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Dramatis Personae

Started by Sierra, July 28, 2013, 08:24:23 AM

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In which the Cid lists NPCs known or heard of so that you don't have to ask Rosey every time you need to remember someone's name (unless you're Franceska and do it out of spite). Sheets for Rosemund (and whoever else might wind up tagging along with you in any appreciably permanent sense) will go up top. Second post is a regionalized list of basically any named entity ever.


Rosemund Whitefall
Chaotic Good Human Favored Soul 15
Languages: Common, Celestial
Proficiencies: All simple weapons, light and medium armor, shields
HP: 118 (145d8+60)
Hero Points: 2
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 33 (+2 DEX, +1 dodge, +3 deflection, +10 armor, +7 shield), touch 16, flat-footed 30
BAB/CMB/CMD: +11/+15/30
Attack: +20 to hit and 1d8+9 damage with heavy mace
Full Attack: +20/+15/+10
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: N/A
Special Qualities: Deity's weapon focus (heavy mace), deity's weapon specialization (heavy mace), energy resistance (cold/elec/fire 10)
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +13
Abilities: STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3), INT 13 (+1), WIS 8 (-1), CHA 18 (+4)
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge: Arcana, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft
Skills (120 ranks): Concentration +19 (--), Diplomacy +22 (15), Heal +17 (15), Knowledge: Arcana +19 (15), Knowledge: Geography +8 (7), Knowledge: History +16 (15), Knowledge: Local +16 (15), Knowledge: Nobility +9 (8), Knowledge: Religion +19 (15), Spellcraft +19 (15)
Feats: Healing Devotion (1/day: fast healing 2 for 1 minute, transfer to ally as full-round action), Sun Devotion (1/day: weapon radiates sunlight 10 ft/+10 sacred damage bonus to attacks vs undead for 1 minute), Augment Healing (+2 to conjuration/healing spells per spell level), Dodge, True Believer, Good Devotion (1/day for all allies within 30 ft: DR 4/evil and natural & weapon attacks count as good for purposes of DR, duration 1 minute), Toughness

Spells: CL 15th, saving throw DC 14 + spell level

Orisons (6/day): Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance
1st level (7/day): Bless (+1 morale bonus to attacks/saves vs fear for all allies within 50 ft for 15 minutes), Cure Light Wounds (1d10+7 healing), Ray of Hope (+2 morale bonus to saves/attacks/ability/skill checks for 1 target within 60 ft for 15 rounds), Resurgence (allow touched ally to reroll save against ongoing effect), Sanctuary, Shield of Faith (+4 deflection bonus to AC for 15 minutes)
2nd level (7/day): Cure Moderate Wounds (2d10+14 healing), Deific Vengeance (6d6 damage to one target within 60 ft, 10d6 to undead, will halves), Elation (+2 morale bonus to STR/DEX and +5 to speed for all allies within 80 ft for 15 rounds), Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy (energy resist 30 for 150 minutes), Shield Other (+1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 resistance bonus to saves, take half target's damage for 15 hours)
3rd level (7/day): Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds (3d10+21 healing), Heart's Ease (dispel fear/despair/confusion/insanity, heal 2d4 WIS damage, up to 15 allies within 60 ft), Lesser Visage of the Deity (+4 enhancement bonus to CHA and acid/cold/elect resist 10 for 15 rounds), Remove Disease, Searing Light (ranged touch attack for 5d8 damage, 10d6 to undead, range 250 ft)
4th level (7/day): Cure Critical Wounds (4d10+23 healing), Death Ward, Divine Power (15 rounds: +6 enhancement bonus to STR, BAB = character level, +15 temp hp), Neutralize Poison, Restoration, Sending
5th level (6/day): Break Enchantment, Flame Strike (15d6 fire/divine damage to 10-ft cylinder within 250 ft, ref halves), Plane Shift, Raise Dead, True Seeing
6th level (6/day): Blade Barrier (15d6 force damage, ref halves), Greater Dispel Magic, Heal (162 healing, various negative effects cured), Mass Eagle's Splendor (+4 CHA for up to 15 creatures for 15 minutes)
7th level (4/day): Mass Cure Serious Wounds (3d10+29 healing for up to 15 creatures within 30 ft), Regenerate (restore lost body parts, 4d8+29 healing, removes exhaustion/fatigue/nonlethal damage), Resurrection

Possessions: Silver holy heavy mace +5, mithril breastplate +5, adamantine heavy shield +5, Cloak of Resistance +5 (25,000gp), Ring of Protection +3 (18,000gp), Ring of Mind Shielding (8,000gp), Ring of Mystic Healing (3,500gp, not presently equipped), Winged Boots, Wand of Lesser Restoration (41 charges), backpack (2gp), bedroll (1sp), flint and steel (1gp), silk rope (10gp), tent (10gp), waterskin (2cp), traveler's outfit (1gp)

Cowry Shell Necklace: this string of colorful seashells, strung along a delicate golden chain, bestows the following benefits upon a wearer: spells of the Cure/Inflict Wounds series are advanced from d8s to d10s for their effects; the subject gains water breathing; and she receives a +2 competence bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting spells and effects. However, the clattering of the shells against one another imparts a simultaneous -4 circumstance penalty to Stealth checks when not underwater. Value: 40,000gp.

