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Day 65: An Aboleth and the Dinnerware.

Started by Iron Dragoon, March 03, 2015, 04:36:02 PM

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Iron Dragoon

Session Start: Tue Mar 03 11:50:17 2015
Session Ident: #dunes
* Now talking in #dunes
* Topic is 'Hanna(26)Vivantha(25)>Tepen(23)>Muirfinn(21) '
* Set by Kotono on Thu Feb 19 20:14:24
<Kotono> -----------
<Kotono> * Veren tries to slip in and move towards the hidden door, trying to keep ready for anything.
<Kotono> > In the meantime Sharm's wounds finish healing. Veren slips behind the tapestry. It's a bland, uninteresting door on a glance. OOC: Perception. Your injuries finish healing from fast healing, Sharm.
<Kotono> <Veren> roll 1d20+14 Perception
<Kotono> <Serith> Veren roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=4]
<Kotono> > It's not locked or trapped.
<Kotono> * Veren tries to stealthily open the door.
<Kotono> > The door opens stealthily enough. It leads to a small hall with a stairway going down at the end of it. A bit of greenish fog clings to the stairway.
<Kotono> <Moore> Moore looks at the fog to see if he can identify if it's magical in nature or if he knows something else about it!
<Kotono> <Sharm> OOC: can I feel anything in the fog? (60ft feeling upness)
<Kotono> > OOC: No, just the stairs until you lose line of effect due to the floor getting in the way.
<Kotono> <Veren> "There's a fog here. Green. Lucy, any ideas?"
<Kotono> <Sharm> Sharm heads down, "Probably just to look spooky," she says, heading into it without fear.
<Kotono> <Moore> "Woah, wait a second! You don't know what it is!" Moore cries out! He hasn't even had a chance to figure it out yet!
<Kotono> OOC: Fog isn't magic, Moore. Whatever it is, it's naturally occurring.
<Moore> OOC: OK, Any K: I could use to try and identify it?
<Sharm> "It's fog. Green fog," she says slowly, but nonetheless waits for him to do his thing.
<Kotono> OOC: K:N.
<Kotono> OOC: Moore?
<Lucy> roll 1d20+16
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{28}
<Moore> OOC: Sorry
<Moore> roll 1d20+14
<Kobot> Moore rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{28}
<Kotono> Lucy can tell the fog is likely poisonous. A whiff of it as she gets closer lets her know it smells mildewy. It's the spores and gas of a particular type of green mushroom - high toxic. Whatever's down there is either dead or not living in the first place.
<Kotono> OOC: Moore can tell that too.
<Lucy> "Oh, fine," Lucy grumbles as she heads on. "It's just poison, no need to be such a baby about it."
<Kotono> "Poison? Ugh," Jetina wrinkles her nose, "Well, that puts a good stop to going down there. At least not easily."
<Veren > "I am not immune to poison."
<Sharm> "Huh. Alright then," Sharm says, recognizing the danger. "Flammable or anything?"
* Veren moves back into the main room and searches around for anything of use.
<Moore> Moore wrinkles his nose. "I wonder if we could just blow it away somehow..."
<Lucy> "Hold your breath? I guess?"
<Kotono> "I can cast neutralize poison, which will last each person over an hour," Jetina speaks up now, "But if it goes down and you're in there, you're immediately going to get poisoned."
<Sharm> "Doubt we'll be down that long," Sharm says.
* Lucy decides to explore the stairway in the meantime, heading down.
<Kotono> Little flies on over and sniffs the green fog, then sticks his head in, "Me okay," he says, "Poison good oppression to me."
* Veren glances up from his searching.
<Veren > "Mmm.. useful."
<Kotono> OOC: Are the rest of you going to take Jetina on that and follow Lucy or do something else?
<Lucy> roll 1d20+23 perception, anything of interest at the bottom?
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+23 perception, anything of interest at the bottom? --> [ 1d20=2 ]{25}
<Veren > OOC: I'll take Jetina up on it.
<Sharm> OOC: get anti-poisoned and go!
<Moore> OOC: Yes, I'll get a vaccine
<Kotono> OOC: Lemme wait just a sec to sort them out, Lucy.
<Kotono> Four spells are cast - protecting the three plus Jetina. Macraon just sits, 'I'll watch the rear,' He volunteers. 'Save your magic.'
