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#024: "So which of you has enough fire in you to host me?"

Started by Merc, June 30, 2013, 07:37:31 PM

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[18:37] <Kotono> <Morrie> "Considering where we are..." He takes a step forward and then kneels down onto the ground. "I suggest you get away from it."
[18:37] <Kotono> * Lehko shrugs and steps back.
[18:37] <Kotono> * Santos moves back as well.
[18:37] <Kotono> <Morrie> He will try and will the power of the fire to hit the door!
[18:37] <Kotono> > OOC: Make a force check.
[18:37] <Kotono> <Morrie> roll 2d6+4
[18:37] <Kotono> <Kobot> Morrie rolled 2d6+4 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{10}
[18:37] <Kotono> > The door heats up! Heat comes...Morrie can feel a thread of something, connecting to above. But he can't make enough heat to trigger it. The power of fire is weaker here, lacking. As if this chamber is missing something.
[18:37] <Kotono> > OOC: We'll pause on that.

[18:35] <Kotono> -------
[18:38] <Morrie> "...Ah, I think I understand now."
[18:39] <Morrie> "I believe Ifrit sealed this... or... something else tried to ward something away from Ifrit. I believe he is above us." He nods, satisfied with that explanation. "I may be able to open it, given time... but it may just be best to face Ifrit himself."
[18:41] <Santos> "So, what, back to the room with the lava islands then?" Santos asks.
[18:41] <Kotono> OOC: To refresh real quick. There's one unexplored room/landing in between this and the lava island/geyser room.
[18:43] <Morrie> "Let us go up to the next landing first."
[18:44] * Lehko nods and heads up.

[18:46] <Kotono> Your legs ache with yet more stairs to climb. But at least molten death isn't chasing you this time. You reach the next landing up without incident. Shiva continues to tirelessly dance around you all. "Put some spring into your step, men!"
[18:48] <Lehko> "A little bikini armor motivation would have helped."
[18:48] <Morrie> "Do you wish us all to melt, Lehko?" He shakes his head.
[18:48] <Lehko> "Nope. Just a bit of flirting."
[18:48] <Kotono> "That is my wife," Titan's heard rumbling from Mycol's mouth. He doesn't sound like the happiest titan ever, either.
[18:49] <Santos> "I'm sure she'd only let Lehko's fur melt or catch on fire, before reactivating the spell, if he got bad enough," Santos comments.
[18:50] <Morrie> "Ah, that is a valid point." He nods.
[18:50] <Lehko> "See what a little morale does? Gets everyone talking."
[18:50] <Kotono> "Just open the door," Shiva says, beginning to dance once more.
[18:52] * Lehko goes up to the door and inspects it, for traps!
[18:52] <Lehko> roll 2d6+7 awareness
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+7 awareness and gets 10." [2d6=2, 1]
[18:53] <Kotono> This door was previously checked. It's still not trapped.
[18:53] * Lehko throws open the door!

[18:54] <Kotono> The door opens! The room ahead is empty, leading to a vast chasm. A single lone walkway goes straight ahead down the center to the far wall. There's no door here, but there are four switches on the wall. A box of switches, two by two. Each switch is in the dead center, neither pointing up nor down.
[18:55] <Morrie> "A puzzle?" As if that wasn't obvious enough.
[18:56] <Kotono> "Probably," Shiva says, "Think about it. I can guess the answer already," With an airy wave of her hand, "But the point isn't to challenge me. It's to challenge you."
[18:56] * Lehko inspects the switches, trying to discern their function or trace their electronics (roll?)
[18:56] <Kotono> OOC: Go for it. Tinkering.
[18:56] <Lehko> roll 2d6+8 Tinkering
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+8 Tinkering and gets 16." [2d6=3, 5]
[18:58] <Kotono> The switches are hooked into the wall. They look to regulate the floor (bottom two, with the left and right switches controlling their respective sides) and the ceiling (again with the top two switches controlling their respective sides).
[18:59] <Lehko> "They control sections of the floor. Respective to their locations, with the top row being the ceiling."
[18:59] * Santos stays quiet and leaves the tinkering to the others. Puzzles aren't his forte, not in the least.
[18:59] <Morrie> "Oh. I see." He nods.
[19:00] <Lehko> "So, how do you want to do this?"
[19:03] <Kotono> "With confidence?" Shiva suggests, "What could possibly go wrong if you bungle a puzzle?" she asks, smirking.
[19:04] * Lehko shrugs.
[19:04] <Lehko> "You could go back to being incorporeal and having no influence on this war."
[19:04] * Lehko grins toothily at Shiva.
[19:04] <Santos> "Puzzle would probably flood the room with lava, with us trapped inside, if we 'bungle' it as you put it."
[19:05] <Lehko> "I assume that's what the ceiling ones do. Drop the floor out of the room above and flood us with the lava in there. On the flip side, the floor switches could also fill the room. So, which ones do you want me to hit?"
[19:06] * Lehko wiggles his fingers at the switches.
[19:06] <Kotono> "Lehko," Shiva says sweetly, "What happens when my protection fails around your groin?"
[19:06] <Lehko> "I get reminded of home?"
[19:07] <Morrie> "Perhaps," he comments, before this gets any more out of hand, hopefully, "You should try and move a lever. We know what they do, but not... what they do."

[19:08] * Lehko shrugs and flips the far left switch to the down position.
[19:08] <Kotono> OOC: Top or bottom left switch?
[19:08] <Lehko> OOC: Bottom.
[19:09] <Kotono> The switch is pulled! Far below in the chasm the floor recedes back! Below you can see the left-side chasm of the chambers below, the one with the path to the locked steel door.
[19:10] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 99/99, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66'
[19:10] <Lehko> "So... That happened."
[19:11] <Santos> "Yup. So it did."
[19:11] <Kotono> "It did," Shiva agrees, "Use another one already."
[19:12] <Morrie> He stays quiet, just watching and letting the tinkerer do the tinkering.
[19:14] * Lehko flips the other bottom one.
[19:15] <Kotono> The floor on the right recedes and opens up, showing the right-side of the chasm below.
[19:16] <Lehko> "Hmm.."
[19:16] * Lehko flips the top left switch to the down position.
[19:18] <Kotono> The roof above recedes away! Suddenly the left is one great gush of lava! It flows down yet doesn't splash on any of you, plummeting down below! Above on the left is now free of lava, the island-path above partially un-plagued. Down below you see the lava pooling in that chasm.
[19:18] * Lehko sets it back to neutral.
[19:18] <Kotono> Nothing obvious happen. The ceiling on the left stays open.
[19:20] <Lehko> "So. How do you want to do this now?"
[19:20] <Morrie> "Turn the other one." He indicates which lever he means.
[19:20] <Santos> "Don't look at me. I don't see any patterns or anything."
[19:21] <Lehko> "Up or down?"
[19:22] <Morrie> "The opposite of the way you took the other top one."
[19:23] * Lehko flips the top right switch up!

