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Started by Anastasia, August 10, 2011, 09:31:43 PM

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The Defender, The Final Warden, The Silent
Sixth of the Hebdomad
Symbol: A seven level ziggurat on a golden field, surrounded by a white sunburst
Home Plane: Jovar, 6th layer of Mount Celestia
Alignment: Axiomatic Exalted
Portfolio: Defense, holy pilgrims, humility, enlightenment
Worshipers: Defenders of Sealtiel, those who seek Chronias, good aligned fighters and defenders
Cleric Alignments: LG
Domains: Endurance, Good, Humility, Insight, Law, Protection, Purification, Travel
Favored Weapon: Hand of the Supplicator (Greatclub)

Sealtiel is the patron of defenders and those who take the long journey to reach Chronias atop Mount Celestia. A shining star above that is silent and remote, Sealtiel nonetheless guides any who seek Chronias and watches over their journey. In a sense, any who seek the truth of law and good together are his followers, as are those who defend others for holy causes.

The Defender is a reserved power that rarely intervenes directly. His inactivity is not out of apathy nor of malice. Instead, he understands that a soul's journey to ascend the holy mountain must be one they walk themselves. Each lesson on the way is a hard won fruit, spoiled easily by having another provide it. He is an indirect source of strength to those who follow this path. To the exhausted he offers endurance, to the stained he offers purification, to the lost he offers insight and to all he offers protection. Above all, he enables the continuance of the journey towards glittering Jovar and brilliant Chronias.

The Final Warden teaches mortals to be unafraid of death or martyrdom. Do not rush to it, do not embrace it. But when the day comes, as an old man abed or a young warrior fighting for a holy cause, do not fear it. It is only another step on the journey.

Sealtiel has almost no mortal clerics. Aside from the typical Hebdomad humility and preference for the Gods of Righteousness to steer mortal souls in worship, he is only willing to teach his holy rites to mortals who reach him on Jovar. Yet therein is the paradox, for a mortal who has reached there of his own deeds may well feel the pull of Chronias. Those mortals pure of mind and purpose enough to seek Sealtiel in this manner often find themselves drawn to the Bridge of Al-Sihal instead, passing into eternal Chronias. Those few who do come to him find no further obstacle to taking up his service. As a result of this, most of Sealtiel's clerics are archons and angels that directly serve him.


Sealtiel is ancient beyond measure. It is generally accepted he is the one and only Sealtiel, as he rarely leaves Jovar and is the most powerful of the Hebdomad, save for Zaphkiel. He spends most of his time in Yetsira, overseeing the holy forges and the defenses of Jovar. The latter is not a strenuous duty, as vanishingly few threats make it as that far.

Sealtiel has a strong mentor-student relationship with Barachiel. They get along well, with most of their contact being when Sealtiel comes to Lunia to advise Barachiel on matters of defense. While Sealtiel is the mentor of the two, he learns greatly from Barachiel as well. The lord of Lunia has far more actual experience in defending a celestial realm, due to the fact Jovar is far more isolated than Lunia. This comradeship extends to their servants, as Defenders of Sealtiel often accompany Heralds of Barachiel as guardians.

While Domiel's slayers do not usually require or desire the aid of Sealtiel's defenders, the two paragons are extraordinarily close. Domiel's sternness becomes brotherly caring and his smile invariably brings joy to Sealtiel. Be it standing atop the ziggurat of Yetsira or wandering the tomb-dotted expanses of Mercuria, the two are found discussing matters small and large.

In comparison, Erathaol and Sealtiel can be said to mutually respect one another. Erathaol greatly admires Sealtiel's purity and the wisdom that grants him a seat next to the ultimate holiness while Sealtiel marvels at the depth of understanding he sees in Erathaol's soul. While he does not know for certain, Sealtiel is (correctly) convinced Erathaol has seen deeper into the glories of the Illuminated Heaven than he has. This manifests in Sealtiel deferring to Erathaol, humbly seeking his wisdom despite his higher station.

Meanwhile, Pistis Sophia is a a study of differences. Sealtiel and Pistis Sophia both have power regarding truth and wisdom.  Yet while Sealtiel guides towards a journey to external glory, Pistis Sophia guides towards a journey to internal empowerment. Simply, Sealtiel leads towards perfection from outside while Pistis Sophia leads to perfection from within. Yet there is no conflict between them. After all, inner revelation and perfection is but another aspect needed to reach Jovar and thus Chronias. A soul has to be as innocent and pure as Pistis Sophia to ascend towards Chronias; a creature without self perfection cannot withstand the holiness of the Illuminated Heaven.  Their relations match this. On the surface they do not seem compatible, yet they have a silent and time-tested bond of understanding and friendship.

Raziel and Sealtiel have relatively few interactions despite being neighbors. They see each other as two halves of the same whole, but this simple truth results in them pursuing far different tacks in serving Mount Celestia. While a knight is off crusading, a vigilant guardsman must be defending those left behind. They trust each other to fulfill what the other must with perfect confidence.

As the Final Warden before the ultimate glories of Mount Celestia, Sealtiel regularly deals with Zaphkiel. For most business Sealtiel is summoned to Al-Sihal, where Zaphkiel makes his will known through the guardian solar Xerona. Grave matters cause Zaphkiel to come to Yetsira, though this is rare and is invariably joined with great miracles. These visits have basked Sealtiel with more of the light of the Illuminated Heaven than any other soul, save for Xerona. Yet despite this he never looks too deeply into these final glories. His duties exist and until they are finished for all time, he is not worthy to grasp the final truths of Mount Celestia. Sealtiel often says to Zaphkiel that those who have gone on to him have exceeded him.

Beyond the Hebdomad, Sealtiel has strong ties to to the Triad. He gets along well with all of them and Ilmater in particular. They regularly walk together in disguise in Jovar and places beyond. From Ilmater, Sealtiel learned of endurance and perseverance. It was long councils with Ilmater that caused the Defender to take on the burdens of endurance and ultimately the Endurance Domain. He views Ilmater as a great and wise teacher, one who can teach without speaking a single word. Sealtiel needs only look on Ilmater to gain a new insight to the nature of endurance and noble suffering.

Sealtiel has also forged a strong relationship with the Dwarf Father Moradin. Dwarven petitioners and spirits of sufficient purity are encouraged to visit Jovar's celestial forges, and likewise archon smiths come to visit Dwarfhome's smithies. This relationship has greatly benefited both groups and as a result of this, Sealtiel and Moradin meet routinely. Their relationship is not warm, but it is a cool one based on cooperation. Moradin is willing to grudgingly admit that Sealtiel is an amazing defender and warrior even by dwarven standards. Sealtiel respects this and understands Moradin's gruffness, knowing that is it a fundamental manifestation of dwarven nature. As a result Sealtiel lives up to his title as the Silent, following Moradin and watching as he trains his chosen. He says little, watching and in turn learning from the greater deity. He has learned well that Moradin is a teacher without compare.

Other deities rarely see Sealtiel save when they come to Jovar on business. This limits his relations with them, but he has made a few allies. Gond, despite not embracing righteousness, is a friend of Sealtiel's. As the source of all crafting in Creation, Sealtiel has given him permission to visit Jovar when he wishes. There are no secrets of forging to hide, for Gond already knows them all. Gond occasionally sees great potential in a celestial smith and offers them an apprenticeship. The fact that Gond usually pairs them with a fiend 'to make sure they're motivated' isn't mentioned.

Beyond that, he has met and enjoys polite relations with Mystra, Archomental Chan, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Marthammor Duin, Lathander, Alicia Reynes and Seira.

Sealtiel counts all of evil as his enemies. He has a preference towards opposing the Yugoloths, who he believes to be the most destructive fiends of all. The interference of greater Yugoloths is one of the few things that will cause Sealtiel to directly intervene in mortal affairs. Besides the fiends of the Nadir, Sealtiel's other enemy is his fallen brother, Eblis. Sealtiel opposes his schemes with eternal patience. He moves to limit and stop his brother's depredations, working instead for cause events that will weaken the grasp evil has on the fallen angel's heart. Sealtiel believes that even Eblis can be redeemed and taught to overcome his pride. While he could go forth, confront and most likely defeat Eblis, he loves his brother too much to slay him.


Walk forward in humble righteousness. It is a long journey and overweening pride shall only make it longer. Never be afraid to stop your journey for a good cause or to protect another, for the ultimate path will never be lost to the holy. Work hard with your own two hands and use your own two feet to progress farther in life. The most important journies are ones you can only make yourself.

Clergy and Temples

As a result of his dearth of clerics, Sealtiel has no formal church. In spite of this, he has many orders of Defenders of Sealtiel. He generally instructs them to work with other deities and protect worthy causes. As such, the Defenders are generally known as knight-errants and future martyrs by the less generous.

Throne Archon 60//Fighter 10/Defender 50

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Archon, Good, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 14
Hit Dice: 10d10+50d12+1380+60+240 (2380 hp)
Initiative: +29
Speed: 160ft, fly 480ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 118 (-1 size, +15 dex, +14 divine, +31 natural, +18 deflection, +20 dodge, +21 sacred)(64% miss chance)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +60/+84/182
Attack: Hand of the Supplicator+110 (2d8+48+49)
Full Attack: Hand of the Supplicator+110/+105/+100/+95 (2d8+48+49)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft (70ft with Hand of the Supplicator)
Special Attacks: Penitentiary gaze, spells, spell-like abilities, divine radiance(14d8/28d12).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 51/-, spell resistance 77, immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, petrification and sonic, aura of menace, indelible imprint, protective aura, summon archons, tongues, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, divine traits, defensive stance 25/day, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense+12, mobile defense.
Saves: Fort +80, Ref +72, Will +77
Abilities: Str 56, Dex 40, Con 57, Int 48, Wis 51, Cha 47
Skills: Appraise+97, Climb+100, Concentration+100, Craft(Armorsmithing)+96, Craft(Bowmaking)+96, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+97, Diplomacy+95, Gather Information+95, Handle Animal+95, Heal+97, Hide+92, Intimidate+95, Knowledge(All)+97, Listen+97, Move Silently+92, Ride+92, Sense Motive+97, Spellcraft+96, Spot+97, Swim+100, Use Magic Device+95
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Power Attack(1), Dodge(F1), Endurance(F2), Combat Reflexes(3), Toughness(F4), Diehard(6), Hold The Line(F6), Stand Still(F8), Supernatural Instincts(9), Combat Expertise(F10), Improved Combat Expertise(12), Improved Trip(15), Allied Defense(18), Quicken Spell(57), Purify Spell(60)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Epic Dodge(24), Armor Skin(D15), Epic Trip(27), Blinding Speed(30), Bulwark of Defense(D20), Multiaction(33), Damage Reduction(D25), Epic Endurance(36), Epic Toughness(39), Spellcasting Harrier(D30), Improved Combat Reflexes(42), Supernatural Disruption(45), Damage Reduction(D35), Improved Spell Resistance(48), Damage Reduction(D40), Damage Reduction(51), Aura of Allied Defense(54), Epic Toughness(D45), Damage Reduction(D50) 
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Alter Size, Area Divine Shield, Automatic Metamagic(Quicken Spell), Clearsight, Divine Dodge, Divine Radiance, Divine Shield, Extra Domain(Endurance), Extra Domain(Purification), Extra Domain(Travel), Extra Energy Immunity(Electricity), Extra Energy Immunity(Fire), Extra Energy Immunity(Sonic), Fortify, Lay Quest, Possess Mortal, Power of Truth, Stride, Stop Movement
Alignment: Axiomatic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Sealtiel casts as a 60th level cleric with access to the Endurance, Good, Humility, Insight, Law, Protection, Purification and Travel domains.

Penitentiary Gaze (Su)

Any nonlawful good creature within 30 feet of Sealtiel that meets his eyes must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 58) or temporarily fall under his influence. Such a being becomes filled with remorse over the distance his life's actions have taken him from the ideals of law or goodness (even if such distance would ordinarily make him proud). The intensity of the remorse (and the relevant game effect) varies depending upon the creature's alignment. Compare the victim's alignment to the chart below, adding any game effects that apply. This ability's save DC is Charisma-based.

The victim is free to act (even to attack Sealtiel) while under the effects of the penitentiary gaze. The effects persist each round until the victim makes a successful Will saving throw. Sealtiel can disable or enable this ability as a free action. The gaze cannot be disabled during the same round in which it was enabled (and vice versa).

Law/Chaos Axis

Neutral: The victim is beset by religious visions in which angelic legions berate him for straying from the true path of law and goodness. As a result, he becomes fatigued.

Chaotic: Blistering mental hellscapes scald the victim's consciousness, causing so much psychological damage that the victim becomes exhausted.

Good/Evil Axis

Neutral: Pangs of self regret over past evil deeds result in blood-red psychosomatic blisters and boils. The victim takes 30 points of damage.

Evil: The victim's guilt and misery creates a psychosomatic meltdown that results in painful rashes and explosive skin abrasions. The victim takes 60 points of damage.

Aura of Menace (Su)

DC 65 Will negates, -4 morale penalty to armor class, attacks and saves for one day. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw are immune to Sealtiel's Aura of Menace for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +7 sacred bonus.

Indelible Imprint (Su)

When one of the Celestial Hebdomad is slain, the dying paragon releases holy energy to brand its murderer for all time. The instant the paragon dies, all creatures within 700ft who have dealt damage to the paragon within the past day must make a Will save (DC 77). Those that succeed suffer no other effect. Those that fail receive an unsightly rune on their face that marks them as the murderer of a member of the Hebdomad to any lawful good outsider. They automatically fail any bluff, diplomacy or intimidate checks against lawful good outsiders. These outsiders will take any means to capture or slay the branded creature. Lawful good outsiders who attempt to bring a creature bearing the Indelible Imprint to justice enjoy a +7 sacred bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, checks and ability scores for as long as they battle the branded creature. This results from the direct intercession of Mount Celestial and the Hebdomad through the outsider.

This mark may only be removed by a wish or miracle cast by a 49th level spellcaster or a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against the slain paragon.

Deities are not immune to the Indelible Imprint, but are allowed an opposed rank check to negate it when the paragon dies. If the deity fails this check and then fails the saving throw, they cannot remove it with their own power. The save DC is set and does not draw on any ability score.

Summon Archons (Su)

Sealtiel may call up to 60 hit dice of archons or lawful good angels three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may attempt to call one of the other Hebdomad. The other member of the Hebdomad is not obligated to answer and they are automatically aware of the circumstances surrounding Sealtiel.

Divine powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect chaos, detect evil. At will-aid, antimagic field, astral projection, augury, bear's endurance, bestow curse, blade barrier, calm emotions, castigate, commune, dance of the unicorn, deific vengeance, dictum, dimension door, dispel chaos, dispel evil, divination, endure elements, energy drain, enervation, find the path, fires of purity, fly, foresight, globe of invulnerability, greater arcane sight, greater teleport, greater visage of the deity, hold monster, hold person, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, iron body, locate object, longstrider, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, mass bear's endurance, mass owl's insight, mind blank, moment of prescience, nimbus of light, order's wrath, phase door, prismatic sphere, protection from chaos, protection from energy, protection from evil, ray of exhaustion, recitation, reduce person, refreshment, repulsion, righteous wrath of the faithful, sanctuary, shield of law, shield other, spell immunity, spell resistance, spell turning, stoneskin, summon monster 9(lawful good creatures only), sunburst, sustain, symbol of weakness, teleport, true strike, waves of fatigue. Caster level 60th, caster level 61st for good and lawful spells. The save DCs are 52 + spell level. 

