
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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Quote from: Corwin on June 16, 2018, 09:03:54 AM
Just some random thoughts.

I'm glad my research is progressing, and I even got to see it culminate in Omni. Chatting about it with Sanzha was also cool, although I'd appreciate more details. So far I mostly get 'I need to study this more' and no real idea of when I'll have something concrete to work with, IC or OOC, so having that answered would be nice.

Fair enough. I'm feeling out how much detail and magi-babble I want here for it, mostly. I think it's productive and I felt it was gratifying to get Omni. That was real progress - some luck admittedly, but real progress on the first try. I liked that.

Anyway, I punted her replies since you brought angles into it I didn't expect, and honestly wanted the weekend to mull it over. It's interesting ideas and stuff, but not something I wanted to go half cocked on.

QuoteSpeaking of OOC, I facepalmed when an anti-Shar paladin had to be reminded that knowledge is all good and well but there were people suffering from Shar's curse right this instant so maybe it's not the time for it. Also why are people going anywhere on their own, augh. I still can't believe Shar's watching that place, saw her use Miracle so that she's now all defenseless (and no one knows where she actually is) and didn't act. Still, even Shar can drop the ball sometimes?

Emily's meant to be making some facepalmable mistakes right now. She's going into really growing into her role here - she's very much a princess. This isn't a bad thing, but she's had an incredible life handed to her by the luck of birth. I'm feeling out her feeling that out, as well as blundering early on as she grows past that.  I do agree with's worth a facepalm, though.

As for Shar knowing to attack Raven's Nest, that's a whole [.spoiler] of a thing. That's a fair observation to make, no doubt about it, just not one I can really go into at this time. Yan-C-Bin is really rather interested in that himself, he's conducting an inquiry. He may even tell you why, if it's to his advantage or reasonable under the anti Shar pact you all made. Glad you picked up on that, though, I was wondering if either of you would question why Shar knew to attack or would just chalk it up to her being Shar.

QuoteI agree with Eb on the emblem thing. It felt designed to be punched very hard a lot and to frustrate most of our efforts. That I could only dispel a spell from it on a 20 with a +7 booster to dispels is ridiculously specific, and felt meta due to being tailored to my exact abilities.

See my reply to Eb there since it isn't meaningfully different. Italics to show it's a repaste.

That was intentional. I don't want to get too much into this for spoiler reasons, but it was meant to do about what it did. That's why I wanted to get through it in one gulp - it worked as a single day thing, before it had time to set it that it was really a gimmick tying you up and expending some resources, putting you in a particular mindset.  It was also decidedly unbreezy to deal with, in contrast to every other encounter here. That was on purpose, to use the change to further adjust the tone and make you wonder what was going on.

My only issue was that it got split (and yes, this is my fault) into two sessions, and the second session really felt bad to me. The rest of the week rebounded well, so I'm fine with the adventure overall. It was a speedbump and meant to give you a feeling of resource attrition before Shar's second act.

QuoteCompared to the mist, where I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, none of what I thought of was any good, so it makes me worry for solo adventuring since I never seem to pick up the same channel you're thinking on. On the other hand, I felt it demonstrated quite well that Seira is sometimes too knowledgeable for her own good, and without someone to focus her can spread into too many directions to come up with useful information.

Yeah. I think it was a case of Seira reaching a little too far right off, combined with someone else figuring it out right off. I think that's more chalked up to the vagaries of guessing on the fly rather than anything else.

QuoteThe evil elemental army and the behemoths were more of a thing for me, but I do like Chan more and she wanted to see me more than Alicia, so it was more personal for me. I'll chalk down being more violent there to bloodlust from using the dragon combat form for the first time. In the end, things went pretty happily, including with Palave and Yan-C-Bin. As a happy bonus, it felt nice to be treated as a true power instead of merely a powerful adventurer.

