Balmuria Houserules

Started by Anastasia, April 28, 2014, 12:06:30 AM

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A collection of houserules. It's a big work in progress.

Post 1: This post. A table of contents.
Post 2: A summary of the important houserules you should know. This covers the ones that matter.
Post 3: The full houserules. Divided by category.
Post 4: Changelog. Mostly for my own reference, but it's a list of changes I've made and rules that have been added/dropped.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Major Houserules

A quick summary of the important rules to know. This just touches the highlights, read the posts after this for more. There's a lot of little changes that will only matter if you pursue a specific feat, spell or houserule. While it's not a bad idea to be familiar with them, the majority only impact highly specific things.

- Every 3.5 book is allowed except the Tome of Battle. Setting specific material that isn't Forgotten Realms is allowed, but run it by me first so we can make any adjustments that are needed. The Tome of Magic is in the same position, except it's because I've barely used it. Dragon magazine, Dungeon magazine and other 3rd party material is allowed on a case by case basis, as is homebrew. For the sake of Balmuria, Pathfinder material counts as 3rd party and given extra scrutiny.

- Aasimar and tieflings now have no level adjustment. Half orcs have ability score adjustments of Strength+2 and Charisma-2.

- The expanded alignment system in this post is used, especially the 5 point alignment system. Axiomatic, Vile, Exalted and Anarchic alignments are part of the world. Inicidentally, the feat categories with the same names require those alignments. Some of the exact details of alignment clarification aren't.

- Quick summary of major base class changes: Clerics channel energy instead of turning or rebuking undead(see that section below), druids use the shapeshift variant from the PHB2 instead of wild shape and don't lose their animal companion, monks gets full BAB and some other things, paladins now use Charisma for spellcasting and have other changes, rangers get full animal companion progression like a druid, sorcerers get bonus feats like a wizard, favored souls use Charisma for all of spellcasting and get channel energy like a cleric and healers are completely revised(add url here).

- All classes get an extra 4 skill points per level, with quadruple that at 1st level.

- Open lock is folded into disable device, diplomacy DCs are now set by DM fiat, spellcraft can ID magic items(DC 15 + item caster level), tumble now checks against the CMD of the creatures you're trying to tumble past, rather than a static DC.

- There's a lot of changes and tweaks to feats, so I'll only list the most common core feats that are changed. Acrobatic (and other +2/+2 skill booster feats) also grant one reroll per day of the skills they boost, augment summoning now has no prerequisite, dodge now gives a +1 dodge bonus to AC at all times (except flatfooted), various improved combat maneuver feats are adjusted for CMB/CMD, toughness now grants +1 hp per level like improved toughness and replaces that feat, weapon finesse now needs Dex 13 instead of BAB+1 and whirlwind attack's prereqs are now Int 13, Dex 13 and BAB+6. There's really no way to adequately summarize the various little changes to feats across 3.5, so that section below is worth reading.

- A bunch of spells have been banned, changed or adjusted to fit various campaign changes. Unfortunately, this also defies easy summary. There's no wholesale changes to how magic works, however. Also, magic/psionics transparency is on and should be assumed at all times, unless noted otherwise.

- Pathfinder's CMB and CMD is used, as this greatly streamlines combat maneuvers and how they work.

- Resurrection is difficult and uncertain. There is only one spell that raises the dead, Resurrection, as a cleric 6th level spell. Unfortunately, the Gods do not always grant it when asked and there is a chance the departed spirit will not return. There's also a chance they come back just a little different. See the resurrection section for details.

- The epic and divine rules are tweaked, adjusted and expanded. Should those come up, you'll want to refer to the sections on those. Fair warning.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


These are the core, complete houserules, except for the epic and divine rules. They get their own posts to keep them separate. Anyway, as a note, when possible a houserule is sorted with the most appropriate section. For example the new turn undead rules are under cleric in class changes, though they certainly apply to paladins or another class that gets turning.

Books Allowed:
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All 3.5 books are allowed with the following exceptions.


Tome of Battle. No arguments on this one, please.

Ask me first

Any Eberron material. I'm not familiar with Eberron, plus any material will need to be adapted for a non-Eberron campaign.
Tome of Magic. I'm seldom used that book so I need to review what you're doing first.
Other campaign settings besides FR or Eberron. I'll need to review them.
3.0 material. I'll review it on a case by case basis since there's potential rule problems. If there's a 3.5 revision of the same material, we'll use the 3.5 version unless there is a compelling reason otherwise.
3rd party material. As the quality of this stuff is all over the place, I want to review anything you're using for it.
Pathfinder. It's gone it its own direction and has its own balance. I've found little Pathfinder material I wish to convert over the years due to these changes in balance. As such, expect anything there to get extra scrutiny both to catch balance problems and to make sure it works for 3.5.
Homebrew. I'll review it before deciding. You can assume homebrew I post is fair game unless there's a clear and obvious reason otherwise.

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We use the gestalt rules, which are explained here. For BAB and save progressions, you choose one side of your gestalt. This side determines your saving throws and BAB. For example, a paladin 5//sorcerer 5 would have BAB+5, Fort+4, Ref+1 and Will+1 or BAB+2, Fort+1, Ref+1 and Will+4.  Once this choice is made, it can't be changed.

Almost all creatures gestalt, exceptions are listed below. Unremarkable creatures gestalt with NPC classes. In addition, certain monsters that have strong aspects of a base class, such as planetars (clerics), arcanoloths (sorcerers) and babau (rogue), tend to take that class the majority of the time.

Creatures with racial hit dice, especially those with more than one or two, tend to devote one side of the gestalt to those racial hit dice. For example, an advanced astral deva paladin would look like astral deva 20//paladin 20.  True dragons, who have their age and power tied to their hit dice, must take racial hit dice on one side of the gestalt.

What doesn't gestalt

1. Creatures of 2 Intelligence or lower. RAW they're too dumb to take class levels so they're out of luck. Sometimes I'll use up some of the unused gestalt for templates, but generally they're not entitled to anything.
2. Summoned monsters, such as by summon monster, an outsider's summoning ability or whatever else. It's not practical to stop and stat up a gestalt summoned monster so they're SOL. Plus adding gestalt to summons fundamentally alters the power of those abilities.
3. Familiars, animal companions, or any other creature class features. Adding gestalt to them over complicates things as well as inflates the value of this class features.
4. Creatures noted not to gestalt for whatever reason. One example is the homebrew tarrasque over in characters and monsters.

Exceptions to the previous

1. Creatures of 2 or less Intelligence that gain an Intelligence of 3 or higher. They don't instantly gain the new levels, but they'll develop them over time. This happens at a speed dictated by their new Intelligence score, with higher scores developing faster.
2. Planar bindings and the like may bind a gestalt creature if you're familiar with one and bind that one in particular. By default it won't if you're just grabbing a random creature. Do bear in mind that binding and irritating a gestalt creature is twice as deadly as irritating a non gestalt one.

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Aasimar: Remove the level adjustment of +1. Aasimar have no level adjustment.
Half Orc: Half Orcs have the following ability score adjustments: Strength+2, Charisma-2.
Tiefling: Remove the level adjustment of +1. Tieflings have no level adjustment.

-Dragon Magazine-

Axani: Remove the level adjustment of +1. Axani have no level adjustment.
Cansin: Remove the level adjustment of +1. Cansin have no level adjustment.

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We are using the variant rules as noted here: regarding Exalted, Axiomatic, Vile and Anarchic alignments. I interpret them as this: Being the normal alignment is simply being that. A good person is a good person, but doesn't go out of their way to crusade for it. Likewise, a chaotic person is chaotic, but it isn't dominating to them. Being exalted alignment means you're a good person and you strive to live to the utmost. Being good is a serious part of your identity. Likewise, being anarchic in alignment means the same thing in regards to chaos. In short, it's the difference between being and embracing an alignment.

If you choose to be an extreme alignment, I'll have you write a short code of conduct so that we're on the same page. It distills what it means to your character and so that both myself and you know what's up. It also gives me the chance to say if something won't work and to adjust as needed.

Poison use is not an inherently evil act. It is a weapon and a tool, like a longsword, wand or dart. Like those, the ramifications of it come from how you choose to use it. You can feel free to disregard everything the BoED says about poison use. This does not free paladins and other classes who have a code of conduct about poison use, however.

Undead creation is an inherently evil act. The spells that create undead have the evil descriptor and all undead should be assumed to be of evil alignment. This includes mindless undead, who are automatically evil due to the foul energies that animate them. This is akin to how lemures are evil despite being mindless. Individual exceptions to the above can exist, like with risen fiends. Categorical exceptions, such as a type of undead who are not innately evil, are either converted to deathless or are evil after all. Talk to me if you have specific questions.

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-General notes, reminders and things that don't fit into one class-

Any class that requires an alignment component of law, chaos, good or evil can also have the more extreme version. As an example: A paladin can be Lawful Exalted with no penalty, nor is there any penalty to being 'only' a lawful good paladin. This is essentially the same thing as a paladin with exalted feats versus one who doesn't.

All classes gain an additional 4 skill points per level, with quadruple at 1st level.

All monk based PrCs that require any lawful now function as any non-chaotic instead, to match the changes to monk.

The lowest level to enter a PrC is 6.  This is to prevent qualifying for PrCs early due to gestalt. If a PrC is designed to be entered earlier I may allow it on a case by case basis. Cute tricks and charopping do not count as designed.

-Changes to existing classes-

Book of Exalted Deeds:

All: Damage reduction x/unholy from the BoED is treated as damage reduction x/evil.
Exalted Arcanist: Spell Knowledge may select sanctified spells as well as normal spells and exalted arcanist spells.
Exalted Arcanist: Replace the 5th level ability Sanctified Spells with another occurrence of Spell Knowledge and the following ability. Sanctified Endurance (Ex) At 5th level, the Exalted Arcanist reduces the ability score damage or drain from casting sanctified magic by 2, to a minimum of 1.

Book of Vile Darkness:

Diabolist: Remove the requirement of shriveling as a spell known.

Cleric: Turn Undead now works as the following:
You create a burst of positive energy centered on yourself with a thirty foot radius.  All undead creatures in the area take 1d6 points of damage, this damage rises by 1d6 at level 3 and every two additional cleric levels thereafter (3, 5, 7, ect). A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 cleric level + Cha mod) halves the damage.  All living creatures in the area are healed the same amount (Will save for half, harmless).  You are not affected by your own turn attempts. Uses of turn undead per day are not changed. Evil clerics channel negative energy to harm the living and heal undead.
Druids: The Shapeshift variant in the PBH2 is used instead of wild shape. You do not lose your animal companion from this variant, despite what the PHB2 says. This ACF is used to nerf Wild Shape shenanigans, it's not fair to also gank animal companion with it.
Dwarven Defender: The prerequisite of being a dwarf is dropped.
Dwarven Defender: The prerequisite of being lawful is dropped.
Fighter: Fighters get spot and listen as class skills.
Half-Elf Paragon: The increased bonus to spot and search from Elven Vision also applies to listen checks. This keeps the racial bonuses even.
Monk: Monks may be any non-chaotic alignment.
Monk: Monks get good BAB growth.
Monk: Monks may multiclass freely and return to monk any time after multiclassing.
Monk: Perfect Self grants damage reduction 15/epic and adamantine. Also to be clear, Perfect Self changes your type to outsider with the native subtype.
Paladin: Paladins get knowledge: planes as a class skill.
Paladin: Smites of an alignment or ethics(good, chaos, law, evil) bypass the related damage reduction. This applies to other smites that qualify as well.
Paladin: Paladins use Charisma for spellcasting instead of Wisdom.
Paladin: Paladins may multiclass freely and return to paladin any time after multiclassing.
Ranger: Rangers get full animal companion progression instead of half.
Rogue: Rogues gain the penetrating strike ACF automatically(Dungeonscape) instead of trapsense. Trapsense is the ACF if you really want it. You probably don't.
Sorcerers: Sorcerers gain eschew materials as a bonus feat at 1st level. They gain a bonus metamagic feat at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
Sorcerers&Wizards: When a familiar dies, it's owner must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + primary casting stat) or be nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 24 hours. A successful save negates the nausea and halves the duration of being sickened.

Champions of Valor:

Triadic Knight: Drop the knowledge: local requirements. Substitute Helm for Torm as a patron divinity and Initiate of Helm for Initiate of Torm in prerequisite feats.
Triadic Knight: Substitute Heart of Torm for Vigilance of Helm. Vigilance of Helm (Su): You are never-resting in your vigilance. You are now immune to sleep effects.

Complete Arcane:

War Mage: Warmages get good Fortitude save progression in place of poor progression.
War Mage: Warmage Edge's bonus to damage is equal to the Warmage's Intelligence modifier plus their Warmage level.

