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DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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So Iddy, one side of your gestalt is now 35 outsider hit dice. This provides you the following:

If you use that side for BAB, good BAB progression. That's as a fighter and as good as BAB can get.
All good saves. This is identical to a monk's saving throw progression.
d8 for hit points.
8 + Int modifier for skill points (this does not include the +4 by houserule, which you still get as everyone gets that). So you'll get getting a lot of skill points per level.

What you get from the hit dice as powers.

- Wizard spellcasting equal to your character level. So right now you'd have 35th level wizard spellcasting. This is just like taking levels in wizard for the sake of the spellcasting, in the same way some angels get cleric spellcasting or Kascha gets wizard spellcasting from her racial hit dice.
- Damage reduction 20/adamantine and epic.
- Spell resistance equal to 13 + hit dice. Right now that's spell resistance 48 and continues to rise by 1 each level up.
- Immunity to cold and resistance to acid, electricity and fire 20.
- A natural armor bonus to armor class of +6. This overlaps with any existing natural armor bonus. Note that enhancement bonuses to natural armor stack with it (such as an amulet of natural armor). I'll run you through this one since it's easy to get mixed up with how it works.
- Greater teleport at will as a spell-like ability.
- Shandakul's Grace (Ex)

Favored servants of Shaundakul travel with swift speed and easy grace. They gain a +10ft bonus to speed for all modes of movement. At level 11 and every 10 levels thereafter, this bonus rises by 10ft (20ft at level 11, 30ft at level 21 and so forth). For Alyssa this is currently a +40ft bonus.

- I usually include a custom ability or two on anything like this. These should usually tie into the role and what the outsider is. I'm open to suggestions here.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


In terms of custom abilities suitable for an epic custom servant of Shaundakul, something like a Minotaur's maze sense/upscaled find the path might be on brand.


Epic factotum updated for extended epic progress, up to level 54.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Thanks for the assist, Eb. Here you go, Iddy.

Shaundakul's Sense (Ex)

Servants of Shaundakul are natural wanderers and gifted at travel. They never get lost and can track enemies. They are also immune to maze spells. Finally, they are never flat footed.

This is identical to the natural cunning of a minotaur.

Planar Grace (Su)

You have the instinctive ability to mimic the dominant alignment of the plane. You incur none of the penalties for having an alignment at odds with that of the plane and spells and abilities that harm those of the opposite alignment don't affect you. You have the dominant alignment of the plane with regard to magic, but your behavior and any alignment-related class features you have are unaffected.

This is identical to the planar mastery (aligned) of a horizon walker.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Marie gains divine rank 1!
She gets the good and chaos domains for free. She also takes the magic, trickery, and luck domains. She also uses three of her SDAs on extra domain to get force, illusion, and celestial.
No increase to natural armour, it'll be a while before her racial bonus of +20 gets beaten by her divine bonus.
+1 divine rank added to attacks, saves, skills, caster level.
Alter reality gained!
Greater teleport added. She had it originally but only as self + 50lbs, now she can do it properly.
No improvement to damage reduction, her racial 20/epic and cold iron and evil beats the divine set.
Divine aura gained!
Gains more immunities. She chooses fire and sonic. You expected fire and cold, didn't you? Also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects and disintegration.
Ability scores go up by 1. All of hers are even so this did nothing!
She gets grant spells, portfolio sense, divine senses (darkvision 1 mile), remote sensing (2 locations), block sensing (2 locations), create avatar, create proxy, divine realm (Sylica) all just copied from Alicia's sheet.
She has two salient divine abilities left after splurging on those extra domains. She doesn't have bard levels but she has racial hit dice that give full bard song progression so in the same vein as Morwel she can take Divine Bard, right? She's gotten good mileage out of countering Shar's songs up until now so may as well lean into that. For the other one, how about a deity specific one just for her?

Prerequisite: Illusion Domain, Bluff 30 ranks
Benefit: Marie's illusions deceive the senses and confound magical detection, appearing as entirely real to all forms of inspection. Unless the observer succeeds on either an opposed rank check or a sense motive against a bluff check made by Marie which adds the level of the illusion spell used to her result, they will be unable to see through the illusion regardless of the means used.