[19:24] <Kotono> The switch is flipped up! A loud BZZT sound is heard, followed by a gush of air behind the party! Whirling around, the party can see a great gout of flame gushing towards them!
[19:24] <Kotono> roll 2d6+2 AVD and ARM, y'all? Also note if fire resistant.
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+2 AVD and ARM, y'all? Also note if fire resistant. and gets 11." [2d6=3, 6]
[19:25] <Morrie> OOC: 10 Arm, fire resistant
[19:25] <Morrie> OOC: Mycol has 10 as well, no resistance
[19:25] <Lehko> OOC: 8 AVD, 12 AM (7 AVD and 3 ARM for the wolf)
[19:26] <Santos> ooc: AVD 7, ARM 16, fire resistance
[19:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 81/99, Morrie 94/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 46/66'
[19:28] <Kotono> The blast of flames leaves the party a bit charred but nothing more. Ow! Meanwhile the top-right switch returns to a neutral position.
[19:29] <Morrie> "I believe, in that case, it goes the other way. It seems like you moved the other levers correctly, does it not?" He brushes some charred nonsense off his outfit.
[19:30] <Lehko> "So, switch it down then?"
[19:30] <Morrie> "I think so."
[19:30] <Santos> "Before you keep experimenting, some healing for the injured ones maybe?" Santos suggests. "I'm okay and all, but the rest of you all got tagged a bit..."
[19:30] * Lehko nods and does so.

[19:31] <Kotono> The switch is pulled down! The ceiling on the right vanishes and lava plummets ot the chamber below this floor! At this the switches recede back into the wall and vanish! A moment later, there is a loud sound of a lock popping open from below.
[19:32] <Morrie> "I wanted to wait until we were done." He nods to Santos and will call on sunlight to heal everyone!
[19:33] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 99/99, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66'
[19:33] <Lehko> "Guess the door is open. Time to check it!"
[19:33] <Kotono> Sunlight heals the party - relatively cool compared to everything here, all said.
[19:34] * Lehko heads towards the newly unlocked door!
[19:34] <Kotono> OOC: Going downstairs and to the locked door?
[19:34] <Lehko> OOC: Yup.
[19:34] <Morrie> "We should remember the floor above, as well." He nods and will go down!

[19:35] <Kotono> Down you go to the door! This room is now blazing hot, lava mere feet below the walkway that leads to the steel door. Which is, incidentally, wide open now! Within is a small room with three treasure chests within!
[19:35] * Lehko inspects the chests for traps!
[19:36] <Lehko> roll 2d6+7 Awareness chest 1
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+7 Awareness chest 1 and gets 16." [2d6=5, 4]
[19:36] <Lehko> roll 2d6+7 Awareness chest 2
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+7 Awareness chest 2 and gets 14." [2d6=6, 1]
[19:36] <Lehko> roll 2d6+7 Awareness chest 3
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+7 Awareness chest 3 and gets 17." [2d6=5, 5]
[19:39] <Kotono> The chests are not trapped.
[19:42] * Lehko flips open the chests!
[19:42] <Kotono> Within the chests is...OOC: Loot post.
[19:44] <Morrie> "...Ah, I believe I can make use of that." He will take the bright red stone from the box.
[19:44] * Lehko nods and inspects the gun, checking it over (I'll rule on keeping it in a sec, checking stat changes)
[19:46] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.

[19:46] <Kotono> As the party checks out their new toys, "Odd," Shiva murmurs. "I thought Ifrit would keep a Lavastone on him."
[19:48] <Lehko> "It would play to his strengths, wouldn't it?"
[19:48] <Morrie> "Perhaps he found something more powerful?" He ponders.
[19:49] <Santos> "Could be he's testing Morrie to see if they're compatible?" Santos comments with a shrug.
[19:49] <Santos> "Since Morrie is the only geomancer here, and all."
[19:49] <Kotono> "He may be troublesome," Shiva advises, "It's usually good form to keep something valuable around if you're defeated. Heroes appreciate it."
[19:50] * Lehko puts the new pistol away so he can clean and prep it for later use.
[19:50] <Lehko> "So, let's go see what changed upstairs..."
[19:50] * Lehko heads up two flights!
[19:51] <Kotono> Thus you head back up! The path ahead is a sea of islands above a void. There's now no lava geysers to interrupt your crossing if you wish to do it via created bridges.
[19:51] <Morrie> He nods to Lehko. "Shall we try again?"
[19:51] <Lehko> "If at first you don't succeed!"
[19:52] * Lehko claps his hands together and rubs them, focusing on magical bridges!