<Kotono> Lucy heads on down, the party soon following. She's ahead of them a bit and sees the stairway winds down. It's an elegant thing made of hardened glass, able to bear her weight easily. The walls are coated in small green mushrooms, which pump out the gas before Lucy's eyes. The bottom is difficult to see anything - a heavy bank of fog sits there and thickly covers everything ahead. It's fairly
<Kotono> wide open space and Lucy can see ghostly sharps amid the green fog. It reeks of mildew down here.
<Kotono> *shapes
<Sharm> OOC: touchsight~
* Veren avoids the mushrooms as best he can, but moves to catch up to Lucy, if only to be close when the inevitable attach happens.
* Lucy pauses to cast Shield and heads on a bit slower, now.
<Sharm> Sharm doesn't really care about the mushrooms now she's protected, relying more on her telekinetic field for perception than her eyes, given the thick fog.
<Kotono> OOC: Link me to touchsight again?
<Kotono> Lucy can't see much of anything once she hits the end of the stairs. It's just too foggy and too thick. Sharm can get an idea of what's around - lots of laboratory equipment and mushrooms. In the back is a lake of some sort and there's creatures in there - you can't get a solid read since they're just at the end of your touchsight range and flit in and out that range.
<Kotono> Jetina peers about, "I can't see anything," she mutters, "It smells like rot down here, too."
<Kotono> Little flutters about, "Little likes it," he chimes in, idly plucking a mushroom and taking a bite.
<Sharm> "Trouble ahead," Sharm warns, readying her sword and walking closer towards the lake so she can get a better feel on what's there. "A lake or a pool at the back, that's where they are."
* Veren moves to search the laboratory for anything dangerous or trap-like, giving the lake distance until he finishes.
<Moore> Moore tries to identify the mushrooms in the meantime. Maybe they're a result of some experiments?
<Lucy> Since they are not under immediate attack, Lucy tries to read the minds of any sentients that might be ahead and are just hiding.
<Kotono> OOC: Perception -10, Veren.
<Veren > roll 1d20+14-10+3 Perception/Inspiration
<Kobot> Veren rolled 1d20+14-10+3 Perception/Inspiration --> [ 1d20=14 ]{21}
<Kotono> OOC:  DTing, Lucy?
<Lucy> OOC: Yes
<Lucy> OOC: Will DC23
<Kotono> roll 1d20+10
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{16}
<Moore> roll 1d20+14 K:N for the mushrooms if he can
<Kobot> Moore rolled 1d20+14 K:N for the mushrooms if he can --> [ 1d20=12 ]{26}
<Kotono> Sharm proceeds forward. It's a rather long and deep pool of water or some other liquid. There's four creatures in there, roughly humanoid sized and with no hair at all. As Sharm approaches, she can see they stop and linger near the surface of the lake. Meanwhile, Veren searches around. He can't see anything unless it's right in front of his face, but he manages to make to a table. There's some
<Kotono> corked bottles here if he cares to investigate. Moore can tell the name of the mushrooms: Green Gasspores. Lucy can indeed detect the presence of thoughts ahead. OOC: round 1. More next round assuming you keep it up.
<Lucy> OOC: I am for now, yes
* Veren eyes the bottles cautiously, but gathers them and places them in his pack for later inspection and identification before slipping up next to Sharm.
<Veren > OOC: Can I try use that book to identify whatever is in the water? I know it's only got humanoids in it, but it may help if they are too.
<Sharm> "They've all stopped. Think they're here to ambush anyone that wanders into the water. Sure not ghosts, that I'll tell you," Sharm announces.
<Kotono> OOC: Note you're doing so in loot, Veren. And yeah, you can't see them so zero chance of IDing them right now.
<Kotono> Lucy can tell their average intelligence is 14. In the meantime, Sharm can feel them rise up, past the surface of the water. There's a faint splash that all the party can hear at this.
<Moore> "Hm... so they're natural..." Moore comments to himself. Maybe they'd make good poisons for Veren? He blinks and turns in the direction of the sound.
* Veren shifts a bit and readies his blade at the sound.
<Sharm> "Yeah, come on..." Sharm mutters, getting ready to hack them up.
<Sharm> OOC: can I tell much from their shape? Spiders? Humans? Oozes? Merpeople?
<Lucy> As a proper mage, she has been prepared before setting foot here, so for now Lucy tries to gleam any sort of information she can from these minions before they expire.
<Kotono> Little stays close to Veren in the meantime.
