#038: Marsh? More like Marshay.

Started by Nephrite, October 22, 2013, 08:18:12 PM

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[19:29] <Kotono> ----
[19:31] <Kotono> It is a bright day when the party loads up on the wagon. Ebenezer has the wheel as you head out towards the south. Amid cries for adventure (and gil from Jessica), the party strikes forth! (More)
[19:31] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 81." [1d100=81]
[19:31] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 33." [1d100=33]
[19:31] <Penelo> OOC: Adventure!
[19:34] <Morrie> OOC: ADVENTUUUUUURE
[19:34] <Kotono> Two days of unremarkable travel pass. You follow the Zamarck river, camping just before the swampiness starts. Over dinner Ebenezer speaks up, "We'll slow down tomorrow," he announces, "The wagon can't go over water, and swamps are tough going in any event. We'll need to be on guard. Unless any of you have ideas?"
[19:36] <Penelo> "I would hate to admit that the airship idea is starting to win me over, kupo."
[19:36] * Mycol shrugs
[19:36] <Mycol> A little bit of extended time in the swamps suits me just fine.
[19:37] <Morrie> Morrie rubs his chin, looking thoughtful. "I don't think I can manage to part the waters that much..."
[19:38] <Morrie> He seems to nod to an unheard voice. "We should take our time."
[19:39] <Kotono> OOC: Okay then, so Morrie will attempt to part waters to help some?
[19:39] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 '
[19:42] <Morrie> OOC: I will try.
[19:42] <Morrie> OOC: Just not all of it, but I can probably do it where the wagon is going.
[19:42] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Make a force check, just for reference.
[19:42] <Morrie> OOC: If that makes sense.
[19:42] * Kotono nods.
[19:44] <Kotono> OOC: Force check, Morrie.
[19:45] <Morrie> OOC: Roger.
[19:45] <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 Force
[19:45] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 Force and gets 9." [2d6=2, 2]
[19:47] <Kotono> The next morning is unremarkable. The swamp isn't too bad yet and Morrie clears most of the problems out. By about two hours before noon, you come to a large standing pool of water. It stretches ahead, lined with thick, drooping trees alongside heavily sloped banks. Ebenezer peers ahead at this, "Hmm. I think we'll need to move the waters here, or spend a goodly bit of time going around," he
[19:47] <Kotono> says. Meanwhile the air is humid, full of bugs. The party (save Morrie and Mycol) can just feel the burning itch of bug-bites in all sorts of unpleasant places.
[19:48] * Mycol whistles happily
[19:50] <Morrie> "I can try and move it... I don't feel anything influencing it like before." He responds to Ebenezer.
[19:50] <Kotono> Jessica scratches at her arms, robes fluttering, "Ew," she says as she itches about, "I hate bugs!"
[19:51] <Kotono> "By all means," Ebenezer says, idly scratching at his shoulder.
[19:51] <Morrie> He takes a breath and steps forward and tries to make a path for them to follow!
[19:54] <Kotono> The swamp water parts ahead. It moves out of the way, forming a corridor. But it reveals things two! Within close range two creatures are revealed on the thick, mud-gloopy bottom - a pair of baby malboros! They look right to the party. With them is something bigger - its bottom is like  abroad flower, with lots of vines that end in eyes. An Ochu stares at the party, vines whipping about the air.
[19:54] <Kotono> Finally, at medium distance and close to the other side, a three headed reptile of some sort emerges from a hole in the revealed mud bottom. It is a dark brownish, each head looking about.
[19:55] <Penelo> "I thought the bugs were bad enough!"
[19:55] <Morrie> "Well... at least we didn't try and pass without the water..." He says, hopefully.
[19:55] <Kotono> "Oooh! Hit them!" Jessica calls, "They're just waiting to become gil for us!"
[19:58] <Kotono> As the party stares nd hesitates, the Ochu's mouth - much too big, much too big and full of sharp, sharp teeth - snaps open and closed. It starts pointing eyestalks at the party, the baby malboros and the hydra starting to advance towards the party at its command.
[20:00] <Penelo> The moogle will move to launch a fire spell at the Baby Malboros the moment they start to move. No no no! Not them! (OOC: This can wait if we're doing init.)
[20:00] <Kotono> OOC: We'll go into init then if you're attacking, sure. Was a chance to react/retreat/get creative or whatever.
[20:01] <Morrie> "Ebenezer, should we back away? I don't think we've seen that one before..." Morrie says as the monsters begin to approach them. OOC: I'll do init anyway, since I dawdled.
[20:01] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:02] <Mycol> OOC: Have we seen the Ochu before somewhere, either?
[20:02] <Kotono> OOC: No, these monsters are all new to y'all. Besides the baby malboros.