24,408gp, 1sp, 0cp

Rosemund's current spell charges:

Orisons: 6
1st level: 3
2nd level: 4
3rd level: 5
4th level: 5
5th level: 2
6h level: 3
7th level: 3


Brackets denote a deceased individual.


Persons of significance to your appointed task, sought throughout the planes

Heroes of yore

"Polaris": Known more properly to her countrymen as Galina Merowyn, a paladin in service to Pelor and heroine of Solata's struggle for freedom from fiendish influence. More recently reported to be operating under the above moniker, and responsible for initiating the theft of a sacred weapon from her former temple, which act has inspired current adventures. Known to travel with two companions: an elderly wizard, and a young blonde man ([Jacono], killed during the party's assault on Polaris's fortress) exhibiting some inhuman ancestry. Now acknowledged through her own (prerecorded) testimony to be collecting magically adept humanoids for some manner of experimentation, in cooperation with representatives of Mechanus. Present goals unknown. Theorized by Phibous Liramar to be occupying the former residence of the lich Tetrarchus to exploit its capacity to thwart divination attempts and travel between planes. FINAL EDIT: located in the lich's castle buried in ice at the bottom of Ocanthus, the lowest layer of Acheron. Polaris had raised Tetrarchus's subjects as her own personal army, and meant to use the collective magical talents of her captured mages to rewire the material plane as one ideologically defined on a spiritual level to imbue newborn souls with a virtuous outlook from birth. She was subdued by the party and remains in the custody of Aria Granville and Jill Cook.

Marcus Massif: This foreign-born warrior was a late entrant into Solata's struggle for existence. He was recently found, much maimed, as a prisoner in the gallery of an eccentric fey lord. Now liberated and recuperating at the residence of Marina Marigold.

Raymun Cotter: A Solati ranger. Reported present whereabouts are the midnight forest of Karasuthra in the Beastlands, in a state of some existential confusion. Ultimately discovered to have been fused into one body with his wolf companion. Left with Marina Marigold on Arborea to research a means of reversing the fusion.

Brijid Alcembron: A troubadour of half-elven ancestry. Formerly a dao slave, since sold to the illithid Yasgraf, then recovered by Thela Ilvari (albeit minus much of her memory due to unwholesome experiments performed upon her while in captivity). Sent to recuperate at Marina's house, currently a resident of Ione's asylum in Azure.

William Alcembron: Brijid's half-brother by strictly human parents. Formerly a dao slave, sold to Mistress Thela of the drow, thence unloaded with some glee upon her quarrelsome relations. Thela has more recently related that William was traded by her relations to a resident of the Negative Energy Plane calling herself "Queen Auranelle," known to employ undead servants and demonstrate a fondness for invalids. Recently located, wheelchair bound and a resident of a the dystopian dungeon of Whitsunhold. Presently residing near his recuperating half-sister in Azure.

[Phibous Liramar]: An elven sorcerer. Murdered Vigilia's mother for war crimes after separating from Galina Merowyn's company. Reportedly imprisoned in a state of great personal distress in Agathion, the bottommost layer of Pandemonium, where he was banished to by the ghost Adelie after attempting to disrupt her necromantic experiments. Ultimately found physically incorporated into the body of a far realm abomination, and killed by the party at his own request after suggesting that they summon the spirits of of slain foes (most specifically Connor Creel or Simon Beneventia) for information on how to locate the interplanar castle of the lich Tetrarchus, now presumed to be Polaris's base of operations.

Jill Cook: A divine champion, last witnessed by her erstwhile allies staying behind to minister to the town of Ashpile, on the plane of Fire, whereupon she was later reported to suffer some personal betrayal. More recent residents of Ashpile report that she was turned over to Infernal agents by some of the youths she'd previously helped liberate from Connor Creel's command. Eventually discovered serving Krae Nalus, a cornugon of Baator, in the capacity of a martial trainer. Ultimately talked into turning against her Infernal master, and presently regrouping with the gather of old friends in Azure. FINAL EDIT: remained with Galina after the final battle to oversee the rehabilitation of the former paladin and her cult, as well as the safe release of their many captives.

Their vanquished foes (as reported by Marcus)

[Licia Senacott]: Arms merchant and enterprising traitor on multiple fronts. Last seen, memory-wiped by a dunk in the River Styx, gladly performing menial labor at the divine outpost of Gray Hope on the plane of Pandemonium. Murdered by Phibous Liramar shortly before a gale swept him into the depths of Pandemonium.