Complete Adventurer:

Ninja: Replace sudden strike with sneak attack.
Scout: Fast Movement advances by 10ft at level 19. This progression continues into epic at a rate of +10 feet every eight levels.
Vigilante: Despite casting as bards, vigilante spells do not always have to have a musical verbal component.
Vigilante: Smite the Guilty only requires that you see a crime committed, not that it need be in your home city.

Complete Champion:

Ordained Champion: Disregard the alignment components of Ordained Champion's prerequisites. Replace the deity requirements with having a patron that grants access to the War Domain.
Ordained Champion: Smite now grants a flat +4 bonus to hit rather than depending on your charisma modifier. You may smite once per day at 2nd level and twice per day at 4th level, rather than spending turning attempts to fuel smites. You use your Ordained Champion level to determine the extra damage of your smite, classes that also grant smiting stack with this. Paladin, clerics with the Destruction Domain and others all qualify.
Ordained Champion: Ordained Champion is now 4/5 levels of casting, with 1st level being the dead level.[

Complete Divine:

Divine Crusader: Their caster level equals twice their class level, maximum of 20 at level 10. This does not effect spells known, but merely keeps their casting competitive. This fast advancement does not continue into epic, resuming a normal 1 CL per level pace.
Favored Soul: Favored Souls gain knowledge: religion and knowledge: planes as a class skill.
Favored Soul: Favored Souls use Charisma in all aspects of spellcasting, including calculating save DCs.
Favored Soul: Favored Souls gain channel energy at first level, as a normal cleric does. This advances as normal.
Pious Templar: Paladin and Pious Templar levels stack for paladin spellcasting instead of starting two growths of the same thing, as does a Blackguard/Pious Templar. If you do not use Paladin or Blackguard spellcasting you use the normal Pious Templar rules.
Pious Templar: Pious Templar's Mettle ability is (Ex) instead of (Su) to bring it in line with other incarnations of Mettle.
Rainbow Servant: Splits the difference between the text and table. Level 1 and 10 are dead levels for spellcasting.
Spirit Shaman: Spirit Shaman spellcasting now uses Wisdom for everything. It's no longer split between Wisdom and Charisma.
Spirit Shaman: The spirit subtype is removed. Spirits are now considered the following: All outsiders, all fey, all incorporeal undead and all elementals.
Spirit Shaman: Follow the Guide becomes a flat +2 bonus vs enchantment effects instead of a reroll.

Complete Warrior:

Invisible Blade: Drop the requirements of point blank shot and precise shot.
Kensai: Instead of XP costs, you spend 1/4th of the normal gold cost to enchant your signature weapon. A +1 weapon is 500 gold, for example.
Order of the Bow Initiate: Extended Precision becomes an (Ex) ability instead of a (Su) ability.
Master of the Unseen Hand: Now grants arcane casting progression at each level except first level. It's 4/5 casting class in total.
Master of the Unseen Hand: Add the following ability at 5th level: Improved Telekinetic Wielder (Ex): You now add bonuses from feats to combat maneuvers or attacks you make with telekinesis.
Master of the Unseen Hand: Add the following ability at 5th level: Telekinesis (Sp): You can use telekinesis at will as a spell like ability. Your caster level equals your hit dice.
Master Thrower: Add deflect arrows as a bonus feat at level 2. This allows snatch arrows at level 4 to work RAW. You don't have to meet the prerequisites of deflect arrows to get it.
Swashbuckler: Dodge bonus is always active. You need not choose a target. You lose this bonus when you're flatfooted or otherwise denied dexterity to AC.


Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries: Substitute the capstone with being able to use the spell Dragonshape (PHB2) 1/day as a spell like ability. The casting time remains one swift action, and the duration is 1 hour or until the form is dismissed as a swift action.

Dragon Compendium:

Monk of the Enabled Hand: Mind over hand grants a bonus to the next attack roll equal to your monk of the enabled hand class level, instead of attacking the target's touch AC.
Monk of the Enabled Hand: Empty hand now simply grants a +4 bonus to disarm attempts when you are unarmed.

Dragonlance: Age of Mortals:

Master Ambassador: Remove the requirement of non-chaotic.
Master Ambassador: Substitute a bonus feat for each instance of retinue. This bonus feat may be skill focus or any of the various +2/+2 skill boosting feats from the SRD or other sources.

Dragon Magazine:

Battleguard of Tempus: Drop the requirement of leadership.
Poisoner: Drop the requirement of any evil.

Dragon Magic:

Dragonfire Adept: Scales stacks with pre-existing natural armor instead of overlapping.


Factotum: Cunning surge is banned. You can take one of the houseruled ACFs for it or a bonus feat if you prefer.
Factotum: Cunning brilliance allows you to select from any base class, to clarify from standard class. Prestige classes are off limits.
Factotum: Cunning brilliance cannot mimic the following abilities: Spellcasting, manifesting, marshal auras or other spell-esque subsystems. Bonus feats are likewise off the table.
Factotum: To compensate for the fact that I take an extremely strict view of cunning brilliance, the inspiration cost to activate an ability from it is reduced to 3.

Expanded Psionics Handbook:

War Mind: A psychic warrior entering War Mind can choose to continue his previous manifesting progression instead of starting a new one of the same thing. Disregard everything about power points per day, powers known and maximum power level. Non-psychic warriors can take the class as written.

Faiths and Pantheons:

Heartwarder: Charisma increase is an untyped bonus to Charisma. We don't use inherent bonuses.

Fiendish Codex 2:

Hellbreaker: The prerequisite of any chaotic becomes any non-lawful.


Frost Mage: Frost Mage only progresses arcane casting.

Heroes of Battle:

Dread Commando: Dread Commando gains sneak attack instead of sudden strike.

Heroes of Horror:

Archivist: Archivist spellcasting is now completely Intelligence based, rather than Intelligence/Wisdom split.
Archivist: When determining the level of a spell for the sake of Archivist spellcasting, you use the most common source in the following priority: Cleric, druid, paladin, ranger, other. This is to prevent abusing niche sources that give spells at a lower than usual level.
Archivist: Archivists may gain divine spells from base classes only. Prestige classes are not eligible, nor are alternate class features and options, such as divine bard. Yes, Archivist can be abused. Don't.

Manual of the Planes:

Gatecrasher: Damage reduction 5/+1 becomes damage reduction 5/magic.
Planar Champion: Attack ethereal just allows you to attack ethereal creatures. It doesn't allow you to bypass damage reduction as a force effect.
Planar Champion: Ethereal jaunt's caster level equals your hit dice.
Planar Champion: Damage reduction 20/+1 becomes damage reduction 10/magic.

Miniatures Handbook:

Marshal: The Art of War minor aura grants a bonus to CMB instead of just four combat maneuvers. We use a few extra combat maneuvers, so expanding it to cover all of them makes sense.
Skullclan Hunter: Divine Strike allows sneak attack against undead and nothing else. The wording is a bit vague as written.
Skullclan Hunter: Divine Strike bypasses undead immunity to sneak attack. It does not bypass secondary means of stopping sneak attack, such as an undead creature wearing armor of heavy fortification.
War Hulk: War Hulk gains toughness as a bonus feat at level 8 and +3 bonus HP at levels 9 and 10.


Arcane Duelist: You cannot use dexterous attack and power attack on the same turn. This is to prevent free extra damage with those plus a two handed weapon.
Arcane Duelist: Flurry of Swords is a supernatural ability.
Psychic Rogue: Psicraft is a class skill.
Swiftblade: Sudden Casting causes haste to be treated as a swift action, not a free action. This brings it into line with how Quicken Spell works.
Swiftblade: Remove Perpetual Options. Instead you gain another +10 bonus to your movement speed. In addition, level 10 of swiftblade now grants casting progression.

Planar Handbook:

Ardent Dilettante: Remove the requirement of having died and come back for level 10 Ardent Dilettante.
Ardent Dilettante: Replace the previous benefit from death has no mysteries and replace it with a 25% bonus to resurrection chance rolls. In addition, the Ardent Dilettante ignores the penalty to resurrection chance odds for being raised more than once.

Player's Guide to Faerun:

Celebrant of Sharess: To clarify, flirtation works exactly like bardic music. If you have bard levels or something else that grants bardic music, these stack.

Player's Handbook 2:

Knight: Knights gain a good fortitude save in addition to their good will save.
Knight: The bonuses from shield block is a flat bonus to your shield bonus to AC. It's always in effect. You still have to use a shield to gain a benefit from it.
Knight: In addition to the listed choices, a knight may select any fighter bonus feat for his bonus feats. You must still meet all the prerequisites of a feat to select it.

Races of Destiny:

Chameleon: The prerequisite of Able Learner can also be satisfied with Jack of All Trades.
Chameleon: When determining the level of a spell for the sake of Chameleon spellcasting, you use the most common source, in the following priority: Sorc/wiz, cleric, druid, bard, paladin, ranger, other. This is to prevent abuses via hunting splatbooks for underleveled spells, such as from trapsmith.
Chameleon: Chameleon's floating bonus feat cannot be used as a prerequisite to qualifying for anything. Example: You cannot select power attack with your floating feat and then use that to qualify for favored power attack with a normal feat, or for a PrC that requires power attack as a prerequisite.

Races of the Wild:

Champion of Corellon Larethian: Remove the prerequisite of mounted combat.
Champion of Corellon Larethian: The bonus feat selected may be any fighter bonus feat.
Champion of Corellon Larethian: The bonus damage from Elegant Strike applies to all targets, not just sneak attack/critical hit vulnerable ones.

Savage Species:

Survivor: The requirement of highest base save bonus being lower than your level is dropped. Add toughness and endurance as requirements to enter the class.
Survivor: Survivor now grants poor base attack bonus.

Unapproachable East:

Shou Disciple: The bonus to your dodge feat is now simply a dodge bonus to armor class that is active at all times, except when you are flatfooted or otherwise denied your dex bonus.

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Reminder: All classes gain +4 skill points per level.

Diplomacy: All diplomacy checks are given a DC by the DM's discretion. The attitudes table in the SRD is generally not used.
Knowledge: Minerals, gems and stones can be identified with a Knowledge: Dungeoneering check. This doesn't allow you an idea of the value (Appraise covers that), but allows for basic identification.
Open Lock: Open Lock is folded into Disable Device.
Spellcraft: A new function is added to spellcraft:

Identify Properties of Magic Item: DC 15 + item's caster level. (DC varies for artifacts)

Attempting to ascertain the properties of a magic item takes 3 rounds per item to be identified and you must be able to thoroughly examine the object. Artifacts may be identified in this manner, but the DC is higher. The exact DC varies from artifact to artifact.

Tumble: The DC to avoid an AoO while tumbling is now the CMD of the threatening creature.

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All feats listed here are used in place of any relevant SRD feats or versions from other sources.

-General notes-

Exalted, Vile, Axiomatic and Anarchic feats require you to have the matching alignment to take. This is no practical change, anyone aligned enough to take an alignment feat should be that alignment anyway. Other feats tied to alignment do not require this. You don't need to be Axiomatic to take Law Devotion, for example.

Banned Feats:

I don't always ban feats, but when I do, I prefer to post them here.

Craft Contingent Spell (Just no.)
Divine Metamagic (Not 100% banned, but subject to automatic DM review and I seldom allow it. DMM-Persist is auto rejected.)
Faerie Mysteries Initiate (No you can't have your Int mod to HP.)
Leadership (Hideously broken and abusable mess. You can't use feats to buy NPC helpers.)
Troll-Blooded (You can't gain regeneration by a feat.)
Wild Cohort (See Leadership.)
Miser with Magic (Just not dealing with it.)

New Feats:

Airy Shapeshift [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Base fortitude save+6, shapeshift ability.
Benefit: Your shapeshift forms take on a airy appearance, as if partially made of wind. This grants all of your shapeshift forms the air subtype, granting them a fly speed of 30ft (perfect). In addition, your gain the benefit of the Weapon Finesse feat while shapeshifted.
Special: You do not gain the benefits of this feat if you shift into a form composed of earth, such as the earth elemental form of the elemental fury form.
Special: If you select this feat, you may not select the Earthen Shapeshift feat.

Angelic Champion [Exalted]
Benefit: Once per day, while performing an act of good, you may call upon your angelic patron to gain a +1 luck bonus on any one roll or check.
Special: Once you take this feat, you may not take it again, nor can you take either the Servant of the Heavens feat or the Knight of Stars feat. Your allegiance is only yours to give once.
Special: This feat replaces Favored of the Companions, as guardinals do not exist in this cosmology.

Angelic Lore [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Knowledge: Planes)
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on knowledge checks about evil outsiders and undead, as well as the lower planes. This bonus also applies to bardic knowledge, lore and similar class features.

Apt Learner [General]
Benefit: Choose two skills. These skills are always considered class skills for you.

