
"Why do you call it soulriders?"
"Because we grind your souls, hopes, and dreams down ... and ride the wave."

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Started by Anastasia, April 28, 2014, 12:08:23 AM

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Once Lixer creates a solar's rictus, he allows it to wander the outer reaches of his laboratories in Negation. The newly born undead is expected to evolve, so that it may prove its worthiness to the Pale Prince. Matellus is one such creature. Not only did it do so, it managed to make the powers of entropy its own. Further, it took to commanding the lesser undead and devils of the fortress with cold disdain. While it cared nothing for the creatures it commanded, it had a natural flair for ordering others around.

Lixer found this personality acceptable. Matellus now serves as one of the many captains of Negation's defenses. His focus is to overwhelm would-be heroes, capture them, break them so that they pledge their souls to Lixer (admittedly a formality in Negation, as the entire fortress captures the souls of creatures slain in it), kill them and then deliver the bodies to Lixer or his Necrolytes for reanimation.

Matellus is a cold and cruel creature. It was made from the skull of a solar who specialized in crusades against evil. It views most creatures as below it, only worthy to be stomped out like bugs. The wise ones will at least follow his orders before meeting oblivion.


Solar's Rictus 32//Divine Corpsecraft (Lixer) 4/Entropic Creature 2/Evolved 4/Marshal 22

Size/Type: Diminutive Undead
Hit Dice: 32d12+448+32+64+160 (1088 hp)
Initiative: +20
Speed: Fly 125ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 60 (+4 size, +15 dex, +30 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +16/+11/37
Attack: Headbutt+31 (2d8+15 plus 5d6 cold) or soul's rot+31 ranged touch (32d6 and wisdom drain)
Full Attack: Headbutt+31 (2d8+15 plus 5d6 cold) or soul's rot+31 ranged touch (32d6 and wisdom drain)
Space/Reach: 0ft/0ft
Special Attacks: Soul's rot, false salvation, negative energy ray.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/adamantine and epic, fast healing 32, spell resistance 44, resistance to positive energy 45, unholy toughness, desecrated faith, true seeing, undead traits, negative energy aura, auras, grant move action 5/day.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +26, Will +17
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 40, Con -, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 38
Skills: Hide+50, Intimidate+49, Knowledge(Arcana)+38, Knowledge(Religion)+38, Listen+36, Move Silently+50, Perform(Song)+49, Spot+36
Feats: Weapon Finesse(1), Ability Focus(Soul's Rot)(3), Ability Focus(False Salvation)(6), Dodge(9), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(M1), Mobility(12), Spring Attack(15), Toughness(18)
Epic Feats: Improved Weapon Finesse(21), Epic Ability Focus(Soul's Rot)(24), Epic Ability Focus(False Salvation)(27), Epic Toughness(30)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

1/day-confusion, greater invisibility, haste, unholy blight. Caster level 32nd. The save DCs are 24 + spell level.

Unholy Toughness (Ex)

A solar's rictus gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier times its hit dice. In addition, it gains maximum hit points per hit die.

Soul's Rot (Su)

A solar's rictus can fire a beam of pure unholy power, the same power that gives it eternal unlife. This is a ranged touch attack with a range of 100ft, dealing 32d6 points of damage on a successful strike. In addition, a creature struck by soul's rot must succeed on a DC 53 Will save or suffer 7 points of Wisdom drain. Creatures who suffer Wisdom drain from soul's rot are affected as if by a morality undone spell (caster level 32nd). This lasts for 7 days or until the creature receives an atonement, wish or miracle. Creatures that are already evil suffer the Wisdom drain but take no further effect. Creatures immune to ability drain are unaffected by the Wisdom drain or morality undone aspects of Soul's Rot. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +7 racial bonus.

Note that the morality undone aspect of Soul's Rot is not a mind-affecting ability. It is caused by the vile impurities within the solar's rictus and is thus not stopped by defenses or immunities against mind-affecting abilities.

False Salvation (Su)

A solar's rictus can sing perverse words of damnation, a mockery of the truth and joy it once represented as part of a solar. As a standard action the solar's rictus may sing these false words of salvation. This affects creatures within a 70ft radius from the solar's rictus. This has one of three possible effects.

Creatures of evil alignment find the song mildly pleasant and suffer no effect from it.

Creatures of neutral or good alignment find the song alluring, seductive and enticing. They must succeed on a DC 53 Will save or find themselves severely questioning their morality. This results in a full-on moral crisis that lasts for seven rounds. During it the creature suffers a -7 penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and skill checks. They are unable to take any action that would attack or otherwise harm the solar's rictus during this time. This aspect of false salvation is a mind-affecting ability.

Creatures who have been affected by morality undone via soul's rot suffer a different fate. These creatures must make a DC 53 Will save or immediately become slavishly devoted to the solar's rictus (including its master, if any). They will do anything and everything that the solar's rictus or master asks, including acts that cause immediate self harm, the betrayal of everything they have stood for before and even damnation. This aspect of false salvation is not a mind-affecting ability, as it functions by inflaming the spiritual malaise already planted in the creature.

The save DCs are Charisma based and include a +7 racial bonus.

Desecrated Faith (Ex)

A solar's rictus maintains some small shards of the holy power it once had, albeit in a twisted shield. A solar's rictus is treated as good aligned against abilities that specifically target evil creatures, such as smite evil, holy word, holy smite and detect evil. Turn undead is still effective on the solar's rictus.

True Seeing (Su)

A solar's rictus is continually under the effect of true seeing (caster level 32nd).

Divine Corpsecraft (Ex)

Undead personally created by Lixer are extremely potent. Such creatures have a +5 bonus to Strength, a +5 bonus to natural armor, resistance to positive energy 25, a +5 bonus to initiative and deal a bonus 5d6 points of cold damage with their natural weapons. In addition, such creatures gain an additional 5 hit points per hit die and have a +25ft enhancement bonus to movement speed.

Negative Energy Ray (Su)

32d4+14 negative energy damage, usable every 1d4 rounds. This attack has been greatly augmented by Lixer.

Negative Energy Aura (Su)

All living creatures within 10ft take 10 points of negative energy damage per round. This energy heals undead a like amount.

Marshal powers:
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Matellus manifests auras as a 22nd level marshal.

Minor Auras (+14): Art of War, Determined Caster, Force of Will, Motivate Dexterity, Motivate Intelligence, Motivate Wisdom, Over the Top, Watchful Eye
Major Auras (+4): Motivate Ardor, Motivate Attack, Motivate Care, Resilient Troops, Steady Hand

Grant Move Action (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a marshal can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to any or all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself ). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies' initiative count; the round continues normally after the marshal's turn is over. (This may mean, for example, that an ally whose initiative count immediately follows the marshal's may get an extra move action from the marshal, followed directly by a full round worth of actions on the ally's turn.)

At 8th level, a marshal gains the ability to grant an extra move action to his allies twice per day. The frequency increases to three times per day at 12th level, four times per day at 16th level, and five times per day at 20th level.

A character can take only one extra move action per round. (In other words, two marshals can't use this ability on the same ally in the same round.) If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost.

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Matellus wears a circlet that grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



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- Balmuria Auril is more or less the same entity as in FR. However, with Talos having abandoned Fury's Heart, she is striving to fill the space he left behind. There is considerable space for her to gain new portfolio elements. This pursuit has largely left her removed from mortal affairs over the past centuries. In other words, she's preparing to become greater than she is now. While there's a lot of competition from demons for what Talos left behind, she's generally holding them at bay.

- Auril is a lesser deity and was de-emphasized in 3rd edition. I chose DvR 10 for her, as she's an ancient and powerful entity. She's trying to expand in the wake of the void Talos left behind. Odds are she'll reach intermediate power status soon. It won't be a great change to her overall, though she might pick up another domain to elaborate on her expanding role.

- Auril has a few more domains than normal, requiring Extra Domain to eat up SDA slots. As her standard domains include Air and Water, she retains these despite Cold and Winter fitting much better. As a result she has a whole bunch of domains. Her 'core' domains are Cold, Winter, Storm and Evil. Those are the main components she focuses on and Weather, Water, Air and Wrath are secondary aspects.

- Auril is immune to fire. This is a deliberate design choice, as unlike lesser creatures of winter, she has mastered fire. It's the same logic that Frostwind Viragos employ with no being weak to fire. It's an unpleasant surprise for those who would assume fire can devastate her. Considering that she can prepare and cast energy immunity, it's probably best to resort to force damage against her.

- For Snowcasting and related feats, I assume Auril's presence is sufficient to gain the bonuses. As the deity of winter, I figure this is more than reasonable. They're included in the stat block.

- Flash Frost Spell is a crummy metamagic, but it fits Auril. On the other hand, Frost Mage is a good PrC and Energy Admixture/Energy Substitution come free on every spell. So she more than makes up for it. Auril is most likely the best winter themed spellcaster in Creation. Mephistopheles comes close and also has a cold focus, but he isn't as dedicated about it.

- With her setup with energy substitution, Auril is fond of casting a spell used against her but turned to cold damage instead. Due to Frostburn Magic, Auril's damage is all but incurable in combat. She stymies healers exceptionally well due to this. Speaking of her spells, Auril is capable of creating new cold-based spells on the spot. Most are temporary things that suit her fancy or that fill a specific niche need, though sometimes a spell that works out particularly well is developed fully.

- While spell sense says +6 is the maximum, I presume it continues on for an epic campaign, just like trap sense.

The Frostmaiden, Icedawn, The Cold Goddess
Lesser Deity
Symbol: A white snowflake on a gray diamond with a white border
Home Plane: Fury's Heart
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Cold, winter
Worshipers: Druids, cold creatures, elemental archons(air or water), frost giants, natives of cold climates, rangers
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, N, NE
Domains: Air, Cold, Evil, Storm, Water, Weather, Winter, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Icemaiden's Caress (Ice Axe)

Barbarian 50//Wizard 10/Frost Mage 40

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Cold, Evil)
Divine Rank: 10
Hit Dice: 50d12+900 (1500 hp)
Initiative: +24
Speed: 70ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 87 (+14 dex, +10 divine, +39 natural, +14 deflection)(+10 competence if Auril+foe are airborne)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +50/+74/112
Attack: Icemaiden's Caress+84 (1d6+38 plus 3d6 cold (12d6 cold on crit) x4)(+10 competence attack/damage if Auril+foe are airborne)
Full Attack: Icemaiden's Caress+84/+79/+74/+69 (1d6+38 plus 3d6 cold (12d6 cold on crit) x4)(+10 competence attack/damage if Auril+foe are airborne)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Rage 13/day, spells, divine blast 17/day(24d12).
Special Qualities: Divine traits, immunity to cold and fire, resistance to electricity 5, damage reduction 27/-, spell resistance 65, improved uncanny dodge, spell sense+16, greater rage, indomitable will, tireless rage, mighty rage, natural armor increase(+14), gain knowledge.
Saves: Fort +64, Ref +54, Will +54 
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 38, Con 46, Int 44, Wis 38, Cha 38
Skills: Appraise+80, Balance+77, Concentration+81, Craft(Winter)+80, Decipher Script+80, Intimidate+77, Knowledge(Arcana)+80, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)+80, Knowledge(Geography)+80, Knowledge(History)+80, Knowledge(Local)+80, Knowledge(Nature)+80, Knowledge(Planes)+80, Knowledge(Religion)+80, Listen+79, Ride+77, Search+80, Sense Motive+79, Spellcraft+80, Spot+79, Survival+79, Swim+77, Tumble+77
Feats: Power Attack(1), Scribe Scroll(W1), Snowcasting(3), Flash Frost Spell(W5), Frozen Magic(6), Cold Focus(9), Energy Substitution(Cold)(W10), Greater Cold Focus(12), Piercing Cold(FM4), Energy Admixture(Cold)(15), Cold Spell Specialization(18), Easy Metamagic(Energy Admixture)(27), Quicken Spell(39), Spell Mastery(48)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Epic Cold Focus(FM14), Dire Charge(B24), Improved Metamagic(FM18), Epic Rage(B28), Specialized Metamagic(Energy Admixture)(30), Automatic Metamagic(Flash Frost Spell)(FM22), Terrifying Rage(B32), Great Strength(33), Pulverize(36), Automatic Metamagic(Flash Frost Spell)(FM26), Damage Reduction(B36), Automatic Metamagic(Flash Frost Spell)(FM30), Damage Reduction(B40), Blinding Speed(42), Automatic Metamagic(Flash Frost Spell)(FM34), Damage Reduction(B44), Multiaction(45), Automatic Metamagic(Flash Frost Spell)(FM38), Damage Reduction(B48)
Salient Divine Abilities: Arcane Mastery, Divine Air Mastery, Divine Blast, Elemental Might(Cold), Extra Domain(Air), Extra Domain(Water), Extra Domain(Weather), Extra Domain(Wrath), Frostburn Magic, Frozen Rage, Icebrand, Lay Curse, Mass Divine Blast, Power of Nature, Spontaneous Arcane Spells
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Divine powers:
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At will-acid fog, air walk, blasphemy, blizzard, bull's strength, call lightning, call lightning storm, chain lightning, chill metal, chill touch, cone of cold, control water, control weather, control winds, create undead, death hail, desecrate, dispel good, elemental storm(air or water only), entropic shield, fimbulwinter, fog cloud, gaseous form, greater plane shift, greater shout, greater teleport, gust of wind, horrid wilting, ice storm, magic circle against good, obedient avalanche, obscuring mist, polar ray, protection from good, rage, rhino's rush, righteous might, shout, sleet storm, snowsight, snow walk, song of discord, storm of vengeance, summon giants(frost giants only), summon monster 6(air only), summon monster 9(evil only), transformation, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of ice, water breathing, whirlwind, wind wall, winter's embrace. Caster level 50th, caster level 60th for caster level checks. The save DCs are 44 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Auril exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Auril can use limited wish when doing so can help her promote winter, bitter cold and unfeeling wrath. Note that in the situation where Auril and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Inflict Wounds (Su)

Auril may cast any inflict wounds spell as a standard action. She may apply any metamagics to this that she pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:
Air: Turn earth creatures 17/day.
Cold: Turn fire creatures 17/day.
Evil: +1 bonus to the caster level of evil spells.
Storm: Gain resistance to electricity 5.
Water: Turn fire creatures 17/day.
Weather: Your vision is unobstructed by nonmagical weather conditions. +2 bonus to survival on weather related checks.
Winter: +2 profane bonus to Wisdom based skill checks during winter. As Auril is the living incarnation of winter, she gains this bonus at all times.
Wrath: 1/day subtract up to 25 from Wisdom and add half that to Strength. This lasts for 25 rounds and cannot be ended prematurely.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Auril's divine aura is 34 and the radius is 1000ft.

Immunities: Auril is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Auril is immune to effects that imprison or banish her. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Auril gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Auril does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. Auril may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Auril can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within ten miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Auril can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to her, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, her voice can be heard as a bitterly cold howl of wind. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Auril can create any wondrous item with power related to winter, cold or weather; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Auril is aware of any act of cold cruelty, the extinguishing of heat and the promotion of winter that involves 500 or more people.

Barbarian powers:
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Rage (Ex)

A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian's hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies).

A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else's action.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 2nd level, a barbarian retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Spell Sense (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC against spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by 1 for every three barbarian or rogue levels thereafter (to +2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th level, and so on to a maximum of +6 at 18th level). This is an extraordinary ability.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 5th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

At 7th level, a barbarian gains Damage Reduction. Subtract 1 from the damage the barbarian takes each time he is dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack. At 10th level, and every three barbarian levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0.

Greater Rage (Ex)

At 11th level, a barbarian's bonuses to Strength and Constitution during his rage each increase to +6, and his morale bonus on Will saves increases to +3. The penalty to AC remains at -2.

Indomitable Will (Ex)

While in a rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves he also receives during his rage.

Tireless Rage (Ex)

At 17th level and higher, a barbarian no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his rage.

Mighty Rage (Ex)

At 20th level, a barbarian's bonuses to Strength and Constitution during his rage each increase to +8, and his morale bonus on Will saves increases to +4. The penalty to AC remains at -2.

Wizard powers:
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Auril casts as a 50th level wizard (caster level 54th for cold spells, +10 bonus to caster level checks). The save DCs are 27 + spell level (DC 31 + spell level for spells with the cold descriptor). Her metamagic options are Energy Admixture (Cold) (+0), Energy Substitution (Cold) (+0), Flash Frost Spell (+1), Piercing Cold (+1) and Quicken Spell (+3). Auril's 0-15th level spells are automatically flash frost spells. Auril deals an extra 2 points of damage per die for spells with the cold descriptor. Any cold damage Auril's spells inflict is frostburn damage.

Auril casts spontaneously. She needs not memorize spells ahead of time, including spells she wishes to apply metamagic to. Casting a spell with metamagic does not increase the casting time for Auril.

Auril casts cold spells whenever possible, using energy substitution. While Auril may on occasion cast electricity, acid and sonic based spells, she will never cast a fire based spell (barring changing it with energy substitution). A list of her daily spell allotment is included for reference.


Frost Mage powers:
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Natural Armor Increase (Ex)

At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, a frost mage's body becomes more like the ice he venerates. His skin turns whiter and colder to the touch as the permanent layer of frost grows deeper. This provides an increase to the character's existing natural armor, as indicated on Table 3—5 (the numbers represent the total increase gained to that point) and he takes no damage from cold environments. In warm temperatures, the frost continually evaporates and replenishes itself, enshrouding the frost mage in a wispy vapor.

Gain Knowledge (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, the frost mage gains knowledge of the spell conjure ice beast I, if he does not already have it. Former wizards get to add this spell to their spellbooks for free, and former sorcerers and bards get to add this spell to their spells known, even if this takes them over their normal limit. For each two levels gained in the prestige class, he gains knowledge of the next higher level in the conjure ice beast spell progression (conjure ice beast II at 5th level, conjure ice beast III at 7th level, and conjure ice beast IV at 9th level). At 7th level, in addition to gaining conjure ice beast III, the frost mage gains animate snow as a spell known. At 9th level, in addition to gaining conjure ice beast IV, the frost mage gains frostfell as a spell known. This class feature does not change the level of the spell. A frost mage still must have a spell slot of the appropriate level to prepare or cast a spell acquired through the gain knowledge ability.

Piercing Cold (Ex)

At 4th level, the frost mage gains Piercing Cold as a bonus metamagic feat. In addition to the normal benefits of the feat, the frost mage bypasses all resistances and immunities to cold granted by spells and spell-like effects of magic items (for example, a ring of minor energy resistance [cold]).

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Icemaiden's Caress

This iceaxe appears to be composed of blue ice, matching the color of Auril's skin. In Auril's hand it radiates an aura of visible cold. This iceaxe functions as an iceaxe+10, icy blast. Icemaiden's Caress automatically quenches all nonmagical flames within 500ft when drawn. Magical flames are treated as being dispelled as if by greater dispel magic (+40 dispel modifier).

As a free action three times per round, Auril may command Icemaiden's Caress to counter spells with the fire descriptor or take control of any spells with the cold descriptor. If Auril chooses to counter a spell with the fire descriptor, it is treated as if countered by greater dispel magic (+40 dispel modifier). If Auril chooses to control a spell with the cold descriptor, this resolves as if Auril was countering the spell. If the dispel checks succeeds, the spell functions as if cast by Auril in all aspects. Auril chooses the targets, where the spell strikes, it uses her spellcasting statistics to determine damage and to overcome spell resistance and so forth.

The origins of Icemaiden's Caress are unknown. It has been Auril's for as long as any recorded lore goes back. Some lore suggests that wounds from this axe can cause the same scarring as her Icebrand ability, though the truth of the matter is uncertain. Creatures who offend Auril enough to suffer wounds from this weapon rarely, if ever, survive long enough to tell the truth of this matter.

The bonus damage of the icy blast ability and Auril's Frozen Rage stack.

Icemaiden's Caress is a major artifact.

Blizzard's Raiment

Auril is surrounded by an eternal blizzard created to protect its mistress. This manifests as a thick blizzard around Auril, hiding her from sight of all and shielding with snowflakes. This grants Auril a 50% miss chance against all attacks, including area attacks and other attacks not specifically aimed at her. Means of enhanced perception, such as blindsight and mindsight, are ineffective against this blizzard, as is most magic, including true seeing. A wish or miracle cast to see through the blizzard is allowed a DC 50 caster level check to overcome Blizzard's Raiment. If the check succeeds, the effects of Blizzard's Raiment are negated for the remainder of the encounter for all. A deity with the salient divine ability Clearsight ignores the miss chance of Blizzard's Raiment, but does not negate it for anyone else.

Blizzard's Raiment does not hinder Auril's sight or movement in any way.

As a free action Auril may command Blizzard's Raiment to protect another person within 500ft. This lasts until Auril commands it to return to her as a free action. Auril has only used this ability once.

Blizzard's Raiment is a major artifact.

As a deity, Auril has many other treasures than this. She rarely needs them, but she does gather them for the times that she does, much like an animal hoarding food for the winter.