Oh, does her anarch ability swap from
Precise Anarch (Ex): Marie is a natural talent at controlling small parts of Limbo with perfect precision. She can control up to 200ft around herself as an anarch, but without any need for a roll.
to this version Alicia has?
Anarch (Ex): You are now talented at controlling limbo. You may treat an area of up to one mile per divine rank as if being your divine realm for the sake of controlling it and creating things there.

Now for the domain abilities...
+1 CL for illusion, chaos, and good spells.
Meaningless power for magic domain, boo.
Meaningless power for trickery domain, boo.
Free reroll from luck domain, whoo. She already avoids critical fails but still can be useful.
Free reroll just for damage rolls from force domain. Useful for her ability damage ray more than anything else I think.
1/day smite evil from celestial domain. Never hurts.

And a whole mess of SLAs.

protection from evil, protection from law, magic aura, disguise self, entropic shield, vision of heaven, mage armour, silent image, aid, shatter, identify, invisibility, consecrate, magic missile, minor image, magic circle against evil, magic circle against law, dispel magic, nondetection, protection from energy, blessed sight, blast of force, displacement, holy smite, chaos hammer, imbue with spell ability, confusion, freedom of movement, lesser planar ally, resilient sphere, phantasmal killer, dispel evil, dispel law, spell resistance, false vision, break enchantment, heavenly lightning, wall of force, persistent image, blade barrier, animate objects, antimagic field, mislead, call faithful servants, repulsion, holy word, word of chaos, spell turning, screen, heavenly lightning storm, forcecage, project image, holy aura, cloak of chaos, protection from spells, irresistible dance, moment of prescience, holy aura, telekinetic sphere, summon monster IX (good or chaotic creatures only), mage's disjunction, time stop, miracle, gate, crushing hand, weird.

Phantasmal killer and weird need to be subbed out for non save or die spells that fit the illusion domain.


Latha's notable changes for DvR1:

- Domains: Craft, Good, Glory, Healing, Law, Sun, Truth, Zeal. She spent 3 SDAs on Extra Domain. Her basic approach was to get her domains early with an eye to growth in the future. Zeal's the only slightly weak one but she had the domain as cleric casting already, so I went with it.

- Salient Divine Abilities: Craft Artifact, Divine Skill Focus(Craft(Armorsmithing)), Extra Domain(Craft), Extra Domain(Healing), Extra Domain(Zeal). Again, this is with an e ye on the future. Craft Artifact is desired and Divine Skill Focus (along with Skill Focus and Epic Skill Focus in it from a bonus feat from a domain and an epic feat freed up by epic crafting, respectively) is to help run up her total on Armorsmithing.

- Craft(Armorsmithing)+92. She wants to get this high as she can and forge some powerful armors to be used.

- No custom SDA for her yet. That'll be in a rank or two, but for now I focused on the fundamentals.

Craft: +1 caster level to conjuration (creation) spells and skill focus (craft(armorsmithing)) as a bonus feat.
Good: +1 caster level to spells with the good descriptor.
Glory: +2 bonus to the DC of turn undead and +1d6 damage.
Law: +1 caster level to spells with the lawful descriptor.
Sun: Empower Turning as a bonus feat.
Truth: +17 bonus to Sense Motive and +1caster level to divinations.
Zeal: 1/day take 20 on a skill without taking more time.

Not a bad hall, a bunch of CL boosters, a big bonus to Sense Motive and a few bonus feats.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Jessica's notable changes for DvR1:

- Domains: Good, Retribution, Shadow, Travel. She avoids family for now since Syala already has it and I don't want them being too samey. Retribution covers her duties when she eliminates targets, shadow is for her stealthy nature and kick some sand at Shar and Travel covers her nature as a scout, information gatherer and explorer for Sylica.

- Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Divine Celerity, Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Stride. A very strong slate of abilities for her. Alter Form helps her and is a prereq for more interesting abilities later. Divine Celerity is permahaste and fits travel domain. Rogue and SA are obvious and good, while Stride doubles her movement speed and allows her to give it to others as well. Fast and deadly is what this is meant to build up.

- She gets some bonus feats and a freed up R24 feat, which becomes Epic Skill Focus for Poisonmaking. She wants that at some point so may as well get it now.

- I'm not sure about a custom SDA for her. There's no much for shadows (and the ones I do have are Shar only and behind the scenes) so odds are anything has to be 100% new custom. I'll think it over for later DvRs.

Good: +1 CL good spells.
Retribution: 1/day if you're hurt by someone deal max damage on a melee or ranged attack with your next action.
Shadow: Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
Travel: 17 rounds/day act as if under freedom of movement. Starts and stops automatically.

Nothing great for her. I have to add her bushel of SLAs yet which will help her more than others, but I'll get to that tonight.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'm going with Supreme Init for DvR5.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


I'm having Marie swap out Wingbind for Greater Mirror Image in her 4th level spells since it's actually really useful with her illusion SDA. She's never actually used wingbind anyway.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Is it possible for a deity with Craft Artifact to apply the Epic Crafting (Weaponsmithing) and Epic Crafting (Armorsmithing) to our pre-B6 gear, where that stuff didn't exist yet?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Unrelated to the above post, I was going over Amaryl's sheet. She has Superior Init as an epic feat, which technically sees use whenever she rolls init vs dvr1 deities, but is honestly useless due to her Supreme Init SDA.

Also, a thought crossed my mind as I was looking over Eldritch Knowledge/Arcane Mastery SDAs. The former requires a feat tax of Extra Spell, and the latter of Spell Mastery. Spell Mastery is a wizard bonus feat. Our houserules gave sorcs the same bonus feats as wizards, and I think that Extra Spell should be a valid candidate sorc bonus feat.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


This is extremely boring, but I figured why not.

The deity is the epitome of the healer and has abilities that far surpass that of mortal healers.
Prerequisite: Healer level 20th.
Benefit: The deity gains Absolute Healing, Extra Emergency Healing, Perfect Health and True Panacea as bonus feats.

EDIT: I was thinking of giving some sort of bonus to Healing spells (maybe a CL boost or something?) but I didn't want to make it too wordy. I was also considering a divine rank bonus to Lingering Healing and maybe a divine bonus to Healing Hands. YMMV on whether or not this is "good enough."


Quote from: Corwin on February 11, 2020, 03:07:56 PM
Unrelated to the above post, I was going over Amaryl's sheet. She has Superior Init as an epic feat, which technically sees use whenever she rolls init vs dvr1 deities, but is honestly useless due to her Supreme Init SDA.

Pretty much it is, yeah. I may retrain it at some point, but I haven't had the need to get around to it yet. At dead worst, +4 init when she needs it is hardly useless.

QuoteAlso, a thought crossed my mind as I was looking over Eldritch Knowledge/Arcane Mastery SDAs. The former requires a feat tax of Extra Spell, and the latter of Spell Mastery. Spell Mastery is a wizard bonus feat. Our houserules gave sorcs the same bonus feats as wizards, and I think that Extra Spell should be a valid candidate sorc bonus feat.

Yeah, I'd allow it as a bonus feat for sorcs. Hardly world shaking.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Nephrite on February 11, 2020, 07:44:15 PM
This is extremely boring, but I figured why not.

The deity is the epitome of the healer and has abilities that far surpass that of mortal healers.
Prerequisite: Healer level 20th.
Benefit: The deity gains Absolute Healing, Extra Emergency Healing, Perfect Health and True Panacea as bonus feats.

EDIT: I was thinking of giving some sort of bonus to Healing spells (maybe a CL boost or something?) but I didn't want to make it too wordy. I was also considering a divine rank bonus to Lingering Healing and maybe a divine bonus to Healing Hands. YMMV on whether or not this is "good enough."

This isn't official, but my general sketch for it as of now is this. Healer has a lot of class features so there's something to work with here (and why they'd be one versus no divine wizard, sorcerer or cleric).

Prerequisite: Healer level 20th.
Benefit: The deity gains Absolute Healing and True Panacea as bonus feats. In addition, the deity may add their divine rank to the number of times per day they may use emergency healing. The healer's unicorn companion gains the celestial template.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?