Alter Reality (Su)

Sealtiel exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Sealtiel can use wish when doing so can help him promote protection, humility and the glory of Mount Celestia. Note that in the situation where Sealtiel and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Cure Wounds (Su)

Sealtiel may cast any cure wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:

Endurance: 14/day gain a +30 enhancement bonus to Constitution as a free action for 1 minute. (Net +6 con)
Humility: +1 caster level to divinations.
Good: +1 caster level to good spells.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Protection: 14/day touch and grant +30 resistance bonus to next save.
Purification: +1 caster level to abjurations.
Travel: 30 rounds/day act as if under freedom of movement.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Sealtiel's divine aura is 42 and the radius is 14000ft.

Immunities: Sealtiel is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers he might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Sealtiel is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Sealtiel gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Sealtiel does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He automatically receives a 20 on any check he makes.

Communication: Sealtiel can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within fourteen miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Sealtiel can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as meditative silence that yields wisdom and the exact message he wishes to send. In this case, no other creature can hear it or understand the message.

Create Items: Sealtiel can create any wondrous item with power related to protection, holy pilgrimages and defense; the maximum is 200,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Sealtiel is aware of any act of protection, sacred journey and enlightenment.

Defender powers:
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Defensive Stance (Ex)

When he adopts a defensive stance, a defender gains phenomenal strength and durability, but he cannot move from the spot he is defending. He gains +2 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, a +2 resistance bonus on all saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The increase in Constitution increases the defender's hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the defensive stance when the Constitution score drops back 4 points. These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are. While in a defensive stance, a defender cannot use skills or abilities that would require him to shift his position. A defensive stance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A defender may end his defensive stance voluntarily prior to this limit. At the end of the defensive stance, the defender is winded and takes a -2 penalty to Strength for the duration of that encounter. A defender can only use his defensive stance a certain number of times per day as determined by his level (see Table: The Dwarven Defender). Using the defensive stance takes no time itself, but a defender can only do so during his action.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, a dwarven defender retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses any Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.)

If a character gains uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below).

Trap Sense (Ex)

At 4th level, a dwarven defender gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 8th level, these bonuses rise to +2. These bonuses stack with trap sense bonuses gained from other classes.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 6th level, a dwarven defender can no longer be flanked. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the dwarven defender.

The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the dwarven defender can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).

If a character gains uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge, and the levels from those classes stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Mobile Defense (Ex)

At 8th level, a dwarven defender can adjust his position while maintaining a defensive stance. While in a defensive stance, he can take one 5-foot step each round without losing the benefit of the stance.

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Hand of the Supplicator

Hand of the Supplicator is a plain greatclub of wood and is visually unremarkable. Magical examination shows no trace of enchantment on it nor any supernatural properties. Yet when held by Sealtiel, it blazes with blinding holy light akin to the glory of Chronias. It is said that in the beginning of all, Zaphkiel came forth to Sealtiel and charged him to defend the path to Chronias. Sealtiel readily accepted this duty and thus Zaphkiel took a great key and locked away all the paths to Chronias, save for the Bridge of Al-Sihal. He then gave the key to Sealtiel, instructing him in the way that Chronias may still be reached. This key is the Hand of the Supplicator.

Hand of the Supplicator is a large greatclub+14, brilliant energy. Unlike common brilliant energy weapons, Hand of the Supplicator is fully effective against nonliving materials when Sealtiel wills it to be so. When Sealtiel attacks with this mighty club, it shines with the pure light of Chronias, dealing an extra 49 points of damage. In addition, Hand of the Supplicator has unique powers relating to its role as a key.

With this artifact, no door or path is barred to Sealtiel. Locks undo themselves in his presence, paths reveal themselves, manacles pop open and so forth. Magical locks, wards and barriers are like suppressed or dispelled (Sealtiel's choice) in his presence. Defenses of all kinds are bypassed, including traps of both magical and mundane nature. This power can be freely suppressed by Sealtiel and never undoes a defense to his benefit, nor to the benefit of those that serve him. When used as a weapon, Hand of the Supplicator likewise opens the way to Sealtiel's strikes, granting him supernatural reach. When wielding Hand of the Supplicator, Sealtiel has a reach of 70ft. Unlike a reach weapon, he threatens all squares in his range and is able to use Hand of the Supplicator against adjacent foes. This reach is deceptive, as Sealtiel appears to swing normally, yet his blows land true at a distance. It is also said that this weapon can create portals to Chronias, though this is unconfirmed.

Likewise, Hand of the Supplicator can bar the way into Jovar. Any creature that attempts to Gate, Teleport or otherwise appear in Jovar (or within 7 miles of Sealtiel if he is not in Jovar) can be countered or rerouted by Sealtiel as a free action. A countered spell is considered countered and fizzles. A rerouted spell can drop its travelers in any destination within Celestia Sealtiel wills or into the Astral Plane. These powers overlap with Sealtiel's divine abilities to control travel to his domain. When these two powers overlap, Sealtiel may use whichever he prefers. Sealtiel can further seal or destroy any portal leading to or from Celestia as a free action. He may seal or destroy a portal anywhere on Jovar, but portals elsewhere on Celestial require his presence.  He may unseal or restore portals affected this way as a free action.

Archon lore holds that on the final day, Sealtiel will use the Hand of the Supplicator to open forth Chronias to all Creation and bring the victory of Mount Celestia. It is often linked with Barachiel's Valor's Trumpet. According to lore, Barachiel will sound a song that echos from Lunia to Jovar and signal that it is time to unseal Chronias. From there the Triad and the other deities that stand with Celestia will guide the light and truth of Chronias to mortals, who in turn will spread it to every corner of Creation. Evil will be consumed or redeemed and chaos will be eliminated or brought to a final settlement with law and good.

Of course, no other realm agrees with this. Moreover, the various deities of lawful good tend to place much more emphasis on their roles and importance, or at least their followers do for the more humble ones.

Beyond this, the humble Sealtiel wears no other equipment. However, the glories of Chronias he has seen forever shield him, granting him a +21 sacred bonus to armor class.

Custom Material:
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Supernatural Disruption [Epic]
Prerequisite: Supernatural Instincts, dex 23
Benefit: When you successfully deal damage on an AoO caused by a supernatural ability (from your Supernatural Instincts feat), the target must make a concentration check or lose the action, as if it was a disrupted spell. The DC for this check is equal to the damage you inflict with your AoO. Supernatural abilities disrupted in this way are lost and wasted, plus if the ability has a limited number of uses, this disrupted use counts against the limit for it.

Aura of Allied Defense [Epic]
Prerequisite: Allied Defense, Improved Combat Reflexes, cha 25
Benefit: Whenever you use the combat expertise feat, all allies within 20ft of you gain the same bonus to armor class (but not the penalty to attack rolls). This replaces (does not stack) the bonus from allied defense.

Prerequisite: Endurance Domain, Protection Domain
Benefit: Sealtiel is the Lord Protector of the heavenly fortress of Pax Exaltea. From this duty he gains incredible abilities to protect and strengthen fortresses and other structures. Sealtiel strengthens whatever building or fortification he occupies, regardless of its size. Walls, doors, and objects within or attached to the structure have seven times the normal hardness and hit points, and their break DCs increase by +70. Objects within the stronghold also gains a saving throw against spells when unattended as if they were on Sealtiel's person. In addition, any good character defending the fortification gains a +14 deflection bonus to AC and a +14 resistance bonus on saves. Such creatures also gain the benefit of a mind blank spell (caster level 60th).

Prerequisite: Travel Domain
Benefit: As a standard action, the deity may attempt to prevent up to one creature per divine rank from moving. The deity must be able to see the creatures to affect them and must succeed on an opposed rank check to affect another deity. If the creature falls a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + divine rank + Charisma modifier), the creature's movement speed is reduced to zero. This applies to all types of movement they possess. In essence, the creature cannot move of its own volition. The creature can still be moved by outside forces, such as another person pushing them. This effect lasts for one day, though the deity can end the effect as a free action. Stop Movement can be removed by another deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Ilmater. I had a lot of ideas with him while working on the Hebdomad, so I decided to write him up. For specific information go read Faiths and Pantheons, or better yet 2nd edition's Faiths and Avatars. I chose not to write any flavor for him. He's been mentioned by Sealtiel and Empress Sulia's writeups, but the default flavor is already strong. Plus, I find Ilmater more compelling when talking about him indirectly. Writing good flavor for him is tough as all hell.

Anyway, notes and then flavor follow.

- His domains are unchanged from 3.5 Forgotten Realms. They're about the only domains that fit well.
- His classes are from the Faiths and Pantheons writeup. They're the best fit anyway barring Healer. I didn't want to fiddle with an epic Healer and I feel Paladin fits him too.
- Monk of the Undying Way is one of those monk style variants. In addition to new feats and few other things, I changed it so that it grants mettle and improved mettle versus evasion and improved evasion. Mettle fits Ilmater far better.
- Legendary Dreadnaught's tweaking can be seen below. It's a bit tweaked up for being an epic PrC. Ilmater fits the endurance-based parts of Legendary Dreadnaught to a T. As for the offensive parts? It's easy to forget Ilmater has Strength as a domain. He rarely offers anything but understanding and mercy, but he can be tremendously strong when stirred to battle.
- Ilmater's hit points and damage reduction are extremely high on purpose. When you count in his Eternal Martyr SDA, I'm fairly certain he has the most hit points of any creature in Creation. As his entire purpose revolves around enduring the pain of others, this is wholly intentional. Speaking of Eternal Martyr, the negative HP equal to full HP aspect is from his 2nd edition avatar. I wholeheartedly agree with it and feel it fits.
- Speaking of Eternal Martyr and Empress Sulia, they both have similar SDAs revolving around extended life. Ilmater gets a practical HP doubling while Empress Sulia auto-resurrects once per day. This is on purpose. They're different aspects of the same idea.
- Pain Mastery is insane on Ilmater. It fits him flawlessly so I chose to use it anyway. There should be some cap, probably at +12. That's 300 points of damage and non-epic creatures rarely can take any more damage than that. I didn't worry about it for this. Otherwise, he could end up with 300+ Strength near death.

The Crying God, the Broken God, the One Who Endures
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Pair of white hands bound at the wrist with a red cord
Home Plane: House of the Triad
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Endurance, suffering, martyrdom, perseverance
Worshipers: The lame, the oppressed, the poor, monks, paladins, serfs, slaves
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Endurance, Good, Healing, Law, Strength, Suffering
Favored Weapon: An open hand (unarmed strike)

Monk 21 (Undying Way)/Legendary Dreadnaught 37//Paladin 58

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Good, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 13
Hit Dice: 21d10+37d12+1740+58+1044 (3496 hp)
Initiative: +31
Speed: 130ft, fly 270ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 109 (+14 dex, +13 divine, +28 natural, +20 deflection, +20 wis, +4 monk)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +58/+82/163
Attack: Unarmed Strike+105 (4d12+46 plus 2d6 holy plus 2d6 axiomatic 18-20 x2)
Full Attack: Unarmed Strike+105/+105/+105/+100/+95/+90 (4d12+46 plus 2d6 holy plus 2d6 axiomatic 18-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Ki strike(magic, lawful, adamantine), smite evil 17/day, turn undead 23/day (28d6; DC 57), spells, stunning fist 30/day (DC 61), unstoppable 16/day.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 71/-, spell resistance 73, immunity to fire and acid, divine traits, improved mettle, slow fall(any), purity of body, wholeness of body(42 hp), diamond body, abundant step, mastery of the stunning fist, timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon, empty body, aura of good, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(1160 hp), aura of courage, divine health, battlescarred paladin, remove disease 18/week, unmovable 16/day, fast healing 132.
Saves: Fort +107, Ref +91, Will +107 (+2 vs enchantment)
Abilities: Str 58, Dex 38, Con 70, Int 44, Wis 50, Cha 50 
Skills: Balance+88, Concentration+106, Climb+98, Diplomacy+94, Escape Artist+88, Handle Animal+94, Heal+94, Hide+88, Knowledge(All)+91, Listen+94, Move Silently+88, Sense Motive+94, Spellcraft+91, Spot+94, Tumble+88
Feats: Power Attack(1), Improved Bull Rush(H), Improved Unarmed Strike(M1), Toughness(M1), Endurance(M2), Steadfast Determination(3), Pain Mastery(6), Diehard(M6), Battle Blessing(9), Stunning Fist(12), Divine Might(15), Gift of Grace(18), Improved Initiative(27), Pain Touch(30), Deflect Arrows(33), Extend Spell(36), Improved Natural Attack(Unarmed Strike)(39), Combat Reflexes(42), Jaela's Gambit(45),
Epic Feats: Axiomatic Strike(B), Exceptional Deflection(B), Great Smiting(B), Improved Aura of Courage(B), Infinite Deflection(B), Keen Strike(B), Reflect Arrows(B), Widen Aura of Courage(B), Great Ability(Constitution)(21), Epic Toughness(P23), Epic Spell Capacity(24), Holy Strike(P26), Damage Reduction(LD5), Spectral Strike(P29), Force Breaker(LD10), Epic Toughness(P32), Epic Toughness(P35), Damage Reduction(LD15), Epic Toughness(P38), Planar Turning(P41), Damage Reduction(LD20), Epic Toughness(P44), Damage Reduction(LD25), Epic Toughness(P47), Epic Endurance(48), Epic Toughness(P50), Improved Stunning Fist(51), Damage Reduction(LD30), Epic Toughness(P53), Great Ability(Strength)(54), Epic Toughness(P56), Damage Reduction(LD35), Pulverize(57)
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Area Divine Shield, Divine Monk, Divine Blast, Divine Blessing(Constitution), Divine Fast Healingx4, Divine Paladin, Divine Shield, Eternal Martyr, Extra Domain(Strength), Gift of Life, Ilmater's Mercy, Indomitable Strength, Lay Quest, Life and Death, Possess Mortal
Alignment: Lawful Exalted

Divine powers:
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Spell-like abilities

At will-aid, bane, bear's endurance, bestow curse, blade barrier, bull's strength, calm emotions, clenched fist, crushing hand, cure critical wounds, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel evil, endure elements, energy drain, enervation, enlarge person, feeblemind, globe of invulnerability, grasping hand, harm, heal, hold monster, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, horrid wilting, iron body, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic vestment, mass bear's endurance, mass cure critical wounds, mass cure light wounds, mass heal, order's wrath, protection from chaos, protection from evil, refreshment, regenerate, righteous might, shield of law, spell immunity, spell turning, stoneskin, summon monster 9(lawful good only), sustain, waves of exhaustion. Caster level 58th. The save DCs are 53 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Ilmater exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Ilmater can use wish when doing so can help him promote endurance, protection from sadism, taking on the pain of others and helping those in pain. Note that in the situation where Ilmater and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Cure Wounds (Su)

Ilmater may cast any cure wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:

Endurance: 13/day gain a +29 enhancement bonus to Constitution as a free action for 1 minute. (Net +6 con)
Good: +1 caster level to good spells.
Healing: +1 caster level to healing spells.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Strength: 13/day gain a +29 enhancement bonus to Strength as a free action for 1 round.  (Net +6 str)
Suffering: 13/day pain touch, -2 str/dex for 1 minute.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Ilmater's divine aura is 43 and the radius is 13000ft.

