
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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83: Through the valley I walk

Started by Ebiris, September 08, 2012, 12:02:11 PM

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[12:46] <@Ebiris> Night falls as the party makes camp and rests themselves from their exertions and troubles, all the while bringing closer by another day the moment this land will be upended by a celestial visitor. Thankfully nothing arrives to interfere with their resting, and it's a chilly dawn that greets the next day, just a few miles left to reach the so-called Tainted Valley...
[12:47] <@Rudy> "Time to go face the evils of man-eating flora," says Rudy, stretching as he picks himself up. "I'll never look at florists the same way after this, I'm sure."
[12:48] <@Lucie> "Pretty sure they don't seel this kind back in the city," Lucie says. "You know, once I saw someone with this plant had a set of jaws would grab onto bugs. Think that's what we look out for, but life-sized?"
[12:48] <@Lucie> *sell
[12:48] <@Rudy> "They don't actually sound that bad," muses Rudy. "I mean, they're plants, right? Stuck to the ground?"
[12:49] <@Henrietta> "Remember those plants that animated corpses to attack us?"
[12:50] <@Lucie> "I try not to."
[12:50] <@Rudy> "I also. That. The forgetting."
[12:51] <@Henrietta> "I am quite certain we will get a healthy reminder!"
[12:51] <@Lucie> "Well, let's go make you some new terrible memories," Lucie says, summoning up her mystical armor before they set out.
[12:51] <@Ebiris> "At least plants burn well," Liamae says with a firm nod.
[12:51] <@Rudy> Rudy takes a moment to call Myra back into being before they set out.
[12:54] <@Henrietta> Mage Armor and False Life to last her through the day. That sums up Henrietta's own preparations.
[12:55] <@Ebiris> Liamae also has her own mage armour. It's at least an uneventful trip before the valley at last comes into view. With two ascending ridges rising up on either side around a furrow in the earth sinking down ahead. Towards the 'entrance' to the valley is a small copse of trees, not quite as thick as the ones Illie surrounds herself with but noticable all the same, particularly for having a few spiny evergreens in it.
[12:56] * @Lucie starts to eye all the foliage suspiciously. Any plant moves or looks indecently predatory, she's giving it a wide berth!
[12:58] <@Rudy> Myra leads the way! Ready to die again for the sake of everyone else's safety!
[12:59] <@Ebiris> OOC: heading straight in through the trees?
[13:00] <@Lucie> OOC: I'll be going all EYES on everything, but otherwise I guess so
[13:00] <@Ebiris> OOC: make a spot check, then?
[13:01] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+16
[13:01] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+16 and gets 28." [1d20=12]
[13:04] <@Ebiris> None of the plants seem to be moving in any way other than the swaying of their branches in the winds, but Lucie does find one peculiar specimen ahead, placed in the middle of the first row of trees, this tall pine tree seems to have a design in its bark facing out similar to a face... whether carved or a natural formation it's hard to tell, but it definitely calls to mind a face with two big eyes above an even bigger jaggy mouth.
[13:05] * @Lucie points this out for her friends. "Let's...let's not go near that one, huh?" she suggests.
[13:06] <@Ebiris> "I'm okay with that," Liamae agrees, veering off to the right.
[13:07] <@Rudy> Rudy follows suit! Although it's tempting to have Myra go over to say hello...
[13:07] * @Henrietta shadows Liamae with a wary look at the teeth on that bark.
[13:15] <@Ebiris> Maneuvering around that ominous looking tree, the party hug the right-hand side of the woods to make their way through, finding it to only be a thin screen of trees just a few deep before they emerge on the other side and into the valley proper. And are confronted with fecund growth blooming wildly in spite of the season, the floor and sides of the valley liberally covered in bushes, ferns, flowers, and moss. The colours blue, purple, and white dominate this untamed growth, stretching as high as Rudy's waist at the minium from what he can see springing up immediately past the trees. The tallest thing in the valley seems to be a solitary tree, seen far off in the middle of the valley and looking profuse with white bulbs and blossoms even at a distance. Most curious of all is the warmth, however; no wind seems to penetrate the valley, and heat rises up from the very ground at an almost balmy temperature.
[13:18] * @Lucie points to the prominent tree. "Guess that's our destination," she assumes. "You know, it's not bad here, just from looking in? Little piece of summer hiding away."
[13:18] <@Rudy> It's terribly beautiful. Rudy finds himself wishing an artist was about to immortalize it, for he can't deny that such a place pulls gamely at his heartstrings. "Yeah. It's be nice to be able to just take a walk here every now and then," he admits.
[13:19] <@Henrietta> "This just means that all the horrible plants are hiding from us, ready to strike," Henrietta says with the usual fatalism she reserves for excursions out into nature.
[13:21] <@Ebiris> "Well, yeah," Liamae agrees, "Everything in here is at least poisonous and at most carniverous. At least I'm safe from one of those things," she smiles gamely before stepping into the tall grass, slow going as she enters the tainted valley proper.
[13:22] <@Rudy> "This isn't right. Why're we the ones admiring the beauty of nature, and they're the ones complaining about it?" whispers Rudy, leaning into Lucie.
[13:23] <@Henrietta> "I, well, I am reasonably safe?" Henrietta muses. "I could trim the grass a bit, I suppose. Should I?"
[13:23] * @Lucie heads into the valley, again keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. She won't know anything poisonous on sight, but inappropriate mobility should stand out at least! "Got me," Lucie mutters back. "Tell the truth, I'm just glad I'm not freezing my tits off anymore."
[13:23] <@Rudy> "And here I thought you were being sentimental."
[13:24] * @Lucie just laughs at that. And, to Henri: "I dunno. You want cut our way through, we might be out here for days."
[13:27] <@Henrietta> "I did almost die many times in these parts," Henrietta murmurs sadly. "The last time merely yesterday. I suppose risking my life today is no different." She decides to stick close to Lucie, this time around.
[13:29] <@Ebiris> Thus the group starts trudging into the valley. The grass is sharp and somewhat painful to touch, but can't penetrate clothing so for the most part it's a minor hindrence. However the myriad ferns and flowers growing up amidst the tall greenish-blue carpet are prevalent and hard to avoid, some degree of contact unavoidable as the group moves...
[13:29] <@Ebiris> OOC: fort saves, poison
[13:30] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+5 rudy
[13:30] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+5 rudy and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[13:30] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7+4
[13:30] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7+4 and gets 31." [1d20=20]
[13:30] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+7 myra
[13:30] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+7 myra and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[13:30] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+8
[13:30] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+8 and gets 12." [1d20=4]
[13:32] <@Ebiris> However no one seems bothered by any of the plants yet, even if just a few feet in. All except for Lucie, unfortunately, who seems to have an allergic reaction to something in the air here that leaves her nose running and her throat raw, skin breaking out into red-white dimples where it's exposed.
[13:32] <@Ebiris> OOC: Lucie is sickened
[13:34] * @Lucie sneezes violently, wipes a sleeve across itchy, irritated eyes. "I take it back. Henri, you want to cut this place down, that's just fine by me. Maybe just burn it."
[13:35] * @Henrietta turns towards Lucie. "Is it too warm for you? I could give you something cold, umm, with magic? Wait, no, you are sneezing... maybe it is not warm enough?"
[13:35] <@Lucie> "Plenty warm already. It's just too..." Lucie searches for the proper word. "Planty."
[13:35] <@Rudy> Rudy fumbles for a handkerchief, which he decides to use as a mask for the rest of the trip here.
[13:39] <@Henrietta> "There really are good plants! Like-- like Illie's! And maybe I can summon some myself one day!"
[13:40] <@Lucie> "Summon up and antidote for whatever's crawling down my throat right now, or I don't much care," Lucie complains.
[13:42] <@Henrietta> "I, well...." Henrietta trails off, deciding to stay near Rudy instead.
[13:43] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[13:43] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[13:43] <@Ebiris> "Pity we don't have a druid handy," Liamae reflects as the group advances, before suddenly jumping up in the air! "Assassin vine!" she cries, pointing at her feet.
[13:43] <@Ebiris> OOC: init
[13:43] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+6 r
[13:43] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+6 r and gets 7." [1d20=1]
[13:43] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+6 m
[13:43] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+6 m and gets 21." [1d20=15]
[13:44] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20 vine
[13:44] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20 vine and gets 3." [1d20=3]
[13:44] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 Liamae
[13:44] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 Liamae and gets 18." [1d20=15]
[13:44] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+8
[13:44] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+8 and gets 20." [1d20=12]
[13:44] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[13:44] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[13:44] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Myra > Lucie > Liamae > Henrietta > Rudy > Vine'
[13:44] <@Ebiris> OOC: Myra go
[13:45] <@Rudy> Myra leaps onto the vine and tries to eat it!
[13:45] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 power attack!
[13:45] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 power attack! and gets 28." [1d20=18]
[13:45] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[13:45] <@Rudy> roll 1d6+10+1d6 (cold)
[13:46] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6+10+1d6 (cold) and gets 17." [1d6=1][1d6=6]
[13:47] <@Ebiris> Myra chomps part of the vine off, leaning down into the long grass to do so! But it still writhes around Liamae and Myra's feet, hard to see except for those right next to it thanks to the cover of other foliage.
[13:47] <@Ebiris> OOC: Lucie
[13:48] * @Lucie stalks forward next to where Myra has apparently located the monstrous plant, then unleashes her irritation with the local plantlife on the unfortunate vine!
[13:48] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+12 stabby with special dagger
[13:48] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+12 stabby with special dagger and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[13:49] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[13:49] <@Lucie> roll 1d4+7 damage, also make you fort save, vile weed!
[13:49] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d4+7 damage, also make you fort save, vile weed! and gets 11." [1d4=4]
[13:50] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[13:50] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[13:52] <@Ebiris> The vine recoils from Lucie's stabbing, showing its still quite animate even after being punctured so brutally! Liamae follows up by trying to cast a spell without lowering her guard...
[13:52] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[13:52] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 14." [1d20=3]
[13:52] <@Ebiris> But whatever she was trying fizzles, sparks flying uselessly from her hands and a curse on her lips!
[13:52] <@Ebiris> OOC: Henri
[13:54] <@Henrietta> "Bad plant! Bad!" Henrietta exclaims, perforating the vine's stem with four of her summoned roses.
[13:55] <@Henrietta> roll 4d4+4
[13:55] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 4d4+4 and gets 15." [4d4=1, 4, 3, 3]
[13:56] <@Ebiris> The vine accepts its chastisement properly, ceasing to move and laying in a sadly perforated pile now. "Phew. Think that'll be the worst or the least of what we find in here?" Liamae asks, looking around at the surrounding plants with suspicion.
[13:58] <@Henrietta> "I will choose the least, I think."
[13:58] * @Lucie shrugs. "Just as long as we keep finding them first," she says.
[14:03] <@Rudy> "Yeah, find the angry plants in amongst all the normal plants," replies Rudy, looking around. "Good one."
[14:03] <@Ebiris> Walking onwards and putting the vine behind them, the group is suddenly confronted by a trio of large flowers rising up from the grass thirty feet away, dinner plate-sized blossoms of wide blue petals, sharp stamens twitching visibly amidst their petals.
[14:06] <@Lucie> "So, you all want to find out whether these things are prepared to deal with folk pelting them with spells from a safe distance?" Lucie suggests, raising a hand in preparation for just that.
[14:07] <@Ebiris> Even as Lucie says that the three plants lurch forward with surprising speed, even if slower than a walking pace they still show themselves to be all-too mobile and intent on approaching the party!
[14:07] <@Ebiris> OOC: init
[14:07] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 Liamae
[14:07] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+6 r
[14:07] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 Liamae and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[14:07] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+6 m
[14:07] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+6 r and gets 14." [1d20=8]
[14:07] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+6 m and gets 9." [1d20=3]
[14:07] <@Henrietta> "Might we be allowed to pass-- oh right that is terrible silly of me!"
[14:07] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[14:07] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[14:08] <@Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+8 flowers
[14:08] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+8 flowers and gets 61." [3#1d20+8 = 19, 28, 14]
[14:08] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+8
[14:08] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+8 and gets 13." [1d20=5]
[14:10] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Plant 2 > Henrietta > Plant 1 > Rudy > Plant 3 > Lucie > Liamae > Myra'
[14:11] <@Ebiris> The middle of the plants skitters forward through the grass, planting itself ten feet away before it rears back and erupts a wide spray of thorny seeds covered in what seems like ice to hammer the party!
[14:11] <@Ebiris> roll 4d6 reflex all
[14:11] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d6 reflex all and gets 19." [4d6=5, 3, 6, 5]
[14:12] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 Liamae
[14:12] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 Liamae and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[14:12] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+6
[14:12] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+6 and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[14:12] <@Henrietta> roll 1d10+7 FL
[14:12] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d10+7 FL and gets 12." [1d10=5]
[14:13] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+5
[14:13] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+5 and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[14:17] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+4 m
[14:17] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+4 m and gets 6." [1d20=2]
[14:17] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+9 r
[14:17] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+9 r and gets 20." [1d20=11]
[14:17] <@Ebiris> OOC: half damage for all but Myra. Go Henri
[14:19] <@Ebiris> OOC: cold damage
[14:22] <@Henrietta> "Oh, this is horrible!" Henrietta exclaims, shivering. Seeing the way her friends are truly affected, she winces. "And this is even more horrible, I cannot believe I am about to do this!" She reaches out to claw at the lurching plants with her hand while closing her eyes tightly, as skeletal limbs reach up from under the ground to tear at their enemies!
[14:22] <@Henrietta> roll 11d6 slashing, Ref DC21 half
[14:22] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 11d6 slashing, Ref DC21 half and gets 38." [11d6=4, 5, 4, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4]
[14:23] <@Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+6
[14:23] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+6 and gets 65." [3#1d20+6 = 20, 25, 20]
[14:26] <@Ebiris> While Henrietta spares herself the sight, everyone else is treated to the sight of skeletal limbs flailing madly amidst the tall grass, grabbing and clutching onto the flowers to pull them this way and that! The two that held back are almost torn in half outright, barely hanging on as ragged remnants still gripped tightly. The closest one managed to weave away from some of the grasping undead hands, but still loses a few petals in the scuffle!
[14:26] <@Ebiris> Unable to move to get closer and do anything, the other two plants seem unable to commit to hostile action at the moment.
[14:27] <@Ebiris> OOC: Rudy
[14:29] <@Rudy> This one seems to be well in-hand, so Rudy just fires at one of the injured plants with his crossbow!
[14:29] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+11
[14:29] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+11 and gets 12." [1d20=1]
[14:29] <@Ebiris> Rudy shoots well wide of his intended target. But he can rest assured he at least hurt some sort of plant.
[14:29] <@Ebiris> OOC: Lucie
[14:31] * @Lucie scrambles away from the enemy in their midst, giving it a good twenty feet of distance before emitting a beam of light at the monster!
[14:32] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+7 ranged touch
[14:32] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+7 ranged touch and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[14:33] <@Ebiris> Unfortunately these plants are uncommonly agile, weaving and bobbing to avoid Lucie's light! Liamae takes it on herself to kill the two held plants before they can get loose and cause any mischief, sallying forth a pair of magic missiles!
[14:33] <@Ebiris> roll 2d4+2
[14:33] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d4+2 and gets 10." [2d4=4, 4]
[14:33] <@Ebiris> roll 2d4+2
[14:33] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d4+2 and gets 8." [2d4=2, 4]
[14:33] <@Ebiris> OOC: quartet, even
[14:33] <@Ebiris> Hammered by micro-meteorites, both of the held plants are burned and beaten and slain!
[14:33] * Retrieving #dunes modes...
[14:33] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Plant 2 > Henrietta > Rudy > Lucie > Liamae > Myra'
[14:33] <@Ebiris> OOC: Myra
[14:34] <@Rudy> Myra charges towards the remaining plant, looking to chew on its stem!
[14:34] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+12 pa, charge
[14:34] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+12 pa, charge and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[14:34] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[14:34] <@Rudy> roll 1d6+10+1d6 cold
[14:34] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6+10+1d6 cold and gets 19." [1d6=5][1d6=4]
[14:36] <@Ebiris> The plant is chewed and chilled by Myra's frosty teeth, but retaliates while shifting out of the mass of skeleton hands, pushing its flower up into Myra's chest while tendrils rise up to flail at her!
[14:36] <@Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+7
[14:36] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+7 and gets 52." [3#1d20+7 = 27, 14, 11]
[14:36] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+7 crit?
[14:36] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 crit? and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[14:36] <@Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[14:37] <@Rudy> OOC: 22
[14:37] <@Ebiris> roll 2d6+4+1d6 (1d6 is cold)
[14:37] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+4+1d6 (1d6 is cold) and gets 14." [2d6=1, 3][1d6=6]
[14:38] <@Ebiris> It hits her with surprising force on that first push, freezing her in return even if its tendrils can't strike hard enough to bother her!
[14:38] <@Ebiris> OOC: Henri
[14:38] <@Henrietta> "You are a terrible, terrible plant!" Henrietta exclaims, her roses once more making an appearance. "We should have talked this over!"
[14:38] <@Henrietta> roll 4d4+4
[14:38] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 4d4+4 and gets 15." [4d4=3, 3, 2, 3]
[14:39] <@Ebiris> The plant won't be doing any talking now, after Henrietta's roses have ventilated it something fierce!
[14:39] <@Ebiris> OOC: fight over
[14:40] <@Lucie> "Well, that wasn't too bad," Lucie says, brushing herself off, voice still hoarse from her affliction. "More bothered by the hayfever, myself."
[14:41] <@Rudy> Rudy wanders up behind Myra, and starts to work on closing her wounds!
[14:41] <@Rudy> roll 1d10+5 healz!
[14:41] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d10+5 healz! and gets 6." [1d10=1]
[14:41] <@Rudy> roll 1d10+5 healz!x2
[14:41] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d10+5 healz!x2 and gets 6." [1d10=1]
[14:41] <@Rudy> roll 1d10+5 healz!x3
[14:41] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d10+5 healz!x3 and gets 7." [1d10=2]
[14:41] <@Henrietta> Since they may get ambushed again by the wrong sort of plant, Henrietta uses this chance to cast Barkskin upon herself. And share Mage Armor with Myra, now that she thinks about it.
[14:41] <@Ebiris> Myra is effusive in her gratitude towards her noble and caring master as usual.
[14:41] <@Rudy> roll 1d10+5 healz!x4iamnotsaul
[14:41] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d10+5 healz!x4iamnotsaul and gets 11." [1d10=6]
[14:41] * @Henrietta is just happy that Myra is grateful to Rudy and not to her in any sense.
[14:50] <@Ebiris> At least there's no further sign of animate foliage after that display, at least for the moment as the group presses amidst strange plants after healing Myra...
[14:50] <@Ebiris> OOC: spot or nature checks, whichever is better
[14:51] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[14:51] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 15." [1d20=8]
[14:51] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+14 eyes
[14:51] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+14 eyes and gets 27." [1d20=13]
[14:53] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+1 spot
[14:53] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+1 spot and gets 9." [1d20=8]
[14:55] <@Ebiris> Ahead Lucie can see them, a pair of vines laying innocently across the ground, barely seen amidst the tall grass but picked out by her keen (albeit slightly watery) eyes. They're spaced out, fifty feet between them on either side of your path ahead.
[14:56] <@Lucie> "Couple vines up ahead look suspicious to me," Lucie announces, halting the group. "Lot of space between them, but...I don't know, I don't trust anything as being safe around here."
[14:57] <@Ebiris> "Assassin vines are very slow," Liamae offers. "If we run past them we could get through before they can do anything."
[14:57] <@Lucie> "Yeah, I guess," Lucie says. "If we don't mind having to run past them again on the way back."
[14:58] <@Henrietta> "Or Myra could chew on them!"
[14:58] <@Rudy> "Or you could blow them up!"
[14:58] <@Henrietta> "We have so many options!"
[14:58] <@Rudy> "How will we decide?"
[15:00] <@Henrietta> "Lucie?"
[15:00] <@Lucie> "Yes?"
[15:01] <@Henrietta> "Do you want to run past the nice vine and hope it does not molest you?"
[15:01] <@Lucie> "Not twice," Lucie says, walking into laser range!
[15:03] <@Rudy> Rudy taps Myra again, bestowing her with a shield before sending her to tear apart the evil vines!
[15:04] <@Ebiris> OOC: init, then
[15:04] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 Liamae
[15:04] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 Liamae and gets 22." [1d20=19]
[15:04] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+8
[15:04] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+8 and gets 13." [1d20=5]
[15:04] <@Ebiris> roll 2#1d20 vines
[15:04] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1d20 vines and gets 35." [2#1d20 = 19, 16]
[15:05] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[15:05] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 15." [1d20=8]
[15:05] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+1 ???
[15:05] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+1 ??? and gets 8." [1d20=7]
[15:05] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+6 r
[15:05] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+6 r and gets 17." [1d20=11]
[15:05] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+6 m
[15:05] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+6 m and gets 14." [1d20=8]
[15:06] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Liamae > Vine > Rudy > Vine > Henrieta > Myra > Lucie > ???'
[15:06] <@Ebiris> "Alright," Liamae says, launching an acid arrow at the vine on the right without moving.
[15:07] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[15:07] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 16." [1d20=11]
[15:07] <@Ebiris> roll 2d4 acid
[15:07] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d4 acid and gets 5." [2d4=3, 2]
[15:08] <@Ebiris> The vine jerks as it's struck, acid eating into it and causing it to start slowly writhing through the grass towards Liamae (and everyone else with her)!
[15:08] <@Ebiris> OOC: Rudy
[15:08] <@Rudy> Rudy fires a bolt at the approaching vine!
[15:08] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+11
[15:08] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+11 and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[15:08] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:08] <@Rudy> roll 1d8
[15:08] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d8 and gets 5." [1d8=5]
[15:09] <@Ebiris> The vine is pierced but not undone! Meanwhile the other vine seems to receive an unheard signal to move as well, starting to shuffle closer!
[15:09] <@Ebiris> OOC: Henri
[15:11] * @Henrietta chooses fire! She shoots two jets of it at the wounded vine!
[15:12] <@Henrietta> roll 2#1d20+6 scorching ray
[15:12] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 2#1d20+6 scorching ray and gets 34." [2#1d20+6 = 12, 22]
[15:12] <@Ebiris> OOC: both hit
[15:12] <@Henrietta> roll 2#4d6 fire
[15:12] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 2#4d6 fire and gets 24." [2#4d6 = 11, 13]
[15:13] <@Ebiris> The jets of flame burn the intervening grass to cinders but the vine only smoulders when struck, not igniting properly as hoped!
[15:13] <@Ebiris> OOC: Myra
[15:14] <@Rudy> Myra moves to attack the wounded assassin vine, as she continues to refine her palate for plants!
[15:14] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 PA
[15:14] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 PA and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[15:14] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:14] <@Rudy> roll 1d6+10+1d6 cold
[15:14] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6+10+1d6 cold and gets 14." [1d6=2][1d6=2]
[15:15] <@Ebiris> Myra savages the vine after bounding over to it, a picture of fury and grace!
[15:15] <@Ebiris> OOC: Lucie
[15:15] * @Lucie focuses her gaze on the smoldering vine and hopes one more beam will finish it off.
[15:16] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+7 beam!
[15:16] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+7 beam! and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[15:16] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:16] <@Lucie> roll 3d8
[15:16] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 3d8 and gets 8." [3d8=2, 1, 5]
[15:16] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Liamae > Rudy > Vine > Henrieta > Myra > Lucie > ???'
[15:19] <@Ebiris> The vine is severed through with Lucie's beam, disparate halves ceasing their movement entirely! But at this an innocuous green plant with a thick leathery inverted-bell cap that had been sitting peacefully between the two vines pushes itself up on nimble spidery stalks, skittering towards the group left behind while Myra did her dirty work! From it emanates a cloud of misty spores that flood the area around it as it settles on the ground before Henrietta!
[15:19] <@Ebiris> OOC: fort saves, all but Myra
[15:20] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+6
[15:20] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+6 and gets 23." [1d20=17]
[15:20] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[15:20] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[15:21] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 Liamae
[15:21] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 Liamae and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[15:21] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+5 r
[15:21] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+5 r and gets 14." [1d20=9]
[15:21] <@Ebiris> roll 1d6 Liamae (roll the same, Rudy)
[15:21] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6 Liamae (roll the same, Rudy) and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[15:21] <@Rudy> roll 1d6
[15:21] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6 and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[15:23] <@Ebiris> "Eeeek!" Liamae shrieks, tearing off her amulet against poison and turning to dash away into the long grass!
[15:23] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[15:23] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 19." [1d20=14]
[15:23] <@Ebiris> OOC: Rudy
[15:24] <@Lucie> "Dammit Liamae, get back here and torch this thing!" Lucie calls after the fleeing woman, annoyed.
[15:24] <@Rudy> "Oh, god! You're all so big!" screams Rudy. "Henri! Can you hear me?!"
[15:25] <@Henrietta> "Liamae! Why are you running?!" Henrietta joins Lucie in that. "The plants out there are a lot scarier-- oh what Rudy? Yes! I can hear you!"
[15:25] <@Ebiris> The remaining vine continues to inch closer while Rudy and Liamae have breakdowns.
[15:25] <@Ebiris> OOC: Henri
[15:27] * @Henrietta backs away a bit, resorting to the tried and true roses against the creepy spider-plant!
[15:27] <@Henrietta> roll 4d4+4
[15:27] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 4d4+4 and gets 10." [4d4=1, 2, 1, 2]
[15:28] <@Ebiris> The plant is pierced but not perforated, staying up despite Henrietta's attack!
[15:28] <@Ebiris> OOC: Myra
[15:29] <@Rudy> Immune to such suggestion, Myra moves on to to strange, spore-spewing plant in the middle! She hasn't tasted this kind yet!
[15:29] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 chomp
[15:29] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 chomp and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[15:29] <@Rudy> roll 1d6+10+1d6
[15:29] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6+10+1d6 and gets 17." [1d6=2][1d6=5]
[15:29] <@Ebiris> OOC: fort save first, Myra
[15:31] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+7
[15:31] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+7 and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[15:32] <@Ebiris> Undeterred by hallucinogens in the air, Myra takes a big bite out of the bulbuous plant, frost spreading from the wound and seeming to slow it down!
[15:32] <@Ebiris> roll 1d4
[15:32] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d4 and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[15:33] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Liamae > Rudy > Vine > Henrieta > Myra > Lucie > Hallucirond (slow 2rnd)'
[15:33] <@Ebiris> OOC: Go Lucie
[15:33] * @Lucie moves to pin the spider/mushroom/horrible thing between Myra and herself, stabbing at it with the herbicidal blade.
[15:33] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+12+2
[15:33] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+12+2 and gets 31." [1d20=17]
[15:34] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:34] <@Lucie> roll 1d4+7 roll fort, evil fungus!
[15:34] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d4+7 roll fort, evil fungus! and gets 9." [1d4=2]
[15:34] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 fort
[15:34] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 fort and gets 28." [1d20=20]
[15:35] <@Ebiris> The plant shudders as its stabbed, but doesn't freeze up completely, instead retaliating by slamming itself into Lucie!
[15:35] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+9
[15:35] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 and gets 18." [1d20=9]
[15:35] <@Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[15:35] <@Lucie> OOC: 22
[15:36] <@Ebiris> But Lucie's defences are up to warding it off, keeping her safe... from one avenue, at least.
[15:36] <@Ebiris> OOC: fort saves all but Liamae
[15:36] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+6
[15:36] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+6 and gets 20." [1d20=14]
[15:36] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+5 r
[15:36] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+5 r and gets 14." [1d20=9]
[15:36] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[15:36] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+7 m
[15:36] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[15:36] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+7 m and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[15:36] <@Ebiris> OOC: roll 1d6 Rudy
[15:37] <@Rudy> roll 1d6 i gotta get some of this stuff for recreational purposes
[15:37] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6 i gotta get some of this stuff for recreational purposes and gets 2." [1d6=2]
[15:38] <@Rudy> "Ah! Argh! Get them off get them off-" Rudy starts to choke, and begins firing crossbow bolts into the ground!
[15:39] <@Ebiris> Liamae sways dizzily off in the distance as she seems to be coming down from whatever afflicted her, turning around and firing an acid arrow at the big plant in the middle of her friends!
[15:39] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[15:39] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 17." [1d20=12]
[15:39] <@Ebiris> roll 2d4
[15:39] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d4 and gets 7." [2d4=4, 3]
[15:39] <@Ebiris> Acid burns into it and starts melting through the plant, but by now the vine has finally gotten close enough to try its luck at snagging Henrietta!
[15:39] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+9
[15:39] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 and gets 23." [1d20=14]
[15:40] <@Ebiris> OOC: AC, Henri?
[15:40] <@Henrietta> OOC: 21
[15:40] <@Ebiris> roll 1d8+7 and grab
[15:41] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+7 and grab and gets 15." [1d8=8]
[15:41] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+13 CMD?
[15:41] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 CMD? and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[15:41] <@Ebiris> roll 1d8+7 constrict
[15:41] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+7 constrict and gets 8." [1d8=1]
[15:41] <@Ebiris> The vine snakes around Henrietta's legs, crushing them tightly as it snakes up her body, squeezing her like a python with its prey!
[15:41] <@Ebiris> OOC: Henri
[15:43] <@Henrietta> "Y-You are such a vile little plant!" Henrietta stammers, doing her very best to stab it with the stems of her roses.
[15:43] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+13
[15:43] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+13 and gets 26." [1d20=13]
[15:43] <@Henrietta> roll 4d4+4
[15:43] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 4d4+4 and gets 16." [4d4=3, 4, 1, 4]
[15:44] <@Ebiris> The vine is struck all over with roses by its bound but far from helpless prey, chunks being torn off but not enough to lessen its grip!
[15:44] <@Ebiris> OOC: Myra
[15:44] <@Rudy> Myra will put a stop to that, with the terribly fury she knows best!
[15:45] <@Rudy> OOC: Wait, wrong plant
[15:45] <@Rudy> Myra continues to savage the hallucination-inducing plant, with every appendage at her disposal!
[15:45] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 b
[15:45] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 c
[15:45] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 b and gets 17." [1d20=7]
[15:45] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 c and gets 26." [1d20=16]
[15:45] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 c
[15:45] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 c and gets 13." [1d20=3]
[15:45] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+10 g
[15:45] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+10 g and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[15:45] <@Ebiris> OOC: all but b hits
[15:45] <@Ebiris> OOC: sorry!
[15:46] <@Ebiris> OOC: all hit but one c
[15:46] <@Rudy> roll 1d6+10+1d6 c
[15:46] <@Rudy> roll 1d6+10+1d6 c
[15:46] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6+10+1d6 c and gets 19." [1d6=3][1d6=6]
[15:46] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6+10+1d6 c and gets 15." [1d6=4][1d6=1]
[15:46] <@Rudy> roll 1d4+10+1d6 c
[15:46] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d4+10+1d6 c and gets 16." [1d4=4][1d6=2]
[15:47] <@Ebiris> In a storm of savage fury, Myra chunks the plant into tiny shreds, no fragment bigger than a fist left over by the time her primal rage has subsided!
[15:47] <@Ebiris> OOC: Lucie
[15:47] * Ebiris changes topic to 'Liamae > Rudy > Vine > Henrieta > Myra > Lucie'
[15:48] * @Lucie turns to help Henri out of her predicament, slashing at the vines just short of where they've latched onto Henri herself.
[15:48] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+12
[15:48] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+12 and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[15:48] <@Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:48] <@Lucie> roll 1d4+7 + fort, etc
[15:48] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d4+7 + fort, etc and gets 8." [1d4=1]
[15:48] <@Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[15:48] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[15:49] <@Ebiris> The vine is slashed but continues to squeeze Henrietta regardless!
[15:49] <@Ebiris> OOC: fort all but Liamae
[15:49] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+7 m
[15:49] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+4 r
[15:49] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+7 m and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[15:49] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+4 r and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[15:49] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+7
[15:49] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+7 and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[15:49] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+6
[15:49] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+6 and gets 12." [1d20=6]
[15:49] <@Ebiris> OOC: Myra and Rudy roll 1d6 each. Lucie too!
[15:49] <@Lucie> roll 1d6
[15:49] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d6 and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[15:50] <@Rudy> roll 1d6 m
[15:50] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6 m and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[15:50] <@Rudy> roll 1d6 r
[15:50] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d6 r and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[15:51] * @Lucie tumbles to the ground and flails as if trying to struggle out of a bog for air. "Someone...someone throw me a rope!" she cries out.
[15:52] <@Ebiris> While everyone has their freakouts, Liamae ends things by throwing some magic missiles at the vine, making it collapse and fall limply at Henrietta's feet!
[15:52] <@Ebiris> roll 4d4+4
[15:52] * +Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d4+4 and gets 13." [4d4=2, 4, 1, 2]
[15:52] <@Ebiris> OOC: fight over, Hallucinations may persist if you stick around, though
[15:53] * @Henrietta struggles to get the vine off her feet before throwing herself at Liamae with a grateful hug!
[15:53] <@Rudy> Myra clutches her claw in her other claw, wailing in horror, and after a moment spent trying to rip it off, she ends up fleeing the scene! Rudy, in the meantime, has his cheeks puffed out and has an awful grimace...
[15:54] <@Ebiris> Liamae just barely manages to catch Henrietta without being bowled over. "Hey, easy now!" she protests, "I'm delicate!"
[15:54] <@Ebiris> OOC: fort for Rudy and Lucie, cloud at least dissipates after this round
[15:54] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+6
[15:54] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+6 and gets 24." [1d20=18]
[15:54] <@Henrietta> "Thank you! Oh, these plants, they are so horrible!"
[15:55] <@Rudy> Rudy starts breathing hard! "They're not as... bad as... the corpse-plant..."
[15:57] <@Ebiris> "Careful, there might still be one of those around here," Liamae comments, extricating herself from Henrietta's powerful grip and going to retrieve her amulet. "Thought it was a snake, somehow..." she mutters.
[15:58] * @Henrietta follows very closely. "I do not doubt that for an instant," she agrees, flail now at the ready.
[15:58] <@Henrietta> roll 1d10+7 FL
[15:58] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d10+7 FL and gets 11." [1d10=4]
[15:58] * @Lucie eventually climbs to her feet, looking inclined to kick what's left of that wretched plant out of spite...but that might raise more spores! So she refrains.