
"In closing, we have the best hobby ever. The End."

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Started by Soul, November 18, 2013, 02:15:26 PM

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(6:29) <Kotono> ----\
(6:32) <Kotono> Suell flies away, leaving behind a rich piles of treasures. The party is victorious and reunited once more...OOC: BAll's in your court to go back in or whatever.
(6:32) * Lehko looks at Jessica.
(6:32) <Lehko> "Think counting all of that'll take your mind off of... *things* for a while?"
(6:32) * Lehko glances back in the direction that Suell flew off.
(6:33) * Penelo exhales. "That was almost a very horrible ordeal, kupo!"
(6:33) * Lehko looks at the Moogle.
(6:34) <Lehko> "It's not over yet. You can bet hell come back, one way or another."
(6:34) <Morrie> Morrie goes digging into the wagon inventory for something and pockets something. "We may as well go back down for the time being." He glances at Lehko. "No, I don't think he's going to bother us again."
(6:34) * Lehko shrugs.
(6:35) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105'
(6:35) <Lehko> "I expect him to engineer a situation, at least."
(6:35) <Kotono> OOC: Penelo, what's your new HP?
(6:35) <Kotono> "It helps," Jessica says as she looks over the gil, "It'l lhelp!"
(6:36) <Morrie> He nods. "Then let's go back down." He says and heads to go do that very thing.
(6:37) * Lehko heads down, too.
(6:37) * Mycol will follow
(6:38) <Penelo> OOC: Same.
(6:38) <Penelo> OOC: HP values didn't change.
(6:38) <Kotono> OOC: Penelo, what's your new HP?
(6:38) <Penelo> OOC: It's still 76.
(6:38) <Kotono> OOC: Okay.
(6:41) <Kotono> The party proceeds back down. The door to the south has been explored, leading to the apothecary. There's still the sinkhole midway there that leads down a floor. The north has been explored as well, though with a pair of treasure chests left unopnened in the misty room. The passage to the east has been opened by the imps, but is unexplored by the party.
(6:42) <Lehko> "Get those two chests and call that branch good?"
(6:42) <Morrie> He nods to Lehko. "Then let us head East."
(6:43) * Lehko heads that way!
(6:43) * Penelo nods in agreement. She moves to follow the group.
(6:44) <Kotono> The party goes back without incident. Within those chests are...OOC: Loot.
(6:45) <Morrie> "Hm, this looks familiar." He says with a glance at the sword.
(6:46) <Morrie> He nods to the others. "Shall we go east now?"
(6:47) <Kotono> "My, we'll be rich when we get back," Ebenezer comments. "That's quite a find."
(6:47) <Penelo> "Sure, let us head east, kupo."
(6:48) <Kotono> The party then heads back and goes east. This door leads to a small, open room with a door on the right wall. In the corner there's also a stairway going down.
(6:49) <Morrie> He glances around, then nods in the direction of the door. "May as well stay on this floor for now."
(6:49) <Penelo> "Yes."
(6:50) <Kotono> Going to the door, the party finds that there is writing on it. It reads as follows, "Offer a good investment and the way ahead is shown."
(6:51) <Lehko> "So... Something that gets better with age? Maybe?"
(6:51) <Morrie> He blinks. "...We need to give the door something?" He looks for a hole or something to put something in.
(6:51) * Lehko looks at the others.
(6:51) <Penelo> "I wonder what that means." Penelo glances at the door, sensing for, well, anything she can, with it. (OOC: Lore: Everything check? :D)
(6:51) <Lehko> "Anyone have a bottle of wine?"
(6:52) <Penelo> "I have cookies."
(6:53) <Kotono> OOC: Nothign to really lore about it, Penelo.
(6:53) <Penelo> OOC: Aight.
(6:53) <Kotono> The door's unremarkable. No keyhole or even a knob to open it, looking at it.
(6:53) * Merc is now known as Santos
(6:54) <Penelo> "I would guess if we offer it something..."
(6:54) <Morrie> He looks over at Ebenezer. "Do you have any idea about this? An investment... It could mean anything, couldn't it?"
(6:54) <Kotono> "I'm not certain," Ebnezer agrees, "It seems to want something from us, but I'm not sure what. Perhaps we can try something?"
(6:55) <Lehko> "Well, an investment is something that gains value over time, right? What do we have that does that? Gems? Gold?"
(6:55) <Morrie> "Isn't there a saying to invest in yourself?" He offers as a suggestion.
(6:56) <Mycol> "Hmm"
(6:56) <Penelo> "We are already invested in finding ways to defeat Marilith. Does it want to know that?"
(6:56) <Morrie> "Allow me to try something." He says and walks up to the door and places his hand on it!
(6:58) <Kotono> OOC: Are you wearing anything on your hand?
(6:58) <Morrie> OOC: Yes, the uh
(6:58) <Morrie> OOC: Hold on
(6:59) <Morrie> OOC: Oh... no, I guess it's on my head, the Red Cap, so no.
(6:59) <Kotono> Morrie lays a hand on the door. Nothing immediately happens.
(7:00) <Morrie> "Hm..." He takes a step back. "I thought that might be it... but..." He starts digging in the bag.
(7:00) <Penelo> "What did you think?"
(7:00) <Mycol> "Got any seeds?"
(7:01) <Morrie> "I thought it might want a person as something to accept. It wants a thing." He responds, and takes out the gold bar.
(7:01) <Mycol> "I could probably just enervate it again, but the last time, that made lasers go everywhere"
(7:01) <Morrie> "I think this is the most valuable thing we currently have."
(7:01) * Lehko shrugs.
(7:01) <Lehko> "Try it. But if it disappears, *you* have to explain it to Jessica."
(7:02) <Morrie> "Very well." He will try and place the gold bar against the door!
(7:03) <Kotono> The gold bar shines and vanishes! The door opens. Ahead lies a small room with a single treasure chest awaiting you. OOC: Post that the gold bar was consumed and remove it from inventory.
(7:03) * Lehko enters the room and approcahes the chest, doing his usual trap and lock checks.
(7:03) <Penelo> "... Huh."
