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030. Robbing the robbers in Lemmen

Started by Corwin, July 31, 2015, 11:42:30 AM

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[20:02] <@Kotono> "Girl," He grunts at that, "I'll get blamed if he's here fast - and he might well if it's a shapeshifter assassin. He doesn't have a lot of mercy, the shapechanger's good as dead when he gets here."
[20:04] <Annerose> "Why's that?" Annerose asks curiously. "Is it a shapeshifter thing?
[20:09] <@Kotono> "Yeah. They're a threat and a danger. Lord Warlan doesn't like things like that." The guard says, shaking his head quickly.
[20:12] <Annerose> "Makes sense," Annerose agrees. "So what do you think? Some swift extra effort to present the whole conspiracy to Lord Warlan? Or play it safe and stick with what you have?"
[20:14] <@Kotono> "Uh, I guess," The guard finally says, "Maybe you can talk him into something?"
[20:15] <Annerose> "Oh, there was that option as well! Yes, certainly. If you could introduce us, perhaps, I could present the case to Lord Warlan? It'd help to know more about how he is to avoid offending him by accident, of course...."
[20:19] <@Kotono> "He'll be here soon," The guard says, as...OOC: Planning to trya nd parley with 'em, then?
[20:19] <Annerose> OOC: Yes, though I've asked for some background info on him twice already. I'd rather not go into it blind.
[20:27] <@Kotono> "He's a hard man who is hard on criminals," the guard finally says. "He deals with them so they don't do it again - one way or another."
[20:31] * Annerose nods her understanding.
[20:34] <@Kotono> "You'd better hope you have some way of getting through to him," He adds a moment later.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:40] <@Kotono> Annerose soon returns and the party waits. It's not terribly long before two guards enter. They kneel before the door sweeps open again. A man with an iron gray beard enters, wearing finery of white and red. A crimson cloak wooshes in the wind the door makes, a sword at his side. His face is strong and set, blue eyes sweeping over the room. Behind him is a robed and hooded man, silent and easy
[20:40] <@Kotono> to miss. He glances about the room before striding right to the prisoner's cell. "That's her?" he asks.
[20:42] <@Erad> Erad stays quiet for now. He's never been good with this sort of thing.
[20:43] * Annerose contemplates making her move, but it might be seen as rude with a lord. Instead, she relies on her earlier request for an introduction and catches her guard friend's gaze with her own.
[20:46] <@Kotono> The guards quickly kneel as well, T following suit. Helena blinks but also quickly does so. "The offended are those," the guard says, glancing towards the party. "The prisoner is here." Said prisoner is still chained, expression dark.
[20:47] <@Kotono> The party gets a look over, Annerose in particular. "This creature attacked all of you?"
[20:49] * Annerose followed the example of the guards and T, and now rises to her feet upon being addressed. "My companion was the one attacked, My Lord," she says, indicating T. "Yet she has indicated that there are those in the city that wish us harm enough to pay for our deaths. It was my hope that with your blessing, we might rout them out and bring them to justice."
[20:50] <@Erad> Erad stands for a few extra moments, as if debating something to himself, before he finally kneels as well.
[20:54] <@Kotono> "I was," T says, offering nothing else.
[20:55] <@Kotono> "Justice will be visited on her first, but even a corpse can speak." Lord Warlan declares, "Aban will see to it that her corpse answers your questions. But first, confirm that it is a shapechanger." Lord Warlan turns to the shapechanger, who goes rigid and still. The robed man reaches in, applying something to his eyes - and then nods after a few seconds. "Yes."
[20:57] <@Erad> Erad makes a sour face for a moment but doesn't say anything else.
[20:58] <@Kotono> Helena just keeps quiet, face down. It's hard to see her expression like this, though T just goes slightly rigid.
[21:02] <Annerose> "I'm somewhat familiar with the spell myself, Lord Warlan," Annerose notes, her voice respectful, "as well as with its limitations. Only direct questions, and never any initiative in the answers -- and those when the spell goes through. Though it is presumptious of me to suggest anything of the kind, perhaps she could be persuaded to be of great use to the justice of this fine city in exchange for her continued incarceration? Ferreting out all those who conspired to murder us, and then going back through her previous employers? Providing what evidence would be needed of their guilt, beyond a mere corpse's words?"
[21:19] <@Kotono> "A shapechanger is a creature of lies," Lord Warlan turns back to the woman, voice hard and filled with contempt. "I do not trust such things. What they offer is little and they are best stomped out as vermin."
[21:22] <Annerose> "Trust blindly? Certainly not, my lord is correct. Trust but verify? That's more sensible. With the incentive of continuing to draw breath, and adequate oversight, even a shapeshifter's sense of self-preservation will win out over their innate desire to lie and deceive. As we recognize that, why not take advantage of it to gain justice for countless victims of past crimes, and prevent future ones?"
[21:23] <@Erad> Erad takes a moment to look over Lord Warlan to see if he has any notable religious icons on him.
[21:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Quick K:R check here, Erad.
[21:27] <@Erad> roll 1d20+7
[21:29] <Serith2> Erad roll for Serith2 < 15 > [d20=8]
[21:31] <@Kotono> Nothing on him. Meanwhile, "Perhaps," Lord Warlan finally replies, watching the shapeshifter. "To allow a snake to live to draw out the othe rsnakes from the ground, eh?"
