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Started by Anastasia, April 28, 2014, 03:56:16 AM

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Superior Dispelling [Synergy]
Price: +4 bonus
Caster Level: 30th
Aura: Overwhelming abjuration
Synergy Prerequisite: Greater Dispelling

This weapon functions as a greater dispelling weapon, except that when you activate it, the creature struck is affected as if by a targeted superb dispelling effect. A superb dispelling weapon functions three times per day.

This is an epic weapon ability.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


New Disease: Song of Ending

DC 40; immediate onset, 1d8 Charisma drain and despair.

Heroes who fight against The Lady of Loss may find themselves cursed with the song of ending. This disease causes the victim to be infected by the pure nothingness that Shar represents. The victim constantly hears the echo of the song of ending that is forever sung within Shar's domain. Those that hear it lose hope and eventually the sense of self, dying soon thereafter. In addition to the normal ability score drain of the disease, a creature infected with the song of ending is treated as being under a permanent crushing despair spell. This cannot be dispelled without removing the disease.

A creature reduced to zero Charisma by song of ending dies, its body rising one round later as a greater shadow. The shadow must be slain before the victim can be resurrected. In any event, dying from the Song of Ending imposes a -20% chance to any resurrection chance rolls.

Song of ending may only be cured by a heal, wish or miracle spell cast on consecrated ground. A divine caster with access to the Hope domain may use remove disease to counter the song of ending. To do so requires a successful caster level check against DC 40.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


War dancer is based off of of shiba protector. It's now meant for battle dancers and offers Charisma in place of Strength on attacks and damage, as well as revised secondary abilities.

War Dancer

Hit Die



Base Attack Bonus



Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks


Alertness, Combat Expertise, Iron Will


Dance of Reckless Bravery special ability.

Class Skills

The battle dancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level

2 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusFortitude SaveReflex SaveWill SaveSpecial
1+0+0+2+0No thought, unarmed progression
2+1+0+3+0Dance of divine might 1/day (empower)
3+2+1+3+1Dancing with the elements+2
4+3+1+4+1Dance of divine might 2/day
5+3+1+4+1Dancing with the elements+4
6+4+2+5+2Dance of divine might 3/day, dance of no thoughts
7+5+2+5+2Dancing with the elements+6
8+6+2+6+2Dance of divine might 4/day (maximize)
9+6+3+6+3Dancing with the elements+8, diamond soul
10+7+3+7+3Dance of all and nothing

No Thought (Ex)

War Dancers learn to fight purely on instinct, without thought or perception to hinder them. They may choose to use their Charisma modifier instead of their Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls.

Unarmed Progression (Ex)

War Dancer stacks with battle dancer, monk or any other unarmed progression classes for the sake of unarmed damage.

Dance of Divine Might (Su)

At 2nd level, a war dancer can use her own personal energy to empower a divine spellcaster's spells. The spell is treated as if the divine caster had used the Empower Spell metamagic feat. The war dancer can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, twice per day at 4th level, three times per day at 6th level, and four times per day at 8th level. She must make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level) to enhance the spell. A failed check does not count as a use of the ability. Using this ability is an full round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Once used, the potential benefit lasts until the divine spellcaster casts a spell or until your next turn begins. You must be within 30ft of the divine spellcaster to be empowered.

At 8th level and above, the war dancer can apply the Maximize Spell feat instead of Empower Spell. The Spellcraft DC is 15 + spell level. She must decide which on beginning the dance of divine might. A war dancer cannot empower an already empowered spell, or maximize an already maximized one.

Dancing with the Elements (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, the war dancer gains a bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus is +2 at 3rd level, +4 at 5th level, +6 at 7th level and +8 at 9th level.

Dance of No Thoughts (Su)

Three times per day, a war dancer of 6th level or higher can fall into a trance that allows her to perform actions quickly but with perfect clarity. For a single round, the War Dancer can act as if under the effect of a haste spell. Using this ability is a free action.

Diamond Soul (Ex)

At 9th level the war dancer gains spell resistance equal to her war dancer level + 15.

