
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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We built this city

Started by Ebiris, June 28, 2013, 12:38:29 PM

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[18:02] <@Kotono> The next morning is a cloudy and relatively cool for summer. It's an inside breakfast, amid a huge breakfast table. It's controlled pandemoium has the great horde of children eat. Hylath has a few nearby, as he demonstrated sword form with his spoon. Brutes eats his honeyed porridge silently, looking more asleep than awake. His head is half tilted down, one snore away from doing a header into
[18:02] <@Kotono> his breakfast. Rashen is already on his third bowl, eating away like a machine. It barely makes a dent into things when Myann takes her first spoonful of breakfast, sighs and announces, "Does anyone want to trade for mushroom porridge?" But amid all that you can hear something. The sound of someone knocking on the front door - no, pounding on it, carrying far enough to be heard amid the chaos
[18:02] <@Kotono> of feeding everyone.
[18:04] * Gildas turns his attention to the door, but as it is not his home, he doesn't make a move to answer it.
[18:05] <@Kotono> Robert glances up, "Would one of you get it? If it's another dire bear, tell him we don't want any."
[18:05] <@Porridge> "I'll get it," Porridge stands. "Here, take mine," he gives Myann his bowl before heading off to answer the door.
[18:07] <@Kotono> With Myann's thanks in his ears, Porridge goes to get the door. A familiar face is there - the zygraat handler has two, one on each shoulder. Several of them fly above head in a lazy circular formation, "So this is the right place?" he asks on seeing Porridge, "Nice farm."
[18:08] <@Porridge> "Yep, was wondering if you'd gotten lost," Porridge laughs. "C'mon in, we're having breakfast, plenty of room at the table."
[18:08] <@Kotono> "Later," Shaking his head, "I need to find a good tree for the zygraats to nest in," he says, "They'll get up to trouble otherwise."
[18:09] <Gildas> "I think I can help with that." He stands up and walks over to the door. "I can show you the oldest tree, if that's what you're looking for."
[18:10] <@Kotono> "Bigger's better," he nods, "They don't always choose the one you want, but let's start there."
[18:11] <@Porridge> "Sure, just c'mon over when you're done, we'll make sure there's some food left," Porridge leaves them to it, going back to his mushroom porridge.
[18:13] <Gildas> He nods and will head in the direction of the tree he asked his questions of a few weeks ago!
[18:17] <@Kotono> OOC: #evil Gildas.
[18:17] <@Kotono> Once Porridge returns,  he finds Myann finishing off her bowl of porridge. Rather quick, all told. "Thanks," she adds again, "So who was it?"
[18:18] <@Porridge> "The zygraat guy," Porridge says, starting on his own blandly mushroom flavoured breakfast. "Never did get his name, did we? Gildas is off showing him a good tree for the birds to nest... web?"
[18:19] <@Kotono> It's not bland - the taste of mushrooms is nigh overwhelming. It's like eating MUSHROOOOOOM porridge. "About time," Rashen adds amid his fourth bowl, "What took him so long?"
[18:19] * Feather grins at Myann. "Looks like he just took the scenic route after all," he says, finishing off his own breakfast. "And we could ask him about the armor once he gets all settled down."
[18:19] <@Kotono> "After today?" she asks, "We're still expected underground."
[18:21] <Feather> "Yeah. Still need to get a few vials of the water along, but that shouldn't take much time."
[18:22] <@Porridge> Oh god it's getting worse. Manfully plowing through the dish, he chokes it down afterwards with whatever the strongest beverage present is. "Got a pair of empty potion glasses myself, can fill up."
[18:23] * Feather nods at Porridge. "Best if we all have one or two along, in case we get separated again like that last time."
[18:23] <@Kotono> There's a bit of watered down wine. It helps a little bit, but oh GOD his mouth tastes like a mushroom farm. It's like each breath is a gust of air from the Mushroom Domain. "Should be easy," Myann agrees, sighing lightly as she rests back, eyes closed. Ignoring the interplay of children, as a bit of thrown porridge goes just by her and at younger half elf, as well as the Missus' scolding shout
[18:23] <@Kotono> not to food fight, "Just in case."
[18:25] <@Porridge> "Yeah, pretty sure that was all of them yesterday, but may as well do a proper job," Porridge says, scooping some bare honey into his mouth after the wine.
[18:27] <@Kotono> That helps. His mouth now tastes like honey roasted mushrooms with extra mushrooms. "Do ants have leaders?" Hylath speaks up, pausing his sword lesson. Of sorts, anyway. "If I recall, ants are organized around a queen ant."
[18:28] <@Porridge> "Yeah," Porridge nods. "But these ants are weird - it's just dust inside of 'em. Hard to tell just how they work aside from magic."
[18:29] * Feather grimaces. "Good sense to think of that," he agrees with Hylath. "I've been thinking about it myself ever since yesterday. Now, Porridge's right about how these creepy things are. But after hearing how the lizards have these house-sized queens, the ants gotta have something comparable to protect their colony from being wiped out. They've been holding their own, right?"
[18:31] <@Porridge> "Like creepy mirrors of each other, yeah. Still, at least if we find one now our weapons've got their blood," Porridge says encouragingly.
[18:31] <@Kotono> "It could just be numbers and those mind powers," Myann points out, sipping a glass of water. "Those ants are the dangerous ones. If you get one that's better at them, like how a trained wizard is better than a new wizard?"
[18:32] <Feather> "I reckon there could be something to give us a run for our money and not all house-sized, sure. But we've seen only one ant with real mindpowers that time? And it wasn't nothing special. Just makes me wonder why this colony would be that much weaker than the one we fought with before."
[18:35] <@Kotono> "I have an idea about that," Myann says, "We mostly fought the ants down there, harvesting quartz? They were the laborers. We probably didn't see many for the same reason you wouldn't see many wizards tilling the fields or forging iron."
[18:36] <@Porridge> "Oh," Porridge leans back in understanding. "So today there could be a swarm of warriors crawling all over the place to find out what happened to their miners?"
[18:38] <@Kotono> "Could be," Myann says, finishing her drink, "Which means we should get down there sooner than later. Less time for them to prepare."
[18:41] <@Porridge> "Lets go grab Gildas and get to it, then?" Porridge suggests, getting up.


[18:21] <@Kotono> As you head to the tree, you can see at least a dozen zygraats in flight. They form a lazy circle overhead, "Zygraats are much more territorial than typical birds or spiders," he announces as you go along, "One of the reasons it took so long to domesticate them is that no one put that together. Getting them a new tree they like for a home is critically important. Otherwise, they'll attack,
[18:21] <@Kotono> throw webs everywhere and be plain disagreeable."
[18:22] <Gildas> "That certainly sounds like something we should avoid at all possible costs." He remarks. "I am sure you have the injuries to prove such a statement."
[18:26] <@Kotono> "Yeah," he says shortly at that, "The zygraats are smart enough to go for the eyes. That was another problem, prospective tamers usually ended up blind."
[18:27] <Gildas> He frowns a bit. "It almost seems like more trouble than anything."
[18:29] <@Kotono> "It almost is," In agreement as you go along, the tree just ahead. The zygraats suddenly fly right towards it, "Hah," Smirking a little bit and crossing their arms, "They like it." They fly amid the branches, a few starting to spin webs.
[18:32] <Gildas> He nods. "This isn't too far from the farm, either... well, for them, anyway. Will you be teaching someone how to care for them?" He looks up and watches them go about their business.
[18:34] <@Kotono> "Eventually," he says as he watches, head craned up to follow them. "They're not so bad once you have them settled in and have a trainer they accept. Once you have one, training another person isn't hard. But getting to be a trainer without help's just this side of suicidal."
[18:38] <Gildas> He nods. "Speaking of, I don't think we were ever introduced... Or if we were, I did not catch your name." He smiles just a bit. "Gildas, Porridge... is the one you met first, and then there's Feather and Myann as well."
[18:39] <@Kotono> "Tindas," He inclines his head forward, eyes still on the zygraats. "Didn't even realize it myself until after you all had left town."
[18:41] <Gildas> He chuckles. "We tend to get a bit distracted sometimes."


[18:48] <@Kotono> The descend into the underworld gloom is without incident. You find kobolds awaiting you, who take you to the bouldered off entrance to ant territory. Shaman Ten'ten'tal is here, "Are you ready?" he asks.
[18:49] <@Porridge> "Yep," Porridge nods. "Either we'll find nothing, or a whole lot more resistance than necessary. Just have to look and see."
[18:49] <Feather> "Think you could part with a couple of your bombs, in case it's the latter?" Feather asks the shaman.
[18:52] <@Kotono> "Oooooh!" His eyes go up at this, "Our most sacred explosions and explosives! We do not give those out lightly! the interests of shinies," He snaps his fingers. A kobold come sforth, handing Feather two black, solid stone bombs. They even have a little fuse, perfectly classical bombs. "Pull the fuse and throw it. Then, and this is the important part," The shaman continues, slamming the
[18:52] <@Kotono> butt of his staff down, "Run like all the lizards and ants are chasing you."
[18:54] <Feather> "Got it. Will do," Feather says curtly, accepting one of the bombs and stowing it away properly before offering the other to Gildas.
[18:56] <Gildas> He takes it!
[18:56] <@Kotono> With that the passage ahead is opened. It's like last time - no sign of immediate ant resistance.
[18:57] * Feather unsheathes his sword, before offering the flat of it to Myann, asking, "Think you could put some light on it? Might as well have more than the one source and divide their attention."
[18:58] <@Porridge> "Lets check out the way those first ants came from at the start?" Porridge suggests, unslinging his axe.
[19:03] <@Kotono> You return to the first intersection. It's undefended. The path to the quartz mine is to the side and the path ahead leads onward to the bridge and chasm Feather stumbled in the dark towards.
[19:03] <@Porridge> Porridge heads down the side to see where those first ants came from!
[19:04] * Feather follows a few steps after Porridge, ready to support him in case of an ambush.
[19:06] <@Kotono> You go down. The path is familiar. It was your escape from the quartz mine, after all. On returning, you find it as you left it. Lots of ant bodies, changed and electrified crystals.
[19:08] <@Porridge> "Well, nothing down here. Lets go back up and across that bridge, see what we missed past it?"
[19:08] <@Kotono> "About that," Myann speaks up, "There's a problem." She suddenly looks a little red in the face.
[19:10] <Feather> "We've got rope, and Gildas could fly over the broken part of it," Feather muses. "Unless a lot more collapsed than that?"
[19:10] <@Kotono> "Fairly," she says, "A good part of the middle gave way."
[19:10] * @Porridge looks up to see if it's jumpable.
[19:11] <@Kotono> The light doesn't extend that high, unfortunately.
[19:11] <@Porridge> OOC: I have lowlight vision!
[19:13] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a perception check then.
[19:14] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+13
[19:14] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+13 and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[19:14] <@Kotono> A good hunk of the bridge is gone - a good 20-30ft. Further, Porridge can see something odd. The tiny bit of light there is glinting off something. Crystals. Lots and lots of crystals on the far side. Things that were decidedly not up there before.
[19:15] <@Porridge> Blue crystals?
[19:15] <@Kotono> It's too dark to tell colors.
[19:16] <@Porridge> "Might be ants up there on the far side," Porridge whispers. "Can you fly up and check, Gildas?"
[19:17] <Gildas> "I am uncertain I can tell... but I shall try." He shapeshifts and begins to fly up!
[19:18] <@Kotono> OOC: How high are are you flying, Gildas?
[19:20] <Gildas> OOC: Uhhh
[19:20] <Gildas> OOC: To the very edge of the light for now.
[19:22] <@Kotono> Gildas flies 40ft up! As he does, suddenly there is a dull winking of light above! Then, like a cloudburst, a rain of sharp crystal shards gush down towards Gildas and the party! OOC: Reflex saves. Go ahead and make yours first Gildas, how you do on yours impacts the others a bit. Remember to note if you have evasion going.
[19:23] <Feather> roll 1d20+3 evasion
[19:23] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+3 evasion and gets 18." [1d20=15]
[19:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Gildas first.
[19:23] <Gildas> OOC: Okay just a sec, need to double-check something
[19:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Alright.
[19:23] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[19:23] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 evasion  and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[19:26] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+6
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+6 and gets 12." [1d20=6]
[19:27] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Myann
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 Myann and gets 22." [1d20=16]
[19:27] <@Kotono> roll 8d6 full Gildas only
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 8d6 full Gildas only and gets 30." [8d6=3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 5, 4, 5]
[19:27] <@Kotono> roll 6d6 Feather none, Porridge full, Myann half
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 6d6 Feather none, Porridge full, Myann half and gets 20." [6d6=5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 3]
[19:30] <@Kotono> Above and up, Gildas gets the full brunt of the crystal storm! He's impaled thrice over, riddled with crystals! At least he soaks up some of them, less reaching the ground! Feather's quicker, dodging out of the way entirely! Myann follows, taking one in the back of her shoulder! Porridge is slower on foot, getting crystals all in his front! In addition, the world suddenly seems surreal to Gildas!
[19:30] <@Kotono> Everything is twisting and crawling and turning, the blood flowing out of him dancing in patterns that continually redefine themselves. OOC: Gildas, you're under the influence of some unknown magic or supernatural force. You take a -2 to all rolls until further notice since things just ain't right for you right now. Act y'all. Looks like you found the ant defensive line.
[19:31] <Feather> "C'mon!" Feather snaps, dashing towards the path they took to get all the way down here.
[19:31] <@Kotono> "Run!" Myann yelps, stumbling from her wound as she races back to the path, "The light down here makes us sitting ducks!"
[19:32] <Gildas> Dazed from the sudden explosion and the pain, the bird slowly makes its way back the others came.
[19:32] <@Porridge> "No arguing!" Porridge says, bolting after them towards cover.
[19:32] <@Kotono> The party races back to the path, under cover! In good time - because just as you escape, the sound of another crackling, crinkling volley of crystal hitting the quartz mine's floor is heard. OOC: Free act for now.
[19:33] <Feather> "Who needs one of those potions?" Feather asks quietly, casting a wary eye back.
[19:34] <@Porridge> "Damn, looks like they've got the approach locked down," Porridge groans, popping open a vial of healing water and guzzling it down, pocketing the glass for later use after.
[19:34] <@Kotono> OOC: It's less than one hour from being drawn, so 3d8+5, Porridge.
[19:35] <@Porridge> roll 3d8+5
[19:35] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 3d8+5 and gets 20." [3d8=8, 3, 4]
[19:35] <@Kotono> "I could use one..." Resting front-first against the wall, gritting her teeth, "Could one of you pull the crystal from my shoulder?" Meanwhile Porridge finds his wounds mending, good as new in moments!
[19:35] <Gildas> The injured bird shapeshifts into a similarly-injured human, deciding to do likewise as Porridge.
[19:35] <Gildas> OOC: Is it the same for me?
[19:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[19:35] <@Porridge> "That's the stuff!" Porridge then assists Myann with extracting crystal from herself.
[19:36] * Feather offers one of his potions to Myann while Porridge does that.
[19:36] <Gildas> roll 3d8+5
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3d8+5 and gets 23." [3d8=7, 5, 6]
[19:36] <@Kotono> The crystal is a dark blue shard, cracked from impact. Within the cracks you can see stringy fungi growing, spreading amid the crystal's cracklines. After it's out Myann swills down her own drink.
[19:36] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+5
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+5 and gets 16." [3d8=3, 2, 6]
[19:37] <@Kotono> The healing makes Gildas feel much better. His mind clears, reality readjusting. He's still a little skittish, but the worst of it's gone. OOC: Penalty's gone.
[19:38] <Gildas> "Those crystals have some sort of magic in them." He finally remarks to the others. "I don't know what, but... I would assume it is similar to their mind abilities."
[19:39] <Feather> "Great," Feather grumbles. "So what now? Want to try it again, but time it for us attacking over the bridge? We'll draw their attention to us, I figure."
[19:40] <@Porridge> "If they're on the other side of the bridge we can huck those bombs at them," Porridge agrees, heading on that way.
[19:40] <@Kotono> Muttering thanks as she turns back to the group, "If we do, some sort of cover wouldn't go amiss. I can provide a block for some," she adds as you walk back up to the intersection.
[19:42] <@Kotono> You go down the long passage, past the gold vein. You're soon at the turn towards the bridge and chasm. OOC: Goa head, y'all. Ball's in you rcourt for how you dela with this.
[19:44] <@Porridge> "Hey Myann, can you enchant a light on a rock?" Porridge asks. "I can toss it over the bridge, let us see what we're dealing with."
[19:44] <Feather> "How did it look?" Feather asks as they pause there. "Do we toss the bomb from here, or cover for Gildas while he gets close enough to drop it on them?"
[19:45] <@Kotono> "The chasm was fairly long. About 40 or so feet?" Myann says, "There's a bit of an approach from the turn to the chasm too."
[19:47] <@Porridge> "Well lets just run up and attack then?"
[19:48] <Feather> "All I got that can attack across forty feet is some weak globe of acid," Feather admits. "No stronger than a tap."
[19:50] <Gildas> He looks contemplative about the situation. "I wonder if we could position ourselves such that the crystals above could not hit us without going through them."
[19:54] <@Kotono> "I have one idea," Myann speaks up, "I might be able to temporarily blind them."
[19:57] <Gildas> "Do we even know... if there are ants up there?" He finally remarks.
[19:58] <Gildas> "I mean, we know the crystals attack us, but it may not be because of the ants being there... it may simply be because the crystals do so automatically."
[19:58] <@Porridge> "No... not unles you saw any before you got knocked outta the sky."
[19:58] <Feather> "Let's take a look, then," Feather says, peering around the turn as the light on his sword illuminates the way.
[19:59] <@Porridge> Porridge runs around the corner towards the chasm!
[19:59] <@Porridge> Slowly so that people with light don't lag so far behind he's left blind in the dark.
[19:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, Feather's peeking and Porridge is running. What about Gildas?
[20:00] <Gildas> OOC: Going Aerial and staying near Porridge.
[20:02] <@Kotono> Myann stays near Feather, peeking around. Going around, you can see the chasm - and flits of reflected light far in the darkness. This lasts only a moment, before a hail of crystal shards comes flying towards Porridge and Gildas! OOC: Ref. Feather and Myann have a +8 cover bonus since they're just peeking out, and are treated as having evasion for this attack.
[20:02] <Feather> roll 1d20+11
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+11 and gets 20." [1d20=9]
[20:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+14 Myann temp evasion
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+14 Myann temp evasion and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[20:03] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+6 where's my backup!
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+6 where's my backup! and gets 12." [1d20=6]
[20:03] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 and gets 21." [1d20=12]
[20:04] <@Kotono> roll 8d6 Porridge full, everyone else evaded
[20:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 8d6 Porridge full, everyone else evaded and gets 29." [8d6=6, 1, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2]
[20:05] <@Kotono> Myann and Feather dart back, avoiding the rain of crystal hell! This time Gildas is ready, flying amid the swarm and stopping it! Porridge takes shard after shard after shard, riddled all over! He's still up, bloodied but unbowed! OOC: Act, y'all.
[20:06] <Feather> Cursing, Feather sees no option but to rush on after Porridge and Gildas!
[20:06] <@Porridge> Porridge swears in the darkness, his plan to see over the other side foiled by the lack of illumination. Swearing he turns and tries to retreat, hoping he doesn't blindly fall off a ledge.
[20:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Gildas, what are you doing here?
[20:08] <Gildas> OOC: Great question!
[20:08] <Gildas> Due to the lack of illumination, the eagle heads back the way they came!
[20:09] <@Kotono> WHAM! Despite bashing heads as Feather and Porridge meet each other in the middle, the party manages a retreat back around the bend and to safety! Just in time - another barrage slams against the wall of the turn, missing the party by not that much! OOC: Free act. Ow.
[20:10] <Feather> "This is fucking embarrasing," Feather mutters sourly, rubbing at his forehead.
[20:10] <Gildas> OOC: About how long between blasts was it?
[20:10] <@Kotono> OOC: A round or so.
[20:10] <@Kotono> "We need a plan," Myann says, "That we execute together, not apart. Porridge, are you alright?"
[20:10] <@Porridge> "Fuck!" Porridge rounds out his fusillade of cursing as he collapses to sit bonelessly against the wall. "Can't see the other side with our light all the way back at the corner. Someone light up my axe?" he asks, waggling the deadly implement towards Feather and Myann hopefully.
[20:11] <Feather> "New plan," Feather says, grimacing. "First thing. Myann, what's the range on that blinding spell of yours?"
[20:11] <@Kotono> Myann sighs and taps it with her hand, the axe glowing.
[20:11] <@Kotono> "Over a hundred feet," she says, "It can reach the other side of the chasm if I can see it."
[20:11] <Feather> "What if we're in between?"
[20:11] <@Porridge> Groaning, he then gets another dose of healing water and knocks it back.
[20:11] <@Porridge> roll 3d8+5
[20:11] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 3d8+5 and gets 9." [3d8=2, 1, 1]
[20:12] <@Kotono> That one doesn't help that much - it heals but not nearl yall the way.
[20:13] <@Kotono> "Fuck," Myann summarizes in a single word, rubbing her face. "How about we toss a rock out with light so that  there's illumination that far? But we'd have to aim right and be quick so whoever throws it doesn't get skewered."
[20:13] <@Porridge> "That's what I said at the start!" Porridge moans, collapsing further to lay on his side.
[20:14] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:14] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 95." [1d100=95]
[20:14] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+3
[20:14] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+3 and gets 10." [1d8=7]
[20:14] <@Kotono> OOC: +1 to that.
[20:14] <@Kotono> Myann kneels down and taps Porridge's shoulder, undoing more harm. "Alright then."
[20:14] <Feather> "Suppose we could." Feather frowns. "How about this? Me and Porridge, we run all the way across and try to jump over?" he suggests, offering Porridge another of his potions of bottled water. "Gildas flies over and tries to keep all stealthy like to land on the other side while we draw their attention and hope to make it there."
[20:17] <@Porridge> "Mmmm. Thanks," Porridge mutters at the healing, pushing himself up and pocketing the potion for later usage, feeling mostly whole again. "Right, I'll change into somethin' better for jumping then. Can't hold a glowy axe so please stick close." Dragging himself upright, he hunches forward and morphs into a large feathered lizard with scythe-like talons and a large jaw full of needle-like teeth.
[20:17] * Feather casts the spell he used the previous day to regain his old fey-afflicted appearance in the meantime, asking Porridge, "Ready?"
[20:18] * @Porridge nods, about the extent of communication he can manage. Then he runs once more!
[20:19] * Feather runs along at his top speed!
[20:21] <Gildas> Eagle Gildas will try and find as much cover as possible to follow with.
[20:21] <@Kotono> "Gods help us," Myann murmurs, following. Thus the party goes around, attempting the chasm once more! OOC: Let's roll init here, since you're at least on the same page this time.
[20:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 7." [1d20=5]
[20:21] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+7
[20:21] <Feather> roll 1d20+4
[20:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ants
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+7 and gets 23." [1d20=16]
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ants and gets 10." [1d20=10]
[20:22] * Kotono changes topic to 'Porridge(23)>Feather(13)>Ants(10)>Myann(7)'
[20:22] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7
[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[20:23] * Kotono changes topic to 'Gildas(24)>Porridge(23)>Feather(13)>Ants(10)>Myann(7)'
[20:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Gildas.
[20:24] <Gildas> The eagle will try and make it as far as he can to the other side of the bridge while sticking in cover to avoid the dangerous crystals!
[20:24] <Gildas> OOC: This is of course limited to the illuminated area, so YMMV.
[20:25] <@Kotono> Gildas advances to somewhat into the chasm, unable to go any more thanks to the limits of illumination! He ducks behing a stalagite hanging from the ceiling, giving him some cover! OOC: Porridge.
[20:26] <@Porridge> OOC: holding for Feather so we can move together without being stuck in the dark
[20:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then. Go Feather'n'Porridge.
[20:27] <@Porridge> Porridge runs towards the gap, jumps it, and if there are any ants in range he'll attack them too! Assuming he makes the jump.
[20:27] <@Porridge> OOC: can go 140 feet on a double move/charge, wherever that ends up
[20:27] * Feather dashes ahead, picking up a burst of speed as the chasm comes into sight!
[20:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Make acrobatics. Good luck.
[20:28] <Feather> OOC: Likewise, due to swift expeditious retreat
[20:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Right.
[20:28] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+26 jump
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+26 jump and gets 27." [1d20=1]
[20:29] <@Kotono> OOC: I'll resolve you both at once, so make your jump as well, Feather.
[20:30] <Feather> roll 1d20+11+16
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+11+16 and gets 41." [1d20=14]
[20:30] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a reflex save, Porridge?
[20:30] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+7
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+7 and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[20:33] <@Kotono> The two leap, lights in the dark as they hurtle ahead! For a moment you can see it - a long, thick row of ants wrapped in crystal. A wall of crystal shards hovers in front of them, ready to fire! Feather makes the leap, landing on the other side! But Porridge isn't quite so fast! He falls behind, hitting the edge of the cliff instead of landing! THe impact knocks the wind from him, but instincts
[20:33] <@Kotono> take over! His claws dig into the side of the cliff edge, claws dug in deep to allow him to hold on for dear life! Then, like a rain of hellish hate, the crystal shards fire ahead - this time focused solely on Feather! OOC: Ref.
[20:34] <Feather> roll 1d20+4 evasion
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 evasion and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 8d6 shredded like wheat
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 8d6 shredded like wheat and gets 20." [8d6=1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 1, 3]
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Fulld amage, obviously.
[20:34] <Gildas> OOC: Those are some blissfully low rolls there
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Indeed.
[20:35] <@Kotono> Feather's caught between a storm of shards, shredded up! He has a dozen cuts and new crystal shards meeting his inner body, but nothing's fatal! He's still up! Then Myann races to the edge of the chasm, before pointing ahead!
[20:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 35." [1d100=35]
[20:35] <@Kotono> Suddenly a mushroom cloud of glitterdust expldoes amid the mindants!
[20:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 and gets 3." [1d20=2]
[20:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Gildas(24)>Porridge(23)>Feather(13)>Ants(10 blind)>Myann(7)'
[20:36] <Feather> "Was that it?!" Feather yells at the ants. "Was it your worst? Now it's my turn!"
[20:36] <@Kotono> The golden dust makes the ants glitter like crystal jewelry! They're dazed, obviously vulnerable! OOC: Gildas.
[20:37] <Gildas> OOC: Can I make a dive attack?
[20:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[20:38] <Gildas> OOC: So 2d6+14 (doubled base) +2d6? (Verminbane?)
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: Assuming you hit.
[20:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7 Indeed.
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 Indeed. and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOOC: Hit.
[20:39] <Gildas> roll 2d6+14+2d6
[20:39] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d6+14+2d6 and gets 30." [2d6=5, 1][2d6=4, 6]
[20:39] <Gildas> OOC: Also shapeshifting back to Predator after that.
[20:39] <@Kotono> Gildas tears in from above, ripping through one ant! He swoops down and through another, two dead before they can react! OOC: Porridge.
[20:42] <@Porridge> Porridge scrambles up before leaping at the ants with a fury! Unless he doesn't scramble up. Be sad if he fell.
[20:42] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+14 climb save me
[20:42] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+14 climb save me and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[20:42] <@Kotono> It's not a sad day as Porridge climbs right up! OOC: Go for it
[20:42] <@Kotono> .
[20:42] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+10 -1pa, charge
[20:42] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+10 -1pa, charge and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[20:42] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+5 -1pa, charge claw 1
[20:42] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+5 -1pa, charge claw 1 and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[20:42] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+5 -1pa, charge claw 2
[20:42] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+5 -1pa, charge claw 2 and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[20:42] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+5 -1pa, charge claw bite
[20:43] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+5 -1pa, charge claw bite and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[20:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[20:43] <@Porridge> roll 1d8+5+1d3+3
[20:43] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d8+5+1d3+3 and gets 12." [1d8=2][1d3=2]
[20:43] <@Kotono> Porridge latches onto the closest ant, ripping and tearing! He doesn't quite finish it, but it's in a bad way as he mauls it! OOC: Feather.
[20:44] <Feather> Roaring, Feather charges into the disorganized mess of glittering ants, swinging his sword with such strength that he wouldn't be surprised if it carried the ant he hits all the way off the bridge!
[20:44] <Feather> roll 1d20+10+2
[20:44] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10+2 and gets 30." [1d20=18]
[20:44] <Feather> roll 1d10+9+2d6+2d6
[20:44] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d10+9+2d6+2d6 and gets 29." [1d10=9][2d6=3, 2][2d6=1, 5]
[20:46] <@Kotono> A swipe finishes off the ant Porridge is on, before he leaps to the side, sword slashing further! Another ant is reduced to kibble and lunchmeat, four down!  OOC: It's late so we'll pause here. We'll open tomorrow with the ant wrath response.


[17:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[17:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 99." [1d100=99]
[17:59] <@Kotono> The remaining ants are covered in glitterdust and utterly disoriented! Nonetheless they let forth another volley of crystals! Their aim is about right, the entire party under a lesser but still fierce assault! OOC: Ref y'all. They got luck on miss chance.
[18:00] <Feather> roll 1d20+4 evasion
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 evasion and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[18:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Myann
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 Myann and gets 11." [1d20=5]
[18:00] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7  evasion
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 evasion and gets 16." [1d20=9]
[18:00] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+7
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+7 and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[18:00] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 Feather none, Myann full, Gildas none, Porridge half
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 Feather none, Myann full, Gildas none, Porridge half and gets 25." [5d6=5, 5, 5, 6, 4]
[18:03] <@Kotono> Crystals fly! But so prepared, Gildas swoops up and out of the way! Feather merely dodges for life, throwing himself down at the end to avoid the last wave! Porridge can only tense and duck as he takes a partial trip into beign a quartz pincushion! Myann gapes a moment, before her body is riddled all over with crystals! She jerks as easily a dozen shards pierce her, sticking out like toothpicks
[18:03] <@Kotono> as she bleeds! Her sword drops as she falls to her knees, face a mask of dazed pain! OOC: Le ow. Myann's up.
[18:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 93." [1d100=93]
[18:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+4
[18:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+4 and gets 11." [1d8=7]
[18:04] <@Kotono> Myann waves a shaking hand in the right patterns, clutching it to her chest. Several crystals fall out, flesh knitting back to wholeness! She's still seriously wounded with several crystals in her, but she's able to grab her sword and stand again. OOC: Gildas.
[18:05] <Gildas> The angry bear attempts to take a bite out of the nearest ants, before shapeshifting and flying back up into the air!
[18:05] <Gildas> roll 1d20+8 bite bite
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+8 bite bite and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[18:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[18:05] <Gildas> roll 1d6+8+2d6
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d6+8+2d6 and gets 15." [1d6=4][2d6=2, 1]
[18:06] <@Kotono> A fifth ant gets a bite right in the jugular! It falls over from the wound, simply lying dead and slain! The others are still blinded, frantically shaking their heads about and stumbling! OOC: Right, Porridge. Go.
[18:06] <@Porridge> Hissing ferally, Porridge kicks and claws and bites at the ants, every appendage bar his tail used towards murderous intent!
[18:06] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+8 -1pa talons
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+8 -1pa talons and gets 27." [1d20=19]
[18:06] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+3 -1pa claws
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+3 -1pa claws and gets 21." [1d20=18]
[18:06] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+3 -1pa claws
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+3 -1pa claws and gets 15." [1d20=12]
[18:06] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+3 -1pa bite
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+3 -1pa bite and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[18:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[18:07] <@Porridge> roll 1d8+5+1d3+4
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d8+5+1d3+4 and gets 14." [1d8=4][1d3=1]
[18:08] <@Kotono> A sixth ant gets ripped up, unable to properly defend itself in such dire straights! The remaining ants are completely disorganized now! OOC: Feather.
[18:09] <Feather> They are thinning out, now, and Feather charges at and then through the ants with a mighty cleave before yelling, "Over here, you blind bastards!"
[18:09] <Feather> roll 1d20+12
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+12 and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[18:09] <Feather> roll 1d10+9+4d6
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d10+9+4d6 and gets 26." [1d10=3][4d6=6, 1, 5, 2]
[18:10] <@Kotono> Running through them, Feather slices two more down! The few survivors...
[18:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 97." [1d100=97]
[18:10] <@Kotono> They fire wildly, somehow managing to aim at the party properly again! OOC: Ref y'all. HAtbot's a little fucker today.
[18:10] <Feather> OOC: I'm on the other side and called out to them
[18:10] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[18:10] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 25." [1d20=16]
[18:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Myann
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 Myann and gets 8." [1d20=2]
[18:11] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+7
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+7 and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[18:11] <Feather> roll 1d20+4 evasion
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 evasion and gets 23." [1d20=19]
[18:11] <@Kotono> roll 4d6 Porridge and Myann half, the other two evade
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d6 Porridge and Myann half, the other two evade and gets 12." [4d6=6, 4, 1, 1]
[18:12] <@Kotono> More sharp bits of crystal hit Myann and Porridge! It isn't as bad as last time, only a few shallow wounds contributing! AS this happens...
[18:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 83." [1d100=83]
[18:13] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+4
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+4 and gets 5." [1d8=1]
[18:13] <@Kotono> Myann again heals her wounds, staying out of the melee! OOC: Gildas.
[18:14] <Gildas> The eagle up above makes another dive attack attempt on the ant pile!
[18:14] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[18:15] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[18:15] <Gildas> OOC: I guess that should have the +2 from a charge too
[18:15] <Gildas> roll 2d6+14+2d6
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d6+14+2d6 and gets 26." [2d6=6, 2][2d6=2, 2]
[18:15] <Gildas> OOC: Staying in Aerial form for now.
[18:17] <@Kotono> Another dive deeply thins out the numbers, a few more going down under the assault! There's only 3 left after Gildas swoops down, plowing through more of them! OOC: Porridge.
[18:17] <@Porridge> They're near enough done, no point wasting time changing so he can use his axe, so Porridge keeps on laying into the ants with his formidable array of natural weapons.
[18:17] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+9 talons
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+9 talons and gets 17." [1d20=8]
[18:17] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+4 claw 1
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+4 claw 1 and gets 7." [1d20=3]
[18:17] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+4 claw 2
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+4 claw 2 and gets 8." [1d20=4]
[18:17] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+4 bite
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+4 bite and gets 5." [1d20=1]
[18:17] <@Kotono> OOC: 1 hit.
[18:17] <@Porridge> roll 1d8+4
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d8+4 and gets 8." [1d8=4]
[18:17] <@Kotono> An ant gets a nasty head-scratch, stumbling back as its brain matter is aeriated out! OOC: Feather.
[18:18] * Feather leaps back into the fray!
[18:18] <Feather> roll 1d20+12
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+12 and gets 24." [1d20=12]
[18:18] <Feather> roll 1d10+9+4d6
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d10+9+4d6 and gets 28." [1d10=3][4d6=5, 4, 2, 5]
[18:18] <@Kotono> A few more leaps finally finish off the ants - the last few get sliced apart! OOC: Free act.
[18:19] * @Porridge shifts back into his half elf form and looks back across the chasm. "Hey Myann, think you can climb up from the bottom?" It'd be easier than improvising a way across from the other side for her.
[18:20] <Feather> "I've got rope if you like to do it that way," Feather calls over to Myann, before peering closer at her. "You alright there?"
[18:20] <@Kotono> "I'll live," Myann calls, "I think so. Drop the rope down and I'll around."
[18:20] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 68." [1d100=68]
[18:20] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+4
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+4 and gets 5." [1d8=1]
[18:21] <Gildas> The eagle shapeshifts back. "I have a healing spell if you need one."
[18:22] * Feather starts working on securing and then lowering the rope. "Better save it," he tells Gildas. "Still got a potion or two myself."
[18:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Between her score and the rope bonus, there's no point rolling climb.
[18:23] <@Kotono> Soon enough Myann's down adn then up, reaching the other side soon enough. There's no more ants in the interum, thankfully.
[18:24] * Feather offers another of his potions to Myann, drinking one himself.
[18:24] <Feather> roll 3d8+5
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+5 and gets 22." [3d8=7, 7, 3]
[18:24] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+5
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+5 and gets 17." [3d8=7, 4, 1]
[18:25] <@Kotono> After a mumrured thanks Myann drinks the potion! Ahead is but a single path leading deeper in. OOC: Ball's in your court, y'all.
[18:25] <Gildas> "Let us hope they do not have any more improvised crystalline defenses."
[18:25] <Feather> "Don't know how much this spell will hold," Feather says, gesturing at his altered features. "Better keep going." And he does just that, heading down that path with his sword lighting the way.
[18:25] * @Porridge jogs after Feather.
[18:26] <@Kotono> OOC: Marching order?
[18:26] <Feather> OOC: I'll go first
[18:26] <@Kotono> OOC: Make perception, Feather.
[18:28] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[18:28] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 17." [1d20=9]
[18:29] <@Kotono> You advance ahead for one round. Farther ahead you can see a turn but suddenly? The walls on either side of Feather spring alive, slamming together to crush him like a bug! OOC: Ref.
[18:29] <Feather> roll 1d20+4 evasion?
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 evasion? and gets 9." [1d20=5]
[18:30] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 full and more
[18:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 full and more and gets 23." [5d6=3, 6, 5, 6, 3]
[18:32] <@Kotono> There is a sickening CRUNCH as Feather is crushed between the walls! His ribs become powder and shards, screaming agony in his chest! He's trapped between the walls, utterly pinned! 10ft ahead and only visible to FEather due to the walltrap, an ant shimmers into visibility. Its head is full of eyes, no mouth and no mandibles. Just eyes, all of them looking in all directions. A shimmering field
[18:32] <@Kotono> of ectoplasm surrounds its head, glimmering a stony gray. OOC: Init. Feather, you're essentially paralyzed, but you can make Escape Artist or str checks on your turn to attempt to prise yourself out.  here.
[18:33] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+1
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+1 and gets 4." [1d20=3]
[18:33] <Feather> roll 1d20+4
[18:33] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 and gets 21." [1d20=17]
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 20." [1d20=18]
[18:33] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ant
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ant and gets 18." [1d20=18]
[18:33] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7 gildas
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 gildas and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[18:34] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(21)>Myann(20)>All-Seeing Ant(18)>Gildas(10)>Porridge(4)'
[18:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Go Feather.
[18:34] <Feather> "Son of a whore!" Feather gasps, pushing back against the walls,
[18:35] <Feather> roll 1d20+4 str
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 str and gets 19." [1d20=15]
[18:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Trying to escape behind or ahead?
[18:35] <Feather> OOC: Ahead
[18:35] <Feather> OOC: I'm midway?
[18:35] <@Kotono> With a groan and a push, Feather manages to jar the walls back! Cracks run up an ddown them from the impact and then the push, rock crumbling down! He manages to stumble forward, ending up out and before the ant! OOC: Okay, Myann's up.
[18:37] <@Kotono> "FEATHER!" Myann shouts, quickly tracing several block-patterns in the air before her!
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 37." [1d100=37]
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 and gets 15." [1d20=9]
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and gets 13." [5d6=6, 1, 1, 1, 4]
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ref
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ref and gets 16." [1d20=16]
[18:39] <@Kotono> A giant block from above slams down on the eye-ant! Its back is crunched under it, the ant's midsection pushed down low as the front and back of it stay up! It sags in the middle horribly, yet lives as its eyes bore onto the party now! OOC: Ant's up. With feather out of the gap, y'all can see the ant ahead now.
[18:40] <@Kotono> The ant's eyes gaze on the party, everything suddenly off and wrong! OOC: Will, y'all. This is mind-affecting enchantment.
[18:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Myann
[18:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Myann and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[18:40] <Feather> roll 1d20+5
[18:40] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+5 and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[18:41] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[18:41] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 and gets 28." [1d20=19]
[18:41] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+6
[18:41] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+6 and gets 13." [1d20=7]
[18:42] <@Kotono> The world for the party shifts! Suddenly FEather is completely dazed, unable to act! Myann is much the same, groaning aloud! Gildas shakes off the disorienting gaze, clearing his mind with a moment of mental meditation! Meanwhile Porridge also manages to shake it off, forcing it away with a warp-stirring battlecry! OOC: Feathe rand Myann are dazed for 1 round and take 5 points of nonlethal
[18:42] <@Kotono> damage. Gildas is up.
[18:43] <Gildas> There is nothing left to do in a situation like this except fight! So he does, with a breath, he shapeshifts into his bear form and bounds forward, trying to bite the mind-altering ant!
[18:44] <Gildas> roll 1d20+8
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+8 and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[18:44] <@Kotono> The wall sudders and crumbles more as Gildas bulls through! He goes for the ant but can't quite make it, the creature dodging to the side despite its broken body! OOC: Porridge.
[18:46] <@Porridge> Porridge forces his own way through the gap, moving up alongside Gildas and Feather where he can strike!
[18:46] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+10 -1pa
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+10 -1pa and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[18:47] <@Kotono> Clang! The ant's flesh is like iron, the axe bounding off! Feather and Myann pull themselves together as the ant glares at all! OOC: Will again, y'all.
[18:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Myann
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Myann and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[18:47] <Feather> roll 1d20+5
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+5 and gets 7." [1d20=2]
[18:47] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+6
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+6 and gets 16." [1d20=10]
[18:47] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[18:48] <@Kotono> Again the wave of ant-assault is too much for the party! All save Porridge are utterly overwhelmed, reduced to being dazed and battered under that glaring eye-assault! OOC: Everyone but Porridge is dazed around and takes 5 nonlethal. Porridge.
[18:50] <@Porridge> Porridge can surely handle this himself! "Lie down and fucking die!" he snarls, axehead hewing into the ant's abdomen!
[18:50] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+8 -3pa
[18:50] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+8 -3pa and gets 27." [1d20=19]
[18:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Big old hit.
[18:50] <@Porridge> roll 1d12+13+2d6
[18:50] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d12+13+2d6 and gets 25." [1d12=6][2d6=1, 5]
[18:50] <@Kotono> Things that help the ant to die: Porridge cutting it in half, then slicing its head the same! The eyes all burst into dust, the ant's body slumping as life leaves it! OOC: Free act.
[18:51] <@Porridge> "That's what you get!" Porridge roars, booting the head into the wall with a dry splat!
[18:52] <Feather> "How horrifying," Feather mutters, shaking his head to try and clear it. "Once I saw all those eyes, it's like I just froze with disgust."
[18:52] * Gildas shakes off the dazed feeling and shapeshifts back. He rubs his eyes as well. "We should be careful for more traps like that. Feather, are you... all right? That did not look pleasant."
[18:53] <@Porridge> "Yeah, thought it would do you in but you forced your way out nicely," Porridge approves.
[18:53] <@Kotono> "It was like opening your spice drawer and seeing a roach in it," Myann shudders, looking a little pale. "That moment where you freeze up in disgust."
[18:53] <Feather> "Yeah." Shaking his head again, Feather drinks his last potion.
[18:53] <Feather> roll 3d8+5
[18:54] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+5 and gets 12." [3d8=4, 2, 1]
[18:54] <@Kotono> Feather's wounds once again heal! OOC: Continuing on, y'all.
[18:54] <Feather> OOC: Yeah, Gildas can lead now
[18:55] <Gildas> OOC: Gee, thanks.
[18:56] <@Kotono> Ahead the party goes. Around the corner is a slope down. It goes perhaps 30ft down and at the bottom you can see light. Rainbow light, all colors and shades wildly dancing.
[18:58] <Gildas> He slows his pace at that, very carefully moving down the slope. "Curious..."
[18:59] <Feather> They have their own light, sadly lacking in variety. "Charge out?" Feather asks, to try and keep to the same plan.
[18:59] <@Porridge> Nothing Porridge can do to prepare for it, so he just keeps on walking! Unless everyone stops. Don't want a repeat of earlier.
[18:59] <@Porridge> "Okay, on three?"
[18:59] * Feather gives Porridge a nod, ready to go.
[18:59] <Gildas> "What if we run out into another barrage of crystals?" He frowns. "Just be ready to run away, then."
[19:00] <@Kotono> "Whenever you're ready," Myann adds quietly, peering down and ahead.
[19:00] <@Porridge> "Do you have any way to avoid it if there is a barrage?" Porridge asks pointedly.
[19:01] <Gildas> "By not charging in." He shakes his head. "One... two..."
[19:01] <Gildas> "Three!" With that, he will be the first to run!
[19:01] <@Kotono> At the bottom? The area ahead is a large cavern, full of quartz chunks all over. The floor is utterly littered with them! 15ft ahead and 10ft to the right and left are heaps of quartz, 15ft tall. Atop each heap is a single quartz-studded ant. 25ft ahead and 10ft to the right and left are two more heaps, the same as the previous two. 50ft ahead, sitting on a 20ft tall heap of quartz, is a huge
[19:01] <@Kotono> ant! It's bigger than a warhorse! Eggs surround it, nestled into the quartz. The large ant glows with a light that is reflected in the various colored quartz stones, causing the rainbow hues. As you see the creature, you feel a terrible pressure in your mind! One word echos endlessly, like a carol of pure hate, 'MURDERERS!' Beyond the large ant are several tunnels leading deeper in. OOC: Init.
[19:01] <@Kotono> Everything down here is difficult terrain, which means your land movement speed is halved and you can't run/charge through it. Fliers are exempt.
[19:02] <Feather> roll 1d20+4
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+4 and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[19:02] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+1
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+1 and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 11." [1d20=9]
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ant heap 1
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ant heap 2
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ant heap 1 and gets 1." [1d20=1]
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ant heap 3
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ant heap 2 and gets 19." [1d20=19]
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 ant heap 4
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ant heap 3 and gets 10." [1d20=10]
[19:02] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 ant heap 4 and gets 20." [1d20=20]
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7  and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[19:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d20-2 ant queen
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20-2 ant queen and gets 6." [1d20=8]
[19:04] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20)>AH2(19)>Porridge=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11)>AH3(10)>Ant Queen(6)>AH1(1)'
[19:04] <Feather> "You! Attacked! First!" Feather snarls, ready to pay the ants back for that recent humilation. "Get out of our fucking minds!"
[19:06] <@Kotono> Two chunks of quartz come flying - right at the talkative Feather, hurtling right for him!
[19:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 AC?
[19:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 AC?
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 AC? and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 AC? and gets 20." [1d20=15]
[19:07] <Feather> OOC: 19 right now
[19:07] <@Kotono> roll 2d4+2 ow
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+2 ow and gets 6." [2d4=2, 2]
[19:08] <@Kotono> Crystal comes flying, bouncing off Feather's chest! Both hurt considerably, making his body cry out - but he's still alive! Just pain and bruising, nothing some magic can't fix! OOC: Porridge.
[19:09] <@Porridge> Moving towards the ant queen, Porridge rears back and hurls his spear like a javelin up at the quartz-throwing ant up on his left!
[19:10] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+7 15 feet moved
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+7 15 feet moved and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[19:10] <@Kotono> The spear is thrown, but it's wide! It flies errant, landing amid quartz far away! OOC: Rotten luck. Gildas.
[19:11] <Gildas> He calls out to Feather! "Should we use the bombs now, or wait?"
[19:11] <Feather> "Now!"
[19:11] <Gildas> "Now, then!"
[19:11] <Gildas> OOC: Could Gildas throw the bomb all the way at the ant queen?
[19:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure. I'd want a ranged attack roll, though. BAB+dex.
[19:12] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[19:13] <Gildas> He pulls the fuse out of the bomb and hurls it as far as he can towards the ant queen!
[19:13] <Gildas> roll 1d20+8
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+8 and gets 15." [1d20=7]
[19:14] <Gildas> After that, he shapeshifts and will fly up into the air!
[19:14] <@Kotono> The bomb is hurtled at the ant queen! It lands right before her, fuse pulled and the bomb beginning to swell! OOC: Feather, go.
[19:14] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20)>AH2(19)>Porridge=Gildas=Gildas Bomb(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11)>AH3(10)>Ant Queen(6)>AH1(1)'
[19:15] <Feather> The thrown crystal is nothing! He had been hit much harder just a couple of minutes before that. With a mental snarl he reaches for his bomb. Everything here is in range, and he makes use of the opportunity with magic granting him unerring accuracy! After that bit taken care of, he moves close to the nearest of the heaps while positioning himself in such a way as to shield himself from the other
[19:15] <Feather> heaps or the queen.
[19:15] <Feather> roll 1d20+8+20 quick cast true strike
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8+20 quick cast true strike and gets 29." [1d20=1]
[19:16] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20)>AH2(19)>Porridge=Gildas=Gildas Bomb(14)>Feather=Feather Bomb(13)>Myann(11)>AH3(10)>Ant Queen(6)>AH1(1)'
[19:16] <@Kotono> The bomb is thrown - too well! It flies over the queen and lands somewhere behind her! Myann meanwhile turns to the rightmost and closest ant heap, quickly tracing arcane power sigils!
[19:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 99." [1d100=99]
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 touch AC
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 touch AC and gets 7." [1d20=1]
[19:17] <@Kotono> The block appears in the air and slams down - into the quartz instead of the ant, missing cleanly! OOC: Hatebot is on the loose. Ants are up.
[19:17] <@Kotono> Another hunk of quartz comes, this time hurtling towards Gildas!
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 AC?
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 AC? and gets 13." [1d20=8]
[19:18] <Gildas> OOC: 19
[19:18] <@Kotono> But Gildas deftly sidesteps! Then suddenly, the pressure in your minds increases! Suddenly Porridge's mind feels like it is going to burst, as if someone drove an iron spike into it! OOC: Fortitude.
[19:19] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+11
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+11 and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[19:19] <@Kotono> roll 2d4 int, cha, wis damage halve this
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4 int, cha, wis damage halve this and gets 7." [2d4=4, 3]
[19:20] <@Kotono> Blood pours from Porridge's ears as he resists! His vision flickers and his mind burns with the mental wound! THousands of thoughts flood in to his awareness, each one a moment of pure and utter hatred. YOU KILLED THEM! YOU KILLED THE CHILDREN! YOU KILLED ALL THE CHILDREN! Amid this storm, a chunk of quartz comes flying at Myann!
[19:20] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:20] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 8." [1d20=3]
[19:21] <@Kotono> Byt it misses completely! More quartz comes, this time flying towards Feather and Gildas!
[19:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Feather
[19:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Feather and gets 25." [1d20=20]
[19:21] <@Porridge> Porridge gibbers and howls!
[19:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Feather crit geez Hatbot?
[19:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Feather crit geez Hatbot? and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[19:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Gildsa
[19:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Gildsa and gets 14." [1d20=9]
[19:21] <@Kotono> roll 2d4+2 Hatebot in full effect, yo
[19:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+2 Hatebot in full effect, yo and gets 8." [2d4=4, 2]
[19:21] <Feather> OOC: My cover does nothing?
[19:22] <@Kotono> OOC: Oh no, I missed that in the whole 1 fiasco. That would give you total cover and +8 AC. What's that put your AC at?
[19:22] <Feather> OOC: 28
[19:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+1 Still a natural 20 so a normal hit gets through
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4+1 Still a natural 20 so a normal hit gets through and gets 4." [1d4=3]
[19:23] <@Kotono> Quartz goes flying! A hunk of it is aimed perfectly and bounces off Feather's shoulder, leaving a vicious bruise! OOC: Bomb is resolved first.
[19:23] <@Kotono> Suddenly...BOOOOOOOOOM! One explosion and then another a split second later! OOC: Resolving this one step at a time.
[19:23] <@Kotono> roll 12d6
[19:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 12d6 and gets 51." [12d6=5, 5, 5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 5, 1, 1, 5]
[19:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d20-1
[19:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20-1 and gets 5." [1d20=6]
[19:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Balance checks, y'all. Ants besides the queen too.
[19:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 AH1
[19:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 AH2
[19:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 AH3
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 AH1 and gets 15." [1d20=15]
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 AH2 and gets 5." [1d20=5]
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 AH3 and gets 6." [1d20=6]
[19:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 AH4
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 AH4 and gets 16." [1d20=16]
[19:24] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+9
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+9 and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[19:24] <Gildas> OOC: I'm flying, do I need to roll?
[19:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes, it's a pressure wave.
[19:25] <@Kotono> OOC: It'll knock you silly and have a slightly different effect.
[19:25] <Feather> roll 1d20+11
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+11 and gets 28." [1d20=17]
[19:25] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11  and gets 16." [1d20=5]
[19:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[19:29] <@Kotono> A massive blast sends the party reeling! Myann and Porridge are knocked flat down, prone! Somehow Feather stays up despite the massive burst! Gildas is slammed back, right to the wall above the entrance to where you came in! In the aftermath, you see each of the crystal throwing ants lying at the base of their heaps, prone and down! The queen ant is ravaged, half blown apart! Yet somehow its
[19:29] <@Kotono> head is stlil up, still looking ahead despite much of its body being pulped. Eggs are shattered, quartz sent everywhere. The heaps of quartz are much more spread out now, everything utterly covered in it! OOC: Myann and Porridge are prone. All the ants save the queen are prone. Queen's fuckedup. Gildas got knocked back. Bombs exploded - second one was triggered by the explosion of the first,
[19:29] <@Kotono> chain reaction. Ow. Porridge.
[19:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20 prone)>AH2(19 prone)>Porridge(prone)=Gildas=Gildas Bomb(14)>Feather=Feather Bomb(13)>Myann(11 prone)>AH3(10 prone)>Ant Queen(6)>AH1(1 prone)'
[19:30] <@Porridge> "Ah'ma go'n kill youse!" Porridge roars, an unthreatening warble in his voice as he picks himself up and strides doggedly towards the queen ant!
[19:31] <@Kotono> Porridge advances further, stumbling through the mess of quartz! OOC: Gildas.
[19:31] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20 prone)>AH2(19 prone)>Porridge(prone)=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11 prone)>AH3(10 prone)>Ant Queen(6)>AH1(1 prone)'
[19:31] <Gildas> OOC: Am I in range for a dive attack on the queen or did I get knocked back too far?
[19:33] <@Kotono> OOC: What's your fly speed?
[19:33] <Gildas> OOC: 40
[19:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7+2 dive
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7+2 dive and gets 22." [1d20=13]
[19:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 2d6+14+2d6
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d6+14+2d6 and gets 32." [2d6=6, 6][2d6=3, 3]
[19:35] <@Kotono> Gildas finds his flight-balance off, but it doesn't stop him as he soars down! He rips into the queen's back, talos and beak ripping away antflesh! The ruined queen let lives, taking the abuse but staying up! OOC: OW. Okay, Feather.
[19:37] <Feather> Unable to see much of anything from his cover, Feather decides to get at the ants and take a better look. Both would be accomplished by climbing on top of the quartz heap he is right next to, and so he does just that!
[19:37] <Feather> roll 1d20+9 climb
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+9 climb and gets 23." [1d20=14]
[19:37] <@Kotono> OOC: The ants were knocked down by the blast. Yo udon' tneed to climb up to get 'em.
[19:38] <Feather> OOC: Ah. They didn't take any damage so I figured they were prone up there
[19:38] <Feather> OOC: Strike!
[19:38] <Feather> With ants so close to him, Feather busies himself by killing as many as he can!
[19:38] <Feather> roll 1d20+12
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+12 and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[19:38] <Feather> roll 1d20+12 crit?
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+12 crit? and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[19:39] <Feather> roll 2d10+18+2d6
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 2d10+18+2d6 and gets 41." [2d10=8, 6][2d6=6, 3]
[19:40] <@Kotono> OOC: Which one?
[19:40] <Feather> OOC: I'm near the closest heap to the entrance. I'll start with the scariest ant I can get at and work my way from there.
[19:40] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20 prone)>AH2(19 prone)>Porridge(prone)=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11 prone)>AH3(10 prone)>Ant Queen(6)'
[19:41] <@Kotono> Rushing forward, Feather leaps amid the rubble and stabs down on the first ant! He skewers it all the way through, ripping his blade free in one potent killing stroke! Myann manages to rise, before quickly drawing more arcane sigils in the air!
[19:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 46." [1d100=46]
[19:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[19:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 and gets 22." [1d20=16]
[19:41] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[19:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and gets 18." [5d6=5, 2, 4, 4, 3]
[19:42] <@Kotono> Above the Queen Ant, a giant block materializes! It slams down on her! Sorely wounded, the queen can do nothing as her head is crushed under a ton of wood! A moment later there is a horrific scream, an outword gush of utter despair! OOC: Will all. Ants automatically fail this save.
[19:43] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20 prone cd)>AH2(19 prone cd)>Porridge(prone)=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11 prone)>AH3(10 prone cd)'
[19:43] <Feather> roll 1d20+5
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+5 and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[19:43] <Gildas> OOC: Does this count as enchantment by any chance?
[19:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Enchantment/mindaffecting combo againf or seaves.
[19:43] <@Kotono> OOC: For saves.
[19:43] <Gildas> OOC: ho ho ho
[19:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Myann
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Myann and gets 11." [1d20=6]
[19:43] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 mind bullets
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 mind bullets and gets 10." [1d20=1]
[19:43] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+6
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+6 and gets 22." [1d20=16]
[19:44] <@Kotono> The despair saturates everything! It's just too much! All but Porridge are struck with the blackest despair, a sorrow so crushing that all else seems meaningless! OOC: Everyone but Porridge is afflicted with Crushing Despair. See link in the OOC room. AH3 doesn't act this turn, nor dothe other two ants. Porridge, go
[19:45] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20 prone cd)>AH2(19 prone cd)>Porridge=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11)>AH3(10 prone cd)'
[19:46] <@Porridge> With the queen dead Porridge redirects his uncouth wrath upon the ant on the far right!
[19:46] <@Porridge> OOC: double move to get next to it
[19:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Right. Gildas.
[19:47] <Gildas> OOC: I'll go for AH4 with another dive attack, if I may.
[19:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Go for it.
[19:47] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7 removing the +2 because of despair
[19:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 removing the +2 because of despair and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[19:48] <@Kotono> Gildas takes to the air, swooping down at the fourth ant! But with his heart heavy with loss, his blow lacks a killing edge. He misses, landing besides the downed ant! OOC: Feather.
[19:50] <Feather> He wasn't good enough to kill that queen ant, and that's why things aren't going as they wanted to. And he is getting furious at himself over that, with the best way to vent being on the other ants!
[19:50] <Feather> roll 1d20+10 the next ant group
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10 the next ant group and gets 16." [1d20=6]
[19:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[19:50] <Feather> roll 1d10+7+4d6
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d10+7+4d6 and gets 32." [1d10=8][4d6=3, 6, 2, 6]
[19:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'AH4(20 prone cd)>Porridge=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11)>AH3(10 prone cd)'
[19:52] <@Kotono> A quick slash decapitates the second ant, shortening it a head! Meanwhile Myann falls to her knees, curling up into a ball. This is joined by the sound of heartrending sobs, yet her face is a stretched in a massive grin. As tears pour down her face, " entertaining..." she babbles, "All that struggle and...!" OOC: Porridge, go.
[19:54] <@Porridge> "Effin' bugs! Hate!" Porridge growls, his diction all wrong, but hopefully his grip on his axe isn't as he brings it down on the ant he's so painstakingly worked his way towards over uneven ground!
[19:54] <@Porridge> roll 1d20+9 -4pa, prone
[19:55] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d20+9 -4pa, prone and gets 25." [1d20=16]
[19:55] <@Porridge> roll 1d12+15+2d6
[19:55] * Hatbot --> "Porridge rolls 1d12+15+2d6 and gets 31." [1d12=7][2d6=3, 6]
[19:55] * Kotono changes topic to 'Porridge=Gildas(14)>Feather(13)>Myann(11)>AH3(10 prone cd)'
[19:55] <@Kotono> Just like that, in one slash the ant is now short several body parts! It does the predictable thing and dies, leaving but one! OOC: Gildas.
[19:56] <Gildas> The eagle seems to relucantantly shapeshift into a bear and takes a bite out of the ant!
[19:56] <Gildas> roll 1d20+7
[19:56] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+7 and gets 23." [1d20=16]
[19:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[19:57] <Gildas> roll 1d6+7+2d6
[19:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d6+7+2d6 and gets 15." [1d6=3][2d6=1, 4]
[19:57] <@Kotono> With one last bite, the already downed ant is bitten apart! Victory! OOC: Free act. Ugly little fight.
[19:58] <@Porridge> Porridge sure feels ugly, a loud disgusting snort heard as he inhales before spitting onto the dusty corpse. "Be'er be the last o' 'em."
[19:58] <Gildas> There's a pause, before the bear shapeshifts back and begins slowly walking over towards Myann.
[20:02] <@Kotono> The ant doesn't react to being spat on, being quite dead. As Gildas approaches Myann, he finds her sobs changing into laughter. As you approach you see her face - she's laughing with all her heart. Her eyes are hidden - growing from them are white mushrooms, falling and hanging instead of tears.
[20:03] <Gildas> He lets out a large sigh before calling out to the others. "I think you should all come over here... if you want to."
[20:03] * Feather slumps against the wall by the entrance, far enough away from the ant corpses.
[20:05] <@Porridge> "S'wah?" Porridge just can't string a decent sentence together right now it seems, only managing to make himself sound idiotic. Hard to focus on much of anything with the buzzing in his mind and the blood dribbling down his ears, but he staggers over towards Gildas.
[20:06] <Gildas> He sighs again, waving his hand at Myann. "...For some reason, she is experiencing this in a different way."
[20:07] <@Porridge> "S'disgusting," Porridge says, unable to muster tact. "C'n even... yank 'em out?" he mimes doing so, "W'out hurtin' 'er?"
[20:08] <Gildas> He shrugs. "I think we have to wait until this passes... if it ever does." He sighs again.
[20:10] <@Porridge> "Any left they'd defend th' queen," Porridge shrugs, looking around. "Done fer th' day?"
[20:11] <@Kotono> Myann looks up - grinning from ear to ear. Yellow mushrooms begin to leak out of the sides of her mouth, tiny little things that roll down her chin and hang there, refushing to fall off. "There's only one thing to do." Her voice is full of demented mirth.
[20:11] <Gildas> "We should..." He sighs again. "Probably look around..."
[20:14] <@Porridge> "Y'really askin' that?" Porridge asks, looking down at her severely. Or he tries, it looks more like he's ogling her, which is all kinds of a disgusting thought at the moment.
[20:15] <@Kotono> "Yes, we..." Myann stops. Suddenly the despair leaves the party, rationality returning! OOC: The duration of the effect's over. Fortunately it wasn't the minute/level of the spell.
[20:16] * Feather slowly climbs to his feet, frowning. "Hey, what's going on over there?" he calls out to the other three who seem to be crowding together.
[20:16] <Gildas> He blinks once, shaking his head quickly. "...Myann! Are you all right?"
[20:16] <@Porridge> "She's askin' ta die," Porridge points at Myann.
[20:17] <Gildas> He glances over at Porridge and blinks a few times with a raised eyebrow, then returns his attention to Myann.
[20:18] <@Kotono> Myann shudders visibly, wiping at her face. The mushrooms fall away, her face a mask of disgust. "That wasn't what I was asking," she says, voice utterly sour. She rises on shaking legs, "Are we done here?"
[20:19] <Feather> "Just about," Feather says, coming over. "Gildas, can you take a look around?"
[20:19] <@Porridge> "S'what I'd be askin' if'n I was turnin' into a fungus colony," Porridge mutters, starting to head back the way they came. "Was askin' you t'be clear anyways."
[20:20] <Gildas> He lingers on Myann's words a moment before he shakes his head. "...I think we should check the other caves briefly." He nods to Feather. "Certainly." With that, he shapeshifts and will fly around to check out the area!
[20:20] <Feather> "Listen, Myann," Feather tells her, "once we rest a day or two, let's go to the fey realm again. Ask around there."
[20:21] <@Porridge> Since Gildas is looking around, Porridge stops and leans on the wall to wait.
[20:21] <@Kotono> Flyign ahead, Gildas finds it full of open spaces. It's a ring that connects around, all the passage coming together. A single exit at the back leads to further caves. There's not a lot of interest. Perhaps this would be once full of resting ants or the like, but now it's just empty.
[20:23] <Gildas> He flies back and shapeshifts again. "It all leads back here. There is another exit at the back... But we can explore that another time."
[20:23] <@Kotono> Myann's face darkens as she looks away, "I'd rather not," she says quietly, "That's what I wanted to do, not kill myself. I wanted to go there. To go home."
[20:24] <Gildas> "...I think we just need to find someone strong enough to return you to what you were before they interferred on your life." He announces. "We just have to keep looking."
[20:25] <Feather> "Huh. Well. Guess what we need to do, then, is figure out some magic to make things work?" He shrugs. "You wanted to go there because of that creepy ant magic, didn't you? There's bound to be other magic that's opposite. Might keep you grounded and all."
[20:25] <@Kotono> "Y-yeah," Myann says quietly, still looking away. "Can we just go back now? Please?"
[20:26] <Feather> "Yeah."