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 BM1
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 BM2
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 BM1 and gets 9." [2d6=4, 2]
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 BM2 and gets 12." [2d6=5, 4]
[20:02] <Mycol> 2d6+4
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 12." [2d6=5, 3]
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 Ochu
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 Ochu and gets 15." [2d6=6, 6]
[20:02] <Kotono> roll 2d6+1 Hydra
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+1 Hydra and gets 6." [2d6=2, 3]
[20:03] <Penelo> roll 2d6+4 init
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+4 init and gets 10." [2d6=1, 5]
[20:03] <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 Morrie
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 Morrie and gets 7." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:03] <Penelo> OOC: This means Lehko and Santos AND Wolf need to be played.
[20:03] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>BM1(9)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0)'
[20:04] <Kotono> OOC: Yes. Volunteers? I forgot to ask this in all the prep I was doing. I suck.
[20:04] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>BM1(9)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0)'
[20:04] <Morrie> OOC: I can do it, I'll just be super slow.
[20:04] <Penelo> OOC: I can attempt Santos. All he does is shoot? Though you might need to walk me through some of it.
[20:04] <Mycol> OOC: I'd rather take Santos than Lehko
[20:04] <Mycol> OOC: Or if they're both offering, I can grab Bjomwolf
[20:05] <Kotono> OOC: That all works. Roll init for them, y'all. Hopefully Santos will spawn shortly.
[20:05] <Morrie> OOC: I'll do Lehko.
[20:05] <Penelo> roll 2d6+3 Santos Init
[20:05] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+3 Santos Init and gets 9." [2d6=1, 5]
[20:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0)'
[20:05] <Penelo> OOC: And Santos gets first strike?
[20:06] <Kotono> OOC: Yes, we'll do that after ninit.
[20:06] <Morrie> roll 2d6+6 Lehko
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+6 Lehko and gets 15." [2d6=6, 3]
[20:06] <Mycol> 2d6+2 wolf
[20:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0)'
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+2 wolf and gets 8." [2d6=5, 1]
[20:07] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0)'
[20:07] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session.'
[20:07] <Kotono> OOC: Santos, take your freebie first strike.
[20:08] <Penelo> Santos will take a fist strike at the Ochu! Pew pew!
[20:08] <Penelo> roll 2d6+5 first strike
[20:08] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+5 first strike and gets 14." [2d6=3, 6]
[20:08] <Kotono> OOC: That be a hit. Going to use any of his rerolls on the 3?
[20:08] * Merc is now known as Santos
[20:08] <Kotono> OOC: Oh there's Santos. Santos, you call now.
[20:08] <Penelo> OOC: I did your first strike for you. :)
[20:09] <Santos> ooc: Why wouldn't I reroll?
[20:09] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 3
[20:09] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 3 and gets 1." [d6=1]
[20:09] <Penelo> OOC: That's why.
[20:09] <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1 reliable! crit fish!
[20:09] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 reliable! crit fish! and gets 2." [d6=2]
[20:09] <Santos> ooc: ah well
[20:10] <Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage.
[20:10] <Santos> ooc: that was first strike, right? 124 damage
[20:10] <Penelo> OOC: indeed it was
[20:10] <Kotono> OOC: yes.
[20:10] <Kotono> OOC: Yes, even.
[20:10] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 124'
[20:11] <Kotono> BANG! Before it can advance, a bullet rips into the mouth of the Ochu! A massive hunk of plant matter is blown out the back, its head sagging down as much of its back support is gone! The beast yet lives, no blood coming from the plant creature! OOC: The ow. Lehko.
[20:11] <Morrie> OOC: Is Orlandeau's ranged, or does it need to be in short?
[20:12] <Kotono> OOC: It says standard weapon strike and nothing else, so I guess it depends on the weapon
[20:12] <Kotono> .
[20:13] <Morrie> OOC: Okay, then he's totally shooting it with his gun I guess.
[20:14] <Kotono> OOC: Shooting what, precisely?
[20:14] <Morrie> OOC: The Ochu!
[20:14] <Morrie> OOC: And it comes with a standard attack roll too, correct?
[20:14] <Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[20:15] <Morrie> OOC: Sorry... I have to look up his accuracy because it isn't listed.
[20:15] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:16] <Penelo> OOC: His acc is 3.
[20:16] <Morrie> OOC: Thanks.
[20:16] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3  and gets 7." [2d6=1, 3]
[20:16] <Kotono> OOC: Going to reroll the one?
[20:16] <Morrie> OOC: Iddy is here in spirit, I see.
[20:17] <Morrie> roll d6 reroll 1
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 1." [d6=1]
[20:17] <Morrie> OOC: Truly here in spirit.
[20:17] <Santos> ooc: yup, he's still here.
[20:17] <Penelo> OOC: ... Indeed.
[20:17] <Kotono> The blast of guns is heard, but the holy strike hits thew parted water instead! There's a splash of water and little else from the string! A moment later, the Ochu advances, quickly closing in to tentacle whip the hardstriking Santos!
[20:18] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 AVD and ARM?
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 AVD and ARM? and gets 14." [2d6=6, 5]
[20:18] <Santos> ooc: less than that
[20:18] <Santos> ooc: arm is...
[20:18] <Santos> ooc: 35
[20:18] <Kotono> roll 66-35
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 66-35 and gets 31."
[20:18] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 124'
[20:19] <Kotono> A dreadful flurry of tentacles bash, slam and pound Santos! He goes wobbly, dazed and with his defenses down! OOC: ARM and AVD reduced to zero until the end of the Ocho's next turn, Santos. Not good. Mycol's up, go.
[20:19] * Mycol will summon the power of fire, throwing a quick gout at the Ochu
[20:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 124'
[20:20] <Mycol> 2d6+27
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+27 and gets 36." [2d6=3, 6]
[20:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 131'
[20:20] <Mycol> OOC: I also have Weedkiller.
[20:20] <Kotono> OOC: Oh, you do? It is indeed a plant.
[20:21] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 124'
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: That's a doubler?
[20:21] <Kotono> roll 36*2
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 36*2 and gets 72."
[20:21] <Kotono> roll 72/2
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 72/2 and gets 36."
[20:21] <Kotono> roll 36-11
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 36-11 and gets 25."
[20:21] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 149'
[20:22] <Kotono> The blast of flame hits the Ochu head on. It crackles and fizzles on touching, wetness from the plant monster dampening the flames! Water drips off it and steam rises from the contact points, leaving it burnt but intact. OOC: Ow. Fire resistant. BM2 is up.
[20:23] <Kotono> The baby malborow addles forward, squelching through the mud. It comes before Morrie, spewing bad breath all over him! OOC: Opposed force.
[20:23] <Kotono> roll 2d6+5
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5  and gets 14." [2d6=4, 5]
[20:23] <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE! and gets 17." [2d6=6, 6]
[20:24] <Kotono> But the wind stirs around Morrie. IT blows the bad breath away, dissipating it harmlessly. The baby malboro shrinks back, suddenly looking cute and fearful, as much as a malboro can. OOC: Penelo.
[20:24] <Penelo> Penelo, as stated before, was ready to cast a fireball on one of the Baby Malboros! She goes for BM1! Quick casting that fire spell!
[20:24] <Penelo> roll 2d6+72 fire!
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+72 fire! and gets 83." [2d6=5, 6]
[20:24] <Kotono> roll 83*1.5
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 83*1.5 and gets 124.5."
[20:25] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Ochu(15)>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Ochu: 149 BM1: 118'
[20:25] <Kotono> The baby malboro is suddenly immolated in fire, burning merrily. Despite being wet, this one doesn't seem as resistant as the Ochu. It wobbles about in the muck, rolling around to try and put itself out! OOC: Ow. Santos.
[20:26] <Penelo> OOC: actually sec
[20:27] <Kotono> "Oh wait, I know!" Ebenezer calls, "I remember now! Use lightning on Ochus and Hydras! They're water creatures and they're vulnerable to it!"
[20:27] * Santos glares at the ochu and tries to eviscerate it!
[20:27] <Santos> roll 2d6+5
[20:27] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 17." [2d6=6, 6]
[20:27] <Santos> ooc: ding ding~
[20:28] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. BM1: 118'
[20:28] <Santos> ooc: 132 damage
[20:28] <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 181." [4#1d100 = 31, 44, 13, 93]
[20:29] <Kotono> The blade cuts through the burnt and beaten Ochu, tearing it apart! Tentacles and plant matter fly everywhere, like a broken pinata spilling candy all about. OOC: The ow. BM1 is up.
[20:29] <Kotono> The burning baby malboro manages to get up, dashing over to Penelo and spewing its horrid breath all over her! OOC: Opposed force.
[20:29] <Kotono> roll 2d6+5
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5 and gets 11." [2d6=1, 5]
[20:30] <Penelo> roll 2d6+6 resist! resisssst!
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+6 resist! resisssst! and gets 10." [2d6=2, 2]
[20:30] <Penelo> OOC: Oh no.
[20:30] <Kotono> roll 1d12 status 1
[20:30] <Kotono> roll 1d12 status 2
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d12 status 1 and gets 3." [1d12=3]
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d12 status 2 and gets 12." [1d12=12]
[20:30] <Kotono> OOC: Charm and Zombie. Note if you're immune to either.
[20:30] <Penelo> OOC: Am not.
[20:31] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (charm/zombie 4) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. BM1: 118'
[20:31] <Kotono> The breath makes Penelo's mind spin, all confusion and allies become enemies! The world is upside down! The planet is in danger! OOC: We'll deal with charm on your turn, Penelo. Wolf's up
[20:31] <Kotono> .