Immunities: Ilmater is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers he might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Ilmater is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Ilmater gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Ilmater does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He automatically receives a 20 on any check he makes.

Communication: Ilmater can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within thirteen miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Ilmater can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a whimpering cry or howling din. In this case, anyone within earshot can hear it or understand the message.

Create Items: Ilmater can create any wondrous item with power related to suffering, martyrdom or endurance; the maximum is 200,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Ilmater is aware of any act of martyrdom, suffering or pain.

Monk powers:
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Ki Strike (Su)

At 4th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character's monk level. At 10th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.
Slow Fall (Ex)

At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk's ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with her monk level until at 20th level she can use a nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm.

Purity of Body (Ex)

At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.

Wholeness of Body (Su)

At 7th level or higher, a monk can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to twice her current monk level each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.

Diamond Body (Su)

At 11th level, a monk gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.

Abundant Step (Su)

At 12th level or higher, a monk can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is one-half her monk level (rounded down).

Diamond Soul (Ex)

At 13th level, a monk gains spell resistance equal to her current monk level + 10. In order to affect the monk with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the monk's spell resistance.

Timeless Body (Ex)

Upon attaining 17th level, a monk no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the monk still dies of old age when her time is up.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex)

A monk of 17th level or higher can speak with any living creature.

Empty Body (Su)

At 19th level, a monk gains the ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 round per monk level per day, as though using the spell etherealness. She may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed her monk level.

Perfect Self

At 20th level, a monk becomes a magical creature. She is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the monk's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the monk gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows her to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn't have similar damage reduction. Unlike other outsiders, the monk can still be brought back from the dead as if she were a member of her previous creature type.

Legendary Dreadnaught powers:
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Unstoppable (Ex)

At 1st level, the legendary dreadnought can concentrate his or her power, gaining a +20 bonus on his Strength check to break or burst a door or item twice per day, plus two additional times per day every five levels thereafter. As a special use of this ability, the legendary dreadnought can attempt to break a wall of force (Strength DC 32, and the character applies his or her unstoppable bonus to this check as well). Alternatively, the legendary dreadnought can apply the +20 bonus to a single attack roll.

Unmovable (Ex)

At 2nd level, the legendary dreadnought can concentrate his or her power, making him or herself unmovable twice per day, plus two additional times per day every five levels thereafter. This power grants the character a +20 bonus on any one of the following:

A CMD check made to avoid being grabbed with the improved grab ability.

A CMD check to avoid the effects of a bull rush, trip attempt, or similar effect.

A CMD check against any effect that would move the character either physically or magically.

Any one saving throw. If an effect that would move the character either physically or magically does not normally allow a saving throw, the legendary dreadnought can use this ability to gain a Will saving throw. He or she still gains the +20 bonus on the saving throw in such a case.

Shrug off Punishment (Ex)

The legendary dreadnought gains a +2 bonus to Constitution at 3rd level and +2 more every five levels thereafter.

Thick Skinned (Ex)

At 4th level, the legendary dreadnought gains damage reduction 5/-. This does not stack with damage reduction granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with any damage reduction granted by permanent magical effects, class features, the Damage Reduction feat, and this ability itself. The damage reduction improves by 5 points every five levels thereafter.

Paladin powers:
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Ilmater casts as a 58th level paladin with access to the Endurance, Good, Healing, Law, Strength and Suffering domains.

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: The Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level x her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Special Mount (Sp)

Upon reaching 5th level, a paladin gains the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve her in her crusade against evil (see below). This mount is usually a heavy warhorse (for a Medium paladin) or a warpony (for a Small paladin).

Once per day, as a full-round action, a paladin may magically call her mount from the celestial realms in which it resides. This ability is the equivalent of a spell of a level equal to one-third the paladin's class level. The mount immediately appears adjacent to the paladin and remains for 2 hours per paladin level; it may be dismissed at any time as a free action. The mount is the same creature each time it is summoned, though the paladin may release a particular mount from service.

Each time the mount is called, it appears in full health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously. The mount also appears wearing or carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed. Calling a mount is a conjuration (calling) effect.

Should the paladin's mount die, it immediately disappears, leaving behind any equipment it was carrying. The paladin may not summon another mount for thirty days or until she gains a paladin level, whichever comes first, even if the mount is somehow returned from the dead. During this thirty-day period, the paladin takes a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

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Ilmater wears a non-magical breechcloth. He does not bother or have interest in magical items of any sort. Unlike other deities he has no reserve of magical items; should he require one and he cannot create it himself, he will ask others for it. An avatar is sent to an unwitting mortal with the item and humbly requests to borrow it. Those with the compassion and generosity to allow Ilmater to borrow it will find themselves blessed. The next time the giver is reduced to zero hit points, maimed or otherwise greatly pained, the blessings of Ilmater will instantly restore them to full vitality.

Custom Material
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Legendary Dreadnought

Hit Die



Base Attack Bonus



Intimidate 15 ranks


Toughness, Improved Bull Rush

Epic Feats

Great Ability (Strength or Constitution)

Class Skills

The legendary dreadnaught's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level

2 + intelligence modifier

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecial
1+1Unstoppable 2/day
2+2Unmovable 2/day
3+3Shrug off punishment
4+4Thick skinned
5+5Bonus feat
6+6Unstoppable 4/day
7+7Unmovable 4/day
+8+8Shrug off punishment
+9+9Thick skinned
+10+10Bonus feat

Unstoppable (Ex)

At 1st level, the legendary dreadnought can concentrate his or her power, gaining a +20 bonus on his Strength check to break or burst a door or item twice per day, plus two additional times per day every five levels thereafter. As a special use of this ability, the legendary dreadnought can attempt to break a wall of force (Strength DC 32, and the character applies his or her unstoppable bonus to this check as well). Alternatively, the legendary dreadnought can apply the +20 bonus to a single attack roll.

Unmovable (Ex)

At 2nd level, the legendary dreadnought can concentrate his or her power, making him or herself unmovable twice per day, plus two additional times per day every five levels thereafter. This power grants the character a +20 bonus on any one of the following:

A CMD check made to avoid being grabbed with the improved grab ability.

A CMD check to avoid the effects of a bull rush, trip attempt, or similar effect.

A CMD check against any effect that would move the character either physically or magically.

Any one saving throw. If an effect that would move the character either physically or magically does not normally allow a saving throw, the legendary dreadnought can use this ability to gain a Will saving throw. He or she still gains the +20 bonus on the saving throw in such a case.

Shrug off Punishment (Ex)

The legendary dreadnought gains a +2 bonus to Constitution at 3rd level and +2 more every five levels thereafter.

Thick Skinned (Ex)

At 4th level, the legendary dreadnought gains damage reduction 5/-. This does not stack with damage reduction granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with any damage reduction granted by permanent magical effects, class features, the Damage Reduction feat, and this ability itself. The damage reduction improves by 5 points every five levels thereafter.

Bonus Feats

A legendary dreadnaught gains an epic bonus feat at level 5 and every 5 levels thereafter.

Legendary Dreadnaught Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Fast Healing, Force Breaker, Great Ability(Strength or Constitution only), Overwhelming Critical, Penetrate Damage Reduction

Force Breaker [Epic]
Prerequisite: Unstoppable 2/day, str 25
Benefit: You can break walls of force and similar force effects without using Unstoppable. The DC to do so remains the same, though you do not gain Unstoppable's +20 bonus when doing so. In addition, a successful melee attack against a creature with a force effect granting it a bonus to armor class automatically ends the effect.

Prerequisite: Endurance Domain, Suffering Domain, con 45
Benefit: Ilmater is the deity of suffering, the pinnacle of the courageous and holy man that takes the burdens of others onto himself. It is said he bears the suffering of all those who pray to him for relief, reflected in the form of his broken bodied avatars. Ilmater knows pain and lives with pain, having endurance far beyond mortal or immortal limits. He is immune to any negative effects from pain. He still feels the pain, but he can function through it. Likewise, he can endure for almost forever. Ilmater must be reduced to negative hit points equal to his maximum hit points to be slain. Ilmater is not disabled at zero hit points and is not unconscious at -1 hit points or less. In essence, Ilmater can act normally when at zero or less hit points. Finally, Ilmater is immune to nonlethal damage. 

Prerequisite: Eternal Martyr, con 51
Benefit: Ilmater can take the pain and suffering of any creature. He can do this for any creature that prays to him (an opposed divine rank check is required if the creature is in another deity's divine realm) or that he can see or hear otherwise. As a free action he may take on their pain. This restores the creature to full hit points as well as removing any negative conditions and ability damage. Ilmater takes damage equal to the hit points taken. Negative conditions are inflicted on Ilmater; if he is immune, he takes 15 points of damage per condition instead. Ability score damage and drain inflicts 3 points of damage to Ilmater per point restored. No matter the damage taken, Ilmater's form remains as it is - a broken body. He does not suffer the loss of limbs or body parts, though the victim is healed of them regardless.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Unlike the Hebdomad, the power, divine rank and overall presentation of each Lord of the Nine varies on their political situation. Bel isn't the strongest or the weakest Lord of the Nine despite being lord of the highest layer. Dispater's stronger than him (and stronger than the majority) and Mammon is weaker, for instance. Bel in particular has a mix of strong combat experience and personal power marred by a bad political situation. He has high hit dice for his station and potential more akin to an intermediate power but only DvR6. It's a fairly precarious DvR6 too, thanks to Zquujaj and then the Lifasa fiasco. While Bel was able to shield himself from the worst of the latter's fall out by scapegoating Abigor, his position has still been further undermined.

Notes are as follows.

- Bel bears an intentional resemblance to Zquujaj's design. More aptly, Zquujaj resembles Bel. This is wholly intentional and the reasons why should be obvious. Pale Night supporting a warlord that may well be a match for Bel is potentially catastrophic for Hell. A demon lord that can match Bel's planning and hatred and exceed it with demonic hordes could well lead to Bel's defeat. The Pale Mother's support has rendered Zquujaj safe from Bel's various efforts to exterminate him in the Abyss, only making the situation more dire.

- There's also a resemblance to the Red Knight. This was alluded to in the Red Knight's flavor section, as diabolical tactics by nature and need heavily emphasize planning, tactics and overall excellence. The fact that Bel's stronger than the Red Knight doesn't imply that he's superior to her within those fields as much as that Tempus still retains great power within them. The Red Knight is only an assistant demigod and a balance to Garagos. I'd put Red Knight's maximum potential within this field as superior to Bel's. Bel does have incredible potential in hatred and destruction that the Red Knight doesn't possess, however.

- Finally, it's worth comparing Barachiel and Bel. Bel's stronger in most ways that matter save for a single divine rank. Again, this is intentional, as Avernus needs far more of an investment in defense than Mount Celestia. You don't see Arborea launching endless crusades against Lunia, do you? In case of an invasion? It's more likely that the more lawful Heavens would assist while the chaotic ones help out as the please, but certainly don't interfere against Celestia. Likewise, the rest of the Hebdomad would selflessly and sincerely help Barachiel in case of an invasion. The Lords of the Nine would send what they're required to and use the situation to their advantage, thus undermining Bel.

- Bel's otherwise a souped up fighter/marshal that beats the everliving hell out of his enemies. Genocidal strike can wipe out hundreds of ravening demons as he slaughters the commanders. He can fill the task of shock trooper exceedingly well thanks to this. He can also leads troops thanks to his potent marshal skills and act as a caster with his various SLAs and alter reality. He can basically fulfill any role on the battlefield save perhaps healer. He's best when he gets into the middle of a battle and maims his opponents.

Warlord of Avernus, Usurper
Lord of the First
Symbol: A greatsword engulfed in green flames, set on a hellfire red background
Home Plane: Avernus, the 1st Hell
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile
Portfolio: War, genocide, defense
Worshipers: Fighters, warmongers, blood war soldiers serving Baator, paladins of tyranny
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Hatred, Law, Planning, War
Favored Weapon: Abyssbane (Greatsword)

Pit Fiend 51//Fighter 26/Marshal 25

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Devil, Evil, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 6
Hit Dice: 26d10+25d8+1020+51+102 (1633 hp)
Initiative: +30
Speed: 100ft, fly 280ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 88 (-2 size, +16 dex, +6 divine, +23 natural, +16 deflection, +19 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +51/+74/122
Attack: Abyssbane+99 (4d6+60 plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 on crit) plus +8/+8d6 vs demons plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 vs chaotic evil) plus 1 vile plus 4d6 on crit 17-20 x3)
Full Attack: Abyssbane+99/+94/+89/+84 (4d6+60 plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 on crit) plus +8/+8d6 vs demons plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 vs chaotic evil) plus 1 vile plus 4d6 on crit 17-20 x3) and 2 wings+70 (3d6+10 plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 vs chaotic evil)) and bite+70 (6d6+10 plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 vs chaotic evil) plus poison(DC 55) plus disease (DC 55)) plus tail slap+70 (3d8+10 plus 3d6 hellfire (9d6 vs chaotic evil) plus improved grab)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, aura of hell, improved grab, constrict+2d8+42.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, spell resistance 66, immunity to cold, fire and poison, resistance to acid 30, regeneration 17, see in darkness, telepathy 500ft, summon devils, divine traits, minor aura+16, major aura+5, grant move action 6/day.
Saves: Fort +64, Ref +60, Will +60
Abilities: Str 53, Dex 43, Con 51, Int 42, Wis 42, Cha 42 
Skills: Appraise+76, Balance+76, Bluff+80, Concentration+80, Craft(Armorsmithing)+76, Craft(Siege Engines)+76, Diplomacy+83, Forgery+76, Gather Information+80, Handle Animal+76, Heal+76, Intimidate+80, Knowledge(A&E)+76, Knowledge(Arcana)+76, Knowledge(Local: Avernus)+76, Knowledge(Nature)+76, Knowledge(K&R)+76, Knowledge(Planes)+76, Knowledge(Religion)+76, Knowledge(Tactics)+76, Listen+76, Ride+76, Search+76, Sense Motive+76, Spellcraft+76, Spot+76, Survival+76, Use Magic Device+76 
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Extend Spell(B), Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(B), Power Attack(1), Combat Reflexes(F1), Improved Initiative(F2), Mindsight(3), Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F4), Combat Expertise(6), Improved Sunder(F6), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F8), Flyby Attack(9), Greater Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(F10), Multiattack(12), Toughness(F12), Greater Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F14), Improved Multiattack(15), Improved Critical(Greatsword)(F16), Vile Martial Strike(18), Weapon Supremacy(Greatsword)(F18), Improved Combat Expertise(F20), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(M1)
Epic Feats: Gloom Aura(B), Lasting Aura(B), Multiaura(B), Radiant Aura(B), Widen Aura(B), Dire Charge(21), Epic Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(F22), Blinding Speed(24), Epic Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F24), Overwhelming Critical(F26), Devastating Critical(27), Multiaction(30), Demonslayer(33), Superior Initiative(36), Spellcasting Harrier(39), Epic Reputation(42), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Cold Iron)(45), Epic Toughness(48), Epic Sunder(M23), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Silver)(51)
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Battlesense, Divine Blast, Divine Marshal, Divine Weapon Focus, Divine Weapon Mastery, Divine Weapon Specialization, Extra Domain(Destruction), Extra Domain(Planning), Genocidal Strike, Mass Divine Blast
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile

Racial powers:
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Disease (Su)

Devil chills; immediate onset; DC 55; 2d4/2d4 vile Strength drain. The save DC is Constitution based.

