
Game for the gaming god; co-op for the entertainment couch!

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Interested in playtesting?

Started by Brian, October 24, 2011, 01:58:19 PM

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He, there!  Are you interested in playtesting this game?  If so, great!

Testing (even playtesting, not QA) is pretty helpful to me.  At the same time, this game is a very long way away from completion, so if you sign up here, expect to wait a while (aiming to have this done before the end of the current year, FWIW).  Additionally, if you want to playtest, I'd like your impressions of the game without the bias of having seen it gone through development -- so if you want to be a playtester, that's cool, but don't peek at development notes/conversation too much. ;)

That's actually the main reason I have for mentioning this here -- so that if you want to playtest, you can post here and ignore the rest of the project until I pester you to tell me what you think. :D

If you're interested, drop a mention in this thread, and I'll prod you once I've got something playable!
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~