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#014: "You shall sit at my right side. As befitting your status."

Started by Merc, April 12, 2013, 02:55:43 PM

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[18:32] <Kotono> A night passes without incident, the party resting up. The next day brings a storm of activity to Galimond! A great feast is prepared and the people are busy in the newly liberated castle. Soon enough the party is escorted to a quiet, well appointed sitting room, to await being called in honor to the feast...OOC: Go ahead and set each of yourselves up if you care to, then I'll move you along.
[18:33] * Lehko takes a moment to check over his armor and clothes, making sure everything is in place.
[18:33] <Lehko> "Well, this is the first time I've ever been to a feast with nobility. Anything I should watch out for?"
[18:35] * Mycol shuffles off somewhere quiet.
[18:35] * Lehko pokes the mushroom.
[18:35] <Lehko> "What's with you? You haven't been your normal energetic self for a while now."
[18:35] <Morrie> "I'm not quite familiar with the pomp and circumstance that surround such things as this." Morrie shrugs. "I think as long as we don't scream at them or get into an argument, there shouldn't be any problems." He looks around the room, not entirely sure if he believes what he just said.
[18:36] * Mycol wiggles.
[18:37] <Mycol> "I'm OK. I don't like losing. And I don't like crowds."
[18:37] * Lehko checks over his new pistols, spinning the cylinder shut before holstering them.
[18:38] <Mycol> "Meeting new people is fun, but being stared at, less so."
[18:38] <Morrie> "You don't have to go to this if you don't want to." He turns and looks over. "It seems like none of us really like the fame of this, except Santos."
[18:38] <Kotono> Meanwhile Santos spaces out, counting ninja sheep or whatever it is ninja-warriors do.
[18:38] <Lehko> "Well, I don't like losing, either, but in this case I don't think it's all that bad. Remember, she's the first summon spirit that we've ever fought. And loss or not, we came out of it alright and with new lessons. Next time, things won't go her way so easily."
[18:38] <Morrie> "I have an idea about that... but let's wait until after this to discuss it, okay?"
[18:39] * Mycol smiles somewhat surprisingly sadistically (OOC: Say that 3 times)
[18:39] * Lehko shrugs.
[18:39] <Lehko> "Sounds goods. Also, since the purifying ritual worked... kind of... I'd like to try it on a bigger scale. Like those runes. If nothing else, hopefully we can get some information on them like the armband."
[18:40] <Kotono> As the party chats, there is a knocking on the door. It opens a moment after, a liviered servant coming in. He bows, "Sirs," his voice is dry and cultured, "Pardon the interruption, but the feast is ready for your entrance."
[18:40] <Morrie> "Oh, sure." He nods. "I'd never thought to try and call on the power of the earth that way, so..." He turns over and shifts his weight a bit. "Then let us go."
[18:42] * Lehko nods and follows, squaring his shoulders and raising his chin slightly, like he's going to meet his Chieftaness.
[18:42] * Mycol shuffles in.
[18:44] <Kotono> The party is thus lead to the grand dining hall. It is a place of crystal chandaliers and smooth, polished dark wood flooring. A table large enough to seat a hundred is half filled, with other people milling about in clusters of 2 to 4. Sitting in a throne at left head of the table is Prince Zamar, clad in royal purple with a few dashes of white. Your servant guide steps in and clears his throat.
[18:44] <Kotono> This is somehow enough to draw a pause to the conversations going around, "May I now introduce the heroes Santos, Morrie, Mycol and Lehko!"
[18:45] * Lehko bows slightly to the prince, but doesn't lower his eyes.
[18:45] <Kotono> The Prince raises a champaign glass, "A cheer for our valorious heroes!" he declares! A moment later your ears are buried under a tide of applause and cheers!
[18:45] * Lehko lays his ears flat with a wince at the sudden sound.
[18:46] * Morrie smiles a small bit, but shifts his weight from foot to foot every so often. He follows Lehko's performance in regards to bowing, nodding to anyone who makes eye contact.
[18:49] <Kotono> As the cheers die down, Prince Zamar calls forth, "You shall sit at my right side," he declares, "As befitting your status as heroes."
[18:49] * Lehko nods to the prince and moves towards the seat.
[18:49] <Lehko> "Thank you, Prince Zamar. We appreciate the honor."
[18:50] * Morrie follows again. "Yes, thank you. We were just doing what we could."
[18:51] * Merc is now known as Santos
[18:55] * Lehko sits at the prince's table, and waits for the feast to begin..
[18:55] <Kotono> The party gets a fair few looks. AS you approach servants come forth to pull the seats out for you. The table is laden with fancy dishes and roasts of all kind, the scent of rich food nigh overwhelming. The Prince nods, "We are in your debt. Relatedly, your request for access to better weapons has been granted. There are shops at Serrendale reserved for the prosperous and elite; I have sent a missive instructing permits to be drawn up in your names. You may retreive them on your return."
[18:56] <Lehko> "Thank you, Prince. That'll be a great help to us."
[18:56] <Morrie> "Thank you, Prince Zamar." He truly was thankful at that, at least. "I hope we can be of further use in routing monsters from towns like this."
[18:57] <Kotono> A slight nod. "Likewise, I have also sent word to the royal court about Mycol's request. An audience will be be granted when you return there."
[18:57] * Mycol dances and bows.
[18:58] <Mycol> "I thank you, great Flesh-Prince."
[18:59] <Morrie> "If, for whatever reason, news reaches your ears of any further concerns... Please do not hesitate to try and locate us." He seemed to be crafting his words very intentionally for some reason.
[19:00] * Lehko nods.
[19:00] <Kotono> "I will remember your words," Prince Zamar says, and now with a smooth smile, "But now," Raising his glass once more, "Friends and gentlemen of Galimond! Take your seats and let us begin this celebration. To victory!"
[19:00] <Lehko> "Though I'd like to stay out of the spotlight, to a degree, I too would be happy to return and help."
[19:03] <Kotono> From there the world is a blur of fine food, drink and celebration. What must be a goodly hour passes, course after course savored. The mood is good - people chat and drink, the sound of laughter and pleasant conversation constantly buzzing all around. OOC: This is y'alls show. Feel free to do something or move on as you please.
[19:03] * Lehko turns to the Prince.
[19:04] * Santos just pigs out. Politely and in a classy fashion, but still pigs out.
[19:04] * Mycol will mostly eat quietly. Might dance if/when there's dancing.
[19:05] * Morrie will eat quietly, at least for now. It's been a while since they had food this good, really. He mulls a few things over in his mind, but does stay attentive to listen to the others, perhaps they came from outside town and maybe heard a rumor or two of monsters.
[19:05] <Lehko> "Sir, we heard that there was an effort in the castle to find old ruins and pieces of artefacts. One of our acquentences is a researcher. Would you be willing to give us access, or at least information, on what all you've found? I have my own projects geared towards things of power, and I'd like to see if I can learn anything of use.
[19:05] <Lehko> "
[19:08] <Kotono> Santos finds the food is certainly worth pigging out for. Better than Ebenezer's campfire cooking! Mycol can see that a few are rising, a section of the floor dedicated to dancing. It looks like slow waltzes, the sort of stately dances that don't overly upset the full and tipsy. Morrie can overhear a lot of discussion about monsters. One snippet, just on the edge of his hearing, "...word that
[19:08] <Kotono> this was bound to happen..." Meanwhile Prince Zamar listens, raising a hand. "These are delicate matters, shattered by too many ears partaking of them. But I'm afraid you've been beaten to it. Your ally Ebenezer already submitted that request in writing."
[19:08] * Lehko nods.
[19:09] * Morrie glances in the direction of the discussion, then turns back. "I am glad he did, we would not be here if not for him."
[19:09] <Lehko> "That's that, then. Any other news of import that might make use of our.. skills.. in the area?"
[19:11] <Kotono> Morrie can see there's a lot of people chatting. He'd have to go seek out the voice. Meanwhile, "At the moment no," Prince Zamar says.
[19:12] <Morrie> "Excuse me a moment." He nods to the others and stands, stepping off to see if he can actually find the person in the sea of people.
[19:14] * Lehko nods to the prince.
[19:14] <Lehko> "If you've nothing else immediately, then I'd like to take some time and meet some of the other guests, Prince."
[19:14] <Lehko> "Is there anyone of importance you can suggest?"
[19:16] <Kotono> "Go on," Prince Zamar says as Morrie gets up. Going over, he finds an older man standing with a younger man near the table. They talk quietly, both having broad shoulders and good muscles. One has gray hair and the other has brown, but they're almost identical otherwise. As you approach, "I know," The younger one says, "But what can you do?"
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[19:15] * Santos goes exploring around himself, talking to people here and there, asking about rumors of powerful monsters or treasure to chase after next, once Ebenezer is satisfied here.
[19:15] <Santos> roll 2d6+4 inquiry
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 inquiry and gets 13." [2d6=3, 6]
[19:16] <Kotono> As Santos wanders? BUMP! Suddenly he feels himself tumbling forward, stumbling! "Oh, I'm sorry!" A feminine voice says behind him, a hand on his shoulder, balancing him.
[19:17] <Santos> "It's alright, I wasn't watching my way that well myself," Santos says. "Thanks," he adds.
[19:25] <Kotono> Santos turns around! A pretty young thing is behind him! All red hair, long legs and a chest that just won't quit - even if her decolletage is being pressed enough that it sure wants to quit. "Hello there," she smiles warmly, "Lady Wichel. I hear you're in the treasure hunting business."
[19:27] <Santos> "I am indeed, my lady! Santos Delascura, at your service," he replies with a short but showy bow. "You have treasures that need to be found, monsters that need to be bested, adventure that needs to be shared?"
[19:30] <Kotono> "Why, it just so happens I do," Smiling and patting Santos's shoulder before letting go, "Have you ever heard of Legerman's Sinkhole?"
[19:30] <Lehko> "Surely, elder. What can I help you with?"
[19:30] <Santos> roll 2d6+0 lore?
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+0 lore? and gets 11." [2d6=6, 5]
[19:32] <Kotono> It's an old legend. Stories say Legerman the bandit prince stole enough gil to buy a kingdom. He hid it away in a cave, but it weighed so much that the entire mountain collapsed into a sinkhole. Or so the story goes, anyway.
[19:35] <Santos> "I believe I have. A bandit prince and his weighty treasure. Emphasis on the weighty," Santos jokes. "You know something about it?"
[19:37] <Lehko> "Hmm.. Varonn steel, right? Legends of old technology there, correct?"
[19:37] <Kotono> "I may," Batting her eyelashes, her hand goes out. Something is pressed into Santos's hand. "An address," she murmurs, "If your party wants to know more, come by. Or..." Reaching up, as if to trace Santos's cheek before slipping back and away, "If you just want to visit."
[19:38] * Santos grins, and pickets the message. Well that was fruitful!
[19:41] <Kotono> OOC: Post Santos. +1 key item, add it to your sheet. Lemme pause you while the other three do their thing since you finished quick.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[19:16] * Morrie raises an eyebrow. Nearly identical... He clears his throat at his approach. "Excuse me."
[19:18] <Kotono> "Hm?" Both older and younger t urn at th esame time, facing Morrie. The older speaks after, "Ah, Sir Morrie." Raising his wineglass to him, "Greetings."
[19:19] <Morrie> "Please, just 'Morrie' is enough, Sirs...?" He looks between them, hoping they'll share their names so he looks less awkward then he already does.
[19:20] <Kotono> "Sir Parben," The older one nods, "And Sir Parben." With a chuckle and a smile, "Richard Parben and my son, Leyan Parben."
[19:22] <Morrie> For a brief moment, he's stunned... and then they say their names. Ah. "It is good to meet the both of you. I overheard a bit of your conversation... Do you mind if I join you?"
[19:26] <Kotono> "By all means," The younger says, "Smashing good job dealing with that cur."
[19:28] <Morrie> "Thank you." He doesn't actually sit, but he does at least stay there. "I heard someone mention this was bound to happen... Do you know if that pertains to the monsters taking the castle, or being defeated? ...Or, perhaps both?"
[19:31] <Kotono> Thet wo men exchange a glance, before the older smiles thinly. "Both. In my younger days I tangled with the Dark Elf. Evidence suggested he was up to no good, but I was never able to rally enough support to finish him off and he was was forgotten."
[19:32] <Morrie> "Why do you think he came here? This seems like a dangerous place for monsters to risk -- so many soldiers, and all that." There was clearly more to it than that, but for now he'd hold his cards close to his chest.
[19:34] <Kotono> The younger lowers his voice, "Below." Is all he says, "Isn't it obvious? The peasantry has long gossiped about it." With a distasteful scowl, "It is common knowledge, no matter how much we try to dispel it. What treasure-addled fools don't know is that it's dangerous at best and most likely a fine way to commit suicide."
[19:36] <Morrie> "The green, yes?" He looked between them, assuming that that would be enough to inform them. "My comrades and I have a theory on how to... solve that problem, let us say."
[19:38] <Kotono> "You're damned smarter than us if you can," The older one grouses, "We've tried." The younger one shakes his head, "The green leeches life and the portal is suicide."
[19:40] * Morrie nods. "We're going to try, after we take out what's really, -really- below." He smiles a little bit, although he isn't actually sure how long Shiva had been down there...
[19:43] <Kotono> "I beg of you not to go into the main portal!" The older one frowns, "A portal in a room of green - hundreds have gone in, entire regiments. Not one has ever returned." His voice low and tense, "Powerful monsters captured at great cost and bloodshed - never came back. "
[19:44] <Morrie> OOC: They hadn't actually gone through there, right?
[19:44] <Kotono> OOC: The party hasn't gone into a portal in a green room, no.
[19:45] * Morrie nods. "I will make note of that. But it must be one-way, then..."
[19:47] <Kotono> "Be wary of it," The older one says, offering a hand out, "Good luck below, Sir Morrie. I'm afraid I can't stay much longer, my son's wife is extremely pregnant and prefers family nearby." Flashing a smile, "We can but only comfort them."
[19:48] * Morrie leans over and shakes his hand, hoping inwardly that he doesn't suddenly suffer any time-altering vertigo from doing so. "Of course. I am certain we shall meet again. Please be safe."
[19:48] <Kotono> OOC: Lemme pause you there, Morrie, as I finish the other two.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[19:18] * Lehko gets up with a small bow of the head to the Prince and starts to wander the hall, making sure to settle his long coat losely on his shoulders so the shining plate armor shows.
[19:24] <Kotono> Lehko wanders about in the meanwhile. "Ah, Lehko! Sir Lehko!" An older man with a cane approaches. He is weathered and wrinkled, walking slowly and with a slouch in his step. Despite that he's clad in jewel-lined clothes and wears many rings.
[19:24] * Lehko turns to the man and walks towards him, saving him at least a few steps of effort.
[19:29] <Kotono> "A pleasure," He says as Lehko approaches, "I wonder if I may have a few minutes of your time."
[19:30] * Lehko inclines his head to the man.
[19:33] <Kotono> "I hear you're a crack shot and good at dealing with monters," So he offers, "Are you familiar with the land of Varonn?"
[19:33] <Lehko> roll 2d6+0 lore?
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+0 lore? and gets 7." [2d6=3, 4]
[19:36] <Kotono> Lehko has heard of Varonn before. It's mainly known for Varonn Iron or Steel. It's a bit aways but has strong metalworks. Lehko's background in tinkering also lets him know that there's ooooold stories of useful tech 'round those parts, but story is that it's long lost.
[19:37] * Lehko thinks for a moment.
[19:41] <Kotono> "Yes," The old man says, "You're well read," Nodding slightly, "Stories say that one Varonn had a fleet of ships that could sail the skies...but those days are long past," The old man remarks.
[19:42] <Kotono> *once
[19:43] <Lehko> "Hmm.. Really.. That's an interesting story.. Not sure I've read of that yet. Do you know anything more about it?"
[19:46] <Kotono> "Mmmm. I may. There's said to be great mechanical treausures hidden in the ruins of old Varonn castle. I would pay pounds of gold for intact ones," The old man says.
[19:49] <Lehko> "Ahhh.. Hmm.. I, personally, would be interested in going as well... However I have my companions to consider.. If I can arrange such a trip... I would still like to have rights to research anything I find, and to the results of your own research. I have projects of my own which may benefit from such a trade. I would, of course, be willing to share most of what I learn with you, as well."
[19:49] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 Negotiation
[19:49] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 Negotiation and gets 14." [2d6=4, 6]
[19:50] <Kotono> The older man considers before nodding slowly, "If you go, we can come to an understanding. Seek House Almalan." He offers his hand out to Lehko after.
[19:50] * Lehko grips his hand fimrly and shakes it.
[19:50] <Lehko> "To our mutual benefit, elder."
[19:50] * Lehko raises a glass to him.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[19:16] * Mycol sort of sways about slowly, listening in occasionally to anything  interesting.
[19:18] <Kotono> As Mycol sways about and listens, "My word!" A middle aged man with a bit of a paunch and wearing rich, fur lined clothes approaches. "Beg my pardon, but are you a Mushboom?"
[19:19] * Mycol perks up.
[19:20] <Mycol> "Yes, yes! Not many fleshmen have heard much about us. I am Mycol L'thrishdasumaladid"
[19:22] <Kotono> "Hail and well met, Mycol L'thrishdasumaladid!" He actually gets the last name reasonably close to right. "I'm Serro Stoneford. I've studied unusual creatures as a hobby for decades, and you're the first Mushboom I've personally seen. But the stories are quite fascinating."
[19:23] * Mycol bobs enthusiastically.
[19:24] <Mycol> "The reverse is always being true, too, however, I've found flesh-men in person are much more than the stories."
[19:26] <Kotono> "How true," Serro Stoneford says, "The rurmor is that you're an advance scout of the Mushrooms. I say, is there truth to this rumor?"
[19:30] <Mycol> "Scout? No. More like informal ambassador. Trying to spread flesh-man awareness of our people"
[19:31] <Kotono> "Aaaaah. Does that include matters of trade?" The man asks, "And other mercantile pursuits?"
[19:33] <Mycol> "It could, I suppose. Trade is always being necessary for coexistence, after all.
[19:34] <Mycol> "Tell me, Flesh-man, you sound as though you always are having something in mind."
[19:35] <Kotono> "I deal in trade," Serro Stoneford is all smiles now, "I'm always interested in starting new trade routes. I'm certain our people and I could come to mutually beneficial relations."
[19:38] <Mycol> "Tell me, Flesh-man, are you a merchant of this realm, or another?"
[19:39] <Kotono> "I am a merchant of great renown," Serro Stoneford says grandly, "I have agents from here to the elven lands to beyond."
[19:42] <Mycol> OOC: Is there anyway I can check the veracity of his statement? I do have ranks in Mercantile, but I'm also kind of an outsider (obviously)
[19:42] <Kotono> OOC: Make a check on it.
[19:42] <Mycol> OOC: (Although, I think this might be awareness)
[19:43] <Mycol> roll 2d6+3
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+3 and gets 13." [2d6=4, 6]
[19:44] <Kotono> The name does ring a bell to Mycol. It's legit based on what he knows of the local merchants. Not the biggest player, but he has a long reach. Very distributed, specializes in moving goods a long distance for maximum profit.
[19:47] <Mycol> "I do not have the pull to make an exchange of goods. However, I can tell you this.
[19:47] <Mycol> "In general, we could use crafted metals, and many mushbooms appreciate novelties from the flesh-man kingdoms. Clothing, simple crafts and the like."
[19:48] <Mycol> "For what we have that Flesh-men might want....."
[19:48] <Kotono> "Aaaaaah!" Smiling now at that, "That's wondrous news! I'm sure you have salable goods of your own?"
[19:49] <Mycol> "Peat. High quality peat. And, I assume the reverse is true. You are always being novel to us, we are likely to always be being novel to you."
[19:50] <Kotono> "Of course," A slight bow to Mycol after, "I'm certain we can set up something profitable to both parties. Ah, but social graces call to me. There are others I must still see. If you excuse me..."
[19:51] * Mycol nods and bobs a little.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[19:56] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) '
[19:56] <Kotono> From there the party heads downstairs to visit Shiva. You find her awaiting, sitting on the edge of the fountain. "Oh, so you're back for more?" she questions, "I wasn't aware frostbite was a rising fashion trend."
[19:58] * Morrie stands back, at, let's call it a Medium Range.
[19:59] <Lehko> "No, Lady Shiva. But, as men, we need to prove we can win. You have a task for us, and this is the first step for it, no?"
[20:00] * Mycol is with Morrie
[20:00] <Santos> "You're going down, this time!" Santos says, pointing his fire sword's tip at the esper.
[20:01] <Mycol> "Thought fight was a peaceful test, and I was always holding back again. This time and forever, I'll be more aggressive."
[20:01] <Morrie> "What they're trying to say is we request a second chance." He adds.
[20:02] <Kotono> "So be it. Perhaps you'll give me a worthwhile fight this time," Shiva says, as a cold wind blows! At her side are two ghouls, "If you want a second chance, then here I am! Crash all your power against me and pray for a miracle that will never come!" OOC: Init here.
[20:02] <Lehko> roll 2d6 Init
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6 Init and gets 3." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:02] <Morrie> roll 2d6 morrie init
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6 morrie init and gets 6." [2d6=2, 4]
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6 Shiva
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 Shiva and gets 3." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6 ghoul 1
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 ghoul 1 and gets 7." [2d6=5, 2]
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6 ghoul 2
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 ghoul 2 and gets 8." [2d6=2, 6]
[20:03] <Morrie> "Mycol, remember we have the items in the bag for you, if you want to use them."
[20:03] <Santos> roll 2d6-0 init
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6-0 init and gets 8." [2d6=3, 5]
[20:03] <Mycol> 2d6
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=3, 1]
[20:03] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Ghoul 2(8)>Ghoul 1(7)>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3)'
[20:03] <Kotono> OOC: Open Santos.'
[20:04] * Santos immediately attacks one of the ghouls, even though he'd rather go for Shiva.
[20:04] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[20:04] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 14." [2d6=5, 5]
[20:05] <Kotono> OOC: Which one?
[20:05] <Santos> ooc: 34 damage to ghoul 1
[20:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Ghoul 2(8)>Ghoul 1(7)>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | G1:29'
[20:05] <Santos> ooc: actually, 36 damage
[20:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Ghoul 2(8)>Ghoul 1(7)>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | G1:31'
[20:05] <Morrie> OOC: That's fire, too, right?
[20:05] <Kotono> OOC: Yes. Hold on, adding weakness.
[20:05] <Santos> ooc: Yes, all my attacks are fire
[20:05] <Morrie> OOC: *thumbs up*
[20:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Ghoul 2(8)>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) |'
[20:06] <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 153." [2#1d100 = 92, 61]
[20:06] <Kotono> The flaming saber cuts through the ghoul seamlessly! It bursts into flame and collapes, spraying gil all over! The second begins to cast, arms coated in ice as frozen power gathers around it! OOC: Morrie.
[20:07] * Morrie knows what that means and calls on the spirits of wind to strike down the second ghoul!
[20:07] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[20:07] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 7." [2d6=1, 4]
[20:07] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:07] <Morrie> OOC: 47
[20:07] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Ghoul 2(8)>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | G2: 46'
[20:08] <Kotono> Wind shears slice deeply into the second ghoul, flaying away flesh and most of its left arm! But it stays up, rotting body taking absurd amounts of abuse! OOC: Mycol.
[20:08] * Mycol dances and dances and speeds up
[20:08] <Mycol> (Quick-cast Quickening)
[20:08] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Ghoul 2(8)>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4, quickened)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | G2: 46'
[20:09] <Kotono> Mycol begins to vibrate with pure speed, the 'shroom the fastest fungus alive now! AS he channels pure speed in...OOC: Lehko.
[20:09] * Lehko holds up a Bomb Fragment with a smirk and unleashes its effect on the remaining ghoul!
[20:09] <Kotono> OOC: Roll damage.
[20:10] <Lehko> roll 2*3+2d6
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2*3+2d6 and gets 10." [2d6=1, 3]
[20:10] <Kotono> OOC: Your order of operations is forked.
[20:10] <Lehko> OOC: That's how the book lists it.
[20:10] <Kotono> OOC: You only have 2 PWR?
[20:10] <Lehko> OOC: Yup. Cursed armband.
[20:11] <Kotono> OOC: Okay then.
[20:11] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4, quickened)>Lehko>Shiva(3) |'
[20:11] <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
[20:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 84." [2#1d100 = 4, 80]
[20:12] <Kotono> The ghoul is lit aflame! It thrashes as the ice magic it gathers sputters out! It runs around for a few seconds, silently screaming, before falling in a heap and burning to ash! Shiva looks on with boredom, "I suppose you're more serious now," she says, as she saunters over to Santos! A ringing SLAP is heard as she lashes out at him!
[20:12] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 ARM and AVD?
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 ARM and AVD? and gets 6." [2d6=1, 2]
[20:14] <Lehko> OOC: His AVD is 7, ARM is 16.
[20:14] <Kotono> But Santos, with long experience in avoiding this sort of thing, jerks his head out of the way and leaps away from the slap! OOC: Okay. Santos, go.
[20:16] * Lehko watches Santos launch himself at Shiva, firey blade of death leading the way!
[20:17] <Lehko> roll rd6+4 for Santos' attack.
[20:17] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 for Santos' attack.
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 for Santos' attack. and gets 12." [2d6=6, 2]
[20:17] <Santos> ooc: Hey!
[20:17] <Lehko> OOC: Don't be a slackass then!
[20:17] <Santos> ooc: A guy can't even go for a sandwich these days?
[20:17] <Lehko> OOC: Also, mention you're leaving in OOC!
[20:17] <Santos> ooc: bah!
[20:17] <Kotono> OOC: Take it to the OOC room. The roll stands, are you gonna reroll any of those dice, Santos?
[20:18] * Santos does in fact launch himself at Shiva, multiplying into mirror images as he attacks!
[20:18] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 2
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 2 and gets 6." [d6=6]
[20:18] <Kotono> OOC: Congratulations, that's going to fucking hrut. Damage?
[20:18] <Santos> ooc: I'll take the critski for 76
[20:18] <Kotono> OOC: Before fire weakness?
[20:18] <Kotono> 76*2
[20:18] <Kotono> roll 76*2
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 76*2 and gets 152."
[20:19] <Santos> ooc: before, yes
[20:19] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(4, quickened)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 148'
[20:19] <Kotono> Santos leaps in, slashing Shiva's front! A burning hiss follows as she stumbles back, suddenly...!!! OOC: Interrupt time! She's doing that then taking her normal turn.
[20:20] * Morrie widens his eyes a bit when Santos tears into Shiva, but then immediately takes a breath, since he remembers what happened last time. "Be on your guard, everyone."
[20:20] <Kotono> Shiva flips back after, the world exploding into a field of icy razors and glacial shards! Besides her are two more ghouls, "I see I'm going to have to take you almost seriously." she says, as...
[20:20] <Kotono> roll 2d6 ghoul 3
[20:20] <Kotono> roll 2d6 ghoul 4
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 ghoul 3 and gets 9." [2d6=5, 4]
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 ghoul 4 and gets 4." [2d6=3, 1]
[20:21] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol>Ghoul 4(4, quickened)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 148'
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: Go Morrie, dunno why I said Shiva goes normally next.
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: Not noting difficult terrain, since ice res negates it.
[20:21] * Morrie opens his hand and calls on the spirits again to strike at the second ghoul, again!
[20:21] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8." [2d6=3, 3]
[20:21] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened)>Ghoul 4(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 148'
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: Which one? The second ghoul's kinda dead. Redead.
[20:22] <Morrie> OOC: The second second. Fourth, I suppose.
[20:22] <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[20:22] <Morrie> OOC: 48
[20:22] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened)>Ghoul 4(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 148 G4: 47'
[20:22] <Kotono> The fourth ghoul is rocked by a flurry of battering winds, knocking him back and shredding it up good! OOC: Mycol. 11 quickening damage, yes?
[20:23] <Mycol> OOC: Yes
[20:23] <Morrie> "Mycol, try and hit them all with one of those fragments." He has an idea, and it just... might... work.
[20:23] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened)>Ghoul 4(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 148 G4: 47'
[20:23] * Mycol opens a portal to the bag, and blurrily throws out two fragments. The first, wide, the second short.
[20:23] <Mycol> (One all-target, one-shiva)
[20:23] <Kotono> OOC: Resolve the all-target one first.
[20:24] <Mycol> 24+2d6
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 24+2d6 and gets 31." [2d6=2, 5]
[20:24] <Mycol> Err..
[20:24] <Mycol> That's 8
[20:24] <Mycol> I reversed your orders, like an idiot.
[20:24] <Kotono> OOC: 8 total or 8+roll result?
[20:24] <Kotono> OOC: Happens.
[20:24] <Mycol> So 8+7 = 15
[20:25] <Santos> ooc: remember ooc!
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: So 30 before M.ARM since they're all weak. Okay.
[20:25] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened)>Ghoul 4(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 174 G3: 28'
[20:25] <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 121." [2#1d100 = 24, 97]
[20:25] <Mycol> OOC: And on Shiva
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: Go fo rit.
[20:25] <Mycol> 24+2d6
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 24+2d6 and gets 31." [2d6=4, 3]
[20:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened)>Ghoul 4(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 232 G3: 28'
[20:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened)>Ghoul 4(4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 232 G3: 29'
[20:26] <Santos> ooc: why'd the ghoul gain one damage?
[20:27] <Mycol> OOC: sympathy pain
[20:27] <Kotono> Storms of fire erupt out! The ghouls are burnt, the wounded one consumed unto ashes to ashes and dust to dust! Shiva cries out as flames engulf her! After a moment the flames freeze over, falling to the ground and shattering! But she looks -pissed- now! OOC: Miscalculated the damage by 1. Ghoul 4 would be up but it is DEAD. Lehko.
[20:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 232 G3: 29'
[20:28] * Lehko takes aim at the remaining ghoul with both pistols!
[20:28] <Lehko> roll 2d6+2
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 and gets 13." [2d6=6, 5]
[20:28] <Kotono> OOC: That be a big fat hitorama.
[20:28] <Lehko> OOC: Damage is 29
[20:28] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 232 G3: 53'
[20:29] <Kotono> Bang-bang! Two shots cap the ghoul, staggering it back further! As it reels? Shiva straightens up and gestures, "Be as ice! Scatter chilly-sharp blades! Blizzard!"
[20:29] <Kotono> roll 2d6+10
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+10 and gets 17." [2d6=2, 5]
[20:29] <Kotono> roll 17/2
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 17/2 and gets 8.5."
[20:30] <Kotono> OOC: Speak up if any of you have M.ARM of seven or less.
[20:30] <Morrie> OOC: 5 M. Arm here
[20:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 232 G3: 53'
[20:30] <Santos> ooc: 8
[20:30] <Kotono> OOC: Mycol is tanky and Lehko has that new silver armor, so they're safe.
[20:30] <Kotono> The blast of cold is a massive winter's gale - but it's barely felt at all! The third ghoul lumbers forward, hands reaching out for Lehko!
[20:31] <Kotono> roll 2d6+1 AVD and ARM?
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+1 AVD and ARM? and gets 6." [2d6=4, 1]
[20:31] <Lehko> OOC: 7, 12.
[20:31] <Kotono> But Lehko is too fast, kicking the ghoul back! OOC: Okay. Santos, go.
[20:31] * Santos actually continues to attack Shiva, given that she's so damaged... "One of you guys finish off the ghoul, I'll keep at Shiva while you do that!" he calls out to the others. It's only started to charge up its spell, so it seems right to him to ignore it at this time.
[20:31] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 11." [2d6=1, 6]
[20:31] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 1." [d6=1]
[20:31] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1 reliable
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 reliable and gets 6." [d6=6]
[20:31] <Kotono> OOC: Le ow.
[20:32] <Santos> ooc: I'll spend a point of destiny just to be a dick and roll an extra die for more damage.
[20:32] <Santos> roll d6
[20:32] <Kotono> OOC: Okay!
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 and gets 1." [d6=1]
[20:32] <Morrie> "I will take care of it." He says, readying himself to strike the ghoul with wind.
[20:32] <Santos> ooc: alas!
[20:32] <Morrie> OOC: Hatebot.
[20:32] <Kotono> OOC: Damage?
[20:32] <Santos> ooc: 78 damage before fire
[20:32] <Kotono> roll 78*2
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 78*2 and gets 156."
[20:32] <Mycol> Jesus.
[20:32] <Kotono> roll 232+152
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 232+152 and gets 384."
[20:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 384 G3: 53'
[20:33] <Mycol> OOC: You were MAD at her. >_>
[20:33] <Kotono> OOC: No shit.
[20:33] <Santos> ooc: Didn't work out though. Would have been awesome if I'd rolled a 6.
[20:33] <Kotono> Santos leaps in, carving and hacking at Shiva! She slashes right across her side, a howl of pain! Suddenly the icy razors around you shatters and the field of ice is gone! Shiva snaps, "Enough games!" OOC: Interrupt number 2! Phase 3 go!
[20:34] <Santos> "I said it before, you're going down!"
[20:34] * Morrie had expected as much, but stays ready regardless.
[20:34] <Kotono> At her side are two massive eagles! They fly above you, circling the party! They seem unbothered by the gold, great aerial raptors ready to pounce on the party! At the same time a tremendous gale wind forms above, raining ice down on Shiva, "Blizzara!" she calls!
[20:34] <Kotono> roll 2d6+50 healing to her
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+50 healing to her and gets 61." [2d6=5, 6]
[20:34] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 323 G3: 53'
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 2d6 Eagle 1
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 Eagle 1 and gets 7." [2d6=4, 3]
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 2d6 Eagle 2
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 Eagle 2 and gets 3." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 323 G3: 53'
[20:35] <Morrie> "Mycol, would you finish the Ghoul off? I have a theory..." he trails off, glancing up at the eagles.
[20:35] <Kotono> Ice washes over Shiva, working away her wounds! Some of the burning gashes are gone after that! OOC: Morrie, go.
[20:36] * Morrie calls on the spirits of the wind to strike at the second eagle overhead!
[20:36] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[20:36] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 12." [2d6=5, 5]
[20:36] <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[20:36] <Morrie> OOC: 52
[20:37] <Kotono> roll 52*1.5
[20:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 52*1.5 and gets 78."
[20:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 35/46 (28/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 323 G3: 53 E2: 72'
[20:37] <Kotono> Gashes of air fly, cutting into the second eagle deeply! It caws in the air as one wing is nearly torn apart, but it stays up, raining feathers down! OOC: Mycol, you're up. Quickening again?
[20:38] * Mycol goes into a rapid spin, and launches his Maracas telekinetically at Ghoul 3
[20:38] <Mycol> (I take 11 damage. Also, I never took my MP loss of 2 from Quickening)
[20:38] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 24/46 (26/28 MP) | Ghoul 3(9)>Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 323 G3: 53 E2: 72'
[20:38] <Kotono> OOC: Good catch.
[20:38] <Mycol> 2d6+1
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+1 and gets 9." [2d6=5, 3]
[20:38] <Morrie> "Lehko, I think you can finish off that one." He raises his hand to indicate the one he just struck.
[20:38] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:39] <Mycol> 28, then.
[20:39] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 24/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 323 E2: 72'
[20:39] <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
[20:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 149." [2#1d100 = 53, 96]
[20:39] * Mycol then glows briefly, protected by his Mana shield
[20:40] <Mycol> OOC: (Mana shield, obviously)
[20:40] <Kotono> The ghoul takes a maracas right upside the head! Its head is knocked clean off, the beast doing a little jig as it drops gil and perishes once more! OOC: Okay. Lehko, go.
[20:41] * Lehko nods to Morrie and spins to aim at the wounded eagle, managing to step closer to Santos (declaring Cover), and letting fly with both pistols!
[20:41] <Lehko> roll 2d6+2
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 1]
[20:41] <Lehko> roll 1d6+2
[20:41] <Morrie> OOC: And that's when Lehko shot himself in both feet.
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 1d6+2 and gets 5." [1d6=3]
[20:41] <Lehko> OOC: 6 I guess.
[20:41] <Kotono> OOC: What's with the second roll?
[20:41] <Lehko> OOC: Dual wield. Reroll.
[20:41] <Santos> ooc: he got dual wield, remember? Though he doesn't add +2
[20:41] <Kotono> OOC: Whiff with a 6. Okay. Just roll the die, not the mod next time.
[20:42] <Kotono> Lehko aims and shoots - but his energy sapped body betrays him, vision shaking as he m isses! OOC: Ow. Eagle 2 is up.
[20:42] <Kotono> The second eagle caws mightily, as Shiva points at Santos! The eagle plunges right down at him in a terrifying dive, beak first!
[20:42] <Kotono> roll 2d6+2 AVD and ARM?
[20:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+2 AVD and ARM? and gets 9." [2d6=3, 4]
[20:42] <Santos> ooc: avd 10!
[20:42] <Santos> ooc: now nine, after the eagle eats one of my images
[20:43] <Santos> "BZZZT! Wrong guess, lady!"
[20:43] <Kotono> Woosh! The eagle rips through an image instead of Santos! At the same time a great big sword of ice appears right overhead Santos! "Bye," Shiva says sweetly as it plunges down onto him!
[20:43] <Kotono> roll 2d6+40 non-elemental damage of OH GOD MAGIC SWORD STABBING HEAVENLY STRIKE OW
[20:43] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+40 non-elemental damage of OH GOD MAGIC SWORD STABBING HEAVENLY STRIKE OW and gets 43." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:43] <Kotono> OOC: M.ARM?
[20:44] <Santos> ooc: 8
[20:44] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 24/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 323 E2: 72'
[20:44] <Santos> "You'll need to try harder to get rid of me, lady!" Santos roars, still standing, as he shakes off the ice and snow from the attack.
[20:44] <Kotono> The sword plunges into Santos, clubbing him down and piercing his shoulder! IT explodes in a blast of force and ice, leaving him dazed and bloodieD! OOC: Ouches. Eagle 1.
[20:45] <Kotono> The first eagle also circles overhead, before darting down at Santos as well in a powerful dive!
[20:45] <Kotono> roll 2d6+2 AVD?
[20:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+2 AVD? and gets 7." [2d6=4, 1]
[20:45] <Lehko> OOC: Interrupt if it hits.
[20:45] <Santos> ooc: AVD 9
[20:45] <Santos> ooc: drops to 8 now
[20:45] <Kotono> But Santos is too swift, rolling out of the way as the eagles swoops through where he was a moment ago! OOC: No need, evade comes through again. Terrifying! Santos.
[20:46] * Santos roars and focuses on Shiva. "You guys take care of the eagles, flying enemies are a pain to time hits against!" Santos calls out. He knows his accuracy would drop, so better stick with what he can target for sure.
[20:46] <Santos> roll 2d6+4 Shiva
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 Shiva and gets 6." [2d6=1, 1]
[20:46] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 5." [d6=5]
[20:46] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1 reliable
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 reliable and gets 3." [d6=3]
[20:46] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.  Damage?
[20:47] <Santos> ooc: 34
[20:47] <Kotono> roll 34*2
[20:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 34*2 and gets 68."
[20:47] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 24/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E2: 72'
[20:47] * Morrie looks at the others. "Try and focus on them for a time, I am going to heal us for now."
[20:48] <Kotono> Santos once again rips into Shiva! The burning blade brands her, causing her to throw up a barrier of ice and snow! But the flame sabre rips right through them and into her! OOC: Ow. Morrie.
[20:48] * Morrie summons the spirits of the sun to heal the party!
[20:48] <Morrie> roll 2d6+6
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+6 and gets 9." [2d6=1, 2]
[20:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 33/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E2: 72'
[20:49] <Kotono> Warmth and sunlight come on down, soothing the freezing wounds of the party! OOC: Mycol, yer up.
[20:49] <Mycol> OOC: 11 damage
[20:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 22/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Eagle 2=Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E2: 72'
[20:49] * Mycol spins and draws a bead on Eagle 2
[20:49] <Mycol> "I think... there!
[20:49] * Mycol throws his maracas at him
[20:50] <Mycol> 2d6+1
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+1 and gets 8." [2d6=6, 1]
[20:50] <Kotono> OOC: hit.
[20:50] <Kotono> OOC: Hit even.
[20:50] <Mycol> OOC: 27
[20:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 22/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387'
[20:50] <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 321." [4#1d100 = 99, 41, 94, 87]
[20:51] <Kotono> The eagle is hit midfight, crashing down and becoming a pile of gil in its total defeat! OOC: Second action go.
[20:51] <Mycol> "I didn't forget about you!"
[20:51] * Mycol sends his Maracas around to strike back at Shiva
[20:51] <Mycol> 2d6+1
[20:51] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+1 and gets 4." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:51] <Mycol> Nope.
[20:52] <Kotono> But Shiva bats aside the maracas, sending it flying away! OOC: Okay. Lehko.
[20:52] * Lehko sticks close to Santos and fires at the remaining eagle.
[20:52] <Lehko> roll 2d6+2
[20:52] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 and gets 9." [2d6=1, 6]
[20:52] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:52] <Lehko> roll 1d6 reroll
[20:52] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 1d6 reroll and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[20:53] <Lehko> OOC: 27 Dam.
[20:53] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 62/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 22/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:53] <Kotono> Lehko shoots! It is a direct and clean shot, clipping the body of the flying bird! But it doesn't quite down it, as Shiva gathers in power! "BLIZZARA!" she roars, a burst of icy hell exploding all over the party! Icicles rain from above, threatening to destroy all!
[20:53] <Kotono> roll 2d6+30 note M.ARM y'all.
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+30 note M.ARM y'all. and gets 35." [2d6=2, 3]
[20:54] <Kotono> roll 35/2
[20:54] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 35/2 and gets 17.5."
[20:54] <Morrie> OOC: 5
[20:54] <Santos> ooc: 8
[20:54] <Lehko> OOC: M.ARM 12.
[20:54] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 50/64 Lehko 53/58 Mycol 22/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:54] <Lehko> OOC: Also, cover on Santos if he needs it.
[20:54] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Mycol, M.ARM?
[20:55] <Morrie> OOC: 15
[20:55] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 50/64 Lehko 53/58 Mycol 20/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:55] <Santos> ooc: Morrie should be at 52, since sunlight should have healed him 2 points, btw
[20:55] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 52/64 Lehko 53/58 Mycol 20/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:55] <Morrie> "Just keep it up, everyone. I will try again to heal us." He hopes that the healing will be slightly more meaningful this time, though...
[20:55] <Kotono> The frigid holocaust leaves the party mildly reeling, but your resistance to cold fends the worst of it off! The party is still standing, even if Santos and Mycol are drooping forward! Meanwhile the first eagle keeps at it, diving for Santos!
[20:55] <Kotono> roll 2d6+2
[20:55] <Mycol> OOC: (That'd be 1 damage to HP and 1 to MP. I have Mana shield going)
[20:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+2 and gets 11." [2d6=4, 5]
[20:56] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 52/64 Lehko 53/58 Mycol 21/46 (25/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:56] <Santos> ooc: that hits
[20:56] <Kotono> OOC: ARM?
[20:56] <Santos> ooc: 16
[20:56] <Lehko> OOC: Cover!
[20:56] <Kotono> OOC: Go for it, Lehko.
[20:56] <Mycol> OOC: (I'm wrong. That's physical only.)
[20:56] <Mycol> OOC: (Sorry.)
[20:56] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 52/64 Lehko 53/58 Mycol 20/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:56] <Kotono> OOC: Noted.
[20:57] <Kotono> roll 49-16
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 49-16 and gets 33."
[20:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 52/64 Lehko 20/58 Mycol 20/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 387 E1: 27'
[20:57] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 42." [1d100=42]
[20:57] * Lehko dives and rolls towards Santos, coming up to meet the eagle and block it's path to Santos!
[20:57] <Kotono> The dive catches Lehko right in the chest! The beak tears into it - and his chest begins to turn slate gray! He feels a terribile heaviness come over his body, but with a force of will he battles it back! The gray is gone in seconds! OOC: Santos, go.
[20:58] <Santos> ooc: I don't think Cover works off my ARM, it'd work off Lehko's
[20:58] <Santos> ooc: Unless Lehko also has 16 ARM?
[20:58] <Kotono> OOC: It says it works off the original target's arm.
[20:58] <Morrie> OOC: It does work off yours. I don't know why, but that's how it works.
[20:58] <Kotono> OOC: Go Santos.
[20:58] <Lehko> OOC: Goes off of yours.
[20:58] <Santos> ooc: oh, that's just weird.
[21:00] * Santos gives a silent nod of thanks to Lehko, and keeps his focus on Shiva. "You can't have much more left in you! We're winning this time!" Santos declares as he attacks.
[21:01] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[21:01] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 15." [2d6=5, 6]
[21:01] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:01] <Santos> ooc: 37 damage
[21:01] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 52/64 Lehko 20/58 Mycol 20/46 (26/28 MP) | Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457 E1: 27'
[21:04] <Kotono> Santos again cleaves into Lady Shiva! This time his burning blade knocks her back, blue blood coming from a new hole in her stomach! "ENOUGH!" she thunders! A wind cold enough to freeze a lake solid in moments blows! Complicated arcane patterns spread on the floor, up the walls and on the ceiling! Dozens of portals appear, each showing a different frozen wasteland! The ground shakes as Shiva
[21:04] <Kotono> begins to glow with tremendous power! "The world will be covered in frost as beautiful as a diamond's dust!" she declares, as meanwhile another eagle appears above! But this one is pitch black! It circle above you, even bigger than the previous eagle! OOC: Adding to init.
[21:04] <Kotono> roll 2d6
[21:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 and gets 9." [2d6=6, 3]
[21:04] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 23/58, Morrie: 52/64 Lehko 20/58 Mycol 20/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457 E1: 27'
[21:04] <Kotono> OOC: Go Morrie.
[21:04] <Morrie> Again, Morrie calls on the spirits to heal the party. He hopes, this time, the sunlight is a bit stronger... "Do not forget what happened last time, everyone."
[21:04] <Morrie> roll 2d6+6 healing
[21:04] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+6 healing and gets 9." [2d6=1, 2]
[21:05] <Morrie> OOC: fucking really?
[21:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 29/58 Mycol 29/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457 E1: 27'
[21:05] <Kotono> OOC: Hatbot is a son of a bitch.
[21:05] <Kotono> Warm light again appears! This time is struggles and becomes icy blue in color as it shines down! Morrie can feel the power of nature bending away from him, all towards Shiva! It is a massively pure source, gathering more and more power! OOC: Okay. Mycol.
[21:06] <Mycol> "Hey, birdy"
[21:06] <Morrie> "I would suggest you all use a Potion, the sunlight is having trouble reaching this place."
[21:06] * Mycol flings some hyper fast maracas at the Eagle
[21:06] <Mycol> 2d6+1
[21:06] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+1 and gets 10." [2d6=5, 4]
[21:06] <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[21:06] <Mycol> OOC: 29
[21:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 29/58 Mycol 29/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Eagle 1(7)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457 E1: 56'
[21:06] <Mycol> (And again)
[21:06] <Mycol> 2d6+1
[21:06] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+1 and gets 12." [2d6=6, 5]
[21:06] <Kotono> OOC: Also hits.
[21:06] <Mycol> OOC:(So close)
[21:06] <Mycol> 31
[21:07] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 29/58 Mycol 29/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457'
[21:07] <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 210." [4#1d100 = 71, 80, 28, 31]
[21:08] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 29/58 Mycol 18/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457'
[21:08] <Kotono> The eagle is hit both times by the flying music, clubbing it down and into a fatal crash! More gil lines the frozen ground, as more and more portals appear! It's getting painfully cold in here, difficult to breathe even with your cold resistance! OOC: Lehko.
[21:08] * Lehko pulls out a potion and chugs it down like it's the sweet, sweet beer-nectar of the gods. (+14 HP)
[21:09] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 43/58 Mycol 18/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457'
[21:09] <Mycol> "NOW NOW NOW AND ALWAYS"
[21:09] <Mycol> "Hit her with everything. We cannot let her win this"
[21:10] <Kotono> Healing washes over LEhko, the Mithra slurping down frozen ice to heal his wounds! Meanwhile Shiva continues to charge! Everything around you is portals now! Then the Helldiver dives down - with a world-rattling screetch as it plunges at the fiery Santos!
[21:10] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 congratulations, Shiva hates you now
[21:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 congratulations, Shiva hates you now and gets 8." [2d6=4, 1]
[21:10] <Kotono> OOC: AVD and ARM?
[21:10] <Kotono> OOC: Going to cover, Lehko?
[21:11] <Lehko> OOC: Do you need it, Santos?
[21:12] <Santos> OOC: Yes, my avoidance is exactly 8.
[21:12] <Lehko> OOC: COVER!
[21:12] <Kotono> OOC: ARM, Santos?
[21:12] <Santos> ooc: 16
[21:12] <Kotono> roll 65-16
[21:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 65-16 and gets 49."
[21:12] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 0/58 Mycol 18/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 457'
[21:13] <Kotono> Lehko dives into the way once more! He takes the huge shot, sent flying back a good twenty feet! He crashes into the far wall, utterly out cold from the force of the impact! OOC: Owwies to the extreme. Santos, go.
[21:13] <Santos> "Lehko!" Santos exclaims, and his face firms up. "Lady, if her sacrificed himself, there's one reason and that's because he knew you were going down. Who am I to refuse?"
[21:14] <Santos> His blades dance out!
[21:14] <Santos> roll 2d6+2
[21:14] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8." [2d6=5, 1]
[21:14] <Santos> ooc: +2 more actually
[21:14] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
[21:14] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 3." [d6=3]
[21:14] <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[21:14] <Santos> ooc: 34 damage
[21:15] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 32/58, Morrie: 61/64 Lehko 0/58 Mycol 18/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 521'
[21:15] <Kotono> The shot hits Shiva dead on! She stands tall despite burning and smouldering, as more cold energy rushes to her! She looks woozy but she's still up! OOC: Morrie.
[21:15] * Morrie frowns.
[21:16] <Morrie> "In a situation like this..." He holds both his hands forward. "I suppose I should go forward as well!"
[21:16] * Morrie summons the power of the wind to strike at Shiva, hoping against hope that this is the right decision!
[21:16] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[21:16] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 11." [2d6=3, 6]
[21:16] <Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage?
[21:16] <Morrie> OOC: 51
[21:17] <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
[21:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 119." [2#1d100 = 97, 22]
[21:19] <Kotono> On striking that final blow, the portals wink out! The eagle and helldiver above flash and vanish into nothingness! Shiva falls to her knees, "Ugh!" The massive buildup of power ceases! Slowly her body fades to light, until all that is left is a sphere of ice-blue light. "So it seems you've proven yourselves. Whichever of you is brave enough to make a pact with me, come forth!" OOC: Free act.
[21:19] <Kotono> Loot and bestiary posts.
[21:19] <Kotono> OOC: Quick edit, forgot ot add Shiva's gil drop.
[21:19] * Morrie lets out a huge breath.
[21:19] <Lehko> OOC: am I still unconcious?
[21:19] <Mycol> "I'm not crazy enough to put a married couple inside my own head.
[21:20] * Mycol will wander over to check on Lehko"
[21:20] * Morrie will call on the spirits outside to get everyone back on their feet, especially Lehko.
[21:20] <Kotono> OOC: You're up again.
[21:20] * Lehko coughs up a glob of blood and spits out two teeth, staggering up to his feet.
[21:21] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 58/58 Mycol 46/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 521'
[21:21] <Lehko> "Ow... I could have done without that."
[21:22] <Morrie> "A pact, hm..." He looks over at Lehko. "To me, I think either Santos or Lehko are the most deserving of it."
[21:22] <Santos> "Your sacrifice was appreciated, Lehko. I got to stay up and see her go down," Santos says cheerfully, as he clasps Lehko's arm and pulls him back up.
[21:22] * Lehko winces.
[21:22] <Mycol> "Oooh, you really are mean, Morrie."
[21:23] <Morrie> "I sense that she and I are... not as compatable as Titan and I would have been."
[21:23] <Lehko> "I.. Don't think having Santos and Shiva spending that much time together would be.. healthy. For anyone involved. I don't think they're exactly each others' favorite person."
[21:23] <Mycol> "Another wife for the flesh-cat, or binding her and Santos?"
[21:23] * Lehko eyes Mycol.
[21:24] <Lehko> "I think Titan, *her husband,* would have an issue with that comparison."
[21:24] * Morrie smiles a little bit and looks over at Mycol. "Says the Mushboom who knows putting the two together on you would cause you more trouble."
[21:24] <Santos> "Pah, I don't actually hate her. That's just combat banter. Also, I like riling up women," Santos says, still cheerful.
[21:24] <Mycol> "He's laughing maniacally." (OOC: Saying this regardless of what he's actually doin')
[21:24] * Lehko eyes Santos again.
[21:24] <Morrie> "I feel like the Icemaiden would enhance your combat speed. Call it... Geomancer intuition."
[21:25] * Morrie looks between them. "I leave it up to the two of you to decide."
[21:25] <Santos> "For a frigid bitch, you're pretty firey, you know?" Santos can't help but comment to Shiva.
[21:25] <Kotono> "Then send one of them over here," Shiva's voice is heard, "This energy can't last forever! Dally too long and you'll lose your chance for a pact!"
[21:25] <Lehko> "Again. I don't think *you're* her favorite person. But if you want to give it a go, I won't stop you. If you don't, I'll take her up on it."
[21:26] <Santos> roll d2 Lehko gets on 1, his favorite number, otherwise I do.
[21:26] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d2 Lehko gets on 1, his favorite number, otherwise I do. and gets 2." [d2=2]
[21:26] <Santos> ooc: Well, Hatbot's mean to you, to spite him, Lehko can take her.
[21:26] <Santos> "Eh, you take her."
[21:27] * Lehko bows to the Icemaiden.
[21:27] <Morrie> "I don't think he's doing you any favors, Lehko." He says with a small smile.
[21:27] <Lehko> "I would form a pact with you, then, Lady."
[21:27] <Kotono> "Come forth," Shiva calls, "Place your hands around the ball of energy."
[21:28] <Santos> "I now pronounce you, summoner and esper. You may form a pact," Santos says with a flourish, before grinning at the mushboom.
[21:28] * Lehko strides forward, and puts his hands aroudn the energy.
[21:28] <Kotono> Frosty light surrounds Lehko before it vanishes! OOC: Loot post.
[21:30] <Morrie> "Great job, everyone."
[21:30] <Morrie> He looks around, shaking off some of the frost and ice from his clothing. "But... I think we have one other thing we wanted to do while we were here, did we not?"
[21:31] * Lehko shivers and notes a bit of blue in his fur with a slight frown, but shrugs it off. Might be an exotic look, who knows?
[21:31] <Lehko> "Yes. The runes. I'd like to investigate them, like we did the armband."
[21:31] * Lehko holds the purified armband up.
[21:31] <Kotono> OOC: What's your HP now, Lehko?
[21:32] * Morrie smiles at Lehko. "Why don't you keep it, Lehko? You deserve it."
[21:32] <Lehko> OOC: Uh... 64.
[21:32] * Lehko grins at Morrie.
[21:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Santos: 58/58, Morrie: 64/64 Lehko 64/64 Mycol 46/46 (26/28 MP) | Helldiver(9)>Santos>Morrie(6)>Mycol(quickened,4)>Lehko>Shiva(3) | Shiva: 521'
[21:32] <Lehko> "Thank you for that. Next one is yours, then, sir."
[21:33] * Morrie waves a hand dismissively. "Do not worry about it. I am just happy we accomplished this."
[21:39] <Kotono> The party returns to the second floor and the room of green light. It feels just as repulsive to various party members as before, and is otherwise unchanged.
[21:39] <Morrie> "This room still makes me uneasy."
[21:39] * Morrie frowns and looks around, but steels himself for it, regardless.
[21:40] * Lehko kneels down and focuses his energy and magic on purifying the runes, taking in the energy from Morrie and letting Mycol control the speed of the effect for the ritual.
[21:41] <Kotono> OOC: EAch of you make a finesse check.
[21:42] <Santos> roll 2d6+3 finesse
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+3 finesse and gets 12." [2d6=3, 6]
[21:42] <Lehko> roll 2d6+6 Finesse
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+6 Finesse and gets 13." [2d6=3, 4]
[21:42] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 finesse
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 finesse and gets 8." [2d6=4, 1]
[21:42] <Morrie> OOC: Figures!
[21:42] <Mycol> 2d6+5
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+5 and gets 9." [2d6=1, 3]
[21:44] <Kotono> The party puts their power together against the runes! Long minutes pass with nothing happening - slowly, very slowly, the runes abate slightly. It's marginally less green and hostile in there. Still unpleasant, but it looks like it achieved a measure of lessening.
[21:44] * Lehko wipes some sweat off his face.
[21:44] <Morrie> "It would appear to be working."
[21:45] * Morrie takes a deep breath.
[21:45] <Lehko> "It's working. A little at a time, but it's working. I'm not sure if the effect will be permanent unless we finish, though."
[21:45] * Lehko gets back to work, focusing on driving away the foul energies.
[21:46] <Kotono> More energy is poured in! It's poured in as minutes fade into a half hour. The party is sweaty and shaking, exhaustion creeping up on you! Yet it only lessens a tiny bit more. It's like trying to drain the ocean with a spoon and stubbornness. The energy is so strong and there's so much of it, coming freely and without abating.
[21:47] * Lehko heaves for breath.
[21:47] <Mycol> "We might augh... not always be ready until we are forever ready."
[21:47] <Mycol> "Again. augh. what was I saying?"
[21:47] <Lehko> "Do you want to keep going, or put it to rest until we recover. I think I have a bit more in me."
[21:48] <Lehko> "In fact.. Let me try something..."
[21:48] <Morrie> "Perhaps... we should just focus on one part...?" He comments, weakly. "We do not need to get rid of it all, but...perhaps...?"
[21:52] <Lehko> "I.. I think this is beyond us. Beyond mortals, maybe. Shiva gives me the impression that these are old.. Mysta Empire old. I think she and Titan together can buy us enough time to get the chests. But only if we summon them."
[21:52] * Lehko looks at everyone.
[21:52] <Lehko> "I think it could be worth it."
[21:52] <Santos> "Well, that's pretty much up to you and Mycol then, isn't it?"
[21:52] * Lehko turns to Mycol.
[21:52] * Mycol looks skeptical
[21:52] <Mycol> "Would THEY survive?"
[21:53] * Lehko shrugs.
[21:53] <Lehko> "She gave me no cause to think they wouldn't. As long as we work as fast as we can, at least."
[21:53] <Morrie> "I am willing to do it, if they begin to suffer we will stop." Me looks at the others.
[21:53] <Morrie> OOC: Morrie, too...
[21:53] <Lehko> "Titan's certainly got enough strength to at least get the chests out of the energy. If we can do that fast enough, then opening them is trivial."
[21:55] <Morrie> "If it comes to it, I will try and assist in the summoning. Perhaps if we need it... it can buy is more time." He comments, looking across the room.
[21:56] * Lehko stands after recovering his breath.
[21:56] <Lehko> "Again, I think it could be worth it. They wouldn't put those in that energy unless what was in them was *worth* it. But if you want to walk away Mycol, I'll walk."
[21:58] <Mycol> "I was conferring with Titan."
[21:58] <Mycol> "I wasn't about to make a decision without his input. He seems to agree that it may be worth it."
[21:58] <Morrie> "As long as we do not go through the portal..." He indicates it.
[21:58] * Lehko nods.
[21:59] <Lehko> "Yes, I'm.. Not anywhere interested in going through that as we are. And I think surving the energy instead of getting rid of it might be the better idea. It can keep the unprepared *out* of the portal."
[22:00] <Morrie> "Agreed." He cements it with a nod. "Please let me know what you'd like me to do here, then... but I think most of this is up to you two."
[22:00] <Lehko> "When we summon Shiva, if she needs your help, she'll let you know, I think."
[22:01] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, so what are y'all gonna do herE?
[22:01] <Mycol> OOC: As far as I know, we're summoning the espers.
[22:01] <Morrie> "I would expect no less."
[22:02] <Lehko> OOC: Summon Shiva and have her support Titan scooping up the chests to somewhere safe, out of the energy. Trying to find the descriptor for Wall right now.
[22:02] <Kotono> Calling on the power of Titan and Shiva, the two appear! It is unlike usual - they slowly materialize without fanfare before you, smaller than before. Titan grimaces and then slowly grins, "Just like old times..." he mutters, stomping inside, "Shiva, do it!"
[22:03] <Kotono> Shiva breaks apart! She becomes a great plane of ice, clamping down over the glowing wall! The ice glows green but the glow fades from the room! Titan strides in, "Be ready over there!"
[22:06] * Morrie isn't quite sure what he needs to be ready for, but has a hand on the wall regardless.
[22:07] <Kotono> Titan makes it to the chests! One by one they sink into the ground as the massive stonehead groans, "The energy hasn't weakened a bit! Too much to hope for!" One by one the chests appear outside besides the party!
[22:08] <Kotono> Cracks form all over Shiva's icy form, "What did you expct, lunkhead!" Shiva snaps back, before groaning! She shatters apart, a virtual torrent of green light engulfing her! She's gone in an instant, Titan crumbling before it, "Damn!" he grunts, smiling despite it, "Just like old times...but this time, we're going to kick their asses better!" He gets that out before vanishing away!
[22:10] * Morrie frowns. "I hope that wasn't as painful as it looked..."
[22:10] * Morrie will go to try and open the chests, assuming they aren't teeming with bad juju.
[22:10] * Lehko falls to his knees, sweating, shivering, and hacking.
[22:11] * Lehko staggers to his feet and heads towards the chests.
[22:11] <Kotono> The chests are not. Withint hem are...OOC: Loot post.
[22:11] <Lehko> "I.. I hope it was worth it for their pain."
[22:12] <Morrie> "I think... it was." He comments, sorting through the items.
[22:12] <Morrie> "But let's get out of here for now, yes?" He looks at the others.
[22:12] * Lehko nods.
[22:13] <Lehko> "Yes. Rest. We need rest."
[22:13] * Morrie nods as well. "Then let us go."
[22:13] <Mycol> "I agree"
[22:14] <Santos> "Time to celebrate! A beer for everyone on me!" Santos calls out.
[22:15] <Morrie> "I'll just have some juice, I think." He would help Mycol up if the little guy needed it.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.