Arch-Angel's Mystery [Exalted] Second relevant link
Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 15 ranks, Words of Creation, int 17, cha 17
Benefit: You study the secret lessons of the 77+7 arch-angels of Elysium and learn how to hide yourself from detection. This allows you two ways to use the Words of Creation, ways pioneered by them as they sought to escape the notice of all.

Obscurity: You can hide yourself from the detections of others, creating an effect that shields you while allowing the glories of others to be humbly seen instead. This is identical to a nondetection spell with a caster level equal to your hit dice. Using the Words of Creation in this way deals 14d4 points of nonlethal damage to you.
Invisibility: You can create a cloak that turns aside the eyes of the wicked. This is equivalent to an invisibility spell, except that it only affects evil creatures. Using the Words of Creation in this way deals 7d4 points of nonlethal damage to you.

Axiomatic Smite [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Smite Evil.
Benefit: Your smite evil class ability also works against chaotic creatures. Additionally, you may use your smite ability one more time per day. If you accidentally smite a creature that is not chaotic or evil, the smite has no effect but is still used up for the day. Smite evil and smite chaos are supernatural abilities.
Special: Yes, this is Cuthbert's Smite from Dragon Compendium. It's reflavored for the campaign and I added it to this since it's fitting.

Bard's Rally [Bardic]
Prerequisite: Perform 12 ranks, Bardic Music
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can expend two daily uses of your bardic music ability to grant all allies within 30ft temporary hit points equal to your ranks in Perform. These temporary hit points lasts for 1 hour.

Blistering Fires [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Burning Shapeshift
Benefit: Foes set on fire by your natural attacks find themselves so pained that they cannot effectively defend themselves. As long as they are on fire, they suffer a -4 penalty to armor class and saving throws.

Breath of the Mist [General]
Prerequisite: Shield of Mist
Benefit: You can gather up the mists around you and exhale them in a cloud. Three times per day you may use Obscuring Mist as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your hit dice.

Burning Shapeshift [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Base fortitude save+6, shapeshift ability
Benefit: Your shapeshift forms take on a burning appearance, as if partially made of fire. This grants all of your shapeshift forms the fire subtype, granting them immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold. In addition, your natural attacks set opponents on fire unless they pass a reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + con modifier). This follows all the rules for being set on fire, except that the reflex save DC to extinguish the fire is the same DC as above.
Special: You do not gain the benefits of this feat if you shift into a form with immunity to cold or composed of ice or water, such as the water elemental form of the elemental fury form.
Special: If you select this feat, you may not select the Frozen Shapeshift feat.

Charming the Blade [General]
Prerequisite: Fey type.
Benefit: When using melee weapons made for a creature of your size, you may use your charisma modifier instead of your strength modifier on attack rolls.

Combat Precision [General]
Prerequisite: Combat Focus, wis 13, sneak attack+3d6, base attack bonus+9
Benefit: When in a combat focus, your clarity of vision allows your blows even greater damage. Your sneak attack damage rises by 1d6 while you are in a combat focus. If you possess three or more combat form feats, this bonus rises to 2d6.

Conservation of Energy [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Controlled Fury, int 15
Benefit: Long meditation and self control has enabled you to extend and tame your rage, eliminating waste and extending how long it can last. You may add your intelligence modifier to the number of rounds your rage lasts. In addition you are no longer fatigued at the end of a rage, as your control grants you power without expending yourself to fatigue.

Controlled Fury [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Ex-Barbarian, int 13
Benefit: In your studies of order you have rejected your former lack of control, and in this you have gained your strength once more. You regain the ability to rage. This rage is a cold, intellectual rage, sacrificing power for control. Your bonuses to strength and constitution while you rage is reduced by 2, but you may use any intelligence, wisdom or charisma related skills, concentration and may use magical items or abilities that require concentration. Further, you may use combat expertise or any other formerly forbidden feats or abilities while in a rage.

Courre Smiting [General]
Prerequisite: Courre eladrin, smite evil class feature.
Benefit: By tapping into the duality of your forms when you smite evil, your attacks strike true. Whenever you smite evil, that attack is treated as having the ghost touch property. In addition, you are able to briefly blink between corporeal and incorporeal. Until the start of your next turn, you benefit from a 50% miss chance on all attacks. Ghost touch weapons and effects that affect incorporeal and corporeal creatures equally bypass this miss chance.

Deep Chill [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Frozen Shapeshift
Benefit: Your natural attacks while shapeshifted are so cold that they render foes numb, unable to effectively act. Any opponent stricken by your natural attacks and who takes cold damage from it must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 hd + con modifier) or be slowed for 1 round, ending at the start of your next turn. An opponent can only be affected by this power once per round.

Deformity (Bone Spurs) [Vile]
Prerequisite: Willing Deformity
Benefit: By breaking off shards of bone from around your body and bonding them to your arm and leg bones, you gain several grisly hooks over your body. These hooks deal 1d4 points of slashing damage to anyone who grapples you. In addition, you can use these hooks to dig into walls and climb. You gain a climb speed of 10ft, or any pre-existing climb speed is raised by 10ft.

Deformity (Metallic Blood) [Vile]
Prerequisite: Willing Deformity, con 17
Benefit: Through a long, agonizing process of pouring boiling metal into your open wounds and dark rituals, you convert your blood into molten lead. This grants you resistance to fire 30. However, the strain this places on your body reduces your Constitution by 2 points. This lost Constitution cannot be recovered by any means.
Special: If the Constitution loss from this feat would reduce your Constitution below the prerequisite for this feat, you do not lose the benefits of it. You may ignore that prerequisite of this feat once you have taken it.

Devotee to Sylica [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Must have Alicia or Syala as a patron
Benefit: For the purposes of determining damage from spells or abilities dependent on alignment, you are treated as either lawful or chaotic, whichever is most advantageous. This does not apply to other effects based on alignment, such as the deflection bonus from a protection from chaos or law spell.

Earthen Shapeshift [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Base fortitude save+6, shapeshift ability.
Benefit: Your shapeshift forms take on a rocky appearance, as if partially made of stone. This grants all of your shapeshift forms the earth subtype, granting them a burrow speed of 15ft. In addition, your natural attacks count as adamantine to overcome damage reduction.
Special: You do not gain the benefits of this feat if you shift into a form composed of air, such as the air elemental form of the elemental fury form.
Special: If you select this feat, you may not select the Airy Shapeshift feat.

Eladrin Joy [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Participated in a revel or celebration in Arborea, cha 15
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can infuse yourself and any allies within 30ft with the zest for life of the eladrin host. This is identical to a good hope spell with a caster level equal to your hit dice. This is a supernatural ability.
Special: Deities who offer the joy domain offer variants of this feat. The exact revel prerequisite and name of the feat vary, but it is otherwise the same. The best known example is Lliira's Laugh.

Elegy of Fatal Blows [Bardic]
Prerequisite: Perform 4 ranks, Bardic Music
Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to grant all allies that can hear you a bonus on the roll to confirm a critical threat equal to your Charisma modifier as well as an additional 2d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. This damage increases to 4d6 if your weapon deals triple damage on a critical hit and 6d6 if it deals quadruple damage. This bonus lasts for as long as you perform and 5 rounds after.

Exalted Endurance [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Endurance, con 13
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against pain based effects, such as symbol of pain, wrack and physical torture. Additionally, you gain 2 hit points for every exalted feat you have, including this one.

Exalted Glow [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Aura of Courage, Nimbus of Light, cha 17
Benefit: Creatures within the radius of the light shed by your nimbus of light (10ft) are immune to fear. This replaces the +4 morale bonus your aura of courage grants.
Special: If you have another aura that grants you immunity to an effect or condition and nearby allies a bonus (such as the aura of sanctity alternate class feature), creatures within the radius of your nimbus of light are also immune to what that aura protects against.

Exalted Healer [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Heal 10 ranks
Benefit: Creatures under long term care from you (by the heal skill) can heal vile damage as if it were normal damage. This requires complete rest. Additionally, creatures under your long term care can heal ability drain at the rate of one point per ability score per day of complete rest. This requires that you succeed on a DC 25 Heal check.

Exalted Protection [Exalted]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor, as well as the supernatural abilities of evil outsiders.

Exalted Shapeshift [Exalted, Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Shapeshift ability.
Benefit: Your shapeshift forms take on a glorious appearance, as if from the Heavens Above. This grants all of your shapeshift forms the benefits of the celestial template. For the sake of the smite evil ability, you may only use this once per day, no matter how many times you shapeshift.

Exalted Weapon Mastery [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Weapon Mastery (Melee or Ranged)
Benefit: Weapons that are affected by your weapon mastery feat are infused with righteousness. Any such weapon counts as good aligned to overcome damage reduction. Further, when wielding a weapon affected by your weapon mastery feat, you gain an additional +2 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls against evil creatures. This stacks with weapon mastery, weapon focus, weapon specialization and similar feats.
Special: A fighter may select exalted weapon mastery as a fighter bonus feat.

Extra Aura [General]
Prerequisite: Able to manifest marshal auras
Benefit: Select a minor marshal aura. You can now manifest this aura as if you selected it as one of your marshal auras known.

Extra Moon Blades [General]
Prerequisite: Favored of Selune class feature.
Benefit: You may use your Moon Blade spell-like ability an additional two times per day.

Favored of Nature [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Animal Friend
Benefit: No animal will attack you unless compelled by mind-affecting abilities or if they are of evil alignment. If you are in the wild, small animals will stay around you, offer you food, provide warmth and other such things.

Fey Knight [General]
Prerequisite: Fey type, Weapon Finesse, dex 17, proficiency with martial weapons, must have been knighted by fey royalty.
Benefit: When using a longsword, rapier or lance you may use your dexterity modifier instead of your strength modifier on attack and damage rolls.

Frozen Shapeshift [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Base fortitude save+6, shapeshift ability
Benefit: Your shapeshift forms take on an icy appearance, as if partially made of ice. This grants all of your shapeshift forms the cold subtype, granting them immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire. In addition, your natural attacks in shapeshift form deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage.
Special: You do not gain the benefits of this feat if you shift into a form with immunity to fire or composed of fire, such as the fire elemental form of the elemental fury form.
Special: If you select this feat, you may not select the Burning Shapeshift feat.

Goldenfire Wrath [General]
Prerequisite: Dragonfire Wrath, cha 15
Benefit: Your flames from dragonfire wrath glow golden. These flames are treated as searing, which means they ignore fire resistance and deal half damage to creatures immune to fire.

Golden Ice Fist [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Stunning Fist, Touch of Golden Ice, base attack bonus+14, cha 15
Benefit: You may poison evil creatures with golden ice from your touch of golden ice feat even if they are immune to poison. You may stun evil creatures with stunning fist even if they are immune to stunning.

Guardian Angel [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Any other exalted feat
Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you gain can any one of the following benefits: A +4 sacred bonus to a single saving throw, a +4 sacred bonus to armor class against one attack or a protection from evil effect for 1 minute.

Holy Knowledge [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Knowledge: Religion 2 ranks
Benefit: Knowledge: Religion is always a class skill for you. In addition you gain a +2 sacred bonus to Knowledge: Religion checks.

Holy Terror [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Intimidate 5 ranks, cha 15
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Intimidate checks against evil creatures.

Hunter's Insight [General]
Prerequisite: Favored Enemy, int 13
Benefit: You may apply your favored enemy bonus to Knowledge checks to identify such creatures and learn about their special powers and vulnerabilities. You may make these checks untrained, even if the DC is higher than 10.

Ice in the Veins [General]
Prerequisite: Base Will save+1
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on your modified level check to resist being intimidated.

Ilmater's Resolve [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Exalted Endurance, con 17
Benefit: You are immune to pain based effects, such as symbol of pain, wrack and physical torture. You can bear any pain without the slightest noise or reaction, should you need to. You gain an additional hit point per exalted feat you have, this stacks with the benefit from exalted endurance.

Improved Dirty Trick [General]
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a dirty trick combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +4 bonus on checks made to attempt a dirty trick. You also receive a +4 bonus to your CMD when an opponent tries a dirty trick on you. In addition, whenever you successfully perform a dirty trick, the penalty lasts for 1d4 rounds, plus 1 round for every 5 by which your attack exceeds the target's CMD. In addition, removing the condition requires the target to spend a standard action.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Dirty Trick as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Improved Drag [General]
Prerequisites: Str 13
Benefit: You do not provoke an AoO when you attempt a dragon combat maneuver. You gain a +4 bonus to your CMB when attempting a drag, as well as a +4 bonus to your CMD when resisting one. When you drag an enemy, they provoke AoOs (but not from you).
Special: A fighter may select Improved Drag as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Improved Reposition [General]
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a reposition combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +4 bonus on checks made to reposition a foe. You also receive a +4 bonus to your CMD when an opponent tries to reposition you. Whenever you reposition a foe, his movement provokes attacks of opportunity from all of your allies (but not you).
Special: A fighter may select Improved Reposition as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Improved Throw [General]
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an throw combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +4 bonus on checks made to throw a foe. You also receive a +4 bonus to your CMD whenever an opponent tries to throw you. When you throw a target, you can throw them for up to 10ft per 5 points of strength.

Initiate of Alicia [Initiate]
Prerequisite: Cleric or paladin level 4th
Benefit: Your caster level for magic cast yourself is considered two levels higher for the sake of dispel magic and similar effects. For example, a caster level 6 cleric's divine favor would be treated as a caster level 8 if a wizard tries to dispel it. This only applies to spells cast on directly on you, not other spells. In addition you add the following spells to your cleric or paladin spell list.

2nd: Whirling Blade
3rd: Know Vulnerabilities (Paladin only)
4th: Voice of the Archon*
7th: Might of the Planetar*(Cleric only)

*Voice of the Archon is a refluffed Voice of the Dragon from Spell Compendium. It functions identically. Might of the Planetar is an altered Bite of the Werebear.

Initiate of Antenora
Prerequisite: Paladin or cleric level 5th, patron deity Antenora
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saves against spells and spell like abilities with the evil descriptor. In addition you add the following spells to your cleric or paladin spell list.

1st: Vision of Heaven (Paladin only)
3rd: Righteous Fury (Cleric only)
4th: Voice of the Archon
7th: Opal Cleansing (Cleric only)

*Voice of the Archon is a refluffed Voice of the Dragon from Spell Compendium. It functions identically.

Initiate of Auril [Initiate]
Prerequisites: Cleric or druid level 1st, patron deity Auril
Benefit: You are immune to cold weather and conditions, as if protected by an Endure Elements spell. This protection does not extend to hot weather. In addition, add the following spells to your cleric or druid spell list.

1st: Frost Fingers
2nd: Frost Whip
4th: Frost Blade
7th: Ice Claw*

*You may use your primary casting stat in place of Intelligence or Charisma.

Initiate of Seira [Initiate]
Prerequisite: Cleric or paladin level 5th
Benefit: When you cast a summon monster spell or any spell dedicated to summoning elementals, any elementals you summon gain a +2 sacred bonus to strength and constitution. In addition you add the following spells to your spell list.

3rd: Dragonskin (Paladin only)
3rd: Unicorn Arrow
4th: Dragon Breath (Paladin only)
6th: Surge of Hope (Cleric only)

Intuitive Archivist [General]
Prerequisite: Archivist level 1st
Benefit: You now use your Charisma bonus (if any) in place of Wisdom for your Archivist spellcasting, such as to determine save DCs and bonus spells per day.

Knight of Zaaman Rul [General]
Prerequisite: Must serve Zaaman Rul
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on diplomacy checks against good aligned creatures with the fire subtype. You also gain a +2 bonus on bluff checks against evil aligned creatures with the fire subtype.

Lathander's Rites [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Vampire Hunter
Benefit: Vampires and vampire spawn reduced to zero hit points and gaseous form by you have the time they have to reach their coffin home before death reduced to a half hour. As a standard action, you can sense the location of any vampire or vampire spawn so afflicted, as well as what direction they are traveling in.

Lullaby [Bardic]
Prerequisite: Perform 15 ranks, Bardic Music
Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to put all enemies that hear you perform within 30ft to sleep. A Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Charisma modifier) negates the sleep. Creatures put to sleep by this sleep for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Mechanus Soldier [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You are trained in the precise methods Mechanus uses to take targets alive for lawful trial. You may inflict non-lethal damage with a lethal weapon or unarmed attack without the normal -4 penalty to attack rolls. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to CMB for trip and disarm attempts.

Metamagic Power [General]
Prerequisite: Any three metamagic feats.
Benefit: When you cast a spell that has three or more metamagics applied to it, the caster level of that spell is considered one higher. For example, a 19th level wizard casting an empowered, maximized, silent fireball would cast it at caster level 20th.

Metamagic Recovery [General]
Prerequisite: Any three metamagic feats.
Benefit: You learn to harness the energies of metamagic into your body. Any time you cast a spell that has three or more metamagics applied to it, you heal 5 hit points.

Mighty Shapeshift [Shapeshift]
Prerequisite: Shapeshift ability.
Benefit: The enhancement bonuses to strength from your shapeshift ability rise by two. This applies to all forms; for example, your predator form now has a +6 enhancement bonus to strength and your aerial form has a +4 enhancement bonus to strength.

Moon Devotion [Domain]
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can glow with moonlight. The light shed is equivalent to a torch. This light counts as true moonlight and is shed in a 10ft radius. In addition, you deal an extra point of damage per character level to non-good lycanthropes and undead.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining one additional daily use each time you take it.
Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead, you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily turn or rebuke use you expend.

Note of the Clear Mind [Bardic]
Prerequisites: Perform 9 ranks, Bardic Music
Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to free all allies within 30ft from enchantment spells and spell-like abilities. Treat this as dispel magic with a dispel check equal to your bard level. This check can exceed dispel magic's limit of +10.

Perfection of the Natural World [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Animal Companion
Benefit: Your animal companion gains the axiomatic template. In addition, you and your companion may always communicate telepathically, as if you were an axiomatic creature of the same type within 300ft.

Planar Child [General]
Prerequisite: Born within the area of a spiritual wound, not an outsider or elemental
Benefit: Your type becomes outsider with the native subtype. This grants your darkvision 60ft and immunity to effects that work on humanoids but not outsiders, such as charm person. You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against the effects of spiritual wounds.
Special: This feat can only be taken at first level.

Preacher [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Diplomacy 7 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Charisma based checks to spread the world of your deity, attract new faithful, gather tithes and promote your church. If you have a Profession skill that accomplishes the same thing, such as profession (preacher), it applies to checks with that skill as well.

Ravagesmith [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Craft(Poisonmaking) 5 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Craft(Poisonmaking) checks to create ravages. You can increase the DC of a ravage by up to 10, as if you have skill focus(craft:poisonmaking).

Reveal Evil [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Sense Motive 5 ranks, Detect Evil class feature, paladin level 5th, cha 17
Benefit: At will, you may use blessed sight as a spell-like ability. You gain a +2 bonus to any caster level checks to overcome nondetection or similar effects that would prevent you from detecting a creature's evil. If you detect an evil aura, it becomes visible to all creatures within sight. This lasts until the end of the encounter.

Scion of Order [Axiomatic]
Benefit: You formally dedicate yourself to order. Once per day, while performing an lawful act, the character may call upon the powers of law to add a +1 luck bonus on any one die roll.
Special: Once you take this feat, you may not take it again. You may not take the Servant of Heaven or Disciple of Darkness feat. Your allegiance is only yours to give once. This does not prevent you from serving a lawful good or lawful evil patron, only that you have dedicated yourself to law above all others.

Shield of the Mist [General]
Prerequisite: Must have died, visited the Well of Souls and been resurrected.
Benefit: Some of the mists of the Well of Souls linger around you. Once per day as a swift action you can manifest these mists around you. This provides you with concealment, granting you a 20% miss chance. Against incorporeal attacks this bonus rises to 50%. This lasts for one minute.

Shining Example [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Sacred Vow
Benefit: You strive to be the best you can. You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks when you attempt to inspire, lead or instill hope in others. If you perform an act of good while attempting such a check (such as relieving a suffering enemy's pain while you try to negotiate with them), this bonus increases to +4 until the end of the encounter.

Silvery Moon Blade [General]
Prerequisite: Favored of Selune class feature, Moon's Hand class feature.
Benefit: You may apply the bonuses of your Moon's Hand ability to your Moon Blade spell-like ability. For example, a 6th level Silverstar's Moon Blade would have a +2 bonus to hit and damage, and deal an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage. Any bonus damage granted by this feat applies to the DC of the Concentration check to cast a spell or spell like ability after being struck by a Moon Blade. You may still use your Moon's Hand ability with a heavy mace as normal.

Slaad Rush [Anarchic, Bardic]
Prerequisite: Perform 8 ranks, Bardic Music
Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to grant all allies within 30ft a +30ft enhancement bonus to speed and a +4 dodge bonus to armor class against attacks of opportunity provoked by moving through threatened squares. The bonuses last for one minute.

Spurn Disorder [Axiomatic]
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: Your contempt for chaos shields you the attacks of the chaotic. You gain a +2 axiomatic bonus to armor class and saving throws against chaotic creatures.

Stagnation Waltz [Bardic]
Prerequisite: Perform 8 ranks, Bardic Music
Benefit: As a standard action, you can expend one daily use of your bardic music ability to halve the movement speed of all enemies within 30ft. A Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Charisma modifier) negates. This lasts for one minute.

Sudden Corrupt [Metamagic, Vile]
Prerequisite: Any one metamagic feat.
Benefit: Once per day, you can apply the effect of the Corrupt Spell feat to any spell you cast without increasing the level of the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. You can still use Corrupt Spell normally if you have it.

Sudden Violate [Metamagic, Vile]
Prerequisite: Any one metamagic feat.
Benefit: Once per day, you can apply the effect of the Violate Spell feat to any spell you cast without increasing the level of the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. You can still use Violate Spell normally if you have it.

Versatile Craftsman [General]
Prerequisite: Craft 5 ranks
Benefit: Pick a number of Craft categories equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). For the purpose of making Craft checks, you are treated as having a number of ranks in those skills equal to the highest number of ranks you have in any Craft category. You cannot change these categories once you have picked them, but your score in them automatically increases if you later add additional ranks in your highest ranked Craft category. You gain new categories of your choice if your Intelligence bonus permanently increases. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on a combined Craft check when using two or more forms of Craft at the same time, such as creating an alchemist's sword. In such cases, add the bonus to the higher of your two Craft skill modifiers.

Vile Shapeshift [Shapeshift, Vile]
Prerequisite: Shapeshift ability.
Benefit: Your shapeshift forms take on a fiendish appearance, as if from the Depths Below. This grants all of your shapeshift forms the benefits of the fiendish template. For the sake of the smite good ability, you may only use this once per day, no matter how many times you shapeshift.

Vow of Silence [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Sacred Vow.
Benefit: You gain a +4 perfection bonus against sonic and language-dependent spells and effects.
Special: To fulfill your vow, you must forsake the spoken word for the meditative benefits of silence. You may not speak, grunt or otherwise make noise to communicate. Gestures and the written word is permitted, though some willingly choose to forsake those as well. If you intentionally break your vow, you immediately lose the benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace it. You may regain the benefit of this feat by performing a suitable penance and receiving an atonement spell. If you break your vow as the result of a magical compulsion or other circumstance beyond your control, you lose the benefit of this feat for 24 hours.

Warrior of Chaos [Anarchic]
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: Your combat style is bold and unpredictable, which makes battling you difficult. You gain a +2 anarchic bonus to CMB and CMD.
Special: This feats counts as power attack or combat expertise for the sake qualifying for combat maneuver related feats such as improved sunder, improved disarm and so forth.

Wound Healer [General]
Prerequisite: Able to cast 3rd level spells
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to any caster level checks to heal a spiritual wound, as well as a +4 bonus to the Knowledge (Planes) check to discover how to heal a spiritual wound. This stacks with the benefit from the wound sense feat.

Wound Sense [General]
Prerequisite: Planar Child or int 13 and wis 13
Benefit: You are unusually sensitive to spiritual wounds. You automatically sense when you enter the area of one. In addition, if you succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence check when you first enter a spiritual wound, you identify the effects of it. If you do, you gain a +5 bonus to the Knowledge (Planes) check to discover how to heal the wound.

Changes to existing feats:


All +2 to two skill feats: In addition to the stated bonus, you get one reroll per day for those two skills. The second roll is always taken.
Augment Summoning: Remove the requirement of spell focus: conjuration.
Diehard: Is now a fighter bonus feat.
Dodge: Grants a flat +1 dodge bonus to armor class at all times, except when flatfooted.
Endurance: Is now a fighter bonus feat.
Improved Bull Rush: Moved foes trigger AoOs as they move.
Improved Disarm: You may choose to send a disarmed weapon flying 15ft in a random direction.
Improved Overrun: Foes knocked prone by your overrun provoke attacks of opportunity.
Improved Sunder: When you destroy something on a creature, any excess damage is applied to the item's wielder, at your discretion.
Psionic Body: Your Constitution modifier is counted as one point higher to determine your hit points. In essence, you gain 1 hit point per hit die. This replaces how the feat works entirely.
Skill Focus: Once per day, you can take 10 on any roll with the skill, regardless of circumstances. Doesn't apply to UMD or skills you can't take 10 on in any circumstances.
Toughness: Your Constitution modifier is counted as one point higher to determine your hit points. In essence, you gain 1 hit point per hit die. This replaces how the feat works entirely.
Weapon Finesse: Replace the prerequisite of BAB+1 with Dex 13.
Whirlwind Attack: The prerequisites are now Dex 13, Int 13 and BAB+6.

Book of Exalted Deeds:

Consecrate Spell: Is an exalted feat as well as a metamagic feat.
Exalted Turning: You deal an extra 3d6 damage when you channel energy. This extra damage only applies to undead and does not apply to the hit points living creature are healed by your turning.
Purify Spell: Is an exalted feat as well as a metamagic feat.
Subduing Strike: You can deal nonlethal damage with any source of precision damage, such as skirmish.
Touch of Golden Ice: Add a prerequisite of: does not have a code that forbids poison use. The save DC of touch of golden ice is 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Con modifier. A creature can only be affected by your golden ice once per round, regardless of the pass or fail the saving throw.

Book of Vile Darkness:

Corrupt Spell: Is now a vile feat as well as a metamagic feat.
Corrupt Spell-Like Ability: Is now a vile feat.
Violate Spell: Is now a vile feat as well as a metamagic feat.
Violate Spell-Like Ability: Is now a vile feat.

Complete Arcane:

Sudden Quicken: The only prerequisite for it is quicken spell. Drop the rest of them.

Complete Champion:

Chaos Devotion: Change the bonus type to anarchic.
Law Devotion: Change the bonus type to axiomatic.

Complete Divine:

Empower Turning: Multiply the effects of your channel energy damage by 150%.
Quicken Turning: You can channel energy as a move action instead of a standard action. You can spent two charges of channel energy to use it as a swift action instead.

Complete Warrior:

Arcane Strike: You can only sacrifice one spell per round with this ability. You can't sacrifice multiple spells and go nova.
Greater Resiliency: You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.
Shock Trooper: Reduce the BAB requirement to +3. Remove the heedless charge ability.


Rapidstrike: Change the prerequisites to Dex 9, a single natural weapon and BAB+6. When you make a full attack with the chosen natural weapon, you make a second at -5, as if you were making an iterative attack with a weapon. If you have more than one of the same weapon (such as 2 slams), all such attacks gain the second attack. For example, 2 claws+10 becomes 2 claws+10/+5 for a total of 4 attacks.
Improved Rapidstrike: Change the prerequisites to Rapidstrike and BAB+16. You can now make full iterative attacks with the natural weapon you've selected for rapidstrike. It follows all the rules in rapidstrike. You can only select this feat once, you can't choose it for more than one natural weapon.

Dragon Compendium:

Deadeye: Reduce the BAB requirement to +1 (this is also in the errata for it). Disregard the parts about being within 30ft to deal the extra damage and crit immune creatures being immune to this damage. It's now +dex to damage on ranged weapons you have weapon focus with.
Serenity: Now converts paladin casting to Wisdom based. It counters the houserule that changes paladin casting to Charisma based.

Dragon Magazine:

Broken Fist Mastery II: Drop the prerequisite of lightning fists. The benefit is now a +8 bonus to CMB for trips and a +8 bonus to CMD when you defend against them.
Tactical Advantage: Apply your chosen favored enemy bonus as a bonus to CMB as well as CMD against those creatures.

Fiendish Codex 1: Hordes of the Abyss:

Blood War Conscript: You gain a +1 profane bonus to attack and damage rolls vs good creatures. If you serve demons, this bonus applies against lawful enemies. If you serve devils, it applies to chaotic enemies. If you serve yugoloths, choose one of those two. You can't change it once you've made the choice, but your master can. In other words, this is no longer a demon only feat.

Fiendish Codex 2: Tyrants of the Nine Hells:

Brand of Nine Hells: Is a vile feat. The following changes replace the previous powers for that archdevil. For Dispater, you gain improved uncanny dodge. Your rogue level is equal to your hit dice for flanking another creature with uncanny dodge. For Mammon, as a standard action you can discern the creature with the most wealth within 30ft. You gain a +2 profane bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls against this creature until the end of the encounter. For Belial and Fierna, you gain either sadism or masochism as a spell-like ability twice per day. For Beezlebub, you can cast chasing perfection once per day as a spell-like ability. For Mephistopheles, any creatures adjacent to you at the start of your turn take 1d6 cold damage. Three times per day as a swift action, you can invoke this cold to wreathe your body. For 1 round, all of your natural attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of cold damage. If you are grappled or struck by an unarmed attack during this time, the creature takes 1d6 cold.
All the Mark of... feats: Are vile feats.
Mark of Cania: You are treated as being trained in all knowledge skills, even if you do not possess ranks in them. Once per week you can call on this lore to gain a +8 bonus to one knowledge check. This replaces the written benefit of the feat.
Mark of Maladomini: You gain a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls, caster level checks and initiative checks versus any creature that is not native to Baator. This benefit also applies to creatures that serve Mephistopheles. There only needs to be one qualifying creature in a combat to gain the bonus to initiative.  This replaces the written benefit of the feat. 
Mark of Mabolge: You can channel the dark, seductive power of Glasya once per day. This grants you a +4 profane bonus to Charisma for 10 minutes.  This replaces the written benefit of the feat.
Mark of Minauros: You gain a +30 enhancement bonus to your speed when you use the withdraw action. If you can cast greater teleport as a spell-like ability, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for casting it. This replaces the written benefit of the feat.
Mark of Nessus: Attacks that do not specifically target you, such as a cone of cold or fireball, can still affect you.
Mark of Phlegethos: You can use wave of pain once per day as a spell-like ability. This replaces the written benefit of the feat.


Faith in the Frost: Converts your turning damage to cold damage instead of positive or negative energy. Creatures with the cold subtype heal from from this. This replaces the printed benefits of the feat.

Heroes of Horror

Haunting Melody: This is now a bardic feat. Using it is a standard action. It's a stand alone fear effect rather than being a rider to anything else.


Font of Inspiration: Now grants two points of inspiration, but you can only take it once.

Player's Handbook 2:

Combat Defense: When you're in combat focus, you gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to armor class. This rises to +2 if you have three or more combat form feats. This makes it fit with the changes to the dodge feat.
Driving Attack: Change the prerequisites to melee weapon mastery (piercing) and BAB+14, remove the others. The bonus to your bull rush attack is equal to 1/4th of the damage you did. It's also a fighter bonus feat.
Slashing Flurry: Is a fighter bonus feat.

Savage Species:

Pain Mastery: Capped at +12 bonus to Strength. It can't go any higher. This is to prevent it from getting out of hand in certain extreme cases in epic.

Sword and Fist:

Dirty Fighting: Add the prerequisite of improved unarmed strike. Adds a flat 1d4 bonus damage to unarmed attacks.

Magic Items:
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-Book of Exalted Deeds-

Starmantle Cloak: Banned. Banned so hard that this listing is completely unneeded and gratuitous. Hideously broken.


Item Creation Rules: Slotless items cost 2.5x the normal price of an item. This is a raise from 2x the normal price.
Item Creation Rules: The epic rules for magical items are used with revisions. Epic magic items no longer have a 10x price multiplier in most cases. Remember that the cap for a non-epic magical item is 200,000 gold. Any item that costs more than that is an epic magic item by default.
Magic Weapons: Sun Blades do triple (instead of double) damage on a critical hit to undead or negative energy creatures, even if they are normally immune to critical hits. Confirm the crit as normal. No other effects from the critical hit happen, nor can a Sun Blade sneak attack undead.
Wondrous Items: The various tomes of stat boosting can't be purchased.
Magic Armor: The following values are used for the various elemental resistance armors.

Resist 10 goes from 18000 gold to 12000 gold.
Resist 20 goes from 42000 gold to 28000 gold.
Resist 30 goes from 66000 gold to 44000 gold.

Defending: Now works as follows.


A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword's enhancement bonus to his AC as a bonus that stacks with all others. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapon's enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before attacking with the weapon, and the effect to AC lasts until his next turn. The wielder must make an attack with the enchanted weapon in a given round to gain the benefit of defending.

Moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield or shield of faith; Price +1 bonus.

Rings: Ring of Evasion is banned.
Rods: Metamagic Rods of quicken are banned.

-Magic Item Compendium-

The Magic Item Compendium uses a different pricing scheme for magic items than the SRD standard. As such many items are under priced, I may impose price increases depending on the item. Ask me about MIC items before you buy them. Most markups are about 150% to 200% of the MIC price.

-New Magic Item Properties-


This special enchantment can be added to any article of clothing. On touching the enchanted item to a garment, the touched item will alter its style and coloration to complement the touched item. The item's overall dimensions remain the same. The affected item remains in this new style until the command word is said again.

Moderate transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 500 gold.

Force Generation [Synergy]
Price: +1 bonus
Property: Projectile weapon
Caster Level: 12th
Synergy Prerequisite: Force

Your bow now gathers raw force out of everything around you, creating arrows to fire. You now no long need to supply arrows, each one is created when you pull the bow back. These arrows function as per normal for arrows fired from this type of weapon.

Equipment and Materials:
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Chakrams are exotic ranged weapons. They deal 1d8 damage, 18-20 crit range, 30ft range increment. 25 gp.
Greathammers are martial melee weapons. They deal 1d12 damage, x3 crit rate and grant a +2 bonus to sunder attempts. 50 gp.
Fullhammers are exotic melee weapons. They deal 2d10 damage, x4 crit rate and grant a +2 bonus to sunder attempts. A fullhammer must be wielded with two hands. 150 gp.


Afflictions and ravages are poisons and treated as such. They can affect any type of creature, not only evil ones. Due to the purification and holy energies invested into these poisons, they ignore the poison immunity of evil outsiders. Disregard the information about dealing extra damage equal to a ravaged creature's Charisma modifier and extra damage based on type or being a cleric of an evil deity. This supersedes the information in the BoED.


-New Materials-

Moonlight Mithral: In addition to the normal qualities of mithral, properly crafted moonlight mithral bestows special benefits. Weapons made of moonlight mithral gain the holy special quality while armors gain the angelic special quality(BoED). The abilities given by Moonlight Mithral are free, not counting towards the total enchantment price of the equipment. Moonlight Mithral is rare and sacred to the church of Selune, it cannot be purchased. It must be found or given as a gift.

Cauldron Steel: This rare iron is forged in The Cauldron, heated by elemental fire, cooled with elemental water, shaped with elemental air and hardened with the spirit of elemental earth. Weapons and armor made of cauldron steel are 25% heavier than normal steel, but have a hardness 5 points higher than steel. Further, weapons made of this material count as cold iron and retain some elemental power. They deal one point each of acid, cold, electricity and fire damage on each hit. Armor made of cauldron steel grans resistance to acid, cold, electricity and fire 3.

Cauldron steel equipment costs the same as adamantine equipment.

Boiled Topaz: This blue-white topaz is found in thick veins full of solid bubbles, named for resembling boiling water. The shape and hardness of it make it seldom used in jewelry, but it has potency when used to make armor. This requires a smith who uses magic to shape and forge the gemstone, as normal methods are generally inadequate to form it. Boiled topaz can be forged into a breastplate or any heavy armor.  Armor made of boiled topaz costs an additional 10,000 gold.

Boiled topaz is found in and around ley lines that channel the power of Fire, but that pass close to sources of water or places with ties to Water. Armor made of boiled topaz retains some of that power, granting the wearer resistance to fire 10. Armor made of such has the same resistance to fire, apply this after the armor's hardness reduces damage.

Due to being filled with natural power, druids can use armor made of boiled topaz without penalty.

Boiled topaz has the same hardness and hit points as steel.

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General magic notes:

Alignment spells:

Any spell that functions on an alignment also functions on it's more extreme version. Holy Word works on both evil and vile creatures in the exact same way, for example.


Permanency rules can be found here in depth. Yes, I have a sense of humor on occasion.

Sanctified and vile magic:

You must be the appropriate extreme alignment (Exalted and Vile, respectively) to cast these spells. In addition, spontaneous spellcaters who meet this prerequisite can select these spells if they desire. Also, clerics cannot spontaneously cast any sanctified spell.

XP costs

Since we don't use XP, spells with an XP cost require money in the form of rare components. Multiply the XP cost by 10 and that's the cost of the components that must be provided. This adds the M component to a spell if it previously lacked it.

Epic magic:

See the epic rules, as there are considerable changes to epic magic.

Banned spells:

The following categories of magic are banned and may not be selected. The reason why is noted in parenthesis.

Instant death magic (In a campaign where resurrection is uncertain, instantly killing characters is not in anyone's best interests.)
Polymorph magic, barring the polymorph subschool spells with one fixed form (Polymorph is a clusterfuck in 3.5 and wholly open to abuse. The later spells are far better balanced.)
Resurrection magic (Barring the houseruled resurrection and normal reincarnation.)
Magic that provides rerolls (Soft ban, with the level of optimization in play, I'd rather leave some risk to things. No risk, no reward. There's always a chance you're going to blow a roll.)

The following spells are banned and may not be selected. This is addition to the above spell categories that are already banned. The reason why is noted in parenthesis.

Celerity (+Lesser/Greater variants) (It's broken and hugely abuse prone. No, casters don't get to take their turns whenever they want.)
Delay Death (I'd rather not have a spell able to make going to 0 or less hit points risk free or close to it. It ups the escalation stakes too far.)
Discern Location (Ruins too many premises. I'm fine with powerful magic but this one is just a bit too direct and potent. I'd rather ban it than design specific 'nuh uh this one beats the fact that this beats normal counter measures' shit.)
Energy Immunity (Is an epic spell. See 10th level epic magic; I feel energy immunity via magic should be placed back into epic.)
Find the Gap (See above. Mildly less abusive the way its set up, still nothing I want going around.)
Genesis (Demiplane creation is handled by epic level spells. It's soft banned since it's referenced by other spells, I'd just rather not use this one for a variety of reasons.)
Hunter's Mercy (Automatic critical hit with a 1st level spell isn't really the sort of balance I want.)
Ice Assassin (A broken mess I'd rather not deal with.)
Make Manifest (+Mass) (Giant headache of a spell to deal with. Not worth it.)
Ruin Delver's Fortune (Just too good for the spell level.)
Scintillating Scales (Messes with touch AC balance and is abusive.)
Starmantle (Hugely abusable.)
Surge of Fortune (You can't summon natural 20s on demand.)
Thunderlance (Too good at what it does.)
Wings of Cover (Way too good at what it does for a 2nd level spell.)
Wraithstrike (Hideously broken. If you don't know why, consider how much of mid/high level monster's AC is from natural armor.)

Changed spells:

For changes to spells that don't warrant rewriting the entire spell, or affects multiple spells.

Consecrate (and its evil twin): Adds 1d6 to channel energy's dice.
Contingency: Any contingency must be expressed in one simple and clear sentence. No commas, no second sentences.
Deadly Sunstroke: Now has the fire descriptor.
Deathwatch: No longer has the evil descriptor.'
Forcecage: Allows a Reflex save when first cast to escape. This is purely for game balance reasons.
Freedom of Movement: Grants a +15 to CMD vs grapples instead of granting immunity to them.
Greater Mighty Wallop: This now gives a flat two size category increase to the targeted bludgeoning weapon.
Holy Word (and its cousins): These spells all allow a saving throw with a -2 penalty. These spells are horribly powerful otherwise.
Lore of the Gods: Reroll aspect is removed. The rest of the spell works as written.
Mage's Disjunction: Is known as magic disjuction. Works as a targeted dispel on all magics and magical items within the radius. A magic disjunction does not permanently disjoin magical items and cannot destroy artifacts; artifacts and divinities are immune to mortal magic such as this.
Maw of Chaos: Change the school to evocation and retain the chaotic descriptor.
Moon Blade: You can only make one attack per round with a Moon Blade and not iteratives. You do not apply any bonus damage to your Moon Blade, such as power attack, sneak attack or arcane strike. To compensate since this is admittedly a harsh reading of it, the Moon Blade strikes incorporeal undead without difficulty due to its nature, as if it was a force attack.
Owl's Insight: The insight bonus to wisdom is capped at +10 at CL 20.
Prismatic spells: Prismatic spells use two substitutions. Green inflicts 2d6 con damage and fortitude negates. Blue stuns for 1d6 rounds and fortitude negates.
Ray of Stupidity: This now inflicts a penalty to intelligence instead of damage, and thus cannot lower intelligence past 1. It's not an instant win vs animals or anything with a low int score.
Reciprocal Gyre: The Spell Compendium version is trumped by the Complete Arcane version, as the former was nerfed into being a bad joke.
Sanctify the Wicked: Requires a willing target who wants to reform and accepts the spell of their own free, uncompromised will.
Serene Visage: Is now a 2nd level spell instead of a 1st level spell.
Summon Monster: Avorals and Leonals are replaced by movanic and monadic devas, respectively.
Summon Spells (SM, SNA and others): Casting times are reduced from 1 round actions to 1 standard action.
Trap the Soul: Is now a necromancy spell.
Wings of Flurry: Caps at 10d6 damage.
Phase Door: This spell can be applied to any solid surface and need not be a wall. Measures that stop ethereal travel stop this spell.

Changed domains:

Animal Domain: Substitute Phantom Wolf for Animal Shapes at level 7 and Nature's Avatar for Shapechange at level 9.
Alteration Domain: Substitute Mass Enlarge Person for Polymorph at level 4, Fabricate for Baleful Polymorph at level 5, Iron Body for Polymorph Any Object at level 8 and Etherealness for Shapechange at level 9.
Commerce Domain: Substitute Mind Blank for Polymorph Any Object at level 9.
Destruction Domain: Substitute Storm of Vengeance for Implosion at level 9.
Fey Domain: Substitute Tree Stride for Blinding Beauty at level 4 and Changestaff for Unearthly Beauty at level 8
Glory Domain: Replace the +2 bonus to turn checks with a +2 bonus to the DC of channel energy. The bonus to turning damage applies as bonus damage to channel energy.
Gluttony Domain: Substitute Vortex of Teeth for Baleful Polymorph at level 5.
Hope Domain: Replace the domain granted power with the following: Grants a +4 to any one attack roll, skill check or saving throw once per day as the domain power. This must be declared before you make the roll.
Joy Domain: Substitute Bastion of Good for Starmantle at level 7.
Knowledge Domain: Substitute Vision for Discern Location at level 8.
Liberation Domain: Replace the granted power with the following: You gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against enchantment and fear effects.
Life Domain: Substitute Reincarnate for Disrupting Weapon at level 5.
Luck Domain: Replace the domain granted powe with the following: Once per day you can bestow good luck onto yourself or a creature you touch. This grants a +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, armor class and skill checks for 1 minute.
Lust Domain: Substitute Charm Monster for Lesser Planar Ally at level 4 and Mass Charm Monster for Trap The Soul at level 9.
Moon Domain: Replace the domain granted power with the following: You gain a +2 bonus to hit and damage versus lycanthropes. Substitute Maddening Whispers for Animal Shapes at level 8.
Oracle Domain: Substitute Greater Prying Eyes for Discern Location at level 8.
Planning Domain: Substitute Vision for Discern Location at level 8.
Pride Domain: Replace the domain granted power with the following: Your pride leaves you unable to surrender until you cannot go any further. You gain Diehard as a bonus feat.
Renewal Domain: Substitute Clone for Polymorph Any Object at level 8.
Retribution Domain: Substitute Power Word Stun for Discern location at level 8.
Suffering Domain (SC version): Substitute Waves of Exhaustion for Eyebite at level 7, Horrid Wilting for Symbol of Pain at level 8 and Energy Drain for Horrid Wilting at 9.
Sun Domain: Replace the domain granted power with the following: You gain Empower Turning as a bonus feat.
Transformation Domain: Substitute Mass Enlarge Person for Polymorph at level 5, Fabricate for Baleful Polymorph at level 6, Iron Body for Polymorph Any Object at level 8 and Etherealness for Shapechange at level 9.
Trickery Domain: Substitute Irresistible Dance for Polymorph Any Object at level 8.
Truth Domain: Substitute Vision for Discern Location at level 8.
War Domain: Substitute Foresight for Power Word Kill at level 9.
Wealth Domain: Substitute Mind Blank for Discern Location at level 8.
Wrath Domain (BoED version): Substitute Earthquake for Last Judgment at level 8.


The following changes apply to wish, limited wish, miracle, bend reality and reality revision. They have power, though the main feature of them is the utility and flexibility the spells offer.

- These spells no longer have an XP component. You do not need to provide an expensive material component (see general magic notes, above), this requirement is simply eliminated.
- Asking for a modified version of a spell is acceptable, including scaled up versions that are within the limits of the spell's power.
- Wishes and miracles follow the path of least resistance. If an existing spell they can mimic accomplishes the request, it does so.
- Generally, such spells attempt to interpret requests as fairly as possible, twisting of wishes doesn't happen unless you make a foolish one.
- Casting such spells is a great strain on the body, as enforcing will directly onto the Weave is something beyond all but deities. For one hour after casting such a spell, the caster suffers 50% spell failure. This spell failure cannot be mitigated by any means short of divine intervention. Should they cast such a spell within that hour, the time the penalties last resets to one hour and the spell failure rises to 60%. A third casting within an hour again resets the duration of the penalties and increases the spell failure to 80%. Should a foolhardy spellcaster manage a fourth such spell within an hour, they immediately die.
- Limited wish and bend reality are not as taxing as wish, miracle or reality revision. The spell failure penalties are reduced to 25%, 30% and 40%. If you mix one of these with a wish, miracle or reality revision, the higher spell failure rate applies. For example, casting limited wish and then wish results in 60% spell failure.
- Note that these limitations apply to mortal spellcasters. Deities are not subject to them.
- Wish as a spell-like ability is usually granted to creatures working on behalf of a powerful extraplanar patron (such as genies and pit fiends). In these cases, the wish may act more like a miracle and exceed the normal limits of the wish spell. This includes the wish being rejected, though this is extremely rare.

Limited Wish/Wish

- Cannot create permanent items of value, be they mundane or magical, unless a spell it can mimic can do so.
- Cannot grant inherent bonuses to ability scores. They aren't used in Balmuria.
- Cannot fully heal or restore creatures, beyond the spells that they can mimic.
- A wish cannot revive the dead nor can it mimic the spell resurrection. Reincarnate is fair game, however.
- Wishes and miracles can transport creatures, but they do observe local conditions. Measures that stop teleportation and plane shifting will stop these.


- The above limitations on limited wish and wish apply when appropriate.
- The greater effects of miracle are possible. This is essentially pleading for direct divine intervention and may or may not happen at your patron's desire. Even if your patron intervenes, it takes a form the deity wishes, which may not match the precise desires of the spellcaster.
- In the event a miracle prompts direct divine intervention, it may be opposed by another relevant deity involved in the situation (such as calling on your deity to destroy a temple of an opposing deity). This is resolved by the deities making opposed divine rank checks. If the caster's deity wins, the miracle happens as requested. If the opposing deity wins, the miracle fails.

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The death from massive damage rule is not used. You're already punished by taking 50+ points of damage in a single strike.

We use CMD and CMB from Pathfinder as well as the added combat maneuvers, with the following exceptions:

- Your chance to stabilize is equal to your Constitution score, rather than 10%. Likewise, you die when your hit points equal a negative number equal or lower than your Constitution score. For example, a character with 20 Con dies at -20 and lower hit points.

- We use pathfinder's size modifiers for CMB and CMD.

- One grapple check per round, rather than lots of 'em on iteratives.

- We keep the 3.5 style of combat maneuver feats with a few tweaks, see up in feats for more information.

- Tumble is now an opposed check against the target's CMD.

- Provoking an AoO and taking damage from it does not disrupt a combat maneuver. This changes certain maneuvers, such as grapple. This does not apply if the effects of the AoO would render you unable to continue the combat maneuver, such as putting you at -1 or lower hit points or applying a status condition.

- You may lift an enemy with a CMB vs CMD check, this provokes an AoO from the target unless you are already grappling them. You may throw them 5ft per 5 points of Strength you possess, assuming you have the requisite Strength score to lift them. They take falling damage equal to the distance they were thrown.

CMB = Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier + temporary attack bonuses (haste, charge, heroism, knowledge devotion, arcane strike, smite and any other bonuses to hit)
CMD = 10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier + Dexterity modifier + miscellaneous modifiers (circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC)

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Magic/Psionics transparency should be assumed to be in effect at all times, unless stated otherwise. See here for more information:

Resurrection rules:
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The normal SRD spells of raise dead, resurrection and true resurrection are banned. A one size fits all spell is used in it's stead. Reincarnate exists and works as normal, as does clone. Other non SRD spells vary, ask me about them. Resurrection now costs no money, but it relies on two things - divine will and the chance that the spell will still fail. Do note that divine will is a fickle thing, and often pays no attention to who is a PC. Further, even a PC may fail a resurrection chance check.

Level: Clr 6
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Dead creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

This spell raises the dead. This spell can even bring back creatures whose bodies have been destroyed, provided that you unambiguously identify the deceased in some fashion (reciting the deceased's time and place of birth or death is the most common method).

Upon completion of the spell, the creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of level (or Constitution points) or prepared spells. Status conditions are removed unless stated otherwise. You can revive someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed. This spell cannot resurrect elementals or outsiders, nor can it resurrect constructs or undead creatures. In any case, the creature must succeed on a resurrection chance check or the spell fails.

This spell cannot be selected freely. A cleric can request it if they wish, but only their patron can decide if it should be allowed. At other times, a suitable cleric will find themselves granted with this spell, often with a stark vision of what is to be done with it.

Material Component

A droplet of fresh blood from the caster, to symbolize the rebirth given from the gods.

Resurrection chance rules:

From the moment of death to a week after, resurrection is not overly difficult. While the odds are not 100%, a spirit passing through the Well of Souls is much easier to call back than a spirit that has moved onto the Realms Beyond. Use the following formula:

Base resurrection chance: 75%


+10% if the deceased's death was premature or left affairs beyond. A young man's murder, a parent dying and leaving children behind to fend for themselves, a warrior with an unfinished holy quest are all fine examples. Spirits motivated above and beyond even this tend not to reach the Well of Souls, becoming ghosts instead.

-10% if the deceased's death was due to old age or satisfying. An old man dying surrounded by beloved family, a paladin of Ilmater giving his life so that his friends live, a knight dying after assuring his kingdom will survive a terrible threat are all good examples.

+5% if the caster is a close friend, family member or beloved of the deceased.

-25% if a neutral but unconnected power attempts the resurrection. This applies to powers with no ties to the realm or god the deceased is going to pass onto - for example, a cleric of Mystra attempting to revive a follower of Hanali Celanil. This does not apply to friendly powers in the same group or alliance of powers at the DM's discretion: A cleric of Helm can raise a follower of Tyr just fine, for example.

Automatic failure if the caster is an enemy of the deceased or otherwise opposed to him. In essence this causes automatic rejection in all but the rarest instances. A paladin of Mystra isn't going to answer the call of a cleric of Shar. If the DM rules that the circumstances are exceptional enough to allow the possibility, treat this as -50% instead.

-10% if the deceased is aware of his afterlife and welcomes it. This doesn't mean that he may be going to one of the Heavens, only that he's happy with his assumed final fate.

+10% if the deceased is aware of his afterlife and dreads it.

-15% per previous resurrection. These stack, someone who has been revived twice has a -30% modifier, someone who has been revived three times has a -45% modifier and so on.

Further modifiers may be assigned by the DM as the situation warrants. The maximum chance to revive is 90%, there is still a small chance that a soul is unwilling or unable to return for whatever reason. Once a roll is passed or failed, this applies to all resurrection rolls until the soul reaches the Realms Beyond. This success or failure is final, a caster with better odds that would succeed on a previously failed check does not succeed. A soul that is revived, dies again and is resurrected again recalculates it's chances and rerolls. Direct divine intervention, in the form of a miracle spell or true divine action, are not affected by any of these rules. In the case of a miracle spell, the deity still must choose to intervene - a mortal cleric casting miracle is not assured of resurrecting another if his god is not willing.


A soul that has passed into the Realms Beyond is far more difficult to recall. It may be content in paradise. Perhaps it has found the spring of the ethos that drove it's life, becoming one with it or an exemplar of it. The less fortunate may be found in chains and tormented, or reborn as the lowest of the low souls in the Hells. For all these various reasons, resurrections after a week have passed are far more likely to fail. Use the following formula:

Base resurrection chance: 10%

-20% to +20% depending on the deity or outer plane the deceased went to. Deities take precedence over outer planes when applicable - someone who died in the service of Mystra would use her modifier and not the modifier of Elysium. See sub-table 1 for more information.

+10% if the deceased's death was premature or left affairs beyond. A young man's murder, a parent dying and leaving children behind to fend for themselves, a warrior with an unfinished holy quest are all fine examples.

-10% if the deceased's death was due to old age or satisfying. An old man dying surrounded by beloved family, a paladin of Ilmater giving his life so that his friends live, a knight dying after assuring his kingdom will survive a terrible threat are all good examples.

+5% if the deceased does not fit the exact alignment of his deity or outer plane. Again, deity takes precedence over outer plane.

-5% if the deceased fits the exact alignment of his deity or outer plane. Again, deity takes precedence over outer plane.

+5% if the caster is a close friend, family member, or beloved of the deceased.

Automatic failure if the caster is an enemy of the deceased or otherwise opposed to him. In essence this causes automatic rejection in all but the rarest instances. A paladin of Mystra isn't going to answer the call of a cleric of Shar. In this case no possibility of success is allowed - a power isn't going to allow souls faithful to it to be called away from it's realm.

-20% if the deceased failed a resurrection roll in the Well of Souls.

-15% per previous resurrection. These stack, someone who has been revived twice has a -30% modifier, someone who has been revived three times has a -45% modifier and so on.

Further modifiers may be assigned by the DM as the situation warrants. The maximum chance to revive is 50%, there is still a sizable chance that a soul is unwilling or unable to return for whatever reason. A soul that is revived, dies again and is resurrected again recalculates it's chances and rerolls. Only direct divine intervention by the deity or realm that the soul resides in can bypass these rules.

Sub-Table 1: Modifiers for resurrection chance by relevant divinity or realm. Short blurbs are given to explain modifiers; more information on the reasons behind a power's modifier can be given if you're curious.

Alicia: -20%. - Is generally against resurrection and prefers that souls pass on in peace.
Auril: -20%. Spring never comes to Auril's realm, only endless winter.
Angharradh: +20%. - A goddess of elven life, the Triune Goddess brings renewal to her followers, including resurrection and reincarnation.
Corellon Larethian: 0% The Elffather's role is to herald his children home when they come to him, but if they are to go back, so be it.
Empress Sulia: +10%. Empress Sulia celebrates the sacrifices of martyrs, giving them many honors. This sometimes includes another chance at life.
Gond: 0% - As the god of both constructive and destructive creation, Gond respects both life and death.
Helm: +10% -  Duty always marches forward, and who among the faithful lets their duty go?
Ilmater: +5% - This one's complicated. While Ilmater values sacrifice and mending the pain and suffering of many, including death, many of his faithful look towards his afterlife as a respite from a lifetime of suffering for others. This complicated relationship restrains Ilmater's hands somewhat.
Jannath: -10%. Jannath prefers reincarnations within the week after death, those that pass beyond are less likely to return.
Lathander: +20%. - Is the god of the dawn, new life and newborns. Duh.
Mother Ocean: +10%. - Is a goddess of healing, yet is not the true lifebringer, as that falls to Father Earth.
Mystra: 0% - Magic is to be used wisely; including resurrection magic. She has no leanings here.
Red Knight: +5% - Death is often a sign of poor strategy, but many games allow a second chance. In the end, she prefers her faithful to have a chance to go back and learn more.
Seira: +20% - Seira values life.
Sharess: 0%. - Sharessians value life, yet what waits beyond is life eternal and pleasure never-ending. Ultimately, Sharess is neutral on this matter.
Syala: -5%. - Syala has a neutral opinion of resurrection, but finds it difficult to banish souls who have found peace and paradise in Sylica back to the material world.
Umberlee -20% or +20%. - Umberlee is a destructive deity, but is vulnerable to flattery. If her faithful offer up sufficient tribute to her, the modifier changes from -20% to +20%. Such is the mercy of the savage seas.

Celestia: -5% - Once the climb up the Holy Mountain is begun, few turn away from it.
Elysium: -10% - Who can leave perfection?
Arborea: 0% - Arborea respects the choice of the soul, doing nothing to encourage or inhibit this choice.
Mechanus: 0% - Mechanus holds that resurrection is acceptable and part of the natural cycle. Excessive use gets maruts sicced on you, as noted in their flavor text.
Limbo: Random, roll 1d6: 1: -20% 2: -10% 3: -5% 4: +5% 5: +10% 6: +20% -Limbo does whatever Limbo wants at any one moment.
Baator: -20% - This can vary depending on soul pacts and relevant contracts. For a typical schlep who ends up here the odds of coming out are painfully low to non-existent.
Hades: -20% - The gray depths of Hades damns all who come and let precious few ever go.
Abyss: +20%- However, those who come back from the Abyss have very high odds of strange mutations. Gaining Abyssal Heritor, Vile or Anarchic feats is normal. The Abyss wants to reach out and kill you and everyone you care for, then make them wallow in agony for a few eternities.

After a soul is raised, there is a chance that they came back a little bit...different. Wrong, or at least still touched by the grave. There is a flat chance of 20% that someone resurrected will roll on the Resurrection Mishaps table from page 80 of Heroes of Horror. A result completely contrary to the interests of reviving deity should be rerolled. This does not prevent unfortunate results, but only stops ones that make no sense based on the power involved.

General rulings, clarifications and miscellanea:
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This is for odds and ends, as well as changes that don't mandate an entry elsewhere. Rulings involving how multiple abilities, feats, skills or other things interact go here as well. It's a grab-bag of various rulings.

1. Maximize and Empower Spell work together as follows:  The full results are maximized. A 10d6 empowered maximized fireball is 90 damage, not 60+5d6. This is primarily for speed of play.
2. Spellcasting Harrier clarification: The AoO triggers with casting defensively, no matter if it's a spell or spell-like ability.
3. Adjudicating Mindsight: Mindsight is foiled by mind blank. In addition, a ring of mind shielding or any other effect that explicitly stops mind reading stops mindsight.
4. Skirmish is not triggered by teleportation, dimension door, abrupt jaunt or anything like that.
5. Energy drain never results in lost levels. However, if the fort save made after 24 hours fails, the negative level condition becomes permanent until removed via a restoration spell or similar.
6. Strength Devotion's slam attack overlaps with unarmed strike damage from monk and other sources. You use whichever is better.
7. Ascetic Mage and Arcane Strike don't stack. You may use one or the other on any given turn, but not both. If you do, you only gain the to hit bonus and the damage bonus of arcane strike.
8. Regarding Divine Metamagic. While it's not outright banned, it can be abused. If you take this expect a chat with me and a DM judgment call on if I'll allow it. DMM-Persist isn't happening.
9. Spell resistance functions only on hostile spells. It is a selective defense, allowing helpful spells through and possibly blocking hostile ones. This requires no action on the part of the creature with spell resistance, it is automatic.
10: The errata for Healing Hymn is ignored. The amount of benefit from Healing Hymn is not capped.
11: The feign death alternate class feature from Exemplars of Evil is a supernatural ability. With all the immunities it hands out I'm inclined to see it as something supernatural rather than a matter of pure skill.
12: Smite evil can apply on smites against objects that radiate evil, such as unholy weapons. This applies to all the ethical smites with their opposite.
13: Smite evil is part of an attack and can thus be done as many times as you wish during a round, as long as you have further attacks and smite evil uses to expend. You can still only use one smite per attack.
14: If you want to reroll a knowledge check you made on a previous level, you need to post what information I gave you last time. This prevents me from having to log-dive and find it and ensures a speedy reply. If you botched the roll and got nothing, say so.
15: Monks can use animated shields without penalty, as they require no effort to use and do not inhibit their defenses at all.
16. Divine bonuses from the BoVD should be treated as untyped bonuses instead. Mortal creatures very, very, very rarely get a divine bonus to anything, and even then it's almost always transitory and the result of remarkable circumstances. This conflicts with the bonus Dispater gets from the Iron Tower, but I'm not using any of those stats anyway.
17. Design note I've been meaning to add: PrCs don't get ACFs or anything like that. Base classes do. This  comes up every now and again and I'd like to have something to point to rather than explain it each time. So here.
18: Transmuting beats typical damage reduction descriptors (adamantine, cold iron, silver, good, evil, lawful, chaotic) without difficulty. Unique damage reduction, such as possessed by an abomination, is not bypassed by a transmuting weapon.
19 Invisible spell vs common sense: common sense wins. If you can't see an effect that relies on being visual - an illusion or obscuring mists, for example - it doesn't affect you.
20: Mutability of fluff: Fluff can be changed sometimes, especially to convert a PrC to this campaign's style. That's fine. It's not so fine when the fluff is a limitation to the class. Fist of the Forest is the biggest example here.
21: Stacking the same stat more than once to an attribute isn't allowed. No getting cha to AC or saves 2, 3 or 4 times. There are very rare exceptions to this, none of which are likely to come up for any of you. In a related ruling, anything that's similar but not flawlessly identical, such as a paladin of tyranny's divine grace and a blackguard's dark blessing, are ruled not to stack regardless of the previous ruling. This only applies to x stat to y value typed abilities.
22: Lingering Flames deals damage on casting, entering the radius and once per round on the caster's turn. You can only take damage from Lingering Flames once per round, as determined by the caster's turn. Each round requires a new save, though SR is a single-time check on first being exposed.
23: Fortunate Fate and Contingency/Heal do not stack. Casting one dispels the previous.
24: In the case of Battle Blessing, Automatic Metamagic (Quicken) and similar things that quicken spells for free, you can choose to cast each individual spell as quickened or its normal casting time. For example, a paladin with Battle Blessing could cast cure light wounds as a swift action then bless as a standard action.
25: Darkstalker stops mindsight and other rare, unusual forms of sensing. It's meant to be encompassing, so I give it credit versus random ways to detect things from other splatbooks.
26: You can cleave mirror images. If you have great cleave, you can keep cleaving images until you miss, run out or hit the caster.
27. The Ancestral Weapon feat (BoED) and Kensai's Signature Weapon ability don't work together. This just saves all sorts of headaches.
28. Dimensional Lock stops bags of holding and other such things.
29. Moment of Prescience's skill bonus only applies to opposed skill checks. That's how I read the bit about 'opposed ability or skill check'. Opinions on this one seem to vary, so I'm noting it here.
30. Wands only require you to hold the wand and point it. No verbal word is required. This is how I've ran them and this is apparently argued, so I'm putting this here for clarity. Blame Alicia.
31. Outsiders and breathing. Lesser outsiders need to breath. Greater ones from about 12 to 15 hit dice don't need to. The exact time this onset varies, but is usually 100% by the time an outsider reaches 21 hit dice. Many still breathe out of habit, rendering them vulnerable to inhaled poisons and other such things. As purely spiritual beings, material things matter less to outsiders as they advance. This is one effect of that.
32. Spell enhancer (SC) can affect SLAs you cast. RAW and probably RAI I don't think this is true, but I also feel it's not objectionable.
33. One for the blasters out there: School Mastery (Evocation) for sorcerers in Dragon 357 now adds your class level as bonus damage to evocation spells. It replaces the flat +1 and still only applies on spells that deal hit point damage. For example, an 8th level sorcerer with this ACF deals an extra 8 points of damage with an evocation spell that deals hit point damage.
34. Antimagic field can be cast during a time stop, but doing so immediately dispels and ends the time stop due to the backlash of energies. Antimagic/dead magic and time stop don't mix.
35. Spell stowaway, wish/miracle and spell failure: Still applies, but you can choose not to auto cast the spell if you want to avoid the failure.
36. Divine Metamagic does not apply cost reductions to any metamagic it emulates. So if you have improved metamagic, divine metamagic and maximize spell, it still costs 3 uses of channel energy to maximize a spell.
37. Earrings take the head body slot for magical items. They're also sometimes used for slotless magical items.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



So various edits and changes are recorded. I won't be noting the various reformatting and non-content changes that I'll be doing while I set this topic up.

4/27/14: New topic started.
5/1/14: Fixed an errant bit of rules regarding CMD calculation.
6/30/14: Integrating a lot of little changes from DM work. Expect a lot of updates today.
6/30/14: Altered the Glory domain's granted power to fit the turn undead variant in use.
6/30/14: Replaced disrupting weapon in the Life domain.
6/30/14: Swapped out discern location for vision for the Planning domain.
6/30/14: Same as above, but with the Knowledge domain instead.
6/30/14: Same as above v2, but with the Truth domain instead.
6/30/14: Changed out implosion for storm of vengeance for the Destruction domain.
6/30/14: The Commerce domain now gets mind blank instead of polymorph any object at level 9.
6/30/14: The Pride domain now gives Diehard as a bonus feat rather than a reroll.
6/30/14: Starmantle's out from the Joy domain, bastion of good is in.
6/30/14: Replaced the liberation domain's reroll with a +2 bonus to enchantment saves.
6/30/14: Changed the 5th level spell of the Gluttony domain to vortex of teeth.
6/30/14: Wrath (BoED) now has earthquake instead of an instant death spell.
6/30/14: Master Throwers now get deflect arrows at level 2 as a houserule.
6/30/14: Removed and replaced the various polymorph spells from the Alteration domain.
6/30/14: Spirit Shaman gets a trio of houserules. The spirit subtype change isn't perfect and won't ever be coming from a different frame of reference, but it works well enough.
6/30/14: War Hulk's toughness is houseruled to fit Balmuria's houserules on toughness.
8/6/14: Added a misc ruling about battle blessing and similar abilities. This is how I've ran it anyway, since RAW it means you can't cast those spells as anything but swift actions.
9/1/14: Removed a bit of extraneous material from B3's custom rules. (Humans aren't banned.)
11/24/14: Psychic rogues now have psicraft as a class skill.
1/14/15: Minor terminology updates.
2/17/15: Added a ruling on how knowledge skills and metal/stone/gems works.
4/7/15: Added a ruling in misc about consecrate and purify spell.
4/7/15: Removed new classes from classes. It's redundant with the homebrew topic.
4/7/15: Exalted Turning has been changed to work with channel energy.
4/7/15: Added a houserule about law devotion. The bonus type is now axiomatic. Also removed an old houserule slightly gimping the progression of the bonus, it's now RAW.
4/7/15: Changed deadeye to reflect how I run it: Dex to damage, no strings attacked beyond needing weapon focus for the weapon.
4/7/15: Moved how darkstalker interacts with mindsight and other rare means to misc rulings.
4/7/15: Streamlined and rewrote the changes to existing feats section. This was overdue.
4/7/15: Moved Serene Visage from banned spells to changed spells. That was always the intent, I just never got around to doing it.
4/8/15: Typo fixings.
4/8/15: Added goldenfire wrath as a new feat. It's for the dragonfire wrath paladin sub levels.
4/8/15: Added axani and cansin as LA+0 races in the races tab. This matches the changes to aasimar and tieflings.
4/8/15: Removed some old rulings for adepts. In the extremely unlikely event that class sees play again, I'll deal with it then.
4/8/15: Updated cauldron steel's writeup.
4/8/15: Added resurrection chance modifiers for the following deities: Auril, Umberlee, Red Knight.
4/8/15: Added a rule that makes you die at negative HP equal to your Con score. Also moved the ruling about stabilization checks into combat.
4/8/15: Removed some old, irrelevant misc rulings.
4/11/15: Clarified how the alignment houserules work a little.
4/11/15: Added a houserule about ravages in equipment and materials. In particular, this is codifying that I don't use the extra damage based on Charisma/type/being an evil cleric aspect of ravages.
4/13/15: Minor clarification to how shield block is houseruled.
4/16/15: Added a small addition to the +4 skill points per level rule. This clarifies that you get quadruple skill points for that +4 at first level.
4/16/15: Houseruled chaos devotion's bonus to be anarchic instead of sacred or profane.
4/16/15: Formatting tweaks.
4/16/15: Added an overdue gestalt tab and clarified how our gestalt works.
4/22/15: Clarified how deformity(metallic blood) and how con loss from the feat impacts the prerequisite.
6/10/15: Quicken turning was clarified.
6/14/15: Houseruled faith in the frost, as it doesn't work well as written with channel energy.
6/17/15: Serenity now changes paladin casting back to Wisdom based.
7/8/15: Added the exalted feats from B5's bonus exalted feats.
7/8/15: Archivist is now fully Intelligence based for its spellcasting.
8/11/15: Pain Mastery from Savage Species got a houserule capping it at +12. I've meant to do this one since I stated out Ilmater, but I never got around to it.
8/12/15: Two houserules for Planar Champion. The first explains how I interpret attack ethereal and the other changes ethereal jaunt's caster level.
8/24/15: Added a houserule in misc for how I handle mirror image + cleave.
8/25/15: Marshal's art of war aura now applies to CMB instead of named maneuvers. Added in classes.
9/25/15: Added a houserule to misc rulings. Ancestral weapon and kensais don't mix.
9/25/15: How Kensai works without XP has been added to classes.
10/5/15: Houseruled the Tactical Advantage feat from Dragon magazine to feats. No great change, just having it work with CMB/CMD period, rather than calling out different maneuvers.
10/31/15: Fixed a minor wording issue in Initiate of Alicia in new feats. 
11/25/15: Houseruled Haunting Melody in feats.
12/17/15: Clarified how channel energy's damage dice progress.
12/12/15: Misc rulings got a bit on dimensional lock and bags of holding interacting.
1/20/16: Added that we do not use the death form massive damage rule to combat.
1/31/16: Added a ruling on moment of prescience to misc rulings.
2/13/16: Added Surge of Hope to banned spells. This one happened way back in B1 and never made it here for some reason. So there.
2/17/16: A new houserule in misc rulings about wands.
2/29/16: Typo cleanup.
2/29/16: Added a trio of houserules about factotum's cunning brilliance ability to classes.
2/29/16: Hunter's insight added to feats.
2/29/16: Added Corellon Larethian's resurrection chance roll modifier to resurrection rules.
3/3/16: Houserule for how we handle XP components is added to general magic notes under the magic tab.
3/3/16: Wish/miracle section added to the magic tab. This explains how we use them, they're basically really souped up anyspells.
3/6/16: Ice assassin added to banned spells. This one wasn't ever going to be used anyway, as it has problems and ways to abuse it. This is just making the facts on the ground match reality.
3/6/16: Ruin delver's fortune also added to banned spells. Same as the previous. Really, each function of the spell isn't a problem, but the whole is a bit much. Honestly, you could break down the four functions of the spell and make it a core part of a PrC, it's that versatile.
3/29/16: Changed limited wish and bend reality to have lower spell failure.
4/29/16: Outsiders and breathing added to misc rulings.
5/6/16: Added the feats from the spiritual wounds article to feats.
5/12/16: Added a few feats from Renbuu to new feats. Warrior of Chaos and Slaad Rush, incidentally.
5/14/16: Added some changed spells for the transformation domain in changed domains.
5/17/16: A new magic item property has been added to magic items, coordinating. It's for the fashion-aware adventurer.
5/28/16: Boiled topaz added to new materials. It's from B5.
10/25/16: Typo correction.
1/18/17: Added a ruling to misc rulings about spell enhancer and SLAs.
2/24/17: Updated Dirty Fighting for 3.5. It's in feats.
2/24/17: Dropped the requirement for lightning fists from broken fist mastery II in feats. Lightning fists is just a headache I'd rather not deal with.
2/25/17: Changed the bonus for broken fist mastery II to a flat +8 to trip CMB/CMD. Still probably too good, but the prereqs are already huge.
5/16/17: Added 5 new bardic music feats to new feats.
6/15/17: Fixed a typo in banned spells. Wings of cover, not flurry.
6/22/17: Added a intuitive archivist feat for Lucy.
6/23/17: Misc rulings has an update on school mastery (evocation). +1 damage to evocation spells for your familiar? Brutal.
8/16/17: Spells have a new ruling on phase door.
3/18/18: Two upgrades to warmages. Both help a bit, but they're either obsoleted by duskblades or you're using them to patch on extra spells with shenanigans, anyway.
3/19/18: New misc ruling on time stop and anti magic field. Namely, trying shenanigans by casting AMF in a time stop ends poorly.
3/21/18: Three rulings for master of the unsee hand added. Trying to unsuck them enough to be passable.
4/12/18: Miser with magic added to banned feats.
4/15/18: Added an extra aura feat for marshals in new feats.
4/30/18: Ring of Evasion added to magic items as a banned item. This has been the facts on the ground for a long time but never made it here. Whoops.
5/3/18: Rainbow Servant added to changed classes. Short version: Splits the difference between text and table, as I feel the class is too good with 10/10 progression. Look, we all know it's only taken for the cleric spell access shenanigans. It's priced accordingly.
5/18/18: Added Starmantle to banned spells. The item is already there in its relevant section, just forgot to add the spell or accidentally removed it at some point. Fixed now.
5/20/18: Added misc ruling about spell stowaway, wish/miracle and spell failure.
7/7/18: Added golden ice fist to new feats.
7/26/18: Moved the two war mage houserules to the right area. They were in miniatures handbook instead of complete arcane, whoops.
8/22/18: Houseruled the two polymorph spells in the animal domain. I hate going to the SC for a core domain, but there's simply no other suitable spells than two more SNAs and the domain already has two levels of that.
9/21/18: Houseruled shock trooper over in feats. The feat's problematic for one part of it, while the other two uses are great and reasonable for someone focusing on bull rushes. So the bad part is gone and the BAB prereq is reduced as compensation. It's a rough solution but there's not a lot of room to work with there. Heedless charge is simply a bad idea and dreadfully abusable in power attack combos.
2/20/19: Offiically banned cunning surge over in classes, to the surprise of no one. This merely matches facts on the ground.
3/4/19: Forcecage now allows a Reflex save when first cast to escape it.
3/10/19: Added a versatile craftsman feat in new feats.
6/10/19: Added some added detail to how Pathfinder material can be used. Short version: I haven't seen much I usually want to bring over in all my years running with it, and some of it has various problems due to the divergences between 3.5 and Pathfinder, so be aware that I'm giving any Pathfinder material an extra careful look. To be honest, this matches how I've treated in the few times it comes up the past few years.
12/20/19: Added an Initiate of Antenora feat.
2/14/20: Added another ruling for DMM in Misc rulings.
2/17/20: Substituted the granted power of the Luck domain to something else.
3/10/20: Substituted Power Word Stun for Discern Location for the Retribution Domain.
4/15/20: Added a misc ruling about earrings, in case y'all come on some magical ones. Odd little crag of 3.5 right there, I may move this somewhere better later.
5/22/20: Added a note that Genesis is a banned spell and why, see it for more details.
7/21/20: Substituted Mind Blank for Discern Location for the Wealth Domain.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?