Custom Material:
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Frost Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)

You conjure armor of ice around your body. This armor does not inhibit or harm you nor does it melt. This armor grants a +4 armor bonus to armor class and resistance to fire 10.

Material Component

A handful of snow or a fragment of ice.

Frost Blade
Evocation [Cold]
Level: Initiate of Auril 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 5ft
Effect: Frost blade
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a sword-shaped swirl of jagged ice shards extending from the caster's hand. This weapon is weightless and is treated as magic for the sake of bypassing damage reduction. It is treated as having a +2 enchantment bonus to attack and damage rolls. You are treated as being proficient with this blade. You may use it for melee attacks as normal, and it deals 3d6+2 points of slashing damage and 1d6 points of cold damage. This blade is a collection of ice shards and flows around barriers to strike true, negating bonuses from cover and improved cover.

Due to the fluid nature of this weapon, it can be used with Weapon Finesse.

Frost Fingers
Evocation [Cold]
Level: Initiate of Auril 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 15ft
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Frost Fingers is a frozen version of the more famous spell Burning Hands. When cast a wave of icy cold comes from the fingers of the caster. Any creature in the area of this cold takes 1d4 points of cold damage (maximum 5d4). Liquids touched by frost fingers freeze.

Frost Whip
Evocation [Cold]
Level: Initiate of Auril 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 5ft
Effect: Frost whip
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates a beam-like whip of ice from the caster's hand. This beam is 5ft long and you are treated as being proficient with it. You may make a single melee touch attack with the whip as a standard action, dealing 4d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. A creature that is struck must make a Fortitude save or be fatigued for one round.

Greater Frost Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M

This spell functions as Frost Armor, except as noted here. Greater Frost Armor grants a +6 bonus to armor class and resistance to fire 20.

Material Component

A white opal worth 50 gold.

Icedawn's Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 11
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)

This spell creates a full body suit of icy, form-fitting blue armor on you. This armor does not inhibit you in any way nor does it melt. This armor grants you a +15 armor bonus to armor class and immunity to fire.


A miniature breastplate made of blue ice that costs 10,000 gold.

Greater Polar Ray
Evocation [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 13
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft 2/levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell functions as Polar Ray, except that it deals 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 50d8).


A small, white ceramic cone or prism.

Great Northern Wind
Evocation [Air, Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 15
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Area: One 1000ft cube
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 min/level; see text.
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell conjures a massive windstorm of sub-zero cold and frigid snow. This deals 25d6 points of cold damage to all creatures within the area of the spell except for the caster. A Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the following two effects. In addition, creatures that fail the save are knocked prone by the force of the wind. Further, the numbing cold inflicts a -10 penalty to Dexterity (cannot go below 1). Creatures immune to cold are only subject to possibly being knocked prone. Flying creatures that would be knocked prone are instead blown to the southern end of the cube.

The penalty to Dexterity lasts for 1 minute per caster level. All other effects of Great Northern Wind are instantaneous.

Material Component

A handful of snow.

Rain of Desolation
Abjuration/Evocation [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 12
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Area: Cylinder (40ft radius, 80ft high)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

This spell summons a driving, drenching cold rain. Creatures within it are struck by a bitter cold as the magic around them crumbles. All creatures within the radius are treated as being affected by a targeted greater dispel magic (maximum dispel check modifier of +30). Creatures exposed to this rain take 5d6 points of cold damage. This damage rises by 2d6 for each spell or spell-like ability dispelled by this spell, to a maximum of 50d6. This damage applies to all creatures within the Rain of Desolation. For example, a Rain of Desolation that dispels 5 effects deals 15d6 cold damage to all creatures within it. A Fortitude save is allowed to halve the cold damage.


A white crystal in the shape of a teardrop, worth no less than 2,000 gold.

Snowbound Soul
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 10
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

By freezing the target's mind, you enchant the target to be forever drawn to cold. This spell causes the target to have an irresistible compulsion to seek out the coldest temperatures he can. The target will actively seek the harshest cold he can at all times. They will seek it to the exclusion of all other activities, including eating and sleeping. The target believes that this cold will make them stronger and will not take any precautions against it. In fact, the target is not protected against cold in any way by this spell (though pre-existing defenses still work). Even when the target takes damage from the cold they will not relent or see anything wrong with it. It is common for creatures affected by this spell to freeze to death with a smile on their face.

Any effect that creates cold is welcomed by the target. As a result, they willingly and automatically lower their spell resistance (if any) and fail any save for spells or effects that deal cold damage. A target that can create cold effects or cast cold spells will happily harm or kill themselves with them.

Creatures with the cold subtype are immune to this spell.

Material Component

Diamond dust mixed with snow. This mixture costs no less than 1,000 gold.

Initiate of Auril [Initiate]
Prerequisites: Cleric or druid level 1st, patron deity Auril
Benefit: You are immune to cold weather and conditions, as if protected by an Endure Elements spell. This protection does not extend to hot weather. In addition, add the following spells to your cleric or druid spell list.

1st: Frost Fingers
2nd: Frost Whip
4th: Frost Blade
7th: Ice Claw*

*You may use your primary casting stat in place of Intelligence or Charisma.

Epic Cold Focus [Epic]
Prerequisite: Greater Cold Focus
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against spells you cast with the cold descriptor. This bonus stacks with similar bonuses, such as those granted by Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.

Epic Rage [Epic]
Prerequisites: Mighty Rage, str 21, con 21
Benefit: The bonuses to strength, constitution and will saves from your rage rise by +4.

Prerequisites: Rage special ability, Cold domain.
Auril is the personification of winter's unfeeling wrath. She embodies every blizzard that swallows travelers into death's cold embrace and her rage matches that. When Auril goes into a rage, she does not lose control of herself. She may use Intelligence, Dexterity and Charisma based skills, Concentration, abilities that require patience or concentration and spells, spell completion items, spell trigger items or a command word while in a rage. In addition, the cold that composes Auril infuses her attacks. She deals an extra 4d6 points of cold damage with her melee attacks while in a rage.

Prerequisite: Cold domain, Winter domain, cha 35
Auril is surrounded by an aura of absolute zero cold, which brands those foolish enough to battle her. This aura extends 15ft in all directions from Auril. Creatures who come into this aura take 20d8 points of frostburn damage per round. This damage causes white, translucent scarring over the body of the victim. Damage caused by Icebrand can only be healed in areas of hot or higher temperature bands and with a DC 59 caster level check or a successful opposed rank check against Auril.

Prerequisite: Cold domain, able to cast 9th level spells.
Auril's magic is so cold that her cold spells become frostburn damage. Any spell Auril casts with the cold descriptor, including spells modified with the Energy Substituion or Energy Admixture feats to deal cold damage, deal frostburn damage instead of cold damage. For example, a cone of cold cast by Auril would deal 15d6 points of frostburn damage instead of 15d6 points of cold damage. Frostburn damage inflicted in this manner can only be healed in areas of hot or higher temperature bands and with a DC 59 caster level check or a successful opposed rank check against Auril.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


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These extremely rare oozes never occur naturally. They are the crowning achievement of a branch of sorcery that grapples with the theory of equivalent exchange. It holds that magic is merely borrowing a force from one place and offering up the equivalent force in return. This magic, also known as blood sorcery, uses the life force of the caster. Countless eons ago, the grandmaster of grandmasters created a final theory, one that held that a true equivalent exchange is self sustaining and never ending. With this theory he created the infinity ooze.


Infinity oozes have no place in the natural world. They are unnatural, created by high sorcery. They eat anything they come across and disrupt any ecology they are introduced into. As oozes, they care about nothing and are mindless.

Any infinity ooze is a descendant of the original infinity ooze. While efforts have been made to stamp these menaces out, the sheer divisibility of the oozes makes this a futile effort. Several powerful entities have their own infinity ooze(s) hidden away, while several more are sealed or forgotten in remote regions of Prime Material worlds. When an infinity ooze gets free, it becomes a menace of tens, hundreds or thousands of oozes. It is not uncommon for kingdoms to be wiped out in tidal waves of endless slime.


Infinite oozes have no natural environment. They avoid areas of extreme heat or conditions that would destroy them, but otherwise are indifferent to their surroundings. The original infinity ooze was created on the Prime Material plane, though this has no bearing on the oozes.

Typical Physical Characteristics

An infinity ooze is a large blob of slime about 10ft tall and 12ft wide. They are a uniformly light-green color. An infinity ooze does not grow, as anything it consumes merely ensures the perpetuation of a true equivalent exchange.


Any infinity ooze is neutral, as it is a mindless creature.


None. Infinity oozes lack any ability to advance in hit dice, as they are a perfect representation of eternal and perfect equivalent exchange. Even if a particular infinity ooze gains intelligence, it does not have the capacity to grow stronger. It is possible for an infinity ooze to gain a template under the right circumstances, but it is rare. Any template an infinity ooze gains does not copy over to any oozes that split from it.


Infinity oozes are mindless creatures and thus do not gestalt.

Changelog: Minor style and typo alterations. Slightly reworded infinite splits. Added a flavor block.

Infinity Ooze

Size/Type: Large Ooze
Hit Dice: 30d10+540 (725 hp)
Initiative: -5
Speed: 35ft
Armor Class: 4 (-5 dex, -1 size)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +22/+37/42
Attack: Slam+35 (1d6+14 plus 6d6 acid)
Full Attack: 2 slams+35 (1d6+14 plus 6d6 acid)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Acid, poison fumes.
Special Qualities: Ooze traits, infinite splits, immunity to acid, electricity and cold, blindsight 200ft, fast healing 1.
Saves: Fort +27, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 1, Con 47, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 
Skills: -
Feats: -
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Acid (Ex)

An infinity ooze deals 6d6 points of acid damage with its slam attacks, as well as to anything it grapples or touches. Weapons are allowed a DC 43 Reflex save to negate this acid damage, each instance of exposure requires a separate saving throw. Creatures using natural weapon suffer this damage and are allowed the saving throw. No saving throw is allowed for the acid damage from the slam attack or grapples. The save DC is Constitution based.

Poison Fumes (Ex)

Acidic fumes surround the infinity ooze in a 40ft radius. Any creature within this radius at the start of the infinity ooze's turn must make a DC 43 Fortitude save or take 2d6 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage. The saving throw must be repeated each round. Immunity to acid or poison protects against this ability. The save DC is Constitution based.

Infinite Splits (Ex)

Infinity oozes are horrible plagues on anything they come across. The main reason is that any type of physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing or slashing) deals no damage to them. In fact, it causes the infinity ooze to split into two. The newly born infinity ooze has the current hit points of its parent but is otherwise a normal infinity ooze. An infinity ooze takes no damage from splitting and can split infinitely.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Children of Liberty

The radiant celestial before you seems to display all the glory of the Heavens Above. Its figure is ever-changing, yet piercing green eyes find yours. Despite the overwhelming power this creature projects, you feel a sense of calmness overtake you.

Children of Liberty, also known as the Eladrin of Might, are the children born of the dreams of Queen Morwel of the Eladrin. They sprung from Queen Morwel's mind, fully formed and wishing to aid her out of love. They defend the Hidden Layers of Arborea. Little else is known of them, as the secrets of the Hidden Layers are deep indeed.

Of note, Children of Libery is an intentional misnomer. Eladrin of Might is far more apt. They are the ultimate exemplar of chaotic good, much as the Hellspawn are the ultimate exemplar of lawful evil. They all come from Queen Morwel, who is essentially the face of Arborea.

Changelog: Style and typo fixes. Added divine blood to the special qualities listing. Added skills. Rewrote what the child of liberty's affliction applies to - all melee attacks now. Lots of little rewordings in various abilities, but no mechanical changes. Added a spell list. Added a spoiler tag.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Eladrin, Good)
Hit Dice: 35d8+420 (700 hp)
Initiative: +23
Speed: 70ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 56 (+15 dex, +26 natural, +5 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +35/+49/79
Attack: Blade of Dreams+56 (2d6+28 plus 3d6 holy and one negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit) plus 2d6 anarchic) plus erosion of time 19-20 x2) or slam+49 (1d8+14 plus erosion of time)
Full Attack: Blade of Dreams+56/+51/+46/+41 (2d6+28 plus 3d6 holy and one negative level (6d6 and 2 negative levels on crit) plus 2d6 anarchic) plus erosion of time 19-20 x2) or 2 slams+49 (1d8+14 plus erosion of time)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, blade of dreams, affliction, eternal slumber.
Special Qualities: Immunity to electricity and petrification, resistance to acid and cold 30, damage reduction 25/epic, evil and cold iron, tongues, protective aura, morwel's gift, alternate form, divine blood, aura of freedom, defenders of time.
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +32, Will +27 (+4 vs poison)
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 41, Con 35, Int 30, Wis 31, Cha 31   
Skills: Balance+53, Concentration+50, Diplomacy+48, Disguise+48, Escape Artist+53, Gather Information+48, Hide+53, Intimidate+48, Knowledge(Arcana)+48, Knowledge(History)+48, Knowledge(Local: Hidden Layers of Arborea)+48, Knowledge(Nature)+48, Knowledge(Planes)+48, Knowledge(Religion)+48, Listen+48, Move Silently+53, Perform(Song)+48, Search+48, Sense Motive+48, Spellcraft+48, Spot+48, Tumble+53
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Ability Focus(Affliction)(1), Power Attack(3), Extend Spell(6), Improved Initiative(9), Dodge(12), Mobility(15), Spring Attack(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Affliction)(21), Superior Initiative(24), Epic Spell Capacity(27), Epic Dodge(30), Epic Dodge(33)
Alignment: Anarchic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-blessed sight, detect law, discern lies, freedom of movement, see invisibility, true seeing. At will-chain lightning*, chaos hammer*, cloak of chaos, consecrate, cure critical wounds*, dancing lights, detect thoughts, dispel evil, dream, freedom, greater plane shift, greater teleport, haste, magic disjunction, mass charm monster, righteous smite*, slow, superior invisibility, symbol of sleep, temporal stasis, time stop, word of chaos. 1/day-miracle. Caster level 35th. The save DCs are 20 + spell level.

*Automatically maximized as if by the maximize spell-like ability feat.


Children of Liberty cast as 30th level clerics with access to the Chaos, Dream and Good domains, as well as 4 others relating to their particular responsibilities; in addition, they gain the granted power of all of their domains. They gain further caster levels with every racial hit die, except those divisible by 7 (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, ect). The example Child of Liberty here has access to the Celestial, Chaos, Dream, Good, Joy, Renewal and Time domains.

Children of Liberty cast as 30th level clerics (caster level 31st for spells with the chaotic or good descriptors). The save DCs are 20 + spell level.

[6/day]0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Virtuex2
[8+1/day]1: (True Strike), Bless Water, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favorx4, Shield of Faithx2
[8+1/day]2: (Augury), Bear's Endurance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poisonx2, Shield Other, Silence, Spiritual Weaponx2
[7+1/day]3: (Remove Disease), Continual Flame, Create Food and Water, Locate Object, Prayerx2, Protection from Energy, Searing Light
[7+1/day]4: (Lesser Planar Ally), Control Water, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Freedom of Movementx2
[7+1/day]5: (Blade Barrier), Break Enchantmentx3, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Plane Shiftx3
[6+1/day]6: (Contingency), Banishmentx3, Healx3
[5+1/day]7: (Heavenly Lightning Storm), Control Weather, Greater Restorationx2, Regeneratex2
[5+1/day]8: (Sympathy), Dimensional Lock, Earthquake, Fire Storm, Greater Spell Immunity, Holy Aura
[5+1/day]9: (Time Stop), Gate, Mass Healx3, Miracle
[5+1/day]10: (Extended Summon Monster 9), Celestial ValorHome, Energy Immunityx2Home, Miracle of HealthHome, Naeys' Life FontHome
[4+1/day]11: (Extended Irresistible Dance), Mass RegenerateHome, Shape SoulHome, Superb Dispellingx2Home
[4+1/day]12: (Extended Summon Monster 9), Beauty TriumphantHome, Burst of GloryHome, Legion's GatesHome, Wrath of the HeavensHome
[1+1/day]13: (Extended Irresistible Dance), Morwel's BlessingHome

Home - Homebrew

Blade of Dreams (Su)

At will as a free action, Children of Liberty can manifest a pink-purple blade. This blade is part of the fragment of Morwel's dreams that they represent. This functions as a +7 greatsword of holy power and anarchic. If the Child of Liberty dies or loses his grip on the blade, it vanishes instantly.

Affliction (Ex)

Creatures struck by the melee attacks of a Child of Liberty contract the affliction erosion of time. A DC 45 Fortitude save negates. The save DC is Constitution based.

Eternal Slumber (Ex)

As a full round action, a Child of Liberty can attempt to submerge a creature into an eternal sleep. A DC 39 Will save is allowed to negate.  Failure results in the victim immediately falling asleep. This sleep is eternal and the target does not wake up without powerful outside intervention. During this time the victim does not need to eat or drink, nor do they age. This fate can only be removed by a Child of Liberty using this ability again on the sleeper, or by a wish or miracle spell dedicated to waking the victim up. The caster level for either must be at least equal to the hit dice of the Child of Liberty that put the victim asleep. When putting the victim asleep, the Child of Liberty can decide what dreams the victim endures.

Good dreams

The victim dreams of better days and happiness, a slumber akin to paradise. This use of Eternal Slumber is known as as the Rest of Mercy and is used to reward heroes who must rest but cannot be allowed to pass on.

No dreams

The victim does not dream. They perceive nothing during the sleep and recall nothing of their time if woken. This is the default choice made by Children of Liberty.


The victim is plagued by horrific nightmares, never knowing rest or respite. This ability is not used lightly and only to punish the most severe crimes.

Morwel's Gift (Ex)

The Children of Liberty sprung from Queen Morwel and possess a fragment of her might. They may select any one salient divine ability to possess. They need not meet the divine rank requirement, but must meet every other requirement. Alternately, they may choose two bonus epic feats or four bonus non-epic feats.

Alternate Form (Su)

Children of Liberty each have a unique alternate form. This varies between each one. These forms represent the true personality of each Child of Liberty in a direct fashion. A Child of Liberty with a fiery, avenging personality may have an alternate form that is a pillar of cleansing holy fire, for example.

Divine Blood (Ex)

Children of Liberty arose from the mind of Queen Morwel, gifted with a small fragment of her majesty. As such they possess maximum hit points per hit die. They are treated as divine rank 0 to determine if they can be affected by abilities, though they possess no actual divine rank.

Aura of Freedom (Su)

The presence of a Child of Liberty shatters anything that would suppress freedom. Enchantment spells and spell-like abilities within 70ft of the Child of Liberty are subject to an automatic dispel attempt (+35). For the sake of what this aura can affect, treat it as a magic disjunction effect. An effect can only be affected by this ability once per 24 hours.

Defenders of Time (Ex)

Children of Liberty are entrusted with the defense of the hidden layers of Arborea. As such they are immune to the effects of those layers. Any spells or spell like abilities that alter time (or seem to) cast around them are automatically countered as if by greater dispel magic (+35 modifier). Such spells include haste, slow, temporal stasis and time stop. This does not impede spells beneficial to the Children of Liberty.

Erosion of Time

Injury; DC 39 fortitude negates; immediate onset; aging. Victims infected with erosion of time immediately advance one age category. Creatures below middle age become middle aged, while middle aged creatures become old and old creatures become venerable. A venerable creature crumbles to dust and is slain. Aging in this method grants the normal penalties to strength, dexterity and constitution, but none of the bonuses to intelligence, wisdom and charisma. Living creatures that do not age, such as outsiders, are still affected by this affliction. However, they cannot be slain by it, only reduced to venerable age. Undead, constructs and other non-living creatures are not affected by this affliction.

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Children of Liberty each have a unique preference for equipment and magical items. Most collect items useful to cleric magic or whatever they gestalt with, but this is only a tendency.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Calamity

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The origins of The Calamity are unclear. It emerged from the shattered husk of a Prime Material world according to lore, though no more information is provided. Some sources claim it is imprisoned away and others claim it was destroyed. But all that know of it agree on one thing, it may well be the greatest golem ever created. Rivaling a mountain in size, it can destroy entire kingdoms in a day's time.


The Calamity is not a part of any food chain or cycle, as it is an animated golem. While The Calamity is intelligent, it has shown no interest in any bodily needs or desires. This is not to say that is has no impact on an environment it enters, as the presence of The Calamity results in total destruction. Likewise, The Calamity cares nothing for creatures. It fights and destroys any that attack it, but beyond that it has a certain apathy so long as they die or get out of the way.

The origins of The Calamity are a mystery. What little lore exists suggests it came from the remnants of a destroyed Prime Material world, that it did battle with various hosts of the planes and then vanished. It is unknown if it survives or was destroyed, and the question of its creator is an unanswered one. Unfortunately, magic has proven completely unable to discern any more information about The Calamity. This is thought to be the result of its extremely powerful magic immunity (far greater than that of a typical golem) or the result of a creator or benefactor shielding it. If the deities and powers know more than this, they have not shared it with others.

