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020. Athear dies.

Started by Corwin, June 20, 2015, 03:19:52 PM

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[20:32] <@Kotono> OOC: Searching for a temple, cathederal or something like that?
[20:34] <@Erad> OOC: Yes. Preference is for dragon-related, but I'm doubting that's happening, so Erad will settle for any non-evil.
[20:42] <@Kotono> OOC: Go ahead and make an K:R check, see if you know of anything in town.
[20:43] <@Erad> OOC: I will need the Miko who hopefully loves me more than Serith does.
[20:44] <@Kotono> OOC: Good luck, Rei is a bitter old dicebot.
[20:44] <@Erad> roll 1d20+7
[20:44] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{21}
[20:46] <@Kotono> There's one thing that comes to mind - the Technos of Gond have a small chapterhouse here. It likely has an altar that could work. It's your best play - you recall there's a chapterhouse of the Order of the Whirling Fury here as well, but it's been abandoned.
[20:48] <@Erad> Erad will look around and try to find the chapterhouse of Gond, then! "Hopefully it's still in service..." Erad mumbles to himself as he walks along. "Has yours been itching, too, Helena?"
[20:50] <@Kotono> "It...wiggles," Helena admits as the two travel the side streets, keeping a good pace. It's quiet here - a sort of residential peace. "Like there's something caught in the wound."
[20:58] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head. "Mine is the same way. In a sense."
[20:58] <@Erad> "It's strange to be in a town where I don't think we're going to get jumped by some crazed Aurilite." Erad says as the two walk.
[20:59] <@Kotono> As you chat, you come to the chapterhouse. It's a pleasant if unremarkable building, surrounded by hedges. It doesn't really look like a normal place of worship, but you can see the iron image of a gear engraved into the doors - Gond's holy symbol, Erad knows that much.
[21:00] <@Erad> "Shall we?" Erad asks as he approaches. "...Should we knock?"
[21:03] <@Kotono> "Probably?" Helena shrugs, doing just that. The soft knock echos, each time growing louder and louder! Knock...Knock...KNOCK!....KNOOOOCK! There's a metallic sound, like metal rustling against metal, and the door opens. Inside is a small antechamber, decorated with metal designs and clockwork. A man in plain white robes with golden accents sits at a desk, glancing up, "Welcome to the House
[21:03] <@Kotono> of Gond," he says, "Entry is 5 gold per person. Praise the Wonderworker." His voice doesn't change in the least bit, a dull monotone.
[21:04] <@Erad> "Good to meet you." Erad nods. "We're happy to pay, but... we were hoping to get healed of some injuries created by some vile and evil creatures. I'm sure the 5 gold doesn't cover that. Does it?"
[21:06] <@Kotono> "It doesn't. Services will be straight ahead, third door on your right. Please pay to support the Technos." He says, holding his hand out.
[21:06] <@Kotono> Helena frowns, "We have to pay to get into a church?"
[21:07] <@Erad> "It's going to be a better cause than Auril." Erad says as he fishes for the money.
[21:08] <@Erad> "I don't mind paying for you if you're against it." He adds as he takes out the requested amount.
[21:10] <@Kotono> "Thanks!" Helena brightens at that, as the money is taken. "Go down through that door, third one on the right." OOC: Post the expense.
[21:10] <@Erad> OOC: Done
[21:11] <@Erad> Erad nods and will do as instructed and then look for the third door on the right, but he'll look around too, just to get the sights of the place.
[21:13] <@Kotono> It leads into a small room. There's a strange pillar of clockwork gears here, surrounded by pale gray light. A dumpy, rather large man in the same white and gold robes is here, bowing slightly. "Praise be to the Wonderworker!" He declares, voice boomingly resonant. He's completely balt and a bit sweaty.
[21:15] <@Erad> "Oh, so they're not all... monotone." Erad says. "Ah... hello. We were hoping we could get these taken care of?" He gestures at his wound on his shoulder. "Ran into some rather... well, I suppose you don't need the details."
[21:21] <@Kotono> "Oh, for a proper donation so that Gond's works can florish, of course," He offers, "How about 150 gold each?"