Dance of All and Nothing (Su)

A war dancer of 10th level has recognized the deep truth that all her ability scores spring from the same essence. In a moment of perfect clarity, she can use her highest ability score modifier when making a skill check, attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw, in place of the ability score modifier she would normally use. For example, she could add her Constitution modifier to a damage roll instead of her Strength or Wisdom modifier, her Charisma modifier to her Reflex saving throw instead of her Dexterity modifier, or her Intelligence modifier to her Spot check instead of her Wisdom modifier.

The war dancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her highest ability score modifier.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Added a small booster to stunning fist save DCs, as the ability was a little weak before.

Mastery of the Stunning Fist

Class: Monk.

Level: 15th.

Replaces: If you select this alternate class feature, you do not gain quivering palm.

Benefit: Your mastery of the art of the stunning fist lets you weave it into your blows like an artist painting a canvas. You may designate any number of attacks in a round as stunning fist attempts. Each one consumes a daily use of stunning fist as usual. You may only use target an individual creature once per round with stunning fist, however. In addition, the save DC of your stunning fist attempts rises by 1.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Minor style and typo adjustments. Added a description for energy resistance, which was curiously lacking one.

Epic Champion of Gwynharwyf

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

4 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecial
11+11Rage, spells
12+12Damage reduction 6/-
13+13Smite evil 4/day
14+14Damage reduction 7/-
15+15Bonus feat, energy resistance 15
16+16Damage reduction 8/-
17+17Smite evil 5/day
18+18Damage reduction 9/-
20+20Bonus feat, damage reduction 10/-, energy resistance 20

Rage (Ex)

The epic champion of Gwynharwyf continues to add her class level to her barbarian level to determine when she gets greater rage, tireless rage, and mighty rage barbarian class abilities.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

At 12th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the epic champion of Gwynharwyf's damage reduction rises by 1 point.

Smite Evil (Su)

At 13th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the epic champion of Gwynharwyf may smite evil another time per day.

Energy Resistance (Su)

At 15th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the epic champion of Gwynharwyf's energy resistance rises by 5.

Bonus Feats

An epic champion of Gwynharwyf gains an epic bonus feat at level 15 and every 5 levels thereafter.

Epic Champion of Gwynharwyf Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Chaotic Rage, Damage Reduction, Dire Charge, Energy Resistance, Epic Speed, Epic Spell Capacity, Epic Toughness, Fast Healing, Great Smiting, Holy Strike, Incite Rage, Mighty Rage, Ruinous Rage, Terrifying Rage, Thundering Rage.


At 11th level and every level thereafter, the epic champion of Gwynharwyf's spellcasting improves. His caster level increases as normal. Further, once the epic champion of Gwynharwyf obtains the Epic Spell Capacity feat, he gains spells of 5th level and higher. See the table below for his progression.


5th: crown of flame, cure critical wounds, greater dispel magic, heroes' feast, mark of justice, mass cure light wounds, plane shift, righteous might, stars of arvandor, true seeing.
6th: antilife shell, celestial blood, crown of brilliance, heal, mass bull's strength, mass cure moderate wounds, mass eagle's splendor, mass owl's wisdom, touch of adamantine, vengence halo.
7th: bastion of good, eladrin form, greater restoration, gwynharwyf's blessing, holy word, mass cure serious wounds, regenerate, righteous glare, righteous smite, word of chaos.
8th: antimagic field, cloak of chaos, crown of glory, earthquake, holy aura, mass cure critical wounds, mind blank, sword of light, resurrection, tomb of light.
9th: blinding glory, freedom, gate, mass heal, miracle, storm of vengeance.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Some classes don't make for good epic progressions. Contemplative is filled with one-off abilities that don't lend themselves to it. The only thing it has going for it is that you can get a lot of bonus feats. I try and spice up epic progressions if possible, but there's really not much to work with here. I'd recommend going into a new and/or epic PrC. I may work up some epic feats for it in the future in light of this.

Epic Contemplative

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

2 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecialSpells
11+5Bonus domain+1 divine
12+6-+1 divine
13+6Bonus feat+1 divine
14+7-+1 divine
15+7-+1 divine
16+8Bonus domain, bonus feat+1 divine
17+8-+1 divine
18+9-+1 divine
19+9Bonus feat+1 divine
20+10-+1 divine

Bonus Domain (Ex)

At 11th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the epic contemplative gains another bonus domain. If she has chosen all of the domains her deity offers, she may select a bonus feat instead.

Bonus Feats

An epic contemplative gains an epic bonus feat at level 15 and every 5 levels thereafter.

Epic Contemplative Bonus Feat List

Automatic Metamagic, Bonus Domain, Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Capacity, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Ignore Material Components, Improved Alignment Based Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Intensify Spell, Permanent Emanation, Spell Stowaway, Spontaneous Domain Access, Spontaneous Spell, Tenacious Magic.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Numerology is a noted force in Balmuria, so this prestige class allows someone to take advantage of this.

Changelog: Typo cleanups and tweaks. Added Spellcraft as a class skill, whoops. Raised the hit die to a d6.


Hit Die






Decipher Script 10 ranks


Must be able to cast 3rd level arcane or divine magic.


An aspiring numerologist must find and read a copy of the Three Truths, Six Catastrophes, Seven Blessings, and the One Self.

Class Skills

The numerologist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points Per Level

2 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusFortitude SaveReflex SaveWill SaveSpecialSpells
1+0+0+0+2Numerology, one-
2+1+0+0+3Two+1 arcane or divine
3+1+1+1+3Three+1 arcane or divine
5+2+1+1+4Five+1 arcane or divine
6+3+2+2+5Six+1 arcane or divine
8+4+2+2+6Eight+1 arcane or divine
9+4+3+3+6Nine+1 arcane or divine
10+5+3+3+7Balance, the tenth+1 arcane or divine

Numerology (Su)

A numerologist specializes in channeling the power that numbers represent. At 1st level he may do this once per day, and gains another use of numerology per day for each additional level he gains in this class. Using numerology is a standard action. Numerology only affects yourself, you cannot target other creatures with a numerology. Numerology has various powers, as detailed below. Each numerology lasts for 10 minutes. You may only have one numerology active at any one time.

One (Su)

At the beginning there is but one, and that one is the self. With the sense of self, all else is defined. By using this numerology, you bolster yourself greatly. You may grant yourself a +4 insight bonus to one of your ability scores.

Two (Su)

By looking into the self, understanding of two follows. The inevitable, fated dualogy of the body and soul creates two from one. By using this numerology, you may use the spirit to defend the body or the body to defend the spirit. You may choose to use your Fortitude save instead of your Will save or your Will save instead of your Fortitude save. This applies to all relevant saving throws that occur during the duration.

Three (Su)

After two is understood, this basic truth leads to the understanding of the concept of truth. With truth comes three, for three is the absolute number of truth. By using this numerology, you gain the benefit of a see invisibility spell. In addition you are immune to illusions for the duration. You automatically disbelieve any illusion and you are immune to any illusory effects, such as displacement or rainbow pattern. Effects that overcome true seeing defeat this numerology.

Four (Su)

With the understanding of truth comes the greatest and hardest truth of all: death. The numerologist learns this truth and accepts it, and in return gains mystical power over it. By using this numerology, you gain immunity to negative energy and energy drain. While using this numerology, undead perceive you as undead, despite your living status.

Five (Su)

Self, body and soul, truth, death. By learning four of the most primal numbers in Creation, you have unlocked great power. By combining them, you use the truth of the self and soul to overcome the truth of death. By using this numerology, you cannot die by hit point damage. Being reduced to 0 or lower hit points does not cause you to be staggered, disabled, dying or any other negative effect during this numerology. However, the inevitability of death will not rest, and while using this numerology, all critical threats against you are automatically confirmed. If you are at -10 hit points or lower when this numerology ends, you immediately die. This numerology does not prevent being disabled in other ways, such as paralysis, sleep or petrification.

Six (Su)

Having mastered the self and aspects of truth related to the self, the numerologist now looks outside and beyond. With this look the Abyss stares back, the number six manifest. Secure in his knowledge of the self, the numerologist uses this madness as a shield. By using this numerology, you gain immunity to mind affecting effects. Further, if any creature attempts to use telepathy on you or read your mind, they must make a will save (DC 10 + your Cha modifier + 1/2 your hit dice) or be stunned for six rounds.