Yeah, that was a nice way to spike the end of the adventure for you. It felt good, was a nice set of fights and they treated you as an equal. That's one thing deities are doing for your node and Alicia's node now. It's a different way of speaking for sure - after all, in earlier games with how deities were treated, can you imagine any of them being called Aunt like Emily did to Waukeen? It's meant to show you two have made it. You're on a different level now and it shows.

Though really, Waukeen's game start visit was meant to show that in another way.

QuoteThe Waukeen thing is a mess. I'm just going to ignore it and see about striking the anti-slavery deal anyway, so hopefully it won't be impeded by idiot kids. Still, it was not cool, Waukeen, so you reap what you sow.

Kids do stupid things and parents deal with it - a law of the universe. More on Waukeen soon enough IC, though.

QuoteI'd like Amaryl to be more active, to talk more or have opinions if she's there. She seems to do it just fine when I'm not around. Hope this works out? I'll probably ask her to come to Limbo with me so we can see a slaad about a job.

Agreed all around here. She tends to fall a bit passive at times. Some of that's just who she is, but some of that is me needing to be more proactive with her, too. I feel like I've mostly found her voice again, but I'm still working on voicing it consistently. That'll work itself out. Your node may get something like that card game of Moore's soon, since I think that sort of back and forth is really what she needs to develop.

QuoteSanzha continues to be fun, although I had a mild scare she was going to leave me and seize power somewhere.

Sanzha does tend to play her cards close to the chest and keep her options open. Fortunately though, that worry was misplaced. As a rule, Sanzha tends to say a lot but doesn't often say things that illuminate what she's really thinking about anything serious. She's more likely to sidestep or deflect if need be, unless really put on the spot. That's a personality quirk (and one that's an interesting contrast from, say, Donald), not anything against Seira. That's just who she is. Some people are open and expressive, some are withdrawn, others are simply reserved. Sanzha certainly has a certain reserve to her, even when she's applying her charisma.

That's one thing that's really clarified for her in my mind. She has a certain social judo to her, where when desired, she'll generally and silently readjust the conversation away from her - but more likely, she simply never gets into that conversational position int he first place.

QuoteAt the core, I'm only secure in Kascha's ties to me, and there was the Aurora to counter that, too. Nothing really stops Sanzha or Donald or Elle from leaving or retiring, and despite vague assurances I don't really see who would step into their shoes, either.

Donald's there unless Lathander grabs him by the ear and pulls him away. Same with Elle, they're in too deep to leave easily. More importantly, they're your friends, and that counts for a lot.

QuoteSomething that the Sylica battle showed to me is that followers keep on being reincarnated into Sylica, it's a whole bit of the writeup for the plane, but I never get to see it actually happen for the Cauldron. Add that to how aside from the steam elementals and Omni my forces are made of elementals that last I checked were on loan or gifted from the other elemental powers, and it can sometimes look like a house of cards. It was a suitable basis for starting out, but I'm really hoping to see the fruits of it after that timeskip. Hope you can find a few opportunities to show it?

Agreed, we should in the next week or two with some Cauldron-focus time. That's due and a todo on my end as it is, so we should see it in due time. Lemme ask you something: Does Seira have a means of gathering or creating elementals, you think? Let's answer that and work from there.

QuoteI wonder, from time to time, about delegation. Intellectually, I surely have the priests and such outlined in my realm writeup that look after prayers and follow-up on my heroes. It would be nice to put a face and a name to the organization, however, perhaps using some of the 'minor allies' I'll have one the rest of them are ported over from B1. For example, someone I could hit up for daily/weekly reviews of what plots of Shar's we've spotted so I decide if it needs a more direct touch, or taking over the training of people like Richard. I think my Node's people are overqualified for this, and it's also a full-time job, hence why it's best if I don't do it all myself.

Agreed. You really need some Cauldron-focused time, I think we're going to focus on that the next week or two. There's a lot of fertile ground to be explored, so let's do that. All of these are good questions that deserve an IC answer, so keep them in mind.

