6 +1d6+6). If you already possess the Frostbite Touch ability, the damage stacks.

Spirit of all Seasons

Possessing an understanding and affinity for all of the four seasons beyond that which most fey can appreciate, you are ever more in tune with the rhythms and flows of the natural world, setting you apart from your more focused siblings. With this greater attunement, your natural resistance improves, increasing your damage reduction/cold iron by 5 points, or granting damage reduction if it is not already possessed.



There's some formatting errors in the requirements. Skills should be a number of ranks, not a total modifier. A save should be noted as a base save, in this case a base will save of +7. These are actually worth bothering with and revising, as it's a matter of clarity and understanding the requirements correctly.

I'd add spellcraft to the list of skills.

Memories of Spring is fine. Sprite's Tricks is fine. Memories of Summer is fine. I'd make Nymph's Wrath equal to 10 + 1/2 hd + cha modifier. Setting to hit dice instead of prestige class level helps the DC remain competitive, especially with gestalt increasing everyone's saves. Leanan Sidhe's Inspiration is alright, but what do you mean by:

QuoteAs an immediate action, you can designate any creature that can see and hear you to gain a bonus equal to half your Inheritor to one ability coupled with a penalty of the same amount to another.

Half of your Inheritor what? Level? I presume so and I assume that's what you mean, but it really does need to be said.

Everything else until Frostwind's Caress is fine. For that:

QuoteAs a touch attack you can inflict 1d6 untyped and 1d6 cold damage, both damage dies being modified by your charisma bonus. If you already possess the Frostbite Touch ability, the damage stacks.

To be clear, you mean that both would gain a bonus to damage equal to your charisma modifier? For example, an 18 charisma character with this would deal 1d6+4 non typed damage and 1d6+4 cold damage?

Finally, a few minor fey don't have cold iron damage reduction innately. I'd add a clause to the capstone about it establishing damage reduction 5/cold iron if the Inheritor does not possess damage reduction.


Overall it's pretty good. It is distinctly a casting class. Hm. I like the flavor of it a lot and I think it's a clever application of how the fey reincarnate. I'd be tempted to knock it down to 9/10 casting or add a few or two for prerequisites. It's superior to sorcerer levels and racial hit dice, but not that great for druids since it doesn't progress what they do at all beyond spellcasting. I'd put it at a solid +1 for tiers? Nothing in here completely changes the game by taking it, but most everything is a solid addition.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Formatting fixed along with mentioned suggestion for Nymph's Wrath.


Character level up summaries.

Adrian first. He's taking rogue 12 and planar champion 10. Got a 9 on his d10 for hit points. Yay. Got +1 bab. Got another favored plane and his previous favored planes went up by one; he chose the Abyss. All saves go up by 1. He puts his stat point in charisma. Not optimal, but he's struggling with it so I feel this makes IC sense. Spell resistance rises by one, skills go up as normal. Not a great level for him, but finishing up Planar Champion is nice. He'll have that queued up for epic.

Next is Misalea. Adding her bloodline bonus first so I don't forget: +2 bonus to perform checks. Nice. Okay, she's taking Arcane Duelist 3 and Sentinel 4. Got a 4 on her d10, ow.  At least she's cracked three digit hit points now. Her bab rises by 1. Gains dextrous attack, which isn't all that great for her but the extra to hit isn't entirely worthless. She also gets turn outsider, hello divine feats. I'm probably going to houserule this to turn undead for the sake of use or at least houserule this ability in some manner. I'll come back to it later. Trading in her spellcasting for the holy warrior ACF - she technically isn't a paladin, but it's close enough and she doesn't need a third spellcasting progression. She takes Extra Smiting with it. She gains +1 fort. Skills go up as normal. Leaving the extra smiting from level 12 for now, will retrain it later.  Anyway, okay level. Turning alone makes it worthwhile, though she won't be able to grab a divine feat until 15.

Now we get to Dana, who is taking Psychic Warrior 3 and Dwarven Defender 8. 5 on a d12, owwies. Her bab rises by 1. She gains another 1st level power and 2+2 power points. She grabs Defensive Precognition as her new power. She also gains mobile defense and another point of TRAP SENSE. All of her saves rise by 1. She puts her stat point in wis, which nets her another power point. She puts her skill points into K:P and K:H to satisfy the coming pre-reqs for War Mind. She's done. Solid enough level - will be reviewing her in a moment and moving her psionics into spells to keep track of them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[18:57] <Muirfinn> Ko, is there some sort of artifact I can attach to my elemental that would allow me to summon it across planes?
[18:57] <Muirfinn> Or at least across the same plane?
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Next up is Tannin. He's taking Spellflich 1 and Battle Dancer 14. 4 on a d8, crushing mediocrity. Bab rises by 1, gains a 4th attack like all the other warriors at 16. Gains dance of the crushing python. He gets exotic weapon proficiency as a bonus feat, he selects whip. He also gains spellwise(skills). He gains +2 ref and will. He also puts his stat point into charisma, act shocked. Charisma whores, all of you. Skills go up as normal. Not much of a level - really just transitory. Picking up the whip allows him to cosplay Indian Jones, I suppose. Yay?

Arrel's next. Fighter 2 and Giant Eagle 7 shenanigans ahead. Got a 3 on his d10, not a great level for hp for most anyone. +1 bab, same old same old. Spell resistance rises by 1. +1 fort. Puts his stat point into con, more HP ensues. Skills go up as normal. He grabs combat expertise with his fighter 2 feat, to better spend his to hit excess.  He's done, that was the unholy mother of boring level ups.

Lief's up. It's time for Dread Commando 2 and Fighter 5. He got a 1 on his d10 to continue the fuck Hatbot parade. +1 bab, act shocked. He picks up armored ease 2, which isn't bad at all for him. +1 ref. Skills go up as normal. Spell resistance+1. Done. Another mediocre level. Besides Misalea there hasn't been a real breakout level, and even hers was only because of turning.

More later.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


* Hatbot --> "Merc rolls d20+24+3 GI+CK for buyers for greensteel with better exchange rates that aren't devils. and gets 37." [d20=10]
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Level-up Summary for Ithea (sheet updated):
+15 HP, +14 skill points, +1 fort, +1 will, +1 BAB, factotum 3 (brawn over brains, cunning defense), duskblade 3 (+1 lv1/day, +3 lv 5/day, learned chain lightning). For skills, I picked up three languages (aquan, celestial, terran) along with usual stuff.

Also, Dune, I traded a fair bit of my bluff skill (lowered from 19 to 10) for diplomacy, as I seem to roll more often for diplomacy than bluff. Is this fine?

Money is up to date as well, and dragon glaive is fixed (~yayness~).
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Crystal mk2. I lost most of this one before due to a power flicker (read as: idiots near the power cords), so I'll be brief. Ranger 12 and Defender of the Natural World 2. HD roll was 6. +1 bab and all that entails. SR+1. Got spellcasting synergy(1st level) and +1 to all saves. Stat point in charisma. Skills up as normal. Gains a new 2nd level paladin spell, goes with Fell the Greatest Foe again. Gains a 3rd level ranger spell, goes with Brilliant Emanation from the BoED Sanctified spell list. Okay level for her, will be posting and revising her spells to spells at some point after this.

Hope gains an animal companion boost! +2 HD, gets a 5 and 3 on his d12s. Well fuck you too, Hatbot. Bab goes up to 2. Frightful presence radius increases by 5ft. Spell resistance does not rise, as his resistance is capped at 25 with the celestial template. Darkvision range increases to 120ft with the rise to epic levels. +1 to all saves. Stat point from 20 placed in con. Skills rise as normal. He takes Great Ability(Constitution) as his level 21 feat, hit points rise along with all the other things related to this. Now to apply the other benefits of the animal companion boost. +2 natural armor added. +1 str/dex added. That's it.

Drena time! Gets a 2 on his d8 for hit dice. Really Hatbot, who pissed on you today, anyway? Bab goes up up up by 1. Drena gains another domain! He grabs the Windstorm domain. Drena's saves all rise by 1 and he puts his stat point in dexterity. He gains another 7th level charge and 3 8th level charges. He gains a 5th, 6th, 7th and 3 8th level spells. He learns Boreal Wind, Wind's Scorn, Control Weather, Mastery of the Skies, Stormrage and Heat Drain. Nice level for him - lots of new tricks and he expands his mind focus in cold as well.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Muirfinn: +1 BAB, +1 Fort & Will. +1 CL from Hierophant. +1 6th level spell and access to 9th level spells.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Kascha's up. Hopefully her luck will rebound! She takes Ghaele 16 and Wyrm Wizard 10. Aaand she gets a 2 on her d8. That's it, I'm naming this post Fuck Hatbot! Her bab goes up by one, chill comfort to the wizard. She gains break resistance and another incarnation of spell research. She grabs Surge of Hope(Houserules) for her new spell. I normally frown on cherry-picking from initiate lists, but in this case it's from the initiate of Seira list so I'm okay with it. Spell resistance+1. All saves+1. Put her stat point into int. Skills rise as normal. Gains +1 7th&8th level spell slot. She grabs another Righteous Smite(A good spell and not the reason she died last time) and Maximized Greater Fireburst.

Onto Hanna. Planetar 16 and Champion of Gwynharwyf 10. She gets an 8 on her d12 to defy Hatbot. Bab+1 as expected. Damage reduction rises to 5/- and she gains 5 more resistance to electricity. She gains another rage per day, though she hasn't really been put through the grinder on rage uses yet. All saves+1. Hanna puts her stat point into strength. Hatbotted it between that, dex and wis. All three will get raised in time. Skills go up as normal. She gains a 7th and 8th level casting slot. She grabs Fortunate Fate and an Extended Fortunate Fate. She gains a 3rd level Champion of Gwynharwyf slot, which becomes another cure moderate wounds.

Sylvie and Morniel last.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Hanna would like to suggest, at axe point if needed, that anyone going out into a potentially dangerous or unknown area drops by for a Fortunate Fate casting, or even an Extended Fortunate Fate. Especially if you're relatively squishy or bad on defense. Just tossing this out here.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Spell review requests!

Nature's Avatar in the Spell Compendium. This is cool, but only if I can apply it to my elemental. If not, scrub it.

Summon Elemental Monolith in the Spell Compendium. I want this for every reason you would think.

Tsunami in the Spell Compendium. I'm aware that it's atrociously expensive to cast. It'd be cool as a water-elemental thing though, and I could farm for the materials myself!

Transmute Rock to Lava, Red Tide, Deadfall, Unyielding Roots, Waterspout, Slime Wave, Aura of Vitality in the Spell Compendium.

Undermaster in the Spell Compendium. It's kinda sexy.

Glacier in Frostburn. Thematic and useful.

Cometstrike in Frostburn. Same as above.

Flashflood in Sandstorm. Thematic and great for creating room.

Bombardment, & Cocoon from Magic of Faerun.

Greater Whirlwind from Complete Divine (or whatever revision there has been thereof)

Bleed from Complete Champion.

Bear's Heart from Defenders of the Faith.

Thunderswarm from Masters of the Wild.

Rain of Black Tulips, Unearthly Beauty, & Touch of Adamantine from the Book of Exalted Deeds.

Have fun!
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Sylvie's up. She's taking Factotum 16 and Exemplar 1.  She gets an 8 on her d8 roll. Sometimes I don't get you at ALL, 'bot. She gets +1 bab like most everyone else. Put a placeholder for factotum 16 since I forgot to finish an ACF for it. She gains skill artistry and skill mastery; concentration for the first, tumble, swim, jump, move silently, hide, bluff, concentration, disguise, heal, spellcraft, climb, forgery and use magic device. She gains +2 will and +1 reflex. In the least surprising move ever, she puts her stat point into intelligence. Skills go as normal, save for buying up a few ranks of UMD. Removed her NE tendencies - she's in a far different place now than when you met her. Unexpected, but right now I don't feel that's appropriate for her to have. She's done. Average level for her, pending me figuring out that ACF thing.

Finally, Morniel. I'm allowing him ot take Justicar of Tyr and sub in psionics. It's a reasonable conversion and he serves Tyr, so I'm okay with it. Gets a 3 on the d8, fuck Hatbot. +1 bab and spell resistance. He gains detect chaos and smite anarchy 1/day. 27 does not approve. He gains +2 fort and will, and +1 ref. He puts his stat point into charisma without a second thought. Skills go without incident, though he picks up ranks in K:L (Aurora). He gains 2+3 power points. He takes Detect Hostile Intent as his power.

Woof, DONE.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Yuthirin on February 22, 2012, 09:06:10 PM
[18:57] <Muirfinn> Ko, is there some sort of artifact I can attach to my elemental that would allow me to summon it across planes?
[18:57] <Muirfinn> Or at least across the same plane?

I don't see one offhand. If you wanna dig for such, by all means. Assuming you don't find one, I'd just price it as a teleport magic item? That's in the 90k region, around 40k after Afina.  If you can find something cheaper that does it that's printed, by all means. I can't offhand, but I'm also buried in work. If you want a custom one like that, let me know and I'll write it out.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?