<Kotono> Sharm can tell they're scaly, slimy humanoid-like creatures. No hair or anything like that. Smooth. Slippery. Meanwhile, Lucy can read some surface thoughts. They're curious about what they hear/locate (echolocation?) out of the pool.
<Moore> Moore makes a mental note to collect some mushrooms before they leave but will follow the others quietly. Actually, he turns invisible while he does so.
<Lucy> 'What is your name?' Lucy speaks directly into the mind of the closest of them.
<Kotono> There's no reply back. Instead a loud screech is heard, as Sharm can feel the creatures dip below the pool's surface and swim down and away.
<Sharm> "Huh... something scared them off."
<Lucy> "Why are you running away?!" she exclaims in frustration at the same time.
* Veren tries to identify the sound...
<Veren > OOC: Does K:D do anything for me?
<Kotono> OOC: Sure, make a check.
<Veren > roll 1d20+12 K:D
<Kobot> Veren rolled 1d20+12 K:D --> [ 1d20=15 ]{27}
<Kotono> It reminds Veren of certain creatures that use that sort of shriek to announce things, like a wolf's howl. Same idea. Meanwhile, Lucy doesn't get a reply as they slip out of range of both touchsight and detect thoughts.
<Veren > "I don't know exactly what it is, but it sounds like something is calling out or announcing something..."
<Sharm> "Might be going to hide, might be going for reinforcements?" Sharm figures. "Gotta say I'm disappointed, I'd hoped we'd find the whole mystery answered down here, but we're not any closer."
<Kotono> Waving her hand in front of her face to clear fog away, "Maybe they're unrelated? The ghost doesn't seem interested in them or nearby, does it? Lucy, is this the sort of thing that could be an experiment gone wrong?"
<Veren > "Well, if the first laboratory is this... interesting... the next ones will be something to see."
<Moore> "Veren, do you want any of these mushrooms as samples to try and make something with?" Moore asks. "Technically speaking, I don't think they belong to the DeLorians, so I think we're safe to store some... as long as we do so safely."
<Lucy> "They're fairly smart for an experiment," Lucy says dubiously. "Still! Has anyone noticed any records?"
<Veren > "Hmm.. I suppose. I'm unfamiliar with them. Do you know how to gather them safely?"
<Kotono> "Maybe if we could see a foot past our faces," Jetina remarks, "Does anyone know any magic to clear this up?"
<Sharm> OOC: can I feel any books or paper?
<Veren > "I can try to light a fire, but I don't have any torches."
<Lucy> "Oh, fine. Give me a moment," Lucy responds, calling upon a gust of wind from the Spellpool.
<Lucy> With the room more of less mapped out between their experiences and a dash of Detect Thoughts to help her position, Lucy then uses the spell to try and clear most of the fog away.
<Kotono> OOC: Some, Sharm. There's even a book on the floor, beneath a table.
<Kotono> A gust of wind blows. It sends the fog careening around and briefly clears it, giving the party a look of what's around. It's a lab - all the normal trimmings. There's a table with a long, slender rod on it. Another table has a thick book beneath it. There's a bookshelf tucked into the left wall, though many of the books are covered in mushrooms. The pool in the back violently juts out of the
<Kotono> ground, a gleaming greenish mire that's completely opaque. It's about 30ft in diameter.
* Veren eyes the books and the lab, deciding to do a more thorough search.
<Veren > "If any of those books are useful, I'll carry them for you, Lucy."
* Sharm just stands guard by the pool while books are sorted for retrieval.
<Kotono> Little flies over to the rod, "Oooh, treasure," he says, snatching it up.
<Moore> OOC: Since I was able to identify the mushrooms, do I know how to put some in bottles or something so we don't get poisoned later when the spell wears off?
* Lucy checks for magic, saying, "All of them, of course." To Little, she says sternly, "We made a deal not to strip the place clean! Knowledge is the only thing we'll take."
* Veren pulls out the bottles and tries to identify them.
<Kotono> OOC: Sure Moore.
<Veren > "Any idea what these are? I took them to identify them in better light. They might be useful against whatever might be in this place."
<Kotono> Little puts the staff down with a frown. Meanwhile, Lucy gets a glimpse - there's a lot of ambient magic. Beyond that, the rod is magical, as is the pool and the bottles Veren has. However, the fog's starting to return. Not immediately, but you can see you don't have forever here.