QuoteOn Node rewards, I feel it would be better if they were all innate bonuses. Having items appear out of whole cloth feels external, whereas a deepening connection and trust between myself and one of my closest friends driving them to a breakthrough in magic or in perceiving the world feels organic. To borrow an example from Alicia's Node, giving Jessica the ability to ghost touch her strikes would've served just as well and felt more unique than a ring of it. Artifacts imbued with powers are different, I liked what we did with Amaryl's armor, for example. But a mundane bonus, less so. If that makes sense?

No, I get exactly what you're saying. One of the reason I went with creating something new was that feeling in part, to show that these bonds are also something being influenced externally. The emergence of the White Voice to all of you was another step in that direction. They're your bonds, but something is also empowering them, that's meant to help highlight this and encourage y'all to think about it. It'll obviously be a big plot point going forward, so that's working as designed.

I mean, I agree with the comment about that being more organic. You're on point there, I just chose another way for other reasons. That all being said, new items will mostly be early node things only. A few people are short on items so that's a way to give them more things to play with, at least as far as OOC reasons go. So yeah, good observation there.

QuoteI'm still trying to see for myself where I stand. Mechanically, I think I'm fairly solid at what I do, and fields to improve are likewise easy to see. In presentation... I'd know more after my efforts to free the Inner Planes, a chat with the astral dragons and another with Vlaakith. I realize that I'm too young to be anything but a footnote, whether it's in regards of trade or worship or politics, but it's not like I want to wait millennia to get there so I'd like to see for myself where I'm lacking and what to do about closing the gap.

Yeah. That's another todo, no doubt. You're full of these, it's good since it gives me so much to work with. Just have patience, we can only do so much at any one time. There's a lot to touch on and more to do in the coming weeks. I do want to balance that stuff with more adventuresome things, like the Raven's Nest adventure. Keep the pace mixed up and interesting, y'know?

QuoteI had a lot of fun discussing Primes and efforts to elevate them. Seems like I'll be joining the Competition in earnest soon enough, and that would benefit from having more options presented before me. OOC, IC, both, so long as it's a starting point.

Agreed, yet another DM to do. How scary! But yeah, it's good stuff.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Iron Dragoon on June 16, 2018, 09:25:39 AM
Yeah. Alyssa figured out that she wasn't exactly politically savy. She did take a bit of advantage of it, though it wasn't with ill intent. She just sort of saw an opportunity to get a little more backing, however indirectly.

The other part is that she was being honest with Elle about enjoying Emily's eagerness to learn. Here's someone who's in the same realitive power bracket who wants to learn and explore. Someone who, possibly, could become a contemporary. She's super excited about that, even if she hasn't had the chance to really show it yet with everything going on.

Pretty much to all of that. Should be fun to unfold next week.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The only real comment I have is that I'll try and just handle two or more members of the combat party going forward if we continue to work as a group -- which we really ought to, there's no reasonable reason why all five of us can't go somewhere unless circumstances are such that two or three make more sense.

If needed, we can come up with IC reasons to split things up into two groups of two and three or something.


A couple of points to respond to.

First is re: Emily, Alyssa's place and Shar. OOC-wise, we know that Shar is watching that place, we know that Shar will certainly find out if someone tried to dispel her curse, that Shar will happily go after Emily and that Emily said she'd use Miracle to try and cure it, which would leave her magic malfunctioning for an hour. IC-wise, I know that she left on her own (instead of with someone, which was drummed into us due to painful failures in the past) and didn't tell anyone where, that her destination is outside of where I have influence and thus could protect her and that Shar has just struck at two places and might well be going for a hat trick here.

It's why the ring is less important in the immediate term than the actual danger, here, and why I'm happy Shar dropped the ball on this.

Second is to answer your question.

QuoteLemme ask you something: Does Seira have a means of gathering or creating elementals, you think? Let's answer that and work from there.