[21:32] <Annerose> "It is as you say, Lord Warlan," Annerose agrees, adding a touch of humility into it. If the lord comes to think the idea came from him, even in part, then that makes it more palatable.
[21:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a diplo check here, +3 bonus.
[21:35] <Annerose> roll 1d20+15+3
[21:35] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 38 > [d20=20]
[21:35] <@Erad> OOC: I'd aid but why bother
[21:37] <@Kotono> OOC: That is a rather spectacular 20.
[21:43] <@Kotono> "You have 24 hours," he says, "To show some first results. If she escapes or things go wrong, her crimes are on your head."
[21:45] <Annerose> "I understand, My Lord," Annerose responds, bowing. "It shall be done."
[21:48] <@Kotono> The guards are commanded and Lord Warlan leaves. The cell is opened, the shapeshifter slowly unchained. "She's your problem now," The guards says, backing off.
[21:50] <@Erad> "Annerose, you can disguise yourself, can you not? Erad asks. "I was thinking the easiest way would be for..." Erad looks to the woman. "It would be easier if you gave us a name to call you, shapeshifter or not." Then back to Annerose. "Her to escort you into this place and you to give a signal when you wanted us to come in. I'm no good with sneaking and I doubt you can hide the scales anyway.
[21:50] <@Erad> But if you had another idea on how to approach it, I'm all ears."
[21:51] <Annerose> It would be even easier if the shapeshifter had clothes, and Annerose inquires about that while Erad talks to her.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:14] <@Kobrb> Getting the shapeshifter clothes is unremarkable - a simple and old peasant dress. The party musters just outside of the guard station, Inari catching up to them. "So now we need to get things in order," T says, "So what's your name, anyway?"
[20:14] <@Kobrb> The shapeshifter shakes her head, "Anne," is her answer.
[20:15] <@Inari> Inari jogs up to reunite with the group. "Hope I haven't missed much!" she says.
[20:18] <@Annerose> "A bit," Annerose muses. "Our would be assassin goes by Anne, and she decided to work with us rather than throw herself at the mercy of the local justice system. So we're going to take out her employers. Oh! And they wanted all of us dead, not just T."
[20:19] <@Inari> "Lucky us," she observes. "Well, lead the way."
[20:20] <@Erad> "I'll keep eyes from above, if that works." Erad says.
[20:20] <@Annerose> "Works for me. Also, this time it might be good for us to take the direct approach?"
[20:21] <@Kobrb> Anne nods shortly, "I'll take you there," she says.
[20:21] <@Kobrb> T rubs his chin, "There is one thing. 'nari, if they have access to a shapeshifter, they might also have access to more magic."
[20:22] <@Annerose> "I'm not too worried about that, but keeping something in reserve is another thing entirely. How about it, Helena?"
[20:23] <@Inari> "Well, I don't have anything that can directly counter or negate magic," Inari says, seemingly unconcerned. "We'll just have to respond as best we can to anything that comes up."
[20:29] <@Kobrb> "Eh?" Helena blinks, "What about reserves now?"
[20:30] <@Annerose> "No reason for all of us to just go in if it's a trap, and we do have a girl who could look like you, if they know all about us."
[20:32] <@Kobrb> "Oh. Okay then," Helena shrugs, "I can live with that."
[20:33] <@Annerose> "Don't forget to come and rescue us if things look bad~"
[20:33] <@Kobrb> OOC: Okay, so what's the plan here?
[20:33] <@Annerose> OOC: I propose Helena keeps somewhat close and ready to charge in, and Anne shapeshifts into her and leads us to the bad people
[20:34] <@Erad> OOC: I'll fly above everything and come down if something starts.
[20:37] <@Kobrb> OOC: Okay.
[20:38] * Kobrb is now known as Kotono
[20:41] <@Kotono> The party finds Wither Street is on the outskirts of town. It's run down and well away from the main road, a bunch of houses that have seen better days. People come and go here, all wearing simple clothes and dirty. The party gets eyes on them as they go along, standing out from the people. From above, Erad can see there's just one more street until the open countryside, but nothing else is
[20:41] <@Kotono> unusual.
[20:42] <@Annerose> "I presume you weren't just approached in the middle of the street?"
[20:44] <@Kotono> Anne just gestures to a house at the end of the street, "That one. There's a basement," she says, leading you along. It's an unremarkable house, about as run down as the others. A few kids are playing in front of it, tossing old, beaten horseshoes at a stake in the ground.
[20:44] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception, Erad.
[20:45] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[20:45] <Serith2> Erad roll for Serith2 < 14 > [d20=1]
[20:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on.
[20:48] * @Annerose knocks on the door and then opens it!
[20:54] <@Kotono> As Annerose approaches the door, the kids block the way. "Mom and Dad aren't home," One chimes up, perhaps 8 years old.He's ruffled and dirty, blonde hair matted with dirt.
[20:55] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13 sense motive, do their real parents live there?
[20:55] <Serith2> Inari roll for Serith2 < 30 > [d20=17]
[20:55] * @Annerose pats him lightly on the head with a gloved hand, smiling down at him. "Hello! And who might you be?" she asks him brightly.
[20:56] <@Kotono> The kid's completely fronting and full of it. So ar ethe other kids - and they're tense, too. Tough. "Bob." He answers, "Come back later tonight."
[20:58] <@Kotono> "Hey Bob," T says easily enough, pausing to wipe his face clean of the drizzling rain that falls from above.