It is generally accepted that none of the Lower Planes have it. The devils or demons would almost certainly use it in the Blood War, and while occasional rumors persist, no concrete evidence has ever connected the fiends to The Calamity. If any have it, it may well be one of the greatest yugoloths, wrapped in anathemic secrecy and hoarding it as an apocalyptic treasure. It is considered possible that Mechanus or one of the Heavens managed to seal or destroy it, though no evidence supports this, either.

Other theories abound. Some believe an elemental power has it, while others think it lost in one of the many obscure regions of the planes. Variant speculation believes that its creator called it back and still holds it. Perhaps even worse is the rumor that this creator is improving The Calamity and that the previous appearance was a test run. If this creator exists and this is true, he may even rival Mystra in the art of golem creation.

In truth, all of these are speculations with no evidence. The simple fact is that The Calamity seems to have completely slipped away from all. Whatever the truth behind the mystery is, it has not yet been revealed to Creation.

As for the Calamity itself, it demonstrated intelligence during its battles against the hosts of the planes. Any personality it has is uncertain, but it at least has a reasonable degree of cunning.


The Calamity has no native environment. Any environment it is in quickly becomes smashed ruins and sundered earth.

Typical Physical Characteristics

The Calamity is as large as a mountain, tens and tens of miles wide and over five miles tall. It made of stone smoothed over just enough to appear worked and has a body designed like a typical humanoid. It walks as a humanoid despite its incredible bulk.


Neutral. The fact that The Calamity lacks an evil alignment suggests that its intelligence is limited or it is otherwise designed to be above such.


It is not known if The Calamity can advance further. If it still exists and its creator is truly striving to improve it, then it is possible it could gain more hit dice.


If The Calamity has the capacity to gestalt, it has not shown as such. It may not be able or may lack the will to do so.

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The questions about The Calamity are intentional. Make of it what you will - you won't be the first ones to try and figure out what is behind it. The writeup's full of theories and hooks because of that. 

As far as it goes from a design standpoint, consider this my tribute to video game bonus bosses. You know, the ones that are stupidly overscaled and overpowered. You need a very specific way of dealing with it (or be a deity who can cheat through things like altering a divine realm) or you get smeared. Also, it's nice to see what may well be a mortal making something that trounces the planes. Well, once every great while, since it is against type, but sometimes mortals pull off things that make outsiders stare in shock. The nice thing about being mortal is that you sometimes don't know better, so you try and succeed in spite of all logic.

The Calamity's various abilities are intensely powerful. So how do you kill it? Barring charop things like infinite loops or rule abuses, you need to be able to reliably hit AC 62 (not hard for epic), have an AC of 87 or higher (harder but doable with setup), be colossal (doable but not always easy unless you already are), avoid Widespread Destruction (not hard with teleport and the like, if you don't mind letting everything around it get trashed), be a flier (to avoid the trouble earthquakes cause) and have means of negating or dealing with the damage+possible status from the occasional natural 20 that gets you (not that hard with proper preparations). You'd also want an adamantine weapon or have the means to penetrate adamantine damage reduction.

The trouble is that even then, killing it is one hell of a slog. It has effectively 20k hit points unless you manage to deal damage on a massive scale. That's probably the better option if you can rig it up. The simplest ideas I had for killing it were for a deity to face it in its divine realm, alter the realm around it into a massive sea of lava and let it slowly melt down. It'll take time with its fire resistance, but 20d6 per round will eventually end it. The Calamity isn't a fair fight, but deities aren't fair, either. Of course, getting it there in the first place is a difficulty all its own.

Notably, The Calamity lacks fast healing. It is possible to win via attrition and colossal creatures, so long as the rumor about a creator that takes care of it isn't true. It might have some means of healing if it still exists, since it's likely the various armies it faced did some damage. If not, this also lets it be used in a gentler way, since a half-broken Calamity with only 200 hit points left (or whatever) is a far more reasonable opponent. That's one of the reasons why its fate is left open, so that it can be used in ways beyond full out catastrophe. On the other hand, if you're really sadistic, there's hooks for a stronger Calamity as well.

Finally, most of the distance figures are estimates. D&D doesn't support the scale The Calamity works on well. Things like space/reach and radiuses are largely big number estimates. It's D&D, so don't worry about it too much.

Changelog: Tons of stuff, as the previously posted version was an unpolished beta.

Size/Type: Colossal Construct
Hit Dice: 58d12+80+58+1276 (2110 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20ft
Armor Class: 62 (-8 size, +60 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +43/+83/93
Attack: Slam+67 (20d10+64 and prone) or stomp+67 (25d6+64 and stun)
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: Tens and tens of miles/30,000ft
Special Attacks: Widespread destruction, crushing gait, earthquakes, massive body, prone, stun.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 100/adamantine, resistance to fire, cold, acid, electricity and sonic 50, gigantic, magic immunity, massive body, constructed toughness, design flaws, construct traits.
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +24, Will +24
Abilities: Str 75, Dex 10, Con -, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 10   
Skills: Climb+93, Listen+61, Spot+61
Feats: Toughness(B), Power Attack(1), Great Fortitude(3), Iron Will(6), Lightning Reflexes(9), Improved Bull Rush(12), Awesome Blow(15), Improved Natural Armor(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B), Epic Fortitude(21), Epic Will(24), Epic Reflexes(27), Epic Toughness(30), Epic Toughness(33), Epic Toughness(36), Epic Toughness(39), Epic Toughness(42), Epic Toughness(45), Epic Toughness(48), Epic Toughness(51), Epic Toughness(54), Epic Toughness(57)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Widespread Destruction (Su)

As a full round action, The Calamity may kneel down and extend its back up towards the sky. From its back a massive discharge of energy crackles up into the sky and then crashes down over a huge range around it. Once used, The Calamity may continue to act in the subsequent rounds, as it comes down.

On the first round after using Widespread Destruction, the energy soars thousands of feet up and fans out. On the second round the energy reaches the zenith of its rise and starts to fall and on the third round it lands. Widespread Destruction deals 696 points of force damage to everything within 50 miles where it was launched, as well as 10 miles high. This damage bypasses miss chance and most defenses, though a wall of force, prismatic sphere or divine shield stops it. Normal buildings and terrain features are obliterated by Widespread Destruction, reduced to nothing more than ash and splinters.

Any creatures or objects in the way of Widespread Destruction as it rises or falls take full damage from it and do not stop it, barring things noted to stop it as above. Effects that stop Widespread Destruction result in small, matching gaps in the range of effect. If a creature or object is exposed multiple times (such as being above The Calamity when it fires and still in range when it falls), they take damage multiple times.

The Calamity can use Widespread Destruction once per hour. The Calamity is immune to Widespread Destruction.

Gigantic (Ex)

Due to the titanic size of The Calamity, smaller creatures struggle to damage it. A creature of less than Colossal size is simply not big enough to deal meaningful damage to The Calamity. Any effects or abilities they use fail on account of The Calamity's size. Colossal creatures are able to damage The Calamity, but are still tiny compared to it. They deal only 1/10th of the normal amount of damage to it. This is deducted before damage resistance or any other factors apply.  For example, a Colossal creature who deals 100 points of damage to The Calamity only deals 10 damage to it.

Truly enormous effects are capable of affecting The Calamity for full damage, but such are extraordinarily rare. Such an attack would need to be at least 10 miles wide. If a creature can produce such an effect, they can ignore Gigantic when using such an ability.

Crushing Gait (Ex)

Any squares The Calamity passes through are treated as being affected by his stomp attack, with the resulting terrain damage. The Calamity may pass through occupied squares freely, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A creature in that square is treated as being attacked by The Calamity's stomp attack.

Earthquakes (Ex)

The movement of The Calamity makes the earth rattle. When The Calamity moves, it causes earthquakes for 500 miles around it. Treat this as equivalent to an earthquake spell in effect. For earthquakes within 100 miles of The Calamity, double any Reflex save DCs, damage dealt and Concentration checks caused by the earthquakes. Within 10 miles of The Calamity, quadruple them. See the spell earthquake for more information.

Magic Immunity (Ex)

The Calamity is immune to any spell, spell like ability or supernatural ability.

Massive Body (Ex)

All of The Calamity's slam or stomp attacks deal damage in a 1000ft radius. All creatures within the radius are treated as being attacked. Objects, buildings, terrain features and other such things are also treated as being attacked and take damage. Craters hundreds of feet deep usually result from one of The Calamity's attacks.

Constructed Toughness (Ex)

The Calamity has maximum hit points per hit die. It gains Toughness and Epic Toughness as bonus feats.

Design Flaws (Ex)

Due to the massive size of The Calamity, it cannot make attacks of opportunity against creatures smaller than Colossal sized.

Prone (Ex)

Any creature who takes damage from The Calamity's slam attack must make a DC 61 Fortitude save or be rendered prone and unable to rise for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength based.

Stun (Ex)

Any creature who takes damage from The Calamity's stomp attack must make a DC 61 Fortitude save or be rendered stunned for 1d8 rounds. The save DC is Strength based.

Gear: [spoiler]

Gear is beneath a creature such as The Calamity. May it never choose to believe otherwise. It is unknown if The Calamity could use magical items or if its magic immunity ability would render them ineffective.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Broken Saint

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The Broken Saint is neither a saint nor broken. It is the cover name of Biler, a remmanon in the service of the Order of the Fly. Once a mortal operative for Beezlebub, he won his lord's dark favor by successfully sowing discord, misery and ultimately collapse in the Enlightened Kingdom of Urpel. As a reward he was made into a devil and given a comfortable position in the Order of the Fly's hierarchy. Thus he has remained for several thousand years, until recently he was assigned to establish a spy ring in Herak Villan on the Astral Plane.

Biler is one representation of what happens to successful mortals after death. A mortal that makes good for its master is directly transmuted into an outsider to serve forever. There's no death and rebirth as an outsider/petitioner like with normal mortals. You get exactly what the deity or power you serve offers. In Biler's case, it's a seat in a gigantic spy cabal that also has a preoccupation with bringing all of Creation to Beezlebub's standards of perfection.

For Biler, this means he lives in a constant state of paranoia as he maneuvers around enemies, both real and imagined. He gets to endlessly play political games, scurrying to keep his dark lord's favor. He won - and his prize is to live that life until something eventually gets him. Will it be heroic mortals that put him to the sword, or will a rival's dogai retainers gut him? Perhaps a potent ravage will spice up one of his meals or he'll simply vanish, never to be seen again. In the end, he'll feed Beezlebub's vanity by providing his soul's essence to the Lord of the Seventh, and to Hell in general. In that, he'll step closer to the perfection Beezlebub demands and the absolute unity in chains that Baator inflicts.

After all, it's exactly what he asked for. After all, he's in a place where betrayal, destruction and subversion won him great praise. Why should he expect anything else here? To reference something Empress Sulia said in B1, and which is one of the more revealing comments about the afterlife in Balmuria:

Quote"There's a secret, mortals judge themselves with their lives. The Gods don't damn you or exalt you, you do with every choice you make." Empress Sulia smiles now, "We provide the spark for them to assume their role in eternity. Like starting a new fire with an emberstick from a bonfire."

Barring interference, a mortal gets exactly what they asked for with their deeds in mortal life. Biler's story is what happens to someone who follows Beezlebub, as is the story of every other former mortal in Maladomini.

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- Biler used to be a rogue, but he gave those levels up when he became a remmanon. His build lacks an offensive threat on account of it. That's fine, he's a manipulator and a spymaster. He has servants to do the heavy lifting.

- Infiltrator of Beezlebub has some earlier 3.0/3.5 design issues. It's from the Gates of Hell. I'd do the class differently, but then again I say that about most prestige classes. A few minor issues are ignored for the sake of this statblock. Likewise, a true devil isn't supposed to have this prestige class. As he took it during his mortal life, he's grandfathered into it.

- Biler focuses on defense in combat. To be honest, if he's in battle, something's gone wrong. As such, he focuses on survival so his minions can deal with the problem. He's a manipulator, a speaker, a liar. Using him as a front-line combatant is missing the point, or the PCs successfully pinned him down and he's boned.

Changelog: Lots, as the previous version was an unpolished beta.

Remmanon 28//Marshal 5/Evangelist 5/Infiltrator of Beelzebub 18

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Devil, Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 28d8+308 (438 hp)
Initiative: +25
Speed: 30ft, fly 30ft (good)
Armor Class: 66 (+6 dex, +18 natural, +8 shield, +7 deflection, +10 armor, +7 insight)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +28/+34/54
Attack: Slam+34 (2d6+6 plus 2d6 fire)
Full Attack: 2 slams+34 (2d6+6 plus 2d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, summon devils, insidious aura, hellfire strike, auras, great orator(inspire dread, inflame the righteous, convert the unfaithful), dossier of deception 5/day.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/epic, good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid and cold 20, spell resistance 35, telepathy 200ft, grant move action 1/day, fast talk, skill mastery, canvas, secure, classify, task force, interrogate, breach, tie loose ends, agent of the order of the fly.
Saves: Fort +25, Ref +20, Will +26 (+18 vs divination)
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 23, Con 32, Int 27, Wis 28, Cha 37
Skills: Bluff+46, Concentration+42, Diplomacy+57, Disguise+44, Escape Artist+37, Gather Information+46, Intimidate+62, Knowledge(Arcana)+39, Knowledge(Local: Maladomini)+39, Knowledge(Planes)+39, Knowledge(Religion)+39, Listen+40, Perform(Oratory)+44, Search+41, Sense Motive+58, Spellcraft+39, Spot+40, Survival+40, Tumble+37, Use Rope+37
Feats: Improved Initiative(1), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(M1), Persuasive(3), Flyby Attack(6), Investigator(9), Brand of Beezlebub(12), Mark of Maladomini(15), Empower Spell-Like Ability(Delayed Blast Fireball)(18), Evil Brand(IB10)
Epic Feats: Armor Skin(21), Epic Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(IB13), Armor Skin(24), Epic Will(IB16), Armor Skin(27)
Alignment: Lawful Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-damning darkness, desecrate, detect good, disguise self, fireball, greater teleport (self + 50 pounds only), plane shift (willing targets only). 3/day-delayed blast fireball. 1/day-chasing perfection. Caster level 28th (caster level 29th for caster level checks). The save DCs are 23 + spell level.

Summon Devils (Sp)

75% chance to summon 2d6 bearded devils, 1d6 erinyes or 1 cornugon. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th level spell.

Insidious Aura (Su)

A remmanon emanates a telepathic aura that plays on the doubts and fears of its foes. Opponents that begin their turn within 30 feet of a remmanon must succeed on a DC 37 Will save or suffer the effect of a confusion spell for that round. An affected foe never treats a remmanon as the nearest creature for the purpose of determining the confusion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

A remmanon and allies within 30 feet of it gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against opponents affected by this aura.

Hellfire Strike (Su)

A remmanon deals an extra 2d6 points of fire damage with its slam attacks. This stacks with the extra damage from a flaming weapon or similar sources of extra damage.

Marshal powers:
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Biler manifests auras as a 5th level marshal.

Minor Auras(+13): Motivate Charisma, Motivate Dexterity, Motivate Wisdom
Major Auras(+1): Motivate Attack, Motivate Care

Grant Move Action (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a marshal can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to any or all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself ). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies' initiative count; the round continues normally after the marshal's turn is over. (This may mean, for example, that an ally whose initiative count immediately follows the marshal's may get an extra move action from the marshal, followed directly by a full round worth of actions on the ally's turn.)

At 8th level, a marshal gains the ability to grant an extra move action to his allies twice per day. The frequency increases to three times per day at 12th level, four times per day at 16th level, and five times per day at 20th level.

A character can take only one extra move action per round. (In other words, two marshals can't use this ability on the same ally in the same round.) If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost.

Evangelist powers:
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Great Orator (Su)

An evangelist can inspire, protect, and otherwise improve the situation of his allies simply by speaking clearly and being heard. This ability is similar to the bard's bardic music ability (see page 29 of the Player's Handbook for a complete description) and, indeed, evangelist levels stack with bard levels to determine the strength of known bard songs. For example, a bard 3/evangelist 5 improves his inspire competence ability, but does not gain any new bard abilities. He could use bardic music to convert the unfaithful, countersong, fascinate, inspire the righteous, inspire courage +2, inspire dread or inspire hope, but would not gain the inspire competence, inspire greatness, or suggestion abilities. Alternately, a bard 7/evangelist 1 would be able to use bardic music to countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, inspire courage +2, inspire dread or inspire hope, and suggestion. Evangelist oratory abilities function in exactly the same manner as bardic music except the evangelist must speak loudly and clearly, rather than sing or play an instrument.

Inspire Dread (Su)

An evil evangelist with 9 or more ranks in Perform (oratory) can inspire hopelessness in all enemies within 30 feet. This ability imposes a -4 penalty on Will saves on all enemies within 30 feet of the evangelist. Delivering this oratory requires a full-round action to activate and requires concentration each round to continue the effect. The effect lasts as long as the evangelist speaks and for 3 rounds thereafter. Inspire dread is a mind-affecting ability.

Inflame the Righteous (Su)

An evangelist of 3rd level or higher with 11 or more ranks in Perform (oratory) can use this ability to wreath himself and any of his allies within 30 feet in divine flame. Each beneficiary of this ability gains the benefit of a fire shield spell. Use the evangelist's level +5 to determine the caster level of the spell. The damage caused by the spell is, however, purely divine and not subject to a creature's resistance or immunity to fire.

This oratory requires a full-round action to perform and requires concentration each round to continue the effect. The effect lasts as long as the evangelist speaks and for threerounds thereafter.

Convert the Unfaithful (Su)

An evangelist of 5th level with at least 13 ranks in Perform (oratory) may attempt to convert a single enemy within 30 feet. As a full-round action, the evangelist delivers an impassioned speech on the righteousness of his beliefs to a single enemy, who must attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + class level + Cha mod). If the creature succeeds, it is shaken for one round. If the creature fails its saving throw, it converts. Creatures with an alignment subtype (such as angels and devils) are immune to this ability. A converted creature is effectively charmed by the evangelist (similar to a charm monster spell). In addition, a converted creature temporarily assumes the alignment of the evangelist and acts accordingly. This may mean some of the creature's class abilities, spells, or other abilities are unavailable to it for the duration of the spell (a paladin converted to something other than lawful good, for example, loses her class abilities for the duration).

When the duration elapses, the creature then has a choice: It can continue to act according to its new alignment, or it can shift back. If the creature chooses to permanently change its alignment to the evangelist's, it acts as if a cleric of the appropriate alignment had cast atonement on it. If the creature chooses to change back, it must make another saving throw (with the same save DC as before). If it fails this saving throw its alignment changes back but it needs an atonement spell to gain back any abilities it lost due to its temporary alignment change.

Fast Talk (Ex)

At 2nd level, the evangelist knows the right thing to say at the right time. He may make a rushed Diplomacy check as a full-round action at only a —5 penalty.

Skill Mastery (Ex)

At 4th level, the evangelist becomes so certain in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, the evangelist selects a number of skills equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) from the following list: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, and Sense Motive. When making a skill check with one of the selected skills, he may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

Infiltrator of Beezlebub powers:
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Dossier of Deception (Sp)

A 1st level infiltrator of Beelzebub begins to collect spell-like abilities that may help her in her intrigues. She is treated as a sorcerer of her class level plus seven. Her dossier of deception only allows her to use one of the spell-like abilities once per day, unless otherwise designated. At 5th level, and then again at 9th level, she gains an additional use per day of the dossier. Thus Emrona, arogue 12/infiltrator 6, can elect to use disguise self three times in a day, plus nondetection, or some other combination of two of the dossier abilities.

Establish the Web (Ex)

A 1st level infiltrator has trained well enough to have initiated professional relationships with beneficial snoops and spies within a variety of organized environments. Every organization - from the thieves' guild to the merchants' guild to the local lord's court - may have potential, and likely witless, informants from whom the infiltrator can extract information in the future. Thus, at first level, the infiltrator of Beelzebub may Establish the Web. The infiltrator has a number of contacts equal to her Charisma modifier times her class level; furthermore, these contacts are never of higher Hit Dice or levels than 1/2 the character level of the infiltrator +1. The infiltrator may Establish the Web in one organization of his choice, +1 additional organization per point of Charisma modifier (if positive). All Charisma modifier dependent elements related to the Web are based upon the actual Charisma score, not upon temporary enhancements. Thus, a 10th level rogue and 2nd level infiltrator of Beelzebub with a Charisma of 15 would have up to four contacts, each no higher than 7 character levels, within up to three organizations.

Each contact is considered to have an attitude of friendly with the infiltrator, although certain behaviors (like misleading information, apparent betrayal, etc.) can result in a sudden or gradual reduction in the contact's attitude towards the infiltrator. It is up to the DM to determine how highly ranked within various organizations the contacts from the Established Web are and to what degree they willingly share information with the Infiltrator. The effects of Establish the Web stack with benefits associated with the Leadership feat.

Canvas (Ex)

The infiltrator of Beelzebub is always looking for more information and resources in pursuit of her goals. As a result, she has exceptional skills in paying attention to surroundings in which she has Established the Web. In such an environment, be it in the slums dominated by a thieves' guild, in the market place controlled by the merchants' guild, or in the local lord's keep or castle, the infiltrator gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Spot checks per class level. If the infiltrator uses her Canvas ability when interacting with a contact, the bonuses are doubled. The infiltrator may Canvas such areas once per day per Charisma modifier.