[19:52] <Kotono> This time, bridge after bridge is created! There's no opposition and you're able to do it slowly and surely. Paths now lead on ahead!
[19:53] * Lehko heads across with a jaunty step!
[19:54] <Morrie> Morrie and Mycol (who has been here the whole time) follow!
[19:54] <Kotono> Thus the party crosses. Across the islands you go to the other side. Here rests stairs going down, straight ahead.
[19:56] * Lehko heads down, palming both pistols (new one, too!) and being generally paranoid.
[19:56] <Morrie> "This certainly seems like the final leg of this area."
[19:56] <Lehko> roll 2d6+7 Awareness/Paranoia
[19:56] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+7 Awareness/Paranoia and gets 14." [2d6=3, 4]
[19:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66'

[19:58] <Kotono> Down you go, finding no traps. You reach the bottom, which is a winding path. You follow it for a good twenty minutes of walking. The earth is warm but not blazingly hot at first, but grows warmer as you walk. Eventually you come to but a single door at the end of this long passage.
[19:59] * Lehko checks the doors for traps!
[19:59] <Lehko> roll 2d6+7 Awareness
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+7 Awareness and gets 13." [2d6=3, 3]
[20:00] <Kotono> The door is not a trap.
[20:00] <Kotono> "Paranoid," Shiva adds as she prances, "You'd think people are out to get you."
[20:00] <Santos> "There are. He calls them his wives."
[20:00] <Lehko> "Them, not to mention how many times I've been blown up."
[20:00] * Lehko flings open the door with great gusto and bravado, stepping in and holding both guns at the ready, cowboy style!
[20:01] <Santos> ooc: cowboys exist in the FF world? =p
[20:02] <Lehko> OOC: You have livestock, right? Basic rules apply. People move cows for feeding.

[20:05] <Kotono> The door opens! Ahead is hell itself! Or something close to the tales about the realm of eternal torment. The cavern is full of blazing fires, crackling all over! Within it is a great demonic beast! The creature ahead is huge and brown, with red fur and golden bracelets on its wrists. Massive black horns curl up and behind its head, as it snaps and snarls at you! Flames surround it like a wreath
[20:05] <Kotono> as the door and wall before you melt into slag! "Finally!" Before you can even react, Ifrit is coming at you! "Let's see if you have the fire in your blood and belly to withstand me!" OOC: Init. Ifrit isn't one for pleasantries, apparently.

[20:05] <Lehko> roll 2d6+5 Init
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+5 Init and gets 9." [2d6=2, 2]
[20:06] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 and gets 13." [2d6=6, 4]
[20:06] <Lehko> roll 2d6+2 Wolf Init
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 Wolf Init and gets 5." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:07] <Kotono> roll 2d6+5 Ifrit
[20:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5 Ifrit and gets 8." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:08] <Kotono> OOC: Santos?
[20:08] <Kotono> OOC: Mycol?
[20:09] <Morrie> OOC: Derp
[20:09] <Morrie> OOC: 2d6+5 Mycol init
[20:09] <Morrie> OOC: DERP
[20:09] <Lehko> OOC: Merc's roll is +3 if you want to do it for him, Dune.
[20:09] <Morrie> 2d6+5 Mycol init
[20:09] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 Mycol init and gets 15." [2d6=4, 6]
[20:09] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 Santos
[20:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 Santos and gets 13." [2d6=5, 5]
[20:10] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66 | Mycol(15)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5)'
[20:10] <Kotono> OOC: Mycol opens.

[20:10] <Morrie> OOC: Quick-cast Quickening.
[20:10] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5)'
[20:11] <Kotono> Speed surrounds Mycol! He is suddenly a superfast supershroom! OOC: Okay. Santos.

[20:11] * Santos rushes towards the esper, attacking with his weapons as he splits into silent copies of deadly ninja-warrior doom!
[20:11] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[20:11] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 12." [2d6=4, 4]
[20:11] <Santos> ooc: eh, I'll keep it, no rerolls.
[20:12] <Santos> ooc: 50 damage if that hits.
[20:12] <Kotono> OOC: Hits. Damage and elements?
[20:12] <Santos> ooc: no elements. I only have elemental ward.
[20:12] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 45'

[20:13] <Kotono> Ifrit gets slashed at! It's a flurry of strikes, managing little wounds against the fiery demon's defenses! OOC: Morrie.
[20:14] <Morrie> Seeing no other targets, he simply raises a hand and calls forth the mighty winds to blow and slash at Ifrit!
[20:14] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[20:14] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 6." [2d6=1, 3]
[20:14] <Kotono> But the winds sputter out against Ifrit's roaring blazes! They only fan them and make him burn hotter! OOC: Miss. Lehko.
[20:15] * Lehko takes aim with his pistols, hoping to shoot an eye out...
[20:15] <Lehko> roll 2d6+2 Atk!
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 Atk! and gets 5." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:15] <Lehko> roll d6 reroll 1
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 5." [d6=5]
[20:16] <Lehko> OOC: 9 total.
[20:16] <Lehko> OOC: 33 damage if that hits.
[20:16] <Kotono> Lehko fires - but Ifrit is just a hair too fast! He weaves out of the way, letting out a roar of triumph! "Is this it, heroes?" Ifrit challenges, rushing Santos, "Then receive my baptism of fire!" His claws strike out at the ninja-warrior!
[20:16] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, Santos?
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, Santos? and gets 11." [2d6=4, 3]
[20:17] <Santos> ooc: avd 10, arm 16, fire resistance
[20:17] <Kotono> roll 71-16
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 71-16 and gets 55."
[20:17] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 22/77, Mycol 66/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 45'

[20:18] <Kotono> Santos gets clawed up! He's ripped into, bloodied and spun around! As he tries to recover, Ifrit head-butts him back! The warrior lands in a heap from the combo, painfully picking himself up! OOC: Le owwies. Wolf.
[20:18] <Lehko> "Go for the legs! GO FOR THE LEGS!" OOC: Hamstring, slow.
[20:18] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Mycol.
[20:19] <Morrie> Mycol chants and summons a Mana Shield, while also beginning a spell cast!
[20:19] <Morrie> OOC: Water, and 25% damage to HP.
[20:19] <Kotono> roll 66/4
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 66/4 and gets 16.5."
[20:19] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 22/77, Mycol 50/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 45'

[20:19] <Kotono> Mycol shimmers as a mana shield appears! He staggers from the abuse but stays up, going faster! OOC: Charging Water or something else? Also Santos.
[20:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 22/77, Mycol 50/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 45'
[20:20] <Morrie> OOC: I told you what spell it was!
[20:20] <Kotono> OOC: Oh. Duuuur!
[20:20] * Santos continues attacking Ifrit, sure that Lehko or Morrie will do something about his injuries!
[20:20] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 7." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:20] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 3." [d6=3]
[20:21] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 2 reliable
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 2 reliable and gets 3." [d6=3]
[20:21] <Santos> ooc: terrible~! does 10 still hit?
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: That's not 7, that's 9. You got 7 with the 1 and then got a 3 for a total of 9.
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: Not 10, rather.
[20:22] <Morrie> OOC: 3+3+4?
[20:22] <Santos> ooc: I rerolled both the 1 and the 2. 3+3+4=10
[20:22] <Santos> ooc: so yes, it is 10
[20:22] <Kotono> OOC: Oh. Duuuuur. My fault!  Hit.
[20:22] <Morrie> OOC: We're all having derp tonight.
[20:22] <Santos> ooc: 48 damage
[20:22] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 22/77, Mycol 50/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 88'

