#039: "All those wives, and you get impregnated yourself?"

Started by Soul, October 27, 2013, 01:41:25 PM

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(6:30) <Kotono> ----
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:14] <Kotono> It's a well worn footpath, you find. Quite well worn if rather narrow. You follow it for a time, pushing through the forest. You come to a large valley, the edges surrounded by crudely cut logs. It's dry down there, and you can see several dozen huts about. Below you can see imps - ones with a greenish cast to them, doing townsy things. They look a little bigger than the imps
(6:30) <Kotono> you've seen elsewhere
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:14] <Kotono> in Glacierwind Valley.
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:15] * Penelo hushes completely.
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:16] <Mycol> "Huh."
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:16] <Mycol> "I guess I shouldn't be surprised after the Ogres, but here I am."
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:17] <Penelo> "We can hope they are peaceful."
(6:30) <Kotono> [22:18] <Morrie> He blinks, peering for a bit before turning to the others. "Let us save this for later. We should... finish our task first, then return."
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:19] <Kotono> They're going about and doing things. You can see a tanner's hut, scaly hides hanging all stretched out. There's a blacksmithery, with an imp carrying an armful of swords out from it. Another one carries a basket of food.
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:21] <Morrie> He peers again, then sighs. "Then again..."
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:21] <Penelo> "...Hmm."
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:22] <Morrie> "I think they might react better to one of you." He looks at the shorter people, but doesn't say anything about that.
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:25] <Mycol> "Typically Imps aren't really reasonable, but we've seen plenty of atypical things lately."
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:33] <Penelo> "We have..."
(6:31) <Kotono> [22:33] <Penelo> "Shall I try to talk to them?"

(6:33) * Lehko shrugs.
(6:34) <Morrie> "I think..." He looks thoughtful for a moment, considering their options. "I think if they're hostile, we can just run away."
(6:34) <Lehko> "I'm not sure... After the Ogres, we might be abel to avoid a fight... Or sound the alarm if they're not."
(6:34) <Penelo> "If they are friendly, they might have information on strange happenings that are not normal."
(6:34) <Morrie> "We can always scare them by summoning the espers, if it comes to that." He adds with a nod to Lehko.
(6:35) * Lehko shrugs.
(6:35) <Lehko> "Worth a shot, I guess."
(6:37) <Morrie> He nods again to Penelo. "If you'd be so kind."
(6:37) * Penelo will go bounding into their village! Will attempt to not look scared or anything, but friendly! Rejoiceful! Moogleful! Everyone likes Moogles!
(6:39) <Kotono> OOC: Quick check, what languages do you speak, Penelo? Also, any ranks in the languages skill?
(6:40) <Penelo> OOC: Ahh Moogle language and Common level 4? I think 4. I don't have ranks in the moogle language, considering that's what she is, unless I messed that up.
(6:40) <Penelo> OOC: Yes! Common 4.
(6:40) <Kotono> OOC: That's fine. Okay. You have 4 ranks in language, so make a language skill check.
(6:41) <Penelo> roll 2d6+4 language!
(6:41) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+4 language! and gets 9." [2d6=1, 4]
(6:41) <Kotono> OOC: Failure. Are you going to want to spend destiny on this?
(6:42) <Morrie> OOC: Can I roll for Mycol to try too?
(6:42) <Kotono> OOC: Sure, go for it.
(6:43) <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 Talky talk
(6:43) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 Talky talk and gets 15." [2d6=6, 4]
(6:43) <Kotono> OOC: He passed and knows the swamp imp language. More on that in a sec. Well Penelo?
(6:44) <Penelo> OOC: I'll spend 1 point. What's that do?
(6:44) * Merc is now known as Santos
(6:44) <Kotono> OOC: You roll a d6 and add it to your total.
(6:44) <Morrie> OOC: You roll an extra 1d6 to add to your current roll.
(6:44) <Morrie> OOC: ffffffffff
(6:44) <Penelo> roll d6 don't be a waste!
(6:44) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls d6 don't be a waste! and gets 5." [d6=5]
(6:44) <Penelo> OOC: 14
(6:44) <Kotono> OOC: That's enough for a pass. You know swamp imp as well, Penelo. Note that in languages on your sheet. Line coming.
(6:45) <Kotono> Penelo goes bounding down. The imps stop and stare as a moogle comes down, before the imp with an armful of swords approaches and calls in swamp imp, "Moogle? What moogle want? No speak kupo!""
(6:48) <Penelo> She smiles, trying to pass off as non-threatening. Then again, when have you found a moogle to look scary? "Hello! I am afraid that I am a little lost in trying to find something, if you would not mind giving directions." She resists adding in 'kupo' at the end.
(6:49) <Kotono> "Okay," The imp says and nods, "What moogle want to go to?"
(6:52) <Penelo> "I am trying to find something that is out of place here, kupo." She slipped, but continues. "I have heard that something lives in this area that does not quite belong, and am having trouble finding it."
(6:53) <Kotono> "Ooooooh," Nodding at that, "Thing that not below that way," Pointing in a southernly direction, "Find Fork Rock and swim down into cave. Thing lives there."
(6:53) <Penelo> OOC: I suddenly wish I had a 'is this thing telling me to go die or not' detection...
(6:54) <Kotono> OOC: Any skills relevant to that a tall?
(6:55) <Penelo> OOC: Not in my arsenel if there is one.
(6:55) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, carry on then.
(6:56) <Morrie> Mycol is most likely trying to resist the urge to perform for these imps. Imps count as human-ish, right? Either way, he just wiggles way in the back.
(6:57) <Penelo> She moves to rub her chin a little, contemplating. "Do you know anything about this ... thing?"
(6:58) <Kotono> "Big thing. Flies," The swamp imp replies, a few others stopping to watch. "Big and scary."
(6:58) <Penelo> "That might be what I am looking for. Thank you, kupo!" She will bow and try to leave peacefully.
(6:59) <Kotono> No one interfers with Penelo retreating back to the party, and she reaches them safely.
(6:59) <Morrie> "That... seemed to go well."
(7:00) <Lehko> "So what's the word?"
(7:01) <Penelo> "I only asked them if there was something that did not fit in with the area, kupo. They said something big and scary hides in a cave to the south. I am unsure if it is what we are looking for or not, kupo."
(7:01) <Penelo> "They are nice." She beams.
(7:01) <Lehko> "... Right. So, spelunking we will go?"
(7:01) * Lehko looks around at the others.
(7:02) <Morrie> "It would seem so. The espers might be able to sense it the closer we get to it." He says, asking that question inwardly as he turns and starts back to the others, which hopefully haven't been eaten by a grue.
(7:04) <Penelo> "It is worth keeping in mind if we have to deal with it." She will relay the directions to the team.
(7:04) * Lehko nods.
(7:04) <Lehko> "Is there anything we should get before we go in?"
(7:04) <Kotono> Shiva appears on Lehko's shoulder in a flurry of snowflakes, "We probably can when you get closer," she says, "Catoplebas is distinctive in style."
(7:05) <Morrie> He nods to Shiva. "All right then."
(7:05) <Lehko> "Sounds good, then!"
(7:05) * Lehko grins.
(7:06) <Kotono> OOC: Okay then, is the party going to continue on?
(7:06) <Penelo> OOC: Yes!
(7:06) <Morrie> OOC: I believe so.
(7:07) <Lehko> OOC: Yep.
(7:07) <Kotono> Your return to the wagon is without incident. On that, the party resumes course! (More)
(7:07) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(7:07) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 14." [1d100=14]
(7:07) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(7:07) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 42." [1d100=42]
(7:07) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(7:07) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 12." [1d100=12]
(7:08) <Kotono> You travel a few hours without incident. It's buggy, humid and itchy, but the party keeps trucking. Soon you come to a local landmark - a big rock formation jutting out of the swamp. It has two 'tines', resembling a simple fork. It's surrounded by swamp water in all directions. You'd need to part the waters againt to get to it, notably.