Secure (Ex)

The infiltrator of Beelzebub excels at lifting documents and small objects (like jewels or small, simple weapons). The infiltrator receives a +1 circumstance bonus per class level on all Search and Sleight of Hand skill checks when looking for or attempting to take a few scraps of parchment (no more than 10 sheets) or small objects (nothing larger than a dagger). Furthermore, if the infiltrator is Searched, she imposes the same value as a penalty to whomever attempts to uncover any items she may have lifted.

Classify (Su)

The infiltrator of Beelzebub is a master at maintaining secrets even as she ferrets them out of others. The infiltrator receives a +1 save per class level against all divination spells or effects that attempt to discern her location or read her thoughts and/or intents. Indeed, if such attempts are performed from a force within or hired by an organization with whom the infiltrator has a contact, the bonuses are doubled. Furthermore, the infiltrator imposes a -1 penalty on all Sense Motive attempts on her person per her class level.

Task Force (Sp)

On occasion, the infiltrator finds it necessary to call on the Order of the Fly for assistance. This can be accomplished in one of two ways. First, the infiltrator of Beelzebub may contact other plane once per fortnight as a sorcerer of her class level plus seven. Although the infiltrator may believe that she is contacting Beelzebub himself, the truth is that she is actually contacting his infamous Order of the Fly and the devils that work within the Order. The Order is treated as an Intermediate deity for all purposes pertaining to this spell-like ability. Second, the infiltrator may call an osyluth to the Prime Material plane once per fortnight. This osyluth remains for up to seven days, although its relationship with the infiltrator will depend on the infiltrator's character level. If the infiltrator is of higher combined character levels/HD than the osyluth, the osyluth will obey without question; if the reverse is true, the osyluth will demand a steep price for being brought to the Prime (refer to the lesser planar ally spell for guidelines). In either case, Task Force can only be used once per fortnight.

Interrogate (Ex): The infiltrator of Beelzebub excels at getting information from another through unspoken threats. The infiltrator gains a +1 profane bonus to all Intimidate and Sense Motive skill checks per class level. If the Infiltrator uses Interrogate on a contact, the bonuses are doubled; furthermore, the contact does not adjust his attitude towards the infiltrator. The infiltrator may Interrogate a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier and the effect works for one skill check per use.

Breach (Ex)

The infiltrator of Beelzebub finds it relatively simple to enter into any castle, edifice, keep, temple, or protected location. The infiltrator receives a +1 profane bonus to all Disable Device and Open Lock attempts per class level; furthermore, the infiltrator receives spell resistance equal to 20 + her class level against spells such as alarm, hallow, magical circles of protection, prismatic shells and walls, walls of force, and similar abjurations in order to pass through them without harm or setting them off. The infiltrator may activate her Breach in response to one of the described effects out of turn. The infiltrator may use Breach a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier and can make one skill check, or one use of spell resistance, per use of the ability.

Tie Loose Ends (Su)

At times, an infiltrator will find it necessary to erase information and paper trails that may lead back to her. In such cases, the infiltrator may Tie Loose Ends. The infiltrator may accomplish this in one of two ways. First, she may attempt to kill established contacts. Any successful sneak attack against a contact is treated as a modified coup de grace (the base Fortitude save is 20 rather than 10). Conversely, the infiltrator may instead attempt to modify memory on a contact as a sorcerer equal to the infiltrator's class level plus seven. The infiltrator receives a +1 bonus to the DC per class level. In either case, the infiltrator may use Tie Loose Ends once per day per Charisma modifier, each attempt counting as a use of the power.

Agent of the Order of the Fly (Su)

The infiltrator is now a full-fledged Agent of the Order of the Fly and is accorded a special respect by devils not typical for most mortals. The Agent of the Order of the Fly receives the benefits of the Evil Brand feat (if the infiltrator already possesses this feat, the benefits double). The infiltrator also spider climbs at will as a sorcerer of her class level plus seven, receives a +2 profane bonus to Initiative checks, and receives spell resistance of 20 plus her character level against any attempt to impede or slow her movement (including inter-dimensional movement like dimensional anchor, force cage, or trap the soul).

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Biler's Amulet

This amulet is said to have been forged of the Highcrown of Urpel, which was sundered apart by the deities of light when Urpel turned to evil. The Highcrown was said to be a defensive ward beyond all measure, and this amulet retains those abilities. This amulet grants a +7 insight bonus to armor class, a +7 enhancement bonus to natural armor and a +7 deflection bonus to armor class.

Black Fly Ioun Stone

This ioun stone resembles a fly carved of dull onyx. It constantly emits a low-pitched buzzing sound identical to a fly. It grants a +8 enhancement bonus to Charisma. In addition, it increases the bonuses from Biler's chasing perfection spell-like ability to +6.

Biler also wears bracers of armor+10, a ring of epic force shield+8 and a belt that grants a +10 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Living Filth

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The Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze is home to the most noxious creatures in Creation. It is a place where foulness spawns and choking filth throttles the life from visitors. Sometimes this filth becomes so concentrated as to form a new life. Known as Living Filth, these creatures are the personification of Ooze's nature.


Living Filths are not part of a normal ecology. However, they do serve a role in Ooze's life cycle. They collect the various diseases that infest the plane, serving to spread them much as a bee spreads pollen. They ensure that various strains of sicknesses are crossed and more robust maladies develop.

Beyond that, Living Filths have no organization or family unit. A pair of Living Filths that meet are likely to ignore each other, or perhaps trade diseases.


Living Filths are native to the Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze. They tend to congregate in areas of intense pollution, though they can be found all over the plane.

Typical Physical Characteristics

A typical Living Filth is a blob of slime perhaps 8 feet wide and 4 feet tall. The exact shape varies wildly between specimens. Humanoid shapes are common and many take forms off a creature they saw early in their lifespan.


Neutral. A Living Filth lacks the mental capacity for alignment. In the event one does (by reaching 3 or higher Intelligence), they may be any alignment, but skew towards neutral.


Living Filth advance slowly. They are more likely to develop unique diseases than advance in hit dice. Still, most advance over time.


None. Living Filths lack the mental capacity for gestalt.

Changelog: Lots, the previous version was an unfinished beta.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Earth, Water)
Hit Dice: 22d8+220+22 (334 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20ft, swim 120ft, burrow 20ft
Armor Class: 40 (-1 size, +30 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +22/+32/43
Attack: Slam+30 (2d8+9 plus disease 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: 2 slams+30 (2d8+9 plus disease 19-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Diseased strike.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/adamantine and epic, immunity to disease, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, critical hits and flanking, aura of filth, blindsight 200ft.
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +12, Will +13
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 10, Con 30, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11   
Skills: Balance+25, Climb+34, Hide+25, Listen+26, Move Silently+25, Spot+26, Swim+42, Tumble+25
Feats: Improved Initiative(1), Ability Focus(Aura of Filth)(3), Ability Focus(Diseased Strike)(6), Dodge(9), Improved Critical(Slam)(12), Toughness(15), Power Attack(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Aura of Filth)(21)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Aura of Filth (Ex)

Living Filth is surrounded by a 30ft aura of putrid scents and hovering filth of the foulest odors. Any creature that enters this area immediately contracts Filth Rot (see below); a DC 45 Fortitude save reduces the onset time to one day, otherwise the onset time is immediate. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +8 racial modifier.

Diseased Strike (Ex)

The slam attack of a Living Filth carries dozens of potentially toxic diseases. Any opponent struck by the Living Filth's slam attack must make a DC 41 Fortitude save or immediately contract a disease. If the target does not already suffer from it, Filth Rot is bestowed first, followed by a randomly rolled disease from the table below. Note that individual Living Filths may have their own particular diseases. The DC for each disease becomes 41 (unless higher), the infection type becomes injury and the onset time becomes immediate. A target is affected by Diseased Strike each time they are struck by the Living Filth. A creature can accumulate multiple diseases from a Living Filth. If the result of the roll is a disease the target already has, reroll.

The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +8 racial modifier.

1: Blinding Sickness
2: Cackle Fever
3: Demon Fever
4: Devil Chills
5: Filth Fever
6: Mindfire
7: Mummy Rot
8: Red Ache
9: Shakes
10: Slimy Doom

New Disease: Filth Rot

DC 45; immediate onset; 1d6 ability damage to all ability scores and foulness.

Creatures who battle against a Living Filth run the risk of being infected with Filth Rot. This disease liquefies the body into a mixture of pus, blood and black sludge. The odor  of a body afflicted with Filth Rot is overwhelming; any creature who comes within 15ft is nauseated (DC 45 Will save reduces to sickened) for as long as they stay within 15ft of the victim and 10 minutes thereafter. A Living Filth is immune to this effect.

Filth Rot can be cured by four successful saving throws in a row or by a remove disease spell.

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A Living Filth does not use gear or equipment, as they lack the intellect and nature to do so. Some do collect things that catch their fancy, and on rare occasions this may be gear that bestows benefits to the Living Filth.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Infernal Siegebreaker

The Infernal Siegebreaker is a hellfire engine awoken by the dark magics of Duke Malphas. It is meant to be a weapon to shatter the growing golem corps of Aurora, as well as to lead the charge against Aurora's defenses. It is under the command of the Lifasan traitor Harkin. It is a formidable machine of war that has been made only to destroy. It cares only for destruction and to avoid the cold, which it instinctively dreads.

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- This monster is meant to be used sparingly and intelligently, preferably with means to teleport after taking damage. Ideally, it weakens Aurora through equipment and golem destruction. One of the items to come (alluded to in gear) will be a circlet that allows it to use greater teleport. It's one part terror weapon and one part financial assault.

- It makes sunder attempts at +72 and deals 3d6+15+12d4+9d6 damage per strike. This will trash anything but an artifact with a devastating quickness.

- If not sundering, it focuses on melting its foes under torrents of hellfire. There's nothing terribly special here over a normal hellfire engine, beyond some of the numbers being boosted. Past all the sundering, it functions like a normal hellfire engine.

- Afina would not be amused by it. Various factions of the traitors are working on anti Aurora specialists and this is one of them. You may see the others later.

Changelog: Lots, as the previous version was an unfinished beta.

Hellfire Engine 33//Fighter 10/Shattering Knight 23

Size/Type: Huge Construct (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 33d10+40+33+122 (535 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20ft
Armor Class: 48 (-2 size, +40 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +33/+50/60
Attack: Slam+46 (3d6+15 plus 9d6 hellfire)
Full Attack: 2 slams+46 (3d6+15 plus 9d6 hellfire)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, death throes, hellfire slams, sunder specialist(+12/12d4), cleaving sunder.
Special Qualities: Epic construct, cold iron body, construct traits, hellfire shield, steam burst, damage reduction 30/adamantine, epic and good, immunity to fire, resistance to acid and electricity 20, resistance to cold 40, see in darkness, telepathy 100ft, coldfear, magic touched, improved glorious destruction, touch of adamantine, absorb dweomer, fast healing 20.
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +12, Will +12
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 10, Con -, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: 6 total
Feats: Toughness(B), Ability Focus(Breath Weapon)(1), Power Attack(F1), Improved Sunder(F2), Great Fortitude(3), Cleave(F4), Lightning Reflexes(6), Improved Bull Rush(F6), Awesome Blow(F8), Iron Will(9), Improved Initiative(F10), Improved Natural Attack(Slam)(12), Suppress Weakness(15), Overcome Weakness(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B), Epic Ability Focus(Breath Weapon)(21), Epic Sunder(SK13), Energy Resistance(Cold)(24), Epic Toughness(SK16), Energy Resistance(Cold)(27), Shatter Armor(SK19), Energy Resistance(Cold)(30), Shatter Golem(SK22), Energy Resistance(Cold)(33)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial powers:
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Breath Weapon (Su)

Once every 1d4 rounds, the Infernal Siegebreaker can breathe a 90ft cone of hellfire. This deals 26d10 points of hellfire damage to all creatures within the range, with a DC 41 Reflex save to halve. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +9 racial bonus.

Death Throes (Ex)

When destroyed, the Infernal Siegebreaker explodes in a 90ft radius burst that deals 26d10 points of hellfire damage to everything in the area (Reflex DC 35 half). The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +9 racial bonus.

Hellfire Slams (Su)

The Infernal Siegebreaker deals an extra 9d6 points of hellfire damage with its slam attacks. This damage also applies to any sunder attacks it makes.

Cold Iron Body (Su)

The Infernal Siegebreaker is constructed wholly of cold iron, allowing its slam attacks to count as cold iron to bypass damage reduction.

Hellfire Shield (Su)

The Infernal Siegebreaker emits massive amounts of heat. Any creature that touches or strikes it in melee takes 9d6 points of hellfire damage. Any weapons used also take this damage. A weapon reduced to zero hit points by this ability is melted and ruined. Weapons that deal cold damage, such as weapons with the frost enchantment, do not take this damage. A creature or object can only be affected by Hellfire Shield once per round.

Magical items destroyed by this ability count as sundered for the Infernal Siegebreaker's glorious destruction and absorb dweomer abilities.

Steam Burst (Ex)

Cold damage to the Infernal Siegebreaker causes a spectacular burst of steam as superheated air and magic are cooled. Whenever the Infernal Siegebreaker takes cold damage, it emits a cloud of steam in a radius around itself, equivalent to an obscuring mist spell. The exact size of the radius is equal to the amount of cold damage the Infernal Siegebreaker took, rounded down to the nearest 5ft. For example, if it takes 13 points of cold damage causes it to emit a 10ft radius of steam. This mist lasts for 1 round and is immediately dispelled by a moderate wind or stronger. However, fire damage does not cause the steam to burn away.

Epic Construct (Ex)

An epic construct gains Toughness and Epic Toughness as bonus feats. It gets maximum hit points per hit die.

Coldfear (Ex)

The Infernal Siegebreaker is terrified of cold. Whenever it takes 30 or more points of cold damage in a single attack (or any damage from cold spells or spell-like abilities augmented by the piercing cold metamagic or similar resistance and immunity breaching abilities), it is automatically shaken until the end of the encounter. It will focus on the enemy that dealt the damage to exclusion of all other targets. This fear bypasses any immunities to fear or mind-affecting abilities the Infernal Siegebreaker has, including its racial powers.

An attack must deal this cold damage in a single hit. A spell or ability that consists of multiple attacks does not count, unless one or more of the attacks deals the requisite damage. The damage must deal 30 or more damage after his resistance to cold, if applicable.

Shattering Knight powers:
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Magic Touched (Su)

As a result of the ritual to qualify for this prestige class, the shattering knight radiates faint magic. He radiates no particular school of magic. This ability has no further mechanical effect; magic touched represents the latent magic power absorbed by the shattering knight from the many magical items he has destroyed.

Sunder Specialist (Ex)

At 1st level, a shattering knight begins an intense study of how to break objects. He gains a +1 bonus to CMB when he attempts to sunder an object, as well as the same bonus to resist his own equipment from being sundered. He also deals an extra 1d4 points of damage when he successfully damages an object. This extra damage applies to when he sunders a worn or carried object or attacks an unattended object. These bonuses rise by +1 and +1d4 at level 3 and every 2 levels thereafter.  For example, a 5th level shattering knight gains a +3 bonus to his CMB when he sunders and deals an additional 3d4 points of damage if he hits.

The bonus from this ability stacks with the bonus granted by the Improved Sunder feat.

Cleaving Sunder (Ex)

At 2nd level, whenever a shattering knight successfully destroys a worn or carried object through sundering, he may immediately make an attack against the creature that wore or carried the object. Treat this as successfully dropping a foe via the Cleave feat. Doing so counts as a use of his Cleave ability. He may only use this ability once per round, no matter how many times he may use Cleave.

Glorious Destruction (Su)

At 4th level, a shattering knight benefits from a surge of power whenever he destroys a worn or carried magical item via sundering. He gains a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class, skill checks and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to his shattering knight level + 3. Multiple bonuses gained by destroying multiple magical items do not stack. However, each time another magical item is destroyed, the duration is fully restored. For example, a 4th level shattering knight who destroys a longsword+1 gains this bonus for 7 rounds. If he destroys a buckler+1 4 rounds later, the duration of the bonus granted from glorious destruction resets to 7.

This only applies to objects worn or carried by a creature, unattended objects do not grant any bonus. Items rendered temporary magical, such as a masterwork longsword under the effects of magic weapon, do not enable the bonus from glorious destruction. However, magical weapons further augmented, such as a longsword+1 increased with greater magical weapon, do grant the bonus.

Touch of Adamantine (Su)

At 6th level, a shattering knight's attacks are hard as adamantine due to his training and the magic within him. Any weapon, including natural weapons and unarmed attacks, that the shattering knight uses is treated as being adamantine. They ignore hardness below 20 and count as adamantine to bypass damage reduction. The weapon retains all other qualities.

Improved Glorious Destruction (Su)

At 8th level, the bonuses granted by glorious destruction rise to +8.

Absorb Dweomer (Su)

At 10th level, a shattering knight may drink in the magic of what he destroys and gain a surge of vitality. Three times per day as a free action when he successfully destroys a magical item via sunder, he may choose to absorb the magic into himself. Doing so heals the shattering knight a number of hit points equal to the value of the magical item sundered divided by 500, with any excess gained as temporary hit points. The temporary hit points granted by this ability fade after one hour. A shattering knight can have temporary hit points equal to his maximum hit points, with any excess lost.

For example, a longsword+3 (worth 18000 gold) subjected to absorb dweomer heals 36 hit points, with any excess gained as temporary hit points. Multiple uses of this ability stack.

A magical item subjected to absorb dweomer is forever a non-magical item afterwards. While it can be repaired, it will be a non-magical version of what it was before. A magical longsword subjected to absorb dweomer and then repaired would be a masterwork longsword, for example. Artifacts are not affected by this ability.

If the shattering knight uses absorb dweomer on a non-magical item, it has no effect and that use of absorb dweomer is wasted.

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The Infernal Siegebreaker has been fitted with custom made bracers that provide constant repairs, giving it fast healing 20. Harkin plans to have more equipment made for it, but right now resources are tied up in the Duke of Destiny's latest plan.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This template is tweaked to provide for creatures of destiny. It's for legendary heroes and exemplars of the highest order. A creature that has this template distills their racial identity into the purest form. They are incredible champions that can approach the the powers themselves.

It's meant to be used sparingly, though you can have more than one paragon of a specific creature. It's just extremely rare. Likewise, not every race produces a paragon.

The base template is from the SRD (and ELH by extension).

Paragon Template

Paragons are the alpha personifications of a species. They have reached the pinnacle of skill and ability and gone farther than any before. A paragon may be the progenitor of a race, the greatest hero they have ever produced, or even a quasi-deity. But without a doubt, through skill and luck they have become one of the best the race has ever produced. They are blessed by destiny and exceed all others.

Creating a Paragon

"Paragon" is an acquired template that can be added to any creature that has reached double the normal hit dice for its type and has at least 21 hit dice. This template cannot be added to a creature with divine rank 1 or higher, and a creature with it that gains divine rank 1 loses this template.

Size and Type

The base creature's size and type are unchanged.

Hit Points

The base creature gains maximum hit points per hit die, as well as an additional 12 hit points per hit die.


The base creature's base speed doubles for all movement types.

Armor Class

Paragons gain a luck bonus to armor class equal its hit dice divided by three.

Special Qualities

A paragon retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following special abilities.

Enhanced Magic (Ex)

A paragon creature's spell like abilities, if any, gain a +3 bonus to caster level. All of a paragon's spell like abilities are automatically empowered and extended.

Damage Reduction

A paragon gains damage reduction 10/epic. If they already possess damage reduction that can penetrated, increase it by 5 points instead (or to 10, whichever is higher) and add the epic qualifier to bypass it. If the creature possesses impenetrable damage reduction, increase it by 3 points.

Spell Resistance

A paragon has spell resistance equal to its hit dice + 14.

Fast Healing (Su)

A paragon has fast healing equal to its hit dice + 10.

Paragon's Skill

Every paragon creature is beyond the other members of their race. All racial abilities should be evolved to suit the paragon. This requires an examination of the creature's special attacks and abilities to determine suitable changes. Further, the paragon may develop a brand new ability. Such an ability can be virtually anything, but should fit the abilities of the paragon creature's race.

Paragon's Fortune (Su)

A paragon is in tune with a greater destiny, one that protects it as it excels. Three times per day as an immediate action, the paragon may negate any one source of damage or negative condition. This prevents any and all damage from it, as well as any other effects. Conditions that endure past one round (such as being immersed in lava or in an unearthly cold environment) are only negated for one round.


The paragon gains a +3 luck bonus to all saving throws.


All of the paragon's abilities rise by 6. Abilities of 0 (null) are not increased.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


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Note: This template is made on the assumption that Baator will convert any creature that rises to Ducal rank into a devil, if needed. Most of the power of the template is assumed to come from being integrated into Baator's machine. Native devils and fallen celestials will already have suitable powers to support this template, but other creatures require devilish conversion first. The exact details of this are left up to the DM, such creatures are usually unique devils, but not always.

This template is greatly stripped down from the Duke of Hell template in the Gates of Hell. I prefer to do relatively minimal templates when possible for these ranks, especially since planar lords use the divine rules and gain divine rank. A more elaborate template isn't desired. Also, the various soul harvesting abilities from GoH aren't reflected in this template. While certainly important to any devil, I prefer not to cover these in stat blocks. They're the domain of add ons and DM fiat.

Templates for chaotic creatures tend to be more involved, as the less organized nature of those planes encourages special snowflakes rather than cogs in the machine. Compare this to the Authority of Celestia and Eladrin Hero templates. Like any of these templates, a Duke of Hell's racial powers, template powers and class abilities should synergize into a powerful whole. Generally, it's designed so that you make any improvements from advanced racial hit dice first, then the powers of this template.

Duke of Hell

Dukes of Hell are the direct servants of the Lords of the Nine and the lowest rank of the true diabolical nobility. They organize vast fiefdoms within a layer of Hell and ensure that Hell's goals continue to advance. Each is a unique entity sworn to Baator for all time, with 9 to each layer for a total of 81 dukes. They are commanded by the Lords of the Nine and command the lesser nobility and knights.

Creating a Duke of Hell

"Duke of Hell" is an acquired template that can be added to any living devil or lawful evil fallen celestial with at least 21 hit dice.

Size and Type

The base creature's size and type are unchanged.

Hit Points

The base creature gains maximum hit points per hit die.

Special Attacks

A Duke of Hell retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following special attacks.

Spell-Like Abilities

1/day-wish. Caster level equals the base creature's hit dice.

Summon Devils (Sp)

The Duke of Hell may summon devils three times per day, and call the same another three times per day. He may call or summon a number of creatures with total hit dice equal to his own hit dice. Unlike a lesser creature's summons, the summons of a Duke of Hell have no chance of failure. This ability replaces the ability to summon devils that a lesser devil possesses.

A fallen celestial instead gains the summon fallen ability. This functions the same except that it summons fallen celestials.

Diabolical Power (Su)

Each Duke of Hell has a unique ability that allows it to further advance his aims. This ability is approximately equivalent to a salient divine ability (and may even be one if desired). This ability may convert and improve a previously existing ability or be created out of whole cloth.

Special Qualities

A Duke of Hell retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following special qualities.

Diabolical Adaptation (Ex)

A Duke of Hell's abilities are reforged to better suit his role within Hell. At the DM's discretion, any abilities of the base creature may be changed to better suit the diabolical standard. For example, if the base creature's damage reduction requires adamantine to penetrate, it would change to silver. As Dukes of Hell are unique creatures, any changes are managed on a case by case basis. While lesser devils are always pounded into a particular mold, Dukes of Hell are allowed more freedom, so some changes may not be mandatory.

Likewise, the base creature's form will change into a unique form. This may change the base creature's size by one category, add or remove natural attacks and adjust various cosmetic details such as height, appearance and so forth. These changes should reflect the role of the Duke of Hell within Baator, as well as his personality.

This ability is meant to smooth over minor details and ensure the base creature fully fits into its new role. It is not meant to make sweeping changes to the base creature. A creature that needs a great deal of adaptation to fit as a Duke of Hell is likely to be remade into a devil (or a different kind of devil) first, rather than relying on this ability.

Fallen celestials are not subject to this ability, save for the changes to form in the second paragraph. Regardless of the changes, this will not obscure the nature of the base creature as a fallen celestial.

Diabolical Authority (Ex)

A Duke of Hell is invested with a part of Baator's terrifying majesty. He is treated as having divine rank zero for the sake of effects, though he no actual divine rank.


The base creature may increase any one ability score (except Wisdom) by 2.


Always lawful evil.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Gathgorian, Duke of Hell

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Gathgorian is the former Command Sargent-Major of the Pits, the highest non-commissioned officer in Hell. His star has risen for eons as he dealt defeat after defeat to the hordes of the Abyss. He is the perfect representation of a cornugon and a warrior dedicated to crushing chaos. This culminated in his elevation to the Dukes of Hell after Abigor's repeated disgraces. He was secretly directed by Marshal Dagos of the Dark Ministry into this position, but in truth, he cares nothing for politics or his new rank. Gathgorian's only care is the eradication of chaos.

In recent decades, Gathgorian has come to the realization that the Blood War is futile. No matter how many challenging opponents he slays and demons he slaughters, it won't change the fundamental nature of chaos. Chaos is ever spawning and ever changing. No mere physical force will end the Blood War. As the paragon of the cornugons and the greatest one to exist, Gathgorian has come to the conclusion that he must become far more than he is now. He has turned inward to his mind, seeking to bolster his spirit instead.

Gathgorian needs to be more than he is, and as such, his plan is to finish off the sorry Aurora affair and savagely gain as much power in Hell in as short a time as possible. His goal is to anger as many other nobles as possible and threaten Hell's stability while being unimpeachable in his martial conduct. He believes this will force Asmodeus to promote him to Archduke status and banish him from Hell.

Once done, Gathgorian will be free to wander Creation and improve himself. He holds that the various banished Archdukes of Hell each represent important truths of Hell and that he must learn all of them. Once he has learned all of those lessons, Gathgorian will internalize them into himself and become far more than he is now. He will become the paragon of not just the cornugons, but of Hell's might itself. Perhaps this will make him the Lord of the First or force him against Asmodeus, but he cares not. What it will grant him is power and the ability to represent something so perfectly lawful that chaos will dissipate in his presence. With that power, he will be able to march into the Abyss and destroy the plane forever.

Once that is done, Gathgorian will move onto the other planes of chaos and sunder them all. Once chaos is no more, Gathgorian will return to Hell and join the legions as they overcome the rest of Creation. In his mind, the only obstacle in his way is Aurora. He must first fix Abigor's failures and complete the Duke of Destiny's schemes - and finally have a fight with Afina Devilsbane, a mere pixie that managed to stand against his blade. He has quietly nurtured her power so that the battle is the best possible, for the mightier the triumph, the greater the prestige. This in turn progresses his goals along further.

Changelog: Tons, as the previous version was an unfinished beta.

Cornugon 45//Paragon 12/Fighter 10/Prosecutor 23

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Devil, Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 12d8+33d10+450+540 (1416 hp)
Initiative: +18
Speed: 60ft, fly 100ft (good)
Armor Class: 73 (-2 size, +10 dex, +27 natural, +15 luck, +9 armor, +4 deflection)(plus possible slow, DC 50)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +45/+65/104
Attack: Chaos Breaker+70 (4d6+45 plus 30 vs chaos (daze and deafen (DC 50)) plus 3d6 axiomatic and 1 negative level (6d6 and two negative levels on a critical hit) plus +2/+2d6 vs demons plus stun (DC 50) 17-20 x2)
Full Attack: Chaos Breaker+70 (4d6+45 plus 30 vs chaos (daze and deafen (DC 50)) plus 3d6 axiomatic and 1 negative level (6d6 and two negative levels on a critical hit) plus +2/+2d6 vs demons plus stun (DC 50) 17-20 x2) and bite+61 (3d8+18 plus 30 vs chaos (daze and deafen (DC 50)) plus +2/+2d6 vs demons) and tail+61/+56/+51/+46 (4d6+18 and infernal wound plus 30 vs chaos (daze and deafen (DC 50)) plus +2/+2d6 vs demons)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Aura of diabolical victory, infernal wound, spell like abilities, stun, summon devils, castigate chaos 6/day, blade of order's wrath+30 (daze, deafen), judge, jury and executioner, judgment.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/anarchic, epic, good and silver, darkvision 120ft, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid and cold 30, regeneration 15, fast healing 55, see in darkness, spell resistance 59, telepathy 300ft, paragon's fortune, diabolical authority, mind's eye, reveal chaos, shield of law.
Saves: Fort +37, Ref +37, Will +34
Abilities: Str 47, Dex 31, Con 31, Int 31, Wis 24, Cha 28
Skills: Balance+58, Bluff+57, Climb+66, Concentration+58, Gather Information+57, Hide+58, Intimidate+57, Knowledge(Arcana)+58, Knowledge(A&E)+58, Knowledge(Geography)+58, Knowledge(History)+58, Knowledge(Local: Avernus)+58, Knowledge(N&R)+58, Knowledge(Planes)+58, Knowledge(Religion)+58, Listen+55, Move Silently+58, Profession(Judge)+55, Sense Motive+55, Spellcraft+58, Spot+55, Swim+66
Feats: Mindsight(B), Mechanus Soldier(1), Spurn Disorder(3), Multiattack(6), Greater Multiattack(9), Rapidstrike(Tail)(12), Improved Initiative(F1),  Improved Critical(Greatsword)(F2), Improved Rapidstrike(Tail)(15), Power Attack(F4), Improved Natural Weapon(Tail)(18), Improved Sunder(F6), Improved Bull Rush(F8), Combat Reflexes(F10), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Gathgorian's Fireball)(30)
Epic Feats: Order Incarnate(21), Great Ability(Strength)(24), Pulverize(27), Dire Charge(P5), Blinding Speed(P10), Epic Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Gathgorian's Fireball)(33), Multiaction(36), Epic Reputation(P15), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Cold Iron)(39), Superior Initiative(42), Armor Skin(P20), Demonslayer(45)
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-chain lightning, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel good, Gathgorian's fireball, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, greater teleport, persistent image, wall of law. 1/day-wish. Caster level 48th. The save DCs are 19 + spell level. All of Gathgorian's spell-like abilities are automatically empowered and extended.

Aura of Diabolical Victory (Su)

Gathgorian can radiate a 30ft radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 50 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 48th). A creature who successfully saves against this aura cannot be affected again by the fear power of this aura for 24 hours. Other devils are immune to the fear aspect of this ability.

In addition, any time Gathgorian drops an opponent in battle (reducing them to 0 hp or less, or otherwise rendering them unconscious or helpless), all allies (including Gathgorian) who see this gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, armor class and saving throws. Likewise, all enemies within sight must succeed on a DC 50 Will save or suffer a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls, armor class and saving throws. This ability stacks with itself, to a maximum of +9 or -9. The bonuses and penalties from this aspect of this ability last until the end of the encounter.

The save DCs are Charisma based and include a +9 racial bonus.

Stun (Su)

Whenever Gathgorian hits with a greatsword attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 50 Fortitude save or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength based. This ability is a function of Gathgorian, not of the greatsword.

Infernal Wound (Su)

The damage Gathgorian deals with his tail attack causes a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 9 additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a DC 42 Heal check or a spell that heals hit point damage. However, a character attempting to cast a spell that healing hit point damage on a creature damaged by Gathgorian's tail must succeed on a DC 42 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured creature. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. The check DC is Constitution based.

Summon Devil (Sp)

Three times per day, Gathgorian can automatically summon 45 hit dice worth of devils. Alternately, he can call the same number of devils three times per day. He prefers to summon cornugons.

Regeneration (Ex)

Gathgorian takes normal damage from anarchic, epic, good aligned silvered weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Paragon's Fortune (Su)

Gathgorian is in tune with a greater destiny, one that protects him as he excels. Three times per day as an immediate action, he may negate any one source of damage or negative condition. This prevents any and all damage from it, as well as any other effects. Conditions that endure past one round (such as being immersed in lava or in an unearthly cold environment) are only negated for one round.

Diabolical Authority (Ex)

Gathgorian is invested with a part of Baator's terrifying majesty. He is treated as having divine rank zero for the sake of effects, though he no actual divine rank.

Mind's Eye (Su)

Gathgorian has spent ages on the battlefield of the Blood War. He has come to the conclusion that the body is merely a vessel for the mind and soul, an instrument to enact the will of the individual on Creation. This adjustment in his thinking has coincided with his rise to ducal rank and has shaped his new growth. Gathgorian's mind has grown much sharper, he benefits from a +9 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.

Gathgorian's expanded mind has given him Mindsight as a bonus feat. His mindsight is more potent that average, he detects a creature's Charisma score in addition to its Intelligence score and type.

Prosecutor powers:
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Reveal Chaos (Su)

A prosecutor is always under the effect of a detect chaos spell. He merely needs to glance at a creature or object to gain the benefit of studying them for three rounds.

Castigate Chaos (Su)

A prosecutor can reveal the weakness of chaos, enfeebling those who champion it. As a standard action he may point or gesture at a chaotic target. Unless the target succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 prosecutor's hit dice + prosecutor's Cha modifier), the target withers to become weak, sick and deformed. This castigation inflicts a -5 penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks, caster level checks, armor class and saving throws. These penalties last for a number of minutes equal to the prosecutor's hit dice. This ability may be used once per day at 1st level and another time per day every 4 levels thereafter. If the prosecutor uses this ability on a non-chaotic creature, it fails and that use is wasted.

This ability may be dispelled by dispel law, wish or miracle.

Blade of Order's Wrath (Su)

Starting at second level, the prosecutor deals extra damage to chaotic creatures. Any successful melee or ranged attack to a chaotic creature deals an extra 5 points of damage. This extra damage rises by 5 every 4 levels thereafter. This damage applies to melee or ranged weapons as well as natural weapons, but not to spells or supernatural abilities.

At 4th level, a creature who takes damage from blade of order's wrath must make a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 prosecutor's hit dice + prosecutor's Cha modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. A creature need only make one save against this ability per round, multiple hits do not require multiple saves. However, more than one creature can be affected if each is struck in a round. At 8th level, a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 prosecutor's hit dice + prosecutor's Cha modifier) is required as well or the target is permanently deafened.

Judge, Jury and Executioner (Su)

While the prosecutor respects law and attempts to see it carried out whenever possible, he is given special dispensation to take action against the most chaotic. When facing an opponent who radiates an overwhelming aura of chaos (as by detect chaos), the prosecutor always deals maximum damage with his melee and ranged attacks.  Further, all critical threats are automatically confirmed. This applies to weapon attacks, natural weapons and supernatural abilities, but not to spells or spell-like abilities. Finally, a creature who is subject to this ability and is slain by the prosecutor cannot be raised if mortal.  A chaotic outsider slain takes triple the normal time to resurrect to its native plane, one slain on its native plane cannot be resurrected like a mortal.

A properly worded wish or miracle cast at the site of the creature's death can allow a creature to be resurrected, as can the direct intervention of a deity. The tripled wait for a chaotic outsider slain outside of its plane cannot be reduced.

Creatures with divine rank zero or greater are not subject to a delayed or prevented resurrection with this ability.

Judgment (Su)

At 7th level, chaotic outsiders slain by the prosecutor stay dead. A chaotic outsider slain outside of its native plane is considered to have died on its native plane and does not resurrect. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 prosecutor's hit dice + prosecutor's Cha modifier) negates this final fate.

Creatures with divine rank zero or greater are not subject to this ability.

Shield of Law (Su)

The blessings of law directly shield the prosecutor at 10th level. He is treated as being under the effects of shield of law at all times. The DC for an attacker to resist being slowed is DC 10 + 1/2 prosecutor's hit dice + prosecutor's Cha modifier.

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Chaos Breaker

This greatsword is forged from cold iron extracted from the spine of Ganalar, a titanic demon lord of iron that fell to Gathgorian in single combat. It has been immersed in tremendous amounts of axiomatic power, polished with the blood of millions of demons and forged in the fires of countless victories in the Blood War. It has come to embody Gathgorian's sole desire in life, the complete obliteration of chaos.

Chaos Breaker is a huge cold iron greatsword+9, axiomatic power and ghost touch. The law within the blade resonates with Gathgorian's Prosecutor abilities and grants them a +9 axiomatic bonus to the save DCs. Additionally, Chaos Breaker represents the absolute, iron will of law. So long as Gathgorian holds the blade, he cannot be disarmed of it by any means. If a creature of chaotic alignment attempts to do so, it also provokes an immediate attack of opportunity from Gathgorian. This is in addition to any other attacks of opportunity the combat maneuver may provoke.

Chaos Breaker counts as a major artifact.

Armor of the Infernal Champion

In the upheaval of Zquujaj's early successes against Hell and Bel, the Traitor attempted to slay Duke Malphas in a massive strike against his fiefdom. The death of Duke Malphas would be catastrophic to Hell's war efforts, something Gathgorian knew from ages of wading through the Blood War. Gathgorian personally took the initiative to challenge Zquujaj's assault, stop it and force the Knight of the Pale Mother to retreat. This victory was one of the few bright spots in the early stages of the Zquujaj fiasco, and as such won Gathgorian a great deal of prestige. As a reward (dictated from below), Duke Malphas personally crafted Gathgorian a suit of armor.

Armor of the Infernal Champion grants Gathgorian a +9 armor bonus to armor class. It has no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance and an unlimited maximum dexterity modifier. It counts as light armor, in spite of being form fitting, full plate armor. This armor further protects Gathgorian against chaos, rendering his damage reduction impenetrable (treated as damage reduction/-) to creatures of chaotic alignment.

Armor of the Infernal Champion counts as a major artifact.

As a Duke of Hell and the former Command Sargent-Major of the Pits, Gathgorian has access to massive amounts of treasure. He can get access to any non-epic magical item within a few hours and most epic items within a day. If he is willing to call in favors and make debts, he can get access to various artifacts from other Dukes, Archdukes and Lords of the Nine. Before his promotion, Gathgorian rarely bothered with equipment. These days, after seeing the successes of Aurora in using magical equpment, he has begun to revise that strategy.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Mechanus Soldier [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You are trained in the precise methods Mechanus uses to take targets alive for lawful trial. You may inflict non-lethal damage with a lethal weapon or unarmed attack without the normal -4 penalty to attack rolls. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to CMB for trip and disarm attempts.

Spurn Disorder [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: Your contempt for chaos shields you the attacks of the chaotic. You gain a +2 axiomatic bonus to armor class and saving throws against chaotic creatures.

Order Incarnate [Axiomatic, Epic]
Prerequisite: Spurn disorder, cha 21
Benefit: The powerful order you represent grants you a +6 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Intimidate checks versus chaotic creatures. Such creatures recognize you for what you are and act appropriately.

Demonslayer [Epic]
Prerequisites: Str 25, non-chaotic alignment, must have slain a demon with at least 21 hit dice.
Benefit: Any weapon you wield is far more effective against demons. Its enhancement bonus is counted as +2 higher and deals an extra +2d6 damage against demons. This stacks with similar effects. This bonus extends to natural weapons but not to spells or spell-like abilities.
Special: This feat has been developed in the Blood War by the devils, but a few mortals have learned its secrets and spread it to Creation.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This is a tidied up version of the golem Eb posted over in B3's loot thread. It's meant to be a counter to the infernal siegebreaker. It's Eb's work so I don't have a lot to say about it directly. I do note the changed feats are largely placeholders. Earth devotion you can blame on the Sunnis shard. I could also go on a lengthy digression about awakened golems, constructs being over-HDed messes and the challenges it presents to gestalt play, but nah. Another time.

Changelog: Added bonus HP based on a construct's size. Adjusted saves, they were all 1 point too high. Redid feats from F16 on, as Eb grabbed weapon supremacy without the proper prerequisites of greater weapon focus and greater weapon specialization. Also removed rapidstrike since it doesn't meet the prerequisite of Dexterity 9. Added skills. Adjusted breath DC down for lower base hit dice. Added a token gear section. Tweaked epic feats for more HP.

Ironwyrm Golem 33//Fighter 33

Size/Type: Large Construct
Hit Dice: 33d10+30+33+198 (591 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 50 (-1 size, -1 dex, +42 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +33/
Attack: Bite +62 melee (2d10+24)
Full Attack: Bite +62 (2d10+24) and 2 claws +62 (3d8+14) and 2 wings +62 (2d6+14) and tail slap +62 (2d8+34)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon.
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 15/adamantine and epic, immunity to magic, immunity to rust, fast healing 10, epic construct, Sunnis shard.
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +10
Abilities: Str 51, Dex 8, Con -, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 19 
Skills: Balance+35, Climb+56, Jump+56, Knowledge(A&E)+38, Knowledge(Nature)+38, Listen+37, Spot+37, Swim+56
Feats: Improved Sunder(B), Toughness(B), Improved Initiative(1), Weapon Focus(Bite)(F1), Weapon Focus(Claw)(F2), Power Attack(3), Weapon Focus(Wing)(F4), Improved Natural Attack(Claw)(6), Weapon Focus(Tail)(F6), Weapon Specialization(Bite)(F8), Multiattack(9), Weapon Specialization(Claw)(F10), Improved Multiattack(12), Weapon Specialization(Wing)(F12), Weapon Specialization(Tail)(F14), Earth Devotion(15), Melee Weapon Mastery(Bludgeoning)(F16), Combat Expertise(18), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F18), Improved Bull Rush(F20)
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness(B), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Silver)(21), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Adamantine)(F22), Epic Prowess(24), Epic Prowess(F24), Epic Toughness(F26), Epic Prowess(27), Epic Toughness(F28), Epic Prowess(30), Epic Prowess(F30), Epic Prowess(F32), Epic Prowess(33)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Sunnis Shard (Ex)

This shard is from the hand of Lady Sunnis, Princess of Elemental Good for Earth. When used in the construction of a golem made of materials related to Earth(stone, gemstones, metal), it grants a +10 bonus to the golem's strength and natural armor, improved sunder as a bonus feat and fast healing 10. The Sunnishard is consumed on being used.