[Victoria Crane]: Solati noblewoman, abyssal informant, reputed paramour of demons. Retreated to the plane of Air after her exposure during the war. Killed at the Blue Horizon Sanitarium--her asylum for the magically deranged--alongside many of her experimental subjects.

Simon Beneventia: Former priest of St. Cuthbert, and a noted infernal collaborator. Killed while endeavoring to rebuild his personal cult under a different name in Arcadia. Discovered through research in Hell's great library to be still living through means unknown. Reported by Phibous Liramar to be most likely knowledgeable as to means of locating the interplanar castle likely maintained as residence by Galina Merowyn after her defeat of the lich Tetrarchus. Located via scrying by Leah Harbinger and apparently residing now in the prison plane of Carceri.

[Connor Creel]: Mercenary general, infernal collaborator, and forceful advocate of fostering the proper martial dedication in boys from a young age. Killed whilst attempting to rebuild his forces in the town of Ashpile, on the plane of Fire.

[Tetrarchus]: Wizard, lich, supplicant at the altar of eugenics. His breeding experiments were terminated when he was destroyed in his castle on the Negative Energy Plane.


Solata, on the Prime Material Plane

At large

King Aric II: Solata's reigning monarch. Came to the throne at a young age when his mother was butchered in the midst of Solata's civil war.

{Queen Auranelle}: Deceased monarch of Solata. Much loved by the people for her motherly demeanor and religious devotion, somewhat less so by her public servants for her lack of tactical and diplomatic sense. Grotesquely murdered in her chambers midway through the troubles. Now known to have been abducted by abyssal cultists and merely announced as dead by her ministers. Subsequently turned into a vampire by her captors, who cultivated within her a murderous second identity they hoped to exploit to sow dissension in Solata upon returning the Queen home, said plans thwarted both by the announcement of Auranelle's murder and by the Queen's subsequent massacre of her tormentors. Auranelle spent the next two and a half decades engaged in mutual hostilities between her two personas while slaughtering en masse invalids gathered from across the planes for sustenance, until forcibly stopped by the party. Presently attempting to reconcile her combative personalities to coexistence at the asylum in Azure.

[Regent Verlaine]: Chief architect of Solata's successful bid for survival following the queen's murder, since deceased from excessive antiquity.

Archmage Calloran: The King's principal adviser on magical affairs and the planes, and protege of the late Regent Verlaine. Known to have ordered the murder of Rosemund's aunt for making unwelcome inquiries about Queen Auranelle, as well as the subsequent failed attempt at assassinating Auranelle herself. Ultimately convinced when confronted by the party to seek justice for his own misdeeds.

At home in Amaranth

Azalea "Leah" Harbinger: Rosemund's spinster aunt, a sorceress and veteran of resistance operations during the war. Vanished from the capital while investigating the late Queen Auranelle and unresponsive to long-distance missives. Now known to have been murdered by royal agents for asking inconvenient questions. Recently resurrected by Rosemund and recovering at home.

Thalia & Melpomene: Masked pixies formerly employed by Lord Blackbird on Arborea. Recently persuaded to seek employment amongst the theater community in Amaranth.

Calixta: A githzerai monk of mournful demeanor liberated from Blackbird's gallery. Subsequently left in Amaranth, presently occupying herself training the city guard.

Morgan Rainfield: Solati bureaucrat and admitted infernal collaborator liberated from Blackbird's gallery. Subsequently left in Amaranth, future plans uncertain.

Ron: A broken modron liberated from Blackbird's gallery. Last known employment with the modron collective stated as "Experimental outpost beta" on Arcadia, in the maintenance of "experimental units," prior to bearing personal responsibility for a rebellion of said units (later divulged: the "experimental units" were in fact humanoids of various races). Presently apprenticed to a watchmaker in Amaranth.

{Allister Schaerach}: A painter zombified by the monarch of a long-dead kingdom to create portraits of the royal line in perpetuity. Seems to retain an unusual degree of sentience for one in his condition. Liberated from Blackbird's gallery and currently working in safe seclusion in Amaranth.

Grey: A shy young woman formally bound in service at Captain Dalton's residence in the City of Brass in compensation for family debts. Taken from the city by the party at Liriel's request, presently employed at Franceska's house in Amaranth.

Alunoriel: A distressed dryad encountered by Franceska in Maeandar's labyrinth on the Abyss. Possessed of unreliable memory due to her tree being nurtured by Styx water. Perished in flames after Franceska withdrew the magical blade piercing the dryad's heart. Recently replanted and resurrected on the grounds of Franceska's country home.

High Priest Alford: Principle cleric at Amaranth's temple of Pelor.



