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DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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Tidbits from things I'm working on. None of these are final yet since they're still in development.

Mage-Wanderer of Shaundakul

Arcane Sight (Sp)

The base creature gains the ability to discern magic, as this is integral to their duties. They may cast arcane sight at will as a spell like ability. Caster level equals the base creature's hit dice.

Road's Graces (Su)

The graces of the road teach the Mage-Wanderer of Shaundakul how to avoid deadly attacks. The base creature gains the evasion special quality, identical to the monk ability of the same name.

Shaundakul's Jaunt (Sp)

At times the Mage-Wanderer of Shaundakul will need to travel swiftly. They can use greater teleport once per day as a spell-like ability. Additionally, once per week as a spell-like ability, they may cast gate. Caster level equals the base creature's hit dice.


Icy Aura (Su)

An ice kraken is surrounded by an aura of deep cold in a 60ft radius. Any creature within this radius takes 3d6 points of cold damage per round. This cold chills the waters around the ice kraken, but does not freeze it.


Mental Peak
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level

Your mind reaches a new pinnacle, sharpening it and expanding your competence. You gain a +4 insight bonus to Intelligence and can take 10 on any Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma based skill, even if you would not be able to otherwise.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Okay, this weekend has plans.

1. Yuth level ups (unless Yuth finishes Tryll's earlier, in which case I make the time then and now).
2. Iddy template. This is about 85% done, I just have to do most of the prettying work then decide on an LA.
3. Maybe some spells as time permits.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Dana reaches level 34.

- Dwarven Defender 21 and Psychic Warrior 26.
- 4 on a d12 for a total of 17 hit points and a grand total of 651 hit points.
- +1 BAB for a total of +34.
- Dodge bonus to AC from Dwarven Defender rises by 1.
- Defensive stance goes up by 1 to 11/day.
- Gains 34th level psychic warrior manifesting. This increases power points by 39 power points for a total of 568 power points.
- No change to saves.
- Skills go up as normal.
- Gains Dire Charge(PW26) as her new feat.

Okay level.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Miranda reaches level 34.

- Valkyrie 34 and Focused Hunter 2.
- 5 on a d8 for a total of 14 hit points and a grand total of 480 hit points.
- +1 BAB for a total of +34.
- Gains 33rd level ranger casting. This gives her 8th level ranger access, but she lacks 8th level bonus spells so no joy there yet.
- No change to saves.
- Skills go up as normal.
- Selects Favored Power Attack(FH2) as her bonus feat. This frees up her level 18 feat, which becomes toughness to boost her HP to 514.

Not bad, but not great.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Announcement time.

So Yuth and I had a talk, and for a variety of personal reasons Yuth needs a break from B6. It's not anyone's fault, it's just life isn't cooperating so he needs some time. This mostly boils down to Yuth's schedule, honestly. As such, Tryll and Calleigh are going on hiatus for a few months. Plot details will be revealed IC as needed, as I do have contingencies for this sort of thing.

If you need something done with that node or needs to be done, speak up now so I can deal with it.

Benyen's level up will be done sometime this week, and Yuth intends to get Tryll's level up done as well. This makes it easier on us than leaving it hanging for months.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Moore was going to eventually sit down with him to explain that the grumpy old person who came and talked to him was likely Medi and get Tryll on the path to One-ness by lending him the book, for whatever it's worth.


Cool, keep that in mind for long term in case you get a chance to later.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Nephrite on November 19, 2019, 10:43:08 PM
Moore was going to eventually sit down with him to explain that the grumpy old person who came and talked to him was likely Medi and get Tryll on the path to One-ness by lending him the book, for whatever it's worth.
I'll probably be able to do planned one offs in the near-ish future. Especially on weekends. Let me know when you want to fit it in, but gimme some time to get my life in order first please.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


All good, I'll talk to you about it this week sometime.


It gets better: We found out we had a gas leak while installing a new water heater. Suffice to say no session today.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Mage-Wanderer of Shaundakul template is up in C&M. +4's a ballpark, not sure how it balances out. One of those see it in play and see templates.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I went over the node upgrades post, and I don't see a mention of this. So either I haven't asked before, or you haven't decided on this?

Quote- Increasing the +2 untyped Constitution bonus on the Aegis of the Tarrasque to +4. Cost: 2 points.

Can it be boosted from +4 to +6? If so, how much would it cost?

QuoteUnderground Choker:

This choker is mad by tempering a rare gray stone with the blood and blessing of Ogremoch. It is inlaid with Earthbone Steel and black diamonds, the work of Ogremoch, though not tainted by his evil - it's merely a thing of Earth. It grants the strength of stones, the wearer gains a +2 insight bonus to Strength.

How much to boost it to +4? +6? Would it cost +1 like Belt of Magnificence upgrades (insight is better than enhancement but worse than untyped, plus this is one ability vs all six)?

You've posted that changes to untyped won't be allowed, but what about changes to a different bonus type? It actually bothers me to keep track of different types, so if this is a thing I'd prefer to align as much of my gear as I can under Luck.

QuoteSoothsayer's Spite:

This flawed agate stone is said to have been passed down into the Malmuthian Royal Family by a vengeful seer. The truth of this matter has been lost to the ebb and flow of time, but the stone remains.  When worn, the pendant offers power to those who can manage the future. On your turn as a free action, you may predict a spell you are going to cast the next round as well as the target(s) it will be targeted at. If you are correct on both counts, the spell gains a +4 bonus to DC. If it is a damage dealing spell, it gains a bonus +1 damage per damage die.

Soothsayer's Spite may be used three times per day. Incorrect uses count against it's daily uses. Soothsayer's Spite may only be used in battle. Soothsayer's Spite counts as a minor artifact; it's beyond current mortal means to reproduce.

How much to double the benefits of the DC boost by another +4 and a bonus of another +1 damage per damage die?

What about getting three more daily uses?

What about making it slotless, rather than a pendant?

QuotePhilosopher's Friend

This darkwood quarterstaff+6 grants a +15 competence bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom based skill checks when in hand. The holder's mental abilities expand with the reflections of the ages, granting a +4 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom. Finally, the staff may cast sequester once per day (caster level 30th), except that the target does not become comatose.

Philosopher's Friend is a minor artifact.

How much to double the competence bonus to skills to +30?

Can the +4 bonus to Int or Wis be raised to +6? If so, how much would it cost?

QuoteDragon's Grace: Shortsword+7. This blade seeks out the weak spots of it's victims, increasing it's wielders sneak attack damage by 2d6. In addition it functions as a staff of fiery power with 50 charges and without it's retributive strike.

Can the SA damage be boosted by 2d6, and if so, how much would it cost?

Can the staff of fiery power's charges be refreshed if I use them, and if so, would it be solely via node upgrade points? Can I change the activation from standard to swift or to have the spells channeled into the weapon? Can I add more thematically-relevant spells to the staff, and if so how is it priced?

QuoteIncreasing the +21 dispel modifier for crystalvein by +5. Cost: 1 point

I don't believe you ruled on whether my dispel booster would apply to dispels done with crystalvein weapons (ie when I stab someone with a crystalvein dagger). Nor do I recall if you ruled on whether the crystalvein dispel can be widened from force effects only.

QuoteWeave's Gentle Tears: Large greatsword+7. As a swift action, you may attempt to absorb a spell cast on you into the blade. Make an opposed caster level check, the sword has a modifier of 1d20+33. Success absorbs and negates the spell, failure has the spell unaffected. An absorbed spell heals the wielder for 5 hit points per level of the spell.

As a clarification, is it actually swift or immediate? Because it's a defensive power, the latter makes more sense to me (given that the only way to use swift is to not do anything and hold).

