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007: Heroes - 3, Slaad - 1

Started by Merc, June 03, 2015, 09:54:35 PM

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[19:46] <Kotono> [22:07] <Luther> "Indeed! Or at the very least, people that felt they owed you one. You're welcome by the way, and now we are even, until the next time fates conspire to make us rely on each other."
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:07] <Kevamros> roll 4d8+7 heals!
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:07] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 4d8+7 heals! --> [ 4d8=14 ]{21}
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:08] <Rhayser> "Oh, hey that's better!" Rhays'r says, abruptly not erupting in blood and exposed muscle. He leaps to his feet.
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:08] * Kevamros heals Rhayser some more! OOC: Burning Magic Vestment for Heal.
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:08] <Kevamros> roll 3d8+7 Heals.
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:08] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 3d8+7 Heals. --> [ 3d8=13 ]{20}
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:11] * Luther examines the loot that has been found recently, more specifically the scroll and the bottle, since they are clearly magic.
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:12] <Luther> roll d20+13 spellcraft on scroll
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:12] <Myannbot> Luther rolled d20+13 spellcraft on scroll --> [ 1d20=8 ]{21}
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:12] <Luther> roll d20+13 spellcraft on bottle
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:12] <Myannbot> Luther rolled d20+13 spellcraft on bottle --> [ 1d20=18 ]{31}
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:15] <Luther> "So, should we move on, rest up, or what?"
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:16] <Rhayser> "I think I'd like to wait a minute. Maybe that guy will come back. I'm sure I'll do better next time!"
[19:46] <Kotono> [22:17] <Luther> "I'm sure."

[19:47] <Kotono> OOC: Quick refresher. There's a tunnel going further down like the one you came out of. There's also a door to the side. Also spot checks, everyone.
[19:47] <Luther> roll d20+0 SPOT
[19:47] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 3 > [d20=3]
[19:48] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+3
[19:48] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+14 Spot
[19:48] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=8]
[19:48] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=15]
[19:49] <Kotono> Kevamros can notice the green moss on his feet has largely broken down. It's not really keeping him stuck on anything or providing any grip now.
[19:50] <Kevamros> "I think the moss is wearing off. We need to get somewhere secure."
[19:51] <Luther> "Well, we can go through the door, or chase after that guy. Without the moss to slow down our travel though..."
[19:51] * Luther just looks towards Rhayser at that.
[19:52] <Kevamros> "Door, then?
[19:52] <Kevamros> "
[19:52] <Rhayser> "Door."
[19:52] * Rhayser secures himself, eyeballing the door.
[19:52] <Kotono> The door is approached. It's a plain door made of wood. It looks unremarkable except for the fact it is a door in a strange dungeon.
[19:54] * Luther opens the door!
[19:56] <Kotono> The door opens. Ahead is a steep stairway going up up up up and further up.
[19:57] <Rhayser> "Where do those stairs go?"
[19:58] <Kotono> On a glance, the stairs go up. Higher up than you can see, so obviously quite high.
[20:01] <Rhayser> "Well, let's go then." Rhayser climbs!
[20:01] * Luther climbs behind Rhayser.
[20:04] <Kotono> The party climbs on up, Kevramros bringing up the rear. Up and up and up and up the party goes - and the stairs seem to keep going. A good five minutes of climbing and you seem no closer to an end than when you started.
[20:08] <Rhayser> "This is a lot of stairs, guys."
[20:08] <Luther> "Indeed."
[20:08] <Luther> "But they'll have to reach somewhere eventually!"
[20:08] <Rhayser> "...we have to go back."
[20:08] <Luther> "...and why do you think that?"
[20:09] <Rhayser> "I was counting the stairs but then I started thinking about muffins and I lost count."
[20:12] * Luther just looks at him then sighs. "Oh, well, you can head back down, and then head back here. Kevamros and I will wait while you recount."
[20:13] <Rhayser> "But what if I get lost!"
[20:13] <Luther> "Then we'll stop waiting."
[20:14] <Kevamros> "I doubt it's really that important, Rhayser. You should be more worried about the stairs falling out from under us or something."
[20:14] <Rhayser> "That would never happen!" Rhayser looks aghast.
[20:15] * Kevamros stares at Rhayser flatly.
[20:16] <Rhayser> "But stairs are sacred! You can't just...make them not stairs!"
[20:16] <Kotono> OOC: Balance checks, all.
[20:16] <Kevamros> OOC: That's Dex, yes?
[20:16] <Kotono> OOC: Correct.
[20:17] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+1 No Balance
[20:17] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=10]
[20:17] <Rhayser> roll 1d20
[20:17] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=19]
[20:17] <Luther> roll d20+3-3
[20:17] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 2 > [d20=2]
[20:17] <Kevamros> OOC: Ouchies, Luther.
[20:18] <Luther> ooc: I'm taking you both with me. I'm between the two of you. I can reach for Rhayser's leg if it turns into a slide, and I can definitely take you with me on the way down.
[20:18] <Kotono> Gah! Suddenly the stairs sink in, becoming a smooth slope down instead of stairs, as if challenged by Rhayser's words. For all but Rhayser, it's too much and they slip, tumbling down....not far. Only a few moments before they land at the bottom of the stair. Odd, despite climbing up that far, it was barely 20 steps back down.
[20:18] <Kotono> roll 1d6 nonlethal to you two from that
[20:18] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 2 > [d6=2]
[20:19] * Kevamros maintains his flat stare at Rhayser from his position in the body pile.
[20:19] <Luther> "Hey, we found the bottom, Rhayser!"
[20:20] <Rhayser> "Wait, really?" Rhayser slides down in a more controlled manner.
[20:21] <Kotono> It's far shorter than it should be - like it was a few moment's walking instead of five minutes. But back down they are.
[20:21] * Kevamros attempts to stand up.
[20:21] <Luther> "I guess we are meant to go after that guy?"
[20:21] <Rhayser> "Probably."
[20:23] <Luther> "Want to go first?"
[20:23] <Kevamros> "Nope."
[20:24] <Luther> "Your job is to keep people alive. You go last anyway."
[20:26] <Rhayser> "Yeah. I'll go first."
[20:26] <Kotono> Kev finds standing up is simple enough.
[20:26] <Kevamros> OOC: Burning Level 3 Energy Vulnerability for Healz on Rhayser. Cure Serious Wounds
[20:26] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, roll it.
[20:26] <Kevamros> roll 3d8+7 Heals
[20:26] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 19 > [d8=3,2,7]
[20:26] <Kotono> Rhayser's wounds mend further, bringing relief from his suffering and vitality back to him.
[20:28] * Rhayser gives Kevamros two thumbs up and a big grin!
[20:28] * Kevamros maintains his flat stare.
[20:29] <Luther> "Alright then, down you go. Don't forget to count any stairs along the way!"
[20:29] * Rhayser heads out of the stairway, whistling cheerfully.
[20:30] <Kotono> OOC: Heading back to the tunnel going further down then?
[20:31] <Rhayser> OOC: I thought we were at the bottom?
[20:31] <Kotono> OOC: The bottom of the stairway ,yes.
[20:31] <Kotono> OOC: There's another tunnel going further down in the room you just came from, where you fought the knight.
[20:32] <Rhayser> OOC: Well yeah, I wolk out the door that is surely right in front of me back to the area where I originally landed where manbearpig beat the shit outta me.
[20:32] <Rhayser> OOC: Let's go that way!
[20:33] <Luther> ooc: I thought there was tunnel coming down (where we started), tunnel going down (where assassin jumped), and door to stairs we just slid down. I think we were going further down.
[20:34] <Kotono> OOC: Tunnel comign down that you came out of. In the same room is the door to the stairs you just fell down, and in that same room is another tunnel going further down.
[20:36] <Kotono> Thus the parrty heads to the tunnel going down. It looks rather similar to the tunnel you previously descended, down to the slipperiness and the water.
[20:38] * Kevamros looks around for any more of that moss to help.
[20:38] * Rhayser is more careful this time and stays out of the water!
[20:41] <Kotono> No sign of more moss down here, alas. OOC: Climbing in, Rhayser?
[20:41] <Rhayser> OOC: Carefully!~
[20:43] <Kotono> OOC: Dex check.
[20:44] <Rhayser> roll 1d20
[20:44] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=10]
[20:47] <Kotono> Gah! Rhayser tries, bu tthe slippery surface and water causes him to land flat on his back, slipping right along and down! OOC: I'll move you to #evil, pending on reactions here and if they immediately follow or not.
[20:48] <Luther> " moss this time. Jump in after him and hope we don't come upon him in the middle of a fight to the death?"
[20:48] * Kevamros dives to catch him, trying to at least grab his arm.
[20:48] <Kevamros> OOC: Strike that, didn't see the part where he already went away.
[20:49] * Kevamros sighs and carefully hops in after him, a healing spell already coming to mind.
[20:50] <Kotono> OOC: Going to try and stay up or just go with the flow?
[20:51] <Kevamros> OOC: Well, last time I took my time he was almost dead, so I guess go with the flow.
[20:52] * Luther goes after him as well, readying to cast some meatshields in front of him if necessary.
[20:53] <Kotono> Thus the party goes sliding on down, in order of Rhayser, Kevamros and Luther. You rush down and ahead is a sharp turn. In the wall straight ahead is a row of sharp spikes, the knight form before impaled deeply on them - bu tnot enough to shield you from them. That's a heck of a turn you all need to make and fast! OOC: Act all as you slide down. Spells and the like will require concentration.
[20:55] <Kevamros> OOC: I don't have any spells that can help, can I try and slow down to make the turn?
[20:55] <Kotono> OOC: Sure, it'll be a dex check. Wait until I prompt you.
[20:56] * Luther casts a summon spell, going for a meaty ogre zombie! It worked thel ast time! (ooc: SU3)
[20:57] <Luther> roll d20+12 concentration
[20:57] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=16]
[21:01] <Kotono> OOC: Where will it be positioneD?
[21:03] <Luther> ooc: In front of us!
[21:06] <Kotono> The ogre so appears. IT hits the spikes heavily, shielding the party from them. There's a soft thump as you hit the zombie, but it lets you  make the turn smoothly.  Down you go - and hanging from the ceiling as you go, perhaps just barely in reach, is a sheathed sword and cloak, wrapped around each other. They look to be of excellent make, as uch as each of you can tell as you barrel on down.
[21:06] * Kevamros tries to grab them!
[21:07] * Rhayser does too to see if he can! "STUFF!"
[21:09] <Kotono> OOC: Dex check if you're trying ot grab 'em.
[21:10] <Rhayser> roll 1d20
[21:10] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=16]
[21:10] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+1 De
[21:10] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=4]
[21:10] <Kevamros> Dex*
[21:11] <Kevamros> OOC: At least it's not a 1.
[21:11] <Kotono> Rhayser is quick and the first one. He grabs and pulls them down, getting them cleanly. On the party races - gah ,the bottom. The party hits a sandy bottom. IT is pitch dark here. Then, 30ft ahead, two red eyes can be seen. Slowly a dim light comes to view  - and before you stands a red lizard, large as a giant. It stares at the party for a few mere moments, before ROARING loud as a lion and
[21:11] <Kotono> pouncing towards them! OOC: Init first o fall.
[21:11] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4 lizard
[21:11] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=10]
[21:11] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+1 Init
[21:11] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=18]
[21:11] <Rhayser> roll 1d20 init
[21:11] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=16]
[21:11] <Luther> roll d20+3 init
[21:11] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=12]
[21:12] * Kotono changes topic to 'Kev(19)>Rhayser(16)>Luther(15)>Lizard(14)'
[21:12] <Kotono> OOC: Open Kev.
[21:12] <Kotono> OOC: K:A if anyone has it.
[21:12] <Rhayser> OOC: K:Psionics apply?
[21:13] <Luther> roll d20+11+5 K:A
[21:13] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=11]
[21:13] <Kotono> OOC: Yes, due to transparency.
[21:14] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+11
[21:14] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=15]
[21:14] <Kotono> The creature before you is a dragon. A relatively young red dragon, but it looks piiisssseeeedddddd. That's not good and tends to lead to a messy death.
[21:14] <Kevamros> OOC: I'll hold, I don't really have any spells to help ATM.
[21:14] <Kotono> OOC: Right. Rhayser.
[21:14] <Luther> "That is a young red dragon. It is now our duty to make sure it does not live to old age."
[21:20] * Rhayser lands, crouching a brief instant before leaping ahead and straight at the dragon, grinning joyfully and sword swingingly. "DRAGON!"
[21:20] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+14+2-4 PA Leap Attack
[21:20] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=13]
[21:21] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:21] <Rhayser> roll 3d6+2+3+9+1+12
[21:21] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 36 > [d6=5,3,1]
[21:21] <Kotono> WHAM! Rhayser slashes the dragon's chest, cutting deeply into it. It's staggered by it but not downed, blood running down its scales. OOC: Luther.
[21:24] * Luther fires a ray of exhaustion at the angry dragon! Hopefully it will be too tired to stay angry!
[21:24] <Luther> roll d20+10 ranged touch
[21:24] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=19]
[21:24] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:24] <Luther> ooc: fort save partial, DC 18
[21:24] <Luther> ooc: fatigue on pass, exhaustion on fail
[21:26] <Kotono> roll 1d20+11
[21:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=7]
[21:26] <Luther> ooc: curses
[21:26] <Luther> ooc: actually, is it beat or match?
[21:26] <Kotono> OOC: Match.
[21:27] <Luther> ooc: curses
[21:27] <Kotono> The beam hits the dragon, which slows it down slightly. But not enough to stop it from rearing back and breathing flames at all the party. A torrent of scorching flame engulfs them, burning them alive. OOC: Ref.
[21:27] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+5
[21:27] <Luther> roll d20+9 reflex
[21:27] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=15]
[21:27] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=15]
[21:27] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+5 Ref
[21:27] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=3]
[21:28] <Kevamros> OOC: Welp. This might be it for Kev.
[21:28] <Kotono> roll 6d10 half for Rhayser and Luther, full for Kev fire damage
[21:28] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d10=7,2,1,4,2,1]
[21:28] <Kotono> The dragon then pounces on Rhayser, trying to rip and bite him apart like a juicy treat.
[21:29] <Rhayser> "Hey HEY WHOA NICE DOGGY!"
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+18 (-1 fatigue) bite
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=1]
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (-1 fatigue) claw
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=3]
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (-1 fatigue) claw
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 35 > [d20=19]
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (-1 fatigue) wing
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=8]
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (-1 fatigue) wing
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=15]
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (-1 fatigue) tail
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=10]
[21:29] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[21:29] <Rhayser> OOC: Wait it can breathe and full attack? Breathing is a standard action
[21:30] <Kotono> OOC: There's ways around that, like quicken breath.
[21:30] <Kotono> OOC: Suffice to say I'm aware and it has a workaround.
[21:30] <Rhayser> OOC: Welp, there goes the party
[21:30] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[21:30] <Rhayser> OOC: My AC is 18 due to charge
[21:31] <Kotono> roll 1d8+3 claw 1
[21:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=7]
[21:31] <Kotono> roll 1d8+3 claw 2
[21:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d8=8]
[21:31] <Kotono> roll 1d4+3 wing 1
[21:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=1]
[21:31] <Kotono> roll 1d4+3 wing 2
[21:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=2]
[21:31] <Kotono> roll 1d8+10 tail slap
[21:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d8=8]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 1d4+4 breath weapon recharge
[21:32] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=1]
[21:33] <Kotono> The party is on fire, burning and Rhayser's being bitten, clawed and beaten like an old doll. He's bleeding profusely but still alive, if just barely. Pain fills him like the last time he got into a fight, only worse this time. Somehow. OOC: Kev.
[21:33] <Rhayser> "...not so nice doggy."
[21:34] <Kevamros> OOC: I assume Rhayser is too far away for me to touch/heal?
[21:35] <Kotono> OOC: 30ft, so you could make it to him, sure.
[21:37] * Kevamros gets a sour look on his face while patting out some of the flames and stomps his way over to Rhayser with a disgusted look for both him and the dragon and casts a healing spell on him! OOC: Burning Greater Magic Weapon for Cure Serious Wounds.
[21:37] <Kevamros> roll 4d8+7 Heals
[21:37] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 31 > [d8=2,7,8,7]
[21:39] <Kotono> OOC: You mean cure critical?
[21:39] <Kevamros> OOC: Yes, that.
[21:39] <Kotono> Rhayser's wounds agai mend, bringing him closer to life and the whole not dying thing. Thankfully. OOC: Rhayser.
[21:41] <Rhayser> OOC: How big's this room here?
[21:41] <Kotono> OOC: It's dark so you can see well. Looottts of space, though.
[21:44] * Rhayser abruptly balloons in size, going from impressively large to comical in an instant! OOC: Manifesting Expansion as swift
[21:44] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[21:44] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+14-4 PA
[21:44] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=7]
[21:45] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+9-4 PA
[21:45] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=15]
[21:45] <Kotono> OOC: Second hits.
[21:46] <Rhayser> roll 3d6+2+3+12+1 smashy!
[21:46] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 28 > [d6=4,2,4]
[21:46] <Kotono> Rhayser grows larger and stabs out. He manages to wing the dragona cross the side, sword scraping swiftly. The dragon's staggered back a second time, bleeding a fair deal from the enlarged and vicious wound. OOC: Luther.
[21:46] <Luther> "You overgrown iguana, how dare you do that to my minion! I'll take it out on your hide and turn it into a wizard's hat! Haha, I see you cowering behind him! Keep your distance, you red bastard child of a cockatrice!" Luther taunts the red dragon to distract it from Rhayser and Kevamros, while weaving a spell on it. (OOC: using Goad, will save DC 18 to make it focus its attacks on me, and using Scare to try and frighten it, will save DC 18, pass = shaken, fail = frightened)
[21:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9 vs goad
[21:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=9]
[21:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9 vs scare
[21:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[21:47] <Kotono> Despite throwing all the fear it can, the dragon isn't stirred off. Oh, it looks shaken and angry, but seems content to try and finish poor Rhayser off, rather than chasing a new foe.
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (-1 fatigue, -2 shaken) bite
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=5]
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (-1 fatigue, -2 shaken) claw
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=1]
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (-1 fatigue, -2 shaken) claw
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=7]
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (-1 fatigue, -2 shaken) wing
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=15]
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (-1 fatigue, -2 shaken) wing
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=1]
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (-1 fatigue, -2 shaken) tail
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=15]
[21:48] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[21:48] <Rhayser> OOC: AC 19
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 2d6+7 bite
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d6=1,2]
[21:49] <Kotono> roll 1d8+3 claw
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 4 > [d8=1]
[21:49] <Kotono> roll 1d4+3 wing
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=4]
[21:49] <Kotono> roll 1d4+3 wing
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=2]
[21:49] <Kotono> OOC: Axe the second wing.
[21:49] <Kotono> roll 1d8+10 tail slap
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d8=5]
[21:50] <Kotono> Rhayser is again mauled and bloodied, torn to the brink of death as the dragon trades blows with him. But he's not down, somehow despite all the horrific bleeding he's doing. OOC: Kev.
[21:50] <Rhayser> "I'M OKAY!"
[21:51] * Rhayser bleeds ferociously on the dragon!
[21:51] * Kevamros clicks his tongue at Rhayser and pours on the healing. OOC: Burning Energy Vulnerability for cure Serious.
[21:52] <Kevamros> roll 3d8+7 Heals
[21:52] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 16 > [d8=5,3,1]
[21:52] <Kotono> OOC: Got it.
[21:53] <Kotono> Rhayser heals a little more, brought back from the brink as econd time - barely. OOC: The ows. Rhayser.
[21:55] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+14-2 PA
[21:55] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=16]
[21:55] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+9-2 PA
[21:55] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=20]
[21:55] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+9-2 PA confirm?????????
[21:55] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=6]
[21:55] <Kotono> OOC: Two normal hits.
[21:56] <Rhayser> roll 3d6+2+3+12+1 smashy!
[21:56] <Rhayser> roll 3d6+2+3+12+1 smashy!
[21:56] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 31 > [d6=5,6,2]
[21:56] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 25 > [d6=2,1,4]
[21:56] <Rhayser> OOC: PLS DIE
[21:58] <Kotono> Blow after blow forces the dragon back. With a savage, desperate cry, Rhayser decapitates the wyrm, sending it to the ground. It explodes into light, a great pile of coins appearing whree it was....then, it's over. The party stands in Luther's castle once more. The coins and treasure they gathered are there, but no further signs of danger. V...victory?! But as they realize this, a single envelope
[21:58] <Kotono> appears in Luther's hands.
[21:58] <Kotono> OOC: Free act.
[21:59] * Kevamros calls upon his holy powers to send out a wave of healing power! OOC: Burning some Turns. Not sure how many yet, depends on roll results.
[21:59] <Kevamros> roll 4d6 Heals
[21:59] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 20 > [d6=4,5,5,6]
[21:59] * Rhayser raises his sword and cries out triumphantly, "I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM!"
[21:59] <Kevamros> roll 4d6 Heals
[21:59] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 8 > [d6=2,1,4,1]
[22:00] * Luther blinks. "We're...back home? Well, I am, at least, though you're welcome to stay as my guests. Still, that was convinient," he says as he looks at the envelope.
[22:00] <Kevamros> roll 4d6 Heals
[22:00] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 16 > [d6=2,5,6,3]
[22:00] <Kotono> It's a plain envelope. IT likely holds something to be read.
[22:00] <Luther> "Hrm...on the off-chance that it's another invite, should we rest a night before opening this one?"
[22:00] <Kevamros> OOC: That many. +44 HP to both of you.
[22:00] * Rhayser turns and gives Kevamros the biggest, stupidest, bloodiest hug he's probably ever had. "YOU'RE AWESOME!"
[22:01] <Kevamros> "You make me work too hard.
[22:01] <Kevamros> "
[22:01] <Luther> "Hey, I'll have you know that I helped your job go a bit easier!"
[22:01] <Rhayser> "WOULD YOU ALSO LIKE A HUG?"
[22:02] <Luther> "No, it's fine. Though I don't think we're getting a hat out of that young dragon, unfortunately."
[22:02] <Kevamros> "No."
[22:02] <Rhayser> "Oh yeah." Rhayser abruptly shrinks. "That's a bummer."
[22:03] * Rhayser is still holding Kevamros.
[22:03] <Kevamros> "Please release me."
[22:03] <Rhayser> "Okay!" Rhayser lets Kevamros go.
[22:03] <Kevamros> "We have treasures and rest to get."
[22:03] * Kevamros brushes himself clean.... as much as he can.... and goes to search around the loot.
[22:04] <Rhayser> "I still have the stuff I grabbed on the way to the dragon!"
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.