It hasn't happened IC and I have no mechanical means of doing so. Alicia had a chance to experience reincarnating her followers that passed on and reached Sylica, but I can recall nothing equivalent for myself nor do I have a position on my staff that handles it like she does, so I wouldn't want to presume. The same applies to newly 'born' elementals, aside from Omni who is a special case, so my answer is no.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Nephrite on June 16, 2018, 10:45:25 AM
The only real comment I have is that I'll try and just handle two or more members of the combat party going forward if we continue to work as a group -- which we really ought to, there's no reasonable reason why all five of us can't go somewhere unless circumstances are such that two or three make more sense.

If needed, we can come up with IC reasons to split things up into two groups of two and three or something.

Fair enough. Decide if there's two you prefer running, delegation will work smoothest if we figure out where your strengths and preferences are.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on June 16, 2018, 10:49:17 AM
A couple of points to respond to.

First is re: Emily, Alyssa's place and Shar. OOC-wise, we know that Shar is watching that place, we know that Shar will certainly find out if someone tried to dispel her curse, that Shar will happily go after Emily and that Emily said she'd use Miracle to try and cure it, which would leave her magic malfunctioning for an hour. IC-wise, I know that she left on her own (instead of with someone, which was drummed into us due to painful failures in the past) and didn't tell anyone where, that her destination is outside of where I have influence and thus could protect her and that Shar has just struck at two places and might well be going for a hat trick here.

It's why the ring is less important in the immediate term than the actual danger, here, and why I'm happy Shar dropped the ball on this.

Fair enough all around.

QuoteSecond is to answer your question.

QuoteLemme ask you something: Does Seira have a means of gathering or creating elementals, you think? Let's answer that and work from there.

It hasn't happened IC and I have no mechanical means of doing so. Alicia had a chance to experience reincarnating her followers that passed on and reached Sylica, but I can recall nothing equivalent for myself nor do I have a position on my staff that handles it like she does, so I wouldn't want to presume. The same applies to newly 'born' elementals, aside from Omni who is a special case, so my answer is no.

Okay. We could work something like that up - if you wanted to incarnate followers as outsiders with some elemental traits or even create elementals, it's not unreasonable. If you want to, say so and we'll address that IC.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on June 14, 2018, 05:34:44 PM
I would like to know what the notes on Elemental Harmony and our insights into this after Afina and Omni say, both in fluff and in mechanical terms. Just a short summary for each.

I also want the same for the behemoth research, please.

Finally, if there's some overlap I can immediately see together with Sanzha, what is it? We'll be well-buffed so any checks would be past DC100.

We started this and will do other parts of it in the future, like the Syala crossover.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'd really like to know what options there are. I'm wary of turning people into elementals, since that brings a very heavy mental component into the mix, like a geas. How does Chan create elementals?

Do most people who go to the Cauldron after death right now become regular outsiders?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on June 16, 2018, 11:38:19 AM
I'd really like to know what options there are. I'm wary of turning people into elementals, since that brings a very heavy mental component into the mix, like a geas. How does Chan create elementals?

Do most people who go to the Cauldron after death right now become regular outsiders?

To the second question first: Yes, that's the natural order of things. Mortal bodies aren't meant to last forever. It can be cheated and overcome, but Creation isn't meant to work like that, so it's much harder than it should be for high fantasy. Makim's done it for example, there's a 16th level spell that also does it. It's way easier to simply transmigrate into being an outsider or similar creature. Exception: True dragons don't die or age or grow infirm. They can still die, though.

For anyone on an elemental plane, elementals arise naturally. It just happens, they often form spontaneously or under the command of an archomental. Seira setting something up there's reasonable enough, so you have options aplenty. I'm flexible here. It's possible to have elemental types who aren't elementally minded. That's standard but not the only rule. Like if Auril wanted all her faithful to become human (or whatever) minded ice para elementals in the afterlife, she could do that if she really wanted to.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on June 14, 2018, 02:06:27 PM
Is it valid, then? And what about the more general spell?