Poison (Su)

DC 55; 2d6/4d6 vile Constitution drain. The save DC is Constitution based.

Improved Grab (Ex)

To use this ability, Bel must hit with his tail slap attack. He can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

If he wins the grapple check, he establishes a hold and can constrict.

Aura of Hell (Ex)

The presence of a Lord is so vile that it causes lesser beings to cower or pay homage to the might of its evil. All within 900 feet of a Lord must succeed in a Will save equal to 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank; DC 56. Those who succumb to the evil the Lord represents suffer one of the two following effects as determined by the Lord (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action):

Cower: Affected beings cower before the might of the devil. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions.
Induce Fear: Affected beings become panicked and suffer a –9 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the Lord of the Nine makes them frightened, and they flee from it as quickly as they can.

The Lord can make its servants, worshipers, beings of Lawful Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until the Lord dismisses it. Other Lords of the Nine, and beings possessing divine rank equal to or greater than that of the Lord, are immune to the Aura of Hell. The Aura of Hell replaces any existing fear aura and divine aura of the devil.

Summon Devils (Su)

Bel may call up to 51 hit dice of devils three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may call a Duke of Hell in his service. The Duke is aware of the situation but must answer the summons.

Divine powers:
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Always active-detect chaos, detect good. At will-antipathy, augury, bestow curse, blade barrier, blasphemy, calm emotions, contagion, clairaudience/clairvoyance, create undead, deathwatch, desecrate, detect scrying, dictum, disintegrate, dispel chaos, dispel good, divine power, doom, earthquake, flame strike, forbiddance, foresight, greater plane shift, greater scrying, greater teleport, harm, heroes feast, hold monster, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, inflict mass cure light wounds, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, magic vestment, magic weapon, order's wrath, power word blind, power word stun, protection from chaos, protection from good, rage, righteous might, scare, shatter, shield of law, spiritual weapon, status, storm of vengeance, summon monster 9(lawful evil only), time stop, unholy aura, unholy blight, vision. Caster level 51st. The save DCs are 42 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Bel exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Bel can use limited wish when doing so can help him promote warfare, genocide and the crushing of enemies. Note that in the situation where Bel and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Inflict Wounds (Su)

Bel may cast any inflict wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:
Destruction: 6/day smite, +4 attack and +25 damage.
Evil: +1 caster level to evil spells.
Hatred: 6/day choose opponent, gain +2 profane bonus to attacks, saves and AC for 1 minute.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Planning: Extend spell as bonus feat.
War: Weapon focus (greatsword) as a bonus feat.

Immunities: Bel is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Bel is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Bel gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Bel does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Bel can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within six miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Bel can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a harsh, croaking demand. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Bel can create any wondrous item with power related to warfare and planning; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Bel is aware of any act of war, genocide or destruction that involves 500 or more people.

Marshal powers:
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Auras (Ex)

Bel has access to all Marshal auras.

Grant Move Action (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a marshal can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to any or all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself ). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies' initiative count; the round continues normally after the marshal's turn is over. (This may mean, for example, that an ally whose initiative count immediately follows the marshal's may get an extra move action from the marshal, followed directly by a full round worth of actions on the ally's turn.)

At 8th level, a marshal gains the ability to grant an extra move action to his allies twice per day. The frequency increases to three times per day at 12th level, four times per day at 16th level, and five times per day at 20th level.

A character can take only one extra move action per round. (In other words, two marshals can't use this ability on the same ally in the same round.) If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost.

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Bel's rise to power came through endless excellence in warfare coupled with increasingly adroit political maneuvers and timely betrayals. These came to a climax in the Four Cross, where Bel ultimately devastated the forces of the Abyss so greatly that Avernus saw no battles for a decade. As a reward and a sign of his favor, Asmodeus gifted Abyssbane to Bel. It is a greatsword carved from a titanic block of Nessian cold iron rather than forged, simmered in the blood of 9,999 demons tortured into recanting chaos and polished by the hand of the Lord of the Ninth himself. This is a matter of public record and part of Bel's official mythos put forth by various propaganda ministries within Hell. As such, it is generally well known. Unlike most diabolical propaganda, this is largely considered to be accurate by scholars outside of Hell.

Abyssbane is a huge cold iron greatsword+9, hellfire blasting and demon dread. Any demon struck by Abyssbane must make a DC 62 Fortitude save or lose any damage reduction (except damage reduction/-), spell resistance and immunity to poison for 9 rounds. A demon need only save against Abyssbane once per round, no matter how many times it is struck.

Belt of Screaming Angels

This belt is aptly named, for it is a belt made of a dozen still living angel's heads. These celestials are trapped in Bel's thrall and damned to suffer. As a free action once per nine rounds, the belt may unleash a dreadful, deafening howl of lament-filled agony. This is treated as a greater shout spell with a caster level of 54 and a save DC of 54. Unlike greater shout, it affects all creatures except devils within a 90ft radius of Bel and deals 27d6 points of sonic damage. This is treated as a supernatural ability and is thus not subject to spell resistance.

There have been repeated attempts by the forces of the heavens to free the celestials trapped in the belt. As of now, Bel has defeated all but one effort to capture the belt. The one effort that succeeded was beset by a shrieking curse of devastating potency. The heroes suffered the effects of the belt's greater shout every round until they were obliterated. Should a creature or group of creatures besides Bel have the Belt of Screaming Angels without his consent, they suffer the effects of the belt's shout every round. This persists even if the belt is stored in another dimension, stasis or otherwise removed from the victim.

Bel has access to a great deal of other treasure as Lord of the First. He routinely wears epic bracers of armor+19 and anything else that bolsters his defenses or physical attacks.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Prerequisite: Marshal level 20th
Benefit: The deity gains Gloom Aura, Lasting Aura, Multiaura, Radiant Aura and Widen Aura as bonus feats. The deity knows all major and minor marshal auras.

Prerequisite: Hatred Domain, War Domain, str 35
Benefit: Bel's furious defense of Avernus is matched only by his undying hatred of his enemies. The Lord of the First can channel this power into his strikes, causing his foes to burst into hellfire. Bel deals an extra 3d6 points of hellfire damage per attack. When attacking demons or other chaotic evil creatures, his hate becomes all encompassing and the flames of Avernus burn his foes away. He instead deals 9d6 points of hellfire damage per attack to such creatures; in addition, any other chaotic evil creature within 900ft is burned by these flames, taking 3d6 points of hellfire damage per successful attack. There is no save against this damage.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


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The Authorities of Celestia are a special rank within Celestia. They are the direct servants of the Hebdomad and the deities of Lawful Good, roughly akin to the Dukes of Hell, lesser Demon Lords or the 77+7 Archangels of Elysium. It is said that seven serve each member of the Hebdomad save Zaphkiel. The last seven serve the seven virtues instead of Zaphkiel.

An Authority follows one of the Hebdomad or a Lawful Good deity. As these two groups exist in cooperation and harmony, they share servants in these matters. No matter who they serve, each Authority is associated with one of the Hebdomad and layer of Celestia. For example, Vel Custos worships Tyr while he serves Barachiel and Lunia. Despite being associated with a layer, the duties of an Authority take them far and wide across Celestia.

Authorities are granted the following powers to better execute their duties:

- True seeing. This is an always active spell-like ability.
- The ability to summon archons. They may summon archons or lawful good angels three times per day, and call the same another three times per day. They may call up to their hit dice per summon. They may attempt to summon a fellow Authority once per day, though they are not obligated to answer the call and are aware of the circumstances surrounding their fellow Authority.
- Authorities have maximum hit points per hit die. They are treated as divine rank zero for effects, though they have no actual divine rank.
- One special ability on par with a salient divine ability. This may convert a previous racial or class ability or be created out of whole cloth.
- The teleport special quality, as if the creature was an archon.
- The ability cast miracle once per day as a spell-like ability.

Only lawful good celestials are granted this station. Should a mortal be chosen to take this station, they are first converted into a high ranking celestial, such as a planetar, throne archon or rarely a solar. Dragons, fey and other immortal creatures may be converted at the discretion of the deity or member of the Hebdomad sponsoring the ascension. For instance, it is known that Bahamut has sponsored a silver dragon Authority. The dragon was allowed to keep its form, but this is rare.

Authorities must have at least 21 hit dice and be considered epic characters. That said, Authorities are generally 27 to 40 hit dice. Authorities of higher layers tend to be stronger than those of lower layers, though this is no hard and fast rule.

The rank of Authority may co-exist with other deity specific ranks, but the Authority cannot also be one of Elysium's Archangels.

Vel Custos, Authority of Wardens

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Vel Custos was born as a mortal in a long forgotten Prime Material world. He was an orphan of little note who was recruited into Tyr's faith. In time he took holy orders and was ordained first as a lawgiver and then as an inquisitor. He excelled at his job, rooting out the tyrannical Melchian Heresy and exposing the crimes of Justicar Lassear. He spent his life persecuting the heresy and sealing away those who sold themselves to Bane within a sacred prison. Thereafter he was made into a deathless servant, charged to watch over those souls until the time of judgment.

When that day came, Tyr found that his faithful servant had succeeded to the utmost. Vel Custos moved onto his eternal reward awash in glory for his long service. He was offered to be transformed into a spirit directly, but he was tired from his long service and wished to be reborn as a lantern archon. This was granted, but his sense of self and power was too great. His awareness transcended his rebirth and within seven days, his immortal form transformed into that of a throne archon. He was then taken to Tyr and accepted further teachings and guidance, as well as the duties Tyr offered. These duties lead him to overseeing various prisons to hold evil creatures, where he excelled. His skill at managing the imprisoned lead to him overseeing more holy prisons and eventually assuming the mantle of Authority of Wardens.

As the Authority of Wardens, Vel Custos is charged with overseeing all of Celestia's prisons. This ranges from the practical matters of holding the imprisoned properly, ensuring they are secured, given a fair trial and seeing to the possibility of rehabilitation. He ensures those held are kept humanely and had their needs seen to as much as reasonably possible. In tandem he is vigilant that they do not escape and makes sure they have a fair hearing in the interests of justice. Once those are done, he makes sure every prisoner, save those that are sealed away from everything else for crimes too terrible to contemplate and are too dangerous to simply slay, has a chance for council, religious instruction and help in overcoming their darkness. Finally, he hears the requests of prisoners who wish to atone. Those requests that are sincere are granted and the creature is freed, given quests and any training they need to overcome their darkness. These matters pass into the hands of Cerulean Joy, Authority of Absolution.

Vel Custos is the final judge in any matters related to these, barring the word of one of the deities of Lawful Good or the Hebdomad.

Tyr largely leaves Vel Custos to his duties as an Authority. He has standing as an ascended saint in the Tyrran calendar of saints. He is also a name invoked in rituals regarding truth, duty and sealing by some Tyrran sects. He is also held as one of the assistant judges that aids the Triad in judging mortal souls, though this is a duty he is only rarely involved in. Tyr knows his faithful servant will come if called, for he watched Vel Custos serve in life, death and the afterlife without hesitation. Further yet, Tyr knows that Vel Custos can do the most good as the Authority of Wardens.

Vel Custos is not his original name. His original name was left behind with his rebirth and has since faded from history.


Vel Custos is seven and a half feet tall, all broad muscle and weighty bulk. There is not an ounce of fat on him, as he resembles nothing more than an exquisite statue given life due to his mortal labors. He wears his Armor of Authority, golden mask and black judge's robes. As such, his features are rarely seen. When before Tyr, Barachiel or other superiors, he removes his mask. His face is hard bitten, weathered deeply. His steady green-eyed gaze is that of an inquisitor, giving the impression that he sees through people and silently judges them. He keeps snow-white hair trimmed neatly and has an elaborate mustache and sideburns, but no beard. His wings are the same white as his hair, but with black tips that match his robes.

Mortals find Vel Custos to be intimidating, as do most evil or chaotic creatures. Those who follow the paths of righteousness may see him as a stern, unyielding and yet wise figure, as do lawful celestials. No matter the impact, Vel Custos does not change his form, believing that what is right does not hide itself.


The word that best describes Vel Custos is stern. He watches on with an imperious gaze behind his expressionless mask. He acts as an authority figure to the hilt, fully confident in himself and what he must do. He speaks with a clear, careful and direct phrasing, preferring simple terms over complex ones and less words over more words. He rarely smiles and shows no outward signs of compassion. However, his judgments and orders are always reasonable, fair and emphasize the chance for redemption and atonement. This is a contrast to his appearance and surprises many. Vel Custos understands that authority is not always soft and good is not always nice. He is nonetheless a devout believer in reformation, purification and rehabilitation when possible.


Vel Custos is not a man who makes friends easily. In his mortal life he had a wife, though his tireless work as a holy inquisitor resulted in a distant relationship. Any family from that has long since passed, forgotten on the sands of time. He does not have many friends in the lower ranks of Celestia. While not unkind, he reflexively avoids consorting too closely with those who follow his authority, as he believes closer relationships are improper.

He is friends with Vashael, Authority of Inner Strength and Lo of Lestos, Authority of Holy Wisdom. Vashael is a relationship rooted in a strong bond of professional respect, the two often working together to great success. Lo of Lestos makes a point of routinely visiting Vel Custos, getting him to slow down and not neglect himself. He often drags the Authority of Wardens on excursions to realms beyond Mount Celestia, using exotic locales and new situations to loosen Vel Custos up. While he resists this on the surface, Vel Custos greatly appreciates what Lo does. He often overplays his reluctance out of fondness for the routine the two have. In return, Lo of Lestos plays his part and ensures that Vel Custos unwinds.

When dealing with Barachiel, Vel Custos is direct, respectful and to the point. He is not afraid to respectfully question Barachiel's orders, as his inquisitor's training demands that he always seeks reasons, motives and the truth. Barachiel understands this and answers truthfully. When dealing with other members of the Hebdomad and deities, Vel Custos acts much the same. The only exception is Tyr, for he is overwhelmed and awed each time he is gifted with the Maimed God's presence.

After his rebirth, Vel Custos felt no need to pursue a relationship. He remembered the loneliness and beseeching looks of his mortal wife all too well, feeling seeds of guilt over his neglect, no matter how important his deeds were. Yet in time he came to work with Cerulean Joy, Authority of Absolution. With his duties over celestial donjons he often escorted her to prisoners who had expressed desire to atone. As they spent more time together, Vel Custos came to greatly admire her eternally optimistic touch and way of bringing hope to those who had hidden themselves from Celestia's glory. She admired his strength of will and unbending devotion to righteousness. From there what is natural happened and the two were married. They are a perfect match, devoted to themselves and what is right. As they find what is right into each other, there is no need for them to be separated or distant to one another. Even when not together, they work towards what is right and thus towards each other.