Breath Weapon (Su)

60ft cone, every 1d4 rounds, 20d10 fire, Reflex DC 26 half. The save DC is Constitution based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex)

An ironwyrm golem is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as follows. A cold effect slows it (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. A fire effect breaks any slow effect on the golem and cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. For example, an ironwyrm golem hit by a delayed blast fireball cast by a 15th level wizard that would normally deal 52 points of damage instead gains back 17 hit points. The golem gets no saving throw against fire effects.

Immunity to Rust (Ex)

An ironwyrm golem is immune to rust attacks, whether magical or not.

Gear: [spoiler]

None yet, though the golem is meant to be upgraded once finances permit.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Father

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The ancient scroll in your hand shakes with every breath you take. It appears on the verge of collapse, so you read with a desperation born of need. You utter a prayer to the Heavens that it survives long enough for you to finish.

If you are reading this, then The Father is active in Creation. May all the Gods of justice, righteousness and compassion have mercy on your soul, for The Father will have none. Read well, for I pray that the information here will lead to the end of the nightmare. Should you not end the nightmare, then The Father will be freed and only the Gods themselves may be able to stop him.

The Father is the spawn of the Pale Mother and Demogorgon. The details of his parentage are unclear, but it is said that Demogorgon consumed the afterbirth and perhaps a newborn child of the Pale Mother. This afterbirth was not digested, but instead became a rotting tumor between the necks of the Prince of Demons. A frenzy came over Demogorgon, an absolute hunger as he slaughtered and devoured countless demons under his command, the tumor growing ever larger. Eventually, the tumor ruptured and the Father emerged on the wings of a holocaust, in the stinking mires of Abysm. Aameul desired to consume the Father as well, while Hethradiah desired to torment the abomination they had unleashed. In the argument that followed, The Father was able to escape.

The above information is correct as far as I have been able to discern. The massacre and consumption of Demogorgon's thralls has been confirmed by lore from multiple survivors. However, the information about the Pale Mother's role in this is far less reliable.

The Father is an abomination cursed by his sire and unwanted by his distant mother. He is forever cast out of the Outer Planes. Instead he is cast into the mortal realms. Unlike other greater demons, his presence does not wound the mortal world. No, the natural world rarely notices him and never recoils from him. He was cast into my Prime Material world, wherein he established himself as a spiritual leader and attracted the veneration of thousands. But no mercies came from his lessons, no everlasting life beyond that of flesh. His wisdom lead to the reduction of sentient mortals to cattle. Every truth he uttered was a self-destructive falsehood carefully arraigned to appear authentic.

Calamity spread as The Father's vision came to grow. Entire nations fell into anarchy and cannibalism, and soon The Father was the most powerful man in my world. The greatest heroes of the world came to face him, to put an end to this madness.

But The Father was all powerful.

Ultimately, I was one of the last heroes left. I gathered the few remaining, and sought not to destroy The Father, but to contain him. By Oghma's wisdom and the sacrifices of every other soul who opposed him that day, I sealed The Father away into my holy symbol - a book. Exhausted, I took this book to the farthest reaches of Valgadda, which are no more. I wished to seal this book away until the day Creation is no more and allow whom may stand then to deal with this abomination. Yet that night the Lord of Knowledge spoke to me in my dreams, telling me that The Father would one day corrupt his prison and be free once more. The seal will not last forever. Should The Father be free again, he will return to the mortal world. He will return and again there will be feasts. Mortal life will become that of animals, awaiting slaughter.

Kill The Father. Only a weapon forged by a smith born from neither father or mother and made holy can destroy The Father. Unfortunately, one must be strong enough to use this to tear him asunder. We were not. The scythe that rests with this book is one such weapon. It was made by the Glasae Queen, Empress of the Fey Marches. She was born of her own desire to exist, coming fully born into the world. If you wish to slay him, you must free him from this book at dawn in the mortal world. The ground must be consecrated and hallowed, as well as inlaid with seven circles against evil and seven more against chaos. When dawn's light hits the book, he will be freed. The true form of The Father is a vaguely human body of mouths, standing four dozen feet tall. He does not move as much as flow, mouths devouring each other and the space around them.

As to the actual battle, all who oppose The Father must have their minds completely protected by nothing less than the spell mind blank. Anything less will result in the complete shattering of the victim's psyche into unrecoverable madness. Even then, the strain of viewing The Father will inflict great mental trauma. This trauma in particular damages traditional priests, though those who cast from personal magnetism fare better. Of the elements and magic, lightning, cold and sound have no effect on his true form. Fire affects him, though he is resistant. Acid damages him greatly, but does not inflict mortal wounds. Life energy, strangely and for reasons I cannot discern, damage The Father. Of the physical, The Father's true form has no discernible anatomy. Trained warriors that rely on well aimed blows or single, overwhelming strikes (such as from the scythe, to my great lament) are largely ineffective. Manufactured weapons, save the scythe and those like it, are consumed on striking the Father. Woe onto the fool who attempts to claw, punch or bite The Father, for they become his subsistence.

The Father's main strategy is to flow over his victim and consume them whole. Those consumed whole are consumed in body and soul, forever lost. Those who survive quickly transform into abominations, smaller versions of the Father that in the end consume themselves into spiritual and physical oblivion. In his time leading the souls of entire nations to oblivion or damnation, he became learned of clerical magic. His spells carry the same consumptive effect as his bite, though on a slower scale. Divine intervention is the only way known to reverse this process.

The Father also possesses two special traits, one from each of his parents. He has the ability to dominate the minds of the weak, breaking them to his will like his accursed father can. From his mother is the madness on sight explained above. I believe that The Father is in some small way similar to the Pale Mother beneath her ever-shifting veil. Further, the research into forbidden lore regarding the Pale Mother suggests that her origins do not come from this Creation, but from Beyond. It may be that means to battle back the spawns of madness beyond our Creation could be effective against the Father. I do not know, for such means are vanishingly rare. However, there is one flaw in this premise. The Father is a priest. The Beyond rejects divine power and is nearly immune to it. This may be nothing more than addled speculation of madmen and demons forced to speak the truth, for such information can only be extracted through the might of magic.

You who read this are my hope. Angel or devil, saint or sinner, I care not. End the nightmare. No more feasts. Kill The Father.


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- The Father is a mistake, an abomination spawned of the hate of the Abyss. He is shaped by his creation and the rejection of his parents. In turn, he offers himself as a leader to mortals (in the guise of a religious leader and often a surrogate father, as his name suggests), but his lessons and 'love' bring nothing but physical and spiritual oblivion.  He is a victim of abusive parents who in turn knows nothing else but to continue the cycle. Deep in his madness, The Father is aware of the emptiness of what he does, yet he only chases it further. He has nothing else, a creature born of rejection. The only path the Abyss has offered is one of negation.

- The Father's main attack is vicious. Devour deals solid damage, has a sky-high critical hit multiplier and can infect the target with what The Father is. He pairs that with magic centered around consumption and negative levels. His strategy isn't a complex one, but it works. Likewise, his spell selection is narrow and focused. He doesn't have any great depth, but that's okay. Incidentally, this is a spell set the Father would have prepped for battle. He's capable of altering it up, and his work as a false holy man routinely required it. Those spells have never been his passion, however.

- In any case, The Father's a good end boss for an epic level campaign. The task of getting a weapon to kill him will take PCs far and wide, as well as becoming strong enough and with strong allies to defeat him in combat. As of now, he's sealed in a book but the seal is weakening. Muirfinn of Aurora is leading investigations into The Father and hopes to unseal him so that The Father can be destroyed for all time.

- The Father's more than capable of strengthening himself with gear, if given the chance. His true form has difficulty using most magical items, but some can still work (ioun stones, for example).

Abomination 40//Cleric 40

Changelog: Tons, as the previous version was an unfinished beta.

Size/Type: Gargantuan Outsider (Abomination, Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank: 0
Hit Dice: 40d8+800 (1120 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 120ft, fly 320ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 63 (-4 size, +37 natural, +11 dex, +9 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +40/+59/89
Attack: Devour+71 (30d10 plus conversion plus consumption 18-20 x6)
Full Attack: Devour+71 (30d10 plus conversion plus consumption 18-20 x6)
Space/Reach: 20ft/20ft
Special Attacks: Devour flesh, augmented critical, conversion, consumption, dominate creature, spells, blasphemous incantation 12/day(DC 41)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 35/special, abomination traits, spell resistance 55, immunity to electricity, cold and sonic, resistance to fire 50, vulnerability to acid, true seeing, telepathy 500ft, regeneration 45, cursed, aura of madness, biting defense, change shape.
Saves: Fort +47, Ref +38, Will +36
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 32, Con 50, Int 22, Wis 29, Cha 28   
Skills: Bluff+52, Concentration+63, Diplomacy+52, Gather Information+52, Heal+52, Intimidate+52, Knowledge(nature)+49, Knowledge(religion)+49, Listen+52, Perform(oratory)+65, Search+49, Sense Motive+52, Spellcraft+49, Spot+52, Survival+52, Swim+58, Use Magic Device+52, Use Rope+54
Feats: Ability Focus(Conversion)(1), Ability Focus(Aura of Madness)(3), Violate Spell(6), Quicken Spell(9), Twin Spell(12), Empower Spell(15), Skill Focus(Perform(Oratory))(18), Eschew Materials(30)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Conversion)(21), Epic Spell Capacity(C23), Epic Ability Focus(Aura of Madness)(24), Improved Metamagic(C26), Epic Skill Focus(Perform(Oratory))(27), Bonus Domain(Chaos)(C29), Ignore Material Components(C32), Blinding Speed(33), Improved Metamagic(C35), Armor Skin(36), Bonus Domain(Gluttony)(C38), Multiaction(39)
Salient Divine Abilities: -
Alignment: Chaotic Vile

Racial powers:
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Devour Flesh (Su)

The Father's all consuming hunger for flesh allows him to unerringly strike living beings. The Father gains a +20 insight bonus to attack rolls against living creatures and ignores concealment and cover, including total. The bonus to attack rolls is included in the statblock above.

Augmented Critical (Ex)

The Father's devour attack threatens a critical hit on a roll of 18 to 20 and inflicts sextuple damage on a successful critical hit.

Conversion (Su)

Living creatures damaged by the Father's devour attack must make a DC 56 Fortitude save or be swiftly transformed into Father's Blessed Child. This takes place each round, mouths forming over the victim's body. This inflicts 6 points of Constitution drain each round on the victim's turn. On reaching zero Constitution, the victim is transformed into Father's Blessed Child. This Constitution drain bypasses immunity from natural, magical and supernatural sources, though creatures of divine rank zero or greater are not subject to this ability. Victims who are damaged by Father's clerical magic or who fail a save against it also must save against the effects of conversion, though the Constitution drain is only 1 point per round.

A creature subject to Constitution drain from this ability can be saved in one of three ways. A wish or miracle spell can cease the conversion, though it must succeed on a DC 56 caster level check or the spell fails. A deity using alter reality can stop conversion if the deity succeeds on an opposed rank check against The Father. Finally, if the creature affected dies by any other means than Constitution drain from conversion, they merely die. However, the creature's soul is unable to pass on and will incarnate as a ghost in 1 day.

A ghost created in this way cannot rest until The Father is destroyed for all time; however, such a ghost is incapable of harming The Father in any way. They find themselves rejected by The Father in the same way he is rejected by Demogorgon and Pale Night, as well as life itself.

The Father's Blessed Child template can be found in the next post.

The save DC is Constitution based.

Consumption (Ex)

Living creatures slain by The Father's devour attack are consumed in both body and soul. Such creatures cannot be resurrected, save by a greater deity with access to the Gift of Life salient divine ability. Whenever the Father consumes a living creature with this ability, he heals 10 hit points per hit die of the consumed creature.

Biting Defense (Ex)

Weapons used to strike The Father are consumed just as readily as flesh. Any weapon that deals damage to The Father takes 30d10 points of damage. Creatures that attack The Father with natural weapons take damage as if successfully attacked by The Father's devour ability. Weapons that deal lethal damage to The Father are immune to this ability.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

The Father's damage reduction is penetrated by good aligned weapons forged by a smith who is born of neither father or mother.

Regeneration (Su)

The Father takes lethal damage from good aligned weapons forged by a smith who is born of neither father or mother.

Aura of Madness (Su)

Creatures that are close to the true horror of The Father risk being plunged into eternal madness by the unchecked horror he represents. Any creature within 200ft of the Father when he is in his true form is driven immediately mad. They are possessed by randomly alternating bouts of catatonia alternating with spells of uncontrollable hunger, where they attempt to eat any living flesh they see, including their own if no other flesh is in sight. A DC 55 Will save negates this madness. A mind blank spell or greater magics can prevent this madness, while lesser magic fails to offer any protection. Creatures that successfully save or who are protected against madness still take 3d4 points of Wisdom damage. Non-epic magic cannot stop this ability damage, but racial traits, epic magic and the immunities of a deity can. A creature who succeeds on the Will save is immune to The Father's aura of madness for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting ability.

The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +10 racial bonus.

Cursed (Ex)

The Father is an abomination created by the murder of Pale Mother's child at the hands of Demogorgon. Rejected by both parents, he is cast out of the spiritual realms altogether. The Father may not enter the Outer Planes by any means, even by a wish or miracle spell. Further, The Father is life created from death and malaise. While not undead, he is rejected by the light of life. Positive energy, such as cure spells, deal damage to The Father as if he was undead. The Father can heal only by natural rest, regeneration and consuming his victims.

Unlike other divinities and epic outsiders, The Father does not wound the Prime Material plane. He may enter it at will and his presence never causes a spiritual wound.

Dominate Creature (Su)

As a standard action, The Father may replicate the effects of a dominate monster spell. This works exactly as the spell, except that spell resistance is not allowed and the Will save DC is 39.

Change Shape (Su)

The Father can take the form of any Small, Medium or Large humanoid.

Cleric powers:
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The Father casts as a 40th level cleric with access to the Chaos, Evil, Gluttony and Hunger domains (caster level 41st for spells with the chaotic or evil descriptor). The Father may cast and prepare spells from the Hunger domain as if they were on his cleric spell list. His metamagic options are Empower Spell (+1), Quicken Spell (+2),Twin Spell (+2) and Violate Spell (+1)

The save DCs are 19 + spell level. Any creature damaged by or that fail a save against The Father's magic must make an additional DC 56 Fortitude save or be affected as by consumption. See that ability for details.

Add bonus spells next.

[6/day]0: Guidancex3, Purify Food and Drinkx3
[8+1/day]1: (Protection from Good), Divine Favorx4, Tongue Tendrilx4BoVD
[7+1/day]2: (Ghoul GlyphSC), Ghoul Glyphx7
[7+1/day]3: (Create Food and Water), Absorb Mindx7BoVD, 1
[7+1/day]4: (Enervation), Absorb Strengthx7BoVD, 1
[7+1/day]5: (Dispel Good), Dire Hungerx7SC, 2
[5+1/day]6: (Heroes' Feast), Consume Likenessx4BoVD, 1, Quickened Absorb Strength
[5+1/day]7: (Word of Chaos), Twinned Dire Hungerx2, Whirlwind of Teethx3BoVD, 3
[5+1/day]8: (Bite of the KingSC), Violated Whirlwind of Teethx2, Bite of the Kingx3
[5+1/day]9: (Energy Drain), Mass Dire Hungerx3Home, Twinned Whirlwind of Teeth, Violated Empowered Whirlwind of Teeth
[4+1/day]10: (Empowered Energy Drain), Empowered Energy Drainx2, Quickened Bite of the King, Twinned Violated Whirlwind of Teeth
[4+1/day]11: (Twinned Energy Drain), Twinned Violated Empowered Whirlwind of Teethx4
[4+1/day]12: (Empowered Quickened Energy Drain), Twinned Empowered Energy Drainx4
[4+1/day]13: (Quickened Twinned Energy Drain), Father's Embracex4Home, 1
[4+1/day]14: (Quickened Twinned Empowered Energy Drain), All-Devouring Hunterx3Home, Empowered Father's Embrace
[4+1/day]15: (Quickened Twinned Empowered Energy Drain), Consumptive Dispellingx2Home, Violated All-Devouring Hungerx2
[2+1/day]16: (Quickened Twinned Empowered Energy Drain), Twinned All-Devouring Hungerx2

1 - Due to The Father's nature, he ignores the corruption cost for this spell.
2 - The Father has developed a version of this spell that is identical to the SC's version, except that it is a 5th level cleric spell.
3 - The Father has developed a version of this spell that is identical to the BoVD's version, except that it is a 7th level cleric spell.
BoVD - Book of Vile Darkness
Home - Homebrew
SC - Spell Compendium

Blasphemous Incantation (Su)

You can call upon your evil master to smite your enemies. All good creatures within 30 feet must succeed on Fortitude saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Cha modifier) or become sickened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).

You can utter a blasphemous incantation a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Cha modifier. If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion), the DC of the Fortitude save increases by 2.

Blasphemous incantation is a supernatural ability.

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As The Father is sealed away, he has no gear. He previously used various spellcasting and metamagic aids when in mortal form, to help his guise as a holy man. Should he ever become free again, it is likely he will repeat this tactic.

Custom Material:
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Father's Embrace
Divination/Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Corrupt 13
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

By casting Father's Embrace, the target's life force is directly assaulted. The target suffers 3d6 negative levels; a successful Fortitude save halves the negative levels. A creature slain by the negative levels of this spell immediately crumbles to fine dust. The caster is invigorated, gaining the benefits of an absorb mind and absorb strength spell, with the target of both being the target of this spell. In addition, the chance to recall any important fact from the target (via absorb mind) rises to 100%, while the caster gains one half of the target's Strength and Constitution score as an enhancement bonus (via absorb strength), rather than one fourth.

The duration of the absorb mind and absorb strength aspects of this ability are as normal for those spells. These spells may be dispelled as normal and are treated as if the caster cast them normally.

Material Component

A bit of flesh or brain from a corpse subjected to absorb mind or absorb strength.

Corruption Cost

2d6 points of Wisdom damage.

All-Devouring Hunger
Level: Clr 14, Sor/Wiz 14
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Area: Cylinder (10ft wide/level and 5ft high/level)
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Reflex half and Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell creates a giant maw that appears at a point the caster sees fit. It leaps straight up and attempts to devour any creature within the area. Any creature within the area takes 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 40d8, Reflex halves). In addition, any creature damaged must make a Will save or be affected as if by a dire hunger spell. The caster level of this dire hunger equals the caster's caster level.

Mass Dire Hunger
Level: Clr 9, Drd 9
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30ft apart

This spell functions as dire hunter, except as noted here. At the caster's option, the creatures affected may be instructed to ignore other victims of this spell.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Barachiel, the Messenger.

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- No flavor block here, as he isn't meaningfully changed from his BoED flavor.
- This stat block uses the BoED one as a base. Several of his powers come from that or the Emissary of Barachiel prestige class, only scaled up to fit his station.
- In the Eastern Orthodoxy, Barachiel is an archangel often depicted with a white rose held to his chest. The name of his weapon is a direct nod to that.
- Knight was chosen by elimination. Sealtiel has fighter and defender for classes, while Raziel handles paladin. This left Barachiel rather adrift and I chose not to use marshal (as to make him less samey compared to Bel and other well known warlords). Knight isn't the best class, but with innate full cleric casting it's not a big deal. It gives him some useful options.
- His domain spells past 9th level are basically a handwave.

