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24: Vampire Killer

Started by Sierra, December 03, 2011, 01:03:24 PM

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<El-Cideon> Outside the Princess's door, the stairs continue to wind upwards. Somewhere at the top waits Duke Tadeusz Varas. He need only be defeated to end Brislov's long waking nightmare!
* Corben proceeds further up! There is no other way but to continue towards the reason he came here!
<Corben> roll 2d8+2
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 2d8+2 and gets 10."12 [2d8=3, 5]
<Eliaphas> Such is all Eliaphas lives for, so consumed by vengeance is he as he grimly walks up the steps one at a time. No thought is given to what comes after, for it isn't something he's ever considered before. Nothing will really matter at that point anyway.
* Corben changes topic to 'Corben: 110/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98/102, Madeline: 84/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 9 | '
<Madeline> Fortified by the knowledge that Elswith is safe, Madeline marches onwards towards the stairs! "Eliaphas! Hand me your bolts. There's no reason for me to conserve any more magic," she declares, taking a moment to ensorcel another batch of her own arrows!
* Madeline changes topic to 'Corben: 110/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98/102, Madeline: 84/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 59 | '
<Eliaphas> Any help is useful upon the eve of his greatest battle, and Eliaphas hands over several clips of cold iron bolts, intending to load them once they've been enchanted.
<Madeline> It only takes a moment to enchant them as well, and Madeline is prepared to cast a couple more spells before they breach another door!
<Eliaphas> Loading up, Eliaphas resumes his journey!
<El-Cideon> Another circuit around the tower and the stairs reach a landing. The room might've been a dining room or meeting hall of some sort once--it's certainly big enough for it, the fifty-foot room occupying the whole of the floor, but what furniture there was is in pieces and shoved up into corners of the room. Across from you there is no wall--here the stairs pick up again and ascend into bare fog without visible support. A figure stands before these stairs: tall, armored in heavy mail polished to shining gleam, the Varas' double-headed dragon in black on the chest. A quiver of arrows peeks behind her shoulder; a longsword is gripped in one hand and a shield in the other. She's a homely creature despite the imposing outfit, with straggly black hair and an unbecoming pastiness to her complexion. Standing at her side are two women of unearthly beauty sharing the pallor of the undead, both dressed in white nightgowns. (more)
<El-Cideon> The armored figure's sword flares with searing fire; she raises it and directs it at the party. "Give me your names, mortals, so I know who it is I will grind beneath my boots."
<Madeline> "We have slain too many in this castle already to be impressed by your threats," retorts Madeline.
<El-Cideon> "I make no threats," she counters. "Only promises."
<Corben> "Lady Stanja?" Corben asks, if only to confirm her own name prior to any grinding.
<Eliaphas> Eliaphas never won any beauty contests either. "Stand aside, Lady Stanja. Teodora wishes to go home," he puts the minimum effort into following the captive's request.
<El-Cideon> "I have the honor of being His Grace's daughter," she confirms with a nod for Corben.
<Corben> A dubious honor, no doubt. "Corben," he returns with a nod of his own, waiting for Madeline to unleash the Lady's sorcerous pet.
<El-Cideon> She narrows her eyes on Eliaphas. "You've spoken to her?" There's some heat in her voice as she continues. "You left her unharmed in your mad slaughter through the castle?"
<Madeline> "There is no reason for us to harm those who won't fight," replies Madeline, releasing Marcy from the pouch on her side. "All those here who love you would not want bloodshed here."
<Eliaphas> "She is a victim and offered us no threat, merely a plea to carry a message which I have now done," the aged inquisitor replies gravely, hand tight on the crossbow at his side.
<El-Cideon> She turns back to Madeline, and whatever she's about to say catches in her throat. The sword's light goes out and falls from her hand with a clatter. Her mouth works silently for a moment as she points dumbly at the doll, eventually managing a strangled, "How? Where?"
<Madeline> "We found her beneath the castle, where the worms were nesting."
<El-Cideon> "The--the sewers? For so long?" Oh Marcy, I'm sorry, I should've looked harder--" She drops to her knees, hands over her face in apparent shame. The little doll marches up and points one stuffed arm at her: "Hey! You need to listen to these people! I don't want you getting killed, and there's this woman downstairs who's in love with you or something or I don't know, it's weird, but she doesn't want you getting killed either!" It's hard not to detect a chiding tone in Marcy's voice. "I was gone for like two hundred years and I come back and you're still up here playing soldiers and I don't know what else, why are these women following you around in their underwear? You need to grow up already!"
<Madeline> Is playing with dolls any more adult, Madeline wonders. "It would be best if you took Teodora and prepared to leave," she voices.
<El-Cideon> Stanja grabs the doll and pulls her into a smothering hug as soon as she's within arm's reach. "Okay, okay!" Marcy protests. "Don't break me or anything, I just got fixed!"
<El-Cideon> After a long, sobbing silence, Stanja addresses you again. She doesn't seem able to look anyone in the eye this time. "Go on," she concedes. "He's upstairs. If I couldn't talk him into saving himself, there's nothing more I can do. He doesn't listen. He never listens."
* Corben proceeds silently. If this is a trap, who better than he to trigger it?
<Eliaphas> "Go far from this place and forget about it," Eliaphas advises as he follows behind Corben.
<El-Cideon> Stanja's attendants each step to one side of the stairway. They watch Corben pass with an obvious hungriness to their gaze, but they take no action as the party moves on.
<Madeline> Madeline walks by silently, but not before chugging a potion of hopefulness that will be sorely needed for their final battle!
<El-Cideon> Maxwell blinks into existence behind the party once Stanja's out of sight, apparently having lagged behind again to try and avoid the vampiress's notice during the confrontation. The stairs meander up...and down, and sideways, and you could swear upside down. "The Duke performed some unwise experiments here back in the early days, I gather," Maxwell says. "They went poorly." (more)
<El-Cideon> Soon enough, the stairs end up in a musty bedroom, sparsely finished with little in the way of decoration save for a wardrobe and a bookshelf. A woman is waiting here, dressed in scholarly robes much like Maxwell. Middle-aged but well-preserved, black hair streaked with violently-clashing lines of white bundled up into a bun. She nods with recognition on Maxwell's arrival. "He's upstairs," she says, "as always."
<El-Cideon> Maxwell nods to a stairwell in the corner of the room. "The roof," he says for everyone else's benefit. "If you've any last-minute preparations, now is the time."
* Corben coats his falchion with silversheen, but otherwise, what is there to do but be ready to take the Duke down?
* Eliaphas is ready now to end things and wordlessly continues.
<Madeline> The only thing Madeline has left for them is a spell of speed, and with that cast, there's nothing to do but jog onwards.
<El-Cideon> Maxwell and the Duchess--Ionela, you're told--also pause to cast a spell each. Maxwell offers an enchantment to boost Corben's strength if he's willing, while Ionela spreads a warding against cold around the party. Finally, as you set out for the last time, Maxwell suggests, "Scatter the moment we reach the roof. Most of His Grace's wits have long since fled him, but he remains a potent spellcaster. We don't want to give him chance to catch two of us in the same spell."
<Eliaphas> "I will cast a ward of silence on one of my bolts," Eliaphas offers. "Don't try to cast spells near me until I've fired at him." Then he uses his very last spell for that purpose.
<El-Cideon> Maxwell's spell is diverted to Madeline on learning Corben is already appropriately enhanced, however!
<El-Cideon> The tower roof is an island amidst drifting clouds of fog. You emerge at the corner of a fifty-foot expanse of black stone ringed by a low parapet. There is a sky here, of sorts, a midnight void above you without star or moon. A great stone chair sits at the center of the roof, and upon it sits a grim specter of a man: withered and dessicated from all appearance, but still of imposing height and frame. Bearlike features, a mighty beard of iron gray, and eyes the blue of a deep ocean abyss grant an unwelcoming aspect to the heroes and their apparent allies. Strange stone vines seem to bind him to the chair, though they snake away and release him upon your arrival. He stands, speaks in a voice dry as the grave. "The work is not finished. I will not allow interruptions. If you seek my ire in coming here, you have found it." He raises a finger towards Maxwell. "And YOU, wizard, betrayer, can rot in the abyss."
<El-Cideon> Maxwell, of course, wastes no time drifting into the air to separate himself from the party. A disdainful shrug is the only response he has for the Duke.
<El-Cideon> OOC: responses + init, I assume no one plan's on holding a conversation here.
<Madeline> Madeline steps to the left from the group, aiming to circle around her target. "Duke Varas, your raids are at an end," she snarls. "Too long has Brislov tolerated your depredations. Today they will end."
<Corben> "Today, your reign of fear ends!" Corben roars, rushing at the Duke with his falchion held high!
<Corben> roll 1d20+12
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+12 and gets 22."12 [1d20=10]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+9 Duke Varas
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+9 Duke Varas and gets 24."12 [1d20=15]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+8 Maxwell
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+8 Maxwell and gets 11."12 [1d20=3]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+8 Ionela
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+8 Ionela and gets 11."12 [1d20=3]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+9 why doesn't haste boost init?
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+9 why doesn't haste boost init? and gets 26."12 [1d20=17]
* Retrieving #mistvalken modes...
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Corben: 110/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98/102, Madeline: 84/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 59 |  Madeline > Duke Varas > Corben > Maxwell = Ionela'
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+9 init
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+9 init and gets 28."12 [1d20=19]
* El-Cideon changes topic to 'Corben: 110/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98/102, Madeline: 84/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 59 |  Eliaphas > Madeline > Duke Varas > Corben > Maxwell = Ionela'
* Eliaphas silently moves away from the others since his silence spell prevents discourse.
<El-Cideon> OOC: E and M, open up
<Eliaphas> With purity and justice passing judgement upon the vile Duke, Eliaphas fires a single bolt as he continues circling around to the far right, coming within 30 feet of the Duke.
<Eliaphas> OOC: justice and purity judgements, +3 attack/saves
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+21 silence attack!
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+21 silence attack! and gets 33."12 [1d20=12]
<El-Cideon> OOC: hits
<Eliaphas> roll 1d10+4+2d6+1d6 fire electricity
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d10+4+2d6+1d6 fire electricity and gets 28."12 [1d10=10][2d6=3, 6][1d6=5]
* Rudy ( has joined #mistvalken
<Rudy> Madeline moves about herself in the opposite direction to Eliaphas, firing another energy-charged bolt towards the hated Duke!
<El-Cideon> The bolt lodges in the Duke's shoulder, spreading a cloud of magical silence around him and obscuring whatever vile curses he has in response!
* Madeline ( Quit (Ping timeout)
<Rudy> roll 1d20+26
* Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+26 and gets 42."12 [1d20=16]
* Rudy is now known as Madeline
<El-Cideon> OOC: hit
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 38."12 [1d8=2][2d6=5, 3][1d6=6][1d6=4]
<El-Cideon> This arrow embeds itself firmly in the Duke's chest. Snarling in frustration, he yanks Eliaphas's enchanted bolt from him and tosses it over the side of the tower before focusing his gaze on those still loitering near the stairway. He points a finger in that direction and unleashes a barrage of coruscating colors!
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8 prismatica spray! vs C
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d8 prismatica spray! vs C and gets 3."12 [1d8=3]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8 prismatica spray! vs Maxwell
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d8 prismatica spray! vs Maxwell and gets 2."12 [1d8=2]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d8 prismatica spray! vs Ionela
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d8 prismatica spray! vs Ionela and gets 4."12 [1d8=4]
<El-Cideon> OOC: ref for Corben
<Corben> roll 1d20+16 hero!
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+16 hero! and gets 36."12 [1d20=20]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13+1 Maxwell
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+13+1 Maxwell and gets 29."12 [1d20=15]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+10 fort for Ionela
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+10 fort for Ionela and gets 27."12 [1d20=17]
<El-Cideon> OOC: 40 elec damage to Corben, 20 acid damage to Maxwell, Ionela made the poison save. Nice rolls.
* Corben changes topic to 'Corben: 70/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98/102, Madeline: 84/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 59 |  Eliaphas > Madeline > Duke Varas > Corben > Maxwell = Ionela'
<El-Cideon> Electricity crackles over the barbarian and acid sears the floating wizard, but all remain steadfast in their pursuit of divine justice!
<El-Cideon> OOC: C
<Corben> "Look upon your villainy and regret!" Corben calls, charging the Duke down with a fury unmatched!
<Corben> roll 1d20+24+1+2+4-5 (surprise accuracy, charge, haste, 5pa, RAGE)
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+24+1+2+4-5 (surprise accuracy, charge, haste, 5pa, RAGE) and gets 32."12 [1d20=6]
<El-Cideon> OOC: hits
<Corben> roll 1d20+24+1+4-5 (surprise accuracy, reckless abandon, haste, 5pa, RAGE, hero point!)
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+24+1+4-5 (surprise accuracy, reckless abandon, haste, 5pa, RAGE, hero point!) and gets 29."12 [1d20=5]
<El-Cideon> OOC: does not hit
<Corben> roll 2d4+16+10 magic and silver
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 2d4+16+10 magic and silver and gets 29."12 [2d4=2, 1]
<El-Cideon> Dust and dry, dead skin are sheared away as Corben lays into the undead lord! Maxwell floats above the roof, well away from anyone else, while Ionela remains near the stairs. "I suppose I'll have to aim carefully," Maxwell notes with distaste regarding Corben's close proximity to the Duke. A fireball is carefully aimed behind the Duke to exclude Corben from the blast! Ionela similarly tries to aim a bolt of electricity around the barbarian.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17 ref for Fireball
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+17 ref for Fireball and gets 28."12 [1d20=11]
<El-Cideon> roll 10d6 halved
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 10d6 halved and gets 33."12 [10d6=4, 1, 5, 6, 1, 5, 5, 2, 1, 3]
<Corben> roll 1d6+1d6 helm+fire, too!
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d6+1d6 helm+fire, too! and gets 6."12 [1d6=1][1d6=5]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17 ref for lightning
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+17 ref for lightning and gets 18."12 [1d20=1]
<El-Cideon> roll 10d6 not halved
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 10d6 not halved and gets 28."12 [10d6=4, 6, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2]
<El-Cideon> Arcane energies sear the Duke, but he maintains his glowering presence on the battlefield!
<El-Cideon> OOC: E and M
<Madeline> A punishing volley of energy is soon to pierce the Duke from both sides! Fortified by all sorts of magic, Madeline strikes!
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 27."12 [1d20=3]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 37."12 [1d20=13]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 39."12 [1d20=15]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+19
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+19 and gets 28."12 [1d20=9]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+14
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+14 and gets 23."12 [1d20=9]
<El-Cideon> As arrows home in on the Duke, a shimmering arcane shield erupts in midair around him, diverting all but one arrow before they strike home!
<El-Cideon> OOC: bastardry is afoot, one hit
<Madeline> OOC: which one?
<El-Cideon> OOC: 39
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 41."12 [1d8=2][2d6=5, 6][1d6=5][1d6=5]
<El-Cideon> OOC: E is up
<Eliaphas> Burning with fervent faith and resolve to end this undying blasphemer's existence, Eliaphas feels the touch of Norusk upon his shoulder! Blessings of the divine come flowing into him, bolstering his physical abilities to match his faith!
<Eliaphas> OOC: hero point to recall Divine Power spell
<El-Cideon> OOC: okay!
* Eliaphas changes topic to 'Corben: 70/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98+12/102, Madeline: 84/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 59 |  Eliaphas > Madeline > Duke Varas > Corben > Maxwell = Ionela'
<El-Cideon> The Duke takes a step away from Corben and glowers menacingly in his direction. "You dare assault me here, in my home? This is my realm, and all within it bow to me!"
<El-Cideon> OOC: will Corben, Ionela gets caught in this too
<Corben> As the Duke foolishly steps away, Corben's blade follows him!
<Corben> roll 1d20+24+1-5 unexpected strike
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+24+1-5 unexpected strike and gets 24."12 [1d20=4]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13 Ionela
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+13 Ionela and gets 23."12 [1d20=10]
<El-Cideon> OOC: and miss
<Corben> roll 1d20+8 will
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+8 will and gets 19."12 [1d20=11]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13 you know what, she's hero pointing that
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+13 you know what, she's hero pointing that and gets 26."12 [1d20=13]
<El-Cideon> Corben feels his will bent, twisted--he realizes the creature before him IS the lord of this realm and deserves appropriate obeisance! As if molded by hands of iron, the barbarian bends the knee and prostrates himself before his enemy! Ionela wobbles in place, shakes her head for a moment and seems to recover.
<El-Cideon> OOC: Corben is presently helpless. Can attempt a new save on your turn.
<Corben> roll 1d20+16 new save
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+16 new save and gets 19."12 [1d20=3]
<El-Cideon> OOC: failed :(
<El-Cideon> The wizards again aim their arcane energies at the Duke, bolts of burning cold and electricity arcing towards him.
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17 ref for lightning
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+17 ref for lightning and gets 26."12 [1d20=9]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+17 ref for cold
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+17 ref for cold and gets 20."12 [1d20=3]
<El-Cideon> roll 10d6 halved elec
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 10d6 halved elec and gets 33."12 [10d6=1, 6, 5, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 6, 2]
<Corben> roll 1d6 die to my helm
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d6 die to my helm and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<El-Cideon> roll 12d6 not halved cold
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 12d6 not halved cold and gets 40."12 [12d6=6, 6, 1, 6, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3]
<El-Cideon> OOC: M is up
<El-Cideon> OOC er, E is up!
<El-Cideon> OOC: then M
<Eliaphas> Burning up with zeal, Eliaphas fires a quartet of baneful bolts at the Duke, emptying his clip! "Repent before the Lord!" he cries, caught up in religious fervour!
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+29
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+29 and gets 43."12 [1d20=14]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+29
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+29 and gets 49."12 [1d20=20]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+24
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+24 and gets 41."12 [1d20=17]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+29 crit check
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+29 crit check and gets 33."12 [1d20=4]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+24 crit check
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+24 crit check and gets 37."12 [1d20=13]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d20+29 hero point
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d20+29 hero point and gets 32."12 [1d20=3]
<Eliaphas> OOC: all undead bane
<El-Cideon> OOC: first three are hits
<Eliaphas> roll 1d10+15+2d6+1d6+4d6 fire/elec/bane
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d10+15+2d6+1d6+4d6 fire/elec/bane and gets 41."12 [1d10=4][2d6=4, 3][1d6=6][4d6=1, 2, 5, 1]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d10+15+2d6+1d6+4d6 fire/elec/bane
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d10+15+2d6+1d6+4d6 fire/elec/bane and gets 41."12 [1d10=9][2d6=1, 4][1d6=3][4d6=1, 1, 3, 4]
<Eliaphas> roll 1d10+15+2d6+1d6+4d6 fire/elec/bane
* Hatbot --> "Eliaphas rolls 1d10+15+2d6+1d6+4d6 fire/elec/bane and gets 39."12 [1d10=1][2d6=4, 2][1d6=5][4d6=3, 2, 1, 6]
<El-Cideon> The Duke drops to his knees from this barrage of bolts, struggling to his feet just a second later with a willful grunt of, "Not yet...not yet!" Around him, the stone of the castle roof shifts of its own accord, wrapping around the Duke, raising him up and enveloping him, until a hulking demonic form of jagged rock and mortar stands in his place!
<El-Cideon> OOC: M is up
<Madeline> There aren't too many ways to defeat such a monster; can Madeline's arrows even have the power to puncture that demonic form? She won't know until she tries-!
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 25."12 [1d20=1]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 39."12 [1d20=15]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 35."12 [1d20=11]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+19
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+19 and gets 27."12 [1d20=8]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+14
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+14 and gets 34."12 [1d20=20]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+14 ???
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+14 ??? and gets 15."12 [1d20=1]
<El-Cideon> OOC: four hits
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 44."12 [1d8=8][2d6=5, 1][1d6=6][1d6=6]
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 37."12 [1d8=5][2d6=6, 3][1d6=2][1d6=3]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 34."12 [1d8=2][2d6=5, 1][1d6=3][1d6=5]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 38."12 [1d8=4][2d6=5, 5][1d6=1][1d6=5]
<El-Cideon> Madeline's arrows do seem able to puncture the stone shell, as a grunt of dismay from the great monstrosity indicates. The Duke, in his menacing new form, raises one hand towards the floating wizard to fling a bolt of crackling electricity his way, before swiftly turning and sending a gush of acid towards Madeline!
<El-Cideon> OOC: ref, M
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13+1 ref for Maxwell
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+13+1 ref for Maxwell and gets 20."12 [1d20=6]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+13+1 ref for Maxwell hero point!
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+13+1 ref for Maxwell hero point! and gets 22."12 [1d20=8]
<El-Cideon> roll 20d6 elec, ow
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 20d6 elec, ow and gets 75."12 [20d6=3, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 1, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 2, 5]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+21 hero!
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+21 hero! and gets 32."12 [1d20=11]
<El-Cideon> roll 15d6 acid, halve this
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 15d6 acid, halve this and gets 48."12 [15d6=2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 5, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2]
<El-Cideon> The bolt of lightning sears the flying wizard so terribly that he has trouble maintaining altitude as he screams! Madeline avoids the worst of the acid, however.
<El-Cideon> OOC: C, make your save
<Corben> roll 1d20+8
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d20+8 and gets 20."12 [1d20=12]
<Corben> roll 1d6 die some more to my helm
* Hatbot --> "Corben rolls 1d6 die some more to my helm and gets 5."12 [1d6=5]
* Madeline changes topic to 'Corben: 70/137 (-4/+2wis), Eliaphas: 98+12/102, Madeline: 60/96(-1wis)| Flame Arrows: 59 |  Eliaphas > Madeline > Duke Varas > Corben > Maxwell = Ionela'
<El-Cideon> Corben remains frozen in place, paying homage to his new lord and master while the battle rages around him! The wizards continue pelting the great monster with spells, fire and acid spewed with abandon!
<El-Cideon> roll 4#1d20+12+1 ranged touch attacks
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 4#1d20+12+1 ranged touch attacks and gets 68."12 [4#1d20+12+1 = 14, 21, 15, 18]
<El-Cideon> roll 4#4d6 fire, he kind of has no touch Ac in this form,
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 4#4d6 fire, he kind of has no touch Ac in this form, and gets 55."12 [4#4d6 = 13, 9, 16, 17]
<El-Cideon> roll 1d20+8 or ref saves!
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 1d20+8 or ref saves! and gets 25."12 [1d20=17]
<El-Cideon> roll 12d6 made it anyway
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 12d6 made it anyway and gets 40."12 [12d6=1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4, 4, 3, 6, 2, 6, 4]
<El-Cideon> roll 3#4d6 fire amended because there was a 1 in there
* Hatbot --> "El-Cideon rolls 3#4d6 fire amended because there was a 1 in there and gets 46."12 [3#4d6 = 16, 18, 12]
<El-Cideon> Greats chunks of masonry topple away as unearthly forces savage the Duke's shell, the monstrous demonic form struggling to remain standing now!
<El-Cideon> OOC: E
<Eliaphas> Ejecting his spent clip, Eliaphas tosses it aside with no thought given to saving it for later, and snatches a fresh clip off his bandolier to ratchet into place on his holy crossbow for another fusillade!
<Eliaphas> OOC: done
<El-Cideon> OOC: M!
<Madeline> More arrows pepper the Duke's monstrous form, an infinity of arrows that will continue until he falls!
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
<Madeline> roll 1d20+24
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 42."12 [1d20=18]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 28."12 [1d20=4]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+24 and gets 32."12 [1d20=8]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+19
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+19 and gets 22."12 [1d20=3]
<Madeline> roll 1d20+14
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d20+14 and gets 20."12 [1d20=6]
<El-Cideon> OOC: first three hit
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 37."12 [1d8=8][2d6=1, 2][1d6=5][1d6=3]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 39."12 [1d8=8][2d6=3, 3][1d6=2][1d6=5]
<Madeline> roll 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 35."12 [1d8=8][2d6=3, 4][1d6=1][1d6=1]
* Hatbot --> "Madeline rolls 1d8+18+2d6+1d6+1d6 and gets 35."12 [1d8=8][2d6=1, 5][1d6=1][1d6=2]
<El-Cideon> Madeline cannily aims for the broken gaps in the shell, her arrows penetrating keenly and drawing a last cry of despair from the Duke before the great stone terror falls to pieces on the ground! The Duke slumps over, mumbles what sounds like a woman's name, and disintegrates to dust on the breeze.