Nisbet Hara: Formerly of Solata, this handsome brunette emigre adopts the dress, airs, and manner of an aristocrat, though one has only her word that the title is genuine. She presently roams the wastes of Limbo in a floating mansion "inherited" from a deceased wizard. Nisbet has admitted to stealing the Dawnstar from Amaranth's temple of Pelor while in service to vanished Solati heroine Galina Merowyn. FINAL EDIT: ultimately discovered to be a demon. Stole the Dawnstar and set the party on Galina's trail out of a conviction that the actual truth of Galina's scheme wouldn't have been believed.

Nisbet's staff: Witnessed in Nisbet's service are: Cavilla, a deceptively timid maid of an exotic aspect; Stella, a female butler with a thuggish attitude; a chimera that responds favorably to the moniker "Charlton;" and a pair of oracular elf twins bound to a column of flesh in her basement.



Lucian and Ariost: Self-appointed gatekeepers of Arborea. The former, an elvish bard beaten senseless and left unconscious after an unsuccessful attempt to drug the party into a magical slumber; the latter, a druid with some evidence of flora in his ancestry.

Prince Geki: A sprite warleader, whom all ankles should properly fear.

Marina Marigold: A voluptuous human sorceress, daughter of Solati refugees, residing in a naturally grown house on Arborea. Briefly accompanied the party as guide on a mission of liberation, and more recently to the plane of death to track down Queen Auranelle. Her familiar is a mischievous and colorful bird referred to as Canterbury.

The fey court: Composed of the Ladies Silverbark, Bullfinch, and Horseshoe, it is unclear what precisely this court nominally presides over or what their union is intended to accomplish, but all available evidence would suggest the respective answers to these mysteries are, "Not much," and "Nothing." Witnessed in their service: a pixie named Hyacinth, and a young human man referred to as "Howerdale," this latter unlikely to be a genuine name considering it is a small farming village in rural Solata.

Hypaxia: A sphinx residing on Mithardir, the desert layer of Arborea. Graciously declined to eat anyone alive, bowing instead to an exchange of information.

[Blackbird]: A fairy lord with a luminous moth's wings. Formally presided as curator of the "Gallerie of Mortal Tragedie," collecting tales of woe from across the planes, before being rendered terminally unemployed by the party. His consort, [Loveless], was an alluring songstress before being slain instantly by Julia's curses.

Ailara: A nymph liberated from Blackbird's gallery. Currently recuperating at Marina's house.



Peridot residents

Mayor Nomos: Peridot's unelected and unbending chief executive. Inherited the post from his father, both, like many Peridot residents, refugees from Solata's civil war.

Guard Captain Montgomery: Commander of Peridot's city guard, and notably unswerving in his loyalty to the mayor.

Mercedes: Tiefling and manager of the Red Rose, Peridot's most upstanding brothel. Murdered by the snake cultist Pheretima during the party's absence from the city, but subsequently resurrected by a local priest.

Lady Ellesmere: Owner of the Red Rose, stated to be vacationing off-world the majority of the year.

Charlotte: A friend of Mercedes. Red-haired, of androgynous aspect and uncertain occupation.

Nalifa Hornfel: A dealer in jewelry and an abolitionist agitator. Blue-skinned and displaying some obvious giant ancestry. Recently escaped (with the party's assistance) being charged with possession of and intent to distribute abyssal narcotics.

Allart Riggs: A mine foreman and abolitionist agitator.

Ben Sark: A wizard, mine owner and abolitionist agitator. Known necromancer--appeared unannounced during an attack on the dao trading outpost to assist via horde of skeletons.

Melissa Bello: Local jeweler and administrator of Peridot's "Adventurer's Guild," nominally a referral organization for caravan guards and city merchants. Notably forbids employees from undertaking dao contracts. Lent several employees to mind the backdoor during the attack on the dao trading outpost.

Primarch Arwin: High priest at the temple of Moradin. Assisted directly with the attack on the dao trading outpost by battering down the golems guarding the front door.

Kardanus: High priest at the temple of Ehlonna. Appears to be half a plant. Raised Mercedes from the dead after she was murdered.

[Xenobia]: A local arcanist known to have purchased an adolescent girl from the dao trading outpost. An attempt at storming her house resulted in a massive explosion and the subsequent release of monstrous/demonic security upon the interlopers. Xenobia herself was not apprehended. Her captive was found dead, and evidently with no soul remaining to call back to the shell. Xenobia was discovered again assisting the fallen angel Maeandar in the Abyss, curiously de-aged to adolescence. She was left in the dubious care of the succubus Lorice upon the party's departure and presumed to suffer an unenviable fate.

Darla Cole: An aging human woman liberated from Blackbird's gallery. Now returned to her home in Peridot by the party.

Dao trading outpost staff

Trademaster Pomerand: Administrator of the dao trading outpost at Peridot and personally responsible for introducing slavery to the region. A tall man with earthen skin, and hair curiously shaved into a series of lightning bolts. Disappeared without a trace during the attack on the outpost.