The Messenger, The Herald of Celestia
First of the Hebdomad
Symbol: A silver trumpet against a starry background
Home Plane: Lunia, 1st layer of Mount Celestia
Alignment: Axiomatic Exalted
Portfolio: Messengers, defense, loyalty, perseverance
Worshipers: Heralds, trumpet archons, emissaries of Barachiel
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG
Domains: Good, Herald, Law, Patience
Favored Weapon: White Rose (Longsword)

Trumpet Archon 42//Knight 42

Changelog: Adjusted White Rose damage down by 1, it was off. Added tags for Barachiel's spells. Increased the shield bonus of white rose by 2. Clarified and rewrote how holy anointment's ravage counter works.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Archon, Good, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 7
Hit Dice: 42d12+672+42+84 (1302 hp)
Initiative: +28
Speed: 80ft, fly 240ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 100 (-1 size, +13 dex, +7 divine, +23 natural, +13 deflection, +14 shield, +21 armor)(50% miss chance)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +42/+65/115
Attack: White Rose+70 (2d6+29 plus plus 3d6 electricity (6d6 on crit) plus 7d6 electricity plus 4/+4d6 vs fiends 17-20 x2)
Full Attack: White Rose+70/+65/+60/+55 (2d6+29 plus plus 3d6 electricity (6d6 on crit) plus 7d6 electricity plus 4/+4d6 vs fiends 17-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Electrify blade, lightning stroke, spell-like abilities, spells, knight's challenge 34/day (fighting challenge+7, test of mettle, call to battle, daunting challenge, bond of loyalty, loyal beyond death), divine blast 16/day (20d12).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/anarchic, epic, evil and silver, spell resistance 57, immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire and petrification, fast healing 27, aura of menace, indelible imprint, magic circle against evil, summon archons, tongues, darkvision 120ft, divine traits, barachiel's code, shield block+5, bulwark of defense, armor mastery(medium, heavy), vigilant defender, improved shield ally, impetuous endurance, evasion(with shield only).
Saves: Fort +55, Ref +66, Will +54 (+4 racial vs poison)
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 37, Con 43, Int 36, Wis 41, Cha 36
Skills: Balance+65, Climb+67, Concentration+68, Diplomacy+69, Handle Animal+65, Heal+67, Intimidate+69, Jump+87, Knowledge(Arcana)+65, Knowledge(A&E)+65, Knowledge(History)+65, Knowledge(Local: Mount Celestial)+65,  Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty)+65, Knowledge(Planes)+65, Knowledge(Religion)+65, Perform(Wind Instruments)+65, Listen+67, Ride+65, Search+65, Sense Motive+67, Spellcraft+65, Spot+67, Survival+67, Swim+67, Use Rope+65
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Power Attack(1), Mounted Combat(K2), Empower Spell(3), Shield Specialization(K5), Shield Ward(6), Quicken Spell(9), Endurance(K10), Purify Spell(12), Consecrate Spell(15), Diehard(K15), Improved Critical(Longsword)(18), Toughness(K20), Improved Initiative(24), Combat Reflexes(42)
Epic Feats: Epic Shield Ally(B), Knight's Defense(B), Knight's Endurance(B), Knight's Presence(B), Knight's Will(B), Epic Spell Capacity(21), Knight's Defense(K23), Shield Barrier(K26), Superior Initiative(27), Shield Evasion(K29), Spell Stowaway(Miracle)(30), Epic Toughness(K32), Spell Stowaway(Time Stop)(33), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Cold Iron)(K35), Blinding Speed(36), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Silver)(K38), Multiaction(39), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Adamantine)(K41)
Salient Divine Abilities: Area Divine Shield, Alter Size, Automatic Metamagic(Quicken Spell), Banestrike(Fiends), Divine Blast, Divine Knight, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Shield, Extra Energy Immunity(Cold), Extra Energy Immunity(Acid), Herald of Celestia, Improved Alter Size.
Alignment: Axiomatic Exalted

Racial powers:
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Barachiel casts as a 42nd level cleric with access to the Good, Herald, Law and Patience domains (caster level 43rd for good and lawful spells). The save DCs are 25 + spell level. All of Barachiel's spells are automatically quickened. Barachiel's metamagic options are Consecrate Spell (+1), Purify Spell (+1) and Empower Spell (+2).

[6/day]0: Create Water, Guidance, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue.
[9+1/day]1: (Protection from Chaos), Bless, Command, Divine Favorx3, Eyes of the Avoralx2BoED, Obscuring Mist, Vision of HeavenBoED
[9+1/day]2: (Enthrall), Cure Moderate Wounds, Ease Painx2BoED, Hold Personx2, Shield Otherx2, Zone of Truthx2
[9+1/day]3: (Protection from Energy), Blessed Sightx2BoED, Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle Against Chaos, Prayer, RefreshmentBoED, Telepathy TapBoED, Wind Wall
[8+1/day]4: (Slow), Celestial BrillianceBoED, Death Ward, Dimensional Anchorx3, Greater StatusBoED, Neutralize Poison, Sword of ConsciousBoED
[8+1/day]5: (Greater Command), Break Enchantment, Crown of Flamex2BoED, Inquisitionx2BoED, Mark of Justice, Sacred GuardianBoED, Sicken EvilBoED
[7+1/day]6: (Blade Barrier), Banishment, Crown of BrillianceBoED, Geas/Questx2, Healx3
[7+1/day]7: (Purified Blade Barrier), Greater Restoration, Righteous SmiteBoED, Rain of Embersx2BoED, Shield of the Archonsx3BoED
[6+1/day]8: (Sequester), Crown of GloryBoED, Fire Stormx2, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Shield of Lawx2
[6+1/day]9: (Time Stop), Etherealness, Mass Healx4, Sublime RevelryBoED
[6+1/day]10: (Consecrated Purified Empowered Blade Barrier), Celestial Valorx2Home, Energetic HealingHome, Empowered Fire Stormx2
[6+1/day]11: (Empowered Time Stop), Superb Dispellingx3, Empowered Purified Fire Stormx3
[5+1/day]12: (Empowered Time Stop), Burst of Gloryx2Home, Legion's Gatesx2Home, Wrath of the HeavensHome
[5+1/day]13: (Empowered Time Stop), Mass Energy ImmunityHome, Purified Burst of Gloryx4Home
[5+1/day]14: (Empowered Time Stop), Empowered Wrath of the Heavensx2, Thunderous VoiceHome, Radiant Stormx2Home
[5+1/day]15: (Empowered Time Stop), Final Penancex2Home, Purified Empowered Burst of Gloryx3
[4+1/day]16: (Empowered Time Stop), Purified Final Penancex2, Empowered Radiant Stormx2
[1+1/day]17: (Empowered Time Stop), Empowered Final Penance

BoED - Book of Exalted Deeds
Home - Homebrew

Electrify Blade (Su)

Any metal weapon Barachiel wields crackles with electrical energy for as long as he holds the weapon. A weapon held by Barachiel deals an extra 7d6 points of electricity damage. This damage ignores resistance and immunity to lightning against chaotic or evil creatures.

Lightning Stroke (Su)

When holding a weapon charged with electrical energy from Electrify Blade, Barachiel may project a stroke of lightning towards any opponent within 700ft. This is a ranged touch attack and deals 210 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. Like with Electrify Blade, this damage ignores resistance and immunity to lightning against chaotic or evil creatures.

Aura of Menace (Su)

DC 51 Will negates, -4 morale penalty to armor class, attacks and saves for one day. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw are immune to Barachiel's Aura of Menace for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +7 sacred bonus.

Indelible Imprint (Su)

When one of the Celestial Hebdomad is slain, the dying paragon releases holy energy to brand its murderer for all time. The instant the paragon dies, all creatures within 700ft who have dealt damage to the paragon within the past day must make a Will save (DC 77). Those that succeed suffer no other effect. Those that fail receive an unsightly rune on their face that marks them as the murderer of a member of the Hebdomad to any lawful good outsider. They automatically fail any bluff, diplomacy or intimidate checks against lawful good outsiders. These outsiders will take any means to capture or slay the branded creature. Lawful good outsiders who attempt to bring a creature bearing the Indelible Imprint to justice enjoy a +7 sacred bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, checks and ability scores for as long as they battle the branded creature. This results from the direct intercession of Mount Celestial and the Hebdomad through the outsider.

This mark may only be removed by a wish or miracle cast by a 49th level spellcaster or a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against the slain paragon.

Deities are not immune to the Indelible Imprint, but are allowed an opposed rank check to negate it when the paragon dies. If the deity fails this check and then fails the saving throw, they cannot remove it with their own power. The save DC is set and does not draw on any ability score.

Summon Archons (Su)

Barachiel may call up to 42 hit dice of archons or lawful good angels three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may attempt to call one of the other Hebdomad. The other member of the Hebdomad is not obligated to answer and they are automatically aware of the circumstances surrounding Barachiel.

Divine powers:
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Always active-detect chaos, detect evil, true seeing. At will-aid, aspect of the deity, blade barrier, calm emotions, comprehend languages, consecrate, contingency, continual flame, crown of brilliance, crown of glory, daylight, delay poison, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel evil, dream, enthrall, greater aspect of the deity, greater command, greater plane shift, greater teleport, hallow, heavenly lightning, hold monster, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, mass bear's endurance, message, order's wrath, power word stun, protection from chaos, protection from energy, protection from evil, ray of hope, sanctuary, sending, sequester, shield of law, slow, summon monster 9 (lawful good creatures only), superb dispelling, time stop, tongues, vision of heaven. Caster level 42nd, caster level 43rd for good or lawful spells. The save DCs are 40 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Barachiel exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Barachiel can use limited wish when doing so can help him promote holy messages, patience in holy tasks and the glory of Mount Celestia. Note that in the situation where Barachiel and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Cure Wounds (Su)

Barachiel may cast any cure wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:
Good: +1 caster level to good spells.
Herald: +4 sacred bonus to diplomacy and intimidate, intimidate is always a class skill.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Patience: 7/day as an immediate action, delay the effect of any spell on you for up to 10 rounds. This may be used after any saving throw the spell allows.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Barachiel's divine aura is 30 and the radius is 700ft.

Immunities: Barachiel is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Barachiel is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Barachiel gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Barachiel does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Barachiel can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within seven miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Barachiel can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a beautiful trumpet blast. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Barachiel can create any wondrous item with power related to messages and holiness; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Barachiel is aware of any act of messages, holy patience and perseverance that involves 500 or more people.

Knight powers:
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Knight's Challenge

Your dauntless fighting spirit plays a major role in your fighting style, as important as the strength of your arm or the sharpness of your blade. In battle, you use the force of your personality to challenge your enemies. You can call out a foe, shouting a challenge that boosts his confidence, or issue a general challenge that strikes fear into weak opponents and compels strong opponents to seek you out for personal combat. By playing on your enemies' ego, you can manipulate your foes.

You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 your class level + your Charisma bonus (minimum once per day). As you gain levels, you gain a number of options that you can use in conjunction with this ability.

Even if you and your foes lack a shared language, you can still effectively communicate through body language, tone, and certain oaths and challenges you learn from a variety of different tongues.

Fighting Challenge (Ex)

As a swift action, you can issue a challenge against a single opponent. The target of this ability must have an Intelligence of 5 or higher, have a language of some sort, and have a CR greater than or equal to your character level minus 2. If it does not meet these requirements, a use of this ability is expended without effect.

If the target does meet the conditions given above, you gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against the target of this ability. You fight with renewed vigor and energy by placing your honor and reputation on the line. If your chosen foe reduces you to 0 or fewer hit points, you lose two uses of your knight's challenge ability for the day because of the blow to your ego and confidence from this defeat.

The effect of a fighting challenge lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Charisma bonus (if any).

If you are capable of issuing a knight's challenge more than once per day, you can use this ability more than once in a single encounter. If your first chosen foe is defeated or flees the area, you can issue a new challenge to a different foe. You cannot switch foes if your original target is still active.

At 7th level, the bonus you gain from this ability increases to +2. At 13th level, it rises to +3. At 19th level, it increases to +4.

Test of Mettle (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, you can shout a challenge to all enemies, calling out for the mightiest among them to face you in combat. Any target of this ability must have a language of some sort and an Intelligence score of 5 or higher. Creatures that do not meet these requirements are immune to the test of mettle. You must have line of sight and line of effect to the targets of this ability.

As a swift action, you can expend one use of your knight's challenge ability to cause all your enemies within 100 feet with a CR greater than or equal to your character level minus 2 to make Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Cha modifier). Creatures that fail this save are forced to attack you with their ranged or melee attacks in preference over other available targets. If a foe attacks by casting a spell or using a supernatural ability, he must target you with the attack or include you in the effect's area.

An opponent compelled to act in this manner is not thrown into a mindless rage and does not have to move to attack you in melee if doing so would provoke attacks of opportunity against him. In such a case, he can use ranged attacks against you or attack any opponents he threatens as normal. If anyone other than you attacks the target, the effect of the test of mettle ends for that specific target.

If you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by an opponent forced to attack you due to this ability, you gain one additional use of your knight's challenge ability for that day. This additional use comes from increased confidence and the knowledge that you have proved your mettle as a knight against your enemies by calling out foes even against overwhelming odds. This additional use disappears if you have not used it by the start of the next day. You can only gain one additional use of your knight's challenge ability in this manner per day.

The effect of a test of mettle lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Charisma bonus (if any). Whether a creature fails or succeeds on its save against your test of mettle, it can only be targeted by this effect once per day.

Call to Battle (Ex)

Starting at 8th level, you become an inspiring figure on the battlefield. When all seems lost, you are a beacon of hope who continues to fight on despite the odds. No cause is yet lost when a knight still battles on its name.

As a swift action, you can expend one use of your knight's challenge ability to grant an ally another save against a fear effect. The target gains a bonus on this save equal to your Charisma bonus (if any). If the target succeeds on this save, he gains the benefit for a successful save against the attack or spell. This ability reflects your talent to inspire your allies in the face of a daunting foe.

For example, Lidda fails her save against a lich's fear spell. On his next action, Sir Agrivail uses his call to battle ability to grant Lidda another save. If she succeeds, she immediately shrugs off the effect of the fear spell.

Daunting Challenge (Ex)

Starting at 12th level, you can call out opponents, striking fear into the hearts of your enemies. In this manner you separate the strong-minded from the weak-willed, allowing you to focus on opponents that are worthy foes.

As a swift action, you can expend one use of your knight's challenge ability to issue a daunting challenge. This ability affects all creatures within 100 feet of you that have a CR less than your character level minus 2. Targets must be able to hear you, speak or understand a language of some sort, and have an Intelligence score of 5 or more. All targets who meet these conditions must make Will saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Cha modifier) or become shaken.

Whether a creature fails or succeeds on its save against your daunting challenge, it can only be targeted by this effect once per day.

Bond of Loyalty (Ex)

Starting at 16th level, your loyalty to your comrades endures even in the face of powerful magic. You can expend one use of your knight's challenge ability to make an additional saving throw against a mindaffecting spell or ability. You can use this ability once per round as a free action and can continue to use it even if an opponent is controlling your actions with a mind-affecting spell or ability.

Loyal Beyond Death (Ex)

At 20th level, if you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by an effect that otherwise leaves your body intact, you can expend one use of your knight's challenge ability to remain conscious and continue to act for 1 more round before dying. You can use this ability even if your hit point total is -10 or lower. If your body is somehow destroyed before your next action (such as by disintegrate), then you cannot act. You can continue to expend uses of your knight's challenge ability to survive from round to round until you run out of uses. If you receive healing that leaves you with more than -10 hit points, you survive (or fall unconscious, as appropriate to your new hit point total) when you stop using this ability. Otherwise, death overtakes you when you run out of uses of your knight's challenge ability.

Barachiel's Code

Instead of the knight's code, Barachiel uses the paladin's code of conduct.

If you violate any part of this code, you lose one use of your knight's challenge ability for the day. If your knight's challenge ability is not available when you violate the code (for example, if you have exhausted your uses for the day), you take a -2 penalty on attack rolls and saves for the rest of that day. Your betrayal of your code of conduct undermines the foundation of confidence and honor that drives you forward.

Shield Block (Ex)

Starting at 2nd level, you excel in using your armor and shield to frustrate your enemy's attacks. During your action, designate a single opponent as the target of this ability. Your shield bonus to AC against that foe increases by 1, as you move your shield to deflect an incoming blow, possibly providing just enough protection to turn a telling swing into a near miss.

This shield bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 20th level.

Bulwark of Defense (Ex)

When you reach 3rd level, an opponent that begins its turn in your threatened area treats all the squares that you threaten as difficult terrain. Your strict vigilance and active defensive maneuvers force your opponents to move with care.

Armor Mastery (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, you are able to wear your armor like a second skin and ignore the standard speed reduction for wearing medium armor. Starting at 9th level, you ignore the speed reduction imposed by heavy armor as well.

Vigilant Defender (Ex)

Starting at 5th level, you stand your ground against all enemies, warding the spot where you make your stand to prevent foes from slipping past and attacking those you protect. If an opponent attempts to use the Tumble skill to move through your threatened area or your space without provoking attacks of opportunity, the Tumble check DC to avoid your attacks of opportunity increases by an amount equal to your class level.

Shield Ally (Ex)

Starting at 6th level, as an immediate action you can opt to absorb part of the damage dealt to an adjacent ally. Each time this ally takes damage from a physical attack before your next turn, you can take half this damage on yourself. The target takes the other half as normal. You can only absorb damage from physical melee attacks and ranged attacks, such as an incoming arrow or a blow from a sword, not from spells and other effects.

Improved Shield Ally (Ex)

At 14th level, your ability to absorb damage increases. Once per round you can absorb all the damage from a single attack directed against an adjacent ally. In addition, you continue to absorb half the damage from other physical attacks on an adjacent ally, if you so choose. You must decide whether to use this ability after the attacker determines that an attack has succeeded but before he rolls damage.

Impetuous Endurance (Ex)

Starting at 17th level, your fighting spirit enables you to push your body beyond the normal limits of endurance. You no longer automatically fail a saving throw on a roll of 1. You might still fail the save if your result fails to equal or beat the DC.

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White Rose

This large longsword has a white rose motif, made of fine gold harvested from Jovar. It was said to be made by Gond, a persistent piece of lore even if little else about it is known. It is a large longsword+7, lightning blast. It grants a +7 sacred bonus to the save DCs of Barachiel's Knight abilities. Despite being a sword, White Rose is wielded with sublime skill by Barachiel. It counts as a shield as well, granting him a +4 shield bonus to armor class. This bonus in turn stacks with the shield block bonus of knight.

Holy Anointment

Barachiel does not wear armor into battle. However, he has been blessed by Zaphkiel. This protection is stronger than any mortal armor, shielding him from harm in every way. Barachiel gains a +21 armor bonus to armor class. Any creature that strikes Barachiel, be it by weapon or magic, is affected by a triple strength celestial lightblood ravage (DC 51 Fort, 3d4 Dex primary, 3d4 Con secondary).

Valor's Trumpet

This silver trumpet is said to have been created by Erathaol ages ago, who simply said that Barachiel would need it one day. By blowing on it as a standard action, Barachiel can produce a note of sublime beauty and terror. All creatures except archons, and any that Barachiel chooses to exclude, must make a DC 51 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 7 rounds. As a free action, Barachiel can command Valor's Trumpet to become a +7 large greatsword, axiomatic power. Those who have seen the trumpet being used often come away with the suspicion that there is more to the trumpet than this, but both Barachiel and Erathaol remain mute on this subject. Interestingly, many mortal sages hold that this trumpet will be blown on the last day of conflict between good and evil, to herald the victory (or defeat, depending on the source) of good.

As one of the Hebdomad, Barachiel has access to great quantities of treasure and magical support should he need it. When going to battle, he often requisitions greater rods of metamagic and items that improve the DCs of his cleric spells.

Custom Material:
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Prerequisite: Knight level 20th, Shield Block+3, Fighting Challenge(Loyal Beyond Death), Impetuous Endurance, Improved Shield Ally
Benefit: The deity gains Epic Shield Ally, Knight's Defense, Knight's Endurance, Knight's Presence and Knight's Will as bonus feats. The deity never provokes an attack of opportunity for making a charge attack.

Prerequisite: Herald Domain, member of the Hebdomad
Benefit: As the Herald of Celestia, Barachiel's words have the ability to support the righteous, undermine the wicked and convert evil. The save DC to resist any of these abilities is (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Cha modifier + divine rank; DC 51).
Herald's Call: Barachiel can emit a call of pure celestial glory, words that stir the spirit of all that hear them. Any creature within 70ft is affected. Lawful good creatures gain a +8 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, skill and ability checks and saving throws. Neutral good or chaotic good creatures gain a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws versus fear. Creatures that lawful neutral find themselves enthralled, doing nothing but listen to his words for as long as he speaks and for 7 rounds after he ceases (or until they are attacked or Barachiel makes an aggressive act towards them, such as an attack). Those of neutral and chaotic neutral alignment are enthralled as previous as well suffering a -4 penalty on ability checks, attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws. Creatures of any evil alignment are stunned for 7 rounds and suffer a -8 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and weapon damage rolls. Any negative effects allow a Will save to negate. The various penalties and bonuses last for 77 minutes unless noted otherwise. Using Herald's Call is a full round action and it may be used up to 7 times per day. This ability is mind-affecting and language dependent. Note that as a deity, Barachiel can communicate with any creature that has a language.
Message of Conversion: Barachiel is capable of offering a glimpse of heavenly glory and the chance for a creature to immediately choose to begin its redemption. As a full round action, Barachiel can show a different path to all non-good creatures within 70ft. These creatures are given the choice to accept this new path; if they choose to do so, they immediately become of good alignment. Those that accept are immediately tasked by Barachiel in how to atone for their past sins. While Barachiel can use this ability on the unwilling (a Will saving throw negates), he rarely does so, as he believes the unwilling will inevitably slide back into evil. As such, Barachiel usually waives any saving throw and allows the unwilling to resist uncontested. The tasks given by Barachiel are not light ones, but ones he believes the creature is able to accomplish. Barachiel is also capable of assigning another task if needed or if a previous task becomes impossible.

Burst of Glory
Evocation [Good]
Level: Clr 12, Glory 12
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft/2 levels); see text
Effect: Rays; see text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell sends Bolts of Glory at every creature within range of the spell. See the spell on page 35 of the Spell Compendium. You roll spell resistance and your attack roll once and apply it to all targets within range. The maximum damage for each bolt is raised, up to 30d12 versus natives of the Negative Energy Plane, evil outsiders and undead; 14d12 versus neutral outsiders and inhabitants of the Material Plane or Elemental plane; good outsiders and creatures native to the Positive Energy Plane still take no damage.