Quickshift is valid. I'd be wary of a more general spell - quick shift and fiendish quickening are extremely narrow in scope. Both are applied to a particular SLA, heavily restricted and require the fiendish or celestial component.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on June 16, 2018, 10:52:46 AM

If needed, we can come up with IC reasons to split things up into two groups of two and three or something.

Fair enough. Decide if there's two you prefer running, delegation will work smoothest if we figure out where your strengths and preferences are.

I can probably handle Jetina and Xandra without too much issue. I've never been good with combat types for weapons just because there are usually all sorts of riders that I can't remember.


Okay then, we'll rock with that assumption. I can run Kaja and Cresiel fairly easily anyway.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on June 15, 2018, 11:06:36 PMTryll

Really, this week was all about finishing up that mansion, getting loot and finally dealing with Ebony. That's an interesting subject, so I'm gonna do an IRC paste since we chatted about it there. Otherwise, I felt it was a solid week and the node's back together, so time to go wreck shit. By the way, I'm really enjoying Benyen so far, he's like one cup of paladin mixed with two ounces of Dekar from Lufia 2. Totally unintended, but his voice reminds me of it now that he's found himself.

Bonus IRC log paste re: Ebony.

> I feel bad for Ebony, I really do. That was just a mess all around for her.
> Not a bad thing OOC - amusing plus I think it iced any remote chance of Ebony joining Tryll's node, which I was against since she doesn't have the temperament to be the straight woman for that group.
<Ebiris> I want her on Aurora anyway.
> Yuth said so and I agree - she's really not a fit in that node at all.
> So I'm glad everyone's getting what they want there.
<Ebiris> But I really don't get her issue here over some dude she just met shacking up with some woman she's literally fought and bled with.
> To a degree the entire thing is being a hill to die on for her. Sometimes you work yourself up over something.
> I mean, Dana? Legitimate reasons to say hey hold it, think twice before you tap crazy. To be crude about it.
> I like Dana but she's Dana.
<Ebiris> Like she was super shitty at the start of the game but for the period Ebony's seen her here as well as back in B3 she's generally alright.
* Kotono nods.
> Benyen's a young, promising paladin. Do you really wanna put him with someone who is...well, Dana? I mean, y'know. It's not really personal, she just worked herself up over it and needs to unclench.
<Seira> I don't see the problem either
* Kotono nods.
<Ebiris> Like she's kind of a bitch but she just had a major role in a crusade against hell. That's paladin-tier waifu material.
> Y'all aren't wrong - and I don't think Ebony's wrong to say 'hey slow down a sec' and some other things. She's just over worked into it, and the accusations of her being interested in Benyen and jealous didn't help (she's not remotely interested in him).
> I mean, going from meeting to fucking in less than half a day is worth a woah, woah, woah.
> Probably need to take a breath and assess at that point.
<Ebiris> Adventurers move fast.
> So I guess what I'm saying is that there's legit reasons for Ebony to voice concerns over the situation, but she's also gone a bit far and worked herself up. It happens.
> Indeed.
> She's still fairly new to being a celestial, she's still mostly human in her mindset there. If anything, I view it as character work for her - she rarely showed any flaws or lacked composure in B3. So it's a switch to see her in situation that reminds you that yeah, she's human.
> Sometimes she gets pissy over something. Such is life. She'll get over it.

Benyen will be at the very least an ally of the node, if not a full-time member. I'd like to see his character sheet before making a decision, since I can't exactly just look at the man and see what his gear is or how he behaves. As for his resemblance to Dekar, I don't see it. I haven't seen much of him, though.

Ebony was a welcome aid in Langersun, but she doesn't fit this group at all. The group has a certain cavalier attitude about...everything. Ebony just can't seem to swing it.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Random thought I had, if a 25 hd outsider is currently suffering 6 negative levels, would that keep it from causing spiritual wounds on the prime?


Interesting thought. I'd honestly never considered that, lemme check the way I run negative levels and get back to you.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?