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Started by Anastasia, April 28, 2014, 12:08:23 AM

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Ice Para-Elemental Monolith

Changelog: Swapped the monolith's str and dex scores to bring it in line with other ice para-elementals. Various str and dex related abilities adjusted to the previous change.

Size/Type: Gargantuan Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 36d8+252+36+72 (526 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 33 (-4 size, +11 dex, +15 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +27/+40/62
Attack: Icicle+32 (6d6+9 plus 4d8 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+32 (6d6+9 plus 4d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 20ft/20ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 15/-, immunity to cold, darkvision 120ft, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +22, Will +15
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 32, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 17
Skills: Balance+50, Hide+50, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+40, Knowledge(Nature)+40, Listen+41, Move Silently+50, Spot+41
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15), Mobility(18), Spring Attack(21), Iron Will(30), Suppress Weakness(33), Overcome Weakness(36)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(24), Epic Toughness(27)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Chill Aura (Su)

80ft radius, 4d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 41 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

4d8 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

An ice para-elemental can transform into a blizzard once every 10 minutes, for one round per two hit dice. In this form it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with perfect maneuverability.

The blizzard's form is a 20ft wide and 20ft tall cube. A transformed ice para-elemental can pass through creatures and occupy the same squares as them. It never provokes attacks of opportunity for doing so.

Any creature within the ice para-elemental's blizzard form at the end of its turn is considered within the range of its chill aura, except that it takes double damage from it. In addition, the snowy conditions around it make visibility poor, granting any creature it attacks concealment against it. A creature may move out of the blizzard normally, but any squares it occupies are considered difficult terrain.

While in blizzard form, the ice para-elemental is immune to all attacks and effects except as noted here. Fire damage still affects the ice para-elemental as normal. A control weather or similar spell can force the ice-paraelemental to resume its normal form with no saving throw. The elemental coming into the range of an active control weather effect is sufficient, it need not be cast on the elemental in particular.

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Ice para-elemental monoliths rarely carry treasure on or within them. However, many will horde frozen things that please them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Primal Ice Para-Elemental

Changelog: Adjusted the elemental's fort save, which was one too high.

Size/Type: Colossal Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 40d8+360+40+80 (800 hp)
Initiative: +21
Speed: 60ft
Armor Class: 46 (-8 size, +17 dex, +26 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +30/+49/77
Attack: Icicle+39 (8d6+17 plus 12d6 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+39 (8d6+17 plus 12d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 30ft/30ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles, primal magic.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 25/-, spell resistance 48, immunity to cold, darkvision 120ft, improved evasion, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +27, Ref +29, Will +17
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 44, Con 28, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 19
Skills: Balance+60, Hide+60, Intimidate+47, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+45, Knowledge(Nature)+45, Listen+46, Move Silently+60, Spot+46
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(9), Toughness(12), Dodge(15), Mobility(18), Spring Attack(21), Iron Will(30), Suppress Weakness(33), Overcome Weakness(36), Improved Initiative(39)
Epic Feats: Improved Weapon Finesse(B), Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(24), Epic Toughness(27)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Chill Aura (Su)

160ft radius, 8d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 45 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

12d6 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

A primal ice para-elemental has the same ability to transform into a blizzard, but with more power than its lesser kin. The size of the blizzard is 60ft wide and 60ft tall.

Primal Magic (Sp)

This functions as the ability of the same name by other primal elementals, except that the primal ice para-elemental uses cold descriptor spells.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability functions as the monk ability of the same name.

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Primal ice para-elementals do not bother with equipment or treasure. If one has anything at all, it is for a specific purpose.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Heat Death, Slayer of Fire (sample primal ice para-elemental)

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Heat Death was created by Istishia and Akadi to serve the interests of Ice. He spent several eons studying within the Para-Elemental Plane of Ice, learning many secrets at the final meeting point of Air and Water. Once he had learned enough, he was commanded to enter Cryonax's service. He has since then served Cryonax as an assassin, earning the name Heat Death for eliminating several powerful foes aligned with Fire. His constant successes have lead him to being the favored assassin of the Elemental Prince of Evil for Ice.

There is little else to Heat Death. He has no secrets, for he cares for nothing except Ice. He has a chill indifference to other creatures.

A few rituals involving cold and murder call on Heat Death as a name of power, but these are rare.


Heat Death appears as a titanic man, over 200 feet tall and made of opaque blue-green ice. His features are unfinished and indistinct, save for a mouth eternally locked in a frigid scowl. This expression does not change save for a look of all consuming hatred when in the presence of creatures of Fire and occasionally those of Earth. He is a rarity amid elementals, wearing blue, form fitting armor. This is not true armor, but instead the result of casting icedawn's armor with his primal magic ability.

Mortals that encounter Heat Death (and that do not quickly freeze to death) may mistake it for a juvenile xixecal. Heat Death has no relation to those abominations nor does he care to correct those that make this mistake. Elementals of air and water that meet Heat Death react with awe and caution while elementals of fire and earth react with loathing and fear. In the rare cases that an immortal creature encounters Heat Death, they are likely to make the same mistakes that mortals do.


Heat Death does not possess much of a personality beyond cold indifference. He is direct and unimaginative, preferring direct force whenever possible. He has no sense of subtlety, discretion or restraint. Creatures that are not a problem are ignored and those that are a problem are dealt with by an overwhelming assault. Nonetheless he obeys Cryonax as long as he orders him to destroy creatures of Fire.


Heat Death has no friends nor does he care for any. Lesser creatures are ignored or destroyed as the situation calls for. He has been successfully invoked and bargained with by a few powerful spellcasters to mutual profit. He consents to these deals as his price for serving is invariably for the caster to win a great victory over Fire.

Cryonax is tolerated by Heat Death. Heat Death cares nothing for him except when he strengthens the power of Ice. As long as that continues and he provides Heat Death with creatures of Fire to exterminate, he is willing to tolerate serving the Elemental Prince.

His relation to Auril is one of respect. He respects what Auril is and is able to comprehend her purpose. He has served her on a handful of occasions and has been rewarded well. In particular, she has taught him how to use the spells icedawn's armor and rain of desolation effectively, adding two potent tools to his primal magic ability. He has considered entering Auril's service, but Akadi's command to serve Cryonax is absolute.


Heat Death fights all opponents the same way. He does not change for the power of his enemies. He opens by charging the teeth of his enemies, preferably at a spellcaster or at least keeping them within his reach. He makes a single attack laden with combat expertise and uses rain of desolation. The purpose of this is to destroy the pesky enchantments that protect his opponents from the cold. From there he unloads full attacks with combat expertise and power attack as fitting coupled with more rain of desolations and powerful ice spells. He aims to eliminate spellcasters first, though spellcasting harrier and his reach can keep them locked down if he needs to focus on a melee threat instead.

Heat Death does not retreat. He fights to the death simply because he can comprehend nothing but his own victory, and by extension the victory of Ice.

Primal Elemental 40//Fighter 40

Size/Type: Colossal Elemental (Air, Cold)
Hit Dice: 40d10+360+40+80 (880 hp)
Initiative: +25
Speed: 60ft
Armor Class: 64 (-8 size, +17 dex, +28 natural, +1 dodge, +1 ws, +15 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +40/+59/88
Attack: Icicle+55 (8d6+27 plus 12d6 cold)
Full Attack: 2 icicles+55/+50/+45/+40 (8d6+27 plus 12d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 30ft/30ft
Special Attacks: Chill aura, chill icicles, primal magic.
Special Qualities: Blizzard, damage reduction 25/-, spell resistance 50, immunity to cold, resistance to fire 50, darkvision 120ft, improved evasion, elemental traits.
Saves: Fort +27, Ref +29, Will +17
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 44, Con 28, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 19 
Skills: Balance+60, Hide+60, Intimidate+47, Knowledge(Local: Ice)+45, Knowledge(Nature)+45, Listen+46, Move Silently+60, Spot+46
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(1), Combat Reflexes(F1), Power Attack(F2), Iron Will(3), Dodge(F4), Improved Natural Attack(Icicle)(6), Toughness(F6), Mobility(F8), Suppress Weakness(9), Spring Attack(F10), Overcome Weakness(12), Improved Initiative(F12), Weapon Focus(Icicle)(F14), Weapon Specialization(Icicle)(15), Melee Weapon Mastery(Piercing)(F16), Greater Weapon Focus(Icicle)(18), Greater Weapon Specialization(Icicle)(F18), Weapon Supremacy(Icicle)(F20), Combat Expertise(21), Improved Combat Expertise(24), Rapidstrike(33), Improved Rapidstrike(39)
Epic Feats: Improved Weapon Finesse(B), Epic Weapon Focus(Icicle)(F22), Epic Weapon Specialization(F24), Epic Toughness(F26), Epic Ability Focus(Chill Aura)(27), Spellcasting Harrier(F28), Energy Resistance(Fire)(30), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F30), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F32), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F34), Improved Spell Resistance(36), Armor Skin(F36), Superior Initiative(F38), Energy Resistance(Fire)(F40)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Chill Aura (Su)

160ft radius, 8d8 cold damage, Fortitude DC 45 halves.

Chill Icicles (Su)

12d6 extra cold damage per icicle.

Blizzard (Su)

A primal ice para-elemental has the same ability to transform into a blizzard, but with more power than its lesser kin. The size of the blizzard is 60ft wide and 60ft tall.

Primal Magic (Sp)

This functions as the ability of the same name by other primal elementals, except that the primal ice para-elemental uses cold descriptor spells.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability functions as the monk ability of the same name.

Gear: [spoiler]

Heat Death does not bother with equipment. However, he uses his primal magic ability to cast Icedawn's Armor every 40 hours. This grants him a +15 armor bonus to armor class and immunity to fire.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Mammon can be summed up succinctly: Greedy, slothful, envious and on the decline. His own greed and lusts have poisoned his alliances in Hell and alienated him from anyone outside of Hell. He's degenerated to demi-god status from loss of prestige and power within the Pit. The themes of his stat block are greed, avarice and slow degeneration. His own self-destructive greed has come to cloud his judgment; Mammon represents what he is too well.

His HD is inflated for his divine rank on account of this. He's lost divine rank and some hit dice as a result of his setbacks, but not enough HD to compensate yet.

Imagine him as less as the golden serpent in the FC2 and more as an impossibly fat and bloated traditional devil. Or both if that suits you.

Lord of Greed, Coward of Hell
Lord of the Third
Symbol: Three large coins forming a triangle, each having a different face of Mammon
Home Plane: Minauros, the 3rd Hell
Alignment: Lawful Vile
Portfolio: Greed, lust, sloth, trickery
Worshipers: The greedy, corrupt businessmen, rogues, evil treasure hunters
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Envy, Evil, Greed, Law, Sloth, Trickery, Wealth
Favored Weapon: The Confiscator (Longbow)

Malefircariem 48//Rogue 48

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Abomination, Devil, Evil, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 5
Hit Dice: 48d8+864 (1248 hp)
Initiative: +28
Speed: 80ft, fly 240ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 87 (-1 size, +15 dex, +5 divine, +34 natural, +19 deflection, +5 luck)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +48/+74/123
Attack: The Confiscator+76 (2d6+29 plus 28d6+48 and 2 str damage sneak attack plus mammon's greed plus repossession plus -28 spell resistance x3) or claw+72 (2d6+20 plus 28d6 and 2 str damage sneak attack plus mammon's greed)
Full Attack: The Confiscator+74/+74/+69/+64/+59 (2d6+29 plus 28d6+48 and 2 str damage sneak attack plus mammon's greed plus repossession plus -28 spell resistance x3) or 2 claws+72 (2d6+20 plus 28d6+48 and 2 str damage sneak attack plus mammon's greed)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, mammon's greed, consume wealth, aura of hell, sneak attack+28d6+48, penetrating strike, crippling strike.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, immunity to electricity, fire and poison, resistance to acid, sonic and cold 50, regeneration 50, see in darkness, spell resistance 63, true seeing, telepathy 500ft, summon devils, divine traits, trapfinding, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, defensive roll.
Saves: Fort +68, Ref +65, Will +63 (-2 vs fear)
Abilities: Str 50, Dex 41, Con 46, Int 40, Wis 36, Cha 48
Skills: Appraise+86, Bluff+79, Concentration+74, Decipher Script+71, Diplomacy+79, Disable Device+73, Forgery+71, Gather Information+79, Hide+71, Intimidate+84, Knowledge(Arcana)+71, Knowledge(A&E)+71, Knowledge(History)+71, Knowledge(K&R)+71, Knowledge(Local: Hell)+71, Knowledge(Nature)+71, Knowledge(Planes)+71, Knowledge(Religion)+71, Listen+69, Move Silently+71, Perform(Act)+79, Search+71, Sense Motive+69, Sleight of Hand+73, Spellcraft+71, Spot+69, Use Magic Device+75
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Skill Focus(Appraise)(B), Craven(1), Point-Blank Shot(3), Rapid Shot(6), Precise Shot(9), Far Shot(12), Improved Precise Shot(R13), Darkstalker(15), Undo Resistance(18), Improved Initiative(21), Willing Deformity(24), Deformity(Obese)(27), Harvester of Souls(30), Mindsight(36), Dilate Aura(39), Ability Focus(Mammon's Greed)(42),
Epic Feats: Combat Archery(B), Distant Shot(B), Swarm of Arrows(B), Trap Sense(B), Uncanny Accuracy(B), Lingering Damage(R24), Epic Reputation(R28), Superior Initiative(R32), No Rest in Death(33), Improved Sneak Attack(R36), Epic Skill Focus(Appraise)(R40), Improved Sneak Attack(R44), Epic Ability Focus(Mammon's Greed)(45), Improved Sneak Attack(48), Improved Sneak Attack(R48)
Salient Divine Abilities: Divine Archery, Divine Coward, Divine Rogue, Extra Domain(Envy), Extra Domain(Sloth), Extra Domain(Trickery), Extra Domain(Wealth), Goldheart, Repossession
Alignment: Lawful Vile

Racial powers:
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Mammon's Greed (Su)

Creatures wounded by Mammon are at dire risk of contracting a disease known as Mammon's Greed. A creature injured by Mammon's weapon or natural attacks must make a DC 63 (10 + 1/2 hit dice + Constitution modifier + divine rank) Fortitude save or contract this deadly disease. This disease has an incubation time of instant and deals 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. Unlike normal diseases, Mammon's Greed deals damage every hour instead of every day, requiring another saving throw each time. As the victim's Wisdom erodes, they become more and more obsessed with wealth of all kinds.

A creature reduced to zero Wisdom by Mammon's Greed does not fall comatose. They instead recover their full Wisdom and need not make any more saves against Mammon's Greed, though they still carry the disease. The creature is ensnared by an all consuming greed and will attempt to satisfy this greed by any means. Any previous moral compunctions are lost and the creature will do anything to obtain more wealth. The creature acts as if it were lawful evil in alignment, though it's alignment does not immediately change. Instead, the creature's alignment changes normally as it commits a parade of sins to gain more lucre. Once it has fallen to lawful evil, the creature's soul is Mammon's property to do with as he sees fit. More profitable servants are allowed to live while less important ones vanish away, transported to Minauros.

Mammon's Greed cannot be shaken off by natural means. A creature can hold it at bay with successful Fortitude saves but the disease remains. A creature that has not yet been reduced to zero Wisdom can be cured by two means. A wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 63 caster level check ends the disease and restores any lost Wisdom. Alternately, a deity can remove Mammon's Greed by alter reality and a successful opposed rank check against Mammon. A creature that has been reduced to zero Wisdom is far more difficult to cure. The same measures restore the creature to its right mind but do not end the disease. Instead, the creature must make amends within one month's time. These amends must compensate any victims wronged by the creature's avarice as well as contribute an equal amount of money to charities and good aligned churches (or until the point of bankruptcy if the creature's resources do not suffice). Doing so ends the disease. Failure to do so in a month's time results in the creature once again falling under the full sway of Mammon's Greed.

Devils and servants of Mammon are immune to Mammon's Greed. Creatures that have taken the Vow of Poverty feat are also immune to this ability, a fact that irritates Mammon to no end.

Mammon's Greed is said to be the result of Mammon's self-destructive avarice becoming so potent as to affect other creatures.

Consume Wealth (Su)

Mammon is capable of consuming wealth to bolster his own reserves of energy. As a full-round action, Mammon may devour any single object of large size or smaller. He can consume objects in his possession or that are unattended freely, so long as he can touch them. He must succeed on a melee touch attack to consume an attended object and the object is allowed a DC 57 (10 + 1/2 hit dice + Constitution modifier + divine rank) Reflex save to negate the attempt.

Consuming an object heals Mammon 10 hit points for every 1,000 gold the item is worth. Excess hit points over his maximum are gained as temporary hit points. Items with no value or that are priceless, such as artifacts, cannot be consumed by this ability. Consuming holy or sanctified objects deals damage to Mammon, with the hit point gain being cancelled out by the damage.

Mammon rarely uses this ability except when pressed. While Mammon is a glutton, the loss of treasure deeply upsets him.

Regeneration (Ex)

Mammon takes normal damage froom good, anarchic, epic and silvered weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Aura of Hell (Ex)

The presence of Mammon is so vile that it causes lesser beings to cower or pay homage to the might of his evil. All within 900 feet of Mammon must succeed in a Will save equal to 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank (DC 58). Those who succumb to the evil Mammon represents suffer one of the two following effects as determined by him (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action):

Cower: Affected beings cower before the might of Mammon. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions.
Induce Fear: Affected beings become panicked and suffer a -9 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Mammon makes them frightened, and they flee from him as quickly as they can.

Mammon can make his servants, worshipers, beings of Lawful Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until Mammon dismisses it. Other Lords of the Nine, and beings possessing divine rank equal to or greater than that of the Lord, are immune to the Aura of Hell. The Aura of Hell replaces any existing fear aura and divine aura of the devil.

Summon Devils (Su)

Mammon may call up to 48 hit dice of devils three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may call a Duke of Hell in his service. The Duke is aware of the situation but must answer the summons.

True Seeing (Su)

Mammon sees through all illusions and is treated as being constantly under the effect of a true seeing spell, with a caster level equal to his hit dice.

Divine powers:
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Always active-detect chaos, detect good. At will-alarm, antipathy, astral projection, calm emotions, create undead, crushing despair, blasphemy, cheat, confusion, deep slumber, desecrate, detect scrying, dictum, disguise self, dispel chaos, dispel good, entice gift, fabricate, false vision, fire trap, forbiddance, glyph of warding, greater plane shift, greater teleport, guards and wards, hold monster, invisibility, irresistible dance, knock, limited wish, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, magic jar, mind blank, mislead, nondetection, obscure object, order's wrath, phantasmal thief, protection from chaos, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, screen, shadow walk, secret chest, sequester, shield of law, simulacrum, slow, summon monster 9(lawful evil only), symbol of sleep, sympathy, teleport object, time stop, touch of fatigue, touch of idiocy, unholy aura, unholy blight, unseen servant, vampiric touch, waves of exhaustion, waves of fatigue, wish. Caster level 48th. The save DCs are 44 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Mammon exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Mammon can use limited wish when doing so can help her promote greed, lust and sloth. Note that in the situation where Mammon and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Domain powers:
Envy: +1 caster level to spells that deal ability damage or negative levels.
Evil: +1 caster level to evil spells.
Greed: +2 competence bonus to appraise, disable device and sleight of hand checks.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Sloth: No penalty to AC while prone.
Trickery: -
Wealth: Skill Focus(Appraise) as a bonus feat.

Immunities: Mammon is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers he might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Mammon gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Mammon does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1.

Communication: Mammon can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within five miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Mammon can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a greedy whisper. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Mammon can create any wondrous item with power related to wealth or greed; the maximum is 4,500 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Mammon is aware of any act of greed, sloth and wealth that involves 1,000 or more people.

Rogue powers:
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Sneak Attack (Ex)

If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The rogue's attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Trapfinding (Ex)

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.

Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

If a rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

A rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked.

This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Crippling Strike (Ex)

A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.

Defensive Roll (Ex)

The rogue can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the rogue must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can't use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability works like evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

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The Confiscator

This large longbow is made of platinum, gold and enough jewels to purchase a mortal realm. It glistens in even the faintest light, a rainbow of colors that speaks of Mammon's impossible wealth. The Confiscator's origins are hazy and lost into the lore of Hell. The most common myth is that it was a gift from Dispater or Mephistopheles when the three devils were allied, while less known reports state that it was made from the bones of a Duke of Hell that dared to steal from Mammon. Neither of these are true.

Long ago, one of the Children of Liberty sought to free the great riches Mammon hoarded to himself. He fought and tricked his way into Mammon's throne room before meeting his defeat at the hands of the Lord of the Third. In spiteful greed Mammon stole the body and soul of the celestial. He infused the celestial's body with countless riches until it was nothing more than a corpse of unimaginable wealth. He then broke the body asunder and had it forged into a longbow. Meanwhile Mammon took the celestial's soul and amplified the endless cascade of agony he was going through, all while slamming him with the knowledge that he got exactly what he wanted: Mammon's treasures.

This torment broke the celestial's sanity. Mammon poured a drop of his essence into the celestial's soul, making him nothing more than a broken, obsessed shell that sought to forever obtain wealth in a mockery of his holy quest. Bow and soul were reunited then, creating The Confiscator.

The Confiscator is a longbow+9. It produces cold iron arrows to fire from thin air, requiring no ammunition. The Confiscator is not wielded by Mammon directly, instead, ghostly golden hands fire it from his side. Despite this, it counts as Mammon firing it all respects. This is merely a manifestation of his sloth. This allows him to seemingly inspect and caress the treasures his bow repossesses, though as firing the bow takes his actions as normal, he cannot actually use these treasures unless he ceases firing The Confiscator. In addition all this, the hands allow Mammon to fire the bow normally even when on horseback, lying down or otherwise in a position adverse to firing a longbow.

A creature injured by The Confiscator's arrows suffers a -3 penalty to saving throws against Mammon's Repossession salient divine ability. In addition, if the creature's wealth nets Mammon a +4 or higher bonus from his Goldheart salient divine ability, he is afflicted as if by Repossession by each arrow. A saving throw is allowed as normal. Items are taken in order of value from highest to lowest. Finally, any creature that grants Mammon a +4 or higher bonus with Goldheart allows any of Mammon's attacks with Confiscator to deal sneak attack damage. This form of sneak attack can damage creatures normally immune to critical hits or that lack a discernible anatomy; also, this form of sneak attack is not limited to 30ft in distance from Mammon. Any creature that is struck and that qualifies for +4 or higher takes sneak attack damage, regardless of the distance.

Gambler's Soul

This huge golden ring bears the symbol of Mammon on it. The Lord of the Third is seldom seen without it. This ring was stolen from Tymora's vaults long ago and is a physical representation of a gambler blessed by good fortune. It has been broken over the eons to serve Mammon. Over time Mammon gained access to the Luck Domain and the ring's full powers. With his recent setbacks, he has lost much of his control over the ring as well as access to the Luck Domain. Nonetheless, it retains some powers.

Gambler's Soul grants Mammon a +5 luck bonus to armor class and saving throws. It gives Mammon a +30 luck bonus to skill checks regarding games of chance.

Mammon's Palanquin

This open air palanquin is massive, being hundreds of feet wide and long. It is covered in riches and resembles a moving pleasure palace. It is carried on the backs of a legion of malebranche and has a movement speed of 200ft and a fly speed of 600ft (average). Mammon uses this whenever he travels around Minauros, keeping his poor, dirty slaves well beneath him. Several enchantments are layered on the palanquin, granting it luxury and defenses in equal measure.

Mammon (or his guests) can invoke the palanquin's magic as a standard action. The palanquin can create any luxury good of up to 30,000 gold, create tents, beds or other decadently comfortable furniture, alter the lightning, temperature or smell of the area and summon Mammon's slaves to serve whatever whim the summoner has.

Mammon's Palanquin is surrounded by a constant dimensional lock effect(CL 50) that cannot be dispelled. In addition, the bounds of the palanquin are surrounded with an unseen field that mimics the effects of a prismatic sphere.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Prerequisites: Craven, Wealth Domain
Benefit: Mammon is known as one of the greatest cowards in Creation. He is the epitome of the greedy businessman that is afraid that his precious money will be taken away. As a result, Mammon's divine immunities do not protect him against fear. A mind-affecting fear effect bypasses Mammon's divine immunity to mind-affecting effects, for example. However, he is able to protect what is his. Mammon cannot be disarmed by any means. Any object or item on his person cannot be taken away. This includes items in extra-dimensional storage spaces carried on him, such as a bag of holding.

Prerequisite: Greed Domain, Envy Domain, Divine Rogue
Benefit: Mammon draws power from wealth, even the wealth of his enemies. Mammon gains a morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class, saving throws and skill checks against creatures dependent on how rich the creature is. This is calculated by the current wealth in the creature's immediate possession, so possessions not on hand, that cannot be held such as property or are otherwise not there are not counted. Magical items count, as well as any items held within an extra-dimensional space carried on the creature's person.

Total gold value of possessionsBonus

Priceless treasures such as artifacts automatically qualify the creature for the 400000+ category. Creatures that have the Vow of Poverty feat do not use this table. They instead inflict a -6 morale penalty to his attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class, saving throws and skill checks. These bonuses do not stack, Mammon uses the bonus or penalty from each creature when interacting with them. For example, if Mammon attacks a creature with 5000 gold in possessions and a creature with 500000 gold in possessions in the same turn, he would gain no bonus against the first and a +8 bonus against the second. Likewise, if the two creatures attacked Mammon on their turn he would gain no bonus to his armor class against the first and a +8 bonus to his armor class against the second.

Prerequisite: Greed Domain, No Rest in Death, dex 37
Benefit: Mammon is skilled at taking what he feels should be his. As a standard action, Mammon can attempt to steal an item from any creature within 300ft. The creature is allowed a DC 57 (10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank) Will save to resist.  Failure results in the item vanishing and instantly reappearing in Mammon's possession. This can be in his hands, on his person or within one of his personal vaults. In addition, Mammon may use this power to take the souls of creatures he slays. As an immediate action when Mammon kills a creature that would be affected by his No Rest in Death feat, he may confiscate the soul. The creature's soul is consigned to one of Mammon's treasure vaults to be used as the Lord of the Third sees fit - usually as nothing more than wealth.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Kaessa, Mistress of the Brachina and Glasya's Lady-In-Waiting

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Kaessa is an ancient devil that rose to prominence in Sammael's court. It is said she was a mortal who made a pact with Baator, who succeeded many times and ultimately caught Sammael's eye. What she did to earn his approval is lost to history, but she was ultimately rewarded by being transmigrated to a brachina. From there she served with distinction in Sammael's court and rose to the rank of baroness. As time passed, it looked likely that she would be promoted to countess. However, disaster loomed over Sammael's court.

The Great Fall had sent fallen angels all over Hell. Beezlebub came to Maladomini and with him came disaster, for Sammael greatly underestimated the fallen's ability. As Sammael's allies fell and Beezlebub began to set up his coup, Kaessa saw the folly of her master. She knew well that her odds of survival were not good if Beezlebub took over, so she called on favors to secure an emergency transfer to Phlegethos. In reality, this transfer was brief, for she appeared in the Fourth Hell only to vanish from the political stage of Hell altogether. To all of Hell's nobility, it was as if Kaessa fled just as Sammael fled.

Countess eons passed. What Kaessa did during this time is unknown. All the resources of magic and gossip have yielded nothing conclusive about this period of her life, a fact that frustrates those who track the politics of Baator. Eventually she resurfaced as a maquis with the title of the Mistress of the Brachina. This title gives her dominion over all the brachina, a powerful role that pales next to her true responsibilities. She emerged as Princess Glasya's lady-in-waiting. She is constantly at Glasya's side and attends to her every need. As she has the ear of the Princess of Hell, it can safely be said that Kaessa has influence equal to that of a Duke of Hell.

Kaessa's power has only risen with Glasya's ascent to Lord of the Sixth. She wields immense power within Malbolge, and while she has no rank to make it official, it is known she is Glasya's chamberlain and chancellor in all but name. Further, she has come back far mightier than she was before. The power she has displayed would not be amiss on a powerful Duke of Hell or even an Archduke. Diabolical gossip asserts that her elevation to Hell's peerage is only a matter of time.

Yet there are quiet whispers in the darkest corners of Hell. It is said that Kaessa may yet have loyalties with the exiled Sammael. These stories claim that Kaessa is empowered by Sammael, an agent who will facilitate a great coup. She a poison pill that will slay Glasya, claim Malbolge for Sammael or otherwise enable Sammael's revenge on Hell. Other whispers claim that a terrible, majestic outcast devil trained her for eons, so that his unspeakable plans of revenge against Asmodeus could be realized. One who must not and cannot be named, a horror who claims to be the true king of Hell.

The truth, like so many things in Hell, eludes those who seek it. It is unknown if Glasya is aware of these rumors or even if Kaessa is, for none are so foolish as to broach the subject with them.

Kaessa's name is used in spells relating to poison by lawful evil spellcasters. This is a recent development and coincides with Glasya's rise as Lord of the Sixth. It's generally accepted that Glasya's servants are responsible.


Kaessa is the image of a decadently beautiful brachina. She has lavender skin, an impossibly beautiful figure, long brown hair and regal features. Shadows cling to her face, giving her a darkly seductive look. She moves with a grace that draws attention to her purple eyes, which males and females alike find bewitching to stare into. Those that meet Kaessa's gaze often fall hopelessly in love with her, even if they know better. There is no sorcery to this, but instead it is the result of her superhuman charisma.

Beyond this, Kaessa prefers black dresses that cling to her figure. While she rarely exposes more than some cleavage, she knows how to use tight clothing to allure more than bare flesh. Rich jewelry and dark bracers accessorize her outfits.

Mortals and immortals find Kaessa temptingly beautiful. Those who use poisons (except those who only use ravages) find her spellbinding. Those who know her nature or who manage to look past her appealing facade feel nauseated within her presence, as if they just ate bad food. This does nothing to lessen her beauty. Many mortals have identified Kaessa for what she was, only to find themselves unable to resist her charms.


On the surface, Kaessa is polite, cultured and engaging. She laughs often and appears raptly interested in the conversation. So long as she deigns to talk to someone, she does nothing more than act as if they have her full and undivided interest. She fans this interest into romance, leading to seduction. This is merely a facade to lure the unwary in. Beneath this pleasant veneer lies a devil that views all other creatures as worthless trash. Once seduced and brought to lawful evil, Kaessa murders her lovers.

To Kaessa, there is nothing more beautiful than a soul casting away everything it held dear to fall under her sway. This surrender tremendously pleases her, as it shows that the creature is ready to become another mindless lemure fit only to sing her praises - the only role suitable for others. Only then does she flood the victim with her poisons, sending them to death and eternal torment thereafter.

Kaessa hates every other being with an all-consuming contempt. No other creature is worthy of her or anything but a pale shadow of her own magnificence. The mere thought of a creature that does anything but worship her is an unimaginable slight. The sheer gall infuriates Kaessa and ensures her mind is filled with a miasma of hatred. All she has for other creatures is a venomous bile, her contempt shown by her poisonous touch. Her charm is only to draw them in close, so that she may corrupt them and then drown them in her poisons. Mortals are only fit to die to her touch, dragged down to Hell and forged into lemures that can do nothing but sing mindless praises. Immortals are unworthy competition that deserves nothing more than death.

Servants and creatures beneath her are telepathically commanded. Kaessa does not waste words on them.


The vast majority of creatures elicit nothing more than contempt from Kaessa. This includes other devils, even her superiors, except as noted below.

Kaessa has deep respect for Sammael. The former Poison of Perdition's hatred matches her own, as does personal affinity for toxic substances. The two are natural friends, as much as two devils can form bonds. The fact that Sammael recognized her talent plays a role in this as well. Kaessa would not dare call it something as weak as gratitude, but she acknowledges that Sammael has excellent taste.

Glasya and Kaessa's relationship an unusual one. Both devils have much the same method of operations, assuming other creatures will quickly fall in love with them. To their shared consternation, their talents essentially counter one another. At first the two were the bitterest of rivals, but in due time circumstances conspired to have them work together. The two found their combined talents were unstoppable. Through shared success, rivalry softened and eventually became a working companionship.

In time, Glasya and Kaessa came to agree that they could at least rely on the other to be competent. This ultimately lead to Kaessa taking the role of Glasya's lady-in-waiting. They understand one another well and share begrudging respect. Not that other creatures would ever suspect this, as they act as the best of friends in all but the most private situations.

Beyond that, Kaessa knows most of the Dukes of Hell from her role at Glasya's side. She finds most worthy of nothing but contempt, though servants of Beezlebub merit a special disdain. Of the Archdukes of Hell, she is terrified of Eblis. She met him once in passing during a trip to the City of Brass, little more than a few moments gaze. This gaze was enough to chill Kaessa's blood. Every single sense she has screamed that he is dangerous. The mere mention of his name provokes a mix of hate and fear in Kaessa, enough to entirely ruin her mood.

Kaessa's contempt even extends to the Lords of the Nine. She spares a special loathing for Beezlebub due to his coup against Sammael. Not even Asmodeus stirs anything but contempt in her beyond that, though she is wise enough to never let the slightest hint of that out.

Outside of Hell, Kaessa has no allies. She has a professional loathing of succubi, who she views as competition. She has organized beheading parties - where groups of erinyes are dispatched to decapitate succubi. The group of erinyes that slays the most succubi wins Kaessa's favor. Erinyes that do repeatedly well are fast-tracked to promote, with the caste depending on the methods used to defeat the succubi. This past-time of Kaessa's has earned her the attention of Malcanthet, who has begun to organize a response.

Like most successful devils, the Heavens are all Kaessa's enemy. The throne archon Sayuel, who oversees monogamy and its benefits for mortals, has clashed with Kaessa several times. Kaessa's seductions care nothing for monogamy, bringing the two into conflict. Chance encounters have only stirred this hatred further, as they have battled several times without a victor. While Kaessa is considerably stronger than Sayuel, the throne archon is a wily opponent who has outmaneuvered her on more than one occasion. Kaessa would like nothing more to settle this grudge by defeating Sayuel, dragging her to Malbolge and making the archon turn against everything she embodies. Only once Sayuel has fallen will Kaessa kill her.

Finally, there appears to be some sort of relationship between Talona and Kaessa. The details are unclear, but it is known that Kaessa once obtained a drop of the deity's blood. How she got this is unknown, as it is normally only given for the greatest services imaginable. A devil fulfilling such a service to a chaotic goddess is unthinkable. It is possible Kaessa somehow stole it, but such a deed would be incredibly difficult.


Kaessa relies on her poisons and the ability to bypass poison resistance. She uses Widow's Embrace to bypass magical poison resistances as needed. She also peppers in uses of Beguile if her foes look vulnerable to it, but she knows that mind-affecting abilities are routinely warded against. Should those tactics fail, she has a fallback of sneak attack damage and grappling to lay her foes low.

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- Kaessa's a fighter who specializes in indirect damage. Her blows don't cause obvious injury, but instead sneak attack and poison decimate her foes. Imagine an old master striking an opponent, seemingly doing no damage before the foe falls over dead.

- Brachina can make iterative attacks with their poison touch in the FC2. I assume it's a racial ability. Kaessa retains this ability.

- Poisoner is from Dragon 313. There's houserules in play as well as an epic progression, so you may wish to read up on those. In general, Kaessa uses a lot of custom epic material for her poisons. In particular, she now references the epic poison rules over in homebrew.

- In spite of being the leader of the brachina, a caste that embodies the traditional role of sexual temptresses, Kaessa gets relatively little from seduction. It's only a means to an end to her. Kaessa represents the true facet of brachina beauty - as a thin veneer for a terrifically poisonous corruption. There's many brachina in the Fourth Hell that would sharply disagree with Kaessa on this point. Kaessa ensures that these brachina have no support from her. This doesn't matter much, as they rely on Belial and the fallen angels they serve for political clout.

Brachina 40//Paladin of Tyranny 5/Monk 5/Poisoner 30

Changelog: Added and expanded the fluff and notes greatly. Changed one of her improved sneak attack feats to epic skill focus(craft:poison). Rewrote and clarified all the various boosts to her racial poison. Reduced the saving throw bonus of Glasya's favor by 2. Added a note in her gear about epic poisons.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Devil, Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 5d10+35d8+400 (730 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 40ft, fly 70ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 69 (+11 dex, +24 natural, +1 dodge, +10 wis, +1 monk, +12 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +40/+47/80
Attack: Unarmed Strike+57 (1d8+13 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus poison(DC 59)) or touch+51 melee touch (poison(DC 59))
Full Attack: Flurry of blows+56/+56/+51/+46/+41 (1d8+13 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus poison(DC 59)) or touch+51/+46/+41/+36 touch (poison(DC 59))
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Bardic music, beguile, poison, spell-like abilities, smite good 4/day, deadly touch(90 hp), channel energy 21/day(1d6; DC 29), charging smite, ki strike(magic), poison touch, sneak attack+15d6, poison breath, poison gaze.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/epic, good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid and cold 30, resistance to sonic 5, regeneration 15, spell resistance 52, see in darkness, telepathy 200ft, summon devil, black widow, aura of evil, detect good, divine grace, aura of despair, divine health, evasion, slow fall 20ft, prayerful meditation, resistant body, detect poison, poison use, blowgun mastery, poisoner's art(all), poisonous sneak attack.
Saves: Fort +52, Ref +53, Will +52 (+2 vs chaos and good)
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 33, Con 30, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 46
Skills: Appraise+53, Bluff+61, Concentration+53, Craft(Poison)+63, Diplomacy+61, Escape Artist+54, Gather Information+61, Hide+54, Knowledge(Arcana)+53, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)+53, Knowledge(Nature)+53, Knowledge(N&R)+53, Knowledge(Planes)+53, Knowledge(Religion)+53, Listen+53, Move Silently+54, Sense Motive+53, Sleight of Hand+54, Spot+53, Swim+50, Tumble+54, Use Magic Device+61
Feats: Dodge(B), Mobility(B), Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Blowgun)(1), Combat Expertise(3), Extra Smiting(P4), Improved Combat Expertise(6), Improved Unarmed Strike(M1), Improved Grapple(M1), Deflect Arrows(M2), Ability Focus(Poison)(9), Spring Attack(12), Virulent Poison(15), Deadly Poison(18), Weapon Finesse(21), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Greater Teleport)(24)
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed(P14), Fast Poison(27), Greater Poison Gaze(Constitution)(P18), Epic Ability Focus(Poison)(30), Quick Poison Creation(P22), Relentless Poison(33), Death Poison(36), Epic Poison Touch(P26), Legendary Wrestler(39), Epic Skill Focus(Craft:Poison)(P30)
Alignment: Lawful Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-like abilities:

Always active-tongues, true seeing. At will-charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, create greater undead, desecrate, enthrall, greater command, greater invisibility, greater teleport, magic circle against chaos, major image, mass suggestion, morality undone, produce flame, superb dispelling, suggestion, unholy blight, vampiric touch. 3/day-greater plane shift, trap the soul. 1/day-wish. Caster level 40th. The save DCs are 28 + spell level.

Black Widow (Ex)

Kaessa is a venomous woman who lives and breathes poisons vile enough to kill mortal men instantly. Her great aptitude for poison allows her to apply feats for her racial poison to the poison abilities from the poisoner prestige class. This includes ability focus, virulent poison, deadly poison, fast poison, epic ability focus, relentless poison and death poison. Her racial bonus to her poison ability rises to +5 and also applies to the DC of the poisons from the poisoner prestige class. Finally, ability damage from any of her poison abilities may be vile ability damage at her discretion. Whenever Kaessa deals ability damage by poison, she may choose if it is regular ability damage or vile ability damage.

Beguile (Su)

Kaessa can temporarily gain control of several living creatures. When she use this ability, she gains immediate control of up to nine creatures, which  immediately takes a full turn's worth of actions under her control. Kaessa can use this ability up to nine times per day on any living creatures within 90 feet, but all targets must be within 30 feet of each other. A DC 48 will save negates the effect. This is a mind-affecting enchantment ability. The save DC is Charisma based.

Poison (Ex)

Contact, Fortitude DC 59, 2d6 Wis drain/4d6 Wis drain. The secondary drain occurs after one round instead of one minute. If the secondary save is failed, the victim must save again each round until a save is passed or they are reduced to zero Wisdom. Poison immune creatures are affected, but they gain a +5 bonus to the fortitude save and any Wisdom damage is halved. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Summon Devil (Sp)

Kaessa may summon up to 18 erinyes or harvester devils, 9 orthons or chain devils or 3 brachina. All creatures summoned have double the normal hit dice for their kind. This is equivalent to a 10th level spell.

Bardic Music

Kaessa can preform bardic music as a 31st level bard.

Paladin of Tyranny powers:
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Aura of Evil (Ex)

The power of a paladin of tyranny's aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to his paladin of tyranny level, just as with the aura of a cleric of an evil deity.

Detect Good (Sp)

At will, a paladin of tyranny can use detect good, as the spell.

Smite Good (Su)

Once per day, a paladin of tyranny may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. This ability is otherwise identical to the standard paladin's ability to smite evil, including increased daily uses as the paladin of tyranny gains class levels.

Deadly Touch (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin of tyranny can cause wounds with a successful touch attack. Each day she can deal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. An opponent subjected to this attack can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 paladin level paladin's Cha modifier) to halve the damage dealt.

Alternatively, a paladin of tyranny can use any or all of this power to cure damage to undead creatures, just as an inflict wounds spell does. This power otherwise functions identically to the paladin's lay on hands ability.

Aura of Despair (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin of tyranny radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to take a -2 penalty on all saving throws. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature.

Charging Smite (Su)

Beginning at 5th level, if you smite evil on a charge attack, you deal an extra 2 points of damage per paladin level to any evil creature you hit (in addition to the normal bonus damage dealt by a smite). If the charge attack misses, the smite ability is not considered used. This is a supernatural ability.

Monk powers:
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Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Prayerful Meditation (Su)

Your adherence to a religious path has developed in you a resistance to antithetical magic. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from chaotic-aligned creatures and creatures with a moral (good/evil) alignment component opposite to yours. This is a supernatural ability.

Ki Strike (Su)

At 4th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character's monk level. At 10th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

Slow Fall (Ex)

At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk's ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with her monk level until at 20th level she can use a nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm.

Resistant Body (Ex)

At 5th level, a planar monk successfully hardens her body against one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic), gaining resistance 5.

Poisoner powers:
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Detect Poison (Sp)

The poisoner can use detect poison at will.

Poison Touch (Ex)

The poisoner has worked with poisons for so long that she can spontaneously generate a single dose of poison from her body, although the venom so created lasts only a short time before it loses its potency. She must concentrate for 3 rounds to produce the poison, and she cannot perform any strenuous activities during that rime. She may move, engage in conversation, and perform other normal activities, but she may not fight, cast spells, use a magic item, or perform any similar activities that require concentration.

Once generated, the poison can be delivered only once and remains viable for up to 3 rounds before losing its potency. During this time, the poisoner can deliver it via a successful melee touch attack. A missed attack does not ruin the poison. Poison delivered in this manner is considered contact poison.

The primary and secondary effects of the poison and its save DC are determined by the poisoner's level in the prestige class, as given in the table below. The character may choose any effect available at her current level or lower from any column for both the initial and secondary damage, but she must make her selection before she begins to generate the poison. She may not thereafter alter this choice without restarting the entire process. All damage dealt by her poison is ability damage unless otherwise noted.

Poison Use (Ex)

The poisoner is trained in the use of poison and never risks accidentally poisoning herself when applying it to a blade.

Sneak Attack (Ex)

This ability functions exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. At 1st level, the poisoner deals 1d6 points of bonus damage with a sneak attack. The extra damage dealt increases by an additional +1d6 every other poisoner level (at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). If the poisoner already has the sneak attack ability from another class, the damage bonuses stack.

Save Bonus against Poison (Ex)

The poisoner trains with poisons of all types and slowly grows more and more resistant to their effects. To reflect this increased resistance, the poisoner gains a +2 bonus on all saves against poison at 2nd level. With every two poisoner levels she gains thereafter the bonus increases by +2 (to +4 at 4th level, +6 at 6th level, and +8 at 8th level). When she reaches 10th level, poison of any type no longer affects her (see Poison Immunity, below).

Blowgun Mastery (Ex)

Beginning at 2nd level, a poisoner gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with blowguns. In addition, the blowgun's range increment is doubled for the poisoner.

Poisoner's Art (Ex)

Poisoners understand the art of poisoncraft better than others. As a result, they can modify poisons they create in several ways. The poisoner must determine any modified effects upon creation of the poison. She may modify any existing poison to give it one of these effects.

Delay Onset: At 2nd level, the poisoner learns to delay the onset (that is, the save against the initial damage) of any poison by up to 1 minute per poisoner level. The market price for a poison with a delayed onset is 1.5 times normal.

Fast Acting I: At 4th level, the poisoner learns to shorten the period of time between a poison's initial and secondary damage. A poison with this modification requires a saving throw to avoid secondary damage only 5 rounds after the initial save. The market price for this sort of fast-acting poison is twice normal.

Fast Acting II: At 8th level, the poisoner can reduce the time between a poison's initial and secondary damage still more. The secondary effect of a poison altered in this manner occurs on the round following its initial effect. The market price for this type of fast-acting poison is four times normal.

Quick Hands (Ex)

At 3rd level, the poisoner gains a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to plant poison without being seen.

Poisonous Sneak Attack (Ex)

When the poisoner reaches 4th level, the DC to resist any poison she delivers via a sneak attack increases by +2.

Poison Breath (Ex)

Beginning at 6th level, the poisoner may deliver the poison generated by her poison touch ability to any foe within 5 feet simply by breathing in its direction. Poison delivered in this manner counts as an inhaled poison.

Poison Gaze (Su)

At 10th level, the poisoner may spontaneously generate poison in the body of any single target within 30 feet via a gaze attack. The opponent can resist the gaze attack with a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + poisoner level + poisoner's Constitution modifier). If the opponent fails this save, he must make saves versus the poison normally. Success indicates the creature is unaffected by the gaze and need not make saves against the poison. The poisoner uses the poison touch table above to select the parameters of the poison. She must make eye contact with her foe as a standard action to use this ability; simply looking at the opponent is not enough. Poison delivered in this manner counts as ingested.

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Widow's Embrace

This pair of leather straps is studded with cold iron barbs in perfectly matching nine-fold patterns. These straps were made from Kaessa's own flesh and boiled in acid mixed with a droplet of Talona's blood. Since then they have been exposed to Kaessa's own poisons without pause for years beyond counting, obtaining unimaginable toxicity. Widow's Embrace regularly drips with poison so vile as to sizzle like acid, leaving a trail in Kaessa's wake.

Widow's Embrace allows Kaessa's unarmed attacks to count as cold iron to bypass damage reduction as well as granting them a +6 enhancement bonus. They grant a +6 bonus to the DC of Kaessa's various poison abilities. Six times per day Kaessa may draw on the powers of Widow's Embrace as a swift action. For 1 minute after, her various poison abilities are treated as epic poisons. Epic poisons are treated as being antimagic and ignore any magical defenses against poison. Ability damage from epic poisons cannot be restored by magic and can only recover by rest.

Glasya's Favor

This pair of hell-forged golden earrings are the sign of Glasya's patronage. They grant a +10 enhancement bonus to charisma as well as functioning as a cloak of resistance+6. Nine times per day, they may heighten any spell-like ability they possess to 12th level.

Angelbone Bracers

+12 armor bonus to armor class. These bracers provide a constant nondetection effect, caster level 30th.

Necklace of Health+6

This golden necklace sparkles with alluring power. It bolsters Kaessa's health, granting her a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution. The alluring appearance is meant to suggest it may be the source of her powers, but in truth the design is merely one Princess Glasya likes.

In addition to the above, Kaessa has a supply of various epic poisons. These are augmented for a higher save DC whenever possible.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Nemiel, Herald of Beezlebub

Fluff and notes:
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Nemiel is from Balmuria 1. He serves the Lord of the Seventh and interacted with Alicia before and after she obtained Sylica.

Nemiel was once a blessed bringer of messages in service of Barachiel. As the time of the Great Fall came, he fell into the conspiracy. The details of this are fuzzy at best, but he seems to have come to believe in their superiority to other creatures. He was chastised by Barachiel and offered a chance to atone, but he instead struck Barachiel across the brow. In righteous fury Barachiel tossed Nemiel down with the others, down to the depths of Baator. He is a prideful being convinced of his own superiority, yet hides his pitiful, broken form behind illusions. He serves as Beezlebub's herald and spreads what he believes to be the perfect message of the Lord of Flies.

Emissary of Beezlebub is a slightly modified Emissary of Barachiel, perverted from its original intent. I'm not a great fan of reversing holy/unholy classes in these instances, but it works here.

Fallen Solar 29//Marshal 19/Herald of Beezlebub 10

Changelog: Added spells. Fallen was minorly rewritten.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Evil, Fallen, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 29d8+377+29 (638 hp)
Initiative: +17
Speed: 50ft, fly 150ft (good)
Armor Class: 50 (-1 size, +13 dex, +21 natural, +7 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +29/+41/64
Attack: Voice of the Fly+46 (3d6+23 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: Voice of the Fly+46/+41/+36/+31 (3d6+23 19-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, summon devils, dark calling, dark conversion.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/epic, good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, spell resistance 42, regeneration 19, darkvision 120ft, low light vision, teleport, telepathy 200ft, auras, grant move action 4/day, dark sustenance, fallen.
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +35, Will +33 (+4 vs petrification)
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 36, Con 36, Int 35, Wis 32, Cha 36
Skills: Bluff+52, Concentration+45, Diplomacy+55, Disguise+45, Forgery+44, Gather Information+45, Handle Animal+45, Intimidate+52, Knowledge(Arcana)+44, Knowledge(Local:Hell)+44, Knowledge(N&R)+44, Knowledge(Planes)+44, Knowledge(Religion)+44, Listen+43, Perform(Oratory)+45, Perform(Song)+45, Perform(Wind Instruments)+45, Ride+45, Sense Motive+43, Spellcraft+44, Spot+43, Survival+43
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Quicken Spell(1), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(M1), Twin Spell(3), Improved Initiative(6), Power Attack(9), Toughness(12), Ability Focus(Dark Calling)(15), Flyby Attack(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Automatic Metamagic(Quicken Spell)(24), Automatic Metamagic(Twin Spell)(27)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial powers:
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Nemiel casts as a 22nd level cleric (caster level 29th) with access to the Evil and Herald domains. The save DCs are 21 + spell level. All of Nemiel's 0-3rd level spells are automatically quickened and twinned.

[6/day]0: Detect Magicx3, Resistance, Guidance, Cure Minor Wounds
[8+1/day]1: (Protection from Good), Divine Favorx2, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, Sanctuaryx2, Deathwatch, Command
[8+1/day]2: (Enthrall), Lesser Restorationx3, Spiritual Weaponx5
[8+1/day]3: (Magic Circle Against Good), Blindness/Deafnessx2, Prayerx2, Wind Wall, Invisibility Purge, Cure Serious Woundsx2
[7+1/day]4: (Sending), Death Wardx2, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Restorationx3
[7+1/day]5: (Greater Command), Plane Shiftx2, Righteous Mightx4, Unhallow
[6+1/day]6: (Dream), Antilife Shell, Healx5
[6+1/day]7: (Blasphemy), Ethereal Jaunt, Repulsion, Wretched Blightx4BoVD
[5+1/day]8: (Unholy Aura), Create Greater Undeadx2, Dimensional Lock, Quickened Death Ward, Quickened Freedom of Movement
[5+1/day]9: (Summon Monster 9), Energy Drain, Mass Healx2, Miracle, Soul Bind
[3+1/day]10: (Summon Monster 9), Curse of InadequacyHomex3

BoVD - Book of Vile Darkness
Home - Homebrew

Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect good, magic circle against good, see invisibility, tongues. At will-aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, dimensional anchor, greater dispel magic, unholy blight, imprisonment, invisibility (self only), death knell, power word stun, bestow curse, bestow disease, fear, resist energy, summon monster 7, speak with dead, waves of fatigue. 3/day-blade barrier, earthquake, harm, mass charm monster, permanency, waves of exhaustion. 1/day-power word blind, power word stun, prismatic spray, miracle. Caster level 29th. The save DCs are 23 + spell level.

Regeneration (Ex)

Nemiel takes normal damage from epic, silvered good-aligned weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Summon devils (Sp)

Three times per day Nemiel can summon 7 cornugons or 14 erinyes or hamatula. Any devils summoned by Nemiel possess maximum hit points per hit die.

Fallen (Ex)

Nemiel is a fallen angel, having lost everything to overweening pride. His body was hurled from Celestia by Barachiel and cast down into Maladomini. This fall ruined Nemiel's angelic beauty, leaving him a ruined mess. Nemiel is now an angel with broken skin, wings of weeping sores and fire, broken bones that jut out and most of all, repulsive ugliness.

Any non-evil creature that sees Nemiel's true form is shaken for one round with no saving throw. Thereafter, they are filled with regret and righteous scorn, gaining a +7 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, caster level checks and saving throws against Nemiel. This bonus lasts until the end of the encounter.

Marshal powers:
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Nemiel manifests auras as a 19th level marshal.

Minor auras(+13): Art of War, Demand Fortitude, Determined Caster, Force of Will, Motivate Charisma, Motivate Dexterity, Motivate Wisdom, Watchful Eye
Major auras(+3): Motivate Ardor, Motive Attack, Motivate Care, Resilient Troops

Grant Move Action (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a marshal can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to any or all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself ). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies' initiative count; the round continues normally after the marshal's turn is over. (This may mean, for example, that an ally whose initiative count immediately follows the marshal's may get an extra move action from the marshal, followed directly by a full round worth of actions on the ally's turn.)

At 8th level, a marshal gains the ability to grant an extra move action to his allies twice per day. The frequency increases to three times per day at 12th level, four times per day at 16th level, and five times per day at 20th level.

A character can take only one extra move action per round. (In other words, two marshals can't use this ability on the same ally in the same round.) If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost.

Emissary of Beezlebub powers:
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Nemiel casts as a 10th level emissary of Beezlebub. The save DCs are 23 + spell level. All of Nemiel's 0-3rd level spells are automatically quickened and twinned.

[7/day]1: Charm Person, Message, Sleep, Ventriloquism
[6/day]2: Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Enthrall, Suggestion
[6/day]3: Charm Monster, Devil's EgoFC2, Haste, Scrying
[6/day]4: Break Enchantment, Hold Monster, Sending, WrackFC2

FC2 - Fiendish Codex 2

Dark Calling (Su)

Invoking words of the Dark Speech berating and scorning the imperfections before him, Nemiel can wound the souls of those who do not follow Hell. Nemiel can use this ability seven times a day as a full round action. Any creature within 210 feet of Nemiel may be affected. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier. Creatures that fail their save suffer the following effects:

Lawful Evil: Inspired
Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral: Scorned
Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, any good: Stunned, demoralized

Inspired: Affected creatures receive a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks, and weapon damage rolls for 10 minutes.
Scorned: Affected creatures are shaken for 10 minutes.
Stunned: Affected creatures are stunned for 1 round.
Demoralized: Affected creatures take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks and weapon damage rolls for 10 minutes.

Using any manifestation of the Dark Calling class ability requires use of the Dark Speech, resulting in 1d4 points of charisma damage. Dark Calling is an enchantment(compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting] effect.

Dark Conversion (Su)

Nemiel can use his Dark Calling ability to drag creatures down into the chains of Hell. Doing so counts as a use of the Dark Calling class ability for the day and the initial effects of the calling are the same, except that Nemiel takes 1d6 points of charisma damage instead of 1d4. When the initial effects are over, however, all creatures that were subject to any effect of the calling(Except lawful evil creatures) must make another saving throw. Creatures who fail begin acting as though their alignment were one step closer to evil. If the creature is already evil, they are pulled towards law instead.

Creatures affected by this temporary alignment shift can make new saving throws each day for a total of seven days. If the emissary is not present at the time a creature makes its save, it receives a +1 circumstance bonus on the saving throw, and this bonus increases by 1 for each additional saving throw for which the emissary is not present.

During these seven days, an affected creature is immune to any other conversion effect, from the same emissary or a different one. During this time, the alignment shift can be reversed with a break enchantment spell, but the caster must succeed on a caster level check against a DC equal to the emissary's original Diplomacy check result. Also during this time, an atonement spell can make the alignment shift permanent, preventing any more saving throws.

If a creature fails seven saving throws after the initial saving throw against the calling, the alignment change is permanent. At this point, the creature can change alignment again, either through another conversion effect, or voluntarily (in a gradual manner, as alignment change normally works - the creature cannot simply decide to be good again).

Dark Sustenance (Su)

Nemiel can ensure that evil creatures stay evil. As a use of his Dark Calling ability, he can produce one of the following effects:

* Duplicate the effects of an atonement spell.
* Reverse any magical alignment change.
* Dispel a charm or compulsion effect cast by a good creature on an evil target, by making a dispel check (1d20+character level against a DC of 11+good caster's level).

These effects require Nemiel to touch the target creature.

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Voice of the Fly

Nemiel has long held hatred for the messengers of Barachiel. Nemiel's schemes gave him the chance to overcome and slay a favored trumpet archon of Barachiel. In triumph he took the archon's trumpet, but it turned to a lump of useless iron. Over the centuries Nemiel forced his will onto it, coming to conquer it and to forge it into his own herald's trumpet.

Nemiel may blow the Voice of the Fly as a standard action. If a DC 35 perform(wind instruments) check is passed, the trumpet emits a note of paralyzing awe. Any who hear the trumpet and fail a DC 35 fortitude save are paralyzed for 1d6+1 rounds. At Nemiel's command as a free action, the trumpet transforms into a +7 greatsword of everdancing.

In the hands of someone who is not lawful evil, the trumpet turns to a lump of useless iron. A DC 28 Charisma check can overcome the trumpet and allow the holder to use it's full powers. This check may be attempted once per level.

Casten Superbity

This appears as a plain, faceless white mask. It fits onto the face of any creature from Small to Huge size, staying in place without any straps. When worn, the wearer appears as they believe they do. A fat man who sincerely believes he is a beautiful star athlete will be seen as such. In the case of Nemiel, it presents him as he once was: a beautiful herald of the Realms Above, unmarred by imperfection. This is a quasi-real illusion, standing up to touch. True Seeing can defeat it with an opposed caster level check versus DC 35.

In addition, Casten Superbity grants Nemiel a +7 profane bonus to diplomacy, intimidate and bluff checks.

Nemiel also wears a sash that grants him a +7 armor bonus to armor class, a +7 resistance bonus to saving throws and a +4 enhancement bonus to ability scores.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Added a hit dice requirement, as this is meant to be an epic template.

Efreeti Emir

These creatures are the princes of the efreeti, ruling over them as great lords. Each oversees a particular domain and is roughly equivalent to a Duke of Hell or Authority of Celestia. Efreeti emirs tend to have high hit dice but less racial abilities than other creatures of this level. 

Creating an Efreeti Emir

"Efreeti Emir" is an acquired template that can be added to any noble efreet with 21 or more hit dice (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type

The base creature's type and size does not change.

Hit Dice and Hit Points

The base creature gains maximum hit points per hit die.

Armor Class

Natural armor improves by +18. This stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature has.

Special Attacks

Change Size (Su)

An efreeti emir may use this ability at will.

Emir's Fire (Su)

An efreeti emir can emit a tremendous blast of fire that resembles the fireballs of mages but is far superior. This is identical to the spell fireball, except that it deals 1d6 fire damage per hit die of the base creature, has a save DC of 10 + 1/2 base creature's hit dice + Charisma modifier and has an area of a 60ft radius spread. This ability can be used at will.

Heat (Su)

The base creature's damage from it's heat racial ability rises by 3d6.

Spell-Like Abilities

The base creature replaces its previous racial spell-like abilities with the following spread.

At will-detect magic, gaseous form, greater invisibility, meteor swarm, mirage arcana, permanent image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, wall of fire. 3/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only).

Acquired spell-like abilities are retained. If the base creature has non-standard spell-like abilities, it may gain alternate abilities to fit those instead.

Special Qualities

An efreeti emir has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special qualities.

Damage Reduction

The base creature gains damage reduction 20/cold and epic. Weapons that deal cold damage, such as a frost weapon, count as cold to bypass this damage reduction. If the creature has pre-existing damage reduction, combine the two using the rules for combining types of damage reduction.

Spell Resistance

The base creature gains spell resistance equal to 13 + hit dice.

Sultan's Blood (Su)

An efreeti emir has the Grand Sultan's blood within him. This is usually through being one of the many bastard children of the Grand Sultan. Emirs that are not blood related to the Sultan imbibe a chalice of his blood, granting them some of his might. This grants the emir nobility over all other efreeti; the base creature is treated as divine rank 0 for the sake of effects, though the creature has no actual divine rank.


Increase from the base creature as follows: Str+8, Dex+8, Con+8, Int+10, Wis+10, Cha+10


Always lawful evil.

Efreeti Accessories

Note: While these abilities are made with efreet and other genies in mind, some can be adapted by other creatures with similar abilities.

Deceptive Scimitar [Style]
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus(Scimitar), Weapon Specialization(Scimitar), Dodge, Mobility, genie
Benefit: You mix your skilled scimitar slashes with speed and your natural ability at illusion magic. When you strike an opponent twice with a scimitar in a round, they see afterimages of you, striking at where you were instead of where you are. The creature's next successful attack against you fails, hitting the afterimage instead. This afterimage lasts until it stops one attack or until the beginning of your next turn. Creatures under true seeing or immune to illusions are not affected by this feat.

Efreeti's Sting [General]
Prerequisite: Efreet, Combat Reflexes, Scorching Ray spell-like ability, cha 17
Benefit: When an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity against you, you may instead cast scorching ray in place of your attack of opportunity. You must target your scorching ray(s) against the creature that provoked the attack of opportunity. You may use this ability once per round. Casting scorching ray in this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Using scorching ray in this manner counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round.

Heat Aura [General]
Prerequisite: Heat ability, efreet, cha 17
Benefit: Creatures adjacent to you suffer burns as if you touched them. If a creature starts its turn adjacent to you, they take fire damage as if affected by your heat ability. This feat causes you to burn and shimmer with fire at all times when in your natural form. Unattended objects adjacent or in the same squares as you will burn if flammable. This ability can be suppressed and resumed as a free action.

Heat Cloak [Epic]
Prerequisite: Heat Haze, cha 25
Benefit: The miss chance you gain from heat haze rises to 50%.

Heat Haze [General]
Prerequisite: Heat Aura
Benefit: You are surrounded by a constant heat haze. This grants you protection as it obscures your exact location in battle. You gain concealment, as if affected by a blur spell. True seeing defeats this concealment. If you take cold damage, this feat's benefits are lost for one round.

Improved Heat [General]
Prerequisite: Heat ability, efreet
Benefit: The fire damage from your heat ability increases by 1d6.

Searing Body [Epic]
Prerequisite: Heat ability, efreet, con 25
Benefit: Your body burns so hot as to burn fire itself to ash. Damage dealt to creatures with your heat ability is considered searing. Searing fire damage ignores fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures otherwise immune to fire.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Abdul Nasr al-Hariq, Emir of the Burning Nightmares and Knight Commander of the Order of the Burning Heart

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Abdul Nasr is one of many bastard children sired by the Sultan of the Efreet. Unlike most, he survived past his early years through a natural flair for intimidation, a skill at violence and being a towering specimen. Unrecognized by his father, he nonetheless came to thrive on the fringes of the Sultan's court. A single minded force with an ear to the natural flow of Fire, he brutally dispatched those who challenged him with surprising guile. In time his efforts were rewarded by the title of Emir and official recognition from the Grand Sultan. He currently oversees the nightmares of the Sultan's armies, a position of moderate prestige. Nonetheless, he wishes to move up to a position of even greater prestige.

Abdul Nasr is a typical example of an efreeti prince. The ideas come from ruminating how one survives in a court of immortal backstabbers, albeit with less alignment issues than a typical diabolical court. At heart he's a brute gifted with political and social acumen. This is a perfect mix to survive the plots against him, ranging from childhood plots from members of the Sultan's harem besides his mother, to officials that got in his way to fellow noble efreet who crossed him in politics. He's reached the title of Emir, which is the highest rank in the City of Brass barring the Sultan himself. I imagine efreet politics to be about flair mixed with vicious spurts of behind the scenes violence. The political situation below the Sultan is fluid and prone to change as various factions wrestle for power. It's ultimately one grand court so things can easily get messy.

When you consider that environment, Abdul Nasr's investment in outsider(fire) as a favored enemy makes a lot of sense.

The Sultan of the Efreet has divine rank, but I don't see any other efreets having that privilege. This is mostly for the Sultan's own glory, but I figure he doesn't want to risk any efreet hunefer due to Ao. His children manage a faint glimmer of that power but that's all.

Oh, and most of Abdul Nasr's name and titles are based on the Grand Sultan's own pile of titles.

Efreet 34//Ranger 34 (Strong-Arm Style)

Changelog: Made him compliant with the efreeti emir template, as he predated it. Swapped out animal companion for solitary hunting. Added spells.

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Fire)
Hit Dice: 34d8+374 (641 hp)
Initiative: +16
Speed: 30ft, fly 60ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 58 (-2 size, +12 dex, +24 natural, +8 armor, +5 deflection, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +34/+51/79
Attack: Brand of the Blazing Fist+53 (3d6+28 plus 4d6 fire plus 3d6 fire(6d6 on crit) plus +2/+2d6 vs favored enemies 15-20 x2)
Full Attack: Brand of the Blazing Fist+53/+48/+43/+38 (3d6+28 plus 4d6 fire plus 3d6 fire(6d6 on crit) plus +2/+2d6 vs favored enemies 15-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Change size, emir's fire, heat, spell-like abilities, favored enemies(outsider(fire)+21, outsider(water)+9, outsider(good)+9, elemental+9, fey+9, outsider(evil)+9, aberration+9), spells.
Special Qualities: Change shape, damage reduction 20/cold and good, spell resistance 46, immunity to cold(item granted) and fire, plane shift, darkvision 120ft, telepathy 200ft, vulnerability to cold, sultan's blood, wild empathy, solitary hunting, woodland stride, swift tracker, evasion, camouflage, hide in plain sight.
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +33, Will +33
Abilities: Str 41, Dex 35, Con 32, Int 32, Wis 33, Cha 33
Skills: Balance+49, Concentration+48, Diplomacy+48, Gather Information+48, Handle Animal+48, Hide+49, Intimidate+48, Knowledge(Geography)+48, Knowledge(Local: City of Brass)+48, Knowledge(Nature)+48, Knowledge(N&R)+48, Listen+48, Move Silently+49, Ride+49, Search+48, Sense Motive+48, Spot+48, Survival+48, Use Magic Device+48
Feats: Improved Initiative(B), Combat Reflexes(1), Track(R1), Power Attack(R2), Dodge(3), Endurance(R3), Favored Power Attack(6), Improved Sunder(R6), Favored Dodge(Outsider(Fire))(9), Great Cleave(R11), Improved Critical(Falchion)(12), Improved Favored Enemy(15), Mounted Combat(18), Ride-By Attack(24), Spirited Charge(27), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Meteor Swarm)(30)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Bane of Enemies(R23), Improved Favored Enemy(R26), Legendary Tracker(R29), Improved Favored Enemy(R32), Epic Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Meteor Swarm)(33)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-detect magic, gaseous form, greater invisibility, meteor swarm, mirage arcana, permanent image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, wall of fire. 3/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only). Caster level 34th. The save DCs are Charisma based.

Change Size (Sp)

At will, Abdul Nasr can magically change a creature's size. This works just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (Abdul Nasr chooses when using the ability), except that the ability can work on Abdul Nasr. A DC 38 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Emir's Fire (Su)

Abdul Nasr can emit a tremendous blast of fire that resembles the fireballs of mages but is far superior. This is identical to the spell fireball, except that it deals 34d6 damage, has a save DC of 38 and has an area of a 60ft radius spread. This ability can be used at will. The save DC is Charisma based.

Heat (Ex)

Abdul Nasr's red-hot body deals 4d6 points of extra fire damage whenever he hits in melee, or in each round he maintains a hold when grappling.

Change Shape (Su)

Abdul Nasr can assume the form of any Small, Medium, Large or Huge humanoid or giant.

Sultan's Blood (Ex)

Abdul Nasr is one of the many bastard children produced by the Sultan of the Efreet's harem. As a result he has a touch of divine energy within him, granting him nobility over lesser efreeti. He is treated as divine rank 0 for the sake of effects, though he has no actual divine rank.

Ranger powers:
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Abdul Nasr casts as a 34th level ranger. The save DCs are 21 + spell level.

[6/day]1: Blades of FireSC, Delay Poison, Detect Favored EnemySC, Detect Poison, Pass Without Trace, Resist Energy
[6/day]2: Barkskin, Listening LorecallSC, Speak with Plants, Swift Hastex2SC, TremorsenseSC
[6/day]3: Command Plantsx2, Cure Moderate Wounds, Neutralize Poisonx2, Remove Disease
[5/day]4: Commune with Nature, Freedom of Movement, Nondetection, Planar Tolerancex2SC
[5/day]5: Death Ward, Essence of the RaptorSC, Owl's InsightSC, Wall of Thorns, Xorn MovementSC
[5/day]6: Find the Path, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Cure Light Wounds, StoneholdSC, Summon Nature's Ally 6
[5/day]7: Aura of Vitalityx2SC, Control Weather, Heal, True Seeing
[2/day]8: Control Plants, Unyielding RootsSC

Favored Enemy (Ex)

At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Ranger Favored Enemies. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

A ranger can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.

Animal Companion (Ex)

At 4th level, a ranger gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may be added to the ranger's list of options: manta ray, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the ranger on his adventures as appropriate for its kind.

This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the ranger's effective druid level is one-half his ranger level. A ranger may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his effective druid level is half his ranger level. Like a druid, a ranger cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.

Woodland Stride (Ex)

Starting at 7th level, a ranger may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.

Swift Tracker (Ex)

Beginning at 8th level, a ranger can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Evasion (Ex)

At 9th level, a ranger can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the ranger is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless ranger does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Camouflage (Ex)

A ranger of 13th level or higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex)

While in any sort of natural terrain, a ranger of 17th level or higher can use the Hide skill even while being observed.

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Brand of the Blazing Fist

This falchion was forged by the order of the Grand Sultan of the Efreet, a gift to Abdul Nasr on his ascension to the rank of Emir. Crafted of molten metal, red dragon's blood and the fist of a lavawight, the Brand of the Blazing Fist boils like angry lava. It is said to have been created by Kassim of the Honored Flame, the greatest of all efreet blacksmiths. The sword looks distinctly angry, despite only being an object.

The Brand of the Blazing Fist is a huge falchion+6, fiery blast. Any damage done by this weapon does not heal naturally; this damage can only be healed by magic in a place where the temperature is in the severe cold or colder temperature band.

Knight Commander's Cross

This cross signifies Abdul Nasr's high rank within the Order of the Burning Heart. It is worn around the neck and takes up the neck slot on the body. It grants the wearer immunity to cold.

Abdul Nasr also favors bracers of armor+8, medals that grant him mind blank at all times (CL 21), a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws, a +5 deflection bonus to armor class, a +8 enhancement bonus to ability scores and the the ability to summon 1d8 Knights of the Burning Heart. In addition to these, his military uniform is enchanted to provide immunity to critical hits and precision damage.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Hunefer, accursed of Ao

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Hunefer are the remnants of creatures who sought to become deities. They reached the final step and the height of power before being rejected by Lord Ao. As a result they are changed into dead spirits, creatures entombed in undeath and yet having no escape, for they are living souls. The result of Lord Ao's rejection is a shattered mind and becoming the accursed of the planes, wandering and yet never finding what they desire.

As a result of their curse, hunefer do not interact with other creatures except as a terror. They forever try and grasp things but social interaction slips away due to their crushed mind. As such, other creatures who encounter a hunefer have one of a few outcomes. A typical creature will be stunned. A hunefer may or may not kill them with about a 50/50 split either way. Should a creature survive, they will remember hazy images of a terribly tormented mummy but little else. A creature that incurs a hunefer's wrath will almost certainly be killed by the hunefer's disease and spell-like abilities.

The rare creatures that can resist a hunefer's despair find it momentarily taken aback before falling into a rage. The hunefer will attack this creature with a fury born of envy. A hunefer is an overwhelmingly fast foe, striking its foes with relentless vigor.

Hunefer are not part of any natural order. They have no need for subsistence nor do they seek it for pleasure.


A hunefer wanders. They have no native environment.

Typical Physical Characteristics

The typical hunefer appears as a yellowed mummy. The exact features of a hunefer vary depending on what it was before it was cursed, providing each hunefer with various cosmetic differences. A hunefer is six feet tall, no matter its previous size.


Hunefer are neutral evil. While they lack any consistency in their actions, they are dominated by a self-absorbed mission to try and find relief. They will go to any means to achieve this and will kill anything that gets in the way.


Hunefer advance by racial hit dice. While hunefer can grow more powerful, there is no guarantee that one will. Some advance easily and others never do. The reasons for this are unknown but it is speculated it ties into how powerful the creature was before being transformed.


Intelligence based classes are avoided by hunefer. Spells cast by preparation are impossible due to the hunefer's fragmented mind. Spontaneous spellcasting classes are possible, though rare. No hunefer can take levels in a class that grants divine spellcasting due to the curse on them. Most hunefer tend towards the classes they had in life if they are at all compatible with what they are now.

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Hunefer are what happen when Ao rejects a creature that seeks divinity. They are transformed into shambling quasi-undead horrors that forever seek divinity, mind broken husks that have no hope at all. Compare these to the Neverborn/Atropals.

I chose to use outsider HD with the undead elements bolted on. This is to compensate for the raw shittiness of undead hit dice; I wanted to make this at a certain power level with as little hit dice bloat as possible. It's cheating, but it's the will of an Overgod. Cheating is entirely fair play for Ao. It helps that he's a tremendous dick.

Changelog: Fixed dex based skills, which were one too low. Adjusted jump way up, as it didn't properly add the bonus for its high movement speed.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Abomination, Evil)
Hit Dice: 40d8+720+40 (1080 hp)
Initiative: +23
Speed: 200ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 73 (+15 dex, +30 natural, +18 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +40/+60/103
Attack: Slam+60 (4d6+20 plus hunefer rot)
Full Attack: Slam+60/+55/+50/+45/+40/+35/+30/+25/+20 (4d6+20 plus hunefer rot)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Despair, failure, hunefer rot, barred, spell power.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 50/special, spell resistance 55, regeneration 45, immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph, petrification, form altering, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage and mind affecting, resistance to acid and sonic 50, vulnerable to fire, undead traits, true seeing, telepathy 500ft, darkvision 120ft, tongues, speed, cursed.
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +57, Will +52
Abilities: Str 51, Dex 40, Con -, Int 16, Wis 43, Cha 46
Skills: Balance+58, Concentration+43, Climb+63, Escape Artist+58, Hide+58, Jump+131, Listen+59, Move Silently+58, Sense Motive+59, Spot+59, Survival+59, Swim+63, Tumble+58, Use Rope+58
Feats: Ability Focus(Despair)(1), Ability Focus(Hunefer Rot)(3), Power Attack(6), Improved Natural Attack(Slam)(9), Toughness(12), Combat Expertise(15), Lightning Reflexes(18), Mindsight(21), Improved Initiative(24)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Despair)(27), Epic Ability Focus(Hunefer Rot)(30), Dire Charge(33), Superior Initiative(36), Epic Reflexes(39)
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell Power (Sp)

As a full-round action, a hunefer may recall some fragment of the power it once held to cast a single spell of 10th level or less as a spell-like ability. Caster level 40th. The save DCs are 28 + spell level.

Brand of Failure (Su)

The sight of a hunefer imposes its total failure onto all that see it. This imposes three special effects. These effects work from any distance as long as the hunefer is clearly seen, including through scrying and across dimensional boundaries. Creatures that are blind or that cannot see the hunefer are not subject to them.


The mere sight of a hunefer is horrifically depressing to any creature. The absolute failure and rejection the hunefer represents is so crippling as to be devastating to those that see it. Any creature that sees a hunefer must make a DC 60 Will save or be overwhelmed by hopeless despair for 6 rounds. A creature in this state is stunned and unable to take any actions. A creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that hunefer's despair for 24 hours. Other hunefer and deities are immune to this ability. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +6 racial bonus.


Along with despair, the hunefer inspires complete failure in those that see it. Any creature that can see the hunefer is at risk of failure at any action. Such creatures cannot take 10 or 20 on anything. In addition, a natural roll of 1 through 5 is treated as an automatic failure, no matter the total result. This applies to all rolls that can be failed, such as skill checks, ability checks, caster level checks, attack rolls, saving throws and so forth. Rolls that cannot inherently fail, such as initiative checks, are unaffected. This condition persists as long as the creature sees the hunefer and six rounds thereafter.

There is no saving throw against this ability, though creatures with divine rank are immune to it.


A hunefer is barred from the power of the divine by edict of Lord Ao. This disbarment from the divine naturally flows out of the hunefer and affects all creatures that see it. Any divine spell is at risk of failing under these conditions, requiring a DC 54 caster level check to be successfully cast. Failure results in spell failure. Spells that fail in this manner are expended. Spells cast from items are also subject to this ability. Arcane spells and spells from other sources are not affected.

Hunefer Rot (Su)

Disease, injury, DC 60, instantaneous, 1d6 Constitution. Unlike normal diseases, hunefer rot requires a victim to make a successful saving throw every round or take another 1d6 points of Constitution damage. The rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution 0 (and dies). A creature slain by this ability cannot be resurrected except by the direct intervention of a deity. A creature suffering from hunefer rot can be cured by remove disease. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +6 racial bonus.

Tongues (Ex)

A hunefer can speak all languages, but takes 1d4 rounds to switch between languages.

Speed (Ex)

The accursed hunefer are noted for being stunningly fast when they commit to battle. A hunefer's land speed equals its divine fly speed. In addition, the hunefer's blows rain down unrelentingly with that same speed. A hunefer may make iterative attacks for every 5 points of BAB it has with its slam attack. While most of these blows are not accurate, they make up for it with pure volume. These extra attacks do not stack with haste, flurry of blows or any other ability that grants extra attacks.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

A hunefer's damage reduction is defeated by weapons that are made by a deity or whose creation used parts of a deity.

Regeneration (Ex)

A hunefer's regeneration is overcome by weapons that are made by a deity or whose creation used parts of a deity. Fire damage also deals lethal damage to a hunefer.

Cursed (Ex)

A hunefer is a living abomination that is dead at the same time. It has been rejected by Ao and is cursed to a broken-minded misery for all eternity. They seek what they are deprived but are forever unable to succeed.

A hunefer is treated as being undead. It gains all the benefits of the undead type and lacks a Constitution score. It uses its Charisma in place of Constitution to determine bonus hit points per hit die. It is subject to being harmed by positive energy and effects that target the undead. Despite having no Constitution score, it does not die or suffer any other negative problems from it.

The mind of a hunefer is a broken, fragmented thing. The hunefer is forever lost in a maze of memories, fully immersed in dementia. These fragments focus on the creature's various failures and successes are remembered in a shattered way that turn them into failures. This loss of knowledge cripples them, they fail any Intelligence based skill checks. Likewise, a hunefer's failure renders any sort of social interaction impossible. A hunefer automatically fails any Charisma based skills checks.

What little coherency a hunefer has is dedicated to finding the divine. It can only desire to find a deity and squeeze out the pure divinity denied to them, in a vain hope that they will be able to save themselves. This is what motivates a hunefer, yet it is all for naught. Should a hunefer come to within 10 miles of a deity, it is instantly plane shifted to another plane. This plane shifting bypasses all known defenses against dimensional travel. Even severing the astral links around the hunefer or the direct intervention of a deity fail to contain it. The hunefer feels a sense of indescribable loss when this happens as well as a renewed desperation to find a deity. The plane a hunefer is plane shifted to is random.

Finally, a hunefer's wanderings cannot be stopped. Should a hunefer be imprisoned for more than one hour, it is automatically plane shifted as above.

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Hunefer rarely carry treasure with them. A rare few manage to find personal objects they held before being transformed. Those that do may use the items as they did before, even if they no longer can qualify to use the item. For example, a former wizard who found a staff of fire he once owned could use it despite not having arcane spellcasting. The lucky few who do find such an item will not part with it for any reason, finding it a painful but indispensable reminder of the past.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



Notes and fluff:
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The Fallen, Nemesis of the Heavens
Archduke of Hell
Symbol: A field of flames with burning humanoids within, set on a background of grey
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Fire
Alignment: Lawful Vile
Portfolio: Extermination, genocide, pride, hatred, atheism, defiance
Worshipers: None; see below.
Cleric Alignments: None; see below. In theory LE, LN, NE.
Domains: Evil, Fire, Hatred, Law, Pride
Favored Weapon: Heaven's Tears (longbow)

Eblis was encountered by Seira in Balmuria 1 and one of his Sundered Suns was Afina's lucky quarry for the Magmasoul fiasco. He's heavily inspired by the Islamic devil and originates from the Gates of Hell supplement. I won't rehash his flavor here, since it's largely unchanged.

It's safe to say Eblis should not have fallen. He was one of the greatest angels in Creation. In spite of the glories he saw, his heart became filled with pride. He desired to rule over mortals and was cast out of the Heavens for his hubris. He now desires only to exterminate them like vermin and take revenge on the forces of good that cast him down. He's powerful and incredibly driven, so much so that Eblis was cast out of Hell by Asmodeus immediately after his arrival. His pride is so powerful that it elevates him to divinity.

The fact that Eblis is as powerful as a greater deity is tempered by the fact that he has obscured himself from history. His power base is relatively small compared to that of other powers; despite being stronger than Imix or the Grand Sultan of the Efreet, he simply can't muster anything close to the forces to defeat them. It puts him in a unique position, further complicated by a genuine friendship with the Grand Sultan of the Efreet. Such things are as rare as hen's teeth amid the forces of evil. On top of that, it's come up that he has a sense of humor. Hell, his bow ensures mortals slain by it pass on safely.

There's a lot going on with him and more than the statblocks tell. It makes him interesting, at least to me. Can someone who has seen that deeply into the heart of Good truly fall all the way? Can such a being be beyond redemption? What meaning does Eblis hold and how does that make sense with what he's done and what he's seen? Is the ultimate answer for Eblis's actions a question of Good and Evil, or a question of Law? I feel that the questions that Eblis poses are fascinating ones.  If nothing else, what has he seen to marshal the power to make reality itself bow to him, to treat him as a deity?

Archdukes of Hell (not the Lords of the Nine, which are a step above them) usually have only DvR0. Eblis is a special exception. The Archduke template is largely overwritten by the divine rank template anyway. Nonetheless he keeps the title of Archdevil.

Eblis is something of a bonus boss. He has relatively little direct impact on Creation. While he hates mortals, celestials and deities, he spends most of his time brooding in his tower. A more vigorous Eblis would be a deep blight on Creation, but he rarely breaks his pattern. In some respects he can be seen as a different take on Beezlebub's concepts, except that Eblis has reached a point he is satisfied with. Considering the effects of his Pride special ability, he may be right.

As a final note, the Sundered Suns are all fallen solars that are the children of Eblis. The play on words with sun and sons is deliberate. Eblis may be a horror and a nightmare, but he's not above a bit of wordplay.

Speaking of, Eblis does make new Sundered Suns when an immortal catches his eye. Only immortals, as mortals are only fit for extermination. No matter the mother's race, the child is born as a fallen solar with no other templates or influence. He treats those immortals that catch his eye well, for someone worthy of his attentions must have value. Those he grows truly fond of become part of his personal retinue or household. They serve in support of the Sundered Suns and Eblis himself. It isn't quite the harem that the Grand Sultan of the Efreet maintains, but the roots of the idea come from there.

Fallen Solar 69//Fighter 69

Changelog: Fixed AC, which was 10 too low. Adjusted CMB by +7. Raised Heaven's Sorrow damage by 2, as it was off. Added mastery of faith special ability. Increased the damage from banishments in pride's downfall. Also slightly clarified how it works. Added several custom spells.

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Evil, Fallen, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 7
Hit Dice: 69d10+1311+69+414 (2484 hp)
Initiative: +26
Speed: 100ft, fly 280ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 99 (-2 size, +19 dex, +24 natural, +18 deflection, +7 divine, +1 ws, +22 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +69/+103/151
Attack: Heaven's Tears+119 (3d6+70 plus 2d6 unholy plus +4/+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) x3) or Manyshot+111/+111/+111/+111 (3d6+70 plus 2d6 unholy plus +4/+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) x3) or Heaven's Sorrow+119 (10d6+76 plus 2d6 unholy plus 4+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) plus 1 vile plus 4d6 on crit 17-20 x3) or Slashing Flurry+114/+109 (10d6+76 plus 2d6 unholy plus 4+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) plus 1 vile plus 4d6 on crit 17-20 x3)
Full Attack: Heaven's Tears+119/+119/+114/+109/+104 (3d6+70 plus 2d6 unholy plus +4/+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) x3) or Heaven's Sorrow+119/+114/+109/+104 (10d6+76 plus 2d6 unholy plus 4+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) plus 1 vile plus 4d6 on crit 17-20 x3) or Slashing Flurry+114/+114/+109/+104/+99 (10d6+76 plus 2d6 unholy plus 4+4d6 vs celestials plus 27 vs mortals/celestials plus poison(DC 69) plus 1 vile plus 4d6 on crit 17-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 15ft/15ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, poison, smite the hated 14/day, rebuke water 21/day, divine blast 21/day(25d12).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 50/epic, good and silver, immunity to acid, cold, fire and poison, regeneration 45, resistance to electricity 40, spell resistance 84, telepathy 500ft, darkvision 120ft, low light vision, pride, dispelling aura, pride's defense, pride's downfall.
Saves: Fort +72, Ref +72, Will +72 (+4 vs petrification)
Abilities: Str 61, Dex 48, Con 49, Int 46, Wis 49, Cha 46
Skills: Balance+98, Bluff+97, Climb+104, Concentration+98, Craft(Bowmaking)+97, Craft(Weaponsmithing)+97, Diplomacy+97, Escape Artist+98, Hide+98, Intimidate+97, Jump+132, Listen+98, Move Silently+98, Knowledge(All)+97, Perform(Song)+97, Ride+98, Search+97, Sense Motive+98, Spellcraft+97, Spot+98, Use Rope+98
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Diehard(B), Mindsight(1), Weapon Focus(Longbow)(F1), Point Blank Shot(F2), Corrupt Spell(3), Precise Shot(F4), Fire Devotion(6), Far Shot(F6), Weapon Specialization(Longbow)(F8), Rapid Shot(9), Ranged Weapon Mastery(Piercing)(F10), Manyshot(12), Improved Rapid Shot(F12), Woodland Archer(F14), Empower Spell(15), Greater Weapon Focus(Longbow)(F16), Maximize Spell(18), Greater Weapon Specialization(Longbow)(F18), Weapon Supremacy(Longbow)(F20), Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(F22), Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F24), Power Attack(F26), Vile Martial Strike(27), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F28), Greater Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(F30), Greater Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(F32), Ability Focus(Poison)(33), Slashing Flurry(F34), Combat Reflexes(F36), Improved Critical(Greatsword)(F38), Toughness(F40), Quicken Spell(57)
Epic Feats: Combat Archery(B), Distant Shot(B), Swarm of Arrows(B), Uncanny Accuracy(B), Epic Spell Capacity(21), Unholy Strike(24), Great Smiting(30), Intensify Spell(36), Sundered Sun(39), Epic Weapon Focus(Longbow)(42), Epic Weapon Focus(Greatsword)(F42), Epic Weapon Specialization(Longbow)(F44), Epic Weapon Specialization(Greatsword)(45), Overwhelming Critical(Greatsword)(F46), Enhance Spell(48), Devastating Critical(Greatsword)(F48), Epic Toughness(F50), Blinding Speed(51), Spellcasting Harrier(F52), Multiaction(54), Dire Charge(F54), Improved Combat Reflexes(F56), Armor Skin(F58), Great Ability(Strength)(60), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Adamantine)(F60), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Silver)(F62), Pulverize(63), Penetrate Damage Reduction(Cold Iron)(F64), Improved Alignment-Based Casting(Evil)(66), Epic Toughness(F66), Epic Toughness(F68), Epic Ability Focus(Poison)(69)
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Automatic Metamagic(Corrupt Spell), Banestrike(Outsider(Good)), Divine Archery, Divine Blast, Divine Fire Mastery, Divine Weapon Mastery, Divine Weapon Focus(Longbow), Divine Weapon Specialization(Longbow), Elemental Might(Fire), Improved Alter Size, Mass Divine Blast
Alignment: Lawful Vile

Racial powers:
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Eblis casts as a 62nd level cleric (caster level 69th, caster level 72nd for evil spells) with access to the Evil, Fire, Hatred, Law and Pride domains. His metamagic options are Empower Spell (+2) and Maximize Spell (+3). All of Eblis's spells are automatically corrupted. The save DCs are 29 + spell level. Eblis casts spontaneously thanks to his mastery of faith special ability. If he applies metamagic to a spell, the casting time is not increased.

Pride (Ex)

Eblis was once the brightest angel in all the heavens. From this came tremendous power and tremendous pride. So great was his pride that it caused him to abandon everything he stood for before and declare all the heavens his enemy. This pride is so absolute that reality itself submits to it. Eblis has divine rank 7 and all benefits from it. He does not have worshipers nor does he grant spells to clerics.

Poison (Ex)

Faithrot; DC 69; -4 divine caster level/-8 divine caster level. This is an epic poison. The save DC is Constitution based.

Eblis naturally produces this poison and it automatically applies to any weapon he uses.

Dispelling Aura (Su)

Any creature that comes within 270ft of Eblis is subject to a targeted dispel magic effect (+69 modifier). Treat this as superb dispelling for interacting and dispelling effects. A creature is subject to this ability each round at the start of its turn.

Smite the Hated (Su)

Eblis may smite his hated foes; celestials, deities and mortals. This functions as a paladin's smite evil ability except that it only affects mortals, deities and celestials.  For the sake of this ability, a mortal is not an outsider, construct, elemental, undead or fey. He may also smite with his ranged attacks. He gains a +18 bonus to his attack roll and deal an extra 138 points of damage.

Mastery of Faith (Ex)

During his time as the brightest light of the Heavens, Eblis learned the secrets of spontaneous spellcasting. He casts his cleric spells spontaneously. He may apply metamagic to any spells he casts without increasing the casting time of them. Despite his fall, Eblis has retained this ability.

Pride's Defense (Ex)

Eblis is known for his durability against those that he reviles. His absolute pride is a barrier as stout as any armor, greatly reducing damage he takes. Attacks from mortals, as defined in smite the hated, celestials or deities are reduced. He takes the minimum damage from such attacks. This applies to any form of attack, including melee attacks, ranged attacks, spells, supernatural abilities and so forth. For example, a cone of cold that deals 15d6 damage would only deal 15 points of damage to Eblis.

Pride's defense does not apply to damage from banishment as described in pride's downfall.

Pride's Downfall (Ex)

For all of pride Eblis holds in his heart, he is still a fallen creature that has betrayed everything he once stood for. This echos within him and grants mortals the chance to once again banish him. Eblis may be banished by mortals. These attempts ignore his divine immunity to being banished and any other sources of protection.

When in Fire Eblis may be banished by mortals as well. A successful banishment does not banish him but instead deals 1d12 points of damage per caster level of the banishing spell. If the effect does not have a caster level, use the total hit dice of the creature in place of it. Banishment effects that do not have a caster level and do not come from a creature deal 20d12 damage.

Damage taken in this manner is lethal damage. If Eblis is reduced to zero hit points or less by a banishment effect, he is destroyed for all time. This weakness does not extend to celestials, for they have already banished him. Only mortals may banish Eblis - a fact that fills him with all the more loathing for his former kin.

Divine powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect chaos, detect good, magic circle against chaos, true seeing. At will-antipathy, bestow curse, burning hands, calm emotions, create undead, blasphemy, desecrate, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel good, divine power, doom, eagle's splendor, elemental swarm(fire only), fire seeds, fire shield, fire storm, forbiddance, greater heroism, greater plane shift, greater spell immunity, greater teleport, heroism, hold monster, hypnotism, incendiary cloud, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mass charm monster, mass reduce person, order's wrath, produce flame, protection from chaos, protection from good, rage, resist energy, righteous might, scare, shield of law, storm of vengeance, summon monster 9(lawful evil only), unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire. Caster level 69th. The save DCs are 45 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Eblis exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Eblis can use limited wish when doing so can help him promote the extermination of mortals, revenge and fire. Note that in the situation where Eblis and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Inflict Wounds (Su)

Eblis may cast any inflict wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:
Evil: +1 caster level to evil spells.
Fire: Turn water creatures 21/day.
Hatred: 1/day choose opponent, gain +2 profane bonus to attacks, saves and AC for 1 minute.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Pride: Gain Diehard as a bonus feat.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Eblis's divine aura is 35 and the radius is 700ft.

Immunities: Eblis is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Eblis is immune to effects that imprison or banish him(except by mortals, see pride's downfall). Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Eblis gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Eblis does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Eblis can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within seven miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Eblis can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a thunderous blast. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it. Note that Eblis does not use this power often, as he does not have worshipers.

Create Items: Eblis can create any wondrous item with power related to extermination or fire; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Eblis is aware of any act of fire, genocide or revenge that involves 500 or more people.

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Heaven's Tears

This longbow was carried by Eblis long before his fall. It appears as a humble longbow of plain construction. It does not radiate magic, yet it is nonetheless an artifact. It is said to have been made in one of the holiest places in Creation, one only referred to in metaphor. The few scraps of information refer to it as a place where light pales before glory or like the beating heart of the sun. Regardless of the bow's origins, Eblis managed to keep the bow with him after his fall and has worked over eternity to bend it to his use. He has managed some success yet he has come to an impasse with it.

Heaven's Tears is a huge longbow+12. Arrows from it are filled with his hate, doing an extra 27 points of damage against mortals or celestials. However, there remains an uncorruptable core of righteousness within the bow. When a mortal is slain by this bow's arrows, their soul is freed. The soul cannot be trapped by any means. In addition, any pacts or other means of stealing the soul are broken, resulting in the soul traveling to its proper afterlife. Eblis loathes this power with all his being yet he has not been able to break this effect. His pride prevents him from finding another weapon.

Eblis is hesitant to use this bow against mortals unless they are strong enough to survive the arrows or he has no choice. Generally he will rely on his spells, spell-like abilities or melee against mortals.

Heaven's Sorrow

This sword is made of pure divine fire. Eblis is never without it and it is a symbol of his friendship and treaties with the Grand Sultan of the Efreet. While it was once a holy greatsword known as Clarenyre, the blade was transformed into pure divine flame with the aid of the Sultan. It is said it was cast into the Magmasoul and remade within those eternal flames. In exchange, it is known that Eblis offered the Sultan of the Efreet celestial armor fit for a deity.

Heaven's Sorrow is a huge greatsword+10. It deals a base of 10d6 fire damage. As divine fire, the damage from this blade ignores damage reduction, resistance to fire and immunity to fire.

Eblis also wears full plate armor+14. This armor is based on the designs of Jovar's armors and is said to resemble that of the Armor of Authority worn by the Authorities of Celestia. Like it, it has no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure or maximum dexterity cap when worn by Eblis.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Mass Smite Soul
Level: Clr 9
Targets: One or more creatures, none of which can be more than 30ft apart

This spell functions as smite soul, except as noted above. The maximum damage from this spell is 20d8 and the targets that fail the Will save are unable to cast divine spells for 1d6+3 rounds.

Mortal Bonfire
Evocation [Evil, Fire]
Level: Clr 14, Sor/Wiz 13
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Effect: 1 10ft square/level field of flames
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Ref partial
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a field of flames that torments mortals while leaving other creatures unharmed. For the sake of this spell, mortals are any creature not an outsider, construct, elemental, undead or fey.

Mortals within the field or who come in contact with it take 1d10 points of fire damage (max 35d10 damage). This damage is taken each round there is contact or the creature is within the field. A Reflex save halves the damage taken, and if the creature is within 5ft of the edge of the field, the creature is able to escape the field altogether.

The field is considered difficult terrain for mortals, except that it takes four squares of movement to move one square. Likewise, the flames are opaque to mortals, blocking line of sight and line of effect. Non-mortals are not affected by this spell in any way. They are not damaged by the flames, can move through the field without penalty and find the flames to be transparent.

A mortal slain by this spell is reduced to burnt clay, as are any possessions on it (bar artifacts). Any attempt to resurrect the mortal is difficult, resulting in a -70% penalty to the resurrection chance roll.

The shape of this spell may be any the caster wishes, so long as it is contiguous. All squares must be based on solid ground or atop another square.

This spell was developed by Eblis and is used exclusively by him and his most favored Sundered Suns. However, a cabal of Abyssal mages have successfully stolen the spell and converted it to an arcane spell. This version of the spell has been spread about, ironically to mortal wizards suited to using it.

Restore Divine Connection
Level: Clr 15
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell counters and removes sever divine connection. A caster can only use this to remove sever divine connection if the victim of it follows the same faith.

Sever Divine Connection
Level: Clr 15
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You call on your hatred of the divine, using it to sever another's faith like a sharp sword. A creature affected by this spell cannot cast divine spells, such spells automatically fail. The following abilities are likewise unable to be used: Smite, channel energy, shapeshift, divine grace and lay on hands.

The main danger of this spell is that it is almost impossible to remove. It can only be removed by a cleric of the target's faith casting restore divine connection. Alternately, the direct intervention of a deity may free the target from this spell, though the deity must do so in person.

This pair of spells was developed by Eblis after his fall. They are not known beyond Eblis, the Sundered Suns, the Sultan of the Efreet and Asmodeus.

Smite Soul
Level: Clr 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Short (25ft + 5ft 2/levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell targets divine spellcasters by sending a bolt of hostile magic through their divine connection. Only creatures that can cast divine spells are subject to this spell, a creature that cannot cast divine spells is immune to this spell.

Smite soul deals 1d8 points of damage per caster level (max 15d8) and the target is unable to cast divine spells for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates temporarily losing the ability to cast divine spells.


Around the Tower of Burnt Ash, great storms of fire rage when the fury of Eblis boils over. During the fiercest of these storms, the flames weep a vile blue ichor that is harvested by the Sundered Suns. This substance is known as Faithrot and can decay the connections of the divine. This poison only affects good aligned creatures with divine casting ability, such as paladins, clerics, planetars and so forth. Other creatures are not negatively effected. In any case, the initial damage and secondary damage is -4 divine caster level/-8 divine caster level. This damage does not wear off and can only be undone by a wish or miracle spell cast by a 21st level spellcaster.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Wandering Giver

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Not all the evils of the Abyss are directed outward. The Wandering Giver is a strange succubus, mutilated beyond all recognition. It cares only to slaughter demons and spread terror amid them. A figure of legend and fear amid the demons, it has killed billions of demons over the eons. It does not care about other creatures and ignores them. As a result, it has been an unlikely savior on many an occasion.

What little mortals know The Wandering Giver is conflicted. Reports sometimes mistake it as a slaad, eladrin, devil or even an angel of divine salvation. Many fall into the trap of assuming that something that slays demons must be foreign to the Abyss. Wiser mortals as well as immortals generally do not make this mistake and recognize The Wandering Giver as a demon.

There is no grand reason for The Wandering Giver nor any great puzzle. It hates as the Abyss hates and kills to satisfy the urges of the Abyss. The forces of good generally ignore it, as it poses no threat to anything but demons. Hell takes the same stance in the light of failed attempts to control it. Umberlee seems relatively fond of the creature for reasons that are unclear. Most that know that assume it began as a servant of Umberlee, yet there is no evidence to support that.

The creature's name comes from yugoloths marveling at the 'gifts' The Wandering Giver gives to all the demons it meets. As it rarely communicates and only then in telepathy, any other name is unknown.

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The Wandering Giver is a non-threat to anything but demons. Against demons it deals grievous damage, negative levels and possibly maiming. What's worse is that demons wounded by it can't heal short of exceptional sacred power. A wound from The Wandering Giver is forever for a demon. Throwing out swift intimidates with imperious command and a +124 Intimidate check gives it a potent fear game. Worse, demons can't immune this fear.

That's really its point. Even the demons of the Abyss are victims of everything the Abyss spreads. It also allows for it to be an interesting NPC encounter for heroes. Oh, and it's nice to subvert a succubus into a non-traditional role.

Succubus 31//Fighter (Zhentarim) 10/Mutilator 21

Changelog: Reduced bite's to hit modifier by 5, as the secondary natural weapon penalty wasn't applied. Raised all saves by 1, as they were off. Heal and Bluff's modifier increased by 2. Clarified part of abyssal champion.

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil)
Hit Dice: 10d10+21d12+341 (693 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30ft, fly 120ft (good), climb 10ft
Armor Class: 62 (+4 dex, +35 natural, +13 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +31/+41/68
Attack: Claw+51 (1d6+20 and 2 negative levels)
Full Attack: 2 claws+51/+46/+41/+36 (1d6+20 and 2 negative levels) and bite+42 (1d4+11 and 2 negative levels)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Energy drain, spell-like abilities, extended intimidation, swift intimidation, scarring strike(2d4), mutilation(eyes, tongue, limb).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/axiomatic, cold iron and epic, darkvision 120ft, immunity to electricity, energy drain, fear, fire and poison, resistance to acid and cold 30, spell resistance 43, fast healing 66, telepathy 400ft, pounce, demon's nightmare, abyssal champion, severed tongue, modified mind, sundered contracts, vehemence, torn body, escape death, self mutilation, vile mutilation.
Saves: Fort +39, Ref +32, Will +33
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 19, Con 33, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 34
Skills: Bluff+53, Climb+44, Concentration+45, Escape Artist+38, Heal+39, Hide+38, Intimidate+125, Knowledge(Arcana)+37, Knowledge(Planes)+37, Knowledge(Religion)+37, Listen+47, Move Silently+38, Profession(Torturer)+39, Spot+47, Survival+39   
Feats: Mindsight(B), Persuasive(1), Weapon Focus(Claws)(F1), Improved Initiative(F2), Imperious Command(3), Skill Focus(Intimidate)(F3), Weapon Specialization(Claws)(F4), Willing Deformity(6), Combat Expertise(F6), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F8), Abominable Form(9), Greater Weapon Focus(Claws)(F10), Unspeakable Vow(12), Deformity(Teeth)(M4), Vow of Vengeance(Outsider(Chaotic))(15), Rapidstrike(Claws)(18), Deformity(Bone Spurs)(M9), Improved Rapidstrike(Claws)(21)
Epic Feats: Butcher's Glee(M13), Epic Skill Focus(Intimidate)(24), Blinding Speed(M16), Rapid Mutilation(27), Improved Rapid Mutilation(M19), Epic Reputation(30)
Alignment: Anarchic Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-true seeing. At will-detect chaos, detect evil, detect thoughts, ethereal jaunt, greater teleport, horrid wilting. Caster level 31st. 

Energy Drain (Su)

The Wandering Giver deals two negative levels with its natural attacks. It cannot use energy drain in the ways typical to a succubus, but instead only through natural attacks.

Pounce (Ex)

The Wandering Giver may make a full attack at the end of a charge.

Demon's Nightmare (Su)

The legends of The Wandering Giver have grown in power, so much so that even demons have come to fear it. It may intimidate demons that are immune to fear as if they were not immune. Any damage (including ability damage from scarring strike and various mutilations) that The Wandering Giver inflicts on a demon can only be healed by a good-aligned divine spellcaster that succeeds on a DC 36 caster level check.

Abyssal Champion (Su)

The Wandering Giver is a champion of the Abyss. It is empowered to slaughter the children of the Abyss and is granted several powers to better execute this mission. It gains its Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class and as a resistance bonus to saving throws. It has fast healing 66. It is treated as divine rank zero for the sake of effects, though it has no actual divine rank. It may make opposed rank checks against demonic sources and it automatically wins the check. It has maximum hit points per hit die.

Severed Tongue (Ex)

The Wandering Giver has severed its own tongue sometime in the past. It can no longer communicate verbally and loses its tongues special quality.

Modified Mind (Ex)

Due to perverse experiments and the addition of deep crystals to its brain, The Wandering Giver has greatly augmented its mental abilities. Its telepathy range increases to 400ft and it gains mindsight as a bonus feat.

Sundered Contracts (Ex)

The Wandering Giver's vendetta against demons has cost it the support of even the most deranged Abyssal denizens. It loses the summon demon special quality.

Vehemence (Ex)

Countless gifts have taught The Wandering Giver how to take apart demons like nothing else. It gains an insight bonus equal to its Charisma modifier on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and caster level checks against demons. For the sake of this ability, demons are considered creatures with the demon, tana'rii or obyrith subtype.

Torn Body (Ex)

The Wandering Giver has hacked away any remnants of its past gender. It loses its charm monster and suggestion spell-like abilities. This negation does grant it some defenses, allowing it to ignore effects based on gender or attraction.

Escape Death (Ex)

The Wandering Giver is a manifestation of the hatred of the Abyss. The Abyss hates all, including itself and its children. This hatred cannot die and will not die, and as such The Wandering Giver cannot be permanently slain. If slain, it reforms in 6 days on a random layer of the Abyss. Attempts to imprison it inevitably fail within 6 hours, no matter the precautions taken. It has even escaped the hold of Demon Princes. This is the direct result of the Abyss itself interceding to save The Wandering Giver.

This ability does not function outside of the Abyss, a fact The Wandering Giver is aware of.

Fighter powers:
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Extended Intimidation (Ex)

A target successfully intimidated by a 5th-level Zhentarim Soldier suffers lasting effects. Instead of ending when the Zhentarim Soldier leaves, as is normal for the Intimidate skill, the intimidation effect lasts for 24 hours after his departure. Thereafter, the target's attitude toward the Zhentarim Soldier shifts to unfriendly, but a lingering fear remains. Whenever the Zhentarim Soldier returns to someone he has previously intimidated, he gains a +4 bonus on his Intimidate check to re-establish the effect.

Swift Demoralization (Ex)

A 9th-level Zhentarim Soldier can use the demoralize opponent aspect of the Intimidate skill as a swift action rather than as a standard action.

Mutilator powers:
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Self Mutilation (Ex)

A Mutilator compulsively scars and defaces his own body, satisfying horrific urges. This gives you a nightmarish appearance, striking fear into the hearts of your opponents. You gain a bonus to intimidate checks equal to your mutilator class level. You take an identical penalty to diplomacy checks, as your off-putting looks put even the most silvered tongue at a disadvantage.

Scarring Strike (Ex)

Your honed instincts in how to leave long, disfiguring scars on your opponents allows the Mutilator to directly devastate an opponent. As a immediate action, a Mutilator may declare an attack a Scarring Strike. This attack focuses on disfiguring an opponent rather than killing him; Scarring Strikes have a -2 penalty to hit and damage. However, you deal 1d4 points of charisma damage on a successful Scarring Strike. The damage of Scarring Strike rises to 1d6 at 5th level and 2d4 at 8th level.

Mutilation (Ex)

A Mutilator knows how to leave life long wounds on his opponents, popping eyes, severing limbs and slicing organs. As a full round action, the Mutilator may make a single attack with a -2 penalty to hit. If this attack hits, he deals normal damage as well as a secondary effect from the list below. He gains more effects to choose from as he gains Mutilator levels. A creature must have the body parts targeted to be affected by Mutilation - for example, a creature without eyes can't be blinded by mutilating its eyes.


At 3rd level, a Mutilator can go for the eyes. A successful Mutilation leaves the target blind, both eyes gouged out. Creatures with more than two eyes may require more than one Mutilation to blind. Methods of seeing without eyes, such as blindsight, tremorsense or mindsight, are not affected by this ability.


At 6th level, a Mutilator can sever the tongue of an opposing creature. This renders them mute, unable to talk or cast spells with verbal components.


At 9th level, a Mutilator can hack off an entire limb with a single blow. If an arm is severed, two handed weapons cannot be used and the victim suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls due to his balance being off. If a leg is severed, the victim's land movement speed is quartered (minimum 5ft). Additional and exotic limbs can be targeted as well - such as tentacles, wings, tails and so forth. The exact effects of these should be adjudicated by the DM.

Bonus Deformity (Ex)

At 4th and 9th level, the myriad body modifications the Mutilator has inflicted on himself bear fruit. He may select any deformity feat as a bonus feat.

Vile Mutilation (Ex)

At 10th level, the hatred and depravity of the Mutilator spreads into the wounds he inflicts, making them difficult to reverse. The ability damage from Scarring Strike becomes vile ability damage. In addition, the injuries caused by Mutilation are treated as vile as well and can only be reversed on hallowed ground. Note that the normal damage from Scarring Strike and Mutilation are not vile damage, only the secondary effects of charisma damage and mutilation.

Gear: [spoiler]

The Wandering Giver carries no gear, but its claws are enchanted with a +6 enhancement bonus and it has a +30 competence bonus to intimidate.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Lilitus for Balmuria. The changes are mostly in a tweaked feat selection and special abilities. There's a few nerfs, so I tossed in a boost to their DR and SR to compensate. Also, item use was nerfed since I tend to use epic items with epic DCs. Something that bypasses that entirely doesn't fit so well, so I toned it down to 'only' being able to instantly take 20 on UMD checks.


Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil)
Hit Dice: 14d8+56 (123 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 40ft
Armor Class: 26 (+8 dex, +8 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +14/+17/35
Attack: Stinger+22 (1d4+3 plus blasphemous sting)
Full Attack: 4 stingers+22 (1d4+3 plus blasphemous sting) and 2 claws+17 (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft (10ft with stingers)
Special Attacks: Blasphemous sting, spells, spell-like abilities.
Special Qualities: Immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid, cold and fire 10, damage reduction 10/cold iron and good, spell resistance 24, darkvision 60ft, telepathy 100ft, summon demons, item use, lilitu's gift, vulnerability to divine magic.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +14 (-4 vs divine magic)
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 26, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 30 
Skills: Bluff+27, Concentration+21, Craft(any one)+21, Decipher Script+21, Diplomacy+27, Disguise+27, Forgery+21, Gather Information+27, Heal+21, Intimidate+27, Knowledge(Religion)+21, Listen+22, Perform(any one)+27, Sense Motive+22, Spot+22, Use Magic Device+27
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Weapon Finesse(1), Combat Reflexes(3), Spell Penetration(6), Extend Spell(9), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Suggestion)(12)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Racial powers:
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A lilitu casts as a 9th level cleric. She may choose two domains from the following: Chaos, Demonic, Evil and Trickery. A lilitu that serves a particular deity or demon lord may have additional choices based on their patron. Lilitu gain the granted power of their domains and use Charisma instead of Wisdom to determine spells per day, DCs and any other variables.

In addition, lilitu dedicated to certain patrons may replace this with other divine spellcasting, such as paladin of slaughter, favored soul or druid.

Spell-Like Abilities

At will-charm monster, detect good, detect thoughts, disguise self, fly, suggestion, greater teleport, sending, tongues. 1/day-dominate person, symbol of persuasion. Caster level 14th. The save DCs are 20 + spell level.

Blasphemous Sting (Su)

The stingers of a lilitu corrode the abilities of divine spellcasters. Each time a lilitu strikes a divine spellcaster with a stinger, they suffer 1 point of ability damage to the ability score that is tied to their spellcasting. This is Wisdom for clerics and rangers, while it is Charisma for paladins and favored souls. If the divine spellcaster has more than one set of divine spells that rely on different ability scores or otherwise uses more than one ability score for their divine spellcasting, all relevant ability scores take a point of ability damage. .

Item Use (Ex)

A lilitu is treated as rolling a 20 on all Use Magic Device checks. This does not allow for automatic success in situations where a natural 20 would do so. The lilitu may roll to see if she gets a natural 20 in those cases, should she wish to.

Lilitu's Gift (Su)

Once per day as a standard action, a lilitu may embrace a willing or helpless creature. This provides several benefits outlined below, which last for 24 hours or until dispelled with dispel chaos, dispel evil, limited wish, wish or miracle.

- A +2 profane bonus to Charisma
- A +2 profane bonus to saving throws
- The creature's natural attacks and weapon attacks count as chaotic and evil to overcome damage reduction.
- The creature radiates overwhelming chaos and evil. The creature counts as a demon for the sake of effects.

An affected creature has the lilitu's name (written in Abyssal) appear somewhere on its body, usually in a place easily hidden. This lasts until the gift is lost and the affected creature cannot see the name. The lilitu is aware of the creature's condition (as if by a status spell) and can communicate with the creature telepathically, no matter the distance involved and even across planes.

Willingly accepting a lilitu's gift is a chaotic and evil act. Creatures that accept a lilitu's gift willingly 3 or more times automatically become chaotic evil. 

A DC 27 Will save negates a lilitu's gift if a creature does not willingly take it (such as being helpless). The save DC is Charisma based.

Shroud Alignment (Ex)

Spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor treat lilitu as if they were good. Other abilities, such as smite evil, are not affected.

Vulnerable to Divine Magic (Ex)

For all of her divine mockery and power, a lilitu fears the divine. This renders them particularly vulnerable to divine magic. She suffers a -4 penalty to saving throws against divine magic. Likewise, divine spells gain a +4 bonus to caster level checks to overcome her spell resistance.

Gear: [spoiler]

Lilitu tend to gather religious items and trinkets to better help their deceptions. Other items, such as rings of mind shielding, are highly prized as well. Most carry a good supply of gold and treasure as well, useful to bail themselves out of difficult situations.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Cherry, Radiant Sister of Malcanthet

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Cherry is one of the Radiant Sisters, a group of 13 lilitu bards who serve Malcanthet. She specializes in mortal domination and control, to deal with threats that are best subverted via magical force. She is a bright, cheerful woman who draws people in with natural vibrancy, only to ensnare them with magic.

More on this another time, as at some point I'll write out the full Radiant Sisters. This is mostly a placeholder until then, as well as an example since Cor was interested in lilitu.

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- Mindbender isn't that good due to being 5/10 spell progression. It works out okay here since it does something she needs, plus she already has some bardic music, clerical casting, poison and other tricks. She ends up as a well rounded jack of all trades rather than a sub-par bard.

- Speaking of poison, take a glance at the poison section in gear. The new poison rules lets her use old poisons effectively and turns the investment of skill points + 3 feats into a solid return. She still hits a wall when something nulls poison, but that's okay. Her targets are usually mortals who seldom immune poison.

- The Radiant Sisters are a little weak on the whole. This is due to Malcanthet being a (relatively) new demon lord. They'll get stronger in due time. Tangentially, each of them do a different take on bard by choosing a different prestige or multiclass option. Likewise, they aren't all 24 hit dice, with a range from 22 to 26 hit dice. The strongest one is an exception and clocks in at 30 hit dice. For reference, Malcanthet is 44 hit dice.

- Cherry's lilitu powers are all scaled up to match her raised hit dice and special rank. This is standard for the Radiant Sisters.

- Cherry's gear is scaled up/expanded versions of what the Radiant Sisters have in their Dragon article.

- Finally, Cherry's never fought alone if she can help it. She's surrounded by minions and charmed aides, ones who will fight with her. How devastating a fight she is depends wholly on that. If she is caught alone, she'll likely use her Flamejax statue for emergency support. After that, dropping a few summon monster spells for disposable minions is the norm, or charming/dominating an enemy into being an ally.

Lilitu 24//Bard 14/Mindbender 10

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil)
Hit Dice: 24d8+120 (312 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 40ft
Armor Class: 43 (+9 dex, +18 natural, +6 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +24/+28/47
Attack: Stinger+39 (1d4+10 plus blasphemous sting)
Full Attack: 4 stingers+39 (1d4+10 plus blasphemous sting) and 2 claws+34 (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft (10ft with stingers)
Special Attacks: Blasphemous sting, spells, spell-like abilities, push the weak mind 3/day, dominate.
Special Qualities: Immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid, cold and fire 20, damage reduction 15/cold iron, epic and good, spell resistance 34, darkvision 120ft, telepathy 300ft, item use, cherry's gift, vulnerability to divine magic, bardic music 14/day (inspire courage+4, countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, suggestion, inspire greatness), bardic knowledge, skill boost, mind read 4/day, eternal charm(4), enchantment spell power+4, thrall.
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +28, Will +25 (-4 vs divine magic)
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 28, Con 20, Int 21, Wis 22, Cha 35
Skills: Bluff+44, Concentration+32, Craft(Poisonmaking)+52, Decipher Script+32, Diplomacy+44, Disguise+39, Forgery+32, Gather Information+39, Heal+32, Intimidate+44, Knowledge(Religion)+32, Listen+33, Perform(Song)+39, Sense Motive+38, Spot+33, Use Magic Device+39
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Weapon Finesse(1), Master of Poisons(3), Skill Focus(Craft(Poisonmaking))(6), Sweet Poisons(9), Quicken Spell-Like Ability(Suggestion)(12), Song of the Heart(B12), Mindsight(15), Practiced Spellcaster(Cleric)(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Skill Focus(Craft:Poisonmaking)(21), Inspire Excellence(24)
Alignment: Anarchic Vile

Racial powers:
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Cherry casts as a 19th level cleric with access to the Evil and Temptation domains (caster level 23rd, caster level 24th for spells with the evil descriptor, caster level 27th for enchantments). The save DCs are 22 + spell level. Cherry uses her Charisma modifier in place of Wisdom for all aspects of clerical spellcasting.

[6/day]0: Create Water, Guidance, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue
[8+1/day]1: (Protection from Good), Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Entropic Shield, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Shield of Faithx3
[8+1/day]2: (Desecrate), Aid, Delay Poisonx3, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Undetectable Alignmentx2
[8+1/day]3: (Magic Circle Against Good), Bestow Cursex2, Cure Serious Wounds, Deeper Darkness, Invisibility Purge, Protection from Energyx2, Remove Disease
[8+1/day]4: (Unholy Blight), Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Giant Vermin, Imbue with Spell Ability, Lesser Planar Ally, Neutralize Poisonx3
[7+1/day]5: (Dispel Good), Morality Undonex3FC1, Plane Shiftx2, Righteous Might, Scrying
[6+1/day]6: (Mass Suggestion), Antilife Shellx2, Harmx2, Healx2
[6+1/day]7: (Blasphemy), Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Scrying, Summon Monster 7x2, Repulsion, Word of Chaos
[5+1/day]8: (Unholy Aura), Antimagic Field, Dimensional Lock, Greater Planar Allyx3
[4+1/day]9: (Dominate Monster), Energy Drainx2, Miracle

FC1 - Fiendish Codex 1

Spell-Like Abilities

At will-charm monster, detect good, detect thoughts, disguise self, dominate person, fly, greater teleport, sending, suggestion, tongues. 1/day-dominate monster, mass charm monster, symbol of persuasion. Caster level 24th. The save DCs are 22 + spell level.

Blasphemous Sting (Su)

The stingers of Cherry corrode the abilities of divine spellcasters. Each time Cherry strikes a divine spellcaster with a stinger, they suffer 2 points of ability damage to the ability score that is tied to their spellcasting. This is Wisdom for clerics and rangers, while it is Charisma for paladins and favored souls. If the divine spellcaster has more than one set of divine spells that rely on different ability scores or otherwise uses more than one ability score for their divine spellcasting, all relevant ability scores take a point of ability damage. .

Item Use (Ex)

Cherry is treated as rolling a 20 on all Use Magic Device checks. This does not allow for automatic success in situations where a natural 20 would do so. Cherry may roll to see if she gets a natural 20 in those cases, should she wish to.

Cherry's Gift (Su)

Once per day as a standard action, Cherry may embrace a willing or helpless creature. This provides several benefits outlined below, which last for 24 hours or until dispelled with wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 24 caster level check.

- A +4 profane bonus to Charisma
- A +4 profane bonus to saving throws
- The creature's natural attacks and weapon attacks count as chaotic and evil to overcome damage reduction.
- The creature radiates overwhelming chaos and evil. The creature counts as a demon for the sake of effects.

An affected creature has Cherry's name (written in Abyssal) appear somewhere on its body, usually in a place easily hidden. This lasts until the gift is lost and the affected creature cannot see the name. Cherry is aware of the creature's condition (as if by a status spell) and can communicate with the creature telepathically, no matter the distance involved and even across planes.

Willingly accepting a Cherry's gift is a chaotic and evil act. Creatures that accept a Cherry's gift willingly 3 or more times automatically become chaotic evil. 

A DC 27 Will save negates a Cherry's gift if a creature does not willingly take it (such as being helpless). The save DC is Charisma based.

Shroud Alignment (Ex)

Spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor treat Cherry as if she was good. Other abilities, such as smite evil, are not affected.

Vulnerable to Divine Magic (Ex)

For all of her divine mockery and power, Cherry fears the divine. This renders her particularly vulnerable to divine magic. She suffers a -4 penalty to saving throws against divine magic. Likewise, divine spells gain a +4 bonus to caster level checks to overcome her spell resistance.

Bard powers:
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Cherry casts as a 19th level bard (caster level 20th for spells with the evil descriptor, caster level 23rd for enchantments). The save DCs are 22 + spell level.

[4/day]0: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Resistance
[7/day]1: Hypnotism, Feather Fall, Grease, Remove Fear, Unseen Servant
[7/day]2: Blur, Eagle's Splendor, Glitterdust, Heroism, Hypnotic Pattern
[7/day]3: Confusion, Displacement, Fear, Haste, See Invisibility
[7/day]4: Detect Scrying, Modify Memory, Rainbow Pattern, Summon Monster 4, Zone of Silence
[6/day]5: Greater Dispel Magic, Mind Fog, Seeming, Song of Discord
[5/day]6: Eyebite, Mass Eagle's Splendor, Permanent Image, Veil

Bardic Knowledge

A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.)

A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.

Bardic Music

Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed ranks.

Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action. Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn't require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), spell trigger (such as wands), or command word. Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.

Countersong (Su)

A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform check result for the save. Countersong has no effect against effects that don't allow saves. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.

Fascinate (Sp)

A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability.

To use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected creature's Will save against the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song, taking no other actions, for as long as the bard continues to play and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard level). While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result.

Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment
(compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Courage (Su)

A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 8th, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 20th). Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Competence (Su)

A bard of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard. The bard must also be able to see the ally.

The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's music. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. A bard can't inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability.

Suggestion (Sp)

A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated. Using this ability does not break the bard's concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect.

Making a suggestion doesn't count against a bard's daily limit on bardic music performances. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ bard's level + bard's Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature (but see mass suggestion, below). Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language dependent ability.

Inspire Greatness (Su)

A bard of 9th level or higher with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting him or her extra fighting capability. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally with a single use of this ability (two at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th). To inspire greatness, a bard must sing and an ally must hear him sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependant. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability.

Mindbender powers:
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Telepathy (Su)

A mindbender unlocks one of the most basic elements of his mental craft at 1st level, gaining the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skill Boost (Ex)

A mindbender is a consummate student of manipulation, be it magical or mundane. Beginning at 2nd level, he can add 1/2 his class level as a competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.

Push the Weak Mind (Sp)

At 2nd level and higher, a mindbender can influence the actions of a living creature of Large or smaller size once per day. This ability functions like a suggestion spell, except that the range is 100 feet and the duration is 5 hours plus 1 hour per class level. The mindbender can communicate the suggested course of action telepathically if he chooses, which allows him to use the effect regardless of the target's language. A successful Will save (DC 13 + primary spellcasting ability modifier) negates the effect. (Primary spellcasting ability is Intelligence for wizards, Charisma for sorcerers and warlocks, Wisdom for clerics, and so forth.) A mindbender can use this ability one additional time per day per three class levels gained (two times per day at 5th and three times per day at 8th).

Mindread (Sp)

At 3rd level and higher, a mindbender can read the surface thoughts of a living creature within 100 feet. This is a mind-affecting ability that requires a standard action to use. The mindbender must be able to see the target; a successful Will save (DC 12 + primary spellcasting ability modifier) negates the effect. Creatures of animal intelligence (Int 1 or 2) have only simple, instinctual thoughts. Maintaining the effect requires concentration; the maximum duration is 10 minutes. The ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. This effect is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell. A mindbender can use this ability two times per day at 3rd level and four times per day at 7th level.

Eternal Charm (Sp)

At 4th level and higher, a mindbender can charm any single Large or smaller living creature within 100 feet (as charm monster) once per day. A successful Will save (DC 14 + primary spellcasting ability modifier) negates the effect. The duration is permanent; however, a mindbender can have only one creature so charmed at any given time. If he attempts to use this power on a creature while he has another so charmed, the first charm is automatically broken (regardless of the success of the second attempt). The effect is also broken if a mindbender or one of his allies injures the target. Dispel magic has no effect on an eternal charm, though break enchantment frees the victim (treat the mindbender's caster level as 5 + his class level for this purpose). At 6th level and higher, a mindbender can have up to two creatures affected by this power at any given time; if he attempts to charm a third, the previous victim under his influence the longest is freed. At 8th level, he can control up to three creatures with this ability, and at 10th level up to four creatures.

Enchantment Spell Power (Ex)

At 6th level and higher, a mindbender casts more powerful enchantment spells: He adds 2 to his caster level when casting any enchantment spell. This increase improves to 4 at 10th level.

Dominate (Sp)

At 7th level, a mindbender becomes able to dominate any single living Large or smaller creature within 100 feet (as dominate monster) once per day. A successful Will save (DC 19 + primary spellcasting ability modifier) negates the effect. The duration is 24 hours.

Thrall (Su)

At 10th level, a mindbender's mental mastery reaches its pinnacle. He can choose to make the duration of his dominate ability (see above) permanent, but only on one target at a time. If a mindbender chooses to dominate another creature and make that effect permanent, the previous thrall is freed from the effect.

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Radiant Halo

This halo is a sign of Malcanthet's favor for the Radiant Sisters. It can shed bright light in any range from 5ft to 120ft and the color of it matches the hair of the Radiant Sister that wears it. The wearer of this halo gains a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws, a +6 armor bonus to armor class and +6 enhancement bonus to natural attacks. In addition, the wearer is immune to Charisma damage and drain of all kinds. A radiant halo takes up space on the body equal to a hat or helmet.

If a creature besides a Radiant Sister or Malcanthet attempts to wear the halo, they suffer 2d6 points of vile Charisma damage (this damage is not stopped by the halo's protections). A creature reduced to zero Charisma by this is slain and its soul is dragged down to the Razor Throne. Otherwise, the halo merely falls to the ground. A successful DC 48 Use Magic Device check allows a wearer to fool the halo for 24 hours.

Malcanthet is aware of the status (as if by a status spell), the exact location and surface thoughts (as if by detect thoughts) of any creature that wears the halo. There is no saving throw against this. Most of the Radiant Sisters are not aware of this. Identification magic does not reveal this, though a properly worded wish or miracle spell can. Likewise, a DC 60 Spellcraft check can reveal this aspect of the halo.

Heart Locket

This oversized locket appears to be a heart made of gold. Closer examination reveals it as a puzzle-box. Within each locket is a shrunken and imprisoned foe of Malcanthet, sealed away deep within. Closer examination shows that the puzzle itself changes over time, ensuring that it cannot easily be solved. Further, the powers of the locket allow the Radiant Sisters to draw might from the creature within.

As a full-round action, the holder of the locket can invoke it to channel the power of the imprisoned creature within into itself. This grants the benefits of a heal spell, one that heals 10 hit points per hit die of the imprisoned creature. This ability may be used once per day per 10 hit dice of the imprisoned creature. The use of this power is agonizing for the imprisoned creature, so much so that sound escapes the prison. A successful DC 48 Listen check by a creature within 20ft of the locket when this power is used can hear the screams of the bound creature.

There are only two ways to free a creature within. Malcanthet can do so as a full-round action, though she must be in contact with the locket. Otherwise, a creature must spend 6 hours attempting to solve the puzzle-box. Each hour of effort requires a successful DC 24 Intelligence check. A check's failure results in the failure of the effort, though a creature may choose to start over and try again as many times as they wish. If all six checks in a row are passed, the end of the sixth hour results in the puzzle being solved and the creature within being freed.

An imprisoned creature does not age or require food, drink, sleep or to able to breathe.

Cherry's locket holds Trajae Moore, a 25 HD cleric of Mielikki who was defeated by Malcanthet. She has been imprisoned for over a thousand years and has long since gone mad.


Cherry is a mistress of poisons and uses them to further her aims. She keeps the following poisons available at all times.

Enchanter's Slave; injury/ingested DC 37; special/special. The save DC has been augmented 18 steps from 19 to 37. As the poison tastes like herbs, she uses it to season meals served to the unwary.
Wizardbane; injury DC 41; 1d4 spells/1d6 spells. The save DC has been augmented 14 steps from 27 to 41. This poison is given to non-spellcasting minions, who use it when assaulting spellcasters.
Dragon Bile; contact DC 42; 3d6 Strength/0. The save DC has been augmented 16 steps from 26 to 42. This poison is used to immediately weaken brutes who threaten Cherry or her minions.
Oil of Taggit; ingested DC 35; 0/Unconsciousness. The save DC has been augmented 20 steps from 15 to 35. The poison's taste has been changed to that of sweet cherry syrup. This poison is fed to foes foolish enough to parley with Cherry.
Voidchild Essence; injury DC 52; 2d4 all/2d6 all + special. Cherry only has one dose of this poison and saves it for emergencies, as obtaining a sample and refining it was at the raw edge of her ability. This is an epic poison.

Cherry also wears a ring of mind shielding and carries a statuette that can summon Flamejax, a half red dragon balor. As Flamejax demands favors for daring to summon him, Cherry only uses this statuette for serious battles.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Sweet Poisons [General]
Prerequisite: Must serve Malcanthet, Craft(Poisonmaking) 10 ranks, cha 17
Benefit: You may use your Charisma modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier with Craft(Poisonmaking) checks. In addition, you may choose to change the taste of any ingested poison you create to anything you wish. Doing so increases the Craft DC of the poison by 3.
Special: Several enterprising succubi have sold the knowledge of this feat to the highest bidder. As such, the requirement of serving Malcanthet can be ignored if a teacher is found.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Flamejax, Dragon-Balor of Fury

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Flamejax is a mistake. A little over a millennium ago, a great wyrm red dragon did battle over the Simmering Biles of the Abyss. Balexajax fought back hundreds of demons, but was ultimately overwhelmed and torn apart. The torn flesh and heart scales of the wyrm plunged into one of the pools below, where it mixed with thousands of liquified souls in torment. This unholy combination congealed into one form - Flamejax, a newborn balor with the blood of a dragon.

Since that time, Flamejax has carved a bloody path throughout the Abyss. It only cares to kill and gather treasures. While Flamejax is intelligent and charismatic, he rarely displays these properties. He is possessed of the rage that Balexajax felt as he was torn apart over the Simmering Biles, amplified by the hatred of all the souls that went into Flamejax's birth. This results in a dearth of allies and friendly relations. There are only a few exceptions to the above.

The first are the babau created by his dragon's blood ability. They serve Flamejax without question. The second are several yugoloth soul merchants. Flamejax's draconic cravings for treasure demand gold and jewels, not the souls that often serve as treasure in the Abyss. He relies on these merchants to exchange the souls for more palatable lucre. Finally, Flamejax has formed a pact with Cherry, one of Malcanthet's Radiant Sisters. Cherry managed to overwhelm Flamejax's furious mind and forced him to parley. This pact resulted in a statuette Cherry can use to summon Flamejax.

Beyond that, Flamejax is relatively unknown in the Abyss. He is a new player and has not done enough to stand out. His investment in the Blood War is minimal and he lacks much of the normal hatred demons have for devils. He does have a secluded lair on the 511th layer of the Abyss, which largely serves as a repository for his treasures.

Balor 21//Half Dragon 3/Barbarian 18

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil)
Hit Dice: 3d10+18d12+315 (463 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 50ft, fly 90ft (good)
Armor Class: 39 (-1 size, +7 dex, +23 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +21/+42/59
Attack: Claw+44 (1d8+24 plus 1d6 fire 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: 2 claws+44/+39/+34/+29 (1d8+24 plus 1d6 fire 19-20 x2) and bite+39 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 fire 19-20 x2) and 2 wings+39 (1d6+14 plus 1d6 fire 19-20 x2) and tail slap+39 (1d8+34 plus 1d6 fire 19-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft (20ft with claws)
Special Attacks: Death throes, rend, spell-like abilities, summon demon, breath weapon, greater rage 5/day.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/cold iron, epic and good, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, flaming body, immunity to electricity, fire, paralysis, poison and sleep, resistance to acid and cold 20, spell resistance 29, telepathy 200ft, true seeing, dragon's blood, furious mind, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense+6, demon's luck, tireless rage.
Saves: Fort +31, Ref +23, Will +23 (+4 vs enchantments)
Abilities: Str 51, Dex 25, Con 41, Int 26, Wis 24, Cha 28
Skills: Appraise+32, Balance+31, Bluff+33, Climb+44, Concentration+39, Craft(Gemcutting)+32, Intimidate+33, Knowledge(Arcana)+32, Jump+52, Knowledge(Nature)+32, Knowledge(Planes)+32, Listen+39, Profession(Merchant)+31, Ride+31, Search+32, Sense Motive+31, Spellcraft+32, Spot+39, Survival+31, Use Magic Device+33
Feats: Power Attack(1), Reckless Rage(3), Whirlwind Attack(6), Instantaneous Rage(9), Mad Foam Rager(12), Rapidstrike(Claws)(15), Improved Rapidstrike(Claws)(18), Quicken Breath(21)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-blasphemy, dominate monster, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, insanity, power word stun, telekinesis, unholy aura. 1/day-fire storm. Caster level 21st. The save DCs are 19 + spell level.

Breath Weapon (Su)

60ft cone of fire; 1d4 rounds recharge; 24d10 fire damage; DC 35 Reflex halves. The save DC is Constitution based.

Death Throes (Ex)

When killed, Flamejax explodes in a burst of profane power. This explosion creates 4d10 half-dragon babau, 2d10 10 hit dice half-dragon babau and 2d6 13 hit dice half-dragon babau. The babau created by this ability are identical to the ones in Flamejax's dragon's blood ability.

Rend (Ex)

If Flamejax hits with two claw attacks, he latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+30 points of damage.

This replaces the entangle ability of a standard balor.

Summon Demon (Sp)

Once per day Flamejax can automatically summon 4d10 dretches, 1d4 hezrous, or one nalfeshnee, glabrezu, marilith, or balor. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.

Flaming Body (Su)

Flamejax's body is wreathed in flame.

Anyone grappling within 10ft of Flamejax takes 10d6 points of fire damage each round.

True Seeing (Su)

Flamejax has a continuous true seeing ability, as the spell (caster level 21st).

Dragon's Blood (Su)

Flamejax's blood is full of the same energies that created him. This creation can repeat when his blood is spilled, spawning new dragon-tainted demons.

Whenever Flamejax takes 20 or more points of slashing or piercing damage (or a similar effect that draws blood), the spilled blood bursts aflame and creates a half-dragon babau. The babau appears in adjacent to Flamejax (or in the nearest unoccupied square) and immediately attacks his enemies. It is loyal to Flamejax and will follow his orders, even suicidal ones.

If Flamejax instead takes 50 or more points of damage, a 10 hit dice half-dragon babau is created instead.

If Flamejax takes 100 points of damage, a 13 hit dice half-dragon babau is created instead.

The newborn babau acts immediately and joins initiative right after whatever creature or effect caused it to be born.

Furious Mind (Su)

Flamejax's mind is constantly consumed by fury. It rejects any attempts to be controlled or calmed. Whenever Flamejax is subjected to a mind-affecting ability, he falls into a rage one round later. This rage nullifies the mind-affecting ability that triggered this and does not count against his normal daily limit of barbarian rages. If Flamejax is already raging, the duration of his rage is extended 6 rounds instead and the effect is still nullified.

This ability can be used an unlimited number of times per day, but only two times per encounter. Should Flamejax be subjected to a third mind-affecting ability in an encounter, this ability does not function. Further, should the effect last beyond that encounter, it does not trigger this ability in later encounters.

Barbarian powers:
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Rage (Ex)

A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian's hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (–2 penalty to Strength, –2 penalty to Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies; see below).

A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else's action.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 2nd level, a barbarian retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Trap Sense (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, a barbarian gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 every three barbarian levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level). Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 5th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Demon's Luck (Ex)

You apply the number of points of damage reduction you would otherwise gain as a luck bonus on all saving throws.

Greater Rage (Ex)

At 11th level, a barbarian's bonuses to Strength and Constitution during his rage each increase to +6, and his morale bonus on Will saves increases to +3. The penalty to AC remains at –2.

Indomitable Will (Ex)

While in a rage, a barbarian of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves he also receives during his rage.

Tireless Rage (Ex)

At 17th level and higher, a barbarian no longer becomes fatigued at the end of his rage.

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Ternock is a heart scale from Balexajax, the red dragon that fell into the Simmering Biles. It is lodged deep in Flamejax's body and greatly augments his special abilities.

As long as Ternock stays within Flamejax, he enjoys a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution. He gains the breath weapon of an great wyrm red dragon instead of the racial breath weapon of a half-dragon. His claws extend out with burning flames, granting him a +10ft bonus to reach with his claw attacks. He may make 2 wing attacks and a tail slap when making a full attack, just like a true dragon. Finally, the damage of Flamejax's burning body increases to 10d6 points of damage and deals damage to anyone within 10ft of him, rather than only creatures that grapple him.

Ternock counts as a minor artifact. It cannot be destroyed, dispelled or suppressed unless it is removed from Flamejax's body. If removed, Ternock could be forged into a bulwark of the great dragon (red), though it would require a DC 55 Craft (Armorsmithing) check.

Beyond that, Flamejax wears a necklace made of dragon fangs that grants his natural attacks a +4 enhancement bonus, as well as the flaming and keen special properties.

Flamejax has an extensive horde hidden away. He has gathered hundreds of thousands of gold worth of treasures there, but he does not use anything from it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Flamejax's Half-Dragon Babau

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These are the babau mentioned in Flamejax's stat block. There's not a lot to say here, so I'll get right to it.

- Unlike most creatures, they're created with gestalt levels rather than something they learn over time. This is due to the rage that composes Flamejax, as it ignites an eternal fury in each of them. A barbarian's skills are as natural to them as breathing. They're best seen as a mix of babau and a berserker. It isn't the most optimal setup but it works for them.

- These creatures serve Flamejax out of fear and duty. They're inexorably bonded to him and dare not disobey. They aren't loyal in the strictest sense - no demon is - but they know well what will happen if they disobey Flamejax.

- They eschew most of the sneakiness or normal babau in favor of sheer brutality. They maul things rather than ambush and crave little more than violence. This isn't unusual for demons, but it is odd for babau. This is just a quirk of Flamejax and Ternock.

- Protective jelly deals fire damage for these babau. Not a huge deal but it is weaker than acid damage. As a nod to that, the die size was increased to a d10.

Babau 7//Half-Dragon 3/Barbarian 4

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil)
Hit Dice: 4d10+3d12+42 (91 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40ft
Armor Class: 23 (+1 dex, +12 natural)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +7/+16/27
Attack: Claw+16 (1d6+9 plus 2d6 sneak attack)
Full Attack: 2 claws+16/+11 (1d6+9 plus 2d6 sneak attack) and bite+11 (1d6+4 plus 2d6 sneak attack)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Sneak attack+2d6, spell-like abilities, summon demon, breath weapon, rage 2/day.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold iron or good, darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, immunity to electricity, fire, paralysis, poison and sleep, resistance to acid, cold and fire 10, spell resistance 14, telepathy 100ft, protective jelly, uncanny dodge, trap sense+1.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 18
Skills: Appraise+14, Balance+12, Climb+20, Concentration+17, Disguise+15, Escape Artist+12, Hide+20, Jump+24, Knowledge(Arcana)+14, Listen+20, Move Silently+20, Sense Motive+12, Spot+20, Survival+12, Tumble+12
Feats: Power Attack(1), Cleave(3), Rapidstrike(Claws)(6)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-darkness, dispel magic, greater teleport, see invisibility. Caster level 7th. The save DCs are 14 + spell level.

Breath Weapon (Su)

30ft cone of fire; once per day; 6d8 fire damage; DC 19 Reflex halves. The save DC is Constitution based.

Protective Slime (Su)

A slimy red jelly coats the babau's skin. Any weapon that touches it takes 1d10 points of fire damage from the corrosive goo, and the weapon's hardness does not reduce this damage. A magic weapon may attempt a DC 19 Reflex save to avoid taking this damage. A creature who strikes the babau with an unarmed attack, unarmed strike, touch spell, or natural weapon takes this damage as well but can negate the damage with a DC 19 Reflex save. The save DCs are Constitution based.

Summon Demon (Sp)

Once per day a babau can attempt to summon 1 babau with a 40% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.

Barbarian powers:
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Rage (Ex)

A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian's hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies).

A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter. At 1st level he can use his rage ability once per day. At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, he can use it one additional time per day (to a maximum of six times per day at 20th level). Entering a rage takes no time itself, but a barbarian can do it only during his action, not in response to someone else's action.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 2nd level, a barbarian retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Trap Sense (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, a barbarian gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 every three barbarian levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level). Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

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Flamejax's babau carry no treasure or items on them, as Flamejax demands them all for his own hoard. If they have anything at all, it's treasure they've recently scavenged.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?