Burst of Glory sends bolts at all creatures within range, even allies and creatures that would not be affected by the bolt.

Thunderous Voice
Transmutation [Good]
Level: Brd 12, Clr 14, Sor/Wiz 14
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level

By calling on the Thunderous Voice, your voice becomes like the pounding roar of a thunderstorm. This fills your voice with overpowering terror, granting you a +40 competence bonus to intimidation checks. As a standard action while under the effects of this spell, you may intone a condemnation of any evil creatures within 100ft. This unleashes a lightning bolt from you to the creature. Treat this as a Lightning Bolt spell, except that it only affects the creature and deals 20d6 points of damage. Half of this damage is electricity damage and half is divine power and thus not subject to resistance or immunity to electricity.

Material Component

A rod of lightning and a tiny horn

Final Penance
Necromancy [Good]
Level: Clr 15
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: 1 evil creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

When Final Penance is cast, the target creature's life force is torn apart by raw holy judgment. This deals 1d8 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 40d8. Against evil outsiders, it instead deals 1d10 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 40d10. A Fortitude save is allowed to halve the damage. If the creature is slain by this spell, its life energy explodes out in all directions, laced with holy power. This life force extends in all direction 100ft, healing good creatures an amount equal to the damage the target took from this spell.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Domiel, the Mercy-Bringer

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- Domiel's flavor isn't greatly changed from his BoED statblock. In addition to opposing tyranny of all stripes, he ensures the peaceful rest of the dead and hunts the undead. He is not afraid to kill when it is needed and sponsors an order of holy assassins (the Slayers of Domiel prestige class). He also has a fair few skullclan hunters who pay him heed, as the abilities of that class and his own abilities dovetail closely.

- Domiel tends to project a stoic and wise impression. He is not stoic as much as that he enjoys silence and the contemplations of eternal life; he desires to impress this onto those that deal with him. Beneath that he tends to be a bit of a hot-head who desires action against evil. He considers it his personal responsibility to end the undead, a task he cannot afford to tarry over-long on. Yet in spite of that, he knows the value of temperance and subsumes those desires by performing his duties. He is warm and caring to those who spend time with him (so long as they don't impede his duties), especially to mortals and lesser outsiders who travel with him. He is often called fatherly and has personally mentored several promising slayers, including many redeemed assassins.

- Mortals who serve Domiel and that reach the point of death by old age find a special gift. On the day they would die, they instead are restored to good health as a portal appears before them. This portal leads to Mercuria and a spot within one of the tombs of the honored dead. Here they are laid to rest by Domiel himself, who grants them a long, introspective rest that heals the pain of mortal life and imparts the wisdom of Celestia. After many years (no less than 7 and no more than 777), the servant awakens as an outsider in the service of Domiel, all mortal memories retained. Such mortals become favored servants of Domiel and join the ranks of Domiel's personal slayers.

- Generally, Domiel's relations with the rest of the Hebdomad are extremely warm. He is mildly less close to Erathaol than the others, as Erathaol is too reliant on minor interventions and allowing fate to work rather than taking direct action. It is not that Domiel cannot appreciate subtlety, but that he feels Erathaol would be better served with less of it. He works extensively with Raziel, as Domiel's rest is the promised reward for heroes who follow Raziel. He is somewhat distant from Sealtiel, as Domiel does not wish to look closely to Chronias yet. That final mystery is one he wishes to leave until it becomes revealed to all.

- Beyond the Hebdomad, Domiel has strong ties with the Triad. He works with Lathander at times, as both work tirelessly against the living dead. Lathander alternately amuses and annoys Domiel with his often ill-thought out plans - with only some success when he tries to defuse them. Domiel sharpens his lessons of temperance when he visits Lathander. Beyond that, he has generally good relations with the other Heavens and divine realms, as none will think poorly of an accomplished slayer of the undead.

- Domiel's enemies are primarily those who embody and deal with undead. Orcus, Lixer and Velsharoon are all his foes. He also categorically opposes tyrants such as Bane, the devils and most any fiend lawful enough to seek to be a tyrant. Domiel prefers to focus broadly than make particular enemies.

- Of all the Hebdomad, Domiel struggles the most with his chosen of the seven virtues, temperance. In truth, Domiel at heart believes that temperance requires struggle. One who does not need to strive to be temperate is nothing more than a bland shell of a being. Without passions, there is no meaning to temperance. This is not to say that he is at any risk of failing to be temperate, but that it is something he constantly works at to embody.

When properly embodied, temperance allows a being to harness and direct the powers of life, so that they may be constructively used towards good and order. This is a path he teaches archons to walk - not to reject their passions and the callings of excess, but to defeat them and use them to rise higher yet. He knows that even the angels, archons and worthy creatures that come to Mercuria are stained by sin and imperfect. The lesson is not to chase perfection, but to learn to control and direct those feelings.

Likewise, the urge to kill, properly channeled and guided by righteousness, guides his slayers of Domiel. The urge to control, if left unchecked, leads to tyranny and must be mastered. The desire to do good, if allowed to dominate a creature to the exclusion of all else, leads to burn out and spiritual collapse. The need for life can go too far, resulting in sins of the flesh and the horrors that caused celestials such as Belial and Semyaza to fall; further, clinging to life too far causes mortals to seek undeath and create even greater nightmares.

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- Again, this stat block uses the BoED one as a baseline for inspiration. When suitable, SDAs and racial abilities are used to grant the powers in those stat blocks and the prestige class related to them. This doesn't matter much for Domiel.

- Domiel's the anti-undead specialist of the Hebdomad. The fact that he's a rogue is one of those strange little ironies, though he's capable of overcoming the typical rogue problems with undead. Tyranny's Fall essentially allows him to ignore that problem and then some. Anyway, the fact that he's a rogue is due to the fact that Slayer of Domiel is a rogue PrC. Simple enough.

- Domiel's gimmick is absurd offense (twelve attacks per round!) combined with the ability to stop the same tactic from working on him. I like how his runes tie into the Temperance domain, by the way. He has some powerful clerical magic to bolster that, though it's somewhat more secondary compared to the rest of the Hebdomad. His caste (movanic deva) doesn't innately get clerical casting, so he didn't develop this until shortly before taking his position. He still prefers to be a rogue first and a spellcaster second.

- Shadowbane Stalker fits his to a T. It gives him amazing stealth abilities and continues his rogue abilities nicely. The epic progression for it could use some custom bonus feats. I'll do that some day.

The Mercy-Bringer, Lord of Eternal Rest
Second of the Hebdomad
Symbol: An upthrust, flaming greatsword against a white diamond background
Home Plane: Mercuria, 2nd layer of Mount Celestia
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Peaceful rest in death, eternal life, destruction of tyranny and undead
Worshipers: Crypt-keepers, good aligned rogues, slayers of Domiel, skullclan hunters
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG
Domains: Celestial, Good, Law, Life, Temperance
Favored Weapon: Tyranny's Fall (Greatsword)

Movanic Deva 44//Rogue 10/Shadowbane Stalker 34

Changelog: Reduced wing damage by 1, as it was off. Added a bit of related text to the wings quality in gear. Added smite evil from the celestial domain to special attacks. Changed out reach spell for transdimensional spell. Added spells as well as a new custom spell. A few clarifications to how heavenly deflection works. Added skullclan hunters to worshipers.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Archon, Good, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 7
Hit Dice: 44d8+660 (1012 hp)
Initiative: +32 (always goes first)
Speed: 80ft, fly 240ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 70 (-1 size, +17 dex, +7 divine, +23 natural, +14 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +44/+69/109
Attack: Tyranny's Fall+73 (3d6+31 plus 2d6 holy plus 3d6 fire (6d6 on crit) plus 20d6 sneak attack and 2 Str damage 17-20 x2)
Full Attack: Tyranny's Fall+73/+68/+63/+58 (3d6+31 plus 2d6 holy plus 3d6 fire (6d6 on crit) plus 20d6 sneak attack and 2 Str damage 17-20 x2) and 2 wings+73/+68/+63/+58 (1d8+22 plus 20d6 sneak attack and 2 Str damage)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spells, spell-like abilities, sneak attack+20d6, crippling strike, sacred strike, divine blast 17/day (21d12), smite evil 7/day.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/anarchic, epic, evil and silver, spell resistance 59, immunity to acid, cold and petrification, resistance to electricity and fire 30, aura of menace, indelible imprint, protective aura, summon archons, tongues, darkvision 120ft, divine traits, heavenly deflection, change shape, death ward, trapfinding, evasion, penetrating strike, battlesense, detect evil, sacred stealth+24, discover subterfuge+22, sacred defense.
Saves: Fort +56, Ref +58, Will +57 (+4 racial vs poison)
Abilities: Str 43, Dex 45, Con 40, Int 41, Wis 42, Cha 39
Skills: Concentration+69, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+69, Diplomacy+72, Disable Device+69, Escape Artist+71, Gather Information+72, Heal+70, Hide+84, Intimidate+72, Knowledge(Arcana)+69, Knowledge(A&E)+69, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)+69, Knowledge(Local: Mount Celestia)+69, Knowledge(Nature)+69, Knowledge(Planes)+69, Knowledge(Religion)+69, Listen+70, Move Silently+84, Perform(Song)+72, Search+69, Sense Motive+70, Spellcraft+69, Spot+70, Survival+70, Tumble+71, Use Magic Device+68, Use Rope+71
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Sacred Strike(1), Skill Focus(Hide)(3), Skill Focus(Move Silently)(6), Transdimensional Spell(9), Invisible Spell(12), Quicken Spell(15), Improved Initiative(18), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Mass Heal)(27), Darkstalker(36), Energize Spell(39), Combat Reflexes(42)
Epic Feats: Improved Sneak Attackx3(B), Lingering Damage(B), Sneak Attack of Opportunity(B), Epic Spell Capacity(21), Epic Skill Focus(Hide)(24), Epic Skill Focus(Move Silently)(SS14), Blinding Speed(SS18), Epic Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Mass Heal)(30), Epic Reputation(SS22), Multiaction(33), Improved Sneak Attack(SS26), Superior Initiative(SS30), Spellcasting Harrier(SS34)
Salient Divine Abilities: Area Divine Shield, Battlesense, Divine Blast, Divine Shield, Divine Sneak Attack, Extra Domain(Life), Final Rest, Gift of Life, Know Death, Life and Death, Mass Divine Blast, Supreme Initiative
Alignment: Lawful Exalted

Racial powers:
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Domiel casts as a 44th level cleric with access to the Celestial, Good, Law, Life and Temperance domains (caster level 45th for spells with the good or lawful descriptor). The save DCs are 26 + spell level. Domiel's metamagic options are Invisible Spell (+0), Energize Spell (+1), Transdimensional Spell (+1) and Quicken Spell (+4)

[6/day]0: Create Water, Guidance, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue.
[9+1/day]1: (Hide from Undead), Blessx3, Detect Undeadx2, Divine Favorx2, Sanctuaryx2
[9+1/day]2: (Lesser Restoration), Consecratex2, Ease Painx2BoED, Light of Mercuriax2SC, Ghost Touch ArmorSC, Stabilizex2SC
[9+1/day]3: (Blessed Sight), Daylight, Heart's Easex2BoED, Ghost Touch Weaponx4SC, Spark of Lifex2SC
[9+1/day]4: (Neutralize Poison), Celestial BrillianceBoED, Death Ward, Divine Powerx2, Freedom of Movement, Moon Boltx2SC, Undead Bane Weaponx2SC
[8+1/day]5: (Invisible Energized Holy Smite), Crown of FlameBoED, Invisible Flame Strike, Life's Gracex3SC, Righteous Mightx3
[7+1/day]6: (Animate Objects), Bolt of Gloryx2BoED, Crown of Brilliancex2BoED, Ghost Trapx2SC, Secure CorpseBoED
[7+1/day]7: (Quickened Ghost Touch Weapon), Energized Bolt of Gloryx2, Greater Restoration, Invisible Rain of Embersx2BoED, Righteous Smitex2BoED
[7+1/day]8: (Holy Aura), Energized Invisible Righteous Smitex2, Invisible Fire Storm, Mass Death Warx2SC, Transdimensional Righteous Smitex2
[6+1/day]9: (Gate), Etherealness, Quickened Righteous Mightx2, Undeath's Eternal Foex3SC
[6+1/day]10: (Quickened Blade Barrier), Celestial Valorx2Home, Energy Immunityx2Home, Mass Freedom of MovementHome, Miracle of HealthHome
[6+1/day]11: (Quickened Dictum), Quickened Energized Bolt of Gloryx3, Latha's Sunmantlex2Home, Tyr's SensesHome
[6+1/day]12: (Quickened Shield of Law), Burst of Gloryx2Home, Quickened Energized Transdimensional Bolt of Gloryx4
[5+1/day]13: (Quickened Gate), Energized Burst of Gloryx2, Mass Energy Immunityx2Home, Quickened Miracle
[5+1/day]14: (Quickened Iron Body), Energized Transdimensional Burst of Gloryx2, Quickened Miracle of Health, Radiant Stormx2Home
[5+1/day]15: (Quickened Iron Body), Energized Radiant Stormx2, Final Penancex2Home, Quickened Tyr's Senses
[5+1/day]16: (Quickened Iron Body), Energized Final Penancex5
[3+1/day]17: (Quickened Iron Body), Domiel's Spread of Lifex3Home

BoED - Book of Exalted Deeds
Home - Homebrew
SC - Spell Compendium

Heavenly Deflection (Su)

At will, Domiel can deflect ranged attacks and certain spells by batting them away with his weapon. When a ranged attack, ray, or single-target spell would ordinarily hit or affect Domiel, he can make a Reflex saving throw against a base DC of 20. If the ranged weapon has an enhancement bonus, the DC increases by that amount. If the attack is from a spell, the spell level is added to the base DC. If Domiel succeeds, he deflects the attack. A deflected attack may be deflected or counterspelled, or Domiel may choose to return the attack onto the attacker. A reflected attack uses the same rolls as the initial attack.

Domiel must be aware of an attack in order to have a chance to deflect it. He can deflect as many attacks per round as he wishes.

Change Shape (Su)

Domiel can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid or animal.

Death Ward (Ex)

Domiel is under the constant protection of a death ward spell. This is an extraordinary ability and cannot be suppressed or dispelled.

Aura of Menace (Su)

DC 53 Will negates, -4 morale penalty to armor class, attacks and saves for one day. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw are immune to Domiel's Aura of Menace for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +7 sacred bonus.

Indelible Imprint (Su)

When one of the Celestial Hebdomad is slain, the dying paragon releases holy energy to brand its murderer for all time. The instant the paragon dies, all creatures within 700ft who have dealt damage to the paragon within the past day must make a Will save (DC 77). Those that succeed suffer no other effect. Those that fail receive an unsightly rune on their face that marks them as the murderer of a member of the Hebdomad to any lawful good outsider. They automatically fail any bluff, diplomacy or intimidate checks against lawful good outsiders. These outsiders will take any means to capture or slay the branded creature. Lawful good outsiders who attempt to bring a creature bearing the Indelible Imprint to justice enjoy a +7 sacred bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, checks and ability scores for as long as they battle the branded creature. This results from the direct intercession of Mount Celestial and the Hebdomad through the outsider.

This mark may only be removed by a wish or miracle cast by a 49th level spellcaster or a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against the slain paragon.

Deities are not immune to the Indelible Imprint, but are allowed an opposed rank check to negate it when the paragon dies. If the deity fails this check and then fails the saving throw, they cannot remove it with their own power. The save DC is set and does not draw on any ability score.

Summon Archons (Su)

Domiel may call up to 44 hit dice of archons or lawful good angels three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may attempt to call one of the other Hebdomad. The other member of the Hebdomad is not obligated to answer and they are automatically aware of the circumstances surrounding Domiel.

Divine powers:
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Always active-detect chaos, detect evil, true seeing. At will-aid, animate objects, animate plants, atonement, blade barrier, blessed sight, call faithful servants, calm emotions, consecrate, death ward, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel evil, dispel magic, gate, greater dispel magic, greater plane shift, greater teleport, heavenly lightning, heavenly lightning storm, hide from undead, hold monster, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, iron body, lesser planar ally, lesser restoration, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, mass heal, neutralize poison, order's wrath, plant growth, protection from chaos, protection from evil, reincarnate, regenerate, remove fear, shield of law, superb dispelling, summon monster 9 (lawful good creatures only), symbol of stunning, vision of heaven. Caster level 44th, caster level 45th for good or lawful spells. The save DCs are 41 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Domiel exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Domiel can use limited wish when doing so can help him promote eternal rest, the overthrow of tyranny and the glory of Mount Celestia. Note that in the situation where Domiel and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Cure Wounds (Su)

Domiel may cast any cure wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:
Celestial: Smite evil 7/day, +4 to hit and +22 to damage.
Good: +1 caster level to good spells.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Life: 7/day touch grants 1d6+22 temp HP, lasts 22 hours.
Temperance: Heal 1 hit point per spell level of domain spells uncast when you prepare spells.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Domiel's divine aura is 31 and the radius is 700ft.

Immunities: Domiel is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Domiel is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Domiel gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Domiel does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Domiel can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within seven miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Domiel can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a stirring, powerful call. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Domiel can create any wondrous item with power related to eternal rest and holiness; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Domiel is aware of any act of messages, holy patience and perseverance that involves 500 or more people.

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Tyranny's Fall

Tyranny's Fall is a longsword that eternally burns with holy fires. The blade looks mundane if well made, but is almost always obscured by the flames that surround it. Tyranny's Fall's origin is a matter of much conjecture. Legends vary from it being a gift from Bahamut, Torm or Tyr, to Domiel making it and cooling it in the breath of Bahamut, to it being the legbone of a lost archangel of metal and minerals. No matter the truth of it, Tyranny's Fall is an adamantine greatsword+7, fiery blast, holy and keen. Any attack Domiel makes (including his wing natural attacks) while using Tyranny's Fall counts as a sneak attack. These sneak attacks bypass the immunities and resistances of evil creatures and undead.

Runes of Creation

Domiel's skin is covered by unusual patterns and tattoos. These are in fact a unique type of runes, an attempt to forge the Words of Creation into a written form. The words represented on Domiel are 'Balance of Life'. These words represent temperance and acceptance of all that is good and pure in existence, joined by the rejection of excess. Each round Domiel can be affected by only one of each of the following type of attacks by a creature: melee attacks, ranged attacks, spell or spell like ability and supernatural ability. Further attacks of the same kind by that creature until the beginning of Domiel's next turn fail.

For example, a pit fiend hits Domiel with a claw attack, a wing attack and a bite attack. The claw attack deals damage as normal but the wing and bite attack have no effect, as they are both melee attacks. If the pit fiend then used a quickened fireball, Domiel would be vulnerable to it. A second quickened fireball in the same round would fail.  If another pit fiend then came up and hit Domiel with a claw and a wing, the claw would do normal damage while the wing would have no effect; that is, this ability distinguishes between different creatures. Abilities that miss, fail to penetrate Domiel's spell resistance, Domiel is immune to or otherwise fail do not count against the limit of this ability. For example, a pit fiend who casts fireball on Domiel and fails to penetrate his spell resistance could still affect Domiel with another spell that round. Abilities that hit multiple times, such as a Meteor Swarm spell, only the first attack affects Domiel. For example, a Scorching Ray's first ray would affect Domiel but the other two would not.

For the sake of this ability, magical attacks that are melee or ranged attacks count as spells or supernatural abilities rather than melee or ranged attacks. For instance, an orb of fire cast by a wizard would count as a spell rather than a ranged attack.


Domiel's wings have been enchanted. They have a +7 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and his wings are treated as having the multiattack, improved multiattack, rapidstrike and improved rapidstrike feats. They use Domiel's full Strength modifier to determine damage.

Custom Material:
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Domiel's Spread of Life
Level: Clr 17, Drd 17, Life 17
Components: V, S, F
Range: 1 mile/level radius centered on the caster
Targets: All undead creatures within the radius

This spell functions as spark of life, except as noted here.


A diamond imbued with positive energy and worth no less than 40,000 gold.

Prerequisite: Good domain, Life domain
Evil that Domiel slays is put to rest for all time, as fits his duties as the guardian of sacred death and eternal life. Any evil, living creature slain by Domiel's attacks, including spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities and salient divine abilities, cannot be revived. Spells such as Resurrection, Reincarnate and similar spells all fail. An evil outsider is treated as being slain on its home plane and is likewise destroyed. Undead slain by Domiel cannot be restored or raised again as undead. Undead that rejuvenate or self revive, such as a ghost or a vampire, are automatically destroyed as well with no chance of recovery.

This ability can be overcome by a deity using the Gift of Life, Life and Death or Mass Life and Death salient divine abilities. The deity must succeed on an opposed rank check against Domiel. Final Rest is ineffective against creatures with divine rank.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?