Vel Custos counts his enemies as those who attempt to steal those imprisoned within Celestia. Those who imprison for torment offend him, including the entire concept of the plane of Carceri. He saves a special and personal loathing to Bane, who was revealed to be behind the Melchian Heresy. By extension he opposes all of Baator, who he sees as functionally identical to Bane in spirit and complicit in each other's sins.


Vel Custos does not shy away from battle. While he prefers to defuse situations when possible with oratory and intimidation, he is more than willing to unleash Tyr's wrath on evil. Against obviously inferior foes he relies on his swordplay to lay his opponents low, while countering any troublesome spells with his greater dispel magic spell-like ability. He is a patient warrior and will decisively pick apart his foes without revealing any of his other strengths.

When facing more capable opponents, Vel Custos prepares before battle with energy immunity (fire and cold are preferred, but he tailors to his opponents), holy aura, shield of the archons, death ward, superior vigor, righteous might and his divine shield feat. His 1 round/level spells are extended as needed. He begins combat with heresy's reward combined with a quickened holy word or hold monster, while moving in close to a spellcaster. From there he prefers to use power-attack enhanced strikes against spellcasters while using various quickened spells to further pummel his foes. While in close he relies on his various auras and dimensional anchor effect to bolster him further.

If Vel Custos encounters a foe that can use gazes or other vision-related attacks, he casts Tyr's sight. He keeps a quickened heal on hand in case of particularly difficult foes. If reduced to less than 100 hit points, Vel Custos retreats with teleportation to heal and then resume the battle. In such cases he will summon archon aides or Cerulean Joy before resuming combat.

Throne Archon 35//Cleric 5/Church Inquisitor 10/Soulguard 10/Justicar of Tyr 10

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Archon, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 35d8+385 (665 hp)
Initiative: +13
Speed: 50ft, fly 120ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 61 (-1 size, +13 dex, +15 natural, +15 armor, +9 shield)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +35/+50/73
Attack: Steely Judgment+56 (2d6+21 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: Steely Judgment+56/+51/+46/+41 (2d6+21 19-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Penitentiary gaze, spell-like abilities, spells, turn undead 16/day (3d6; DC 25), divine rebuke, dispel evil 3/day, purging radiance, smite anarchy 3/day, blade of justice 13/day.
Special Qualities: Aura of menace, damage reduction 25/epic, evil and silver, darkvision 120ft, immunity to charm, compulsions, electricity, petrification and possession, low-light vision, magic circle against evil, spell resistance 47, teleport, tongues, summon archons, detect evil, pierce illusion, pierce disguise, force shapechange, learn the truth, pierce deception, absolution, resistance aura, dimensional anchor, detect chaos, bureaucratic knowledge, axiomatic spellcasting, order's calm, aura of absolute law, power of truth.
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +30, Will +35 (+4 vs poison, +2 vs evil outsiders, +13 vs chaos)
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 36, Con 33, Int 30, Wis 34, Cha 36
Skills: Bluff+51, Concentration+49, Decipher Script+48, Diplomacy+71, Forgery+48, Gather Information+51, Intimidation+87, Knowledge(Arcana)+48, Knowledge(Local: Mount Celestia)+48, Knowledge(N&R)+48, Knowledge(Planes)+48, Knowledge(Religion)+48, Listen+50, Perform(Oratory)+71, Profession(Inquisitor)+48, Profession(Judge)+48, Sense Motive+58, Spellcraft+48, Spot+50
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Weapon Focus(Longsword)(B), Iron Will(1), Ability Focus(Penitentiary Gaze)(3), Power Attack(6), Extend  Spell(9), Skill Focus(Intimidate)(12), Quicken Spell(15), Divine Shield(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Skill Focus(Intimidate)(21), Epic Ability Focus(Penitentiary Gaze)(24), Bonus Domain(War)(27), Epic Spell Capacity(30), Epic Will(33)
Alignment: Axiomatic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-see invisibility, true seeing. At will-atonement, break enchantment, bless weapon, blessed sight, cure critical wounds, detect chaos, detect evil, greater dispel magic, hallow, mark of justice, neutralize poison, restoration, sending, vision of heaven. 3/day-banishment, death ward, dictum, divine favor, find the path, greater restoration, heal, heroes feast, holy aura, holy sword, resurrection, righteous smite, shield of the archons. 1/day-miracle. Caster level 20th. The save DCs are charisma based.

Aura of Menace (Su)

A righteous aura surrounds archons that fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects. The save DC varies with the type of archon, is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon's aura for 24 hours.

The save DC for Vel Custos's Aura of Menace is 40.

Penitentiary Gaze (Su)

Any nonlawful good creature within 30 feet of a throne archon that meets the creature's glowing blue eyes must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 46) or temporarily fall under its influence. Such a being becomes filled with remorse over the distance his life's actions have taken him from the ideals of law or goodness (even if such distance would ordinarily make him proud). The intensity of the remorse (and the relevant game effect) varies depending upon the creature's alignment. Compare the victim's alignment to the chart below, adding any game effects that apply. This ability's save DC is Charisma-based.

The victim is free to act (even to attack the throne archon) while under the effects of the penitentiary gaze. The effects persist each round until the victim makes a successful Will saving throw. Throne archons can disable or enable this ability as a free action. The gaze cannot be disabled during the same round in which it was enabled (and vice versa).

Law/Chaos Axis

Neutral:The victim is beset by religious visions in which angelic legions berate him for straying from the true path of law and goodness. As a result, he becomes fatigued.

Chaotic: Blistering mental hellscapes scald the victim's consciousness, causing so much psychological damage that the victim becomes exhausted.

Good/Evil Axis

Neutral: Pangs of self regret over past evil deeds result in blood-red psychosomatic blisters and boils. The victim takes 15 points of damage.

Evil: The victim's guilt and misery creates a psychosomatic meltdown that results in painful rashes and explosive skin abrasions. The victim takes 30 points of damage.

Summon Archons (Su)

Vel Custos may call up to 35 hit dice of archons or lawful good angels three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may attempt to call one of the other Authorities. The other Authority is not obligated to answer and they are automatically aware of the circumstances surrounding Vel Custos.

Power of Truth (Su)

Vel Custos can perceive when any creature deliberately lies. This ability works like the discern lies spell, except that it works continuously and applies to any creature he can perceive. He does not need to concentrate to discern lies and does so automatically. Measures that block divinations stop this ability. Creatures with divine rank are likewise immune to this ability. This ability replaces Vel Custos's various discern lies spell-like abilities.

Cleric powers:
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Vel Custos casts as a 34th level cleric with access to the Inquisition, Law, Retribution and War domains.

Church Inquisitor powers:
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Detect Evil (Sp)

A church inquisitor can use detect evil at will as a spell-like ability.

Immune to Charms (Ex)

A church inquisitor of 2nd level or higher is immune to all enchantment (charm) spells and effects.

Pierce Illusion (Su)

At 3rd level, the church inquisitor gains the supernatural ability to penetrate illusions and disguises at will. Whenever an inquisitor sees an illusion or disguise spell of any sort, he immediately makes a Will save to see through it. The inquisitor need not interact with or touch the illusion, visual contact is enough to give the Will save.

Pierce Disguise (Ex)

The inquisitor has a +4 competence bonus on Spot checks against the Disguise skill.

Immune to Compulsions (Ex)

A church inquisitor of 5th level or higher is immune to all compulsion spells and effects.

Force Shapechange (Su)

A church inquisitor of 6th level or higher can force a creature into its natural form. The church inquisitor must make a successful melee touch attack against the creature. If the attack is successful, the church inquisitor makes a caster level check as if casting dispel magic against the shapechanging effect. The church inquisitor's +4 bonus on dispel checks (the Inquisition domain granted power) applies to this check. This ability undoes the effect of alter self, polymorph, shapechange, and alternate form abilities, whether exceptional, spell-like, or supernatural in nature. The affected creature cannot change its shape again for 1d6 rounds. The church inquisitor can use this ability at will.

Immunity to Possession (Ex)

A church inquisitor of 8th level or higher has immunity to magic jar, soul bind, trap the soul, a ghost's malevolence ability, and all other spells or effects that displace or replace a character's life force. The character can still travel to the planes via astral projection, if so desired.

Learn the Truth (Su)

By touching a creature that has lied to him, a church inquisitor of 10th level or higher can force the creature to tell the truth. The creature can make a Will save (DC 10 + the church inquisitor's level + the church inquisitor's Cha modifier) to resist this mind-affecting compulsion effect. If the saving throw fails, the creature must speak the true version of the lie it uttered. The church inquisitor can use this ability 3 times/day.

Soulguard powers:
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Divine Rebuke (Su)

Starting at 2nd level, as a swift action, you can sacrifice a spell slot or a prepared spell to rebuke an evil outsider within 30 feet. The outsider must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + level of the spell sacrificed + your Cha modifier) or cower for a number of rounds equal to the spell slot of the spell sacrificed. The effect ends if the fiend is attacked.

Immunity to Charm (Ex)

At 2nd level, you gain immunity to enchantment (charm) spells and effects.

Dispel Evil (Sp)

Beginning at 3rd level, you can use a dispel evil effect once per day. Your caster level equals your divine caster level. The save DC is Charisma-based. (See the spell, PH 222.)

At 6th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 9th level, you can use this ability three times per day.

Absolution (Sp)

Starting at 4th level, you gain the ability to use atonement once per day as a spell-like ability.

Alternatively, if you are using the corruption mechanics from this book, you can purify a creature to redeem it from evil. Only a creature that desires absolution can be affected. Furthermore, any gains (monetary, political, personal, and so on) a creature has attained through evil acts must be abandoned. If the target creature has 3 or fewer corruption points, they are all removed. If the creature has 4 or more corruption points, you can reduce the total by 1. A single creature cannot receive the benefit of absolution more than once unless the DM permits it for exceptional story-driven reasons. For more information on corruption, see page 30.

Immunity to Compulsion (Ex)

At 5th level, you gain immunity to enchantment (compulsion) spells and effects.

Purging Radiance (Su)

At 7th level and higher, you can spend a daily use of your turn undead ability to deal damage to nearby fiends. As a standard action, the area around you fills with a pure, holy energy that deals 1d6 points of damage per class level to evil outsiders within 30 feet. This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you do not have the turn undead ability, this ability has no effect.

Resistance Aura (Su)

From 8th level on, you and all allies within 20 feet of you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects generated by evil outsiders.

Dimensional Anchor (Su)

At 10th level, your presence blocks the teleportation abilities of evil outsiders. No evil outsider can use a teleportation spell or effect while within 20 feet of you.

Justicar of Tyr powers:
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Detect Chaos (Sp)

At 1st level, the justiciar of Tyr may use detect chaos at will (caster level equals justiciar of Tyr's divine caster level).

Smite Anarchy (Su)

Once per day, a 1st-level justiciar of Tyr may attempt to smite a chaotic opponent with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to the attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per justiciar of Tyr level. For example, a 4th-level justiciar of Tyr armed with a longsword would deal 1d8+4 points of damage, plus any additional bonuses from high strength or magical effects that normally apply. If a justiciar of Tyr accidentally smites a creature that is not chaotic, the smite has no effect but is still used up for that day. The justiciar can use this ability twice per day at 5th level and three times per day at 10th level.

Bureaucratic Knowledge (Ex)

Although battling the forces of chaos is one of the primary functions of the justiciar, she is also expected to have a thorough grasp of legal processes in civilizations all across Faerûn. Beginning at 2nd level, the character gains a bonus equal to her justiciar of Tyr level on all Knowledge and Gather Information checks related to laws or legal proceedings (such as recalling whether carrying weapons is illegal in a certain city or researching proper courtroom etiquette). She also gains the same bonus on Charisma-based skill or ability checks made to argue legal matters.

Axiomatic Spellcasting (Ex)

When the justiciar of Tyr reaches 3rd level, her devotion to the cause of law infuses and empowers her spells. The save DC (if any) for any spell with the lawful descriptor that she casts increases by +1. This increase rises to +2 at 9th level.

Maimed God's Boon (Su)

Tyr's hand shelters his most faithful servants, protecting them from the ravages of disorder and anarchy. At 5th level, the justiciar of Tyr gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws against spells with the chaotic descriptor and against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of chaotic outsiders. This bonus stacks with that provided by the paladin's divine grace ability. (Thus, a paladin/justiciar adds her Charisma bonus twice to saving throws against chaotic effects.)

Order's Calm (Su)

Once per day with her touch, a justiciar of at least 7th level may negate any of the following e ffects: heroism, rage, symbol of insanity, any fear effect, or a barbarian's rage ability. To use this ability on an unwilling target, the justiciar must make a successful melee touch attack, and the target receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 justiciar of Tyr level + justiciar of Tyr's Cha modifi er) to avoid the effect.

Blade of Justice (Su)

At 8th level, the justiciar of Tyr may imbue her melee weapon with the raw power of justice. Once per day per point of Charisma bonus (minimum once per day), the justiciar may cause any melee weapon she is currently wielding to behave as an axiomatic weapon (dealing an extra 2d6 points of damage against chaotic foes). If the justiciar's weapon already has this enhancement, it gains no further benefi t. Each usage of this ability is a free action, and the effect lasts for 1 round.

Aura of Absolute Law (Su)

Upon attaining 10th level, the justiciar of Tyr has proven herself such a shining beacon of order and justice that chaos cannot stand against her. She is surrounded by a constant dispel chaos effect at all times. Driving a chaotic outsider back to its home plane or dispelling a chaotic enchantment spell temporarily discharges and ends this effect, but the justiciar may reactivate it as a free action on her next turn.

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Steely Judgment

This longsword is engraved with the names of 77 righteous judges that oversee the judgment of souls. This sword was created in Vel Custos's mortal life and laid to rest in his tomb for his deathless form to use. After he recovered his memories and was promoted to throne archon, he retrieved the sword and had it reforged in Jovar. It is a symbol of unbreakable wisdom, unyielding authority and undefeated justice.

Steely Judgment is a large longsword+7. The weight of the authorities vested in him resonate within the blade, giving him a terrifying and righteous glare. This grants him a +25 bonus to intimidate checks. Evil creatures cannot abide the touch of Steely Judgment. Any evil creature that touches the blade, including those damaged by it, take on a sickly green glow for seven minutes. Those that glow from his blade take maximum damage from the wielder's melee attacks, spells and spell-like abilities.

Armor of Authority

Armor of Authority is gleaming gold full plate armor gifted to all the Authorities. It is a badge of station, identifying them to all who see them. Each set's appearance is customized to fit the individual Authority. Vel Custos's armor is smooth and unmarred, decorated with the holy symbol of Tyr on the breastplate, delicately carved trumpets on his shoulders and an impartial, expressionless mask for a helmet.

This full plate armor+7 grants a +6 enhancement bonus bonus to all ability scores. When worn by an Authority, it has no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance or maximum dexterity cap.