(7:09) <Penelo> "The imps seem to be right about this part of the trip, kupo."
(7:10) <Morrie> "So... we found the rock, and now we swim?" He looks up slightly, more to himself than anything. "Are you all able to sense Catoblepas from here?"
(7:10) <Lehko> "Ideas? We can try to use magic to block the water?"
(7:11) <Kotono> Ifrit appears atop Santos's head, "I don't feel him," he grumbles, "But there's water in the way. Shiva?"
(7:12) <Kotono> "Coming, coming," Shiva appears again on Lehko's shoulder, "Ramuh's distracted, but I know I don't feel anything. Ask Ramuh in your mind, he loses himself occasionally like this. Old men have that problem, you see."
(7:12) <Morrie> "I'll make sure I pass that on." He says, with a small smile.
(7:13) <Penelo> "It could be something else, then." She moogle sounds a little fustrated, but not at the directions or sensing, per se. She's scratching at her arm, itching.
(7:13) <Lehko> "Hmm.. So, bridge over the water?"
(7:14) <Morrie> "It isn't Catoblepas." He says, with a frown. "We could investigate anyway, if you all wish."
(7:15) <Penelo> She sighs. "I should have asked if there were other things."
(7:16) <Lehko> "It's a monster. If we take care of it, the Imps might be more open to helping us?"
(7:16) <Penelo> "That is a good point!"
(7:16) <Penelo> "They did call it big and scary."
(7:17) <Lehko> "Or it's a trap... Are they clever enough for that?"
(7:18) <Morrie> "It might be best to do so, I mean... If it's dangerous, it..." He stops, looking up with a small nod, mostly to himself. "Catoblepas is below us, in a cave... near the formation." He adds. "I wonder if that creature is... ...ah. I wonder if it's in the water as well."
(7:19) <Penelo> "Catoblepas is there?"
(7:19) <Morrie> "It's difficult to say." He says. "Either way, I don't think I can force all the water out of the way, so I think we're going to get wet somehow... unless I try and shield us temporarily to get to the cave."
(7:20) * Lehko looks at Shiva.
(7:20) <Lehko> "Could we freeze it?"
(7:20) <Kotono> OOC: Check your PM Morrie, misunderstanding.
(7:21) <Morrie> "Ah!" He says, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I misunderstood what he meant."
(7:21) <Morrie> "Catoblepas is not below us, just the other creature."
(7:21) <Morrie> "But it isn't normal for water to interfere so much with sensing anything... so... I think it bears investigation."
(7:21) <Lehko> "Alright. Let's do this?"
(7:24) <Morrie> He nods to Lehko. "Actually, I have an idea."
(7:25) <Morrie> "Lehko, you can create barriers with your magic, correct? And... Penelo, you can craft ice? Let us pool our powers. I can part the water, Lehko, you create a field to keep the water away, Penelo, you freeze the barrier to keep  it at bay. That way, we should be able to traverse and return without any issues." He concludes. "The alternative is swimming down."
(7:25) <Lehko> "Worth a shot, I guess."
(7:25) <Penelo> OOC: I am .. unsure. I made her sort of an ice based black mage.
(7:26) <Morrie> OOC: That counts as crafting ice, doesn't it!? Just blast it!
(7:27) <Kotono> OOC: I'd allow it.
(7:27) <Kotono> OOC: It'll cost some MP from each of you, t hough.
(7:27) <Penelo> "I can try, kupo!"
(7:27) <Morrie> OOC: Roger. I can use a cookie if I need to!
(7:33) <Kotono> Together, the threesome channel their power. The water is parted, fields appearing to keep it back as the water ices over. In a moment, the way is revealed. There's a cave below the waterline, leading to withint he earth! OOC: All three of you -10 MP.
(7:35) <Morrie> "Great job, everyone." He smiles. "It might be best to leave the wagon here, just in case."
(7:36) <Kotono> "For the best," Ebenezer calls over, "Good luck down there!"
(7:36) * Lehko pats his creation fondly before heading down, pistols drawns.
(7:36) <Morrie> "Don't get into any adventures without us, you two." He comments before heading down!
(7:37) <Penelo> "This is great!" She hops along, traveling down.
(7:40) <Kotono> Thus the party proceeds down. It leads right into a cave - a rather shallow one. But as you approach you see something come out of the back. You know this creature, a wizard! It hisses, "Who...?" it asks, "Who wishes to perishhhh?" It has a staff of the marsh in hand, the other hand shielding its eyes from the sunlight.
(7:40) <Morrie> "One of you things is still alive!?" He shouts!
(7:40) * Lehko shoots the thing.
(7:41) <Kotono> OOC: This is obviously going more south than Mexico, so let's roll init.
(7:41) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(7:41) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 14." [2d6=5, 4]
(7:41) <Lehko> roll 2d6+6 Init
(7:41) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+6 Init and gets 17." [2d6=6, 5]
(7:41) <Lehko> roll 2d6+2 Wolf Init
(7:41) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+2 Wolf Init and gets 14." [2d6=6, 6]
(7:41) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
(7:41) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 Morrie
(7:41) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 14." [2d6=5, 6]
(7:41) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 Morrie and gets 15." [2d6=5, 6]
(7:41) <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 Mycol
(7:41) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 Mycol and gets 11." [2d6=5, 1]
(7:42) <Penelo> roll 2d6+4 init
(7:42) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+4 init and gets 12." [2d6=6, 2]
(7:42) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(17)>Morrie(15)>Wolf=Santos>Wizard(14)>Penelo(12)>Mycol(11)'
(7:42) <Kotono> OOC: Open Lehko. Shoot away.
(7:42) <Penelo> OOC: First Strike Santos?
(7:42) <Kotono> OOC: Go for it then, Santos.
(7:45) * Santos attacks their foe, shooting from his spot before he can react!
(7:45) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(7:45) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 13." [2d6=4, 4]
(7:46) <Kotono> OOC: That's a hit.
(7:46) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(17)>Morrie(15)>Wolf=Santos>Wizard(14)>Penelo(12)>Mycol(11) Note: +1 AVD to all still.'
(7:46) <Santos> ooc: Typo on my init, I should actually be 2 lower, so same as Penelo. Damage is 124
(7:47) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Lehko(17)>Morrie(15)>Wolf>Wizard(14)>Penelo=Santos(12)>Mycol(11) Note: +1 AVD to all still.'
(7:47) <Kotono> Santos shoots super-quick, getting the wizard in the gut before it can react! It stumbles back, tentacle going to plug up the hole in its gut! OOC: Lehko.
(7:48) * Lehko stares at the Wizard and fires off a blast of holy power, unleashing Orlandeau's Strike at the.. Thing.
(7:48) <Lehko> roll 2d6+3
(7:48) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+3 and gets 9." [2d6=3, 3]
(7:49) <Kotono> OOC: That's a trip down hitstreet.
(7:49) <Lehko> OOC: 102, Holy Damage.
(7:49) <Kotono> roll 102*2
(7:49) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 102*2 and gets 204."
(7:49) <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
(7:49) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 191." [3#1d100 = 84, 80, 27]
(7:50) <Kotono> With ab last of holy power, the abomination is set alight! It burns with holy energies, dissolving in them! It leaves behind a pile of gil and a staff, consumed to the last! OOC: Y'all know how to mangle these guys now. Loot post, free act.
(7:51) * Lehko spins his pistols in his hands, holstering them with a grin.
(7:51) <Santos> "Anticlimatic," Santos mutters, as he puts away his own gun.
(7:51) <Morrie> "...Well, that explains why they were having trouble sensing things." He remarks, looking around the cave to see if there's anything else down there, or why the Wizard might have come to begin with.
(7:51) <Penelo> "... I did not expect to see another one of those!"
(7:51) <Lehko> "You didn't."
(7:52) <Kotono> In the cave is a pair of treasure chests in the back. They're covered in little white, wet, fleshy eggs.
(7:53) <Kotono> "Hmph." Titan appears atop Mycol's head, "I thought we bashed in the heads of all of them! Guess one or two made a break for it and held it together. This is the sort of land they like, if Lich's terraforming was right."
(7:53) * Lehko eyes the chests and eggs.. Time to check for traps and locks!
(7:54) <Penelo> "It is good we came here."
(7:55) <Lehko> OOC: Roll for trapfinding?
(7:55) <Kotono> OOC: Go for it.
(7:56) <Kotono> OOC: I presume you're touching the chest and all that?
(7:56) <Lehko> OOC: If need be. I'd do a visual check first, if possible.
(7:56) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinker: Trapfinding!
(7:56) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinker: Trapfinding! and gets 14." [2d6=3, 2]
(7:57) <Kotono> OOC: You'd need to to check it over. You can tell from looking that you don't see any obvious visual traps, besides possibly the eggs. Do you want to continue?
(7:57) <Lehko> OOC: Yep.
(7:57) <Penelo> OOC: Shall I roll for magic real fast?
(7:57) * Joins: Veryslightlymad
(7:57) * Veryslightlymad is now known as Mycol
(7:57) <Kotono> OOC: Sure, go for it.
(7:58) <Penelo> roll 2d6+5 magic check on the chests
(7:58) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+5 magic check on the chests and gets 9." [2d6=1, 3]
(7:58) <Penelo> OOC: ... What.
(7:58) <Morrie> OOC: May I do a L: Everything?
(7:58) <Kotono> OOC: Sure.
(7:59) <Morrie> roll 2d6+2 Lore: Everything! EVERYTHING!
(7:59) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+2 Lore: Everything! EVERYTHING! and gets 8." [2d6=3, 3]
(7:59) <Morrie> OOC: Not everything :(
(7:59) <Kotono> OOC: Neither of you produce anything noteworthy.
(7:59) <Kotono> Lehko checks the chests over. They aren't trapped. However, his hand brushes against an egg.  It shimmers and melts into his skin, passing through it like water and out of sight. It makes Lehko's hand tingle numbly for a few moments, before feeling returns.
(8:00) <Lehko> "... Uh. Guys."
(8:00) * Lehko turns around and holds his hand up for the others to see.
(8:00) <Penelo> "What was that?"
(8:00) <Lehko> "Something went wrong. One of those eggs just melted *into my hand.*"
(8:01) <Morrie> He raises an eyebrow. "I don't think that's normal for Wizards..."
(8:01) <Mycol> "All those wives, and you get impregnated yourself?"
(8:01) <Santos> "HAH!"
(8:02) <Kotono> From nowhere, you can hear Shiva giggling like a schoolgirl.
(8:02) <Lehko> "I think something connected to the wizard thing is a bit more important."
(8:02) <Penelo> "We will have to have the white mage guild check you when we can." She looks worried for a brief moment.
(8:02) <Mycol> "A parasite wouldn't be a good thing to have on our adventure."
(8:05) <Morrie> "You'll be fine." He remarks, before holding a hand out to destroy the eggs by blowing them off the chests and into the wall with the power of wind!
(8:06) <Kotono> Suddenly Lehko's entire body is iced over. It's like turned into a transparent ice statue! Shiva is seen over him, a superimposed image. She grunts aloud, as slowly the egg reappears and passes otu of Lehko's shoulder. The moment it does, it explodes into icy slush. Then Lehko returns to normal, the superimposed image gone.
(8:06) <Penelo> "Ah!" She stumbles backwards a bit, before pausing to stare at Lehko. "... Oh! Are you all right now?"
(8:06) * Lehko shivers and shakes some ice off of himself.
(8:06) <Mycol> "Well."
(8:06) <Morrie> "See? I told you."
(8:06) <Mycol> "That's one way of dealing with it."
(8:07) <Lehko> "I.. guess so."
(8:07) <Penelo> "I am jealous. I wish I had Shiva as a companion. We would get along, yes yes, kupo."
(8:07) <Kotono> Shiva's voice is heard again, "I recommend flash freezing the rest of those eggs. An ice spell should do," Shiva instructs. "Really, it'll get tiresome to continually pull parasites out of you all."
(8:09) <Lehko> "Penelo? Ice, please."
(8:09) * Lehko stares at the eggs hatefully.
(8:09) <Penelo> Penelo will cast an aoe ice spell on the eggs, just to be safe. (OOC: Normal Ice attack.)
(8:09) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, subtract MP for it.
(8:10) <Kotono> Peneloc alls on nature's cold fury, the eggs little more than frozen slush now. Got them! They fall away from the chests, leaving them bare and exposed.
(8:10) <Morrie> "Well, now we know what to do if we see any." He nods.
(8:11) * Lehko opens the chest.
(8:13) <Penelo> OOC: Chests! Two, I believe.
(8:14) <Kotono> Within the chests are...OOC: Loot post.
(8:16) <Morrie> "...Another one?" He grimaces. Either way, he puts them all in the bag for safekeeping.
(8:16) <Penelo> "Best to not let some poor soul find it."
(8:17) <Lehko> "The more we get out of their hands and into ours is always a win."
(8:18) <Morrie> He nods to them. "Let's hurry back. Maybe they can pinpoint Catoblepas now."
(8:18) <Kotono> OOC: Going to head back now and continue on?
(8:18) <Penelo> OOC: Yes.
(8:18) <Morrie> OOC: Yessir. Unless we want to have an underwater adventure!? (no)
(8:19) <Penelo> OOC: Have a delicious magical egg dinner.
(8:19) <Kotono> Thus, the party reunites and continues on! OOC: More.
(8:19) <Kotono> roll 1d100+10
(8:19) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+10 and gets 87." [1d100=77]
(8:19) <Kotono> roll 1d100+10
(8:19) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+10 and gets 58." [1d100=48]
(8:20) <Kotono> As you begin to continue on...suddenly, Lehko gets a shiver up his back, making him involuntarily shudder.
(8:20) <Kotono> OOC: Strike.
(8:20) <Kotono> roll 1d100+10
(8:20) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+10 and gets 70." [1d100=60]
(8:22) <Kotono> The party goes on for another hour. As you break for a quick lunch...OOC: Are y'all keeping any sort of watch as you eat ora nything like that?
(8:22) <Morrie> OOC: Morrie will keep an eye out.
(8:22) <Santos> ooc: I am an assassin! I am always aware!
(8:24) <Mycol> OOC: Probably not.
(8:24) <Kotono> OOC: Morrie, make an awareness check then.
(8:24) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 payin' attention
(8:24) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 payin' attention and gets 9." [2d6=1, 4]
(8:25) <Santos> roll 2d6+4 ninja awareness!
(8:25) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+4 ninja awareness! and gets 11." [2d6=2, 5]
(8:25) <Santos> ooc: ...is not much better than geomancer awareness.
(8:25) <Penelo> OOC: The moogle is only semi-aware.
(8:26) <Kotono> The party rests on a land hill, eating away. Suddenly, the bushes to the south part. Four swamp imps come out, calling in swamp imp, "Get them! Big ones drop big treasures!" OOC: Init.
(8:27) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 Morrie Init
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 Morrie Init and gets 14." [2d6=5, 5]
(8:27) <Penelo> roll 2d6+4 init
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+4 init and gets 11." [2d6=3, 4]
(8:27) <Morrie> 2d6+6 Lehko init
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+6 Lehko init and gets 14." [2d6=2, 6]
(8:27) <Mycol> 2d6+4
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 15." [2d6=5, 6]
(8:27) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 swamp imp 1
(8:27) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 swamp imp 2
(8:27) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 swamp imp 3
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 swamp imp 1 and gets 11." [2d6=6, 1]
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 swamp imp 2 and gets 12." [2d6=5, 3]
(8:27) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 swamp imp 4
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 swamp imp 3 and gets 10." [2d6=4, 2]
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 swamp imp 4 and gets 11." [2d6=2, 5]
(8:28) <Santos> roll 2d6+3 init correctly~
(8:28) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+3 init correctly~ and gets 10." [2d6=4, 3]
(8:28) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>SI2(12)>Penelo>SI1=SI4(11)>Santos>SI3(10)Helper(0)'
(8:29) <Kotono> OOC: What about the wolf?
(8:29) <Penelo> OOC: I am not finding the wolf's init on the sheet...
(8:29) <Kotono> OOC: It's 2.
(8:29) <Santos> ooc: click under pet
(8:29) <Penelo> roll 2d6+2 wolf init
(8:29) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+2 wolf init and gets 12." [2d6=5, 5]
(8:30) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>Wolf>SI2(12)>Penelo>SI1=SI4(11)>Santos>SI3(10)Helper(0)'
(8:30) <Kotono> OOC: Santos, go.
(8:30) * Santos shoots the limpy one in the face!
(8:30) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(8:30) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 12." [2d6=1, 6]
(8:30) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1
(8:30) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 and gets 2." [d6=2]
(8:30) <Morrie> "Can you try talking them down?" He asks to Penelo. "...Try and not kill them, all right?"
(8:31) <Morrie> OOC: That last part was to everyone.
(8:31) <Santos> ooc: good enough for a crit. 124 damage
(8:31) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>Wolf>SI2(12)>Penelo>SI1=SI4(11)>Santos>SI3(10)Helper(0) +1 AVD all'
(8:32) <Penelo> "We are not here to fight, kupo! We dealt with the thing in the cave!" She calls out in swamp imp, hoping to dissuade them from fighting.
(8:32) <Santos> "Say that before I shoot it in the face!"
(8:32) <Mycol> "I doubt they'll listen to reason after Santos just shot one in the head"
(8:32) <Kotono> The first imp takes a bullet right in the chest! It's bleeding bad, a new hole to join its mouth! "Damn!" it curses in swamp imp, turning to Penelo. Another calls, "Liars!" it agrees, "Kill them! They drop nice things!" OOC: Morrie.
(8:32) <Santos> "Nobody told them to be stupid and attack us!"
(8:33) <Penelo> "They are not wanting to listen, kupo!" She talks in common this time.
(8:33) <Mycol> OOC: You mean me, right?
(8:33) <Kotono> OOC: Yes, sory.
(8:34) <Mycol> OOC: Or does Morrie have an awareness round?
(8:34) <Mycol> OOC: OK
(8:34) <Kotono> OOC: No, I'm just daft.
(8:34) * Mycol is itching to try out his new bashin' sticks, but first he has to get in the right frame of time.
(8:34) <Morrie> "Then all we can do is beat some sense into them." He says with a sigh. "Just try and be careful with them, all right?"
(8:34) * Mycol will gather up his time energy to speed himself up
(8:34) * Mycol quick-casts Enervate
(8:34) <Kotono> OOC: Uh, right spell?
(8:34) <Kotono> OOC: Er, wrong.
(8:35) <Kotono> OOC: It sounds like you meant quickening.
(8:35) <Mycol> OOC: Er... quickening.
(8:35) <Kotono> OOC: Right.
(8:35) <Mycol> OOC: I just like SAYING enervate.
(8:35) <Penelo> "We dealt with the big scary thing in the water cave." She talks in swamp imp. She's really trying to talk them into leaving while there's time.
(8:35) <Kotono> Calling on time, Mycol vibrates and shakes all over! He moves superfast, a blur of 'shroo movement! OOC: Right. Morrie.
(8:35) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>Wolf>SI2(12)>Penelo>SI1=SI4(11)>Santos>SI3(10)Helper(0) +1 AVD all'
(8:36) <Morrie> He has little to do for now but call on the spirits of wind and strike at the first imp! OOC: As long as that isn't the injured one.
(8:36) <Kotono> OOC: First imp is injured, so imp 2 then?
(8:37) <Morrie> OOC: Imp 2.
(8:37) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 wshhhooo
(8:37) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 wshhhooo and gets 11." [2d6=3, 5]
(8:37) <Kotono> OOC: That be a hizzit.
(8:37) <Kotono> OOC: Damage?
(8:38) <Morrie> OOC: 106
(8:39) <Kotono> The second imp gets a wind-shave, great hunks of fur torn off as it's battered by the winds! It looks in a bad way, just like the first imp! OOC: Ow. Lehko.
(8:41) <Morrie> "They can either give up or die." He says with almost a spit.
(8:42) <Morrie> Lehko lashes out at the third imp with an Orlandeau's Strike!
(8:42) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 Whack
(8:42) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 Whack and gets 11." [2d6=4, 4]
(8:43) <Kotono> OOC: He already used that.
(8:43) <Morrie> OOC: Oh! Right.
(8:44) <Morrie> OOC: Then just a regular shot.
(8:44) <Kotono> OOC: Hits.
(8:45) <Morrie> OOC: 50
(8:45) <Kotono> OOC: Damage and then the wolf's up so he goes. I'll resolve both at once after.
(8:47) <Kotono> OOC: If it's gonna take a bit, just have him charge up one of his slow actions and you can sort it out while everyone else goes, so we can keep this moving.
(8:47) <Penelo> The wolf will go to hamstring the last imp!
(8:48) <Kotono> OOC: Charging then? Okay. Second imp's up.
(8:49) <Kotono> Lehko shoots out, htiting the third imp in the arm. It's not the massive wound the other two caused, but it's enough to stun the third one. Meanwhile, the wind-razored imp glares at Morrie, "MALICE!" It screams in swamp imp! A tiny little angel appears from above, going to tap  Morrie's shoulder! OOC: Opposed force.
(8:49) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4
(8:49) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 and gets 11." [2d6=4, 3]
(8:49) <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 !!!
(8:49) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 !!! and gets 14." [2d6=4, 5]
(8:49) <Kotono> Morrie feels terribly weak for a moment, but he shakes it off! OOC: Penelo.
(8:50) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>Wolf(charging)>SI2(12)>Penelo>SI1=SI4(11)>Santos>SI3(10)Helper(0) +1 AVD all'
(8:51) <Penelo> Feeling she has no choice, Penelo goes to cast on the whole lot of the imps! She imposes her quick casting, moving to Blizzara all at once!
(8:51) <Penelo> roll 2d6+72 all the imps!
(8:51) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+72 all the imps! and gets 79." [2d6=1, 6]
(8:51) <Kotono> roll 79*1.5 guess who's weak to ice? Imps.
(8:51) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 79*1.5 guess who's weak to ice? Imps. and gets 118.5."
(8:52) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>Wolf(charging)>Penelo>SI4(11)>Santos>Helper(0) +1 AVD all'
(8:52) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(8:52) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(8:52) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(8:52) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 207." [4#1d100 = 55, 88, 63, 1]
(8:52) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 145." [4#1d100 = 17, 39, 59, 30]
(8:52) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 217." [4#1d100 = 31, 63, 77, 46]
(8:52) <Kotono> OOC: Oh are you fucking serious? Wow, rare drop on 1%.
(8:52) <Penelo> OOC: Woohoo!
(8:53) <Santos> "Soooo...what was this about not killing them?" Santos says flatly.
(8:53) <Kotono> The blast of blizzara leaves the imps massacred! Three are frozen solid and vanish, leaving behind a bounty of gil! The first also leaves a curious little gray sphere lying on the ground with it. The fourth imp is still up, glaring at Penelo before it calls, "MALICE!" OOC: Opposed force.
(8:53) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4
(8:53) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 and gets 9." [2d6=2, 3]
(8:53) <Penelo> OOC: Is this a spell?
(8:54) <Kotono> OOC: No.
(8:54) <Penelo> roll 2d6+6 oppose!
(8:54) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+6 oppose! and gets 11." [2d6=3, 2]
(8:54) <Kotono> Another angel comes down, but Penelo ignores this one and forces it away as well! OOC: Santos.
(8:56) <Morrie> "Foolish." He says with a sigh.
(8:59) * Santos decides that foolish is permission to shoot it in the head and does so.
(8:59) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(8:59) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 17." [2d6=6, 6]
(8:59) <Santos> ooc: Hatbot took Morrie's statement as permission too.
(9:00) <Santos> ooc: 132
(9:00) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(9:00) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 242." [4#1d100 = 59, 71, 68, 44]
(9:00) * Mycol unhastes.
(9:01) <Kotono> The blast simply decapitates the last imp, clearing the battle and leaving you victorious. OOC: Well tha twa sa smashing. Congrats on your rate drop, loot post.
(9:02) <Morrie> Morrie steps over to the sphere and holds a hand out, as if to tell the others not to touch it yet. He kneels down in front of it.
(9:02) <Kotono> OOC: Bestiary post.
(9:03) <Penelo> "I wish they had left, kupo."
(9:04) <Morrie> "It may not have been the ones from the village." He says as he shakes his head. "Ah... I understand. This can teach you all how to summon the spirit of an imp to attack something. I would suggest one of you mages use it." He lifts the sphere off the ground!
(9:06) <Penelo> "That may be true."
(9:11) <Kotono> "That does look useful," Jessica calls, "Like one of those fancy magic tomes?"
(9:11) <Penelo> "That is how it would seem."
(9:12) <Mycol> "Rarer still. This magic is different from anything I'm familiar with."
(9:12) <Penelo> "Would you like it?" Penelo looks towards Mycol, since Morrie said 'one of you mages'.
(9:13) <Mycol> "Yes," Mycol says flatly. "However, you've got a better talent for magic than I do. Plus I got the last good treasure."
(9:13) * Mycol shakes his new Maracas happily
(9:13) <Mycol> "Raw talent, mind."
(9:15) <Morrie> "I leave it up to you two to decide." He says, holding the sphere.
(9:16) <Penelo> "If you want it, you may have it. I will let you decide."
(9:17) <Morrie> "Looks like that's that." He says as he tosses it to Mycol.
(9:17) * Mycol will pocket it.
(9:17) <Kotono> OOC: Are you going to use it or just hold onto it, Mycol?
(9:17) <Mycol> "Fascinating. Truly Fascinating."
(9:18) <Mycol> Oh, I'll use it.
(9:18) <Morrie> "Now... where do you all want to go?" He looks around the area.
(9:18) <Kotono> Mycol holds the orb. As he tries to put it away, it instead explodes into stars of light! Within him, Mycol hears, "Imp? Imp? Aaah!" SMASH! Mycol's entire body rings like a bell, as Titan's chuckles are heard. "Oh, now I have an imp to play with in here! You're the best, Mycol!"
(9:19) <Mycol> "Oh, damn."
(9:19) <Mycol> "Damn damn damn damn"
(9:19) <Mycol> "I knew it. It had to be this way."
(9:21) <Penelo> "What?"
(9:21) <Mycol> "Augh."
(9:21) * Mycol stands and stretches.
(9:22) <Mycol> "I guess I sort of believed in universal oneness anyhow...."
(9:22) <Morrie> "...Ah, I think I understand." He says, taking another look around the area before he decides which way to go.
(9:22) <Kotono> OOC: Ready to move on now, y'all?
(9:23) <Mycol> OOC: I got it marked
(9:24) <Morrie> OOC: Sho nuff boss
(9:24) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(9:24) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 9." [1d100=9]
(9:24) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(9:24) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 51." [1d100=51]
(9:24) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(9:24) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 8." [1d100=8]
(9:25) <Kotono> The rest of the afternoon passes without incident. You're full on int he swamp now, and no sign of Catoplebas's lair yet. It looks like you'll need to set up camp to rest for the night, or continue the search through the nighttime hours.
(9:25) <Morrie> "We should probably rest." He suggests. "I can take the first watch, if you'd like."
(9:26) <Penelo> "I can take second, kupo."
(9:29) <Kotono> OOC: Okay then. Morrie on first watch, Penelo on second. Who has third?
(9:29) <Morrie> OOC: I nominate Lehko.
(9:29) <Santos> ooc: I second the nomination.
(9:29) <Kotono> OOC: It carries. Alright. More coming.
(9:29) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(9:29) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 29." [1d100=29]
(9:29) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(9:29) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 88." [1d100=88]
(9:29) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(9:29) <Mycol> OOC: I doubt I'm gonna get much sleep tonight. Plus 0 awareness
(9:29) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 59." [1d100=59]
(9:30) <Kotono> Penelo's awake and passing the time. So is Mycol - sleep eludes him. The two are passing the time in idle conversation as...OOC: Make awareness, both of ya.
(9:31) <Mycol> 2d6
(9:31) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=2, 2]
(9:31) <Penelo> roll 2d6+3 be aware...!
(9:31) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+3 be aware...! and gets 6." [2d6=2, 1]
(9:31) <Penelo> OOC: ... They're talking too much about maracas.
(9:31) <Penelo> OOC: Sorry, team.
(9:32) <Santos> ooc: it's okay, I'm a light sleeper.
(9:34) <Kotono> Goodness, Penelo never imagined there was so much to do about maracas! She's transfixed in the stories about them as suddenly something comes bursting out! The camp stirs in shock, awakening - but not before it sets onto Penelo and attacks her thrice!
(9:34) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
(9:34) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
(9:34) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 12." [2d6=4, 5]
(9:34) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 7." [2d6=3, 1]
(9:34) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 AVD and ARM?
(9:34) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 AVD and ARM? and gets 14." [2d6=5, 6]
(9:35) <Penelo> OOC: Gosh. 7 avd and 11 arm
(9:35) <Penelo> OOC: Gosh. 7 avd and 11 arm
(9:35) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 | Mycol(15 quickened)>Morrie=Lehko(14)>Wolf(charging)>Penelo>SI4(11)>Santos>Helper(0) +1 AVD all'
(9:36) <Santos> ooc: Santos' first strike takes place as part of the pre-emptive round, fyi
(9:36) <Kotono> The camp is thrown into a tizzy! Ebenezer groans as he awakens, the rest of the party following. They stir just in time to see a hydra pounce on Penelo, biting her thrice! She goes down before she knows what hit her, out cold! But somehow Santos is also moving, more asleep than awake! OOC: Go for it, Santos.
(9:37) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 | '
(9:37) * Santos sees something attacking Penelo and reacts immediately, eyes widening wide awake as he reaches for his gun and fires at the creature on the moogle, using the recoil to backflip into a standing position, and flipping the sheets he was using to sleep with off of him!
(9:37) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(9:37) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 13." [2d6=3, 5]
(9:37) <Kotono> OOC: HIt. damage.
(9:37) <Santos> ooc: 124 damage
(9:38) <Kotono> The hydra's body is racked with gunblade shots, pierced all over by shots! As Santos awakens, it leaps towards him and goes to turn him into hydra food! OOC: Counterattack triggered.
(9:38) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
(9:38) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3
(9:38) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 8." [2d6=3, 2]
(9:38) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 and gets 10." [2d6=3, 4]
(9:39) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 AVD/AR<?
(9:39) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 AVD/AR<? and gets 10." [2d6=6, 1]
(9:40) <Morrie> OOC: Looks like 7, unless Image is a passive.
(9:40) <Santos> ooc: AVD 8 with +1
(9:40) <Santos> ooc: ARM is 35
(9:40) <Kotono> OOC: It isn't.
(9:40) <Santos> ooc: Counterattack doesn't trigger my own, does it? Even if it comes from ability?
(9:41) <Kotono> roll 58+58+56-35-35-35 let me check if you can counter a counter, assuming you survive this
(9:41) <Santos> ooc: actually, nevermind, it does in this case. It's written as part of the text
(9:41) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 58+58+56-35-35-35 let me check if you can counter a counter, assuming you survive this and gets 67."
(9:41) <Santos> ooc: I do survive~
(9:41) <Kotono> roll 105-67
(9:41) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 105-67 and gets 38."
(9:41) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 | '
(9:41) <Santos> ooc: First strike's counterattack specifically triggers from taking damage in pre-emptive rounds.
(9:41) <Kotono> OOC: Oh, first strike has a proviso for it too. Hold up.
(9:42) <Santos> ooc: I don't believe counterattacks normally do trigger off each other otherwise, but yeah, the proviso exists here~
(9:42) <Penelo> OOC: Avenge me...!
(9:42) <Kotono> OOC: Fair enough then. Counter.
(9:43) <Santos> ooc: Reminder, spellburst virus as an aside
(9:43) <Kotono> OOC: Right. Make yoru counterattack.
(9:43) * Santos yells as he cuts at the Hydra's striking heads with his fire kaiser and gunblade, firing shots when its heads pull back and cutting it when it moves in close, counterattacking back in kind!
(9:43) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(9:43) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 10." [2d6=2, 3]
(9:44) <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
(9:44) <Santos> ooc: Actually, one sec, want to check something
(9:44) <Kotono> OOC: Sure.
(9:45) <Santos> ooc: hahaha, "WHENEVER THEY TAKE DAMAGE". I can counterattack all three attacks! Grim Reaper applies to all of them! Suck it, bitch!
(9:45) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 2
(9:45) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 2 and gets 1." [d6=1]
(9:45) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 1 reliable
(9:45) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 1 reliable and gets 3." [d6=3]
(9:45) <Kotono> OOC: Still a hit.
(9:45) <Santos> ooc: no crit there
(9:45) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(9:45) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 10." [2d6=2, 3]
(9:45) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 2
(9:45) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 2 and gets 5." [d6=5]
(9:45) <Santos> ooc: crit there
(9:45) <Kotono> OOC: I'm ruling that only one counter from it for the sake of sanity.
(9:45) <Santos> ooc: BOOOO
(9:46) <Kotono> OOC: It's still one united attack and damage is doled out in one lump sum. Damage from your counter?
(9:46) <Santos> ooc: You suck. Fine, then no crit hit for 60 only. Again, you suck.
(9:47) <Kotono> The two go back and forth, biting and slashing each other! The two are both greviously wounded, a savage dance as everyone awakens! But in the bushes ahead, you hear more rustling! OOC: React to being woken up and roll init, y'all.
(9:47) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 | Helpers(0)'
(9:47) <Kotono> roll 2d6+1 hydra
(9:47) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+1 hydra and gets 10." [2d6=3, 6]
(9:47) <Santos> roll 2d6+3 Kotono suuuuuuuucks >_>
(9:47) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+3 Kotono suuuuuuuucks >_> and gets 7." [2d6=2, 2]
(9:47) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 Morrie
(9:47) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Hydra(10)>Helpers(0)'
(9:47) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 Morrie and gets 11." [2d6=1, 6]
(9:47) <Penelo> OOC: hatbot disagrees
(9:48) <Morrie> roll 2d6+6 Lehko
(9:48) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+6 Lehko and gets 13." [2d6=4, 3]
(9:48) <Mycol> 2d6+4
(9:48) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 7." [2d6=1, 2]
(9:48) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Morrie(11)>Hydra(10)>Santos=Mycol(7)>Helpers(0)'
(9:48) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 ???
(9:48) <Kotono> roll 2d6+3 ???
(9:48) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 ??? and gets 9." [2d6=3, 3]
(9:48) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+3 ??? and gets 11." [2d6=2, 6]
(9:48) <Penelo> roll 2d6+2 wolf to get the wolf on the board
(9:48) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+2 wolf to get the wolf on the board and gets 11." [2d6=3, 6]
(9:49) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Hydra(10)>???1(11)>???2(9)Santos=Mycol(7)>Helpers(0)'
(9:49) <Mycol> OOC: OH RIGHT
(9:49) <Kotono> OCO: Roll init for referecne in case you get raised, Penelo.
(9:49) <Penelo> roll 2d6+4 init for the dead
(9:49) <Kotono> OOC: Hm Mycol?
(9:49) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+4 init for the dead and gets 12." [2d6=4, 4]
(9:49) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 0/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Hydra(10)>???1(11)>???2(9)Santos=Mycol(7)>Helpers(0)'
(9:50) <Kotono> OOC: Open Lehko. Shoot it up.
(9:50) <Mycol> OOC: I said something about taking the volf
(9:50) <Kotono> OOC: Oh right. Just do it on its turn then, the init can stand.
(9:50) <Morrie> Lehko pulls himself together quickly and, without even thinking, moves to cover Santos from further damage while taking a shot at the Hydra he can see!
(9:51) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 bang
(9:51) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 bang and gets 12." [2d6=5, 4]
(9:51) <Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage is irrelevant since it has 6 or so HP left.
(9:51) <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
(9:51) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 211." [3#1d100 = 76, 78, 57]
(9:53) <Kotono> The hydra goes down without any more fight, becoming gil as it gives up the ghost from a final bullet shot! Got it! OOC: Morrie and wolf. No visible opponents at the moment, but you can hear more coming.
(9:53) <Morrie> OOC: Can I fire a Geomancy into the bushes?
(9:53) <Kotono> OOC: You can blindly, but your odds of hitting won't be great.
(9:54) <Santos> ooc: can you get Penelo up, or does this still count as part of same fight?
(9:54) <Kotono> OOC: Same fight.
(9:54) <Kotono> OOC: You'd need to use a PD or Life or whatever.
(9:55) <Morrie> Seeing that the enemies are still far off, he jogs over to Penelo and administers a Phoenix Down to her!
(9:55) <Kotono> Fiery light fills Penelo, rousing her from the near-dead! She's back up! OOC: 1 HP for Penelo. Is the wolf doing anything?
(9:55) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 1/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Hydra(10)>???1(11)>???2(9)Santos=Mycol(7)>Helpers(0)'
(9:55) <Morrie> OOC: I'd say no.
(9:56) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 1/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>???1(11)>???2(9)Santos=Mycol(7)>Helpers(0)'
(9:56) <Kotono> OOC: VSM's running that ship so I'll wait on his word.
(9:56) <Mycol> OOC: Agreed.
(9:56) <Kotono> OOC: Okay. ???1 is up.
(9:56) <Mycol> OOC: The only thing I can think of is charge howl, thematically.
(9:57) <Kotono> Crashing through the bushes it comes - a great big Malboro! It looms over the party, tentacles throw up in the air and wiggling there! A moment later, a second one joins it! Yet more noises can still be heard in the bushes, approaching! OOC: They use their turn moving. Santos.
(9:57) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 1/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2(9)Santos=Mycol(7)>Helpers(0)'
(9:57) <Kotono> "Ah poo," Jessica yawns as she fumbles for her staff, "Bad way to wake up! Bad wake up!"
(9:59) <Kotono> OOC: Santos? Okay, since Santos needs a sec, go ahead and go, Mycol.
(9:59) <Mycol> "Augh! No! I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't..."
(9:59) * Mycol will quick cast Quickening.
(10:00) <Santos> ooc: I'm here
(10:00) <Santos> ooc: It's my turn already?!?
(10:00) <Kotono> Mycol is suddenly fast again, the fastest mushroom alive! OOC: Quickened. Go Santos.
(10:00) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 1/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:00) <Mycol> OOC: Did we get enough rest to restore MP?
(10:00) <Kotono> OOC: No, you were interrupted.
(10:00) * Santos shoots something, even as he splits into images, each apparently moving towards a different target.
(10:00) <Santos> roll 2d6+5 attack M1
(10:00) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 attack M1 and gets 12." [2d6=5, 2]
(10:00) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 2
(10:00) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 2 and gets 1." [d6=1]
(10:01) <Kotono> OOC: Still a trip to the land of the hits.
(10:01) <Santos> ooc: 60 damage
(10:01) <Kotono> Santos rises and shoots out, dazed as he is! He lands a shot on the Malboro, lost in its tentacled body. It bleeds green from it, but it's not a critical wound. OOC: Helpers to do anything or to Lehko?
(10:02) <Penelo> OOC: This'll be a short round if I get hit at all even once, so a heal for me and Santos would be lovely.
(10:02) <Morrie> "Throw a potion to Penelo, would you please, Ebenezer!?" He calls out.
(10:02) <Kotono> OOC: HiPotioning Ebenezer? Okay.
(10:03) <Kotono> Ebenezer yawns and tosses a potion out, htiting Penelo! Her wounds heal halfway, restoring vitality! OOC: 50% Hp restore. -1 hi potion. /Lehko.
(10:03) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 39/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:03) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 37/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:04) <Morrie> Lehko takes another shot at the first approaching Malboro!
(10:04) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 bang
(10:04) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 bang and gets 14." [2d6=5, 6]
(10:04) <Kotono> OOC: Also forgot something in the hi potion rush.
(10:04) <Kotono> You can hear yet more rustling in the bushes!
(10:05) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4
(10:05) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4
(10:05) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4
(10:05) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 and gets 7." [2d6=1, 2]
(10:05) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 and gets 9." [2d6=1, 4]
(10:05) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 and gets 9." [2d6=1, 4]
(10:05) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 37/76 Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2=???2=???3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:05) <Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage?
(10:05) <Morrie> OOC: 40
(10:06) <Kotono> A second shot hits the Malboro! Another hole, but it's not stopping yet! It instead lets otu a jet of foul breath, stinking up the entire camp! OOC: Ew. Penelo, go.
(10:07) <Penelo> Blinking at how she was talking to Mycol one moment, now trying to stand up and being surrounded the next, she does a move she did earlier, quick casting Blizzara on all the enemies she can!
(10:07) <Penelo> roll 2d6+72 blizzara area of effect!
(10:07) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+72 blizzara area of effect! and gets 79." [2d6=6, 1]
(10:07) <Kotono> roll 79*1.5
(10:07) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 79*1.5 and gets 118.5."
(10:08) <Kotono> Both Malboros get an icicle rain from above! A wet thunk thunk thunk sounds as they're impaled, but neither stops! No matter how many icicles impale them, they keep coming! OOC: Owwies. Morrie and wolf. Go.
(10:09) <Morrie> He takes a deep breath, deciding that offense is ahead of defense right now and calls on the power of Wind to strike down the first Malboro!
(10:09) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 wshhh
(10:09) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 wshhh and gets 7." [2d6=3, 1]
(10:09) <Mycol> "Bjomwolf! Finish him!"
(10:09) <Kotono> OOC: Welcome to the land down under. No one hits in Aussieland.
(10:09) <Morrie> OOC: :(
(10:09) <Mycol> Mr. Wolf will attack the shot Malboro.
(10:10) <Kotono> OOC: Sure thing. ATtack roll.
(10:10) <Mycol> 2d6+4
(10:10) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 13." [2d6=5, 4]
(10:10) <Mycol> OOC: 29
(10:11) <Kotono> Bjomolf leaps upa nd bites off a tentacle from the wounded Malboro! It's slumped over, barely alive and barely up - but still clinging to that pesky living status! It turns towards Penelo, letting out a great big BARF of bad breath! OOC: Opposed force.
(10:11) <Kotono> roll 2d6+5
(10:11) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5 and gets 15." [2d6=5, 5]
(10:12) <Penelo> roll 2d6+6 oppose...?!
(10:12) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+6 oppose...?! and gets 9." [2d6=2, 1]
(10:12) <Kotono> roll 3d12 all aboard the status train toot toot!
(10:12) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d12 all aboard the status train toot toot! and gets 6." [3d12=1, 4, 1]
(10:12) <Kotono> roll 1d12
(10:12) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d12 and gets 7." [1d12=7]
(10:12) <Kotono> OOC: Berserk, Curse and Seal. Immune to any of those?
(10:12) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/curse/seal 4) Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2=???2=???3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:13) <Penelo> OOC: immune to seal
(10:13) <Kotono> OOC: Berserk is auto-physical attack and ignore half of enemy arm. Curse is that you can't spend destiny.
(10:13) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2=???2=???3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:14) <Kotono> The scent leaves Penelo reeling, her mind taken over by only one thing: RAGE! KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL THEM ALL! KILLLLLLLL! Meanwhile, two swamp imps come crashing through the foilage, joining the battle! OOC: Santos and Mycol.
(10:14) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:14) <Kotono> "Get 'em!" The third swamp imp calls in its native tongue, understood by Mycol and Penelo.
(10:15) <Kotono> OOC: I'm sorry, I skipped M2. Hold on a sec.
(10:15) <Kotono> The second malboro comes forward, this one going for the pestersome Santos and spewing bad breath all over him, too!
(10:15) <Kotono> roll 2d6+5 opposed force time
(10:15) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5 opposed force time and gets 13." [2d6=6, 2]
(10:15) <Morrie> OOC: Does Lehko cover that?
(10:15) <Kotono> OOC: Yes, so he needs ot make an opposed force check instead.
(10:15) <Morrie> OOC: OK
(10:15) <Morrie> roll 2d6+5 FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE
(10:16) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+5 FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE and gets 11." [2d6=5, 1]
(10:16) <Kotono> roll 3d12
(10:16) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d12 and gets 25." [3d12=5, 12, 8]
(10:16) <Santos> ooc: haha, foolish catboy, now be impregnated again by those creatures, while I and my mirror images dance around safely!
(10:16) <Kotono> OOC: Transform, Sleep and Zombie. A zombie toad that's taking a nap.
(10:16) <Kotono> OOC: Is he immune to any of those?
(10:16) <Morrie> OOC: He's immune to... Zombie.
(10:16) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 4) Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 1(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:17) <Santos> ooc: Guess he was just croaking for a nap.
(10:17) <Kotono> But Lehko dives in to take the breath! He shrinks down, becoming a snoozing frog before all of you! His soft snore-ribbits can be heard amid the clash of steel vs monsters! OOC: Ouch. Sanots and Mycol. Go.
(10:17) <Kotono> OOC: Die Merc.
(10:19) <Santos> ooc: throws a pair of dice at Kotono's head.
(10:19) * Santos shoots the same malboro as before.
(10:19) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(10:19) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 15." [2d6=4, 6]
(10:19) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 4
(10:19) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 4 and gets 2." [d6=2]
(10:19) <Kotono> OOC: First one, I presume? Hits.
(10:19) <Santos> ooc: alas.
(10:19) <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
(10:19) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 151." [3#1d100 = 31, 95, 25]
(10:19) <Santos> ooc: 60 damage
(10:19) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 4) Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:19) <Santos> ooc: 62 rather
(10:20) <Mycol> 105/4
(10:19) <Santos> ooc: 60 damage
(10:19) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 4) Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 105/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:19) <Santos> ooc: 62 rather
(10:20) <Mycol> 105/4
(10:20) <Kotono> A final shot leaves the first malboro slumped over, collapsing into gil! Got it! One down, only three more to go...that you see! OOC: Mycol.
(10:20) <Kotono> roll 105/4
(10:20) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 105/4 and gets 26.25."
(10:20) <Mycol> OOC Wait, 26. DERP.
(10:20) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 4) Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>???1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:20) <Mycol> OOC: I take 26 damage.
(10:21) * Mycol rapidly spews his Fire spell at the other Malboro, hoping to end the monster.
(10:21) <Mycol> 2d6+27
(10:21) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+27 and gets 34." [2d6=5, 2]
(10:21) <Kotono> roll 34*1.5
(10:21) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 34*1.5 and gets 51."
(10:21) <Mycol> OOC: Also weedkiller
(10:21) <Kotono> OOC: Does your monster killer apply to spells? If orget.
(10:21) <Kotono> OOC: 102 then.
(10:22) <Kotono> roll 34*2.5 just curious
(10:22) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 34*2.5 just curious and gets 85."
(10:22) <Morrie> OOC: Can he also attack? I only ask because quick-cast fire is just one standard action, so he's technically allowed another.
(10:23) <Kotono> OOC: He quick cast quickening.
(10:23) <Morrie> OOC: derp
(10:23) <Kotono> The second Malboro is set ablaze, burning merrily befor eyou! It's slumped over and on fire, but not quite down! Meanwhile you can hear Ebenezer, "Oh yes, I remember now! In addition to ice, swamp imps don't like lightning!" To mark those words, another imp comes crashing through! OOC: Anything for the helpers?
(10:23) <Morrie> OOC: Right
(10:23) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 4) Penelo: 37/76 (berserk/cursel 4) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>SI1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:23) <Morrie> "Jennifer! Could you try and help Penelo with your Esuna?" He calls out, hoping she can remove Penelo's raging psychosis.
(10:24) <Kotono> OOC: Jessica. You're mixing up that chat earlier today.
(10:24) <Morrie> OOC: Wow, I so am.
(10:24) <Morrie> OOC: And yes, Jessica.
(10:24) <Penelo> OOC: The Morrie derps twice.
(10:24) <Kotono> "The fuck is Jennifer?!" Jessica shouts back in pique, "Fine! Esuna!" Suddenly, Penelo's senses are right back in order! OOC: Berserk gone. Lehko.
(10:24) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 4) Penelo: 37/76 (curse 4) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>SI1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:24) <Kotono> OOC: Who is a napping toad. Okay. Penelo.
(10:24) <Morrie> "Sorry, I'm not awake yet!"
(10:24) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 37/76 (curse 3) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>Malboro 2=SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>SI1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:25) <Penelo> "KUPO! KUPO SMA-... Oh! What..?! Oh!!" She repeats her previous move the moment her senses come back! Quick cast Blizzara for everyone.
(10:25) <Penelo> roll 2d6+72 blizzara for all! rejoice in the ice!
(10:25) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+72 blizzara for all! rejoice in the ice! and gets 80." [2d6=3, 5]
(10:25) <Kotono> OOC: Base 120 to all since they're all vulnerable to ice. Ow.
(10:25) <Kotono> roll 3#1d100
(10:25) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3#1d100 and gets 38." [3#1d100 = 17, 9, 12]
(10:26) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 37/76 (curse 3) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>SI1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:26) <Kotono> The blast of cold leaves the malboro gil and the swamp imps reeling! They're just about beat down but good! OOC: Ow. Morrie and wolf.
(10:27) <Morrie> He no longer has any pity for these creatures. He raises a hand to call on the spirits to strike them down and put them out of their misery.
(10:27) <Morrie> roll 2d6+3 wshh at Imp 1
(10:27) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+3 wshh at Imp 1 and gets 6." [2d6=2, 1]
(10:27) <Morrie> OOC: REALLY?
(10:27) <Santos> ooc: wshh indeed.
(10:27) <Kotono> OOC: Gimme an M! Gimme an I! Gimme an S! Gimme another S! What does that spell? MISS!
(10:27) <Mycol> Lehko instructs Bjomwolf to kill the other.
(10:28) <Mycol> 2d6+4
(10:28) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+4 and gets 13." [2d6=4, 5]
(10:28) <Kotono> The wind answers...but blows past harmlessly, seemingly as sleepy as Morrie! OOC: OOC: Other what? Which imp? also hit anyway.
(10:28) <Mycol> OOC: 29, again. Good dog.
(10:28) <Mycol> OOC: Iunno. The one opposite the one Morrie Missed.
(10:28) <Mycol> OOC: Imp 2.
(10:29) <Kotono> Bjomolf snarls and pounces on the first imp, biting deeply into it! It howls in swamp imp, "Bad dog! Bad! Feed to hydras!" The second imp turns, charging at Penelo!
(10:29) <Kotono> roll 2d6+5 slash slash AVD and AR<?
(10:29) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+5 slash slash AVD and AR<? and gets 10." [2d6=3, 2]
(10:29) <Santos> ooc: why -are- you consistently typing ARM like that?
(10:29) <Kotono> OOC: No idea.
(10:29) <Mycol> OOC: It's the next button over.
(10:29) <Penelo> OOC: 7 and 11
(10:29) <Santos> ooc: Yes, but...he's so...CONSISTENT
(10:29) <Penelo> OOC: now I'm thirsty
(10:29) <Santos> ooc: it's weird.
(10:30) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 22/76 (curse 3) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>SI1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:30) <Kotono> Penelo gets a slash across the arm, bloodying her! As she copes with that, Morrie gets a deathly glare from the other imp! An angel comes down to tap him on the shoulder! OOC: Opposed force.
(10:30) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4
(10:30) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 and gets 11." [2d6=1, 6]
(10:30) <Santos> ooc: Use the force, obi-wan!
(10:31) <Morrie> roll 2d6+4 FORCE
(10:31) * Hatbot --> "Morrie rolls 2d6+4 FORCE and gets 9." [2d6=3, 2]
(10:31) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 1/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 22/76 (curse 3) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol>SI1(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:32) <Kotono> All the energy Morrie has leaves him, causing him to fall to his knees in pure exhaustion! OOC: HP to 1'ed. Ow. Santos and Mycol. Go.
(10:32) * Santos shoots the glaring imp. "Put away that face!"
(10:32) <Santos> roll 2d6+5
(10:32) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls 2d6+5 and gets 12." [2d6=5, 2]
(10:32) <Santos> roll d6 reroll 2
(10:32) * Hatbot --> "Santos rolls d6 reroll 2 and gets 3." [d6=3]
(10:32) <Santos> ooc: 62
(10:32) <Kotono> OOC: You are the anti-Morrie tonight. Hit.
(10:32) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 1/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 22/76 (curse 3) Mycol 79/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:32) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(10:33) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 193." [4#1d100 = 22, 24, 56, 91]
(10:33) <Kotono> The imp takes the bullet right in the brain! Not a good idea, causing ot tod ie in a spray of gil! Gil everywhere! OOC: Mycol.
(10:33) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 1/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 22/76 (curse 3) Mycol 53/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:33) * Mycol will throw his maracas into the face of the one living imp, beating it about the skull, once, and then again.
(10:33) <Mycol> 2d6+2
(10:33) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+2 and gets 13." [2d6=5, 6]
(10:33) <Kotono> OOC: There'st wo living imps, but that's a hit and they're weakness to lightning with a lightning touch weapon. IT's mega-splattered.
(10:33) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(10:33) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 136." [4#1d100 = 6, 28, 61, 41]
(10:34) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 1/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 22/76 (curse 3) Mycol 53/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI3(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:34) <Kotono> OOC: Damage, just for the record?
(10:34) <Mycol> OOC: 38+ lightning damage?
(10:34) <Kotono> roll 38*2
(10:34) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 38*2 and gets 76."
(10:35) <Kotono> The imp is hit right in the face, electricity causing it to fry like a steak! Like that it dies, more gil coming forth! OOC: Helpers? I presume they hold while the party finishes off. Penelo.
(10:35) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 1/148 Santos: 38/105 Lehko: 114/114 (transform/sleep 3) Penelo: 22/76 (curse 2) Mycol 53/105 |  Lehko(13)>Penelo(12)>Morrie=Wolf(11)>SI2=SI3(9)Santos=Mycol(7 quickened)>Helpers(0)'
(10:35) <Penelo> Penelo is simply going to smack the imp that slashed her, supposedly, with her staff. Whump!
(10:35) <Penelo> roll 2d6+2
(10:35) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+2 and gets 11." [2d6=5, 4]
(10:35) <Kotono> OOC: Oh look, a hit.
(10:35) <Penelo> OOC: 48 damage if it hit.
(10:36) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(10:36) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 243." [4#1d100 = 85, 36, 49, 73]
(10:36) <Kotono> SMACK! With a final smack the last imp goes down! Got him! For the moment, the battle is clear! OOC: Free act, we'll pause there. Loot post.
(10:36) * Santos is now known as Merc-zzz
(10:36) * Penelo is now known as Soul
(10:37) * Quits: Morrie (Quit: BRB)
(10:37) * Mycol starts healing people up, after he slows down his spin