
"Why do you call it soulriders?"
"Because we grind your souls, hopes, and dreams down ... and ride the wave."

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Character Sheets

Started by Rukatin, June 16, 2014, 04:15:56 PM

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Post your characters here.

Have all your stats and skills here, pretty much just base it off of the Numenera Character sheet. I also want a general description of appearance, personality, and a backstory.

More on Back-stories. It doesn't need to be highly detailed, (I don't want to read a wall of text) you can add more to as we go on. What it does need, is the reason your character is in Uxphon. Are they a traveler seeking fortune? Were they already a long-time resident? If you want to create something that can weave into the plot and setting, run it by me.
I'm going to need your signature for the metric ton of whoop-ass you're about to receive.

"A 'Cult'? Such disrespect for other people's beliefs."
"You enslave minds!"
"And I believe that's okay."


Original ID: v0.9 Executor-#NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION
beginning dump of physical memory

Adopted Name: Exit
She is a Strong Glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel.

The hulking woman stands almost seven feet tall. A black cloak is wrapped around her, but it does little to hide her greying skin, nor the square pupils that lurking within her eyes. The hammer mounted on her back has a haft about half as long as she, and the head is a perfect square block of some kind of white rock. Her head rotates slowly to survey her surroundings, and her steps sound like tree trunks hitting the ground. Weak floorboards crack in her wake.

In response to a question that was patently not addressed to her, she speaks in an atonal voice that periodically shifts in pitch.

"What am I doing here?

I need to find my memory. If I discover my memory I will learn my purpose. I am to execute that purpose. That is why I was changed.

I am an Executor. Perhaps the only Executor. Friends are permitted to address me as Exit. The name implies a conclusion, which I seek.

I have no recollection of others of my type. I am uncertain of what an Executor's role is. To 'execute' does not define a task, only that there is a task. I do not know if it was completed. I do not know if it is relevant any longer. Whatever my task was, however, I must ascertain its current state. I do not possess detailed records of my history. But I recall coordinates. Those lead to a position in Uxphon. I will go to that place and I will see what was wrought there. I will learn. If my task is incomplete, I will execute.

Hildrjan did not understand. He told me that my past had no meaning any longer. He told me I could be myself. A human being. But he could not tell me what it was to be human. And upon witnessing my form, humans rarely address me as one of their own. I believe his desires are erroneous. The past is the rock on which the future lies. I cannot continue until I determine it. I will return to him later. Though he repaired my body and mind, he is not the one who assigned me with a task. Therefore, I had to leave alone.

That is what brings me to this inn, as it was on the way. Is your query sufficiently addressed?"


-Exit's skin appears to be a metallic sheen of grey. Her skeleton and her muscles, should a doctor happen to inspect them, have been either augmented or replaced with metallic alloys, pistons and glistening threads that appear to optimize her already great strength. It has had the side-effect of making her heavier as well. Although she moves no faster than most, the fact that a person of her bulk can act in haste at all can be unnerving to some.
-Her neck, cranium and upper back have access panels which can be removed, with various plug-holes for unknown devices to jack into.
-Her eyes are, on close inspection, little ceramic orbs with square pupils. They seem not to impede her vision.

-Exit is driven, but naive; she tries to focus entirely on one task at a time, as much as she can. She grows notably irate when circumstances force her to multitask or work with complicated circumstances, often simply stopping to try and break down a situation into component tasks that can then be acted upon one by one- a problem, should a situation develop rapidly.

-Exit has a regrettable tendency to explain the truth and facts as she sees them with only the slightest prompting, as she believes an answer given in response to a query ought to be as complete as possible. She can become quite argumentative her views are disputed.

-Exit's ability to distinguish between right and wrong is limited at best; she cleaves to the simplistic on moral issues. Criminals and chaos are bad; society, justice and order are good. As everyone must do their part for an orderly world, she is not unwilling to lend her maul to the repression of deviant elements. A nuanced situation, however, might well demand some introspection, if all sides are set out for her to contemplate.

Armor: 3
Effort: 1
Might Edge: 1
Speed Edge: 1
Intellect Edge: 0

Might Pool: 24
Speed Pool: 13
Intellect Pool: 7

-Crossbow (12 bolts)
-Brigandine (+2 Armor)

Trained Skills: Breaking Things, Jumping, Swimming

Very Powerful (+4 Might Pool)
Skill: Breaking Inanimate Objects
Skill: Jumping
Additional Equipment (+Medium/Heavy Weapon)

Glaive Tier 1
Cypher Use: Can bear two cyphers at once.
Practiced in Armor: Wear all armor. Might cost reduced by 2; speed pool reduction reduced by 2.

Fighting Techniques:
Bash (-1 damage on attack; target is dazed for one round (difficulty of all actions incrased by one step.) Cost: 1 Might Point)
Muscles of Iron (All Might-based actions other than attacks have difficult reduced by one step for one round. Cost: 2 Might Points) (Source: Character Options)

Fuses Flesh and Steel
Tier 1
+1 Armor, +3 Might Pool, +3 Speed Pool.
Special Healing: First five points of damage taken must be repaired instead of healed.
Unnerving: -1 step on positive social interactions.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up



Character:   Mechanical Nano who Fuses Mind and Machine

"Character Description": ShowHide
Dufort is just under five feet tall, and dresses unassumingly, in simple clothing that tell that he's decently off, but not much more, the clothing covering pretty much every inch of his body below his neck. Perhaps some might assume he was fully improved from the obvious signs of mechanical enhancements around his skull, but Dufort is surprisingly fleshy for the most part below his neck, a few implants here and there to support the ones he does have running his brain, but not much more past that.

The front of his face looks mostly human, with some metal bolts holding it against the metal plate that covers the back of his skull and neck. Signals travel through the back metal plate, resembling audio visualization patterns, chaotic and nonsensical, but showing that something is going on inside his head. A random mix of short black and white hairs fall off the top of his head, with the bangs covering his eyes, somehow without impairing his sight.

"Background": ShowHide
Still pending, but he's from the streets, and was picked up by someone important to be experimented on, trying to fuse numenera and humans, and surviving, gaining insight into numenera. When some rivals eventually ended his boss/savior/torturer, he ended up on his own and has had to etch out some sort of living using his insight into numenera to survive.


Effort:         1
Armor:         1

Identifying/Understanding Numenera
Knowledge (Uxphon)

Special Abilities
"Special Abilities": ShowHide

Name     Description
Sense "Magic":     You can sense whether there is an active numenera in situations where its presence is not obvious.
     You must study an object or location closely for a minute to get a feel for it.

"Esoteries": ShowHide

Hedge Magic:
(Int 1)
Perform small tricks.
Resonance Field:
(Int 1)
Duration 1 minute. Make intellect defense roll in place of normal defense roll against an attack
made from immediate range. Attacker takes 1 dmg from minor effect, 4 dmg from major effect.
(Int 2)
Push something/someone in any one direction.

"Equipment": ShowHide

  • Clothing
  • Book on Numenera
  • Weapon - Dart Thrower (12 darts; Long Range)
  • 4 shin

"Artifacts": ShowHide

Aegis of Titans: Protects against attacks/disruption/intrusion towards implants and enhancements. Reduced difficulty by one step.

"Cyphers": ShowHide

Unknown #1: TBD.
Unknown #2: TBD.
Unknown #3: TBD.

"Oddities": ShowHide

Unknown #1: TBD.
Unknown #2: TBD.

"Nano Abilities": ShowHide

[spoiler="Stats"]Starting Stats:
Might 7, Speed 9, Intellect 12.
Gain additional 6 points.

"Tier 1": ShowHide

Genius:Intellect Edge 1, Might Edge 0, Speed Edge 0
Expert Cypher Use:Can bear up to 3 cyphers at a time
Practiced with Light Weapons:   No penalty on light weapons, difficulty+1 on medium, difficulty+2 on heavy.
Numenera Training:Trained in numenera and can attempt to understand/identify their properties.
Starting Equipment:Clothing, 1x book on numenera, 1x weapon, 3x cyphers, 1x oddity, 4 shin.
Esoteries:Access to Tier 1 esoteries. Begin with two esoteries.

"Descriptor: Mechanical": ShowHide
[spoiler="Tier 1"]

Smart:Intellect Pool +2.
Skill:Become trained in identifying/understanding numenera.
Sense Magic:See Special Abilities.
Esotery:Gain Hedge Magic.
Inability:See Skills.
Additional Equipment:   Gain extra oddity.
"Focus: Fuses Mind and Machine": ShowHide
[spoiler="Tier 1"]

Mechanical Assistance:   Intellect Pool +4.
Stored Memories:Become trained in one area of Knowledge skill.
Additional Equipment:See Artifact - Aegis of Titans.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.