No Further

This shield bears the holy symbol of Tyr across it. It was a gift long ago for Vel Custos exposing the Melchian Heresy, granted to him in mortality and returned on his ascension to Authority. It is so named for the high note of his rally speech against the corrupt Justicar Lassear.

No Further is a heavy steel shield+7. It grants a +20 competence bonus to diplomacy and perform(oratory) checks.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Heresy's Reward
Evocation/Divination [Good]
Level: Clr 11
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Area: 40ft radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous and permanent; see text
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell was developed by Vel Custos during his lifetime of destroying and exposing a vile heresy within the Tyrran faith. The caster calls on his deity to smite and reveal the wicked, causing a detonation of brilliant white power. Good creatures are immune to this blast, as are most neutral creatures.

Evil creatures and neutral creatures that worship a god directly in opposition to the caster's deity (for example, a neutral Sharran targeted by a Selunite) take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 30d8) points of damage. Further, they are branded with an aura of divine wrath. This aura is permanent unless dispelled by greater dispel magic or stronger spells. Any creature that worships the same deity as the caster that sees the affected creature is instantly aware of what they are and a sense of what crimes they have committed (such as heresy, murder or so forth). A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the aura.

This spell is a church secret of the Tyrran faith, but has spread to the rest of the Triad and over time to other good aligned deities.

Tyr's Senses
Level: Clr 11
Component: V, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell channels the power of the Maimed God into the touched creature's eyes. The creature's eyes vanish, leaving only empty eye sockets and rendering them blind. At the same time, the creature's senses sharpen far beyond that of mortals, becoming incredibly refined. The creature gains blindsight 200ft, a +20 competence bonus to listen checks and scent. As the creature is blind, they are immune to gaze attacks and other abilities that rely on sight.

When the spell's duration expires, the caster's eyes reform without damage.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Dispater. I didn't do a flavor block here, as I'd largely be rehashing what's in the Gates of Hell or FC2. Notes are as follows.

- Dispater's main aspect is paranoia. He presents a smooth and sophisticated demeanor and is yet fully controlled by his fears. Everything flows from that basic assumption. This includes his ferric affinity and tendency towards stagnation; one represents unbending strength and the other order's might to have an unchanging status quo. Likewise, knowledge and inquisition go hand in hand with paranoia. Knowledge allows him to better protect himself from threats (real and imagined) and inquisition allows him to vanquish those threats. I like to imagine Dis has more than its fair share of purges. I dislike drawing real life comparisons to D&D, but Dispater has some roots in Stalin.

- Dispater's all about the defense. He has redundant and superlative defenses, protecting him in myriad ways. This includes his devastatingly powerful counter-spelling tactics. He has superb dispelling from his malefircariem side; normally I trim away racial SLAs for deities as they're unneeded, but I kept this one since it fits him. Being able to counter-spell at any time as a free action with a +68 modifier shuts down a lot of threats then and there.

- Iron Guard is again all about the defense. It can shut down warriors who don't know better. Even then, defeating his damage reduction/regeneration is no mean feat. It's worth noting that the River Oceanus does not naturally produce riverine. It would need to be stilled, controlled, deepened and stagnated to do that. Of course, this flies right in the face of Arborea, making obtaining such almost impossible. The wise would seek the intervention of Deep Sashelas or the eladrin lords rather than attempting that folly.

- Most of Dispater's malefircariem traits are gone in favor of his custom racial abilities. They don't really fit Dispater as he's not the physical type.

- The Iron Tower is left unknown besides a few guidelines. It's just too much to go into for a stat block. To be honest, I suspect a condition of defeating Dispater would be to fight elsewhere in Dis. Someone this paranoid and with this long to prepare is going to be all but invincible within his abode. The trick is pulling that off.

The Iron Duke, His Iron Grace
Lord of the Second
Symbol: The Iron Tower set against a red background
Home Plane: Dis, the 2nd Hell
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile
Portfolio: Iron, paranoia, toil, protection, stagnation
Worshipers: Paranoiacs, slavers, tyrants, abjurers
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE
Domains: Commerce, Diabolic, Evil, Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Metal, Protection
Favored Weapon: Iron Staff of Dispater (Heavy mace)

Malefircariem 59//Abjurer 10/Master Specialist 49

Changelog: Added the defending special ability to the Iron Rod of Dispater.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Abomination, Devil, Evil, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice: 59d8+944+59+118 (1593 hp)
Initiative: +32; always goes first
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 112 (+13 dex, +15 divine, +18 deflection, +38 natural, +18 armor)(65% miss chance)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +59/+95/134
Attack: The Iron Rod of Dispater+103 (1d8+37 15-20 x3)
Full Attack: The Iron Rod of Dispater+103/+98/+93/+88 (1d8+37 15-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, aura of hell, iron grasp, rust, spells.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 45/special, spell resistance 94, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid, cold, electricity and sonic 50, see in darkness, telepathy 500ft, summon devils, divine traits, regeneration 50, true seeing, urgent shield 23/day, expanded spellbook, minor school esoterica, caster level increase+15, moderate school esoterica, major school esoterica 6/day, epic school esoterica 6/day.
Saves: Fort +74, Ref +71, Will +75
Abilities: Str 48, Dex 37, Con 43, Int 56, Wis 44, Cha 46
Skills: Appraise+100, Bluff+95, Concentration+93, Craft(Armorsmithing)+100, Craft(Fortress)+100, Craft(Sculpting)+100, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+100, Disguise+95, Decipher Script+100, Diplomacy+95, Escape Artist+90, Forgery+100, Gather Information+95, Hide+90, Intimidate+95, Knowledge(All)+100, Listen+94, Move Silently+90, Ride+90, Search+100, Sense Motive+94, Spellcraft+103, Spot+94, Survival+94, Tumble+90, Use Magic Device+95
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Weapon Focus(Heavy Mace)(B), Spell Focus(Abjuration)(1), Scribe Scroll(A1), Mindsight(3), Retributive Spell(A5), Improved Initiative(6), Quicken Spell(9), Extend Spell(A10), Skill Focus(Spellcraft)(MS1), Eschew Materials(12), Greater Spell Focus(Abjuration)(MS3), Still Spell(15), Violate Spell(18), Craft Magic Arms and Armor(24), Craft Wondrous Item(27), Craft Construct(30), Toughness(33), Spell Mastery(36), Ability Focus(Iron Grasp)(39), Silent Spell(57)
Epic Feats: Epic Counterspell(B), Epic Spell Capacity(21), Epic Spell Focus(Abjuration)(MS14), Ignore Material Components(MS18), Improved Metamagic(MS22), Tenacious Magic(Dispater's Iron Sheathe)(MS26), Intensify Spell(MS30), Epic Ability Focus(Iron Grasp)(42), Epic School Esoterica(MS34), Epic Toughness(45), Armor Skin(48), Epic Crafting(MS38), Armor Skin(51), Expanded Esoterica(MS42), Spell Stowaway(Wish)(54), Spell Stowaway(Miracle)(MS46)
Salient Divine Abilities: Arcane Mastery, Area Divine Shield, Automatic Metamagic(Extend Spell), Automatic Metamagic(Silent Spell), Automatic Metamagic(Still Spell), Automatic Metamagic(Violate Spell), Battlesense, Divine Dodge, Divine Shield, Divine Spell Focus(Abjuration), Extra Domain(Commerce), Extra Domain(Diabolic), Extra Domain(Inquisition), Increased Damage Reduction, Increased Spell Resistance, Instant Counterspell, Iron Guard, Know Secrets, Spontaneous Arcane Spells, Supreme Damage Reduction, Supreme Initiative
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile

Racial powers:
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Iron Grasp (Su)

Dispater can touch creatures and instantly turn them into iron. This is a melee touch attack, functions as flesh to stone (except that it turns them into iron) and can only be cured by a wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 78 caster level check or a deity that succeeds on an opposed rank check against Dispater. The Fortitude save DC is 78 (10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank).

Rust (Su)

Metal objects that touch or are touched by Dispater crumble into useless rust, ruined beyond all repair. Any metal weapon that strikes Dispater or is touched by him by a melee touch attack must make a DC 72 Reflex save. Failure results in the weapon crumbling to rust and is destroyed while success protects the weapon. A weapon that saves against this ability is immune to it for 24 hours. A creature made of iron, such as an iron golem, takes 20d6 points of damage from this ability on a failed save.

Objects destroyed by this ability are lost. A wish or miracle that succeeds on a DC 72 (10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank) caster level check can restore the equipment, as can a deity that succeeds on an opposed divine rank check against Dispater. Only one check per deity is allowed per item.

Dispater can suppress or active this ability as a free action at any time.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

Dispater's damage reduction is defeated by adamantine, anarchic, epic and holy weapons specially purged of all traces of iron and reinforced with riverine harvested from the River Oceanus in Arborea.

Regeneration (Ex)

Dispater takes normal damage from weapons that successfully defeat his damage reduction, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Aura of Hell (Ex)

The presence of Dispater is so vile that it causes lesser beings to cower or pay homage to the might of his evil. All within 900 feet of Dispater must succeed in a Will save equal to 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank. Those who succumb to the evil Dispater represents suffer one of the two following effects as determined by him (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action):

Cower: Affected beings cower before the might of Dispater. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions.
Induce Fear: Affected beings become panicked and suffer a –9 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Dispater makes them frightened, and they flee from it as quickly as they can.

Dispater can make his servants, worshipers, beings of Lawful Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until Dispater dismisses it. Other Lords of the Nine, and beings possessing divine rank equal to or greater than that of Dispater, are immune to the Aura of Hell. The Aura of Hell replaces any existing fear aura and divine aura of Dispater.

Summon Devils (Su)

Dispater may call up to 59 hit dice of devils three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may call a Duke of Hell in his service. The Duke is aware of the situation but must answer the summons.

True Seeing (Su)

Dispater sees through all illusions and is treated as being constantly under the effect of a true seeing spell, with a caster level equal to his hit dice.

Divine powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect chaos, detect good. At will-analyze dweomer, antimagic field, blade barrier, calm emotions, clairaudience/clairvoyance, comprehend languages, create undead, blasphemy, demand, desecrate, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, devil's ego, devil's eye, dictum, discern lies, dispel chaos, dispel good, divination, find the path, foresight, geas/quest, glibness, greater plane shift, greater teleport, heat metal, hellfire, hellfire storm, hold monster, imprisonment, investiture of the pit fiend, iron body, keen edge, legend lore, lesser planar blinding, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, magic weapon, mind blank, order's wrath, planar binding, protection from chaos, protection from energy, protection from good, prismatic sphere, refuge, repel metal or stone, repulsion, rusting grasp, sanctuary, secret chest, shield of law, shield other, spell immunity, spell resistance, superb dispelling, summon monster 9(lawful evil only), tongues, transmute metal to wood, unholy aura, unholy blight, vision, wall of iron, zone of truth. Caster level 59th. The save DCs are 53 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Dispater exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Dispater can use wish when doing so can help him promote selfish protection, iron, stagnation and paranoia. Note that in the situation where Dispater and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Inflict Wounds (Su)

Dispater may cast any inflict wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:

Commerce: +10 competence bonus on profession checks to earn a living.
Diabolic: 15/day as an immediate action, add a +29 bonus to a bluff, diplomacy, intimidate or sense motive check.
Evil: +1 caster level to evil spells.
Inquisition: +4 bonus to dispel checks.
Knowledge: +1 caster level to divinations.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Metal: Weapon Focus(Heavy Mace) as a bonus feat.
Protection: 15/day touch grants a protective ward, +29 resistance bonus to a single saving throw. (+11 net if used on self)

Immunities: Dispater is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers he might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Dispater is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Dispater gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Dispater does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He automatically receives a 20 on any check he makes.

Communication: Dispater can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within fifteen miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Dispater can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a cultured voice with unearthly powers of persuasion. In this case, anyone within earshot can hear it or understand the message.

Create Items: Dispater can create any wondrous item with power related to iron, protection or diabolism; the maximum is 200,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Dispater is aware of any act of paranoia, stagnation or selfish protection.

Abjurer powers:
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Dispater casts as a 59th level abjurer (caster level 60th for evil and lawful spells, caster level 60th for divinations, caster level 74th for abjurations). He has given up access to illusion and enchantment. Dispater gains a +28 bonus to all dispel checks, including counter spells.

Urgent Shield (Su)

You create a temporary shield of force that grants you a +2 shield bonus to AC. This is an immediate action and lasts until the start of your next turn.

Master Specialist powers:
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Expanded Spellbook

When you reach 2nd level, you can add one spell of your chosen school to your spellbook. The spell can be of any level that you can cast, and it is in addition to the normal spells gained when increasing your level.

You can add another spell of your chosen school to your spellbook at 5th and at 8th level.

Minor School Esoterica (Ex)

At 4th level, your unflagging focus on your chosen school opens your mind to new possibilities and grants you the first taste of the unique skills of a master specialist. You gain an ability from those below based on your chosen school.

Abjuration: You gain a competence bonus on dispel checks equal to 1/2 your master specialist level.

Caster Level Increase (Ex)

Upon reaching 6th level, add 1 to your caster level whenever you cast a spell of your chosen school. At 9th level, you instead add 2 to your caster level.

Moderate School Esoterica (Ex)

At 7th level, your long study of your chosen school leads to a breakthrough. You gain an ability from those below based on your chosen school. Each ability is triggered automatically when you cast a spell from your chosen school and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the spell's level.

Abjuration: If you are subject to a spell that has a partial or half effect on a successful save, you suffer no adverse effect if you successfully save.

Major School Esoterica (Ex)

At 10th level, your knowledge of your chosen school reaches its peak. You gain an ability from those below based on your chosen school; each one can be used three times per day.

Abjuration: When casting an abjuration spell that normally has a range of personal, you can instead choose to cast it as a touch spell that affects a single creature. When casting an abjuration spell that is an emanation centered on you, you can instead choose to cast it as a touch spell that emanates from the touched creature.

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Iron Rod of Dispater

The Iron Rod of Dispater is an iron staff, slender on the bottom and widening out into a mace-head atop it. It is about six and a half feet tall, matching Dispater's own height. There are relatively few stories about its origins, as Dispater has taken pains to stomp out any information about it. What little that remains is contradictory and often wildly inaccurate. Behind these legends is a simple truth. Dispater's Iron Rod became as a wizard's staff to aid Dispater as he created his first abjurations.  These protections were strong and granted him the defenses he felt he required, and thus he came to cast more. His staff never left his side, becoming pure iron from his touch. Eons of defensive enchantments have been poured into the rod, absorbing ever greater meaning from Dispater's magic.

The Iron Rod of Dispater functions as a heavy mace+9, defending and as an epic rod of rulership. In addition to these powers it has a 15-20 critical hit threat range with a x3 critical hit multiplier. Abilities that increase the threat range of a weapon do not stack with the Iron Rod. Nine times per day as an immediate action, Dispater may invoke the Iron Rod to copy a spell or spell-like ability just cast. This functions as if Dispater had the spell stowaway feat for that spell and follows the rules of that feat.