[20:23] <Kotono> Ifrit gets a score of minor wounds, the two going back and forth at the edge of the flames! Santos leaps amid the burning floor around Ifrit, scoring blow after blow! Yet they don't seem to faze him much! OOC: Okay, Morrie.
[20:23] <Morrie> He decides, for now, to be on the defensive, and calls on the power of sunlight to heal them! How in the world sunlight heals you in a cave full of burning fire I will never understand, but what can you do?
[20:23] <Morrie> roll 2d6+9 healing
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+9 healing and gets 13." [2d6=3, 1]
[20:23] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 35/77, Mycol 63/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 88'

[20:24] <Kotono> Wounds soothe the party, sunlight somehow healing and healing well! OOC: Lehko.
[20:24] * Lehko calls upon his holy power, casting Dia at Ifrit!
[20:25] <Lehko> roll 2d6+20 Damage
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+20 Damage and gets 30." [2d6=5, 5]
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: Charging that up then?
[20:25] <Lehko> OOC: It's a charge? I thought it was a straight up cast. Either way, yeah.
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: Charging then? Okay. Covering anyone?
[20:25] <Santos> ooc: Have you stated cover target in-game? And pretty much all spells are slow actions, Lehko.
[20:25] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 35/77, Mycol 63/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 88'
[20:25] <Lehko> OOC: Cover Santos.
[20:25] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.

[20:26] <Kotono> Ifrit leaps into the air, a meteor appearing before him! "METEOR DIVE!" he calls, hurtling right at Santos!
[20:26] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD, Santos?
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD, Santos? and gets 10." [2d6=1, 5]
[20:26] <Santos> ooc: 10
[20:26] <Kotono> OOC: ARM and fire res?
[20:26] <Santos> ooc: 16, and fire resistance, with catboy cover.
[20:26] <Kotono> roll 111/2
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 111/2 and gets 55.5."
[20:26] <Kotono> roll 55-16
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 55-16 and gets 39."
[20:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 57/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 35/77, Mycol 63/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 88'

[20:27] <Kotono> Lehko dives in, taking the meteor strike in the chest! He's slammed into Santos and the two end up in a heap, but the wounded warrior is safe from the massive flaming rock! "Chivalry?" The demon grins ear to ear, "You have burning blood in you! Come on, take those shots just like that!" OOC: Wolf.
[20:28] <Lehko> roll 2d6+5 ATK (Hamstring goes +1 ACC)
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+5 ATK (Hamstring goes +1 ACC) and gets 13." [2d6=4, 4]
[20:29] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:29] <Lehko> OOC: 19 damage.
[20:29] <Kotono> OOC: What's the other effect of hamstring?
[20:30] <Morrie> OOC: -2 AVD
[20:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 57/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 35/77, Mycol 63/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 102 (-2 AVD 1)'
[20:30] <Lehko> OOC: Yeah.

[20:30] <Kotono> The wolf dives at the burning demon, ripping at its hamstring! Ifrit hops from the bite, shaking its leg and ruining his defenses! OOC: Mycol. Finishes charging first, so roll Water.
[20:30] <Kotono> OOC: He's weakness to it, so x2.
[20:31] <Morrie> roll 2d6+24 Water Magic damage
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+24 Water Magic damage and gets 36." [2d6=6, 6]
[20:31] <Santos> ooc: *whistles*
[20:31] <Santos> ooc: nice timing
[20:31] <Kotono> OOC: Spells don't crit since they don't have attack rolls.
[20:31] <Kotono> roll 36*2
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 36*2 and gets 72."
[20:31] <Kotono> roll 72-6
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 72-6 and gets 66."
[20:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 57/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 35/77, Mycol 63/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 168 (-2 AVD 1)'

[20:32] <Kotono> OOC: Counter incoming.
[20:33] <Kotono> The water orb appears and splashes Ifrit! The demon howls terribly, a scream that shakes the walls and causes them to begin to melt! "WATER!" he screams, "YOU WATER LOVING BASTARDS! FIRA!" Suddenly flames engulf the party!
[20:33] <Kotono> roll 2d6+45 M.ARM and fire res, if any, all.
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+45 M.ARM and fire res, if any, all. and gets 51." [2d6=1, 5]
[20:33] <Lehko> OOC: 12
[20:33] <Lehko> OOC: 3 for wolf.
[20:34] <Morrie> OOC: 11 and fire resistance
[20:34] <Kotono> OOC: 48 to the wolf.
[20:34] <Morrie> OOC: Mycol is...
[20:34] <Morrie> OOC: 19 with mana shield, so 50% of the damage goes to MP
[20:35] <Kotono> OOC: Say the 9 goes to MP and the 10 goes to HP then.
[20:35] <Kotono> OOC: Santos?
[20:35] <Santos> ooc: MARM 8, fire res
[20:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 18/96, Morrie 85/99, Santos 18/77, Mycol 53/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 168 (-2 AVD 1)'
[20:35] <Santos> ooc: And SOS berserk triggers now. Also, area attack wipes images.
[20:36] <Lehko> OOC: I gain SOS-Shell and SOS-Protect

[20:36] <Kotono> A firestorm engulfs the party! It burns like horrible hell, scorching the party and leaving them reeling! "OW! Counter-attack!" Shiva winces as steam rises around her, "Ifrit's guarding against his weaknesses!" OOC: Mycol, your regular turn now.
[20:36] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 18/96, Morrie 85/99, Santos 18/77, Mycol 53/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos(berserk)=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging shell protect)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 168 (-2 AVD 1)'
[20:37] <Morrie> OOC: 25% HP damage first.
[20:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 18/96, Morrie 85/99, Santos 18/77, Mycol 37/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos(berserk)=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging shell protect)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 168 (-2 AVD 1)'