(7:04) <Kotono> OOC: Roll for it, Lehko.
(7:04) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering
(7:04) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinkering and gets 12." [2d6=2, 1]
(7:04) <Kotono> The chest doesn't seem trappexcd.
(7:04) * Lehko opens the chest!
(7:05) <Mycol> "I hope it's two gold bars"
(7:05) <Kotono> Within the chest is...OOC: Loot.
(7:06) <Morrie> He raises an eyebrow. "Well, that's... interesting."
(7:08) <Morrie> "We can sort that out later." He says, then looks back to the stairs. "Shall we go down, then? Or do you want to use the hole?"
(7:08) * Lehko grins at Morrie.
(7:09) <Penelo> "Stairs are closer!"
(7:09) <Morrie> He looks at Lehko with a flat expression.
(7:09) <Kotono> Ebenezer shakes his head, "I wonder how many floors this goes down?" he ponders in the meantime.
(7:10) <Morrie> "A good question." He says, then heads down the closer stairs!
(7:10) * Lehko heads out towards the stairs!
(7:10) <Kotono> The stairs go down. It leads to a small room. It has no doors, only stairs going further down. The room looks the same as the room style of the floor you just came down from.
(7:11) * Lehko continues down!
(7:11) * Mycol shrugs
(7:12) <Morrie> Morrie follows the others! "Hm... I wonder if we can see that chasm from down here..."
(7:13) * Santos just shrugs, same as Mycol, as he follows after the geomancer.
(7:13) <Penelo> "..." She looks around, dumbfounded for a moment.
(7:13) <Kotono> The party descends down. As you go down, the walls become sleek metal and soft blue glows illuminate the room you go down to. It's a small room connecting to a hallway that goes ahead about 30ft before ending at a door. However, the hallway is filled with lasers. They dance, appearing and reappearing in a speedy pattern.
(7:14) * Lehko blinks at this.
(7:14) <Mycol> O_o
(7:14) <Morrie> "Ah... ...I'm not so sure this is a very... safe room to be in..."
(7:15) <Lehko> "Yeah. So. Ideas?"
(7:15) <Mycol> "Not at all what I was expecting"
(7:15) * Mycol attempts to open the door with telekinesis.
(7:15) <Penelo> "... I wonder if there is a control mechanism here."
(7:15) * Lehko looks around the room, wondering if there's some sort of technological node powering the lasers...
(7:15) <Morrie> He rubs his chin for a moment.
(7:17) <Kotono> OOC: What's the range on telekinesis, Mycol?
(7:17) <Mycol> OOC: That's an excellent question. Lemme check.
(7:18) <Mycol> OOC: Medium. How far away is 30 ft?
(7:18) <Kotono> OOC: Within medium. Line coming.
(7:18) * Mycol shrugs
(7:18) <Mycol> "Way I see it, if there's something on the other side, I'll let it deal with the lasers"
(7:19) <Kotono> Mycol opens the door. The room ahead looks to be larger - and you can see a problem! A pair of hydras are just past the door, staring at the party and the lasers! OOC: Init here since there's hostiles in sight, even if the lasers are an obvious deterrant. They're at a medium distance from the party.
(7:19) <Kotono> roll 2d6+1 hydra 1
(7:19) <Kotono> roll 2d6+1 hydra 2
(7:19) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+1 hydra 1 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 2]
(7:19) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+1 hydra 2 and gets 5." [2d6=2, 2]
(7:19) <Mycol> 2d6+4
(7:19) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 8." [2d6=2, 2]
(7:19) <Penelo> roll 2d6+4 init
(7:19) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+4 init and gets 8." [2d6=1, 3]
(7:20) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol=Penelo(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(7:20) <Lehko> roll 2d6+6 Init
(7:20) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+6 Init and gets 13." [2d6=5, 2]
(7:20) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Mycol=Penelo(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(7:20) <Lehko> roll 2d6+2 Wolf Init
(7:20) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 Wolf Init and gets 9." [2d6=3, 4]
(7:20) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 init I almost did 1d20+7
(7:20) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 init I almost did 1d20+7 and gets 11." [2d6=2, 5]
(7:20) <Santos> roll 2d6+3
(7:20) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+3 and gets 8." [2d6=1, 4]
(7:21) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Wolf(9)>Mycol=Penelo=Santos(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(7:21) <Kotono> OOC: Surprise round, Santos. Go for it.
(7:21) * Santos shoots the first hydra in one of its eyes! Hopefully its brain splatters and causes a terrible shock to the rest of the body as it dies painfully! (One can hope)
(7:21) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(7:21) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 14." [2d6=3, 6]
(7:22) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 3
(7:22) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 3 and gets 2." [d6=2]
(7:22) <Santos> ooc: ah well. 124 damage
(7:23) <Santos> ooc: oh, and spellburst virus
(7:23) <Kotono> The shot is fired...and hits one of the lasers midflight. The bullet is immediately transformed into ash and dust, vaporized on the spot! OOC: Firing through a field of high power lasers isn't the easiest feat. You know now there's a large penalty to ranged attacks through it. Lehko, you open.
(7:24) <Morrie> "Well, we know they're real now..." He offers.
(7:24) * Lehko tries his luck and fire off a pair of rounds at the first Hydra himself!
(7:24) <Lehko> roll 2d6+3 ATK
(7:24) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+3 ATK and gets 8." [2d6=4, 1]
(7:24) <Lehko> roll d6 reroll 1
(7:24) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 6." [d6=6]
(7:25) <Kotono> OOC: Total?
(7:25) <Lehko> OOC: 13.
(7:25) <Kotono> Shots are fired - and hit the lasers, reduced to nothing at all with a little puff of smoke. OOC: Morrie.
(7:26) <Morrie> Morrie decides to see if wind is affected by lasers or not and tries to hit the first Hydra!
(7:26) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3
(7:26) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3  and gets 14." [2d6=6, 5]
(7:26) <Morrie> OOC: oh fuck off
(7:27) <Kotono> The wind flies through - and dissipates to the lasers, momentarily disrupting them before giving up the ghost. OOC: Hatebot. So much Hatebot. Wolf.
(7:28) <Lehko> "Bjomolf, hold."
(7:28) <Lehko> OOC: Nothing to do.
(7:28) <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Mycol.
(7:28) <Morrie> He raises an eyebrow. "Magical... I suppose..."
(7:29) * Mycol doesn't want to throw Maracas through that field and have them be destroyed, so he decides to get some MP back
(7:29) <Mycol> OOC: Quick cast Aspir on the less injured of the two.
(7:29) <Mycol> 2d6+9
(7:29) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+9 and gets 14." [2d6=1, 4]
(7:29) <Morrie> OOC: I don't think we've hit either one of them yet.
(7:30) <Kotono> OOC: Yeah, lasers intercepted the previous attacks.
(7:30) <Mycol> OOC: HUH. So they did. Iunno how I thought Santos hit
(7:30) <Santos> ooc: It's cause I always hit. UNless lasers.
(7:31) <Santos> ooc: Which hey, lasers.
(7:31) <Kotono> OOC: Indeed, lasers.
(7:31) <Kotono> OOC: Like Godzilla.
(7:31) <Santos> ooc: Mechazilla is the one with lasers.
(7:31) <Santos> ooc: Godzilla is the one with atomic FIRE
(7:31) <Kotono> OOC: Right. Anwyay, still casting, Mycol?
(7:32) <Mycol> OOC: Yeah
(7:32) <Mycol> OOC: Hit 1, then
(7:32) <Mycol> OOC: Or attempt to
(7:32) <Kotono> OOC: Roll damag.e
(7:33) <Mycol> OOC: Previous roll doesn't stand?
(7:33) <Kotono> OOC: Oh sorry, I missed that. Myb ad.
(7:34) <Kotono> Pink spheres surround the first hydra, crashing into him and leeching mana away. It forms a ball and flows to Mycol, going through the lasers. It grows bigger as it hits the lasers, filling Mycol full of mana! OOC: 28 MP healed instead of 14. Penelo.
(7:35) <Penelo> "I am unsure if this will work..." She raises her staff, tentatively trying to cast a Blizzard on one of the Hydras. (OOC Quick Cast)
(7:35) <Penelo> roll 2d6+90
(7:35) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+90 and gets 101." [2d6=6, 5]
(7:36) <Kotono> The blizzard flies! It hits the lasers and turns into a gush of steam, hyper-evaporated before your eyes. OOC: The lasers are fierce and seem capable of breaking up most spells. Santos?
(7:38) * Santos attempts to focus on the source of the lasers! If he can pinpoint it and target them, he'll start firing shots to open up some gaps. (OOC: roll awareness or just shoot?)
(7:39) <Kotono> OOC: Awareness.
(7:39) <Santos> roll 2d6+4 awareness
(7:39) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 awareness and gets 6." [2d6=1, 1]
(7:39) <Santos> ooc: ~!
(7:39) <Santos> ooc: Haven't had a complication in a while
(7:39) <Kotono> There! Santos sees a gleaming point that looks just like what he's looking for!
(7:39) <Kotono> OOC: You can shoot.
(7:40) * Santos fires confidently, making sure the damage is half magical, since Penelo's magic spell seemed to do...-something- when flying through the lasers. (OOC: Firing with MP damage effect. Half damage physical, half damage would be to MP if there's any)
(7:40) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(7:40) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 10." [2d6=4, 1]
(7:40) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1 why not
(7:40) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 why not and gets 5." [d6=5]
(7:40) <Santos> ooc: ~14
(7:42) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Wolf(9)>Lasers>Mycol=Penelo=Santos(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(7:42) <Kotono> Santos fires, a laser hitting it as it goes. By the MP-eating effect absorbs the laser instead, causing it to sputter out! It hits the gleaming point, which shatters. There's a moment of nothing, before a hellswarm of lasers refract 90 degrees, gushing towards the party! OOC: Lasers added to init. May wanna do something before the hit. Hydras are up.
(7:43) <Kotono> What the hydras do is unseen as a giant barrage of lasers is heading the party's way! Not good! Ebenezer takes one look and runs up the stairs, booking it! OOC: Lehko, go.
(7:46) <Lehko> OOC: Can I like, stand in front of the stairs and cover/block them so people can get through? Or, alternately, pick Penelo up and run?
(7:48) <Kotono> OOC: You could do either.
(7:51) * Lehko looks at the others for a second before snatching up the larger Mushbloom and taking off for the stairs, yelling, "GRAB THE MOOGLE AND MOVE!"
(7:53) <Kotono> Mycol is grabbed, Lehko rushing up the stairs! OOC: Okay. Morrie.
(7:54) <Morrie> Morrie grabs Penelo and takes off with his magical flight!
(7:56) <Kotono> Morrie races off as well, beating proverbial feet as he flees! OOC: Wolf.
(7:56) * Penelo was too frozen like a deer in bright lights to move on her own.
(7:57) <Lehko> Bjomolf races after his master, recognizing the panic!
(7:58) * Santos is abandoned to lasers!
(7:58) <Kotono> The lasers come! Santos is caught as they pour into the room!
(7:58) <Mycol> OOC: There a reason why we left Santos to disintegrate?
(7:59) <Santos> ooc: Because I am awesome enough to survive anything. And the wolf sucks.
(7:59) <Morrie> OOC: I don't think I could have grabbed two people.
(7:59) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD?
(7:59) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD? and gets 9." [2d6=2, 3]
(7:59) <Santos> ooc: 7 without the benefit of +3 avd
(7:59) <Lehko> OOC: He's got the highest AVD of anyone, and the wolf isn't big enough to carry anyone, I don't think.
(8:00) <Santos> ooc: You totally have higher avoidance.
(8:00) <Kotono> OOC: 169 damage. I'm guessing you don't have the ARM to soak the rest of that between that and zero. As mentioned before, the lasers are lethal. Do you want to spend destiny to cheat death?
(8:01) <Santos> ooc: I -did-, but you ruined it by saying it in channel, when that's supposed to be hidden! SO I WILL DIE WITH INDIGNITY
(8:01) <Santos> ooc: and reroll. Because that's how I roll.
(8:01) <Kotono> OOC: Oh, so it's supposed to be said in PM. Okay, serious post a sec, do you want to do it or not?
(8:01) <Santos> ooc: I don't care either way.
(8:01) <Kotono> OOC: Dude, it's your character. Choose.
(8:02) <Santos> ooc: DEATH THEN
(8:02) <Kotono> OOC: Okay then.
(8:03) <Kotono> OOC: Log note, Merc changed his mind in the OOC room.

Santos' Great Mushboom Adventure: ShowHide

[20:09] <Kotono> Lasers, light and pain. The world dissolves into fire and screaming. You hear Ifrit, feeling him carry you. All is fire and all is burning, then darkness. When you awaken, you're thirsty, dazed and in the dark. You can't see anything at all.
[20:10] <Santos> "Ifrit?" Santos calls out, raising his hand in front of his face, hoping maybe to see an outline of it or something.
[20:11] <Kotono> A puff of flame illuminates as Ifrit appears on your chest. You're lying flat on your back in a dark cave. "You're alive, barely. Those lasers are bad news," he remarks, "I got you away from them."
[20:14] <Santos> "Heh...thanks. Not my best shot by far."
[20:14] <Kotono> "It really wasn't. The lasers were awesome," Ifrit grins, "Just dodge next time!"
[20:16] * Santos coughs a bit. "Yeah, well, dodging is more the cat's thing than mine. I kinda dropped out of the sneaky ninja stuff and became a more 'In-your-face' warrior for a reason, you know," Santos jokes weakly.
[20:18] <Kotono> "Yeah, don't I know it," Ifrit kicks your chest, "Get on up. I'm about to collapse, that took it all out of me. I'll provide some light and that's it. We're deep underground, all on you now. See if you can get back up and reunite with the others...yaaaawn..." Ifrit flickers out, becoming a floating flame that illuminates the way ahead. You stand in a deep, dark cavern. The passage goes
[20:18] <Kotono> on ahead and behind you. You can't see much, a shadowy world held at bay only by a small flame.
[20:19] * Santos grimaces as he checks his damage before he starts moving on ahead first. One direction's as good as the other.
[20:19] <Santos> ooc: what's my HP at?
[20:20] <Kotono> OOC: Full.
[20:20] <Kotono> roll 1d2
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d2 and gets 1." [1d2=1]
[20:21] <Kotono> Santos chooses a direction and wanders. He wanders for perhaps ten minutes before he hears sounds ahead. It's like something hitting stone, rather loud.
[20:22] * Santos focuses on those sounds.
[20:23] <Santos> roll 2d6+4 awareness
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 awareness and gets 8." [2d6=3, 1]
[20:27] <Kotono> It sounds like metal on stone, like mining work.
[20:31] * Santos moves closer towards the sounds. Hopefully it's something friendly. Or something easily beaten if not.
[20:32] <Kotono> Going on, Santos sees ahead. Ahead are several humanoid mushrooms. Mushbooms, just a little taller than Mycol. They're all pure white, almost glowing in the darkness. A few turn to Santos as he approaches, staring at him with unblinking eyes.
[20:33] * Santos raises a hand in greeting. "Err...hi?"
[20:34] <Kotono> All the sounds stop. A few dozen albino mushbooms stare at Santos. One approches, a mining pick loosely held in hand. It asks in human, "Human? Are you a human?"
[20:34] <Santos> "Yes, I am. And you're all mushbooms, right?"
[20:36] <Kotono> "Oh!" The creature smiles - those are some sharp teeth - and nods. "You know about us!"
[20:38] <Santos> "I'm...friends with one of your kind. Although he's not quite as pale. Do you lot know of a Mycol? Time mage fellow," Santos comments.
[20:41] <Kotono> "Time mage?" The mushboom nods, "Village time mage help you. Come with us," it offers.
[20:43] <Santos> "Do you mean Mycol is from your village, or your own village has a time mage?" Santos asks, not quite sure what was being said. (OOC: is there a roll to tell if these are human-eating mushbooms or anything like that? Sharp teeth are never encouraging!)
[20:43] <Kotono> OOC: Have any ranks in monster lore?
[20:44] <Santos> ooc: not anymore! I gave it up aaaaages ago, after Janus died!
[20:44] <Santos> roll 2d6+0 untrained in case I can? >_>
[20:44] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+0 untrained in case I can? >_> and gets 7." [2d6=6, 1]
[20:46] <Kotono> Nothing comes to mind for Santos.
[20:46] * Santos waits for a reply from the mushboom.
[20:47] <Kotono> "The village has a time mage," he explains, "He'll help you.?
[20:47] <Kotono> "
[20:47] <Santos> "Ah...I see. Sooooo..." Santos pauses, looking conversational and stuff. "What do you guys do for food around these parts?"
[20:48] <Kotono> "Dirt," It answers, "But we'll find some human food. What do humans eat?"
[20:49] <Santos> "Cooked meat if possible, if not vegetables will work, though I don't know what might or might not be poisonous in a cave when it comes to vegetables, so cooked meat would be preferable," Santos admits. "And dirt? Really? How's that work?"
[20:50] * Santos didn't think one could even -get- sharp teeth out of eating anything not meat-ish.
[20:53] <Kotono> "We can find something," he says, leading you along. OOC: Good to skip along a bit?
[20:55] <Santos> ooc: sure
[20:59] <Kotono> The village is one big cave with muddy ground, the air damp and humid. You slog through it, lead to one particular albino mushboom. This one as a conical time mage's cap on its head, "Oh, don't yell at me yet," it says, "I'll speak as you understand time, relatively."
[21:02] <Santos> "Why relatively? Why not absolute time?" Santos jokes.
[21:04] <Kotono> "I see that in the past you had trouble with that," The mushboom explains, "And will in the future. Be careful. What do you want to know?"
[21:06] <Santos> "How to dodge lasers would be kind of cool. Outside that? Getting back to my friends, secrets of defeating eldritch evils, a harem of beautiful women, fame, riches, uhm...should I go on?"
[21:06] <Kotono> "I'll have you know I'm a beautiful woman," The albino mushboom time mage bats her eyes, "Would you like to see my spores?"
[21:07] <Santos> "Okay, I'll add a caveat and say I'm more interested in human women. I do have a mushboom friend that might be interested though, if you wanna meet him."
[21:07] <Santos> "He's also a time mage"
[21:10] <Kotono> "That was a joke," The time mage retorts, "I see in the future how human humor works. Nevermind. I can show you how to escape," he remarks, "Would you like to?"
[21:11] <Santos> "I kinda figured that was a joke, but no reason to be offensive if I don't have to be. And sure, I'd like to know how to escape. Just this cave, or future lasers too?"
[21:11] <Kotono> "Just this cave. Close your eyes, this will make you dizzy," he warns, "But do me a favor. This friend of yours, I'll like meeting him in the future. Tell him to find the way down here."
[21:13] <Santos> "Sure. I'll tell him to bring flowers and chocolate too for your date," Santos offers before he closes his eyes.
[21:15] <Kotono> Suddenly Santos is spinning! Reality swirls around him as the mushboom cries, "EXIT!" WOOOSH! There's a wet thump as Santos lands somewhere warmer and muggier, his head spinning 'round and 'round!
[21:16] * Santos opens his eyes as he tries to readjust to his new setting.
[21:17] <Kotono> Santos is on his butt before the entrance to the swamp cave sinkhole. No sign of his friends or the wagon nearby, though.
[21:19] <Santos> "Ah, hell, did Jessica get dragon-napped again?" Santos mutters. Turning 'inward' as the case might be, Santos calls up Ifrit. "Ifrit, can you reach any of the others by any chance? Or sense their direction?"
[21:21] <Kotono> "Down," Ifrit says around a yawn, "Down somewhere."
[21:22] <Santos> "...well, if you can sense them, they should be able to sense you too. I'm going to wait right here, I think," Santos muses.
[21:24] <Kotono> "Alright," Ifrit says, yawning and falling back asleep. OOC Let me pause you here for a few.

(8:05) <Kotono> The lasers crash into the room as the party runs, Santos lost in the glow of burning light! But that's not all! Behind you they turn and swirl up the stairs, ribboning and twirling around each other as they give chase! The party reaches the second floor, still running up the stairs! OOC: Anyone running (not being carried) needs to make an atletics check. Mycol/Penelo, since you aren't tied up with running, each of you can take an action.
(8:05) <Lehko> roll 2d6 Athletics
(8:06) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6 Athletics and gets 7." [2d6=6, 1]
(8:06) <Mycol> OOC: I'll start charging quickening for the dude carrying me/Lehko
(8:06) <Lehko> roll 2d6 Athletics: Wolf
(8:06) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6 Athletics: Wolf and gets 6." [2d6=5, 1]
(8:06) * Quits: Kotono (Connection reset by peer)
(8:06) * Joins: Kotono
(8:07) * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Kotono Kotono
(8:07) <Kotono> OOC: Okay on charging. Paste the results for any athletics checks past Lehko's?
(8:08) <Penelo> "The lasers! They're following! They're following!" She can see this as she's being carried.
(8:08) <Lehko> OOC: Lehko and the wolf are the only ones so far.
(8:09) <Kotono> OOC: Paste the wolf's? Don't have it.
(8:09) <Lehko> > roll 2d6 Athletics: Wolf
(8:09) <Lehko> * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6 Athletics: Wolf and gets 6." [2d6=5, 1]
(8:10) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, I have twoc hecks and Mycol's action. Penelo, any from you? Morrie, athletics?
(8:10) <Penelo> OOC: Would it be possible to spend MP to try to raise an ice barrier behind herself to stop the oncoming lasers? Or at least absorb the blast. Like a blizzard/blizzara cast on just the area to get in the way.
(8:10) <Morrie> OOC: One sec, sorry
(8:11) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 Athletics
(8:11) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 Athletics and gets 9." [2d6=2, 3]
(8:11) <Kotono> OOC: You could try, but I'd rule it a slow action here, so you'd need to charge. Okay with that?
(8:12) <Penelo> OOC: If she survives to cast it, sure.
(8:13) <Kotono> The party races up to the first floor! The lasers are pursuing and slowly gaining! This isn't working! As you reach the first floor, quickening latches onto Lehko, greatly enhancing his options! At the same time, a barrier of ice appears over the stairs going down! It might buy you some time! OOC: -10 MP, Penelo. Act, y'all, be it further running or something else. Lehko gets two at the cost of
(8:13) <Kotono> 25% HP damage thanks to quickening.
(8:13) <Kotono> roll 114*.25
(8:13) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 114*.25 and gets 28.5."
(8:13) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 86/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Wolf(9)>Lasers>Mycol=Penelo=Santos(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(8:14) <Mycol> OOC: Err...
(8:14) <Mycol> OOC: I mispoke, Dune
(8:14) <Mycol> OOC: Quickening is self-target only
(8:14) <Mycol> OOC: I meant SPRINT
(8:14) <Mycol> OOC: Which makes him RUN FASTER
(8:15) <Kotono> OOC: Right. Edit then, one action for Lehko but he's super sped up for running thanks to sprint.
(8:15) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Wolf(9)>Lasers>Mycol=Penelo=Santos(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(8:15) <Morrie> "I suggest we try the hole!" He shouts as they go along.
(8:17) <Morrie> "Or just try and go into a door and shut it!" He adds.
(8:18) <Kotono> OOC: Running still, y'all or what?
(8:18) <Lehko> "I'll try to make a barrier over the door, you shut it!"
(8:18) * Lehko speeds up to get some distance on the others so he has spare time to call up his magic.
(8:19) <Mycol> OOC: I'll start charging another Sprint for Morrie
(8:19) <Morrie> OOC: We're going to try and find a door on the way to shut and hopefully... uh... shut... it.
(8:19) <Kotono> OOC: Okay then. Plan is to run to the door, close it and try a full MP barrier on it? Meanwhile Mycol starts charging up another sprint. Okay. Anything else?
(8:19) <Penelo> OOC: Penelo will do the same thing she did on the stairwell, to block once again.
(8:20) <Lehko> OOC: That's my plan, yes.
(8:20) <Penelo> OOC: Put it before the door so it hits the door and then the barrier, if the ice doesn't stop it.
(8:20) <Morrie> OOC: I'll try and reinforce it with underground cave geomancy.
(8:20) <Penelo> OOC: I mean hits the ice and then the barrier. Derp.
(8:21) <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Ia ssume all of you will throw all you have in this?
(8:21) <Penelo> OOC: Sure thing.
(8:22) <Kotono> Mycol chants again as the others pour magic into a barrier! OOC: All three of you roll force.
(8:22) <Penelo> roll 2d6+5 force!
(8:22) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+5 force! and gets 11." [2d6=3, 3]
(8:23) <Lehko> roll 2d6+5 Force Check
(8:23) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+5 Force Check and gets 12." [2d6=5, 2]
(8:23) <Penelo> roll d6 destiny force roll
(8:23) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls d6 destiny force roll and gets 2." [d6=2]
(8:23) <Penelo> roll d6 destiny force roll again
(8:23) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls d6 destiny force roll again and gets 5." [d6=5]
(8:24) <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 Force
(8:24) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 Force and gets 10." [2d6=2, 3]
(8:24) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, post the destiny expenditure.
(8:24) <Penelo> OOC: 18 total
(8:25) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 12/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 0/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Wolf(9)>Lasers>Mycol=Penelo=Santos(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(8:25) <Kotono> A barrier of ice, mana and earth appears over the closed door! A moment later it glows blue, the lasers hitting the far side. It's like having your magical reserved poured out onto the sidewalk, everything you have taken away! Morrie falls to one knee as Penelo keels over, whilst Lehko falls over into a dead faint. But several seconds pass before the barrier fades, no lasers coming. They're
(8:25) <Kotono> gone! OOC: MP 0 for all of you, as well as HP adjustments in topic now. Free act, except for Penelo/Lehko, who are out cold but not dead, just exerted.
(8:27) <Morrie> Morrie takes a deep breath, slowly, surely... he takes another, slowly, surely.
(8:27) <Kotono> Ebenezer doubles over, gasping for air, " word!"
(8:28) <Morrie> He very slowly gets to his feet and makes a rather feeble attempt at calling on the power of the sunny plains to restore them to health!
(8:28) <Kotono> Slowly the party heals, vitality returned to them, at least in body. OOC: You two awaken, feel free to act.
(8:28) * Mycol will also use white magic
(8:28) <Mycol> "So..."
(8:28) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Wolf(9)>Lasers>Mycol=Penelo=Santos(8)>H2(5)>H1(4)>Helper(0)'
(8:28) * Lehko rolls over and gasps for air.
(8:29) <Lehko> ".... I guess I know how you all felt with the engine...."
(8:29) <Penelo> Penelo gasps, waking up with a start, since her mind is still in a panic. "..?!" Sitting up, she looks around. "We made it, kupo? What about Santos?!"
(8:29) <Kotono> "S-santos," Ebenezer straights up, "He...he didn't get away, did he?"
(8:29) <Morrie> He takes a breath, then looks at the door with a horrified look. "He... he surely... he must've..."
(8:30) * Lehko gets up off the ground and approaches the door...
(8:30) <Lehko> "If he didn't, it's our job to get him back to his family."
(8:30) <Kotono> The door's gone - vaporized. No lasers in the room ahead nor coming up the stairs.
(8:30) <Morrie> "...We should return to check." He nods.
(8:30) <Penelo> "....." Penelo gulps, ears laying low as she looks sad.
(8:30) <Kotono> OOC: Going back down, then?
(8:30) * Lehko cautiously heads back down.
(8:31) * Mycol will follow
(8:31) * Penelo going to follow Lehko, sneaking.
(8:31) <Morrie> OOC: Yessir.
(8:31) <Kotono> The party heads back down. The lasers are gone, and there's no signs of hydras ahead. Where Santos was is a massive scorch mark. The stone beneath still steams, darkening like volcanic rock. It's already getting a dark-glassy look to it.
(8:32) * Lehko raises an eyebrow at this.
(8:32) <Lehko> "I know that's not normal..."
(8:32) <Penelo> "I.. is that from the lasers..? or..."
(8:33) <Kotono> "I think," Shiva appears on Lehko's shoulder, "Ifrit may have tried to make a last minute escape. If it succeeded, I can't tell you."
(8:33) <Penelo> ".......... W-what do we do now?"
(8:33) * Lehko goes up to the stone and taps a knuckle on it, trying to see if it's hollow or not.
(8:33) <Mycol> "That... actually brings up an important question"
(8:34) <Mycol> "What would happen to Ifrit if......"
(8:34) <Kotono> "He'd be unbound. He'd probably reform somewhere soon and be possible to be rebound to another host," Shiva explains, "You can't kill one of us like that. If he did get away? This trick isn't the most controlled. He's probably a ways away, underground somewhere."
(8:35) <Penelo> "Should we continue looking for Catepobles?"
(8:35) * Lehko looks at Shiva.
(8:36) <Lehko> "Do you know if it's a teleportation, or if there's a trail we can follow?
(8:36) <Lehko> "
(8:36) <Kotono> "In the shape you're in," Shiva sniffs and vanishes in a whirl of snowflakes, "An imp could knock you around. Rest." As her voice fades, she replies, "You can't follow, unless you can liquefy stone as well as Ifrit."
(8:37) <Mycol> "I can erode it, but... probably not that much and certainly not that fast."
(8:37) * Lehko grunts.
(8:37) <Lehko> "I don't like it, but I think she's right. We need to rest some and then look for him."
(8:38) <Penelo> "We should do as she says. Return to the wagon and consider our options. Maybe he will show up before we decide to do something."
(8:38) <Penelo> "If he knows to come back here and we leave, we might miss each other, kupo."
(8:39) * Lehko nods to Penelo.
(8:39) <Lehko> "I think we should rest here, or the level above.
(8:39) <Morrie> "Let us look in the next room." He suggests. "It should be clear now, and we have a Tent we can use."
(8:39) <Penelo> "Can the wagon fit in the first room? I do not want the dragon to take it again."
(8:40) <Kotono> OOC: Figure out where you're resting, and no, the wagon couldn't fit down there.
(8:41) <Mycol> OOC: I'd rest down here, honestly.
(8:41) <Lehko> OOC: I think we should tent it up here, too.
(8:41) <Penelo> OOC: Room above, I think.
(8:41) <Penelo> OOC: But check the next room first like Morrie suggests.
(8:41) <Penelo> OOC: Don't want the lasers returning mid-nap.
(8:41) <Mycol> OOC: IF we look as weak as Shiva claims, we might get dragon attack pt 2
(8:41) <Mycol> OOC: We're down a man and out of MP
(8:43) <Morrie> OOC: I'm tellin' ya, check the other room first!
(8:43) <Morrie> OOC: we can just run away if there's something nasty.
(8:44) * Lehko heads into the next room!
(8:44) <Morrie> OOC: If people want to go up and sleep though, that's okay with me too.
(8:45) <Morrie> Morrie will follow Lehko, a determined, if weary, look on his face.
(8:47) <Kotono> The party heads to the next room. There's no sign of the hydras. There's stairs going both up and down in the room, as well as a door on the northern wall.
(8:47) <Penelo> ".. Let us rest upstairs before we do anything in here, kupo. I can go tell Jessica we are going to rest."
(8:49) * Lehko nods to Penelo and heads back upstairs now that the room has been checked.
(8:49) * Penelo will go upstairs, as well, and further to outside to find Jessica.
(8:52) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, going ot let them know and then pop a tent?
(8:52) <Penelo> OOC: Yes, assumably.
(8:52) <Penelo> OOC: Assumedly.
(8:52) <Lehko> OOC: Works for me.
(8:53) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, restore MPs. Another line coming.
(8:54) <Kotono> The rest passes without incident. The party rises, revitalized and restored, ready for the challenges ahead! OOC: Go ahead and declare what you're doing, y'all.
(8:55) <Lehko> "Alright, let's head down and search for Santos. Keep going down, or check that hole?"
(8:57) <Penelo> "We should continue down the path we checked before, kupo. The other way might not have an easy way back up."
(8:57) * Lehko nods and heads that way!
(8:57) <Morrie> He nods to Penelo's suggestions and follows.
(8:57) <Penelo> She walks with the group!
(8:59) <Kotono> The party returns back, past the lasers and to the stairway going up and down. There's also a door to the north to be explored.
(8:59) <Penelo> "Door?"
(8:59) * Lehko nods and approaches the door, looking for traps!
(9:00) <Morrie> He nods again.
(9:02) <Penelo> Penelo will step back a bit, letting Lehko check the door. Looking to Ebenezer, she tries to smile, but doesn't seem to do so well. "How are you right now, friend?"
(9:04) <Kotono> OOC: Check, Lehko.
(9:04) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering
(9:04) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinkering and gets 17." [2d6=2, 6]
(9:04) <Kotono> "Tired," Ebenezer murmurs, "Worried terribly."
(9:04) <Kotono> The door's not trapped.
(9:04) * Lehko throws the door open with gusto!
(9:05) <Morrie> "He's fine." He looks at Ebenezer. "There's no way he'd..."
(9:05) <Morrie> He shakes his head. "Not after Janus."
(9:05) <Penelo> .
(9:05) <Kotono> The door opens as Ebnezer sighs. "I hope so," is all he says, as ahead is a shimmering field of light. It blocks the way ahead. Past it you can glimpse a single treasure chest.
(9:06) * Lehko blinks at the light.
(9:06) <Lehko> "Uh."
(9:06) * Penelo puts a hand on Ebenezer's arm lightly, trying to be comforting.
(9:06) * Lehko inspects it, looking for any technological pieces that could help him figure out a way to disable it!
(9:06) <Kotono> OOC: Roll again, Lehko.
(9:07) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering
(9:07) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinkering and gets 13." [2d6=1, 3]
(9:07) * Penelo after that, will do a magic check on the field if she can.
(9:07) * Penelo or anything at all, really.
(9:09) <Kotono> The field of light is generated from the walls. Disabling it looks possible. OOC: Roll, Penelo.
(9:09) <Lehko> "I.. I think I can disable it..."
(9:09) <Penelo> roll 2d6+5 check!
(9:09) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+5 check! and gets 12." [2d6=1, 6]
(9:10) <Lehko> "But... Santos isn't in there that I can see. I think we should we should keep going and come back to this later, maybe."
(9:10) <Kotono> The barrier is a magic field preventing anyone from passing through. It can be overpowered or deactivated, though, Penelo thinks.
(9:10) <Penelo> "I can try to quickly disable it, kupo."
(9:11) <Penelo> "If I can't, we can come back later."
(9:12) * Lehko shrugs, and moves out of Penelo's way, obviously eager to move on.
(9:13) * Penelo would attempt to Obliterate what could potentially be blocking them.
(9:14) <Kotono> Penelo uses obliterate! The field fizzles out, crushed as the way ahead is revealed!
(9:15) * Lehko grunts and goes in, looking the chest over for traps.
(9:15) <Kotono> OOC: Roll.
(9:15) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering
(9:15) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinkering and gets 13." [2d6=2, 2]
(9:15) <Kotono> The chest is not trapped.
(9:16) * Lehko opens the chest and turns back to continue search without even looking in it.
(9:16) <Kotono> Inside is...OOC: Loot.
(9:16) * Penelo yes, will continue on since that's over. Easy in, easy out.
(9:17) <Kotono> With that done, the stairs up and down await the party.
(9:18) <Morrie> Morrie raises his eyebrows briefly, noting the quality of the item before placing it in the bag. "Let us... there isn't anywhere else to go but down, correct?"
(9:18) <Penelo> "There is up, too. But Santos is more likely to be down."
(9:18) <Morrie> "Well, let us try down for now."
(9:18) * Lehko nods and heads down.
(9:19) * Penelo downwards.
(9:21) <Kotono> The party heads down! The lights dim as you go down, the room ahead almost pitch black. You can't really see ahead, but it looks like some sort of room at the bottom of the stairs.
(9:21) * Lehko tries to make a ball of holy light!
(9:24) <Kotono> Light comes! You seee something skitter back out of the light and into the dark. Something greenish. Softly you hear Ramuh murmur, "Carefully now, Catoplebas can be shy. Approach carefully, pactmaker."
(9:27) <Penelo> "Who is the pactmaker?"
(9:27) <Morrie> He looks over at Penelo. "That'd be you."
(9:27) <Penelo> "...?!" She blinks, staring at them. This didn't occur to her? "Really?"
(9:29) <Morrie> "We all have pacts with the Espers." He says. "I don't think that you can have more than one."
(9:29) <Penelo> "Oh... I see." She takes in a breath and moves to walk slowly into the darkness.
(9:30) <Kotono> Penelo advances. It's quite dark here, but you can see the outline of a green, furry creature. It has a long, serpentine neck with a head bearing a single ruby-red eye. Its body is that of a boar, big and husky, with many legs. It shrinks back as far as it can go, staring at Penelo mutely.
(9:32) <Penelo> She sets down her stave on the floor, hoping she doesn't lose tack of it, before raising her hands to be in a disarming manner. "Hello. I am Penelo, a moogle, kupo."
(9:32) <Kotono> "I can sense the others..." the creature's voice is deep, even as it speaks quietly. "Y-you really want to make a pact with me? Just for the power?"
(9:34) <Penelo> "We want to make allies to rid the world of evil, kupo. Your assistance would be very much appreciated, but I do not want to say that is the only reason I am here. It must be lonely. We could be your friends, if that is all right with you, kupo. I will not deny the idea of power being appealing, but that is not my only goal."
(9:35) <Kotono> "'d be friends with something like me?" it asks quietly, looking up with that red, unblinking eye.
(9:36) <Penelo> "Yes, I would be more than happy to."
(9:37) <Kotono> It's something else to be tackled by a giant boar-lizard-thingy, Penelo knocked flat over by an awkward hug. "Really?! Done!" A flash of light happens, energy flowing into Penelo! OOC: Loot post.
(9:38) <Penelo> She lets out a squeak, not having expected that.
(9:38) <Morrie> "Well, that's... one mystery solved." He says, with a smile.
(9:39) <Lehko> "One left: Where's Santos?"
(9:39) <Penelo> She will slowly move up to her feet, looking around for a moment before collecting her stave. She tries to summon some fire to illuminate the area around her, as it is quite dark.
(9:39) <Penelo> OOC: To check for other rooms.
(9:39) <Penelo> OOC: Staff.
(9:40) <Kotono> There's no more doors down here. It's just a plain room, unremarkable with Catoplebas gone. Ramuh appears on Morrie's shoulder, "Hmm. He must have sensed us and perhaps Lich. Still, it's better that he didn't insist on a customary battle."
(9:41) <Morrie> He nods in Ramuh's direction, or as best he can. "Agreed." He will turn and start to head back!
(9:42) <Penelo> She walks back over to the group. "I made a new friend!" She beams a little, though she is slightly forcing it, as her worries still lie with Santos. "We should check upstairs afterall."
(9:42) <Kotono> OOC: Going to head back upstaris and up the stairs yo udidn't explore, then?
(9:42) <Lehko> OOC: Yep.
(9:43) <Kotono> As you go up..."Eh?" Titan's voice rumbles from over Mycol's shoulder, "Hey Shiva, do you sense that?"
(9:44) <Kotono> "Sense wha-oh." Shiva begins, appearing on Lehko's shoulder. "I think we have a problem," Shiva frowns, worriedly. "We need to return back to the surface, now."
(9:44) <Lehko> "The dragon again?"
(9:45) * Lehko changes direction to head back up.
(9:45) <Kotono> Ebenezer sighs, "Let's go smash the dragon's head again. Why is everything so difficult here?"
(9:46) * Morrie makes a face and starts up!
(9:46) <Kotono> OOC: Heading back up?
(9:46) * Penelo will head back up, yes. "Sorry to befriend you at such an awkward time, Catoplebas."
(9:46) <Kotono> The party rushes back up! But on coming out to the surface, the problem is obvious. Sitting near the entrance is Santos, awaiting the party. He's a bit scuffed up but looks intact otherwise.
(9:47) <Lehko> "SANTOS!"
(9:47) <Penelo> "Kupo!... Er, Santos!"
(9:47) * Lehko lights up with holy magic, a Cure spell already being cast on Santos.
(9:47) <Santos> "Yo. What kept you guys?" Santos calls out with a nonchalant wave as he kicks his foot off from the rock he was leaning against. "I beat you guys out here and everything? Slackers."
(9:48) <Penelo> "We found Catoplebas!" She will run up and hug him.
(9:48) <Kotono> "You survived!" Ebenezer exhales heavily, pure relief on his face.
(9:48) <Lehko> OOC: I cast Cure on Santos. Need me to roll for it?
(9:49) <Kotono> OOC: Nah, he's in decent shape here.
(9:49) * Santos raises an eyebrow at the healing spell. "...thanks? I'm just a little scuffed up, but not really injured. You didn't think some little ol' lasers would ding me, did you?" Santos says cockily. "I took care of those hydras and then just made my way back here, couldn't find you guys though. Ifrit said you went down furth...ah, you did? Penelo make a pact with him?"
(9:50) <Penelo> "I did! He will be with us for our journey!" She smiles, moving back and dancing in place for a moment.
(9:50) <Santos> "Neat. 'Grats and all," Santos says as he raises a thumb up for the little moogle.
(9:51) <Santos> "Oh, hey Mycol, while I was running around, found you a potential girlfriend. Mushboom time mage too, but female-ish! So she claims anyway, can't really tell, but I promised to introduce you next time or something."