[Chief Wrangler Deming]: Pomerand's underling, a bald-headed and mustachioed dao. Melted by divine wrath in the outpost vault after unsuccessful meddling with an unholy artifact.

[Branson]: Trademaster Pomerand's hulking bodyguard, a human man with graying black hair. Boasts a bristly mustache and massive axe of equally imposing caliber. Clubbed to death by joint party effort during the attack on the outpost.

Grinda: A human mercenary woman employed by the outpost for security. Easily recognized by the ghastly claw scars and eyepatch marring the right side of her face, as well as hair and armor of the deepest black. Wields a greatsword. Mysteriously absent during the fall of the outpost. Encountered again during the battle against fallen angel Maeandar in the Abyss. Fell off a cliff during the struggle and disappeared.

Other outpost security: Also witnessed about the trading outpost are: a handsome human fencer ([Dapper Val], torn to shreds by Franceska after being blinded); an aging human in arcane robes ([Sergei Woltar], suffered a similar fate after petrifying Stephanie); and an indeterminate host of golems and earth elementals.


Altira: A stoic, scarred, plain-faced elven adventurer staying at the Broken Oar, the party's place of residence in Peridot. Witnessed companions include: a hulking, red-skinned brute; a gith necromancer (specific lineage uncertain); an ugly little woman with greasy hair and a broken nose; and a half-elven youth, stylishly dressed. Altira has reported the disappearance of a sorcerer integral to her party's fortunes and offered a reward for news of his location.

"Lord Boxworthy": A graffiti-prone modron monitoring Peridot affairs outside the ruins of Aria's house, uncommunicative with regard to mission statement, since vanished.

[Pheretima Kyriazis]: Snake-eyed rabble-rouser attempting to retrieve a "gemstone of ritual significance" from the vaults of the dao trading outpost. Hired mercenary band "The Furies" to assault a dao-owned casino in an attempt to stimulate economic distress. Subsequently collaborated with the party in a bid to infiltrate Trademaster Pomerand's office and was immediately betrayed by them. Suffered a humiliating demise while attempting to reclaim her prize during the attack on the dao trading outpost, cut to pieces by skeletons while nauseated/exhausted/brain-drained/swarmed by nauseated rats.

Brenna: Saintly, unaging woman disinterred from ritual torment in a shrine of Orcus (demon lord of the undead) on the plane of Earth. Remained in residence to protect Peridot when the party returned home to Amaranth.

Thela Ilvari: Homely drow noblewoman who maintained a gemstone mine on the plane of Earth. She appeared to be the only female formally stationed therein. Evidently of risible repute amongst her kin. Rescued wayward heroine Brijid Alcembron when unable to properly make good on her end of a bargain with the party, subsequently left with them after being convinced to close down her mine. Currently undertaking commercial ventures on Earth in partnership with Stephanie.

[Alruzia Ilvari]: Violent-tempered daughter of Thela's eldest sister, and an avid devotee of the spider goddess Lolth. Slain by the party in exchange for the recovery of wayward hero William Alcembron.

[Yasgraf]: Illithid who purchased wayward heroine Brijid Alcembron from the dao trading outpost. Killed by Thela Ilvari.

Rhadinace: A sapphire dragon who employed Yasgraf for presumably nefarious purposes. Sought Thela Ilvari to seek justice for Yasgraf's murder, but was convinced by the party to seek her out among Lolth's own in the Abyss.



Aria Granville: Born resident of the city of Azure--though late known on the plane of Earth, avowed agitator, an opponent of the institution of slavery and all other manner of oppression. A sorceress of known potency and landlord to a host of cats. Evidently retreated back home after the mysterious demolition of her house in Peridot. Now known to have fled through a nearby portal to the Abyss (reportedly to eliminate an abyssal resident meddling in Azure's affairs). Lately allied with the party in eliminating the fallen angel Maeandar. Currently tracking spellcasters across the planes to warn them against the intentions of Polaris and hopefully forge an adversarial coalition. FINAL EDIT: remained behind with Jill Cook to dismantle Polaris's cult and free their captives.

[The High Magistrate]: Dictator of the city of Azure at the time of Galina Merowyn's visit. Masuko of the Furies has reported his more recent toppling through some effort of Aria's (now confirmed by all local sources on Azure).

Mercurius Deliveries: A trading company headquartered in Azure. Its proprietor, Lady Beaumont, is reported to be a close associate of Aria Granville. Day-to-day affairs at the head office are managed by Corso Malaga, who has recently hired the party to investigate Aria's whereabouts in the Abyss.

The Sagacious Brotherhood: A gang of know-it-alls (as per Marcus) residing in the city of Azure. Brijid has tersely referred to them (in specific a member by the name of [Wilfrid]) in reference to last contact with Galina Merowyn. Chancellor Brom of the Brotherhood has more recently related that [Wilfrid Wroclaw] led Galina's compatriots back to the Negative Energy Plane to fix a broken planar stronghold, and briefly reappeared with Galina herself a year later. FINAL EDIT: Wilfrid was eaten by Scarlet, Julia's pet zombie dragon, during the final battle.

The Concordant Union: A local temple dedicated to fostering peace and harmony amongst the bickering factions of Azure. Founded and administered by the Reverend Bernadette, forever accompanied by her attendants [Sisters Mercy and Anya] (former sacrificed in a vat of acid to fuel a foul ritual of the latter, who was in fact a demon). Bernadette cured the curse laid upon Rosemund at some personal cost.

Ione Demetrinous: A medusa and patron of the arts. Took in the survivors of Victoria Crane's sanitarium after it was shut down by Galina and company. Encourages healing through creative expression and runs an art gallery based on their work. Also owns a local restaurant (The Four Winds).

Duchess Ismaela: Leader of a mercenary company called The Furies, headquartered in the city of Azure. Described variously as "demon or demon-blooded," "black as iron," "all thorns and agony," her purported noble lineage is perhaps dubious. Acquired local infamy in the city of Peridot, on the plane of Earth, by staging a violent assault on the city's casino. Now encountered at the company headquarters (The Titan's Carcass), the broadsheet description has proven to be no exaggeration. Currently contracted to research the party's eventual rescue mission on Baator.

Masuko: A human devotee of Hextor (god of tyranny) and a lieutenant in the company. Thwarted in combat by superior force of arms on the plane of Earth and sent home to his employer.

[Isabel Asmachi]: An ice wizard employed by the Furies. Slain in combat on the plane of Earth. Her reanimated corpse served briefly as a grisly doorstop in the dao trading outpost at Peridot before being punched out of existence by an irritated Pomerand.

Lox: A psychotic little birdman employed by the company. Escaped combat on the plane of Earth by jumping off a cliff.

Verda: A stone-skinned pugilist employed by the company. Tried to push Rosey off a cliff. It went poorly.

Others amongst the Furies: Other entities known to work in the company, as referred to in the dao bounty sheets posted throughout Peridot or personally encountered by Franceska and Rosemund, include: a "Harpy, red of hair and wing, wrapped in exotic hides" (Lieutenant Skinner); an "Orc male, single-eyed, adorned in armor of bone;" a "Drow male, dressed in arcane robes;" a "Human female, covered in scars, dressed in tattered robes, black of hair, bare of foot" (Crier); a "Human male of unwholesome aspect, blonde, thinning hair, cloaked;" two enormous white wolves; a giant undead evidently responsible for steering the company's ship; and a well-dressed woman with water-generating hair (January).

[Alvya de Thanys]: A deceased wizard found moldering in her sky castle. Evidently a devotee of the demon princess Aldinach, Lady of Change, and prone to all manner of unholy magical experimentation.



[Captain Dalton]: Commanding officer of the Burning Hand military company. Formerly a product of General Creel's brutal training regimen, which lifestyle he reverted to after liberation of his comrades by Jill Cook (who he subsequently betrayed and turned over some Infernal entity). Coordinated company affairs from the comfort of his home in the City of Brass, where he was massacred by Stephanie during a party for his customers.

[Vixri]: An erinyes working in collusion with Captain Dalton (and occasionally in his bed). Also massacred through joint tiefling backstabbery.

[Tolliver]: Dalton's fireblooded pet mage. Lethally handshaked by Julia.

Belinda Haverbrook: The party uncovered a letter addressed to this individual whilst looting a dessicated corpse on Arborea. The address of residence was given as "14 Gyre Street, The Foundry, City of Brass." She was discovered to be a local arms merchant, under some degree of personal threat by her fellows in the business. Accompanied the party on the road to carry out some final request of her sister's on Arcadia, remaining behind there at a church of St. Cuthbert in Tranquil Valley.

Mia: Belinda's handsome maid. May or may not have poisoned her employer. Currently accompanying her on the road nevertheless.

Liriel: An elven woman bound in service at Captain Dalton's residence in the City of Brass, presumably now to be assigned to another employer post Dalton's death.

Vigilia: A strange, pale woman with firey hair, equally sparing of words and clothing. Accompanied by a lantern archon named Tiel, and capable of manifesting flaming wings that evidently burn through even fiendish immunity to fire. Reportedly went to Ashpile and the City of Brass in turn searching for Polaris and/or her lost associates before being ensorceled by Dalton's house mage. Reported by Liriel to be an object of great interest to the devil Vixri. Freed by the party to assist in killing her oppressors, thence departed to the plane of Air. Currently pledged to accompany the party on their mission to Pandemonium (in her case, for the purpose of confronting her mother's killer).