Seven (Su)

The truth of the Abyss cannot be all. The sixth posits the existence of the seventh and seven by its nature. You look ahead, finding the number seven and the heavenly promise it represents. By using this numerology, you gain the benefits of an angel's protective aura, a +4 racial bonus to saving throws against poison and resistance to acid, cold and electricity 30. Further, you are immune to vile damage for the duration of this numerology.

Eight (Su)

Having understood the Heavens, now the numerologist turns his attention to everything else and the endless infinity of Creation. This draws your attention to the endless chaos of Limbo and eight, ever creating. By using this numerology, you gain fast healing 10.

Nine (Su)

Endless creation must be tamed. Such a truth follows the endless growth of Limbo, for if chaos is left unchecked, nothing meaningful can ever endure. With this you come on the number nine, the symbol of absolute domination and Baator. By using this numerology, you gain immunity to petrification and form altering effects. In addition, you gain the benefits of an avoid planar effects spell for the duration of this numerology.

Balance (Ex)

Through his studies, the numerologist has come to understand all Creation. As a result he accepts all parts of it, treating none as his enemy, but instead part of what is and what will forever be. As a result he may now treat his alignment as the most favorable for spells and abilities. For example, holy word would consider him good, unholy blight would consider him evil, an anarchic weapon would consider him chaotic. Effects that specifically target neutrality work as normal on the numerologist.

The Tenth (Su)

From every number the Numerologist has learned great secrets. On passing the nine great numbers, he grasps the 10th and the secret it and every number beyond represents. Every number combines together, into one whole Creation. This grans the numerologist the ability to use any number of numerologies at the same time. Each one takes a daily use of numerology as normal.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Just some cleanups.

Epic Numerologist

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

2 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecialSpells
11+5Numerology+1 arcane or divine
12+6-+1 arcane or divine
13+6Bonus feat+1 arcane or divine
14+7-+1 arcane or divine
15+7-+1 arcane or divine
16+8Bonus feat+1 arcane or divine
17+8-+1 arcane or divine
18+9-+1 arcane or divine
19+9Bonus feat+1 arcane or divine
20+10-+1 arcane or divine

Numerology (Su)

The epic numerologist continues to gain additional uses of numerology at level 11 and every level thereafter.

Bonus Feats

An epic numerologist gains an epic bonus feat at level 13 and every 3 levels thereafter.

Epic Numerologist Bonus Feat List

Aura of Numbers, Automatic Metamagic, Cloak of Numbers, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Capacity, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Extended Numerology, Ignore Material Components, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Intensify Spell, Permanent Emanation, Quickened Numerology, Share Numerology, Spell Stowaway, Spontaneous Spell, Tenacious Magic.

Aura of Numbers [Epic]
Prerequisite: Share Numerology.
Benefit: All allies within 30ft, including yourself, gain the benefit of a numerology when you use it. Unwilling allies are not affected.

Cloak of Numbers [Epic]
Prerequisite: Balance class feature.
Benefit: You gain a new numerology to use. By combining numbers together, you create a shield of numbers to protect you. This functions as a holy aura spell with two exceptions. First, you gain spell resistance 25 against spells with any alignment descriptor (good, evil, lawful and chaotic) or from a non neutral spellcaster (any alignment but neutral). Second, you may select from holy aura, unholy aura, shield of law and cloak of chaos for the effect that happens to creatures who strike you. This effect works any non neutral person that strikes you. This must be chosen at the time of using the numerology. Regardless of your choice, the DC for this ability is 10 + your Charisma modifer + 1/2 your hit dice.

Extended Numerology [Epic]
Prerequisite: Numerology 6/day, Extend Spell.
Benefit: Your numerology ability now lasts for one hour instead of ten minutes.

Quickened Numerology [Epic]
Prerequisite: Numerology 6/day, Quicken Spell.
Benefit: You may use your numerology ability as a swift action.

Share Numerology [Epic]
Prerequisite: Numerology 6/day.
Benefit: You may now apply your numerology ability on other people instead of yourself. You need not touch them, but they must be within 30 feet of you and willing. All other qualities of the numerology are unaffected. You may still choose to apply numerology to yourself.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Epic Chameleon

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

4 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecial
12+9Mimic class feature 4/day
14+10Bonus feat
15+11Aptitude focus 4/day (+6), mimic class feature 5/day
18+13Bonus feat, mimic class feature 6/day
20+15Aptitude focus 5/day (+6)

Mimic Class Feature

At 12th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the epic chameleon gains another daily use of mimic class feature.