[20:37] <Morrie> Seeing that the angry spirit will hit them all with a powerful attack when threatened in such a way, the Mushboom instead decides to simply hurl maracas at his face. Twice.
[20:38] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2 One
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 One and gets 12." [2d6=4, 6]
[20:38] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2 Two
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 Two and gets 8." [2d6=2, 4]
[20:38] <Kotono> OOC: Two hits thanks to hamstring.
[20:38] <Lehko> OOC: Hells yeah. Tactical use of skills, baby.
[20:38] <Morrie> OOC: 72 total damage then.
[20:39] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 18/96, Morrie 85/99, Santos 18/77, Mycol 37/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos(berserk)=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging shell protect)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 230 (-2 AVD 1)'

[20:39] <Kotono> Ifrit looks up in time to see them coming, but not fast enough to react! They slam into his face, beating him face like a drum! The summon roars in fury, swatting them away, but the damage is done! OOC: Ow. Santos.
[20:39] <Santos> The enchantments on his armor mean that Santos can't do anything besides attack!
[20:39] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[20:39] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 10." [2d6=5, 1]
[20:40] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
[20:40] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 6." [d6=6]
[20:40] <Santos> ooc: 53 damage
[20:40] <Morrie> OOC: And you ignore 50% of ARM!
[20:40] <Santos> ooc: Reminder yes, what Morrie said
[20:40] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 18/96, Morrie 85/99, Santos 18/77, Mycol 37/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos(berserk)=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging shell protect)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 280 (-2 AVD 1)'
[20:40] <Morrie> OOC: TWO EXTRA DAMAGE!!!!!

[20:40] <Kotono> Dazed and damaged, Ifrit can't contest Santos slashing at his flanks! He opens up several wounds, further causing the demon to be off balance! OOC: Morrie.
[20:41] <Morrie> Again, he calls on healing light, hoping to restore lost health to his allies!
[20:41] <Morrie> roll 2d6+9 healing
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+9 healing and gets 21." [2d6=6, 6]
[20:41] <Kotono> OOC: Binders fulla 6s.
[20:41] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 39/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos(berserk)=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging shell protect)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 280 (-2 AVD 1)'

[20:42] <Kotono> Healing light erupts around the party! It does good at restoring energy, baking away burns with more burns! Somehow! OOC: Does that remove y'all from SOS ranges, Iddy/Merc?
[20:42] <Santos> ooc: yep
[20:42] <Lehko> OOC: Yep.
[20:42] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 39/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9 charging)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 280 (-2 AVD 1)'
[20:42] <Kotono> OOC: Lehko.
[20:43] * Lehko unleashes his holy magic!
[20:43] <Kotono> OOC: That first. Roll damage.
[20:43] <Lehko> roll 2d6+20 (Holy damage)
[20:43] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+20 (Holy damage) and gets 23." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:43] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 39/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 296 (-2 AVD 1)'
[20:43] <Kotono> OOC: Regular turn. Sec, do that while I BRB and I'll describe it all at once.

[20:44] * Lehko fires off pistols!
[20:44] <Lehko> roll 2d6+2 Atk!
[20:44] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 Atk! and gets 10." [2d6=4, 4]
[20:44] <Kotono> OOC: Success.
[20:44] <Lehko> OOC: 34 damage.
[20:45] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 39/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 325 (-2 AVD 1)'

[20:46] <Kotono> Holy light blasts Ifrit from above, making him roar and hide his face with his hands! This opens up his ribs, Lehko peppering him with bullets! He bleeds from the wounds, the fires around him growing stronger! Ifrit straights, before roaring and going right for Lehko this time, cutting out the middle man, claws out! "Oh yeah, hotter and stronger! Show me that spirit!"
[20:46] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, Lehko?
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, Lehko? and gets 11." [2d6=4, 3]
[20:46] <Lehko> OOC: 9 AVD and 12 ARM
[20:46] <Kotono> roll 67-12
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 67-12 and gets 55."
[20:46] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 325'

[20:47] <Kotono> But Ifrit is too fast! One claw grabs him and holds him still, while the other forms into a fist! Orange fire-energy gathers into him as he swings at the catboy! This burst is followed with a massive corona of flame around them, Lehko sent flying and landing face down and out! OOC: The ow is here. Go Wolf.
[20:48] <Lehko> Bjomolf goes into a rage, snarling and trying to avenge his master!
[20:48] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 Atk!
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 Atk! and gets 15." [2d6=5, 6]
[20:48] <Lehko> OOC: 22 Damage
[20:48] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened charging)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 342 '

[20:49] <Kotono> The wolf leaps up and mauls the summon, biting his arm up! A moment later he's flung away, the wolf landing on all fours and snarling! OOC: Ouch. Mycol.
[20:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 58/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 342 '
[20:49] <Morrie> OOC: 25% HP damage.

[20:50] <Morrie> Mycol frowns at what happens to Lehko, but responds by hurling his maracas again! Twice!
[20:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 42/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 342 '
[20:50] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2 one
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 one and gets 11." [2d6=3, 6]
[20:50] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2 two
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 two and gets 11." [2d6=6, 3]
[20:50] <Kotono> OOC: Two hits!
[20:51] <Morrie> OOC: 74
[20:51] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 39/77, Mycol 42/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 406 '

[20:52] <Kotono> Ifrit is just now balancing back, but it leaves his flank open! Maracas tenderize his ribs like a cook on a cheap steak, causing him to wince and shield his ribs with one big arm!  He's wincing visibly from the assault! OOC: Ow. Santos.
[20:53] * Santos takes full advantage of the opening, grabbing one of the vampire fangs in his belongings and jamming it into Ifrit's side!
[20:53] <Santos> ooc: does vampire fang require an attack roll?
[20:53] <Kotono> OOC: Drain is PWR*3+2d6 shadow damage. Roll it.
[20:53] <Santos> roll 2d6+42
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+42 and gets 50." [2d6=6, 2]
[20:53] <Kotono> roll 50*1.5
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 50*1.5 and gets 75."
[20:54] <Kotono> OOC: 69 damage, so Santos is back to fighting trim.
[20:54] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 42/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 475 '