The Iron Tower

Dispater's legendary redoubt is beyond the scope of this stat block to describe. It deserves its own article, as it is a fortress as well as the culmination of Dispater's defenses. Nonetheless, a few salient points are described here.

It is known that Dispater can use his iron grasp and rust abilities as a ranged touch attack against any creature or object within the Iron Tower. There is no limit on the range of this, only that Dispater must be able to see them. Scrying and divine means of perception are sufficient to qualify. Likewise, Dispater can use his counter-spelling abilities against any spell he can perceive being cast within the Iron Tower.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Prerequisites: Divine rank 11, Metal Domain, Protection Domain
Benefits: Dispater's totem is iron, which forever protects him and bends to his will. As such, no iron weapon can damage him. This extends to steel, cold iron and other primarily iron materials. This negates all damage from the weapon, including any secondary properties that would normally damage him. Likewise, spells and effects that deal damage through iron, such as a wall of iron being tipped over, deal no damage to Dispater.

Consumptive Dispelling
Level: Clr 15, Sor/Wiz 15, Dread Necromancer 14
Components: V, S, F
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You immediately cause the magic around the target to collapse into entropic energies, causing the target to be bereft of protections and drained of life energy. This spell functions as greater dispel magic with a maximum dispel check modifier of +50. For each spell dispelled by consumptive dispelling, the target suffers 1 negative level. Negative levels inflicted by this spell fade in 24 hours and do not result in permanent lost levels.


The hand of a dire wight of at least 20 hit dice. Creatures with the ability to drain levels by touch do not need a focus to cast this spell. A dread necromancer's enervating touch class features qualifies.

Dispater's Perfect Sight
Level: Sor/Wiz 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 min/level

You gain senses unrivaled by any other creature, making you nigh impossible to ambush. You gain all-around vision, which prevents you from being flanked. You see invisible and ethereal creatures normally. Your senses sharpen to razor keenness, granting you blindsight 200ft. Finally, you gain a +25 competence bonus to spot and listen checks.

Dispater's Iron Sheathe
Level: Sor/Wiz 13
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 24 hours

This spell weaves and laces the caster's body with living iron, granting them superlative defenses. The caster gains damage reduction 20/adamantine and epic, a +18 armor bonus to armor class, immunity to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect the caster's physiology or respiration. This is similar to iron body, except that the caster's weight only increases by 50% and they suffer no other penalties.

Material Component

One pound of living iron.

New Material: Living Iron

Living Iron

Living iron appears like any other iron on first glance. When examined, it seems to squirm and writhe in a fluid-like manner. Living iron is said to have a little of the will of Dis within it and is exclusively mined from there. Living iron is suitable for weapons and armor and counts as cold iron. When one ounce is used as an optional material component for a spell that directly creates or invokes iron (wall of iron, iron body and so on), it grants a +3 bonus to the spell's caster level. Any iron created by the spell seems to writhe and slither, like iron slime.

The best use for living iron is creating prosthetic made of iron and constructs made of iron. Prosthetics made of living iron are capable of having full function compared to natural body parts. Constructs made partially of living iron have a pool of life energy to draw from, granting them +2 hit points per hit die. While useful, the expense of living iron means it is rarely seen save in golems made by Dispater.

An ounce of living iron costs 2,000 gold and a pound costs 32,000 gold.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Just getting her done. I stalled out on her for whatever reasons. Her flavor could use a proof read and she could use a few custom spells, but the hell with it. It took me nearly two weeks to get her done.

Cerulean Joy, Authority of Absolution

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Cerulean Joy was born long ago, in the ages before Eblis and Triel fell. She was a typical mortal soul reborn as a lantern archon. Her journey up Celestial progressed and she had progressed to the caste of throne archon by the time she reached Jovar. Yet that is where she found she could not go further. No matter her efforts, she could not make herself worthy of the Illuminated Heaven. Her failure lead her to leave Celestia altogether, taking to wandering the planes as a knight-errant fighting against evil.

This lasted eons, Cerulean Joy completely out of contact with Celestia during this time. When she finally returned, she had transmigrated into a planetar. The reasons behind this change are unclear, but it is suspected it ties into her time in the mortal coil. On her return she applied herself to the field of redemption with a furious passion, rising up to the rank Authority of Absolution within seven years.

It is known that Cerulean Joy had something to do with redeeming a great deal of mortal souls. She has mentioned that she filled a missing piece of herself during her time away. Nonetheless she does not talk of it, nor does she return to Jovar to seek the Illuminated Heaven. Instead, she is utterly devoted to her current tasks. She lives for saving others and throws her full passions into her chosen task.

Cerulean Joy is tasked with overseeing atonement, redemption and the absolution of sin from mortal souls. This includes overseeing the angels that see to newly arrived souls, helping mortals that wish to atone for past misdeeds, seeing to the overall elimination of sin and ensuring that lawful good souls properly adapt to Celestia. In addition she often directly trains powerful mortals who have steep atonement tasks ahead. She works in tandem with her husband, the Authority of Wardens, Vel Custos.

Cerulean Joy is held as a figure of redemption in many religions tied to Celestia. While her face and name are many times inaccurate, her basic message endures. Worshipers of Mount Celestial routinely call on her to purify the wicked from evil. Her name is regularly inscribed as parts of circles against evil as well as similar rituals. In spite of this, she does not have the religious standing of her husband. Nonetheless, a few Tyrran sects are aware of her relationship with Vel Custos and revere as a saint. This amuses and pleases Cerulean Joy, who tolerates it as long as Vel Custos and Tyr do. She nonetheless believes that saints should be mortals who make on the mortal world. Still, she generally lets the issue lie.

Beneath this Cerulean Joy is indeed driven. She is an aspirant to everything higher and better in Creation, as defined by the holy mountain. She believes that she will continue to rise higher, and against the celestial taboos, has begun attempting to obtain divinity. So far none know of her ambitions. Cerulean Joy knows all too well that the thirst for power cost several angels everything. She has seen mortals become so much more than mortal in serving Mount Celestia; in this, she has gained the wisdom to ascend properly and without falling to the sin of pride. Recent events, including the rise of two new mortal goddesses, have only strengthened her resolve.

Through this, Cerulean Joy believes that she can obtain divinity by finding a patron deity and perfecting herself further. As of yet she has not acted, for even in the Heavens such a deed is not done lightly. Moreover, she does not want to leave her current duties but to expand them. If all goes well, she will become a goddess of redemption for any who seek it.


Cerulean Joy is seven feet tall, a womanly form complimented by a kind face. She has rounded facial features, a small nose and soft blue eyes. Despite her name she has deeply tanned skin that goes well with her armor. She wears her golden Armor of Authority save for a helmet, allowing her cerulean shoulder length hair to flow free. Her gaze brings a ethereal sense of peace to those who meet her eyes. Her wings are interlaced with golden wires that connect to her armor and catch the light around her, giving her a bodily halo of light. Her armor covers her completely, though she sometimes covers it with golden linens inscribed with the names of various aspects of the celestial host.

Mortals that encounter Cerulean Joy find her to be calming and peaceful. Even those who hold malicious, furious evil in their hearts feel the gentle call of better things in her presence. Those of good alignment find her to be enormously encouraging without being able to elaborate why. Those of neutrality are calmed but troubled, filled with faint regrets they had thought long forgotten. The ones that hold evil within their souls find the peace Cerulean Joy holds to be heartbreaking (for mortals) or infuriating (for immortals).


If she is anything, Cerulean Joy is optimistic, bright and joyful. This is tempered with a wise serenity, keeping her from being bubbly or otherwise uncontrolled. The happiness she has is entirely calm. This can make it all the more alien to mortals, as she pronounces things of great hope with complete belief and acceptance. She shows compassion for those she encounters, even those who deserve nothing but damnation. She is also tremendously driven, always working towards her duties without respite. Those that get to know her find a woman propelled by enormous passions held in perfect check. The wiser understand that she does not hold them in check; after all, there is no need for the one who oversees the path to a glorious eternity to be anything but calm.


In yet another opposite of her beloved husband, Cerulean Joy makes friends with barely an effort. The hope and joy she embodies makes her tremendously appealing and her calm demeanor puts people at ease. She has no children or direct family save for her husband, yet she has countless friends that are as close as family to her.

Of note is Pistis Sophia. The two are occasionally mistaken for one another due Pistis Sophia's coloring being similar to cerulean. They met a few times hammering out misunderstandings from well meaning mortals and struck up a friendship. They take long walks in Solania together, discussing aspects of redemption and personal enlightenment. These talks are a blend of work and relaxation, fitting Cerulean Joy's personality. Pistis Sophia enjoys her walks with Cerulean Joy; in these, she has divined Cerulean Joy's desire to rise higher. She has not yet detected the thrust of it and believes Cerulean Joy will soon ascend to Chronias. As such she makes sure to treasure every moment she has left with Cerulean Joy, currently unaware of her true ambitions.

Another close friend is Alansar, Knight of Torm. The two celestials have known each other for a long time and have been through heaven and hell together. They relate in a close, open way that speaks of being tempered together in battle. Alansar rejected what Torm became, yet keeps his title in memory of his fallen patron. Since then he has spend as much time with Cerulean Joy as he can manage. He works tirelessly to learn about redemption, for he will not allow his lord to wallow in evil for all eternity. When the day comes where Alansar shall attempt to save Torm, Cerulean Joy has pledged to be there - as has Vel Custos.

Cerulean Joy deals with her superiors with the same open grace as she deals with everyone else. She obeys Barachiel with question and looks up to him. This extends to the rest of the Hebdomad, save for Pistis Sophia due to their friendship. This has gone from awe to awed study in recent times. She acts much the same with the other deities of lawful good save for Tyr, who she pays homage to out of respect for her husband's faith.

Beyond Celestia, Cerulean Joy has many friends. She is known in the realms of most other good deities, such as Dweomerheart, the House of Nature, Brightwater and the Gates of the Moon. She wishes to extend this into Sylica and The Cauldron, as both deities have shown success in redeeming fiends. Cerulean Joy generally considers redeeming fiends a waste of resources. It isn't that it can't happen, it's that it's almost certainly a trick or that the fiend will quickly fall back into old habits. As these deities have recently ascended and managed this feat, she believes that an important wisdom can be found from them.

Cerulean Joy has a particular loathing for servants of Demogorgon. She will go out of her way to obliterate them. Her characteristic joyful calm will often slip during these times into a steely eyed gaze that would fit better on her husband's face. She can endure most evil and vanquish or redeem it with calm, but Demogorgon's work gets her full and immediate ire.


Generally, Cerulean Joy avoids combat. She will talk her foes down or seek to defuse the situation when possible. When this is not possible, she is a restrained combatant. Against lesser foes she calls a 31 HD trumpet archon and two lantern archons to engage her foes. While they battle she will attempt to convince them to surrender. Should this fail, she will use dictum and banishment to lay her foes low. If this fails, she uses purify souls to wipe her opponents out.

When facing powerful opposition, Cerulean Joy prepares by casting death ward and shield of the archons. She does not dally overmuch with preparing spells otherwise, instead preferring to save her spell slots to winning the battle. She will call Vel Custos, 2 33 HD solars and then summon 9 sword archons. If needed, these numbers are bolstered by Vel Custos using his summon archons ability and summon monster spells if time permits. She then casts sublime revelry and mass energy immunity (fire) before committing to combat. She opens battle by leading with a radiant storm spell along with her allies attacking. Should her foes endure that volley, she will cast various spells that both damage and debilitate at the same time as well as repeated uses of purify souls.

Planetar 33//Aspirant 33

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Angel, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 33d8+264 (528 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 30ft, fly 160ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 59 (-1 size, +7 dex, +7 sod, +21 natural, +15 armor)(+4 deflection vs evil)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +33/+44/68
Attack: Hope+49 (2d8+22 plus 3d6 holy (6d6 and two negative levels on crit) plus vision of heaven (DC 42) 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: Hope+49/+44/+39/+34 (2d8+22 plus 3d6 holy (6d6 and two negative levels on crit) plus vision of heaven (DC 42) 19-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, spontaneous casting 9/day, purify souls.
Special Qualities: Change shape, damage reduction 25/adamantine, epic and evil, darkvision 120 ft, low-light vision, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, protective aura, regeneration 22, resistance to electricity and fire 20, spell resistance 49, tongues, summon archons, teleport, shield of the divine+7, divine counter spell, perfect self, melded spellcasting, maiden of redemption.
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +23, Will +28  (+4 vs poison, +4 vs evil, +2 vs mind-affecting)
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 25, Con 26, Int 28, Wis 34, Cha 28
Skills: Balance+43, Bluff+45, Concentration+44, Diplomacy+49, Gather Information+45, Heal+48, Intimidate+45, Knowledge(Arcana)+45, Knowledge(History)+45, Knowledge(Nature)+45, Knowledge(N&R)+45, Knowledge(Planes)+45, Knowledge(Religion)+45, Listen+48, Perform(Song)+45, Sense Motive+61, Spellcraft+45, Spot+48, Survival+48, Swim+46, Use Magic Device+45
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Power Attack(1), Ability Focus(Purify Souls)(3), Exalted Spell Resistance(6), Consecrate Spell(9), Purify Spell(12), Skill Focus(Sense Motive)(15), Improved Initiative(18)
Epic Feats: Bonus Domain(Hope)(21), Superior Initiative(24), Armor Skin(A24), Epic Ability Focus(Purify Souls)(27), Epic Spell Capacity(A28), Epic Skill Focus(Sense Motive)(30), Permanent Emanation(Consecrate)(A32), Bonus Domain(Joy)(33)
Alignment: Lawful Exalted

Racial powers:
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Cerulean Joy casts as a 33rd level aspirant with access to the Celestial, Good, Hope, Joy and Redemption domains.

Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, true seeing. At will-atonement, continual flame, dispel magic, holy smite, invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, speak with dead. 3/day-blade barrier, flame strike, power word stun, waves of fatigue. 1/day-earthquake, greater restoration, mass charm monster, miracle, waves of exhaustion.


Cerulean Joy takes damage from effects that defeat her damage reduction and from spells and effects with the evil descriptor. 

Melded Spellcasting (Ex)

Cerulean Joy has learned to combine her innate clerical casting with her aspirant spells. She casts as an aspirant but keeps her domains from being a cleric. She gains the granted ability of her domains and adds those spells to her aspirant spell list.

Maiden of Redemption (Ex)

Due to her duties over redemption and rehabilitation, Cerulean Joy gains access to the Redemption domain.

Purify Souls (Su)

As the Authority of Absolution, Cerulean Joy can purify the sins of creatures. This allows her a great deal of power, including the ability to purge evil from creatures.  This grants her several unique abilities related to this.

As a swift action, Cerulean Joy may attempt to rid creatures of evil magic. This functions as superb dispelling with a +33 dispel check modifier, except that it only applies to spells with the evil descriptor. She may target up to seven creatures within 70ft of herself per use of this ability.

Cerulean Joy may cast atonement as a spell-like ability at will. This only affects willing targets and these targets must desire to atone of their own free will.

Finally, Cerulean Joy may purify evil creatures to weaken their powers. This is a standard action and can affect only evil creatures. Purify Souls targets one evil creature and has a range of 210ft. A creature is allowed a DC 51 Will save to resist; see below for more information on what this entails. A creature purified suffers any effects below that it qualifies for. A creature can be affected by any number of these effects as long as it qualifies for them. No matter how many effects the creature suffers, there is only one Will save for all of them.