[20:32] <Mycol> OOC: Right.
[20:33] <Mycol> "Bjomwolf!" Lehko will cry. "Howl! Turnabouts is fair play."
[20:34] <Kotono> OOC: Charging howl? Okay. Morrie's up.
[20:34] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (charm/zombie 4) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>BM1(9)>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. BM1: 118'
[20:35] <Morrie> After an eternity it seemed like, Morrie raises a hand and calls on the spirits of wind to cut down the first Baby Malboro!
[20:35] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 wshhhh
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 wshhhh and gets 14." [2d6=6, 5]
[20:35] <Morrie> OOC: Ffffffffffffffff
[20:35] <Kotono> OOC: Hitsville.
[20:35] <Morrie> OOC: 109
[20:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (charm/zombie 4) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session.'
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 116." [3#1d100 = 12, 41, 63]
[20:36] <Kotono> Wind cuts down in hurricane gales, carving the malboro apart! A scattering of gil sinks into the muddy ground as another monster goes to MONSTER HELL! OOC: Hydra.
[20:37] <Kotono> The hydra's three heads lick one another  as it comes within close range! It begins alternate between glowing blue, yellow and green! OOC: Shell/Protect/Regen on it. Helper. Any of you want either of them to do anything?
[20:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (charm/zombie 4) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session.'
[20:38] <Kotono> OOC: Going once...
[20:38] <Morrie> OOC: Nope.
[20:38] <Penelo> OOC: Bonk the moogle on the head.
[20:38] <Penelo> OOC: But that's just cause I fear what I'm gonna do.
[20:39] <Kotono> OOC: If you want charm away, Jessica can use her limited esuna.
[20:39] <Mycol> OOC: Oh, I'm a stooge. I should have had the wolf nip you.
[20:39] <Penelo> OOC: Well Penelo is charmed so she's not going to personally ask, so I'll leave it to others.
[20:41] <Morrie> OOC: Oh, yeah, go ahead with the Esuna. I forgot she could do that, sorry.
[20:41] <Kotono> Jessica dives into the wagon, only to peek out and wave her wand, "Here!" White light flows over Penelo, clearing her mind. OOC: Charm negated. Lehko, go.
[20:41] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 4) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session.'
[20:42] <Penelo> Penelo blinks her eyes a few times, looking confused for a moment. "Kupo?"
[20:43] <Morrie> OOC: Oh right, that's me, durp.
[20:43] <Morrie> OOC: I'm having a good day, you can tell.
[20:43] <Morrie> Lehko takes a shot at the other Baby Malboro!
[20:43] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 bang
[20:43] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 bang and gets 10." [2d6=6, 1]
[20:43] <Kotono> OOC: Rerolling the 1?
[20:45] <Morrie> OOC: Can I? I thought that was only once
[20:45] <Kotono> OOC: That's reliable. Dual-wield is 1/round.
[20:45] <Morrie> OOC: Oh!
[20:45] <Morrie> roll 1d6 reoll 1
[20:45] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 1d6 reoll 1 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[20:45] <Santos> ooc: ding ding~
[20:46] <Kotono> OOC: Not the Iddy. Damage?
[20:46] <Penelo> OOC: Oooh.
[20:46] <Morrie> OOC: and so the pendulum swings the other way...
[20:46] <Morrie> OOC: It should be... 72.. 84 I believe.
[20:46] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 (-def) Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 4) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. BM1: 79 '
[20:47] <Kotono> A shot rings out, getting the baby malboro right in the head! A smoking bullet hole lingers above it as its eyes cross, the beast off balance and whimpering. It sounds like a leafy rustling, like your dinner salad protests being eaten. OOC: Mycol.
[20:47] * Mycol will attempt to finish the malboro before it can get an attack off
[20:47] * Mycol hurls his burning maracas at its face
[20:48] <Mycol> 2d6+2
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+2 and gets 5." [2d6=2, 1]
[20:48] <Mycol> OOC: Welp.
[20:48] <Kotono> The maracas fly through the air, but they fly errant! The sizzle the held-back water they touch, returning to Mycol without successfully striking. OOC: Hatebot. BM2 is up.
[20:49] <Kotono> The surviving baby malboro whirls on Lehko, before barfing bad breath all over him! OOC: Opposed force.
[20:49] <Kotono> roll 2d6+5
[20:49] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5 and gets 10." [2d6=2, 3]
[20:49] <Penelo> OOC: his force is 5
[20:50] <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 fffforce
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 fffforce and gets 11." [2d6=2, 4]
[20:50] <Kotono> Lehko puts his arms up, blocking the breath as he stands his ground. Then...OOC: Penelo. Go.
[20:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>BM2(12)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. BM1: 79 '
[20:51] <Penelo> Penelo will spend her second quick cast to take out that baby malboro!
[20:51] <Penelo> roll 2d6+72 fire! fire fire!
[20:51] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+72 fire! fire fire! and gets 84." [2d6=6, 6]
[20:51] <Santos> ooc: ANOTHER ONE
[20:52] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session.'
[20:52] <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
[20:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 121." [3#1d100 = 49, 13, 59]
[20:52] <Santos> ooc: Hey!
[20:52] <Santos> ooc: At least have the decency of letting him calculate his damage!
[20:52] <Kotono> OOC: Trust me, it be dead. Besides, spell. Already calculated.
[20:52] <Kotono> A column of fire strikes from the skies, flash-frying the malboro in place! As it becomes little more than gil...OOC: Snatos.
[20:52] <Penelo> OOC: crit + the 1.5 modifier
[20:53] <Penelo> OOC: which means it'd be stunned and hit for 100 something
[20:53] <Penelo> OOC: Ah well.
[20:53] <Santos> ooc: I still think it'd be funny to see the total damage. Would have been...252?
[20:53] <Penelo> OOC: I don't think spells do double damage.
[20:53] <Santos> ooc: Ah, pity.
[20:53] <Kotono> OOC: Spells don't crit.
[20:53] * Santos goes for the Hydra, trying to cut off some of its heads!
[20:53] <Penelo> OOC: But as I'm specialized in ice, if it survived it'd have been stunned a round.
[20:53] <Santos> roll 2d6+5
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 16." [2d6=5, 6]
[20:54] <Santos> roll d6 reroll that 5 BECAUSE I CAN!
[20:54] * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll that 5 BECAUSE I CAN! and gets 6." [d6=6]
[20:54] <Kotono> OOC: Sigh. Crit.
[20:54] <Santos> ooc: mwahahaha
[20:54] <Santos> ooc: 132
[20:54] <Santos> ooc: also, spellburst:virus 4 rounds
[20:55] <Kotono> roll 131/2 protect
[20:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 131/2 protect and gets 65.5."
[20:55] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 74/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 65 virus 4'
[20:55] <Santos> ooc: Actually, that spellburst should have hit that one ochu, though I don't think it'd have done anything to help it.
[20:55] <Kotono> The hydra is torn right into, Santos coming in and carving it up! He hacks into the necks of the beasts, scoring deep wounds. But a moment later, all three heads counter-attack him in a savage triple attack!
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3  and gets 12." [2d6=5, 4]
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3  and gets 11." [2d6=3, 5]
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 AVD/ARM?
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 AVD/ARM? and gets 8." [2d6=4, 1]
[20:56] <Santos> ooc: Avoidance 8 with the +1
[20:56] <Santos> ooc: arm 30
[20:56] <Santos> ooc: 35
[20:57] <Kotono> roll 25+24+21
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 25+24+21 and gets 70."
[20:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 4/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 65 virus 4'
[20:57] <Santos> ooc: I AM THE MASTER OF BERSERKING!
[20:57] <Santos> ooc: Until I get knocked out anyhow.
[20:57] <Santos> ooc: or healed.
[20:57] <Santos> ooc: or covered.
[20:57] <Kotono> The triple-bite assault leaves Santos maimed, bloodied and chewed all over! They tear into him in a three-one exchange, scoring hit after hit on the attacking warrior! OOC: Ow. Noted about berserk. Wolf goes. Howlf irst.
[20:57] <Santos> ooc: covering would be nice.
[20:58] <Mycol> OOC: Force?
[20:58] <Kotono> OOC: Yes, I believe so.
[20:58] <Mycol> 2d6+4
[20:58] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 10." [2d6=5, 1]
[20:58] <Kotono> roll 2d6+6
[20:58] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+6 and gets 15." [2d6=6, 3]
[20:58] <Kotono> OOC: Resists. Normal turn now, wolf.
[20:58] <Mycol> OOC: Of course, does it even matter against 1 oppone--well, it missed.
[20:59] <Mycol> "Go for the legs, Bjomwolf!"
[20:59] <Mycol> OOC: Wait, that's a slow action. Boy, this sheet is weird.
[21:00] <Kotono> OOC: Don't sweat it, you're just filling in. Charging then?
[21:00] <Mycol> OOC: We'll say yes, just to keep the poor doggy from getting counter-attacked.
[21:00] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Morrie.
[21:01] <Morrie> Morrie calls on the power of the wind to strike down the Hydra!
[21:01] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3
[21:01] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3  and gets 12." [2d6=6, 3]
[21:01] <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[21:02] <Morrie> OOC: 107
[21:02] <Kotono> roll 97/2
[21:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 97/2 and gets 48.5."
[21:02] <Kotono> roll 48+65
[21:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 48+65 and gets 113."
[21:02] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 4/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 113 virus 4'
[21:03] <Kotono> Wind cuts into the scaly beast, but it endures it well. Bloodied but not down, the hydra snaps about. Mystic energy surges around it, before a tidal wave suddenly crashes down from above on the party!
[21:03] <Kotono> roll 2d6+51 M.ARM and note if you resist water or anything, hit sentire party
[21:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+51 M.ARM and note if you resist water or anything, hit sentire party and gets 60." [2d6=6, 3]
[21:04] <Mycol> OOC: 25 for me. 4 for Wolf
[21:04] <Penelo> OOC: 20 MARM
[21:04] <Morrie> OOC: 3 M.Arm, resist water
[21:04] <Morrie> OOC: Lehko is...
[21:04] <Morrie> OOC: 35
[21:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 0/105 Lehko: 89/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 113 virus 4'
[21:06] <Kotono> The sweep of water pounds the party down! It sends the wagon reeling back, Ebenezer sputtering and spitting out water. The blast is too much for Santos, who spins about once before falling face down into the mud! Thump! OOC: And here you are without a fairy in a bottle. Too bad. Helpers are up. Anything from them?
[21:07] <Kotono> OOC: Going once...
[21:07] <Mycol> OOC: Naw
[21:07] <Morrie> OOC: Nope!
[21:07] <Kotono> OOC: Okay! Lehko.
[21:09] <Kotono> OOC: That's you, Morrie.
[21:11] <Morrie> OOC: Wow I am so stupid tonight.
[21:11] <Morrie> OOC: Sorry.
[21:11] <Morrie> Lehko fires another shot at the Hydra!@
[21:11] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3
[21:11] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3  and gets 12." [2d6=5, 4]
[21:12] <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[21:12] <Morrie> OOC: 48
[21:12] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 0/105 Lehko: 89/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 141 virus 4'
[21:12] <Kotono> Lehko snaps off more shots, piercing the protected beast's hide. But it's not down and indeed snaps back thrice a split-second later.
[21:13] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
[21:13] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
[21:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 14." [2d6=5, 6]
[21:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 13." [2d6=6, 4]
[21:13] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 AVD/ARM?
[21:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 AVD/ARM? and gets 11." [2d6=3, 5]
[21:13] <Morrie> OOC: Lehko's?
[21:13] <Penelo> OOC: 10/35
[21:14] <Kotono> roll 62+61+59-105
[21:14] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 62+61+59-105 and gets 77."
[21:14] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 0/105 Lehko: 12/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 141 virus 4'
[21:14] <Penelo> OOC: Eek.
[21:14] <Kotono> The three bites rip Lehko apart hard, leaving him reeling and beaten, almost doing a face-down nap like Santos! OOC: The ow. Mycol.
[21:15] * Mycol will begin charging Fire, wanting none of those mouths
[21:15] <Kotono> OOC Okay, charging. Penelo.
[21:15] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 0/105 Lehko: 12/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol(charging)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 141 virus 4'
[21:17] <Penelo> OOC: Should she use a phoenix down on santos? She's out of quick casts and the only other option is quickening.
[21:17] <Kotono> OOC: Up to y'all.
[21:17] <Kotono> OOC: Santos is next in init at least.
[21:19] <Morrie> OOC: You may as well, we have plenty
[21:20] <Penelo> Penelo will take out the phoenix down she was given, using it on Santos! (OOC: Though now we will be waiting on Santos unless I play his turn.)
[21:21] <Kotono> Santos returns to awareness, rising up from the mud and back in the fight! OOC: Santos, you're up.
[21:22] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 1/105 Lehko: 12/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol(charging)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 141 virus 4'
[21:22] <Kotono> OOC: Give him a sec.
[21:27] <Penelo> Santos will attack, then!
[21:27] <Penelo> roll 2d6+5
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+5 and gets 8." [2d6=2, 1]
[21:27] <Penelo> OOC: reroll 1?
[21:27] <Kotono> OOC: Goign to reroll the 1?
[21:27] <Penelo> roll d6 reroll the 1
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls d6 reroll the 1 and gets 2." [d6=2]
[21:27] <Penelo> OOC: That's a 9, then.
[21:28] <Morrie> OOC: He's Berserk, yeah?
[21:28] <Kotono> OOC: Whiff.
[21:28] <Kotono> OOC: He is.
[21:28] <Penelo> OOC: Sniff.
[21:28] <Kotono> Santos staggers up and swings, but narrowly misses the Hydra. As he tries to get his bearings....OOC: Wolf. Charge first then turn.
[21:28] <Mycol> OOC: Right-o
[21:29] <Mycol> Bjomwolf finishes his charge, attacking the creature's hindquarters savagely
[21:29] <Mycol> 2d6+4+1
[21:29] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4+1 and gets 17." [2d6=6, 6]
[21:29] <Mycol> OOC: Good dog.
[21:29] <Penelo> OOC: Geez.
[21:30] <Mycol> OOC: Dog crits get anything? It's 32 before crit.
[21:30] <Kotono> OOC: Double damage, yes.
[21:31] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 1/105 Lehko: 12/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol(charging)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 172 virus 4'
[21:31] <Kotono> OOC: What's the add-on of hamstring? -2 AVD?
[21:31] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 120/148 Santos: 1/105 Lehko: 12/114 Penelo: 36/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 74/109 | Lehko>Mycol(charging)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs -2 avd)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 172 virus 4'
[21:32] <Kotono> The wolf bites the back legs of the hydra out, causing it to fall! It slowly rises from the mud in bad form, three heads snapping at him!
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 15." [2d6=6, 6]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 5." [2d6=1, 1]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 AVD/AR<?
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 AVD/AR<? and gets 5." [2d6=1, 1]
[21:32] <Kotono> OOC: ...hu.
[21:32] <Kotono> OOC: The hell, Hatbot?>
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 63*2
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 63*2 and gets 126."
[21:33] <Penelo> OOC: 8 avd 4 arm
[21:33] <Kotono> OOC: 122 after his ARM, which KOs him.
[21:33] <Mycol> OOC: 7 AVD and 4 ARM
[21:34] <Penelo> OOC: +1 to all avd :)
[21:34] <Kotono> The savage bites sent the wolf reeling, falling straight down and out! OOC: Morrie.
[21:34] <Mycol> OOC: OK, 8, it's still nothing but auto hit/miss
[21:34] <Morrie> Morrie calls on the wind to strike the hydra down! He hopes!
[21:34] <Morrie> roll 2d6+3
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3  and gets 7." [2d6=1, 3]
[21:34] <Morrie> OOC: Why me.
[21:34] <Penelo> OOC: Time to booze it up.
[21:35] <Kotono> OOC: Because Hatebot wants this battle as stupid as possible.
[21:35] <Penelo> OOC: I bet Hydra has 2 hp left.
[21:35] <Kotono> Morrie summons the wind, slicing down - but it misses the badly wounded hydra, slicing water instead of hydra! Then a torrent of water comes down from above yet again, deluging the party!
[21:35] <Kotono> roll 2d6+51 I'll scorll up for M.ARM and resistances
[21:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+51 I'll scorll up for M.ARM and resistances and gets 54." [2d6=2, 1]
[21:36] <Penelo> OOC: Penelo survives! 2 hp!
[21:36] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 95/148 Santos: 0/105 Lehko: 0/114 Penelo: 2/76 (zombie 3) Mycol 45/109 | Lehko>Mycol(charging)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs -2 avd)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 172 virus 4'
[21:36] <Penelo> OOC: Zombie should be 2 now.
[21:37] <Kotono> The gush of water is too much for Santos and Lehko, who fall down, out hard! OOC: Noted. Mycol, your charge resolves. Fry 'em.
[21:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 95/148 Santos: 0/105 Lehko: 0/114 Penelo: 2/76 (zombie 2) Mycol 45/109 | Lehko>Mycol(charging)>Penelo(10)>Santos>Wolf(8 charging)>Morrie(7)>Hydra(6 prs -2 avd)>Helper(0) REMINDER: All +1 AVD this session. Hydra: 172 virus 4'
[21:37] <Mycol> 2d6+27
[21:37] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+27 and gets 38." [2d6=6, 5]
[21:38] <Kotono> OOC: What spell is that? Refresh me.
[21:39] <Mycol> OOC: Fire
[21:39] <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
[21:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 107." [3#1d100 = 37, 67, 3]
[21:39] <Penelo> OOC: I am facepalming so hard right now.
[21:39] * Mycol will blow out a sigh and set to work patching up the party.
[21:40] <Penelo> OOC: Next time the moogle is just going to try to melee.
[21:40] <Kotono> OOC: Hold on a sec, lemme finish this. Ya'll got something shiny.
[21:41] <Kotono> With a final gout of flame, the hydra is immolated! It crumbles to gil -and in the ashes a pair of green scaled maracas appear! They glow with electricity, crackling in little storms. OOC: Free act.
[21:41] <Kotono> OOC: Loot post
[21:41] <Kotono> .
[21:43] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109'
[21:43] * Penelo huffing and puffing, she takes the healing happily.
[21:43] <Kotono> Ebenezer looks out from the wagon's controls, "Well done," he calls as he drives it back, "Is everyone alright? That hydra fought like a berserker."
[21:44] <Penelo> "That was a difficult fight, kupo!"
[21:48] <Morrie> Morrie lets out a breath. "I'm sorry, everyone. I should have used my Blank Gaze items on that."
[21:48] * Mycol will take the new instruments
[21:48] <Mycol> "These are expertly made. Could give me a few more options for the future again.
[21:49] * Mycol equips them.
[21:49] <Morrie> "I wonder if he swallowed them..." He blinks, looking at Mycol's items.
[21:49] <Mycol> OOC: Dune, this sets my Max HP to 100.
[21:49] <Mycol> OOC: Wait, why was it 109?
[21:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 100/100'
[21:50] <Kotono> OOC: I'm not sure, truthfully. Probably a typo.
[21:50] <Kotono> OOC: Doesn't matter, you weren't close to KO.
[21:50] <Mycol> OOC: OH. I'm not counting my robe, which gives a slight bonus.
[21:50] <Mycol> OOC: 105, then.
[21:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105'
[21:50] <Kotono> "Grisly thought," Jessica comes out, counting the gil and items, "I'd thought they'd be worth more, but those maracas look expensive," Jessica whistles.
[21:51] <Penelo> "I think they are better put to use, kupo."
[21:51] <Mycol> "They probably are."
[21:51] <Mycol> "I have a bunch of old ones I'll probably sell soon. Gosh, I've really turned into a hoarder."
[21:51] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, y'all ready to continue on now?
[21:55] <Morrie> OOC: sure thing.
[21:55] <Mycol> OOC yeah
[21:57] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 49." [1d100=49]
[21:58] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. First of all, the strain of directing the water is felt for Morrie. 20 MP expended. Second of all, everyone make na awareness check?
[21:58] <Mycol> 2d6
[21:58] * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6 and gets 11." [2d6=5, 6]
[22:00] <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 awareness
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 awareness and gets 9." [2d6=3, 1]
[22:03] <Morrie> roll 2d6+9 awareness lehko
[22:03] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+9 awareness lehko and gets 20." [2d6=5, 6]
[22:03] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Santos? Is he still away?
[22:04] <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 awareness santos
[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 awareness santos and gets 14." [2d6=5, 5]
[22:04] <Penelo> roll 2d6+3 moogle awareness
[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+3 moogle awareness and gets 12." [2d6=3, 6]
[22:05] <Kotono> It's now a ways past noon. The party is going through a raised bit of forest, out of the waters for now. As you guide the wagon amid the trees, Lehko notices something. It's hidden to the side, expertly so, but there's a small footpath snaking away to the side.
[22:06] <Morrie> "I think... that bears investigation." Morrie remarks to Lehko's pointing out of the path.
[22:07] <Penelo> "You think so?"
[22:08] <Morrie> He nods. "What if we get surprised by more monsters?"
[22:08] <Penelo> "Oh! Kupo! It would be better to head them off, first!"
[22:09] <Kotono> "I don't think I can get the wagon down the path," Ebenezer announces, "It'll need to stay behind if you go down it."
[22:10] <Morrie> He nods to Ebenezer. "Stay here, call out if you see anything suspicious."
[22:11] <Penelo> "Be careful."
[22:11] <Penelo> Penelo goes to hop off the wagon! Oof!
[22:12] <Kotono> OOC: Party's going down the side path then?
[22:12] <Morrie> Morrie goes to investigate, floating slightly above the marshy waters.
[22:13] <Penelo> OOC: Yes.
[22:13] <Penelo> Penelo will follow, using her wings to hover when she can.
[22:14] <Kotono> It's a well worn footpath, you find. Quite well worn if rather narrow. You follow it for a time, pushing through the forest. You come to a large valley, the edges surrounded by crudely cut logs. It's dry down there, and you can see several dozen huts about. Below you can see imps - ones with a greenish cast to them, doing townsy things. They look a little bigger than the imps you've seen elsewhere
[22:14] <Kotono> in Glacierwind Valley.
[22:15] * Penelo hushes completely.
[22:16] <Mycol> "Huh."
[22:16] <Mycol> "I guess I shouldn't be surprised after the Ogres, but here I am."
[22:17] <Penelo> "We can hope they are peaceful."
[22:18] <Morrie> He blinks, peering for a bit before turning to the others. "Let us save this for later. We should... finish our task first, then return."
[22:19] <Kotono> They're going about and doing things. You can see a tanner's hut, scaly hides hanging all stretched out. There's a blacksmithery, with an imp carrying an armful of swords out from it. Another one carries a basket of food.
[22:21] <Morrie> He peers again, then sighs. "Then again..."
[22:21] <Penelo> "...Hmm."
[22:22] <Morrie> "I think they might react better to one of you." He looks at the shorter people, but doesn't say anything about that.
[22:25] <Mycol> "Typically Imps aren't really reasonable, but we've seen plenty of atypical things lately."
[22:33] <Penelo> "We have..."
[22:33] <Penelo> "Shall I try to talk to them?"
[22:39] * Morrie is now known as Nephrite