[20:55] <Kotono> The vampire fang stabs into the summon! LIfe energy is suctioned away! AGH! Santos feels like he's ablaze! His skin bursts into flame, his body burning! OOC: No damage from this, it's just a temporary side effect of draining life energy from the father of flames. Morrie.
[20:56] <Morrie> Morrie hopes that he can finish off Ifrit, so he tries to summon wind once again to strike him down!
[20:56] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 10." [2d6=2, 6]
[20:56] <Kotono> OOC: Hits!
[20:56] <Morrie> OOC: 55
[20:56] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 42/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 524 '

[20:57] <Kotono> Shearing winds slice into Ifrit, making him stumble back badly! He's still up from it, but he's really bleeding now! His entire body is hanging heavy! OOC: Lehko's face planted down. Ifrit's up.
[20:57] <Kotono> Ifrit rears back, turning his attention to Mycol! "You still fear the flames, don't you?" he asks, before leaping into the air! A meteor appears above him, slamming down HARD on the mushboom!
[20:57] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, and note if fire res
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, and note if fire res and gets 11." [2d6=5, 2]
[20:58] <Morrie> OOC: 8 AVD, 10 ARM
[20:58] <Morrie> OOC: Half damage to MP
[20:58] <Kotono> roll 112-10
[20:58] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 112-10 and gets 102."
[20:58] <Kotono> roll 102/2
[20:58] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 102/2 and gets 51."
[20:58] <Kotono> OOC: KO and 51 MP damage oto.
[20:59] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 524 '

[21:00] <Kotono> The meteor slams into Mycol! His mana shield flares white before shattering, the meteor hitting the mushboom hard! He's sent looping down, eyes x'ed over as he lies there, out cold! Meanwhile Shiva shudders, "I can't..." she says, fading away! It's getting hot in here - fast! OOC: Shiva's down since Lehko's out cold, so your environmental protection's going away. Consider yourselves under a time
[21:00] <Kotono> limit now. Wolf's up.
[21:00] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 524 '
[21:00] <Kotono> OOC: Well, except for Morrie.

[21:00] <Lehko> Bjomolf continues to try and tear at the giant summon in a vengeful rage!
[21:00] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 Atk!
[21:00] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 Atk! and gets 8." [2d6=3, 1]
[21:01] <Lehko> OOC: 15 if that hits.
[21:01] <Kotono> But this time he can't strike! It's getting so hot that the wolf is starting to feel nothing but pain! OOC: Whiff. Santos.
[21:02] * Santos launches himself at the towering esper and continues to slash away! "You know, I find it insulting that you're ignoring my blades!"
[21:02] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[21:02] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 13." [2d6=3, 6]
[21:02] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 3
[21:02] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 3 and gets 5." [d6=5]
[21:03] <Kotono> OOC: Damage?
[21:03] <Santos> ooc: 53 damage
[21:03] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 572 '

[21:03] <Kotono> Slash after slash tears Ifrit open! He stumbles back now, landing against a half melted wall! He drags himself up, grinning ear to ear, "Heh, still bet I can outlast you!" he banters back, "C'mon, you have nothing but ice in the blood!" OOC: Morrie.
[21:05] <Morrie> Morrie moves in front of Santos. "Something like that." He raises his hand and summons the power of wind once again!
[21:05] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2  and gets 7." [2d6=3, 2]
[21:05] <Morrie> OOC: Fuck off, Hatbot.
[21:05] <Kotono> Wind comes gushing out, but can't penetrate the roaring flames of Ifrit! In retort he rises, "Now to finish this!" he says, claws out and going for Santos!
[21:05] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD and AR<?
[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD and AR<? and gets 11." [2d6=1, 6]
[21:06] <Santos> ooc: AVD 7, ARM 16. Also, I'll counterattack.
[21:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 26/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 572 '
[21:06] <Kotono> OOC: Go for it.

[21:07] <Santos> "You'll finish nothing!" Santos shouts as he goes for a dual exchange, forgoing any defense just to hit the esper back, slashing along the arms of the esper towards his chest!
[21:07] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 11." [2d6=6, 1]
[21:07] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 4." [d6=4]
[21:07] <Santos> roll d6 why not, I'll add 1 destiny just for the heck of it
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 why not, I'll add 1 destiny just for the heck of it and gets 6." [d6=6]
[21:08] <Morrie> OOC: No, seriously, fuck you, Hatbot.
[21:08] <Kotono> OOC: Hatebooooot.
[21:08] <Santos> ooc: why hatebot?
[21:08] <Lehko> OOC: That's a crit.
[21:09] <Kotono> OOC: Added dice from destiny-spending don't provoke criticals, I believe.
[21:09] <Santos> ooc: I don't think they do.
[21:09] <Kotono> OOC: The base dice have to be 6-6 for a crit.
[21:09] <Lehko> OOC: Oh, that sucks.
[21:09] <Kotono> OOC: Anyway, damage?
[21:09] <Santos> ooc: 58 damage anyway
[21:09] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 26/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 625 '

[21:09] <Kotono> OOC: And your counter provokes a counter!
[21:09] <Santos> ooc: What? That's lame!
[21:10] <Santos> ooc: Guess it'll all be on you, Morrie! Well, you and the wolf.
[21:10] <Morrie> OOC: Yeah, fantastic.