- Living creatures suffer 4 negative levels due to the trauma of having part of its essence purified away. A successful Will save halves this to 2 negative levels. These negative levels last for 7 hours before fading.
- Undead suffer 4 positive levels instead. These functions as negative levels do to living creatures. This otherwise functions identically to what happens to living creatures in the previous entry.
- Creatures with the evil subtype suffer 210 points of damage. In addition, they lose the benefits of the evil subtype, such as their attacks automatically counting as evil to bypass damage reduction.  A successful Will save halves the damage and negates losing the benefits of the evil subtype. The damage occurs instantaneously and the loss of evil subtype benefits lasts for 7 hours.
- Creatures with the devil, demon or daemon subtypes lose all abilities granted by the subtype. For instance, a devil afflicted by this loses immunity to fire and poison, telepathy, see in darkness, summon devils and resistance to acid and cold 10. A successful Will save negates this effect. The loss of benefits lasts for 7 rounds.

The save DC is Wisdom based and includes a +7 racial bonus.

Summon Archons (Su)

Cerulean Joy may call up to 33 hit dice of archons or lawful good angels three times per day. Alternately, she can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, she may attempt to call one of the other Authorities. The other Authority is not obligated to answer and they are automatically aware of the circumstances surrounding Cerulean Joy.

Aspirant powers:
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Spontaneous Casting (Ex)

At 1st level, the aspirant gains the ability to lose any prepared clerical spell for any other clerical spell of equal or lower level, but only once per day. She may cast a spontaneous spell twice per day at 4th level, three times per day at 8th, four times per day at 12th, and five times per day at 16th level. This represents the aspirant's growing ability to manipulate divine energies directly.

Shield of the Divine (Ex)

At 1st level, the aspirant gains a +1 bonus to AC. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the bonus increases by +1. This bonus applies even when the aspirant is flat-footed or helpless.

Divine Counterspell (Sp)

An aspirant of 3rd-level or higher may counter a divine spell cast by another spellcaster without expending a spell for the day. The aspirant must be high enough level to cast a spell of the same level as the spell she wishes to counter. To do so, an aspirant must ready an action to counterspell as normal, but the aspirant need not determine what the spell is. If the spell cast is not a divine spell, the aspirant cannot counter it, but she does not waste her use of this ability, only her action. The aspirant can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Perfect Self (Ex)

At 20th level, the aspirant has become so fully connected with the power of the divine that she becomes a magical creature. This ability has the same effect as the monk ability of the same name.

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Cerulean Joy wields light itself as her weapon. This is the crystallized hope of salvation held by trillions of mortal souls mixed with the joy of that hope being realized. It manifests as a tendril of light that strikes at her foes. The light brings smiles to those with good hearts and lightens their spirits, while it strikes those of evil as a terrible weapon of great potency.

Hope is a heavy flail+7, holy power. Evil creatures struck by Hope must make a DC 42 Will save or be afflicted by Vision of Heaven, as the spell. Unlike the spell, this ability does not count as mind-affecting and can affect any creature with an intelligence score. A creature that is dazed is dazed until the end of Cerulean Joy's next turn. A creature need only save once per round against this ability, no matter how many times it is struck.

Armor of Authority

Armor of Authority is gleaming gold full plate armor gifted to all the Authorities. It is a badge of station, identifying them to all who see them. Each set's appearance is customized to fit the individual Authority. Cerulean Joy's armor is solid gold and undecorated, with golden wires that criss-cross through her wing features and connect back into the armor. The set does not come with a helmet, as Cerulean Joy prefers not to wear one.

This full plate armor+7 grants a +6 enhancement bonus bonus to all ability scores. When worn by an Authority, it has no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance or maximum dexterity cap. The golden wires of this armor enhance Cerulean Joy's wings, granting her a +70ft enhancement bonus to her flight speed and perfect maneuverability.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Redemption Domain
Granted Power: You are immune to effects that would change your alignment against your will, such as a morality undone spell or a helm of opposite alignment. In addition you gain a +2 bonus to saves against any other mind-affecting effect.

Redemption Domain Spells

1st: Vision of Heaven
2nd: Yoke of Mercy
3rd: Heart's Ease
4th: Sword of Conscience
5th: Atonement
6th: Wages of Sin
7th: Holy Word
8th: Crown of Glory
9th: Miracle
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Ice para-elementals are from 3.0's Manual of the Planes. They're upgraded and converted to 3.5 here, from small to primal elemental.

Chill Aura (Su)

A creature within the given radius of an ice para-elemental's chill aura takes cold damage each round as noted in the para-elemental's stat block. The damage is inflicted at the end of the ice para-elemental's turn. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage taken. The save DC is Constitution based.

Chill Slams (Su)

An ice para-elemental does extra cold damage with its icicle attacks as noted in its description.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.


Small Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Small Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (17 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +1 dex, +4 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +1/+0/11
Attack: Icicle+3 (1d4 plus 1d4 cold)
Full Attack: Icicle+3 (1d4 plus 1d4 cold)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire, darkvision 60ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Hide+6, Listen+5, Spot+5
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

20ft radius, 1d4 cold damage, Fortitude DC 12 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

1d4 extra cold damage per icicle attack.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Medium Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Medium Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (34 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 17 (+3 dex, +4 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +3/+4/17
Attack: Icicle+6 (1d6+1 plus 1d6 cold)
Full Attack: Icicle+6 (1d6+1 plus 1d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire, darkvision 60ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Hide+10, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

30ft radius, 1d6 cold damage, Fortitude DC 17 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

1d6 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Large Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Large Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (72 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +5 dex, +5 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +6/+9/24
Attack: Icicle+10 (2d6+2 plus 2d6 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+10 (2d6+2 plus 2d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 5/-, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire, darkvision 60ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11   
Skills: Hide+16, Listen+11, Move Silently+16, Spot+11
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

40ft radius, 2d6 cold damage, Fortitude DC 20 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

2d6 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Huge Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Huge Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 16d8+80+16 (172 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 21 (-2 size, +7 dex, +5 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +12/+18/36
Attack: Icicle+17 (3d8+4 plus 2d8 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+17 (3d8+4 plus 2d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 5/-, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire, darkvision 60ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +5
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 25, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Hide+26, Listen+19, Move Silently+26, Spot+19
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

50ft radius, 2d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 25 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

2d8 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Greater Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Huge Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 21d8+105+21 (224 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 26 (-2 size, +8 dex, +9 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +15/+22/41
Attack: Icicle+21 (3d8+5 plus 2d8 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+21 (3d8+5 plus 2d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 10/-, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire, darkvision 120ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +6
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 27, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Hide+32, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+23, Listen+24, Move Silently+32, Spot+24
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15), Mobility(18), Spring Attack(21)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

60ft radius, 3d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 27 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

2d8 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Elder Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Huge Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 24d8+120+24 (255 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 27 (-2 size, +9 dex, +9 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +18/+26/46
Attack: Icicle+25 (3d8+6 plus 2d8 cold)
Full Attack:2 icicles+25 (3d8+6 plus 2d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 10/-, immunity to cold, vulnerability to fire, darkvision 120ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +7
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 29, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Hide+36, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+26, Knowledge(Nature)+26, Listen+27, Move Silently+36, Spot+27
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15), Mobility(18), Spring Attack(21)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(24)
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

70ft radius, 4d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 33 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

2d8 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Ice Para-Elemental Monolith

Size/Type: Gargantuan Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 36d8+252+36+72 (526 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 31 (-4 size, +9 dex, +15 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +27/+42/62
Attack: Icicle+32 (6d6+11 plus 4d8 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+32 (6d6+11 plus 4d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 20ft/20ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 15/-, immunity to cold, darkvision 120ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +20, Will +15
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 29, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 17
Skills: Balance+48, Hide+48, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+40, Knowledge(Nature)+40, Listen+41, Move Silently+48, Spot+41
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15), Mobility(18), Spring Attack(21), Iron Will(30), Suppress Weakness(33), Overcome Weakness(36)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(24), Epic Toughness(27)
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

80ft radius, 4d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 41 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

4d8 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Primal Ice Para-Elemental

Size/Type: Colossal Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 40d8+360+40+80 (800 hp)
Initiative: +21
Speed: 60ft
Armor Class: 46 (-8 size, +17 dex, +26 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +30/+49/77
Attack: Icicle+39 (8d6+17 plus 12d6 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+39 (8d6+17 plus 12d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 30ft/30ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles, primal magic.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 25/-, spell resistance 48, immunity to cold, darkvision 120ft, improved evasion, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +29, Will +17
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 44, Con 28, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 19
Skills: Balance+60, Hide+60, Intimidate+47, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+45, Knowledge(Nature)+45, Listen+46, Move Silently+60, Spot+46
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15), Mobility(18), Spring Attack(21), Iron Will(30), Suppress Weakness(33), Overcome Weakness(36), Improved Initiative(39)
Epic Feats: Improved Weapon Finesse(B), Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(24), Epic Toughness(27)
Alignment: Neutral

Chill Aura (Su)

160ft radius, 8d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 45 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

12d6 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

A primal ice para-elemental has the same ability to transform into a blizzard, but with more power than its lesser kin. The size of the blizzard is 60ft wide and 60ft tall.

Primal Magic (Sp)

This functions as the ability of the same name by other primal elementals, except that the primal ice para-elemental uses cold descriptor spells.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability functions as the monk ability of the same name.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Heat Death, Slayer of Fire (sample primal ice para-elemental)

Spoiler: ShowHide


Heat Death was created by Istishia and Akadi to serve the interests of Ice. He spent several eons studying within the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, learning many secrets at the final meeting point of Air and Water. Once he had learned enough, he was commanded to enter Cryonax's service. He has since then served Cryonax as an assassin, earning the name Heat Death for eliminating several powerful foes aligned with Fire. His constant successes have lead him to being the favored assassin of the Elemental Prince of Evil for Ice.

There is little else to Heat Death. He has no secrets, for he cares for nothing except Ice. He has a chill indifference to other creatures.

A few rituals involving cold and murder call on Heat Death as a name of power, but these are rare.


Heat Death appears as a titanic man, over 200 feet tall and made of opaque blue-green ice. His features are unfinished and indistinct, save for a mouth eternally locked in a frigid scowl. This expression does not change save for a look of all consuming hatred when in the presence of creatures of Fire and occasionally those of Earth. He is a rarity amid elementals, wearing blue, form fitting armor. This is not true armor, but instead the result of casting icedawn's armor with his primal magic ability.

Mortals that encounter Heat Death (and that do not quickly freeze to death) may mistake it for a juvenile xixecal. Heat Death has no relation to those abominations nor does he care to correct those that make this mistake. Elementals of air and water that meet Heat Death react with awe and caution while elementals of fire and earth react with loathing and fear. In the rare cases that an immortal creature encounters Heat Death, they are likely to make the same mistakes that mortals do.


Heat Death does not possess much of a personality beyond cold indifference. He is direct and unimaginative, preferring direct force whenever possible. He has no sense of subtlety, discretion or restraint. Creatures that are not a problem are ignored and those that are a problem are dealt with by an overwhelming assault. Nonetheless he obeys Cryonax as long as he orders him to destroy creatures of Fire.


Heat Death has no friends nor does he care for any. Lesser creatures are ignored or destroyed as the situation calls for. He has been successfully invoked and bargained with by a few powerful spellcasters to mutual profit. He consents to these deals as his price for serving is invariably for the caster to win a great victory over Fire.

Cryonax is tolerated by Heat Death. Heat Death cares nothing for him except when he strengthens the power of Ice. As long as that continues and he provides Heat Death with creatures of Fire to exterminate, he is willing to tolerate serving the Elemental Prince.

His relation to Auril is one of respect. He respects what Auril is and is able to comprehend her purpose. He has served her on a handful of occasions and has been rewarded well. In particular, she has taught him how to use the spells icedawn's armor and rain of desolation effectively, adding two potent tools to his primal magic ability. He has considered entering Auril's service, but Akadi's command to serve Cryonax is absolute.


Heat Death fights all opponents the same way. He does not change for the power of his enemies. He opens by charging the teeth of his enemies, preferably at a spellcaster or at least keeping them within his reach. He makes a single attack laden with combat expertise and uses rain of desolation. The purpose of this is to destroy the pesky enchantments that protect his opponents from the cold. From there he unloads full attacks with combat expertise and power attack as fitting coupled with more rain of desolations and powerful ice spells. He aims to eliminate spellcasters first, though spellcasting harrier and his reach can keep them locked down if he needs to focus on a melee threat instead.

Heat Death does not retreat. He fights to the death simply because he can comprehend nothing but his own victory, and by extension the victory of Ice.

Primal Elemental 40//Fighter 40

Size/Type: Colossal Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 40d10+360+40+80 (880 hp)
Initiative: +25
Speed: 60ft
Armor Class: 64 (-8 size, +17 dex, +28 natural, +1 dodge, +1 ws, +15 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +40/+59/88
Attack: Icicle+55 (8d6+27 plus 12d6 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+55/+50/+45/+40 (8d6+27 plus 12d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 30ft/30ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles, primal magic.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 25/-, spell resistance 50, immunity to cold, resistance to fire 50, darkvision 120ft, improved evasion, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +29, Will +17
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 44, Con 28, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 19 
Skills: Balance+60, Hide+60, Intimidate+47, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+45, Knowledge(Nature)+45, Listen+46, Move Silently+60, Spot+46
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(1), Combat Reflexes(F1), Power Attack(F2), Iron Will(3), Dodge(F4), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(6), Toughness(F6), Mobility(F8), Suppress Weakness(9), Spring Attack(F10), Overcome Weakness(12), Improved Initiative(F12), Weapon Focus(Icicle)(F14), Weapon Specialization(Icicle)(15), Melee Weapon Mastery(Piercing)(F16), Greater Weapon Focus(Icicle)(18), Greater Weapon Specialization(Icicle)(F18), Weapon Supremacy(Icicle)(F20), Combat Expertise(21), Improved Combat Expertise(24), Rapidstrike(33), Improved Rapidstrike(39)
Epic Feats: Improved Weapon Finesse(B), Epic Weapon Focus(Icicle)(F22), Epic Weapon Specialization(F24), Epic Toughness(F26), Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(27), Spellcasting Harrier(F28), Energy Resistance(Fire)(30), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F30), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F32), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F34), Improved Spell Resistance(36), Armor Skin(F36), Superior Initiative(F38), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F40)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
Spoiler: ShowHide

Chill Aura (Su)

160ft radius, 8d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 45 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

12d6 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

A primal ice para-elemental has the same ability to transform into a blizzard, but with more power than its lesser kin. The size of the blizzard is 60ft wide and 60ft tall.

Primal Magic (Sp)

This functions as the ability of the same name by other primal elementals, except that the primal ice para-elemental uses cold descriptor spells.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability functions as the monk ability of the same name.

Gear: [spoiler]

Heat Death does not bother with equipment. However, he uses his primal magic ability to cast Icedawn's Armor every 40 hours. This grants him a +15 armor bonus to armor class and immunity to fire.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?