[20:59] <@Inari> "Oh that's alright," Inari says. "We're just travelling entertainers, see," she holds out her cupped hands and opens them, causing etherial butterflies made of illusion and happiness to burst out, flying around until one lands on every child's hand. "Why don't you come with me and I can show you some spells, wouldn't that be fun?" She may as well distract the children so they're not around the
[20:59] <@Inari> impending violence.
[20:59] <@Inari> OOC: major image for that
[21:03] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a diplo check, +3 bonus for the magical selling.
[21:04] <@Inari> roll 1d20+21
[21:04] <Serith2> Inari roll for Serith2 < 25 > [d20=4]
[21:04] <@Kotono> That gets the attention of the kids - who fall right in with Inari, eyes wide. OOC: Going to keep them busy, 'nari?
[21:05] <@Inari> OOC: yeah, I'll find say a ruined half-open shack or something and make whole it for more ooohing and ahhing as well as giving them shelter from the rain as I amuse and entertain with illusions and ventriloquism
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:13] <@Kotono> Gathering the kids on over is easy. There are four in total, all boys. They're rain damp and wide eyes, following the butterflies Inari created.
[21:18] <@Inari> Of course, boys being boys, it'll take more than butterflies to keep their interest. So she recalls them back to her hands whereupon they vanish as she clasps them once more. Seeing a rotten old cart with one wheel missing and the other broken, its cloth covering torn or rotted away into scraps, and no doubt infested with woodlice, she figures that's a good spot to work with. It's also
[21:18] <@Inari> pointed away from the house of impending violence! "Why don't you all take a seat?" she invites, pointing at the wagon, its open end having enough room for four small children to squeeze in side by side. And no doubt they would, but she can impress them some more and does so, "Oh but wait, it's all rotten and you might get splinters. Here we go," she waves a hand and the thing magically
[21:18] <@Inari> reassembles itself to gleaming new, fabric stretching and swelling on reformed supports to provide shelter from the rain.
[21:19] <@Kotono> "Woah," One says, a younger one grinning and leaping right on it. "Neat!" All four kids are completely tied up with it.
[21:22] <@Inari> "Okay!" she smiles brightly, clasping her hands as she takes a spot to the side before them. "Now then, what sort of things are you boys interested in? Monsters and peril? Magic and spectacle?" she pitches her voice in a faintly teasing tone for any that might be nearing puberty, "Princesses and romance?"
[21:24] <@Kotono> "Monsters and peril!" They say in an uneven chorus. "Show us the dragons! The demons! The knights!"
[21:29] <@Inari> As expected! She laughs lightly and claps her hand. "Monsters and peril it is!" she agrees. "But I'm not sure about demons. They might be a bit too scary..." Ordinarily she'd like to go with a classic dragon, but with Erad flying around up there he might take offence. "How about this one?" she muses, conjuring forth an illusory knight, all dressed in gleaming full plate that covers every
[21:29] <@Inari> inch of his body, a giant greatsword held in both hands and a tabard in white with a red diamond on it. And facing this phantasmal knight appears an emormous bug, looking like a giant tick, with feathery antenae and a fish-like tail, its armoured carapace a dull muted brown-red. "Who do you think's going to win?"
[21:35] <@Kotono> "Ooooooh!" The children watch it and call, "The knight'll win for sure!" "But that monster's scary!" The youngest said, hiding behind the older children.
[21:37] <@Inari> "Really? Don't you think it looks kind of cute?" Inari wonders, leaning over to get a look at the rust monster, which chitters pleasingly and waggles its antennae towards her. "Cute or no, I'll slay the beast for sure!" she has the knight intone pompously, prompting her to quickly back away in mock fright. "Well, I don't want to get between those two, that's for sure!"
[21:39] <@Kotono> "Yeah, get 'em!" One of the kids calls. As they stay enraptured by Inari's magic...OOC: Make a Will save, Erad.
[21:41] <@Erad> roll 1d20+15 (+2 if it's an evil descriptor ability and another +2 if it's chaotic or evil in origin)
[21:41] <Serith2> Erad roll for Serith2 < 18 > [d20=3]
[21:41] <@Erad> OOC: Also mettle if it matters
[21:42] <@Kotono> OOC: It actually does.
[21:42] <@Kotono> Erad feels a strange sensation - a momentary sting in his left hand. But he automatically focuses, banishing it away a second later. What was that?
[21:43] <@Erad> Erad frowns and looks around. Is there something...? Hm, he looks down again, lowering himself from the sky slightly. That wasn't just a random pain...
[21:44] <@Inari> As Inari makes way, the knight leaps to attack the beast, carving a gouge into its armoured carapace and grunting in satisfaction. Only to reel back in shock as his mighty sword begins to rapidly corrode and fall apart in his hands! And the rust monster doesn't look about to take that lying down either!
[21:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception Erad.
[21:46] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[21:46] <Serith2> Erad roll for Serith2 < 26 > [d20=13]
[21:46] <@Kotono> The children are completely staring now, in shock at that. "A rust monster!" The oldest calls, "They eat swords and armor for breakfast!"
[21:47] <@Kotono> There's nothin...- wait a moment. From his perspective up here, he can see a faint ripple near Inari.
[21:48] <@Inari> "That's right!" Inari beams, pleased at this show of knowledge. "You really know your stuff! That's the sort of thing that could save your life if you ever became a knight or adventurer. Or at least save your dignity," she chuckles as the monster bowls the knight over, his magnificent armour being devoured as it rusts away into nothingness, leaving a surprisingly weedy man in his smallclothes
[21:48] <@Inari> now that the imposing armour is so much iron oxide.