[21:23] <@Erad> Erad reels back a bit. "150? Isn't that a bit much? Are you that hard-pressed in this town?"
[21:26] <@Kotono> "That much?!" Helens stares, "That's robbery1"
[21:27] <@Kotono> "Why, Gond's work is expensive, and Gond's work is all that matters," The man explains, "Would you begrudge advancement?"
[21:28] <@Erad> "Do you want Gond to be known as someone only to follow for the rich?" Erad retorts. "Don't those less fortunate deserve advancement?"
[21:32] <@Kotono> "Hmph." Erad gets a long look, "If you can't afford it, say so."
[21:34] <@Kotono> "It's not that! Don't we deserve some help since we've been cursed, rather than lining your own pockets?" Helena glowers, arms crossed now. "That's just wrong!"
[21:34] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head. "It isn't a matter of affording it. I can pay. But you and I both know that's too expensive. I can heal my own wounds in your halls in Bahamut's name instead of Gond's, or I can pay you what the service is worth and you can have Gond grant you a boon for doing a good deed."
[21:36] <@Erad> roll 1d20+7 K:R maybe there's some quote from Gond he can pull out to reinforce his point?
[21:36] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+7 K:R maybe there's some quote from Gond he can pull out to reinforce his point? --> [ 1d20=15 ]{22}
[21:37] <@Kotono> Erad can recall one: Let money pave the way to advancement, to line the streets rather than to weigh your pockets down.
[21:38] <@Erad> Erad nods again to Helena. "Lining, exactly. 'Let money pave the way to advancement...'" Erad starts and then gestures at the man. "I'm sure you can fill the rest in, can't you?"
[21:40] <@Kotono> "Yeah!" Helena nods, glowering at him.
[21:41] <@Kotono> This gets a less than friendly stare "Tch. Fine. You said you can do it yourself? 50 gold and you can do it yourself at the altar."
[21:43] <@Erad> "Very well, 25 fro, the both of us then." Erad announces, since that math checks out. "Helena, would you mind? I can pay you back." Erad says as he moves to go to the altar to do the healing himself! Hmph, Gond sure has some assholes as followers...
[21:44] <@Kotono> The money is paid, the way to the altar opened. OOC: Goa head, healing yourselves
[21:44] <@Kotono> ?
[21:45] <@Erad> OOC: Yeah, I'll lay on hands myself for 5 and Helena for 5, even though it's overkill.
[21:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Wounds heale.d
[21:46] <@Kotono> On this touch, the wounds boil like water, before stilling and healing properly. Aaah, relief!
[21:47] <@Erad> Erad nods. He turns to the man and bows partially to him. "You have our thanks, but I suggest you reflect on your vows." With that, he'll head out with Helena to go meet back up with the others.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:32] <@Kotono> The restaurant in question is a cozy place on the main road. It's decorated in a plain, pleasant sort of way, unremarkable. The dish in question is roast chicken stuffed with cheese and chopped steak - it smells heady, and there's little onions in a circle around it. It comes with salad, bread and wine. As the party digs in, "So," T says after taking his first bite, "I'm thinking I'll see if I
[20:32] <@Kotono> can track down an enchanter. I have the coins to fix my armor up better now. I don't know about you, 'rose and 'nari, but I think I could use more protection the way things have been going."
[20:35] <@Annerose> "I actually thought it would be difficult, and ended up spending all my gold on dubious maps," Annerose admts, setting the onions aside for Sigfried while starting on the steak.
[20:35] <@Inari> "It never hurts," Inari says, chopping up some of the salad and onions to go with her first bite. "I understand it's expensive though. I don't think I have enough to pay for any myself."
[20:37] <@Kotono> It's pretty good - a strong medley of flavors that blends well together. "It is. What I hear is a thousand gold at the absolute minimum. But hell, I'll go, ask, see what I can get done. Unfortunately it may come down to an Umberlant, especially if I can find something along the lines of what I want."
[20:38] * @Annerose pulls slightly on her necklace, just to make it more prominet. "If anything, I'd like to enchant this lovely thing when I get the chance. But not by asking Umberlee, I think."
[20:40] <@Inari> "I think I'd like to learn how to enchant things sometime," Inari says, taking a sip of wine and then another bite. "But there's so many other things demanding my attention as well, and it's not the sort of thing you can excel at without a very breadth selection of spells."
[20:41] <@Annerose> "That's certainly true! It's been on my mind as well, but I'm aware I don't have the most well-rounded magic."
[20:43] <@Kotono> T eats and drinks awhile before joining back in. "I don't know. Most of the adventuring wizards I know leave that sort of thing to more conservative wizards."
[20:45] * @Annerose alternates between the chicken and the steak, looking up at T's words. "I don't know. Wouldn't you say we're better qualified to know what we need?"
[20:45] <@Inari> "And given the state of the country, how many wizards, or more importantly clerics, are going to be both willing and able to make the sort of things we need?"
[20:47] <@Kotono> "Good points." T concedes with a light shrug, focusing on his meal. "I don't think there's much of an Umberlant or Aurilite presence in this town. It's too inland and too removed from the mountains for either of them. If anything, I'm not really sure what faith is strong here."
[20:49] <@Inari> "Well we'll find out when Erad and Helena get back."
[20:51] <@Kotono> "So," T leans back, "Speaking of, what do you think of the new blood?"
[20:53] <@Annerose> "I think banter is fine but talking about someone behind his back like that is more than I've comfortable with."
[20:53] <@Inari> "Or her back," Inari adds in.
[20:54] <@Annerose> "I knew Helena before any of you, actually. But yes, that works."
[20:55] <@Kotono> "It's not talking behind their backs." T says with an easy smile, "It's just communicating, seeing if there's any problems with them."
[20:56] <@Annerose> "Communicate with Sigfried, then," Annerose says with an answering smile. "He's very chatty and doesn't have my hangups."
[20:56] <@Kotono> "Aaaaah." T sighs and shakes his head, "Reduced to talking to a penguin. These are hard times we live in, hard times.
[20:57] <@Kotono> "
[20:57] <@Annerose> "The smartest penguin in the world~"
[20:58] <@Inari> "I will say this, Malana's culinary traditions have at least kept themselves well alive," Inari says, devouring another chunk of chicken and salad.
[20:59] <@Annerose> "I haven't eaten like this in... a while, yes!"
[21:00] <@Kotono> "It's expensive. This costs around 5 gold coins. Only the well off can afford it for a meal." T pauses to eat some more, "Mmmm. The common folk eat the same swill as they always do. Homemade bread, vegetables, a few fruits, some meat when they can get it."
[21:00] <@Kotono> Pausing to wipe his hands with his napkin, "So it's alive and well if you have coin to buy it."
[21:03] <@Inari> "That's a downer..." Inari cracks a frown. "But it's not just this, I mean everywhere we've gone we've found inventive and tasty dishes. Or maybe you're all used to that?"
[21:03] <@Annerose> "I just don't get how the economy works," Annerose admits, lowering her head.
[21:04] <@Kotono> "I know all the good places," T says with a shrug, "Anyway, all the common folk produce and the well off profit off of it. It's not hard to understand. Be it the crown collecting taxes, merchants selling essential goods at whatever price they please or nobles...well, they collect taxes too. Or us taking treasure from the wealthy and the dead."
[21:06] <@Annerose> "But all the bad people we fought with had enough money on them to feed the entire town at this place! How can that even work?"
[21:08] <@Kotono> "The same way my armor," He taps his chest, "Could feed a village a good while if I sold it. If you're a have, you get money from something that traces back to the have nots work and efforts. I got the money for this from a bounty," he mentions, "Brought in a horse thief. The money from that came from a local knight, who taxed his lands to raise it."
[21:08] <@Annerose> "So at the core, all the money comes from stealing?"
[21:09] * @Annerose tilts her head. "Does it even make sense? Just how many horses do you need to have stolen to have it worth your while to pay for a magical armor?"
[21:09] <@Inari> "Not stealing, it's an exchange. The knight should protect his people from goblin raids and pirates - though clearly this doesn't happen anymore. The people who worshipped me would bring meals, furnish and defend my temple, and I protected them, brought them good weather and fortune."
[21:09] <@Kotono> "Define stealing." T goes back to his meal, "We stole everything from that couple of Aurilites, for example. In theory, Inari's right. The knight should protect his people."