Is it possible to move this property to Donald's Guardianil? If so, how much would it cost?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on November 22, 2019, 06:48:01 AM
I went over the node upgrades post, and I don't see a mention of this. So either I haven't asked before, or you haven't decided on this?

Quote- Increasing the +2 untyped Constitution bonus on the Aegis of the Tarrasque to +4. Cost: 2 points.

Can it be boosted from +4 to +6? If so, how much would it cost?

Probably, I'd say 3 points.

QuoteUnderground Choker:

This choker is mad by tempering a rare gray stone with the blood and blessing of Ogremoch. It is inlaid with Earthbone Steel and black diamonds, the work of Ogremoch, though not tainted by his evil - it's merely a thing of Earth. It grants the strength of stones, the wearer gains a +2 insight bonus to Strength.

How much to boost it to +4? +6? Would it cost +1 like Belt of Magnificence upgrades (insight is better than enhancement but worse than untyped, plus this is one ability vs all six)?

1 point for +4 and 2 for +6.

QuoteYou've posted that changes to untyped won't be allowed, but what about changes to a different bonus type? It actually bothers me to keep track of different types, so if this is a thing I'd prefer to align as much of my gear as I can under Luck.

Possibly, case by case determination. It really depends on the bonus and situation in question. Changing a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls to a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls is peanuts in the grand scheme of things. Changing a +20 competence bonus to Perception to a +20 luck bonus to Perception is a different thing altogether.

As a rule I'm going to frown on this since it's abusable on face value, but I'll hear out a case if it's reasonable.

QuoteSoothsayer's Spite:

This flawed agate stone is said to have been passed down into the Malmuthian Royal Family by a vengeful seer. The truth of this matter has been lost to the ebb and flow of time, but the stone remains.  When worn, the pendant offers power to those who can manage the future. On your turn as a free action, you may predict a spell you are going to cast the next round as well as the target(s) it will be targeted at. If you are correct on both counts, the spell gains a +4 bonus to DC. If it is a damage dealing spell, it gains a bonus +1 damage per damage die.

Soothsayer's Spite may be used three times per day. Incorrect uses count against it's daily uses. Soothsayer's Spite may only be used in battle. Soothsayer's Spite counts as a minor artifact; it's beyond current mortal means to reproduce.

How much to double the benefits of the DC boost by another +4 and a bonus of another +1 damage per damage die?

3 points.

QuoteWhat about getting three more daily uses?

1 point.

QuoteWhat about making it slotless, rather than a pendant?

2 points.

QuotePhilosopher's Friend

This darkwood quarterstaff+6 grants a +15 competence bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom based skill checks when in hand. The holder's mental abilities expand with the reflections of the ages, granting a +4 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom. Finally, the staff may cast sequester once per day (caster level 30th), except that the target does not become comatose.

Philosopher's Friend is a minor artifact.

How much to double the competence bonus to skills to +30?

- Improving a competence bonus to skill checks by +5. Cost: 1 point.

So 1 point per +5.

QuoteCan the +4 bonus to Int or Wis be raised to +6? If so, how much would it cost?

3 points.

QuoteDragon's Grace: Shortsword+7. This blade seeks out the weak spots of it's victims, increasing it's wielders sneak attack damage by 2d6. In addition it functions as a staff of fiery power with 50 charges and without it's retributive strike.

Can the SA damage be boosted by 2d6, and if so, how much would it cost?

1 point. 2d6 damage is pretty small peanuts all in all.

QuoteCan the staff of fiery power's charges be refreshed if I use them, and if so, would it be solely via node upgrade points? Can I change the activation from standard to swift or to have the spells channeled into the weapon? Can I add more thematically-relevant spells to the staff, and if so how is it priced?

I'd allow it be charged without node points and without any overwhelming difficulty. That was intended, if not realized yet since it hasn't come up.

You mean the activation of the fiery staff powers, ala quickening all of the spells there?

Channeling the spells would be...Isn't there a weapon property that allows spell storing as it is? I'm inclined to go against it though: Not out of mechanics, but frankly your damage output for melee is strong as it is.

QuoteIncreasing the +21 dispel modifier for crystalvein by +5. Cost: 1 point

I don't believe you ruled on whether my dispel booster would apply to dispels done with crystalvein weapons (ie when I stab someone with a crystalvein dagger). Nor do I recall if you ruled on whether the crystalvein dispel can be widened from force effects only.

I don't recall offhand and a quick board search isn't being productive. So I'm gonna delegate this to you shamelessly - check boards and logs to see where I ruled on this, would you? If I didn't make a ruling I'll make one once that's confirmed.

QuoteWeave's Gentle Tears: Large greatsword+7. As a swift action, you may attempt to absorb a spell cast on you into the blade. Make an opposed caster level check, the sword has a modifier of 1d20+33. Success absorbs and negates the spell, failure has the spell unaffected. An absorbed spell heals the wielder for 5 hit points per level of the spell.

As a clarification, is it actually swift or immediate? Because it's a defensive power, the latter makes more sense to me (given that the only way to use swift is to not do anything and hold).[/quote]

No, that's actually a good point. It really should be an immediate, that was likely an editing error during item creation. Go ahead and change it to that.

QuoteIs it possible to move this property to Donald's Guardianil? If so, how much would it cost?

I think I'll disallow weapon frankensteining like that for the moment. I may come back to this, but that's going to take more consideration than I have time to give it right now.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


QuotePhilosopher's Friend

    This darkwood quarterstaff+6 grants a +15 competence bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom based skill checks when in hand. The holder's mental abilities expand with the reflections of the ages, granting a +4 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom. Finally, the staff may cast sequester once per day (caster level 30th), except that the target does not become comatose.

    Philosopher's Friend is a minor artifact.

    How much to double the competence bonus to skills to +30?

- Improving a competence bonus to skill checks by +5. Cost: 1 point.

So 1 point per +5.

    Can the +4 bonus to Int or Wis be raised to +6? If so, how much would it cost?

3 points.

Right, then. Dropping 4 points to boost the Int and Wis bonus to +6, and the competence to related skills to 20.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Feedback is good. Let's do that.


What strikes me this week is how deftly Alicia handled the Queen. She's obviously unstable, but Alicia took the right tacks and made the right moves to have a chance to defuse her, which succeeded quite well. The odds were in favor of the Queen being an enemy, but you managed to avoid that and make her an ally instead. You got the most important resource for this sort of mystery - information. While you don't have all the answers, you're on the right path now. I'd say you have a chance to resolve this situation as well as it can be, though of course the Guardian is a whole other bucket of problems.

I really liked the banter between Jessica and Alicia as well. None of it was world shaking or deep, but I felt they bounced off each other well.


Yeah, you two are combined since so much of your week is entangled together.

At last you've reached Sylvie. Unfortunately it's not over yet, but you're at the beginning of the end of this story, surely. Overall what sticks out to me is how well both of you handled the concepts here. Both of you were on the ball to understand and interpret everything here, which is both important and useful for your own development. The banter with Sylvie was good as well, with both colors of her. As another mystery of Creation is revealed, both of you did a great job to glean the utmost from it. One down, four to go.

As a side note, Tryll's trial will be discussed IC next time. Don't worry too hard about that.


Nice moon trip.

This is one I don't have a ton to say about, though the interactions between Ianvasah and Alyssa were good. You're sort of between arcs at the moment, though two of them rush forward rapidly. I did enjoy how you interacted with Gul, for better and for worse. Anyway, since this is very much a situation that's looking forward instead of backwards, it's simply a question of what comes next. I suppose it may be a plot trip for Sylvie stuff before finishing the chakrams, depending on how times work out and all of that good stuff.

I do rather miss the rest of the node, I enjoy how you all get along. Whatever's next, I hope it uses more of them than Ianvasah.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?