Aptitude Focus (Ex)

At 15th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the epic chameleon gains another daily use of aptitude focus. Additionally, at level 15 and every 10 levels thereafter, the bonuses granted by aptitude focus increase by 2.

Bonus Feats

An epic chameleon gains an epic bonus feat at level 14 and every 4 levels thereafter. An epic chameleon may choose any epic feat that they qualify for as a bonus feat.


At 21st level and every level thereafter, the epic chameleon's spellcasting improves. His caster level increases by 1 per chameleon level, this replaces the previous advancement of two per chameleon level. Further, once the epic chameleon obtains the Epic Spell Capacity feat, he gains spells of 7th level and higher. See the table below for his progression. The pattern below continues infinitely.


Epic Ability Boon [Epic]
Prerequisite: Ability Boon+6
Benefit: The ability score bonus from Ability Boon rises by 2.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its benefits stack.

Extra Mimic Class Feature [Epic]
Prerequisite: Mimic Class Feature 3/day
Benefit: You may use your Mimic Class Feature ability an additional two times per day.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its benefits stack.

Integrate Class Feature [Epic]
Prerequisite: Mimic Class Feature 3/day
Benefit: For the sake of prerequisites for feats and prestige classes, you are treated as having the following class features: evasion, rage, smite, sneak attack xd6(x=Chameleon level/3) and turn undead. Feats and class features that augment these abilities do so when you use them with Mimic Class Feature.  For example, Great Smiting makes your smites more effective and you could use a use of your Mimic Class Feature to power a divine feat. Feats and class features that grant extra uses of one of these abilities do not grant extra uses of Mimic Class Feature.

Integrated Aptitude Focus [Epic]
Prerequisite: Aptitude Focus 3/day, int 21.
Benefit: Select an aptitude focus. You gain the matching benefit below. You do not need to have this aptitude chosen to gain the benefits of this feat.
Arcane Focus: You may use your arcane spellcasting from Chameleon to qualify for feats and prestige classes. For example, an 11th level Chameleon has a caster level of 21 to qualify for feats and can qualify for a prestige class that has 4th level arcane casting as a prerequisite. If you take a prestige class that advances arcane spellcasting, it may either stack with pre-existing arcane spellcasting and progress it, such as if you have levels in wizard; if you do not have previous arcane spellcasting progression, you do not gain it, but you may stack levels of that prestige class with your Chameleon level to determine your Chameleon caster level for Arcane Focus.
Combat Focus: You gain an effective Fighter level equal to your Chameleon level to qualify for feats and prestige classes. For example, an 11th level Chameleon may qualify for Greater Weapon Focus. If you possess Fighter levels or levels in another class that stack with Fighter levels to determine your total Fighter level for feats, they stack with this feat. For example, an 11th level Chameleon and 2nd level Fighter would have an effective Fighter level of 13.
Divine Focus: You may use your divine spellcasting from Chameleon to qualify for feats and prestige classes. For example, an 11th level Chameleon has a caster level of 21 to qualify for feats and can qualify for a prestige class that has 4th level divine casting as a prerequisite. If you take a prestige class that advances divine spellcasting, it may either stack with pre-existing divine spellcasting and progress it, such as if you have levels in cleric; if you do not have previous divine spellcasting progression, you do not gain it, but you may stack levels of that prestige class with your Chameleon level to determine your Chameleon caster level for Divine Focus.
Stealth Focus: You gain an effective Rogue level equal to your Chameleon level to qualify for feats and prestige classes. For example, an 11th level Chameleon could successfully flank a 7th level rogue with Improved Uncanny Dodge. If you possess Rogue levels or levels in another class that stack with Rogue levels to determine your total Rogue level, they stack with this feat. For example, an 11th level Chameleon and 2nd level Rogue would have an effective Rogue level of 13. In addition, you gain an effective amount of virtual sneak attack dice equal to one half of your Chameleon level. This does not bestow actual sneak attack to you, but allows you to qualify for feats and prestige classes that require sneak attack, such as Arcane Trickster.
Wild Focus: You may use your Wild Empathy and Woodland Stride abilities to qualify for feats and prestige classes.