[21:10] <@Annerose> "So what you two are saying," Annerose muses, looking between them, "is that the original model makes sense, but it has been twisted in practice. The burden grows in one direction, while the effort slacks off in the other?"
[21:11] <@Kotono> "Sure. Ask Ailan about that," T remarks, lowering his voice.
[21:12] * @Annerose busies herself with her food again. It's been paid for as it is.
[21:13] <@Inari> "That has been my observation thus far," Inari nods. "Though T did manage to make me feel guilty for enjoying this food when it puts me on the same level as those useless knights and lords. But maybe if he ate as a fox does for a few days my little pleasures wouldn't be begrudged?"
[21:15] <@Kotono> "What does a fox eat?" T banters back, finishing off his meal and resting back. He holds his wine glass loosely, sipping from it.
[21:15] <@Annerose> "The meat would be less cooked, I'd imagine?"
[21:17] <@Inari> "Anything," Inari says flatly. "And yes, cooking, mixing, any kind of preparation is of course off the table... not that you get to eat on one of those either."
[21:23] <@Kotono> "Look at it this way - you got thi smoney by ridding the world of a few of Auril's children," T smiles a bit, "I'd say that puts you on a level above useless lords and knights."
[21:25] <@Inari> "Well, if you want to be technical I think I got it from that dragon mage. I got this lovely bracelet from one of Auril's," she holds up her wrist, no longer adorned with a forearm covering leather bracer, but now just a thick gold bracelet where it peeks out of her voluminous sleeve.
[21:27] <@Kotono> "Still, details. You fulfilled your end of it, unlike them." T gestures with his wineglass, towards that bracelet.
[21:28] <@Annerose> It's definitely time to drink, and Annerose does so.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so what goals does the party have in Lemmen?
[21:50] <@Annerose> OOC: Let's do a repeat of the Warmfolk thing
[21:50] <@Annerose> OOC: There must be trees with cats trapped in them, and probably a wretched hive of scum and villainry!
[21:51] <@Inari> OOC: we can check out the abandoned whirling fury place, see if there's any ghosts with unfinished business
[21:52] <@Erad> OOC: Erad would probably ask around about the monastery to see if anyone remembers anything about it. Beyond that and maybe looking for any other Bahamut...ites? He's got nothing really.
[21:54] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[21:55] <@Kotono> OOC: Just a sec, starting to storm here. Let me see if it's going to require me to bail early.
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: We'll start with Annerose's idea and work from there. Someone make a diplo check to gather information. People can aid if they care to.
[21:59] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+15 GI!
[21:59] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d20+15 GI! --> [ 1d20=5 ]{20}
[22:00] <@Inari> roll 1d20+18 aiding
[22:00] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+18 aiding --> [ 1d20=8 ]{26}
[22:01] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 T aids
[22:01] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+11 T aids --> [ 1d20=18 ]{29}
[22:01] <@Erad> OOC: Erad is a gruff horrible person with no diplomatic skills.
[22:08] <@Kotono> Tola 56 is unfortunately warmer and sunny. You wander the streets, talking around and investigating. The current scttlebutt is discussing Kabath: Apparently there was a sudden, unexpected skirmish at Iron Resolve. That drowns out a lot, as whispered worries of war ripple throughout.  But eventually you find something - besides a caravan is a sunburned young man. He's fair and has fiery red hair.
[22:08] <@Kotono> "Hey, I got something for you, if you're looking around. Friend's sister was abducted."
[22:09] <@Annerose> "Abducted?"
[22:11] <@Erad> Erad folds his arms and waits for a further explanation and possible details.
[22:14] <@Kotono> "Yeah,"He says, surely no older than 16. He nods quickly, "A knight took her, so it says."
[22:15] <@Inari> Inari glances at T before focusing on the young man. "Where's this friend?"
[22:15] <@Annerose> That sounds especially sour after their conversation at the restaurant the other day. Frowning, Annerose says, "Please tell me more about it. When did it happen? Who are the people involved?"
[22:17] <@Erad> Erad leaves the interrogation to the two as he looks around. Maybe someone paying a little too much attention or trying to act just a little too inconspicuous?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake