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Those Who Dream(Characters)

Started by VySaika, January 12, 2009, 07:43:02 PM

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Character stuff goes here. Backgrounds, sheets, etc.
All About Monks
<Marisa> They're OP as fuck
<Marisa> They definitely don't blow in 3.5
<Marisa> after a certain level they basically just attack repeatedly until it dies
<Marisa> they're immune to a bunch of high level effects
<Marisa> just by being monks


Name: Mykasi (Michael) Kaliska-Werfel
Ethnicity: 1/4 Omaha Indian, 1/4 Miwok Indian, 1/4 Mutt American, 1/4 German.
Place of Birth: Crescent City, California
Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lb

Traditional random character notes:
Chinese Astrology: Metal Monkey
Blood Type: B
Western Astrology: Pisces
First American Astrology: Scorpion

Persona: FOOL Anansi

118 total CP
0 CP unspent

Stats: 5 Body, 6 Soul, 9 Mind
(55 HP, 70 EP)
Persona World Stats: 7 Body, 8 Soul, 12 Mind
(75 HP, 95 EP)


---Persona Skills---
Enhanced Body +2
Enhanced Soul +2
Enhanced Mind +3
Heightened Senses: Sight, Tremorsense
   Combat Technique: Judge Opponent (Dependent Upon: Heightened Senses: Sight)
Unique Character Trait (Persona can lie/act if needed):
Defensive Combat Mastery (5 ranks)
Attack Combat Mastery (1 rank)

Special Attack (Anvil of Light) (Light) (3 ranks)  - Pillar of light (60 Damage)
Illusions (Deception Master) 2pt/level, (3 ranks) (DMV: 3 Area (10 m), 4 Duration (10 min), 2 Range (100 m), 3 Target (10 people) (Concentration Defect: Intense) (Allows slow walking/conversation)
   Alternate Fire (Ghost Waltz): (Light) (3 ranks), (Linked to Deception Master) (Illusions take some aggressive action) (20 Damage)
Alternate Fire (Cold As Ice) (Ice) (3 ranks) (60 Damage)
Alternate Fire (Bright Trap) (Light) (2 Ranks) (No Damage, Tangle rank 1) | Linked: Projection (Light only, area 2 (1m))

Unknown Superhuman Power "Ace In The Hat" (2 pts)
--Special Movement: Dimension Hop(Into his own Dream, only when outside influance enters his Dream) (uses 1 of the 3 points granted by Ace in the Hat)
--Special Movement: Balance(Mike has to be actively dancing to have the perfect balance this grants...) (uses 1 of the 3 points granted by Ace in the Hat)

MAGICIAN S.Link(Rank 3)
--Armor of Ambition(Extra Defenses)

HANGED MAN S.Link(Rank 4)
Item of Power(Carved canoe) rank 1
--Telekinesis(Water) rank 4(control ~100kg/220lbs of water. Can control water at a range of 10m/33ft)
--Special Attack(Waterblade): 40/30/20/10 +ACV Ice damage. Melee weapon. Flexible advantage(DCV checks made at -2) Special Disadvantage(Must have water nearby to form the sword)
Note: the Carved Canoe must be gripped in hand to use any of it's powers.

LOVERS S.Link(Rank 2)

HERMIT S.Link(Rank 1)

---Self Skills---
Highly Skilled (2 ranks)
Gadgets (1 rank)

Achilles' Heel (Fire) (2 BP)
Concentration (Deception Master, Intense) (2 BP)
Damaged Eyes (Sight checks -4) (-0 BP)

Personal Gear:
Personal Computer (Laptop, year old)
Cell phone, paid for by family
Impromptu Lockpicks
Possibly Fake Naginata That Should've Been Shipped Off To His Dad Six Months Ago

Motorized Bike

Skills: 40/40 SP spent.

Foreign Culture 2 (Native American, Japanese) (6 pts) - Family ties, trying to understand Japan
Foreign Languages 2 (Miwok, Omaha) (6 pts)

Sleight of Hand 1 (4 pts) - Self-taught, mainly to help Xavier out of family situations and play pranks on friends (signing their name off for five large pizzas, putting Xavier's dad's name on the report card so he didn't have to listen to family, grabbing Xavier's mom's car keys to let him drive, getting friends out of trouble with family by smoothing over any discrepancies in stories, etc.,.)
Forgery 1 - Handwriting (2 pts)
Performing Arts 1 - Fast Talking ( (3 pts)

Computers 2 (6 pts) --- all three of these gotten from programming classes.
Electronics 1 (3 pts)
Mechanics 1 (2 pts)

Domestic Arts 1 - Cooking (1 pt) - "Fuck you, my mom always said that it was a good idea to know how to make your own food."
Sports 1 - "Damn, this track stuff is getting me back in shape."

Ranged Defense 1 (6 pts)

Family: Mother, age 43; father, age 46; father's parents (mother age 66, father age 65), mother's parents (Mykasi doesn't know them).


"Mom ran from the reservation when she was 16 - can't blame her, her dad sounds like a punk and whoever my grandmother would have been dropped her on his doorstep since she was just a little American white girl born and bred on those purty li'l country roads who didn't wanna deal with a kid. Mum worked through community college in Texas, then fled to California when family caught up to her. Didn't get along with them at all, you know? Dad was from the Crescent City area, Gramma's Miwok and Granpa's a German immigrant. Mum's now a forest ranger - she loves the areas up there. Dad's a writer, loves the atmosphere. I got my name from my mum's grandfather - the one person in the family she could stand, really. What did I think of the town? Good town, but waaaaay too small."

"Eh, school was okay. But... there's a lot of weird shit going around, you know? There's... a lot of expectations, but unlike the one the Asian kids got over there, none of them were good for us. One teacher openly praised Jesus that there were -five- of us that managed to stay in school. Five. We were the biggest group of First Americans that managed to get to high school in the city's history, so we stuck together and kept pushing each other even when our old friends... yeah. I can only guess what Lupe or Sammy got into once they dropped out. And... no one cared enough. It was 'expected'. Bull, no? Still, my friends and I... we did some shit we ended up regretting, but we always pulled each other out. Our responsibility to each other. I tended to make sure everything fell into place, that no one's parents got worried. Especially Xavier's... but that's getting ahead of myself."

"My parents... well, they were proud of their heritage, even if my Mom didn't care for her family. So I got a name from my mom, and took my dad's surname - Kaliska-Werfel. Mouthful-and-a-half, that one, you know? But it's cool. Got called Mike, family called me Michael for a while. Mom and Dad call me Mykasi instead now if I'm in trouble. Else it's Mike."

"...It was in high school - twelth grade, we five were gonna graduate. Me, Sandy, Bill, Xavier and Amelia - we were close as brothers and sisters, you know? Practically lived in each other's homes, our families all knew each other for the most part, we just did most everything toghether. Xavier was out one night, grabbing food for a small party us five were having. On the drive back... some drunk fool, a kid we knew from middle school, crashed into his car. He died... and Xavier, he got knocked into a coma. Lasted six weeks before he awoke, and... he didn't remember any of us. He didn't remember anythin'. So we... we made a promise to each other, after graduation, us remaining four... that for his sake, we'd push ourselves even harder. I keep in touch with them; Sandy's working as a custodian and attending night classes at a community college somewhere in Washington. Bill's working to become a teacher - he stayed local. Amelia's in France, studying. Xavier... he's with his family. He hadn't planned to take over the family business, but... he doesn't remember that anymore. His lousy dad pushed it on him! ...sorry, I'm getting heated about this. Still, we call him once in a while just to talk - he's doing okay, doesn't mind the calls even if he can't remember us."

"I was always the major geek of the group - didn't really get into the sciences or language arts, but I gobbled up history and math. Started studying programming in college, did some cool stuff with that. Since I'm First American by blood, I get thrown a ton of scholarships. Decided that I wanted to get into robotics, but America really doesn't have -great- places for that. So I decided to come here to Japan to study, but first I need to speak the language, so... working on that right now. Gonna start robotics classes soon, I've got the prereqs done to enter the program, and the scholarships won't last forever. Can't let people back home down and all."

Plans For Later:
Alternate Fire (Hama) (Light) (3 ranks) (3 pts) (Ability: Drain Energy, Incapacitate. Disability: Inaccurate, No Damage. Targets Soul stat.)


Name: Hikari Ishigami
Age: 21
Ethnicity: Japanese
Place of Birth: Kyoto, Japan
Height: 5'0''
Weight: Exactly how is that any of your business? (More serious answer: typically skinny for a Japanese woman).

The oldest of three children born to a fairly conservative Japanese couple (the father holding a position in the upper ranks of a successful shipping firm). For all that Hikari has a noted interest in traditional Japanese culture, she's never seemed comfortable with the idea of a being a traditional daughter. Her parents seemed to accept this after many (many) bitter arguments over the need for her to get married right after college (which, among other things, always made Hikari wonder why she would need to go to college in the first place). However, the fact that they still don't properly understand the nature of her objections is illustrated by their tendency to substitute one traditional lifestyle for another, assuming (grudginly) that Hikari's real interest lies in following her father into the world of business and thus suggesting she take various administrative and economic courses. They genuinely do have her bests interests at heart but don't seem to understand what's actually going through her head.

Fairly common generation gap miscommunications, really. Hikari does love her parents, but considers them rather unimaginative people. For Hikari, the modern world is an intensely cosmopolitan place that can't be satisfactorily experienced from a single city in Japan. She doesn't want to be tied down by obligations either to a growing family or the responsibilities of a corporate job, at least not for many years. Her parents may be able to accept this in time with that "It's a phase, she'll come down to Earth eventually" sort of resignation, but right now she's staying in school in part to avoid having to make any truly important decisions (not to mention that wanting to be a world traveller and having the means to be one are two different things altogether).

Only partly, though. She's widely read and relishes education for its own sake. If pressed, she would admit to entertaining notions of being a teacher someday and has begun to pursue this in her studies. For the most part, though, her academic history is that of someone looking hither and yon for a field they can call their own and, for the most part, not finding it. She has a broad array of general knowledge but no real specialty (outside of a respectable foundation of local and world history). Hobbies and school clubs over the years have included archery and singing; she's kept up with both but doesn't precisely have a passion for them.

Friends in high school suggested she be an idol singer, but Hikari always maintained that she had neither the good looks nor the vocal skill to be one (and by this point she'd be over the hill in that profession, so hey). Neither statement is really accurate, though; her noted disdain for pop music is more likely to blame. Hikari favors classical music (Japanese or western) and this is what her still-ongoing singing lessons are geared towards. (Which is, incidentally, part of why she wounded up learning Latin and Italian--opera. If she ever takes another language, it'll be German!)

Studious, but outspoken about anything that disturbs her sensibilities, Hikari favors resolving problems by confronting them head-on rather than sidling around them in euphemisms and gossip. This can result in a bluntness that bothers some people (though only, Hikari would be glad to point out, because she's explaining why they're dead wrong), but usually means that she's in the forefront of any argument in school. She dresses conservatively, not caring for flashy or revealing clothes. Though she dislikes taking advantage of the fact, she is fairly attractive, with fair skin clear of blemishes or acne and a slender build. She has facial features which lend themselves towards very stern and serious expressions, which can be offputting or magnetic depending on the viewer (she's no cutie-pie teenybopper, that's for sure).


Yoshiro: Father, aged forty-six.
Yumiko: Mother, aged forty-one.
Aiko: Younger sister, sixteen years old. Kind of a brat. Flirtatious and acquisitive, takes advantage of her parents' frequently being distracted by Hikari to get into all manner of trouble.
Ichiro: Younger brother, eleven years old. Responsibility for joining the family firm will probably devolve to him eventually. Which is fine since he excels at mathematics. Also displays a great interest in science.


Persona: STRENGTH Brynhildr

CP: 119
Unspent: 10

Body: 6 (7) [12]
Mind: 6
Soul: 10

ACV: 9 [11]
DCV: 6 [8]
HP: 85 [110]
EP: 80

Attributes: (Personal attributes first, persona attributes second)

Features (Appearance), 2 levels
Highly Skilled, 4 levels
Personal Gear, 1 level
Wealth, 1 level
MR-R0G-3R5 Body Mofication(Enhanced Body+1)

Adaptation (Intense heat), 1 level
Armour (Optimised vs. Physical), 1 level
Attack Combat Mastery, 1 level
Defense Combat Mastery, 1 level
Enhanced Body, 5 levels
Mind Shield, 2 levels
Regeneration, 1 level
Special Attack: Helreio Brynhildar, 4 levels (60 Damage)
   -Physical, added effect: Affects Incorporeal (-1 level of damage).
Special attack: Betrayal, 3 levels (40 Damage)
   -Physical, added effect: Drains Body (-1 level of damage)
Special Attack: Firewall, 1 levels  (40 Damage)
   -Fire, Uses Energy Defect
Superstrength, 1 level

Skills: 60SP (5 SP unused)

Archery, 2 levels (4SP)
Artisan (Tailoring), 1 level (4SP)
Cultural Arts, 2 levels (6SP)
Domestic Arts, 2 levels (2SP)
Etiquette, 1 level (2SP)
Languages (Italian, Latin), (6SP)
Melee Attack, 1 level (6SP)
Performing Arts (Singing), 2 levels (6SP)
Special Ranged Attack, 2 levels (12SP)
Visual Arts (Flower Arranging), 1 level (3SP)
Writing, 2 levels (4SP)

Achilles Heel (Darkness), 2 levels (2BP)

Possessions: Car, personal computer, bow, (+2 more?)

FORTUNE S.Link (Rank 6):
--Divine Relationship 6(Reroll 6/session)
--Soul+1(Already taken into account)

CHARIOT S.Link (Rank 3):
--Attack Combat Mastery 1


Val's Sheet is compressed for ease of navigation.

Spoiler: ShowHide
Name: Valeriya (Healthy) Eun (Grace) Hikari (Light)
Ethnicity: 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Japanese
Place of Birth: Born in Japan, exact city unknown
Age: 26
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 118 lb
Blood Type: O-
Astrological Sign: Cancer


Head: Dark blond hair that goes down to her mid-back, with bangs.  Green eyes, long eyelashes, smaller, narrower eyes than avereage.  Looks far more Russian than Japanese.  A long, zig-zag scar covers her face from the upper right part of her face near her bangs down to the lower left cheek. 

Torso: 32C breasts, flat stomach. 

Lower Body: Long legs, well-shaven. 

Overall: Generally attractive, with the only fault in her looks being the scar.  The scar precludes her from being involved in any type of beauty pageant, however.     

CP: 100 (105)
SP: 30 (60)

Body: 6 (12 CP) - 8
Mind: 6 (12 CP) - 8
Soul: 6 (12 CP) - 8

HP: 60 - 80
EP: 60 - 80
ACV: 6 -8
DCV: 4 - 6

Personal Attributes:

Highly Skilled, 3 levels (3 CP)
Special Movement(Balance) (1 cp)

Persona Attributes:

Enhanced Body, Soul, and Mind +2 (12 CP)
Healing, 3 levels(Range 1, Targets 1) (12/1/1 CP)
Heightened Awareness, 4 levels (4 CP)
Optimized Armour - Wind, 2 levels (6 CP)
Optimized Armour - Electricity, 2 levels (6 CP)
Combat Technique(Blind Shooting) (1 cp)

S.Link Potential - 4 (4 cp)

Special Attacks:

Fallen Cry, 3 levels (12 CP)
- Penetrating (Armour) x1, Drains Energy (20 damage, almighty)
A screech of enmity tears apart the life forces of the unfortunate

Forgotten Night, 3 levels (3 CP)
- Incapacitating [Death], No Damage, Accurate (No damage, dark)
A sphere of pure, black death that spreads over the ground and through the air, devouring all who get in its way

Volt Spire, 3 levels (3 CP)
- Area effect x1 (40 damage, electric)
A spire of electricity blasts above from down below

Upcoming Skills:
Merciless Repentence (physical)
- A ferocious flurry of strikes that disarm, bewilder, and eliminate any target

Buddha: War of the Werewolves (almighty)
- ???

Cyclone Forge (wind)
- A torrent of air slashes below from up above


Language, 1 level - Russian (3 SP)
Acrobatics, 2 levels (6 SP)
Climbing, 2 levels (4 SP)
Controlled Breathing, 2 levels (4 SP)
Occult, 2 levels (6 SP)
Seduction, 2 levels (8 SP)
Social Sciences, 2 levels (2 SP)
Street Sense, 2 levels (8 SP)
Swimming, 2 levels (4 SP)
Visual Arts, 2 levels (6 SP)
Writing, 2 levels (4 SP)


Achilles Heel, 2 levels - Light (2 BP)
Marked, 1 level (1 BP)
Recurrent Nightmares, 2 levels (2 BP)

Dominant Arcana: TOWER (primary alignment, reversed)
The Tower is in a state of destruction but it was never built from a solid foundation anyway.  The Tower was destined to fall.  The Tower represents the destruction of a world built on illusion and false pretenses.  Many relationships crumble to the force that is the Tower card because unrealistic hopes and dreams were built upon their relationship without proper support.  Although the Tower represents the crumbling of ones hopes and dreams, it also brings the chance for proper renewal upon a stronger foundation built from experience and a more concrete reality.  The Tower suggests an inevitable fall that cannot be avoided.  All one can do is start planning for the new and hopefully build again avoiding the mistakes of the past.  Reversed this card represents the continual building of false pretenses and succumbing to ones own self illusions.  The Tower reversed suggests unrealistic goals and dreams, and tricking oneself into believing that nothing is wrong and that no change is necessary.

Initial Persona: Caligula
Though his true name is Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, the third Roman emperor is better known by his nickname Caligula.  Known for sexual depravity, cruelty, and extravagance, Caligula's insanity represents the madness of delusions that can overwhelm even the most stalwart.
Elemental Alignment: Dark, Wind, Electricity

Evolved Persona: Orcus
A god of the underworld in Roman mythology, Orcus is hailed as the punisher of broken oaths and tormentor of the dead and damned.  False promises, illusions, and broken dreams are punished and reborn, allowing rejuvenation of hope and a chance to correct past mistakes.
Elemental Alignment: Dark, Wind, Electricity

Valeriya was born the bastard child of a rich Russian billionaire and a Japanese hotel worker.  After conception, Valeriya's father returned to Russia never to contact his daughter again.  Her mother died during child-birth, leaving Valeriya to be tossed between orphanages and foster homes for 16 years.  Very few of these were happy homes.  One of the families sexually abused her; another physically.  Another family barely fed her, while yet another refused to take her to a doctor, believing in more natural medicine.  Eventually, she finally was handed to a family that cared for her and helped her, at the age of year before she would be out of the foster system.

All went well for that year until the family, with Valeriya in tow, was hit by a drunk truck driver on her 18th birthday.  Her adoptive mother, father, and sister were brutally mauled, while Valeriya suffered severe, but survivable, injuries.  Ever since the accident, she's had occasional nightmares, and a large scar covering her face going from the right side to the left.  After the accident, she was able to find a job at a burgeoning American fast-food restaurant where she worked for two years for minimum wage.  Challenging though it was, she was able to take several college courses in arts and humanities, in which she excelled.

Unfortunately, success was short-lived.  At the age of 20, she was forced into marriage with the manager of her workplace, a seventy-year old man.  The marriage was short-lived (thankfully for Valeriya), as her husband died at work in a horrible grease fire.  Despite the fact that Valeriya was nowhere near the incident, she was still a suspect in the murder case which went on for over six months.  She was cleared, but now without a job or support. 

Valeriya changed her name after this incident, and moved to a new town.  Aged 23 years, Valeriya finally started to find a point in her life.  Here, she picked up a new job at an athletics centre, and began dating a nice, normal boy.  After a year of dating, Valeriya and her boyfriend were on a trip to the country-side, when their car was hijacked by a terrorist group.  Valeriya's boyfriend was killed, and she was held captive for nearly a year before being discovered and rescued.  She spent another two months in hospitals before finally being released at the age of 25.  She moved and changed her name once more, and currently works two jobs - one at a small athletic centre, the other at a library.  On the side, she continues to do artwork and sell her better works.

Valeriya has become far more introverted and cynical than when she was younger.  Far more adult, but perhaps beyond her own age.  Healthy (she checked herself out after the capture), smart, and strong, she's nonetheless a bit sad and generally self-contained.   

Random Quotes, for the hell of it!

Battle Initiation:
"When will this end?"
"I don't see the point in this"

Persona Summoning:
"No more!"
"Don't struggle..."

"No mercy!"
"Don't touch me!"

Defeat Enemy:
"Your life is over"
"Death comes for you!"

Ally Defeats Enemy:
"Pretty good"
"Good job; now let me take care of the rest"

"I've had worse..."

"Are you blind?"
"Not even close"

Level up:
"The higher you climb..."
"Perhaps there is hope..."

Ally Dies:
"You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind!"
"You won't get me that easily"

"And so it ends..."
"...the harder you fall"

Jo'ou Ranbu

Sheet! This one is pretty rough. I'll have to come back to it for editing shenanigans as I flesh abilities and names a bit more.

Name: Nagare Suiren
Age: 34
Ethnicity: Japanese
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Height: 5'7
Father: Osamu Suiren (deceased)
Mother: Kaname Suiren (deceased)
Ex-Wife: Kasumi Ryouzaka
Weight: 160lbs
Blood Type: AB
Birth Date: 12/29
Sign: Capricorn

Persona: MOON Abartach

CP: 116
Unspent: 0


Body: 5 (10cp)
Mind: 8 (16cp)
Soul: 8 (16cp)

Body (Dream): 7
Mind (Dream): 9
Soul (Dream): 11

HP: 65 (90)
EP: 80 (100)

Character Traits

Organizational Ties (Hokkuriku Uni., 2 levels. 2CP)
Highly Skilled (Level 3. 3CP)
Heightened Awareness (Level 2. 2CP. Senses: Shadows, Inanimate Dreams)
Personal Gear (Level 1. 2 CP)


(1SP unspent)

Special Ranged Attack (6SP)
Law (4) (8SP)
Domestic Arts (2) (2SP)
Etiquette (2) (4SP)
Visual Arts (3) (9SP)
Writing (3) (6SP)
Computers (1) (3SP)
Driving (1) (2SP)
Navigation (1) (3SP)
Social Sciences (3) (3SP)
Cultural Arts (1) (2SP)
Management/Admin (1) (1SP)

Personal Gear

Car (major)
Painting Set (minor)
Laptop (minor)
Cellphone (minor)
GPS Tracker (minor)

Persona Traits


He Who Knows The Night: (Optimized Armor - Dark [1 level, 3CP])
Shroud of the Mist: (L2 Armor [6CP])
Slane's Dew: (Channeling the restorative powers granted by the vast powers of Dian Cecht's well, Abartach calls forth a curative dew that can heal multiple allies. Healing [Rank 2, 8CP. 40 HP healing, Range 1: 10m max, Area 3: 10m max, Target 2: 5 people max, 6CP])
The Lying Prince: (The chicanery used to ensnare the Fianna gains the form of a negative blast that bedazzles and harms its target, also draining some of the victim's willpower. Special Attack [Rank 2, 8CP. Drain Soul Ability L1, Uses Energy Disability L1])
The Way To Tir Tairnigir: (Abartach knows the correct directions to a destination... however where one needs to be may not be where one wants to be. Special Movement [Rank 2, 2CP. Zen Direction ability])
The Silver Horse: (Abartach rides a sparkling silver horse who leaves no track of its lightspeed footsteps. Special Movement [Untrackable ability])
Fianna's Trap: (With his powers to deceive and delude, Abartach creates a heavy fog that denies the sight and hearing of those it envelops. Sensory Block ability [Rank 2, 2CP. Blocks vision and hearing. Range 2: 100m max, Duration 2: 5 rounds max, Area 3: 10m max, 7CP])
Blessing of the Prince: (As the heir to the promised land of Tir Tairnigir, Abartach possesses superior traits, given by his blood and magic. [Enhanced Stats. Body +2, Soul+3, Mind +1, 12CP])
Mark of a Golden Arrow: (The golden arrow given by Apollo gives insight and allows Abartach to detect any Shadow-related traces, also being able to scan Arcana and Personas. Also works outside of the Dream. Sixth Sense ability - Shadow sensitivity [Rank 3. Area 4, 7 CP total].)

DEVIL S.Link(Rank 5)
--Summon: Lilim - Sealing Kiss: (Nagare uses the card he obtained from Theresa to summon her first servant, the Shadow of a Lilim. The Lilim then blows kisses at an enemy and saps them of thier magical energy. [Rank 1 Special Attack, 1 CP, granted from the DEVIL S.Link. Drain Energy ability, No Damage dissability)
--Summon: Fiddler - Earworm: (Nagare uses the card he obtained from Theresa to summon her second servant, the Shadow of the Fiddler. The Fiddler plays his fiddle like a madman, destracting and disorienting all who hear. [Rank 3 special attack, 3 CP, granted from the DEVIL S.Link. Irritant, Areax2, Affects Incorporeal abilities, No Damage, Melee Range, Unique Defect(Mind Effecting), "Toxic" dissabilities. Note: Nagare is immune to the effect of the Fiddler.)

DEATH S.Link(Rank 6)

EMPRESS S.Link(Rank 1)

SUN S.Link (Rank 1)



Unveiling the Fog: (Achilles Heel - Light. 2CP back)



A fairly stout, if not particularly tall adult with short, well-kept brown hair - which is beginning to gain a few shades of gray. Constantly wearing a 5 'o clock shadow for a beard (which grows into a full beard in periods of laziness or depression). Favors suits (preferrably of the dark-blue variety) and is rarely seen without his working attire. Looks just about his age. His most striking feature seems to be the deeply dark-blue eyes, which can be mistaken for pitch-black by an unassuming glance. Smoker, preferring to use a pipe at home.


Currently just getting adjusted to his life as a Law Theory teacher in Hokuriku University, Nagare seems to come from a leisurely background. A practicing, fairly successful lawyer in his hometown until two  years ago, when he decided to take a sabatical period due to heavy stress - a period which he can't say he's sad to see go. Being the only child of a renowned lawyer and a highly regarded judge (may God cradle them in his arms, as they passed away just a year ago) may have given him a wealth of knowledge to keep the family's fine tradition in Law, but it also brings uncomfortable expectations, which he obediently fulfilled even past his parents' ever vigilant - yet caring - eyes. And, at least, the theory and practice came naturally to him: the years he spent as a practicing lawyer built him a solid enough name, although with the caveat that he seemed to lack the passion that enveloped his parents regarding the actual law work. For some reason, the theory behind it held a much firmer grasp in Nagare's subconscious than its actual unfolding.

As did the arts, particularly painting. Since childhood, Nagare seemed to have a penchant for a canvas and a brush. This isn't terribly refined, as his art studies never really went further than childhood lessons, but a raw, still untapped talent stirs. Recently, he's taken to abstract nature, which gives him a bit more freedom to play with his somewhat crude technique, and is far less pressuring than the precision required by a concrete portrait. Regardless, this is a hobby he only took back recently, and gained more prominence after his settlement in Kanazawa, after leaving the canvas behind for his university and post-graduation studies. Looking back, it might have made the way less stressful... if he had the time for it. Keeping a spotless academic record was time-consuming and draining.

Regardless, after the sabatical period (which remains mostly undisclosed. The only hints that stem from it are a quiet divorce file and a few unanswered calls in his machine), Nagare felt he needed a change in direction - and an invitation to teach at Hokuriku University in the city of Kanazawa seemed like a good headstart. Whether it'll pay off or not, this remains to be seen. However, this change of pace is at least refreshing. As long as he doesn't dwell in the dark recesses of his mind too much.


Nagare has been described by his then wife as a wall that gently pushes you away as it disappears in a mist. Seemingly affable, approachable and openly mild-mannered, he's a pleasant person to meet and converse with, as long as you don't notice his distance. He doesn't socialize much besides his work obligations and the necessary politeness needed to move through people in superficial relations. The extent of his emotional scarcity, however, was felt by very few, arguably only one of those being still alive at this point (and his divorce files exist to remind him of this). There's a quiet glimmer of sadness and restlessness within him that is mostly dormant, and he controls this with an iron hand, and under the polite, accessible man that he passes himself as, lies an intense and difficult man. However, that is a side of him he hopes to keep locked.