[21:49] <@Erad> Invisibility again? Damnit! Erad starts to fly down towards it... is there any way he can warn her? Damnit. He'll just have to try and strike the thing -- so he aims to land next to it but pretend as if he hasn't noticed it's there.
[21:55] <@Kotono> It's strange - the ripple fades as Erad comes on down. The children watch the show in the meanwhile, turning to Erad as he comes close. "Oh, it's a lizard man now! Who is he fighting?"
[21:57] <@Inari> The knight runs off to exit stage left, hands holding his loincloth down as the rust monster tucks into its well earned meal. "I don't know. Perhaps a werewolf?" Inari wonders aloud, smiling at Erad.
[21:57] <@Erad> Erad looks at Inari. "I think we may need to get moving. There was..." He looks at the children and them makes a face. "I think I saw an invisible monster near the knights."
[22:00] <@Inari> "Oh dear. I'm sorry children, I think that's all the show we have time for," Inari says. "But you've been a very good audience, and I was really impressed that you knew about rust monsters. So here, why don't you all go get something nice to eat in town?" she offers, reaching into her coinpurse and handing each of them a shiny silver piece.
[22:03] <@Kotono> The money is taken, wide eyes, "Lunch!" One says, "Bread and meat!" As they babble about that...OOC: go ahead, yo tuwo.
[22:03] <@Inari> Once the children are safely seen off, Inari nods to Erad. "Shall we, then?"
[22:04] <@Erad> "I felt some pain in my hand and then happened to see a ripple of something near you." Erad explains. "I think someone was either trying to spy on us or was. We should probably go and follow the others." He nods in response. "Yes, let's go."
[22:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to catch up then?
[22:09] <@Inari> OOC: that is the plan
[22:11] <@Kotono> OOC: I'll move you two into #dunes shortly.
[22:11] <@Erad> OOC: I will check on Anne to see if she's d-e-d dead or not
[22:14] <@Kotono> OOC: We'll do that in here first.
[22:14] <@Kotono> Catching up goes without incident until you come on two. One is a half-melted Anne and the othe ris a big ol' brute, out cold.
[22:15] <@Erad> Erad glances to Inari before he goes to check on Anne. Melted? Ugh... that can't be good...
[22:15] <@Erad> roll 1d20+11 Heal check how dead is it?
[22:15] <Serith2> Erad roll for Serith2 < 24 > [d20=13]
[22:15] <@Inari> "What happened to her?" Inari asks, leaning over to get a look. The other at least seems mundanely unconscious and unworthy of notice.
[22:17] <@Kotono> She's dead. Some sort of shapechanger blood and breakdown of her body from lethal injury. Uglyb usiness.
[22:18] <@Erad> Erad says a small prayer to Bahamut, maybe he'll show some mercy and help her reform in the afterlife. "There's really only two possibly scenarios: She got killed because she helped us, or she betrayed us and got killed." Erad stands up. "Either way, the others can't be far."
[22:19] <@Inari> "We'll find out, yes," Inari agrees, heading onwards.
[22:19] <@Erad> Onward indeed, Erad follows after.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:07] <@Kotono> As Inari leads the children off, the way to the house is now open.
[21:08] <@Annerose> With a grateful look at Inari, Annerose heads in.
[21:14] <@Kotono> It's a simple if relatively clean house. Anne silently takes you to the kitchen, which is small. Mos tof it is taken up by a shuttered cellar door. She silently points, "Go in there to find them."
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Also Erad, yo'ure staying as aireborn eyes still? Dur.
[21:14] <@Annerose> "Sure thing! You're leading the way."
[21:14] <@Erad> OOC: Yes.
[21:14] <@Erad> OOC: I'll keep an on on Helena and anyone heading in her direction.
[21:19] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[21:21] <@Kotono> Anne grunts, but you're lead inside as T follows. There's a series of old steps here, leading down within. IT's lit here - lanterns. A narrow hall is ahead, only 5ft wide and 20ft long. The walls are dirt reinforced with wood planks - almost more like a mine. At the far end is another stairway going down. "This way," she says. OOC: Perception, T and Annerose.
[21:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 T
[21:22] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 11 > [d20=1]
[21:22] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[21:22] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 11 > [d20=9]
[21:22] <@Kotono> OOC: I presume you're behind he rand T brings pu th erear?
[21:22] <@Annerose> OOC: Okay
[21:22] <@Annerose> "How many do you expect?"
[21:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 flatfooted AC without armor bonus?
[21:23] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 9 > [d20=3]
[21:24] <@Kotono> As you ask that, Annerose steps down on a  patch of dirt. It's unremarkable - until a hard jab thrusts into her foot. Somehow it doesn't break the her skin, and at the same time, Anne breaks forward into a run and lets out a loud, whooping shout. OOC: Init here, you just literally and figuratively stepped init.

[21:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[21:25] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 12 > [d20=6]
[21:25] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[21:25] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 23 > [d20=13]
[21:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Anne
[21:25] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 6 > [d20=1]
[21:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(23)>T(12)>Anne(Miko)'
[21:26] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Annerose.
[21:30] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:L
[21:30] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 17 > [d20=6]
[21:31] * @Annerose bites on the tip of her glove to practically tear it off her hand, and gives chase!