[21:11] <Kotono> Santos is slammed down, pinned down by claws! He's promptly pummeled down, slammed hard! As he's maimed, one knee goes up! Ifrit pauses for a moment as his eyes bug out, followed him leaping a good dozen feet up and holding his groin! He doubled over when he lands, "Oh, you...It's not over yet!" he calls, "INFERNO!" A tornado of flame engulfs Ifrit, healing his wounds!
[21:11] <Kotono> roll 2d6+150
[21:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+150 and gets 156." [2d6=1, 5]
[21:11] <Kotono> roll 625-156
[21:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 625-156 and gets 469."
[21:11] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 26/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 469'
[21:11] <Santos> ooc: Ooooh, bull crap

[21:12] <Kotono> Ifrit stands, partially revitalized! Meanwhile the heat bears down on you terribly! OOC: ARM and fire res, you three?
[21:12] <Morrie> OOC: 10 and yes
[21:12] <Lehko> OOC: 3 ARM for the wolf.
[21:12] <Santos> ooc: 16 and fire res
[21:12] <Kotono> OOC: No damage to Santos or Morrie. 17 to the wolf.
[21:13] <Kotono> The wolf is licked as it gets ever hotter, while Morrie and Santos hold on! OOC: I forgot Morrie's immune anyway, dur. Wolf.
[21:13] <Lehko> Bjomolf goes for the eyes!
[21:13] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 Atk
[21:13] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 Atk and gets 10." [2d6=2, 4]
[21:13] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:13] <Lehko> OOC: 17.
[21:13] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 26/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 481'
[21:14] <Kotono> Ifrit's face is bitten, his cheek torn just below the eye! This time he just ignores the wolf, as it hangs on and tries to maul him! OOC: Santos.
[21:14] <Lehko> OOC: 9 HP for the wolf. Goes down next hit.

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Note: This segment was all removed.

[21:14] <Morrie> "Santos! The other fang! I'll try and get Lehko up!"
[21:16] <Santos> "That's not going to do enough. Heal him up first, and I'll use that potion from the town. It'll heal everyone a great deal!" Santos suggests. "We can continue attacking once Lehko's in a position to not go out immediately after coming to!"
[21:17] <Santos> ooc: holding for Morrie, since he's on same init anyway.
[21:17] <Kotono> OOC: Morrie.
[21:17] * Santos has the potion in hand, ready to use as soon as Lehko stirs.
[21:17] <Morrie> OOC: You should use the fang, because it takes a turn for me to get the phoenix down out of the bag.
[21:17] <Santos> ooc: Aaaaah
[21:18] <Santos> ooc: Okay, I'll use a vampire fang then.
[21:18] <Morrie> Morrie begins to desperately dig in the bag for the Phoenix Down!
[21:18] <Kotono> OOC: Lemme remind you that you can't take items out of the bag during combat.
[21:18] <Morrie> OOC: Oh.
[21:18] <Morrie> OOC: I thought that it just took a round to find it.
[21:18] <Kotono> OOC: That was with Dimensional Pocket shenanigans with Mycol
[21:18] <Kotono> .
[21:18] <Morrie> OOC: Right.
[21:18] <Morrie> OOC: Okay never mind, strike all the junk.
[21:18] <Santos> ooc: In that case we should scratch the whole set of actions up to Lehko's comment, and I'll use the fang.
[21:18] <Kotono> OOC: Sure, that's fine.

[21:18] <Morrie> "I'll try and stave the flames off!"
[21:19] * Santos nods. "I have one fang left, after this, well, just hope for the best!" Santos exclaims, quickly pushing aside the annoyance of Ifrit healing himself up.
[21:19] <Santos> roll 2d6+42 fang
[21:19] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+42 fang and gets 48." [2d6=2, 4]
[21:19] <Kotono> roll 48*1.5
[21:19] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 48*1.5 and gets 72."
[21:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 547'

[21:20] <Kotono> The fang stabs into the vampire! Santos's world becomes flame and fire, life energy revitalizing him as Ifrit stumbles back! He's sagging again, weakening! OOC: Morrie.
[21:20] <Morrie> Morrie touches his armor and invokes the power of ice and snow, trying to buy them some time by creating an ice field in the middle of a blazing inferno!
[21:21] <Morrie> OOC: It's the defensive snow, just for flavor.
[21:22] <Kotono> Suddenly the entire terrain cools! Snow and ice appear, everything becoming a hellish jungle of warm steam! The temperature of the area drops radically! OOC: That at least cools off things for a bit. Ifrit's up.
[21:22] <Kotono> Ifrit snarls and waves his hand, clearing the steam! With an angry roar, he leaps up onto a meteor and hurls himself at Morrie!
[21:23] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD, ARM and fire res?
[21:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD, ARM and fire res? and gets 13." [2d6=5, 4]
[21:23] <Morrie> OOC: 10 ARM, Fire Res
[21:23] <Kotono> roll 114/2
[21:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 114/2 and gets 57."
[21:23] <Morrie> OOC: Not bothering with AVD because I'm pretty sure he hits even if he rolls two 1's.
[21:23] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 52/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 547'
[21:23] <Kotono> OOC: That auto-missed at least.
[21:23] <Kotono> OOC: Auto-misses.
[21:23] <Morrie> OOC: Oh.
[21:23] <Morrie> OOC: Well then.

[21:24] <Kotono> The meteor hits Morrie right dead-center in the chest! He stumbles back and gasps in pain, the impact sending him reeling! But he's still up, even as the heat begins to rise! The ice and snow is melting rapidly! OOC: Wolf.
[21:24] <Lehko> Bjomolf continues snarling and tearing at Ifrit in a rage!
[21:24] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 Atk
[21:24] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 Atk and gets 9." [2d6=4, 1]
[21:24] <Kotono> But he can't quite manage to land a successful blow! OOC: Santos.
[21:25] * Santos continues to attack the esper, sweating not just because of the heat, but also wondering if they can best Ifrit before they're cooked!
[21:25] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[21:25] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 13." [2d6=5, 4]
[21:26] <Santos> ooc: 51 damage
[21:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 52/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 593'

[21:26] <Kotono> Santos viciously tears into Ifrit! He wobbles on his feet, nearly falling over as his stomach is gashed open! The summon's not down yet, but he looks in a bad way! OOC: Morrie.
[21:27] <Morrie> Deciding to just go for it, he tries to strike Ifrit down with the power of wind!
[21:27] <Morrie> roll 2d6+2
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8." [2d6=2, 4]
[21:27] <Morrie> OOC: Using a destiny point
[21:27] <Morrie> OOC: Which I'm sure will be a 1
[21:27] <Kotono> OC: Okay.
[21:27] <Kotono> OOC: Good luck!
[21:27] <Morrie> roll 1d6
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 1d6 and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[21:27] <Morrie> OOC: Told you
[21:27] <Kotono> OOC: Hatebot.
[21:27] <Morrie> OOC: Whatever, I'll use my other one.
[21:27] <Morrie> roll 1d6
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 1d6 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[21:27] <Kotono> OOOC: Oh come on Hatbot, really? Hit.
[21:28] <Morrie> OOC: 60
[21:28] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 52/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 649'

[21:29] <Kotono> Ifrit is hit hard enough to send him down! He falls down on his back, somehow rising! He's cut up all over, wisps of fire bleeding from his body! But somehow, someway, he continues to exist! "Hah...what a fight!" He grins bloodily, before stumbling over to claw at Santos!
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 ARM and AVD?
[21:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 ARM and AVD? and gets 8." [2d6=1, 3]
[21:30] <Santos> ooc: AVD 7, ARM 16
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 64-16
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 64-16 and gets 48."
[21:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 52/99, Santos 29/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 649'
[21:31] <Kotono> Santos gets backhanded hard enough to send him spinning, followed by a knee in the gut! He's badly injured, ribs screaming at him! But he continues to stay up as the heat rises once more! It's about to get scorching again! OOC: Wolf.
[21:31] <Lehko> Bjomolf continues to try and tear at the giant summon in a vengeful rage!
[21:31] <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 Atk
[21:31] * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 Atk and gets 10." [2d6=3, 3]
[21:31] <Lehko> OOC: 17.
[21:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 0/96, Morrie 52/99, Santos 29/77, Mycol 0/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 661'
[21:32] <Kotono> The dazed summon gets his hand bitten clean through, but it barely seems to notice it amid the daze of near death and battle! OOC: Santos.

[21:33] <Santos> "I think we're going to outlast you, Ifrit. That's my prediction!" Santos exclaims as he jumps towards the esper, panting as his muscles strain to embed his weapons into the esper's body.
[21:33] <Santos> roll 2d6+4
[21:33] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 and gets 14." [2d6=5, 5]
[21:33] <Santos> ooc: 52 damage
[21:34] <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 267." [4#1d100 = 68, 93, 100, 6]

[21:38] <Kotono> Ifrit takes that final blow and falls over, dispersing into motes of fire! The heat instantly begins to die down, the battle won! A pile of gil and a tome appear as the motes of fire gather together! OOC: Free act. Lehko and Mycol back to 1 HP.
[21:38] <Kotono> OOC: Special loot post.
[21:38] <Morrie> "Lehko... Mycol, hold on!" He will begin to call on the power of the sun to heal them and bring them back to where they should be.
[21:38] * Lehko rolls over and vomits blood, followed by coughing and staggering to his knees.
[21:39] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Santos=Morrie(13)>Lehko(9)>Ifrit(8)>Environment>Wolf(5) | Ifrit: 661'

[21:39] <Santos> "HAH! Never bet against my predictions!" Santos exclaims with a shit-eating grin, as he moves to check up on the other two, with Morrie. "Hey, look alive, guys. We kicked his ass!"
[21:39] * Lehko basks in the sunlight with a gasp and a groan before flopping back onto his ass.
[21:39] <Lehko> "Ow."
[21:40] <Santos> "Your wolf did great while you were out, by the way, Lehko. I'll buy him a big juicy steak once we get out."
[21:40] * Lehko levers himself up to his feet with a slight stagger and pats Bjomolf with a proud grin.
[21:40] <Lehko> "You and me both."

[21:40] <Kotono> The flames gather and Ifrit reappears, "Hah! Shiva and Titan chose well!" Cracking his claw-knuckles and marching over, "So which of you has enough fire in you to host me?"
[21:41] * Lehko stretches and cracks his back.
[21:41] <Lehko> "I don't care, as long you don't hit me again today."
[21:42] <Morrie> He blinks for a moment, looking at the ground... he kneels down and touches it with a small smile. "Ah... now I understand..." He seems to be talking to himself.
[21:44] * Kotono changes topic to 'Lehko 96/96, Morrie 99/99, Santos 77/77, Mycol 66/66'
[21:44] <Morrie> "Santos, I believe you to have the... mindset that best matches our good friend, here." He stands up after a moment.
[21:44] <Lehko> "Understand what?"
[21:44] <Morrie> "Ah... it is hard to explain." He looks thoughtful. "A... new connection with the land."

[21:45] <Santos> "Hey, if he doesn't mind being inside someone with 'ice in his blood'," Santos says sarcastically, crossing his arms as he looks at the esper challengingly. "Ifrit's welcome, sure."
[21:45] <Kotono> "It means he grasped the flow of the earth," Titan says, Mycol shaking as the esper speaks through him. "You'll see the next time you get into a desperate battle."
[21:46] <Kotono> "Good," Ifrit marches right on over to Santos, punching him in the chest! Suddenly he turns to flame, flowing into the warrior! OOC: You've made a pact with Ifrit! You gain the pact bonus as well.
[21:46] <Lehko> "... I need to find some kind of auto-heal thing... This was.. Painful."
[21:48] <Morrie> "Ifrit, can you help us get to the treasure chests you... assumedly littered all over these caverns?" He collects the tome that was dropped and places it in the loot bag, while also taking out a Phoenix Down.
[21:48] * Santos coughs, and takes a step back, and makes a face. "Fun guy, eh?" Santos comments. Then he pauses, turns to look at Mycol and giggles. "Oh man, that would have been a better remark if I'd made the pact with Titan and left Ifrit for Mycol. Man, what a missed opportunity."
[21:48] <Morrie> Mycol just stares at Santos.

[21:48] <Kotono> There's no reply. However, Santos gets the feeling getting the treasures should be simple now. OOC: Going to work your way back and loot?
[21:49] <Lehko> OOC: Sure.
[21:49] <Santos> "Ifrit's not saying much, but I kind of have a feeling he'd say it shouldn't be a challenge now."
[21:50] <Morrie> He nods. "I am sure our Ice-maiden would appreciate a reprieve."
[21:53] * Lehko heads back towards the unopened chests.
[21:53] <Kotono> Thus the party returns up, looting the chests as they go! They reach the transport back without incident. OOC: Loot post.
[21:56] <Morrie> "I suppose we should inform our gracious hosts that we were successful and did not simply run away."
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.