Swift Refocus [Epic]
Prerequisite: Rapid Refocus
Benefit: You now only need 1 minute to change your aptitude focus.

Triple Focus [Epic]
Prerequisite: Aptitude Focus 3/day, Double Aptitude, int 21.
Benefit: You may select up to three aptitudes at once, in the time it takes you to select two. This follows all the other guidelines of Double Aptitude.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Minor style tweaks. Raised the spellcraft DC of surpassing the two schools of strategy by 10. Added a few more epic feat options.

Epic War Dancer

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

2 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecial
11+8Dancing with the elements+10
12+9Dance of divine might 5/day
13+9Dancing with the elements+12
14+10Bonus feat, dance of divine might 6/day
15+11Dancing with the elements+14
16+12Dance of divine might 7/day
17+12Dancing with the elements+16
18+13Bonus feat, dance of divine might 8/day
19+14Dancing with the elements+18
20+15Dance of divine might 9/day

Dancing with the Elements (Ex)

At 11th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the epic war dancer's bonus to saving throws against spells and spell like abilities rises by 2 points.

Dance of Divine Might (Su)

At 12th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the epic war dancer gains another daily use of dance of divine might.

Bonus Feats

An epic war dancer gains an epic bonus feat at level 14 and every 4 levels thereafter.

Epic War Dancer Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Blending of the Two Schools of Strategy, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Dire Charge, Energy Resistance, Epic Prowess, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Fast Healing, Improved Spell Resistance, Mastery of the Elemental Dances, Mindless, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Perfect Moment of All and Nothing, Surpassing the Two Schools of Strategy.

Blending the Two Schools of Strategy [Epic]
Prerequisite: Dance of Divine Might (Maximize), cha 25
Benefit: When you use your Dance of Divine Might ability, you may choose to both empower and maximize the divine caster's next spell. You must make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level) to enhance the spell. All other rules regarding this ability follow as described in Dance of Divine Might.

Mastery of the Elemental Dances [Epic]
Prerequisite: Dancing with the Elements+8, Dodge, cha 23
Benefit: You apply the bonus from Dancing with the Elements to your armor class (including touch armor class) as an insight bonus against spells and spell-like abilities. This applies only to spells or spell-like abilities that require an attack roll, such as shocking grasp or enervation.

Mindless [Epic]
Prerequisite: Perfect Moment of All and Nothing, cha 29
Benefit: You have reached a state where your mind is naught, one with your instincts and faith. As a result, you gain the benefit of a mind blank spell at all times, with a caster level equal to your War Dancer level. This is a supernatural ability.

Surpassing the Two Schools of Strategy [Epic]
Prerequisite: Blending the Two Schools of Strategy, cha 27
Benefit: You gain another option for your Dance of Divine Might. You may instead choose to intensify the divine caster's next spell. You must make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 50 + spell level) to enhance the spell. All other rules regarding this ability follow as described in Dance of Divine Might.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Minor typo and style patches. Removed battle dance as an epic feat choice, as that didn't work out.

Epic Battle Dancer

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

4 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecialAC Bonus
22+22Bonus speed+40ft+4
23+23Bonus feat+4
26+26Bonus feat+5
28+28Bonus speed+50ft+5
29+29Bonus feat+5

Bonus Speed (Ex)

At 22th level and every 6 levels thereafter, the epic battle dancer's bonus to movement speed rises by 10ft.

Bonus Feats

An epic battle dancer gains an epic bonus feat at level 13 and every 3 levels thereafter.

Epic Battle Dancer Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Dance of the Hunting Raptor, Dire Charge, Energy Resistance, Epic Dancer's Strike, Epic Prowess, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Fast Healing, Fist of Anarchy, Improved Combat Reflexes, Legendary Climber, Legendary Wrestler, Penetrate Damage Reduction.

Dance of the Hunting Raptor [Epic]
Prerequisite: Dance of the Soaring Eagle, Dire Charge, Tumble 24 ranks
Benefit: You are able to swoop down and deliver utterly devastating blows. Whenever you charge an opponent beneath you, the benefit from Dance of the Soaring Eagle improves. Your charge now grants you a +6 bonus to hit and a +4 bonus to damage. If you successfully hit, the target is knocked prone. Further, unless the target passes a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + strength modifier), they are shaken for 3 rounds by your fearsome display of martial prowess.

Epic Dancer's Strike [Epic]
Prerequisite: Dancer's Strike, cha 21
Benefit: You now gain the benefit of your Dancer's Strike ability at all times. You do not need to use a standard action to activate it. In addition, your Dancer's Strike now counts as epic to bypass damage reduction.

Fist of Anarchy [Epic]
Prerequisite: Dancer's Strike (Chaotic)
Benefit: Your fists are imbued with a shard of pure chaos, as wild and unpredictable as your dances. Your unarmed strikes count as anarchic weapons, dealing an extra 2d6 points to creatures of lawful alignment. This ability stacks with similar abilities.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Changelog: Style fixes. Momentum's text was wrong, fixed that. Added a few more epic bonus feats.

Epic Aerial Avenger

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

6 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpecial
13+9Speed +10ft
14+10Bonus feat, death from above+3, momentum+5
18+13Bonus feat, speed +10ft
19+14Death from above+4

Momentum (Ex)

At 11th level and every three levels thereafter, the epic aerial avenger's bonus from momentum rises by 1.

Speed (Ex)

At 13th level and every five levels thereafter, the epic aerial avenger's fly speed increases by another 10ft.

Death From Above (Ex)

At 14th level and every five levels thereafter, the epic aerial avenger's bonus to attacks from above rises by 1.

Bonus Feats

An epic Aerial Avenger gains an epic bonus feat at level 14 and every 4 levels thereafter.

Epic Aerial Avenger Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Dire Charge, Epic Dodge, Epic Power Dive, Epic Prowess, Epic Run, Epic Swoop, Epic Toughness, Epic Vision of the Skies, Fast Healing, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Terrifying Shriek, Spellcasting Harrier, Vision of the Skies.

Epic Power Dive [Epic]
Prerequisite: Power Dive, Dire Charge, dex 25
Benefit: Whenever you make a Power Dive, you deal triple normal damage at the end of your charge. This replaces the benefit of double normal damage from Dire Charge.

Epic Swoop [Epic]
Prerequisite: Swoop, dex 23
Benefit: Your swoop ability improves in two aspects. You may now move double your normal movement speed when making a swoop. Each attack after the first no longer suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to hit.

Epic Vision of the Skies [Epic]
Prerequisite: Vision of the Skies
Benefit: The blindsight granted from Vision of the Skies increases by 120ft.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its benefits stack.

Improved Terrifying Shriek [Epic]
Prerequisite: Terrifying Shriek, Ability Focus (Terrifying Shriek)
Benefit: Your Terrifying Shriek ability now affects all creatures within 150ft of your first target.

Vision of the Skies [Epic]
Prerequisite: Momentum+3
Benefit: Your ability to control and sense aerial currents grants you incredible sensitivity. You gain blindsight 120ft, but only while airborne. Solid ground foils this ability, as does solid matter 5ft thick or more (but not living creatures).
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Epic Factotum

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Additional Level

6 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBase Attack BonusSpell LevelInspiration PointsSpecial
23+178th11Arcane dilettante (9 spells)
24+188th11Bonus feat
25+188th11Opportunistic piety (+1 use)
26+199th12Arcane dilettante (10 spells)
28+219th12Bonus feat
29+219th13Arcane dilettante (11 spells)
30+2210th13Opportunistic piety (+1 use)
32+2410th14Arcane dilettante (12 spells), bonus feat
35+2611th15Arcane dilettante (13 spells), opportunistic piety (+1 use)
36+2711th15Bonus feat
38+2812th16Arcane dilettante (14 spells)
40+3012th16Bonus feat, opportunistic piety (+1 use)
41+3012th17Arcane dilettante (15 spells)
44+3313th18Arcane dilettante (16 spells), bonus feat
45+3313th18Opportunistic piety (+1 use)
47+3514th19Arcane dilettante (17 spells)
48+3614th19Bonus feat
50+3715th20Arcane dilettante (18 spells), opportunistic piety (+1 use)
52+3915th20Bonus feat
53+3915th21Arcane dilettante (19 spells)


The epic factotum's inspiration continues to rise, as normal. At level 23 and every 3 levels thereafter, the epic factotum's total inspiration points per encounter rises by 1.

Arcane Dilettante (Sp)

At 23rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the epic factotum gains another daily spell for arcane dilettante. His maximum spell level also continues to rise, as indicated on the table above.

Opportunistic Piety (Su)

At 25th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the epic factotum gains another daily use of opportunistic piety.

Bonus Feats

An epic factotum gains an epic bonus feat at level 24 and every 4 levels thereafter.

Epic Factotum Bonus Feat List

Arcane Knowledge, Armor Skin, Arcane Mastery, Aura of Inspiration, Blinding Speed, Epic Dodge, Epic Font of Inspiration, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Trapfinding, Improved Cunning Insight, Improved Cunning Knowledge, Source of Inspiration, Superior Initiative.

Arcane Knowledge [Epic]
Prerequisite: Arcane Dilettante (6 spells), int 23
Benefit: You gain an additional two spells per day with Arcane Dilettante.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its benefits stack.

Arcane Mastery [Epic]
Prerequisite: Arcane Dilettante (6 spells), int 25
Benefit: Select two spells from an arcane spell list that do not appear on the sorcerer/wizard spell list. You may now prepare these two spells with Arcane Dilettante. You may not select a spell of a higher level than you can cast with Arcane Dilettante.

Aura of Inspiration [Epic]
Prerequisite: Source of Inspiration, cha 25
Benefit: Your inspiration is like an aura, affecting all those close to you. This functions as Source of Inspiration, except as noted here. All allies within 30ft gain the benefit of your inspiration. Doing this is extraordinarily taxing and requires an additional 6 points of inspiration per use, on top of what the ability already costs.

Epic Font of Inspiration [Epic]
Prerequisite: Font of Inspiration, int 19
Benefit: Your maximum inspiration rises by four points.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Its benefits stack.

Improved Cunning Insight [Epic]
Prerequisite: Cunning Insight, int 21
Benefit: The bonus you gain from using Cunning Insight now equals your Intelligence modifier + 2.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you choose this feat, the bonus to Cunning Insight rises by 2.

Improved Cunning Knowledge [Epic]
Prerequisite: Cunning Knowledge, int 23
Benefit: You may now use your Cunning Knowledge skill up to three times per day on a single skill.
Normal: You can only use Cunning Knowledge once per day on a particular skill.

Source of Inspiration [Epic]
Prerequisite: Font of Inspiration, cha 19
Benefit: Your inspiration is potent enough to aid other people. You may give the benefit of the following abilities to any ally within 30ft: Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge, Cunning Defense, Cunning Strike and Cunning Breach. You use your Intelligence or Factotum level where appropriate to determine bonuses from these abilities, not the target's. Using inspiration in this way is intensive and requires an additional 3 points of inspiration per use, on top of what the ability already costs.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Alternate Class Feature: Serene Body.

Meditation has not lent you peace of mind, but instead a calmness of body.

Class: Monk.

Level: 3rd.

Replaces: If you select this alternate class feature, you do not gain still mind.

Benefit: Your body is always calm and able to resist the lure of death. This grants you Diehard as a bonus feat. You do not need to meet the normal prerequisites for this feat.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Alternate Class Feature: Roaring Mind.

Your mind is still, but all in preparation to defend yourself from intrusion with a powerful kiai shout.

Class: Monk.

Level: 3rd.

Replaces: If you select this alternate class feature, you do not gain still mind.

Benefit: Whenever you are the target of a spell from the school of enchantment, you may unleash the power of your roaring mind.  A powerful mental shout startles the caster, who must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Wis modifier + 1/2 your hit dice) or be confused (as the spell) for one round. This does not prevent the spell from affecting you and you must make any saving throws as normal. A spell that does not affect you at all, such as one stopped by spell resistance or immunity, cannot trigger roaring mind. You must be within 60ft of the caster for roaring mind to effect him. Roaring mind is a mind-affecting ability.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?