[21:31] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2 smite
[21:31] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2 smite
[21:31] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 25 > [d20=16]
[21:31] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 22 > [d20=13]
[21:31] <@Annerose> OOC: Both touch
[21:31] <@Annerose> "Betrayal," she snarls, "was a mistake!"
[21:32] <@Annerose> roll 2d6+3+2+1d8 cold/good/magic
[21:32] <@Annerose> roll 2d6+3+2+1d8 cold/good/magic
[21:32] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 20 > [d6=5,3][d8=7]
[21:32] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 11 > [d6=1,3][d8=2]
[21:32] <@Kotono> OOC: Both hit, yes.
[21:33] <@Annerose> OOC: Fort DC15 for golden ice
[21:33] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:34] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 12 > [d20=7]
[21:34] <@Annerose> roll 1d6 dex
[21:34] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 3 > [d6=3]
[21:34] <@Kotono> You get the assassin dead on. She shudders as cold touches her, form shifting a dozen times. Men and women, each with deep blue skin. A deep, wailing keen comes from her as she convulses, shivering tremendously. Golden ice spreads up and down her body as she falls, form constantly shifting. Each shift is less defined, less real and more blue-white frosty goo. OOC: Free act, that about aced that
[21:34] <@Kotono> right away.

[21:36] <@Annerose> "T, switch!"
[21:36] <@Kotono> "Which means?" T banters right back.
[21:37] <@Annerose> "Get to the front, there might be more traps. I'll guard the rear." She snorts. "And hey, no dogs around."
[21:38] <@Kotono> "Thank Auril's frosty tits," T rolls his eyes as he grumbles, heading in front of Annerose. It's a good thing - mere moments later, a burly man in ill-fitting clothes comes up. He drags a big club behind him, "The hell is this?!" he says, gazing at the shapeshifter and then the party. "We got trouble!" he shouts, as...OOC: Init take 2.

[21:39] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[21:39] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 15 > [d20=5]
[21:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[21:40] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 10 > [d20=4]
[21:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 brutish man
[21:40] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 22 > [d20=20]
[21:40] * Kotono changes topic to 'Brutish Man(22)>Annerose(15)>T(10)'
[21:40] <@Kotono> Before either can react, the big man charges at T, making a big over head swing at him, "You make trouble, you get beaten!"
[21:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 (+2 charge)
[21:40] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 12 > [d20=6]
[21:41] <@Kotono> But T dives to the side, pressing against the walla s the club is dodged. "Yeah, yeah. Hear that a lot!" OOC: Annerose.
[21:42] * @Annerose freezes the brute in place with the power of her mind!
[21:42] <@Annerose> OOC: Hold monster, Will DC21
[21:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3
[21:42] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 22 > [d20=19]
[21:43] <@Kotono> But it doesn't work - the man's just too big and too much to stop like that. T grunts at this, "Fine, we'll do it the hard way," he grimaces, going to slam the handle of his dagger into the man's chest.
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 (-4 nonlethal, +3 inspiration 5/6, also spending one more for +3 damage 4/6)
[21:44] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 16 > [d20=7]
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+2 nonlethal
[21:44] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 5 > [d4=3]
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 forgot he has iterative attacks now
[21:44] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 24 > [d20=20]
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 forgot he has iterative attacks now crit?
[21:44] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 6 > [d20=2]
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+2 nonlethal
[21:44] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 3 > [d4=1]
[21:45] <@Kotono> The blow catches the big man in the chest, followed by a kick to the kneecap. It staggers him a bit, but he's not going down to that, "Some support here!" T says ,as the club comes 'round again.
[21:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[21:45] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 16 > [d20=12]
[21:45] <@Kotono> But T dodges, a graze that hits his armor more than him. OOC: Annerose.
[21:48] * @Annerose provides that support by reaching up to freeze the massive man's face!
[21:48] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2 touch
[21:48] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2 touch
[21:48] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 15 > [d20=6]
[21:48] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 10 > [d20=1]
[21:48] <@Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[21:48] <@Annerose> roll 2d6+3+2
[21:48] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 10 > [d6=3,2]
[21:49] <@Kotono> The touch leaves the man shivering and woozy, before he falls in a heap next to the assassin, who continues to shift, albeit slower now, body starting to become gooey altogether. OOC: Free act again.

[21:50] <@Annerose> "Check a bit further ahead," Annerose asks T, while kneeling to look at the assassin while she has a moment.
[21:54] <@Kotono> T goes on ahead. Annerose inspects the assassin...OOC: K:L check OR a heal check. Use whichever you prefer, though the heal check is easier.
[21:56] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+11+5 K:L, discharging ancient knowledge
[21:56] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 29 > [d20=13]
[21:57] <@Kotono> She was/is a humanoid with shapechanger blood. Rare but not unheard of. Shapechanges are usually sterile, but a few aren't in female form. In that case, one can bear a child from a humanoid if they wish to. Based on this reaction, Anne is one such. She doesn't just become entirely goo on death/dying, but sort of a mix instead. She's dying and may be dead or nearly there.
[22:01] <@Annerose> So she's not faking it. That's good to know, Annerose muses. She doesn't actually have any healing magic, even if Anne wasn't their enemy who threw away her second chance for an attempt to betray them. Now, she checks on the downed brute.
[22:03] <@Kotono> OOC: Heal check there.
[22:03] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+2 wis
[22:03] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 6 > [d20=4]
[22:04] <@Kotono> He's out cold, but Annerose can't tell anything else.
[22:04] <@Annerose> Time to proceed after T!
[22:11] <@Kotono> The next floor down is larger. A pleasantly furnished room is here, the faint and lingering scent of incense here. It's done in muted purples. There's a door leading into the next room beyond it all.
[22:11] * @Annerose goes there next!
[22:15] <@Kotono> On grabbing the doorknob, Annerose is suddenly shocked. Her hair toings out in every direction, currents of lightning rippling through her body.
[22:15] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 lightning damage the ow
[22:15] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 9 > [d6=1,1,4,2,1]
[22:16] <@Kotono> T starts to say something, stops and raises his finger - only to stop agan and shake his head. "Y'know, let me check that for a trap. Just had a sudden hunch."
[22:16] <@Annerose> "You," Annerose says slowly, "are terrible at this leading thing."
[22:21] <@Kotono> "You're alive." T says blandly, "That means you'll be okay once you brush your hair."
[22:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[22:21] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 27 > [d20=17]
[22:21] <@Kotono> "Yep, there IS a magical trap. My hunches are usually right," Going right on, blandly and relaxed, "Give me just a minute to undo it."
[22:21] <@Annerose> "Most people would've died from that," she notes, brushing her hair.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:21] <@Kotono> As T works, the party catches up, finding Annerose and T there.
[22:22] <@Inari> "Hello, everyone doing okay?" Inari asks as she enters the room and finds T and Annerose both alive and well. "What happened to the assassin?"
[22:22] <@Kotono> "You aren't most people. You're more winter than flesh, 'nari grows tails for fun and entertainment, and Erad goes scaly whenever Bahamut says hi." His back is turned, focsued onthe door and trap as he works.
[22:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13
[22:22] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 27 > [d20=14]
[22:23] <@Erad> "I think they've got a powerful magic-user stored somewhere in here." Erad says. "Be on your guard."
[22:23] <@Annerose> "She turned on us but was an inept as the first time. It's sad."
[22:23] <@Inari> "That is a shame," Inari says, giving Annerose a quick heal.
[22:23] <@Inari> roll 1d8+5
[22:23] <Serith2> Inari roll for Serith2 < 9 > [d8=4]
[22:23] <@Kotono> " that idea...or it!" He says, standing up. "She made a break for it. Didn't work out for her." He then kicks the door open. Ahead is a plainer room - a desk and lots of paper, as well as several drawers.
[22:24] <@Kotono> "Well, well, well. An office. So boring on first look, but you know what they're good for? Records." T rubs his hands, "Which means evidence. Since our assassin's dead, hopefully this'll keep Lord Warlan dfrom being too upset."
[22:25] <@Annerose> "More like put me in the way of a trap and used the chance to alert her old employers and turn on us."
[22:25] <@Erad> "There are no other entrances or exits?" Erad asks with a glance around. "I'm not convinced this place is as empty as it seems."
[22:26] <@Inari> "Could be all kinds of notable targets. But really I just want to know who wanted us dead and why," Inari says, going to hae a look over the papers on the desk.
[22:26] <@Inari> *have
[22:27] <@Kotono> Erad doesn't see any.
[22:27] <@Kotono> "I can give it a search," T offers, going to do just that.
[22:27] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 searching for secret doors
[22:27] <Serith2> Kotono roll for Serith2 < 27 > [d20=17]
[22:27] * @Annerose takes a look at any magic in the area.
[22:30] <@Kotono> The records are rather complex - they are indeed records. It looks to be a tracking of all sorts of things - gambling, smuggling, bribery and all that. It'll take quite some time to appreciate all the information, but on a glance it looks like a goldmine. Meanwhile T checks a sidew all, rapping his knuckles. "Got one," he murmurs. "Trapped too, but no way to do thing one about it here." There's
[22:30] <@Kotono> indeed magic - around the trapped door. OOC: You can spellcraft it if you like.
[22:30] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+12
[22:30] <Serith2> Annerose roll for Serith2 < 18 > [d20=6]
[22:31] <@Kotono> It's a fairly simple spell and trap - open door without being approved = shock. Nothing fancy here.
[22:32] <@Inari> Nothing about murder unfortunately, but Inari keeps looking, trying the drawers of the desk as well.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:30] <@Kotono> Inari checks the drawers of the desk. More papers and records - looks interesting but will take time to read.
[20:31] <@Inari> She just skims it looking for any reference to murder or killing and dismissing all the bribery and smuggling and robbery for now.
[20:32] <@Erad> Erad gestures at the wall. "They've probably escaped through here by now, but we may as well try and go after them if we can safely do so..."
[20:34] <@Kotono> Inari searches deeper and finds one thing of note - a list of names. There's a fair few of them, but the last ones are the party's own. Meanwhile, T says, "Yeah, but it's trapped and rigged so I can't try it without opening it."
[20:35] <@Inari> "Surely there's always a way to beat the trap?" Inari asks, holding up the paper with their names on it. "We're marked for death here but there's nothing about why or who for. I'll keep looking though."
[20:35] * Annerose narrows her eyes, and tries dispelling the trap.
[20:36] <@Kotono> OOC: Roll.
[20:36] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5 tenacious dispelling
[20:36] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=20]
[20:37] <@Kotono> Magic is thrown at the door. To your surprise, the entire hidden door appears now. It's just a plain, unremarkable door - how you missed the aura around it is anyone's guess.
[20:38] <Annerose> "One trap, beaten."
[20:39] <@Inari> Since it looks like they're going onwards Inari just bundles up all the papers into one big pile for later perusal. Can't have someone run in and snag them all while they're going onwards can she?
[20:39] <@Erad> Erad nods to Annerose before he opens the door!
[20:40] * Annerose nods back at Erad, before grinning at Inari who had just read her mind.
[20:42] <@Kotono> T gives the door a once over, "No trap now,"  he answers, the door opened. Inside is a small little closet. There's shelves with coins stacked up in rows - gold and silver ones, mostly gold. A small recess holds four little vials and there's a silken belt lying atop some coins.
[20:42] <Annerose> "Huh."
[20:42] <@Erad> Erad blinks. "I thought this was their escape route, but... huh."
[20:43] <@Kotono> "Huh," T says, "We really must have caught them away from the hideout."
[20:43] <@Inari> "Unless there's another secret door we've missed," Inari says.
[20:44] <@Erad> Erad blinks, then looks over at T. "Well, when you showed up... what happened? Did the big guy call out for anyone?"
[20:49] <@Kotono> "He shouted that we had trouble, but not to anyone in particular," T remarks, tapping the sid eof the door. "Let me take some time, look this closet over."
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (+6 inspiration, 5/6 encounter)
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=1]
[20:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Also, loot post for closet. Post if you're taking any.
[20:50] <@Inari> With all the documents stacked Inari has a hunt around the room's perimeter, sniffing for any smells that might indicate regular passage.
[20:51] <@Erad> Erad makes a noise as he steps away from the door. "So he called out for help, but no one came... But it might've been about then that I felt the pain and saw that... whatever it was. Hm... so if there's someone else, they might be deeper in."
[20:51] <@Kotono> Inari can smell something faintly foul, like burnt stomach gas. It's unusual and lingers in the room.
[20:53] * Annerose checks for magic once more.
[20:53] <@Kotono> Each of the vials and the belt radiate magic. OOC: You can spellcraft if you want.
[20:53] <@Inari> "There's definitely an odd scent here... hard to describe, but very effluent I'd say," Inari says after a moment's sniffing around.
[20:54] <Annerose> roll 4#1d20+12 in order
[20:54] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 15, 17, 19, 24 >
[20:54] <@Erad> "I'm going to check on that other one." Erad says as he goes to make sure the big guy's still there.
[20:54] <@Kotono> "Strange." T hms, "I think it's safe to say magic's involved somehow. Things don't make sense otherwise.
[20:54] <@Kotono> OOC: There's five magic items, the four potions and the belt. Going to roll for the last?
[20:55] <Annerose> OOC: You only listed 3 potions
[20:55] <Annerose> roll 1d20+12 potion #4
[20:55] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=5]
[20:55] <@Kotono> OOC: Fixed.
[20:56] <@Kotono> Annerose can't identify the potions. The belt is a monk's belt.
[20:57] <Annerose> "Not bad," Annerose muses. "Can't figure out the potions, so maybe someone else can give it a try later. What now?"
[20:57] <@Inari> Seeing Annerose's troubles, Inari casts her own eye over the potions.
[20:57] <@Inari> OOC: taking 10 for 22 on spellcraft
[20:57] <@Kotono> Inari can tell ti's three potions of cure light wounds and an oil of invisibility.
[20:58] <@Kotono> Meanwhile, Erad goes back on up. The big man's still out cold, looks like.
[20:59] <@Inari> "Healing and invisibility," Inari marks the potions out. "Really I think we've found all we can here. Maybe just take the papers and the man we found here back to the guards? Though I think we'd need a bucket for the assassin."
[21:00] <Annerose> "It raises the question of what to do with the gold. And if the papers list the amount."
[21:01] <@Inari> "Well I suppose we could take an hour to go over them all. I don't think anyone's going anywhere."
[21:01] <@Erad> "Hm." Erad goes back to the others. "He's still out, so if there are others around here then they aren't coming out to help."
[21:02] <Annerose> "Might as well. And I can keep watch over that man."
[21:02] <@Inari> Inari promptly divides the papers between everyone else and starts reading in more detail, announcing interesting things as she finds them even if they're not strictly relevant to the attempted murder.
[21:04] <@Erad> Erad will give the entire lair a once-over first before he settles in with some exciting reading.
[21:07] <@Kotono> The papers look to detail a considerable criminal enterprise. Bribery, robbery, fraud, more bribery, killing, so and so forth. It's called the Silvers. It has hands in the town guard and local enforcement. It takes from everyone in Lemmen without care - an organization of over 10 gangs. It's a lot of information and names dozens of names.
[21:09] <@Inari> As they get into the guard's corruption Inari says, "We should probably get names of all the corrupt guards so we don't give the evidence to the wrong one."
[21:10] <@Kotono> "Or just give it to Lord Warlan, since the assassin's dead," T grunts, "This should hopefully satisfy him."
[21:10] <@Erad> OOC: Any roll for poking around or were we going to do that afterwards?
[21:10] <@Inari> "Unless he's in on it!"
[21:13] <@Kotono> OOC: Oh, sorry. Make a perception check.
[21:13] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[21:13] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 32 > [d20=19]
[21:13] <@Kotono> "If that's the case," T sighs and rubs his face, "'nari, if that's the case, we need to get out of town as soon as possible."
[21:14] <@Kotono> Erad doesn't find anything else - he's fairly confident they've found all there is to find.
[21:14] <@Inari> "Well keep reading so we can find out either way," Inari says, going back to her collection of papers.
[21:14] <@Erad> Erad then returns to look over the papers. Specifically he'll look for any involvement on Lord Warlan's behalf since it was brought up.
[21:17] <@Kotono> Perhaps fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any mention of Lord Warlan that you can find.
[21:23] <@Inari> At last the reading draws to a close. "I think we've got all we can here. Shall we head back?" Inari asks.
[21:23] <Annerose> "Fine by me," Annerose agrees, the brute's hands encased in a block of ice to prevent an easy escape should he wake up.
[21:24] <@Erad> Erad nods. "Yes, let's see what we can do to dismantle this organization."
[21:26] <@Kotono> Going back out, you find the streets quiet, empty. Rain is falling in heavy sheets now, Helena drenched to the bone. "Finally!" She blurts out when the party comes out, "I was about to hire some travelers to go find you!"
[21:26] <Annerose> "No one stopped by, then?"
[21:26] <@Erad> "I'm sorry, I forgot to come get you." Erad admits, hefting the large man with some assistance from the others.
[21:27] <@Inari> "Why didn't you take shelter at that cart?" Inari asks, hanging inside the doorframe for as long as she can before she has to go ing into the rain.
[21:28] <Annerose> Her shield will have to serve as cover from the rain, especially as it'd freeze any adventurous drop of water before it got too far past it.
[21:30] <@Kotono> "Because I was standing guard!" Helena crosses her arms and tries to blow away her wet bangs from her face, which doesn't do a thing. "Did you find anything?"
[21:30] <@Erad> "A great deal." Erad confirms as he nods in the direction of the large man, too.
[21:31] <Annerose> "We found plenty!" Annerose affirms. "But I didn't come get you because none of the leaders were there, so I thought they might come after us if we waited a bit."
[21:32] <@Erad> "In hindsight, they may have several other meeting places." Erad says. "But that's a discussion we can have when it isn't raining."
[21:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so where are y'all headed now?
[21:35] <Annerose> OOC: I want us to store our things, maybe leave T to watch them, and bring the papers, prisoner and goo to Lord Warlan
[21:36] <@Kotono> OOC: Where are you storing them?
[21:36] <Annerose> OOC: Our carriage?
[21:36] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then, T'll stay and watch them. More coming.
[21:42] <@Kotono> Going to find Lord Warlan requires going back to the garrison. But with your past relations, it's not hard to get the information on where to find him - the unimaginatively named Warlan Manor. It's off the main roads a bit, a small but comfortable looking manor home. The grounds are small and well kept, even as rain pours on down.
[21:43] <@Erad> "I hope he's not offended at us being wet." Erad comments as he approaches.
[21:43] <Annerose> Once they get in the door, prestidigitation will make sure they are presentable. "Won't be a problem," Annerose assures Erad.
[21:43] <@Inari> "Or our baggage," Inari says, hefting the thankfully covered bucket containint their would-be assassin.
[21:44] <@Erad> Erad blinks and smiles. "That would've saved me a few hours when I was growing up."
[21:46] <@Kotono> The door's opened by a servant - a butler. He takes one looka t the party and says simply, "Yes?"
[21:47] <Annerose> "Lord Warlan bid us to return to him when we had results to show him," Annerose tells the servant.
[21:49] <@Kotono> "Very well. This way," The party is lead inside - after drying off with Annerose's magic. Lord Warlan is met in a study. A large window gives an excellent view of the back grounds, his back to you as he watches the rain fall. "So soon?" He glances back, "Where is the shapechanger?"
[21:50] <Annerose> "As you had foreseen, My Lord, she showed her true colors and tried to betray us to the other criminals at the first opportunity," Annerose responds.
[21:50] <@Inari> "Ah, she proved less cooperative than promised," Inari says with downcast ears, hefting the bucket within which something sloshes around.
[21:52] <@Kotono> "It was really unfortunate," Helena murmurs, "But criminals..." she trails off with a shrug.
[21:52] <@Kotono> Lord Warlan takes a long glance at the bucket, "It's dead?" he asks, "And?"
[21:53] <Annerose> "Her betrayal came too late to help her fellow conspirators," Annerose continues. "We have secured their correspondence, as well as one of their enforcers."
[21:53] <@Kotono> "Show it to me," He demands immediately, striding over.
[21:56] <@Inari> Inari retrieves a sheaf of papers she'd been holding under her sash to keep safe from the rain, obligingly handing them over.
[22:00] <@Kotono> The papers are looked over, Lord Warlan's face tight. When he finally looks up, "The gallows will be full soon."
[22:02] <@Inari> "There might be other safehouses, but that should certainly be enough to set back criminal enterprise in the city for a while," Inari says.
[22:02] <@Kotono> "There will be," His smile is far from kind, but it is there. "You're free to go."
[22:03] <@Erad> Erad glances at the others to see if they want to let it go at that or not.
[22:04] * Annerose bows, leaving upon that dismissal.
[22:05] <@Inari> Inari is happy to let it go at that. It's far harsher than she'd be, but she isn't responsible for the safety and livelihood of everyone else in the city. "Farewell then, Lord Warlan."
[22:06] <@Erad> Since they leave it at that, Erad is content to do the same.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake