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008: Diamond Interlude

Started by Yuthirin, August 06, 2012, 11:48:04 PM

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[16:06] <@Kotono> Fiora sits next to the small, guttering, nearly heatless fire. A small thing, all that can dared be allowed for stealth. Before her is the box retreived from the night hag's domain, within it the clear diamond...OOC: Go ahead. If anyone else wants in feel free to add yourselves in, then.
06[16:07] * Fiora fishes the diamond out of the box, peering into it to see if she can see the source of the voice she heard earlier, "Ah, hello?"
03[16:08] * Yuthirin is now known as Hamish
06[16:08] * Iris sits across from the fire, flipping through books, refreshing spells, and generally being uncommunicative.
06[16:09] * Hamish looks up for a moment before turning back to the fire, staring into it and looking contemplative.
[16:09] <@Kotono> Pulses of light radiate around Fiora, springing from her first to send strobing illumination about the cave. "Still you reside in this dark realm," The voice of the spirit within says, "This must not be."
[16:09] <Iris> "We endeavor for it not to be," Iris mutters without even looking up.
06[16:10] * Hamish raises an eyebrow. "It's not as if we like it here."
[16:10] <Fiora> "Well," Fiora offers a sad smile to the gem, "we're trying to find a way out. So far the only guidance we have on how to directions from the hag who owned the hut we found you in. Not the most trustworthy of sources."
[16:11] <@Kotono> "Does it? I see only the cold logic of steel in your future, woman," The voice replies amid the strobing lights, "You must escape. What directions did she give you?"
[16:11] <Fiora> "I was actually hoping that...well, you might have some knowledge of this place? Unlikely as that is, I suppose." Fiora asks, then half laughs at herself, "Ah, apologies, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Fiora Gauss, of the Knights of Libra. Don't worry if you haven't heard of us, I'd be surprised if you did."
[16:12] <Fiora> "Ah.." Fiora tries to remember, then looks to Iris, "Iris, do you remember?"
[16:13] <Fiora> "Something about a Grey Monument, I think?"
[16:13] <Iris> "I could name worse guides for one's life," Iris feels obliged to point out in self-defense before answering Fiora's question: "The Gray Monument, yes. Across the Styx. The name does not fill me with confidence."
01[16:14] <Hamish> "How can you tell it apart from everything else here? Everything feels grey." Hamish grumbles.
[16:14] <Fiora> "Right." Fiora makes a displeased face, "Crossing the styx without having to make a bargain with daemons is the first problem."
[16:14] <@Kotono> "I have learned some of this realm, listening when others thought me aslumber." After a pause, "The Gray Monument. The Pale Monument. You must sign with blood," The spirit's voice is grave. "It can lead you from this realm, but at a terrible price. It is said that temporary freedom is purchased with eternal damnation."
[16:15] <Fiora> "Of course." Fiora sighs, "The price for anything here is eternal damnnation it seems."
[16:15] <Iris> "I cannot express much surprise," Iris admits.
01[16:16] <Hamish> "Hyeah," Hamish scoffs, spitting off to the side.
[16:16] <Fiora> "I'm glad I can create food, humble though it is," Fiora tries to joke, "otherwise the price for a bloody meal here would likely be an arm and a soul."
[16:17] <@Kotono> "There is another way," The spirit speaks, "A path to the realm of Acheron, used by the demons and devils to further the Blood War and controlled by the yugoloths."
01[16:18] <Hamish> "That sounds better than selling your soul, at least."
[16:18] <Fiora> "Acheron..." Fiora looks to Iris, "what do you know of that place? Would it be easier to get somewhere freindly from there, if our sleeping knight doesn't know another way?"
[16:18] <Iris> roll 1d20+13-2 can't wait to get to a plane where I'm less stupid
06[16:18] * Hatbot --> "Iris rolls 1d20+13-2 can't wait to get to a plane where I'm less stupid and gets 13."12 [1d20=2]
[16:19] <Iris> "I am afraid I know nothing of consequence," Iris says.
[16:19] <Fiora> (OOC: Fiora takes 10 for 15)
[16:22] <Fiora> "Hmm," Fiora shakes her head, "that's sorry to hear. All I know of the place is that it's a plane of endless war. And composed of...cubes, however that is supposed to work. Though maybe we could find something more pleasant from there."
02[16:23] * @Ebiris ( Quit (Quit: bedtime)
[16:23] <@Kotono> "Endless flying cubes and no ground, large as continents," The diamond speaks, "From there, your friend can be cured of the Grays and portals to better realms can be found."
[16:24] <Iris> "An unpleasant path wherein we retain our souls is more attractive than our present course," Iris concludes. "Especially since someone may expect us to head for the Gray Monument." Addressing the gem: "Might you know how far we are from this path?"
[16:25] <@Kotono> "Two to three day's travel, depending on your fortune," The diamond says. "There will be time to save your friend if we hurry."
[16:26] <Iris> "Considering that you are the first guide we have met not to request our souls or attempt to murder us, I believe I shall take your advice," Iris says. "Assuming that the rest of the group proves amenable."
[16:27] <Fiora> "Once we're back on our feet, we can make good time I think. This sounds like our best bet. Now ah," she looks back to the gem, "I did hear your request for release. Would it be safe to release you in Acheron, or should we wait for a plane that isn't inclined to evil at all?"
[16:29] <@Kotono> "Acheron will be safe. The magic that binds me here is tied to this realm. Leave it and I shall be free," It says, "You will be rewarded for your selfless bravery."
[16:30] <Fiora> Fiora smiles, "Well, I won't refuse you, but it's hardly selfless or bravery. Just helping someone in need, in a place that could use more of that."
06[16:31] * Hamish nods. "I can't think of anybody that deserves to be here."
02[16:32] * C2 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:32] <@Kotono> "Then rest and hurry, unless you have anything else to ask of me," The diamond says.
[16:33] <Iris> "I do," Iris says. "How is it that you came to be in this state?"
02[16:33] * @Jaela ( Quit (Ping timeout)
06[16:36] * Fiora has nothing else, so shifts so she's facing Iris while holding the gem.
[16:38] <@Kotono> "I came to this realm to save the soul of my mortal lover, slain and soul-stolen by a Blood of Sargonnas. Her soul gem ended in the possession of a powerful fiend I was unable to defeat. It would not give up her soul without a greater prize." The entire gem glows white a few moments, "In time the fiend was slain by another, and the slayer by another and another."
03[16:39] * Jaela ( has joined #dunes
03[16:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jaela
[16:39] <Iris> "You exchanged yourself for her?" Iris assumes.
03[16:39] * C2 ( has joined #dunes
[16:41] <@Kotono> "Yes. Only in the past decade did I come to reside within this box and that wall,."
01[16:41] <Hamish> "What happened to her soul, then?"
[16:41] <Iris> "I would be surprised for a fiend to uphold their end of such a bargain," Iris echoes Hamish's question.
[16:44] <@Kotono> "She was free to pass on. She was freed first; the fiend knew I would not lie," The diamond replies. "Her prison became my prison."
[16:45] <Iris> "How long has it been?" Iris continues to inquire seemingly from academic curiosity.
[16:46] <@Kotono> "Approximately three thousand, six hundred and eighty seven years."
01[16:47] <Hamish> "...lawd."
[16:47] <Iris> There is nothing Iris can say to that.
[16:48] <Fiora> "A sacrifice for love...I hope she awaits you in Elysium even after so long." Fiora was smiling, even as sad as this was. A love story like this cut through the gloom of Hades for her.
[16:49] <@Kotono> "I know she does." Is all the reply Fiora gets.
03[16:49] * Zeph (~Zephylin@ has joined #dunes
[16:51] <Fiora> "Then give her my best when you reach her." Fiora's smile grows larger, before she sets the gem down, "Well...if we want to make this in two days, we will need our rest."
06[16:52] * Hamish heads for bed. "We should git some rest."
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?