Anton Levesque: Tiefling shopkeeper and swordsman encountered in Ashpile. Assisted the party in liberating the town from the Burning Hand. Born a product of the lich Tetrarchus's eugenics experiments, deemed a failure and thence given to General Creel for cannon fodder. Departed the company upon reaching adulthood, went to Ysgard to train in preparation for personally annihilating the company in its entirety. Accompanied the party to the City of Brass to assist in murdering the commander of the Burning Hand, then departed with the company account books to hunt down the various Burning Hand detachments stationed around the planes.

Crooked Anna: A wizard possessed of grotesquely malformed posture. Assisted the party in liberating the town of Ashpile from the Burning Hand mercenaries and presently overseeing transport of the surviving citizens to greener pastures on Elysium.

[Cokely]: A black metal golem serving in some law enforcement capacity in the town of Ashpile. Battered to pieces through joint party effort in the course of liberating the town.

[Lieutenant Trask]: A human soldier in charge of the town of Ashpile, tasked with raising new brigades for the Burning Hand mercenary company. Killed in battle through joint effort of Stephanie and Anton.

[Esgara]: Referred to as "Overseer" of the town. Killed by the party when he stood in defense of the Burning Hand soldiers at Ashpile, and subsequently reanimated as a skeleton by Julia. Reluctantly left behind in the City of Brass when the party warped out to Arcadia.

Ibbert: Proprietor and bartender at Cinders, Ashpile's principle lodging house.

[Halja]: A shopkeeper in Ashpile, reputedly on friendly terms with many Negative Energy Plane entities. Ghoul, necromancer, and presently researching means to deliver the party to the abode of the purported Queen Auranelle. Ultimately found dead when the party arrived to retrieve their guide. Postmortem questioning identified an undead knight as her slayer.



[Krae Nalus]: A reputedly eccentric cornugon residing in the Baatorian city of Jangling Hiter. Reported by a devil locked in Blackbird's gallery to be the present employer of wayward heroine Jill Cook. Widely known through the Baatorian layer of Minauros for the efficacy or mortal troops trained in his service. Ultimately obliterated by another of Stephanie's many fits of righteous homicide.

[Phalaris]: Bodyguard in Krae's service. An iron minotaur with a reputation for brutality. Slain instantly by Julia's magic and discovered after death to be an ordinary human within an extraordinary suit of armor.

[Calpernia]: A gith woman serving as Krae's consort. Martially competitive, favoring unarmed combat. Killed by the Furies during the assault on Krae's mansion.

{Scarlet}: Flamehaired, gaudily dressed human woman in Krae's service. Reportedly in charge of the house servants. Assaulted the party in her true draconic form and was subsequently turned into a zombie by Julia after being killed by Stephanie.

[Shazzred]: An elf employed by Krae for magical services. Notorious for enchanting females and provoking them into regrettable acts. Had one of his hands cut off by Jill Cook under unspecified circumstances. Brutally minced by Stephanie in the home of his master.

Shandria: A sour erinyes librarian befriended(?) by Stephanie and presently trying to ride her coattails to a more prestigious position. FINAL EDIT: Shandria accompanied the party out of aimlessness and desperation after they murdered her boss on Carceri. Survived the final battle and presumed to be Stephanie's responsibility henceforth.

Derek Bailey: Franceska's father. Presently employed in Jangling Hiter in a position with some influence over the city's finances. Eager to leave Baator altogether with his maid/lover Vanessa. Franceska recently purchased his soul back from its infernal owner for a king's ransom. Currently reassessing poor life decisions in the safety of Azure.

Sandra Durant: Franceska's mother, slain by partisans at the end of the war and buried outside Amaranth. Now resurrected by Rosemund, and not exactly overflowing with gratitude.

Valiska and [Grigori]: Half-fiend children of a local gelugon. Valiska is half centaur with a displayed sadistic streak. Grigori was killed by Stephanie at a party to make an example.


The Abyss

Tyrant Hekubah: A marilith in charge of the abyssal town of Tenterground, residing on the other side of Azure's portal.

[Xondra]: A succubus who accepted a flippant invitation to follow the party and continued to pester Stephanie with unwanted romantic overtures. Shredded by Maeandar's Blade Barrier in an attempt to assist Stephanie in battle.

Lorice: A succubus recruited by Stephanie in Maeandar's labyrinth for the effort of breaking free. Possibly left in charge when the party vacated the premises.

[Maeandar]: Reported to be a fallen angel. Resided in a labyrinth on the 46th layer of the Abyss. According to Aria Granville has some hand in the civil unrest currently plaguing Azure, though Maeandar himself claimed associates of his were the direct architects of the trouble. Ultimately butchered through joint party effort at the heart of his labyrinth.

[Opalneswynthax]: Reported to be Maeandar's a consort, a lilitu, and presently off-world engaged in some scheme. Maeandar and an enchanted Xenobia, in their last moments, related in regard to Rosemund's condition that Opal was in some way related to Rosemund's current transformation. Ultimately unmasked as Sister Anya of the Concordant Union in Azure and killed while attempting to perversely realize Reverend Bernadette's vision of peace and harmony by turning the citizenry into unthinking slime. Almost turned Rosemund into a succubus by reprogramming the curse she'd been asked to cure. Ultimately summoned by Julia in the demon's present form (a dretch) and sent on a fool's errand.



[Griselda Harcourt]: A deceased priestess that Hekubah of the Abyss has asked the party to investigate on her behalf. The tyrant marilith has stated that the priestess's memories presently torment the denizens of Tenterground for reasons unknown. Reported by Tiel to have been murdered by one of her three daughters and posthumously judged a saint.


Negative Energy Plane

{Rover}: The party's zombie guide through the blackness of the Negative Energy plane to Whitsunhold, purported residence of one "Queen Auranelle." Left quietly standing outside of Whitsunhold after his purpose had been fulfilled.

{Brother Montmorin}: A gray-skinned priest of questionable vitality and ordination. Presides over a flock of passingly sentient zombies and offers food and lodging to passers-by at Coldlight Station.

Zain Karmaghi: A wandering cleric from the prime studying entropy at its source on the plane of death, encountered while lodging at Coldlight Station.

{"Midnight Alice"}: A mute fortuneteller seemingly composed of living shadow. Radiates negative energy with a touch and attempts communication through painted cards. Has expressed hesitance over settling in one location due to fears of being pursued by some manner of monster, but accepted Franceska's invitation to at least venture out from Coldlight Station. Presently hiding out in Amaranth's dark corners. FINAL EDIT: ultimately brought to Arborea, which seems to suit her well.

Istradi Mirhaz: Silver-haired, slightly disfigured soldier of fortune hailing originally from a rare stable town on Hades. Imprisoned on the plane of death for attempting to upset the local balance of power in her hometown. Accompanied the party to assist in the clearance of Whitsunhold in exchange for freeing her from her own personal prison, and was afterward left to seek new employment in Azure.

Flora Weaver: Nominally in charge of Whitsunhold's pleasant facade. Obviously lives in terror of her undead overlord. Brought back to Amaranth with the party after the liberation of Whitsunhold's populace.

[CLANKTRON]: Whitsunhold's mechanized master torturer. Personally involved in the Queen's long-ago torment, and then that of her enemies after Auranelle's takeover of the dungeon. Finally battered to pieces through considerable joint party effort.

[Sir Blevins]: A hulking knight in service to Queen Auranelle's wicked persona. Eliminated the ghoul mage Halja for seeking out Whitsunhold. Ultimately detonated self in a burst of otherworldly flame whilst surrounded by enemies in Auranelle's throneroom.

[Tarrell]: An angel the party found trapped in the dungeon of Whitsunhold. Evidently led the assassination team sent by Archmage Calloran (without quite being told what earthly business they'd previously executed). Obliterated in Auranelle's throneroom by the final conflagration of Sir Blevins.



Hiroko: A young woman turned half into a cloud (with much less success than Stephanie's own transformation). Found in a bar near Howler's Crag, trapped from fear of being dispersed by the winds outside, waiting for the return of her paramour (evidently claimed by local demons). Presently occupying a flask of vodka in Stephanie's possession.

Veythis: An erinyes hunting wayward mortals near Howler's Crag.

The Skirl: A half-mad wind spirit trapped on Pandemonium. Offers knowledge in exchange for a degree of sanity. The party initially sought her out for information about Phibous Liramar but opted to consult other sources before making a deal.

The Collective: A horrifying conglomeration of bodies and consciousness offering any manner of knowledge in exchange for further "incorporation." Initially sought out for information about the location of Phibous Liramar. The party did not make a return visit.

{Wat the Worm}: A scavenger worm offering wisdom gained from eating corpses in exchange for more corpses to eat. The party fed it the reanimated body of a local demon in exchange for the location of Phibous Liramar's prison and went on their way.

Sir Sargash: A half-orc knight from the plane of Water working in service to one Lady Strathmore. Visiting Windglum to retrieve the body of a kidnapped priestess and lay waste to the cultists that stole her away.

{Miss Adelie}: A "specter" and an "echo of an unfortunate end," as per the Worm. Occupies a misshapen tower named Legiarim ("rebirth") built atop Phibous Liramar's prison. Stationed near the town of Windglum, she reportedly preys upon its maddest citizens for experimental fodder. Dabbles in necromancy for the stated goal of bringing to all mankind an enlightened state of undeath in which mortal squabbles would be obsolete. Talked out of continuing her experiments by the party, at least for the moment.



Alchmenozar: A deposed fire giant king actively guarding Simon Beneventia against unwelcome Infernal guests.



Gruk Longstride: An aging gnoll warrior that assisted the party in locating Raymun Cotter.

Inaxia Delistra: An elf woman living in a state of nature in the most literal sense. Acting as Raymun's ward when the party found him.