<Moore> Moore will look around for some empty containers and, if he can find any, will try to safely remove the mushrooms from as many books as he can and then seal the bottles.
<Lucy> roll 1d20+18
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{31}
<Kotono> Easily enough found - Moore gets these done. Meanwhile, Lucy can tell the staff is a rod of metamagic, maximize. The bottles are various potions - you'd need to examine them individually. The pool is pure magical waste and runoff - ah, of course, the creatures are likely spellwarped or in a similar state.
<Lucy> "How nasty," Lucy mutters, deciding to take a quick glance at the books to see if there is any theme of interest that catches her eye.
<Moore> Moore will give the bottles to Veren for safekeeping! He then goes to check the thick book out, but has his magical senses on -- he's not getting tricked by another magic book!
<Kotono> OOC: Quick perception, Lucy.
<Kotono> The book isn't magical, Moore can see. It has a plain title: Experiment log.
<Lucy> roll 1d20+23
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+23 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{28}
* Veren puts the bottles from Moore in his pack and replaces the others on the table.
<Kotono> Oh yes. There's all sorts of books about magical experimentation and mutations here. Quite the collection!
<Kotono> Meanwhile ,the party can hear another splash from the pool. It's starting to get foggy again, too. Not badly yet.
<Sharm> Until Sharm can feel anything coming at them she's not worried. But wait, what caused the splash?
<Moore> Moore will go to the last entry in the log!
<Lucy> "Do you need to breathe?" Lucy asks Little, deciding to peruse the books later.
<Kotono> Oh, that's what. It's just coming into range - something BIG! It's a giant fish of some sort, all slimy and nasty. It feels wrong to Sharm - and at the same time, her mind recoils. A moment later Veren feels the same, a presence that's wrong. Off. Dominating. Meanwhile again, Moore reads the last entry. It looks like an analysis of 'Active and passive changes, entry 493 (v aboleth). It goes into
<Kotono> a bunch of jargon about how the 'base creatures' are being altered and how the addition of the focus creature (an aboleth, whatever that is) is influencing it. Meanwhile, Little nods, "Little needs to breathe! But can breathe gas and fog fine."
<Sharm> "Giant fish squid monster!" Sharm yells!
<Veren > "Get clear! I think it may have a mental attack!"
<Moore> "It's probably an... aboleth?" Moore says, unsure of what that is. Moore will tentatively lift the book up. OOC: How heavy is it?
<Sharm> Sharm backs up towards the stairs, preparing a few mental attacks of her own.
<Kotono> OOC: You can carry it. Anyone with K:D can make a check on aboleths.
<Kotono> Jetina nods and quickly runs back up the stairs.
<Moore> OOC: OK.
<Kotono> OOC: Post whatever y'all are taking in loot.
<Moore> roll 1d20+9 Aboleths
<Kobot> Moore rolled 1d20+9 Aboleths --> [ 1d20=15 ]{24}
<Veren > roll 1d20+12 K:D
<Kobot> Veren rolled 1d20+12 K:D --> [ 1d20=6 ]{18}
<Lucy> roll 1d20+16
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{36}
<Kotono> Veren whiffs. Moore can tell they're nasty aberrations that can dominate people and turn them into strange, mucus-fleshed nightmares. Lucy also knows they often study magic and are quite powerful at it, as well as having natural psionic ability. They're damned dangerous - using one in an experiment is notably arrogant, even for a wizard.
<Moore> OOC: By any chance is that anything like what we ran into at the basement in Rossalund?
<Lucy> That certainly gets her to reconsider, and she grabs the rod of maximize rather than leave it to an opponent before retreating up the stairs.
<Kotono> OOC: Not really, no. It's a different creature, though both share some psionic and mental ability.
<Moore> "We need to go -- they have strong mental powers." Moore says. In fact, he encourages everyone to move -- now! OOC: Using my Grant Move action for everyone to get them going.
<Kotono> Thus the party falls back and up the stairs. You get out of the fog and back to Macaron. "Well, at least we know something's down there, but what's an aboleth?" Jetina asks.
<Sharm> "Y'know if we take this place as our home we're gonna have to get rid of it somehow," Sharm says.
<Moore> "Aberrations that have mental powers and can change people into ...ugh, horrible things." Moore says. "But if we're really going to repurpose this house... well, you know what? If the DeLorians want what's here, I think that's their responsibility."
<Lucy> "A psionic beast with the magical powers of a wizard, and a dangerous canniness," Lucy is all too happy to educate Jetina, adding wistfully, "I wish I could've met the wizard that decided to breed this one for extra power...."
<Moore> "I think we already met him." Moore says. "Well, in a sense."
<Sharm> "Yeah, we can just throw every magic item we find down there, let them deal with it," Sharm agrees, smiling toothily at the idea.
* Veren nods.
<Veren > "For something such as that, I believe DeLorian should put some personal effort into dealing with it."
<Lucy> "That doesn't count," Lucy protests. "Ah! But I could, with much regret, send a lot of horrible undead downstairs to try and kill it?"
<Moore> "Is it even following us?" Moore asks. He looks over to Sharm since she seems to have a sense of these sorts of things. "If not, we can just deal with it later."
> "Hm.. That's an option. Though I suggest holding off on it until we can find more specific information about what it might be vulnerable to. If we can arm your undead appropriately, success chance is much higher."
<Sharm> "Doubt it can get out of the water, otherwise wouldn't it have caused a fuss in town?"
<Lucy> "I suspect that after dipping in that pool of magical power, it is stronger than ever before!"
<Kotono> Jetina shivers, "That is a problem, but it's not our immediate problem, right?" she says, "We still need to find that ghost."
<Veren > "Hmm.. it responded to Sharm before did it not? Could we not simply to try call for it?"
<Sharm> "And then what? We kill it? That mass undead plan seems safer to me."
<Veren > "I mean the ghost of DeLorian's cousin."
<Kotono> "Violently," Jetina glances at Sharm, "Painfully, I imagine."
<Sharm> "No, that got me bashed off the floor by telekinesis. And yeah, kinda stung. Why don't you? Just say what I did, you'll be fine," Sharm gives Veren a solid thump on the back and steps a few paces away.
<Moore> "Why not just look around some more?" Moore asks. "If he has a problem with us snooping, he'll show up and stop us."
<Veren > OOC: What doorway options do we have here?
<Kotono> OOC: Refresher.
<Kotono> There's a long, loud creak as the door opens. It opens right up into a wide open foyer. It's immaculately decorated and a coat of arms and crest (of two birds with crossed swords behind them)  is engraved into the floor. There's no stairs going up, but there's doors ahead as well as less grand doors on the sides.
<Veren > OOC: Anyone have a preference?
<Sharm> OOC: You badmouthing the dude's family gets my vote.
<Veren > OOC: I don't think Veren's badmouthed anyone at all yet.
<Moore> OOC: I say just go ahead.
<Moore> OOC: Veren could also totally turn into the other DeLorian and see what happens!
* Veren strides towards the grander doors and attempts to open them!
<Kotono> The doors open. The moment they do, you can see magic beyond them. Namely, keeping an entire array of knives, forks, broken glass, shattered porcelain and other such things at the ready. One barely has a chance to do anything about it, for with a snarl from within, the array comes flying out! OOC: Okay. First of all, make a ref save, Veren.
<Veren > roll 1d20+16+5 Ref/Inspiration
<Kobot> Veren rolled 1d20+16+5 Ref/Inspiration --> [ 1d20=14 ]{35}
<Kotono> OOC: Evasion? If so, remember to note that in the ref save.
<Veren > OOC: Yes, evasion, sorry.
<Kotono> Veren dives out of the way in time. While he isn't hit, this lets the blast fly out - which seeks out the heroes with stunning accuracy - and all at Sharm! OOC: Ref save, Sharm.
<Moore> OOC: Do I have time to do anything?
<Moore> OOC: Specifically, I'd like to use Shout via my ring to try and deal with most of the items, if I can.
<Sharm> roll 1d20+9
<Kobot> Sharm rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{29}
<Moore> OOC: Well f you then, orc
<Kotono> OOC: 'fraid not, though that natural 20 helps a lot any which way.
<Kotono> roll 10d10 halve this, this was pretty much a death barrage, still hurts
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 10d10 halve this, this was pretty much a death barrage, still hurts --> [ 10d10=46 ]{46}
<Kotono> Sharm reacts a split-second before it comes, a shield of pure force coming. It's a raw, desperate move of psionic power, but it stops the majority of the objects. She's' still riddled with them, but it's lesser injuries to extremities rather than vital organs. Ahead, you can see a fancy dining room rather smashed up. The table's broken, there's a fallen chandelier and ornate lights on the wall
<Kotono> are shattered.
<Kotono> Jetina comes over, quickly casting a simple healing spell on Sharm.
<Kotono> roll 1d8+5+10 plus fast healing 6 for 9 rounds
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d8+5+10 plus fast healing 6 for 9 rounds --> [ 1d8=8 ]{23}
<Moore> Moore looks around for any other magic with a frown.
* Lucy blinks, but opts to just study the magic for now.
<Kotono> Moore can see there's now fading magic in the ruined dining room. OOC: Spellcraft, you two.
<Lucy> roll 1d20+18
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{36}
<Moore> roll 1d20+14
<Kobot> Moore rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{32}
<Kotono> It's a powered up telekinesis spell. Pretty routine but with a lot of juice behind it as well as special skill with the spell. It's been cast and it's fading away as normal for a spell.
* Veren takes a bit of cover at the edge of the doorway and looks at Sharm.
<Veren > "Uh... Sorry about that."
<Moore> "Telekinesis." Moore announces. "More powerful than normal, though."
<Sharm> "Rrrgh...." Sharm growls, sweeping an arm over her chest, dislodging a series of forks stuck in there with a clatter. "That your worst you spineless piece of fucking excrement?! You son of a worthless sow, I'm going to wring your neck and fill your grave with cow-shit!" she roars, shoulders heaving as she tries to restrain the urge to level the manor to the ground.
<Kotono> OOC: Make an intimidate check, sharm.
<Lucy> Lucy steps into the dining room over shattered glass and wooden splinters, clearing the doorway and looking around curiously.
<Sharm> roll 1d20+20 I hadn't put on the helmet yet sadly
<Kobot> Sharm rolled 1d20+20 I hadn't put on the helmet yet sadly --> [ 1d20=12 ]{32}
<Kotono> Lucy's inspection is interrupted. The floor cracks and the walls shudder. A wave of pure force sends everyone back a handful of steps. Appearing over the family crest in the entryway is a blue specter. He carries a scepter and is half-transparent. His face is hidden by a hood and is covered with a crown. A noose hangs from his neck. "WORTHLESS, MAGICLESS SOW!" The voice bellows! OOC: Init here,
<Kotono> you got the ghost's attention. Lucy, you're 20ft behind the ghost. The rest of you are about 15ft away from it.
<Sharm> roll 1d20+6
<Kobot> Sharm rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{22}
<Moore> OOC: Don't forget the +8
<Moore> roll 1d20+4+8
<Kobot> Moore rolled 1d20+4+8 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{19}
<Lucy> roll 1d20+4+8
<Kobot> Lucy rolled 1d20+4+8 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{15}
<Sharm> OOC: 24, I thought it was +6. Or I rolled Pepo's init.
<Kotono> roll 1d20+12 Jetina
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+12 Jetina --> [ 1d20=15 ]{27}
<Kotono> roll 1d20+14 Little
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+14 Little --> [ 1d20=18 ]{32}
<Kotono> roll 1d20+14 Macaron
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+14 Macaron --> [ 1d20=10 ]{24}
<Kotono> roll 1d20+9 ghost
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+9 ghost --> [ 1d20=3 ]{12}
* Kotono changes topic to 'Little(32)>Jetina(27)>Sharm=Macaron(24)>Moore(19)>Lucy(15)>Ghost(12) '
<Kotono> Little quickly flies back towards the poison-filled stairway in the secret passage, yelping, "Little help by staying out of the way of big bad!" OOC: Jetina's up.
<Kotono> Jetina strides forward, brandishing her holy symbol. "In Qupan's name, go to rest," she declares, reaching out to plunge her hand into the ghost's chest.
<Veren > roll 1d20+4 Init
<Kobot> Veren rolled 1d20+4 Init --> [ 1d20=19 ]{23}
* Kotono changes topic to 'Little(32)>Jetina(27)>Sharm=Macaron(24)Veren(23)>Moore(19)>Lucy(15)>Ghost(12) '
<Kotono> roll 1d20+11
<Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+11 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{12}
<Kotono> Jetina's hand crackles with holy power - but the ghost just flickers out of being a few moments, the attack spoiled. OOC: Woof. Sharm and Macaron. We'll pause here since it's pausing time and resume tomorrow. I have work soon.
Session Close: Tue Mar 03 14:28:33 2015
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.